The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 18, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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TO GO THROUGH THE SQUARES. C ntliu-* frctn Tenth Page. r ~{i ordinances were pawled. I . v s*i - fur t ii* im|>rovrment of j in m Wc*t Broad to W.i- 1 ' , v laying ** forty-fool roud <n block, the com to le ~ ihe manner. The i i.ance provides for pavluz from Hoy to Ittver street ,i block. The ordinances were k *! it dissent, alt nine vot*** i .jet In the affirmative * :ii.n ny Ahlermon Haas the i mlttee was authorised to niter or the new engine house on . 1 . in order to provide for a x , r the coat of the alteration not \ x . j Duo. timrU tnrlnu* Petitions. , was spent by Council before | r * !*K hi caucus in hearing argu- , various petition*. A number j ,*tiitc 2m and brokers an- \ !pi tort of thetr petition to be J the tax of 175 required for art k-rs In making loans on real taenia held that ms they al* ! 1 two licensee fer doing bualneif I the right to negotiate loans on . by them had always been ..) |,t cover puch transaction* c n t ip to the present year, that It -! to require them to pay this iix Mr. W. B. Htublia made m< til before the i*ommlttee of the i brhalf of the agent*. The r#- , r. r*or% favorable to the ugem*. • them 'A the ttx so far as th* no ,-g of loons upon real estnte cod , is concerned. i test of Capt. W. W. William- i Wright Hunter and other* i the action nf Council in granting .j h H. I.attlmor.* prmlssion to , . frame houacs on hie lot facing t , n llun.lngdon street, between }i, v> and Barnard streets, wa- ar- for.* the committee. Mr J. R*tn -4k Vi.lsrson ap|e*red for the |**tl iv. nd Messrs. J. Ferris Cann and A A Iterance for Dr. laittlmorc. Th<* iva favorable to Mr. * mere iltr ***st being received as Information. \r, mportant ordinance was introduce! v lennan Haas, amending the ord.- u providing |eneions for firemen by g a provision permitiing f!r< m n e r tv*■ served ten years or longer. an i H f n- certified by the health officer to . n tally or physically dtpquatlfle I from he fur*her performance of their ,i .• . to be retired on one-q -at ter pay At , :• * nt firemen who have seiveJ twtn t k or more may be retired In tht* i ,i. . r on one-third pay and thore who i , rvd thirty* years on one-half p.v il deckled to pay Mrs. Annie Me* t- fl*M. she having made n claim as in. * low of Frank Mediay. who was K ,s| Bept. J3. !*€•*;, by failing iliroug.i at a fire OB 111) f < $Xk whs h amount she alleged ahe thou and : ■,. t> .'lveil had Council followetl *ts livuai course In suck matters. .’.jp? W. W. Wllltameon was unanl p.. v *|cctcd commissioner of pllotag.. u 11,1 the vacancy In the l>oard. caused by II- • * \ of the late J. J. Wilder A • ial ordinance was adopted per mitting Mr. Paul Conuki to remodel and malt. * Millions to the nui.ding now t> .1 by him at 135 and 137 Bull OtlWef Fx-Policeman John C. Crlmmina ng tin petitioned for restoration to me force, k - ftetltlon being backel up by the pig r *ures of a numlwr of cltltens. Tn< Htreets and Committee was authorlxed to purchase three carts and fir mules for that department. Th. > avenger department was authorised to purchase three sanitary wagons, at a cos n • to exceed and eight head of stock M' : coat not to cxcedl |tOO. A r- solution was mlopte*! ratifying anvi confirming the agreement between the city and the union depot people and in r ting the M.tycr to execute g deed to i. Savannah Union Station t'ompany for t !nd specified in the agre-ment • resignation of Dr. M If. Devi as ci*v physician was read, and the clerk s • instructed to lver:lse an election •* the next meeting of Council to fill the vs. .mcy. Fasvora Mr t Colllnm* Petition. Three numerously signeii |et'tlon*. fav enng the grantihg of the franchises b- .ght by Mr. J. Col.ins for sireet rail v pur|*oses, were received. Also a com rn'ii carton from Mr. D. B. attor i, for the Vernon Shell liotid Com* I*. r y, announcing change in the route slight by that company. Instead qf c ros**- ! *• the city at Fighth street, the com* pH. now asks for a route south on I e to Fstill avenue, thence to the \\ t* Bluff road, to Twelfth street, to V uomery street and north on that street. iiilis amounting to 527.fR1.24 were passed for payment. Th- meeting was one of the most lnrgi* 1; it tended since the summer vacation.* b’-gan. there being eight aldermen pres ent. besides the Mayor. \Mermen Mills and Thomas were in * r seats for the first time in several * k* Alderman Wells Is expected back sie.rily. and with Aklerman Bchwarx re * 'iperatlng from his recent Illness, it is t unlikely that there will be a full at tn lance of the board at the next meet- I Kb* \OI*E HI STREET CARS. 'lit. Una*' Orel Inn ■■<** Against Krl> nnd l.nte (,nnH*. Alderman Haas Introduced an amend m.-nt to the existing ordinance for the •vi'.atlon of atreet’ railway* which la of ■tvri rt to many citizen* who do not en- J ha vine their slumber* disturbed by the hanging of street car* and the ringing of Rung*. 