The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 17, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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EIVE supreme snark. , M i:> |*LAV*IWO FOR A M |-i i l U RH %TlOfe. , , )(tl -itllrrrll to Hr Mpl •( ~ iy III* llrotbrr 1100 Mil , \(icrMarila Inlormall) - l.ttter IMirlnß t!i ~r lit*- lliMt llhm Will Cele- Mt Millwrir* With , ciruilP it net u llonqort. ,i Hi* Ur *to Tu-nurrun ■* of Savannah ar* deter , n their appreciation of ujh*i one of their ...fuling a welcome to Mr. . the new Snark of the !?.< order, which wiil mark iiwtory of Hoohooiiotn. t ill die 1100 Hot** he .Ipate. but the entire im m ..rtler. or aa many of them upon to coma here. •< join in making the o<ca mle one. This wan the de i at a meeting of the local lie Soto iaat night, of tiie Universe, it ahoulti mind. i not only the supreme order in the United Stated, name implies, Is the head of 'hroughout the entire world the leading 1100 Hoo men of that a .lemon ft ration ma le uj>on the return of the .ok which will make him to i-nor conferred uj*>n him in *te<| by hu fellow members. I. after the* recent nr a?ul at Dallas. Tex . went down visiting Mexico City and i t interest in that country, n Ids way home and is ex arrive hero Monday. After .-.-ion. it was decided at the • night, that it would be im • get up a celebration of the ,i; 4 i desired in the short time ln lore Mr HtlUwell's arrival tlso .igroed that a- Mr Still i i • just completing a long and • fume Journey that he would ;n th humor to enjoy an cx . i perhaps exuberant demon the part of his fellow mem i .irdlnglv decided to postpone 11. ration uni l ! the middle of when ihe Elks Fair will be In a l when It will be |H>sible to .• rnber* of the Hoo Hoo clan, i f.'om Oeorgla. but from ull the states * well. At this date, r. or possibly earlier. It Is pro kiv*• it 1100 Hoo parade, soar - s has never been seen In Sa ri- and which ft Is predicted *#• f the tnosi attractive fea ' tn- Elks Fair The order will I • ait In force in full regalia with Insignia. Illuek cats will ’-.where in evidence and the au rs will rloubtless appear In iwn by nine Mack mules. Ev ■ In nines with the Hoo Hoo - fi ling considered If d*ehable. ii the return of the supreme • 11 • i not pass unnoticed and it • lingly decided that all h* Hoo 'ne city, numbering ahout sixty '■l t*e notified to tnee? the su •rk at the train on his r*um *m> him home As he will hardly ft 11v 11It • 11 11 time a smoker will be given ding night, accompanied by Mon perhaps when the supreme give an jieeount of himself arvd k cat will yowl their appro i report. •mg last night did not under ip nut th programme In k -id It WIS derided 0 call il • t ’ all the Hoo Hoo* of the city irt.ira of the De Soto for to-roor for the purpose of entering Into n-ideration of tb c lehrotlon * proposed to give ami making n preparations for the affair r T E King who presided at th** was Instructed to notify • Bnark U. 8. Wllsm, of Al ii • • action of the Savannah 1100 • I requ#-et him to convey the itv • to .ill the Hoo Moo- of Utorg a. ■i number. In addition to this . rouuoHted to notify the grand -f the order with th •( form# lon l>e puhll-tKM] to all . <>f ih- order throughout this