The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 20, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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has notified the governor. in ii max* wm in k\- u< kptkd itatk’i oiticr. jlr Ka I iHlrrMfwmlti That Ihr Miuthrm Knllnny l)or \o( With. liolil It* \cqil***eiice to th** l*rop <itlon That thr llallrmU Pay Hit* Mft<* mi Innuiil Mental f M\ P-r , <nt. on I hr Hint!** Dvpnl—By Urrrlnff Id the Proposition. tht* linllraid* *10%% They nnt n New tloi—t*ei4*ltrr May Not iliike •<u N ,|>ro|irlwtloi. lint llie Honda i unlit Not llm e \ny lllttme M r riel* •'(! m Them. !*re|rtent John M Kriii of the Central j. .. i has notified iiov. C ndler of the c ut of the Central to the :>-o;>oalUon r. : irikng the proponed union ntotloti at ii it ha.** b n published that the i\ t' and three of tlie other roads en f Atlanta agree to the propositi n v pay an (annual rental of six |>er ~ upon the cost to the state for the t r i -n of .1 depot upon the state’s prop , v . npieil by the present station, hut t e attitude of the Southern has not been n i vvt Mr Kgan sail yeaierday that hi* ur *b r.-tamls the Suit lo rn will assent. and j. it t iiM', not a road has demurred. \,. . . has been or is to lw sant the i„,v ,nor by the railroads Interesteil. the , . to go Individually This accaptanc.** f T , r ill the railroads of the rtate’a offer lS •. .1 by the Go* emor before niak j *.,* that portion of his message In AV Is to import to the legislature , . ,*k of the special commission ap- I to consider the question of anew r Atlanta. ll* will recommend that opriation be made for the work understood that about IVo. * si’l ~jlr* and for tlie construction of such , ~t as Is dealrad. Mr. Kgan under • ii. l- that ther* Is still about of n <;7* * to come from th Sout ern t> ; \ ,iy for the North* astern, and this ii • ■ \ might le used, it it Is seen lit. to (n 1 the coal of a, depot In Atlanta, w h would mean selling out an ur; *roflt ii Investment and putting the money where It will Improve the state's property and pay Interest of B per cet i If more in.• ey were* needed or the tat- should desire to borrow to build the depot, the hi,,; \ could be secured for something an l‘ 5 per cent. per annum, which would less than the rental the stare would ecelve from the railroads. Mr F.tmn was r. mlr.d I that there Is , ;< of opposition springing up In the ygl**iaiure against th* measure proposed v *h* Governor. To this he replied that The rood hr* shown their *■ “e to give tin |m • j • of Attantn and *f th* state .- no,|. rn .it 1 nvcnleiu union tatlon. hav •ng n M* and to the proposition mad by the •ft#-*s special commission, nod If* the Legislature does n*d see fit to show a -Mrnilar desir . cottier v lug the stale's ad v.mi u at the s tnv* tiro**. the blame Is not th* railroads’. T • division of the rectal among the tH • railroads will ■ • mod* In ticcordanc* wi ** th** number of cars that cuter ttc *h j c A the case now . t union stt tSon ompany would govern the railroads using tl> depot. Mr Kean resumed ytetc?duv morning f; :n Atlanta, where he wns In attendance n* th< meeting of tin* directors of* the A im.i and West Point. Askel about i • r •*>;••• 1 consolidation of the Georgia, A an* a rsd West Point and th* V\ • rn ItaUwny ,>! \* >mu. Mr Kg no A w at th* paper.** had ntiout It. an 1 that .ws nothitur of ny such project l* ** in * io*i. M \\ EUt irn" Nl lIIIOKIIED. I’lnn' stent Mill Ifnvr \ew l’n i*nit'*r uml l*reiiahf Cars. The plant Syetcm has Just placed nn • hr for c blit lon ii • |ul:>mepr. Superin tendent of Motive Power W K fiymou*!** ordered I b'-i nox • r ; . from ihe Geor , • Car Manafac turlcg Company of S - nd fifty flat curs from the South • i • * ' tr mol Foundry Conr nny of (ids • bn. A fa. Warn President It G Krwln was In • •• l.v recently he authorised the order. • i*- - rp was then rH elvlng a*i or* r r !•'* a from the Georgia Cfte .M.u.ufncturlng Company anl fifty 11 i * • m the Gotlsden works. As compate fa. iior w i given, it was deebbd to • -r ,-r more* *ar- of the snm- style. The t- x curs have . ennneity of tsn.nm pound/. thirty-six reel loos, ar.d *l**slgnel • r • irrylng eoitot*. Tin- flats have a • i *> o r> pounds also. Th*e Plant System i. not* confining It • f to , rd* rs for freight equipment. rn • contrary. Its ordetw for roliiug stoefi for servlc, hive very lerj, of lute Eleven new enclnes. Jive * r pus-enger and six freight, have been • iv and from the work** t Providenc 1* I >e ! *♦ delivery having Ik-ch made r and i'.n the last few days. These engines n all of a nusK rn type*, powerful ai.d S|* s|y. order that has not vet been chrot and, 0 one that has Just been sent .y • f Symond to the Pullman Compnnv !• for seven of their liest cars, IV vrn dellvery. Three will !