The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 21, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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14 oei e 7 Y Thera 1* on* topic Jurt now tn which all society I* Interested. Engagement*. wed din* gown*. gnlf. th* latest goaslp, ar wadi enough, hut the debutante, In her manifold poaMbllltlsa. I* better. Recurring yearly, with delightful certainty and infi nite variety, eh* hold* her own a* an Inex haueuhle and fascinating subject Who ehe will be, what ehe will wear, what ehe will do—lt are such grave questions a these that *• dltcuea row In our innermost cir cle, with much wise nodding of head* The hour la feet approaching when ah* must buckle on her armor of sllkm gown and aandal ehoon. and. no longer unobserved In the g;ory of sister’s pathway, prepare for the fray. Who shall prophesy what thought* find place fn her pretty head am ehe surveys the dainty weapons of her warfare, newly Imported from milliner and tailor, those wieked abettors of the battle, or as she passe* through the try lig ordeal of mother * anxious scrutiny. b,g sister's experienced judgment and lit tle eietor'e envious admiration; and iadly before approvlttg. disapproving contradlc tory papa In the study, with hi* brow all wrinkled at the transformation of hi* lit tle girl Into another society woman, and perhaps an Inwwrd sign ever the hills •The droam of her s hool-gtrl days has be come a delightful reality, su.d It l a mat ter now but a few weeks before she will make her Initial tow at th# first ger man or a more dignifies! curtsey ai the nssambly, and so hegfn her triumphant march through the gayetlea of the wln tar. Mr Hauers has been entertaining Mr Malcolm Maclean. Mr Albert Wylly. Mr W Trenhulm Hopkins, and Mr. Julian Schley at St Catherine's The party re turned yesterday, after s week of per fect weather and excellent sport Mr*. Henry (”. Cunningham, who has been staying In Baltimore since her re turn from the West, reached home th* latter port of the week. < #*n and Mr*. W W. Gordon, and Miss Margars: Sill** arrived in New York Thursday by the Majestic. Mr and Mrs J Flora nc* Mini*, who have been spending the summer at their country place near Clarksville, are at home again The engagement of Mis* Daley Mcln tosh and Mr. N Emanuel of Brunawlck. has beer, re enily announced Mis* M Jmoeh. nil hough her home 1* now in Brunswick, lived In Savannah for a num ber of >eare. and ha* many frlenda here No date ha* yet been set for the wedding. Mr T l.lord Owena left yeaterdav for Clarksville He will return the latter part of the week, accompanied by Mrs. Tiiomas. Alisa Mary Osvene Mls* Maud Thi ma* and .Her* Mela Thomas, who have been spending the summer at their country place. Guinas. Mr and Mr*. Henry D. Steven* are entertaining Mr*. Fuller and Miss Fuller of Miami. Mrs Fleming (1. dußlgnort returned a few day* ago from a stay of several weeks In Ww York Mr Edw ird s Eilloft ha* returned from his trip abroad. Mr Wtlllum Varnadoe entertained at dinner Wedne -day evening His guests were Mr V. W. Saussy, Mr Frl Sauny. Mr Gordon Faussy, Mr William J. Walk er and Mr G. Noble Jones. Mrs Balslon Wylly u visiting her par ents In Tliomaavllle John M I'gan. Ml** Josephine lCgan and Ml*- May Kgan returned Fri day. after u delightful summer In Mar quette. Min Helen M Kgan I* visiting In Si Paul, and will not return unill some what later In th# full. Ml** Joalne .Weed ha* gone to Idaho to attend the wedding of a friend In Rolsc City. Miss Kale Hauers. Ml** Fre la Uiuers, Mr Jack Hauers ami Mr Wayne Cun ningham are guest* ~f Mr and Mrs. J Stewart Craven In Haieni, N. J. Mr*. Wright Hunter. Master Harold Hunter and Master John Hunter, return ed last night