The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 17, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. llmll'o l.reat IHrorr>. On r small hottle of 11tU'n Great Dis covery curt* oil kidney and bladder trou ble*. remove* gravel, curt* diabrto. **hu Inal emission*. weak and lama ha.k*. rheumatism and ail irregularities of the kbin* y* and bladder In loth men and "°* men. regulate* b.adder trouble' 1 * In chtl dret* If not sold b\ > *Jf druggs-t wi.l be sent by mail on receipt *f U- email bottle Ip tu montha* tP-aiment and will cup* any case ahor** mentioned Dr K W Hall, aola manufacturer. 1* <> €&, St UuU. Mo S*n<l for testimonial* Fold by all druggist• and Solomons Cos. bavannah. G Head This. Cuthbert. Ga . April 2. IV*) This I* to certify that 1 waa affected with gravel and that ] toon algfy dr** • of Hall's G reat Discovery and it * om pieteiy cured me It I- worth sl.*d‘ pet bottle to any ane needing it J. T BTEVRNB PtiliT ItoV Al. a nRIIiNMIHI.ITI . A. hat Kmliimt Knglnem Have *ll I |inn the Matter. Beaufort. B. C, Oi i l.Y—Bdl'or Morning New* The correspondent of t >•* Charles ton Nswp and Courier In o dispatch Com Waahlngton last week, relative to the sug gest td removal of th* l*ort Royal Nival Btation. was guilty of a gro* misdate •rent of facta. nli It w* a -k that >i al low ue ap at * to correct. This dispatch fnttmuiel thit Admiral Until ott and "some of the naval fll were authority for the ch, ti.m "that J\*rt Royal is Indefensible hi t me **f war and was po proven <lur;ng 1 lei* War f the Rebellion." and It further a- e ted that "<#en. fteaureicerd. Who was p obably t e best engineer in 'he Soatt e i, ,rm. was of the pamr- oplnloti." The G <n*rals Judgment a* to thl* point in very plainly pet forth in a letter which i* n j art •*• follow n Charleston. B C Mat 15. 1851 "HI Excellency. Governor Francis W. Pi ken* Sir • • • I im * f the opinion that h** entrance to th* magntfhent and tnqiortent hart*or of Pori Royal •an le ff* tualiy protected hv two ettong work* n Hay roini and 11 lit or. Head, on each eld* of the entrance, and the stetl-clad fl(Mi*lrg liattery moorel halfway between me two all atmed with the h*a\l* rifled g m> that can le made. but. the coiiPtructio i* not being practh ah •• ut present. I have re port* and to local work* guarding th*- prlnd pal line* of comrruideation with the n terlor *f th* st*J> • • • • • Very r p(*e* ifully, your obedent servant. (Blgn*d) *ll T. Iban egitrd Brigadier General < omu.oudb g." So much for the ion a* it touche* the dead General. A* to the tecorda of the two harhor* "during the War of the Rebellion." It d***s not prove that Port Royal w* Indefensible. but practically undefended, at the follow rig report slnw*: "Confederate Btate* of America, War Department, Richmond, Va., Dec. 04?). JMI "The President: Sir: • • • • • This aeries of triumphant engagement* ha* been somewhat checkered by the results of the r* ent bombardment of Port Royal, of which alw no official report ha* been received It I*, however, known that eome earthwork*, unprovided with case ment* or a halter of any kind, proved In adequate to defend the entrance of the harbor against an attacking flee?, formid ably arm*-d with more than tenfold the number of heavy gun> that were mount ed in the baltattaa on ib n • • • Your obedient servant. (Sg Ij •*J P Benjamin. Secretary of War.** It Ip well known that Charleston's de fense had l*e*n long and admirably pre pare*!. as the result graphically portrayed In the following leper shows "Headquarters Department of the South. Pulled States Tran.*|K>n Hen De Ford. April 8. I*s? "Admiral DuPont. Steamship New Iron sides. off Fort Sumter: "Admiral: • ••••••• mere spectator. I could do nothing hut pray for you. which, believe me. I did most heartily, for you and for all the gallant men under your command, who sailed so calmly and fearlessly Into and tin ier and through a concentric Ore. which has never heretofore had u parallel In th** history of warfare • • • •Kvery your true friend are! servant (Sgd) **D. Hunter. Major General " All of which go*' to show that Port Rovwl fell quickly because It w'n* poor I v defends*! and fltal Charleston' resistance was long because sh* was well defend***)— rot that Port Royal was indf*'ns|S>. Admiral Porter conakJere*! It defensible and army engineers are just completing mo iern fortifications which have cost near n million. The experience of these two ports In conflicts fought under obsolete