The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 17, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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MIfNYONSj 1 —lit cuart't’. L ' a tb,t my Kl4uy Cm #'* ■ VijK&>a will cur* 00 p*r c<*t' i- ot *" ,onn * ot *d# n • eotcpUlnt eul )„ f. maT tntac„ ti. S niot *wlnu lomi o' 17 '** Hh Bright'* dlaaaaa. V /_£*g tile dIMM I* nu l pilcttrd trod • fc-.r *Sj” ounce viol of nut*- w * wl ‘* ““*7*' •' •VMV and KiTlte you frt* I F— #•'• *® ' , yj. XT ,u jruiMU. Mr. • nl o>iM* to noottt (.'** ive Alii. ' I r KIPtiEY CURE WELCOMED WILDLY. -tlnufrd from First Pi|f j r# .., farmer ani |>rocr*de<l o r -i">r was ti *ro*s ,i.l “I am n sampi** of wha on th* farm. I have ioni* UVj t jr- , taktlifr iduve there.” further, to the R*imhH<ftn rt j'roffu rMy. Col. Bryan claimed h . in* to admit that thi* army con* , ra 41. l it** truat magnate* might t . .. .. n A man who get* ineiil a the hanl of the government 4f : .r. |.er under K*|i|hlt un adtntnla'.r • . mk). but 1 deny that itH .v., prfHiuoer* of itte voomry are tn -4 , ir jr ?-narc of The government * pn’*t | on! * v *>lnt there were crle* of * llan* r< Him !" t*ol Brvan merely re . i \ aeklng hi* audience not to {fitj, with * great name. % Word %touf Trnafa. up the subject of trust*. Col. }.. , .}. lare*l that they had grown un lrmniMr.itlon more rapblly than „ v . or* and he aaeerted that the He* I ref need to meet the twuea th*\ ,r, and He dec la reel that the President , mote time warning you not to hur *r gool truat than he doe* tell ,nr > • how to hurt the bud ones.*' It ( me connect lon he referred to t.j. t> tlon of Oov. Rooeevelt and Hen i lattnu on the subject of truat*. ard a i •wt lit bo'h instance* <* rod l -i>iis ur.d hisees. Mr llama *ay* there are no trusts.** an went on “Are You going to * l m. n out to hunt the tru*t*. who kr •* w iere every trust treasure n. but m i tre ih> trusts?” h •‘|f.n to this last Interrogation, a v- • f in the audience responded: “We *-i *i you " Co|. Brynn ug.tln quoted f Pi.-iden* HcKlnley** Inaugural ad • ti • subject of tru*t* and charged that the Pregldenl hud neither enforced ?N * ring: antl-lrusf law* r.or recom !>*•! I new one*. Ills attorney general, * i draw* his salary and permits the* •* go on and oppress the top)e. i l I \nn referred to the Ice trust, de • . Mat. itipjt<‘nt|\. this was th* i of which Republican* had any !' t v Republican tells you.” he said. th* Ice tru t I* hurting the people, > him that you hav* so mu At con in the Republican governor that k w that h<* would not lx* opt West r <k.r . >|w-teht tf the ixofle were suf from the be trust.' This re mat k *a i* Ivcd with cheer*. 'bail** Induotrlal lleapotlam. * Bryan outlined hi* remedy for tr ' which was to put on the free list o > trust-made article, and to require tri-t orporatlon to take out a license srd lergo strict scrutiny In all othei " .it. hail those In which they were or gantz* 1 He expressed conviction that w> a Mf>roachlng u |x*rlo<l of Industrial ■v ti-rn. “where a f- w men will control it branch of industry, when ev *r\ t * rson who buys- finished product* will buy at a (rust price, where every j* n who furnishes raw material Will f.-r h it at a trust price, and where . man wh* work* for wage* wil! *•* for the wages fixed by the trust” 81 i XHiUlcn * this meant. h- said. m lor lh* |wOple. for a government ef • people, by the people and for th* t- i■!*• was intTHtsslblu under fh* reign of tfc* trust. !'