The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 17, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 TO CHANGE STREET NAMES. •ALDFHRAN IIIKII AAII.I I%TMODU i: Tilt illtlllN tM ii TO* NIGHT. AA All m NrrdrU l|ir rmrwt In of Mrrfta l tloutlirrn HrrOon-l'm Itig Ordi •iuu. ru Ha > Hr l , arl <%rr for Kmurr 4 4*nsld*rallon - Mrrtlnff t Hr Ordered to ( aaaldi*r l'rlt|lun* for Hull* m) *'Micklp-rr|rrU Owner* |*r*ir*t %a*ti*t 1% ooden Teno nrnta on Hnaltndoa Afreet. At the routing of < > rouncll ro-m^ht . AM*<ni)-n Dixai will introduce hi-* orli Darvr tin* i anv *f Ih* street* aouin of Andi'rioti street. * as to dlm it,umm > < <’*mov rumen for the nn atrort giving ** •* >‘inr to **h • 4 ** I wml etiati obd also |irovldt( I that fh* at reel- iball I*** known by their num* r lonl number* counting from Buy sir*** * The rwon? for thin change have i - fußy as plain**! in t ir Morn- New*. The woull Ito* that the {VT'teiU Ffr*t Mrret WOUid 1* •*•• Thirty-Hfat afreet and Twelfth tr*< - would lecom*- forty-a* *d street whJ* sueti street ** fit James and S' Michael would be eliminated Itelna only on It* ftmt reading t'• ordlnan • j wt* not com*- up for dtv.ii- • n ?• --night Them promts* to itr on*id* iai*;* I* i !.••*** befOt** tne ("(Kit .1 AkVIUMH Di X on'* ordinary * * tor th pavlug of Ifidkai* afreet from V\i Broad to XV.•♦••ns sir*-*’, and of Form street, from liny to Hiv r atraet. wHI come up on their • *ml r* idl ing The n fvls.ihjh* >f u *l* i ki< tneee Improv em i?.** at this tlm* may t>* debated, but it i- more ihun llfcelv that contoleration cviil |.- deferred t* • future iuh In*; It I- 01.-o *X|K-i '<d that Alderman lux on. a* chairman of the Htieet aul lain* f*ommtte\ nil mak* ,t rep<ct ui*on t*. two rival p*itl©n for street rahw * tran-tust whto-h r i\* hern In the h;* i of his commit te for -ane nnt. *l, , matter ?* not i *\ t . I* di -po-e<| of t • idjftit ei*fier Mavor Myers .nl \,m in\ tha: on imoud of tne limit***! mm ter of *rrMti> *\ a. ft are now opn .* etrevt rallwa> :mes and th* f. t tha’ th** cr t ll m v of either petition would ln* ?i all) take up nil >f |. nvalJ ;• at reef a. ho thought the matter of suffl iant importunne to req ilr< n e,.*- |*i meeting of Council * wh.c- all parti e • In I i *i An oM matter, whl'h hn he n ndin (or eofn# tint. HWI wl | It it i- r 'tn* I *o t<l r . ||t((| p, fj! , . omplalnr m *). t-ome im* athoe by Mr* M j , , 4 !•>• •> Sn e* intern ■ t M.a *1 • h** hr* deportment <.f ih o UM.m, t *. huiidink in h* M t ~f .’Pi H j. ht* etree *-ut Thi- ii .trim wi*f pr* i l\ tequlr*- mwh t;n< Mr J It S . v Jr ir Mr Mi Ir l\i. - atu-rne. An Hit** tlo f*r .i rommt.-MloiM r*fpl ot **' hel l t o HU the Vi u v M,-.d b> the d**e'.: of •i. in. J J Wl'd* r j \ipi \\ \V VVI lir, m)| t j* , ,• |v * .in dtolate for the j**. rth u and ha i.* *n- j • *.*'“ -• • t • •. tdfi •**.*; • m mi^^ionere A petition Will he j. id fom I nil I Hydraulic rutm !*.*.- . rnpam r.*|. u k i*ermi.iion .* *\i hpp r * l. j locatorf in the ran •>( ir- w .t* nou *. w* w'anky on H Jtiliu i street a. l a o lt-irtdotph j* e. ii \ . ir\* ni i> .o j j •.eel with th* in knf the eppn f ! f *eor),* lUi.iwa> th di ti. I-in*; aboil I'-Vl fee| A !'*mtnr w U be presented from (Tpt W \V Williamson arid oth* r$ prolesfiiui againat the tmrmlASion granted by ordi •Min. e at th** last meeting ..f Council to Mr If. H. latiiirn>re to er*- t ll\<* frartu tenements on the lot fa* tne Huntingdon elr*4 on the tt tr'h s!d , between How ard i n| Hirnard tr* v 'is The pel. i*n*rs urge j tf*uf such per mis* )i, la not only contrary i to existing Hr onttnane*a. th* property being within h* nr*- limits, hut that other lrti*-s m the vn*lnl?y, a*-* king the *ame ! privilege, have l*. n r fua* and by f'ouni’ll. tne * as* of th* own* ri of th. rty ll raotly across thu atreei from Mr mor tH*ffig cited. Although thl- it*r property i*s ou>side ‘h** fir*- limits the own *r* it ** at* and In !h*- po*eei, wre refus ed t build frim* hour* -and were romp. ll*d lo build brick houses In stead It is urged i at not only would H* *e*- ten* m nis in r’ *• the fire risk and th** coat of Insurance to surround ing property owners bus it is argued that the vicinity of the Park Is strictly a r*sl dscice e.-tion of th* beet clns*. wh*r** the btubUng * ere of a more or 10-s pretentious cnar .*otwr,hKV<ng hewn erect ♦sl nt consider able cost, and that the presence of fr.irm* • enemenfs would be an Injury to th* sur rounding property. The r* signal on of I>r. M II as city physician will tie announced and the clerk will le instructed to advert Is* an election to fill the yh ar>*y In the usual manner. Dr K L Osborne in now t*m porarily filling the vacancy by appoint ment of the Mayor. IfffT>l AUK I'lkl'lK.MMi. Cfingreesuian l.eeler anil Hr. I.eaben Are noth In the Field. The coiMrreawtntiol .ompaian t evidently on: hofb f-ongressmon Leater and hi* R.-- publican opponent. Mr. W. R. le-.iken, have taken the held Congressman le-s ter slb'ls-d out of Ihe city Sunday night without bwvitig word as lo where he was going, mid all that k> known I* that he Is uot In ftw district. The * 'id on el *kre* not ne.