from New York Mis* Itolsy Phillip* and Miss Georgina Phillips returned Monday from Baltimore Mr and Mrs Charles A Gibb** hav* gone to New York for a week's stay. Matltr Howard Glbb-nt is visiting Mr ami Mrs. R. Cuyler Gordon. Ml** Sally Haskell and Mias I.lna Huger who have been guest* of the Misses Thomas at Gulnas, are at home again. Mr and Mr*. William 1. Clay returned Wednesday from Richmond. They were accompanied by Mr* Clay's sinter. Miss France* McGuire, who will be their guest for th* winter Mrs T. J. Charlton. Mis* Katherine Charlton, and Master Thomas J. Charl ton, Jr., have irturned from a visit of several weeks In Marietta. Mr* C. A. Shearson has returned from Canada. Mrs Hollins K Randolph, who ha* been In the city for some time, left re ntly for her home In Atlanta. Miss Fiance* Walter will spend this winter with her sister. Mrs Kandolnh and #*- pct* to make her debut In Atlanta The wedding of Mis* Reita Hhoiler Fan nin and Mr Wllhur McHourln C n”y w hl-h took place Wednesday ev -nln ■ In LaGrang*. though a quiet me, w.s m prersne and beautiful Itev. G. A Nun nally. I> It. officiated. The ceremony was performed at the home of the I ride * |>*r ents. Col and Mr*. J. H. Fannin, on Ver non street, which had heen tastefully a- - orated wnth palm*, ferns, white rhryein themums and Bride roaes. The brld- wo • an exquisite while satin gown, elaborately trimmed with real la e. and carried a bou quet of choice Bride ros-s. Only relatives and a few Imlmuie friends wrer* present, no reception being held owing i . r e nt bereavement In the bride's family Mr amt Mr*. Coney left on the 9 o'c.ork train for Asheville, where they are now visiting Mrs. M C. Gregnlea. Mr and Mrs Sesiuma Cleveland. Mis* Do!* and Miss Nora Cleveland, who have been living In Augusta for the past year, have returned to Houston for the winter Mrs. A B. Hull rea hed home Tuesday afternoon. Mis Clavlu* Phillips and Mis* Fannlo Phllllpa have returned from Port Hope, Canada, where they spent the summer. Miss Daisy .Mclntosh Is expected tn Sa vannah the latter part of the week to visit Mra E. F. Bryan. Mrs. C. F. Moses, who hna been In New York for several weeks, since her return from Canada, reached home a few day* a so. Mr and Mrs George J. Mills have re lumed from New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. M Moynelo ami Mis* tola Moynelo arrived on Monday's steam er from Baltimore Mr. Arthur B M Qlbhe* returned yes terday from a ten-days' trip to New York Mr*. Giniie- did not act ompany Mr Glbhes to Mav.tnnah. but w< it to Atoms to stay with Mrs. Harwood, tn th* Ma tfoatlc. Mr. and Mis. H. M. Ultaltkid and Mis* J 4 Broughton Street, West. Ladies’ Furnishings. Vob \rx/ill Always piijti 11?© DEMAND OF FASHION, Being women our experience has enabled us to select a proper Corset in different models adapted to all figures. Our Redfern Corset gives a distinctive carriage, upright poise to the shoulders, flat abdomen and well rounded toward the back. WOMEN AND CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR. All ot the numerous weights from the thinnest to the warmest, thickest, softest kind, you buy under with perfect safety here. Special attention given to Infants’ Underwear in all grades. WOMEN AND CHILDREN’S HOSIERY. This season we have given this Department special attention. You will find our Hose elastic and perfectly shaped, well finished, will not crock, and withal inexpensive. This season we are giving exceptional value Hose at 25c Try our Kid Gloves and you will have no other. Mabel Atnddard. who have been spending the etiminer In the mountain* of North Carolina, returned during the week Mr and Mr*. U F Finney and M**t*r B F Finney. Jr., reached home Tuerday morning. Mr* Charles