The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 17, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Ofyr IHofning B>artti; lnu|i§ c *#*#a#h UI3HM HOU. OrTOlltll 17. I'.mmu. H|iliered 41 th# lWcnu- in ?*vaiiih. The MORNING NKWfI a# *#r> U#> lb >’tar, and •* #rv*l lu •wbunliMk In in* city. *f stat by lU4l*. *i 70c m n.onth. It vu tor ix moll lb*. ai*J I* lor <jc* )i*r. Tb* morning nkw*i. by 01*11. atx time# a Hik (nr.ibout Sunday #*ue> tin** niuoUu |i > , *x inuciUi* b on* >#r |I.U9. TO* WEEKLY NEWS. 2 i##ur • *fk. Monday *i*d Thursday, by mail, on y*4. ILOU. dubirt.pttoni In advmca. ll*- mii by postal orl*r check or rpgwlcrt*l letter Currency #at by mall at rUtk oi * r.d( r*. Transient advert iaacnaot a. other than §jh ia! column, local or reading n *. *#. I amuscmmia ui.J cheap or want lolumi. 2o cent* a line Fourteen Unea of •K# 1 *’ ; type-equal to one Inch squat* tti depth— I it the standard of me inurement Contract tai* and ila unt made- known on appli cation at bustiu** oIL e. Order* for delivery of th# MORNING New* to either mn-Wi.* or plnca of bualnefie may be made by pootal card or t.trough tele phone No 710. Any irregular tty in delivery ihould be lmme*hatcly re* ported to thv ofXlc# of publication. Latter* nid telf-gram* *houlS be ad dressed “MORNING NEWS." Savannah, O*. EASTERN OFFICE. £t Fark Row. N*w York city, II C. Faulkner. Manager. ITiDtX 10 m\ iDitfiTISEMUIi Meet Inga—Georgia Chupit r No. 2. R. A M . Buvamial) Bnux h N#**db—Woe k Guild, j O|M('UI Noti .di|| Notice, Georgia . Export and impuit (‘otnpany; Hheunuilim and Jauf*K** Cured by Suwaitee Bfrinm * Waiter. Plasterer# an*l Maaon*t Suppliea, Savannah Bui.ding rfuipply ('onitny; Slut* am) County Taxe. 11M). Hr van or j .VI KUtley. John Hunk Hhi| Notice, Hr*- j Ish Hteiroahlp Pydno, Hide a St earn- am) Ih- Content. It. V. Conner# t. Husinesa Notice*—H. A W. Amu>em*nts—"Private Join. A.lvn," at the Tfieah r. Oct. I)r-*w Shoe*—flyck Ilro* A Clothing Calm I yam—laeopokt Adler. Kllr<aid Schedule—Plan! System An •tion K.ik* “Old Ilo*j St* • Central of Georgia Hallway Comiatny. Pot-turn Food t'offec -Poatum CVreal Cos. Blfcull->rnreda Him ult Company. M t t-Nutrinc -Anh* t***r-llusch Brewing ( Association. Mlnt-ril Water-Buffalo 1/lthla Water, Suraiog.i Aronda k Water, AiNtilinark# Legal Noiire.wCltatkiti* From Clerk of Court of Ordinary. Corteta—Thomson • *‘Glove-FNling” Cor sets. Reef—Liebig** Extract of Reef. Medfcu; Warner a Safe Cure; World's I)il*cn*ar\ Preparation*. Win of Cardul; Hoods Pill*, t'aetoria; Tutt'* Pills; Hors ford's A< Ul l*ho#|b#U*, Cutlcura; It It It.; Mother'* Ffiaml; Stuart's Dyspepsia • Tablet*. Cheap Column Adverlisementa—Help j Wanted. Einployirn-n* WanUd. For RcM; For Hale; law*!. Personal; Ml* -elUineous. Weather. The indications for Georgia to-day are fair weather, with colder weather In Hurt twin portion, and fr*-h north to east wlhd.". and Eastern Florida. gnernlly fair Nv*aiht r in northern portion and fresn north*easterly wind*. It will noii(i<l that during Oo\. Rooftevelt * campaign In Kentucky h kept pretty clo.*c to the* Ohio line. To the conduct of Gen. Chaffee end the Amrrbun troop* in Cbm#. which la prais ed on all side*, there will, do Jitoubt. lie attribut'd much of America's strength In dialing with Chinese affair*. Sir Thomas Ltpton's talk about lenien cy to those who were caught short In the park market, I* very much on the order of the sympathy h received in America on making such a splendid tailing race for the cup. It is said a recent Imperial Chinese de cree announces that a Boxes* mad** an at tempt a few days ago to murder Em peror Kwattg Hsu The re|*.rt 1* evi dently In error. Kwwiig Hsu | not ac customed *o netting with uny calamity short of death. It Is a lamentable fact that more room for ihe accomodation of patients !# need ed in On Georgia Insane Asylum H*l I Georgia 1* not leading her sister state* la the mutter of lunati *. Havetai of tier neighbor# are finding it n c**ary to In crease their fat tiitlec for caring for unfortunates According to the way thinge ar- going In the Greene unl Gaynor rnu%al cam* It appears a whole iot of time could b* saved by aimpiy reading to th*< commi#- rloner the record In the Carter court-mil tion cam. The it (beat lon- are that th • same testimony will have i !t* goue over scvcial times yet Rcnaior H- well or New Jersey has joined Chairman Hanna In the denial of the ex istence of tru!*t*. This Is somewhat re markable <oming from the representative of the home state of trust*, a state wht* It tn*y be denominated the trust trt m sin * It practically monopolise# the output of these monopolistic combination*. The persistent reports rent out from Ne braska to the effect that Hryan'* home state Is likely to go to McKinley, are un questionably hull! on somewhat of a wind foundation. Investigation l* ds to the N • lid that the Democrats will carry ih state by at I*4*l *).