-) any pointers from tinytsstv liuw to get next to the hoys mi the country, and • he hue scores of friend* In every county, he ha* no dlthoulty tn gelling |n touch with the people. Mr. la.kHi IhV'Ui hi* .simpatgn last night, with m *t*'.-'h st Guv!on. in whl.-h ho discussed the msiie* of the campaign, and used hi* political graphophone with goo.l effect. He wn* accnuip.inled hy Mr Henry Riun. tls- It. pot,Mean elartoral candidate from this district. drculara have been distributed announcing the fol eowing apfKdnfmail* for Mr Leakefl. Hlneavilltf, Htuin.k)', Oct. ]S, lairlert. swturday. Oef. 30: Sylvanla, M.aetiy Oet. ti. Tuesday. Oct n. Ktalesboro FHdav, Oct. 2, and Reds vllle. Malav, fkk Further appoint ments will fw> announced biter. A Re publican rally will probably Is- held in ehtvannah tower,la the chute of the < .im palsn. rtMIMAI. Wild. Ut: !>)-MflHIU)w. Mr. James L. Ilankln'* llody la on It. Way to Savannah. The Mr of Mr. James L. Rankin, Jr , who waa klliesl In a trolly rar accident In •Mttsburg last Saturday, left Pittsburg yesterday morning, and w:ll reach Sa Vamiah on the Southern train, at I1& o'clock this afternoon Mr Rankin * body Is accompanied by hi* father, Mr James J. Rankin, Sr who w*e>t on to l*ltt*burg Immettatvly upon receiving Informathai of hts son s tragic and untimely Uralh No funeral arrangements have yet been made and wIU not be.probably.until the body reache, here ihl* afternoon It I* exp-cted. how. ever, that th* funoral will take place to morrow. ■ a l ('aught |n an Ironer. Mias Wilder, a young lady employed In Ihe Savannah Steam Laundry, mee with a painful acckhwit yesterday. Her hand was caught In the machine for Ironing oallara and was bofh badly meshed and burned Her In Juris# wars dresaed by Or. O. W, He riot. UID*T I'U.MH %NII NNIUI. UnlUiiiK til Mr. I mrdor it ml %!•• I.IUMI U N Arumii thr lovely autumn wedding* n lie (mi* occasioned msr** cordial I*t*r*i* : than that of Mr. Stmti**l L.i Martin** ; Varnedoe arid Mim Hattie murry. which I look place ui toon yesterday in We* lay M< Church. No flower* M'r used in the decoration*. which were p**r f t m the troi.l a beauty *f palm* hll- Ing hit nee I and gallery with their rich *!n It gro n. tiul in the wnywar-1 grace ‘if nmilux twining llinf aNiut the encloa I tng rail During the Interval of w ining afier the u ui -t* bad am*emlle* in th* < hureh. Mr Hamuel I* Hnow, th* organic. reti ! ilereil a delightful musical programme which Included the Hemdletlon Nuptial h> llotltn*. two h.|. tiona. "Th** <ion*k ll* r and ’Goodnight (Avr Marl*), from Si vlt. ■> Venice, and Hublimtein * Mcl aj> In K." At th* opining strain* Of the wedding niar* h fr ni Lohengrin * the usher*. Mr Frederl* k 'I Sue . Mr Gordon Mr William J Walker, and Mr G Nobl* Jon**-, h and the bridal par y into the * hur< h I*., .!>* up th* *Uth iilul** t * th*’ chance. Th* hr id** pr* • led by th* maid of hon or Mi - Nona Sau-sy, enter**l with I, r lather Mi J It Sain*H At chance! *h* H e in* t by i tie groom wuj. the t>* >t man, Mr John It Young T *• t-rid*- un- o- Hev. G G N Me h ndl, in* t.Pd H. \ K F. Cook officiated ihe only modification f the la*autlfu M*lho dPt crvi • being ill* u.- of • f ring I luring i h** ceremony Mr Know plavc I -oftiy the ‘TtoOiam * L* lali. ’ and Th King Ciain H**i Flnge y h tiumann In returning, the hrioal party p.-s**d Mel ■ * * wedding march being |nayel a *• • ioi*at. I . hride w i ♦ x 4-ii it* )o n* in ivory eat In do I* e** the hid t pine led In Wutti ml effect, npcnli g at he front ov no und**r|M tih oat and f iilit'g from ih w i ii*n> a gta f ll trail Ih *n • w. . finished ui I) yoke **" * under ,v* *1 finely link'd nn hi I. • • la* ** lairtlia oi r e. jw ni h* Ing *lrap i ll,* should* and covering th*- i tnf tin* bodice In h r rulle veil was , . i,. and an .gr- * and sue ■ arfied u t iquet • i whit** Kalaerln roan. , maid of lionur wor a lovely |n ' whit** organdi* chiffon and lac* Th n i t was formed of bias strips of inset - •at and u k . und finished with a t-mall i* ro J. k* of lace. Willie th* klrt. Join ~j *§t th** Seam* with lace, ended In num •eri ' liny ruth Blue wore a h*■* orriing vur. hat of Mack velvet, covered with ..sirich plume %td her bouqent was of |,a France rosea. There was no reception after the cere mony. though Mr tlid Mra. Haunay enter un. and th* bridal party’y at tiieir home on t Jordon street, and a f*w Intl ,n.,•*• friends of th** bride * ailed o *av goodhy The rooms were decorat' and with utnf. and exotic plants, the mantels *• covered with maidenhair f. rns and L.t France rose- Across • tahl* n the dining r*m were stretch ..| hr>.ad bit* satin ribbons, fani.-nci i i ... . r. r*- In lovely loos** low while i.*.,iil of smllnx an*l clustering Bride i, %-h Murroundcl t■* wedding cake In th*- renter Among the out-of-i*vn go* is present w*-i** Rev. and Mrs. * * < N Malmrell of Mo I and Mr * J (> Vorncdoc. Mr. ard Mi * l <\ A(ile* Mr William A d* v M C i* Varredoe <m<l Mr C \\ Uinrn .if .... , Mi |amt MeOi atkd M Mortfii I? ip< r - >f Mo *'i. M *ii rit of \iluta and Mr. J. liar Ore- of N* w York Mr Mr Varnedne left en the mid *}>i\ train over the S*tih*wrd Air Une The hride wore a becoming traveling gown f dark blue cloth, and a stitched hat of the same material While at th* North. Mr and Mi Varnedoe will prob ably stop In Washington. Baltimore and N w* York returning South about Nov 1, when they will Immediately begin house keeping in their new home on Hyde Bark. Tam pi* The bride, whose beauty and rharm hoy** alw.ivs won such ready admiration, is th* votings*! daughter of Mr and Mr J R.tdclifT* Saussy. Her place here win re in hildhoo*!, girlhood and woman hs*l. she has been so btlovid. cannot eas ily !