*\-;iing uton his remedy for trust*, b id b would squeeae ttie water o*i* of • . lock. “There would be a flood f- while,” he declared, "but there will V lifet corporations afterward. %jcnlM( • l.nrae Army. lit >an then called attention to the * of the standing army, and when B > * •- |f we should have a large army • I ‘nited States, there were several r- v * of “No.” “No,” from the audl- He declared that the President tiid r id*, his request for an Increase qf the -rinding army from 25.0H0 fo 100- ,- at ■ r:onths before war broke out In the Pc; Ipj ine*. "> • r because.” he asked, “they knew wa* to be war? Was It because *l* km w Imperialism and war anl -* t . i would 'om > . or did they want r nmj whether they had war or not?” H* blired that Republicans desired 1 ding army for U>th foreign and ISOM I MttVh he said, re p* f,rt f previous utterance, “that one of n* why they want a large army bto I utld a fon In every large city and **’ rroy to suppress by force that ' ft nt. nt that ought to be cured by leg- If the increase of hc army was ‘ f4 1 to maintain an im|erH>l policy, ,jj,| no justification for It on b " v .nod, because the people had never f. r an Imperial policy.** Thru n the riilllpplnea, Ir of his assertion that rats were not ratling a sesree r u r 1 Bryan referred fo the Porto £ slation of the last session of 0 ' • ns proof of what people say. If** l 1T ‘ 1 that their legislation was base*! ' ' l ean idea*, and not U|*on Anu r v>' rml pie*. According to that docu ®*‘Rl ’ • dd. a president is bigger than "■utlon.. And then r*o>. Bryan # * lt m*d; mv friends of a I*ies.dent i' >mes greater than *he con* 'ut| ? There t* i o place whtr* y u *’ * w the line; It will h cornu it I ’ nd no Constitution.** r c the Republican pl*f rm aa to ’* dt* h to be made of the Fill, I •*; h. ,14; ; •<> •lrrl.| their welfare? We. • de. tie <>.ir duly? We. Wh'l ' i Pino ,o lo with I ? Nothin* 'ey do r.H dorr defen I thi 'i j j am a f rn |,i before ihie carn -I >“' ii,.,, I hey will try 10 rrove “ ' * iol wrliien lijr the H |Hil>ll.'en )f * < all. but ll wm ■ pu! In tne one * ho had no authority." nt. reaeon for eapreaelna thla ~j' >* tne fact that the ratin-ailon treaty hud been placed it ‘‘ He then took u| the qtieatlon '<•l tlon wit* ihe raiincutloii of „. oid eaUJ that the Itepiihlteune 'd a eenator. who wonal eav r. ! 1 "* vo< -dvfor It berauae he (Rry -0 '.’"j f *ore.| 1,, nontlnued: , "I move hy Henntor Wellln*- 'hll< an. that without hie vote %f ' " la.i have been railHe.l. that he f, , "•*- voted for It. but for the Ih. | ' I're.ideni ,omleed him that f., ie and. woual not ye hehl '* <o the ItnUlteatlon. *k!i ft J lrv * r th *" declared that he wa th. ~ . ;,, he the reeponelhllMy for ly, t , „ "“ hof the treaty If the Repuh th. • 11 <! '“ke the reepnnelhlllly fot hi r ,, ' ""meelvea. ond for what had f ;,V “ n '''' The Preeldent la reapon 'i to the wu,; . h '' * “ nd ,f h<> h * d ,v - Ind.j. . diptno# the ame aeeuranee of hot a • ' ' h * t he gave to the Cuban., * ouw have been Bred in Mo- ulin. and those people would have been < ur friend, to-day. I' tV>. Itryan then explained hlw rea*cn ' far outHuriina the ratlflcaiion o* the treaty—eaylna that If h had be i re)e t | •!. ' matt, rw. .I . *tl hov i 'lie nanda of the I'r -Idem. o tor a ,hie country ’* i- coti; that h. ln-l|e%e.l It belter to ratify the treaty aim! lent A tne idea in to deal with the Flilplnoa than to have the tipanbirdn 4lea! with them He declared that tb< treaty nad not conferred Upon the United State, the title to tip j I'hillpplnea and Mid "We ran now do what the Hepubtl im party ouaht to have done, and i>ur plat form <|e.tare< that, we .hall do 11. I have I fold that the Bret art of my a Ii 4 I ion will be to cull Concrea* tofether .i:ul .4-)< \0 to 1)0 now what It ought to hoc. done a year arfl a half axo " This mtntl nient was applauded Col. Itrvan accvtpr i the Republic in party of a ilestre 10 evade ih<- I*ll tpplne i|iMtion. anil said that thai |>arty w is si aordtd that It deulred to put th. dollar ohove the man and make money more pre Cion, than human life. If wi had any title to ihe Ktltplt.oe it was a ti le tia-ed ott forie, and such a title was n o xo .1. .1 voiding to Amerl an Idea- Tin- F.llpl nps were not dealred hy any one ae cl I xen*. and the Demorrata and and not