<►' majority. Even the P.epubii an* w II admit that Mr. jfryen Is much stronger this year than he was In ]•**;, ami i: io rivoon I hot this ai ded stiingth extends to Id* htmti stale. Hotly Green # *vu I • evnhiitJy lim king tn on* of the main trait* ho should hove inherit**) from him moth* i ~eu - **. Bin* ** the defeat of his fu iion of the Republi can party tn Tex* . In lias become dis gruntled and will give it up. The Repub lican ticket nominal***! hy Green uin) hi< foiiovrert In that tat*- will b withdraw**i nnd he will renounce politics ava! return to New York to live. The < hence* rr* young Green did not go d** p mough into hi* mother# barrel, u political fault which, however, cannot he attributed al together to him M HOME -EM MV* lOtVIHV.** Four year* ago when Mr Hr van vi*ll 1 N.-w York lie f* It. *nd said he via *nt' ring the “enemy's country th en *m> in question being the opposition to b* politic al principle* which he repr* “iit • 1 At th* • tun- ' i* -c;d * . xt * th** paramount Dsue, and Wail afreet and New York city contituird the |nr-#-r <it* I ilsl of the gold standard force* n * -is eermtry, I\ was no won*b*r. , that Mr liryan sh>uid regard New Y*rk is ‘he enemy's ’oun#r> * > and *nt N w ; York tn its turn should look upon Ihe < *j'dtda!e as beftig ininn* .*1 to its intcr r sts. Hi reception upon that occasion eof'l and unfrbnll> Even hi- own party w is divide and, a * *nsl*U rabl end In fluential |km tion of It being against him How different ie th*- reception which is now accorded to h*m' Y<wtvday upon his arrival in New York he was given an ovation e- oid to non** ever re - * ived by any |#ollilcal < andl*l.t*- in th** nl> f ro|Mhs I.a-t night r*-d Area burro) r j k t r- im-'l th? i 4iic h at 1 ople shoute*| themselves hoar-* In honor of him )1< is no longer regard**) n* an an •my tn New Y'ork. but .* a friend and the h.irnpMin of the constitution, of the | republl an form of government ami of hu- | man Lle tHtc# ills party, formerly di vided and weakened, is now solidified on I mar* fnnj; behind the lairmer of siruisht , f Jemocracy. The and moiistrations of fettmisy and la # night were all that a candidate '-uld wish. They show* <1 thut th* purtl*'ipanis | in them were in earnest, that they lead aw *keli* *1 to flic n#**‘Ssit|es of the cam- i paign and had determined to put forth every effort to carry the election. Tiio j amount of enthusiasm evinced encourag*** I th* hope that next month New York city ; will show on** of the largest Demo* ratio majorities It has ever polled Mr llry.m'ft present visit to New York Male will extend over five •lays. (Hiring which he will -peak In fifteen or twenty citir> and town." The udvanctv reports are to th* effect that the reception# which he will meet up-state will he quite ! a cordial as that of New York cw>*. j Apathy has lieen thrown oft. and th** |eo- J !*|e Hr** unxiou* to hear the Nebraska j man's presentation of the case of his j par(y. (•KIIHtH'I lOTIIIN HPPLT. We printed the oilier *iay on utwirsd from the oftbdal r*iori of United Hi ales Comm) Winter <it Annab*rg. Gernian>. In | which he called attention to the fact thgt th* German Colonial Anemia tion had re cently eni a petition to the Imperial Cinn * llor lequeatlng that every mean# lx* up** *1 to Introduc e c-otton growing Into vhe different Oar man colon!*-*. wh*r* ell- j m-ih and .-oil would be favoraid* to the sum** If, for som< reaoi, Germany should Ih* cut off for on** year from her cotton supply. h*r* wouk! b* a crisis of tneglculatde conaequenoas," he* wrote. “Germany, France am! England," he con tinued. "have never forgotten the years of IsMC. when their cotton aipply was cut off by the* bkx’kade of the H*>uthern states." This Is a matter of Interest to the South ern state#, which mon*qoltx* the cotton production of the United States Ger many tk*w annually, either by direct im- ] |Mrtation from this country or Indirectly j through (if'iil Uni.iut upwards of 271.001). - J VW worth of cotton. Her dlrevt imoorta- | uons of raw- cotton during eight months of the present year hav** ainount*d to nearly ID (*O,OU). lMltig only sorm* Ijo.txio - (So km than the amount taken by the I'lilted Kingdom, the largest (Htrchawer. G* ha* made some ex|e*r:ments | kniking to the prodin tion of cotton In her ' cxiloiilee, hut so far she has sue ceded In f growing annually, on.y about >l7.ou(* worth of the staple. Whether success will fol low her further effort# cannot be fore told. Her possessions In Africa might be mti'ie cotton produ. ih to some extent, but they are burdened with u Pernicious edniute which has hereiofor*? dlmxAurag***! white Immigration The home aovernm* nt has offered inducements to farmers to set tle In Africa, but so far they have never emigrated there In any consider able num bers. It Is possible, too. that an effort may be made to get the German Immi grants who are settling in South America to become cotton raisers. It is m>: strange that Germany should | desire to put b**rfe|f Into posse?