The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 20, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 jjitjr jllofnins MumliJj >e. k . Mine Imiaiiimh kit. • ATI 111)0. H Ttilll.ll an, twin. hn.iuinl ill the Vt nOtre 111 Sa . .i.aii. Vha UUHNINU M.WS ie published every Jay in luo yur, d ir>cil to ev.becribrr* in Hie cay, v.r i ' i liy roan, •i ivc a mouth. }• uv u r *U month*, end M tk lor one ar. The MOIIM.SU Nmv.k, by mall, ala tithe. e i k i; at Sunday ia.ei, kiiree month*, t- . ** BMtuka ht, one year J*. tv. The tVJIEKI.T NEWS, 3 lieuie* a week, j Monday aid Thu- -'ey, by mo.I, one year. M tv. Subscription* iwyable In advance. He mil by 011 hr. check or rcKb-lered I*tier v'utr.ncy een'. by mall at in-k oi evuder* Tiui nt advancements, olhtr than rpt.iai column, local or reading not.i-i-s amuMioente and chtap or aant rolumn. tg Cent. u line. Kuar.een tinea ot an te type-equal io one tn-h miiiar* In ilepili— ! the ttaniLnrd of m . n-iiu nt. Contract rote* and tint ini.le known kin apple v iiloo at bua.i i otln a, orders tor delivery of the MORNINGS Nerve to ettln r> Ui < v or pin- e of | buaineee n .iy li rode by pot*l ard nr j liiruugli kelepl . lit NT, :ta Any |rrru!ar- j ay In delivery atrnilil be Immediately re ported to tin otli.e if publndUan, Matter* ii ryntyn *lioutd * i dreaaed "MuK.SINU .NEWS." Havannifi. Ga ESRTEtIN OFFICE. £3 Park Itnw. New Vork clly, II C Faulkner, Manager. INDLX 1U MW ADVtIiUSKMLNTS. MeMr *>* fkiviir i *h 1 I :Mr!al kj, W. \V. iNhorn** Club. **!>• a| Not!' r Ufu umatl m Cur* 4 t y fluw.w* Spcti* r; Il i t * Abolish the j ry In the City Court * f Sa vannah. Now flood Just Arrived. Iry ton (rtry (’omi any; !‘ii *\l i I? r\ John Funk, Tr • liourbf.s at Ch*r r, liter Flekl I-irrib. at (iirdtier'e; H*u- * i , fit Jcycr'a; Ship Not I*. VV. VV. Wlh n. conai|tn< ; Ship Nolle . JVirhad & t 0., intereiting Hrmi, s- oit a* Ibva. Buftit;< y • N *ti *■•*• -Show On??*. ll* nry f*oloin<>n Sr Son; A nr* You TMnkU>? II n*- r A YanKi iren; Iliee, th ? W. \Y. Fran h Company. FavhitHi and Fahrl n li. 11. I-* vy A Tiro. A vF*‘“Mon~Th© Xletiopilltao ClotUtui Com j any. Bef< * You Buy Your Fa'l BjU—B. II Levy Sc Bro. Manhattati Shirt*—B. 11. Levy A Bro, Nulj* Coat um Cereal Cof? ©. *h< rool * OJti Virginia Cheroot. , Aliii*. * 1 i vh I'-rt wi!. Avo ditkw. Miner*l Water—Arornlack Saratoga Wa ter. \\*h!k'v PtifYCji I* re Mill Wht-key; Yellow Label Whiskey. M**i!cal—l>r. Wi.hama* Fink Fill*; !ioo<i‘a* ip ir.lU; l>r. Hathaway Cos ; WorM'i Dbpvnti.y Fref amt Iona; Ayai'a Ciierry IN toral; Tu*C Fflla. Ch* up Column A lv** cs. m* nt*—Help Wantcii; Krnployment W interl, For Ken ; For Sale; lVfurmal; Mbeelianeoui. flip Wrlh*P. The Indications for Georgia to-day are | for lair weather, with fr ah to bfiik ; ■forth* i>(• rly w i •!•*, tin.l for Fa- *ru 1 Florida oc*m* onl tains, with fresh north easterly wind*. A young tytmuiii in New York has brok en the o>?> mile* record on a bTycle, and ha* ‘ fir- ! < n tt' • <• r t r> •■<\ r. i ■ . r'h** in shortly to be married. There Is no in formal ion ii to whether she knows how to darn a lw*le In a sock r to make a Hire, light omelette. I As Bryan appr.ia lied New York cltv j the cm)ds In the betting against him In ert ti!**d; as ho Rets further away they de crease. The circumstance rectus to Indi- ite that thrr. w*rc *ome M Kb it y ha- k ers who were putting up a monumental biuff when the Democratic candidate was in the metropolis. The American authorities will not be sbiif to plume themselves upon banish ing yellow fever from 1 In. ana It seem* that the disease Is just about ns bad there as it ever was. Mennwhile a good sic •wing has been made at Honttago. Heretofore that city ha* teen regarded ii one of the worst yellow fever bob ■ in the world. During the rummer Jmt past, and up to the pre~nt time. It his been excep tionally healthy. It may l=* that when Havana's drainage s> *1 m hn* been com pleted that city will !• ime healthy also. It is said that the r'ldy of Mayor Van VVyck of New York to he charg--* again** him In cwu < <ilon with the J-e trust is so hot that the (Jovemor is afraid to han dle it l*f*ie the * '*Ttloi>. This Is fillegi**l to be the reason that be is paying no at tention to the d* imr K that are bong mult i>[ion Mm to t K* up the charg*-* and and mbs .Mr. Van Wyck from the of fice of mayor. It ► m that Mr. Van Wyrk come* ha k iv < •• Republican por’y in a way that would ! n that party's char. * h for tu■■■■:* if Ids reply were to get into live n*-v pu- • rs. Hoh* nlohe gets out of the Kaiser's offi cial hotise’.ci i !•<■ itiso ht is old and £an iot, or will r.*i pt th< i • w id is of his imperial m *• r. Htsmarek cot out for ii similar r* * mi. T on the aide of rnr *m. T i- Km**oror la ar * Ii , nrtvl I* Impu'slv' to a m rk- 1 degree. There is ro danger, however, Sat Germany will rush head Jon;,* Into dan: r bpcsMe Hohenlohe is no longer the ch-ui cellor. William is still surrounded by a coterie of long-h* drd, astute s*.|temen whose Influence will be sufficient i > r< - strain hi* ImpcMio-ity. It Is understood ihat the American Hoard of Naval Construction will r com mend to ti rotary Loiir, ami that be In turn will re* mtnend to Congress, that the fncrcaa* in the German n ivy bo taken ns the bus * upon which to calmlatc the lucreast- which ought to be mid- lit the United States Na y. In other words, it Ift deal rod that vt Shall have a navy as great and as strong *ir t u of Germany. Germany fnn emr. r*. The t ,!j.