Inn 11! dial they should be made atlbjre'a. '"Therefore" he continued, "we ioy lei them atand under their own flay and have 1 heir own loyrtimrnt and tie matters I ■ hems* l. * and work out their own dee tiny." Col. Btyan declare.l that If a Republic..n I’reetdenl could haul itowii the flag In Cut’s. _■**• miles from nut ahorra, a Demo eraile Preeldent tould haul It .town 7.'U' nillta away from our shores. He hetan quietly, hie voice helnir s -ar -ely aiatthle a hundred feet away from the aland, hut he itrnduaily spoke .mater, and In a m.arieitl hla voice eoul.l oa lieurd by the k.i list tea The crowd Its letted 111 alienee for time but when the -is-aker d* lared that the Ilenus't 11'i ;eir ty rerottnlxeil the rlaht of ability ol mind and muacle to the frulta of tt 1011, the fow.l broke forth Into cheerio* They l.rft W ith lire an. Col. Bryan concluded hla apeeeli at 9 o'clock preelaely. hnvlnx apoken one hour and flfty-one minutes Tire crowd rose and cheered as he left the platform Incom pany with Mr. Croker, aluiklnn hands aa he left. The appluuae for Col. Bryan as lie went away blend, and with thnt for A<l - E Stevenaolt. as he arose to spe-iik 'lhe cheera dtcel on*, and the noise of the crowd (tttlnit out prevented Mr. Steven son from epeaking Three minutes after Col Bryan lefi there wen va cant seats all over the butldbiK. large patches allowing everywhere on m.l lerlea mwl main Boor. Mr. Stevenson ta*- gnn speaking, but hla voice could no: x heard fifty feet away. More than half the people left Frequent attempts were made hy Chairman jliiepatd. and Mr. Stevenson, to stop the exit nnd <iuiet the audience, hti; they were unavailing Me. Stevenson dtaciiaee.l imi-ri.illsm nl some length, an*! was followed by Web ster Onvls and Mayor Jones of Toiejo. John B Sranehflckl canilldale for tov ernor. and William F Mickey. Candida!- for IJeutenant Governor, i-oncluded the speech-making Another Great Crowd. The crowd that surged about the open air atand at Madison avenue and Twg/ity fourth aireet. crushing the weakest ond smothering those who were so tightly packed that Ih* air. which rrcke.l wllh Ihe fumes of Greek fire, could not reach them may have numbered Jane®, "nd there was not In that crowd anybody who cured to hear anyone else hut Brynn. Half a doxen speaker** attrmp'ed to keep them quiet until the presidential candldntr came from Ihe Garden, hut th* most surces*- ful speaker hail a hard Job of It. Those who had points of vantage on the stand did little to encourage the speakers, for *helr Interest was l iken up hy the waves of humanity in front and on all sides of the stand. It was shortly after * o'clock when the cavalcade heading the Bryan party neb down M.tlson avenue to the stat'd The carriages coukl teat drive within fifty feel of 11. and Col. Bryan. Mr. croker. Jlr ilearst nn*l James Shevlln of Brooklyn, who were In the carriage, bulked to the stand. The ovation to the candidate was .leaf er.lngly loud and prolonged. After shaking hands with Mr Keller and those o*l th* stand who could stresch their haieb* to htm. Col Bryan stood fa ing the crowd in front of the wtand ll* MKbfHI > Ml n.l t.m • * 1. w ■ ■ • ■ the air overhead, and the Are from one almost struck him Bryan drew away as If to dodge It Th* Isuhl was still leav ing "Hall to the Chief." when Col. Bryan outstretched Ills hand to the audience 10 command quiet. He said "We want to muk<- this government what tlfe faihers Intend'd to make of It. and give equal rights to nil un*l special privileges to none If. by your suffrages, I am mode President, I will not try to get your hands In other people's pockets. I shall tie satisfied to keep other people's hands out of your tickets. ■ If you believe the trust a good thing vote the Republican ticket and get all you want of It. If you believe trusts are bad vole our ticket. If you believe In a large army, vote the Republican ticket