The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 20, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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COL BRYAN’S REPLY, ! I, OF tITUPTtVB TO Ml.wril lIKIM llLit/., GIVES financial attitude. ?l riMCNTfI op lIMOI.X II'IM.IKi) •TO Mo%v 199 ft K 9. p. , I.*, of fHe Declaration of Imlc ,M ti l< nrc lion lh* l*nrn . , uM t iMHf—Mlvtr Hrpuhlicati I ; iiform I'raclli'Nlh’ flic frame nm in il of the Ui moiTnlt-llrimn frn>* 11,, I'ollflral nltli KM t lon • \ri- Dae | nlirrl fo llir IVoplc. *, r. N. Y-, Oct. 19 —The fo::o*ing pltnir the nomination of the 811- n Republicans was mailed to* .Mr. Hryto: er.X. Y.,Oet. 19. 1909.—H0n Bam w i!o>kin*, Chairman, and Others, of the Notification Committee, Silver Unfoln Republican Tarty. *! m*n: I am lit receipt of your let t: . ly notifying m of my r.o<ntnj . preeblency by the R iver Lin . !i an National Convention, held Kai if City, July 4. last. In acc*it* nomlr.atlon I be* to express my , iv ; jri.ttion of the support given by the members of your party m;algn of IfcSt*. and of the fidelity •bo it by them during the four years < ivo *jnce clapped. The evidence • -nee and good aIU manifested i ,t the last national convention , i me under renewed obligaiione. ii i consistency atwuit the human i u h leads an to apply ...u i tplee to new condition's, ami 1 therefore, not surprised to find that who left the Republican party in • - . i> the money question ir now op- to it on the trust question, which i in reaped in Importance since ISJW. upon militarism and the w qu hi ions whUh the Republican par* ha* for* • 1 upon the public within the ant two y are. Your p atform. of which you enr!o-e a *•■>>•, i In it * declaration so similar io i•• [s nuK iniic platform adopted at Kan • i.i City th it it is not ne *ss ry lor me i> taki- up the planks In detail. In I.MHi the money question was the qw Mi ni of paramount lmjH>rtanc\ bit the Itep tbllcan party, by I * disregard of C e |*rin* Iplcs of our It* public aid by its *' vo icy >f policies repugnant to the do - wn* of scif-governmem, his left us ;.o *i <- hut to summon all iuve:s >f the 1 I iraihai of Ind*'t*eudenco io the d*- it •* of i Kit sacred do uniont and ih *’■ tu ecu fiamed in accordant.' wl.h It. limitation* I ron* Lincoln. In yur letter you quote several appro j ri * xita< ts from Lincoln's speeches. 1 ? m a i cch by Lincoln in lS&ft u de • of the Declaration of Independence, • rnp.ii..* and by a fervent and patriotic •l * l to his countrymen not to abandon ' •ii iplce then'll) enunciated. It Is * w wit \bi** to the present time and so , ire •!> with the references you have t HoriU, that 1 quote the hi wi extract; Non my countrymen, if you have been ' ii i triniv ion dieting with the great ici of th Ireelaration of Independ* ii u have list* tied to suggestions would t,*k away from it- grand* • 1 mutilate the fair symmetry of Its ; lions; if you have been Inclined to I" i * ve that till men are not created equal i wi. v- inalienable rights enumerated by ir hart of liberty, let nu- entreat you 1 m.* bn k. Return to the fountain " waters spring close by the blood of t Revolution. Think nothing of me; take ’ thought for !i |Klltl il fate of ny r m whomsoever, but come back to the i that are in th-- Declaration of In *i* i u i-uce. You may do anything with r ■ v,, i choose, if you w II but heed these • red principles. You moy not only de it me for the Senate, but you may taka f and put roe to death. While pretend* g n * Indifference to earthly honors, I cl m to b actuated in this contest by meth tig high* r than an anxiety for of- I charge you to drop every paltry md InslgniAcan thought for any man's Tic* ♦*. |f | s nothing; I am nothing; Judge Dougins Is nothing Rut *lo not d**- •tro.v that immortal emblem of humnntty iiv- Declaration of Amrioan Indopcnd % Sharp t ontmst. D w* har*h the contra- between the • en:.mentH exp ressvl by Lincoln T-d the e. till.!, mercenary appeal now b to the people by the Republican mv. How great the chasm between th* oc*man*hip. which would sacrifice life • f in defense of that immortal loei. which has been the moilel of re ever since It was |*rom*i!gated, • i * >mmerclall.