-y of th it country I* Imperial!* tie. 1< • *.k* coionie* •ad the subjugat. n of alien nu- it n or der to control territory. If we ak< Ger many for a model in naval matters, how long will it be before we will have to reach up to the ct.mdard oi France,-and tttiaUjr ul England? Mil. Mitt \> %\l> IIIH C ltlTlt a. Mr. J'ryan’a *peeoh*o In New York are •; . f *at*fa, tion to t * It*pu?,lU • ns. And yet they are irnl!.r to 1 ’ * j** ** <u - that lie delivered in the W*j*t. tho ] pub! 11 iim • foi t vci„ir of N* w York and tint inarm of the Republican cam; *L*n |n that Male, - • that Mr. Jiryan taikl Fto lin *e W* *i, n. t ij hr* r* fu- - to nay ni> ti( eliver li* New York. Ik tot Mr u b 1 mi-mkcn ? We have follow'd Mr Nry.ii) e'hes pretry el* • y, aid it ■h m* to us that, **e pt on *me <h two *■ ioir**, he t.ta had to ly about .'-Uv**r *tnce tie nimiviian Ik-if an. Mr. Craker, In *p iking of the great IJry in meitlngs in New York City. e-iM tha .t * 1 *- , Mr if \m, •! 1u ti# 1 lion silver it tho?* m* • t!i- was In? ruo nliyer hud lrn Jniin.ited a* n isue tr m 'he imp,‘gn. ft in douhth < true • that Air. Jirytut * IU. 40 that th* own* in arr .' iR* r from trueta than a in il • goal etambtid. lb , . 1.4 not it 11 log silver th? I\* paMi* .r p !*♦ 1 s.•• 11 r g that h* t :n r••. . and th it he |* trying to r**en .1- | i. v by clc**lvlri'4 the poop.** hut that If *l* *d b* a..hi.| end* ivor to • I *•! • ins i.* iw In f* ,*• to ailv* r even if h< i .i-l t* violate the goal stand ard law to do AO. That this sort of criticism Is unjust 1 •-1 f no ltMiht. Mr. P.rycin has not chat hi- vlhv* In re-jM.t to aliver. but S- . > rtain that ; • wmtld not un* •krtal* • for e hi.i m rer vi w 011 th* •oiintry by *tny hat legitinutte means. He ia not talking shout siller tie* nuso bis pan made imperialism the leading in<l ho H of tho opinion that at ink- time tb> trup i -tie ia of more it|ort.cnco than the stiver iwu<-, Senator .lone-*. C ia.irnin of the Democratic National C rnmittee, hits deni* and tho statement "hr a th* Kepuhibnn pup*TS nr© ctrctl- I•■ ii irn,v. that Mr. i;i>an would violate any inw in to # • ur ■ the t<f,.ptu>n of lih silver vs u. Mr. Bryan D • entlally laiv al>!* nr in. Il ha not l>een -n very long sine© th** it* l-ii dl' fifi paper - nnd stump sje'ukera u uylf'g * at M . P.rvan wi 11 •!,- rero'.is man to hive at the heal of the government her:* tie© he was so hornet t?t h© wouhl carry out hi silver p;i v L,. ail** * of hln platform pledge even If h party tv*re against silver. Now they er raying that he i* dishonest be* au© he m * i.*.t tit-vole n i***rt!on tf his S|e*‘ehes • silver, not wlthf* tint ling the fact that (♦• parry has made imperialism the Y*ur mount isue. Ar**l If he himself has come to the con c.ltishm that the sliver Issue |s mil eo ImportiMi! as the truat Issue It woull nor be v* ry wonderful. It has not been a gfat while since Mr Yl* Klnlev was tin advocate of the free coinage of silver. He did not t ike a stand against si v r until h* i" Ime convinced that a major ity of the |MOph* would never vote for free silver coinage. As far as the silver *P : * •’>> |r oi erned. thr-n fori’, Mr. Pry fiu hue a lartter word than Mr. \l* Kln lev. The truth D th** ItepuMican mm* palgn managers, failing to le-en Mr. ltryan's popularity by fair means, are re sorting to m* in* that are not fair. rir. him i tit*it \ i\ii stiii %i* c4Ni \ i:\tion. In an © ©tmimetina on th© atv ! proarhina m©#tlni>r of th© Houth©rn Indus tr 1 il ronvrntionat Now Or lean* th© Phll •*<le!fhtti Tim* a ©ay*: "Th© Houth I * to day tho mod inviting field of th© world ■ for lnritlmuto rmploym©nt of loth capital j and latKir." Further along in th© ©am© , article attention I* called to th© fact flt lh©r* l* n va*t amount of surplus capital in th© North, particularly In Philadelphia, ! aeeklnir opportunities for profitable tn vestmant. Within th© I;at year or two a srr©at deal of Northern capita! ha* been Invented in j th© Houth. In North Carolina many hun dred* of thou*an<l* of and dlarn lvivo been put In a’dk, cotton and tobacco facioriea. j And there are evidence* that th© nmount | of Northern capital that will 1© Inverted | in Bout Fur n ©rtterpri*©* In th© next few year* will b© v* ry much irrrftier than that j which hn* already been Invented. Hut tlw Booth must not d©p©n*l upon Northern capital to open her mine* and build factories for her. Hh© must depend upon h*r-*!f. Bhc l* Juj<t bejrlnninir to j accumulate th© surplus wealth that I* necessary fr th© proper development cf her resource*. year her cotton crop brought pii.wnxw) mor© thin th© crop of the previous year, end there is no doubt that th© crop of this year will brlhjr many of dollar* mor© than lh© crop of las* year. And th© cotton seed crop h becoming more valuable every' year. The South H f*t Rettinir In a positton where ••he will he ntda to do a vast amount of factory building without any assistance from th© North. Indeed, th© (rreater part I of th© money th' I* now b©in put into factories In the ftouth 1* furnished by Southern men. • What th© South needs at thl* time I* a 4r ; In luri-il development. Her p*-4|>;© must i h mad to realize that there is arent and al more money in th© lom; run m co.fon factories than In cotton future*. It I* a safe statement tbn* sine© th© Fivll War th© South has lost on cotton future* | money enough to build n number of fac tor*© * sufic ent to turn th- u lioh of the cotton crop inter fabrics Tli© Industrial eonv©nll<j. a which are be ( Intr held in v irou* part**of th- B u:h are , pro*! ictiv© of a deni of good. Th .trr t;*f i' .