conditions may luave little hearing on th* 1 conditions of to-day; but It Is much to th* point that Admiral Kndtcott. rharl*st<vn*s dikf imt tlsan, allows hH name t b* used in conne**tl*Ni with such fabrications us the on*- under conaUSeratloit. This dispatch swys further •’Some of the naval officers who have Investigated the subject say they cannot understand why IVart Royal was original!v ee|ect**l , as a tits for a naval n! at ion ** As chi*, statement coincides with other of A<tml ral EndlcoSt’s deliverances, it Is probable that It Is he whose opinion Is given and credited to M aome of th- naval oftl Vrs ** On the on** sld* there Is this opinion on the other the sworn testimony of at h ast three lMjards of naval officers w-lu have inquire*! Into lort Royals availability as a harbor of refuge, a naval rendegvous, a equaling station, a navy yard and a point of th- first strategic importance. We re fer to the Du Pont lurd of 1561. the por ter board of 1575 and the McCann board of 1589. On th** judgment of these men has Port ltoyal been utilised by th* UtrtMd Sun*■ navy, and Hi careful personal Inveatlg.itka., .1. ifal as a site for n naval station " Their salectlon was approved by Beoro tary of the Navy Herbert by Pr**stden Harrison, and by Congress b**for- whom many rivals presented claims. Their lection has been commended by each of j the commandants of the Port Royai 1 station. Tna Rodgers Board now' Investigating tha rival merits of Port liova! ano Charleston, will not make lth report till j the last of Noveml>er, It Is said But this same dispatch makes this astounding in nouncement: It Is practically determin***) *• has been previously stated In th*-. dls|>atches. that a majority * f the boaid favor the transfer of th* station from Port Boyal to Charleston.** A most ex trmordlnary breach of etiquette! Who In spired theae dlrpatches? Fortunately the settlement of this Im portant question is In aid** and dls* re t hands, namely a specially appointed I • 1 of na%*al officers of high rank, und w may rest assured that no on*- will kn >w of tha result till the report has been laid In the hands of th* Becretary. These sur prising Interviews and di*fM§tch s ar* very evidently a port of th** game, and Intended to create the lmprca-1 n that a rssn val to Charleston Is look"! for In naval circles, and will h* popular. Beaufort Naval Station Commlttac. | PROtiltßM OK PREI ITT ( DK. The Attorneys Are Flarlitlnii Every Inch of the tiround. Orlando. Fla.. Oct. 11—In the TlUit trial, much testimony was Introduced t the previous good character of th prisoner, ar.d the bad character of t • man he killed. There were no develo; - Monts, or otherwise, bey oral an effort on the part of the defense to ptova that Prevail bad indulged in threat* against the life of Ttills, preve u# to the killing. <‘wut el for the prosecution. ob ject* *1 to this testimony going to th*. Jury, and considerable time w s consumed diM'USslng th s point before •he Judge It was held that when so h threats load been eommunb ated the fact would be relevant. It te claimed that the dead man had made threats against th* live* of Tills and tinother neighbor named Proctor and that IV had tit* *d of an > f - qualntance to dlspoe*- of T‘tlls, even sug gesting that if h:s l*o*iy were ripped open to prevent an accumulation of gas. it iuld !*• sunk In the r*v#r and woubl n*>f float to the surfa* • The attorn* ys ara fighting every Inch <f ground. tiik Kiu.Kii tin workmen. Nnmra of Those \l ho Stiffereil With I it |* t. shir tits . Washington rvt 18 —A cable n from tlep .\| Arthur to-day gives the following casual! 1* #f Clpt. Shield*' com mand in the Island of Jdarmduque Klllfvl kept W. C.mipaby F. Twenty ninth Regiment, t' H V. I Wkltam An drew**. 1 ,mor* B Murrar )>wir Nlle S* pt 14. Frank Weighaad. Wound* i Sept 13, < npt. Devereux Shield rk. mouth n*l shoulder sort* *nm. l#i'wn S. <*OiVln. hip. slight. Robert D Ja k**>4 check slight. ToUven G. J< n.i head slight. Juan It Pool*-, heod. slight. John Chew. head, wru , slight. shoulder, serloua." C*pt. Shields tarty cone lated of hlm -** f and fifty-one men. ill hut *<r.e of whom were member- of Company F. Twent v-ninth Volunteer Infantry. hi; 9HOT itta otv\ nov '*J. A. lt<M*k’fe I Irr, atrlekrn With It** morse, llrsrrfs thr %rmy. From th* New York Journal Columbus. O, Oof 14 —How strangle 1a truth than fiction? For thta Is a true story with a r.