El l* Mi** Helen Ellis and Ml** Margaret EMI* arrived a few days ago from Blue Ridge Summit, where they have been slaving sine* Mr* Elite return ed from her trip to Yellownone Park Mis* Bailie Anderson left for New York Thursday Bhe will return thl* week with Mr* Pape, who expert* to sail on tha 3th. Mr. Edward Demere. who has heen spending a month In Baltimore and New York, returned home Friday Mrs Thomas Hunter expect* to sail Td-sday fur New York Mr# Burt O. Miller of Augusta spent several day* of the pass week In town Mkts Jennie Haines will rail Tues .lay for New York, from where *h* will go lo Philadelphia to visit Mis* Margery • Ween. Mr. Albert Htoddard. Jr . Is In town for a few days. It* guest of Mr. and Mr* Charles Kilt* Miss Jeanette Well Is spending some weeks In New York Dr. and Mrs. Eugene R Corwor, Ml** PaMline Oorsnt. and Mister Eugene R Corson. Jr. after several week* at th* Non Ik arrived home las. night. Mr*. H C. YVavne Is spending the win ter at Mr*. Cunningham's on Macon street, near Drayton. Mr. and Mr*. J R Bheldon. who have been spending the summer In New York state, returned Tuesday. Mr* Emile Newman and Master Tracy N * r ii F Dr. David McKethan of Fayettewvtll# was fhe guest of Dr. John A Robeson for several day* during the week Mies Sadie Smart Is sludylng at the Art La-ague and expects to spend the winter In New York. Dr. and Mra. W F. Aiken and their children returned Tuesday, nfter <■ de lightful summer In Massachusetts. Mr# S E 'i'heue and Master Charlton Tlteue returned Friday, after spending *■ veral week* In Virginia. Mr*. James McCaw of Macon, after a visit to Ml*w Hattie Saussy, returned homo Wednesday. Mrs. F M Hoggs has rsturned from Bt. George. H. C , where ehe hi* been staying for some lime. Mrs L. V. Cox returned home Wednes day. Mr John M. Cutler of Macon, mad# a short vtelt In town during the week. Mrs. M M O'Brien of Atlanta, who came to Bavannah Tuesday to.sing at the Cathedral otgin recital, and show heiu tlful voice delighted every one. la th# guest of the Misses Mc.'rohan, with whom she will spend some time. Mia* Marie Whelerw of Auguata I* vis iting her brother Mr. J. P. Wheless. Mr and Mr*. It. L* Polk left recently for Fort Myers. Mrs. David Wesson anl her children are expected home this week. Mr. and Mrs 8 Cohen have return* J after spending five week* very pleasantly tn Atlantic City, I’hliul- Iphla, New York Z BEE HIVE, N. SCHUTZ, %■ St. Julian and Whitaker Streets. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Knit Underwear. Thr ■tylrw, kin! nnd nrluhti you %nnf are hrrr, anil tvo u'tnrrtnfrr )nn a myliik on evrr> itrtlrle. lour mou*> liark If >ou do not thluk •o. Linlln' White ar.d Natural Ribbed Vests. high neck, lon* sleeve* 1 -' 10 Ladies' heavy fleered while ribbed Vests c Ladles’ White ami Natural Shaped Flat Veal a Sir Ladtea' Heavy Fleeced Natural Veata. full alte 4Sr Ladlea' While Wool Veaia and I’anta, fnahloned. allk baud*, allk embroidered, decant quality *Sc Ladlea' While All-Wool Veata and Pants. full fahlo;icd. selected atock. auperb quality Pc Ladlea' All-Wool Scarlet I'nder wear, apeelal woi*ht Tsc Children* While and Natural t'nder wvar— Shirt*. Pint* and Drawer#— loc. 125*0. 15c. H'. *V Children'* Wo* I t'n.lerwe tr—Shirt*. Pant* 0.-d Drawer*—lF*. IS lit.*. Mr. V**', tic, 9c. M lews' Jeraey Ribbed White Vet!*, high neck, lonf eleevea Uo THE MOKNIKG NEWS: SUNDAY. OCTOBER 21. 190 Q. nty. and ftamnar I,**** 4. fK-i . . pl-ra they were accompanied by Jo’ i ! rT#“wThe,“V hrr “< - street west Hev and Mr*. G. G. N MacDooell Who have been gu,.,,, „ f Mr a|)<l t™. I. D."’.*, rr ..... •sat'rsr.