* ? i a • l*r of ih* jo en'erprt*©* an l nr© Dcp ring them to r-■ •>■, greater eff**cs iilor ; th© line of Industrial progress. Th© Fil’d annual m*©llrg of the Booth • l i , 't i! • **. , nttofi wi ' f : !d |© New r ! - -.ns. beginning on It ,md ending on I*c i Kxtraordiimry effort* •are lndng read© to attract n large atietut ance. It h rape !©d that men from nil ! urt of the South will I>© pres ent In !a l Ih© Invitation will p t b© < ©ontintd to the Houth. Bubfeet* in which H\|‘ Hmh H profoundly nerst*d will Ih' conHilerel, If th© a't©ndne© Is what It js hop* and it will Im* the effect uf t!* con vention will b *• ©H < th< South i great h >ei In thi direct i auf dust rial enter prise*. It is a*< rtf*l that IT ‘idem Kruger will ; land nt Mere* Lb** M- w * i< :n th© Trnvnul, and that • © ail! :*'v© him I Jtlnt *rni a Wi 'anu 4* * ;.;i, Fran © •* ! ilk© to pr* .©■ t v. ir l r Houth A fit-a ulir.ply fit the purp * of annoying Kngland, hut It I** dan:, fut if -he will do anything in ft .it dir* non • x j cept to ray ono • ncouraga.g wuids to ( the Trun vHni l*r; wUnL the MOIiMNG NEWS: SATURDAY.’ OCTOBER 20. 10,10. %\ i:\IT.IUI Mi ll YBKOKII* No letter #vld* nr- than is contained In \he Washington *ll wtch whb h wc pub jjj ,11 r.iiy relative to river and bar* I ..r lmprovem ti: 1- n*** bd to eonvln* , voters of the section *f country tributary • ivannah t t e ivannah's harbor ln t* f* t.l reiuire the pi* Hence In th** House f on xperlen* ’*i man from the First c -ngre.-Aiona. District, According to th< • ht* mc.t of i’**l .M i V*n#te, who h < (‘barge of the river and harbor division of the engineer - re*, the Savannah harbor improvement i* ,- .n to b* given special attention at the li- xt i'*n of Cotsgre ! Col. Mackenzie i <*f the opinion that pr -vi-ion wlli t m;• in tli* river and harbor Mil, w h it D hop**! will be p.j:. >| bf for** the t’lir ernar holidays, for a channel of tw* ty• ■ ght feet f rocn Si - v.t rah wi. erve* to th*-* *l. But It will r n;re the b. t efforts . f an •iperlfnwl , n l InHu* 1 tl l man to g*™t an Sfiprowit- I lion f*r Sawin* il*' harbor sufficient to give her 1* tw* nt .-t ight-foot ehannel. And it i l.y 1* m< 1 *t in that th* river • til Larb*r b! * ail be got through oh soon - Col. M i kensle thirik* It can If an appropria?:**n shoubl be obtained from ; this Congr- *> f r Savannah's harbor, other apt r pr.'itiors woul*l rlvubtless be inl* I ntil i s work we" <orm*.eied ! Therefor© in oxfrerierif *d man will 1m I urgently I,* - I* *1 f *r several y ir* to rep !r* *ll thi'i district in Congress There are f* w if any men In Congress who have as much experience in river an ! : harbor matters as Col. I tester. Ii- has ' * r % *,l on th** river and harbor or*fitnlt * •nt I** tb it -n the cvn,mi*t*e thnt 1 D* m **crat, in *1 Bepubbran Congi***’*, can hold \ point'd *>ut by our correspondent. If the r. xt House slmtiM be | m*< ratio ! Col. Lester would b* th* chairman of the • ommiiteo, 1 r;l the * han s that the next House will la D-tn*** r:<ti* are egceHent. What til city and thb dl-tri**! should <k Is this: Th y should give Col. Lester it majority that woud niik him feel that . hih work nt Washing on Is apfweclaisd. \*,d there no way In which this tp predation * an be shown row il as by n I : majority. A word *,f praise or a letter •f n|*frovl Ih highly pris-*l, but It !•'<•* not hive the same effect on a congress man who Is seeking a re-el* lion as a big ! majority. That Col. I.ester has rendered excellent ! service for this district there Is no doubt. ie has i record of wh < h he h.s reason to Im* froud. He has done his part toward Ms constituents. They should now do theirs by sending him back to Washing ton by n bigger majority than they have ever yet given him TUB tnm H OF F % Ht:. Tt was all n mlriike nlvnif Kbas Howe. Tl© Is not fnmou*. For the hrl©f >i# © of n f©w days, it w*< b©!i©vrd that h© was fa ntoiM. n*| it wa* *o prtn ©d In a!! of V © n©w-paper* of th© T'nlted Biat**-* and Ru mp©; n> famous, |nd*Nd, ihai he w a* wor thy to occupy a p!aee in th© T©mple of Fame of th© Fnlversfty of N©w Y* rk. along with Georg© Washington. Itenjamin Franklin. Thomas Joffereon, B. F H More© and other* of such goodly ©ompanv, Hut it wa nil on error n mi ake of tho i illy ke©|er. llow© had received only for tv-seven vo! * • In th© senate ©f Jd: , whi-rea* h© h ©I !