*-ion of a cotton supply. Indeed, It is a patriotic purpose In a sense, since It would ufford employment for thousands of industrious German farmer#, subjects of the Emperor, who now find making a living more or less difficult While the effort# of Germany in this direction are Interesting, there Is nothing In the situ.ition to cause alarm on the |>art of Am* rk an cotton grower? It would be muny years, even und* r favorable condl* Uons. before the Grman colonies rotikl Is gin to pro*!u* e an adequate cotton #up ply for the consumption of the Father und Meantinu* m this country' th* mib# •re coming to the fields, ami w* are uiit-.g mw markets. Thus before Ger many could possibly *lr*q> out a# u con * >mer of our cotton. \s> shoal*l b* In a position to *lonilnai* ttv- market- of the w*i*d lu cotton manufactures. According to a disiMit* h from C hicago It took “several policemen and a sheriff t > g**t Mr Manna to the platform upon which he was to address the %*o:ers of th# St.u k Yard districts. !*s>t Saturday night It did not take Ihe Republican chairman i- ng to ills* over h* was tn the wrong j P- w The good-natured sallies from the ! audience, though nn act of rudeness to | ward the speaker, cut short his speech, j and he was. doubtless, sorry he attempt 'd any tnDsionary work In that section A** no chunks of Ice were thrown no or. ! seats were made. i | Chicago gambit rs have just erected , j large budding In which they propose to , open shortly w hot will be a veritable • Mont** Carlo They have shrewdly erect ed the structure right upon the lln* that divides Cook and Will counties, so that If th • rut hurt tie- in either one mak>? trouble, all they will hav# to do will t* i move their games and paraphernalia to the other side of the bubdlng. In addi tion to this. It may be udd*'d, that every facility will be provided for parting the player# from their money. David Hot silver, a Gold Democrat, of New York, was an unhappy man until n f* w days ago He w;.- “pie" for the punster and advantage w- taken of It until, in a fit of desperation, he dropped the I'ot and became plain Mr. ftllvu While about It he might have secured name that would more nearly lit his politics. THE MOHMKG NEWS: WEDNESDAY.' OCTOBER 17. moo. THE 111. %<K 111 % MIND H %fI.RO %!>. Thk enterprls* tlie rev*val of wht • wa# i:*:>tl* *k| a w* k eince, is again ex citing attention, cap* wily in the coal regions of Kf tuc k> . and ns the alUged o Hftlv • point of 1 *i* abroad is H**\ar mh wiHktever k raid or done by in* projfctore !?• of interest in this part **f ihe world Col Boone, the projector. or he i # .ipd the Railwa I'a’h hr.dd," Is i earn**' * tn (he efforts I t carry out Inn project Tn* jeople of in part of Kentucky In which he Hvcv*. have . very confidenc‘ in th* ultimate aucc*#** of ihe liia# k Dam*>r I. whim will ;** n up ih** sum res**ur*. . of i ’>• mineral i- - fiofiH of tla; stale The lion. Henry V Maxw**d, HI t *i* 1 over IK > .) M*** -enger, of Oct 13, -ays. "1 believe Col. Hoon** to tea great in.*., un hotu**H man. an*l a man who under ail < andltion* will stand fast to tut pledge- an*) ■ says he win build bis kmb.*-track rail road from the Kentucky coal flebl# to the s* t Mr Maxwell ways Col U<#** In I<* saw the n -c*siiy for <i gr*a trunk lln* from fh*> Tennc***** .m l Keniu*'kv * mil neklft to tidewater, *?.•! continues "if you will look at a m*r >ou will se that the two great wealth hearing #•< tion# of the Untied no; penetrated u\ railroad#, *i directly upon the propo*<-d line f the ILack Uuamon*) It you Will look t* tu** territory ladened with the heavier li irdwrxw! ond under kl wiih th** lest coal in this or any other country, you will mark the I# t that t he prup-wd Hiack l>i.*moi)<i pene trates it The Hla k Diamond will be Bu*t; It mtiM la* iHJi.t There U a divl*- km 'f semtrncfM Ltw.,n Col. Ho*>ne iM.klnsott and Kirk by, uiv) Kim* of the board* of directors, that In my opinion. mnot be healed, nor !* I want It so, as the plans now outHm-d by Col. Boone. n mv opinion, for aurpa** his flisf. con eptlan. nd 1 say unto th* faithful I. i ti - follow HoOtie, and tvi i him. wtn #u - cess Savannah ha not lieen ca<le) on. nrwl it I- not likely to b- called on. to help In building tlx* Hla* k Diamond, but It extends Its be#, wt#hc# to p# projectors There is no ,|rt on the Atlann*- that off**?- I*ettr Indu ement* for .* *oalii slutujri than this* port With cheap coal, vesacin bound across th** Atlantic that now nave to risk the dangers of Cape Hatteraa in order to take m a supply of coal, would come to B'lVMiiriuh In prefer nee. b* a us** th* v woul! not only ovoid danger, but save lnv There r# a <!