-m which would sue. every noole’and holy purpose Ui lit of new markets, and would |n '* f h* doctrine that trade can be pur* with human blood—a dv. trine ad* • I by those who want to give syn i choiK'o to exploit distant colo* t. r * **ponse to the hop* which you ex p'Tmlt me to assure you thit my 1 *1 obiigntiona are due en*|rdy to t • *i people, who a*k 1)0 sprrlftl p lv|* " the h inds of the government, but • n.| only equality of rights and an ' !!r, lty to enjoy llf*. liberty and f he ~J T ' °f hss'Plncsa un I* r the Hag cf a The.*** |>eopl*‘ the ration's producer* In tiirv- of peace and the warriors in time of war. have al * * for m- mor<* than I can ever Whether I am r|*c ed or not. It my ambition to protect the r DON'T KNOW HOW I srlrc| Tanil fa ltrl*nlll On, • f r ! that a lark rf kn*>* l*‘<lj;c of iropcrly onc'a prif ciuied ■ ive trn lonjj ymrp ax a mlarr -1 pile. In rather humHlatlni; I •f* * r for that length of time an.l i Khad >w of my pelf. ’ hr tniHl rlne all the time ati*l op* 1 kn w how. 1 heartl rf Orape-Niltt foo<l. •• Ptarch (iretllgi -t q by . eppen and that the f<o*l re* f \‘ ‘ and 1 erve center*. I knew n*rvrua pyptem couM be made r * * 1 perfect, I oould sli<rept food all I irt dln on Orape-NutP, with nfiilrnce. f r I had been dia •or !onif time. v itfirlfe fnl delight. I found I after livlnit on Qrape-Nfuta l In three montln I had t indt and waa feeling like a IN r !h** |ia<*t two ye. tm • * i the aiixMcPt pymptom * f ml m now perfectly well I 1 very that will be of lm* 1 many mother*. When mv two month.* old. I lean to L , r r, d Hahy waf j 1 *be ixm > and not doinc well $ f i)ijf on Grape*Nut* food and • r o%*er It. tn*' child lM*fi 9. ‘ ’ **-ally, la row a year old and 1 *lthy and hup never hern ,J 'illy bright,—hop tecn pay* • r rlnee It wap plx month* D* in < \ix*rienrc that there *n Grape-Nut that brighten* M in. n or adult, bold pbytslc * ■' n.thtaHy.* tan ait LOWBI’ST.STRAIGHT fRONT&IsONG HIP ‘A |* (H ■wi Styles jjo >52-440-44 1445 44r ' ••••'■ ll rnp SALf AT ALL LfAD NC Rf V- ' , -;Vq right.-* and advance the r inter- * a by every n*ans within my power. \Y. J. Bryan. Qnntril flit* ConMlt ill lon. Tn the letter of *n the commit tee said among other things: "The Con*!ttutleu say*: No state fba'.l make anything but i and silver o*lll 1 tender in payment of d* Sts. ll* re the so-cHihsl Republican party of to-.lay cL;**- carls the Constitution in th** interest-* of its pet bonking truss nt,| stock gain* biers, taxing the masx ** < the peopb* <b lumaiii them. How different Lincoln’s parting words, when, on April 11, I*-** the day of Ills .1--1 -%slnati >n, he said. During th** wnr, wb i* v. u. r ivldii * couple of mliilou <Tollars every doy t* our debt. I did no; rare a)>out encouraging the incrcaiM* In the volume of our pr- • ioi s metoL We had tae <**untr> to save But now that the rel*ellkr; i.-i overtnrown. and tve kn>w pr* t* t * arl* the amouni of our nationji debt, the more gold nl silver we rnirw\ we make the payment of that debt s*> much ctw-i -r. Now. 1 am go ing to encourage that in every possible way.' '* nii.i.mi l \mi vt> s riN iiui,, fiend SintMtitnii \\ii l.ntd t* IV*Mt ut ( linrlfvlonn U . \ :i. Charlestown. \V. V.i., o t. ll* The re main.- of the lit* lion. William L. Wil son. Postmaster <! **ral In President Clev. lord's cabinet and president of Washington and lac f'nivcndty at Lex ington. Ya., were laid h* rest to-day in the family lot at KdgehlU C metery. The funeral train arrived from Lexing ton at noon and the procession to the bury ng ground start and soon after. Tie cortege was composed of John Rowan Camp Confederate Ye?rans. ministers of the goe|M*l. Wahlnx' >n ond L * t'nlver stty s:udents. pall-b an rs the University faculty and trustees, th. family. rx-Pre*- ident Clgvelmnd, lion. Isidore Straus and other distinguished \isitors. The city w thronged with people who hail come to 1 ay their last tribute to the memory of one of W -it Virginia’s most Illustrious s 1 At the request <|f the deceased the cer tn -hies, at the grave were "very simple. Rev. Thomas A. Johnson (RaptioO of Hagerstown offleiattd and read a selec tion. Prayer was offered by Rev. Dr. Aimer C. Hopkins (Pr. sbyt* r an) of Charlestown and 11 choir from t;** church sang "Lend Kindly Light." The t*enedlo tion was delivered by Rev. R. S. Copeland <l-:pH-op'd) of Chart#*town. At the c* m etery were assembled several thousan*! people. All |*ia.