*• first-clos e i'*l cnoch* . full width; two v*!f 1 tntdnnllon b.iggag, . express ,yi<) p ,*-. ► 1 • r car-, nod the r* nminltig two wih *' io*tal cans, sixty feet in length, de- Jing entirely to handling the mdia. f ertlMeate Plnt Vtnies. xeurslon rates have been arranged un *> the rule?, of the Southeastern Passion a- A* (m jfitlon foi/deit yates nnd m-*m tboding the foil,.wing meetings ar.d * m ton*: Independent Order of Good 'Uurltun* and iJaughtirs of Hamari.t. v,t * • Oct. no-Nov. 1; Kiokcc lUptlst ! n, Hmltlivllle. Gm.. Nov. 1 -A. * • C’onference of Cnltatlan and mrehes. Southern Associate Al \ti.inta. Nov 11-JI; Pnlte*l ImiikM 1 ' the Confederacy, Montgomery. •Nov. H-17; National Convention of midv* baptist Church. Fulton. K: v ■**!>; Grand Lodge, Free and Accept ' An i*nt York Masons, Opelika. Ala l National I lard war** Assocln * Richmond, Va.. Nov .1-23, nnd th Alabama <'OHferer.ce. C M. F. J h. Tuskaloosn. Ala., Nov. 25*l)ec. St •hr rnrr lo Ml*hnmml. r * first class, fare for the round trip. I- is membership let-, has heeti au "I to Hh hmotid, Va., by the Houtb i riger Association for deb* • i l memb*rs attending th annual *-nthn of the Ho ut hern FklucaGonnl latlews. W hich is to be held Dec. 27-r* ‘ ■ uiral Ilailrotul it fitting up * in Albany for Its newly-oppolVMcd v *1 agent, Mr. H M. W<*ill*orn. ' I’ *rn wax formerly soliciting •’olumh i for the Central. Ills -ns at AHmny Is to u new tsisi tVntral has nh before had ♦I at that place. W. W rents, twmegger traffic * r the Plant System. Is In New r \Vrents went to attend the , at Buffalo of the National <f tlcneral Passing* r Agents, probably be in the North several - J. looking afier the affairs of ‘ n ■ " Menmiea, general freight I *' • Plant System, has Iteen In n a bundles* trip. u .. ‘ ? hern nailwuy, through Mr. 8. a, UwKk, aaslftunt general passenger BEDFELLCWSHIP. The Time When Girls Ex change Confidences. After the prolonged separation of a year wheu girl school chums meet again, they arc apt to put utf all conversation ot intimate and private matters until lied-titne. Then reviving dormitory days of old they open their hearts and tell the secrets accumulated in twelve long months. And some of these confidences are very sad. It is sad when the girl who was a crack at tennis, could pulFan oar and swing a golf club has to admit that she ha. given up all those things In-cause her luck aches so inccssantlv. The pity .s that such break-downs are so common among young women. They will continue to be common and to in crease in frequency until the girl is taught that the stability of the general health is founded on the local womanly health. A WOMAN’S WEAKNESS maybe gaged by her womanly health. " Female Weakness” is cot n scientific term, but it is a popular term, express ing the result rather than the condition of womanly disease. Weakness must inevitably follow disease of the delicate womanly organ . Irregularity is often the beginning of more serious ailments. Drains that are at first considered chiefly as disagreeable, will in the end drain away the vigor and vitality of women. The prompt use of I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription would save many a woman from years of weakness and Buffering. It establishes regularity, dries weaken ing drains, heals inflammation and ul eeratioti i:ul cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. There is no other put-up medicine for woman's peculiar tils, purchasable from dealers which has so remarkable a record of cures as Dr. Pierce's F'avoritc Prescription. When physicians have said no cure was possible; when all other means and medicines have utterly failed to liencfit ” F'avorite Prescription ” has liecn tried and its use has resulted in a perfect and permanent cure. "Your letter just received,” writes Miss Ho e Kilfether, ot 43 West Sliarp tiack St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. "Words fail to express how thank ful lam to you for your advice. I must confess that for the length of time I have lieen using your medicine 1 have found it to lie the most wonderful and liest remedy for female troubles that I ever have tried, and from now on I shall us*- no other. Sorrv I did not know of your ‘ Favorite Prescription ’ years ago, but will gladly tell my iritmls who are suffering, of your won derful medicine. 1 cannot speak too highly of it.” iigcnt. htix Juxt Ipxiik] o vrry book cHltal "Hunting .nd Ftshinic in th rtmrh." Th* lit IW work i>* very com prehenvlve, abvimlantly Illuxtratr-I wUh (*l***m of x|fo:t ’.hut i’.'li h ‘i* eye of ihe emhti: loxt. nlleil with laiu the !• Nt of v (i'li of ih - Southern latex for hunth nnd !lblnt? and klvldk the g.ini* lawv thm fxov* rn In each of the xtati x. Mr. J.inv Freeman, el’y jHx- M'lucr nnl Holer :ignt for the road, lx r*ft Iving many eullx from xmen who w.iiM th- Hj.i ie rn’x inierextinif publica tion. Tee friends of Mr. V IW Rtillivnn, x ffixt.ini to Uf rildi.u R. G. Krwln of the Plant Bjtm m. will In* in’ereeted to learn that he lx to be a lux he lor no longer. Th** wedding; wx to <;ik plare ywimlay or (Orilcy in \V.i*hlngton—-when, thoxe who knew of R in Fnvannuh. were not quit*' certain. Knight Traffic Manager P. F. J.ick of the Plant rtyx*m has gon • on ’*> a*fi-n*l thi Mr. Hull van l* wdl known In flnvnnn ih an*l eixewhero along th* Plan* ffyatem. us hi** ho* been loi>ft idemlfful with th- pr* nofll • ll** wax Mr Plnni'x eonfhiential as-*lxtant b*'- fore the b*e demli. TO K ViKRT %l\ T!:-: ( liOMIK IliiMineßß Mun'i (’ommltter im Willi xw'rxM. The Buxlnex M n’x Committee, which h(x undertaken to n.i fund* for the purpo.