The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 18, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 DOUBTFUL ABOUT THE DEAL DKTIMTF. \F U tin 111-: 111 -t F.l* 111 * fhoh atlavta riMiu, Thr Crnlriil nl Georgia <> liilrrcsird l*npi—on fine-half nf the f npl* ll Ulork ll*r \A Mirra Rpllway •>( llaliaian nail n lllark of Mark rtf thr Atlanta rati Wrl l , oltil. l armt-rh llnard Half af (hr Lease f ihr Orardi Railroad. hot !.• Thai llnrlna Ihr Hrrrlr rrabi|t. l-rr.ltl. nl Kara In ilnm Tn-duy to Attend annual Meeting of " rat rrn of Moltaoto Hallway. Thr rrfwrt from Atlanta, published In yesterday - M iminc N-wn. of a bl* rail road titi to hr |x rfrclrtl tncrr 10-tluy by whl h Ihr <;- ntal. Railroad, ihr Atlanta iiihl Writ I’oli,. ami Ihr Wratrrn Rail v.-y of Al > irna were to In* iSmsolldati .1 Into Hit Gt >rst dlvlaioit of thr loul*vllle und Na-hvlil.- Railroad with headquarter* nt Atlanta, wan rrad with Intrrrnl here Thr thrrr properties or two of thrm at Ira t. If not among thr l.i'g<id. are ainoni. tit. mort and. airable of the railroad, of Georgia Thr Georgia Railroad I* thr old- i i-t i:. tlir - atr neat to tin- Central and .. i ■ 1 joyed ihr phasant privilege of drawing tan to elrvrn ja-r rrnt annual dividends an thr result of thr joint ha-* of thr property effected liy thr lair W Ullom M Wad try for ihe Crntral mil Louisville and J.ashvllle Hallway* Thr Utter company attempt’<• to ri-noji thr Contra! on It* Interrat In thr G.orgia ilnrlrf thr troubloui tlmr of IKSJ when Ihr Central was tn thr hands of n i riirr and towing to thr un. mli n I undltloli of affairs wnl unanlr to com*- up promptly with I*. share of tlic Tl.r rental n.u tendered later hut tl i.- I ii- ii... i pal l by iTrri.ltnt Smith of the Louisville and Nashville, ntm i l.ilmul thm the Cm •era! - * Interest had laprml A bill In equity wa- In the Cnlted Siatrn Court b> thr Central, but liter an .iKtermi-nt war reacht.t by whb It the Central rr Inqulshet Its Int.r -t In Ihi I-a < to thr Lonl-vUie and Naahvilli aial thr bitter turned over the Intel.-t Itiur acquired to the Atlmtt Coo t Uni. Tlir lonr wan mil a serious on. for Ihr Central, as li had helped fo j.u> the dividends which llie road had lallid to earn In years and had received mvhii.g in reiurn, not even In Ihe n> of tr.iftli The Central of 0-orgia still has a con siderable Interest In both the Wrstnrn Railway of Alabama nml Ihr Atlanta and We-e I'olnl. owning one-haif of the 30,101 shares of stock of the farmer and hawng I.BU shares of Ihe sun k of the loiter. The Allant , and West l-olut lia jus! 11.- 222 shares of Mu k, and of this the G.-or li.n Railroad owns 101.', shares und the G.-orata Railroad Rank wo shares, the two together holding something !••- ’ lhan a majority. With the Central's ownership of I.Ski, shares a majority was formed, which ha- heretofore controlled tin man agement of the road The Georgia road owns the other half of Ihe stork of thr Western of Alabama, so that It will he #ecn that the relations between the nv rral road- Interested somewhat intrl tnte T)* rfpurifl deal wai regard*! wl h con><i'i(*rabk‘ doubt here. President John >1 Kii n of the Ontial wi in Allan to “• ni tn* annual nn'eltnK of h** Western of Aiaiam. tu‘h lakrf pia ■ to-day. ami there w. id* one in auth *r- Ity to speak on ih matter. Mr Jo* | Hull a dir* * lor of the Onirtl, siki he kn w nothing of ihr deal and doubted th corminwn of the report. C*ai*t. H C Cunningham of th** chb f council (ur the Central mid he knew rothing more of the reported dial tha * he had men In the Morning New* an l v\a rather In< lined to loubt the report The d*-aj uoui'l (* a non I one from a tal - road Mniidpolnt. he raid, and might pos sibly Im •'* th* inlere.M *f the (Vnt I It a.ili no !*■ mi h ti eisy mte to j a. t*nj*!*r at- the reprt w.ud **■cm I* 1 in i • h own i: to the In.rl ae relation* of ttn several loads In the prop erti* .* contt rn*4 ■*Tn Atlanta ..nil West Point In ore of the mod deelrmble pie of railroad prop erty m trie atate -nul Copt Cunning- | hum It is only V.