•©• n rrMitel w ith flftv thre©. Fifty -on© h.u n*c© ary t * fame. How© Bih ' I fame hv four vote*. Th gMY#| man is th©’©fo obliged to step back Into the ohdvlon from which t #* Milv k'tjwr** error temporalily r* sum© a I him. Tlds sug." * tlie question, what i fame. anyhow? I* It m -ir v ihe fact f keeping In th© public mind? 1* its bad* the saying or dying something *o k ©; one’s * .f in evidence? If th<* latter, then Lilia** Howe ught *o Is* one the mo t fa mous m©n lh© world his ever prod leal, for no civlllE©d pur-on Is ©\er without present reminders of his genius. From head to foot on© I* a*ways covered with them. He Invent© 1 tlie pew trig m*chin ( -, and wherever shoe*, (loihlng or hats arc worn, th* r© are io be found ih© evidencea of hi* contribution to humin progr *. Kvery stitch that is machine-made is n wlrnesa in hi* behalf. It 1* worthy of re mark. by rh© way. that wh.n How© in vented th© sewing machine ih© people re fused to have anything t 1* with b Tailor* and dressmakers declared it would ruin their htisinrss, and reduce woithy working people to eiorvatlon. Ileiog a la bor-saving machine, they believed It w uld <ieprlvo many honest laborer* cf th Ir mean* of support; nevertheless thouamd* of workers are earning their living by the machine needle to-day where ten* f*rm*r ly gained a llv©Uho.*l with lh • h*n 1 needle. Ho far from proving an evil thing, th© sewing machine lias proved one of th© g contest convenience*, and no tnohrn household is conul ier. and comp ete witnoui one. (’.in fame he smothered luitween th •overs of a volume? In the ryolaj . II i-- o American hlographv K Lt• Howe L* civ n ! full credit foi hia Invention aid love for i > ountry for h© w-i* a sod ler n well a* an Inventor. Hut how many pecans ev r heard of him * How many *f ho © who arn n llvlt::: a? th- sewing in a bin© knosv ■ the n ine* of tl© man who Invent© I p? It Is safe to MV that the per c n :tae i* very i >w. Ft LI KLa* How© w h.n not *e;>a % at or! from the present g t * ration by m Iu g V; 14 cf year.*. When le was h ro th prfstfU c* niury was w. I c.dvance ?, end s h© died sui sequent to th* war Net woo n the state©, 11* wu. in l*r i, com m or.iry with the Inventor **t the • *K'trl t ie i graph, and s*me of the sta!**men and | soldiers s)k#( nomci have g**ne Into th* tli 11 *'f Fim<. ?-•'* *< *• of th©m did more < in h© to Improve * ! meet 1 vordJt cns, liKhteu laho ad all to the sum of human eon ten n nt. K 1 ** Host was a cenius Hi- invent on was one ©f the g.< nest an I in : t Ano ilclal of th© century. Htld he i* not * fa. in *u fur tl i. it ! ■ a k and ou ,v t* in the rctiA ©* f judges of tirn* New York University* Halt *f Fame! Wta a narrow rvargm theta Is b tween fame ' and obscurity! Ferry ll* th Is at*t > claiming for * t’hu muin Hant. t ui I th© Republican par* i ty t! * credit for th© s’tthmetit of the mlf m' s:rlk ; but lie will not be •!>!© tu j pull th© wcol v©r the eye* of the voters ..mor e they miners They know' that they w n i** ausc they Lad the oj orators "on win. ♦ Admiral Pcwcy decline* to say how he will vote in Ih© coming election. "I have I quit talking f*r publication," he told n r* i*ort< r who n*k- dh m th© question. It : t ik* n some pooi*!© a m ghty long lim© to I arn when tt u well to keep tbalr mouths shut* i A Ht. lyvuis dispatch reports that the l*oetmftM©r General 1 order** I • fiat nil of the mail* la* w* *d. up to tk t. in order that basis of pa>menta for tr uiHportatlOft for the ensuing >e.r may b* nrriv*d at. The dispatch go©* on to dill attention to the fa t that tic- malls are ji t now burl*md with an extraordi nary amount .f campaign matter, t *~r*i out umler the bogreaidonal fr inki of of Crmgrrt*, both Democratic n*l It* pub.!- an, and that *ft•*r ih* vlec i lion the w;ght <>t mail cnrrb*! will he materially I• - than it 1* n*w The sug* ! g*- thm Is thrown out that th* malls are ro weighed now in order t: t the "mil lionaire railroad owners may, through ih ir contracts, b© relmhursa *! their {•'if. * y c git r I buttons t* th* K- übli .in i camiaiign fund," If an ord r for n gen ; eral w ghlng of mails* has b*-n jseuad : it his not in c?> made puWk. Btlil It j would s*x m lo 1© in* umlw'ru upon the Postmaster Qetgrai to tak s'm fN notice if this Ht. I/uiift report. If Hie weighing of th© m ills h* b**en ordered, why was tha pr* --iu time, wh'-n tne m* I pu hes •ire fill#*,! with <amt>algn doAimentr* car ri**d free, selected'.* I An tndb atlon of tl,** fact that the war In j Houth Africa D pru< tlcully epib and I- to be . •• r in the reautiipUon of business In that j ~*'tlon of the world. The min* md the raliioads were badly and imag* and luring th** j war, hencs the first (kmai <l Is f<*r ma chinery for thosa Industrie--*. It Is under t#A<l that agents ,ir* already in the Cult# I H ates prepared to contract for h number of loc *rnotlv--. cars. *a* ©| brl'lges. pumps and various in.t hin* ry and tools lo l-e slilpimkl to Houth Africa Immediate ly, to rehabilitate the railway, mines an t j machine shoist ruin* ! or crippled during the liostlllii h The amount of money Iti volved In the contemplated exivnditur* I said to be upwards of? 7 . *•/*>. I. ru • •iitanriiles of mining machinery are al ready on their wy to the Hand district, D Is gratifying to know* that the Fnlt<-d Htni s have been turned to In this emer gency for ma tdr.ery and mij pH* * for S uth Africa. It shows that the world knows where tr* get tho best In the quick est timo and at the most reasonable prices. A congr©** of Spanish-speaking coqn- t tries is soon to Is* held in* Madrid. It F predicted that nearly if not quit© fill of th© Centra! nnd South American republics will b© rfi*r©Mntrl in it. Th© purp •—of Spain, the gn* -*t of the occasion, is to en large her commerce with th© countries which were formerly* lx r subjects, but 1 which have on** after another .ilpp©d from 1 ©r gra*u. Itefng •!