*** Mile*! Mr Varn*doe Is not n stranger in H. vannnh. being a native (J*orgl in though his horn** now In Florida, where he has xtenalve hu** n* ** Interests. He Is orig inally from Valdosta. nnl has many friends .*ll over th* state. The wedding gifts were numerous and of yxceptlonal beauty, comprising articles not only of rare vulue. hut of unusual and exquisite design (.HOI MIN 1% IB %l. FORM. Ilsiiibnnie trrlinn) Will kurmonut Knirsnri' lu I Iks’ ( aralvsl. At the headquarters of the Klks* Carni val and Street Fair constant preparations ir* b*m* made f*r th* •nterialnmenl of tin* vhdtor wlw>. W is ex pet* fed, will throng to Savannah during the two weeks the carnival will continue. It has icei cl* ter mint'd that not all of ih** !*.rk Kxtcnalon Is to hr Inelubd with in t!* fetVNt* that will he ere.xed The grunds in** to Is* In th*’ form of an oval. niun! which will run the rav tra* k on w*hl*h the chariot ,*n*l other long ills tame ra es will be held The entrance to the enclosure will he on Bull rtre*i near Hall, from which the laioths for th** exhibits of the merchants ami manufacturers will extend to and around the monument. The entrance will be surmounted by an arch of handsome proportions, ornament with various tlgur* These figures are now In course of construction and prom ise to be very beautiful ami elaborate For the flora 1 |*arale the commit tee Is now receiving samples of th#* flowers that will l* usd, whkti will la* on xhlhttkm at ha*lqtiarter>. beneath the Hussars* Club, at the corner of IJberty und Bull sir#**!*. IMrector Oeneral Benson will h* git*d to assist with sugcc**Kns any of those w)a anticipate entering their ur rlagis for tin issrade. HUHUKII I.ABOIt HALL. D ll Klsher Entered II Sunday and llespolled II of lie Laa Flxlnrea. A burglar entered laihor Ball at Bryan and Al*r orn streets Sunday night and stole all of (he 1.. l pipe amt gas fixtures that he could get hhl off. The theft was not discovered unfit yesterday mom lug. when Magistrate Sam Reynolds went to the hall lo sec that It was all right tor a meeting of the East Side Oofiaervatlve Hal. lasi night. It was then that he fount that the tuili had been entered an.l robbed. He reported the matter nt once to the police .h'lNtrtment and I let cot Ives Murphy atal were put on Ihe ease. Within an hour they hud arrmted BUI Fisher, a piumber, who later admitted the crime A part of Ihe stuff taken from the hall had Is on sold to a Junk dealer, and. th. deed. It was through this very fact that the detectives got on the trail of Ihe man that they wanted. Fisher will tie given a hearing this morning before the Recorder. MEAT HOW A WITH THE t OOK. Body of West t handler. Colored, Hr covered. The body of West Chandler, an Augus ta negro who wa* employed on the steam er W S Cook, w.n recovered yesterday near the steamer went down. It I* supposed Chandler was on the main deck at the tlm* the boat gunk, and did no: probably have time to get to the upper deck where the passenger* ruh*d. TH la the only drowning reported from the Cook ao for, THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1900. LAYS IT ON SCHOOL BOARD. t %|*T. 41 XXIVidIDD HHIWXt FH IX tllilimi %t till. Ml . Hr If the b-Mih mi 1 rnibr* Had llrrn left to Tlirntirlrra Ihr lluild- Ing Would tln r Hern Finished in This Time—4 Ininas Hoard of Id Men tion Insisted on n liulhiiiiK lanpos allale lo Hull*! for the Hour) \vnll nlile— 4 npt. 4 unninabmu Fsvors Mdlfl*ntlou cat Present Plnai lu lii - dure lost Insimal of inking Ip other Plans Which Were *ald ta t omr W Ithin the l.laaill l 4 st. ■My fimanAi cqdnion i- that th* be t thing lo Is *f*ii* i to modify h* adopt** I piMtis for the r* •** iru tion <( f'batham A id'tmy, hi that lha w *rk *an be *i-> e with |he m*ans ur disiaosal Wjhi* th** U*ar*l will think .itn. it it. I am ui a I to say,** I'npt H f • ’unnirgharn. (hiil min of the tto.ird of iru.-t**n *f <*haham Acade my and of th* building ommlttee of tha iHar*i. mad* id- reply t a qu* tl n b. a Morning Newa r* |K>r r ye-i*rday, i**- iative ti* th* it t •-a * t l*i i of the Ima *1 as ’ th* rebuilding *>f thlK im|*or(ain i art * f the s* ho*ii system Hone devic* will have t.i i*. ado.*ted.’’ continued f'upt 4’unnlgham. 'w In will serve t*> rni.irs (hi cost *f cont-i nif n The board has Jus! m mu h nioi.ey t ► l iid aid it has become v ry **v and m thru with this amount the bu I tug w 1 Ii suits Ihe fai y <f tb- lloatd • f Ktuca on i intuit In* er‘* *d XV ulh r the i< ard will hang** lit** plan, selcctli>g ‘in <*th*;. or nullify the aircaaly e* I* < te.l ida< by • during ll* * xp. uses f t luililtw or whi h It provide-. 