The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 21, 1900, Page 19, Image 19

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plans for union station. _ nl „, r. abc hitkct* 11/IMIITKD KOH TMt BtH.UI.VO. mt tT"" ** r - Bradford •“ Ollkl B< Krw York to Yot to Arrive— It H ,|| Hr Hrrr tor *t FrMr. Hhro There Will Hr a Mrrtlag ot pirrior* ot the I 0100 Mottos Com |.ny—A Mtrilon liar Mr Noalr Ihro <>r l-atrr—The Ttirrr Dnlgaa sebmUted Wore Informally la ureled Yesterday. _ rr . design* for Savannah's union sta , „ were submitted yesterday morn In* to , t. W. W. Mecfcall, president of ihe snonr.ah Union Station Company. Capt. v ,< ha.l. Mr W. L. Cloy ond othtr grntle pm connected with tto railroad, destined uor I hr nr* passenger tertnin.U ex •glnad thr plans, but thrlr Judgment was Withheld. yet another architect Is to pc heard Irom. vest Friday there will boa mretto* of t * director* of the Savannah Unton ta i on Company, when thr four design* will br at hand. Their formal Inspection will then be made, and It la poeslble that the dirrctore may make up their minds aa to which mould be chosen at that meeting Ur <ir*nt Wilkins and Mr. U. L. Norr „,** of Atlanta, and Mr. Frank P. Wil burn. aie thr archltecta. whoee plana hsve alieody been received. Mr. Brad ford L. Gilbert of Now York, was also Invited to submit o design, ond It to ex pected that he will be here, together with the o:her architects, to meet with the d.ractr and explain, eny feetures of their prospective buildings that might not be thoroughly understood. Estimates of the probable cost of the b A.dings they have designed will be sub mitted also by thr orcbltacte. Throe es timate* will probably be of Importance to t ie directors, as they will enable them to reoch a coorloeaon a* to which building, constderlng Pa coot as well as Its advan tages. would bo most satisfactory to the company. The next atop after the choice by the directors of thr building as designed will be advertisement for bids from contrac tor. The contractors will be st liberty lo examine thr plana and apw-lflcattena It. making up Ihelr estimate* It le prop able that many bdder* will he attracted, a. It I* probable that anywhere from Uofl.- t. to JMO.Ow will be expended upon the building, though lha matter of probob:* coat was one Into which the rrntlesnen it.taraaied would not entw at all In giv ing out Information of tha submission of Piana. It Is tha purpose of tb* Union Bratton Company, which Is made up of represen tatives of tha fia*board Air lJno, the Plant System and the Southern Railway, to arecl a budding that will be an honor lo the city, and a considerable expenditure will be neceasary to carry out their plan. The minimum eoat that has been mention ed In connection with the prospective union station the atate may build In At lanta Is ISVi.OOO. so that the amine amount may well he nfltned as the maximum for tnat the Union Station Company will erect lu Savannah. Only the nceeptanew of a design and the procuring of a contractor to undertake the constru'd Km remain for the directors, as they have the stte and approaches that are needed The station 1s to he located on th* wt side of West Broad etreet. between Stewart and Huberts street*. WILL SOOV CHAkKR CAMS. "by Condwetara l> hot I.lke Open Street Cara. Th* season le fast approaching when the open street cars will be called In to Bi.vke way for th* closed ones that are run In winter. The public will be sorry to see the open cars go. but the conduc tors will not mind 1* no greatly. They pre fer the closed rare, because It Is easier work for them, a* they are always on the same level, having no step* up and down to and from Ihe running hoard With the closed cars, they can stand on the rear platrnrm and collect fares with out having *o much climbing shout. In rainy weather the ofien