-e of provtdlaii a *' i **t entertaJn m* nt 'luring the Elks’ raruival. war on ihe mreetri yextenlay. M mb* r x of t *<• commlMe< that they were in *•- ir.g with it veYy fair r * ?iion iin*l that while they wer* put off In a few in ataneex. in rn> i i rx thox* eallrsl upon subxer mi| wfh n cheerful rcadlnex*. which whx very pi ainsr *.o the a*ntlemen who have voluntarily undertaken this work. The netd of x*>m form of atreet enter tainment x ' from the affair nt the Park Kx’en-ioti. ix aeneniily rtcog nlr.etl. A* tie Elks have not railed upon she Inner s men for a doilr.r to help them out In their h!x camlval an 1 yet thou x m<lx of tlollarx will le ttirmol tocae here by the vlxKorx wlm w'l! In* ntiracted to the rarr val Ii xeemx that it rhoulJ liui'ily Im* nuei'xxnry for tite ommltt*- to present ~ny argument In rw|U*’x:lni *ubxcrlptlonx. ' HIIITK Ik! " I uot Y' and ;\. ii."l Been Pat In n Italxfa lint and Hidden Near the Oxrrrhxf Hand. The loal>' of a whit* Infant !n a buUv •4'* itute wax found about a mil** from the el y near the Ogcachce roa<l yex terdny at term on Tlu iiml wnx ma*l. by a small lioy nanwi! OoWlx'rK. who was o**i in the weeds I *>klriK for romc row He cnrr.e to th • city nnd rvportfftl bis di*c*v i r>- to p. po;i i man who tiatlrte<l th* bar tiKkx The matter wax then reported to Firmer Uoct< who went to the fi.* • la n gh* and brought the l* -*ly tn the city Tru* h *ly had probably lieen In the WOlX )* wh**r*' it was found for a we kor moM . and doubtless hal *• m jdurfri there tmt a short *mre after birth. It h.ul been drexMi-l in plan b*iby clothe*, but with no mark upon them by which the | rxons *ha’ hd placed the unfortunate creature thin • oubl *• idtntlfled or even xuxpect- C4 | Th** body hud then fecn plaeed in Hat rnl*ln k>x and taken on h4* road and nut tn the huxhex hlk>uc 3m yard* away. It waa no*, considered uoeexar> lo bolJ THE MOKNING NEWS: SATURDAY, OCTOBEK 20, 1900. WHAT WOMEN SAY about the merits of Dr. Pierce’s F'avor ite Prescription is til In I t-stimonial toil- wonderful curative jxjwer Ther- no claim made tor ” l avotite Pre scription ” which is not backed by cure: livery statement made as to v.hat this medicine will do 1 supported by tin living evidence of what ft lias done It has made weak women strong and sick women well. It has brought back the roees to faded checks and tlic plumpness to shrunken forms. It has given laugh ter for tears, aud joy in life lor utter misery. Wliat ” F'avoritc Prescription ” has lione it isdoiug every day. "A few years ago 1 suffered severely with female weakness, and had at times dreadful pains,” writes Mrs. Marv V. Brown, o: Creswell, Harford Co.,' Md. ''l went to my doctor, ami be gave tut medicine which did uir g >o*l tor a while, but I would get wor.-e ag.iiu. I bad • sick headache nearly all the time; v.a. so weak around my waist could hard.. bear anything to touch me Mv b.i: would keeji cold and I could hanl’v ,i< my work. I would war'.; awhile a;;, then lie flown awhile ; u 1 completel nm-down. Suficrcd from di sgried b. discharge and a!ro severe pain, it time- After using fuc 1 '.tie. of *)r. lherce Favorite Prescription, three of hi ‘Goldeu Discovery’ and ot: vial of Dr. Pi < Plea ant I nnd following the advice you gave r garding the 'lxition T iblets,' I can truly say that I am enred." Sick and uiliny; women are invited to consult Doctor Pier.., by letter, />:•. All communications held a- a redli confidential and womanly coutidcm • - giurded by strict privaev. Address Dr. R. V. I‘ic-r, . Buffalo, X. Y A great many women have gratefully accepted the opportunity of u free con sultation by letter with Dr. Pierce, 11 a welcome escape from the indciirutt questionings, the oilen.sivc exannu-tti'ii; nnd obnoxious lo*al tr: .tm; tits, thouclil necessary by some physician:;. Tin modest woman shrinking from tht things often lets her dm mow and cat into her life rather than submit to treatment which offends her delic.ic-. A letter to Dr. l*icrcc avoids all the offensive practices. If you are persuaded that Dr. Pier Favorite Prescription hp, cur l other do not allow yourself to I robbed of cure by accepting some su’.rtitute me 1: cine pressed on you by th' dialer ! cause it pays him a little n; re prot:*. HOW TO INVEST 21 CENTS. Buy It one-ccnt stamps to pay -nail ing expense only on a copy of Doctor Piefce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser. This great work, containing 100-. large pages, with 71*1 illu:>tratio:is, sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Semi ii de - cent stamps for the l>ook in paper covers, or 31 stamps if the !.ok i desired in durable cloth-biudu g Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. nil inquest and the i am* I*; s victim of unfortunate circtimx ->n < wll be burled to-day at the expend of the county. %t thi; thi:%t* 4 I nriii 11. II•• ttfonl’M Hit oi ••Private .Inhn %llcn " Mr. Chare x IJ. ILinfoi.i mode • di tinct and iibxoluu* hit last nlgiit in vate John AlUn." 1 w.