*gt ending-an srwltng that lias m.uh* a gallant officer of the I nJted Slates arms a i*-werter and an exile be- i us** of remorse. t 'harl* N a young N* w York* r. enlNted as • private In a New York t' . invent at th** ouihr'*ok of tiis Civil War. In IMLt he was tnade a fir at lieutenant in the One Hundred and S**v enfy-etghlh New York Infantry, and for gallantry In action ot Fort Blakely. Ala., •*n April 8. Ijs'ht. u rne*lal of honor wo* awarded to him He was hoft.wably muwferrd out In IWj. oral t.s*k him on a trip to Wi nona. Minn There he w'oo*d and won Miss Kvangellne R*van. Ueut Rocke feller again Joined the army s second lieutenant in Ge Ninth Infantry. He was then mmttoned in thk city, ami always afV ter ward Mill** l Columbus his home A child was born- a boy. He was called Robert. When the little one was n >e#§r ol I. In 1870. U*-ut Rockefeiier was detail e-1 on dirty In Hmg K-ng wh**r*- he with hi** wife ami baby, until 1872. While ■station***! nt ll* ng K*tig U**ut Ro* kefd |er lived with his family nt the Interna tional Hotel A Chinese nurse looked af ter the little boy. In 1872 he arranges) to sail f**r Bun Fran <ls o Two days lieforw lb** dale set fr sailing, the Chinese ami the baby diaap tered Hong K<*ng whs sear he*l lairge rewards were *ffrel. hut no trace of nurse or child V>uld be found. The broken hearted young lieutenant ami his wife w**re compelled to return to the l*nlted States without th*- llttl** one Mrs Rocke feller died m>x> after her arrival in San Francisco, and the grief-stricken father rejoined his regiment. He saw service with the Ninth in the Indian wars and in Cuba, and when his regiment was on I*-red to the Philippine* in the spring of IM*** he went along He was then a captain, and whs known throughout th** army as a particularly • taring soldier. Boon after his arrival at Manila Im wa** made a major ami frame ferred to the Sixth Infantry. Major Rockefeller, at the head of thr*** companies of troops, scoured the cmintr) around San Beolr. on one occasion a vicious stand w* made by n body of In surgent trotips, lil hy a handsome and dashing young white man, who fought Ilk*- a fiend tl<* charged right up to th* American lines. Major Rockefeller shot him b ad. .ml th** lnsurgen*s fled Major Rockefeller dire**ted that the bodv be searched. anl i*aper found revealed that he was Haul Stanhope, of Hong Kcng A diary, written In English an l giving detail* Of the business career of the young fellow, was found in hts blouse A month after the engagement he re reived a letter from Hong Kong in re t ponse toon** he hil writ t**n nearly a year befor* . The letter was from the American ('onsul and recited that in 1879 a whit* loy had been plaeed In the Jesuit College in Hong Kong by a Chinese woman, who siUI that h was nine years old and tha his name was Paul Yen. The name of the Chinese woman who had nurse I the Rockefeller baby wh* Yen. in ivtl th*- hoy was adopted by an English merchant in Hong Kong, of the name of llenry Stanhope lie gave th** boy his nam* and reared him well Th* young fellow was well known in Hong Kong as Paul Stan hope He was of an ad%*enturou* disposition and mm' two year?* ni{o Jotnad Ajrulnat do** army It was ihl* young man th.t Major Rockefeller nhot and KM I<l In tho engagem* nt with the Filipino*. When Major Rockefeller read the letter —lt had been chasing him around the world for nearly a y ir he realised thn he had slain hi* own son lie dropped o>it of sight s my*terlou*!y .•* the baby h id dropped out of *iKht In Hong Kong From Manila he made hi* way to China and by devious route* to Bant a ttarhara. Honduras. where he |* to-day and where he Intend* to remain, according to a letter receiver! a week ago from him by hi* briber-In-law. Terrence He|tan. of Mil waukee. \ erniont w*nnfor*lilp. Montpelier. VI.. Oct. Ift'The flrat bal lot taken In each house of the Vermont Legislature for senator to succeed Bena tor Koss did not result in a choice. The result was as follows: In the Senate Dillingham. I*. Grout. 8: Ihrouty. 3, Hour I; House of Represent alive: Dillingham, vt. Grout. 77; Hagelton, 19; I'Touty. 14. Hour. 14 I prising I* K tided. Ban Dotnlniro. Island of Ban to D cmruo Oct lfi. via cable—The uprslng I* ended, and the rel>els a*e scattered and troop* are pursuing them The tribunal* are occupied with the proseeuil* n of pa ll deal prisoners. Ooßfldnce Is re-estab lished and buslnaa* is reviving. Bflß IBM Hfe n B£Ul B B mm When neelccted. almost Invariably ClC** U Pyjfiy oS anSf jrj H£ Kft j£L jte results in a .