and get It If you believe In a email nrmv we promise that you shall have n small army nn.l a government so good that every cltixen will be willing to become 11 soldier to preserve yie government to posterity. If you want Imperialism, vole the Republican ticket. If our party Is entrusted with power, w* will aay to th- Filipino and all the world that our pur liose a* not to govern the Filipino, but es tablish a government for them thnt tvilt lie theirs and not ours We will say to the work!: 'Hands off led that republic live and work out Its own destiny.' " Then to Tammany Hall. The minute Col. Brvan stepp'd speak ing Mr Croker took his arm and led him lo the rear of the stand to see the crowd asu-mhled there He waved hla hand to them and Mr. Croker askid him. ■ Did you ever see anything like It?" AMONG THE CLERGY. fogee Helng Replaced hy I'oatnni Food Coffer. "I am the wife of a minister. About three years ago n warm friend, an cxem plary mother and the conscientious wif. of a minister, asked m* If I had ever trie I giving up coffee and using the I’osium Food Coffee. I had been tilling her of my excessive nervousness and 111 heklih Blir sabl: 'We drink nothing else for breakfast but I’ostum Food Coffee, and It Is a delight and a c m,f.nt to have some thing that we do not have to refuse the chlldr* n when they ask for It ' "J was surprised thai she would permit the children to drink even Ihe food cof fee. but she explain'd that It wa* a; healthful beverage and that the children thrived on It. Avery little though* con vinced me that for btaln work, on*- should not rely upon a stimulant such as coffee Is, hut •should have food and Ihe very la st o! food, "My Brat trial of Dostum was a failure. The maid of all work brought It to til lable, lukewarm, weak, and altog-the*- lacking In character. We were In •!*•- • pair, hut decided on one more trial. At the s*oond trial, we faithfully followe 1 th*- directions, four t* aspoonfuU to the pint of water, let li boll full fifteen min ute# after the real boiling liegan. and served It with rich cream. It was dab elotia and we were all won. ■'l have alnce sung the praises of Dos tujn Food Coffee on ipany, many occa sions and have Induced numbers of friend* to abandon coffee and use Dostum, with II markable results Tlic wife o' • col lege professor said 10 me a short tirrv ago that nothing had ever so mark ed a change In her husband s health .1* the leaving off of coffee and the use of Dostum Food coffee." Edith Sroltn , Da vis, Appleton, Wts. s THE MORNING NEM’B: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1000. A Clothing Cataclysm! Values Shaken to the Base! Heretofore Prices Torn to Shreds! Ilis EM Mil Ri Mi Be Hi Good foie il 11 fuel Ilis Mini Old! tt the: leader oe low prices. "Wonderful, wonderful" Col. Bryan said. Then the tarty, after harulshlking all round, left the stund and got into the car riages. Th*ktrip to Tammanv Hall was made Ihri 9 tr#*# ts lli il with < heeriti# thous anl* Col. Bryan md hi* party arrived at 925 o’clock Senator Mackey was speak ing hut as soon a* the crowd recognlxed Bryan It ro*e tu its fe*t and cheered for several minutes Riehird Croker wh accompanied Col Bryan t#Mk a seat on the rear of the platform while the candl datc went to the front and acknowle#lged the gree ting When the cheering had isontlnued for a eouple of minutes, he raised hi# hand to commund silence. As soon as he wo* able to speok he expressed hi# appreciation for the work bring done in the campaign by Tammany Hall. n#l entered on h dis cussion of the I‘hlltpptnc question In his usual vein. Tammany Hall had been crowded to repletion from $ o’clock anl to fill up the tlm** before the arrival of Col. Bryan a number of others had spok en. %ltnln st Cooper 1 n!