The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 17, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 V O. What is Warner’s Safe Cure? A. A scientific liquid vegetable preparation. Q. How long has it been in use? A. Publicly twenty-one years, and in all parts of the civilized world. O. What does it cure? A. All forms of Kidney, Liver and Bladder Diseases, e Q. Are many cures vouched for? A- Nearly one million unsolicited testimonials from men and women in all walks of life are on file. Q. Is it pleasant to the taste? A. Exceptionally so, and perfectly safe to take by young or old, under any and all condi tions. Q. Where can it he procured. A. Of all druggists. The largest bottle and the greatest benefit. It is THE kidney and liver medicine of the world to-day. •amp* of Wam#r*# Bafr Pur# on ap|ll~aton Addrrin Warner • s*af* Cuff Cos., Ilochffifr, N Y TO ENLARGE WHITE HOUSE. OMMI*ION U II.L RRI I HI. IXI'KOI BMMNT*. t-laii I'ninrnl I* 1 bat orlflaaln) H< the Late Hri. Marrlxnn—%dtllll"us to nr Unlit of Steel and Marble. Old l.lnra nf Ibr Mansloa to Hr I’rrarrard. Washington. Ocl U-Re|irill(n of ihr f. . lit of tor approaching Presidential election. tho control ssiott anihorlard at tit !a*t Conjrreas to .oneldf r th# quMllM of enlarging th oltt-lal residence of tn Chief BitciHlVt, ha* decided to recom mend thr plan* original.* suggraled by tha latr Mr*. It*-n)amln Harris Thr re td>rt of thr cotnmi>lott la practically cnan j.l-terl and thr drawing* havr barn pan chad out ao that thr rrault of thr ram ■ulsstor.'s deliberation will hr ready for preaentatkm to thr Committee on Public Jtulldlng* and Ground* whrn Congrea* ronvnuw In December. Accompanying tba report will baa planer model of thr prerent building and the proposed eaten (lons which 1* to be finished In time to be exhibited on the occasion of the Wash ington celebration to be held In this city lec 7. neat. The work of thr commission was not ac complished without considerable oulalde apposition, notably by certain architect* a/ho are anxious to achieve fame and glory, or both, by supplying the deelgn fir the proposed extension of Ihr histori cal old mansion There was also another element of opposition to contend against, which threaten* to make Itself frit whan 4h- question of making thr neowaary np- F -oprlatton* come* before Congress It la • combination of cltlaen* who own de sirable property on Washington Heights, at the head of Connecticut avenue and Sixteenth street, and are anxious to havr official residence of the President per manenfly located In that elevatef and picturesque vicinity. It Is not anew Idea to separate the executive office from the president's official home, and a number of Influential people are Interested In try ing to bring about such a rexult It Is doubtful. If they will succeed, although they may delay Ihr proposed extension because of mercenary rather then humane motlvaa. ilrmoval Not l-lkfly. It la imt likely. ko*vr. that this gen nation will witness the change In the sit* of the PreaMewl'* "(Mil realdenee from Ita pnMtit lt> a I ion. There In no doubt that tut our country ro* the necessity l<r mcr<- kberal ac< ommodaHone for the president his fnmt.y ami hi# official staff Ira-reasen There It no disposition on the part of oven the moat e.Vmotnlcal stsles trrcti to deny that faot, and there Is wlll- Ininem. without regard to party, to ftir thor the moat fnathte project that may be suggested. The aubject ha* been agt tatel for u number of year* and the con - s-nsus'of opinion appears to be In favor of enlarging the prcaenl building ami a* tha aame time preserve the outline* of the original alructure. During the Harrison administration Mr*. Harrison gave much ttm** and considera tion to thht subject. In addition to being n Idea! housekeeper. ahe possessed übo mors than ordinary merit as an artist Accordingly she suggested that the archi tectural beauty ami symnwtry of the pres ent building would not be marred by pre serving Intact the grand old pile, which Is so dear to every American cillien. and extending Its wings to the east and to the Wien, thun afTordlng ample a tommotla tlons for the constantly Increasing execu tive force of clerks, and at the same time supply Ihe much-needed facilities for the wsrlal and domestic portion of Ihe man sion The writer remember* discussing the oubje. t with Gen Harrison while he was President, and the Inner referred to tha i ramisl condition of the White House He remurkesl lhat the space was so limited that the occupant of the build ing war apt to experience sensation* ami Indonvenlencee similar to a merchant who litres over bis shop. ■ anil'-s All 1-Ike It. "Notwithstanding the numerous draw backs and discomfiture* of living In the White House. In Its present conditions." continued Gen. Harrtaon. "I I<> no! t lleve there I* a lady in the land, who liats l>e.ns to he o memtrer of a presidential family, who would not cheerfully en counter many little privations rather than • ealde bevond the atmosphere of n sacs.