-e* of bu n *s were < !•>- The run of the funeral train from Lex ington was made without Incident. A4 stations along the rout** war*- assembled crowd* with bare heads. Kx-President Cleveland arrived here last night. ‘Owing to a mistake h** w. forced to remain here instead of going to L xing on. A om panylng Mrs. Wilson and her childr* n were the venerable Rev. Dr. A. .1 Hunt ington and wife parents of Mrs. Wilson. M*l\ \ KRN \)tK \\ tlvlMi IP- FnKlnnd llrnlbro **He Mt Have American t of lon. Tendon. Oct. 20.—1n on article dealing with the cotton crisis, the 8 andard says: "Probably by the end of October b-* than OO per cent, of the spindlcw will be Idle, and by the middle of November the spinners will have no trouble m obtaining all the raw cotton they require. "It must mat le assumed, however, that the end of the crisis Is in sight. UnD-s th** prrril* tkm of the smoil yield of the cotton crop wre falsified, the suppfy will materially be short of th demand, which will mean the continuance of r.;atl\.dv big prices, and anc iher curtailment of production later." "An usual. attntlon Is being called en ergetl ally to that there |s n abundance of land up and down the e.-rth capable of growing eotton: hut tha w;li not help us out of the diffleiilty. There js no getting beyond the solid faet ihm we must go to America or shu: our mills." DAXAtiK TO TKW* < OTT\. Stnrni Isms A\ n rs.or-o flitjes Vnlnetf at flgt.JOfv.onn. Washington. Oct. ID The statistician of the Department of Agriculture h s com pleted his Inv* ' lon of the gg r l< ulfqral situation In the**' cotintfej In Tex is th it were visited by the htirrpane >f 8 t?. The area under cotton In th** c mnt cs In which serious damage resulted from th storm was approxlmat )•/ 1.1W.f100 with a ? 10ml •on p• 1 and a r r, p >t about #IO,OOO Isiler. Tt.. rediic in o' the crop D e tlmatcd at about *.**) biles or 10.6 per cm tin a basis ef S.V) per bale the am Hint •e --stroyed would represent a value of 13. 0),. too. Rxcluslve of the damage to firm burn ings. mn**hln*r>. et .. the total loss mny be estimated at A f iWW.ftW li should tw atated that \ \ the co ntle visited by the storm were included In the crop report iastiid O t I°* IA M XllMi \ UU'hl IM. Nf-jrm Xliot and *4erloly \\ oondrti n t on duct nr. Plaqtiem*ne. Oct. U.-Mllrejr John ,<*l. a ncro. w!io .hot nn.l rlou - .y wourul—l a < ondiicior on the Texn. n l Ha,.|(l<3 Rallroo.l \V..!m .<tiy, k >n h nrj' to-tl iy. Ottleer. were ronveylnjt him in u tJttfr from West Bston Hour* to Hort Allen. When the .kifT touelw.l nhore a ntimher o£ men mfrour-le ti.e offUer*. compelle.l them to h#r t over Jotin.on nn<) corrte.i him lev, n nii . - to ;ne p, of the .iwtnlnK. Where they hanged, him. n. ■■ • ■ —— TO Ktll. Flllt IIIIW Til-IMY. trw It nt ft —lill* Kent.ekr lten>l> for Her Vny.if, Washington. Oct. 19 -The new hatlleahlp Kenrneky *lh* to-morrow on h-r long trip to China, which will tike .bout two month., flh. ha* been at the New Vork navy yard for mmr time making Anal ar rangeinen'* and ha* now gone to Tonv> Kin.vilie, pretparatory *** ti* e'on Itt t morning -The gunboat* Vl<kburg an-l AimaiMll.. whl. hlo are to go to hlne, are not ready to wan with the Kentucky, hut will follow in atut two wok-. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 2\ 1900. SEVERITY OF INDIA'S FAMINE. i no hii.i io\ irk mu* ni t r.i\ i>t. iit*. f.ord t arson llo|ies They Will He \ hie t< Return t> Their llne Within n llwnth llslf a Million lentl Traceable to the t'Nmisr, Tremendoua ! •■ of Oopi K.nnr mona sums I. \pemletl for Relief ol the hialVerera. Himln, <ct. 19—The Viceroy, Lord Cur xon. In a speech before ooun.-il to ’.•> ihi fti ml nr had adTn'lnt a qiiar or . f the populullon of India, and thal . vi-n i.nw i’ftO.uoo |oi>l werr rwnlvln* 11 lief, lie x prep nod the hope, however. ! th.i* In .i m.aith theae would return to I toelr home*. II lo- l-hip further ■•-..1d that half a tnll |l !