and Canada. • ting to-morrow night Indorses • ii • m of the one hist night, s **dly will, the Hoo liiKMi will t* lay their plans for ti cele '♦ ■ like of which hae never been in B*tvnnnah. hih! which will \ -irors to the Elks' Carnival to talk about for many a day In identtiHy it Is proposal I to • xerclsee of th* day with ti which the worthy Rtack Cats iiemselves after th** labors t itv IIHEVITIEO. of ihe Savannah Branch of work Guild will be held at B*. eh Hall Friday afternoon. >1 Ituiiroud will hoid Ita "Old at the company'* down it* house, on West Broad street <• irt of Ordinary yesterday T h m flU’d an application for o*-y upon the estate of Mary Waters was granted temporary ' imlnl-tratlon upon tM* estate 1 Waters, colored, by Judge vssterday. ' Naughtln and a number of del i'H and trade unions will attend •‘on of the American Federa r w hich will be held In Louis • I '' ing Dec. 6. •*f the Fourth District Club. m °ti that Is supporting Mr L to succeed himsr lf a* m.ig Fourth Militia District, will -h at ft o'clock at labor Hall. 'ant* m emscarce In Ravnnnah nt None of the court* Is In ‘ h* nee no rases are being tried Income a matter of remark iMon or paper of any kind Is office of one of the clerks. r "uig small hoy of Savannah t 1 a use for the usphalt.*d for which they wart tv ' r 1 He hah learned that us a ! n** himself on roller skates surpassed and he enjoys f vry afternoon. ‘" m Murphy had the mls t ’ rday to loose a hunch of • on the Ogeechee road, or • hear Second. There ar*- iron m i two ferns* at ‘W brass chain The finder tn with the desk sergeant at w t> .. '• -1 Of Wnyrro,, nifrl yerter- NOITETTIftV * c ’KUn Constipation LS|*TOWacm_#* urn the rlpeflS bov> dteor- I | I ■> XXdpr .-r* quickly and * “ l>< rmoiK-nlljr. SANK WORD WITH WOMEN Are you startled by every little noise? Does the prattle of children annoy you? Does the creaking of a chair or the slamming of a door make you feel as if you would fly to pieces? Does your life seem a failure? Are you frequently cross and ill-natured? That condition indi cates that you are suffering the torture of “female complaints’*. You get no sympathy —because others don’t understand your suffering. They only know how you become nervous and excited with little apparent excuse. You have probably tried many remedies for irregular menstru ation, falling of the womb or leucorrhoea. But you gave up in despair before trying the right one. We call that to your attention to-day. Wine of Cardui is a positive cure for all female diseases. It rehabilitates the unstrung nerves and strengthens the delicate and sensitive female or gans. Menstrual disorders are the bane of women’s existence. But with Wine of Cardui so easy to secure, it is the height of folly for you to go on enduring the torture and dragging ills. Do not allow these terrible diseases to steadily drag you to the grave. Time makes them worse. Wine of Cardui relieves them quickly and permanently. Try it when the first symptom appears. All leading druggists have SI.OO bottles- v I have suffered untold pain at menstrual periods fora long time; had headache, and J JL **red all the time; was nervous; had no appetite, and lost interest in everything; in fact f ' was miserable. I have taken