-la Uonn which cluster so thickly ■■round this old house, so beautiful in It* simplicity." The report the commission has adopted. With slight moihflea tlons, In regard to •letall. will be known as "11m. llarriwon's plan." It contemplates the construcitran of an eastern and western wing. con ; stm-led of fin# steel and white marble, with all the modem* Improvements In the way of freight uni passenger elevators The ens: wing will be devoted to the ex ecutive force, furnishing better accom modations for social function*. The fam- The Ordeal is Trying Childbearing is a perfectly natural func- \t%Ka* - * . tion, but it is robbed of its terrors where the virtue of •‘Mother's Frtond” is known. This unique liniment, applied X- —Ja externally, relaxes all the muscles,so that , Tit BrtCßl IS EBsB will aoLT. *rLr***T,n*. t*w*. *r,os *• ■g*,ie i , rsor art * f**. h*.r*la**?a si minio* WMk far - m i the (tntnnri.n gra uroK< O..Atlaat*s. ua. a*a r.i*. *ii*i s* oup Eaar room will no; tx- disturb*! or ocllpaod The w* win* will contain. In addition to an Increased number of Hvtng apartment*. .1 large ttat dining room, capable of seating on* hundred or more guests. if necessary The praamt ataie dining room a* nr>wdd vnen flflv oovere are laid and in recent years 11 ha* l*een the practice of the host of th- White House to Invite hla guemp to din* in the main corridor on the first floor The deonnd floor of the rfit wing wli! alao t*e provides) with a private entrance for domestic un* no that public fun%- tlona. wtil not a* now *e retarded or in terrupted by ihe appearance of the garb •ge man. at the front door, or the deltv ♦ry wagon with household supplies According to th* plan* and ipeiflra tion* now* drawm. the proiiowd improve ments wrtll *x>*t about 11.000.0hn Shout*l the work te duie the president will have h vm*> that will present a noble, commo dious and convenient appearance, and at the mme time the line* of the prea**n ntructure will be a* fully preserved a* were tne line* of the rapDo! building when the Fkrnate irvd Houee wing* were added. SOCIETY 4%N % at it IDE. T. F. I.aae. #o*-Iti-Ijiw of a aenatnr. Mini 111 in *r-1 f Wa#hla#rton. Oct. 16 -Thom## F •on-in-law of ex-Henator Blockbtirn. com mitted suicide at Mi home here lost night. Mr. lanr entered the house about 11 p m and shot himself in the presence of hi* little daughter, while his wlf* wa# raating on m couch in an nt)olntnjr room Death was almost Instantaneou#. Mr !ane wro# the American representa tive of the IjOtidoii orvliMirx e firm of Vick or#’ ftons A Maxim He was well to do. prominently and fa mtllnr figure In Washington society It l# said that he was driven to the a t by brooding over his ill health. He wa# told wmc time ngit that he had Bright's dweie. and he nlkwved the matter to prey upon in* mind Hl# wife, who was Lucille Blackburn, had a narrow e*c.ip* from death by a pls*o) wound about three years ago. The Tinr# were then living at the Hotel Well ington Mr Lane w out of town much of the time, and Mr# lame kept m loaded revolver In her bureau drawer One night she w#s found in her room with <• bullet wound In her breast, and It was ex plained by the family that in taking some lace# from the drawer the jrtstol had been lifted up and fulling on the hammer, ex ploded 0 Bhe lingered be;ween life and death for #ome time, but ultimately recovered The • hock of ia#t night # tragedy completely pro#:rated her. and she is no# under the con*tant care of • physician Senator HHt khurri w.ih in }|g*r£to*m Md last night w hen the news of the suicide reached him He hud been on a camtaiign tour of the state He left as soon as possible for Waehlngton. nnd It t** likely that the occurrence will force him to sbtndon any further active werk in the campaign FOR lll IKt AMU MUilltlEt. Northern Society Berks the t pltftlnu of Poor of the South. Albany. N V., Oct. I -Article* nf incor poratlon of Ihe Southern Educational So ciety were filed with the Secretary of State to-day. It Is formed for the ad vancement of the |or, especially the poor white and negroes of the Southern slates, and the improvement of their social and physical conditions. The principal office of the society |* In New York city The directors are Robert f*. Ogden, f'hurle* E Bigelow. Algernon S Frlazell. Elgin It It Gould. Georg. I. Nichols of New York city. Alexander Purve* of Hampton. Va.; William H. Baldwin, ir.. Albert Seibert of Brooklyn. I-ewls It. Franklin of Flushing and Louis O. Myers of Summ'u. N. .1 Import *ll.l r.o.iMMi Gold. New* York. Oct if It |# announced that Goldman. Sachs and Company have en gaged *2,Kt.