■ and. .ith* wi re traeeahle to the famine i - I thal th !0.. of the croft* Involved I thi In;a of fifty million* elerltn*. plu* nu million." fur the loea of r attle. It will it. r. :• he Rumen how many were irffeeted hy the calamity ainonir the hill jreople .Lid wandering Irlhee, while the alma dla t’lhuhd were unpieeedented At (he end of August Sol lac* of rupees had been extended, and the governmetu furthir •> . -ted to |>end IEO lace up to March next. Beeldes thla, 23s lace of lan>l test" had been advanced to rultlvatorf. many lac- of land raxee had been remit ted. 31 • erore, had been lent to the native 'nt. e ital nearly a inllll <n eterllnsr Had been contributed by private charity. The viceroy complimented the relief committee-, alluded to many tnatnnee, of native chivalry and devotion and to Eng lish military and civil aervarw* dyln* at their pools and said the eoMon crop waa worth (13.000.<W1 on the cron nil. Alludlnft to the shocking mortality In •he n 1 live states, l.ord Curaon said that, tiro idly spenklmt, no relief syalem In the world could counteract the effect, of re duced fool, the cessation of wa,c. hlfth price- and the Jin akin, up of the homes of millions, or prevent pestilence following famine. IKK LOOK* Poll FHKTTON. ttesnlt off nmlna < nlian ronvmttnn Is I'm It Ir in 11 1 1 ea I. Wnshtniton. Oct. 19.—Oen Fltahiiffh I or Virginia, who Is here on leave of ah • no', paid hi, rieieol, to the President to-day. Oen. les- will return to Cuba at the end of the month. He soy, that the constitutional convenllon of the Cuban lieoph'. to which delegates have been idecled, will he held Nov. & to establish "the free and Independent republic of Cuba.” 4 n. Ij'c says there Is likely to be a i-u ti* deal of friction In the convention ami the result Is prablemallcwl. The for cicii'ts. rrench, English ami Americana arid proper!y-holdln* Spaniards, he said, were In favor of com.* mart of American |.r"tc torat. which would Insure the DrO tecilon of life and properly, but the oW foldlera of (lomex's army wanted to carry out the radical programme They thr< alened to Iniilata the procetsllngs In the . onventlon by Ihe adoption of a res olution dermnding Ins tmm-dlale wlth diuwal of the American troops Oen. Lee • xpresse.l the opinion (hai Ihe troops . mild not b withdrawn unlit a stable government was set up which proves! ca l' 1 10 furnishing the neemsary guaran tee- is to life an<l property. In any final dement Gen. lj*e said some difficult problems would hvo to be adjusted. ton lye said the past year In Cuba ht- b. in the worst, so far ns yellow fever Is cot eroed. In hi* experience. The yel iow fev>-r had been prevalent all over the b ind, and ho said that some of the facts In conneetion with It seemed to ompletely explode the theories of Amer |. in medial experts regarding the efll acy of sanltallon as a preventive. IIfMIE Mlsslt>tH\ SIM lETV. Appropriations Untie for Many In st 1 1111 lon w. Oil.-ngn, Of, 19.—Appropriation* were made as follows at to-day's session of the Woman' Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Church: Iloylnn's II me., Jacksonville, Fla., J 9.950; Allen Home. Asheville. N. C.. *2 3*9;Hlmp •on Home. Orangeburg. 8. C., $1.2*7; 1 downing'* Home. Camden. 8 C., $2,911); Emerson Home. S ola. Kla . $3.7.y>: Kent Home. Greensboro. N. C.. $1,177; New Jer ■ v t'onference Home. Morristown. Tenn.,; .'titter Homs. Athens. Tenn.. st.®<>. E. I. Itust Hem", llolly Hprtngs. MHm., tl.le; Dltkson Hall, rlarkeon, Miss.. ;;.ri:,; IlenneSl Academy. C.arkaon, Miss, SI.W. I’oslges of money agzregnllng $3,100 wete received ami a number of reports were read. f’EI.KIIH %Tt:i> IIIHKTtmS DAY. Meeting of Sttns of liarrlens Itrso- Intlon In llnslna. R 'on. Oct. 19.- The Sons of the Ameri can Revolution 10-ntsht celthratetl one of the greatest events In American history. Yorktown tl.iy. the surren.ler of Ijtrd Cornwallis ml the foundation of the American republic. 119 years ago. Two r.otnhh speeches were delivered by MaJ. c,.n J$- eph C. l:r> i k nridge, t*. 8. A., a I Judge John Goode of the VlrgTnhi y p-.v. The next meeting will 1 held In Pittsburg. In April next. The ,rt* rly meeting xylll be held ut Rich mond, Va.. Jan. $. Ml I'l It'l 111-lit ntOCEKOIIOg. Inxestlgnllon of Grounding of Ore gon Stopped, Washington. Oct. 19—Secretary I/Oog hit- ordered that there he no further pro ...ill'-- In Ihe cose of f’apt. Wilde, of t;.