The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 18, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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SOME FREEDOM IN RUSSIA. i I Hi: < < or LIBERTY ~, 0 i inUMI VHITOd. , „.,rrtl> nt Hua-ISe (•. „ \ol Tur-Yo Ogpnalve i.m <n Hxmntulng Pass* . „, r llelljrbtfal Trail* f r I omul and Oeerrlbeg. London .Saturday Review I was In Russia In the turn ,*,ia iMmcd the country of i foreigner. I did not. eon wtlh questions either of poll i. I went at tha time of the md with friend who i of that congress, so that i.tvantagrs In my favor ro 4 'd heard of the Hus. house I was In some anxiety ,ty of ray manuscripts My • ii v.-n opened at the fron •l wos carrying a book by r|M ntor for fount Tolstoi, a in by the Russian censor, ,k ic.iehod Tolstoi In safety * ctn anythin* so orderly i th> collection, examination of passports at th railway i . Russian frontier. Wher. it Moscow and In 81. Prters- I !*o far ns I was concerned, il ihsence of officialism 1 here I liked, do as I nleased, , , , t (reeled at every moment to con ic unknown regulation, as one In Germany, for Instance. The ’ >r om reemed to exist even nmotit I'easanls would clamber up ■i windows of a royal palace, ~in would turn to the prince , r was driving and light hla clg m the cigarette of his master link 1 never saw people so , . nh one another, excepe. per >. am And this friendliness In ; , somewhat further, becomes i Italy helpful thing, than It itn No doubt It Is partly due ;nonce of the climate, to the ~ dependence of people upon each i, ihelr struggle against cold In I heat in summer. But It has earnest helpfulness which has .tar: i- . ■lf upon the very fares of the And after ail one has heard of 1 (i wutallty It Is Interesting to note If the signs of gentleness winch I und not only In these grave, patient fates but in many little -I ways One hardly thinks of t without thinking of the knout. Russian cabman drive without u ng only the end of their reins reins finish in a mere bunch of < rnelty Personified. W * the Russian Is cruel he Is cruel i the barbarian a!wavs Is. because nltrfcrenl to pain, his own or ;t. ■ He does not spare because he % t complain. And he has the Mo ►'e readiness to sacrifice every. • f r it cause, which to him Is that and temporal power which Is n and which has taken far deep . • ii him than any mere sentiment . ly a modern one. of tolerance or mpathy with suffering. In the it '-of museum at Moscow there .£< In whlrh Kmlllan Pougatchef - rosoned; II Is a rage only very v higher and wider than the height *■ 'an average man; It has chains r M-irnlng hand and foot together, so man can only stand upright, a even moving. Inside the Iron bars portable prison. But Pougatchef -i religious revolter and to spare one • id taken up armr against religion I have been to spare a dangerous ii r f Ood. Tie rd which 1 ahouiil uae to repre. • *rt •: main Impression made on me by It; I .ngf Russian, the soldier, the rall va> I 'rter, the laborer. Is uprightness rj cm* to me to contrast very favor 's uh equality. equally strong. whUi Ii to seen In the face and the l.airlna of th<- average German. To the German pllni ircl obedience are painful duties • ,] predates th. m and he acquires them i becomes something of an autom.i • In ibe process. To the Itusslan they an ■ duty Which Is Its own reward, u f religion which It Is u delight to Ruslan ha a genius for self-sacrl • ■•lf-sacrlfice has mail" him a martyr ■I ii inaptaMur; it has given him ii and weakness He can resign ' to anythin*, and resignation nan . i-lly be heroism or mere a|>alh.v ■r • s|,in at II we all know; lb tthr'. at limes comic, side may be seen • in the streets of Mqacow by so nc a cabman who has been pa 1 s*> -mall a fare. He does not explcde Into re- ;ke a cabman In any oiher purl r world; he does not contest the mot tr lues not even remonstrate; he look money in his open hand with a *s . fu- expression, closes his hsnd • in a gesture of weak despair anu t-T. in say, "Well, Il has happened to r acaln!" Annual l'lltrlniae. I- ' ;f we would see what Is really at of the national character, the • ■ mire of the peasant. It ts not even l >w that It must be sough', bir a place as Sergievo, and on such •n as the annual pllgrlmatie to i monastery, on the day of the The monastery, bullions am) with Its red walls and gold mi l I ■ t. i mrs and spires. Is set on the tri nnt of n small hill; all about ti *' gut colored sheds and shops