< n in UvSdu and pcrwonal triumph and triumph it wax. lr.l# ed, •‘Private .1* hn A len’* . .* four-n* ‘ *rn ed.#-clnim ; L Ar .n. It i- .) p>i i e;<l play, the s i ru l * of vvni di are ; i;d tn laoiiixiann. an I th' time about swentv years ogo. The xtory would is- u pr* *!' one. sf it wer not r tiie ctnPi#* promi lieiT'f given to tm* l .tu • •/! th* .n. hetween Jgcmmee and l’- , fftoko. <** course, the plot hinge-' on this p.irtieu'ar ff ir, but it ix too broadiv pti . . ix a certain itcilc.i- y tbut ki reminded In the presentation of xltuntlot of this son upon the x age. The> act'd i* to :• i;- f upon xx lightiy ami v.igtiely us ( x pos* 5 - le. AH jbat i- iu"l*l | i l.’c im.dion In “Private J>h! Al hm ' pm iiei| Otherwise, t.i play i*s a very pretty ffotilhem sun. with < tgh of pio to make i* ifiterextJnL-. tno'Ufi of r4-mdv to mak" i xmu-lnr .ml nomrii of love to add a tom . of sum time* . ||ty, Mr. Hanford. .*s M l'r'..i - .! ■?* Allen Hus s'jperb. Ills r<ex>i|rtg w.c fiiUltJi ■ mul xhowtd I ha*. Mr ll.*nf and i next mat*'A* in that art, t* U blank v rx* > something; different. Ilf I-K l the typical Hoiitherm r tliat B**tnvm“r !fk to id mire !n*l rever* stroi r. * , hotu*.-t ttid i. a-! y A ’ i r '.v i J'*nn A Imi." Mr. Ham id w.x lik> what adml-er ( \Vi!ti;iin jc* u Rry* n take him t be. Mr. Hanford x si] .;.or:h company is rVml Mis Urofnrih md A.I - flraham were both capobl.. ihou-.i -1 I.*t*•*r bi** n vocabulnr' of xieng th it w is luir liv sii unc In 2&SJ. Mr. LHidle: wax hanily rui ? allc for the rcli cf H n Alexis L thot? ,h It ii pai Wasson.** wax xr lb nt in * character l-ort. The plnv will be given t a matinee thU ••in olid aa! —• > i • | IIEMIU’X t I.IIVI \ti IHL l.r Will Min i | Hl* txtxnxgh r *- (inKniK'iit T-tilal*L Gentry'* Dog a? I Pony ho w will con clude itx rsblbHlont nt H*d- n >i and List Uroud xtrecx with a fu rform us- . this .afternoon nt 2 o'clock and .mother at o’clock to-Olßht. Lurltiii th-* previous vlxpn of h;x |K>putnr Juv• nll- l w- Jt hoe enjoyed a Übctal pa iron axe, nd the pres ent visit hat not been ait • > • ?1 n, The big business that wa th n* yesterday would seam to render • ' mmrnt *.l t;i* ntcrlfx of the \< rf. nr n* * us uni The secret of Prof. Gentry * sue ’ex.i ix I ha' he ha* tt show' wh c \ wKb hi * *hre • oihers, ix perhaps the only tent show on th,. road that caters entire!* to h*- par ttcular of I "lie* lUttl hi! ir* it. and one to which *hey could a vend v nout looming into coira* wph vuhr rt. *.th r In the jh-rformflt ” or tn •* t the em ployes. Prof. <l* nt ry inks* specie* pride in his business stnfT. and his otu-eri bund Ix compoaed of capable music.anx. ihe music it render * for the gcarf) tout of the entire outfit. REVERSED FORMER RULINGS. It IMiK \OH W (HID I.UWTFIS MO- Tl\t K)H u:u * It! % I.!*. I dlxsban From on trad* lor New System of ttouar llrntnuur Kccallcd lo Public Vtientlou b> (.rant of Nn* I rial In 4 nar oi (ii'orgr %% . Iltvrnn Nkilnnl Ihdsnri A /.Ipf 'ir. o*M*nn tin* .1 iidumeat lor %t!crne>** Fees, thr t ollcct’ou of \l liir Ii Depend* I pen a t|u< |tlon •*f llnarritliip—New trial In t ii* of f.tlebrUt VKMInNI Kill*. V ountt A Co* .1 .dgt Norwf**! g rat.ted an onlor In 11 *• city Court yeatejday morning that hriftg* , in to public notice the cjiupllcati and litt ...iti,n growing out cf the s< \< r.l lairt* in*; ships that In turn held the contract for ihe Installation of the new hou r dr*titag •'ystem in Havannah. The oruer granted r< -Of< n*d th<* old car** of.George \V. tswen* against lH*laney v /.ipf. In which verdict and Judgment fo the | iitirn ff had formerly been obtained ud granted the plaintiff anew trial. In virions ma ters connected with the ob* alutnent and •xc utlon of the contra*’ Vr Owens h.d act I as ouinrrl and at - ;< r.icv for Delaney Zlpf. and obtains I Judgment against his clients for f-VO. th • mount of the fc .*•> *lue him by the firm ;■a much by way of preamble. The other .! m t!i ■,- these mm*dial* <> at -sue, r well ist.'tbd 111 the opinion ren dci< and by the court. In ttil opinion Judy*- Ni wood savi. ••On De 11. Ift7 I elancy & *Zllf tle ,*oslted p.’.ahu in the Germania Bank. It va* put i their credit Mr. Hogan, the . rays that of that deposit •o and t< the credit cf IH*laney a /.l|*f. on j K *ks of th* bar k. on th day th ■nnlshniem w : scrv Vln this * •'>. *. . 4. I'd*?* “Mr O*Byrne say**; ‘O'Connor ar.d PFyrne an*l Mi L*enken ndvanc* i ih*r* )>aiit*y to Delhi** v aid Zlpf M* h **l to Hi*' fund: It wan n loan nv*d .. Delaney A /.ipf Mi and they owed u thui unoum of nynrv. iliat th*- fund In hank a .