cars are par ticularly disagreeable for conductors, as they have to make their way about on the running boards, which are onshelter <d. It is a difficult matter, too. for them to see what 1* going on around them when the rurtatn* are drawn down, and they scarcely ever know when a passen ger wants to get on or ofT. A prtma objection th# conductors have to the open car* la th* extraordinary wear and tear on their uniforms they suse Swinging themselves along, rub bing elbows and sleeves on Ihe standards snd the handles to which they elinK and ihe other additional movements lliey have to make play havoc wltb their clothes, making It % hard matter for them lo last mere than one season' The conductors ara expected by the company to look neat r.ri presentable, but they claim the use of the open car* doe* not conduce to a tfsllxatjon of the expectation. With all their objection* to the open ■ r however, th* conductor* would far Itefer them In th* summer to the closed ones, as they, as well aa others, apprr -1 In# the cooling breexes that often can b* found nowhere save on th* moving tar*. '■ Walter ffawktns. general agent at !*> i annvnie fbr ths Ocean Steamship ' btnpany. waa among the visitors In the tity yesterday. el A Pope assistant general freight re- i of ipa Seaboard Air Line, has re t :ri e.t ia tp* city, after a trip for th* ten-flt of hla health. His friends are i 1 to not# hla Improvement. Mr That R Cooper hao resigned hi* with the agent of the Ocean e'*m*htp I'ntitpanr, and left last nlghl T* ''Hants, where he ha* accepted a po l°t' I*l the office of the Centrals freight department. Mrs. Cooper will Join him hi * n-w home In about a month. A!! th* raflroa** #nt#rln* Atlanta that [ * th# projected union atailon th# * m *V tnilKt, har* ##nt tn th#lr an* t *** to <#*v#rnor. aec#pt!ti* th# prop r’etJ'T mad* that they pay an annual t>, V **g Pen cent, upon the cost of * building. Atlanta papers are talking he yvlan nnd hellev* the legislature not object to making an appropriation lor the work. " ILL MYTISB Hl* HORSE*. Ilr * * M. filbbeo Sent Hla Atrlaa ,n the Atlanta Horae Shots. „ ,r 'rthttr B. M. Olhbes shipped his of flv * fancy thoroughbred horse < '• *h! i yesterday. The animate will *"red In ihe horse show that will * f 'lure of the Inter-Stste Fair ' ow In progress. The show will v 7 Sov •*. Inchialve. filt.t., 1 "hlesta will he entered by Mr Mdd| '"“ns Me wIH have them In the per, [ dfnega, the speed ting, hlgh-step rf tandem classes The prlsee are know V * m * 'Mhhes 1 fr.ents who f * horses believe he wll he u - f>n* *' ,n nffig one or more, hs . ' ,r Glhbew' saddle hoi see wll h-lSi *•*” *n the competition for the " stlvtr cup offered for the • nrt rider In Ihe First Cavalry, hern c. Troops Quartgrma-ier 'ieorisi '' **utner will represent the <i "‘"ears tn the contest, tiding Mr. e. Horsemanship will can I la f h- * horse will count Oh p-r cen . h* ' ' expe-ted will Wr.rvr . ' n ' * number of the tiotenmr a t '*‘-^orAiu nU a 8 * r *'- ** it *“* DOWN A STUAMI.H'S nwxeu A Fishhavrk That Blvnlleto Be. huclinto nrssur’s Yletlms. The pilots an the pilot steamer J. H Betlll witnessed an unusual sight a day or two ago The tales of seafaring men i are often listened to with e decree of j Incredulity, but the story of a ffshhowk tumbling down the smokestß.-k of th* EstUl and bring taken out through Ihe turner* door below will line up beside that of the Hebrew children. Shadra.-h, Unhitch nd Abednego. who were cast In to a fiery furnace and came out without the smell of fir# on ihelr grtmente The EstUl was at anchor off Tybe# bar and Ihe pilot* were on Ihe lookout, though no! lor ftahhiwks. 1 Suddenly there wu* a swish of wings and a huge bird swooped down and parched on Ihe edge of lb# strainer's funnel P.lot : Am hi one was standing on the de.