•*♦ *i or more well protected sites Ik*l**w* th** city. anl of qut<*k ace ex* for veeweD. suitable for coal wharves, to which rail road tracks could ensile la* built. The time will come, and there p n> telling how soon, when the great advan tage# of the port and bar M>r of Savannah will be even mor* thoroughly appreciated than they are to-day. The Improvement* on llutchineon# Islaii'l. which a little over a year ago was a manat) und qoag nure. and Is now . teeming hive of com merce. are proof **f what can be done. There ar** forty mile# of river from ad jacent to Savannah sus.eptible of simlllar Improvements. Let the Black Di • mond. and u Uoieti other rullroa*!-. come here, and they will find ample room to locate their terminals. A FIGHTING I II %N( F.. The New York World says that through Its rorre|iondcnts It ha# careful I \ poll-d every congr* xMonal diotrb t in the coun try with rtpe*f to the probable divis ions of the next Congress. The result of this | x*l| show- Ihe r u-onabl** expectation thut the lUpubHcuns will elcH’t 17U mem bers, the iH-tnocrats 127. tin* Silver lie pubibUns 2 a*l th** Fusionlsts 6. having 10 seat# doubtfut An analysis of the re |mrt# shows that th* Democrat# hav* n fine fighting chance to control the House, there being enough doubtful district* to make the strength of each party uncer tain. Th* present Congress (the Fifty sixth) is divide*! as follows; It* publican# lsi Democnat* ic.t All other# K Vacant (Utah) i Ttkal £7 Th*' moM notiibh gain?* indieated by the World's forecast are in New York, where the He publican# will probably re claim district#, one of which I# in Man- I bat tun borough; in Indiana, where th* I lem<** rai# will probably gain four mem* ! hers; in Kentudiy. where they will gain | one; In Ik law are. where they will gain j on**; in Missouri, one; in Mary land, mn ; and In Connecticut, one In several of the districts counted In I the ItepubilcMn column, an well as in the ! t*n classed as doubtful, the contest# nr** so dost* that either candidate might win wKhouf occasioning any surprise. Hav ing such m narrow margin to overcome, and being in so favorable a position with respect to iiublh 1 questions, there is every reason why the Democrats ehould put forth extra efforts to capture the House. A Dsfno rati* I‘rewldent without a Con* grass in sympathy with his plans to Mip lort him would be seriously handicapped. i # r At the W* #t Virginia Agricultural Ex perimsm Htatlon, pressure has been trle*l | n a means of preserving milk beyond the | usual period. %|th somewhat p • ulmr ro- I { Jectsd to n pressure of Itio *o> to :.i (it) pounds to the square inch, continued for | an hour, will keep from twenty-four to ! sixty hours longer than milk not to treat ■ * and. hut no amount of pressure completely ' sierlltged the milk. The milk so treated | has been found to have peculiar taste# ) and odors, allowing that not all the bac* I term were killed by the pressure. The chances are ihat for some time to come | the most Hatisfudory ni* tliod of preserv ing milk will bo to get It fresh every day. The discussion of yellow fever in Ha vana has led to several I meres ting theo iles, one noted Cuban physician holding that tn* dlseas* is in some way connect ed with the sea. slnee ther* is no ini ind place where It *s endemic. Another vU*w relating to the upread of the *lle *#*, un<l on** to which Gov Gen. Wood seems to in cline. is that It la conveyed by parasHtc Ins* ts like the moxqutto. If f**w other duilioUcal crimes nro f.tstened on the mos quito. in nddition to hix fori ln*.-►*• for spreading malar! i and yellow fever germs, the-war of extermination will begin In earnest. According to the headline* of various papers Gov. Roosevelt I# playing very much of a losing game He ha# lost .hi# yolce on several occasions, and the other day at Louisville. Ky.. he Is said to have lost hi* head. The next thing we know liu* Governor will be losing his grip, If he Im# not already lost 1L It i# a*'oni#hiftg what varying result# are ,ttabled hy camoiign estlinatgrt. Home day# ago ** jartUi |oii of New York Ciiv fu mb tied n bast- f*>r on esti mate wiving itryan 72,60) or •* major Ti* New Y.rk Hera * ) • * , < *ke* , post#! card ftol! in certain tti#* tri o the r*HiU of whP 'i t is the I *r.M;;h of Manhattan will give Bryan w majority of It.oob wntle That of Brk -|y* will furnish 21.0n majority for Mc- Kinley . Fttf'ures or** all very w*.l to *i>‘% ulate w.tii. but ax a matter <>f fact j Ihtn is r>u l e.ling the storm is go* I ing to do un Hlt ha# blown over Tue , , ileraid. rrh>reover. |s W i*o would have thought that the tus- i < lous and healthful apple would ever ap- I> *r in the rul* of . purveyor of typhoid germ- ’ Much is stated to b** the case, how * ver. * the H ixquehanna Valley Ofphaoa* Horn* Binghamton, N Y . wbrre twen ty-seven case# <>f ivphold fever have de- i yeloi*e*t is the r* -ult of eating apple# con* | tributed by orne charitably di# l*o>*- ) per son If l# to lx* hoped that such a charge | cgainst the apparently innocent apple will not be substaniiotf *}. W hen L>rd Robert# Hnlsh*-*! his work of subduing the iw# Smith African tepubdes foun 1 ther*- wax oon-lderab'e more