1 amendment make* It unlawful for *' >' ■!< trie railway company to run any ■ar* In the city ltmd* anywhere of Hroughton street at4l rate 01 • 1 ex .edlnc six mile* an hour he ' n the hours of 11 p m. and 6;30 a. m. or ring a gong during these hour* ex * * <** when necessary to avoid an Im i 1 ( tltaton. A violation of the ordl -1 1 ' nukes both the employe and the r 1 Iwav 'otnpatiy subject to line not to •i lloi. and the employe to Imprlson tO exceed thirty days. 1 h .in ordinance would greatly In lth the operation* of tho street '■* ' 01 j any as wII as with the coti '• 'ee of it* patrons who desire rapid ' "• •• during both late nnd early hours likely to I* decided opposition ,0 1 ' • ordinance. It *eema to lie n rule or tn with the railway company to 'he late ear* at a more rapid ral I d 1 han during the earlier hours, • ‘ Ing (ewer cars on the lines dur ■ ’ ■ ast hour and less danger of col* n The motormen ring their gongs ' ' ftly while the ears are going nt 1 ■<l In order to warn foot travsl ■n 'he cross streets of the approach , car* Alderman Haas lives on the "1 street line, an*l doubtless ex* ’ 1 'd -ome Inconvenience from this Htm ■’■: V\ I'll ISON Kit w. Made I,a || lr Police nnd Detective* I estnrdny. ( '' fni lnlght only’ three prisoners had '"rested by the police. f ' •' l‘>conda. white, was sent In by man Stafford on the charge of as *" •' and striking Kavlnlu Middleton. I -dngleton. colored, was arrested by Mv ' Stark on the charge of being a ton character. 'VIII He Tried for Vtnrder. •Vl'tlraw, the colored murderer. 1 In Fairfax. H. C., was taken from ( !r ’ yesterday by Sheriff Creech • •is' " , ' l ' county. He says that M< - t . r " ,:,y Captured by the Harsn po ' lc * belore hi* victim had died. Night work. Extra strain needs extra strength. When a man begins to add to his hours of laUir, and subtract from his hours of rest, he is putting an extra strain on tmun ami body. *n such cases many men make the srnons mistake of using stimulating liquors, or alcoholic medi cines. These can only injure. The spur forces on the horse, but does not strengthen him. Stimulant* are only •purs. The need of the bodv is strength. Dr lherce's Golden Medical Discovert- is invaluable to overworked men am! women. It strengthens the stomach, increases the blood supply, nourishes the nerves, and gives vital power to brain and body. There is no alcohol in - Golden Med ical Discovery." It contains no opium, cocaine or other narcotic. It is strictly a temperance medicine. Mr Edward Jacob, of M.rcogo, Crawford Cos,. Indian*, write. “After three vest.of .ulfertne with liver (rouble and malaria I *ve up .11 hope, of ever K'lting .tout neain, and the last chmue w* to try vour medicine I had tried ail the b me doctor, and received tail Utile re lief After taking three bottle, of Dr I'ierce . Golden Medicnl Oucovrry and one vial of hi. ' Ple.Mni Pellet. lam -lout and hearty It U due entirely to your wonderful tuedumun- I>r I’terce Common Scnar Medical Pt >KII XI. til .1 X MKt* L. It Whit. Will Take Place From Family Rni tlenre Thi. Xfternoon. Th" body of Mr. James I-. Rinkln Jr . reached Savannah on the Southern Hall way train from Pittsburg yesterday af ternoon. The body was accompanied by Mr James 1.. Hankie.. Hr the father of the unfortunate young man who m< i s? sad a death. When Mr, Ilankin reached Pittshurc he learned that the frier Is of his son In that oily were anxious that some funeral ser vile be celebrated before Hie hady le:t for Savannah. He acceded to this wieh and the services were held Monday nlsht They were very largely attended atul the masses of flowers, as iv-fl as the earne-l sympathy, fiom very many sources. <f which Mr. itankln was aasured. told him that In Pittsburg, a* In Savannah, th d-ath of hls son had caused profound grief. The funeral will take place from the family residence, lift Duffy street cast, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The services will he constueted by Rev. Dr. James I Fair, pastor of the Inde|M-nden( Pte*!)/- tertan Church. The |*tllbtarete will ha Meaarsr. Ilerheit IVeat. Clarence An derson. Jr., Randolph Arson. Jr., Ernest K Davb Glasldlng Hull anl Dr Jos ph N. tine rant The In’erment will be in taiurel Grove cemetery. Full imrtleular* of the manner In which Mr. Kankln met his death have not been primed til Savannah. The Pittsburg Dis patch. In Is Issue of the day following that on which the accident oocurred, d* - scribe* th- happening thus: James E. Rankin. Jr., assistant chief engineer of the American Tinplate Com pany, and one of the most prominent and popular young men In Pittsburg s busi ni sand social circle.