The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 16, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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ptNftNCIAL AND COMMERCIAL . ,1 n HI-* MLKKET TIKBS ** r " t .mof g rrll* I r l> •*• < hr **' turn Sinrleil In %bm 100 iif Per Rnlr Fine * rr HU MU Receipts "V'.lnk the Ueclln* —*Pln oflr ’l It* Turpentine Pelln I p ,i. \fler the Clone— lluninn ;;;„ end 1 aobaage.l-l.wcal ond .ylr.Mii'h'e Mnrkrin. The Morning New* Offloe, Monday. Ocl. 15. , wM another sharp decline future* market to-day. the < receipt*, being *0.237 hale*. , |, ft year, and the favorable p. king the maturing crop, to have been enough alone to kln price*. A* It waa thec . imtshed more ammunttlor for , . , mrn i to atiark the market, v .1 and It I* told In the decline i .1 thirty-eight point*. Thl* line *lnce the present down , atarttd to about 100 point*. .<M " 1 . jn trade luokul for a belter re-pon*e to the *tradlnr*a In uktig but Inst- id of bread •ni a tone. The possibility i. v b- ,im>’ <hc more tmprob ! i of unfavorable conditions , report was received, and the . as that Another downward Which carried prices off eharp - . >ot only raught great batro)cs of :: I . but the elemtnt who bought die Initial decline saw the ttiering too thick to warrant , . g the r.*k of further exposure or llngly covered In untlcipa rf I • worst. r . ki t I* apparently dependent en , i the movement and the weath r of which may pul a stop to , t disastrous deal to high prices. -ly admitted that a big Jump „ . a .how frost, but the probability of has not been forecasted by the U .• bureau,AM least for the next ! Ufa On the other hand Ik* , rg of all cotton which ha* been , i .1 u lessening of rales, followed by ■hr movement would have n ; u effect in restoring the bull fac tion la li.etr feet. . . ci .unnah ei>ot cotton market clos ,. . it u decline of 4 cent below Sat ... .ring with rales of 1.385 bates. ! . *. r.- m* re quoting good middling f. o. > a i-eoir While there Is some se-ll s it i- claimed liolders who are in po*l -- . to ... so decline, to sell. Whether m:II be u general turning loose re fuse to he seen, but the current Impres ,t .■ that unless the decline exceeds ex j. ■ r In It* extent comparatively Itt ..-1. • will be forced upon the market, p i pr. tty evident that the drop has not y i r, - .lied tn producing a scare among r Had the effect been to force con - ons and bring out huge offering* the . -at , the losses would have bean m . h gr- ater. Th -|.,rlts turpentine market opened firm it S7\ cents, with sales of SS3 casks. -d l ised firm and unchanged, with the further sales of US. After the closing sales Mere made on a basis of 3* cents. Which will be the official posting ro-mor ro* The rise was due to an Improved de rrm. 1. which gave the market a bouyant turt. The rosin market closed firm and i ged. The following resum- of the ■ df -rent markets will show the tone and j u i ons at the to-day: —— —— 4 OTTO N. fton market dosed easy to-day ~ ad- dine of 4 cent, with sales of L v s,e*. The day'p receipts Wert 11.- I * l.ules. The stock l now 100.133 bales. .. ■si 99.773 last year flood middling f o 1. Uia quote-1 at #4 cents. The ufier.nps were light at the prices x -■ r* are willing to pay. and hence the ■ me of business for the day was con- Fkl'-rubly restricted . following were the official spot quo .a the close of the market of the i j:ton Exchange to-day: | This I Last I day. | year. few*! mlJdlng *4 17 M Idling % Low middling I*% I*4 Mit • or v , sale*. 1.3*6, St.vonnah receipts, exports and stock*. R>- -Ipte thin day f 11.697 I ■ ■ ipl* thfe- flay last year 6.901 Th;- day voar before last 9.W2 K- -dpts since Sept. 1. I*oo *o*7-00 Ssme flay last year 256.131 < • tlnenl exports 6.3fJ ■ exports 2.369 >"<k on hund this day 100,123 S-.m day lust year *9.773 iberlpts and stocks a: Jhu ports. I -tots Hits flay *0227 i- -pta this day last year 39.3ki pt thlr day year liefore last.. *2.731 ■ I rerelpts alnce Sept. i. 1960 ...1.3® 023 !%me lime last year 1.374.*7* ■' -me time year before last 1,660,055 ib kat all poris to-.ioy 545.4X3 i k name day laet year 751.979 I' dly Movements at Other Porta— vesion—Quiet; middling. 94; net re t is, r. 481; gross. 25,481: siock. 128.633 Orleans—Easy: middling 9 5-16: net re • ipts, .'.',.761; gross, 25,761; sale*. I,*W. shirk, 166.767. '1 ■d-lli Easy: middling, 94; net receipt*. *■': gross. 3 Sl*; sale*. 000; stock. 22.256 iinrleston—Nominal; middling. 94 ask net reci ip’s, 1,218; gross. 1,218; stock. 17,91*. • Wilmington—Firm; middling. *4. net re “ 3.007, gross. 3.607; atock. 31,592. '' ■*• !k -Dull; middling. 94; net receipt*, - - u-r■>.*, . 9-kf: sales. 726; stork. 26.269. I‘- -lilmore—Nominal; middling 10%; net ■ gross. 319: stork. 2.HA. 57-w York—Easy; middling, 10'*; net re- I }6; gross. 10.6**; sales. 2*2; stock. ■"’ Quiet; mlibllmg. 10 7-16; net r -1 7 r <7; gro*-* 3.591. ! -adelphia—Dull; middling. 104; nat • ti; groas, 1.141; atock. 4.001. M. v. m. nts at Interior Towns— tu Quiet; mld.Mtng 94; net re-* 2.152: gross, 2.2u2: sales, 422; stock. P endy; middling. 9 15-18; net k gross, 13,901: sale*. 1.300; I- Dull: middling. 9 13-16; net re f" 812. gross. 4.325. stock. 18.710. -M Quiet nd nominal: middling. a 1 r.ceipta, 326; grofs, 526; stock. • 1 1 —Dull; middling. 9 9-16; net re t ■ 79 gross. 