* f>~ mile* in length, hu i It -njo> -i Iterative bu.iiilfM and h i alwiiy- btn a i *ying property. It ha* tin l*oi •l-'l Ind* Kednesr*. (hough It ha* eer- ; tlflcAte* of indebted tie* outstanding to the amount of He capita! stock There however, were liiuhl to the I h* a bonus Outside of the amount:- of | the stock held by the (Borgia nnd th* j Central Halitoaib, the to*'k is distributed among u mini *er of Individual stock hoio i era ami eatatea, some being held In Sa vannah The stockholders would have I to 1m- consulted, afid It In* necessary j for considerable cae.i to change hands before the reported consolidation *otild 1* effect wl. The Central would also have I to be consulted ns to its half Interest in the Western of Alabama, but would doubtless be willing to ac cept an annual rental of 5 or 6 per t ent, on its stock.** The at lon taken by the stockholders ami directors at the annual meeting of th- Western Katlwuy of Alabama to-day will probably Indicate whether or not there is utiything in the report'd ileal. a\ nrm ioh adoimiov t olored Woman Desire* In He Re lieved of Its I ore. The Infant mentioned In yesierJay s Morning News as having been a bandore I by Its mother, was brought to the Clt> Exchange yesterday by Wilie A Ta> or. the colored woman who say- ih* Infant was l*orn at her house at liberty and Arnold streets about a month ago Mayor Myeth Instructed ( t i 1 I for someone d* siring to aloit a white girl Infant. their p.r.ntl h.d thin hair; per haps their children have thin hair. But this does no* make it neces sary for them to have thin hair. ’‘Sr-a.-.if-i.-zi sr-’’" 1 ’ AVfin mak,. Ihe * ■ ts fSK HA I p out; makes g V%XI ■ svisor druff also. L. It always restores color to gray r hair, — all the dark, rich color of 1 1 early life. There is no longer need \ of your looking old before your time. If your hair is falling out and you are threatened with bald ness, our Hair Vigor will check the falling at once. tl M • t*K!le. All tfrvfftWt. •• Ax a r**midtr for mtoriu£ color fo tb# hair I btlteva Aver Bshr Yig*r ha* no equal. It has always gixeo uto perfect Mtufactiou in every way.” Mr*. A. M Hrarwi., Aug. 18,1838. lLnuuoud|H>rt, N. Y. Wrhe Ihm Doctor. i BtvUa Hair sn4 < Scalp free, upon request. If you do not obtain all th* beneSis you ogjMH-ted trtrn the use of th* Vigor, writ* h* Doctor shout It. Addrss*. Da. J. V. A YP.I* lowell. Mass A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE WHITES FROM CHICAGO, ILL. "I Was Greatly Troubled With a Cold Which Set a tied on My Lungs and Left Me With Catarrh.” THEN HE TRIED PERUIA. •• 11 Mm* ( omr Fully li* fo K |M*rlM(iona. I niii|lrlrh • urliiac %!> I ntiarrli l.r lain No Trirr of If.** iHl* Nm from f*hl hko. HI ) Cl IH’AGO. ILL. Otf 19 Hon K A \Y Johnwn, Jusil * ot th** J*e * iwltt— fiom **7 avenue Ohl* hko, 111. the following: •*l untitly (roilbird with m roW whl h m(tl***l on m> lun*- mxl bft in ■ with h db.tHKMbl* catarrh. Ah your MdMM ha* MM to rn\ ItOtlc* ICVWiI llm* -, 1 drtf rmlmni t. . * * >ut it Au|d do for m** 11 ha* oomf fully up lo my . *|h tntlonH. romplftfly etirinx my >* tarrh—lhivlng no tr. of it." K A W JOHNSON N arly all h • rhrotti cillri.* rt • to *hl n th* humor, family i. llabU • ifh* t b*gln or end with at irrh. or *!** *r** In norm* degree rampllrated b> catarrh If thin fact w#*r#* b*i.r undfratoral by tin* medical proleoln than It 1* t-<lay. It would *vf a Kr**ot amount of anxM> .ml ■(iff* ring, and prevent numberlen* death*. OHtiAN HKf ITAIs %T ( UIIKIMUL. \\n* I.Rrgrh \• If mini and a %lat Urallf)liiK Aurrr. Inf new organ of th* < athdral of St. j John the llaptlet was open*- U>t night ( under the roo-'i favorable auaplcec by 1 Mr J Browne of AtUnt. uriianift .><slited by Mr*. M .M O'Brien, aNo of Atlanta. .n*i Mr# W. \V. Groas. Mrf. .M Ed Wllaon a.*l Mils* Nellie Al in, and Mr. J M Hia*k and John Wie f.iml of this city. There waff an cxep lion ally larg* nt i n lan< - am) the concert wax in every wov a complete succeea. The following {.roaramine w.i.l given: ll.i-'h Faniaola in G Major Tree Vliement—Grave— I^entetnent ilramnff Andante An-lante Moito. (from Sonata In I Minor, op itOFfflni Pro reecatifi Mr J M. Black. iluxtetfude Fugue in C Major I>u kS> “In Paradlaum" Masffenet Aria from llrodia<) Mm M \l O* firien Seeboaek S*riata Napolltana" ilrv *vne ■■Si'her*o , ’- Mar* h (new> Cealle Come I'nto 11 Ini Mrs* M El WlNon ItOMilnl ..Quin !*>t Homo Mr* W W GfOffff and Mbx Nellie Allan Nevln "Venrtli ' Alba,” “Oondellerl.'' *‘Cansone.