- was run down by Moiiongahela street railway car on Forbes street. Squirrel Hill, yesterday afternoon and nlmost instantly kliltsl. Me lt. .nkin we* on horseback and at the time a- on hi* way with Charles VV. Htay. thief • ngineer of the American Tin plate Company, for an afternoon rbic through the Squirrel Hill district. Toe msn w.i* hurled from hi* horse with such terrific force thnt hi* skull was badly fractured and death was only a matter o' a few moments. "Early in the afternoon Mr. Rankin hud urranged with Mr. Bray to ride out tV the Country Clubhouse, at Forbes street end Shady avenue, to participate in the crosa-country hunt that was to be held- by that organisation They se cure*! riding horses at the gchenley Riding Academy, on Bayard street, and were Juat descending the dtp In Forbes street, be tween Wlghtman und Murray avenue*. a hen Mr Bray noticed n Monongaheia street tollway car approaching on the oulbour.d track. "He suggested to Mr. Rankin that they had better rross over to give their horsew plant) of room, a* he feared the animals would frighten at the noise and rush of the car He Instantly turned hts horse and safely reached the roadway on the other side of Forties street. "Just then Mr. Bray looked back to see what hls companion had done. He was horrified to see the car strike down Mr Rankin'* horse, shat had squared Itself across the track, and the rMer was hurled on hi* head on the hard asphalt roadway. The car struck the horse with such a terrible blow that It rebounded and struck .he animal again. Mr. Rankin, however, had been thrown beyond the reach of the wheels, and hls body was not mangled. “Mr. Bray leaped from hls horse and hurried to the side of hls companion. Dr. M W Everson of 3** Flflh avenue, who was also on hls way to the Country Club and wna nearby, hurried to the assistance. The taller found that Mr. Rankin was un eonscloti*. with hla skull badly fractured In two place. The young man expired Just as 'he physician reached hi* side On the middle of the forehead w is a hole that penetrated both plate* of the skull, and on the left side, near the hack of the head, was .mother fracture, long and com plete. "John Ecwl*. motorman of the ear, was placed under arrest by Pollre Lieutenant John Donovan of Homestead, who hsp l*ned to la* n passenger. The motorman w.i* taken to Honleseead where ball for hi* appearance at the Inquest on Monday was furnished to Justice O. W. Giles by Assistant General Manager Frank MrCoy of the Monongaheia company. Lieut, Don ovan shot the horse, which had been badly mangled. "Mr Bray was unable lo tell exactly •how the occurred. Both horses had lo*en .riding quietly, and gave no signs of trouble, but he supposed that the unusual roar of the approaching car caus ed Mr Rankin * horse to shy and plunge directly In the path of the trolley. A* far ns he could tell the car had not struck Mr Rankin, but the force of the blow given lh> horse had completely unseated him. and thrown him headlong *o the pavement "Mr McCoy. In explaining th* acel.lent from the standpoint of Motorman !>■*!*. Arid last night that the car was running at a fair sped on a slight upgrade, and that Jlr Bray had crossed over In front of the car Mr. Hsnkln remained on the side upon which he hsd been riding As the ear reached hltn hi* horse shied, wheeled In front of the ear and was struck In the flank before the motorman could apply the brakes and stop hls ear "R A Wynne of Homestead, t|ho was on the car. said tha h- trolley was run ntnr at high speed Into the dip. apparent ty to make up loot lime The two riders ahead appeared to be chatting and l'*h ing a* their hors*# pranced about. The speed of the car was not checked, al THE MOKNING NEWS: THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS. 1000. Fall and Winter OPENING of oaf Merchant Tailoring Department OCT. 17, 18 AND 19. 300 Styles of Cloth on Display, If you wish to have your Winter Suits, Overcoats or Trousers made to measure at a very small advance over ready-to-wear goods, call and leave your measure. Satis faction guaranteed. B.H.Levy& Bro. though the nervousness of *hc horses wit* shown, and the passengers were horrified to see the Rankin steed suddenly shy be for© th© vlwtli of thr cr, “Mr. Rankin was born in Savannah, fla . twenty-five year* ago He came North some years ago to obtain a fechnl ul telu catton at Lehigh University He wa* prominent in Urwlc l*ner fraternity af fairs and was a member of the college lacrosse team He wu* graduated in IWS as a mechanical engineer In the class of Thomas J. Bray. Jr., secretrv of McGill A Cos., and other prominent Plttsburgers "Mr Kankln lame to Pittsburg, and for two years was employed by Jtillen Ken nedy. the well-known mechanical engln- CT. lie then went to Chicago to enter tlv engineering department of the American Tinplate Company, and almut on- year ago cam. with Mr. Bruy to Pittsburg, when the engineering department was re moves! to the Carnegie build,ng Mt Ran kin and Mr. Bray were almost Inse'wra- Me companions. The former took an a live Interest in golf affairs at Hewlckley and In social matters In that place an t In rite East End Ills father, mother, one brother and two sisters survive at Savin nah Deceased's only relative In Pittsburg was W R Ewing of Emerson street A curious coincidence Is the fact that fllG tear* ago hls gratalfathi a nlted State* army officer, was thrown front a hortt* and kill©*!. HILL BBC TUB C4OVBHI4OH. Capt. Cana Cited HI. Authority for a |)flt II •• •. Copt J Ferris Cann will leave Sunday or Monday for Atlanta, and It Is hls puf !