- O dgon. who was investigated by a • <1 ,rt of Inquiry, to determine the rr*t*>n f..r toe grounding of the battle ship In the Guff of l*e rhl 1J "• *um ntcr. while hurrying to Taku from Shang hai. Thla jct-cti ttnaiiv disnosta of ih, •uattce A QUESTION Would you rather be annoyed trying on clothes for three hours or he fitted at once? You answer, at once. Then we advise you to come to us. We have different propor tioned suits or overcoats to each individual chest nieasure--they fit all forms. Our stock is complete. \o matter what shade, weave or style garments you want, if it is fashionable we have it. Our prices for suits or overcoats are from $7.50 up. Great sls Sale of Suits and Overcoats Fifteen dollars is a popular price for an autumn suit or overcoat —at that lijjurc the average buyer expects to pet clothing of good style and quality. This year, however, we have arranged to fjive our customers better sls values than tnis city has ever seen —values that are UNMATCH ABLE. We have been planning this sale for months —buying special lotfc of desirable fabrics whenever a saving could be effected, and having them made up at less than usual cost during the dull manufacturing season. The results appear to-day in the suits and overcoats we place on sale at sls. None worth less than S2O, and every garment is fresh from the workrooms —faultless in fabric, up to date in cut and trimming, dressy and substantial. Boys’ and Children’s Clothing. Our* lx noD-sl for iix rare* quality, 11* an I flnlxh. It tutor* Into n. com; * till* n, f. r It Hand* alon©—ln a t l x If Every parrnt wrho valtl©* th© p* nra*: © and comfort of th© boy* an I flc-ir©* that togathfrr with th© gr©nt©at * o< mv xhouM thnr© In th© many bom ilia tin l raving* to b© had only her©. 2-PIBTR 91 IT9. fllrw-l© and dotihl©-br#a*tf4 Wat*. Mili tary NORFOLK NT ITS. VENT M IT9. w ing|© *n<l lonhl©-br©axt#4 vest a. sTTim m its. OVERt OATB. All th© fn*hlonnM* f,lri. x Noma with brltfr— In th© xr.iallrr xlxrr. One Price CHI,I, 1% TKITIMS THADK. Prlc— ■ of Yarn and Col ton %r* I'or From tlolOK In Arrord. W'aiihlncton. Ort. 19—Thr rrlul* In Ih.- Gorman tulllo trailo I* *ald to Iw Ing. Over-prtxluctlon, lu* to tho rant I lirogrr.ii of trail* In other coun trlra I. the dlKea.i* hrhl arcountnble for thl* afntrtlon of toxtlh- Imlnatrli*. Untt.d Htatr. Con.ular Agi-nt Hrrt at Fllrgnotock, In a rotiort to tho atatr th*- partmrnt soy* that thr high prtrr of cot ton ami the ImpoMiiblllty of getting nnilv olont yarn price. I. playing have, with tlio trait*. A groat many mill* through out tho whole of Ktirot • arc ,i.*lng ilowit on account of shortage in tht* article. Th* war In China ha- aft l t'l Industries generally, more |Mir<lcularly In Iron t t* India, for Instance, had been con*:ru.tlng numliera of rice mill* atnl had ltoughl the machine* In Germany. 81111- tho troubles In China aroec this encouraging progruie ha* come to an untimely < nd. Krom Alsutla In the West to Silesia. In ,ho empire of Germany, a general rutting down of working hours and thousand* of weavers thrown out of employment, lettr witness to the ttep'.orahlc stab of this Industry throughout the country. The vel vet Industry la .he only one of tills na ture which appears to be holding Its own. GRRKTISD BY THOt DAMIf. Ideal. Hobson Presented a Isnlsg I ap by ties. Wheeler. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. I*—Ten thou sand Alabamians greeted Gen. Wheeler and Lieut. Hobson In Montgomery to day. Home months ngo the tdwt was originated for cltt.ens of Alabama to present Hobson a loving cup tn commem oration of his daring act tn Santiago har bor. Thl, movement culminated to-day when Gen. Wheeler presented the cup to Lieut. Hobson. Th* <di|> Is of sterling sliver ten Inch.