*' Huont Notte” (Avs Marly). lUssinl ' Halve Kcgina” Mrs M M. O Hri r Extemporization in Sonata form upon (h* me* to be fiirnlrhed ai time of per formsnee by the director v-companlst ... Mr. John Wlegand Mr Brown's numbers were all most en joyable. They Were selected with a view of showing the full power and spat li lies of the new Instrument aid were pe culiarly adapte I fo this purpose, lle rldt. the organist him--If felt the *pe ial lr.;eiest of th* oern.-ton and play* and with a vim nod fire 'hi are quite char acteristic. The Brahma number, the * - eetlon from luiU/i- and the N< vln Suite were he most enjoy a hi* o( the or*, n selections, though Mr Browne's S herzo March.” a stirring ami Interesting com position. was also splendidly jdjvr I. Not th** least Interesting aid njoya.b* part of the programme was |*s last n ini er. where on taken from Mr John Wiegand's “Morning iTayer ‘ <n*l Mr t*\ K. lUbarer's "Ave M.rla” the organist gave an axtempof lsation In toiiu's form Mrs. O’Brien had two nurn’ers on lid night’s programme and tang them h h splendidly. Sh* has superb onn*Uo voice that, in depth, range and brlllisny. Is unexcelled. Her “8a ve Ibglua ' wis • specially enjoyed, and but for the fact that the recital was glvc.i in the church she would undoubtedly have hud to give a r* call piece. Tin other vocal numbers were also m si enjoyable. Mr Ilia* k sang especially well the “Pro Pecesti# '* IB* vole * ha a in* <1 In strength and smoothness and was heard to great advantage. Mrs. Gross and Miss Alien, in the “Qul* Ksi Homo.” also sang In their customary • rustic style, while Mrs. Wilson gave a finished rendition of “Come I’nto Him.” The officers of the church arc delighted with the new organ, which In every way . omoi up to their expectation-, if It dos rot surpass them. Mr. John Brown, the builder, says that It Is his masterpiece, and those who huve examined and heard it are agreed tba it would be a hard mot t. r to excel It. One of the most notice able of he features of the organ is the vox humnna stop, which has an unusual quality of tone, but produce* a m<t pleas ing * flees. Messrs John Brown and J Lewi* Browne will be the guests of Mr Rebarer this afternoon t Mrs. Hannon’s, at Thun derbolt. F4*M I MF ÜBDI4 4TIOK ( KHKMO\II> I'rogrntttmr of Mualt* Vrriisrnl t% Mr. Frank B. Hehwrer. For Ihe dedication cercinonies of the Cathedral of St John the B.iptlat Mr. Frank K. Rebarer. choirmaster, has pre pared a moat interesting and leuutiful musical programm*, us follows: Mass. 11 . m Processional, organ Meese Solennelle <S* Cecilia), (Gounod). Vent CTreator, (Haller 4Boss) offertory soprsna solo. “Ave Marla,** (violin obligato). (Gounod). Te bfum (Hammerel). Above musp* w ill be rendered by a chorus of fifty voices, .<-<omp:tnU-.l by organ and orchestra. Vcapers, * p m. Domtnc <1 Adjuvan.lum me (Oruii). Dixit IKvmlnuK BVruti). IbdtUh Vir (\Vi-gan<l) Confltebor, Roman chant. (Sung Antlplton 11 v• by ho r oral sixty children ) latudsta Puerl (Ceruili. l!uutt- D* muiutn -Choir and ch'l lien— Roman chant Avi* Marla—Soprano *o'o <St t’lolrf. Magnificat In (* < llammet* I). Silv- Htglna (llmmiurcn O Hslutaris, S*'irano Solo, violin Obli gato (Braga). Tanlum Ergo (llammcrd) latudat*—Chant. Mr Rebarer has two rehears b a wank of the choir n-l orchestra and there Is no doubt that th> musical feature of the ded ication will be one of the most enjoyable parts cf the s*nrl * —Bishop William E. M Lain tßpl pal), of Chicago, who has Just retui • * from a two months’ vacation In England, has come back an ardent expaukni*i. IHE MORNING NEWS; THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1900. ,/H -4- r 7 HO\. E. . H. JOIIiSOI, I hint*... 111. Csutrh Is raturrh whrrrvwr Irs-atrd Catarrh Is esenilally Ihr same every where. The t.m.dv that will .urc ralarrn In one Mutation will cure II In all sliuaiionr R does not require one rcm. ■!>• 10 cure catarrh of the hro.l. an.l another to cure , nt .rrh of the lungs, and will, another to •me catarrh of lit- stomach, and another tn cure . alarrh of the kidneys. A remedy that will cure catarrh any where will cure catarrh everywhere. The phrase that l-eruna cures catarrh wherever located has te-ome almaat an axiom throughout the civilised wori.l Address The l-eruna Me.ltclne Cos.. Co -1 lumbua, 0.. for a free lejok on catarrh. >.