*>** to visit Hie Oovernor upon arrhsl there, on behalf of bis client. Corpl It A Harris of the lleputdlcan Hluee. woo was tried recently by a general court martial upon charge* preferred by (-ap-. M E-d. Wilson Capt. Cann eutd yesterday that he does not know What the finding of the outt in the case of hi* diem was He h - lleves he has a right to demand a copy of the records, and the finding of th ■•ouri in the case, and some time ago ns so not tiled the adjutant generals offhe. Thla brought an Interrogation from Col. Byrd di to the authority Capt. Cann could cite for uch a conc#**ton. and th© latter wrote In re|dy. referring Col. Byrd to the 114th Article of War Thle article, said Cspt Csnn oistlnc - |y states the right of an accused or of a peraon reprerentinic him. to b© • u Ppl' # *'* with * copy of record* and the flndoia of the rouri. It Is upon this article that Cap: Cann will baae hls demand when he sees thb Governor. If the finding of the court should he anything short of the exoneration of Capt. Harris, he Will **k to be allowed to piead hls case before the Governor In the effort lo induce the commander-4n-chief to withhold hi* ap proval of th© finding OAKfNBY'B CASE COITIW BO* Other Case Heard Yesterday la the Recorder'* C’onrf. The case of Frank D Gaffney, charged with borrowing without permission, the home* of two of the mounted pollcemeh. an account of which has been published in the Morning News, was postpone! again yesterday In the Recorder’s Court, but will probably be heard i-day. Ootdv Snow the Gypsy fortune teller, who is so often arrested for getting drunk, was Up yesterday . and was sentenced to thirty day* on the gang. William Father, white, was Judged guilty of the theft of the lead pipe and gas ft*. Hires from Irthor Hull, an account of which tv as published in yesterday - * Morn ing News, aral remanded to . the City Court. Two other prleoners. who were sent to the City Court are George l.ewts. colored, charged with the larceny from yill Math- Ison of Ilf. and Watson Cohen, also col ored. arrested for stealing from George Adame Bum Dixon, arrested on the charge of attempted highway robbery. It bring al leged that he held up Ben Davis night be fore last on the Igjulsvllle road, was dismissed and so, also, were :w.> other negroes that were arrested early yes terday morning, and who were supposed to have had a hand In the attempt on Davis. foi mi the norma mh krii. Itepuhllcnn 4'andldale Encountered Opposition In Guyton. Mr. W. R. Leaken, Republican nomi nee and candidate for Congress from thi* district, encountered the flret opposition to 111* speaking he has met on Tuesday tilght. when he wa* advertised to deliver an aihlree* In Guyton, lo the |ople of that town and the surrounding country. Mr Leaken went up on the Central ac commodation ami reached Guyton to And that a number of person* hod been striv ing to induce the Mayor and Council to revoke their permission, already given Mr Leaken. to use the town hill. Tbetse ef forts had proven unsuccessful and a start for the hall was made. Arrived there It < /ound that the doors were locked and the lights put out nnd considerable time was lost before an entrance could lie t ffeeted .Mayor Rhev herd and the members of the Council stood by Mr I/eaken. and when an en trance was effected the light- w-fre soon lit ami the audience admitted It consisted of abiut twenty-live white men and possl hly six time* as many negroes, to whom the Republican candidate delivered an ad dress He was not subjected to any fur ther annoyance. AT TUB TNBATKH. Down Ini In th© ttlallator" and •*Ht*liarl 1 urar il© !.©un“ To-a!ih. At to-day'* matin©© Robert Downline and hi* company of |>lay©r* will hi* s©**n In “Th© Gladiator.” and to-rdght In "Richard, th© Hearted" Th© story of “The Gladiator" turn* on ih© love of the Empress Faustina for a nobl© Fla vl.m. while the latter has mad© known hi* Intention of making hi* newly eman cipated slave (Neodannai, who 1* really th© daughter of "The Gladiator," hi* w! r e To guilt l;l* freedom. "Th© Gladiator' .agree* with the Rmpress to kill Neodxmla. but. In the powerful scene In the arena, which I* staged after Jerome’s celebrated |4 “ur©. h© discovers that hi* victim I* hi* daughter. It I* here that th© climax of th© play I* reached, and Mr Downing I* undoubtedly seen at hi* best. A* "Richard, the I,ion Hearted," Mr. Downing will b© seen her© for the first lline He ha* with him this year on© of th© most in!