and ■ and little village houses of paint. * l '■' ■ village fair was going on In the pilgrimage and a stream of *"> >i i women In bright clothes wandei • l .lown all the roads Incessantly : ■ *1 In groups about the teashops I oothe of the fair. Inalde the walls. In the churches and the paths, this Immense, qulst. • <1 wandered on or waited pa niewaya. It was made up for i art of women, and these women 4. or looked old, and they were *•■ and all ahapeless. dressed In a k of bright colors, their skirls l-•* ' about their red. wrinkled legs, knee or above their osier shoes it with cords They were shape oth, with bodies that seem<al t ul never known even the anl f life, but there was none of to plgrlmage of Lourdes or ' - They were clean and sturdy passed slowly, leaning on their waiting two and two In long t ier the church and kiss the a doggee, patience, without ' ilklnj or laughter, with a fixed ■te duty to be done, then of the t and then of the long Journey w-nt In order Into the large 'h< refectory, took their bread which they ale In the refectory, at down, like great grownup DR. STEDMAN'S Teething Powders The nmoM Aid to Hafe and rwi p taleis Teething. • ; i r .’*jT ri f** Owr /or wnriy V> vmm. At . r! MAN hortiig oprrvNl ■ t>ranc It ofllro tn . . *“! , ‘ r *R4y T!um the coat of tb*)urtJjr Hw SSfiSXK-M y,lU ’* mark tvk.f n<l on everr pnwder. without >*' i, " a psrket eontsmmc nine : ■”!“ .’’l''* . At your tJriiCKtsl *. or unit'd , . r,f Prtro. Sand for hooklet * * Dnrlor •• Aditreas s.c. *1 “*' w ti raa. l "~ l„ 1.. rniaUwa, Philo.. Pa. Ul t iiAN UKUS , Savannah, Oa. CASTOR IAI for Infants and Children. Thf* Kind You 1 litre Always 1 toil 12 lit Ims home the aijynn* turc of Chits. 11. Fletcher, anti liats Wen made itlt*r hid personal KH|MTViwioii for ov*r iH> yoari*. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeit*, Imitation* and “ Jil*t-a>ffnod M arc lull li\|ieriliienls, anti endanger tlio health of Children—Kxpericucc against Kx|ieriment, The Kind You Have Always Bought y* Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. school-children, at lon* wooden tables In the open air, where the monks served them with bread and soup Then they flung themsolvi < down on the ground wherever they happened to And little free space anil slept heavily. They lay there with their heads on Ihelr bundles, themselves like big bundles of rags Some of them lay In the graveyard upon the graves and the turf like a lead army waiting to lie burled. hiniply Ikihm Their fluty. Ami In all this there was no fervor, n > excitement, a perfectly contained emotion, a dogged doing of something which they had set out 10 do They hail come from alt parts of Russia, walking all the way. and they had come simply lo kiss the re lies and then go home again, because It was their duly. They were all goed humorert. cheerful, contented. They a> cepted discomfort as they accepted poverty, labor, their Imdles. which had never known happiness or beauty. Con (eminent In them was strength, hut It had in It also something lamentable. Here. In this placid and vigorous herd of ani mals. were women who had never dis covered that women eould lie beautiful, human beings who hail never discovered that life could be a desirable thing In it self. . -i FOB SOUTH AFRICAN WORK. American Concerns Are Expecting Heavy Orders Soon. New Tork. Oct.. 17.—Manufacturers' agents In this city to-day were Interested In a report circulated hero that MaJ. Gl rotisrd. director of South African rail ways under Lord Roberts, inaends to give orders In America for locomotives, roll ing stock, bridges and machinery lo con struct the railways and machine shops destroyed in the Boer war. The amount of money Involved In iheae expenditure* is reported to be J7.5V0. MaJ. Glrouar l Is the man who gave Americans the oon tract for tho Atbars bridge In the Sou dan. A representative of the Youngstown Bridge Company to-day confirmed the re port that large orders have been placed In this country for railway and bridge materials. MISSIONARY HIES. smith Wants *314,000 from the Chris tian f hnrrh Society. / Kansas City. Oct. 17.—The foreign mis sionary society of tha Christtsn Church, which I* holding Its annual convention her* to-day. was sued for by George T Smith of Ctnclnnatl. formerly a mis sionary lo Japan under the direction of the society. Mr. Smith claims that he was employed for life at H.SiO a year lo do missionary work for Hits organisation, but was discharged at the end of seven years without cause. He now wishes to he Indemnified for the alleged breach of contract. Bent Vlornlngstnr. New York. Oct. 17.