< I, PKHSOAAL. Mr FI M S:,sldard has re.urr.e! home Mr George J Mi ls end fsm ly aie hom for me winter. Mr. W II llllu-h of R.ltch Is registered ut th. Pulaski. Mr M l-ets of Rluffton Is registered nt the Pulaski. Mr W T Khier of Conlele Is a guest of the Pulaski. Col. I* H laiud of Wiilision Is a guest , of the Pulaski Mr R A long of Beaufort Is registered tl! the Screven Mr t* I> Pitman of Wayeroes l rcgl lere.l a> the Pulaski. i Mr H. Clay Moore of Atlanta Is re;lr | terra at the lir Soto. Mr I* W Ketchtim of Cordcle Is a Rues; of Ihe Pulaski Mr 8 J Jones of Klng.-ler.d Is reg! - , t> red at Ihe Screven. Mr John II fn-vereus of Char.ealon Is ‘ a guest ot the Pulaski. Sir )V J Carleton of King s Ferry Is ! a guert of the Pu'.arkl. Sir 11. I>. Malnea left for New York yee- I ter.lay via the Pouthern Xlrs. M A Connolly left via the South ern yesterday for Itoeton. 1 Mr. and Mrs R K White of Claxton are guests of the Screven. . Mr J H. Hharpe and daughter of Hsln bridge are guest of the Screven. Mr J. V. Mt Nam ara left via the Plant j B>m ni yesterday for Washington. Mr. J II t’obnn of Waldo was among the arrivals at itw I’uUiskl yesteiday. Ir T N Baker of Higgs ion was among the arrivals at the 8 raven yesterdnv. .Mr tv B Brown of Hilton ll*a I w* s uinong ihe arrivals at the Screven yestei day. s Mr T A. Hooey of Charleston wa* .imuig yesterday s arrivals at ihe Pu laski. M J 11. Slade and Mr. T H. M (Jee of Amerlcuu are guests of the Pu laski. Mr K H Hinton i among the paas . ng rs of the Southern yesteiday for N w Mr. nnd Mrs C. F. Moses have returned from New York* Mrs Mo-ea spent the -ummer at, the North Mr and Mrs Inward Mclntyre have re turned from Suwannee Springs, and are i,#w at 121 UorlOfl etree*. west. Mi and Mrs. b Molier anl chid were among th* passenger* of th* Plan* Sys tem yesterday for Sc Augustin- Mrs. J 11. Cavanaugh. Mist Cavanaugh ind Mbs Blanche Cavanaugh returned to the clt> yesterday and are registered at the lb* Soto. Miss Meta Beckmann railed on the Tal lahusxe Tuc-day for New York, wh re *-h will .-f*nd th* winter with relai.vee of the fumlly. Mr. George \V. Parish is critically ill rtt hie residence Mt Gwinnett and Barnard streets with typhoid pneumonia Little hope Is entertained of his recovery. C'lTl IIHHVITiaCfII. Ohtirles P Illllsman w*as dismissed from the fire department by Mayor Myers yes terday on the chare* of insurbirdlnatlon. The Savannah Branch Ne*dle Work Guild will have a meeting Friday after noon t o’clock ut St. John's Parish Hall The First District Robertsvilh ln*le pendem Club will meet at Liberty nnd West Broad streets to-night for reorgan ization. The annual meeting of stockholders of the Chaihnm Real Kstate and Improve, merit Company will be held at the com pany s oftl-es on Brvnn street, cuet. tb' - afternoon. t 5 o'clock The St Antirows Society will hold Its first meeting since la*# spring to-night at It- rooms in the Georgia Husaars Club building The society suspended Its meet ings during the summer. A hors* attached to a hugg\ ran away n Bull street >sterdoy about 11 o'clock He *l. I not go very fast, however, and was overt ken and captured by two col ored m* n at the corner of Hull and Perry stteets. The plumbers’ hall at the Catholic Library Hall last night was n great suc rose. there being a large attendance, and ail enjoying greatly. Chair man J W Downey was chief in the man agement of the .ffalr. • Judge Speer, It nnnoun nl. will con vene the D: *iri t Court of the l*nit '*l States here on Nov. !. There are many motl<*is it ml cases in bankrupt* v now pt'r.dlttg, which will in* determined when the court sits. Judge Speer will proba bly try .iiso *ome of the alleged criminals now imoltlng tmllrttnent by the I’nlteu States grand jury. In the City Court yesterday an order was taken providing for the -ale of the Mock of Mrs. Bertha Smith, the form *i proprietor of Gardner’s Bazaar, on Broughton street. The order tva** obtained by the attorneys, th* credit oie. but was virtually consented to by the defendant In the proceedings for for*'* closure of vnortg-nge The sio. k Is to be sold after ten days* publish***! notice. A friend of th* Into Gibson Peacock, former proprietor of the Philadelphia Keening Bulletin, has given the t’nlvemity *f pennsylvanki fl.Ot<o t* establish . •Gib eon Peacock Memorial Fund,” Hie Income t e hlch is to b to the lirlp of a deserving student In any department who purpoaes to devote himself to Jour u alum. THE WEATHER. Fore<-#t for Thursday are I Friday: For Georgia and South Caro.tna: Gen ! erally fair Thurs.lay and Friday; llghi | to freah northeasterly wind-. Eattern Flordla: Fair Thur.