1 am not In a po mon lo ay. As 1 have said howe.ei. I p r -onallv favor the n. dlh t i.u of tne p a i Upon winch w* hav* -* 11 !*-• I "Their ,r* only two or three rn* mlr-> ..f the loan I In the city .nd w* are watt lug until others return before calling n nneting to consul* r Hi - quisiion. A* soon •-* they return a m-etuu: w!l b*- callc*l .ili is lit* plan of action adopted <'apt <*ur wt a ked If th re were not some m< ns is w i. h tlw fuel it the dl>paial of th* board might Ih augmented, so a j to permit the constrtl lion of a better budding that is not possi ble limit* I amount of money on hand “1 know of none,** h* said, “unless I? be by popular subscription. I’nles* Hi* eltfxens of Savannah f* lik* putting their hands In the r |s< k* t! cannot think of any means of increasing the fund We mud do the Ih *? w* c.m with the money now at our dl-|*sal “ It was suggested to 4'p? Cunningham tentatively and a bit timidly, that the fwople of Savannah were much Interested In this question and that they w*ere watching for the reconstruction of Chat ham Academy with strained at’ention. “Of course they are interest**!." wo iho qul' k res|K>nse. and very natnrat!) . However, bad th* hoard of truse l*scn left to them sal vw the bulklkig hv this tlm*-, tvou *1 have been flmhe.| XVe have been trying for the h- fen month- to suit the view* of the It. >nrd * f Klu tion irwl we've had very |*jk*i -u If - We h ive iO *r r. and. and In rr • Ing tor the er ctlon *f • bui.dliig t ai w.l su't their fancy, and I b*n 4 believe w ever will. The dlff* rers * l*etween ts that the Ifcwrd >f IMms lm think n $M •*•* ought f. le constrtl *te*l fo 1 Fn.cOO. and we don't Ar.d mv experience n the matter lends to the belief tha* ■ here is little chance of reconciling the*.. < on ft let Ing opinions'* It sems unfortunate for the people of Savannah, conceding the correctness of 'apt < 'unnlngbam’s .'l*>omy prognosis that ther* Is so little chance of the two l*oards rea-hing an agreement as to the correct solution of th* *iuest|on of r* httilditvg the i<*ad* mv Parents are b** ginning to murmur at the present system ot morning and afterrHHMi sessions and there are oth#*r evidences of dt.-ontent To solac* them the people are *i-Ntir***l h. the Hoard of F.dti at i*ti th it the falbtr* to rebuild Is due to tin* Hoard of Tru* tecs. and by the Hoard of Trusten* that the Hoard of Fducatlon Is wlml; a fault. This Is th*- dilemma, nn*l upon whichever of the horns the perptoxed cl I sen determines to perch, he i- likely t . find his s.wt equally un *>mfnrtab|e. i :%vr HI UK l.l II MKT. Was dilrirevftetl nl l.nlinr Unit bt %ld. Olion mail %V. T. NuUfy. Th Hast Bid** f 'onsorvatlve Club m ! ait Dabor Hall lust night and < NnulHfd its oigantzatlon The following officer* were #!•!•: President. J l* Flgg Vice President. John St afford Secretary. M irlon Uum- Treaaurer. Beamier C Butler. A committee consisting of president vice president. and secr*tar> H' appoint ed to im lect mu Kveciitlve Committee of ten. one from each of tlie electoral pre cincts The club has l*en organised In t!ic In lerest of Magistrate Sam Hevnolds. an I S|eeche# were msik* on his behalf last night by bth Mr. J M l.hxon. and Mr \V T. Huse\ The club will meet each Tuesday night st ll.ill. 'I A\f>s|;i: 4 0\ I II MTUH Hi KU. F. von Kltersleln Piled Heels rn lion \unIiirl \\ . b. Holme*. F Avon KbenMeln of Savannah filed a declaration in attachment against W. S llolmee of Shepherd. Tcnn . In th* City Court yesterday. The attachment was sworn out before Magistrate Xiughtln man** time wince ar.l levied by the spervice of process of garnishment upon ihe gia ConetriKHlon t'umpany. of which tor* poration Mr VV. W Mackail is president Tht declaration r>lt s that th* ik'fen dam la Indebted to the plaintiff In the sum of %ii’t for removing certain piles and caissons from llw (StMtrKU and Alabama bridge, < tossing the river west f th* oily. It is averred that though the a ount • laitn**) Is Just nrsl correct, the defendant decline# to poy it. I I.UOkIX. %FTKII TIIK bTK % MHO %T*. gu peri IsinK Inspector Oast \ iailinu gout hern Port*. Mr. J. W. (lost, supervising Inspector of steam vessels for the Atlantic roust south of Philadelphia. Is In th< city. He spent yesterday Inspecting the office of the lo cal Inspectors at Savannah and will leave this morning for Jacksonville Mr. Oast’s hca<kjDarters are at Norfolk. He la a Virginian and has si ways been prominent in the politic# of his stale. There is not the slightest doubt ns to the result of th* national election he said last night. It Is only a question of majority Mr. Oast's son, Mr John W Oust. Jr., who has made several trip# through the South and to Savannah, and who grid* uated last year at the head of his class in the law School of the I’niverslty of Virginia. Is now settled in Baltimore In the practice of admiralty and maritime law. and is rapidly coming to the front. rie brln*. rh**r to th. dn.poni.r.t, lumb*r to the fleeplese, appetite and .trjtiftb to the feeble, the aged, the convalescent Me te by tha Urewtna Aaa'n. St. Lout*. V. & A., i.J aoi4 by. all druggist*. 