<i gold for Import l.axard Freres also announces an engagement of s.>*> and In gold which is on the way from Europe. In addition to their previous an nouncement. Tuts brings the total cf gout engaged (or Import on the present movement to date LM.'o.OQO Itaughlrr of the Governor. Washington. Oct. 16 —Secretary Long today received n telegram from Gov Jones of Arkansas, designating his daugh ter. Mt* Bobby Newton Jones as sponsor for the monitor Arkansas, which Is to Ic* munched at Newport New# In the near future. llntigbters of Gen. Wheeler. New fork Oct. t* —Among the pas sengers. who arrived on Ihe Red Star steamship Kensington to-night, were tit ■laughters of Gen. Joseph Wheeler, who htivc been abroad for several most t as. and who will stay with friends In this city for a few weeks trefore going to their Southern home Gen Wheeler met them at Quarantine. I HE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1900. IPTI RC RIOT tOUfIHHHO. Pan n rw• I annotation la Gewer .ll, nucr-iltrd. * Ur.-lon Oct. I*. 4 a m -Th*r# la no cocflrmaiion of th* reported raptur* of l-ao Ting Fu. of which, at -ordtng to the Sia #nai Hbo M I whin* th* Fr*n.'h consul h*r. ba* r*c*|vl nosra The re port Is g*nrally <M scrsdn*<i In Uoodor e.pecialK as there is no direct tele graptlc comrnunl ition b*tw*cn Shangbsl and l-ao Ting Fa. Hong Kong dtapat. h* t*li of th* spread of the southern rebellion Th* Hong Kong rorr*spot.<l*nt of th* Dally Ex {,,*•> .ends a report hat th* Frenrn torpedo Ooat Hard, shelled I u- relw la, who w*re advan 'lng on San Chun, killing forty and noun ling hun dr. da Th* tvldirt* nf Pnnc* Tuan's coailnu anc* In tower cause* anxiety According lo the 8t angb.t - orr**j or deni of th- Morbing l*o*i 1* I .I.- produced . *ertcu <|.p>ea*lon In trgd* TNro Chrome bank* have 111 led other- jre expa-'t *d to c'ota. and tt I* r*iirt and mat th* Rueen-chtnas* bank I- In dlth title* owing to the rr . i ourt ■ . t ir vii. a of Shan SI. Shanghai tr.egram* report that th* I- al mardar.ns have received a dispatch ft - m l*rlr * Tuan announcing that the c urt l- t ow in safek eping an 1 cxhor*lrg tt -in to hat* patience tintll winter le •iintes tht .lll** sn<l lo kecg, th* arse nal* In oonttsn* work. ar.J *'*v*-vihtng In readme*- for a massacre of all foreign er* when the pn-per time a-Tlve* ” It i* also roport-d that the Empress Dow-.aer has Issued a decree, removing Liu Kun Wl. viceroy of Nar.kln. from h.s fxaet and ordering Gvn Yung Lu to Join h*r at Sian Fu The Sf.ang Tung Boxer* are rerurnin* to tTi-tr home* Twelve thousand of them w-n* utterly defeated outside of Tsong Oheo near the Chi LI border, by S OS* of flov Yun Chi Kal'x troops, under Gen M*l I I*ll ELII FACTORY I.IFK. Wright Inelete That It l>nre Mach for the Operatives. Wxahlngton Oct I—The *.mt-annuai meeting of Ihe New England Manufactur ers' Association began here to-night and will continue through Thursday Presi dent D M Tnompson of Providence wel comed ihe member* In a brief address, end Secretaries Gag* and Long, who oc cupied scat* on ihe presiding officer's plat form. also *|,ke. A paper was read by I-abor Commissioner Carroll D Wright, who had for his subject. "The Factory os an Element In Social LJfe ” President Thompson then delivered hi* formal ad dress. Comml*lon*r Wright, In hi* paper on "Tne Factory a. an Element In Social Life." asserted that factory lift, raiher than being a degrading Influence, was an uplifting one He said that It had taken th* New England and English farming glrla. the Irish Immigrant the Frenrh- Canadtan arul the Swede succe-xxlvely and lied lifted each clw** up to a higher atand apl of living, the operative In <*<h cat* leaving the faelory for something better In the South It wax doing the same thing for the poor white*. com Min a wu crowded. Nooses rlt Waa hires a Tremendous Oration There. Columbus 0.. Oct. 16 Not since the great Blaine demofist rat lon in 1606. has this city leen so crowded with visitors as It Is to-ntght. the occasion of the appear ance here of Gov. Roosevelt Ten speeches made to large audience* -Ince leaving Cincinnati at 6 o'clock thl* morning had not Impaired the Governor * vocal f>rg/n*. nor did he show any evi dence of fatigue when he wae Introduced at the Auditorium. The Roosevelt special arrived here at 7:30 o'clock, and for two hours the Gov ernor rode in a brilliantly illuminated electric carriage in the isinide through the