* prlved now a moat en tirely of colon till Hpain is turning li r attention more than ever to tra*k*. Since h© nnot drain th© opan tsh-jqwnklng states of America through taxati wi, she l.ojx : to reap profits from tl©m by the mor* 1 commcn.lah’© means of . e'Xiuneru', B|*sln is at ill f*o leased of n great hi!• I rich territory and a versatile (•ctfiulatlon. It Is possible that she may le ©tl© to regain thro ,*, : i comm r uillsm the ■ proud position which she lost tnrough im- \ iM>rialism I Mr K. H. It. Git -r. a prominent Re- ! puh’.hwn politician of Texas and a son of ti * lmm* ns* ly wealthy Hetty Green, b i t !f king In humor. Thera has been a long '"anding di-put© h©i\v.*n two fac enh-i i/, Texas. oii* led bv Air. Green and th© other i l ’ a man nam*l Lym, as to which w is th© regular Rcpo'di. in org in izaiicn of thot statv*. R< ©ently th© Rc pnhli m National Commute© took th*- mmter up an*l *b td©d In favor of th© Lynn faction. Mr. Green at on©© wired Senator llnnna. Chairman of the Repub li an N.iiiongl Committee, ns follows: "Your decision to res-oenix© th© Lvnn far tWn reminds cite of a r* mark whi -h you recently mail© to me in Chicago, namely, that both you and I were foo* to t© In ! ftolltl v. You hav© been kin.l enough to i.*!p rn© out of politics, and whenever I an return th** favor pl*-iif*© ©nil on me." Russia’s declaration of a purpose to act in China more independently than hereto- j for© tends to complicate matters, and to ©mbarras* both Germany and France, t rmnny wishes to make a theatrlca! and tnonsfratlon. witli Count vi n Wolder “©♦ In the center of th© 'tag©, and France 1 vlslu a to keep in line with her Museovit. . Hy, and at the nme tim© h© in a pnwl ton to profit by any ndvantag • which tnay result fr m the •L-monstratlon under i i 'ho German ©omminder-ln-chlef. In the ! me of diplomacy that has for th© tim. j apparently t..k n the plat*© of military j operatl ns. It seem* that Russia :i ! the i’nitad Plates Lav the advantage, an i j'hat the f.vrmor ha given but little con | ridnatlon to the position or wishes of her I Fr-’rch friend. The London A\d*my recently offered a pr.a© for an Inscription to be placed on h© John Hu-kin medallion In Wotmln ! - K t©r abbey. Th© prise has l>ecn won by .1. It. Aa- rson. who übin!ttt and Ihic "He j ’aught us to hold in loving remembrance ! P©r men and th© r work, great m©n and 1 ihelr work, God and II s work." This, It is cloinud. is a ccmj*etc summing up of I Uu-kns Ilf© o’vil works. < I Itltl.M' * V| m;\ | . Commenting o*i th© s*a f © ©nmivilgn in j Kentucky, t;;e I*ouisvill# Courier-Journo I <Hem.) say*: "The most p-t*ntlal reason vhy the eh*<* ion of a itepuillc;tn Gover u r Is ilesire*! ft* tha: he may render It : ißipiMiliip for anyb dy to Im* punished for 1 tlie foul st pditt al assassl’ atlon ev**r iK*rp©trut*d in thl- state !foweu©r, th"* ar late jn.*y **u vocals, there is n*v a , 'uominrn: It* 1 ud ..m In K ntu. ky who o s n t xt*ct that in case of Republican j uc*ess (Very tne accti* *d of the murder 1 f G •Ik I will Le pardoned. Tt is < N-nty ; ii*© I us an a- irii nt In the* counties : w fere the murderers reajfle. Immunity j fictn i tiulshne nt for p dlt.eal crimes is •vetl c iiculrt *1 t mak© assassination a regular el*merit In poltti s. ’/‘his is going , farther than ary parts or any fa *t!on of ! iw*rty has <> ©r a fore g rte In this :< ountry. This ts w hat is meant hv civil i liberty by tho Uviihlictn l .nlers that In- I vented it." I The f. Mowing tribute to ihe Inte Hon ■ William L. \Vtlse is from fh- FhiliJil phla Le-lger. . Journal which opposr| his tsxlltlc il !d* rs: **The lih of Hon. Wll j h m L. \Y|. ti is a nfttttmal L • avem* nt ,He iliuitraut 1 as h member of >2 I rd of the cabinet the ©\> reding va'ti * ** f the solk Ly in a republic as drawn hv Wemlell Chill os in his k'Ctnr* of title. He was one of th© acknowledged < leader* In opppalffou to high protection *nd In th© advt* .y of the He wn* in th van in tl:** movement far • th© r©p *i • f th©- BHerman sliver get, nn I - it was du© !n gr at measure to his ability 1 nnd legdCTShlr C at *h© majority for r*- peal in th© House wq* s©4-©rt**l. He ah , ways hal the courage of his convictions. |lt wa unfot tutiafa for tho country that. tha vicissitudes of rolitleal life retired him j t > hit e holaith pursuits, which were. ! however, entirely congenial to hla tastes j The N* w York World (Dm l say*: "Th©j Republican Cocnmlttaa has put j out as a campaign document the state ment that "nearly S&A<4O.OOO expended for army supplies has gone directly into the j hands of the pr©.u©* rs, th© farmers, stock J mumm, growerh and manufacturer*, him- ; 1 **rm n a* 1 s on. In on.y a little over ft and jm. more spent In thl* miserable | Fhillppina vnr was earned In the sw* at of MiniM tnxpnv rs l row or brain. The • document doe* not ment,on the 5.W* j Aoicrkm live- that have ben "egpandad * in the same inglorious confllcL The Nashville Am* rl an (D©m ) says: "Women "111 v< te f *r l*te.