four bottles of Wine of Cardui, with Thedford’s Black-Draught | when needed, and to-day I am entirely cured. I cannot express the thanks I feel for what t. y- J 'Qr? yytlMjr In rAqatrlan tpacltl directions, tddrM., Rtrlng symptom.," Th* Ladi.' (yWv W-ap i. ■... Advisory Dpp*rtmnl,” Th. ('hntuoooga Mmllolm Cos., Chnttnnoogn, Tenn. day hi* fnr i in bank ruptcy. Th* hankrtipt *how that he l Indebted to variou- unccurfs| f r*dltors. In various *fotc* of the country. In th* total sum of $1.671*.53, and that ht- ivh amount o SO3. Of the assets h- a*ks that $37 worth of wearing apparel he exempted under the provision* of the etate law ; Two or three of the creditor* of the bank rupt are Savannah m*n liOCAI. PEIDO>AL. Mr L. C Read of Atlanta 1* registered at the Pulaski. * Mr. S B. Wight of Atlanta Is a guts of the Pulaski. Mr. T C. Parks of Macon Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. S H. Moyd of Pembroke Is a guest o fthp I’ula.kl Mr*. I. T. M-Call h* rrturnr-1 frO:n HirmiiiKlmm. Ala. Mr A R. Rolwrlr of Ogorrhro lr rosl torod at Ihr Artvw Mr Jam. * Council of Hl?r*lon Is rosls ter.*) .( the Pulaski Mr. R. glmmomt of Stalcuboro If regi*- tcrMl at the Pulavkl. Mr. W. to Phillip* of Loulavllle i* a ffii. s, of the Pulaski. Mr N\ H. Thomson of Cor del c Is rct:- leterr-d at the !-ula>kt. Col. A R. Utwton left via the CenTal laM nlcht for Atlanta. Mr J D. MeUregor of lit. Vernon Is a truert of the Hrreven. Mr. J J Heekliam of Jacksonvilk If r<sUlered ttl the Screven. Mlrr C. 8. Hardee left via the Plant Syelem yesterday for New York. Mre 1.. C. Bank* nrrlvee) from New York yesterday on the City of Augueta. Mr and Mre O. W. Owen* arrived frra-n New York on Ihe City of AwtuMa ye.ter day. Mr T. J Bottom' of Th tnarvlile was among the arrival* at the Ije Solo yester day. Mr. Clifton M Tilton has returned to the city after plewaant vlett to Chttr lotte. Mr and Mrs Cooper Myers left via the Seah>rd Air Line yesterday for New York. Mr L. O Btarbuck. a well known law yer of Orlando. I* rcglsier.d nt the Pu laski. Mr 11 w Talmer wa a n-rer on the City of Augusta from New York ye terday. Mr Adolf Rondhelmer his returned tn lh elty after spending the summer tn Europe. Mrs. N M Plmer was a passenger on the City of Auguata front N w York sew terday. Mr. ami Mrs J. R BlWldOn arrived from New York yesterday on the City of Augusta. Mr H. A McEaehern of Waycross was In the city yester.luy a guest of the Screven. Mr. and Mr*. W H Simmon* of John .on Station were among the arrivals n the Screven yesterday Mrs. Chas Matks t expected In the city to-day from Atlanta wher* she hn been on an extended visit. Mr and Mrs. 8. Herman and Mr* M S Herman were passenger* on the City o Auguata for New York yestetdav. Mr Allen Sweat lef li t tight en n business trip through Middle Oeorgl i 11. will he absent for about two week-. Messrs. Charles K Shore. J c Hunter, and John C lluee of Allsn'n were am >n.- the guest* Of the Puls ski \< *M*J Miss Alice Maxwell, aft-r a plea-ant visit to Mis* Bffle Blood worth, will leave to-day for her home at Montesutna. Dr and Mrs W. F Aiken r.ttirne.l from the North yesterday They -neff H p<cmhcr an! Ilia laa two w- elu in M •*- Mf’huactit. Mr*. A O lifting** n<c 11- am) daughter, of Morristown N Y . arrive.) yesterday morning from New Yotk on the City of Augusta, en route to Palm Beach. Fla. Mr. and Mrs Lester Hubbell nd Mr- Porter who have h.