to 1 do to keep th**m oubdued The *om m n!er-in-< hlef. n seem-, will l ave to spend several more weeks with hi# friend*, ihe Boers. l*Ett#Cl\ % | . —Th* library of the late Frofgsaor Bun- 1 ►en the great chemlr-t of Heidelberg, wi’.l probably b* brmigbi to th's country, as 1* wa- recently sold < On* av Te k sn extensive dealer In obi lHN*k* in I,et{*xlg who is th* German agent for th* 1 bm- ! rles .ft -* veral of the !rg* ita# and uni versities in th** Unite! Htate —lt 1# now poalttv* ly xtate*! that the dis ••use from whl h the Enq- or of Uhir.a lias been variously reirt’<l a- mere y si* k. nearly b*ad and dead u* cancer of the thtoat. Dr ban* hn.m of Mhinghd mad*' xuch a dlagno#:#; I ? I* her . a Drench physl'lan. reached the aim * > on* elusion and 1 *r. Hheng Id tn Feng, the of ficial native physician, agreed with i —The Queen of Sw. den who w. nt to Germany when she left Eng lard on * visit to h**r sister, the Princess Dowager of Wlvd. is i.ow staying to r a mouth a: llontief. on th*- Kliinc where tii*re | n lira* water cure catubltshment. Hoire' 1# a pre-ttv village it the foot of th# : Drachetifvl*. nearly oppostt** to R lnd ! sack. Queen Hophtu will probably pay n -| other visit to Ena and next winter. ! —Dr Horatio C. Wood, the brain ptclal - ml of Philail* i|a>ia. who has Just returned j from a trip to Japan, says "Th*ie Is an oniagonDin existing 1s tsr<*n the Kur - l*t*an# In commercial !if** In China i'd | the missionaries The former, especially among th* younger set. are apt to fall i Into dissolute manner of living which pre- I elude# any sympathy with ih* id*as of the churchmen The mixxionarh # .r th* wedge **f clvllixalion. It is a'ways the case that they lead and * turner • fol low* BRIGHT HIT#. —“ln wooing, thus, this wayward maid." 1 asked, “wha* xort of philter , Did you employ?” The youth replied; •'The let* exam him Li filled her!" —Detroit Journal. —“Mis# Spelt," said tire t*asin*xw man to bl# mw typewriter, "you ore certainly wasting your talent# here." “Really?" gasped the young lady. “Yes, you shoti.d go In far httnviTOU# writings You hove th* making of a fe male Josh Billings.*'—Philadelphia I*re^. —“l>o you know a real good, reliable picture painter” tysked Mr. Cumrox. '•Plenty of them." "Well. I've decided to go in for art I hear nil them people bragging about pay ing ten. twetity nisi thirty thouwand dol lar# tor picture#, and I've decided to break in ond show 'em • thing or two. I ain’t going to have any second-hand stuff in my salon. You send m • around a good, reliable pointer, and I'll give him .t contract fsr two or three llflb.ono pic tures, mode to order for Cornelius Cum* rox, Exq."—Washington Star. —"I suppose you have to lake rare to be absolutely accurate In your calculation#." said the mar who was wa tiding the sta tistician work "No," answered the man of mathemat ics. “These figure# are for compnign pur poses. What is expected of me Is to be convincingly Inaccurate." —Hbtdons—Tb*‘ other day I went out walking with my ln*x( girl, and after we got a block or #o from the house I dis covered that I bad *otne off without my hat. Mplgglet##—What did you do? Hlddon#—Oh. 1 loot my head. n*l then I did not ned it. you know.—Judge. ft WHEAT niMMIAT. As an Illustration of the jwlnf of polit- Ical view in the Far Northwest, the fol lowing is taken from the F* ittlo (Wash.) Time# (Drm.i “There Is no question but that th*- leader# of the Republican party are moxt thoroughly frightened and that Hanna is deaperate in his efforts to organ lie his forces, to rax* . corruption fund which h* deem# to be necessary and to arouse that ‘apathy* which the great po litical ‘bo#< claim# to prevail among Re publican# everywhere." The Macon Telegraph says; "Speaking j of wheat, there Is no good reason why F Georgia fanner# should not plant more this season thun last. In fact there I* , * very good reaxon why they should. it is no longer an experiment. Two xucces | *lve year# have shown that It Is u •*>•! ' < rop for Osorgla. Now •# the time to pr*- I jwre th# soil. Th** seed should be in the ground within the next thirty days." j The Memphis Commercial-Appeal (DemJ 1 says: "If the negro population of North I Carolina were deported to Massachusetts I bodily, those negroes can vote now in North Carolina could vole tn Mas- i ! chusetts. while shoe# who can't vote now : n North Carolina could not vote in Mas : sachuoettx In other words M.t*xt*< hu xetts* law# would "disfranchise" the ■ earn* number of ah the North * Carolina laws." The Philadelphia Time# (Dem.) says; "The Monn* t in .dent demonstrate.