1*,279: stock. 45.6*2. '• Mil- Firm: middling, 104. of Cotton Thl* Day. ■''' v "rleans—Continent, 6.530; coast sh* 2.94' * ■ I • "aaatwlae. 956, l ’ fh—Coailnsnt, 6.300; coastwise, ‘ -I-■■• n—raastwise, 2.547. 6 - si—Continent, 9,350; coaatwlse, f-attwlse. 5.751. • 1-■ k—To flreat Ilrtlaln. 1189; '• —j. continent, 447. ign exports from all ports this -r-at llrltalu. 1.959; to France, i-nt n- n- * j.'dT fot' an exports fr-wn all ports thus M.k To flreat llrltaln. *3.871: e, 19 117. to the rontlnent. 44.548 and foreign experts since Bept 1. IPO: ' ” llrltaln, 429 365; to France, 83.174; continent. 366.906 ‘rle/ion, Oct. It —Cotton nominal. *4c 'l7 4 I*l. 4\l> I OTTO*. 1 .. r * °* follows: *ji U . 14 ®wt Fiona* , '“ w|ce Uncy i* MURPHY A CO., INC., Board of Trode Bulldlnc, Sovannah. Prlvato leased wire* direct to New York. Chlearo aitd New Orteana < OTTO*. ITOCKI Jk\l> GRAIN, .Vew York offle*. No. $1 Broadway. Office# In principal cttlee throufhout the Bouth Wrt<e for our Market Manual and book containing Infractions for traders. Eatra choice and fancy Georgia*?^iti3* Choice Georgia* SfVaifCJ Extra fine Georgias Receipt* and Stocks— IftKMM IN99*oo* Receipt* post week „ i |3Bf Expert* past week { 1 2.3 W Ret elpt* thl* season j S.ttS H.iHi f*les pa*t sreek i j.u, 2. 100 Btockon tMUtd s.Mi COTTON El TIRES. The Market C loses Wrnk nt a Re cline of :tfK?3* t'olnts. York. Oct. 15—The b*ars in cot - ton to-day left no rtone unturned In an effort 10 *t mf out all sign* of hull su premacy whk<h had obtains) for .1 pro tracted period until lad week's reserves caused extensive desertion* from th*.' bull tamp. The trad** quite gem rally had artlck pated a higher Liverpool market to-day and expected to see a turn for the bet ter here I Jut the English me* wj* fully as unfavorable a* that received Satur day. with private cable** stating that sentiment tihro<d hail beconv Intensely bearish. Our murk* t foiolwc.) the Lv crpool break with a drop hr ft to 2ft points on the call, the lose later being increased to points under irresistible pressure of long stuff snd heavy sak for short account whenever the market showed tho least symptom* of reaction Europe was a leader In tho local selling, though Southern Interest* were not far behind. The publk l hurriedly unload* and cotton ac cumulated lari week on the Idea that the market was entitled fo a reaction. Not until after midday was there the least indication of a lull In the selling movement or a change In the trend of fluctuations. By# 2 p m the advance from bottom quotations was less than 10 point#, with iurtl<<* having profit* in sight about the only buyers The Into market was nervous and with price* down to the lowest of th** day The factor* which led to the break nbroa.l apd tu-re consisted of heavy receipt* at all points, enormous export cleirancce. a decline In Southern spot markets of cent, and reports that magnificent weather was causing cotton to mature where further outturn had not been ex pected. Statistics from all quarters were bearish and the altitude of holder* In the South was the reverse of whit it ha* been since th** season opened, while exporter* seemed to have lost all their fear* of a cotton famine In Eurojie and flatly refused to buy except nt emphatic price concession*. Official estimate* for continued Inrge receipt* and predictions from NVa*hington for unchanged weather conditions during the next thirty-six hours fended to check buying late In the day. The market closed weak at a me loss of 35 to 38 point*. FH t'TI ATINI 1> FI Tt ltl>. • Nrw York. Oct. 15 —Cotton futures open ed weak and closed weak. Prices as fol lows: | Open ! High. Low ; Clo-e J.inoarv . .. 9.35 9.40 ; 915 , 917 February ....! 934 935 j 9.17 916 March 9 35 | 940 915 9.17 April I 947 932 91* 9.16 May 9.14 9.28 9 16 | 9.17 June 9.34 9.35 9. 9.1S July 1 9.30 9.30 911 910 August i 9.11 , 9.13 | 9.08 *96 September ..| .... | j I October .. .. 9.71 j 9 71 940 9.4a November ~ i 947 9.47 9.20 December ... 9.36 9 41- I 917 9. .8b LIVBHPOOL C OTTO A FITTBEh. T.lverpool. Oct. 15. 4 p. m—Cotton, spot, letter demand, prices easier; American ml ldilng fair, 7-32d. goo,l middling. 5%d; middling. 5 13-16.1; low middling 5%d; gool ordinary. 5 l-16d; ordinary. 4 11-16d Tho sale* of the day were 7,006 bales, of whl h 506 were for *|*eculatlon and export, and Included 6.560 bales American. Receipts 1,660 hales. Including u 0 American Futures opened eusler und closed steady; American, middling, low ml-hlrlng r'ause, Qetobtr. r..24d buyers. Ootobar-Novombsr, 5 131)5 ltd sellers; November-Iteceml-er. f- OOOiS.liid sailers; l)c< mber-January, 6-*7.1 sellers; Januaiy-Pebruary. 5 65-1 buyer*; February-March. s.®d buyers; Mir-'h- Aprtl. 801d buyers; Aprl!--M.ty. 5d sellers; Ms.v-June, 4 63.1 seliera; June-Ju!y. 4.6241- 4.63-1 sellers; July-August. 4 60d value; Augjst-September. 4.55<1 seller*. New Orleans. Oct. 15.—Cotton futures closed steady. / October ... 9 0ft@9.68 1 March 96 Nov**mber tffttd W April B.9sfr* 97 December. 8 *B4|S.