4 ill,. MU TDN KXXORtI OHKXK. Ilell %*s Him Ihr I'rofirr Man f*r %a nd (irnrrNl uf the Wta4e. Col A H laiw ton. * *mtirmnding the Flr-t Heglnasnt of Infantry. GST. fa vorr to* seiertion of Cos.. XVilham G Obear a- adjutwiil of the state. <‘*>l laiwion t>* levee mat Col. Obear nas done inr for t state tr<*opa than bar any I on* sir* * the days of Cap#. Hatterkee, I n.itti that some Savannah officer • tj* t 4* Col Obear on the ground that t* i- no fond of r*tl taie. Well, u er i n amount f r***l t| is n*- " -try for th* proper .i*lmtnii*;ration ol military af fairs and i\>|. Obear doe* not use ’*• fniidi of ft ll** has brought order out • and ha* .inl r lu ***l matters to a correct s>* ■ m C nipany •vunmander ar.d staff offl' etj* sliouid I** r*<|utr*l (o is count regu lar. > for the properly of the - ate wM* h ** * <*mmUted t* their care arid they are iettig r*-quir*-i hy Col. Obear lo make .-uch a *unllng It Is for Ibis rea>on. among sthers. ihnt 1 favor his ap;olnt rn* nt as H*lJutnn getw ral. <if cour-e. when officers have been per mit td to make their returns and report in a slovenly fashion and ar** suddenly re quired to mke them In strict and ex . • a <xrd with military law and regul ations. t will go against th* grain of : -one of them, and these are not apt to Ih* p • used with the man who forces them to ■ d** their duty Perhaps this aunts f>r w ate\-r o|>|**>*.tlon to Col 4>l *ar ha* de ; v* I ped “ Those Sav.tnn ih officers who do no 1 j fax or Col. tibear'a ippolntment seem to 1 hav** no andiuat** up* r whom they hav* | fixed their choice. Tney l*| favor fh** , ret* ntl >n in office of Gen PhiU G. Hvr l j tha ir- 'tit udju aut general, but n-*w ■ that the ani oui * * nient has been mad* i ?fiat Gen llyrd Is t-i retire at the en*i i <*f a few w*ks. they upt>ear to have ro ne in sight Tuelr objections to Cos! 1 d>* ar hav** been stated In an article al ;*ady Mpparlng in th*- Morning News. | lHt I xxKI) TIIK HRi XIHX. HrLswx Tamp Will •‘end Twenty r •lr** Men f liihiklr. V m* • ing of I*tf ty*-ti- M Liw C*mp •f Confedeiate Xel a- w;e lie.d la * night at i nw iu*rieif of the cimp. in th* K nig 111 -of PythliH Hall. The i ruu i|a: business disoiisa*d was • ie • it' ii'lan *- at the next ru. 1► *. **f ice '*orgia Division to le held In A * t Nov 11, lu and 16 As Ii was impasHl de lo ascertain what memters of the camp would attend it was d* t* rndn and to a -a committee to colie i th* 1 -* nam* s. Tide (ommiitee will r*-i*rt to the om inan*i* r and from thos*' who w ll alien i the reunion ihe camp's delegat a wilt l> selected by (’apt. 4’hesnutt. It is expected that twenty or more members of the camp will attend, beside '•rty or fifty from the Confederate Vet • ran* Association. The citizens of Au gttsfa are making elaborate preparation.* f*r the entertainment of th*‘ veterans and very **i.J>yable tine )m- bean promised. The mutter of a surccMor to Gen Kv ms. as ih** commander of the division, 'x is broached at the meeting last night • * xv is very slightly discuss* l. It up l i- ired tha consensus of opinion Is that th* i i* f thing t* do xx. mi id lc to Induce 4|en I !!vans to r* con-Id* r his express*-*! deter | ? 1 1 i*k*n a I withdraw his resignation Whom to support, in ihe event Gen ' lx-.- would not recons d* r. the camp did | not determine. M P.t 111 HIM* POH TUB NAVY. X ktatlfin WHI Soon He Opened In Waxnnnnh. Savannah will have a chance to con tribute its quota of naval apprentce* for the n**w battleships and cruisers sox n to oe put in • tvmniission. Commander XV. XV K/i* rut*r and As sistant Burgeon Jos* ph A. Murphy of th lVns;u ola navy yard were at N* xv Or leans last week receiving and examin ing re-niiti*. Saturday they ope* ed • recrulfing office at Mohde ard from .here they will come to Bivaunah. A* fast as they are examined anl rec-dved ih** recruit* are eent to the Pen*aco!a navy yard whre they are title I out with i ini forme to the value of s4*> each. Ap prentice* w ill then Ih* s* nt to the tr lin ing station at Newport. It. I . where thev will receive $9 a month and an allowance of .10 ents a xlav for ration* Dm lnx n will be sent to the receiving ship at Nor folk and will receive ll** a month. Hi:*i:i!TKl HI M ( lilt,I). Mulatto Wo limn llrouaht White In fant to Ordinary** ttl*-e. A rase of child desertion, which will i rohahly be reported to the City Kx hange to-day. came to light at the offf. of the ordinary yesterday. A mulatto woman brought a female Infant about a month old to the office for the purpose of getting instruct.onii from the ordinary as to the dls|ositi>n of the child She s.dd that the child was horn at her house tbout a month ago. on*l that the mother left the child with her. agreeing to pay i certain um weekly for its rare After J making two or tree payments the mother left for her home at Claxton. th** worn in -ai-1. no remlttaiic4*s have since been re • ived from her .ml the woman salt! that is she was unable o k**ep the child she wished to turn It over to the county. Judge Ferrlll being out of the city Clerk Kctibach Instructed th* woman to report the matter at the City Exchange. krill 4 K AN I XSKI3X WAGON. %• *1 Received Hrvern I Hrniar* llc lde *na*hlna Ml* Rlcyele. A wagon left on the Augusta road neir the Central Hallr*ad