*S<lcnt lit four i* 9 n xt month—Colorado, Flab, Wyo* i ming and MahO—the first time in the iat- I tor, xtioro (H (Hritio con*<>teuon in tho r - fi.rllnn howov.r il ,i.‘Clion m;i> r.o'iit, miio it! itioni ran pul forwami a rlaim io Uto orlKlnai Bryan or Mc- Kinley mn' < nnvMafclna ilir I'.ilnfa. The rer<-nt ac-ounta of the two youns people who e.'Ul I tmt airre. upon th> name to b. riven to tbetr l.tby an.l -epa ralxi on .1 <>unt of tiir (ii.puie, i.rlng,. to mind the I • rkh. uiou, !’ii! mor,- .minr- Imt atory of 111 a opinion en ter [aln-l by two ran>l m tin r. about the f.,„ ,-.t tbair iir-t firan . hlbl. ray* Ihe i C’levelami Plain I*aler. One old l.oly a. a a;, mall, wh! e the . t ier a< Ir. -il P->m Ihe .h r-'S .-f ilie Efnera .1 lle. in# they ha I no Ere it love for a-arh other. Tlie : n-*t time t met on common * round* wo. when the h.ahy came. The lrl*ii, *ho wo* the ni (hrr of the younif mam ma, 1* (h- fu*t t-> arrive uiaon lh.- .. . tv- nr,.l when the German a- .me In t 11, tui . a * u f '-> ■ - * 1 ■ ( i upon tb* lull of r rival Aral now < urn.- aa war <•* e r-1* aero- tit- tineonacloua Infant'* 's trie*, wabbly li 1 • hc.i t "A- u. m-ln "P " cti •! the Herman, "lie ’ t in Iniuci- >f mtne -n, ** while j„ n me other I,and. the lri*h woman con 1, •.,! tiua! "the li-l. JltlWf wa at lii ,fi in **■ *- I. .Me, <O.l 11** h;m. wi.i nicer n I :• --f 1 Herman look lo hi** fa*-, 7I„. .Mi,- :a.-d, until at i-t the <il*- c o'-nn. narr-<--.I iown to ilia- chii.l r an-1 ehin. "You ore one fool,” cried •hel- < Herman. • tie va* a Herman by hi- ehli It I-*t tike mine aon’a ehin 1 - 1 ut ia* n c-c—ach—it i* one disgrace— it X , 1 Ir!*h woman atlffened wltii aw at h. ■ in-had " -he exclaimed, "*htire. It * th n*llfa her aiv Id* face Yea can , l„m I aa if y * wnnt to. If* nlvcr ~. r , ni; .-n in aa-ouel own, but." talih „ -rHii-'i- ant i-i-in • lit the KtraEulin* !„, .~f m: -• alt ai-'e red that graced the . , 1_ • --il I . covered wi t a good 1 1, 1 . ir.i pome <l.l y. an' th’ Herman - ! kli I lo*t. hut th' noe'll po on bein' Iri.'i 1 -h' It <l. an "turn up at tvery fter ir,n rhir r i--it It.” n-l with a trtum / int -'HIT ehe *t Ike.l from ihe mom, 1 1 vine her enemy allenced hut not uh dual- The |utoltiK©nt HrllUh I‘dfr. "Well, bow's the election going this I tuvo ask"! unrr* of mon In day. I almost invariably the answer u. b*-* n th* same in ffct. rays u wrlt’r tn th© London Hally N©w*. • 1 ha nt * ird mu h It," s.ikl on© f.dlow I found digging sand by th© r*** merely putting into his own word* tn© answer of ail the other*, or nearly • Not h©an) much about H? Rut rurelv lit i* tim© \*hi did. Th© polling day i* im--xt Friday, von know." j "Oh. next Friday, eii?" "Y -. 1* xt Fridny. And what r© th© | r..p!© round a I tout h©r© going to vote ,lwmr* \s hit ire they m*a*t Interested tn? Is It th© war. *r cottage*, or temperance. jor what It?" ••I*l. v.. 1 if I knows." said my sunburn: cat©< hum* n. •• k> th©y think about the Aar, ! now?" | som© ©ti ’em think* one thing nn*l ! pome ’on ’em t’other." "I*>v think Mr. 1 Sermon Hodge ll get in?" "Maylx* ’© o>L" And th©n. aft©r a ! "An*l maybe t'other on© ’ool," "Which A yc think has tho beat chance, | now ?" *'|l low ©ft !f I kr©wr " I Anil that h* as fur s you ©an get, on.! If you !*• t know the type you will pro *m|v p.*SD *i vvith th© l.mpr* -sion that I th© fellow I© a dolt, without an Idea in j his head. It would probably l>© a gre f mis:k©. The fact is you ar© 44 stranger, ai I tu* F mu ©it too ciiutk>us an* I 11 slut© to tk- >uq into hi* confidence till he knows whom he Is talking to. j "I ia*l my wok©* cut down two shll’n 1 v *k all througti <*p©nln* my mouth too w!d ' fi‘ one ei©-’Umi." ©aid an old coun tryman t*> m* this morning. "You never ! knows who you be talkin’ to." HllniHnu th© lliirher. The btild-headcd man with four day’s j growth of beard 4n hi- chin en erexl th -1 barber's shop and sat down in one of the operating chairs, ray* the London An j sw©rs. "Btmve, sir?" "No!" growled the man In the chair 1 T want to be mensuretl for a suit of clothe*." "Thl* isn’t a tailor’s shop, sir." "What is it?" ■ "L’s a harbor** shop." "What work flu you do In th!* shop? ’ ' men ami cm their hair, sir." j "Ho you think a man with no hair on his bead tv. uld corn© here to have hi.* ! hair cut?" "No, sir " "Then, presuming me to h© a sane man , but babl-he id* and. w r it would you natural -Ily mipi-osc 1 me for?" j "For rt shav©." "Th* n why •1 tt you ask m© !f I wanted 1 sh 1\ • - w .* n 1 ; ?*,it in y. tir hair? i Why didn’t you go to work at once? It I si me of you hirb r- would cultivate l ihit of inferring from - •• ily ascertained data, instead of developing uch wonder ful * Gijver-Hotiou&l |H>wers. It would Ik* of i materlnl ' ! In a.lvam ir.g you In your 1 in vocation and ‘f expanding your profit*. H< you I?" "Yes, sir," repLc-d the man, ns he I>certn to lath* r the • i- onu r’s fa ln u d.i*ed p rt of v y. Ar.d h© never even ask* and him if be*d brllL intln© on when th© operation was ;** rform 1 Ainn* x t! rttl) fi r fh© .!•. In compliance with t?