—Leonard Howlson. the young Canadian, and Ora Morning star. the Indiana player, met In the third match of the professional handicap bil liard tournament to-ntghi and eacn work ed hard to secure the |2u purse. Howl ,on won. defeating Mornlngetar by the •core of TOO to 242. The conditions com pelled Mornlngslar to muke 250 to Howl son’s 200. , Strike of Lightermen. . laMidon. Oct. 17— An additional AO lightermen Joined the l.stl now on slrlk-* to-day. There does not seem lo be- any prospect of th trouble being arbitrated The companion of boats Is now more seri ous Hundreds of barges of provisions ami merchandise remain unloaded, block ing traffic seriously and affecting the merchants, who are awaiting the goods. No Bible Heading*. Chicago. Ocl. 17.—8 y a vote of 13 lo * the trustees of the Board of Education to-night resolved not lo permit In the schools of Chicago, the use of a book of selected lllhle readings. The selected readings W'ere offered as a substitute for the Bible, which had been Ivsrred oui by the bo an I for a number of years. Congreas Will Meet, Lima, l’eru, via Galveston. Oct. 17.—The Peruvian Congress will lie convoked In egtarordlnary sesaloti and will he inform ed that the government has accepted th< proposal of a local company, formed of i.atlvo and foreign capitalists, to carry to completion the celebrated Cerro Pasco drainage tunnel. Woolley In New York. New York. Get. 17 —John G. Woolley. Prohibition cnndMnte for President, ad dressed over 1 Vo persons ot Cooper t'n lon to-night He is roundly cheered. (•IIITKPTI. I'tNK HOSKEV. Turn'd Da.|eetlve to Help Wan Who Had Hern K"dlnn Him. From thn Now York World ••Detective Olhhcn" H thn nim. the moat intelligent monkey In the Central park Zoo won for himself yesterday by detect in* a boy pickpocket who .► cu tight pilfering the pockets of William Redly, of No &33 VVest Fiftieth street. (llbbon har a sad expression. Dundreary whiskers, watery eyes. * Tim Finnegan Up and an apetlte for peanuts. Mr. R'llley. with hlppock'tr loaded with peanuts. Mood In front of Olbhon topping him pranutP. He notleed u look of In describable anguish upon the countenance cf the monkey. Olbhon's eyre almoe popped out of hip head, hie mouth opened wide with horror Fixedly he ailed at the rlaht-hnnd poeket of Mr Rellley' coat. Mechanically Mr Rellley fhruet hie han I Into the poeket and found there another hand which he elutced with a arlp of Iron It hejonged to twelve-year-old Daniel Ilerrhlone. of No H Jamc atreet. wtv was pent to thn room* of the Oerry B>- clety _ —• Xook at Dobha ” •What la he doingT' “Riding in an sulotr.ohlle with a horre •hoc pin on.' —Chicago Kc.ofU, < THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS. 1000. HOW THEY MAKE US LAUGH. SAMPLE* OF thy: joke* tiif, COMEItIAN* till; NOW V SING. Difficult In lihrsrer the Humor In home of Them. Thnnah They *onnl All Hiahl Kannali When Told an the Mage by a Comedian From the New York Sun. New Yorkers And much amusement Just now In the music hall* and vaudeville shows about town While they often come face to face with the stage Jokes of their b"yhood, the stereotyped conundrum from the patent medicine man a almanac or the stories they heard In the corner grocery days, they ft ml much that la new and really witty. Most of the funny any- Irgs look flat In print, but the rkpculou* manner In which they are uttered and the horseplay which accompanies most of them serve to carry them off with more cr less success. The following Is so pop ular Just now that It Is being told In h sir a doicn New York theatres nightly and has been In use for six montha. Ftrsi Comedian—My sister has great luck She was down to Ashury Park this rummer and got a *l<lo pearl out of an oyster. Second Comedian—That's nothing My sister got a diamond necklace this sum mer out of a lobster at Narragansett Pier Mason and Francis, a sketch team who played at Proctor’s Twenty-third Street ■ Theatre, opened the programme with a sketch In which the stage setting showed •he exterior of a country Inn The man of the team appears as a farmer The woman appears as the waitress. After a little by play the fnrmer announces that ho would Ilk.' somo dinner. Many of In* dishes h>- orders are not on the bill of fare. Finally, he cava he would like to have soni" hard boiled potatoes "We haven't any." replies the gtrl "We didn't expect you.'