*'* I><*‘v A*' Zljrf's on D* ■ . IF “Thus Ii appear# that the sl.u>2i In nk J.n. i, w Delanry a Zi>fV prop ”ty. ard subject io garnishment, unh*>s t. r* the summon- was served *•* o* *nk. the ownership of A Zlpf i . I cea<*d. "No written instrument is in evidence •w ing a transfer of Del ne> a. ZlpFa i t hat ft i *l. or. n rc v • unb Vv dels* rfgh to tha credit The wr.ttt.; • t* *iidy that Zi;f. on Jin X IBM so**l b inter*--t In the cliy sewerage enntmei o t;*** two Mitchells. By no rule of eon. dm don •an thoxe v*or<ls Inc'.ude an mount lue to him v bank. This I*.* stion must be derided in svblenee un a f it ten. Mr. O* Byrne s.ya | w* leflnlte.v ?re*-| when th** ;ds>ve p*t*er v a- sign’d nit Delaney & Zipf's crd!t In tnc* th r mania Bunk wen: to the t.*-w firm of De* alley A Mitchell.' On the irhd /ny im* session vv.m that that lit *\a b i he rotnishment. I im now convince I hat this ••* fit of Delaney & Zlpf's comes •n<b*r ih* statute thnt r*H|litres an u •enment cf a.l ehoses in nctlou to be in •vritfng. I’nder that view I grant Ihe n i 'i f• *• l n w Iru, ’• So .is the (*!ty Court Is concerned • decision of Judge Norwood pm i* -ll> ’*f!irols Ihe issue. The questhm * almost pure y legal, whether the • nsf'r to Delaney k Mlt* nell m.iT • dx b* in wiitiiß—oi**l jiit* ixwirl now •■ a- the .Unit i,\* view He he!d tb vntiwry view when the case was tried Till Gll.f lIK IST i PK. thrnier \ erdict gel %ide nod New Trial Granieil. In *nvfc. r r ;>fi sh ,t hn. n -n . xcli. t in r • in Hi*' p.*sf, Ju<|{*e Norwo.xl r n I* r I * d• m i y. t. r lav upon . re ton for i new trial. In which he also tak-** a • lew of the law contrary o that hell by ;.,:u at the trial. This I Ihe <.*<.* of J- tin A. Gilchrist ag iin.-d Kills. Young A * o The * use has lecn four tiny • it Id in the Fi y Pour I. 1 n H" fir-t thr* trial* Fc Juries found it impossible to agree an 1 mistrial were declared. At the lest trial .i venlirt was rett*l* , r*’*l in favor of ihede f ndant. To the Judgme * ie doted upon h.s v.rdh t the plaintiff • x | c*i ad made a mo*lon (or anew t ial, ii -bn.; If u;ui all* ge*l errors t omml td y • • ourt in the charge to the Jury. fJllchrl-t sued the defendants for Mmxj, cjalmcd to be *lne him as th‘ p’oeetd* of three draft' rent lo the d*fen lanta f**- ioileettam. At or about th t*ne t.e drafts wre sen?, ihe firm of M *Qu n A i’o., tu: |* ntin< ojmu<*i>; * ard ai o cum tim ers of tb* F * vannah i.o*je, itairiit iel Kills, Young A Fo f* !> .*•* ■ th* tr. •*!* of the <5l *<'!*F * drafts f o thil net L In cleft ns** of the plalntllF* i loim It w *• •rgued on Ih half f the defr-ndants 11: ; Gilehrlrt intd lest )us right to sue It* tw differ**m ways, first, that ns one of th 1 ■daft:* had bten sent t'nrotrgh McQu**n A Cos., he was charg'd with notice of the n* plication the.! was to Ii * made of flic proceeds and, -• ond, that through an in • I'di* ii *f t **c Ik oks o? Mc # ~un*en ACo which he wns In a p dtlotr to nuike. h **oild have advi *1 httfiself of the anuli iat oil and was. then fore, charged with notice. The defendants further claimed to have written Gllrhrtal a letter In which all of th* -e mattery were set forth, bu. this he denied ever having rec*‘ved. KHI- Young A- Cos. hud applied the proceeds t > h* accMtini of M yiw u A Fo and h and h< • ‘leprlvcd th*in * I * * of an opportmi lty io get i; in- k Thev naturally objected t - j paying |t again. (H *htl*t, just “ nat• orally, objected to having his money pay ■omc or** el* 's deb*. The trbi!> of the erase proved long and • omewhat 11r* * -ar.d there were crim ination* arxi t*’crtmlnations galore. pa>s* ir-.; th-'wi eti th plaintiff and tlu* mem .—s of th*- firm cf McQueen A* Fo. Di his or*>r granting anew trial. Jud Ne rwod sa>>. t*n a review of the i •lence at:d the Jaw In this case, I .rn con vinced that my charge a* to the degree of diligence required of Gilchrist was t*>* >trorg against him and 1, therefore here by set a.sid** the verdict and order anew trial.” • 'OI (HIT Till* %llHK.vriMi OKKIC KII. Other ( a*' * Heard f•• llceorder’a totiri Nfi*rde\. Patrolman li<*st hid a most exc|tcg time > ■ • r*l. jr nomlng wi l* Jam* 1 .- Da.* otherwise kn .wn ns *• possum.*’ whom he arrestr*! * n the -barge of bring drunk and disorderly. Days objected m*\*t decidedly to being sent Ir* and fought the officer un til he had vi* a rig stripped him of hi* uni form ID* was finally overcome, and sent to the barrack*. In the lire r era Court fie w.i* |’>vui a S'Ti cii’* of ti* or thirty day*. The K* carder h r 1 yesterday also the is . of C yD (hand • ■. the youngster that was ai mated the dav ivfjte tor cutdng negro l>oy at th* Gentry Show ground* < handler was disrni *d. • ’:*jrD* - I' rrii tie cej *-* and hackntar charged with taring drunk and disorderly, and with wearing a ha* kman’s tatdg. , c> which the di had I * #* a I *.e<d* Intent to defrmid ibe city. w 4 given to option cf raying 13. or spending five days In (He |o< k-v;> j ICcna lleatd, rolored. arresteo by D tec live J. J Murphy on the <harg*- of robbing a white man. A J Bfark. of wax remarWkd to the City Court. Fashions and '^Fabrics. There are 14 