*9 May 8 96y8 97 January .. * BMiB K 9 j June (bid) 697 February .8 917*8 92 rOTTON I.I7TTF.MS New Y'ork. Oct. 15—Murphy ft Cos. say: The features of th- morning cotton mar ket was the execution -of a considerable number of s-op-los* orders on ba*t* of %e for January. A define In Liverpool, where the market dlsplaye<l nnexpec'.d weakness, combined with a heavy move ment of new cotton In the South, with al most perfect weather for maturing the crop In the etton belt, caused aed- cline of about 15 potnis at the opening of the local market. A large amount of cotton has been pur chased during the advance, and much of it was not sold on the sudden change of sentiment following the governmental re port. Wop-los* orders had been plac-d in the belief that a reaction might be reas onably expected, and these were reached this morning The continued offering of cotton by S)ieculiitive holder* and Ihe pressure to sell actual cotton by producer* Induced a degree of weakness that had not been exceeded since the -le.-iln‘* began. During the earlisr dealing* many profes sional* bought expecting a reaction, but Liverpool continued weak and holders soil quickly at every brsnk While the uctusl muikcH/ig I* hiving a depressing effe 1 upon 'prices, there I* nothing in the crop movement lo furnish a conclusive Indication as to the slxe of the yield. The amount In sight of the crop Is 1.727.818 bales, about 140.06* less than last ytar. 370.006 less than In 189 Sand 190.000 less than the total In 1897 The cotton trade is Just beginning to HAIGHT & FREESE CO., S3 It ROADWAY, N. Y. Branches. 85 State St . Poston 402 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. BONDS. STOCKS. GRAIN ft COTTON bought and sold on commission, cither for cash or on margin of 5 to 10 per cent. DAILY MARKET REVIEW WEEKLY MARKET LETTER MAILED FREE. Bend for our 400-page •'Oulde to Investors.” JOHN W. DICKEY, gtock and Hoad Broker, AYOOTA, OA. Write l*r List. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1(, 1900. fee! the difference between a cotton famine and n moderate supply. In a few week* the Morld's visible tupgdy Is expected to! he In excess of 2.(XXuV bale* For the c moment mere I* ll’tle support to the mur- | kei. .md the rush of cotton In the i*o.ith countlnurs to Increase. New York. A"!. 17- liubbarf Bros A Cos. any. To the .urprtse of everyboly ! Liverpool paid no attention to the atea-It nee* of our market on Saturday, and mov ed sharply towards a lower lev.l The Southern markets gave way, but not tn proportion to the decline abroad, which was du- to <he llqul Ijtl -n of cotton bought on the recent advance and In face j of th movement there were few buyers. Our m.irket opened very steady, rallied a few points, anal finally broke sharply about noon Our to'al traders are oper- j -tilng for u reutlon. buying on breaks, though they have been disappointed dur- ; liik the last two days by the action of j Liverpool. The weather continue* favor- ■ able for picking and maturing of such cotton as Is making under the seasonable weather. It Is generally believed the an- , cline will check the movement. r IIKf 4441008. New York. Oct. 15—Tho market for dry good* ruled quiet In all departments to day so far as demand goes, hut there has been no easier tone noticeable. In brown sheetings and drtllsjnlee* remain tfrm anj are against buyers In a number of in stances In bleached nnd coarse colored cottons Fried cloths quiet anei no change In prints or ginghams. Woolen goods di vision very qtilt-t throughout. NAVAL BTOHKB. Monday. Oct. 13. SPIRITS TI RPKNTINE —Th. turi-en tlno market opened (lrm ut 371* cents, with ■■tier of 363 casks, tin-1 closed tlrm and unchanged, with further sales of 625 casks After the- closing sales were made on a basis of 38 cents, which It was sale! woulei be- the- official opening to-morrow The advance was due to an Improved de mand. The day's receipts were 1.389 casks, s.ele-s 1.366. ond thr exports 129 ROSINS —The rosin marke, close-d Arm unel unchanged to-day. with the eleman-I good, and considerable business done Lows anel mediums are wanted. Pales are not plentiful. The etay's receipts Were 4.334, Bales 1.557. and the exports 3.187. Prices os follows: A. B. C 31 30 I II 65 D 1 ) K 1 70 E 1 35 M 1 85 F.• 1 40 N 2 15 0 1 45 W O 2 40 H 1 6ft W W 2 75 Receipts Monday— Spirit* Rosin Central Railroad •*> ■-“'- S. K 8 W 1.6 M 2.927 Seaboard Air Line 351 881 Shipments Monday— Spirits Rosin 8. S. D. H. Miller. Baltimore 2.185 8 S. Kansas City, N Y l7l Br 8 8 Crsthorne. Llver erpool tax' Br. S 8 Newby. Bremen 500 Bel. 8 8 Clematis lea* 12 add 2 Naval Store* Statement— Spirits Rosin, Block April 1, 1966 2 197 142.806 Receipts to-day 1 380 1.284 Receipts previously .241.754 557.812 Total since April 1 345.340 704.635 Exports to-day *.... 129 3.187 Exports previously 213,829 569.nU Exi-orts since April 1 11396* 572.29" Stock on band to-day 31.382 132.412 Stock on hand same day last year 24,413 144.71 Charleston. Oct. 15—Turpentine firm at 37’jC. Rosin steady and unchanged. Wilmington. Oct. IS —Spirits turpentine Arm at 37 , ,i37,c; receipts. 1® Rosin steady at 311681.20; reedpts. 312. Crude turpentine Arm at $1 *<>B29o; receipts. 82 Tar tlrm at 31.40; receipts, ISS. New Orleans. Oct, 15—Receipt*: Rosin, 60 barrel* Exports; To Liverpool. 256 barrels roaln. FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply. DOMESTIC EXCHANOE - steady; banka are buying at 3-14 discount and sell ing us follows 125 and under. 10c pre mium: 825 tn 856. 15c premium: 850 to |lou. 20c premium; 1160 to 3200. 25c premium. 8360 to 81 000. par; 81,000 and over. 1-16 dla count. FOREIGN EXCHANOE—Market It steadier. Commercial demand, 14.81%; six ty days. 81.T7V ninety days. 84 765: francs. Parts and Havre, sixty days. 5 gj'a. Swiss, sixty days. 33 28'.. Belgian. 