* wt fl and charming la<K*a of the stag©. Mis A liter t a Converse, be sides several actor* who last set son were leading m* n for th©ir re*jec!ive star Cha*. D. Herman, who last se.son w.ui leading man with Frederick Ward©, and for six year* ai led In th© same capacity for Mme. ModJ©*ka. 1* with the company. To-morrow night and Saturday matinee and night Mr Chari©* B. Hanford will l© *e©n In Id* n©w play, "Private John A1 l n " Mr Hanford ha* assigned no reaj**u for hi* action In making hi* present sea son an exception to th© rule that ha* hitherto held him rigidly to the cla*#l© drama, beyond that h© consider* "Private John Allen" great play; one which th© public will enjoy, ar.d which an actor may take honest pride In presenting "Private John Allen," who won hls title by service y ih© war, romtdned with the fact thai h© was. by som© strange over sight. the only m.iti In Itl* community who had not been made, either as a mat ter of eomidimerit or by th© official for malities. .4 “Judge." or a "major." or t "colonel." i* a politician, but not in ch© srrio-oomir sense that I* usually expected when a churacter thus described I* Intro duced on the stage. He Is a hard lighter; an ardent lover; a patient loser and a generous victor. Th© story Is of th© South; not th© old. but th© new. The characters lived, and most of th©m fougnt through th© Civil War—and yet they hwv© kept par© with the times, and th© author of "Private John Allen" has given r picture of Southern ilfe. startlingly real, yet charmingly rem Inlacent. Needles* to aay Its (heme 1* of love. Prof. Gentry's Dog and Pony Show will begin thrre days' of exhibition at the show grounds at Holton and Hast Bran I streets this afternoon. Two exhibition*, afternoon ami night, will be given dally the r©**t of the week. The baby elephants are anew- feature of the show, and will prove in attractive on© to th© cht!dr©n. Gentry’s shows are always largely patronised, and afford a popular amusement to many people. Th© dogs, pontes end elephants will Ik* seen In the strec* parade before the show. U KDOKI) IK laUiK IVd:. Mr. . M. Coney Married Mias Hrftn Fannin of Thai City last Mil lit. Mr. Wilbur M Coney and Miss Rett a Fannin were married Hist night at the bom© of the bride's parents. Col. and Mrs James H. Fannin. laidrange. The cere mony wa* performed by Rev. Dr. G. A. Normally, president of th© Bout hern Fe male College, and Rev. Mr. Moncrlef, pastor of th© First Baptist Church of L*x- Grange. Mr ami Mr*. Coney left Immediately after th© ceremony for a visit to vlil©. and other North Carolina resort© After Nov 1. they will be at horn© n No. 215 lluntingilon street, east. 1 Good Positions c‘t§ECURED I; C"SB/actiVc Vtd*. u**l* KgKwif Young Men Ss-" 1 Women ' - t*\e our practice Rusmess (oiJrse / '✓// CO LLEG CS V fAtt/r.i/rer • /V Send for tenJoeeS jOMtf<VnfA'<Z/a |,CU4L SOTItK*. GEORGIA. ('tIATIIA M COUNTY.— Alt** E Barbour ha* apitlteft to th* Court of onliitary for a tvr*;v* month* urjxrt for lt*r*lf. out of h* *•!'* of Robert T. Barbour, I***ai**<t. A|*prat*ers have m**k return* allowing wnw. Th** nr*, there for*. to otto all whom It may concern to aiq—r before *kl court to make obj* - tton <xt or liefer* th* first Monday In Novemtier. next, ottrerwl** saw* will t>* granteri. Wltnesee*. 4h* Hon. Himirion L. Ferrlll, r<Mnry for Chatham oountjr, that tlx- 10th <tay of fVtober. lto' FRANK B. KKILBACH, Clerk C. 0., C. C. CLASSIFIED suVhHfISEMENTS. PBHIOKAt. "DTUD tAZORB talk, avoid noth by having your rwxor i ground, lioned. set ami mod© to shave Ilk© new. by the old experienced bgrb©r. t 2* Bast Broughton. Ilalr, J w©lry and Bhavlug Bupply House; th© place (or tin© rttsor*. strops ami shaving outfits, barter chair* for *l#n or rent; barber shops i bought and ohl NOTICK---DR L. A SMITH IIABHK* moved hi* denial oflh © from .4* Mu 1 t to i'M ogb therpe ave. oast, over Knight's | .il Uii Stole. 18 VOI R IRON BAFR riRK PROOF* 1 Siilte! x Fret man hv* , .-sanding offer ' of lut'd tor ©very safe of their© that doe* not preserve Its contents. On© wa In luiiifg ■ b B I ‘ * VV*ht j taken out. thi hs© hail to be turned on ; i. When oi ©ned. not a | age w •* dlscol i-rwi, let a record o t. not a dollar de stroyed If >©ti want security, buy a St Iff el A Freeman safe C. P Miller, agent. “YOU WILL LIKF. TUB MILK FROM SpnngtUJd Dairy; It’s rich and pure; try It. FURNITCRK I’PHOUBTBUKI. MAT j tresses renovated. Antique furniture re |M>)t*hed. furniture packed an>l shipped In best mann r B©nd m© your orders. C I*. IClUor. ‘*i IM)NR FIaOT'R S' T of ND BAG. leave onler w|;h K Moyle, 10 Broughton street, ©act. or 114 i'atk avenue, east. > Gardmr. agent. “ IF ITB RI GA YOtT WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from MKllllta. HPfcCIAI.. AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers, ladles' sts©. at $S J. W. Teeple. I AM NOW LOCATKD AT 411 WKBT Broughton ring up Hk, if y,u want to have your furulura movol **r packed for shipment or stor.ig©. I guarantee prices ihe sam© n 1 do th© work that's given I o me. A 8. Griffin. 414 Broughton street, w**st; mattresses mad© t oriHr MILLKHH BTOVKB AND It A NOKrt give ratlsfaetb n Th© Mognetlc, Koono mlst. WaHlorf. King, and other good makes at reasonabl© prices. >*7 Brough j ton. west K KNBINGTCN FA HM Mll K 18 I’N > surpass* and for richness; delivery Is per j f*ct, phone. 