principal streets of the city. The pa rade was more than two hour* passing u given point. REPORTED D MldtllßD. Rumor Again Rasy Regarding the llnnagpr Fmpreaa. Berlin. Oct. 16 —The report that Dow ager Empress Frederick was married last April to Baron ffeckendorff, who was hofmclster under Empress Frederick, al though widely circulated abroad, had al ! ways been strenuously denied here until | the present crl*ls in her dlsw*e. Now. ' however. It Is being circulated ami ac cepted. together with a fresh number of detail*, furh as that the marriage oc curred In England It Is said that the principal mainly of tin Dowager Empress Is cancer of the kidneys. According to the latest bul letins. she I- somewhat better, but a fatal result Is generally expected by the pub lic. WORE KY IDEM E GIVER. Hearing Proceeded In the Tatrick- Jonea Forgery t Sir. New York. Oct. 16.—The preliminary hearing of Lawyer Albert T. Patrick and Valet Chari**# F. Jones was resumed to day In the Cant re Street Police Court. The charge Is forging and uttering a check for upon Swenson A Bon*. bankers, to which is signed the name of William M lllce. Further testimony was heard tending to *how that the s gnature to the check was not that of lib*#*. The hearing went over until to-morrow. | 6TOKM Kil l ED THREE. Serious Inlurtea Were Inuaed Others at Xcwark. X. J. New York. Oct. 16.—The storm which j pnssed over this city late this afternoon 1 struck Newark N. J . with frightful force and caused the death of three men. fatal injuries to at least two other*, and ’ serious injury to three mare. men were enguged In taking down the scaffolding meld* and outside of the new building of the Malrn Linoleum Works. The wind hit the building, rush* >d through the openings and formed a whirlwind Inside the wal*. ami in mo ment the whole collapsed like an eggshell. ■tbTl HVI < %l IKD Ml ( H IM>K. <• rrnmrnf I’nnr Ha* a In t.ulii of Tw ImK. I.oniton Oct. 14.—The olecilon return* to-day do nol chanit* the reeult* and the final IlKiir* a with the exception of Ilia Orkney l.iand*. leave lha government a net miln of two aeaia. The total num ber of member* of rarliamant alerted I* <&.< no follow*: Minlatarlallala. 401, Op poaltlon. 24*. A the Orkney le an-1* dlatrlct la ra. warded a a aafe Überal aaat. the govern ment'a majority will be III), acalnat 124 it the nme of dlarolutton. laalail fluty on V rnpt-tuu* Herlln. Ort. 14.—'Tha Aaaorlatlon of Oar man Cotton Weaver* and Kntliar* baa praaetite*! a petition amilnet lha duty on wrapping*. pointing oul that wheraa* e- tton la free, tha Herman weaver* pah! WJ.fnn mark* In dutle* laat ar Convoke the I tinmhera. Part*. Ocl. 14.—Tha eablnet ha* decided | to convoke the chamber* for Nov. 1 LIVER PILLS. I Dr Ratim*> 4 Cos . N**ir York Ix*rr Sir*— I feav* iirl* f<w riwarly ■ two \*or and hive brer. dr<orm#r with oenr of mcii r*prrt dornnrp of th# T nlte-J SHwtrf I have breji r.hir eln •n** i>oi H tbe H-x Sr*rlnf. Ark but It everythin* ed to <W> n.* |Md After I mm your •*.iertiM-meot I thought I would try your plllt in*) have neerly ui>#d two bo*r#. bern takin* two at ixltlm# one after br'**fi.* intt t bmf he>r |onr me more- good thar. try eW I hive ue<l Mj ttv .t ie hie been with thf liver M' i*kln and tvM wfre w.i yeilow I hit) ileepy drc*w> feel liPi fHt Hk* >l run ken RMM i utx>ve the navel, like ai If It wi* bile on toi of the Mt marh. My bowel# wer*- very cowtlvu My mouth in i tongu* einr of the time Appetite fuir Exit food would not dlgeet. hut fettle heavy or. inv *om •ch. ar.a (*in neu hful.- off wal * vime up attain. 1 <k>ukl only rit eight food Ua* .ht-fti F r*' mr-i Book of Advice Her pert fully. BfiN ZAtfOO. Hot Ark DADWAYS n PILLS, Price Sc a box Sold by dn*l*tx or **nt by mall Send to Dl! RADWaY A CO, Elm street. New York for Ikoli of Advtce GIRLS tlbllE FRANTIC. Lives Were Lost In a naming Rwlld- Ing at netroit. Detroit. Mich.. Oct It—As a result of a fire which started toon after 1 o clock th:* afternoon In th* buttling at No IS Jefferson avenue, occupied by the Witch *ll Brother* Company, manufacturer* of shoes, three women are dead and elgnt p. mint are mere or less seriously hurt. The first started In the basement, which was used a* a storeroom for boxes and lumber Tue origin remain* a mystery The flame* spread eo rapidly that none of the employe* who wer- on *h* se.ond and third floor* were abl, to escape by th* stairway. The girl* employed In th* building were on the third floor, and when the cry of fire was raised, they became panic-stricken and rushed for the win dow*. where a general tight followed In the efforts to gel out. The firemen took sev.ral g.rls from eh* third-story from window*, while other* escaped from ihe rear by menu of Are escape* The money loss was small. TMIRTV-THRKK DROWNED. Iteaner f'ollandn Wws Ron Down In Orlenfnl Water*. Victoria. B. C., Oct. 16.