5.23 5-16: marks, sixty days, 9A-16C; ninety days. 92 13-16. SEOFRITIES—The market appears to l> hardening with light offerings. Stack*. Bid. Asa. Augusta and ftavnnnoh R. R ... .1u6% 109', Atlanta and West Point 125 126 do 6 per cent, certiflcale* 106 1-© Augusta Factory 80 86 Cittaens Bank 131 133 Chatham Bank HO 111 Chatham R. E ft I. Cos . A 56% 67% do do B 85% 56% Eagle and Phoenix Mfg Cos 107 Edison Electric Ilium a.IOO 166 Enterprise Mfg. Cos. 16* I Germania Bank 136 131 G'-orgla ft Alabama 23 36 Georgia HaLro.-d. common 213 215 Granltevills Mfg Cos 185 I*7 J. p. King Mfg Cos. 101 UK Lang-ey Mfg Cos 117 120 Merchants National Bank 110% 111 National Rank of Savannnh 150 Oglethorpe Having* und Trust ..109 People's Having* and Loan 160 Houthwestern R -llrna-l Cos 108% 108% Savannah Oa* %jht Cos 24% 25% Southern Rank 151 134 Savannah Rank and Trust 114 115 Sibley Mfg Cos.. AtiguMs 85 88 Savannah Brewing 99 Bonds. - Bid. Ask. Char.. Col. ft Au*. lat s*. 1906 . .106 Atlanta cify 4s. 1923 104 106 1 Augusta city 4s. 1927 165 107 do 4%5. 1925 11l do 7s. 1963 107 do 6s, 1913 *23 Ala Mid. ss, tod and. 1928. M ft N.. 98% 100 Augus-n Factory, 6 per rent.,1915.113 Brunswick and Western 4s. 1938.. 83 84 j C. It. R ft Ranking collateral 5s 93 iC.of G. Ist Incomes. 1945 46 41 K. ft A 119 t of G. con. 6*. 1945, M ft N 93 91 jG.of G Ist Incomes, !94i 4) 41 do 2nd Incomes, 1915 11 12 do 3d Incomes, 1945 6 6 1 C. of G. (31. G. ft A Dlv) s*. 1947, J ft J. .. 91 | C. of O. (Eaton Branch), ss. 1926. J ft D M City ft Suburban It. B. lat 75—109% Columbus city 5* 1969 .107 Charleston city ts. 19"9 101 HU Eagle ft Phoenix M11.e6a.. 1928. 106 108 Edison Electric Illuminating 6* .1-4 106 Eoteri*rl* 3lfg 6*. HO3 103 Georgia Railroad 6s. 1910 114 115% O 8. ft F . 1945. J ft J 112 112% Georgia ft Alabama Ist ss. 1945 104 106 - Georgia state 3%J, 1930, J. ft J... 109 do 3%5, 1915, M ft N 105 do 4%5. 1915 117% 118% Macon city 6, 1910. J. ft J ....118 118 -lo 4%. 1926. Jan P** 108 Ocmtn Steamship ss. 1936 1® 105 ! Savannah city s*. quar. January. 1913 IM m do ss, quar. November. 190? 1 0% 110% Booth Carolina state 4%5. 1933 ..11# 111 8-1,1. v Mfg Cos. Is. 1903 102 .... South Bound 5s to 96% 8. F ft W gn mt ge, 6s. 1934 121 133 do do lat sa. gold 1934 110 112 do St John Dlv. Ist 4s. 1914 . M to New York. Oct. 15.—Money on call, 1 steady S4M%c; lasi loan 3 per cent. Prime , mercantile paper. 51)6 per ee-it. Bter ing ' exchange firm, with actual bur ness In banker* bill* at 14 841# for demand and at )g.% for sixty days Postel rs'es ft B'<9 1 *l% and 4.85% C-mmerrlsl bills 14 79% 1 4j|9* Silver certlfl- aie*. 62%1i0%c. M-x. j lean dollars, 49%0. Government tend* Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on *Hh M-rldlsn Turn.—Quo Hur Slower Than City Time. Schedules In Effect Sunday June 10, 1900. READ bd\\'s ! TO till: EAST _ | READ FP. No 34 , No-36 if < Tim- I | No. 35 No 34 fJ 20pm 12 2unm Lv Savannah Ar i 5 lOatn ffk (Eatlern Time.) || | 4 Ilptn; 4 28atn Ar Rlu- kvllle l.v 3 (Mam, I -7pin 6 (Xptji 6 10am Ar * Columbia l.v 1 25am II -5a n 8 16pm 9 45am -Ar Charlotte Lv,, 8 Mpm 8 Warn 11 44pa>,i2 234>ui At . OrganabOro ... Lv i Mpat ilam ' ■•••.". . Ai ... *N'ort--lk . l.v I 1 - in I 3kpm Ar Danville . ... Lv ft 40poi 4 31am '• -*'am 6 25pm Ar lit limond l.v o;pin II Hpm 40sin 3 43 pm Ar LynehKirg Lv 332 pm 2 slain 4 35am; 5 35pm Ar Churlourivllla l.v 2 12 ..4tmi 7 35ani 8 sUptn Ar Wosnlnguxi Lv ,11 15am 9 50pm 9 i.'oiin it ,iipit. ,\r . Baltimore l.v I Slain • n 1125 am 2 56ain Ar Philadelphia l.v i 350 am 6 05pm 2 03pm; 4 Bans Ar New Y,,ik Lv !.' i-un 3 Hpm 9 36pm 300 pm Ar Uo-ton Lv, 5 Ottpin to loam "NoTlTfl * TO THE NORTH AND WEST. I N035 _l| (Central Time.) II 1] 39atn |Lv T Savannah Ar 5 liktnt lEastern Tins I 6 3oam l.v Columbia - Lv| 1 25 im 9 50am Lv Spartanburg Lv 6 15pm 12 10pm Lv A-h ville Lv i ■ spm t 02ptn Ar Hot sprlnga Lv <ll 45am 7 30pm Ar Know ill. I.v|| § 2-am 5 lt'am Ar L* xtngton Lv 10 *4-ni 7 43am Ar Cin Innatl Lv 8 lOpm 6 06pm Ar St Louis Lv | • Ham 7 suam Ar .... Louts villa l.v 7 45am All trains a-live and and part from the Plant System Hialion. THHOl.'tlll CAR SERVICE. ETC TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY. NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vcsll buled limited trains, with Pullman Draw Ins Room Sleeping Cuts bciw.-n Savan nah nix I New York Connect* at Washington with Colonial Express fot Boston. Pullman M- • i-liik Cars In-tween Charlotte and lilchm.-ihl and Charlotte and Nor folk Dining Cai* serve all mail tie tween Savannah and Washington TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY. THE FNITEI* HT.YTES FAST MAIL Vestibule*! limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Curs belw.-en Savannah un-1 New York. Dining Cars .serve all meals between S-iv anna!i anil Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cinc.nnaU, through Asheville and The Lund of the Sky ' For complete Information a.-* I" rates. Mh*slul--s. etc,, apply to tl QROOVKR. Ticket Agent Plant Sy 'em Hiutlnii JAMES FREEMAN. C. I*. and T. A.. 11l Bull street. Telephones—Dell. 650. Georgia. 