-en si-endlng the * ini mer at Mr Hubbell's summer tome, The Willows. In Pnsdtlln. N Y returned yes terday morning on the Cltv of A tue 1 Mr and Mr* Hubbell will l>* • hoo. ai No )01 Oglejhorpe avenue wrest, aml Mrs Porter will spend the winter with her daughter. Mrs I. T Hubbell. at Haber sham atreet and Park avenue Bully of Batleavnrers. A meeting of the local tTnlon of Chrl-I lan En.k-avorers was held la-1 night at the latwton Memorial amt wa- very w-l attended. The meeting wsa called a "bet termsnt meeting" because rh< mrrnter plerlged themselves to do belter work in, Ihe various lines lepresented Id the church and lu the endeavor society ,; THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1000. ornciAL. 1900 LIQUOR LICENSES? THIRD (|l % UTERI. V *T\TKMI :%T. C'liy nt Brivannah. Offloe < l* rk of Council. Kavannfth, Oa.. Oct. 15. IW> Th* following iilpnalM’tlcul li*t of p*r- S’on* llc*n*f*<l to **ll liquor t retail urvicr provi item of **ciion 12 of tax onrilnanc* for I<o. WILLIAM V BAILEY. Clerk of Council A. A&endorf. Fred, corner JcfTeroon ond Alice strict* Vnfh r>oti, Jo**ph N. t 39 Randolph atreet. a\hl*. < harl*. Ray and Ah*rcorn atr*e*- A Oram*. M. D. f 42 Bull street. Anglin. Thomas. Bryan and Barnard mre*** Alley A Kelly, Bay lane, near Bull street. B. Brodrnan, J. D., corner Bolton and Burroughs atreet*. Barlow, Hu* tn L., 211 Houston *treet. Badeffhoop, J H a. E (i., r>23 West Broad street Beckmann. George. 112 Whitaker street. Bernstein. J.. 211 Ht. Julian street. Ranger, H. H . Oge*cheo road, near Sarah utreet. Belford, W. T . 1523 Bull street. Broil man. O. I>.. 234 Randolph street. Reyiagh. Thomas F., Harris and Esst Broad streets. Brlnkmann. H. C.. 226 Bt. Julian atreet. west. Bok liminn, D., Charlton and West BriNtfl s€re* t Bohn. H. N. C„ 235 East Broad street. Blenges, Fred, 119 West Broad street. Bulck-n. John, agent, Taylor and West Broad streets. Bluesteln, J A Cos.. 221 Congress street. Bookhoop. F. H.. Bay street extended Bohn. J. H. A., Alice and West Broad Streets liar hour. J 8 F Henry and West Broad street*. Brown Bros.. Anderson and East Broad streets. Rouhan. Wllllavn. 661 East Broad street Brickman, Charles. 34 West Boundary atreet. Boley. M.. 129 Congress street, west. Bummer. M A., Randolph and Berry st reefs. Rummer. Patrick, 613 McDonough Street, east. Branch, 8. W. Cos., Broughton and Whitaker street* Brown. W B , 238 Brynn street, west. Rewan. J O . cor. Bull and Best sts. C. Connery. C. P-* HO St. Julian atreet. west. Christopher. George, 102 West Broad street. Cain. Patrick, corner Bay and Wes# Broad streets. Cnrr. John, corner Houston and Bny street*. Clemens, If. K.. corner Wist Broad and Henry streets. Cohen. M G. A Cos.. 221 Bt Julian street Cooley. Thomas, corner River and West Broad street* Corbelt. w F.. 23 West Broad street. Cooley. R., ’.22 Harrison street. Cord**. John F . Montgomery street and Whatley avenue Crolian. J F.. Bryan and Whitaker Streets. rh.vmplon A Evan*. 