>e invitation of th© whimsical pnllanthroplst. who had bus led st 1 o-- mettt i -ttaurant and ofxler li a hasty dinner tor two. Tuff ok) Rout. ! w.ih a "Tides: hH share of th© repast with i tailing rapidity says the Chicago Tri bune. • \\ hat are you eating so fast for?" ask 'd th- whimical phiLinthroplst. "Is your tim© no exceedingly valuable that you I can’t xvilt to ta* © your vl* wh you are eating them”’’ "No, sir,*’ responds! Tuflfold Knutt with his rm>utii full, "but I hml nn idee, from 1 th© way you run m* in h’yer, thnt yo*i al t>n’y about five minute* fur eattn* .1 rquaro meal. •' wantol somebody to pace > ah." Whii W nr Ihe .lk© Onf In one of Bw- newspaper ofll * * of New York an irwl©x Is k* pt 4>f every onicli pflnDJ, so j** the N* w York It enfly e%-Fresi!©nt Honlla of Hondu ras. was being shown throcah the build- j i k ami his gub!*- *•-!** 1 a<i©nUou to the li-- x, explaining :•- .irnic.g^menf. ■ For in- n *' s.4*l th© guide, "we w! 1 ) tarn to th© Ut©r ’lt.’ an*l w©Ti find all that has hern printed about you." Jt- did so. Th© first rntiy lead; "|:onlta a Uivai lilKal!" OR. STEOMAN'S Teething Powders The Fnmow Aid to **nfe and lniulc* 'l’cctliittK. h v wv f%rr# tb§ • *VI Of©© f © (r| y v \rnri. fill. U KI'MAN hsviag p©n©4 * Rmachofta# Itt AmrrtuM. t'*fU*ul*rsUiy rvooev* tb*©•* f tbss Justly , Cr <* t>rsi*d e.lrr# Thsy rv pul up Is y*lk>w wrap pus Ttwimlriiisrk.ssuniUmcH. TRADE MARK fe #>n ©▼*©▼ psrkst srd *n Wry p©ir<ler wlthent which none U gsnulnc A packet cunlokiliig nln# l.w*irr. cvoU At yoar dngfW s, or msilw 1 tpai l <’ii rvtotpt ' f prit'e. fr tajukict *i tlflnifin • Vurirv Th*****. Address J . Ue< U Vl-TTK. * <•! Jok-a-a ©., l*mssß. I'hlls, Fs Boii >v uri’MAN BROS.. Bavmnab. Os [earn a profession Without Leaving Your Present Position. Work for One of the Ten Free Scholar skips In The Correspondenee School* of 8. ranton. Da., to be Riven by ihe MORNING NEWS to the ten 1 r-on receiving the moot vote* by Nov. iu, 1.0. Ten Free Scholarships. 1. ME 'HANICAL ENGINEERINO. I. KEEGTIIK-AE KNGINKERINO. tlm ludir.K f’omph -<> Electrical Outfit.) 3 AltClllTEl TUHE. 4 civil. ENG INEERINO. B ANITAUV Pl.t MUINO. HEATING an<l \ I NTII.ATION. ' (’ll E-MISTI! V 7. CH.MMEKCIAI. RRANGHEB. *. MECHANICAE ItRAWING. (Inclii.line Complete liriflinc Outfit ) #. AHCIIITECTUItAI. HHAWING. (liichidlnv Compleli. I>r-.fling Outfit) 10 ORNAMENTAI. DESIGN. (Imrtudins Compie'e l> *tKiiln: Outfit.) If you receive tho most vote,, you will have the flr*i choice of the 8 tmhir-hip. If Ihe next l:irke*i( the second choice. If Ihe ihliil iorui st. Ihe th rd choice; nnd *0 on until len persona have chosen ten Scholarships. Each Rrhnl.irshlp will quality you for actual work In a profession, the same as If you wi nt away to Collette. Over Si'.on men and worn* n have en rolled In th.—e School* aim! lieen bene fited by their Courses of *tudy. llow to Vote. Cut out th© attached Voting Coupon nnd moll or bring it to th© bu*in©* ofllce of th© Morning New*. Savannah. Ga. Kneh Coupon itiuM bear trw name of the ! !>©f>oft for whom you wish to vote. VOTING COUPON. Nnm 8:. nnd No. To n I.KUAI, \OTH H*. NOTICE TO DfcJJITORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice Is hereby given t<* ail persons hav ii .lemtndft* again- 1 Mary I'iaytcr, lit* o' saM county. dpe<*awd. to present them :<> me. properly made on;, within the time pre* rli • 1 by law, so as to show their ; character and amount; and all per Mins |n dtbied t ‘ iwl h*h| are required to moke immedi it* leynMit tt me. JORDAN I*. HR(ioK. (’oun ■ y A*l mini * t rator, 15 bay street, west. Ravonnah, Go , July 2. 1900. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTT - Noth’*- is hereby given to all persons in- the estate of Isabella Neill, deceased.l* unr* present* 1 and : hat in terms .f the liw idmlnistratlon with the will annexed will be vested in Jordan F, llrook*. county ;i !mlnb*tr*tor, on the first Monday In November next, unless objec tions are th 1 < 1 thereto. Wltnt *. the Honorable Hampton L E* rrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the 4th day of October. 19ho. FRANK E. KEIERACII. Clerk Ct. OrMy C. C., Ga. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Mr- Annie E. J* rkins has npfttied to the Court of Ordinary for a twelve months’ support for herself and minor children out of the estate of Joseph M. Jerkins, de ceased. Appraisers have mad. r* turns al lowing same. The**., are, therefore to cite all whom It may concern to apnaar before said court to make objection on or before the first Monday In November next, otherwise some will be granted. Wltmthe Honorable Hampton L. Ferrtll, Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 12th day of OctOt*er. I!*A FRANK K. KEIERACH. Clerk Ct. only., C. Cos., Gn. SEED RYE. OI'OnOIA f*FKr> RYB SOi rilßllN PEED RY FI TttXAS RED 1C T. OATS. 11AY. GRAIN. FLOUR. FEED. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. CHEESE. BEANS. FEAR W. 1) SIMKIXS & CO [flfeiiffjasiißk R J Tlieso tiny Cap*u!c3 r.rc tjnerioi ft 1 O tS.iliam cf Copaiba, ✓' -> V P *\ ' Cjbrl'jnf!ni' , ctions.TnH!M!nyJ fSJ CURE IN 48 HOURS'dy K'™ i the same diseases without ' -0| r CDDVCninnre. ,a ..... . w. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Ancnt, RAILWAY IMI MILL AITI*LIE*, Provident HulMlng, Riv .ni ah, (la c,i\ cmcHtiTta s krolish Penwyroyal pills gOrttfle**! usd Onlf .phmlm< . •'* 1.