* Well, then." says he. "give me a couple of loos*' eggs ’’ ' Haven’t any,” Is again the answer “We didn’t expect you." "Well," asked the farmer, "didn't the l ens oxpet me either?” sr.d she answers "No, If they had. they would have been laying for you." “You're a wonder." "You ought to see my sister.'* "Where Is she?" "Doing a skirt dance In 'Aladdin ’ ” "You ought to see my slater She’s do ing a shirt dance In a laundry.” Walter Terry and Nellie Klmer, a aong and danca team, who appear later on. discuss matrimony. The girl finally says: "What kind of a husband do you advise me to get?” He replies: "Get a single man. and let husbands alone." Two men. billed as "Smith and Cambell, talking comedians." amuse the audience with this sort of patter: "I'm going to buy my Unci* Tom a catv dy horse." "Why? He might not like It." "Well, If he don't like It he c*n lick It " "Don’t spring anything like that on me DM you hear about my friend?" “No ’’ "He's a corker.” ”Is that so?" "Yes, he's got a Joh In.a bottling works ' "Do you know your coat don't tit you?" "It s a good tit.” "Go on. It ’a almost a convulsion." “I met your wife yesterday ” "Did you notice her teeth?” ■ No. she didn't open her mouth.” "That couldn't have been my wife." "I understand you beat her Ilk-- carpet " "That's the only way I get the dust out of her." "Say. do you know I started In life as a bare-footed boy?*’ “Well, I’ll tell yon right here I wasn't born with shoes on ” "Well, I’m well fixed now. t got a Job helping my father. He’s the superln tend cut of a factory and has a thousand men under him. That's nothing; my father had 5.W1 men under him ” "Is that so?" "Yes, when he went up In the balloon In Chicago." "Well, my father was a soldier. He was the first man to enlist in the 121st Ipswich Beglment ” "There's no such regiment. Don’t tell that to any one that knows anything '* "I never do.” At Miner’s Bowery Theatre a turn an pounced as "Campb'll and Caul'leld Kings of Irish Comedy.’’ J ike about the mothet in-law, the father-in-law and other mem la-rs of the family. They even go lack to tlielr grandparent* Here Is a sample; Campbell—My grandfather was so smart h knew he was going to die ten days be fore he died. Caulfield-Who told, hint: the Sheriff’ Campbell—And when mv grandmother died she had 11V worth of g Id In her tee' h. Caulfield—That’s an awful lot of money going to the devil. , Cambell- Well, me won’t talk about our dead relatives; but did you hear about me the other night? I met a Dutchman who offeted to mdke a bet with me that he could ring longer than 1 could I took tip the bet and I sing "Annie Laurie” for two hours end a half. >’nu!flctd—Did you win* > Campbell—No; he eang "The S(*re end Stripe* Fotever." I-ater on In the show Coulter and Starr, r.egro comedians, get Into an argument ard Coulter says; "I saw a deaf and dumb man run owe • this morning, and he was knocked speech less ” Starr-sAh go on How could that be’ Coulter--It’s • fart; one of his hand. was cut off Marr — Well, Its strange how people wil get In the way of cable ears and he ktlle l young My father lived to be an okl man He died at the age of bfi. Coulter—Mine died at 12t>. Starr—Oo on Coulter—Yes, Eight avenue At th* Hrodway Music Hall De Wolf Hopper and Lillian Bussell .'halt ach 'her for the amusement of the audience For inuttncft: Hopper- Ray. Ulllan. Just fhlnk of us gown I*re at Weber A Field’s. Why did you leave comte opera’ Miss Russell -I II tell you Some day— goiut r.iUi ) A* they leave the stage Wrber and Field* ■ cmr on. In a small wagon which Is referred to a* a moving sidewalk Fields—l don't like doee moving atdr vaiks You are liable lo |*s yonto!if in.tout knowing 11. Weber—Never mlr l are you glad you > am* lo Baris lo spend your vaccination’ Fields- Mehbe That did dot fellow mean by giving u* dot tip on der horse vhleh did not vtn? Weber—l didn't know vhat he meant, but vhat he meant ve got. Fields—But he gave us a guarantee der horse vould vtn Weber—Yes, but vhtn a horse lose* him * guarantee runs out. Fnd ho vere such a nice-looking horse, bui ho stood .1* . xh< n der ta. e commenced and vailed lie voutdn’t run. Yte Id. He u> ashamed to run mlt dent other slob* Welter—Veil, vhy did you vanl to pick out >uch a high-toned horse ' Field* Never min i, ve will make a mil l.on dollars a day here Weber—Den ve vtll slay two day* Weber—l vould like to gel my money Insured ho dot vhen 1 spend It I could get It hack