—News of n marine catastrophe, as a result of which thirty-three persons, nineteen of them foreigners, five hailing from th* Vnlted States, were drowned, wan brought to-day by fhe Empress of Japan The Norwegian steamer Collanda anew steamer of 3Wt tons, was making her third voyage from Port Arthur with a general cargo for Jai>anes* ports, and when off lowasslma. she was run down by the steamer lac Maru. She had forty passengers and a crew of twenty, with five foreign officers The lie Maru pick ed up the survivors and brought them to Nagasaki. Two foreigner*, twelve Japanese and some Chinese escaped In a boat, find twsnty-two of the crew. Including the' captain and second officer, were reorued by the lac Maru. THF. FIRE AT PORT MHOS. list nf the Houses and atnre* llnrneil There Sunday. New Orleans. Oct. 16.—The I’nlted Fruit Company to-day received a cable gram from Pori Umon, giving the follow ing list of house* and stores burned there In the fire, which broke out Sunday: "Fnited Fruit Company, office and store; Pori Llmon Hank; E. Sang lan. Fltasche Pros . Atlas Line office, Ithor moaet ACo . Grand Hotel The cause of the fire I*' not stated The loss Is be lieved to be D.onb.onu. nearly half of which will fall. It la stated, on the fruit company. HAD A g2.HI.IMMI FIRE. At Least III.fMMMMMi Ferf off I.amber Were Destroyed nf Oshkosh. Oshkosh. Wit., Oct. IS.—Property valued at more than a quarter of a million dol lars was destroyed In the lumber district of thta city to-day. At lenst 13.0ut.aa) feet of lumber was de stroyed. together with part of the Hol lister-Ante* Company's mill, and of the plan! of Challoner * Son- Company.- The leases are fully covered by Insurance. is *t il l. PHDIIUM. Mlaa (■■■! Experts to Rlile II.00(1 Miles for n Record. New York. Oct. 16.—Miss Margaret Gass, the record-breaking wbeelwoman who lowered the national 2.000 mile record over the Valley Stream .burse, Is still pedalling away In quest of more long distance hon ors At 4:1.1 o'clock this afternoon Mbs Gast finished 2.175 mile* She expect* lo ride 3,000 miles and break all record* e-*-s | llnsnnr a Sorrraa. New York Oct 16 The attendance a' the bazaar being held at Ihe Waldorf-As toria for the benefit of the sufferer* In th* recent Galvesion hurricane- was very large to-night The secretary estimates that the receipts no far will ant uni to be tween Ljntstn and *30.(00. W tidlry Vice President. Waycross. Ga.. Oct. 16.—Mr. J E. Wadley. cashier of the First Nat tonal I'ank. ass honored by the American Bankers' Association at Its recent session in Richmond. He was chosen aa me vice president of the amoetatton from Georgia This is an honor to Waycross i Port fol ln nf W nr. I .on don. Oct 17. Load Salisbury, accord ing to the Dally Express, has offered the portfolio of war In Ihe reconstructed cab j Inet to Lord lialfour of Burleigh. aecre | tary for Scotland. Milner to He Governor. Ixindon, Oct. 16.—The Times announces that Str Alfred Milner will be apnolnled governor of the- conquered republics. The Straight-Front Corset fulness and style. Its perfection la found in The “ HILITANT ” the stralght-frowt style of the famous j •' Glove ■ Fitting" -X/ For sale by all dealer* in the United States. k Tar a t\*m *m4 tt* km r thty'rr m*dt. 11 xtf VJ f ! A.I ttsmi rmn rwW tkm AmJy Send to us for handsome illustrated catalogue. f Oca. C. Raubeller IU.IU B'way, New Yark. For sale by all leading Dry Goods Stores. LOOKING INTO CONVICT CHARI.KN. Prison hoard Is lo vest Igstlsx the ( woe at VsMnets. Valdosta. Ox . Oct. I*.—The Invaxitgatlon meo the charge* brought br Solicitor Ed : monsor. of Thomas county again*! the M Re* convict -imp* were commenced ! here in tho Court House at o'clock this I morning The Prison Board. contlaHng of Judge Joe Turner. Oon Clement Evans and Hon Tutn Eason, was praaeni and I brand Ihe evidence. Solid ter Edmonson was assisted by his i uncle. Col. Humphrey*. In the prosecution. While th- hi Rees wve reprasted by Hot. Henry G Turner of Quitman. Col. Q A Whitaker and Cap* S T Klngaberry ! Col L P S Denmark appear*.! for the County Commissioners The evldenee was almost entirely that of negroes who had been confined at the amps or at Mcßee's There were a doi-'ii of theae wpneaaet and all of them were brought over from Quitman this morning Cos! Humphreys announced to :he Prison Board that h* would nos con sent for hla wttr.ese** to leave the house or go downstair* until after their taati mo- v<had been given, though he would ernsent for them