•!!. %•%. in tgit% ” < IIICIK.VICK-. 1.M.1 KH t. wn* ,M 4... M t0.,..:.' ...,4 ■r, : .. Uk...,n„ H fu ■’•-,mic. -.wl-t1i.,1... and Imlla. llwC B.f i "f t. • •"I* 1 c— •bd "Relief fl>. lb.tlM."ic Mm. m. Icr* Wbli. I#•#—(, fbctM ••>-* . < k1.k..1.r , k.mlbbl ( •., •I-.- tbr-c. l-lill.V. 6—. ®J L a., aCm a tat*. Km orMdaM IF TOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL •rut work, oruor four limnerap.ied and pnntrd •lallonory and blank book* Iruta Momlns Newt, Savannah. Ga. Ocean SieamsniD Ga -FOR lMewYork, Boston -AND THE EAST. I'nrurpnssed cabin accommodaiions. All the comfort* of a modern hotel Eiectna lights. Unexcelled table. Th ktts luc.ui* meal* and berths aboard ship. Passenger Fares irom Manual To NEW YORK-FIRST CABIN. first cabin run-, m. m! I TEHMEJOIATK cabin, iu, interme diate CABIN ROUND TRIP. DC i STEERAGE, II). TO BOSTON-FIRST CABIN. 123; FIRST CABIN HOUND TRIE. U 4 IN TEKMEDIATE CARIN'. 117. INTERMIX i DIATE cabin ROUND TRIP. Rami. STEERAGE. 11l 7S Tha express *team*h!p* of this llna are Mppnlnleit lo sail from Savannah, Central (■*!i> meridian time, a* 'ollow*. iAVAIUM YO laUwW YORK. NACOfK'HEE. Capt. Smith, SATURDAY, Oct. 30, 3 nu p. m. KANSAS CITY Capt Fisher. TCES* lIAY. O-f. !3 lln p m CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Berg, WEDNESDAY. Ocl. lb' |>. m TAM-AHASBEE (’apt Askln*. THCRB - Oct. U. f. 30 p. m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett. SATURDAY, Oct. 27. 7* P- m. NACOOa-HEE. Capt. Smkh. TI’KSPAT, Oct. So 10 on p. m KANSAS CITY. <-apt. n*h*r. THURS DAY’. Nov. 1. 11 30 a. m TAEI.AH ASS EE. Capt. A*kln*. SATt'n- DAY. Nov. ". I )i p. m. CHY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capi. Rerg. SUNDAY’. Nov. 4. 2<) a m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daxeett, TUESDAY’. Nov 0. 4:00 p m. NACOOCHEK. Capt. Smf'h. THURS DAY. Nov , :00 p, m KANSAS CITY. Capt. Elsher, SA’n’R IAY. Nov. 10 7 to p m. TAEI.AH ASSEE. Capt. Askln*. TUES DAY’, Nov. 13. 9:30 a. m. (VTY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Dagseti, THURSDAY. Nov. If.. 11 3 a. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Beg. FRIDAY". Nov. W. 12:3* p. m NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith. SATURDAY, Nov. 17. 1:30 p. m KANSAS CITV. Capt. Fisher, TUES DAY. Nov 20. 3;2i* p. m. TAI.I.AII ASSEE. Capt. A-kina. THURS DAY'. Nov. 23. 4 30 p. ni CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Dagxett, SATURDAY. Nov. 24. 0.-'O p. m NACiKicIIKE- Cnpl. Smith. TUESPAY, Nov. 27. g:< i *n CITY <iF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Berg, THURSDAY. Nov. 29. 10:0 a m KANSAS CITY. <’ap4. Fisher, THURS DAY". Nov. 2*. 10 on n. m. NOTICE- Sieamshlp City of Blri<n*. ham will not rnrrv ia**epgers. M’.YY YllltK Tt BUSTOS. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. MON DAY, O't. 22. m->n CITY *>K MAC'IN. Capt. Savage, FRI DAY. Oct. 26. noon. CITY OK MACON. Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY. Oct. 31 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. MON DAY’. Nov. 3. 12:> mioii. CITY’ OK MACON. Capt. Sivage, FRI DAY’. Nov. 9 13 '<o noon. CITY’ OF MACON. Capt. Savfite. WED NESDAY' Nov. 14. 12 now. CITY OE MACON. C.-pl. Sivage, MON DAY. Nov. 19. 13 < noon. CITY OE’ MACON, ('apt. Savage. KRI DAY. Nov. 3.T 13 '*> n.-oil CITY' OF YI A CON. Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY'. Nov. 2*. 12:'-" noon. Thla company reserves the right t® chin ii- sailings nlihout notice and without liability or accountability there- I for. Silling* New York for Savannah Ttie <l*vs. Thursday* aid Saturday* 5-no p m. YV, G BItEWER. city Ticket and Pa-*- eng'-r Agent, lv.' Bull street. Savannah, Ga. K. YV SMITH. Contracting hr*lh Arent. Savannah. Gn. R, O TREZEVANT. Agent, Savannah, Gn YVAL.TF.R HAWKINS. General Agent Trnlllo Dep't. 224 W. Bay street, Jack sonville, Fla E H. HINTON, Traffic Manager. Sa vannah. Ga f E 1.8 FEY’RE. Mininr. New T*|er S. r . North River. New Y’ork N ’ fflercnonls 8 Miners Troiuporlolioa Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia ' Tlcb,l, on 0.1, io All I'olnl, Norm sol West. Firnt-ata;** il<ittti Ir bid© meals nn 1 berth* Savannah to Haltlmore and Phll dulphta. Accommodation* and cul*ino unequaled. The *t*rtmhlp* r*f lh!* company *r© *P polnt©-l to -ail from Savannah aa follow* (Central Standard Tim©): TO l %LTIMORB* TEXAS, Capt. E.dredge. SATURDAY, Oct. 3. 4 |>. m. Il II MiI.HER. Capt. Peters, TUES DAY, .Ocl. 23. i p. m. ITASCA. Capt. Blilupo, THURSDAY, Out. 2* r t> m. DOR* "HESTER. Capt. James. SATUR DAY. Ocl. 27. 7pm Sailing* from Ralllmore Tuesdavs, Thurs*ly ard Sa urdav* at 4:'*' P m. TCI I’HIIoADELPHIA. YIoI.KGI!ANY. Cnpl. Foster, TUESDAY, o t. 23, |> in BERKSHIRE. Cnpl. Ryan. SATI’RDAY, IH 27. 7 p. m. Sailings from Philadelphia every flv* I days nt 3 p. m. Ticket Office No. 112 Bull Street J. J. CARO!.AN, Agent. NEWCOMB COIIEN. Trav. A. Savannah. On. W, P TURNER. O. P A A. D. STERRINS, A. T M J. C. WHITNEY Trrn- Manager. General Office*, naltlmorr, Md. 'i.WMHEnMMUmnMHEHEaaM*© LOADED AND EMPTY SHELLS. AfinUNITION. CANVAS HUNTING GOODS. GUNS, KIFLES AND REVOLVERS. EDWARD LOVELL’S SONS, II J Broughton Street, West. HAIR P BALSAM gac , *r . *a4 Waaiifto* the ‘ri j • H* r y fmwl lUtr to tit Toutaful Oo.Jf-