-k and ! threw up his band at the hawk. With a ; flap of hls wings the bird disappeared i down the funnel A fireman who was on deck ntauby, sprang down the lad der Into tha f! reroom, threw open the furnace door and there was Ilia hawk. with blood In hls eye. hut little worse off then the victims of Nebu badnexzer'* wrath. Asdde from a tew ocorobed feathers he cam# out ymi tou-hed The experience did not heft, hi* t. mper. however, and he sailed In for a fight, and was dispatched with to fireman s shovel The same dav th* pi lot a brought tn the j schooner Mary Baird. The captain of the schooner, when told the story of the fish hawk, had ana ready that pretty nest put the pilot* to elevp. Th* schooner was anchored In Hampton Hoods, when a huge hawk, with a fish In hi* bill, alighted on the rigging The mate shook a stay rope and the bird dropped the fish on ttock and flew off In a tittle while he returned with another fish and again th# mate shook the May and down j came the fish. Nothing daunted *he feathered fisherman spread hls wings and started for mors prey The mate atoned to gotoer up the fish, when the hawk came back a third time and settled down for hls meal The mate looked askance at th# huge creature, but. Ilk* a mariner bold, shook the stay rope again and down <-.ame the fish and away went th* hawk. That was the laat seen of him and the crew of the Mary Baird had fish for breakfast. wiu. goog mini tp. Oeergla CaaatruoSlsto Omnptotoy’i l.lend Work ts ffeoedy Borne 11 is believed the Oeoegta nonatructlton Company will has-* completed It# work on the Pea board terminal* on Hutehln eorVo Island by Nov. 1. The finishing touch** upon bulldlnge and (bed* are now holng made. A Her Nov. 1. 1t fs expected, there will only remain a general map of the terminals and Island properly of the Georgia and Alabama Terminal Company to be drawn and filed a* a record. Th# force of engineer*. to**t*t#rta and In epee lor a employed toy the Gemrglto Clon ilructlon Pompsny has been gradually de creored with the diminution In th* amount of dilly work. At on* tlm* Ihl# oorp* consisted of tobout thlrty-flee. hut now there ar# only thirteen employed Moot of these will lo** their position* wlrh fh* completion of th# work of construction, only those being retained who will be needed for the map making Ponnected with the Island work at one tlm# were more then I.MO professions! men nd laborer* Th# employment of eo many men for the many month* th* work wa* In program, meant much to th* city, and th# generelly goOB times that have prevailed, and yet are In evi dence were largely duo lo the wages re ceived by the employe*. It ts a aouro* of pride to those, who have been connected with the work tn th* more reaponslN# position.*, to obarrve the reeuita There ere now nine stram ere In the altpa of the new terminal*, re ceiving their cargo**, while the sailing vea.els number many more will, work Tonimim. T. P. A,’a Will Help Os, (toe Elbi With Their t aralval. Peat A of lha Travelers' Protective As sociation wtll work hand In glove with the Elk* for the success of the great carnival Ihe latter wll give In Bavannah t ext month. The Orneial Committee of the Klim requested President Max Kraus* cf the post to old them m their work, and Mr. Krause readily agreed. Th* Identification of the T. P. A.'to with the carnival will add much to Its suc cess The drummer* ar* very popular with all In the lendtory tn srhlrh they travel, and thrlr friend* among the mer chants of the smaller cities snd towns and among th* farmers will yield readily to their persuasions and visit tha car nival The drummers will have no trouble In convlm lng th*m of th# great show that will be awaiting them. It will be for Ihe Entertainment of th# visitor* that th# T. P A.'