>( vt.-... . .mi 'll Mg. By B ib 9| ■ >■•, imti>.-...!!• .1:.-::. iZfejsl £j g jjc B BUG gi tta SB Jr >■• ■ ™ B BBH slight, weakens the whole urinary ami eeuiui organism and the whole nervous system. Tbeordlnary methods reiocted to for a cure are not only exoru ciatlnjtl) painful, but frequently cause disorders as serious as tho ■ I stricture Itself. JgdjA {££% ® >‘t Hathaway years aeo discarded these old time barbarous methods and perfected a system by which he rernorcs the stricture. </ reduclnit the thickened walls of the passage to a normal rondltou. There Is uo operation The treatment Is applied by the patient himself It Is painless and takes no time from business. The cure effected Is permanent arid all complications of the diseased con dr lions are removed Tbl* method of treatment and cure of Strlo .jfgtiiahJt&iy. A \ tare is exclusively used by Ur. Hathaway. *^*WBilr^Cp *' r,f Hathaway, by a similar method, cures Varicocele without I * operation All Sexual, Urinary. Nervous. Blood and other diseases v we of a c,ironlc nure " '•**> hr bl.n by his exclusive system. j.Wwto. dirBAWAT BZ> which for JO years has preyed Invariable la Its results. Write to him or call at Ills office for a free copy of bis new 04 page book and self-examination symptom blanks, and for free consultation and advice. A. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. O. far. Ilallmstar A Css, Office hour*: 0 to 12 m . 2 to R and 7 to ...V 0.,-.. ....... Savannah, Ga. 9p. ;n. Sunday 10 a in to Ip. m. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1!X)0. The Sign of the Seal w/y I fi >ML T .ijc ■ v TTjfrf JP Ur WjSm A s y\ \ 1 \ \ '\ |VV -Tit*.;-: ' ; >.'■ - T /in ejN VSEAT/ THE WEATHER. Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday— < MiirßiM und Western Florida Fair Wednesday, with colder In norther por tion. Thursday fair; fresh north to east winds. Eastern Florida: (Sen* rally fair In northern portion, rain In southern Wed* nesd *y. Thursday probably rain; fresh northeasterly winds. Houth Carolina: Fair and cooler Wed nesday. Thursday fair, fresh north to west winds Yesterday e Weather at Ravannah Maximum tenf>erature 3 3>) p. in T* degrea* Minimum temperature 7:30 a m 2 degre • Mean temperature 7d degree* Normal temperature <*> degree* Kxeess of temperature S <lrgrei Accumulated excess since Oct. 1 6? degr*< s Ai tumul.ii"! excess since Jan. 1 d* grea-4 Rainfall '*i In h Normal II Inch Kxeee since ucl. I .Ta3 Inch#* Deficiency since Jan. 1 7.1 M inches lllver Report.—The hlghl of the So van nah river at August at h a ni <7Tth me ridian time) > iterl:> was ft I) feet, a fall of o.i foot durttiK the p; feeding twenty four hours. Cotton region bulletin. Savannah. Oa., for th* twenty-four hours ending at H a. m.. 7Ssh merkllan time. Oct. 16. lsw. Stations of M(II Mo.. K via Pa van rah district. IT*m iTem. • fall Alapaha. 0 . cloudy ....J B) | sft "0 Albany, clou iv fcl to o America*, dear J 7s 55 \ .no Halnbrldge. cloddy j 79 , 56 J ) Kietman. dear K3 67 .00 Fort Gaines, dear 78 67 .CD Gainesville. Fla . pt cldy.j 81 '*9 <> Milk n. Gi.. clear | M J to .00 mult man. cloudy *2 67 j .00 Savannah. clear 79 ft 2 j <*o Thomasvllle. pt ckly J K 2 j <56 j ,or> Mayor **, clear 80 C AO N Sta- Max Min Unify Central Station*. Jtlon- Tvm. Tern fall. Atlgn * . . tl "4 N <•> Augusta 11 7*5 64 j .rt> t'harhsion | 6 7ft M Galveston i 2x 82 to ■> I.if tie Itock 13 *2 82 .00 Memphis 16 74 M ** Mobile ! 8 7ft 51 m* Mofitsomery | 7 s* M .‘O New Orleans 12 82 54 | <*> Savannah | 12 to nr> Vicksburg 11 78 to .00 Wilmington 1° 74 50 .On Remarks Temperature unchanged over the belt and no precipitation II R Royer. Ix>cal Forecast i ftt ki. The seal is a sign S of security. It is 4 as old as Assyria. £ Hut Assyria never produced a seal that uas more significant than ± •In-er-seaL" It’s a seal that means something to everybody who eats. It’s the sign of a revolution in the mak ing of biscuit, crackers, and wafers, and of keep ing them good after they are made good. Here tofore many of the best products of the baker have lost their goodness before they reached the consumer. The won derful patent package — distinguished by the sign “In-er-scal,” keeps them fresh, crisp and delicious until you want them. When yoa buy Soda Biscuit, Milk Biscuit. Butter Cracker*. Saitioe*. Banquet W*f*r*. Sul tana Pruit, G: sham Diacait, Sea Foam, Oatmeal Biscuit, Ginger Snaps, Hoadmade Pret telettes, or Vanilla Wafers, insist oa getting them in the •• ln-er sesl Patent Package ' The grenuine package is put I eutexl and con- I tains only our I products. It I can always be I identified by I the design of I the "In-er- I seal" on each I end. j!S* I Bbaiit I Company /. J NEWSFROMTHE WATER FRONT EFFORT* TO HE MADE TO H %I*R M AREN BTEA HKII W. *. COOK. %fter an Inapeetlnn by Divers It Will lie Decided Whether to Raise Her. SiiKiir, Hiiot and Canned Goods lie cox ered—-Sunken Meanier Wns hot Insured—fiehooner The Josephine tu Re Tossed to llaltlmore. * Th** at earner Harry G. Day was along ‘ side the sunken stramer W. R CMk yea . terday In an effort to recover merchandise and other property that went down. Aliout lb) barrels of dumaged sugar. l*o Uigw of shot and scv'nl caaes of <bnni*l goda wen* brought up. There is much to be re covered yet, but the fact moat of It In (•tth# r nlsiard or about the at<simer makes Ills recovery probable. Another a:earner will go to the sunken (*t t—#!y with u force of diver*, who i will • xamine th** condition of the Uxxt to Ascertain whedtwT she ran be raised. It is f*ared, however, that she |* tor* badly damaged to Juatlfy the cxiemxliture In raising her. She has gone imrtly to pieces. , In case It is decided to raise the boat her * cabin will te torn away. Th* Southern Tnirs|tortation c ompany did not carry tn 'Urincr. so that th*- lat is a complete l*w*s. with the exception of what may be pt k*#l up hereof ter. Until (ho consign*#* In Augusta are I htard from nothing will be rk>ne toward* •luiwsUur of the goods recovered yesfier lu> What wer tsirrei* of migar was o thi* k syrup wh*n recovered, fit only for making candy or ei*m* such purpose. It i*. i*;p*v#l tl*e consignee* had s*me of j the damaged goods consigned to them In i ?*ur*d. | The bark Jams* A. Wright and the schooner Anna K. Krans arrived yemer dax with coal conslgnexl to the Dx*meetic , I'onl and \Y*u<| Uom|*any, an*l the schoon r Mat y B. 1 Laird, with coal, to Bond. Har rison A Cos. The Park B B Dowell 1* •kx-ktd at ihe ReatKMrd Air Line wharves r dls* barge a*thali consigned lo that vbmpany. The coal situation I* cat present causing some uneasinesa to vessel owners. A con tinuance of the strike will result In a hertvy loss to *chooner owners, who. while wi.ling to .**#*epi other business, find diffi culty In securing profitable charters. Business in coal charters may be said to P* i*ra fi* ally at u standstill The • oast mg lumber rates arc easy, in the face of Amttcd demand and fixe offerings of ton nag* South American and West India tonnage I* in fair request, though suit able vessels art* **trce. | The s< hooncr The Josephine, which put ! into this port leaking loaded with |*hos t*hatc rv k for Baltimore, will be ow#*d to destination. She will probably be taken out to-morrow. I'nMinticrK It) 9tem*hlpa. Unsscngers by steamship Tallahassee, for New York yesterday Miss M. lie#*k man, U. C Speer an l wife, Thomas J Thompaon, I. Hoiomon, J. Herbert and wife, W II Edgar Fred Beible. F W lliiu-h. D. Sands. W. H Morse. Miss Lovett and Mis* Berry, J Hobbs. Miss 11 8 llar.lee Miss A. C MulLrky W C Bruce ar.l wife. Mrs. Hudin. Irving llu* din, Luther Budlng. Kry iiudlng. W. B Elia#. W. H. Taylor. Mrs. Whitmore. C. , D. Hnooks. ratsengars by steamship Xtsscn •ailing to Baltimore yesterday—Samuel Carr, Miss Clifford Munnerlyn. Miss Btrsuss, I*. A Lotlch. Miss Bcburster. Miss Bpen cer. Fred Warner. E, F. Rtevens. Snxnnnnh Almanac. Run rises at 6.(ff a. m. and sets at 5:24 p. ns. Iligb water al Tybra to-day at 2 fid a. m arid 3 18 p m. High water at Savannah one none laer Phases of the Muon for October. D. H. M. First quarter 1 3 10 eve. Full muon 7 18 morn bint quarter ..15 3 SI morn. New moon .......23 7 37 mom First quarter 31 2 17 morn ARRIVALS A Al) DEPARTURES. Veaarla Arri%#*d Ycatrrday. Bark Jame* A Wright, English. Phila delphia Master Bark F H Powell, Jonea. Near York C. W. Howard A Uo RchotXicr Anna H Krans. Brown. Balti more.- Master Hi'houvier Mary B Baird, Cook. Phi lad* I phia —Master Schooner A B Sherman. Jonr.eon. Phil adelphia.—Moat er. Arrived at quarantise. Bark Olga T. (Auat ), Ooosulich. Polnt a-Pltre. Vessela Cleared Yesterday. Bark Zefiro (Ital>. Pelicrano. Tlieate iwterson-1 downing Cos. Y'essrls Went to Sea. Steamship Tallahasaee, Askln*. New Yorit Bt# amship Il*ra. B4llupe. Baltimore Schooner Jennie Thomas. Y'oung. Balti more Shipping Memoranda. Barcelona. Ok. 10—Arrived, steamer Ax minuter. Savannah. mutlmon- Oct. 14.