#•. At 10 o'clock Col. Bryan arrived at Cooper I’nion. III# appearance on the platform was the signal for one of the most en thus Wist ic greeting* ever given to any on#- man in Cooper Colon. It was fully five mlnut'W before the enthusiasm Mitwided and the audience re#um#*d it nermul quietude. Then John DrWitt Warner, chairman of the m*-etlng. intro duced Col. Bryan, who spoke In pan, us follows: "This is the fourth meeting for to-night at which I hav#- #|K>ken It i-onc|udc* the ratification held under the auspices of-the Democratic party In this cRy ond county, md 1 am ptef>ard to way that great is Tammany and Croker is its prophet. I rejoice that I have !lv#d in the land where the people can choose a rimii for their leader and make <>f him their servant, and when they do that he ?*ecomee the greatest man In the work! Yet we can never f;rg't that he I* their servant act ing for them as their refwvwcntative. |e I* the Instrument by which they ac nm pllsh their sovereign will." Ilranelied tiff to Imperialism. Col. Bryan then branch*d off lo the i" • I- mil thcrouguly. H# wound up by saying "We have no money with which to buy \otee, i.o trust, magnates to intimidate We leave the result to you and an;-eal to the conscience of the people. If every citizen will vote as he should, 1 hav# m doubt as to the result. The majority In tM dty at.#l stat#' and n.t lon will l* t - so as to demonstrate the f * that no money can corrupt, no force can defeat the i<ml**’s will which will restore this government to the foundations laid by th# father- No individual get# so low, so strong, or so rich that h can get beyond the Ten Commandments. I want this r ation t* stand )##forc the world as the gn ..t moral factor In the world's prog ress Jo'iti 11. Sui bflrbi followed Pol Bry*-. tn u i-pi h In whi.-ii he u tn-kt-i ih tr.i*t Then <-am< William K. Mackey, Franklin yuii by an I .*man Hul *<-r. It ww* Hi .> o ■ lock when Mr. Bryan urn I bl* lrarty c*nu* out of Cooiwr T'nion. Th* cmwh *c*m,.l to ao craxy. It w.a lh< mol .lanxcrou* outlook tif ih* evctl li.r nn-l II eeni-l a* If score* weVe lo he trumi>iJ uibirr fool. Itr-|>- ai*<U>- ilt poll.cliitrßp-1 ihroußh. but every time the crowd came hack Nleht etlckn w*r.- nn.illy drawn, and n lane <>i • n-d lw, enoußh lo lei the Bryan currlaae Ir.m Irvlmt Place. Through that creel It went and i h>- .lu*h and ui> Broadway He v era I hutidrwi i>er*on* run In purtuit an 1 k-rt rlghl after the < erring* and escort to Colon tkiuai*. while hundred* were on the curb. Toward Medinon Square the crowd llred an-l moil of *licm dropiml out. bui an Immense crowd wa* in front of the Moff man House to meet Pol. ISryan when he eu of hi* carrlafe. M<- wa* taken tie hi* suite at one* There he received (he Nalamal. State and local commit l, ,rvl wa* llnally iurne.l over lo C'halr k Campbell of tke State Pom m. for hi* four dty* - trip which will Serin to-morrow morning through thl* ,tate. After consulting w-lih Mr. Campbell, It MEN’S SUITS W# hav pirk4 nut aliout six \lr- of DLIU iu] 1)0.0'* Hubs A* Ih#* lot# r** small wr makf h m< rlfl * in prlc In or der lo -lqs- the entlr** lot out We clT< r • hem at 8<i.90 MEN’S SUITS Kvery want can b# .'aii*fleil In this lot #f stilts. Cheviot.* and W<*r*t#*d*; d.iik and light tn nvik s tn lit :in*l suit molt rv#r\- hn*lv. Thsy ar# #p ndnl value* ut •!. 1)2 30. hut they so > MEN’S SUITS Our strongest line l put lino this lot. Nothing but fin# W.imml am! fashl m*re Hulls that formerly •* 11 at stti and IIS No need to #i.vr chogp loth* - when w#- off#r goods Ilk# th* :il sl2. SO w** announced that Col Bryan's party will leave the Hoffman House at Sir. m. Ilr will no direct loih* Ornnd depot. or t: nomn^. %ll VI err iNnin mlril for the Dinner I nmpllnirntMr > to llrtiin. New York, Oct. W—The dinner tendere \ Col. Dryun at the Hoffman llott'* at 3* o'clock this afternoon. wn not held In •h# Moorish room, um hi firm Intended, hut In the HaUn Louis tj uinge Fifty ov er* were laid, an Increase from what wis Ural lntri,l<l The room was> decorated