The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 23, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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SUITS MANY AND VARIOUS. MTir. ITION FOB Tilt; soVB. liCB TCHJU or TUB CITY CXICHT. jieturn l)r Brought Petition After ivtiilun to the CMMee of Clerk War* intf Huell nnd Kept Ike (MVlrrra oi flit* Sheriff lt*> Kervlug I’m c*Mie—John 11. I oil in* Rntng Three luMrn**e C'otnpnnlen at One Time. I |f% Out for Plantation Hent. \i •paper Man Want* Reparation lor the May Me \\ am Trmteil at Liberty Otty— for Coat |oe. November term of the City Court 0 stvunnab promise* to be one of the <. ,*i for raver a I year it. Many eared hai m ,r..+dy 1-nii filed aiwl yesterday, the re turn day for the term, the numbet was v , ry largely Increased. IT, Milta tiled are of eve ry character, j Ing actions for damages for |>*r and other Injuries, including Inju- i r ,,.< to the reputation, claims on notes and op. n account*. <hs' for merchandise and of every kind, and a number 0 mlwellanaoUd legal proceedings that , over practically the entire field of ih* jin Jmlh tion of the City Court. If half t i.i'** : are tried, Judge Norwood will b a Iwiay man during the next term, and 11. otirt officer* will hove no reason to regard their poaltlom* as sinecure*. Sul na Three at n Time. John ft < XMllnts tilled suit against three tire I' 1 ranee oompante*. for amounts ag g . .ring IfcJklO. The* ure the Lii**n>w>l and and Globe In , umi> m Connmiis. of which U.tKIO Is cl <lm*d. tin* Fire Association of Philadel p .• which tin* plaintiff says owes him 'jj. and the Scottish Union and National Ittsurano Company, from which .Mr. Collin* avers f1.2h.V71 is due. Kuch i)i fendafft, off course, is sued separately, but all of the claim* spring from the same fire oss. ami are dependent ujon the earn- .•iot* of facts The plaintiff* iW-fpill at Dortortown. tia . about fifty-three miles from Savan nah. was burned some months ago. the mill, lumber. tools ami other property covered by the Urine of the thr** pollcled iff Insurance he held, being completely de stroyed by Are. Under the three-quarters clause. which obtains In most policies of Insurant** now written, he could only re vovw this pruportlon of his loss and It is for thl* that he sues lie declares that he has complied with every legal requirement imposed by the com jinnies or exacted by the law, but emit the companies* retina- to comply with rheir contracts and pay him the amount of his policies. The plaintiff w> represent ed by Meant. Osborne & Lawrence. The Hcul of T* ickrnliMui. The Mayor and Aidermen are striving to collect rent from Floyd & Cos. and J W. Comer. The city claims that the def'-ndanta are indebted to It in the sum of SL.SOI) for the rent of Twickenham plan tation It Is set out In the petition that City Attorney Adams filed In court that the plantation w.a orlginuily leased to John F. Guilmortln A Cos., and by that firm the taoae was assigned to the and Umlaut*. who thus assumed the oMlgt tion ami benmr responsible for the rent. Tie rental fixed in th*- original leone to Ouilntortin A- Cos. was fIOU per month, and It is claimed that eighteen monthly pay ment* are now due and unpaid Oprrnlor Uu* Responsible. The Western T’nlon Telepgraph Company it called u|M>n tu defend nn action for damages for 95.000, which l* brought aguin*t Ihe corporation h.v Marlon Lucas. i member of the city staff of the Savan nah Prone. The action for damage* Is Inisi cl upon the allege.) misconduct of the telegraph <H**rutor at Liberty City, where by the plaintiff claims to have been In jured In pocket and placed In a situation which caused him a considerable amount kof mental anguish. "“•The trouble arose on the occasion of the r *Hen race troubh s at Liberty City, which arc well within the recollection of the n adlng public. The plaintiff went down to the scene of the trouble to rep resent his own paper ami a number of others, and on one of the nights, when the trouble was at Its htght. wrote two •r thr.-e tU xnms for transmission to Northern and Western paper*. The. tele graph operator, Instead of transmitting the messages all once, and preserving their contents inviolate, as. It Is Insisted by the plaintiff. It, wa< his duty to do. hubmitiel them to the inspi-ctlon of the members of the mol>. The contents of the message* did not please them at all and they turned upon the newspaper man with a torrent of abuse and profanity and a volley of threats. They were armed, ami the plain tiff says he was in considerable fear of bis UN* or of receiving serious bodily In jury at thwlr hunda. He was forced by them to tear up his message* and in this way lost the amount lie* would have re ceived from the newspapers to which they were directed, and to which he had In st rue tmi the operator to send them. His ton* in this particular he estimates at $&. and the other |4.90>. he asks the court to allow him as solace and balm for hi* ted feelings. He claims that all the *v .