- in the most striking manner the entire In sincerity of Republican professions on the subject of trusts, and th* anti-trust vo ter who votes for McKinley and Koose j velt this year will vote with his yes j wide open for a continuance of trust ex tortion and trust domination of all the tn , dustrle* of the country." The New Y'ork World (Dem.) says "Capt. Richard P. Leary. D H N.. should j be employed ns a Republican spellbind* r. Flaking of cltlxens who oppose MeKtn -1 lev’s Philippine p*)ltcy he says ‘lf I had : my way I would hang • very damn one of j them!' This is an admirably accurate ex pression of the spirit of imperialism." The N#w Orleans Picayune (Dem.) #tys: "Ever-falthful Georgia and Texas arc th** ! only stair# In th# Union that have voted i for the Democratic candidate in svery * •declion sines th Civil War." 1 Mailer ul ( oiociriifp. oid man Hogg' >on has always i*#en n firm believer in the doctrtne that no mar. U# a right to tell another h*w to volt, say# the Chicago Timet-Herald. ' A man's politics.'’ he h* often sari “is Juu; ax **•■’tcl us his rclisitn. You lu n t any more right to toll me wha; ticket 1 must vote then 1 have to tell j >ou what church you've got to go to. Those think* must always be left 10 th# 1 dh at* of cone trace. I never vote ex- ! '•pi ording to m> convict lone, i don't *f* alia wkJKiti- ai# at stake. Tout'* tny motto. ' The o.d (non ha? aiwa)# liked to repeat true wnvlit-ver iu could get an> od> to | listen to him. aid there are few ot lux aoquait*tani es who have not heard him lay down Ma principles at i*.#t ** % ore of times It Is well known, too. that he ha •icvcr tn hi# life voted any ticket ex cept that which hie father vote! before him. A few weeks ago Hoagleson beard that 1 hie o.d tiiend Harkn* ■** nod a vacancy In bts office for a to> who*d to work h<s w >v upward Ho he wiu lo e* about atxurlng the place tor h)s giundson. who Is an or phan I'd ted you h**w it Is. Haggleecn," said Hirkn*.** Tve made up my mini to keep this jda e for sonic boy w io can he brought up in my own political faith. Now you an.l l belong to different parti*#, and. of course, you've been teaching your principles to th* boy. 11l tell you wnat | I'd do If you vote for my candidate j this year I'd ukr chances on th© hoy and give him the place." Daniel Haggb-eou was almost dum founded for a m*m*nr at the wicket! au oacity of the propotiliioD. "Politics .V sail, “when he could ' si#ak, a matter of loiiacienee. You have no right to tell nn* l’v* got to do n a Tm* owi*r of store or m mi rune-xhop has* no tight to tell the i who work for mm how they've got ;o vote, and if there ain't a law to pun i-h hlm for trying that km*i or rstrulm ft ?• ought to l*e M) never except i <• ‘cording lo the di tat*s cf my con- J science. I don’t tare what happens!" That's ad right Hurknese replied *T don t want to coerce you. I m* rely *** rt * i f you wl,i piomt • to vote for mv * in*le)a.( IO take the iroy in. |f you dotl't want to u*. *; • the pro)x>sition I have ro j's* r and no *les|re to compel you. Go home and consult your ('onscience *.r*out it I U keep the place open for n day or two " o,i *ra( htfhly tn.lununl *i ihoucht." h.- Mi.t. "dm: Hark * * •'*** *ufii thing* Matter* ‘ °m- to n rtnr p... if |f.r*,n ooiddn't Kr ' u 1° ’ #**>' mor<- without coin, through u po.tlkal rxamiinttion.” Two da>* .ft.r tho Iniorvlrw with llitkno.. u bov .p|x u1..1 dt thr otti -<■ It" npliUMd that ho w* th th.- Krandnon of Ddni.l Hd,gte.o.i, and had >uw to tak" the place.” <*h Arut itl.j the oid ip-nilt titan enj any ward**" X.p the hoy replied, “grandpa wo# M*t- u l—tdlte ail .11v yeeterday thlnkln dh"thitut. .ind h" nnrie.| to .to th- .ame thine naam thle tnornln?. Intt prett) soon he romp .town .itul *i,M l*atn it. Ere,t. K „ oi l K et the Job I uin t <ot my conr.-lence jut where it *""" ,n *' yel ***** I'll et It tiefore elec tion tinv. ali r!trht.••' Important M-n.oraM.lii. Ma, nty ,h)M (tone in?" mqulrrd an e*. ■ <l*.t man In a W„t S l,io laundry. The |■r,•tty cltrk turnnl down a pair, In her hovel, ,ay , h e Chicago New,. Then ,he siood up and said: "Beg i#rdon?" ' 4l * *•“Hlrt gone In the wash yet?" When dal you leave it here?" tlrof kT”* hour * KO ' ml “ Please try tn •Than I suppose you left your stud In the M>#om? "No. miss." ' Well, you forirot to take the cufr bul . tons out?" "No. mis," Then what did you wont with th shirt? " I Just wish to we the 1.0,0 m a mo merit. She found Ihe pari-el he Iwd lf and Opened it on the counter. "Ah, there it is." "Everythin): all rtghtr’ “Yea. mUu>." I ten he pieked up a scrap of paper and b'Kan copy In*’ a ||,t „f or,l, that w-.-r aer.iwle,! on the shirt bosom. "Purple, p.tiß. emerald and Ma*en!a." he read. ,-,n.l then transferred tliem to the paper She watched him. "Wlras In the world are they?” "<Yln. of embroidery silk We live "I'rin a hundred yards of the rallraid and my wife eat ed out the ,v>lors from the porch IO the ear window. Didn't hare ■ i book so I ran ihem off on my la.oin I lien I foraot there ever was such „ thtn* ,s embroidery Silk, until ata.ui 11 hour nfier I broilebt In my laundry It's lucky I didn't wait any looker. though." 