* wtll devote their best efforts. When their friends come to Savannah the drummers wtll see to It thal they have a good time. It le for this the po-t will work as a body, and none could doubt their eucra**. a* their power* of entertainment are well known The alliance of the Elks and Ihe T P. A'* leave* no chance of th# carnival not being a great succos*. MAY Mtrn A YEW m II.IMYfi. Appropriation Mad* hr Nlulnß - flrtr tor Ihr Haven Vhoot. The llavn Industrial Home and School lor colored children In tliia city haa had an npproprlst ion made (or It by tha Wo man's lloma Missionary Society of tha M. E. Church. of which It Is a beneficiary II Is not known by those conncctssd with the school what amount was appro priated. Tha Mission Society k> note In session at Chicago, the president, Mrs. Clinton R. Flake, of New- York. pr#*Mlng. Mrs. Paien of Philadelphia, a slater of tha late Jay (loold. has always Interested herself In the Haven School, and It wee her In tention at the Chi ago meeting of tha Mission Society to put forward a lon* projected plan of here for the Inducement ot an appropriation eufltrtrnl to erect a new building for tha Savannah school It Is thought poaslhia lhat Mrs. Paien may have succeeded In her endeavor, and that the Intimation that has been recefv- Ml that there was an appropriation made had reference to the building fund. The growth of ttw school haa long de manded more cgtenstve and suitable quar ters and those connected with It wtl! be pit stead beyond measure to find that the appropriation was. Indeed, for a building fund. WARMER WEtTHHR TO-DAY. showers To-day and To-morrow Pre dicted. Warmer weather to-day. with probable rain. Is the prediction that was received at the Weather Butiwu last night. To morrow. also, will be tnarked by showers, and brisk east to northeast winds. The maximum temperature yesterday was 72 degree*, and the minimum #). The mr ,,n. pi < teg reel*, was one degroe above ,normsi and gives to the month an „.,** ot *7 degrees, and to the year tin IT — of 9 The rainfall for the month still shoe-a an excess of Id leches, and that of the year a dUiiepaucy of JW toe he*., THE MORNING NEWS: SEN DAY, OCTOBER 21, moo. A It’s a Hard Job k /jg| i\ W* To Gild Gold or Paint the Lily. It won't “take"---you've just got to the end \ | | \tr of your tether, and that's all there is to it. Our MEN'S CLOTHING I Iff \ IT PROMPTS THIS. “PERFECTION" is about the limit of descriptive \X]g< argument, When you are selling the Clothing of America's Four Leading ff & Manufacturers. You can just mention their names: jss&iß > STEIN-BLOCH CO., HART. SHAFNER & MARKS. HAMBURGER BROS.. HORNTHAL, BENJAMIN & REIIVI, And you are done. Oor Men’s Sotts at from SS.SO to $3D.00 tell the tale. OUR GUARANTEE ts behtnd these goods. Not an empty for* maltty, bot DOLLARS. IF NOT AS WE SAY—there’s your recourse “DOLLARS.” We have the stock of the SOUTH. We defer to NO STOCK- —ANYWHERE. If you want VALUE, GUil GOODS. If you’re after PRICE we’re out off you mean by “Price” MOST FOR MONEY—then we’re “right In It.” OVERCOATS? We fear NO foe; $7.50 to $45.00. “Quality” all the time. The Only Shift; No reflection on your wardrobe. Our comprehen sive, sweeping, uncompromising, or what-ever-you-call-it way of naming the Manhattan Shift. It's imitated, parodied, travestied—there it stands, invulnerable, impregnable. Doesn’t cost a cent more than it is WORTH. “Worth” makes the man; Want of it, “the fellow.” Of course with a man, to whom “a shirt is a shirt,” argument ends. To the man who wants A SHIRT. “Manhattan” settles it. All styles, all colors, white or fancy. NOTABLY —You want to see the season’s wrinkles in the shirt WITHOUT A wrinkIe—MAN HATTAN. Away Ahead on Hats. We Are Exdotivc CmitroUers of “THE CONTROLLERS.” DUNLAPS, STETSONS, YOUNGS, MILLERS, GOTHAMS, And OUR OWN NAME ornaments some good headgear thal we are not a bit ashamed of. Don’t let THE NAME frighten you. If