850. * S H HARDWICK. Assistant General Pim-nger Agent. Atl.tnl.i. <sa. steady; state bonds, steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. STOt lv* AMI BONDS. Improved Ostlnsli In the Money Marteet t ansr. Bseysney. New York. Oct 15.— There wa.- an out burst of lurg* aml buoyant speculation In the su>-k market to-day which lifted price* during the course of the day from Ito over 3 point*. The buying came from many dlvvrgent element*, but tho patent fact wa* that an enormous number of stocks were bought In an eager and confident manner on o rapidly rising m aie of prl bs. Forced covering by n largely extended short Interest had something to do with the rls-. Bull manipulation by a numb*’ of pow erful cliques, some of them newly form- 1 this morning, sided the a-hwnce. ') he commission house* reported that they hud lurg-- order* to buy from auifMe sour- -* What proportion the*-- various 'elements l.a-l In the aggregate of the -lav's trad ing it ft* not possible ev-n to estimate, but no merely techrica- - .mdltlons eoul-1 have resulted In so considerable rls- In prices ami In such a widely distributed strength. Th-- true basis of the advance evidently was the change In the money outlook on-1 the promise held out to the speculative spirit In the general condition* There baa been steady growth of confidence In Wall rtree, for some tlnw pu*i In the general outlook for business. It has been mini) held that as soon b elodlon un eert.iltrtle* were dispooed of ther< would be a renewal of buslnes* activity up to the high level of he recent prosp-rous period On the- otlier hand, the growing -■onstri-'tlon of the money *uppl> left room for doubt whether the Intervening period could be safely bridged, without such a money stringency o* w->u.-l !-■ -H*- a-trous to sp-’-ulailve .ommltm-n* The conviction crystallised to-day that the -l ing, rof the money strlngi-n-v wa* mlt igoted. giwl the exp-- ted post-election -I-- mm-l for wcurltl-* was dlabunt'd on a very large scale-. Saturday's batik s'ate ment dem-aistrated that a very large - on iric t lon of loan* ha-1 b** n effected with out serious harm to the stock m.irket. thus conserving the surplus reserve The gold engag'd In Europe w-*k i* ex - pectc-1 to arrive In llm** to thow In n*-xt Saturday's bank * element. The large B-l-lltlonal engagem*-nts of gold an nounced thl* morning promised furth. r Help to the lo- al market, although thi re ceipt I* deferred for several w. k* This ,* due to the fact that the goi-l corn* * from South Africa The har-ftenlng of sterling exchange was due simply to th-* purchase of bills against the gold Im ports. Th** Rtrikinif exhibit of th for* n iml© fir #how**<l oivMii*iv* ,y thi conNruM command of internal tonal exchanges. N->t only Wa* Ihet- an In crease In exports of nearly 16.000.000 . om pared with last ywr. bi*t -lecrea-u of over 111.006,000 In tmi*>rts went further to enhance the trad-- balance In our fnvor so that the exceew of xt*>r! ->vr Imports for the m-.nth has run i*p to over 856.006.0t51. The Increase In cotw-n rxivort-i did not suffice to offset the decrease In br-w-lsuiffs. the Increase In th- total ex ports shows the export trade In manufac tures well maintained Th. exp-cted -•- -lein- nt of the coal otrlke wuv also a fac tor In the unvarying strength In the mar ket and the gp- ial strength Ir. the group of coalers. R.allrlng In stock* which hs-l ha-1 their extrema advance early in the day made the closing slightly Irregular, but prices generally were well rnatr.- lalncd at the top There was a decided growth of activ ity m bonds and some notable advances In prices, bit tb- 1- BM weak *i-o' - which made the market Irregular. Total sale* pir value, 81.96i.66n ft. 8 bon-ht unchanged. The total sale# of stocks to-day were 594.016. Inclu-llng Atchison 13.266. Atchi son preferred 19.865. B A 6 4 8-1. ' . B. a Q 13.695. L ft N. >1.060. Manhattan 36 - 135 Metropolttan Street Railway 6.355. Missouri I'aclflc 11.62'-. New York Cen tral 5.410. N ft W 8.455. I’.-nnsylvanla 28.518. It* j-llr-g tlrsi f-f-1 14.166. 8i i’aul 8,586, Bouiheru Pacific 12.180. Southern Railway 10.766, do. pfd 10.560. I'nlon F clfl-> 47.193. I'nlon I'aclflc t-f-l 6.3-2,. Amer ican Smelting 13,695. Affierlcan Steel and Wire 13.792. American Tohoccc. 9,403. It. R T 2.MO.'Con4lnrntal Toio-co 7.166. Federal Steel 7.816, Peopl. s Gas 51.150, Huger 43.555. Tennessee t'oal 9.150. New York Stock List. At- bison 29% do do prf-l. .. 75% do pref 71% Wabash 7 Hallo ft Ohio .. 71% do prfd 18% Can I'aclflc ... 06% Wheel ft 1., E % Can. Southern . 51 <lo -lo 2nd prfd. 23% Ches ft Ohio .. 29%'WI*. Cen ID, Chi. Ot Wes. ~ 10% Third avenue ..HIV C. B. ft Q 227% Adam Chi Ind. ft L. .. 21 Am- rlcan 151 do do prfd. .. 52% Cnlied State* .. 45 c ft E Hit 93% Wells Fargo ....134 Chi ft Ntv ....Ift) Amer. C 'til ...3481 C. II I ft P. .-I'ffH •*<’ -lo prfd 91 C. C. C ft Ht. L 62% Ainu Malting .. 4% 001. felon 5% do -to prfd r do do let prfd . 38 'Am Bmlt. ft Re. toy, do do 2nd prfd 15 j do do prfd. .. 81% Del ft Hudson. 113% Am- 1 Bpt* .... 1 Del. I* ft Wes. .174 -ki do prfd. .... 17 Den. ft R 0... 18% Am 8 T H. .. <% do do pfd 68 do do prfd .... 68 Erie 12% Am 8 ft W. .. 34% do lt prfd. , 35% do do prfd. . 7t% Ot Nor. prfd. ..156% Am Tin Plate .. 32% Hocking Coal . 14 do do prfd —B3 , Hocking Vat. - 33% Am To. Bxd .93 Pit e'en. ! 117% do d-i do prfd.l27 lows Cen. 16%. Ana Min Cos. .43% do do prfd. ~ ii .Brooklyn Rapid L Eilew Wes... 31 | Transit .... 