emhankmeni. xxas the cause of a bicycle accidaot last nig h. A employe of the railroad, riding towards the city alot 9 o'clock ran Into the wagon and smashed his bicycle l*esldes receiving a number of bruises himself R-a Ulng ihat his own experience might Iv* h* lot of any one else who might come a o g the road, he stayed near the plaxw ami saved at least one other bicyclist a bad fall and possibly similar Injuries hy w.rn. tug him of the obstruction. The mitier was reported to the police and th iwn**r f the wagon, when found, will doubtless be put on the Information do* ket for rare ly >sness In leaving the vehicle In so dan gerous a potdtlon. THE REC ORD 4 %| NED DEI, AY. lint Not .fudge Advocate's Fault It Dldai't (in Forward. Now that the record in the court-mar tial case of Cor pi. Harris, has been sent on to the Governor, it is expected that little time will be consumed In concluding It The Governor's approval of the rmd i of the court Is all that remains The delay In getting the record before the Governor has not been due to the Judge advocate, hut to the inability of the stenographer to complete hts work in time. L4eut. Harrow spent a week In Atlanta waiting for the record, hut it did not come. As soon as It was com pleted. It was forwarded, there was no further delay. Made an **Arouetug*' Speech, A letter to the Morning Newt from Walthourtville Myi that the Republicans there held a mass meeting Monday night and endorsed McKinley. Roosevelt and leaken The letter etates that Rev. p. J. ifuUtf Oksdii an ‘ ap/ualuf ' apeevh. GOLFERS GETTING IN TRIM. TIIK WILL Ol'Bt A* KOO% %S LINKS \|(i: IN ( ONIHTION. Nof s y|ia*l* tffewlion to He liltrn to Tournaments This Winter to Contests for Position—^The llnrlcn Co|f t lull PviM'clnl to send U T*nut Here Next %lonth Mr. Strwnrt tin li* Ue n t It H rue of the Links %untn mill Will It tun* In lor the Winter. The prospects for m successful gold sea son this fall and winter are exceedingly bright. Ye*terday Mr I C. Stewart, the professional golfer wlm w * in charge of the links of the Savannah Golf <*luh last year, reached the city and ut once assumed h.s oM duties. Mr Stewart w II l>egln Immediately to put the links In thoroughly good condi tion for th* fill play The raws and sum mer sun hav* caused the grass on the course to grow wHh .* luxuriance that is somewhat distressing to the enthusiastic golfer and some of the greens are gr •• or ny a good deal than is at all desirable. Sun and rains have served, however, to *od the greens comp.* • l> so that when the link.* are again in shape they will be better by long ol b than they hav* ever been In the past. It Is hoped by Nov 1 all of the work needed will have Ih en done. It Is the purpose of the club this year to d* %*ote utt flit ion not o much to tour nament but to con:•■-!* f- po-lti -n The twenty-flv* !••*t players In the club will Im* number*l In the order of th i ' expert ness from on** to twer.ty-fiv* The num ber to 1m a signed each club member will he determ!*-* I In t:** first in- nce by that to which he lay- claim, hilt he will have to prove hi** rich? to thi* number by play inir the man who holds the next low * r For Instance if a club member t? Ink** h** Is witlti< <1 to rack *- Numb* FI •*n the club list and Nnmbr S \ is In redulou as to h!s right t this standing. ;l th I t ter will b* requir'd to and > l ro ch ill* nge the former Then Number F-v m t prove ids title an* 1 If 1 e io •* th* k-fii the two m* mo. re will change pi n* - The club hopes to accotnjdKh m i h by this plan L i thought 'hit It will ere tte an Interest In the gator that • U I e a rouse* lln no other wav In *# *f n con tes* w th another club Number - * ‘n* to 3:\ will comics** Ih* team of the Savan nah fSoff Club, while Numb* r ne will be the team captain. Th* plan wl Ia s-t also in g Just what h n Heap Khali l*e all wed various out** ants In the lub tournaments. Th* - wil t • ’ n ttnue<l throughout the ful' an i win er though pcrh.ip- with not qul e #o much frequervr vas wa the ca ** it y ar. '! • tournament will be held It is exj ectrxi, about once a month. Karly In November It 1 op’d tlier*- wl I tr a contest with the P.tiden <lolt Club which Is very anxious to n.l tam o Savannah to ploy the Savannah Club ’P the latter - link- Arrangements for ihl contest have not be*n completed, but there -e* uis littb* reason to doubt that the me I will •** feaid Club members say that the lni*ret !n the game la# Ificr* ase<l a hundred i•* r ent. since last .