1M M’**t Ilrnfi't Street. Cnttlngham John ■outh*nnl oorn.r Drayton ' ,n,, Brougbton *ir. •f* roUlnrhnm. John. MS llroughgon ,tr*l. wont. runnlngh.vm. R. W. Mr*.. Taylor and Ea*t Rroart *tr*t*. n Dall-y A Cos.. No. 1 Firm ,ir,^). I,(. rk* A J , corner Whltak-r and Jnnr* atracts. Drcaon. H. E.. Btewart and Wll,on itreels I)l*rk*. W. C.. 3*l Whllakf-r ,trt. Dr*t. Georg* “"9 Wei! Rroad alrmt. Delgnan. lanl*-I. <* Indian atret. Dl. r*. Wm . Ltlw-riy and Wet (Iroad ,tret. Dnyl< M J Mark') aquar* Danmark J. M . 1T Farm a-r**t E. EHrllch-r. Max. lot Ea,t Rroad *trct. Klrhholt. s . 1012 Cemetery *tr*t. Ktchholx. E . Liberty anil Kaat Rroad ,lrrt, Ent-lman J F . M Llheriy atreet. ,aat Elalngi-r. T . 41 Drayton atreet. Egan J J . *4! Weat Rroad mreet. Knt'lman. A H. 7M> Kaat Rroad atreet Ka*terllng Whleky Company. Planter*' Hotel Kaaterltna Whiaky f'ompany. Liberty ■nd Kaat Rroad ,ireafs. Eakrdor, W H . 4k> Weat Broad atreet Ehlere. George, M 7 Indian ,treat. Egan. M . 117 Ea.t Rroad atreet. Eat End Grocery Company. Broughton and Ea*t Broad atreet* Evan*. John T. A Cos. 11* Congrc*. •trevt p Frf'long. F . ’AS Ray atreet, eaat. FitlgeraM. Tho, E . 117 Weet Broad tre*t Klchr, John F, Rlvar and rarm atraata. I * htenk.imp. Henry. 6J) Bay De*t, , w * OFFHIIL Gerken. L C. Mr*.. Price and Gwinnett elreet* Grimm, Albert. Olllotl and Wet Broa.) Mreet*. Grimm John H.. ITeetdent and Drayton Mreet* GefTken. H. H.. Rroughton and Price eireet*. Ollden. Thomas. 25 Ray atreet. west. Glide,. Net 1 . 124 Broughton atreet. wc*t. Glide,. Neil. 13n Rroughton street, eaat. Grewe. F W E . Ogrrclee road. Gerken. Henry, egt,. 71S Wheaton street. Groot. Theodore, Jefferson and Liberty ! alreets. Goodman, 8.. 43 Farm street. ' Galina. Jo*. A, 9 Drayton atreet. | Garlelman W H . Randolph and Ogle ■ l)er(ie nventte. | Oi telnger, M. A A Cos.. West Broad and Harris streets. Gaines. M . I>4 Jefferenn street. Graham. C. F , Pulaski Hou*e. H Heath. C. P.. 3SS Jefferson street. Horrlgan, John, Rryun and Houston streets. Hesse. Herman. 134 West Broad alreets. Heilman. J F . *34 President street, east Heilman, C. H . 23 East Rroud. Herman A Rt renthelt. 1* Barnard atreet. Harma. F. A . 444 Tattnall street. Hotchkiss A Nevtß. ltd Broughton atreet. -i Hapman. AH. 319 We*t Rroad street Harm*. John D . '<34 Holton street, east Hart Francis, 11 Jeffereon street, lllck*. R. M 21 Congreer street west Helmken. J H . Liberty and Whitaker street*. J. Jachens, F. H.. 3K Price street Jackson. Andrew. 42 Whitaker street. Joyce. James J , East llrond and Wheal on street*. Jcrnlgan, E. 0.. Zubley and Lumber streets. Jones. George H . t West Broad street K Kaiser. J. T . 1311 Hull street. Kuck. John. 412 Drayton atreet. Kurk, H. F.. Anderson and Abercorn streets Krncken. Cord. Ray and West Broad streets. Kon-tnonn. C. 11.. 333 Farm atreet. Klene, Herman, I*4 Bryan atreet. west Kaln. M F., Weat Broad and River streets. King. George F.. 210 Broughton street weat. L. l-ang. N.cholaa. 39 Barnard street. Lankenau. J. H , Liberty and Randolph streets. Luerssen. C. F., Broughton and Eaat Rte,ad atreet*. lainge. Herman. 