84% do do pfd. .... 96% Col. Fuel A Iron 36 1 , Lake Hhore . Sr-4 Con Toba. -■<> ..27% 1-ou & Nash. .. 73\ -lo do prfd 79 Man. L. 944, Fed Ht.-.-l • 35-, Met. 8-. Hy 15P,| -lo do prfd .... 65 .Mexican C'en .. |l, Gen. Elec 142', 31am. ft Bt L. . 54'-, Glucose .. 61 d.i do prfd. .. 95 do do prfd .... IS-% Mb- I'oc 52% Inf. f'a|*er It'-, MOb. ft Ohio .. 36 ) do -hi prfd 6'di Mis. K ft Tex. 9‘-. landed* Qns .... 69% <k> -k> I>rfd Nat. Ulocult .... 32% N. J Cen. ex -1132 j -fo <B> prfd. .... 89 N. Y. Cell ... 13-*V, Nat. lead 19% N->r ft Wes, ;16% *l, do prf-l. .. 9-t do do prf-l. ..76% Naf Steel .... 27i 'Nog I’ac 52% do do |wf,l .... 84'-) dodo prfd. ..70% N. Y Air Hr .122 <>bi ft Wes .. 2"% Nor. Amer. .. . 15% Ore. Ry. ft Nav. 42 | Pa, C. Kx-dlv 66% do -lo prfd. .. 76 do do Ist prfd 85 Penn. 133% do do 2nd prfd. 69 Heading 16% Par. Mall 32% do Ist prfd. .. 67'i People's Gas .. 91% do 2nd prfl .. 27% Pres Steel Far .. .19% 111- Ud. Wee. .. 19 .g. ,jo prfd 75% du do prfd 9* Pull. Pal. Car 196 Bt. L. ft Ban. F. II si. Rope ft T... 5 d> do Ist prfd 6,% Sugar 136% do do tnd prfd. 25% do prfd 116 Mi - •* 12% Ten C. ft I. .. S!W, d> -lo prfd. . 29% V. 8. Ig-ath- r .. |fi ■ri* Paul 113% do do prfd. .... 70 -I- prfd ... 179 p s Rubber .. 28% ttf. P. luma. ..110 | do prf-l Ex and 93 ®° ll !*ac 84% Wes. I'nlon .... 79% S'*' l Ry 12% It I ft 8 11% do do prf-l .. ftp ,L. do prfd 83% Tex ft Par. .. 16% p. c, C. ft St. L 55 I'nlon Pac. . k l *, iloodn. (-’• R- a ff N. I’aclflc 3a ... 64%, tig 101% do 4s 10C% •lo coup im\ N Y . C. ft Si. -log*, reg 166 Lout* 4 U-Mi -lo 3*. coup ..!u% N. ft W. con 4s. 97 <to new 4 rvg. | Oregon Xavltra vx In 13J | t lon I*l s 109 do new 4s. do 4s 10344 coup m J O. . L. 6S 127% do-d-l 4*. reg .114% do con 5* n3- 1 do nl-l 4* coup. 114% Reading Gen. 4s. 87 do if, reg. jx RI-> G W. i*t*.. **v, do 5. coup, ..11,1% con 5* 1-9% D of C. 3 6-V.. .123 IHi U ft Ban. F Anhlson, gen j Gen. 6s ..122% ♦* 9Ag Bt Paul --on*. ..161% do adjt. 4s ... 8-;%J St. P. C. ft P. fan S.- I- 2mls 106% Isis 11P% C. ft it 4t*s 99 jdo 5s 118% do 5s 121 j 800. l ac. 4* ...79% V ft N -sin 7* 139% Sou Ry. 5s 109% do H F. I) 55.120%; B H ft T. 6... (% Chic Term. 4*.. 61% Tex ft P. 15i5..113 Cot. Sou. 15.... B!%j do 2ndrt, 6- |) ft It. G. lets 6-3% I'nlon Pse, 4s ..166 do 4s 9-%| Wabash Isis ....117% Erie Gen ts .... -3 | do 2n Is 102 K W. ft D. C. { Warn Shore 4. .113 Ist 71 | Wl* Cent. Ist*.. 85 Gen Elec. 5s .119 | Va Oen-uries .. 91 lowa Cent. Is s 113 | M. ft < 4 (bid*. *1 1,, ft N. uni 4.. 9644! C. of Ga.. con. il K ft T \ I■ f> 98% 2,,d* 18% do Ist Inc 40% -In 4s 9A41 2nd Inc. N Y. C. Ist* ...108% (bid) 11 N J. C. gt n. ss. 123 | N<w York. Oct. 15 Standard Oil, IOTu 591. NIMIRLbINBOI 8 MABKF.T*. Note.—Theae quotations are revised daily, and .ire k pt as near a, possible In accord with R>* prevailing wholesale prl e*. Olflclal quotations are not uaad when they disagree wph the prices whole sal- rs ask Country nnd Northern I'rodaee. POULTRY—The market Is steady. Quo tation*. Broilers, 3btf3sc: per pair; half grown. t.'-050 ; three-fourihs grown. 5548 60c: h-ns, i5Q75c: roost-rs, D()66c. -% as. 60075 c. gees’. 7Eefi*l.o6. EGGH Hit -dy St 17c. RCTTER—The ton* of th* market I* firm Quotations: Western creamery, 19y 24%c. New York state dairy. t7%{)Z2%c, extra Elgin*. 2tft2so CHEESE—Market Arm: fancy full erwim - her*-, 13%C for 36 to 22-pound average, 3%j30-potin4 average. 11c. , Early %’egetnliiee. iniSlf POTATOES— Nor t hern, S2OO ea-.k * CAfSRAGE—-Sft'o per head. ONIONS-Yellow. In barrel*. 62 00; crates, 90"; red 81 902 6n llr'-ttitstuffa, liny anil (irala. FLOUR—Market steady: patent. 14 40. straight. It O 0; fancy. $3 85, faintly, 83.6-t Mi^AL-Pearl, tar barrel, t 2.75. per sack, I: (I. cUy meal, per *a k. boil'd, 81 jO 125 water ground 81 a. city grit*, sa-ks. I! 25; p ari grits, H-tdnuts'. per barrel. 12 85, per ea< k. $1 .SO; sundry brand*. 81.2.’>ftl sack. I'< >R N- Mark- ■- firm, white. Job lots, 85c: carload lor*. 62c; mixed oorn, Job lots, #.c; carload lots. 59c RICE-Marker steady, demand good: funcy head. 6c; fancy, 6%c. Prime 0 Good 4%Q4% Fair 4 @% Common 3% OATS- No. 2 mixed, carload, 34%e; Job lots. 354136-'; while clipped. (•■; Job. 27r. BRAN—Job lots, 95e. . urload lots, 90c. IIAY-Market ater-dy, No. I timothy. 92%c Job; *7% cars; No 3. 65- Job; 63% car*, tlaruu. Hams and l.artl. BACON—Market Arm, D H C. R aides, B%c; D. 8. bellies. 9%e (Eastern), ac cording lo average sloe; I* H bellies, 9%c (Western); smok-d C It rt-le*. 9%c. H AMS—fetugar curod, !2gfl-’%- I.A KD—Pure, tn tlerres. B%c: In 50. pound tins sn I 80-pound tub*. *r; eompound In tierces. 6%c. 5> p--un.l tins, and go-pound tub*. 6%c. sugar and 4 ogee. SUGAR— Cut loaf ■, Diamond A 556 System of Railways. Trains Operat'd by 90th Meridian Time—Ons Hour Slower Than City Tuns. f 32 | 6 | 79 North and Houih. || 3 | 33 j 5 | 1 READ DOWN Ed- ■ 11 v - - - t ; Isnu BE AI I • i 12 —i ' 15 ■ i -a l.v Bavatinah Ar. 2 45a : (0a * | | t 19,*, 1" 20-1 6 28.1 Ar . Charleston.... Lv ll lip 5 60a| 1 lOp. . , ... | ,| 3 23*! I 7 Bp, Ar . til h . Ivf- a- tv - Ar . Wiirhlnaion... Lvjj t rt-- 3 697;. ... . ; ... j . ... 1 8 2- hi ...... l <d> Ar ... Baltimore.... Lv , 2 Mat I 46p| j j 110 38s' ... I 1 50- Ar . Phllad- phia... Lv 13 30p 1! :3p ... | | I 154*. i 7 io.i Ar ....N-w Vo-k ... l.v 9 tßp K 55" .. | , 8 30p| . 