with laurel leaven, palms anil evergreen*. Col. Bryan's portrait. framed In a slik American flan. was Just lx hind it* .bar r served for Mayor YanWlrk. the preH I- Ing officer. It wna discovered during the afternoon that the decorator had. In ar ranging the |or trot t of Col. Hryan. In tertwined the Filipino and American col or* about the picture. Th x wa believed to hr an error, and at dinner Um< the color* of Aguinaldo were conspicuously a barn t. Fifteen person* sat *4 the table reserved for the guest of honor and other distin guished persons. The remaininggu stss-it at am.tiler itil/lu. All the tablt - w# re dec orated with flowers, roses predominating The service was the best the hou- could provide, linens of the moat costly sort, the hmvlesi plate, cut glass ind the best of china Although Col. Hryan did not drtnk his wine, glasses were provided as for the other guests. Mayor Van Wyck sat In an Inlaid chair brought from Arabia. On either side of him. two and two. were special chairs, on which sit Col. Hryan. Mr. Croker. Ad la! K Stevenson and William K. Hears* When all were seated. Col. Hryan wua between Richard Croker and Mayor Van Wyck. The other guests at the main ta ble were; In the chair Robert A Van Wyck; on his rlvhi. William J llrvan. Richard Croker, John R IKanchflcld, William J Stone, William F Mackey. ISdward M Bhepanl. John W. Keiler. on the Mavor’s left. Adlal Btevenaon, William It H* i?*t, Webster Davis. John D Kl hard* >n. Nor man K. Mark. John He Witt Warner t*n<i George M. van Hoesefi. At each plate was pb*<d a souvenir programme, hour.d In heavy dark i>ip*r. with the name of a h guest In gold let tering on the cover. Tin menu whs on cards, plain, except for a |nrirnlt of Col. Hryan aobv and the American dag In colors to the fight. Tne mu 'n-dispute* cost of the dinner was settled by th Hoffman House m *n agemenl. who said that the cost was $l2 per plate, exclusive of the win# j. It took from r.;tr to 7 p. m to dlsooac, of the many coure. and *<ux>n after the pwrty got Into carriages and were driven to Madison ttquare Darden PiilS Diuy? Then your liver isn’t acting well. You sulfur from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer’s Pilis act directly on the liver, her 60 wears the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. 25c. All druggists. Mnt your nwuiUflW or #mii! bsauUfai brawn nr rich black t Tb#t use BUCKINGHAM'S DIE %:„ MEN’S SUITS Th# i*ii l- of the tailors' art van I*# found In thin lot. It 1* a .*#*tti#il fa t that our S*: ’••• and I2OOD Huits at# equal lo any ts* tailor made- suit and just think of It. > our choice of our |22.V* and 99) 00 suß* at $15.50 MEN’S SUITS All c l our SI2OO. ID Vi atul s).*.) Herring bone. Cheviot and Worated—too iiumerutta t# mention- this special rule at *0.98 OVERCOATS Mitt'* Fall Overcoat* Among them yoj will fin) th* Hweb tailor* In T<i|> Coats anal <’hef#rfl# i ll o\ertan and Rtown t'o vpmk dark, gtav and block vie! unflnl l*h#-d woralrd. Thej are the best \aiu- tn earth at 12 50 and sls 00, now SIU. 7 5 DOST MBit: % nfAMIR. ••‘well Mas the lliarden of Venator llanon** M|crck. Wuseca Minn . Oct. W Bona tor Hannah liegurt his *p#ei'htnaking In Minnesota at ati rarl.v hour to-day. At tiwotonna. Mtfin , In Congressman Tnwney's district, th#- first step was matte. Bona tor llannu was guile hoars- and s|Kike only ten min ni* He said in j*rt: "All the l*"Ues that have been present •**l in this cjftnpiilgn. free silver. Imiierlal |sm. trust# and what not. are ►imply cut lateral issues tnJi'Pd In this canvass to I- a*l the people *wa> from ihe rial Issue. Th# 1 paramount Issue liefore th** people and the only Issue. w* are Interested Ir. I# ’Hi all the pn-sent condltlona le con tinued?