*y Ivies to which he was subjected an 1 all the danger In which he was placed can l* directly attributed and traced to the acrlovi of the company** employe at Liberty City. Mr Lucaa Is represented by iir. H. L. folding Wants r> for Lost Toes. .him*-* a former employe of the h alyard Air Line Hallway, sots forth in h petition in which that railway company 1 made the defendant, that he has lost two toes In Its service, upon which he put* a value of sl.o*o each. McCoy was h* .ping to unhwd some cars belonging to t i.'inpuny. when, through the negll j< n*e of somebody else, part of the load v,s preclpttatid *>n one of his feet The I ivy iron mashed and lacerated lw of H toes. And the injuries he received .'i*d him to Im confined In the Georgia Infirmary for nearly month. He is rop* i ented by Messrs. Harrison dr Myrlok. IUNAUBITO THK ALABAMA, Hearing In Libel of the Itasca la Progress Hrfnre Master. hciring before Thomas P. RtVMMI, * 'i , master in admiralty, In the mat ,,r • t the libel of the steamship Itasca. •ecu In progress in the United State* * "itroom for two or three days, and Wi iioi Ih* concluded before this after noon. Tt libellant In the case Is Rlttenhouae \ who claims to have been damaged extent of nearly $30,000. The datn u~’ * claimed resulted from the running '* " of ih- dredge Alabama by the th Merchants* and Miner*' Trans iHyj, Company, on the night of Aug. * The Aln in* ma was then anchored ■' *h* river east of the city, but it *• Gdttsd not in the channel. It Is charged ! “ ’he Itasca was negligently handled, r • f out of the channel, and tbit dmte incurred result#.**! from this r ****Mtente. , > rate, the Alabama went to the , 1 the river and had to he prac , ' r * built. The defendant contends . ’ only was the Itasca skillfully ' ' and properly manned. and that the w >!• due to ro u# gllgevnoe on th hi#ter or crew, but even , * e gligence. the libellant ought f Qr '* f "Cover anything like the amount h '"ult is brought. Much evidence m, r 1 been taken before the ar r 1 dmlralty and the arguments '* made. , Be loves me-? Th* dainty flowrr oracle may tell her true or false, bat wme day the prince will came and the'll dream the dear dream of home life and motherhood. In that dream the will we heneM alwuv* happy, always with a smile for tbr hu B baud and a kia* for th* baby. What a pity to wake (nan auch a dream, —to almoat loathe her hustxuul and hate tier child, breauar era el pain baa blighted her body and warped her mind. How many a woman has bad this sad awakening from her dream, of home and lore ! There'* help and woman who auffrr frotn womanly dia girhali igguriace, wifely neglect or the strain of ma ternity Doctor Pierce’s Kneorite Pieacription makes weak women ntrong and sick heals dl*r%pes the practically doea away with the pains of maternity and the nursing mother vigor and vitality. "Two vear* ago.* wrt*e Mrs, Lattir Aalikn. of 7M Pst Street Alliance. 0hi0,." I aed two bottle* of PxvoHtr Prracrtptiun * and in April a nicr habv wt* torn, hrforr fhr doctor came I Win not rrry sick Us by U now fourteen months old and wrighs y> ponnda Befare osnmeming l>r Hrrcr* Fanehe Prescnttkm 1 had to vomit every day but iftrr I got tbr medicine. from the first spoonful that I took. I •topped vomiting It l • bod wad fbe women " When a locative is needed, use Dr. l*ierce’s I’lea.ant relicts with "Favorite Prescription.” AT TIIK THF.ATBk. 4 rralnn Clarke unit “The Prl.oner nt Ketxla" Thla Week-a Atrart4n. Following the appearance of Crraton Clarke Friday night ‘The Prisoner of Zend," Hatiinlay matinee and night. wli! be the trading attraction of thu write at the theater. Nearly everybody revel* In the display of good swordsmanship, and whether the contestants are caparisoned rap-a-pte with the habiliments of the crusader or the courtly costume of a Huguenot, the Inter est remains Just the same, and while the advent of gunpowder founded the death knell to chivalry and relegated the use of side arms. In modern conflicts, to ob scurity. nevertheless a* lon* as the blood pulsates with the recollection* of the past, and love's silent laiitmane permeates the human heart, so lona will the rapier, the broadsword und the foil he considered the remantic solution lo any unanswerable problem. Thanks then to such men as An thony Hope, who In his fascinating ro mance, ‘The Prisoner of /ends." brings us back to the good days of yore, when a stout heart and a strona blade wen' more to be envied than brains or gold In "The Prisoner of 7.cnda" the valiant swords man Is much In evidence, and his deeds recorded with vivid Intensity In the com ma production of this charming romance theatergoers are promised a presentation ol exceptional merit, for In addition to most capable cast, the scenic embellish ment. the costume*, accessories, etc., are said to be especially handsome. "The Christian." dram itl*".l by Hall Caine from his own successful novel, will be the attraction next Monday ami Tues day night, with matinee Tuesday. In the hook Mr. Caine had u sea ami -W-flnite purpose. For the play he took the two principal characters in the hook, a* well us lhe motive of their relation to each other, and maile an Independent drama on new Incident* and fresh surroundings— Just as he might have tuken two charac ters from history nl constructed about them a play which could otherwise have no claim to historical truth. This Is the distinction tlrat Mr. Caine iieraonolly makes between the book ami the play. In writing the latter he kept In mind the