3 Oup,,Ar 80- l on l.v I cup lfCOnt Is ,S3 8f 58 133 |] So-iih |, in j 36 | K |32 fl6~ 5 *i- j 25| 8 la- 6 M !IV| l.v r.. 6-i.iM.sli"... Ai 1 12 iqg 7 (-13 1* 10 lia 8 10pj 5 k-i- 10 -V- 1. 7 tin * 3-1 Ar ... i-m ... Lv 10 15,- 9 4,.p 4 lop, J 5-., 7 05a 1 06ai 9 3"p 3 !S|i 2 lip 2 Isp Ar ...ThSSUsv 111- ... l.v o lop 6 lop ; 6 lb- 3 l v lo Jup 1 46pjU Mhj •Ba I lu-iiiAr .. J.i- k-nv 1i... . r... . . . - ••> -3 OOp.U 3p)13 UUp .Ar .... I'aUtkn l.v 2 Is|- t Sot- 1 ...... j 2 35a 3 34* ~2 05*1 5 40(> At . Ba,,t .1,1 ..I.' '■.,,, J 12.0ii2.1ts | j i J pip 8 SOpJjAr ...Galn-svl lo .. l.v ... . -40 p. i -j | | fSlOp 3 164- Ar (*.•:. ... l.v, . i 4upl 1 | j I . .10 Sot- 10 .*p Ar .81 Pet I -burg Lv f. ortp: | | • 10 PjlO 00| 10 Vi . 1 ""I" - •■ ■ ■ > -a- . I 8 30a 10 nop 10 lop 10 30p Ar ... Port Tainpa.. Lv 7:: -1 7*B* .| 7 J6p| 7 2ip | 110.1 I low 1101 Ar ..Punt* third i... f. v ... t 35p ..... | 1.. in 48a 10 45a Ar . Ht. Augustine . Lv a '.op yip . .I | n.T... 8 fti| 3 "I 325 P ' 90 1 Lv ..Bavannah..., Lv l lia|lj la ... . .... - Dll- 5 15a 4 5-4-1 0 ->i||Ar .. J- sup .... |,v 8 :-*,- lo ... | , 8 35 p 7 '-8* 6 23pj 9(15.1 \r ... Htor- wl- k,,. J.v -; to - ■* up - NORTH WEST AND N-'f-riIWEST -l- 1- ip f I*• ts Via M 111 gum- v 16 f~7 5 tgtp 6 2iß. l.v Savannah Ar 110 t7s 12 10- .* -a-p 8 i-g, j.v Savant ah Ar to laajTuow 6 45pj 6 48b Ar ...J-s-up .. Lv, 9 .’Oa to Mi- 8 Ift- 9 ;sg>' Ar M'tg'm- ry l.v 7 L'-pjll 28a 3 00-i l ir-p Ar . Macon I.*'!. I"0 * *H* 7 lop 6 r -v, Ar Nu-hvl'le Lv 9>a 1 21* 5 2-KI 360 pAr Allunia. l-v' 10 ISp 12 <V-p J n-w 13 JSp Ar Is-ti- v 1-. l.v J ,1 9 |2p 9 t..a 8 eg- \t Cha’i-e-'ga l.v 6 t-a , tt. i t us|. Ac I (n< Ini -itl l.v ,11 ''B- 8 I6p 7 30|- 7 'ti Ar Lo*il*vil e l.v - 15a, 7 (5(, 72- a 7 16t- Ar Ht. Lout Lv 3 Ssp| 8 22ft 7 sop 7 45a Ar Cincinnati l.v| 8 Ma| 7 00| j || (L. ft N) 7 01a 6 ut*:- Ar Ht laiuls Lv '• ljpj *(a 1 7 32a! Ar Ml. Igiul* Lv 8 OOp 7 15-1 5 1%, Ar Chicago. Lv 8 s->p !* 6-tp I <M AO) |l | SL t 16t- Lv . Atlanta .\t 10 Y.p 11 :* * '*■•' ♦ ,r i' Ar ' Hi. >g. l.v 7 OOp 1 Op Bft p 7 15- \r M- mphl- Lv 820 . 9 60|. 4 U|- 3 nr. 1 Ar Mobile l.v 13 50p|U Ma 9 tk* 7 100 Ar Kan-a-FI-yLv! 6 30pl 9 45| 9 .top, 7 4-s* Ar N Orleans Lv 7 55a 7 Isp 5 -sg* 3 2191 l.v H I vannah Ar ,10 if. 12 16a Through Pullman Bleeping Car St rvl * 1 45u It 30), Ar . Ttf on . l.v 2 Its* 5 :9%i 3 43.1 3 10)1 Ar Al-inv Lv 12 01uj 3 (6p 10 North. Eat and West, mull- Florida | 5 20p Ar Columbus Lv 110 hue -4 4 ■-* at For! T-ittiu* wltii I* H mall i’ l *<( *hr l’* nlri | iulr and Ot'rldfntal St**m*hlji Linn, hav in%- port I'ninca Mondava, ThurMiciyii hk! Sritur Javß At 11 *0 |> m J 11. I’ulhtmua T *’ A \\4nl Clark. City Tkt A*t.. Hotn !I<Hal* Fhonc a 11. W WIiKNN. !*AHBcner Tram* Mnnnxer, .4\antuih. On Iron Founders, Machinists, Hlarfts tM |,| la . n.n.r •, ft era, >ta-ul, rlurrra • "."c-n- ’ 3 jM "I *“•' I'srlakU Otwftlirae. trrllul • U 1 "l> Hssslss - Lara Mill., Mill .a* I'SM. **>a ttlaa. I'arie*s, eta. TELEPHONE NO. >2X Crushed .6 78. Confectioners* A 5.83 Powdered 6 13 White Extra C.. 5 it XXXX. powd ..6 18: Extra C 6 17 Granulated ~ ..6.(8i Goklen C 5. *8 Cubes fi lx Yellows 5.65 Mould A 6 21, COFFEE— Mocha 26c | Prime N<. 3 II o Java .............36c I Good No 4 ...liflic Peaberry 14 e Fair. No. 5 .. .lo%c Fancy No I .12 c|Onflnary. No 6.10 e Choice No 2 ll%c| Common No 7 9Vs-' llarsnsn and iluldluu Supplies LIME. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT Atal-ama and Georgia limn In fair d-Miiam* and salt at 6b cent* a barrel; special catctmd puisier. 6100 per barrel; lialr. 405 c Itosedale cement. 11 10® 1 361 carload lota, special; Portmnd cement, re tail $2 25: carload lots 32 20 LT'MRER F O. B VESSELS SAVAN NAH -Minimum. yard sixes. UO iOtfll 00; car sills. 612.'518 13 tn. difficult sixes, turn 1)13 00; ship atock. 116OivulS00. sawn tlo*. 68061)880. hewn Ilea. 356368-' OIL- ilarkei aiaady; demand fair; sig nal. 454)50c, West Virginia bin k 94312a; lard, 88-'. neatafoot. 6*d7oc. machinery. 16 4)25-'. Ilnaee-i oil. raw, . hulled. 68c; kerosene, prime whlta. 10c; water white, jgc; Pratt s astral. >4: deodorised stova gas--tine, oruma. ll%c; empty Mi barrets, delivered. Mo. BIIGT-Drop, 0150: B. B. snd large, 01.70; chilled. 81 75. I RON -ktsrket very steady; Swede, J%c. NAUR—Cut. 82 60 base; wire. 02 66 baaa. IIARMED WIRE 13 50 per 130 pounds straight goods, 23<|30c; sugar housa mo lasses 1530 c GUN POWDER— per keg. Austin crack Shot. 0400: half kegs. 02.16. quarter kegs. |t K; champion ducking, quarter keg*. 62 m: Dupont and llaxarn s-nok-iless, half kegs. Ft. 35; quarter kegs. 63 78; l-po-md canisters. 61 00. less 35 per cant : TroMdort smokeless powder, 1 -pound cans. 11.00; 10- puund ran*. 96c pound sail, Hides and Wool. BAT.T- Demand t* fair and Ihs marks! steady, ri.rius(: lota. Itlu-pound burlao sacks. Mg; l(*i-poun-l cotton sock. 45c, 110-pound burlap sacks, 48%c; 11" pound cotton sack*. 49W- : 2J5-aund l-urlap sa- km, 66c. 135-pound cotton sack, 66c; 2ju-pound boSJap sacks. 86c. IIIDK.B .Vlarkee firm; dry flint, 1356 c; dry sail. 11%- , green salted, 6c. WOOL-Nomlnat; prime Georgia, free of sand burrs and black wool. 19- . black. 16c: burry. 10c. Wa*. ttc; tallow, %e. Deer skin* 30c. Frulta and Nats. APPLE** Northern variety, 32 256)3 50. PRUNE*—#O* to 50k. I0- . 56s to <J, B%c; 60s to 76*. 7c; 76s to <*. 6%c; DO* to 80s. 6c. bn- to 100**. 