2.'4© 881 Mill! '; FUR iiFFP'K DKBKB tdhra table*, ©ttl- © matting, oflL o shatb's | J/! Broughton, w-st. WHEN YOU REE M Gi1.1,1 (f BIXTY- Inch n cents mgs. you will buy them. Just can t help it, will sell In an' quan tity FOR’ VIA Ht Al 7 DEBI<NB~CI*T Ft/W ‘ ©rs plants and bull**, from < H>h**hig ** i nursery; l©ive orxb’rs with K. Moyle, in ! Broughton street. cast, J. ti*nln- , j agent TI RNITURE MOv 151 ► WITH CARS." is a an© 'laity with McGtlHs. NKW BTYLF.S IN CAR* pets, matting*, linoleum*, window shade* ate. All w rk tfon© In ffrat-c’a-s style. 207 Broughton, west. HER THE JEWEL STOVEB AND ranges for sale by J. W. Teepla; also agent for Inmrance gasoline stove. M'OIDLIH 18 CHEAP ON FtT'GB. NED. hire curtains, hummocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stove*. l>e*lrtiom suites, and furniture of every deaertpeiun. ~1 tittYS NtUB RATTAN ROUKKRS hllt" Hit) last I.irk" -ortm-ni if : rockrr, illvana an t .'aav rhalra. C. P ; Miller, agent KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN jeleiallnn In file country, free from elly • Iraltuigfe 1m pe•.,11.1.' f..r milk to hecouo* j ronlamlnat' l. t>> Impure cxior,. if you i want pure Jera-y m'lk. phn. IJ4S Ita- I livery prompt; aatlafacttun gunranlart!. M GTLT.IH MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and afore- piano, and furniture; beei work only: no "Cheop-John" prtcea—no "Chaap | John" Joba. i Jinn FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS, while they iat. C. !' Miller, aaent. MOII.LIS LAC* CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. :SO FOR ART SQUARES WIIU.K they lari. Hlk aaaortment. all ftradeil or art .quare, ruxa, mats, portiere*. C. P. Millar, agent M'GILLIS SELI-S SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna panama—for Vi renla. STUTTERING CURED—DR O. 4V. Randolph of St. Leila, 1* aatonlahlng un people of the South with tile wontlerfiil curie* of Muttering; he cur-.t 00l Wlllh Jone*' *Oll and nephew at C.dumhla H f.’., and many of here recently: he la at the Ait>ermirl Hotel, lending paper* all over the land are loud In hi* praise, write him at once for (larUcular*. Columbia, S. C. LA DIES! • lllCill.dl Eli i NGLISH Pennyroyal J'llla are llte best. Safe, re liable. Take no other. Send 4c stamp* for particular*. "Relief for Ladle*." m letter by return mall Ask your druggtM Chichester Chemical Cos.. Phllada., Pa. HOW ARE TOUR rEJCTT IF YOUR feel are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nails, coma and nil diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; ran give the best reference* In Ibe city; pa tients treated al residence#; orders can b# left at Llvtngeton'a drug store. Rut! and Congress trect; telephone 293 Lem Davis surgeon ehlronodtsf HELP WANTKgt—MALJC. 'TH7TuK?MVrHTA^v^xN , TTrr^vT _ ~GX!r tonL. N. C. Klyrtl Building amt Construc tion Company. WANTED. A FIRST-CLAIM ROOK, keeper to open a set of hook* an I work a few hours at night, with a vl# w of per. manenl position. Addr< J. B C., care Morning News. WANTED, a Ft RUT-CLASH CAR pentrr lo work on hardwood floor. Apply after S.ob p m. to J. If Myers, 19 W. Lib. erty. WANTED AN ACTIVE HONEST boy, who write* a readable hand, to act a* iorter In gro-ery; references tequtmd. A M A C. W. West. 'FIRST-CLASS BILL CLERK AND stenographer wonted, one who has had scene experience in bookkeeping preferred, hard worker only need aj>ply; state age t references and salary expected. A. J. 8., care News. 'WANTED. A THOROUGHLY OOYll’B tent planing mill man. one who under stand* setting up and running planltig ma chinery; no other need apply K* p, ard. Hix'Sker A Cos., lumber yard. Henry street atul 14.. F. A W. Ry. crossing. ' WANTED. ROOK KEEPER. HTKNOO raidler, druggist, laundry machinist, bak er*. bricklayers, mill man. tie chopper*, cypress and pipe log ehojtper*. sawyers, orange packer*. Huber, 311 West Hay, Jacksonville, tIKI.I* WJUrrait-rKMALg. WHITE GIRL Tt) IX) cooking soft general housework; German preferred. Apply 2IW* Hull street, near Seventh street. 'wanted, a nurse, at ;<n Jones it. east. WANTED. CAPABLE GIRL FOR general houoe work. MB Brought on *t vat. __ WANTRDr M ( > t f 8 F. K E K P K HB. I clerks, *trnor*pliers. comi.nlons. Indies’ I maids, nur*©*. cooks. lsumlr©**es, wsl ‘ tt esses, ©hsmbermsldn; sll |rls of Flor ida and Bufh G©ors u Huber, 817 Wssi j Bay strert, JscknoiiVlll©. Dll PLO Y .IK XT o\ ANTED. KXT KHIRNCED NTKNfKIRAPH Ell dealies ©xtra work for a few hours ■;a-|i day. Address Boy," tilts ofllo- ai.Kvri W44TKU - t The Hortor* of a Stricken City," tiy Mum> Hulsleait, fully l)lustia:r*t, fastest selling book ever published, only 11 to, best terms gutirantccd., tie quick. J. S. Zriglrr A Cos,, Chicago. 11l ItlltSK.W HtMKII. WANTED. FURNISHED HOUSE BY couple cloar In, no ob)-citon to boarding fanUly Stranger- News WASTEO—MIM tcid.4YK.uia. "'wANTITfr r.l'MliKlt, FRAMING stuff fl.otrlng and weaiher-boardlng. t' exchange lota lor am< U. II Dorsetl. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from Springfield Dairy. It's rich, pure and whole some. IF YOU WANT A RI.ACD TO DUMP earth, dirt. ind, manure, etc., free of rnrge Just at city limits, hauling nvar hard road wrti- or telephone Brown Btoe.. come. Anderson and Eaet Itruod • treeta. run Hr.xt—nook*, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, southern exposure modern convenience*. 310 Jonas, east ELEGANTLY FURNISHED" SINGLE or double HHti with or without !>.ard. every comfort. 1 Tl\ vte family; 34 llah erstiam. near Broughton I I |T yoll RENT. 'Trrrr7rENT~7 r LAT AND BASEMENT to smoll family. No. 13 Jones street, east. 'DESIRABLE FIaAT OF :! OR 4 t’OM nrctlng rooms, all 'onvcnl, , nces; family IS! Lincoln siteet. * FOR RENT FLAT OF 4 CONNECT |ng room* atul lusth. Owlnnoit. west; next to Itarruinl inquire on premise*, or ~t xv j Mlscally, Jr fr-011 Hllh l-1101 SIOA ~| ( >lt " 7tENT if Du’ffY street! | cast; |>--i"lon at once. Apply George I, Germany, agent. It. Ilryan street, east. FOR KENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE. No 317 Waldburg street east, between Abercorn and Isncoln. flr*l-c4a* order atul rood It lon. every convenience Right rent to right tenant Estate Salomon i Cohen-West Itioad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT HOUSE, ANDERSON | nr-ur Lincoln; llflee-n dollar*; go.d repair, | *ee It l> It L-sler roll KKVI-ITUHtt. ~TTiTr~iTr "loTuthwest i nrn* r Whitaker and Liberty streets. Ap pL IS rty slreal, w.-st. FOR RENT. RUITABLK FOR STORE lor office, southeast corner Montgomery i and Perry strict lane FOR RENT. STORE. 115 BROUGH*. In street, .set; pnasesslun Immediately at-o several il.guiMe re-tdencea ant flats. Ai-piy A Wylly, 13 Bryan atreat, east Foil It l; XT'—44l44'EM. A NIOC 9. F<*it RENT, TWO NICE II ALLA near MntJ( at: rent very cheap M J Doyle. Murkrt srjoare, i 'LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFPICB 1 for rent, corner (trough ton and West I llroad streets; formerly occupied by lh I Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. H I*. Smart. roil IAI.K—HKtI. ESTATE. FOR SALE! A L>T~FoTr*TW(pHUNf dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. IL Doraelt. FOR SALE. LOTS~<)N "NINTH. NEAR East Broad, at fc)<. each; will soon be advanced to 1339; when a lot haa been paid for 1 can arrange to get a home butH. C. H. Domett. FOR SALK, LOTS o.N NINTH STREET near East Hroad; no city taxes, at tMt each; Iwentv-flve dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H Doraelt. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING I/OTS for sale all over the city. Hoborl H. Telcm. real estate dealer. No. 7 York street, west. FOR HALE OR RENT. SnACHE farm with house and nut bulldlngw; :n good condition Apply KT Stewart street FOR SALK THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been : sold lo first cl*** parties. v*ho will make ; good neighbors; and nons other ran buy 1 The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other In the vlctaMy. C. H. Dorsetl. FOR IAIA-alHkLUllßUt!l. HOY REM. TIIE UOUGH KING! TRY It when your favorite rim-dy fids, at 35c 1 Kittle a Pled to a gill of honey makes a splendid mixture for Infants and children BENZOIN HALM. MAKES TIIE'sKIN Ilk* velvet, for sale by druggist or at Hen ry and Aliercom Uersse Drug Stores, Whitaker and Taylor street,. FOR SALE TWO VERY FINE COWS, must be sold at onre. M J. Doyle, Mar ket square J FOR SALK. MULES". LARGE *nxKMh moles and some .-heap mules and horse*. Savannah Sale ami Boarding Stable*. 'BI•< fo Y. RO ADCAIt TA ND HAIt N FJ4H cheap Savannah Sale and Boarding Stable,. TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR |c. 14 crop* first y<ar boxes; 12.0ft> acre, round timber, at II 50 per acre; V* per thousand I sties for leased timber; plenty o! timber to be got. In live mdes of rail road; will give poseeeslon now or at end of season Addrca* Round Timber, ear# Morning New* FIRE PROOF SAFES -WE CARRY A fine line of flr proof stife* In Block t *ll lime* Th* iwrtlea can see exactly what they are gellbtg. Our prices are ae low a* manufa,Hirer* aelt It. with frelgtu aM ed Parties lnterr!*d. who wish a good fire proof safe, will do well lo Inspect our stock Uppman Hrrxt., IJiqgnan btock, agent* for manufacturer^ SPRINGFIELD' DAfRY ~l' NOTED for having rich, pure mlUt; fry II; you will be pleaxed. Norwood's "Satire" For sale al all News Stands Id SaviDoah. 2®, (OXFORDS $2.00 A HALF DOLLAR SAVED ALL ’ROUND. GEE. & QUINT, 205 Broughton Street, West. Lost \nu rouYD. fToTTEIcrTeb! (lURty. six month* old. Mack head, who* spot In forehead am! ringp email black efiot <m back, answers name of Jtp Finder rewarded If returned to Georgia Brewing Association. LttST.'oN ABERCORN. BETWEEN Duffy and Gordon, a while etsh. A lib eral reward by i<turning to 13 Duffy street. West. LOST, BLUE ENAMEL WATCH", with pm attached In Park extension. <l Waldhurg street. Itetwren Drayton and Hull Reward If returned to Hunter St Van Keuren. auAMIMO. TWO OR THREE GENTLEMEN CAN get nl e targe room, al-o single rttom. with ex. . Hem fable board. lIS Weat G*- toh street. FI KNISHKD ROOMS! WITH BOARD; also table laaariter*. 