cardinal principle that a play Is to amuse, and not a vehkle for the conveyance of a religious precept; yet. at the same time .hie drama Uwches a moral lesson which, while hut incidental to Its action and not forced on the attention of the audience. Is none the leas strong and effective Tne secret of the success of "Th* Christian" is Its heart Interest, which appeals with equal force to till classes of lteople. from the habitual play patron, to the church goer. who seldom visits a theater, ex cept to witness a production of this char acter. The company which presents the play here. lin*lud* Miss Julia Stuart, than whom there Is no more charming ami de lightful actress on the stage. She plays "CHory Quoyle." and there are many rea sons why she should make the persona tion an Ideal on** Uonel Adams will be the "John Storm.” others In the ras! are T C. Hamilton. Arthur Maitland, Charles Rowan. Frank Lyon, J R Furlong. Frederic Maynard. Kdmund Blton. Car rie Lee Stoyle. Adelaida Warren and twenty others. HBTOHDEIK’n MONO iT DOCKET. Thirty Prisoners On the Ikicke* ( barged With Vartans offenses. The Recorder had thirty prisoners on his docket when he opened court yester day morning. Possibly the most Interest- Ing case* was that of John Rush, colored, who was arrested Saturday by Patrolman Harper and Elvers Hush had drawn his pistol and threatened to kill Rose Han bury; she complained to Patrolman Dwy er. who atlempled to arreat Bush, but failed to do so. and lost his club In the Struggle. Later In the day Patrolmen Har j„<r and Elvers made the arrest, but not without a struggle. On the lumped charge* Hush was given thirty days In lieu of $25 which he could not produce. In addition to this sentence hi was remanded to the City Court on the charge of carrying con cealed weapons. Three negroes arrested by Patrolman Outclass of the Central Rood charged with breaking Into it ear. and also with steullng a ride on the road were turned over to the City Court. The case of John Mackey, colored, charged by Robert Ulbson, colored, with having snalchid a pockeihook from him. was continued. UK W It FORCED TO MARRY. Novel Claim Made by Plaintiff In Salt for Divorce. A suit for total divorce. In which one of the grounds alleged In the petition Is strikingly unusual, was tiled yesterday In the Superior Court. The parlies are WII. Hnm A. Davis and Louisa Davis, hi* pres ent wife. It Is alleged that the parties were mar rlid March 22. IM7. the name of the de fendant at that time being Louisa Hubert. Ti.e husband and plaintiff charges that the marriage took place against hi* will ; and consent, an 1 was brought about at i the Instance of the defendant, by means of duress, menaces and force I The plaintiff recites that since his mar i rlagr he has never lived with the defeno iam or supported her or iP*l**d *> THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23,1900. an hit wtff Ihf marrUiv also nh* ; In all*ff*l to Itav* violated h*r nurriig*' vow* on many occaiions, t'onduct Which the plaintiff claim* he han never WOVMI or •'ornkmed The alienation an to the manner in which the mariiuK* 1 wo* consummated and the circumstance* I* I* probably tnaorted to *how It* Invalidity. Martian*, under the iow. l % contract, and like other contra t* require* that the parties shall mutually agree and consent Force destroys consent, snd if It be true, as the piatntifr charge*, that he was forced to make fhr vow*. It I* quit** likely that he will bear int* and a decree of divorce. li:gal ialei. iJHKHrKpiT SALK OF TEkSoNAL PROPERTY. RTATB OF GEORGIA. CITY OF t*A vanoah—Fnder and by virtue of a di*- i . Com of Savannah In favor of J Randolph An derson. agent of estate of K. s'. And r- n. Jr., against Mrs. Kertha Smith, aid by virtue of an order of *il kranted by the Honorable Thomas M Norwood. Judge of the City Court of Savannah, on th* 17th day of October. A l> ISM. I wl.l put uj> and expose for sale at public outcry no th** 29th day of October. A I> I*. within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for ca*h. the following personal i*top erty. to-wit: All that certain stork of good*, ware* and mere hand l* e contained In the Sturt* num bered twelve (12) Hroughton street, east. In the city of Bav;inn.h. Georgia, known as "Gardiner’* llasaar.** constating of toy’s, fancy good*, notion*. Jewelry, florists’ sup plies. seeds. ho*k*, stationery, cutlery. cu riosities, birds, cages, hardware. J.iptttY*a good*, photographs, c ine*, and all oth* r articles of whatsoever character or kind contained In sai l stock of guod**; an 1 also fixture*, counters, show u-es, one <l) Iron safe, desk, chairs, awning, electric light and gas flxturt-s In ami about said stor* Bald property 1* levied on as the prop erty of Mrs. Bertha Smith, und will te sold on the premises at No 12 Hroughton street, east, as a whole or in parrels or lota us may be most advantageous B J WHELAN. Sheriff City Court of Savannah ——————ll ■ ■ ■■■' ————— ■ ■ ■■ l.l’l, l. NO I II I * npTATK OK UEOrThX <m7aTHAM County —To Mary Louisa Ellis. Lillis Horton Waring and Charles Ellis ot sahl county anil state. Frederick Horton Bills of I-a Orange. 