-diy and Frklay. except rains In soutli tn |>orl on fresh north to cast winds. Western Florida Partly cloudy Thurs day aid Friday, light to fr -h i ortheast : .*rly winds, S<-t. I lay s Weather at Sivannah— Maximum temperature. 3la t 1 m R -If* Minim ini temperature. ~ ••• j m *u <Jeg II ~ temperature * Hu Norm.l temperature ’*> -J* 1 * i Kxcess of temperature 1 i Ac, emulated excess sln-e :u t 1 A. umultt'd excess aince Jan | Vtot Rainfall u * n h Normal , ln< T‘ > I Fxc* ss sin e Oct 1 Inch. | Dcßclen-y eince Jan. S 7.15 Inch. River lb port -The high! of the Savan nah river at Augusta at * o’ meridian tim. t yesterday was . fee;, a fall of it I fool during the preeerins twenty-four Imur*. ('otlon *’ii Bulletin. Suvaunah, <4., for ih* twvniy-four hourff rn*llng *1 & a m . 7r?n m*ri<i an tim**. Oot. 17. 11mj §uiiioni * : .'i * Ml*ajHtll gavanca . .INtrict. lT**n. !T*-m.: tell AiaimhoT^GaT"dear ! *ls* i .*# Altsiny. cle.ti *1 "* Aroerieus. cl. ar 79 •*’ ll.ilnbrldge. clear ;*' la i l*> Kastman Clear *1 f> w •Fort Gaines, clear *" 5* *** Gainesville. F'i.. clear i*3 tH | .00 Milieu. Oa.. clear | kl t Vjultmnr, dear ** -• ® Savannah, char ! 7s WJ ThomnsvlHe. sj 57 (W Waycross, clear s<! 1 0 •Ree. Ived 100 late for telegraphic aver ages. Special Texas Rainfall Rcporis-Abllene. 1 to inches; Sherman, trace. Heavy Ruins—Abilene. Tex.. 1 ln.dios 'llf. .-I St I- Max Min Rain Central Slatione. Hone Tun. Tcm fall Atlanta I U I 7>. -I *•> Auguatn '• 7s HI ■ Charleston r. |7s It. | .68 Galveston 3* f Little Rock 12 w 7C | .(W Memphis 1* 7S .and IW Mobile I 9 17-1 •** Monlßomery * S* l 0# N> w Orleans !■> ** 5* Savannah 12 &' 5* •** Vicksburg 5 II kt’ •* I - ,w Wilmington I ' k ■ •** R. marks No i tin exc. pl a 1 \ is. and no material changes In temperature Observations taken al th. same mom nt of time al all slatkan*. Oct. 17, 19“0. S p. tn 75th meridian time. Name of Sat lon. T \ Itain Boston, ciear 4* lb New York city, char 1 w Phiiadciphi, dear * •*> Woshlngton city, clear 44 L | ® Norfolk, clear L Hatteras. clear *•* lb J .**> Wilmington, c*lar &* • | Charlotte, char >* L | Haielgh. clear L s .•* Chari* ston. ch ar J 14 j .*■> Atlanta, clear ' k lo J .4)0 Augusta. c!*.tr 412 * .*# Sax annah. clear *l4 10 j .4)0 Jacksonville, clear *4 12 * Jupiter .cloudy TH 1> | *0 Key West, cloudy hj ii .ok T:mja. clear Ti L hi Mobile, clear '* * - 1V Montgomery, clear 74 L | .■ Vicksburg. jlou*ly r *> L .<** Nw Orleans. Hear 74 L .*'** Galveston. p. cloudy ... 7* < .4)0 ; Corpus Chrlstl, clear 7-H li j .00 Pale.Htlnc-, cl ar 7*2 J L j .4)0 M*-mphl. dear ♦<> ♦ j .* i'Uicinnatl. clear ft*'* L ' .p Pittsburg, clear 52 L j .*a Buffalo, clear 52 j 30 J ,0t Detroit, clear 50 14 .> Chicago, clear ft! H j .4St MurquetU. clear ftH 8 j St. Paul, clear bO L .00 Davenport, clear 51 I. j .0) St. Ixhjls. dear ! f>S L .ts Kansas City, cleir O'* L .Ob Oklahoma, cloudy f*H L .oo io:g City, dear { M ti .00 N* rth Platte, clear *>* L .00 H. IV Boyer, Ijocal Forecast Off!- iul MU 111. IIHI \H\\ HK’H Ml nOllltKII. t alorrtl Man I tioiiulif to llaar Killed roniluetor l.nfCmore. Henry Howard, colored. Is held at the barracks on the supposition that he Is th * murderer of Conductor Baltimore of th Southern Railway, who was killed near Brunswi k a few* nights ago. The man was arrested vest rdtty at 12:30 o’clock by Cons to le Jeff Waters, and Mr. Dan Kle\ of MaVisttate Wickham's Court The man denied' that he U the man wanted, but admitt'd that he lrft Brunswick Mond.iv night. The officers have telegrauhv-d Brunswick fer .i description of the mur derer and the> w ill bold their prisoner un til that description Is received. Daughter—Oh, mamma. I do with I were pretty. Mother—You needn't, dear; sensible men think very little aliout beauty. Ik> ugh ter—But It Isn't sensible men Pin thing hlhjui. mamma; It’s Charlie.