* "\\V lon’t feel any particular anxiety to a# i-ummorlate Mr Bryan by making him PreaMent of the Cnlted BtMte#. We do not r#eognl*< that Mr. Bryan ha 4 done anything for hi# country* nr people gtr.s'allv to entitle him to the highest honor in their gift. Read the puhkr careers of hot/i these catulkkites and make your own <•* inimr isns. My friends, nil there I# to the quwtkai Is. are not we well off ’ Are not we on th# roa| to con tinued prosperity, a# long as we keep to the landmarkn which have marked that prosjH-rity in thki country? I*et w*ll enougli alone. Don't swap horses cross ing the stream Don’t change McKinley for Bryan." Ml *T SOT IVI Ml II) ATK. J#nee and Hears! Uiur n I Iretilar to llrmorrsllr 4 lubs. Chicago, Oct If. —Chairman James K Jones of the Democratic National Com mittee and William R Hears?, ures.lent of the Xatlenal Association of Demo cratlc Clubs, to-uay Issued the following circular: "To the r>emocratlr Clubs: In the free exercise of the tight of the suffrage lies ti c safety of the republic. Kvery patriot. #•.* ry honest man. Is interested In Uh? P? -f rvlng of this right at a I has irda. Will you, therefore, every man of you. ideas#' report i*rompt)y to one of its every Instance coming to yftdr kn w!#-!g# of aav attempt lo • oerce or Intimidate any voter, by any employer, whether a Mingle person. a company, or corintratkit. and whether st tempted by thr#'jit, by th#' pretense of order* received *on<litioned on the elec ti on of M* Klnley, or otherwise* Kvery such off* ltd#*r:* and ## rvea, |ff- I’ain, to be *A fugitive and a vagabond’ on the face of the **artii, and the public ought 40 kn>*w who they ar#* "James K. Jones. "William R Hearst" 1111 II %\ IT FRKI tirOTTKD. Deteellvea b nrltlnx on the l.nttl iiiurp Vliirtl-r l war. Brunswick. On.. Oct. If,—lnformation io-n ght Is thu* William Frey, the mur derer of Conductor Dattlmotre, !mh been #4otted. B*veral detertlvi*# are hero working on the case. Among them Is Con oly, who worked tip the Dalton cas^. Five hundred dollar**!* the lota! reward now out. two hundred #u h by the Gov ernor and Bouthern Railway and one hun dred by the Order of Railway Conductors. IA M It I\4 AT WKIJitTOK. I rank Crawford, >e*ro, llud %t --temiitril t rlmaiial fasnult. Macon. Gw , Oct. If—Frank Crawford, a negro boy about 20 years old. was seen hanging from a weetgum tree at Well sion thD morning •* the Georgia Bouth # m train ps#sed. cromlng to Macon. The n-gro had been lynched. He had attempt#d an assault on Mrs. If. il. |h< rc . wife of hi# employer, who Is a Primitive Baptist preacher and who was absent from borne. The al- MKN’S OVERCOATS Never In lh#‘ history of thl* country ha* such offering of Ov* rtOfits a* these price#, slh*i a, and fir tin ut *1 gray colors, also black and gray mi Mi tons and Che Got.-. at $8.75 MEN’S OVERCOATS niat-k Cheviot* anl frh waavep. U> have mad#' an #x ra > > lection in this style. They wie to hnr been sold at •k.SO to SIO.OO but you g* t them at ,$5.50 n-ady efifertHl the hoiis#* and wis at the ride of her • i when .*d* Urst discover ed him Her outcries aroused the chil dren. and the titgro Hod, nut was after ward# captured The community wa# al ready aroused, liau#** lie had been frleghtened frm another tiou# only a short lime before Those who were tn Wellstpfl at the time Any the r.egro b#* alarmed and hanged h!m##-!f when he ►iw l# w<i# Ils#overcd. III.IHI) BIRD ON THU THAI*. other >rs* of inxHHIM Matters and %OKista IVrtna*. Augusta, Oct. If.—The While Primary • Vtn ml tu* to-night mopte<i rule.'