—Railed. steamer i State of Texas. Bax-annah. Margaret A May. ftuvannah Philadelphia. Oct. 14. Arrived, steamer Brfvard Hopklfia. Georgetown. 8 C. Soiled, at earner Berkshire. Savannah Jacksonville. Fla Get 14 - Enters*! and cleared, ateamehlp Ir>quots. K'mbb*. New York Charleston. Oct. 14—Arrived, steamer* Comanche Pennington. Jacksonville, ami pMo**alM to New York. Cartb, Ingram. Biiaton. and proceeded to Brunswick and Jacksonville. Sailed schooner Helen Montague. Adurn.# New York. Key West. Fia Oot 14 —Arrived, steam ers Fhehn. Norfolk. Mascotte. White. Port Tampa, and salkd for Havana, schooner* Wave. Roberta. Pun*a Raaea, and aaile#l for Havana. Dr Dykes. Panier. Havana. anl sailed for Tampa, brig Bul ilvan, New York. Notice to Mariners. Pilot charts and all hydrographic Infor mat lon will be furnished masters of ves sels free of chars** in United B‘ate* hx d ogrnphl • office r Custom House Cap tain* are requested to < ill at the offl e. Report* of wrecks and derett t* received for transmission tu the Navy Depart ment. Foreign Exports. Per liallan bark Zefiro. for Trieste— 4.282 harre;* rosin. 111,197 —Cargo by Paterson- Downlng Cos. roaatslac Exporta. Per steamship New York. Od 14.—1.743 bak-s upland cotton. 57 Imles sea Island c*ittm. 3b7 bids cottonseed oil. 3b hbls nuein oil. 231 pkg* d-anesti*'** 2.*0 sack** cottonaeed meal, fina bld> rosin. 2>t bbls liirjiontlnr. 178. fret lumber. fi* bale* sweeping*. 4 turtle*. 31 cases cigar*. 243 pkgs fruit. 7 bbls vegetables, 19 crates vegetables. 148 tons pig iron A3 bales moss. 48 lale* tobacco, shingles. 345 rase* cottonseed oil. 13 bbls pitch, 3.525 staves. 318 pkgs mdse. Per steamship Itasca, for Raßlmore— -44 bales upland cot ton. 1.247 bbls rosin. 2)7.982 f*et lumber. 2 cor* scrap Iron. 8 bbts rosin oil. 45 bbls pitch. 494 sacks clay. 177 pkg* mdse. 144 |>kgs .lomesflc* and yarns. 190.717 feet lumber for Baltimore. 17.246 feet for Philadelphia rOIBT AT HOMBRVIUJE. (sac Agnlnat Dr. Rent* IVnm llcrn Set fr I'o-Day. Homervllle. Oct. 16.—Superior Cotirt con vened h#*re yesterday morning. Jislge Jo seph Bennett presiding After n able | charge to the grand Jury, the civil docket was taken up and several minor caw * dis |H'*s’d of by dismissal and trial A full | bar I* 1n attendant)* :in*l every town and I city In this arvi a>ijoinir.g ju*Mclal ircult are well represented. At the* n*>>n recess Col. A E. Cochmn. I>emocratle elector from this district, made ©ow of his choracterl*tlc *|s-e*hes In which the Republican administration and It* politics were condemned Th* munler caw#* of the state against Dr. L. U Rents 1* set for Wed nesday and <*#>n* Pier able Interest Is man ifested Thi* is a peculiar rase. Im- Rent* has always rank***! well in hi* pn>- feselon He perf.ained a delicate of>era tton on a voting woman Rhe dlel from the effect, and The charge of murder was iia e#i on the <Uxctor by tb* gran t Jury, two other doctors aiding In the operation being Ihe principal witnesses. WHAT PEOPLE SAY is hot WliAt Miikr# n Hrmrdy Val tia tile. Testimonials arc good thing* and w*e arc always glad to get them, but they don’t make our remedy any l>etter. Stuart * Dyspepsia Tablets are good be cause they do good— because they cure Testimonial* simply prove that the tab let* have helped other people, but its yourself you are most Interested in. and whet her they will cure you Is the question It Is very easy to find out—try them. A full package costs but fifty c**nts at your druggist’s They are worth that If they only help you a little bit. The chance Is worth taking at the price. We put it on that basis because you don’t know about the tablets If )hj knew a.- much about them a* we do you would have complete confidence; this advertising would be unnecessary We have sten them cure the worst cases of stomach trouble. Cases of long rtnmling and obstinacy, cases that other medicine* and even high priced doctors had failed to subdue. Here are some testimonial*. If you care tc read them we have thousands of them Rev. J R Hoag, of Wymore, Neb., writes For six years 1 have been troubled with dyspepsia Last fall I be.- im** very much alarmed at some svmptoms of heart trouble and came to believe there was a sympathetic relation between the two dis ease*. or rather, that the stomach trouble was the cause of th** h**art disturbance. I hit upon Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet* for a n and Invested a dollar and a half for three boxes which lasted me three months and I can eat any kind of food I want and have a gm*l vigorous appetite Although I nm seventy-seven vears old, 1 now feel perfectly well and without being requested by anyone 1 make this state ment as a compliment to the virtue* of Rtuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets. Mrs. Lydia Bartram. of Assyria Mich . writes l have suffered fr.