— Brooklyn Life* BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The ,kin is the sea? of an alilmst end leas variety o( disease>. They are known by various names, hut are all due to the same cause, ucitl and otber poisons in the blood that irritate and interfere with the pro]ier action of the skin To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The many preparations of 1 arsenic and potash ami the large number of face powders and lotions generally used in this class of diseases cover tip for a short time, Vail cannot remove per manently the ugly blotches and the red. disfiguring pimples. Eturn.i! vigilznoc is tho prlnc of a boautiful oomploxion when such remedies are relied on. Mt II T Hhobc, i;<q l.urax Afcmtr St Lcyi - Mo .y . “Mv and itighicr wd,w atflicted for year xriTh .1 ’dttfiguMti j erupt• :i <m her fact, which rrifktrd all trentment Mte xxss taken to tsr eeiebrsted health ftpriwg*. but received r-ihen* fit Many tne!iei*:cs were prrcri)*e*i. but with out result, until we tied led to trv h s a.andby the lime tbs fitst txatle ** ** funshr <i the* 'nut; |an todiMpprsr A dOaVS N-111-, curci! be, romplftelv and left her ki* p-rfrvtlv a:n<iotti She i, im% seventeen year. old. nd nnt a ign oi Hie cm harrowing tloe.M- hc.ever relurnct! " S. tv S. is a positive, unfailing cure foi the worst forms of skin tmublrs. It i the grentestof all blotxl purifiers, and th only one guaraniectl purely vegetable. Bail 1 lood makes complexions. *s>V. J|m purific and invigo- Sv ' yT* rates tlic old and makes in rich bloo<; WjkjLjth.l nourishes th body and keeps tL •kin active and healthy and in proper condition to perform ita part toward carrying off the impurities from the bodv If you have Kcxcma, Tetter. Acne, S.ii Rheum, Pnorasts, or your skui is rougi and pimply, send for our book oil Bloc and Skin Diseases and write our physt nans about your case No charge what ever for this service •WiFi SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. LA. EDUCATIONAL VOTING CONTEST. Earn a Salary and Get An Education AT THE SAME TUBE: 4 FREE SCHOLARSHIPS io The International Correspondence Schools ol Scranton. Pa., will be liuo 1U away by the MORNING NEWS to the ten persons receiving the most votes BEFORE No\. 20, r> Thr prrann rrcrh In* (hr largrat nnmbrr of wotra wwlll hnrr the rholrr of onr of Ihr rntlrr (r*. Thr iirraoa rrrrlvln* ihr wrmt Inraent number of ll* arrow* rholre. Thr prraou rn rli luu Ihr third larurat nnmbrr of folra, thr lllrl rholrr. nnl ao ou until (he teu rrnli log (hr lur*i *( nuuilirra of volra Unwr eurb arlrrfrd TEN FREE SCHOLARSHIPS. 1 A Free !tcblarsblp In Me ehanleal Fjnnlueerlng. which will iiuallfy for positions as me. ehanleal draftsmen, machine deaigners. foremen, superintendents, and matcer me chanic* 3 A Free ttebalarablp la Elee trirnl Knalnerrlng. which will qualify for position* a* auper- Intendents of electric light and power plant*, or of electrical .manufactories, as •... • ,1 r— i- .•: 'l'' in lan- Tin ■ Acholarshlp Include* a F'ree Outfit *>f Fjlectrlcal Atq>aratti*. with which to do the work of the Course. A I Free Scholarship lo Ar chitecture. • which will qualify for positions as archi tectural draftsmen and designers, archi tects or architectural eng.neers, or to go Into buslneas as builders and contractors 4 A Free itcholarahlp In Civil Knglarrrlng, NO BOCKS TO BUY. Included with each Scholarship will be all of the text books or "Inatructlon Papers." In paroikhlet form. Ihe fac tion Paper, and Drawing F'lates necessary to slu.iy with In a.tdluon ea h Scholarship will Include, wi hout . xtra ch .rg.-, > complete se: of the same I apers m l 1 bound In leather, with n Iwok of Formulas and .. K-> for the whole work of the Course, for use as ref r ence book*. —— ON EXHIBITION IN ADLER’S WINDOW. Cni out the attached Voting ('- HoAV *° n ia<> or bring It to the Hns flness ofllre of the MOUSING MAI V. to Savannah, Ga. Each Coupon most lirnr the name otc: °* *he person for whom you to vote. COAL COMBS FROM THE BA. Iteasnn* for the Qant for Minr tio lug on tiling the Maine 4 oat. . From the New York Sun. Will the sandft at Small Point give up the secret which they have so ong held Is a question which a company of deter mined Maine capitalists Is about to solve Small Polni beach, which Is several miles long, near the mouth of the Kennebe river, has caused the lose of more g ol hard dollars than any similar stretch o' sand on the New* England coast F r more than 100 years the undertow created by a brisk northwest breexe, suc'eedl’g an easterly storm, has brought ashore on this beach quohaugs. hen clam* and c nl This coal is of a very peculiar character and 1* even more resinous and fr*e burn ing than the English channel coal It has never come ashore to any extent, however, without Its twin attemtant*. for nothing short of the violent under urrent ••• !