** an and ha? ih#' gen eral outlook I muat encouragingk WILL TILT %T \ %LIHIkT%. t apt. Tassels Now Bus) Working Ip the Tilt. It Is now practically assured that th \airy tilt for the Sta;e Fair t Val dosta will be n g#> cpt A Gordon Ca-- -sis of the Liberty I rule pend* nr Troop who has been working up the tilt, received . telegram yesterday from Secretary A T Moore, offering 1225 In team and indi vidual prises, provided five teams of five men each are entered. Capt. Caaseie does not anticipate the slightest dlfUcuHy In securing the fiv* teams, and hofea that this number may l*e increase#! to elgtit. Including one from ihe Georgia Hussatv. He Is greatly In hopes that the Augusta and Atlanta troops will be represented hut ie afraid the\ will not make the trip on occoum of the distance as w ♦ It as beca j-e of th* fact that they re*ognixe the superiority of the Libert) county boys In the tilting line The prise* at VuMosti* will probably Ih <*rranges! on the t*-is of sl<n. PV* and $2.1 for the team prime*, and J2.V $lO and $ for the Individual prises The tilt*r.j will take their horse* with them, hut home* will Ih* furnished at VakV>*ta <or other m*-mters of the troops accompany ing the, In order that all mi*y par ‘lclpate In the (airade which will be made a feature of the day. The date for th* tilt has not yet been fixed. The matter *>f a tilt for the Wayrros* fair ha** not yet been arranged, though • Nipt. Cassela Is still |n correspondence with Manager W. \N Sharp Capt. (’as els wotiUi like to arrangf for the two tilts to take place on nearby date*, so that the. troopers coukl take in both af fairs on on** trip. FOOT I 111 MIKD in \ \\ Albert Unlklna, Colored. Fell From U nuon ti ml U hi Injnred. Albert Watkins. a painter at che Oen iral Hailrosnl ?*hoi. m#*t with a arrioua ac cident ye*t< rhy mornincr shortly after ? o’clffc'k. Ho wai riding on one of the Armour Packing Company's wagons. Tie wagon wa m being drivln nouthward on Jefftrson atrers and as it turned into Liberty street, west. Watkins fell from his seat and was run over by one of the wheels of the vehicle. It went nerds'* his left foot making a compound fracture of the ankle. The man was taken to the of fice of I>r. O. W. HcrkH. at Liberty and Tattnall streets, where the Injury was temporarily treated, until the man could b* taken to his home at No. West Boundary street. ¥ our lle.t ark. In the Held of mtdlrlM I* Hood'* Sr*- INiiili* It yo--. actual and unequal tr<l merit by which It cure* all duaun cauml or promoted by Impure or Impov eriahed blood. If >’flu have rheumatism, dyspepsia. acrofula or catarrh you nviy take H.kkl a S irpar Ilia and la cored. If you are run down and feel weak and tired, you may be sure It will do you good The favorite fnmlly cathartic I* Hood'a fill* -ad The private musicals of the Savannah Conservatory of Mualr will take p'.itc* the last Tuesday In each month, beginning with Oct. 31. omitting December. Thos desiring n thorough musical education would do well to attend, liyvktalton* can he obtained from those takinc jvirl, or by applying to me. Prof. l.eo W. Mehrtens, Director —d. Wonder* M ill Merer Cratr. Llppman lirothrr*. wholesale druggist#, Llppman block of thla city, are giving away free, a apiendld regulator clock nearly 3 feet high, with calendar attach* ment. al*o fhree dozen eample bottle* of Llpptnan'a liver pill*, free, to the pur haier of thfwi doaeti Ufpaaa a chill and fever tonic. Thla celebrated and renowned chill tonic la add with a p aiUve guaran tee. "No cure, no poy," and the price and rls> I* the ram* a* other standard chili lemca. Thla great exp nee it undergone simply to Introduce L ppmtn a chill and fever tonic, the best in the word —ad I A High-Grade Institution for Ladies Shorter Col leg*. Home, Ga. Writ* for caiaiogug.—adt The Quakers Are Honest People. Th Quaker Hrl § Tonic la not only a hlocd purlftar, but a lilool makar (or I’ala. Wrok and I>- billtalml people oho have not atrenttth nor blood It act* ua ■ tonic. *t refutataa difertlon. curaa dy iwpela and lend! •trenfth and (nna to the nervoit- evktem. It ta a medicine for weak women Jt • a purely vegetable medicine and can be taken by the mod delicata. Kidney T'l Kheumatl.m and all of th- Blood. Stomach and norvea eoon auccuinu to tta wonderful effeete upon the human is Hem Thousanda of people ! i • command U Pries 110$. •i’ \KKR I'AIN BAL.M l Ih* m-nllclre that the Quaker Doctor made all of his wonderful quick cur*a with. It • * and wonderfvil medictn* for N*ur* gi* Toothach*. Backacha. Rheumatism Sprain#. Pain in Bowels, m fact, all poin 4U be relieved by It. Brice 2U: and Sc ql'Akhk WHITE WONDER SOAP, a tnedb iud snap fur tha skin, scalp oa! iomplexio' Brice lsc a cak* Qf’AKRR HEALING SALVE * table ointment for tha cur* of tettar. e tema und * ruptlou* of th* akin. Prtca 10* s box. FOR BALE FT ALL DRUGGIST®. OIM. IN HKCTT \l. TO-NIt.HT. t'atkrdral Orinn to ll* Bla.vetl 1 J. Lewi# llronnf. The organ recital . th** Cathedral of St John the Bsptlst w l .vk pace t - nlxht. Mr J Lewis Brown**, the organ* !-•. reach*d h’.isatuiah \-*?#*rd.y from At Hinta and Is ;u th*- De Soto. The organ is in per ft- t condition, lir will in* k v n h : ilia I test before the re* Itul The pro gramme is ot.<- of unusua> ex-• ll* nee and the sole Of tickets has b* en Utge hi Is no knibt that tise rental wi.l bo well attended. (411 LUNT MSI. HUH OWN FINISH. so Tanked 1 * ans W 111 Have to Face •l- Itreordrr for It. GoMy Snow, locally known as a fortune telller. hut better known to the police as an habitual diunkard, wa-* in th** bar racks again yesterday, brought there by her chronic thirst for strong drink an.i her weakness In gratifying it She will he given a hearing this morning before the Recorder. At the barracks yesterday, was receiv ed. also Georgia Lewi-, colored, charged with the theft of $l2 from W Mathlson. Worth heel•■;. Is the street parade of Brof. Gentry’s Famous lK>g ani Bony Show, which ex hibits in thi* city three days. eommen'*lng I hurad.iy. Oct. 18. corner Bolton and East Broai sirerts. The |Mtsle this .