we can't give you VALUE for your MONEY LIMIT you will surely intend throwing your funds away on NO VALUE AT ALL YOU FURNISH THE HEAD—WE’LL COVER IT ALRICHT. .. B. H. LEVY & BRO. .. FEW BETS MADE SO FAR. KITTY.K OVER TWO ■* BE FORE THEY'K BE SETTI.HO. A Oetoertol lack *1 Itoteveat Rake* Ttola geareely Ttotoeelvable —li Ihl. Hectlon Apathy ia Stooeca That rwntraet* atrauacly With Ihe I*- totol ■ tercet That t htoracaerleeto Presidential Cntoteer* Few Bet* Are Being R4e—Heavy Ototoe a* MrKlaley Prevail, Ylaklnc Repub licans Afraid to Offer Then, and Hearing Off Oratormt. toy tha Evi t onfltorare Itepabllcann Feel. Little more than two week# remain ba fora Wia national election, yet on# would scarcely believe It from the Interest that lx manifested, or. rather, the lack of In terest. thera I* an opnthy that is atart ling to thoaa who have watched prevlou* presidential campaign# and observed the yrent elate of enthusiasm Into which the ordinary Democrat or Republican I, thrown. Probably the heat criterion of Interest In auch an event n a great election is the amount of belting Aeeumlng thl* to be a fact, there I* practically no Interest, thus far. at all event*. In the *tniggle for the presidency in which the present en cumbent. and Col. William Jennlng* Bry an will engage Noe. . Finally by thl* time, when there la n pi evident la! election on. Inlereal ha* arle i,n to such n fever heat that many bet* | have been recorded. At the North aape- I ,-tally la thl* Ih# caee. and even In th# booth, when* money lx not put up so free ly or In auch generou* amount* upon hanre*. conelderabl* aunt* hava been t>o*ted With atakeholder* to awM th* voe dlci of th* peept* a* demon*rrat#d hy their ballot* _ .. ... Bui IPtl* can h- heard of belting, even In Ih* North. Th* few a*#r* that have been gl'en to the public ear are of th# ■piker" vart-ty. and thl* !* noil el to a greater degree In ihe Bnuth. A. few hate, , h e enhodnx *rtl-le of elect Tn wager. M ve been off*re<l and laken, and money liu a mail nmounta may have bten poeiad. I Nolmdy him *hown confidence enough tn Bryan, however, to take beta that are offered on McKinley In hundred#, for the latlar la regarded as having a chance that will aland Ihe biggest sort of odds. A Savannahlan Just hack from New York raid yesterday that Ihe only even money on the elccUoir that h* could htnr of while them wa* that Bryan wnukl not toll aa many *l* tonal votes aa he dm In 183 ii, and that New York ataie would go for the Demon,ittc nominee. Whm nnythlng efee l memlrwd the Bepuhll cana have to come up with big odd*. The gentleman ae'.d revert to one were the odd* on McKinley In the New York pool mom*. *rhl * even money could be hid In the other way* mem lotted. Betting In tide re ■ .on of Ihe country usuelly shapes Itaelf upon pretty much th* earn# line* as II foil,cars In New York. The New Ywk paper* are read fur Infor mation. and the quote*toi: that are shown by them are those thal are taken by those who espouse either aide when they begin to place their beie. Even though tlyre la a rather pronounced he. lief Ih< McKinley will lie the man. Re publican eathueiaig* or Democrat*, who would be willing lo bet against their own candidate for what there might ta in It for them. <to nol feel Ilk* coming up too strong with odds, snd, for this reason, there le not very much McKinley money offering. On Ihe other hand, the mere fact Ihut auch oilde are quoted makes Democrats unwilling to play auch a long shot The average bettor likes to get hi* money on Ihe favorite, and II t only the Inexperlanced. who think a sort of dispensation of Fortune may come their way. thal feel any dealre to Yum loose good money for a forlorn hop# of multiplying It severe! fold. No doubt about It. Interest tn the com tng event I* certainly alack It may take oo an Impetus, but. If It doe*. It wtll "have to hurry " Politic* I* a sub ject that 1* ordinarily dlscueaed with a universality that makes other topics pair Into Insignificance along about election time, but politics now gives way lo al most any old thing that people ordinarily deMght to exchange banalities or engnge ton deep and earn**! conversation ov.