>m stomach troubles for ten year* and five different doctors gave me only temporary relief \ Mr E. R. Page advised me to try Rtuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ird four boxes did me mere permanent benefit than all the doc \>r*’ medicines that I have ever taken We honestly believe that Bu*rt ** Dys pepsia Tablets are the best medicine ever made for the cure of a:omach troubles. Don't mistake our mean ne. We don’t claim them to cure anvthl g but dynpepst -•nd stomachic disorders Just the one tiling Is what they are trade for but that on# thing Is the cause—tho starting point of nearly all the sickness In the world Use Rtuart’s Tablets regularly. Keep your stomach right, and you can never be .Aick. < New Paris shapes [ OWEJST STRAIGHT ? RTN7 LONGhIP ■Pll • STYUS 5)3-4 '441 ■III. I FOR s/q *’ TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. (Continued from Ninth Page > all day, atimulated by an absence of liquidation, considerable buying on tha reariton theory , firmer late cables, a good Northwest cash demand, and local cov ering, cloi*• *1 firm, ‘a■! V advance; .March, Sic. Max 8314 c; Ociober. 77%:; Decern her. 79*4c. Corn Spot firm: No. 2. 4*Se; option* .firmer and moderately active. Demand war tiiaptred by firmness abroad, the rl*e in wheat, smaller country offering* and a good shipping demand at Chicago, cloaed firm. l c higher. May, 41\c; October, 46V*c. December. 42V* Oat*—S|ot steady; No. 2. 25c; options dull Beef quiet; cut meats steady. Lard easy. Western steamed, 17 20; Oe t©l(#*r, 17 26. nominal, refined quiet; con tinent, |7 50. Pork quiet. Buffer steady; Western erramery. 22'. state dairy. I.Vh2**V'- rheese firm, large white, IC>V?. small, 11c. Tallow steady, petroleum quiet, Itoeln quiet Turpentine quiet. Rico sternly Coffee- Bj*t Rio dull; No. 7 !nx*olce. B\r. mild quiet; Cordova, %\ i\4c Fu ture* opened steady at unching#l prloa, and ruled quiet tvlth a weak undertone, owing ro continued heavy re*eljt* ut Rio and Hnnto*. Ught covering cause#! a sharp advance in the last hour, and th * market closed firm at a net rl*e of 10 to 15 point). Total s ib**. 9.700 bags. Includ ing November. 7 10. D cem **r. 7.30 c, Jan uary. 7 35c; March. 7.35ta7.40r. Sugar—-Raw steady; fair refilling. 4%c: centrifugal. 94 t*-**t. 4%c; molaasea sugar. 4c; refined steady. I'3gs firm, state and Pennsylvania. 21ff 21V'. Wetam regular, 164i19c. Potntoe* quiet; Jersey. 81.00R1 374. New York. S’. 2.VQI 424; I-*ng Island, $1 1.75. Jersey sweet*. sl.:VSi2.uo. PearutU steady; fancy hand-idcke#!, 47/ t*4c; domestic, 24fj4r. Cabbage quiet; l>ng leland. p#*r 100. $1 SOW 2 25 Freight* to IJverpool dull; cotton by steam. 22:. COTTOV REEK) OIL New York. Oct. 1* —Cotton seed oil wa* **asy at a moderate decline from yester day, following the drop in lard products Prime crude, nominal, prime summer yel low, 34c promt :, off summer yellow. 254 j 35V*: prime winter yellow. 4lfi42c, prim* white. 4U Prime meal 1264:24 50. I IIM AGO M 4RKKTR. Chicago Oct. 18— Better Liverpool cable* than had been expected influenced wheat to-day December closing 4W%c over yes terday. Corn closed 4,14 c and oat* 4c higher Provisions at the close were lit tle changed The lending futurs ranged a. follow.*: opening Highest, lowest Closing. Wheat No 2. Oct 734 74 734 734 Nov 74 11744 744 71 71% !*• •• 74%#7S 71 . 74% ISH Corn No 2. Oct 41 414 4b% 414 Nov 37%f?37% 384*f4 3*4 Dec . % 35% 35*% 25% 364(135% Oat* No 2. Oct 214(221% 214*121% 214 114621% Nov .21% 21% 21% 21% Dec 21% 224 21%W21 7 a 22% Mess pork per barrel-- Get I 3 on Nov 10 87% HOO 10 *7*i 11 00 Jan 11 224 H 324 11 224 11 274 per 100 pound* Oct 6*24 68:4 *75 *75 Nov 0 r, 824 * 75 * 75 Jan * 57*j fi 00 fi 55 6 57*.• Short ribs. ier 10© pound* Oct fi 90 l*} fi 874 fi 90 Nov fi 33 fi 3Y 2 fi 3) fi Jon 5 974 fi 00 fi 95 fi 01 Cash quotation* were a* follow* Flour. • lull and steady; No. 3 spring wheat. 69 51754 c; No 2 red, 7i4i7fi*y'; No 2 corn. 414 r; No 2 yellow 414%414c; No. 2 out*. 214 . No 2 while, 2W21%c; No. 3 white. 23*4%2Th‘. No. 2 rye, 52c; g*d feeding bar ley 4b*; fair to choice malting, 470SDr; No. ’ flaxM* 1 H.7i NO 1 Worihwafrn, 81-71 1*1.764i prime timothy seed. 14 b*&4 15. mt**s pork, per barrel. 