* and to tear the bivalves from the r beds has been able io uncover and hr* ak away the i>oal from the seams which must crop out In the ocean and frdln.irllv Ho covered up by the sand. Pieces of smooth, plumbignou* elate an*! chunks of worthless coal-!ike aub stoncea have been found thr real drift, but so far a* tiadltlon and knowl edge go. by far the largest part ha>* te*'n onl of a uniform aort or kind, free burn ing very resinous, of a remarkably p - • liar fracture and generally broken on on-* side. During the Revolutionary Wr f’opt. William Sprague use I to pPk up h!s coal and u*e !• to harden the faces of flintlocks, having been a b’acksmlth by trade* From Revolutionary tlrws t the present day certain famll'e* In t v a* lo cality have gathered this coal for t lt k smtthlng and for fuel Single storms ••end ashore coal In quantities ranging from several barrels to several tons In years past many attempts have bean made to find this coal, bo* a yet n *ne have been successful. These previous ef- | forts have all been made by the sink ng of shafts cn the shore, and no les- ihn ; J*, nr<H hos leen expended without finding A Vein. Within a few weeks anew com pany of Maine capitalists has form and. and this time an effort will be made by sending a diver to explore the bottom - of the ocean a point near the end of Small point to Segutneo Island. Witn dynamite he will blast ‘he ledges on the lottom and carry samples to the surface There geologists will be in waiting to re- I eelve and examine them There are fiom fifty to s*x y Be* of water where these explorations win ke place md It Is estimated that tha diver, working six hours a day. will >e thiee xxerks before he completes his task Over ncrcs of land In that ne ghho*h od have been bonded on*l Stake Island has • „.-n chosen as the has* o.* opera Ii s should 'mnl be found This 1-land has Ik on bonded this week, the purchase priv ilege to be P* TsIO. lIIQLL BOA'S* “MOSTK rHITO M It. K. Itlodgelt Hmttfrnl Money at the \\ nldorf-Aatorlo. From the New York Herald. With tear-dimmed eyes the bell boys in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel wa‘Ched yesterday the departure of R F. Blodg ett. who is said to be a banker from Bos ton. Because of his lavish distribution of j money among them, they regarded him ns a veritable Monte Crlsto." Hardly a night passed during the last two weeks that he did not scatter from $5 to 130 In the main corridor for the boys to scram ble for. It wi this practice that mitd>* Mr Blodgett conspicuous among the hot<l patrons, for his ordinary “tips" were handed out without ostentation. I’sually Mr. Blodgett waited until It o'clock at night, when the hoiel corridors were filled with fashionably dress*d men and women fo his fun. He would then • nnvert a bill of large dimensions Into dim** and quarters. ar;<l wait his opportu. nl*y. The hoys wire always on the alert, but Mr. Blodgett wanted whxt stage man ager* call a ••situation." When a crowd gathered in front of the office. Mr Blodg ett standing near the Thirty-fourth street von slice, wouU hull s few doUars io which will qualify to design and superin tend the construction of hrklges; to lay out proposed ra Iroads or sufM-rlntend thtlr construction an*l maintenance; to <|.sign hydraull apiwr.itus and plan and l-iall water |x>w. * plants and Irrigation systems:and for fsssllions as surveyors, or as municipal or consulting civil engineer*. r A Free gebulorahlp in ttnnl tary Pliimblstg, Met ting, and A rntilntiun. which will qualify to nil the highest posi tions In the plumbing, heating and venti lation trades, or to act as Plumbing In-, spectors. li A Free Scholarship In t hem Istry. which will qualify for positions as ana lytical chemist* 7 A Free