119 Liberty street, east. Pl.t Mill XI.. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL BE lo your Interest to tel me give you an es timate on your plumbing, new or old work; repair work a specialty, aa I am s practical plumber No guess work to ewlanger your llfe. Wiggins, phone M, Georgia or Bell : rssast 11144 121. LA M ICO l. BED lined. 49c; calico comfort*, reversible, ito: extra *!•• comforts, 94c. gray blankets, lull. ]o-4 sin, tae*. at the li-e-Hlve. Julian and Whitaker street*. Fall up 'perry * bknton. i© >ou .ire going to move, shift or at Of e fug nlltire; Belt phxMie 1134. HAVE YOUR HOUBE PAINTED with German ready rolled paint; entire sstlsfertlon guaranteed. Adame Paint Company. "Sanitary plumiunoT gab and *!eam titling; only experienced men em. ployed; allow m to give you a flgisre on your work A C. Iftce a Cos , ae! Jiffcrson slreeta. phones. 45*. "WANTED. ONE THOUSAND Hl'Sf frrv (Htifil© at ih© Dmiihern Grocery i om- Pny, 114 liurnard Pirwl. PKIIHY K BKNTON WIUi RENO* your l*l vnailrvwrii and furniture, make rood ax new. al very lillle roat. WE HELL HKWKR PIPE. Ft, IT* iv, ffr© lirirk al l*iw©nl prlro*. AdtlM Paint Company. 104 Congreaa, weat. ‘ MORE THAN ONE IVITNDHRP <’ENTB in every ilolkr of y*ur Mrii-rrnUl hanl ra!*h ut the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Itarnnnl street. PIION'fS 858 HRIJToR GEORGIA; AND lei ua dkconnnt an*l com©el your .any©, ©lalra of any mak© fumiph-| for so ir stove or rurig©; ©xperr workmen only ©m |i4oyal. ©an flaur** verv ©lose. A. C Price A <’o.. Hiat© and J©ff©raon atr©©t. “PERRY A BKNTON t’HK hpeciaT, ©or© In movimr. ehlpplnx ,iiu! olorlnf fm nit me: 'phone 1124 GY PHI NK 18 THE HKBT W A Lid FI N lnh muff© A*Jma Paint Cos., Bavannah ayenta, 104 Conyreae. weat I'KRFKCT OAfl MANTLES. 18a' !lo Mu'! and 35© each; all Riuranitnl gm :nip th© v©ry hit©et m*ken. |ut up pi your office, ator© or r©ai*lenr; only 75 If your 01l kak burner* nee*l r©- l>alrinir am! overhaul In*, lelephona. 58 G©<rffi. or Hell, irul w* will thi rent. A. C. Prl©e A Cos.. Hint© mi© I Jeff arson afreet*. ’ REniTFd TOUR LIVING EXPENBF*B hy Inventlny your hMr*l*©arn©! hard ©aah with the Boiithorn OrorMrjr Gompoity, 118 Tlarn ir i street PKTITIOX FOR HM OR |*o RATI OR. 'TTiTmoTA gi?atT?am gognty!^ To th© Superior <-*ourt of Baiß Gounty: Th© |*etltion of (ionlon Preoa. n cor poratlon, atal of J, F. Hanson of th# County of Bibb. John -M Kunn. Al©*tt*l#f l( Lawton, T M Cuttnlngham nnl H©nry Rlun of th© Gounty of Chatham. u©l of th© Oc©an Ht© imshlp Ctunpany of Havan nah. re|©N't fully fihowM First On February 17th. 1*73. the Oor d<m Pre*a was, on luly had In accordance with th© atiWUtes of thM state of (Seorffia. luly chartered ami made a corporation by the order of this hon orable court, a* will appeal* by reference to th© records thereof. Sei'Ofxt. The other petitioner* herein vi.iVth'l are th© sole stockholders of the Gordon Press, and own th© entire capital Stock thereof. * Third. Th© j>©tltlon4rs h©r©ln d©slr© that th© charter of th© Gordon Press, which, under th© limitations prescribed by law, has expired, may be revived, continued and ren©w*d. miwl that th© Gordon Press may be declared to be a corporation un der the laws of the state of Georgia tor twenty years from and after th© f7th day of\February. IW, with th© privilege of re newal at th© end of that time. Fourth. Tha object of the corporation, and the particular business which they propose to carry on. the capital stork, th# location of the business. th© other n©o es-ary particular* are shown In the orig inal application for charter ffi©d in this i*72, to which r©ferenc# hi hereby made, and the statements and prayers of th© sold original petition ar# hereby renewed, but petitioners desire that the charter mny be amended In the following particulars: (a) That he object of the corporation, and th© particular business which peti tioners propose to carry on Is the erec tion. operation, owning, leasing, renting, and being otherwise Interested In a pres# or presses for the compressing of cotton for shipment from the port of Rivannah, Georgia, or from any other ports. cMles, towns, or places In this or other states. (hi That the restriction In the origins! charter to the effect that the constitution and hy-lawe should he modified only by a vote of two-thirds of the stockholders should be removed. Wherefore, petitioners pray that the said charter may he revived, continued and renewed, and the charter granted with all the rights, powers and privilege# hereinbefore set out. and with such other rights and privileges an appertain to cor porations. And petitioner* will ever pray. LAWTON it CUNNINGHAM. Attorneys for f*sttinners. Original petition filed in the office of the clerk of th© Huperior Court of Chatham cotinty, Georgia, this 2d day of October* 1800. JAMEB K P. CARR. Clerk 8 C.. C. C.. Oa. IF THU WANT OOOD MATERIAL and work. ord#r your lithographed and printed stationery and blank booits from Morning News. Savannah. Os. 3