journals devoted almost wholly to fashions for boys' wear. There are sc or s of woolen mills engaged in the manufacture of cloths intended for boys’ clothing. Designers of -tvles for boys are the highest priced m in in the clothing trade. New York is the fashion center of the world for boy s’ wear. Keen good fabrics may not wear well unless the lit of the boy’s garment is scientific —the lines conform to the shape that the greatest strain comes on the re-inforced seam-points. Crescent Clothes for Hoys are the best known make of New York's best known makers —are made o: exclusive fabrics in only the latest fash ions. Many styles, many patterns, and as they are sold only by dealers in theibatter grades of goods, large a-s >rtments are carried. CANE. M.CiIT’HBY * CO., Makers. •y— aiv V II \- ~rM ■ • N.-w York A I* ' ’ i ii ?‘T ‘‘H *i * a inii'h •h a it t>* r** I pur no and i:b i* *i *? > i.i -.v J < ar*l t< (i on all nJk* ticket. B. H. Levy & Bro. SOLE AGENTS. OLASSIPIEJ AuVcill!Sti£NfS. mt903.1L “HI LI. HAZOKH" * \l Br. HHAHP talk; avoid t*oth by havnig t*u gtouiul hontul. M - l ail iiMi'l- la ihav ilk.' new, by th* oM • x;erlt n * I JS Ei 1 lirk'Ugiiioii. Ifaif. JvWrltJ h 1 Bhavin r : Buppi.' lloun *to pi for !!•• razor . i*(ropH and xhavlng outfits, b:: nr . imlrri for s*a!* or r* nt, bariw-r nhops I uought .*nl t'ld. MOHPHINK. ul'll’.M I.ACIiANI'M I iXH'Ouin** habit; m> •if * urr l wl.I inform i am of ii rniio •, ii i•• <*ui I .vi r> 8 Labi win. Hov Chi i NOTH'B-l>B. L A SMITH II AH UK niuted hut *1 uiul ofll. • front -’l* Hu I *l to 104 ogbihorpv xvc. c txi. over Knights <lrug store. 18 YUI K IRON BAKK riUK-PfIOOF 8 lTt Fre n in h*%* a 'landing o*i* if H.uuo for ♦*' ry afy of ih ir make* that | loex not c ■n?e?iti* ihu- -of j win* in burnivg <;• i 111 hour* Wh.*i ! iik ut • h** ‘i - "It it* turtu* I **n I it. When of *ti*'i, not i * -• vv is (iixeoi > r**l. not i >ui >t, nut . ltilai tl* - nt roved. If you wont <irity, buy a ! Btiffel A I’re in in afe i’ I*. Miller, Yen Wild. LIKE TilK MILK FROM j BprlngliclU Datiy, it’ rich aud pure, try j it. FI RM I I RK MAT j ir'*Fc reimviil'd. Ant <j i* furniture r* (xtollxhcrt. fun.i? • t l ihipp( 1 in { rut manu r H*n*i in** yor order* C ! l* Miller, ag.*ttl. lUINW FLOCK. M'*tl‘\|i lIAAi 0 i*nve oivkr with K. Moyle. 10 Hroughton Xtreet. va# . or 111 i 'ark avuiuc, ia><(. I. (irti'incr. ivent IF IT.S it Iff IS YOU WANT. YOU CAN l?( them vti< ijwr Lorn McGill!*. SPECIAL AN* UNLIMITED SUPPLY | r f nice v.dM w oek rx; lutln a' xixe, at S2. i j W. Tmpl*. I AM Now liO' ATEF AT .11 AVBST lir** Ighlon; lilt.* .!* IIW if VHI 'an* (•• i hav* your furrl ur ■ m v*l or p i k* and for I rhlptneti* or 111 >:• I ( 1 irante* prl* e* I th* ram* ii*' i •* tn*' work that’* given lio rn- VH. G•.HI* .Hi Hr-. nn dr*Xl. I wet, ittaiirrmni made to order. 1111.1. Kit'S .-'ioVKIS AND RANOKrt I *dv r.itidtclli n Ti i M igt . I", Econo |ni l \VaMrf, King. did other g*od make* a i • nabi- i*rli J i llrough ton, wot Ki:NHINOTON~rAItM MILK IS UN rurpaxx l for richm a.dcU* ry U per* ' f ct; phone. BE Ii MII.LLi: I Lit oVl’P’i; DESKS, i of]lea table*, * ill e Ing < fliee 2V7 Broughton, tv .-a. WHEN* YOU SEE M GILLIS HlXTY tnch W e#ntx rugs, you will buy them Juft can't he ip it. will sell In any quan tity. I*uif I LOI; ere. piantx Ctf)*l liuli from O' ie-'hig x I rsuriMry; have order* with E. Moyle. j Broughton xtr*’t, eaxt. J. Oardm i, ; kg* .* ••rritNITUHE Mu* K!* WITH CARID.” :* • *rK*i luity with M wl.nx “"MILLER’S NEW STYLES IN CAR petx. mat .mr-, I * 1 >im , w.txl •**■ *hadk** etc. All w fl* ''one . flat- H ow:M ... • - SEB THE JEW El, STOVES AND J rnitg**** for eat# by J. W. Teepla; also I ignt for Insurance ; i**o. n* Move M'OILLIff IS CIIKAP ON RUGS. NETS, loro curtalnx. hummock*. •ara*er cooler*, pillow*, picture*, glove*, hr-droom xultex. and furniture of every de*cri|4ian. *|MI BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they Lirjp a-vortment of roekerx, dlvmix an . * a / * ]•.!: . C. I* Miller, agent KENSINGTON FARM IS ON’ AN elevation In ihe routvry *r* from city •Iralnag* lfrip''xib • r mi k to i • oid - ontamlnalf by I• ! are t . , if you I w tnt pure Jersey milk, phon M 45 l)e --j livery prompt; satisfaction *u a ran teed. MGn.uis moves, packs. iHirn and Mure* piano* r*l f*irnltur'*. work noly; no •*Ch*'ap-wolin , ‘ prices—no "Cheap* John" Job*. sl.o* FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS w lie th* y :►!. c P MHIe vgent. M OTI.UB* LACK CURTAINS WILL teautif> your j .irior. | $: .0 FOR ART HQI'ARES WHILE they last. Rig as- ltm nt. all gradea of art rqii iie-. mgs, mat;'*, porMerti C. I*, j Miller, a?