-r. Even that hackreyed subject, the last resort of impoverished conversationalists, th# weather. Is pplled upon to do extra duly In iheae ptjtong times of lagging al ter**! that ar* ordinarily brimming ovrr will) endless and unconvincing dlscue <OM of laeuea nod candidal**. MAN HAT TAN r®j v s H I R T S Enthusiastic Democrat* do nol like lo acknowledge that there Is lethargy hi 1 ihe parly In this nectkMi. but they are | forced to the admission, reserving and eg prenetng Ih# hope, however, that things will begin le look alive very shortly, end that the hosts may go to lb* polling places In their old-ume etreng'h on elec lion dny and "cinch" thins* for Bryan S*om* belting will have to be indulged In to convince thoroughly that there 1* grow ing Interest In the result ef the contest. Even "freak" bats might serve that pur pose, Burn bet* as lhat of Ihe wheeltmr row. where the loner agree* lo push ihe winner through the atreels at a time when they are most populous, thereby, accord ing to the story, provoking Ihe query from Ihe disgusted onlooker as to which might he the winner, the man doing Ih* pushing or Ihe one getting himself pushed About the only offer of any magnitude In Georgia that bag been heard of I* lhat of an Atlanta man who says lie has tS.oft) to put up In hundreds at two to on* on MeKlnley. No takers have been heard from here, snd the money may go beg ging Traveling men who get about among lbs fainter* and rountry merchant* d.c-laie that polities I* "culling mighty little I -a ' In lire rnral districts. This Is surprising, for It ts a matter of history and universal opinion that the rounlri |>eop'* usaaly display Ih* greater! Inter*- 1 fin c m l>algn-. In Ihe last prol-l,nil*l race !• wae notably true that Ihe ,o--ntry da trlrta were up tn arm* fer Bryan, me free stiver sentiment in moat local!lies be ing rampant, but Ihe traveling men report tha' good prices for cotton and other pro ducts. succeaaful efforts to get oul of dsbt and general goo-1 feeilng and , oofl lent# have served to keep down such great con cern for Ihe fate of the country, whl b. both etde#' pell-bind> r tosqu •nt jr de clare, Is on Ih# way to the ".I, mn I O') lex-von" when "vox popull" show* eny disposition to shout fa ihe wrong men Bql country people delight In voting, be ll-vine Ihelr franchise* lo be g end and glorious privileges, and II I* probable that the vote* In their districts will be a* heavy as ever. —fllrton lx the oldest woman's college In England It w* glar ed In IWS) by five students who determined to try Ihe Cam bridge University examination*. At Ulr lon the gtrlx hava roams each. The fee for tha college year, fhrludtog tuition, Beard and rant, is about lA Current Plums. Social pre-eminence begins and ends at our Furnish* ing Department. Sttittgarter Sanitary Underwear is a winter health necessity. Other good kinds, too; as you will see. HARDERFOLD UNDERWEAR is anew appellant to popular approval. It’s worth looking at —a “Duplex” Innovation. WE PRESCRIBE PROPER GLOVES. Craven Tans, Gray Suede and Mocha seem to tie the swell arbitra* ries this season. “GOBELIN BLUE” SUSPENDERS are a “Parisian romance” this year. Look at them. DERBY FOUR IN HANDS are a stylish leader in Neck wear. Also some CORRECT WALKING STICKS. HO FOB KUMTTOM. He steps Yet Taken tar Filling Ihe Varsxl Majority. No oAter* have yet been Issued for Ihe election of a major In the Berond Rnl lallon of the First tleo-gla Infantry lo succeed MaJ H E. Dari, who resigned several weeks ago. ll