232 West Rroad street I.evan, Charles H., 11l Congre** streak west. John F.. corner Liberty and Hab ersham street* Lynch. John, Taylor and Whitaker street* Lynch, W TANARUS., agent. Lumber and Bay Street*. Lane. James. Price and Oglethorpe ave nue Lyons. John A Cos., Broughton and Whit aker street* M Monsees, C. H, Hall and Jefferson atreet*. Meyer. J F . Ml 81ms street. Metncke. P A. corner Farm and Bryan streets Mendel. Carl. *Ol Liberty streat. eaat. Meyer, John. Randolph and Anderson streets. Murken. J H.. Ray and Farm street*. Murken John. Thunderbolt Road Meyer. J P , Farm and Bryan atreet*. Manning P. 23 Itny street, east Mullins, Jno. *3O Indian street Morton. Peter, 212 Broughton atreet, east Martin A A Mrs . President and Ran dolph streets. Morrison Sarah, SCO Oglethorpe avenue. ast Mendel. A. *O2 Liberty street east Mercer. I. B *. w cor. East anj M'-Donough ata. Me McAlptn, T E S2 Price street McCormick, Wm . *2' Indian street. * McGuire. James 20 Farm street Mcßride, T F.. 525 Bay street, east MrOrath A Hansford, 37 Whitaker atreet McCarthy. M F. and W H., 31 Price atreet N Nell. Otto W., 303 Congress at., w. O. O'Brien. C A . SI West Broad atreet O’Byrne, James, Montgomery and Bay street*. Ohslek, John, corner Hay and W Broad streets. Ohslek, Chaa.. 29# Reynold* etreet OH, P J., 21 Broughton street, east. O'Keefe. J. Mgr, southwest corner Broughton and Drayton streets. V Paulson. N.. estate, corner Barnard and River atreeig. Peter*. N F, northeast corner Bur roughs and Park avenue. Pc car son, Paler, tn Bay street, east. itmniAl,. Paced. E V , I* Broughton street, east. Perry. FLA Oo„ foot of Bull it., cor. ! Kiver. R Remler, R.. Llherty and Drayton street*. Rentier, H , 1919 Wheaton street. Hausen M . 434 Congreea street, west. Rlpke. John. 229 Drayton street Raskin. 8 . 735 West Rroad street Ralnts. F. W H . Indian and Farm I streets Reilly. L, Mr*.. 12* Rryan street, west j Rocker. John and Bro, P)1 West Broad Mreet. Rorntseh. M. A Cos., 3ft* Broughton : street, west Rouse A Harris. 49 Barnard atreet. Huy. W. H.. agent. 211 Bryan street, ! weet 8 8. hroder. Geo , 1002 West Broad street | fiohroder, H'nry. 401 Broughton anal, I east. Sleni. D . 839 Jones street, west Kulllvan. Jotm J.. 10 Bryan street, eaat. Banders. Philip. Bull and Bet streets. Btellje*. (Jeorge, 802 Gordon Mreet. east, Btelnmari Bros . 44 West Broad streat Kllvcrsteln, David, 232 81 Julian stie-t, west. Behnaars, F . Anderson and Whitaker •treat*. Scbuenemann. D. 11., East Brood and Bolton stret*. Btellle*. Henry. 301 Oglethorpe avenue Schwarz. George, 316 Congrees street, west Stem. D . Second and Whitaker street* Suiter. Henry. Montgutncry and t.lberty *lreota Slater. J. C„ Congre#,, and Jeffemon Mreet*. Schultes, flux, corner PHco and York street*. Stahmer, John, corner Ann and Bryan atreet* Scherer. J H . 127 Weal Broad atreet Steffen*. Henry, East Broad and Ogle thorpe a venue. Bohloltetberg D. Prlee and Hull street* Stile*. Josephine E IP! IWiy street, west. Speight. W. G . Ufa Bolton strael. wee. Slater. Ja* F . No. 11 East Brood streat 8 ay. J W . Agt . No. 339 Weat Broad street Stelljes. A . 215 Hamlolph street. Sam|>enn. Peter, Mj2 Bryan streat. Schwarz. Geo. Cr. Congreae and Whita ker. Smith. W. T. K.. 412 Congress atreet, west Schnaar*. 11. J. Jonea and Wilson street* Savannah Liquor Company, tn Congro** at riel. weal. Schwarz. Casale. Anderson and Atlantic streets Schtirman. J. C., *l7 Broughton streat, east. Stlvarlua. O E , 342 b Bull street Sheftall. Solomon. 