**- .' , * r,on t’coper I* visiting Mis* Katherlna Johnson in M'ayrroe*. eJf"' ' V NV •"<! -Mlsa Margaret rtovle. who are visiting In will *V -hotly for Halifax They pe!, Ckna'.TiT* ,om ° ,r - v#:,n *f through ed M Djm?T" Pr,n< ' l ’ H ha* return- { ed from Baltimore Mr*. Hall was ac rsTof'f, rr h - r mp,,, * r ' ssjs. Cole, of Baltimore | Mra Thonvis Nugent and her children ore axpecied this week fr<n North . aro L J! f "' r h-v,n ‘he summer , n Ih*- mountains. Mr. Edward Mclntyre has returned from a visit to Suwannee Bpring*. Mr John Golden and Mr. John Hogan are vHnt|„g New York. Mrs John O. De.u of Ma on Is th* guest of Mr* K F Krenaon at 19 Duffy (flit. Mrs. B p. Brooks, who has been spend- I Ing several weeks In New York as tn guest of her friend. Mrs. Isabella Hewitt I will return home on Nov. 1. The opening aolre* of the Reddlrk- A.latns Dancing Academy took place at the Catholic Library Hall Friday evening and was a thoroughly enjoyable affair! Over two hundred guests weee present. I and the entertainment w*s pronounced In every way a delightful one The next dance will be given on the second of No vember. Mr. and Mr*. Walter Coney have re turned from Ea Grange. Mr*. K. 11. Hinton and family, who have been *i>en<)tr.g the summer and earls autumn at Tallulah Fall*, have returned home Mrs. Hinton's mother. Mrs. .Solo. mon ha* also returned. Mr. Noble Hardee is spending some lime In New York. Mrs Laxarus Mohr has resumed her Tuesday afternoons at home. Mr Alvin M. Bell left for the North yesterday for a month. He will join Mrs Bell In New York and they will return about Nov. Si. Mrs, Ht rut here Mr* William Hodge* and Master Richard Hodges of Boston have come to Su- annih lor th* winter and are staying at Mr*. Heyward’*, on Forsyth Park. Mr*. D. R. Thomas and Ml*# Jann'e Tnomas returned last evening from New York Miss Mamie Hearne of Alb.mnrlc, N C . Is expected this week to visit Dr. and Mrs. W E. Fitch. Announcement I* made of the engage ment of Miss Ro*a I .eon I Hunger, •laughter of Mr* A. titling, r of Quincy. Fin . to Mr Max Eax .rus of Macon Mrs. Henry H, McKee and Master W. an- Broyn Kops. Jr., after a delightful summer In Baluda. have returned home MaJ. and Mrs. J O. Vurnedne. who have been guess* ol Mr an I Mr*. J* R. gauggy. I Uendlrmen'a <lra Mixed, Drown Mixed and White t’nderahlrta and Drawera, fall wetirht* joe IJentlemen'* Heavy Fleeced While and Fancy Blue Shine n-l Draw er* sf tlcnilemen'k Kara Heavy Fleeced Natural, Fancy Blue, anj Tan I'n ilerahirta and Drawers Cc Gentlemen's Sanitary Natural Wool Shlrta and Drawera. winter weight* 75c Gentlemen's Wool Scarlet Shlrta and Drawera av Gentlemen'# FDnnel Dverahlria. Blue. Brown. Oarnet and Oray M.xed, well mule, full alee 73c Qentlemen'e I’nbleached Canton Flannel ond Jean Drawera 19c Oentlemen’a Bleached Canton Flan nel Drawera 39c Infanta" White Fleeced Wrapper*, open and buttoned In fron'. in.- iji„e, jfc. Infant*' White Fine Rlhhed Hand* l3c. 17c, SV Info, la' Zipiyr W.l rochet gw 7c Infant*' Wool Eiderdown Sic caaina, alt color* S&e Infanta' Soft Kid Moccasins, all col or* Uc 0 5? GUTMAN’S % Cr° Printed Messenger. EXTENDS AN INVITATION TO THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY TO WITNESS AT THE COUNTERS OF HIS ESTABLISHMENT, A MAGNIFICENT ILLUSTRATION KJK FASHION OF THE FALL SEASON, 1900 Prominent features of the display are Dress Goods. An endless variety of new weaves that combine taste, style and economy. {Venetian | floths. [This very styl ish and dressy cloth is to he had of as in all of th’ fashion able shades, at $1.49 a yd. Ladies'Cloths id all of the most popular colors, at 98c and $1.49 a yd. MILLINERY. A Qrand Variety of SPECIMEN HATS fresh from tbc hands of the skilled millinery artists of Paris and the other fashion centers of the world are displayed in pleasing variety throughout. OUR