812 50(112.75; lard, per 100 pound#, Bfi.B2*flfi.9o; short ribs side* (loose), 37 2*117 40. dry saked should er* (boxed). 4b64cr short clear side* (boxed). 77 574U7.50, w hisky, basis of high wine#. 11.27. Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Texas Rual Troof Oat,.‘ed Rye, Cow F*e<]. Hay. Grain. Rran anil Feed* of all for atock anj poultry. T. J. DAVIS, Telephone S3. 11* Bay etrael. weat. BRENNAN BROS., WHOLES ALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. BAY STREET. WnU iMirteotMl. CUR£ YOURSELF! Vm Biir U (or uuoataral llTbnr*, ina*aimtlofi, rritatiuns or uU oration* >f oiuruui Uftobutni, I’niolem, and n.,i astno -nt ur polaofious. Sold Sr HrasiMa or sent In plain wrapper, hr sierras. preawld/loj • I <>. Circular sail v a rwioefA lOHN G. BI.’TLER, -DEALEK IN— Taints. Oils and Glass. Sash. Door*.Blinds, and Builders' Supplies, Plain and Decora tive Wall Paper. Koreifn and Domesilo Cement*. Dime. Planter and Hair. Soto Agent for Abestlne Cold Water I aim JO Conxreae street, west, and 19 St. Julian Mrcet, weet. . IR Blit 1 Sff] : ani C f ■ %cfe : § li I Jm *.'r l,, ns' E* v ’ KNIGHTS PHARMACY, Cor. Oxietborpe Ave. and Oration St. Will sell you Smith’s Chill and Fever Tonic, and if it does not cure they will gladly refvnd the amount you paid for it. Look for the Red Triangle on each package. What a Prominent Crocor Says Office of J. H. Shearouse A Bro No. 540 William ffireet. ftaxai na Ga. Savannah. Qfl., o ! \Z. *• Columbia Drug ‘o., Sv:imm;,, Ga Gentlemen 1 am glad to irs rm v ; that after month* of suffering t anti fexr txax ing I*l 1 mi id chill :r>d fever lonics. I w p*l J to try your Smith's Chill nr ( Tonic, and one single bottle of > ir io ... cured me. 1 feel it my duty to inform .of v* wo* b*rful •ur mu le on m m i r.r i \ you, ail those with #*l fever No remedy ever ir>! i • •# me any gooi except your Sn t. - "•■. . Re.*l>ecifully yours. J. H. SHEAROI'SE. LT. XI Of HOPfc DM3 a * Iff sc nnut i.l. For Isle of Hope, Montgomery. T' ndf bolt. Cattle Dark and Weet Lad Dally except Suudg) s. flubjtct u> casnfi without notice. IBLK UK HQle[ l.\ 'Hy tor I or H l.v I**t- "• Mni>e ( 3 H am from I >lllll h 10 a: . 7SO am from Tenth j 6 01) am for Tents So am from Tenth i 7uu am t ■ :■ ' l5 am from Ho.ion * 00 am f" Tenth 70 Si am from Tenth 110 nam for 1 mi IS 00 n r from Tenth |II Or am t>r Ballot 1 15 pm from Holton 111 30 am fo 2SO pm from Tenth j 7 u> pm t r Teeth 3 SO pm from Tenth 1 2 4a pm Ir Boh 0 4Su pm from ieuin j luu pm f•• 1 D •SO prn from T> nth IH pm f *SO pm from Tenth 'uu pm f Ten’ll 7SO pm from Tenth 1 7DO pm for Tenth *SO pm from Tenth ' on t>n for Tout 3O pm from Tenth ■ :> 00 pm for Tenth 10 SU pm from Tenth !10 OO pm for Ter.ih )ll 00 pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY. .* city for 11 .nr r. l.v Mom ram- >. 5 SO im from Tenth | 7 IS am for Tenth 7 SO pm from Tenth | 1 15 pm for T'nth 6 pro from Tenth |OO pm for Tenth CATTLE HARK • e city tor tal. p'arn, Lv. CM He Pare S SO am from Rollon | 700 am for Bolts* 7SO am from Holton | 100 am for B” 11 * 100 pm from Holton | 1 pm for Bsltoo SSO pm from Holton | S on pm for it to* 7 OO pm from Bolton j T SO pm for Bo too S 00 pm from Holton 1 * SO pm for lloi’oii THI.'NDKrtBULI Car Iravea Hail on .eroet Junction * a. m. and evary thirty tninuta# until ll Sn p. m. , Car W ave* Thunderbolt * avery thirty minute* thereafter titi.n 11:00 midnight, tor Bolton * Junc tion KKEIQHT AND PARCEL CAR Thi* car carrle* trailer for passecrej* on all trip* and leave* weat aide of market for lale of Hope. Thur lerWt and all Intermediate point* at # 00 a 100 p. m.. J ® p. m. Leave* lala of Hope for Thunderho.l CHy Market and all Intermediate at * 00 a. m.. 11 ® *• m.. t *) p. *■ WEST BND CAH. Oar laavea atdo of city martot^ We.t End IM a. ro. and avery ♦ JJ m _ thereafter during th* day until laavea Weat End at ■ ™S? M arv " minute* thereafter during mill llron o'clock midnight. IT M IA3ETOV A BURKS . K&f Tablets * ' sßHxwlvTi "• r ■ “ .. aflU kirtiif* y bt f#(i • emr * Promote the App ,, * , J 17 and Put Flesh on Thm 7 p. nn |. / r*eoplC. ran bn • , ■b Kmi c*mp*r rg-ilnf*"# l n I * • ■ tou IUSK 4 CO.. S)##**^,^^^ A safe and powerful remedy for inn troubles, delay, pain, and ineg^ APIO LINE fCHAPOTEAUTL Siicceasf-i'lv I eases of Women. Price JiAO of an or by mall. P. O- Ho OLD NEWRPAPEBB, W> ,or * e,Bl * Business office Morn lex New* -