to be kept In the Jury room adjoining Ihe court room thus aep arailr.g them from the*# who were testl f-- n* , Thee witnesses were used to prove th* charge* made by •Solicitor Edmonson a few- day* ago agwmar the management ot the camps Their testimony without re buttal would have been very damaging The cTo**-*xawitna*!ons threw some light upon -ome of the cleudy-looklr.g feature*, and the for the camps, tt ls said, will tsatify as strongly the other way Th# testimony of the white wlt nra-es to-day ,-onatated In hearsay and rumor* and was not regarded aa strong. The defendant* announced that their *v lence would come from reputable whttg people and th* proceeding* to-mocrew may prove to b very lnierastlng A large crowd was In the courtroom to day llelentng to every feature In the case. i0 - t WILL BE GEN. MrGI.ANHAX. Navannahtaw Prominent!, Mentioned a* Gen. Fee tins' Successor. Atlanta. Oct I.—'The consensus ot opinion among th# beat posted Confederal* Veterans of prominence tn and around At lanta I* that Oen P A. McGlaehan of Ravannah will succeed Oen. Evans at commander-in-chief of the Georgia Di vision of T'nlied Confederate Veieran*. Ooi MrGlashan Is th# senior trigs Her of the Confederate Veteran* of Georgin. being note In command of the Eastern Di vision His present rank makes him the logical aucceeaor of Gen Evan*, an.l Inas much aa he Is tn every way qu,lifted to fill this high position, his pre-motion Is confidently expected. Especially I* Oen Mrtiksabari's arpo'.nt mem eavevted In vlewr of the fact thkt Oov. Candler, whose name ha* been prominently mentioned In this connection, and who ha* been endorsed for the ro xlllon. will not accept th* place, and in fact, will not alksw hla name to'be used. SHOOTING AT FITXGERALD. Perry Branch Let OR Ilia Revolver Into Mitchell Williams. Fitzgerald. Ga . Oet. 16.-To-night about o'clock. Mitchell William*, a negro por ter at Mauldin'* saloon, was shot by Perry Branch, a bartender in tha same -a loon. It seems from report* lhat Rranch and Mitchell had a few words over a trifling matter during the afternoon, and along ■ bout 6 o'clock they met In the allev by lames' saloon, when Rranch shot Wili ams Just above the heart with a SJ-call >rc revolver The wounded man was tak en lo Ihe office of Dr*. Poweli and Smith, where the bullet was removal , llrungh was captured by Chief Smith after an exciting chase of over four blocks and lodged In Jail. Hl* friend* got to gether and gave a SKn bond before Jus tice Paulk for his appearance at the Su perior Court next week. nt:l IkITION HELD IP. Negroes' Aeensed of Mnnlsr Will Have an Investigation. Columbia. 8 C„ Oct. 16 —Oov. Mc -Bweeny will hold up a requktltlon from the Governor of Oeorgl* for Dan Major and Tom Whaler, two nsgroes arrested In Clarendon county, on the charge of murdering Andrew Kennedy and Deputy- Sheriff A. F. Donaldson In Bullock coun ty. Georgia. Oct. 12. 1393 A negro detective made the affidavit on which the men were arrested He say* he had been on thetr track for n long tint# The negroes declare their Inno cence, and say they can prove that at the time of the murder they were working 'n South Carolina, their trade being the manufacture of rustic furniture It ILL RE I.lNKt.nnn BOXEN. Conservative Estimate Na Fixes Florida's Orange Crop. Jacksonville. Fia , Oet. 16 —A eonaerva tlve estimate of Florida's orange crop this year places th# yield at 1 000 000 boxes An extra large yield wilt be hod In Mana tee. Httlborough and De Soto counties. The grove* are |n healthy condition, aial within two weeks the fruit will begin to be marketed Before Ihe freeze In Ittkf., the yield was 5, 000,010 boxes. They sold at SO cents, but this year the aver age price per box I* *2 ALLIGATOR STHITK A ROCK. Orklovraha Navigation Company Loaf a Steamer. Talatka. Fla . Oct. 16.—The freight and passenger steamer "Alligator," of the titklowaha Navigation Company, plying between Welaka and Silver Springs, went down this morning at Fort Brooks on the Ocklowaha river. The steamer struck a rock. , . All th# crew and passenger* were saved A wrecking tug from her* ha* gone to save the boat. Park Wai Only Joking. Macon. Oct. 16.—Capt. R E. Park, state treasurer-elect, enys It is all fool ishness to talk about anybody Introduc ing a bill to Increase the representation In (he general assembly He say* he was merely Joking when he suggested It. and there Is no need for anybody to be con cerned about It. attsr*. “ E SPEOiALLY ymM bmiwlo WATER \ w ’■ of Virginia,” - .fiigr | ; I flpvtog# 80. 