*nt M'GILLIS SELI> SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Fmyriai pat tern*—for W rent*. tfUHCAL DO YOU STUTTER. IE HO, WRITE ; f>r G. \V. Hand dph w? rne*- Albemafl j Hotel, Columbia. H *. If- wKI b* ill Hu | vanr.uh, Ga , Nv. j to V* M' 1* *is th** i mare. HOW AKE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling \e , cut on • iid I ; win you relief; I■ n ■ Ingrowing , nail*, corn* am’. *i! • *#a v ei of the f#et without puin; clinri s r i ran give the best reference* *n the - ity; pa* it**nia treat' and nt re- 1 i r • ~ orders run 1 te left * 1.1 vim:-ton’* U sto-e, nitt and Comrre** telephone 293. lem De"'** *ie*reoe eh(ronodb f help w a\ i 4mO*ii ih:. ] t ii. N. (*. Flyr t liulMirig and Cor.struc i Lon Company WANTED, A GOOD OYHTBRMXSf, ! .mo foot in *t:ib oy xter*. ix*van’x Calc, < Ail Congrexs tret, w cat. ID l.* %Y %NTKIX— VI %|.K. W A NTI D. A YOUNG MAS WITH EX (• ‘ * in < r<. k.-rv .ifid kl'-vui. and > • kti>wbiu> .f picture framing, atate cx ,r ** * I liry ttox PI. Wnycrox*. L \\TK! riRST-i*LASS CHAT MAK •■( mi.:* maker*. G Fail Uni. WANTED AN ENERGETIC MAN TO • S i\.m.i !i. g(Mirl pay (o t invii; tnuei giv. surety bond, and ij< in taxh. Addrese N’uiional, care ian of sr icputatUiii tn *- i comity to reprexent • l* po-ition constant; oalary 4TH ncni . .*i til cxpcii** xiatc refer ltd *-!i- >-if-O'bil • "h*l el.imp *d •Ii V .**J - Rrc*ldent, J7O Cxxfon bulbl inr. Chicago. \V ANTE* * M)K I ' ■ ' S'**, ,T M •r. drugclMt. laundry machinist, bak •*t l4 bricklayers, mill man. tie rlionperx, i* and pi m* I'k chofiperx. sawyer*, •c ••- i.nker- Huber. 317 Went Hay. la kxonvllle. HELP WAXTKM-frBMALiL WANTED WHITE ■ •■*ki i and general b>u%work. (brmin i'* f*’ rr ‘ and Apply 2lfl' lliitl street, near Seventh turret. v -UNTED an kxreribncrd • lad> Apply to J Cahen, lIH llrough tun, rnt. WAXTKD <2IHI M Ti HKI.I’ ON *■'' Ai.i.l. ai IM Hull Ktr^.i ' ' N'l 1.1 NL AT YODNO rqj/iKHI) >v iiian a in,ml in liurlor's oftii-p; mu. i.rlt .. r.r. i'hil at No, 7 Joiim a. ,i, -i. bMwi.n a. m ami Ip, m. ■ 1NT1.,. \ .SKAT 'and capable n nin Mliimiit .ni tinihraii. .' to ilo Ikiiii.- \ . all '1 k. 11l 1.-. Ill,it " anted, II O r H K K E K P R It H. ■■ i>t' imifraii:ii-r, catiipaliloq., laill..' InaUl-. tun:..., rook*, iaiitiilr.-wr., ..11 • I'haitibartiMld*; nil purt, of Klor- Dun i K mil liporgkt llulr, >l7 Wmii ttav .triTt, Jat'k.oiivlllf. A.K.\ra wastsu AOLNTfi WANTED UKNEKAL AND iiiVn -liH- iki-iiJ. to -fll our nti.r-proof "liar • ufr li<‘ and from.; all ,iy|r-: * 1 *■ *’ ' omnii-- ..ti, Ami rliaii Ittibla-r Col lar Comianv. .t-rltiKn<*M. Ma.- l.tll'Mll lilA r AAITKI). ■ Tl I ATKIN wYNTKTTr^TTutmTTN - AS • "lik • i*r for a lara.- tut |. mini- or ■•* mi l; o|H-rator prrferrMl. Im-.i of rrf'r. ■ MH K> i-ottipetnncjr, c hata. ter, eir. VMn i C I* Da via, i;i*„ Cia, NnlilEl HAVTKb. WANTED. rritNIHUBD 1101 SK |iy *i n', iin . in; no on), tlon to boarilln, lamlly. Hiraiufor., Hwa. w IM lili-HIM;ou. IF’ YiII WANT IMKJjb mTIkTTJbtTt K in S|. fniiltlU Dalrj. It'a ricli, puro and liuk iom*. CASH I' Vll ROR <IiHD SECOND i and .nil .acka. JI2 tt>l Hay .irn-i !l YUI W ANT A l-UCn TO DUMP ,rtn. dirt, .and, nianurv. He., fr*. of el "rn. Ji .l at illy limit*. hauUn* ov.r liaf.l road. wrii. or l.l.phon. Brown "io-.. coin.; A, and Rail Ilraad •tr.rti. *■ 1 foil nearr—rooms. I lit RKNT. it' M IMS, I TItNISIIKD OK m turnlstad, with or without board; Sii York past. V run HAT-IIOUb) l 01l IIK.NT. i iiilmit . AHLE IIOI.'HR. No 21. Vv lidburd .ireot, ra.t, brlwvrn Al.reorn ai I Idncoln, flr.l-rli.* order and condition; every ronveolenc. Rlglil r< tit to rlvht tenant Ratal. H Kom.m Coiien. Weal Btoad aid Hmuahlon .treofs, I ■'-Si ItAHI,t: RKSIDRVr'K; AU. CON vi t. ii e-, .'-rvaf,,.' room* and .table, 1(4 .Ninth .'fret. eai.,i. D. It, lx‘*ler. ' KOII hi: NT. DKS IK ABLE DWELL! Ntj with ali modern Improvement.; In aood r. ft i Ir. 30k June - eaat. Kolloch & firrev m. KOII BENT, 17 DI'KFY STREET, i. .. - .on at otu-e. Apply Oeor,. L. i.armany, n,<nl. 10 ilryon strmt, ra.t, run —vi ci hk,. FTTft hToiTi; HOUTUWEBT ■ orn r W hitaker and I. ie riy aireata. Ap pt i* rry atrial, west. 'Tin HI NT. STORK, It, IIROCOH t',I .tr,. not; |wt!un Immedl.taly j o . evoral .I*l ablo' a and Rata. Apply A. Wylly, 13 Bryan atraot. #.*t ROM lieST-kIICIUAMCOtII. I 'IK RENT. TWO nTcE hTILM •• Market; rent .-cry cheap. \l J j Doyle. M irk-1 aquare. I.AIHii: WAIIUHOCHK AND OKKB'R tm •-v .. . upled by tho Sivannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. 11. I*. Smart. KOIUTIO3AL. TU CITY Twi pty per rent, dlaeouftl to clly ► ■ .htsa. If emer roon. No money r*- qutted In advance. Not mitl.tled quit anil no pny. Draughon'a I‘raetleal Bualnaaa College, odd Kellow. Hall, corner liar iu rd and State atresia. RON Ml.le-HKAI. ESTATE. *wnf aches VIRoTn pin. Imid-altertMte norllon,; will rut M bose. to the acre, I>, mile, from good river transportation, daily ateamboat. term, ca-h Allvert W. Otichrtat. Puntn ilorda, Rla. 