Enter ivuve Warfield as the Hebrew. Warn. Id—l vanl to know If 1 lost vh*n I betted somellng? Ftelde—Mebbe, tell us. WartieUl-Do you know about military cobes? "Sure!" \\ at field—Vhat must a man be hefor. he ran hurled be mil military* honors'’ Webai—A captain Field*—No. a general* Warfield—lien I guess I lose, cause I bet he must be dad Warfield agre** to enter Into partner ship with the other two, and they decide to make him custodian of their funds Weber—You must be sworned In. Fields—Yes. you must be sworn. Warfield—l don't know how Weber— Raise your right hand • Weber and Field* In chorus-Swear. Warfield—Go lo hell In one scene Hopper says to Field; "Not a word 1 hold you responsible for this You at least have a modicum of errehrum and cerebellum ’’ Weber (aside)—lf he said dot to me I vould fight Hopper—You may not be one of those supersensltlve metaphysical natures that finds Its most harmonious setting In an atmoephere of empyrean - searching thought or seeks among the altttudliiou- I aths of psychological research the mind cumissnionshlp that can only there In* found by the Intellect hurdrmd with an Irtßise and overwcanlng mentality, hut you comprehend tn your mental comp'tl Hon more of the gray matter upon which depends Intelligent conception of relative and correlative phenomena that I* accord ed lo the troglodytes nig. r or the com man slmiadae therefore I hold you re sponsible. If no wholly, at least In the Lght of a partlcep* crlmlnls, lie then approached Warfield, asking “A* for you. what can I say to you?" Warfield—l guess you salded It all to him. Hopper—l should have thought tha* common sense would have shown you that tMs occiput humans horrktls could nol be placed’ In harmonious Juxtaposition to tile beauteous and nepphytl femur pa t.lln tibia and fibula pertain’nc to ihl* automata and correlate with It In giving It artistic verisimilitude. I can only ac count for It upon the hypothesis that you been aborigine and In reirtim natnrn roncompos mentis, or to place kinder construction upon It, Inter pecula. To make myself more plainly understood, I ■night say to you. In the language of Cicero: "Sic paresus ojsm asparagus Jaborandl medula oblongata, Station rex mix vomica." In one scene John T Kelly ask* Fields: "What would you do for flown’" ’Tin ashamed to tell you.” repile* Fheld*. and this always bring* out a hearty laugh. Kelly—Are you a married man? Fields—Sure. Kelly (turning to Wehcr)—You’re a mar ried man Weber (looking at scratch*# on hi# hand)— No, I got dose scratch** from der cal. Here Is rumple of the dialogue In the travesty on "Quo Vadts:’* Betrollus—Admit him here In the lor raradortum. Marcus Ftntehu*—l am still in Rome, Petrollus—l thought you were frying Fenian* In Farina. Marcus—You arc not aloneua. Someone ruhbereth. Bet roll tie—Tl.* my slave, Spoon us Marcue-She Is a heautus I’. trollua—l got her In an employment!!* a gent us. Betrollus and Marcus fight and then one remarks that the other "ha* the blow of Thomas Sharkus, and that a no fakus either. Hopper always get* a laugh by the man ner In which he say*: Come. Mareua to the boogorlan and let us quaff a Mamie Taylorus." Further uptown at the Victoria th* Roger Brothers dtscua* golf. "Do you know dot goliulluff gum:?'' “No." “I'll explode It to you.” "I am sorry " "You must first hv# money to play dot game Den you valk a mile af era ball.” "I once valked four miles for a h'gh hall.” "Veil you don't get -a drink until de game's out.” "Den I vould not play." "You vlll." "I rill, but how do you know vhen you vln der gsme?" "Veil, you strike the ball through d-r links” ... . "Go ahead; you hit der toll through the butcher’s vtndow." "No. I didn’t saki dot.” "I can’t understood It. vhy not I stuoy dsr rules?” "If you study der rulee you vlll be er*iy In three years.” Qua Koger* say*. "I live In a fine house up here Ve have all kind- of Improver ments; soft shell tub*, two kind of hot vater. luke varm und cod uni such a* dot." They get hold of a girl * autograph album and read from It a# follows; • He who fights and run* oway will live lo fight some other day.