*-**u.-*ai is twice larger than before, and is Mil to 1m the longest and greatest sttae- #tie play ev**r d**viei. th** little folks >nou*d not tw* denl*d the privilege of seeing Brof Gentry's parade, which w*:l be toe mos* oeautlful one ever seen in this city. The paraphernalia is all brand new The lit- He timm-iU- are in the re%t of health, and everything pertaining to the parade, as well as th** performance is strictly first ass. General admission, children lie; a*lulls. *c.—ad. | stud# Wlitle \ou Work. Through one of the ten free seholaishlp** In The International <’correspondence School.** of Scranton, Pa., which the Mo n lng News will present to you if you secure one- of th#* ten large*! numb is of veto# by Nov. 2'. liu. you can keep on etrmng .i living at your present work nn*l at the snm* time, by study at home In t;m<* usuady devoted to recreation or r*si. fit yourself for a professional position at a £olxl salary. You can easily becom#* one of the win ners of this contest, by tievoting your it tendon to collecting Voting Coup< r.s and k**eping at It No one has a ter chance than you. Get every vote you can. and have all your friends s.ive (heirs for you. JXV*7 Hound Trip to illnnta vin ('rntrnl wf lieor*!* Hnllws), 4r eiunl of lltc Southern Inleralnte Fair. Tti kets on sal#' Oct. 9 to 27. Inclusive; final return limit Oct. 30. l?n l>ouble daily through trains, sleeping cars by night, parlor cars by day. Ticket ofllce 107 Bull street and Central Passenger Station.—ad Wehnol Wtippllew. Just received a large and assorted sup ply of school bugs and school supplies; all at cut rates; from 10 cents up; also, usual large stock of all the school books, now use<l In t'hathnm county, at Kstlll a News llepol, 46 Hull street, (savannah, (la.—ad “Gravhtard is a family medicine with us.” sad a prominent bistros man yes terdav "My wife taxes It, and 1 notice etc la tnjoying better tuallh than for yeara The children keep well by taking It." Grnvb-ard may be obtain'd at a! drug ■tores or wrtt* to us for It. Itewpeaa Drug Cos. sole prop*.. Biva nah. Ga ad. \ llelleli tis Smoke. The Herbert S|>*nr*r Is an elegant cigar and is truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fumes of this One tobacco; II Is •vhilaratlng and deltcloua Hoe that the name of Herbert Spencer la on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigar* are only sold by the box of 60 Conchas at 33 SO. and Perfeda*. 14 SO at I.lppman Bros , whole sale druggists. Barnard and Congress streets, of this city.-ad. For Over Fifty Years. Mr* Wtnakyw's Rooming Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for D.*rhoeo. Twenty-five cents a bottle, —ad Teltrrme la the Same of It If you have any akin disease auch ae ecxema, salt rheum, ringworm, or tetter, nothing will cure you wo quickly or thor oughly as Tettertne. It has cured thous and* and w ill cur* you. Numerous teatl. ntonlals for the asking. Accept no substi tute. J. T. Shuptrlne. Manuf'r. H.tvan nah, Ga., will srnd you a hog postpaid fu* Wc. In "tamp# If your druggist doesn't keep U.—ad. Pnaltllng's Pippin Cider. This celebrated pure, apple Juice elder made In Long Island, can tie had In pint or quart bottles, direct from the manufac turer*. With their own stamp, at Ltpnman Brothers. Druggists. Bavann.h. Ga.^S. *•* - * "It Cored Me.” "Oraybe.rd broke up rheumatism on roe.” tays Mr Chaa Thomas, the Jew eltr on Whitaker street. And put me m £i£* r tlme!‘"' h ,I *‘ n 1 ** v * enjoyed In a Take Greybeard Pill* for th ., with a bottle of Orayb*ar<l It t* an need. Bespes, Drug Ca .oil karatuiah, a*.-**. t ' prot '*” FALL STYLES In Ladies’, Mens and Children’s SHOES In all the Up-to-Date Styles. *uitc by (hr kni makers t B , hl , rasa try In Tl H>k am tln ( Vlcl Kid. ■•<>, ( nil and P| riM rr. (or ntrrrt and (all drr., Rf|| yon ran And a( LATTIMORE’5 _ We can Give you Better prices On Stoves and Ranges than Any other House in Savannah. Come see Us To-day. POii THOSE Weddings THIS WEEK —GO TO— ALLIiN’S. THE WEDDING GIFTS STORE. Wh.r. I. kitlu-rri) (or your In.prolloa THE FINEST DISPLAY OK WEDDING GIFTS Ev.r shown In Savannah. WHITING'S SOLID SILVER. THE MOST BRILLIANT CfT GLASSL Camvoware In all Ihe now shape* <*# color! ns*. CHAFING DISHES. An Immrn.e lino. NEW LAMPS. And olh- r Ihlr.Rs m make a woman TRUNKS For the Millions. TRUNKS Made in Savannah. Boy TRUNKS From the Maker: SOUTHERN INK FACTORT. M. D. LUBI.N, Prop. Rales Room*. 216-314 Broughton " r ** i writ. Factory, 430 In oi Bay afreet, eart. ICHOOL6 Al9O COLUWiK*- _ ST. VINCENT'S ACADEMY SAVANNAH. OA. FOUNDED IN IS4&- Day School tor Young La<lle. *••*“* by the SlMera ot Mercy The cl> “" Instruction la Uiotough and coml’i* alve.. , . aj Tha acholaallc year commance* WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER. ALSO PREPARATORY SCHOOL r °* LITTLE BOYS. Small hoy* recalva that special cart a" attention which thetr aga demand* For term* apply to IQ n. . mother avrEPiy”.