la mid this la a matter that will probably reel for awhile I'apt. Frank A. Dunn of the Brunswick Rifles I* the only officer who he# an nounced for the position, and, eo far as Is known. Is Ih* only one who will be a candidate That* was talk some tlm* ago of a Sa vannah man for Ihe poaftlnn. fh* rlvlm bring that fh# Interests of Ihe three out of-town companies comprising th# hat tnlkin could he heat conserved by the #>e llon of an officer *o th* vacant majority who would be at regimental headquar ter* all the Whl'* The officer* of the Ftrgt and Second Battalion# which ere 10-ateil tn tt*varnish will Interpose no ob jection* however. If those of the Third Battalion agree upon some o'her than a Savannah man for the position It Is an unwritten law In the regiment (hat a field officer shall be nominated by the Mn* of ficer* of hls Immediate prospective com mand. th# officers ef th- other battalion* abiding by their eelrrtton K 11,1. El! HUB nwt (TIIIJY. Charge aw "hl-h a colored YH nan " Taken to Heralaatoara. Annie Powell, colored, wo* taken tov a detective of Ilewlil'e Detective Agency yesterday to HwaVishoro where she e wanted on a charge of Infanticide. Ihe vt.-- tlm of her alleged crime being her own child. The woman Is charged with having kl l ed her newly born baby about Ihr, e months ago and to hava burled Its re main. The crime woe commit!***! In Kmanuet county about fifteen miles from Rwatnoboro Khe wa* arrested shortly af ter the alleg'd crime Watt commit*,! and was diver a hearing and de- hars-d loiter, however, other evderc* , no,cl ing her with tha enn* waa cneart'el and recently the grand Jury of the county ret anted a true bill again*) her. eh* ell to* triad at Ih* present term of tha Ccyrt APPLICAYTH TINTED AWAY. Colored Celled* la More Prosperous Than Ever Reforo. Tha Oeorgla dial* Industrial t'oliegu far f'olored Youth* near Thunderbolt la In th* moat prosperous condition In Its history There la a larger enrollment than erar be fore. and the various departments are conducted In a manner that la a aourre of great satis feet ton to President R R. Wright and those above him m the ad ministration of the Nffajfs of tha college Every available space has been taken, and applicants for admission have been turned away because of the Inability of the authorities to acroramodade them Reverel ganflnssn have visited the eol lege lately and been shown over k by Pres ident Wright. Among them were Chan cellor Walter B. Hill of the tttals T'nlver slty. who delivered one of the best short addreuae sever heard at she cottage He expressed himself as wen pleased with tha progress shown President C. M. Maiden of Clark fntversiiy also paid the inaHba non a visit, exp**-suing satlaf • tion In ail that was shown him and In tbs evidence of the Instruction that la received by the co'ored youth. ■tat* ■<-bool Commlsetonw ft R. (Mann was at the college recently. Me was greatly Impressed with Its growth and enlarged usefulness and expressed the be lief that fl has entered upon n era of great prosperity. No tmisreeesd war ha lhai Prof (llenn wrote l*reetrteirt Wright a letter. c/.nieU t! net In g him ti|n the suc cess of his conduct of the college and ex tetsUng his Item wishes for Its future suc caas. the mi.ttr.xßv* him,. Will Re lllvrs Thanksgl* lug Rue at linttrds Hall. The ee-ond annual ball of tha Folleu Rsnsvolent Association will be given al the Uuarda' Hall. Nov. S. A commute* or arrangement A consisting of Messrs. Julius Stark, chairman; Herat E t. Muse, and Messrs Lange. Pmhgch. Wall. Kane, rroeby, Farrell, T J., Dwyer. Broome. Hoi per Rouxtn. Murphy, J. J , and Fender, will have the afTair in charge These gentlemen have practically com pleted alt arrangement*, and tha tieketa are now out and for sale. The money realised from the bail will g* to tha fund ot tha ameckrti<m 19