ELEGANTLY APPOINTED MILLINERY RARLOR. which has grown Into prominence through our successful efforts to. al all times, present to the ladies of our city the most tasty, stylish and fashionable headgear coupled with prices to please them. THE VARIED ELEGANCE OF OUR MILLINERY EXHIBIT. which strikingly illustrates the fashion of the day. combined with the prompt and courteous attention of the ladles of this department, continues to increase the list of our Millioerv patrons. TRIMMINGS OF EVERY KIND THAT’S ESSENTIAL TO A COMPLETE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ARE SHOWN IN ABUNDANCE. BARGAINS, APRON CINCHAM at Sc a yd. SHIRTING, I yd. wide. at Sc a yd. CANTON FLANNEL at Sc a yd. SHEETS, full alza, 39c quality for 49c PILLOW OASES. ISO kind, for 12H3. TABLE DAMASK. Extra heavy all linen Damask. 72 In. wide, value II ..19. SPECIAL PRICE 9Sc. DAMASK NAPKINS, extra heavy, fine and worth 12.00. to go at II .4* per dozen. COLORED DAMASK, red and white, value lie, Special price 2.1 c. M In. wide. Hl'Ck TOWELS, all linen and heavy, value 19c. now t c. Mr and Mre. J. Tlns’ey Smith have re turned from (heir wedding trip. Mrs Frank Hardee Williams, who has been visiting relatives In Tennessee, has returned lo Savannah, left a fevr days ago for their home In Valdosta. Mrs. U C. Banks, who has been vistlng Mr ind Mrs. Hugh C. Banks In Brooklyn, has return—! to Savannah. Utile Miss Kretd i tl ills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ben Hall*, calibrated her birthday Wednesday afternoon. A de lightful time was spent by the children, and a photograph of Ml-* Frelda was given to each child attending. Sit girl* were *- lecte I lo w-alt uimn tin* table. They were Misses I.ulu Adams. Palsy ikinherg. Alma Sterly. Georgia 8,-hmder. Klhel Mlscatly and Ada Oerken. The little lots were Misses tVar.-ki Hierly, Stella Oer ken, Pauline and Nora I-atig. Stella and frtlda Sin.lers. Mildred Bheftall. Mlklrel Sehroler. ltuthle Harms. Hilda Aseniorf. Kuthle Schaeffer. Genevieve Sipple and Masters Cord and Chris Ascndorf. Csrl Oerken. Br.inl Schaeffer. Carlisle Sipple. Stanley Ward. Charlie Sipple. Orene Kraft. Richard Mordecal. Mir* M illie Roger* of Macon, after n visit lo Miss Hattie Saussy, Is now the guest of Mr. and Mrs George P. Walker. Mrs J. A Croat bar, Miss Mary and Mis* Courtenay Crowther returned re tsntly from Halllmore. Miss Mattie -Saturn is the guest of Mr. and Mrs J. A. O. Carson. Capt John R. F. Tattnall, who has been In Middletown, Conn., for some time, ha* returned home Ml** May Nu hols ha* returned from Ma con. where she has been visiting her cous in. Miss tola Baker. Mrs W A Nlsbett returned last night from Clarkavilla. Ml** Alice Maxwell of Montexuma. who hot- been visiting Miss Kffle Kloodworlh, returned home during the week. Mrs Arthur J. Smith returned from New York yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hull Jr . have gone to Memphis, where they expect to reside In the future. M s* Louise Waldnnuer Is the guost of her cousin. Miss Lee, In II ohmond. Mr and Mr* A. C Wright returned last night from New York Mr. and Mr*. Walter P. La Roche have returned from Baltimore. Mrs. W A. Plgman returned last even ing from New York. Mrs. U T. McCall has returned from Birmingham. Mies Marlon Higgins of Bath. Me. Is the guest of Miss Maude Farmer. Mis* Higgins 1* on her way to cjuiiman to visit relative*. Abbott'* Last yndla Corn Paint curwa every tune. It tabes off the corn, no pam. cures wart* and bunion* and t* conceded to be a wonderful corn cure bold by all druggists—ad. —William Johnson of Waukesha. Wl.', has for year* been afflicted with stomach trouble and finally went to a Milwaukee hospital, where It wrr* found that he was suffering