Scholarship in Com mercial Broaches, which will qualify for positions as ■ ocog rapher or accountants. Hard Sense. It takeß keen common sense, '"P.V; ’ l \u added to superior judgment nrd experience, to be superintend ent of a railroad. Such n man never re- mjiSfV commends anything that lye has not himself subjected to test. \ prominent railroad superintend- _ .. . ent, living at Savannah, Ga., ia i whicb city he was born, eaye he feels tetter than he ever did, and he had tl c worst case of dyspepsia oa record. He had no appetite, and Ju// 1 j) ). the little U'- ate disagreed with him, V causing him to vomit often. He r,*' had pains in the head, breast and-- togpis ■tomach, but after using three hot- r ' rit S£/wsn& JlV** ties of P. P. P. he felt like anew wIeJM A\‘M men.* He says that he feels that he ' '"jSSjapi 6 1 could live fo ever if he could always , ftMS£i M ■ SSSi|]ra getP. P. P. His name will be given on application to I,ippman Brother*, the f y proprietors of this great remedy. * > Dyspepsia in all its forms is promptly and permanently cured by P. P. P. General Debility and lack of energy give place to vim and ambition through the use o' P. P. P. Blood Poiso i and all its incidental and hereditary ills are eradicated by P. P. P. Rheumatism is conquered and baiusbei by P. P. P., as are alua Catarrh and Malnria. P. P. P. ia a purely vege table compound, which has steadily grown in favor for years. SOLO BV ALL DRUGGISTS. LIPPMAN BFO T ’~*'S, F * or *£Z. ( l n S* . - Savnrnnh.Ga. JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes! From flie most rrlrliraatrd tun nulmclnrrrs, bulb flrr-proof liartflnr proof snfrs nnd xaulf doors. IVr carry no Immrnar slock of Flra-proof kafes. Oar slock em braces a very eleftnut line from 7M> Io 4,(NH) pounds, IwclmsD*- •Inslr nnd doable doors, and a vlsli o onr rsfabllabmcni 4° |M# sped these elcgnitl safes txlll be n source of much profit anti in struction to our frlenda. t The price will be as loxv as any really Fire-proof kafe can hr made, and our motto Is llunllty nnd Safety of the first tmp<D" ance. Send or call on ns for further particulars, catalogue and prlcr*- LIPPMAN BROS., * Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safes. dime* along (hr floor toward (hr rinding room Thr effect upon (hr twenty bell l>oy* oliilng upon (hr l ither-covi rid bi n h wn e'ectrlcil Wtih n inn.l ru*h they *cr:tmb!< I (or the Illusive coin* a* (tuy rolM about on ihr ttli.l. tl.>or Kor n few minute* (hr dignity of the place wan up. on. and mrn aril wonxn. not r. allxlng Ihr r*uw o( ihr rommoikn. fled in disorder to Ihr palm gnr.lrn nnd reading reran. Sometime* whllr thr boy* wrrr bnl t’lng for thr dime* and qunneia Mr. lUmlgrtt would shower another handru: 11(1011 thrill, which . vi.l 1.1 pur ilnm to renewed *‘lTi*>. *1 o vary ihr programme Mr. Blodge'i o." islonidly rloird Ihr door Ira.llng to the rending room and dashed Ihr coin* ugil/uo It. After hr had thrown money around In this way a few Uaw Uv boys kept a S A Free Scholarship la VI,. clinnleal Urnming. which will qualify for salaried p, , ~ mechanical draftsmen Tin- .- f includes a Complete Drafting ouiut, r*. (all price *l2 55. t> .A Free Scholarship tn \ r . rhltrrlural Drawing. which will qualify for posltlnf. | teeturat draftsmen This Bcho. H ~ m eludes a Complete Drattlng Uuii.t r - .. price *l2 55. 11l .A Free Scholarship In Or. nntuenlnl Deslitn, providing thorough Instrucilcn ir ' ,r,i drawing, history of ornament and (►■■ elements of applied design, and the same ground as similar eour licet resident art schools Thl- 8 I ,r ship Includes a Complete Designing lilt, retail price s3.*o. VOTING COUPON. Name Street knd No. Town sfiiirp watch upon lilm, and >r '■* * caught them unaware* They . ' him dial and kept an eager I*** the expected shower of coin. Ini j of the two weeks he remained u ' 1 . It la si'll he distributed among about SAP. Ha makes freqleni visit* ■ ' . In the course of n ytor. and sum ' to find hi* chief qmtiaoment In * n si ramble for money among 1 ’ , i Nut in ally they consider him th' man In the country. Her Anglety.—Daughter— ''' mi. I do wish I were pn li> "You needn't, denr; scn*lble no very llltla about baauty. "Hut It Isn't sensible mm I m ' ' ' „ about, mamma; It'u Chard* • Ufa.