* provid ing for a manic.pil primary election un der secret ballot regulation* on Nov. P The rule# provide for election booth* und til She usual #:f< gmird# of u fair election. F. I*. Beard of this dty. u well-known 1 nswepuper man and practical printer, died , suddenly on hoard a Bouthern Railway | iraln between Augusta and lumgley. When the conductor ma lo him for hi# ’ ticket. ht could g< t no response und was | shocked to llnd hi# passenger wear. Mr Beard wa# well known i Carolina I md tih# dty. ID* has #iarti*# and sold out. |or had them closed out, about fifteen I tiews|Ktpers In Carolina and Augusta. ll* was a competent printer and publisher, with the usual u|# md down# and frail j lie# of the craft The examining physi* rian aaid death result from paralysis of ! ihe heart. Beard’s wlf*- is reported to be | dying to-nigiit. W.iiUm Watt# swore out u warrant to- I day against hi* wife, charging her with bigamy, alleging that she had another husband In Bouth Carolina when sh- tnar ! rled him He ntatr# that fcl# wife l* I about to run iway from him at and turry their child and a searing mu chine, and I he swore out this warrant to hold her I If. however, she will leave the child and 1 th* s* wing machine. Watt# says he wiU i not prevent her departure. General Manager Gannon of the Bouth ! #rn Hallway. General Manage? Kenly #*f ' the Coast IJne. Oenerol Manager H’rtt lof the Georgia, President Kgan of the i Central Railroad, and ITesident Mosher i of the Augu*tn a;l Bummervilte Railroad were in Augusta to-dav for the annual meeting of the latter road They gave out nothing for publication, except th# statement mat only routine main### was i transacted. The magnates had nothing to ey about Augusts * new depot. There were Korn# lmiortan? real estatv transfer* In Augurta to-dny. amounting Ito over fft|o.Q>lo ( us follows; Trlonguisr. SarafoiaT^^ Amdack Water Health and pleasure bottled flft •ogether. A recognised specific XML for sll diieaMH of the Ktomach, | JISU Kidneys and Nerves. A snappy, f l akdl \ sparkling mineral water of un- L’ .1 . \ eacelled flavor. Uaedaa a table lOr \ ' there ino need of mrdi- BBMMS n - y. ’ to aid digestion. Bottled HeSfl ' ‘ , the famous Saratoga Spring. BRg] QIVCS 1 I° r #•! by grocer* and drug* V Health j jalits m. dixon * ro„ \ / Wholeaala Aini. -oj block to the August* llrorery Company I tor Worrm Mock to Jacob Phln -1 ,*)• for tM.MU. and HMvrv III.A. from Krenstlne Silver, to her husband, Isadora Silver, for tovi> and affection. The prop erty I* north about K6.0T0 nsniNu* hka meo Air.vr. ( tinfl-ninrllal'i Vrrd’rl Will De Tern'll Over In the liitvrrnnr, Atlanla. Ort. 11—The finding* of iha court-martial NMMIy held In Savannah to Investigate the charges preferred against Cor pi Harris of th<* It- ihi hi lean lilues ami others, arrlve.l at the ad]u> i.ini general'* office this morning. Ailjtl tant tleneral Byrd will turn over the ver dict of the court to flov. Candler, who after Invest Union, will Dignify whether or not he approves the findings. I'ntll the Governor makes the Investiga tion ami Issues an order In the riw, nothing will tie known of Ihe verdb-t. The ftmllng Of the rotjrt-mnrtktl Is unknown except to members of the court. Courta martlal. however, generally convict. It |g very seldom that a military body acquits the accused, as the officers are very care ful alioui having sufficient evidence be fore they prefer charge*. — p-nii t irmo a miil Hum. Two tr*roes arrested at Athena hy t lilted Mates Authorities. Athena, Wa.. Oct. 1 -Jim Cole, aged It anal Howard Bond, aged, I*. both col ored, were arrested this morning, by officer Alex Bays on a warrant from the United Mate* poetofflre authorities charg ed with cutting open a mall pouch on May 1, last, at the Seaboard Air Una depot Pos'offlee inspector Moore has bean al work on tin- rase for some time, and last night spotted them Colo, the young er of the boys, wnen taken to police head quarters. broke down wnd confessed hit crime. Implicating the other. They were lukrn before Judge Kenne hrew of the I'nlted Stairs Court and were bound over and carried to Atlanta. Plant Hruiorlsl Trees. Macon. Oct. !.—Macon's City Council still plant I<> trees Thanksgiving Day. Each tree will have a name plate at Its uase. commemorating ih life or deeds of some clllxen. who 1* living or ilead. At to-nlghi'a meeting Council agreed to nave appropriate exercises on that day this year. 5