* In high! The handle* of the cup sre dolphin*, and on the panels arc rtche I portrait* of the recipient, the nnme* of the crew who were with him on the tler nmac and an address of alvout Its* word*. pirTBRY rieori.r. i>ji hki. OlMiaterana Heaulta of Collision lth n Hirer! I or. Indianapolis. Ind , Oct. 19-A Lake Rrl* and Western Railroad switch engine In charge of Kng.nrer John A. It. pley and Fireman Knit* struck a street ear nt Thirteenth street at 1u:26 O’clock 10-nlglu. There Were twenty-one pi- engirt. In th* car and of this numb, r fifteen were more or lesa Injured, two of them parhap, ft tally. The engine struck the front*nd of th* ear, reduelng it to kindling wood and earry It for fully twenty feet, finally throwing It against a freight car standing on a sidetrack. \ Iralsla', Antliinlflra. Richmond. Va.. Oct. 19 —The Society for the Preservation of Virgin 1 Attiliiultiea h*ld It* annual meeting 10-nlghl. A eom mlttee was appointed to -■ t on foot .1 movement for a gnat celebration of 1907 of the three hundredth anniversary of tlio settlement at Jamestown. A little Beltzer on the side with Yellow labeU v > Whiskey , makes a drink fit for Kings and Potentates. mellow, velvety, to everybody’s taste that’s Tallow >b*l. Sure to please you too. ( The best Rye distilled.) ('nil for it trhrrrrrr fjrat-i'lnan liquor- . ore so///. WE’LL TREAT t difference b great between thh and I I —™ - - —■ ordinary whivfcevs to hiw the diflerence will send you srmpic bottle free, on receipt of 12c, to defray packing, etc. Add rasa, CMS*, gg. PFBiren a CO., 47 Main St., CtIICIMMATf, O. , aaosai.Toaw os rut tone weaiNoa ointiAitttv. Men’s Stiff Bosom Shirts .it I* SA. th© rtlfbriled "BTAR*' mak©. in th© ma&t captivating i tirrii> ntl pretty ©ff©< t* of ©o or (ombnat on* Tti© "titnr * xhlrt nt $2.00 and 9.t*k). Import©,! fibrl *. in n H-lf tloo tinxurpaa#©*! f>. r I ganca and originality only found hrr© in th© "Pent of nil Shirt*," th© "Star." Hawe’s Latest Production, th© TEDDY Broad Brim liam, fancy and plaki hands, for faatldiouw dr©**<* ri*. ~ SAVANNAH'- — WEEK IN THE TRADE WORLD. run im i.i >:\i j; in HF*l*NftNIV i:. ID’*# *1 rail© Iddcra Irr From lh* Xoul li--*R is 11 %y a % liamlnx* i nnllnn** i;%©rll©nl— Outlook i for a lt©*or*t 111 i-mUliik i:xport'Trail© 3 ear, Willi a M u llrilnn©© In Our Tninr-Thr Trlrra f Farm Tiodari* ltar 'leulicil lloanaHrtl, New York. Oct. 19—Brad Mr©© t** to-mor row will xay: Am th© Jobbing fliatributiv© trad© t©f)dx to l©©rn w ith Hi© iislvatu*© of the a©a n(n, th© repr©xaiv© lnflu©n ©M of ai(©- alection foeling l>r©on©x more* cl©arly iwr r©li|bl© and th© result lx a generally quiet, though nt Ih© ©am© time, confident f**©iinft in geneiai trade, which tho xtork market hax apimr* ntly begun to dUcount with the r*auU of xwclilng ©urrent bank (iauiOßK well aliovo r-• ©nt to:ii < Am for conn* tint© |uat th© In-xt trad© advices ©om© from th© ftoutlt. which r© inlih cheerful In spite of lowr©r cotton Pacific ccaat advices ar- 'flat < xport trad© lx very largo n th© result of army niu) Abiotic reqult©menta. N ‘rthw©*t©rn trad© Ih cn th© wrhob* i|ui©t and tho lix* pinion to charire'thci ©lection with this, lx manifest. Kaxtern whoknaal© trad© Is quiet, but ateada. Gtomx railway returns continue ©xcellant o<mxid*rinif th© r©iort of quiet In uil other line© and net r© turns, those for Aumixt. ar© much mor** *n6ourafflng thxn tho©** of July. Th country's foreign trade lx In a flattering condition. Sept ©mb© r ©X|H>rtx I© Inc th© Dr** *1 ev©r ©©(wrli-l forthnt month, and sw©J!©l l>> high-rwired • oiton xhlfiment*. th© nln* m**nthx* rotiirnx ar** far in advance of all previous year*. lm|*orn. on the other hand, show f w Kiln©, and th© outlook lx for n record breaking xporl trade and merchandise hal.iiM© sheet for the calendar year fur in ndvanc** of ©ll other years. I’ri* ** of farm pKaluct# havq fenderl downward this wr**©k, th© mot notaol© dt >t t** lug in cotton, half- -nt for th© week and one ©tut for ih© hlgii©t imtni reamed, du© to th© good < wmther an.l aiHN*ncfr of frost, encouraging maxi mum ©'iroat of yield, but also M- ium of the heavy weight of reHixi brought out by ih*- high prl<* *f two xoki ago. i otton good*' hr© very firm d©*pite th© diop In raw* material, but th© disposition l (o >©!i c*refuil> on xpring account t fallur* •* for th w*k number 533 In th© I’nltid itt.iter. aa.ilnt 21> last w ■ k, 221 Lih year an f 213 In 1K Canadian f;llur©M for th© week wer© 22. agiiinet :u lan w*k. 20 a >*nr ago, and 21 In IR9I. 4 IDmllch Brni to >rw fork. Huntsville, Alh., Oet. 19 The l>Oiliea of John