5%c. HA NAN AH -81 254)2 00 tumcf). LEMONS- Market sl-ratly at 32 90(13 00 OOCOANI'TR-03 76404-00 l*er tnt) I’EANFTB— Ample stock, fair demand; market firm, fancy hand-picked. Virginia, per pound. 4%e; hand-picked, Virginia, ex tra*. 4c. N C seed i-eanut*. 4e NUTS-Almonds. Tarragon*. 18c; Tvlcas. 14c; walnuts. French 12e; Naples, 13c; pa eans. Hr; Hr axils, 13c; fllherls, I3e; assort ad nuts 6- pound and 35-pound boxes, lie. Colton Iragglng nnd Tien. BAGGING—Market Arm; Jut*. 1%- rnind. 9%c. large lota, 6%c; small lota. pound. 6%<J9c. 1% pound, 8%U8%c; saa Island bagging. 12%c. TIES S-nn-tard. 45-pound, arrow, large lots |1 16; small lots. 01.50. Dried sail Evaporated I rulla. APPLES—Evaporated. 7((7%0, sun-dried. 5%()6c. ' AI 'it I < ‘OTS— E vaforat ed, ll)c, pound, nectarines. 10c RARXINH—L. L.. 02.00; Imperial caMnata. 02 30; loose. 50-|>o"nd boxes, Bff%c pound. PEAFMEH Evn porn tod, |>-aik-d. 17%c, unreal-d. *%4i9c PEARl4—Evaporated. B%c. MggtKLLANBUia. EISII—Mu- kerel. half-barrels. No. 1, 06.60; No 2, 07 06. No 3. *5 73; kits, N<*. I. 01.20; No. 2. 01.10; No. 3,55 c < '.elfish, 1-pound brick*. 6%- . 2-pouxsl brick*, ft' Htn-ke-i herrings, par box. 174119 c Dutcn herrings. In kegs, 01.10; netv muliess, balf barrets. . HYRFP—Market quiet. Georgia nn.l Elorl-l-i syrup, buying at 2M)3Oc; selling at 324)33 . sugar house a* lo®ls^. HON BY—Fit r demand, strained, tn bar rels. 65665, gallon. High wine basis, tt.24. OCEAN t n EIGHTS. COTTON,—Savannah to BosSon. per ewt 20r: to Ness York, per rat.. JOc; to Philadelphia, per bale, 01; Haltlmore, 31. FOREIGN DtßE'T—Hremen. 60c; IJv erpool. 50r; llamhurg. 8flc; Genoa. 6bc; Rare- lona. 70c: Manchester, Sic; Havre. S(V ; Antwetp. 60c. FOREIGN INDIRECT—Weak and nom inal Liverpool. 06--; Man-tieeter. BV\ Hamburg. Bse; Havre. 72"; Ge noa. ft* ; Iteval and 64 4. Petersburg. 7ft:; Antwerp. 55c. LUMBER - By Sail - Freight# dull; to Baltimore oral eastward, 01 80 to 06 00 per M . including Portland Lt'MIIKR —By Ht earn-Savannah to Ba'- tlmore. 35 "0; to P R R or B ft O docks. 05 60; to Phiindelphls. 16%c. per ewt.. (4 pounds to foot); to New York. 16 50 per M. 37 25 to dock: lightered to Tfoston to doe|% |4 W> NAVAL STORES—The market ts Arm; medium slse vessels. Row in—Cork for orders, Ss 6d per barrel of 310 pound*, and 0 per cent, primage 8p!r!(s. 4s %) per Continued on Eighth Page. if§l£ 8--hedule Effective Sept. 10 IM>. Trm4n arrive at snd depart from Central Station. Ww liroad, f.xrt of Utterly street. •oth Meridian Tima—One hour slower than elty time. Uafe Arrive ~"” B * v "nah: Htvunnah: ]Auuela. ltecoa, Atlanta.l ** <&nn|CovttiKtoo. Millerlicwllle|*( unpin l®nd all Intermediate paint sj lAuruata. Mu. im. Atlantal “ (Athene, Monicumary. Co-| •9 OOpmllumbita, liirminithiim. Am-1% 00am (erlrua, Kufaule and TroyJ • Dover Aevent modelkjo jfl Mon n Wpin (iuvton Dinner Train! Tt mpm •liailv tE II r(ii Sunday. BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYItEB. TSth meridian or Savannah elty time. LEAVE SAVANNAH Monday only <2Z n m Hally except Monday s*i it. at. Dally son p n, LEAVE TYHKE Monday only 7:14 a m [tally except Monday 10 a. a. m. I>ally 4:30 p m. < onnertione mad' at terminal points with nil trains Northwest. West and Boulhweal. , v Sleeping ears on nlgtit Irnlna between Savannah ml AuirusU. Mu on. Atlanta and Itlrmlnghain. Parlor rare on day trains between Sa vannah. M..n and Atlanta. Kor complete Information, a-vheddes. rates and irin<t|,>n. apply to W. O HREWEII. City Ticket and ra*. enxer Agent. 107 Hull wrest or T’'c t 'uAnU‘ r ,fi K ‘ n, ' po ' T,r,,r * Agent. ti,”- Traffic Manager. T HEO. D. KLINE, Oen Superintendent. OH. Vest! BUito EMB lIMITED Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk, Weahinloo. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York sod ths East _ | No 44 j No i Lv Savannah. 8. A. L. Ky I.* SSpm \\ ;apm At Columbia aA. L. Il >: Upm Mum Ar Raleltfli. a A. L. hjr 11 J7pmjU ton Ar Durham. 8. a. L. lly 7 Siam 4 16pm J! r l* rrUl i r “' BA *• 4 ISl *n; 4 Hpm Ar Rich muni. S A. U U> i liaui, ( 4Dpm Ar V, uhlrif ion. nna...i • if.stin | jopm Ar Baltimore Pcnna 10 Mamin Hpo> Ar Philadelphia. Pcnna... 12 27pm; 5 Mam Ar Nw York PetiiM 3 liJpm f ] ;an . *~~No. 44 f Woi A Lv Savannah, H A. L It) U Upm,ll Upm Ar Portsmouth, H A.l. Hy 7 (Pmm 5 10pm Mf- -trners leave Norfolk dally, except Sunday, for Italtlmore, Philadelphia and N-w -1 | dal!', f- V. --i.l-lgton. The short linn to Montgomery, Mobil* and New Orleans, leaving Hsvannah at 735 a m . arriving at Montgomery 7:40 p. m . at which potn) close connection ts made with th* L. ft N. R. It., arriving at Mobile 3:(ft a. m. and New Orleans 7:40 a. m. Th* short llna to Fernandlna. Jackson ville, Tampa and other Florida points. N"n LvS iv inn.ih. H A I. itv 6 Ota ml t oTptß Ar Fernandlna. H A.L.Ryj 9 35" m I 06pm Ar Jacksonville. H.A.L.R)' 9 10am 7 40pm Ar T,im;.a. SAL Ry ) 5 90pm 6 loam Magnitude Pullman buffet sleeping car acrvlca to Washington. Ualtlmora, Phila delphia and }•' York; alao to Jackson villa and Tampa. Dining can from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor oar* Savannah to Mont fernery. Fur additional Information apply a Ticket Office, Hull and Bryan at recta. Phone 2*. J. D. WEED * CO SAV AMAH. UA. Leather Belting Steam Packing & Hose. Afeote lor NKW YORK HUBBUB BEUTLNQ AND PACKING COKPAHX. 9