—Jam-e J Cor bett." •I would not live always-The Under taker.” "Don't let your right hand kmw what your left Is d.rlng -Bob Fltsrimmons ” Here Is a lamfde Joke from one of he other concert halls Levy's brother dhd In Chicago ’he oiher day The undertaker telegraphed to levy ■What will 1 do with lody’ I ran embalm II for A’*), or freege Ii for t. !lea*e answer ” And Levy telegraphed bark: "Freese It from der knees up for 120; he had hi* f*t Irogen last winter.” One of the stories told by the lab J' hn W. Kelly Is now going 'he rourd o! he music hall*: "I’m hanged If ye don't male ear queer people nowadays; I met Casey the other day and be was dressed in anew suit- 1 ses. ‘Hello. Casey, where hev y* /STEARWS' Rflte l ELECTRIC PASTE I kills RATS. MICE. COCKROACHES J and all other VERMIN, leaving I no odor. At R ■ Bugs H Mmsm* ClMtfS* twu Cm, <U2m#.l.l* mi , i - ■ ■ - - i strength end ereat value. Don't tak* the weak, watery fc F J *.] VtiUh Haiti preparations represented lo be "tht tame as” POND S Ej EXTRACT. Thry generally tontaln •• wood alcohol," which Irrltatts i, 1 j the skin, and. taken Internally, Is a deadly poison. - sj i It oeilv In ee In huff wrapper* AT HOME, 112 Broughton Street, West. Some confusion in arranging stock, but well pre pared to take care of our customers. We don't know all about the Furniture and Carpet business, but our thirty years' experience with the trade of Savannah is sufficient guarantee that wc know SOME THINGS. Call and be convinced. LINDSAY & MORGAN The Old Reliable. bronT Anti lie he wit it fun* ral •\Vhop#‘ flu,id?' pe* I and (’aery, anunered. '! don't know: I Juet t > the funeral for th rld I’lt Itooney nan In the haolt of a tying "I kin t*arl a Joke a? well at arnv man. bui whin a looteh trin kdrlver r-nnw along and tak*a me for .* lump:*at by tying hia home to m- 1 Mind there on hf* tormr i don't th'nk iht a anny Joke ' John KemeU'a o|*#*nlng remark wan •Til niv#r wear the*#' e.irmufTa again an long a a I II v C*him*v nuk'd m* to have a drink yeaiurday and I didn’t h<*nr him' IIBIBIIH IE ‘t: r fl* I i r e-il KNIGHTS PHARMACY, Cor. Oglethorpe Ave. and Drayton SL Will sell you Smith’s Chill and Fever Tonic, and if it does not cure they will gladly refvnd the amount you paid for it. Look for the Red Triangle on each package. What a Prominent Crocar Saya; Offlre ot J II Rhearoiiflc Ar tiro . No. William Htreel. Havarmah. O*. Savannah, (la , Ocl. 12. IMO. (’oium'tiit Drug Cos., Savannah. On.: OffMlemen—-I am kIo) to Inform you th.t after muntha of auffurlni? with <*hilla and faver. haMoie triad numy •o-rl|ad hi I and fevrr tonl<*a, I wan fH r?iw4'l 10 try your Smith'* Chili on*l F<v#r Tank*, and one aingh U*ttle of your tonic cured me I fe#>l It my *uty to Inform you of tha wonderful cur* made on m- an I. thr>ugh you. all thoae aufferlng with chllla and fever. No remely avur triad haa <lie m* any gcxkl **o2 pt your Smtth'a Tonic, Hraprctfully youre. J il SUIFAHOrSK. BRHNNAN BROS. WHOLCSALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. BAV *7 kt-LT. Weet IrlwksMlia SEED RYE. OBORGIA HEED RYE SOUTHERN SEED ItYB. TEXAS BED IlsiA* OATS. HAY. GRAIN. FLOUR, FEED. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. CHEESE. BEAN* PEAS. W. L>. SIM KINS & CO DUCKO’S ■m Aiimentary Elixir l highly f *vimawfi'l2d u • rpmody for luua dia*>ao#’ and a tjrwotd. HMUrul and all tuxteof f*Y*ra Afsan. WL rwea A I *. trti JOHN G. HI TLER, —DttAUBK IN- Painls. Ull> and lilacs Hash. Doora.Ollnda. and Builders' Supplies. Plain and Decora tive Wall Paper. Foreign and Domestic rements. Dime. Plaster and Hair. Sola Agent for Abeatlne Cold Wtr I aim Con are pa street, west, and 1* St Julian a* rest west !_ ' " - J W. ROSS ORAVENER, Manufacturer’s Aflent, i licit.wtv tMI MILD ttm.lgl. i’rovulanl UmUtot, flswnnab, Oa. OiriHAle. 1900 LIQUOR LICENSES' llt 111 D Ul YHTKItI.Y mTBNKNT. , City it Savannah. office Clerk of Connell, Savannah, (la , Ocl. LY. lts*a> The following alpnabetlral list of per sona licensed to sell liquor at retail utvlcr provision of section 12 of tax ordinance for IUO WILLIAM r BAILEY Clerk of Council. A. Asenilorf. Fred, corner Jefferson end Alice streets AsSctsos, Joseph N , It Randolph street Able, Charles. Ray n>l Aberoorn strs#‘* Abrams. M. D., 42 Butt street Anglin. Thomas, Bryan and Barnard streets Alley A Kelly, Bay lana, near Bull street. B Brodman, J. D, corner Bolton and Burroughs streets. llarlow. Husan L.. 11l Houston street, ltadenhoop, J. >l. 4k K (]., 523 West Broad street. Beckmann. George. 112 Whitaker street Bernstein, J.. 214 8t Julian stre.q Hunger. H. H . Ogeerhee road, near Sarah afreet Halford. W T , 152* Bull street, tlrodmun. O D . 2M Randolph streat. Heytagh. Thomas F, Harris and East Brood al rests. Hrinkmann, H. C.. 222 Bt. Julian street, west. Bokelmann, D., Charlton and West Broad terse!