'MJIdiT <IIVK AWAY RI.RVEN sore* near rlty to quick buyer. Savan natl Real Ratal. Rschnnge. kok male, a" Lot run two hun dred dollar*, ea.y lerma. on Ninth a treat, near Eaat Broad, no city taxation. C. H. Domett. roS BALE. V&n ON NINTH. NEAR Exit Broad, at sSne each; wtl! uon be advan ed to IS; when a lot haa been paid for I can arrange to get a bon, built. C II Doraett. rOR SALE. LOTH ON NINTH STREET near Ea.i Broad; nn city taxee. at RtW each; twenty It* dollar* caah and eeay monthly paymente. C. H. Doraott. "R'iBIDENCEH AND BTTLDINO IjOTS for aai. all over the city. Robert H. Tatem. real eatato dealer. No. 7 York afreet west. ‘ROR SALE OR RENT. WACHR farm with hour., amt our building*; ;n good condition. Aiqhv 57s Stewart .treat. FOR SALE. TIIOSIS LOTH ON NINTH etreel. near Ea.t Broad, have only been •old to nret-claaa port lee. CKo will make good neighbor*, and non* other can buy. The term, ar# vary eaay. and they era cheaper than any other tn the vicinity. C. H. Doreett. roil ■AIdP-MlllhajLAhMlUS. "St IV RK M 7 Til KlhTlh fir II when your favorite renvdy fella, at 23 bottle .t ided to a gill of honey make, a splendid mixiure for Infant, and hltdren “benzoin balm makes tiik BKW like velvet, for enle by drugglet or al Hen ry .uni Aliereorti l’rr*- Drug Store., Whitaker and IMylor .treetr - l oan POI NDS SMOKED BERK AT Ie prr pound, very rvlee beef. M. J, Doyle. "for half: two very kimf: cow, mu*t be eobl at on.e, M. J. Doyle, Mar ket equare tor sm.e: mcIST - laKSe .mouth mule, ar.d Man.- ,-heap mule* and horaeav Savannah Swh< amt Boarding Stable*. ItCOOY ail ADC ART AND IIAR NEW* cheap Savanivwli Sale and Roardtng Stable*. TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR • ale, U crop, hr-l year 1.0xe,; UOOr , r# round tlnrber at R fin per iiere; t) t>er thousand tmxr. for t(rnt; plenty ot Umber to Ie- got. hi Sve Hide, of ral.- road; will aive po.rua.lon now or at end of ,ea*on Addreaa Round Tlmb-r. * a'o Morning New*. EIRE PROOF HAKES W E CARRY A line line of Are proof anfet* In Mock nt *ll lime The irartlr. can .ee exactly wrvat they are getting Our prior* ore a. low an manufacturer, trell It. with ftrlgn ridd ed Partle. Intereyieri, who Uriah a g0.v.1 Are proof xafe. will do well to inape.r our .fork IJupnian 1tr0,.. I.lppmm bio. k. ugente lor mnniifacturer.. ■PR TN Cl FIELD DAIRY is noted for having rich, pure milk; try It; you will be plea red KRONTINO PARK, A DF7SIRABLR room, well furnl.hed, with hoard. FYr I arilcular*. Addre “I'orayth.” Morning New FI RNIiHRD ICm'MS. W ITH BOARD; alao table tavardera. 11* liberty atreet, ea.t. *.!*' ' ' pm win MODERN PLUMBING. IT WHO. HE to your tntereat to let m* give you an ea- I titivate on your plumbing, new or old work, repair work a apeclahy, aa 1 am a practical plumber. No gue, work to endanger your life. Wlggbtr. phone fVt, Georgia or Hell Mint KI.M3IWVI. ~ca!Tl IT you are going lo move, alilfi o eior* fur niture; Hell phone 1124. HAVE Yol K HOUSE PAINTED with German ready trilled palm; entire sail.fa. Hon guaranteed. Adama Paint Company. “hanitahy PI.KMItING GAS and clenm Attlng; only experienced men em ployed; nllow lit to give you a figure on your work A C. Price A Uo.. Stata on-f J. Aeraon atreela, ptionea, Ed. "WANTED, ONE THOUSAND HUN" gry people at Ihe Southern Grocery Com* pany, 114 Hatnard alreet. “PERRY A BENTON WILL HKNCL vile your old ni.itlrraaea ami furniture, make good ax new. at very llttln coat. WE HKI.I. SEWER PIPE. F'LUB pipe, Ar* clay, Ar* brick al lowe.l price*. Adama Paint Company, 104 Congreaa. wet. “MOHR THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every rhillar of your hard-eorn.d bard caah al the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard alreet. PHONE <Ol HELL OR GEORGIA; AND lei ii. dlaconneci and connect your range, repalra of any make furnlnhed for your tove or range; extveri workmen only em ployed; can flgure very clomx A. C. Prtce A Cos.. Slate and Jefferwvn alreet*. “PERRY A BENTON USE SPECIAL cate In moving, .hlptvlng and atorlng furniture: ’phone 1134. “gypsinf: is the best wall fin^ l,h made Adam. Palm Cos.. Savannah agent*. IM Congreaa. weet. PERFECT GAS MANTLES; 10r- 15c 35c and XV■ each; all guaranteed g a * lamp, the very Inte.t make*, put 0p in your ofllce. .lore or re.ktetv.-e; only 77 cent*; If your old ga. burner, need re pairing and overhauling, telephone, (fig Georgia or Bell, and we will >lo the rest. A. C. Price A Cos.. Slate ond Jefferoon atreet* "REDUCE TOUR LIVING EXPENSES hy Inve.tlng vour hard-earned hard caah with the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard atreet Norwood's "Satire” For sale at all News Stands io Savanna!). rnoroHAU wastko. office. Bt. Augusttno. Fla., Kept. IS, ISOO, Healed propooala. in duplicate, for xupplying material for. arsft hmkllng steel frameal tower, with shelter for It-inge simJ Position Finder, t Ky West. Fla., will be received here until Oct 22. IYO. nnd then publicly 'q>ened. Information furnished on application. Thoe H Rees, CapL. Kngrs. OF QUARTEII.M \ ti:r Tort F'r inont. S. r. Out I. IM. s ,il*A propoivil,. In ’rtrlli'ale. will he received here until 13 noon. tel. 32. IW. for ron etrui ting two frame building* Envelope* containing pruponiil* ahniSd be marked "Proponil* for Uon *1 met loo." ad.lree.eA Stanley D Embtck. Q. M Information furnl.hed on appllrotlqn. CITY UF ■AVAANAH POCKET MAP. 30 CENTS EACH. PRINTED IN TWO COLORS. NICELY OCND IN CLOTH AND 4TANPKI) IN QOlil ON SIDE, Foe Sale by THE MORNING KEWI 3