111., Carl Nelson Hramlt. Carl Ellis Hramlt ami Erdmann N* umaa ter Hrandt of Hot Springs. Hath county, Virginia Charles Ellis having as execu tor applied for the probate In solemn form of the last will and testament of Clara M Kill*, late of nald county, de ceased. and having mad< known to the court that you are the sole heirs at law of said testatrix, you arc hereby cited to be and appear at the next November term. 1). Jt 10 o'rloek a m. at sahl term of th" Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, as the said will of the said Clara M Kills will thm and there he offered for probate In solemn form, and for reroril and i|g>ll catlon for letters testamentary will be considered and passed upon HAMPTON L. PER RILL. Ordinary C. C., (la. Attest: FRANK E. KEILBACH, Clerk Ct. Or'dy, C. C., Ga. IN the City Court of Savannah. July term. 1900 Michael A. Connolly vs. The Atlantic Contracting Company. IVnJamln D Greene. John F Gaynor ami Edward H. Oaynor. Attachment. To the defendants. The Atlantic Con tracting Company, Benjamin D. Greene. John F Oaynor and Edward H Gaynor: You. and •■ach of you. are hereby com - mamled to bo and appear in the next term of the City Court of Savannah, to wit. the November term. 1900. on the flrst Monday In December, during said term, at 10 o'clock a m.. before the Judge of said court, to show cause why an order for the sale of the property levied upon In the above entitled caao should not be granted. Witness, the Honorable Thomas M Norwood. Judge of the City Court of Sa vannah. this 10th day of September. In the year of our laird. IWV WARING RUSSELL. JR , Clerk City Court of Savannah. NOTICE TO~DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice Is hereby given to all persons hav ing demand* against William J. Ilarty. late of said county, deceased, to preeent them to us. properly made out, within th* time prescribed by law, so ns o show their character and amount; and all per sona indebted toeald deceased are required to nuke Immediate payment to tie. Mary Ellen Harty. ami Marie Harty, Exeeutrlcea of Will of William J. Harty. Deeeased Savannah. Go., Sept. 5. 1900. Pleas Klmtwll vs Cornelia KlmtaiU, Chatham Superior Court. June term. l*n The defendant. Cornelia Klmhall, la re quired lo be and ap|*ar ai the next term of the Superior Court of Chatham county. Georgia. Is be held on Dec. 3, 1900. to an swer plaintiff upon the merit* of the pe tition filed In above case. As In default of such appearance, the court will proceed a* to Justice shall ai>pertaln Witness. Ihe Honorable Robert Falll gnnt. Judge of said court, this Sept it, 19U0. J L MURPHY. Deputy Clerk. 8 C.. C. C.. Oa. ’STATE OF OBOROUL CHATHAM County.—Jacob Shellman ha* applied to Court of Ordinary for an order requiring Mrs. N B Burroughs, administratrix es tate J. H. Burroughs, deceased, to make titles to flvo (5> acre* of land nt or near Burroughs Station, county and state aforesaid, to him. These are. therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern to be and ap pear before said court, on or before the flrst Monday In Novemlier. 190n. lo make objections, tf any—otherwise, said order will be granted. WII ness lion H. L. Ferrtll, Ordinary for Chatham county, Georgia, this Oel. 1. 11,j 0 FRANK E. KEILRACH. C. C. 0.. C. Cos.. On. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Whereas. Mathew F Dunn has applied to Court of Ordinary for IsUters of ad ministration on the estate of Laurence J. Dunn, deceased These are. therefore, to cite and ad monish ‘all whom It may concern to be and appear before said court to make oh- Jeellon (If any they have! on or before the flrst Monday In November, next, other wise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Hon. Hampton L. Ferrlll, Ordinary for Chatham County, this the 29th day of September. 19uh FRANK E KEILRACH. Clerk Ct. Ord‘y. C. Cos. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Notice m hereby given to all person* having demands against Oeorge A. Kel ler. late of said county, deceased, to pre sent them to nt. properly made out. with in the time prewrlbed by law, so a* to show their character and amount; and all person* Indebted to eahl deceased, are required to make Immediate payment to MARY E. KELLER. LAMAR KELLER. RlsdiWn. Melnhard, On. Savannah. Oa., October 19W - G(XKOIA. CHATHAM COUNTY?— Notice Is hereby given that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell all tho land* belonging lo the etuie of Georg" H Stone, deceased, for the piymtmt* of debts end diet rt but ton. and thai said or der will be granted at the November term. of *ahl court, unlesa objecting ure filed thereto CHARLES W HAftWY. Administrator. Oct, l, * CLASSIFIED AUVtRfISEMENTS. PBKSOIAL TO C OR NOT To C.“ IS THE (JUKS tlon by theae dark long evening* wheth er McKinley or Bryan will gel In—can b belter seen, with a good |>atr of at* ‘ - tael.* that will clear the vision aid make prim plain and distinct, and thus take away these old wrinkle* ettustd by strain ing tin- eyes. Vision improv..! I* not a cent charged for my youihful-lv*>k-glvlng rye*g****c* and spectacle*. Fog*a*. 