* Bohn. H N. C., 222 East Broad street, Blenges, Fred. 11* West Broad street Hulckcn. John, agent, Taylor and West Broad streets. Hluesietn. J A Cos.. 221 Congress street, west Bookhoop. F. H . Bay street extended. Bohn. J. H A , Alice and Wee* Bread street*. ; Barbour, J. 8 F. Henry and West Broad : street* Brown Bros . Anderson and East Broad Street*. Bmibsn. William. *Ol East Broad street lirlckman, Charles, 24 Wsat Boundary street. Boley, M , 129 Congress street, west. Butllmsr, M A . Randolph and Barry streets Ruielmer. Batrlek. 212 McDonough street, east. Branch. 8 W. Cos. Broughton and Whitaker etreet*. Brown, W B . 21* Bryan street, west. Bewan, J O. cor. Bull and Best at*. C. Connery, C. P., 110 St. Julian street, west Christopher. Oeorge, 101 West Broad etrget. Cain, Patrick, corner Bay and West Broad streets. Carr, John, corner Houston end Bay streets. Clemens. H. K.. corner Wat Broad and Henry streets. Cohen. M O A Cos.. 221 Bt Julian street Cooley. Thomas, corner River and West Broad street*. Corbett, w F.. West Broad street. Coolev. R . 922 Harrison street Cord**. John F.. Montgomery street and Whatley avenue. Crohan, J F.. Bryan and Whitaker atrest* Champion A Evans, 4 Wsat Broad street. Cotl Ingham. John, southeast comer Drayton and Broughton streets. Coitlngham. John. 202 Broughton street, west. Cunningham, R W Mrs.. Taylor and East Broad streets D Dailey A Cos., No. 19 Farm street. Dt'Tks A J.. corner Whitaker and Jones streets. Dresson. H. E . Btewart and Wilson streets nterk*. W. C., 224 Whitaker etreet D.-st George 7" West Broad afreet. Delgnan Daniel, 3* Indian street. D!r. Wm . Liberty and West Broad at reels Doyle, M J Market square. Denmark. J M 147 Farm Street. a. Khrtlcber. Max. 40! East Broad Street - Ktehholg. 8. 1912 Cemetery streat. Ktenholg. E . Liberty and East Broad •treats Ent'lman. J F. 214 Liberty street, east Elslnaer. T . 41 Drayton street. K*..n J. J . Ml West Broad street. Entelman. A H. 729 Kaat Broad street Easterling Whisky Company, Planters' Hotel F.a*terllng Whisky Company. Liberty and East Broad afreets. Eakedor. W H , 440 Wear Broad street Ehlers. George. 247 Indian street. Egan, M . 517 East Broad atreet East End Grooery company. Broughton and East Broad street* Evan*. John T. * Cos, 112 Congress ktrect. F. Fredong, F.. 622 Bay streat, eaat. Fttxgerald. Tho* E. 117 W#t Broad Street Fischer. John V., River and Farm streets. Fahrenkamp. Henry. and Bay street, west. a darken. L. C. Mrs.. Price and Gwinnett streets. Grimm. Albert, Olllott and West Broad streets. Grimm. John H.. President and Drayton streets. Geffken. H. H.. Broughton and Pries si rests. Ollden. Thomas. 229 Bay street, west. Glide*. NeP 124 Broughton atreet, west. Glides. Nell. 129 Broughton street, east Grew*. F. W. E.. Ogeecheo road. Gerken. Henry, agt.. 71 Wheaton street. Groot, Theodore, Jefferson and Liberty etrrsts. Goodman. H . 48 Farm etreet Geltna. Joe A.. 9 Drayton etreet. Gartelman VV H , Randolph and Ogle thorpe evenue. Getslnger. M. A. A Cos.. Weet ft roe and and Harris street*. Gaines. M . 134 Jefferson street. Graham. C. F. Pulaekl Houae. H Heath. C. P.. 355 Jefferson street. Horrigan, John. Bryan and Houston street* He***. Herman, 124 West Broad afreets. UeiUBAD, 1. F 934 ITeeldem meet, east, OFFICf 41,. j Heilman, t M.. 25 Last Ttroad. Herman A lletenthel' . IS BarnnrA ! street Harms, f A 444 Tsltnad sireaL lloti hklsa A Nevlll. J9l Broughton streat, West Heilman. A H 319 t\>*t Broad street. Harm* John D . 221 Itolton street, east. Hart. Franris, 11 Jeffsrertt s'teei. Micks. It. M , 21 Conxrnt- net w**t Helmken. J H , Liberty and Whllrka* •treats. J. Jachens. F H.. 955 Price street. Jackson. Andtew. 42 Whitaker street Joyce. James J . East Broad and Whait. I on at reels. Jernlgsn. E, 0.. Zubley and laimb*a | streets Jot George H . 119 West Pro-rd street. K K.riser J T 1511 Bull street. Kti k. John. 4.2 Dtaylon street, Kuck, 11 F . Andersofl ami Abercor-t st roe t - Krncken. Cord. Bay and Weal Brood •irrets Konetnann C 11 W Farm street. Kienr. Herman. Ut llryan etreet. west. Kaln. ,V IF. West Bro.i<l and Htveg I streets. King. George F 312 Broughton street, west L Lang. N.cholsa. & Bernard etreet. J H.. I.lUriy amt Ramlolpli streets l.uerssen. C F. Broughton and Eaat Broad streets Lunge. Herman. 