25 Barnard street. Semken Henry. 2 East Broad street Schiller. W manager. 17 Hay erraat. east Sullivan. John. 16 Congress street weat Smith. W H., M 7 Liberty atreet, east T TayloJk J K . I'n i ar .I ogethorp# ave nue. Trauh, IL, West Broad and Orange streets. TletJen. Jno F.. 22f> West Broad streat* Tb-nken. F J.. *3* Liberty etreet east. Tholken, Geo II . 172 Arnold street Toussalnt. Chas., Price end Oglethorpe avenue Travers. E . Screven Houm. V Yerukl. Ell. 42 Barnard airset. Vollere. Wm. West Broad and Taylor etreet*. W Williams A Grier. 340 Weat Broad atraet Welti, H , 223 Eaat Broad street. Winter. A . 144 Barnard street Wolf leruls. 423 congress street, west. Wcllbrork, J F.. 524 Jefferson street. Whiteman. Jas K 610 Oglethorpe ave nue. east Wood. A H 342 West Broad street. Watson A Powers, De Soto Hotel. Wade. John TANARUS, Oglethorpe avenue and Houston street Wolters. H J.. S3* Broughton street, east Wallace, W M . No. 9* Stewart -treet Woelgen. Henry, Ogeechee road, near CAS Ry. Y Ybanes. E. D.. 196 Bay atreet, cost DONNELLY DRUG C 0„ savannah, oa. DRUGS. SEEDS. ETC. Mall order* solicited. Ball phone C 73 P. 8 -Sand for free sample F. A P Dyspepsia Cure. Empty Hogsheads. Empty Molasses llogalaeada fas C. M. GILBERT & CO. OLD NEWSPAPER* W> for canto, ari Bunlneaa OSlca AAumlag News. _ KNOWN BY ALL NATIONS. i Twice the price could buy no better. LIFTMAN 15K05., Savannah Agents. at^home; 112 Broughton Street, West. Some confusion in arranging stock, but well pre pared to take care of our customers. We don’t know all about the Furniture and Carpet business, but our thirty years' experience with the trade of Savannah is sufTicient guarantee that we know SOME THINGS. Call and be convinced. LINDSAY & MORGAN The Old Reliable. FRENCH CLARET WINES, and GERMAN RHINE and MOSELLE WINES and FRENCH COGNAC BRANDIES. All Itim On* Win*, md Uqtiora at. Imported by ua Ur |Uu dlnol Itaa lb* fmm In Kuropt. Our Si. Julian Ciarai Win. from Bvm(. Uupunl A Cos of Bordeaux. Franc. i. on. of atwclalite., aid on. at eitremely low prio*. Th* Chateaux LraovUie. on. of llwlr aupcnor CUr.t Win*., well known oil over tbo tinned kiai*> W tko carry In bond Claroi WVoi from thin r.lebr.led firm In uiko. Our Rhln. and Morell. Win** .ro Imported from Martin Doula, 7rtak> tort. Oormany. ar. lb. beoi thoi • ant to tb. United SlMot BODF.NHKIM la very fine and cbo>. NIKRBTKIN alao very oot Wn'GIHCIH v.ry eholc FUUBN'THAL oelwiod grape* eery elegant LIEBFRANMII.CH quit, colebr .tad MARI OHHUNNER CABINET elonaoi and rara. YOHANNIBBUROEP. I. perfection. BRAKE UNO HOCK .SF’ARKUNO MOBEM.F. BPARKUNO UT’BCA TBUI.K and TINE FRENCH COGNAC BRANOIEB special Brandi*, ar. Imported dlreot from Franc, by ua. In cam* and caaka , LIPPMAIN BROTHERS. 'df_ \ “It has justly won its laurels.” Soups, MHkw Fish, Game, Hot and Cold Meats, etc., are ( / vhifl WwUF given a most delicious flavor by using pfSg Lea & Perrins’ J / ] fDh iastttr Uon tiwy UoOtt | THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE * c^-cu wwrHL.WA.Ri: OF IMITATIONS. JOHN DUXCAVs *o, Axerria, .Saw Totfc IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITHO GRAPHED AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS SAVANNAH. GA. 7