2* Hawt Hroughion. Hair. Jewelry eml Hhav- Ing Supply House. Cash given for old gold and sliver NOTICE—DU I. A SMITH HAS RE moved hta denial ortlce from -* 1 Hull s|. to 191 Oglethorpe ave. cast, over Knight's drug store. MORI’HINE “opium. LAUDANUM. Cecnlne habit, myself cured; will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mary 8. Italian., llox l.L’, Chicago ~OIL HEATERS. WOOD HEATER, coal heaters, cook stoves and ranges. Re liable goods C. P. Miller, agent. ' ADVERTISEMENT* RET IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN SIKH I* ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN I'OR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LlOtS THAN C. IS YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE-PROOF? Slide; A Freeman have a standing offer of $1,090 for every safe of their make that does not preserve Its contents. One safe was In burning debris 113 hour* When taken out the hose had to be turned on It. When opened, not a page was discol ored. not a record lost, not a .lollar de stroyed If you want aecurtly. buy a Stlffel A Freeman safe C. P. Miller, agent. YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Sprmgfleld Dairy; It's rich ami pure; try It. FURNITURE UPHOISTERED, MAT tresse* renovated. Antique furniture re polished, furniture parked and -hipped In best manner Send me your orders. C P Miller, agent. RONE FLOUR: aMhOUNtTltAtf iv. leave order with E Moyle. 19 Broughton street, east, or lit Park avenue, east J. Gardner, ugent *IF ITS RUOB YOU WANT. TOU CAN gel them cheeper from McGlllls. BPKCIALTaN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers: ladles’ atxe, at $2. J W Teeple. Tam now “locatedat"tit west Hroughton; ring up lIW> If you want lo have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or elorage. 1 guarantee prices the same ns I <k> the work that's given to me. A 8. Griffin, tit Hroughton street, west; mattress,-* made to order. MILLER'S STOVES AND RANGES give satisfaction The Mngtiellc, Econo mist. Waldorf. King, and other good makes at reasonable prices. 397 Urough ton, west KENSINGTON "FARM MILK IB~UN surpasaed for richness; delivery Is per fect; phone. 3315 SEE MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS] oflice tables, offl* matting, office shades. 297 Broughton. w*st. WHEN YOU~SEETs oYlL!8 ~BIXTY- Inch wra-ni rug*, you will buy thorn. Just can't help It; will sell In any quan tity. FOR il< >i: It;"designsTut>low er*. plants and bulbs, from Oelschlg's nursery; leave orders with E. Moyle. 10 Broughton street, east J Gardner, agent ‘ furniture MOVED WITH CARS," 1* a specialty with McGIMI*. “MILLERS NEW STYLES IN ('All' pets, matting*, linoleums, window shade-, etc. All work done In first-class style. 207 Broughton, west " M GIL LI S' I, AC K Ft TRTAI NS WI I.L beautify your parlor. ~ 7 1 WOULDN'T TAKE slrt7<Wn FOR THE BBNKTFIT DERIVED FROM UHAY HEAIU) MISS NANNIE JONES. Al* LI SON. N C " MADE ONLY RY RES PESB DRUG CO . PROPS M GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGB NETB lace curlnlns. hammocks, water coolers, pillow*, pictures, atnvee. lMlrim suits, and furniture of every description. “see THE JEWEL STOVES AND ranges for sale by J. W. Teeple: also agent for Insurance gasoline stove. II a IIUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they last. Large a-sortment of rockers, divans and eas" chairs. C. P. Miller, agent KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation In the country, free from city drainage Impossible for milk to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2345 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. MGILLIS MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and store* pianos and furniture; heel work rmly; no "Chcap-John" price*—no "Cheap- John" Jobe. "ORAYBBARD IS THE IIEHT THING I CAN GET FOR CATARRH OK THE HEAD MRS C. J LAWRENCE, SWAINSItORO, OA " MADE iJNLY HY IIKBPESS DRUG CO, PROPS r .. for wovi n wire goth while they last. C. P. Miller, agent. “GOLD FISH !0c EACH. $1 on DOZEN Fish grass for wile by J. Gardner, agent, 114 Park avenue, east. $250 FOR AHT SQUARES WHILE they last. Utg assortment, all grade* of art squares, rugs. mats, portieres. C. P. Miller, agent. “m'gillis seeps sixty inch rugs -Smyrna patterns—for 90 cent*. "ADVERTISEMENTS - SET“In CAP ITAI-S WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN SOU. MVllll A . COLUMBIA. S C. EXCITED DR O. W Randolph of Rt I*iul*. ts now at me Albemarle Hotel, curing the most In veterate slutterer* In three day*. Col Wlllo Jon e* and many olher* had his aons and nephew cured Many are com ing hundreds of mile* He leaves Colum bla Nov 4 for Savannah. Ga Write him stamp He beats the world. No bet ter I. ADI ER' CHICHESTER'S KN< ILI SI I Pennyroyal Pill* are Ihe I wet. Hife. re liable. Take no other Send 4c stamp* for particulars, "Relief for laidl**," In letter by return mall Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos.. Phllada.. Pa. “ GRAYBEARD CURED ME OF RHEU MATISM I CANT PRAISE IT ENOUGH C. C. CLARK. SAVANNAH OA '• MADE ONLY HY RKBPEHH DRUG CO.. PROPS HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; ran give Ihe best reference* In the city; pa tients treated at residence*; order* can be left at Livingston's drug store, Hull and Congress streets; telephone 29] Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. "“ORAYBBARD CURED ME OF F.RY'- HIPKLAH ON THE LBO. WHEN EVERYTHING ELSE FAILED JOS ROGERS. SPARTA. GA ” MADE ONLY HY REBPESB DRUG CO. HELP W AITU>-Mll.e. BRICKLAYERS WANTED AT GAS tonla, N, C. Flynt Building and Construc tion Company. II A NTEI> pi7UMBER*. sllO. BRI < K layers, $3 SB. mill machinist, flier, ham- Ui-i-' kiindrr maenmist. washer, $35. I*>ard; bakers, tie Inspector, bookkeefier. | commissary clerk. Huber, sl7 West Day. JsUuhUiviUs> IIKI.P W HTI:I>—MALE. '"’wanted T^GOCD coat hand.