222 West Broad atreet Levan, Charles H.. 11l Congress street, W( -1. Lub*. John F . <s.rner I Alert y and Hab- I erebam streets Lynch, John. Taylor and Whltake* ■ streets Lynch. W T.. agent. Lumber and Bey streets Lane. James, Price end Oglethorpe ave nue Lyons, John A On.. Brought,-n und W K JL sktr street# M Monsets, C. 11. ILII and Jefferson St reels Meyer, J F.. MI 81ms street Melnrke. P. A, corner Farm and Bryan street* Me ndel. Carl. 2dh Liberty street, east. Meyer, John, Randolph and Anderson streets Murker!. J 11.. Bay and Farm strseta Murktn John.Thunderladt Road Xleytr. J. P . Form and llryan street*. Manning P, 23 Hay street, cast. Mullins. Jno ;>n Indian atreet Morion. Peter, 2!3 Broughton street, east Martin A A Mr* , President and Ran. d.ipb streets. Morrison Karsh, Mh Oglethorpe avenue, •wet Mendel. A. sn? Liberty street east Mercer. I. H , * w. cor. Eatt Hr ad and M -Donough st# Me McAlpln. T E 92 l'rlce street MfCormlck. Wm.. 225 Indian street. McGuire. Janus. 20 Farm street Mcßride. T F , 925 Hay street, east. McGrath A Hansford, 27 Whitaker street McCarthy. M F, and W. H . 219 Price street N. Nell. Otto W . 909 Congress st., w. O O'Brien. C A., 237 West Broad atreet. O'Byrne. James, Montgomery and Bay street*. Ohslck. John, corner Bay and W. Broad streets. Ohslck, Ohs*., BIS Reynold* etreet. Ott. P J.. 21 Hroughion etreet. east. O'Keefe. J. Mgr. southwest corner Broughton and Drayton streets. P. Paulson, N., estate, corner Barnard and River street* Peters, N F. northeast corner Bur* rough* and Park avenue Peitrton. JVtrr. 217 Bay street, east. Pacettl. E V . 15 Broughton street, east. Perry, F. L. A Cos., foot of Hull st., cor. Rivsr. R. Rentier. R , Liberty and Drayton streets Rentier. H,, 1019 Wheaton street. Kausen. M . 434 Congress street, west. Rlpke. John. 229 Drayton stresg. Raskin. 8., 735 West Broad street Ralntg. F. W 11 . Indian and Farm at reels. * Reilly, L Mr*.. 122 Bryan street, west Rucker. John and Bro., 401 West Broad street. Itorntseh. M A Cos., 222 RmughlOQ street, west Rouse A Harris. 49 llarnard siren Ray, W. H, agent, 212 Bryan street, weet. 8 Rchmder. Oeo.. 1092 W'eet Broad street Bcliroder. Henry. 491 Broughton atreet, east Blent. P . 939 Jones etreet, weet Htilllvan. John J . *> Bryan street. *-ast. Bonders. Philip. Bull and Best street*. Attlljee. George, {O2 Gordon etreet, east. Btelnman Itroa.. West Broad street ttllvtrsteln. David. 222 Hi. Julian slrtg, W*at. Rehnsaru, F., And* raon and- Whitaker at reels. Bchusnemann. D. H., East Broad and Bolton street*. Slellje*. ll> nry. 121 Oglethorpe avenue. Rchwars. Oeorge, 215 Congree* sirevl weel Blent, D.. Second and Whisker street* Rull*r. Henry. Montgomery and Liberty * reel*. Plater. J. C„ Congrs** and JefTcr-xm streets. Bctiultea, Oua, corner Price and Yorß at reft*. Stahmer. John, corner Ann and Bryan street*. ftcherer, J H., 117 West Broad street. Bteffena, Henry, East Itroill and Ogle thorpe avenue. Bcnlottelb* rg. D., Price and Hall streets, Btlle*. Josephine K , 201 Bay St rest. w< st. Hpilght W O . 1033 Bolton street, west. Slater. Ja* F . No. 11 East liruad street. 8< y. J. W , Agt . No. 339 West ilruad st reel Hielljea. A . 215 Bandotph street. Hamimnn. Peter. 192 Bryen street. Bchwars. Geo C., Congress and Whita ker Btnlfh. W. T. K.. 412 Congress street, west 8> hnaara. H J.. Jones and Wilson atreet*. Savannah Liquor Company. 297 Cor.grfws •tree!, west. Bchwor*. CasMe. Anderson and Atlantis streel* Rchurman. J. C., 217 Hmughton etreet, east. Httvnrlus, O E. 5412 Bull street. Hheßall. Solomon, 29 Barnard street. Semken. Henry, 2 Enst Rmnd arrest Schiller. W„ manager. 17 Bay streat, east Sullivan, John 15 Congress street wost. Smith. W. H . 947 Liberty yreet, east. T Taylor. J. K., Price and Oglethorpe ave nue. Traub. H , West Brood and Crane* streets. Tletjen. Jno F . 229 West Brood str-ta. Tlenken. F J 2*2 Liberty street east. Tliolken. Oeo H . 173 Arnold street Toussatnt. Chae.. Price and Og>*thorp* ■venue. Trivers, E . Screven House V Verukl. Ell. 22 Barnard street. Voilers, Wm., West Brood and Taylot etreals. W • William* A Orica. 240 Will Broad street. Wells. B , 223 East Brood street. Winter. A . 141 Barnard etreet. Wolf. Lull*. 423 Cungreas street, weel Weltbrock. J. F . 524 Jefferson street Whtieman. J*a. E.. 510 Oglethorpe ave nue. east Wood. A H.. 242 West Broad str*t. ' Watson A Powers. De Soto Hotel. Wade. John T.. Oglethorpe avenue and Houston atreet. Wolters. H. J , 5*6 Broughton street, east Wellae# W M , No 502 Stewart street Wnelgen. Henry. Ogeechee road, nets CAS R y T Ybanes. E P 129 Bay streat. east. 1 ■' ■" 1 ■■■ OLD NBWAPAPERA. 209 tor 12 (sola s fiusm e*s once Morn mg News, 7