1 aad . For Albuminuria Bright’s Disease, BAMITCL O. L I*f)TTER. A M . M D.. M. It. C. P. London Profc , „ Principle# nnd Practice of Medicine in the 0011-ge of I'hysi i geou*. San Francisco. In hla hanl-hook of PHARMACY. MATER t CA and THKHAPEI’TICS, a irxi hook In many of the l.alli. colleges of the country, under Ihe hetui of AI-lil'MlNl'ltlA iw, . , edition, in the cl,alien of rented.. *. LiTHIA WATER of Virginia la highly recommended" ,'nder ihe had of "CHRONIC BRIGHTS DISEASE," page ni gain *, In the citation of remedies, he ray-. "Mineral Waters, ESPECIALLY THE BUFFALO LITHIAWATER of Virginia, whk-h has many advocates." “A Veritable Antidote.” DR. WILLIAM H DRPMMOND. Professor of Medical Jurlspruden c. ; , fnlvetslty. Montreal. Canada: "In the Acute and Chronl Nephrb I Disease—of Gouty and Rheumatic Origin, as well as graver t. , rla of Pregnancy. I have found Buffalo Lithla Water to act as a Veritable Antidote, and I know of no other natural agent -e s. •In thl* ImMcriont quality.** % Both of the*# water# ar jowerful Nerve Toni'*# an<l No. 1 I* n!f*rr *• t Blood Tonic, and ! tally In.llcaled In all cases where there I* Fov-m. Aeiency of Blood. In the absence of three symptom# No. 1 la more esptcl.i v rated. Buffalo lithia water generally. Teatltnon.ais. which Jtfy all impuUtlon or question*, sent to any a.ldrc-► PROPRIETOR, BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VIRGINIA. SPRINGS ARE OPEN FOR OVEST3 FROM JT’NE 15 TO OCTOHKR They are reached from all dlre-tlon# over the Danville thvlelon of the Southern Ry. XO APPOINTMENT MADE \ ET. Plramintn of Jirkionvllle Hflitlaaed for Traffle Mannrr. There lea rumor In circulation that Mr W. H Pleamints. freight agent of the Florida Central and Pentnaukir, will be made traffic manager of the Ocean Steamship Company. Pres ident Egan a eked about the matter before hla departure from Auguata and replied that no auch appointment had been made General Freight Agmt C R Cappa of tho Seaboard, was lo aked about the matter yasterday. and aald that he had hard the rumor here, but that he wa* with Mr Pleasant# In Jackaonvllla only the day before, and the latter *atd noth ing to him about it. • he very probably would have done had the report letn true Mr. P!oa#Ants \ #*td to lx* a very competent traffic man and popular with the railroad people and bu#lne#a men alike. He has* b*on with the P. C. & P. a number of years. Mr Id W Collier, commercial agent of the llttnoi* Central, with headquarter* in Atlanta, van among the visitor# to the city yesterday. Mr V. M. Clul#. traveling freight an.l pa##enger agert of the Chicago. Milwau kee and SSt Paul Railroad, with head quarter# in Netv Orleans, wan among th'* vialtom in railroad circle# veaterday Induwtrlal Agent Patrick of he Sea board Air Line I# expected In Savannah to-morrow with n party of people Interca*- ed In the South. In the Hrmnler’ii t ourt. In the Recorder # Court yasterday four teen prlnoner# were tried. Anton FuMin#. the white man arrested on the charge of the theft of clothe# from Janie Butler. w*a# remanded to the city Court, nnl #> era# Frank Thomae. also white, who wn# to the barrack# for the larceny of brass from the mill of the Southern Cot ton Oil Company The remainder of the ca#e# were of lit tle Importance. PBESBVTKRV tMOIRfFJ). Other News Concerning Brunswick Men nnd Matters. Brunswick. <Ja , Or!. IS—The Suvannih Prcshyiery came to a Anil adjournment ala late hour lat night and (he majori ty of the delegate* left to-day for th lr respective home*. The final version wis an Interesting one. preceded by a sermon from Mr M K Peabody, candidate for the ministry. Following the sermon Mr Peabody was lieenv-'l •<* preach, he having passed a very thorough examination In a very satisfactory manner. By a rising vote the Pteahytery adopted resolutions of thanks to the Presbyter‘tin congregation for their generous at.d cor dial hospitality; to (he 10-al t artors f. r the courtesies extended them In tender ing ihelr pulpits on Sunday, last, anl 'O the newspaper* for rcpnr.s An erroneous report gain# I clrcula lon last night to the cff< , that Jack Hoger*. a white man. allot at Everett city waa dead. Roger* t* In a very critical c n dltlon however nnd may die at any time. He came to Brunswick Saturday nijtnt on the same train that brought W. B Hamm*, the man who shot him. tut dlsappenred from view On Sunday he watt found lying on the green In a rest denco portion of the city with bullet wound In Ms head. Hoger* wa* delirious, and when found wa* carried to the hospi tal for treatment Hamm Is In Jail and will be prosecuted according io the out come of hi* victim * Injuries. The Brunswick Riflemen ere pretnrlng to entertain their friends with an "Old Maids' Social." on Friday evening, Oci. I*. The Riflemen have quite a reputation for unique and suc-V-ssful affairs, and the coming event promise* to be largely at tended The Southeastern Fair Association offi cers and dire-tors will meet shortly to decide on a date for Brunswick's pro posed carnival. The Mallory *le.tmMp Rio Or and- ar rive,! to-day. re|orls len miles K N E. off Frying Pun lightship, passed through a quantity of yellow itfne lumber. 