Reilly, Company M; William Pyne. Company H; John Burk©, ('omiwnjr B. and Ileftnr Murray, Company 11. all of died while th© ff'xty-tilnth N* w York Reg iment. of which they were member*, wax In camp here, wer© disinterred to-day and returned to New York, where lh*y Will rrceiv© milltury burial Sunday. Walking, Dress and Riding (iloves, In all th© hading *had< a. Men’s Three- Quarter Hose, In fancy II gnlatid pl|-l©. m>l© of strong Ll*l© ihr* ad. th© latrat fad in no n a oax, 50c pair Men’s Silk Handkerchiefs, c* lor© l hord©r. faxi color. n©w ©flfectx, worth 91 00, nt oO<* cacli SOME ANTI-TRUST LOGIC. (Continued from First rag#.) so that non© of the cmfdoyea will get away from him. "But If ih* \t© belongs to th© rttl*©n, then let ux have a law that will mak© It a penitentiary offense f(r a man to try to rob another mn of his r|tla©nhip t*e- auee h© work- for him. I want you who labor to underxiaivt that when you work ymi give to th© m*n who employs you full recompense for what h© pays you. for If you did not hr would not employ you. They go on th© theory that a man who works lor another vmm ought to he under great obllgatlonM for Job. Why, my friend-, Mr. Matcitlf would not ©mpnly on© xingl* man if that man could not mak© enough in nmk** his own wage* and xom* *hlng beside* f*r Mr. M* t©alf to pay him for ©mifcoying iiini When you give a full return for all that you get why should you not have your chta©nxhlp mn your own. nd why don't you resent this daninMld© Insult that Is becoming too common In American polttteaf ItriMihllcMM TrsilcHcir*. In Ids Auburn ©peach Mr. Bryan dwelt at ©oaakl©table length upon hlx theory (hat the Republican party Is manifesting a tendency toward- a change of our form of government, **s in this connection said: "Mr. Hanna said the other day that you ought not to swap heroes while cross ing a stream What a sacrilege for Han* na to quote sny word t/iat Abraham Lin coln ever uttered. But Mr Hanna In ap plying to Unco in's remark to-dsy, Iwim mist tk©n the body df witer. We are not cesufing . stream. The Republican |*-rty la trying to cross an ocean ami get tiscg on to Kuro|ann ground where Its Ideas originated." Mr. Bryan also quoted an extract from a local Repuldicuti fi© r telling of a farm which had been sold for F.Sn an acre while It had been assessed for sls an a©r© Commenting upon this exiract Mr. Ilrvnn saWI derisively: "Farmers, now vote to keep present ©ondulons They nr© so satisfactory that you cannot sell your land for half what It is asx*-iMM*d for for taxes. Go out and find out wlist per cent, of taxation Is lev ©d ui•<>ii your railroads. Go out and find wh*4 p**r cent, of taxation la levied on your factories and e© If they are as ssssel for mor© than twice what they will sell for at public auction. If these con ditions are stPf.tetofy let everyone who believes ll vote •© Republican ticket, te -< aus© all Reputl ’ ans iei| you (hat they ii< ntiu'i i * -err . o^dikais." The spec* h w*aa apparently well receiv ed. ( OL. vyil 1% %T HIM IIE9TKR. Mmlr Two Xperelies to largr and At tentive Onvrda. Ro heater. N. Y.. Ort. 19 —W. J. Bryan reached this cliy at 9:15 oVIo k 10-nlght and mad© two speeches her©. The first of these was mad© from a ha'cony in front of the Towers House and the a* •* nd tn Fltsbugh Hall. Preceding the speeches there sir a street parade from ih© New York Central depot to the center of the>clty and It was on© of th© mo t •latoraf# an well as one of th© most enthusDailc demonstration* • list lias as yet i4*©n made In honor of tho Democratic candidate. Mr. Bryan's cnrrlagw was drawn by four horses. Once during the evening the I©.cling sixin of hor’S to'-k flight at the fireworks an I tirn<l quickly. It lookej for a moment as If they would tips©* Ihe vehicle. The frightet e*l anlmsls we*e. however, quickly t aught by a dos©n m -n.- Imim of the* st march ng clul sand again turned in the right directum. Mr. Bryan retained his seit in the carrtigs and did riot ©how fright. Mr. Bryan *ddre*e©d a *©* of human tieings at th© op©*-sir meeting They re ceived him with l.sid cheers and listened as well as such a multitude could for mDmll iw©ny minutes. It was 10 o'clock before he reached Fttshugh Hall. Tnere he met a densely packed audience, who bad waited two hours for h!s mm ng. If© was* rece ved with prolonged cheers and received close’attention. PLATFORM 4 LM <F. DEFINED. "1 lir 9npr* m** C'anrl If It line after lie 4 oiißtltuted." Boston, Oct. It.