from cancer An operation was performed 'he surceon culling away two third* of the ptotnoeb. Johnson i- now up and about and ere lung will be able to eat ns usual. In several re-order! cast * the enllre'atomach has been removed, hut Johnson’s experience la aald to be unique. Chaviots in all widths and the latest effects of the season. Special atten tion is request ed to the kind at 49c and 75c a yd. Golf Plaids in the mo*t stylish color combinations, at 98c and $1.65 a yd. Group No. I. CENTIMERI KID CLOVES. black and colored (•msll buttons). Special Bargain Price, SI.OO a pair. GUTMAN’S 19 Broughton Street, west. THE REAL JEW. GOOD r.*K row % WITH MUCNDER STOOn PROFIT. heeret of the \\ <rld*a Aor-l.ou]i l*rr|udlrr Attains! (lit* .Iru-la It llecansc ll* l,ntra Money, Or fir. cnuse Hr Get* In the Way of Our ' I.ovr of Money f—Th l.lltrrallly of th J.n.—Thrlr l-nw-Abldlntl Olilrlt Thrlr Patriotism Thrlr Hraullful llomr-l.lfr Thrlr In •I ml root Utility. Richmond, Va., Oct. 20—In Or. Edward laugh rell'a new book, "The Bright Side of Humanity," there I* a notable chanter on the Jews, in which the author says that while the Jew has had a place In the world'* concloune* *ln~e Abraham’s day, It Is only within the memory of men now living that he has In-gun to ilnd a place In the world's conscience. Speaktrg of the age-long prejudice against the Jew. Dr. I’ell says that It Is a little remarkahle ( that very few specMc charges have ever been brought against him. "Nobody has accused him of being a ’ disturber of the peace, nobody ever called I him a loafer or a sol. or a quarrelsome fellow: nobody ever wrote him down In the criminal class: nobody has accused him of a lack of benevolence. We have been content to halo him for what ha is, perhaps, rather than for anything that he has done But, no; thla sentence will not pass. There Is one thing for which we hate him. and that Is his inordinate love j of money. Ye:, when we come to examine [ our heart# on this ma'ter we are not sure whether It Is his love of money that Is sc exasperating, or the fact thst he Is con s'sntly getting In the way # nf our love jof money 1 am not sure hut that this, after nil. Is the aecrst of the world's age-long prejudl-e against the Jew From Ja-oh's da>, wherever the Israelite has gone he has mode money faster thin his neighbor*. and for this he has never been forgiven As for the modern Jen * love of money. It I* a most natural falling As n famous Anglo-Jew ish physician once sl.1: 'lt nhouM not he forgotten that ail other mean* of distinction have been de nied the Jew He must rise by wealth or not rise at nil. and If. as he well knows to Insure wealth be to Insure rank, re spect and attention In so-lety, doc* the hams rest with him who endeavors In acquire wealth for the distinction which |t will purchase, or with that society which so readily bows down at the ehrlne of Mammon?' As this writer Bays. II Is not pretended that the Jew is a miser, and that he desires to acquire wealth merely for the loathsome gratification of hoard ing It. 'The Jewish merchant Is general lv profuse In hi* expenditure: he has isborrd to gain riches on a count of the respect which th* > will procure for him. amt ho Is proud of expending them with the same view 1 "Moreover, the Jew la liberal Indeed. o Mr. Clemens has saW. hi* race ta en titled to be called the most benevolent of all races of men. The Jewish beggar la not impossible, perhsns; such a thing mtt" exist tut there are few men that can say they have seen that spectacle. The Jew ha* been staged In many un complimentary forms, but. to for as I know, no dramatist has done hits the in- ! Mixed Suitings A heantiinl va riety ot col or effects, at 25c, 39c, 50c, to $1.50 a yd. CLOAKS