4 by 5. from 15 to la feet tong; not long In wa ter; also two spar*, rigging attached, ap parently, to a schooner s mast Emory’* Hrlny Harr. Emory College. Oxford, Oa.. Oct. 15. Owing lo the lateness of the season toe contest for the championship of doubles In tennis has been postponed until next •prlug and from now until th- 2th Inst., all the athletic Interest of the colh-ge will bo centered In the cross country relay race, tvhlch will occur on thai date. The committees for the selections of the learn* for each class hnve wen appointed The teams will all he selected this week, ar.,l will go into hard training until the time of the race Thl# afternoon for the pur pose of giving practice in long dls'ance runnlng a fox and hound race was run. lit which about fifty student* took part Talc la quite n famous event with the English Colleges, hut thl* afternoon was ilv- first time that such a race ha* been run un der the direction of the Emory Athletic Association. RESILT# AT MOHRIN PARK. Only One nf Kl| Favorite* la*rtl the Juilae* a Winner. New York. Oct. 16 —A# If to of? • run of five winning favorites only one wa# flr#t ia#t the Julc* - c. Morris Park to-day. First Race—Seven furlong#, o*. ing nuldo. 3 to 1, won, Oiea. 8 to 5 ii 5. eecond. Fatalist. 15 to 1. thud 1:083s- S* ond Race—Six furlong#, eelllr: In Saot. 30 to 1. won. Talcooe. 4 to 1 • i- , 5. second. Billionaire. 13 to 6. third T:m* 1 11V Third Race—The gllverbrook. five furiongs. selling Temp • - to 1. wui; Lief Prince. 7 to 1 ind . \ second; Maximus, 10 to 1. third Tn*. 1:%. Fourth Race—The Dlann ove it * Gonfalon. 13 to 5. won; KtllaehaiMni 7 o 1. .nd out. #e<*ond. Water Cure, t a 1 thiml Time, 1:43. Fifth Race—One mile. King Ilarl* >■ i r 7 to 5, won; H immot-k, b to 1 and 7 t. second; Herbert, 11 to 6. third Tim 1:45 Sixth Race—Mile, selling Pr, tor. 13 to 6. won: Ml## Hane. 11 t .it out. second; Bell of Orleans. 9 to 5 t Tim., VtarrM at \*w|ort. Cincinnati, 0., Oct. 16.—Result# at N port: First Race—One mll<* and ventv yard# selling. Meggs. 10 %tt l. v\ n. wrh Iteana. I to 1. #econl. and Colbert. 6 to 1. third. 'Hme 1:463a. Second Race.—Six and a half fur f■; Donna Seay. sto 1. won. with Juke \\ • r 7 to 2, second, and the Sluggard • to 7. third. Time 1:21 U Thir<l Race —Seven furlongs. Ifernan 5 to 1. won. with Our Lntly. 6 to 1 1 ar.d Russia, sto 1. third Time 1 , Fourth Race.—One m Ir and fifty \4 ■.* The Hush. 3 to 3. won. with Join; Ilil - . 4 to 1. second, and Miss Soak. 5 tn .. third. Time I:44'*. Fifth Race—One mile and a quar-r selling. Nettle Regent, 2 to 1. won. with Amelia Strathmore. 12 to 1. # <•• I r 1 Clay Pointer. 6to 3, third. Time * Sixth Race—Six furlongs. #*i i g mi Ity, SO to 1. won. with Fairy Dell. 15 *• l, second, and Irish Jewel. 2 to 1. thirl Time 1:15*4 PRESENTED IT TO BHOOKLIN, Pltthnrc Pnt t p a Very Poor %rlt ele of Hall. Pittsburg. Oct. 16— Pittsburg put up * miserable exhibition of twill playing In -he #econl day's game for the worl 1 cham pionship and presented the game to Brooklyn on errora. Attendant • 1 * Scure: Bi.h Pittsburg ... 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 0 3 n •> 0-t T Batteries: Leaver and CYConnor; Kit#®** and Farrell. Time*. 2 hours. Death of an tlld Clflsen. Stntealioro. Go., Oct. 16.—Mr n Zattrower of this place, died her*- ' 1 morning after lingering iilntt"' of v era I weeks Mr. Zattrower w* .< * years old. and one of the l* K; - men in the county He had held tin ‘ of tax collector and county treaem* • a number of years, and hod alww' * '* entire satisfaction. bad beer. t < •latent Mason of Ogeechee about forty-five years, wbh h frai* r * will eondMOt the fßtll rtl #1 Statesboro Cemetery to-morrow m* * r - Netlcd \txiiit 3B*!WSI. Indon. Oct. 16.—The* theatric and forma nee for the benefit of th* G 01 sufferers to-day netted about P* ClcvrfCTTlexut Co* I'airqurlr) KlMr. , have been laid In many of I the comfortable home* In I New Tork. Hoalon and other cltlea. More cleanly and economical than car pat*. Plain and fancy floor* laid and ®ollli*.l complete over obi fle"r- . maklntr a aAlId an-1 beau tiful Improvement. aloaue on requeat. r.c tlmate* aent on r< of mea*urea of room* Having number of floor* to lay In Savannah thl* month we can quote do.-- figure*. J M. ADAMS. 227 N. Charle* Street. Baltimore. Md. ... I#