1 n,iu1.11,1 Writes a A,„ lntoxlphtTl with the success of his first attempt at son K writing says the Chloaao Tlmes-llerald. Alderman John J Couah lln has /.train tuned his lyre, and will In a few weeks produce hi, second sore Ihe title of Which Is "When the Rose, Kiss the Moonbeams.” In writing hi, now song, which Is a serenade, the alder man says he has done what no other com poser over attempted, he has started with the chorus and the tlrst verse |, to be written last With the author's per mission the chorus Is herewith published When the roses kiss the moonbeams In the a loam of evening twi'll-ht, And the little birds have htd their heads in sleep; It ts then I love to wander With my sweetheart neath the starlight And to tell her goo-goo stories of the deep. I don I expect to produce mv new sonk before the holidays.” said the First ward statesman last nignt t ( m,,,, nr a area,. <r hit than near .viwinishi ot )Xve. tor there Is mote natno, to 11, ine title alone will mag. It a go. but tne words and music win ne superr. m tn„ mortis >ou will observe. I have thrown In roses moonbeams, twilight and birds, which will Certainly make the song a big winner. • ” \\ hot .to you mean by 'goo-goo storie, of the deep" ’he aldeitnan was asked ■'tioo-goi. stories.” the politician-author replied. ”1* a poetical way of saying that he handed the girl hot air.” Thut Old Dispute. "Well, after all" she said, according to Ihe Chicago Tim, s-H. raid, "you men can't get around one fart when you try do tnak- out that man Is woman's intel lectual superior. You admit tuat It was II woman who caused the first man's downfall. Now. If that doesn't show In tellectual siipcrlorliy on Ihe part of the lady. I'd Ilk,- to know why If the man had been above her mrntally. how rould sh* have accomplishes! hla overthrow? If h>- was her superior why diin't he "Pardon tne," the man Interrupted, "you haven't started guile far enough back. As In al) such cases, there was sn ot or fellow around to put her up to It." After which she scorn, <l him ami enter ed into conversation with a boy at the otiur sate of the room. Horsford s icid Phosphate For Dyspepsia. i Strengthen* the stomach, assists di gestion, relieves distress and the feel ing of exhaustion and dullness. Geaniae bests name Honaoan'f oa wnppst. SKIN TORTURES And Every Distressing Irritation of the Skin and Scalp Instantly Relieved by a Bath with CUTICURA SOAP And a single anoint ing with UfTlcuaa, the great skin cure and purest of emollte-,. Till, i* the purest, swede.l, moat speedy, permanent, and economical tr. ~tr . torturing, dUtigunng, iuhiog. burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pj,,,,. v , k * and scalp humors with losa of hair, and haa received tho endorsement of phyek.ati, ehuwisU, and nurses throughout the world. /fK Millions of Women “TV'3 Ur CtmcrSA soar, exclndv, ,erv lug. purifying.and t iftidOW for softentag, whitening, sad . • a rci . h rough, and sore hand*, lu the form. \ Z. A for annoying trrtuUons, tnflsuitnath,: < V* v / \— , hating fuMisiu- bon tn tl.e form of washes tor u , \ > v ■ /PQC . ltic purposes which readily sugg.-t'tt - I >4t*n and for all tho pur|>osesof the 1 j _ vVa' ri f a- Induce tliose who have ou,e u-. 1 , t ( s * olflSHl/ .JffirHjt&W purifying the sUn.sratp, and luur of Ini ,u* / t&Jfcf'jZY and children, (menu 80*1 _ delicate emollient properties and. CCTIct-Ra, the great skin rur , t //L”” purest of cleansing ingredient-,I u , ' ■' ;refreshing of flower odors. No.” **' jWmSfUMIbvJ calrd soap ever compounded la 1 I* , 1 ” *• pared with It (or presen tog. purl 1 eg „ j IcauUfylng the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic t , t however i-xpcosire. ts to be compared with U for all tho purposes of the toilet, luih, ~ j nursery. Thus it combines tn OXK Soap at Owe Pate*, vti . TwitSTt rivs. t , s r , i Uxr skin and complexion soap, the bust toilet soap and near baby soap tn tho world. ~ Complete Eiternii and Internal Treatment for Eteq Humor, Price, $1.25., Coosistfoa f CcncntiA }<oAl* (C \ 9 to cle*DM the skin uf crusts and scales and sc twu tbs thlrkrocNl . uiicl, Cirri* t*K4 OiKTltlirdOe.), lo lo#t#ntljr allay lloliinx. laHsirealton, a t i lrn . i.hiion and socib# sol beal, at#l (.’pticvra Hxsoltxnt (sOr.t. u cool and cleans* ihr bi(xd v HiimsLS i*t t \m often •iidit lent lo cure the m***t torturing, dislbrurtn*, and humlilstlrur skin. - ajp and blood humors, with loss of hair, when all else falls. r*oid throughout the world. I'orTct Dulo 4#iC ua. tom* , dols l‘ro| t , Bo4U>n, Mass. " all about the bkio, bcolp.aLd llau/'f.^ Ocean SieamsliiD Go. -FOR- New York,Boston —AND— THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. All the comforts of a modern hotel. Li#ctnc lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets include meals end bertha aboard ship. Passenger lares irum Savanoai TO NEW YORK—FIRST CARIN'. S-*. FIRST CAIiiN ROUND TRIP. Itt. IN TERMEDIATE CAUIN. 416; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, *■ BTKEKAGE. 110. TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN. 12!; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. * IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. sl7; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. $•. STEERAGE. sll 75 The express steamships of this lln* ar* appointed to salt from Savannah. Central (Doth) meridian time, a* *ollows: SAVASSAM 1U SEW YORK. CITY' OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett. THURSDAY. Oel. Ik. 1:0U p m NACOOCHEK, Capt. Smith, SATURDAY. Oct. K, 3.00 p. tu KANSAS CITY .Capt. Fisher. TUES DAY. Od 23, 43 p ni CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Berg. WEDNESDAY. Oct. 24. SO* p m TAI.I.AHASSKF.. Capt Aeklns, THURS DAY. Oct 25. 5 30 p. ro CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett. SATURDAY. Oct 27. 70 p m NACOOCHEK. Capt. Smkh. TUESDAY. Oct. 30, 10:00 p. m NOTlCE—Steamstilp Cltv of Birming ham will not carry pasefbgers. ,M; \\ YORK TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. WED NESDAY. Oct 17. noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. MON DAY. Oct. 22. noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage. FRI DAY Oct -1 noon. CITY' OF MACON. Capt. Savage. WED NESDAY'. Ocl. 31 noon. Thla company res, rv, s the right 10 Chang,- Its sailings without notlcr and without liability or accountability there for. Hailing, New York for Savannah Tuew d*v, Thursday* and Saturday* 5 <v> p. tn w 0. BREWER. City Ticket and Pa -engt-r Agent. K'7 Hull street. Savannah. Ga E. W. SMITH. Contracting freight Agent. Savannah, Gn R. G TREZEVANT. Agent. Savannah. Oa. WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic Dept, 224 W. Bay etreet. Jack sonville. Fla E It HINTON. Traffic Manager. Sa vannah. Ga r E I-FI FEY'RE. Manager. New Pier S3. North River. New York N Y" Mefchonts S Mineis Iransporlolion Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore, & Philadelphia Tickets on Sal,- to All I'olnts North and West. First-class tickets Include meal, an 1 berths Savannah lo Baltimore and I’hlla delphla Accommodations .us I cuisine unequaled. The t<amrhlps nf this company are ap pointed to rail from Savannah as follows (Central Standard Time) TO BAI.TIMORE. DORCHESTER. C,pi. Jam<e. THURS DAY Ocl. IS. 2:30 p. m TEXAS Capt Eidredge, SATURDAY. Oel 4 |> m. Sailings from Ilaitlniorc Tuesdays, Thursday* and Saturdays nt 4:00 p m. TO I'HILAOEI-I’MIA. BERKSHIRE. Capl. Ryan, FRIDAY. Oct 19 3:30 p. m Sailing- from Ptilladelphbt every five days at 3 p m Ticket iifflie No. 11! Hull street. J. J. CARD LAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN, Trav. Agt Savannah. Ga. XV. P TURNER. G P A A. D. STEBRINS. A. T M J. C. WHITNEY. Tram Manager General Office*. Baltimore. M), Albemarle Madison Square, West, N. V.. O. B. LIB BEY. Prop.. fVnwlee'rft. n tti> The local on of this house Is most de strahle. being central to .ill places of amusement, .ir.J to the shopping district. Special attertlon paid to the cuisine. A number of very desirubls suite* to rout lor the winter. [earn a profession Without Leaving Your Present Position. Work for One of the Ten Free Scholir sbips In The International forrespor lr. , Schools of Ss-ranton. Pa., to !• given hy tho MORNING NEWS to tl .• im l>ersons receiving the must votes by Nov. 20. 1900. Ten Free Scholarships. 1. MECHANICAL ENGINEER!NO. 2. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERIN'; <lncluding Complete Electrical Oulflt) 3 ARCHITECTURE. 4 CIVIL ENGINEERING 5. SANITARY PLUMBING, IIEATIXQ and VENTM.ATION. CHEMISTRY. 7 COMMERCIAL BRANCHES, k. MECHANICAL DRAWING (Including Complete Drafting Outfll) 9 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING (Including Complete Drafting Outflt| 10. ORNAMENTAL DESIGN (Including Complete Designing OutflL) If you receive the most votes, you will have the arsi choice of the S hidtirshh. If the n*xt largest! the second •- If the third largest, the third choe . . and so on until ten persons huve elio-.':i tra Be hoi* rshi|>s. Each Scholar*hip will quality you for actunt work In a profe**lon, the same a- If you went away to College. Over 2no.m*> men and women hive en rolled (n iliesy fSehools Hint Ik . n bene flted by ihetr Ccur*en of study. How to Vote. Cut out the alliirhfd Votlnx Coupon u 4 moll or bring it to Ihe biisin* * office of ih Morning N ws. Savannah. Ga. Kach Coupon must bear the name of th person for whom you with to vote VOTING COUPON. Name St. and No Town R B N*au F.P. | Uresldenx Vloe Frwsldest I lIXBHT lU.rv, Jr Sec y sad Tress I NEAL-UILLARD Co.| Bonders' Material, Sasb, Doors and BlioJs, j Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Brushes, j EtILDERS’ HARDWARE, j Lime, Cement and Plaster. | i •we s*i Whtwhw *trests. { I SA AA>AJS, 4A. LIPPMIH BROS.. Proprtttof*' OrtgßlsJt, Lipp man's Blot*. l*V*h** H ’ i. t iiinit-’H u' * * i I ] " rtf' Ums. a *-y T*** ,*•*•** I C IUBH lt r' Mr ~r *ll f>r4t*t* Cfclfh****’ •*.*. 4 . rA- Mwif. UK itotew *-■* that I.J L. *. Snmssle • Ce* Ms In”