- at E. J. Kennedy's, Hull street. un B winfs BOY® IN OUR Mi i nt— factory, those willing to work, good chance to L-urn :ra.l, . I*-<> Frank. Con* gres an,l Whitaker *tre-'ls. WANTED. TWO FIRST-CLASS HICY cle re iir m-n. ;*• other ite—l tpply. IT Kohl. No. 19 York sireet, we-t. AN EXPERIENCED TRAVELING ahiv salesman (or Florida, one acquainted In -.isl |< rrliorv preferred; none but e*- jh rl* n, stmenien need apply. A-klr*- s, wllh references, W J Marlin. * (, |im> wholesale IsKds and stu* s. New Oilcan: La. MAN AGER Fott' HR INCH ‘OFFICE ut Savannah b>- old establlshe<| house |U nn'iTlh. also tlts-ral tMinmlsslon on sales, pan cash and requir ed Address llox SB. Phlla.b'lphU, Pa 'aTi'-Tv h man for temporary laV cal position (several weeks). Salary $3 |*r day Address Globe Cos., 723 Chestnut strict. Philadelphia, Pa. ULLP 9% I.VI |CI>—HCMALIm WANTED A ()<H>D ( tKK APPLY with recommemlutlons at 3u3 Gwinnett street, wail. “wanted a good woman cook. while or color—) Apply Tirvcr’s Km ploymeni Jifferson otsl York WANTED A Itl SI’F.CTAItI.E WHITE woman to c.a.K mul assist in housekeeping al Thutwlerbolt. liiqulte to. President sireet. east HOTEL EM1 1 LOY MENT "A G ENCY~3E West Hat. Jacksonville, wants help, all kind*, for Florida. Georgia. No -sail and Culm, season lkO-1901. See lluber for fur ther information WANTED. WHITE GIRL To IK> cisiklng and general homw-work; German preferred. Apply JIOS Hull street, n.r Seventh iIMI. WANTED. NEAT YOUNG'Voi/YRED woman a-, maid In di* tor’- office; rnuei bring reference Call at No. 7 Jones sired, west, between a m. aud Ip. m. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS HI Kl ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD No Al> VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 390. EM PI XIV MU AT WA.ITKD. AN HONEST? HARDWORKING young man 19 year* old, from the coun try, wants something to do; wilt -lo any kind of hornet Libor, Address H. I*. 8.. Morning News. YOUNG MAN is DESIRES A UOSI lion, Itest of reference. A.llne- X. Y'. '/* , can- Morning News. “A COMBINED HOOK KEEPER AND stenographer want* iiowtilon; aged 21. atrictly solar, reliable and well Indorsed. Address D-, care Hbks Restaurant. “WANTED. POSITION AS MANAGER of livery or sale stable by young marm-l man, who has had 15 year* practical ex perience; can give best reference*. Sal ary no object until after thorough trial. J T. F Caro New Southern Hotel, Way cross. Ga. RIIIIHI ANTED. WANTED, FLAT OF FOUR OR FIVE nicely furnished rooms In gool, quiet lo cation; preferably with private family, for young couple. Address A. U. C., care News. HOARD " i'll n AND TWO children, reasonable room and boatd. Ad dress G , Morning New*. W AVI Kl>— Him CU.INKIIII. 'wANTk! I'gWYiNP-Hl SI > VAU FIX TUKBB. OR HIDKIIDARDB. AT ONCE ADDRESS BAR. CARE OF MORNING NEWS “WANTED. TO rowHAnTTBEC Ice plant. In perfeel order, c >m pleie; oa|melty four lo eeven lons. Ad dresa I*. O. Box No. 522. Savannah, Ga.. wllh full imrtlculurs. price, and whcie can be examined. " ip §ou WANT OOOD'MIUC? 081 it from S|* Ingticld Dalrv; It'* rich, pure and whole Mime. “WANTED. FLAT TOP DESK. HOOK ease and txix roueh. H L. W , this ofttro, “CASH PAID FOR GOOD SIX'OND hand oat sacks. 212 West Hay street. II Viir WANT A PLACE To'DUMP earth, dirt. sand, manure, etc., free of charge. Just at city limits, hauling oyer hard road, write or telephone Ilmwn llro* . corner Andersoit and East Broad streets. “ ADVERTISEMENTS SIFT IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS SI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AH VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN C r<R RESIT—HOOHP. FOR HENT. FURNISHED ROOMS large or small. In desirable locRilly: baths, ele.; ivMilhi-ni frontuge. AiVlreWt "Eureka." care Morning News. “WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; hot nnd cold bath; lor one or Iwo gen tlemen. private family; mI lorallty. Aildress "Private," care New*. FOR RENT? LAROE - FI'TtNIHHEI> room for two gentlem-n; hath on samt floor, wllh or without board. Apply 124 Habersham. A NICELY FtTHNIBUBD SOUTH front room to gentlemen only. 122 Taylor Street. Went. FI. ATS FOR REST. FLATS. PARLOR AND ONE ABOVE, unfurnished, three room* r-ieh 5 Gordon street, east. “FOR IIKNT. FI.AT OF FOUR IIOOMB. furnished or unfurnlalted, for housekeep ing complete. 114 East Idberty. FUR HENT—MOV*tuff FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HOUSE. No 217 Walilburg sireet. last, between Aheroorn and ljnroln, flrsl-Wae* ord. r and condition; every convenience Right rent to right tenant. Estate Salomon Cohen. West llroad and Hroughton streets. FOR RENT, 17 DUFFY STREET, east; poKKcwalon at once. Apply George L Uarmnny. agent. 15 Bryan street, eaxt. TO BENT. 221 AND St BOLTON street, east, these are good houses and locution excellent Apply to C. A, Mcln tlre 4 l Bnarl of Trnclc txilldlng. " "■■■ FOR REST—MMCELLA.XBOIA WANTED. TO BENT TO SOME one. retail liquor license. Answer A. 8., Morning New*. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICB for retd, corner Broughton a rut West Broad streets; formerly occupied by Ihe Savannah Carriage ami Wagon Cos II P. Smart. ADVCHTISEMI NTS If? IN CAp ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO All VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MX\ Norwood’s "Satire" For c*!e at all Sews Stands in Savdonab. for HK.vr—rroßgg "Tor rTntT" sTori; southWßßT eortier Whitaker and Llturly streets A|- plv IS liberty street, w*t. for mai.R—neat, estate. AI'VKKTISEMF.NTS SET IN cTu IT.UdI WILE BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD No AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR U:SS THAN BC. “for SALE. AMm ACRES VIRGIN ptne hind iltemiitc sections; will cut Ni Inixes to Ihe acre. 3*4 mile* from good river trnnapnrlatlun; ilally atenmliOMt; term* eu-h, Allu’rt W. Gltchrlal, l'uutu, Fla FOR saI.K. A LOT Foil TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth nrat, near East Hruod, no city taxation. C. 1L Dorset! FOR SAi.l . LOTH oN NINTH NEAR East Ilmud. at fcM) each; will soon be advanced lo $225; when a lot ha* been paid for I can arrunga to gat a home bull*. C. 11. Dora*tt Foil SAM LOTH ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at s7® each; twenty-live dollars cash, and easy monthly payment* C. H Hirwll. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING I<OTS for sale all over tho city. Robert 1L Totem, real ratal* dealer. No. I York street west. 'FOR SALE <>)t RENT, fio ACRE firm with hou* ml • t tmlkilnin*. r irtNYtl rondltlon Apply PUli BALK. TIIOSK L/T8 ON NINTH n*ar Blit t<ro4l. hm >nlr •old lo An>t*cliM ptirtlmi. V’* will mk* grood non* oth#*r ran buy. Th trm ar very .uiy. and lh*y mrm cheaper than any otir to th* vicinity. C. II Doraatt. AnVBHTIHKMI NTS BKT IN I'AV it\i*s wlisle hi: ruintki> in cijah HIKIi:i AI >VI*:i<TIHKM *’ NT for two <m:nth a worn* no ad VKRTIBKMKNT TAKRN F!l than aicr • oa iAbutt. Bt>v HKM. TIIK COUQII KINO! TIIY It wh*ti your f.v>riis n nvtly f.• ilh. at 2-’sc Pot Hi )<t(l ( a Kill of hone) make* a aplt-ndtd tiiixture for* and i hllitreii. TiKNZniN IIAUM. MARKS TIIK KKIN like velvet, for ale by ilmikkl t or at Men* ry und Aliareorn lVraao Drug Blorti, Whitaker uiwl Taylor flreeti. *W A< JONH, TIUTCKH.’ MOWING MA rhittai, hay r.ik*a; IwMor and hay wire: tiorw** mid tnulei*. Alao Krwlnir crop*. I" IIIUI4, nwt'i'i pntatora. utiKur cn. hell l***p|H*r. nkr.i, *tc.. mar city Apply nt*- hh j. Went llroatl u>l Oxlothorp* avenue. ¥i K &aS HALF iNT! HK3OT IN \ North Carolina Hummer r’ort. It., care Havanruili Ni’wn. *TI7HPBNTINB LOCATION FOR •al<*. IS rro|M flr-d year boirit; a<*raa round timber, at II |*er acre; !• per thoiiMiiml boxen for le.ia**il timl**r. plenty of tlmluT to I*‘ not; In five mil? a of rail road, will klvo posaii*<ion now or al end of #*e:iHon Addraaa Kouihl Tunla r, ( Art \|otntiik News. “PIHK IR<K>F BAFHS- WR CARRY A lino line of flr* proof mifea In Hta'k at* ill times. The can nee exactly tviMt they are ireittvuc- Cur priny are a low a : nmnufarturera eell It. with frelahr nkf •$! I’nrtte* Intereated. who wish a k*M fir** proof wife, will well to |na|MH*i <mr Mock. lal|pnmn Itroa., Uiipnim 14**' k airentf* for niutnifni turera. “fIPniNOFIRLD f)ATRY ~ l R ~ NOTRI> for having rich, pure milk; try It; you Will bo pleaded A DVRRTIHKM KNTR “"HKT” I S CAP ITAIaS WILI. ItK I'RINTRD IN HIPIKO AI VKItTIBKM KNT CAtUCMN • .U' TWO CRNTB A WORM N< Al* VRRTVSRMBNT TAKEN FOR LUO THAN 30C LOST AAD roirxi). I/OT, GOLD LINK CITFF HT'TTON In aouthweatern •action of city. R*wMnl If returned to J F. Morgan. Metropolitan Insurance ComtKiny. JjOBT, GOLD HEART* DIAMOND eettlriK. Inltlnii'd C. O F. Itewinl |Kild for lt return t tin WaldUirit. eaet. UtBT. ON WRDNRODAY. A UADI KB’ gold watch ami chain; a ffo*xl reward will !m* paid If returned to 229 Drayton afreet. FOl rst>7^ A WATCH. OWNFJR CAN have earn** by prsvlnic Identity ami ap|>ly litt; to I*. M. Douaan. H Day afreet, wnt. 11l *!*IC*M < MOfLl. ADVKHTIBKMKNTB HKT IN CAP n ILfl WILL BB PRINTED IN CLAN* BIFIBD ADVKRTIHKMWNT COLUMN FOR TWO CKNTH A WoRD No AI VKRTIBKMKNT TAKEN FOR LKIW THAN IOC. i’l l NBIMb MODERN I'LUMiIING. IT WILL UB to your Interest to lui me give you an ea tlmale on your plumtflna. new or old work; repair work u apex-lalty, iui I am a plunitwr. N aueaa work to MKlungrr your life. Wlgftoi, phone M ft. Georgia or Dell. MII(KLLAMBOi;, BIOT IN CAP ITALS Wild. ItK fill NT KJ> IN CIiAB HIKIKD ADVKRTIHKMKNT CY)L(!MN I OR TWO CKNTH A WORD NO AD VKRTIHKMKNT TAKKN FOR UKR.I THAN JUC KIVK ItoTTLF.H GRAYRKARD CI’RBD MB OF RHKCMATIHM OR LUMBAOt OT WHtf H I HAVB MJr FKRKD FIFTKKN YKARH H G. dent, bt bimonh island, ga.” MADE ONLY liY ItKHI’KHH DRUG CO.. PROPS. CALL ri* fKHItY A HBNTON, IF you are aolng to move, ahlft or artore fur niture; Hell ’phone 1)24. “ HAVE YOUR MOUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint, entire •atDfarilon guaranteed. Adama faint | >iny. “WBLLSBACH GAS LAMPS? COM piste, put up. only 75 c-nt*. mil guaran tnsl 4<> savb you rival" V on your gas bill; you can always And an assortment of mantels here, from 19, 15. 