AND SUITS. Tht beaut y ant] ityle of th* Cloak* and sult* of nur plen did assortment will delight you. and the prices will save you considerable amount on the purchase. SPEClAL*'Ladies’ Blouse Buit, In Oxford and Blue Mixture*, at sl2 15 per suit. Ladles’ and Children's Furs, with allot the new finishing point*, a splendid variety of them. Ladlea’ Flannel Waists, In the mot effective and fashionable style*. BLANKETS. I LOT ELEGANT ALL-WOOL CALIFORNIA BLANKETS, .slightly .soiled, were cheap at SS.OO. PRICE. TO CLOSE. $5.89 a pair. COLORED and BLACK SILKS: that bear the stamp of excellence of quality, and that \ exquisiteness of color harmony which appeals success y fully to the most fastidious customer. k Black Armures. Avery hand some assort ra?nt ol new weaves. Special,24 in. wide, for 51.39 a yd. Colored Taffeta Silts in all of tbv leading fash ionable shades. The Ssc kind. Special price. 68c a yd. Justice to stage him as a When ever u J-w lias real need lo beg. hli people rave him from the necessity of doing It. The charitable institutions of the Jews are supported by Jewish money, and amply. The Jews make no noise about It; |t Is done quietly; they do not nag and trrsler and harass us for con tributions. they give us peace, and set us an example— an example which we have not found ourselves able lo follow ’ " if pea king of the Jew’s law-abiding spirit. Dr. Fell says that a Hebrew Is rarely found In prison, and recalls the statement of Oov. Vance of North Carolina, who. when pardoning the only Jew tn the slate penitentiary, wrote: "I take pleasure In saying that I sign the i-nidon In part as a recognition of the wood and law-abiding character of our Jewish cltlxers, this be ing the first serb-ua cas** brought to my notice on the patt of that people.” In defending th Jew ugam of the charge so often made th it he Is not. and In the nature of things cannot be. a patriot. Dr. Pel' quot> s the Rev. Madi son C Fetors, who say* In his "Justice to Jews." that "un'll very re cntly the Jews were rnrely ever permitted the op portunity of fighting for their country, but whenever they have been allowed to enter the lists they have proved that the contumely heaped upon them had not quenched their manhood " "It Is we | known." says Dr. Pell, "that during the Revolution a large proportion of the sinews of war were provided hy patriotic Jews. Ilayne Bolomon of Phila delphia gave 90U0,h00 for ihl* purpose, no; one pinny of which las < ver been repall to his heir*. Benjamin Levy of Phila delphia and Beniamin Jacobs of New York were among the signers of the bills of ciedit for the Continental Congress of ITM. while Samuel Lyon of New York, another patriot! Jew. signed similar bills in 1771 Isaac Moses ami Herman Levy of Philadelphia contributed large siime for the suptort „f the army In the field .1 w M unci Mo dec tl Noah, served as an officer tn Washing ton's staff and give <10)0 0 for t ;iP sup port of th- nrmy. In an unpublished let ter of Jar. I Sparks the story |s tol-t that at the outbreak of the Revolution Mr Domex, a Jew of New York c|tv. pr.e Isisel to organ xe a compiny of sob Hr* for aervlce A member of the Co-itlnm ill Congress to whom he unfolded hi* plan remonstrated with him on a c cunt of h > age he being then *; but the old mu. coolly replied that he could et p n hul|i a* well as a younger man and went h a way. As Mr. Peter* says, the g a t which the Jew* took In the late lr between the state* was so consp coou* that It would be difficult to pl< k out the m st promi nent mm In the c millet ebher < n th* Federal or the Confederate aide." Hr Pell sp .ks of the Iwauilful home life of the Jew. and ro'es the ftet p-ai nowhere la he a cumtw-rer of the ground He Is tn every calling, ind