— A letter from Beni tor Jonti, chairtmui of the IhWsifiUf Ng- Odd lot $1.25 Under shirts, double an and single-breasted, at 7 5c each Men’s Night Shirts, made of strong mus lin, silk trimmed fronts, at 39c each AMD Plain Figures. tlonal Committee. In answer to a query by a Hon lon lawyer as to the "real tnnan- Ing Intended to Ih- covered by the re'er ence to the HupretVie t'ouit aa It may barn* after ba constituted," In thy Chlc.ixo pltt form, haa been received. H.nator Jonaa •ays: "Hermit me to suggest that the para* graph which the*.- worda occur asserts that but for Ike decision of Ilia Hiprrno I'otirt In the Intone- tax rase that there would have lawn no dclb lency. Thla quee non having been before that court aa con. alltuted. at th time, and the decbloa Intv Illy twin rendered attalnat the Imomo tax act by a ilnxle vote, It not to bo aupixised that the court ‘aa at present con* atltuted' would ever reverae Ita derla Ot Upon thla unaatlon Hut If a vacahejr ahould occur nml a Judge ahouid go on tho belch who colncldoe In hla vleara, tar w|ili Juailce Harlan, then thla action could be bad. "Thl vc a a the contingency fnniempataj by the fram-r* of lltv fdatforra.' 1 WHAT lilt tt\ MAID OK f ItOKK.H. Nothing to Joetlfy llianapyelt'a Coa. etuelon. Rocheater. S. V.. Oct. It.— Mr. Rryan'a nttentMm waa railed to-night to a atate. ment to the affect Unit Gov. Rnoaevrlt had, In a apeech to-day, quoted him ao saying that "Mr. Croker la tha greatest min In the world," and had mode a apeech in which he had uard thla aa a text. After reading the atatement Mr. Ilryan eald: "1 would not have been guilty of of. fending Gov. Itnoeevelt and Henator Han na and Henator I’latl by making attch a < omtcarlxon At the lat meeting Tueo day night In New York. I laid: ” 'Thki la the fourth great meeting of the aerlea of Tammany ratification meet ing*, and In view of the Immenae attend ance I am prepared to aay great la Tam many, ond Croker Is Ita prophet, 1 •To you aee anything |n that to Juatlfy th# atatement aubmltted? 1 * O* Tit Haiti Ml. IATTLBnr.M), Gen. Wilaon Kind* Work Is Gnlog on Warhlngton. Ort. Iff-Gen. Wilaon. chl-f of engineer, returned to-day from a flip through Kenlueky. Tennessee and Mlstla alppl where he haa been Inspecting Im pnovetoeiiti of rleera under Ihn engineer eorpa. While at Vicksburg Gen. Wllaen look occasion to visit the new pork Ibat la being eatahllahed by Ihe government oh the Vicksburg buttletleld. 110 says this work la progressing In a moil satisfactory manner and that nil parties Interested are co-operating to make |t a good represen tation of the great a less which look plica there In I*2 II la the Intention cf the managers to have the cannon used by both Unions an.l Confederates correctly represented In Ihe guns that are to be mounted to mark Ihe different anas of battle. t nlqaJtt hews Items. Colquitt, Go.. Oct. I.—The fall Isrm of Ihe Superior Court of this county, will convene here on next Monday, Oct. B*. The Midland Association. Free Will Itapilste, held their se-oml annual ires lon at Oakf-Hldge Church, six miles north of Colquitt, on Wwhiesday and Thurs day. Oct. IT amt iff. Th# association waa very largely attended, and the meeting was a complete success. lulled In Hen I Hla Own It-cord. Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. Iff.—Tho great Creaceua again to-day failed In hi* at tempt to lower bln own world's record for iroltlng stallions of 8:04, but ha made a full se-ond better time than In Ns trial of Wednesday, making the mile to-day In 2.WU- A Hecnliar Operation. Macon. Ocl. Iff —Dr. T. H Jones of Jnf ferspnvllle came to Macon to-day lo hava a grain of corn cut out of the windp'ps of hla little daughter. Mary Milan Tha opera'lon waa successfully performed, but is yet ihe grain has not been dislodged, tt will come out Inter, th- physicians think. Jacksonville Won the bane. Mxcon, Oct. Iff —Jacksonville beat Ma con's football tram by a score of 6 to a. It waa a splendid game. 5