In every call ing he excels" Concluding hi* e*t mite the author says that th* Indestructibility of the Jew Is an Indestructible argumen' In l-ehalf of the worth of the ra -e "In apltr of all thins* he live. Tvtonny and dispersion have failed to extern! ale him. The Pharaohs of Egypt made hi- I'e a burden, but he lived; the Crusaders cover ed him with calamities. hut he lived the Inquisition crushed him. but he lives. And he llvee everywhere." -President Eliot of Harvard has of lafe year* been evincing an Interest in ath bilce, with which he w*s of oid little credlied Vain week he spent pari* of tivo afternoon* on Soldier*' Field watch ing the work of the early candidal** for position* on the football team. Black Taffeta Silks. \ Special. 21- in. wide, value $1.25. Special price. 98c a yd. Guiranteed. BARGAINS, Extra Heavy Flannel, In gray and blue, 33c kind for 25c All-Wool Flannel, whlte_ and red, 25c quality, tor i9c a yd. LADIES' HOSE. In black and fancycnl ore, 3 pairs tor SI.OO. LACE CURTAINS IRISH POINT, RENAISSANCE. NOTTINOhAH| and other choice kinds in the variety, at j money-saving prices. ART DRAPERIES, with fringe to match. In choice colors nnd designs. MAJOR ROCKHTRLUIR'II FATE. Story of Ilia llltapiirnrasri- t onfrn •tlrlr.l by th.- *r Department. From the New York Evening fo.i Washington, Oot. 18.—A very Interesting and romantic Jilory, published In smin of this morning's newspapers, purporting lo tell the Inner story of the <llsippea r " n ' * of MaJ. Rockefeller of the Ninth Infai try. while on duty In the Philippines, ha* I-• n discredited by the War Departmet :. The atory related the details of the appearance of MaJ. Rockefeller's Infant son rewral years ago, invler cOtullMorv Which .-si to the irelief that hs was den -onw-w here In the Orient. It told hov the Major hud taken part In a fight with a body of Filipinos, led by a young whi t man; how the latter had fallen by the M,- Jor * own hatwl; how (stivers on the de*-l leader's person showerl him to be ihe .Ma jor'# long-loei son. and how the Major had disappeared Immediately after the discovery. It appears that this narrative h.i been In Ihe hands of the War Department • r some time, and has been Invest Igat- I. like every other poe*lh:e clue to Ma Rockefeller's whereohout*. Bui. unfor tunately for Its credit, the fart I* thi# H Major km not In any ligtii prior to ' * •llsappr trance, which oc urrel verv promptly after his arrival at the seal • f war Several symptoms Indicated on • ■ night he set out on his final Insneeltn* expedition, that the heat or anxiety, or both combined, had deranged hi* res-m somewhat, and the Indications were thi*. while In this slate of mind he wandered off Into the enemy's line* and was either ac.ldenlally or purposely killed. Hi* hat. Pick cl up about a mile and a half heyord the outermost of our picket*, wa* *h* oivy trace of his wanderings ever discovered. Panne Velvets. We are show ing this very popnlar Vel vet In lash ionahle colors at $1.50 a yd. Colored “Satin Flannels.” A beautifully (in; soil ma terial with rich satin fi led, for even - tog waists. I 98c a yd. Group No* 2 I LOT COMFORTS. full slzs, bargain Price, 73c each. I LOT CHILD S HOSE. double knee, heel arul toe, for sohool special price, 8C a pair. C<4 I'urquetry Floor*. have been laid In many of the comfortable home* In New York. Roton and other eltle*. More cleanly and economical than car pets. Plain and fancy floors laid and polt*hd complete over old floor*, making a aolld and beau tiful improvement. Cm*- aloaue on request, K flmatea *ent on receipt of meaaurea of room*. Havtn* a number of floor* to lay In Savannah thl* month we can quote clone fljturr*. J. M. ADAMS. 2*7 N Cbarle* Street. Baltimore, Md.