25 to $5 cents; don't forget the place. A. (’. I'rle* A < 0.. Stute ahd Jefferson streets; 'phones ®W. "WANTED. ONE THOUSAND HUN gry p-opl- al tho Southern Grocery Com pany, 111 Bernard street “••GHAYBEAHD CURED ME OF C.V TABKIt WHICH HAD CLUNG To ME THIRTY-FIVE YEARS. IF YOU HAVE CATARRH, TAKE IT. MRS. ItltODA DEAN. BALLINGER. TEX" MADE ONLY BY KKSPEBH DRUG CO.. PROPS. u ?S!i^Sli2:so .:S?|OXFORDSS2.OO A HALF DOLLAR SAVED ALL 'ROUND. GEIL & QUINT, ,205 Broyghtoo West. SIMEUAYBOCI. FERRY * BENTON WILL RENO vrte your ..Id mattresooe end fumitory make good ua now. at very little post. WE SELL SEWI tt I’ll* >: pipe, (ire clay, lira brick at lowest prloon. Adams Faint Company, Jot Congraan. west. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hanl-earned hard rash al Ihe Smithem Grocery Company, 114 Barnard atreat. SANITARY PlaUMniNO. GAS AND si. im-flitlng; when we glv.- you our astl m ib * we g. t y>ur work, becauw- W" "ni pt.,y only • xi*-rt. n .and plumbers, asl guar .inn, satlsfiirtton. A f* Fra. A Go., Stale and Jefferson street*; 'phonos AA • Git A VI I. All ■ • t'ltKll ME Of 1 MA AND INDIGESTION OF LONG STANDING S A. J ARB ELL LAFA YETTE. ALA MADE ONLY BY RES PRM !Ilf G GO . |'HOUR "GKAYHKAKD if BED ME OF DYd FF.FSIA WHICH HAD MADE Mi: AN INVALID MltS S E. CLARY. GREENSBORO. ALA. M ADE ONLY UY RRSPERS DRUO CO., FltolH. FERRY * BKNTo.N t SB hfecial ear.- In moving, shipping and storing furniture; ‘phono lt'Jt OTPBINE IS THE BEST WALL FlN •sh made Adam* Faint Cos , Suvannali agents, 1M Congreaa. wist. “your RANGE MAY NEED TO BB ronnerti'd or dlseonneettsl, If mvi wont k done t llltli- ehfaiM'r than n>nv idv eiso will tin tt. or If you want plum "ng work of any kind .torn-, eull on A. C. Price A Cos., State and Jefferson street*; ‘ptuuio* IS, REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing your hard-earned han) esiti with the Southern Grucory Comtainy, 114 Barnard street. SiTIONS t . -a- ss w S^ECUREDf Sind "'Wornttrl Wl)0 fSKe our prAtticMH RusiriKs6iJrsel I ' BUSINESS { UmamuzAftra/ J colleges] B SmiforCAU.yuf' . * .(tan II LKUAL IALBI. TRuan:rc .balk. Under uml by virtue of lb< nd nuihortfy v<atnl tfi KM*, th** uiukrulflKd John N. Grtl, iruatw. iimkr that c#rfaiUl •km) of truxt, from llcdan M Isov€‘rtnu. and !•*.! th* i-Uilu* *nth. (IHthi day >f Au- Kunt, elfhtwi h*iftlrHl uml nlnrty-dfilt. • 11 • i > • '< i • i in ' 1 ■ krl t#f th** Buptrlor off f’hntliuni •‘owiiv. In r*NYr4l ts*Msk of Mortitma* ‘ l D'. follii 2M, ®t l**'| (till rditel HMM M !*• Imvldk mul>* th rmil in th<* |Nivm*fit of <h* prln<'l|.il .iml intma, iml obi la itioi ? prov M* *1 in mid tb od| I will aail. M P®b lif outify lipfrHi- th Court Houa* <k>oc. Hi < 'hut htim county. <Jrßrai. on the Tmwd y In November, bfklK the alxtll tab) <ky of November, nineteen hundred, urnl durtnc Uw< imual ami houra of mb*, to the hlfhcat and beat bid* dt r t< r < i-b iii # ' lot nnd par' *4 of land, with th* tiniKovw n<*ntH • hereon. t-wlt: All that trtirt or of luml lylnsr and t** ina in tl Hdikl county ami Klwtu, ami krumii on the map of wild Hty nn th** wt* dt*rr om*-half f lor. number atx ). Crawford ward, **•- mlnlna i front#n* of thifty (M) f* **t on Ogldhorpp avenue, (fornurly Houth Itroud •treot), ami u depth of ninety (!W) fwr to a lorn*, aixl bounded north by uk!*' thortie hvhiim*. yrl by ciaterti one-half of eakl lot. Month by • lane, ami w*a by lot nuvniter five (*•> f naltl ward The nokl weWrrn on**-ho If of aatd lot numtier rix OH. Craw font wirtl. Ih nuliJfl to on annual ground rent of twelve MOO dol lara. payable to the Mayor nod Akle/men i>r tka city of Savannah Together with ell nnd alngular. the houaea. Lulldlnip*. *aiu*menfi. right*, mom* tsera and of*purt# rim tY* thereunto belong ing. the |Mireha<'r paying for tMlia uml revomm tdampft JOHN N. GKIU Truafee. IN th** IBatrlrt Court *>f tho United Stale* for th*- Bmiiheri* IHatrtd of Geor- Khi. Kaatern dtvlnton. In lh* matter of J H. Gomlwln, bankrupt. In Uinkrupiry. Under uml by virtu** of un order paxaml on Ike Hth da ii mbat IMA \ 11 Ma< I vault referee In bankrii|Hry. I will •ell mi Tiie-wlay. Nov. 6. nt the Court Huime In (Thatburn minty, within th* legal houra of ante, to the highest bidder, for cib, the following property of •aid ImnkrufH eatate. to-wit: IxH riuitk ber 21. Cummlng ward, tadug number 213 Tlilnl at reef. eat. In the city of Buv.timah, In Chatham eounty. together with the lmprovem* nla on*. High! to rejert any or ail bkla reaarved. The above i*r*p rty la aold free from all llena arid In* uui brancaa. WM I*. IIAHDKK. Trumw. ■ ' " LKUAL NUTItICi. NOTICE! TO DEHTOfW AND CIUSDIT- Ofifta OBOHGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY Nullrv la hereby given to all peraona hav ing demanda agalnat iJon Agooa. bat* of auid county, de. Yaee*|. u> pr*vM*m thm to m**. properly rnml* out. within tn* iim* preacrtla**! by law, eo an to a how their eharweter uml munt; ami all |M*raone Imlebt***! to aakl deceased, are roqulred to make imm*Hufe piyment to na Huvurmuh. G.. Oct. 1, IFj JORDAN F It ROOK 8. County Administrator, 16 Ftny afreet, wt-a*. OKORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice la hereby given that I have nude apHir.itlon to tho Court of Ordinary for Chatham Owutty, for leave to aell tho northern |orlon of lot number thirty* aeven (37), O' Neill ward. In the city of Buvannah. with ImprovemmU thereon, be longing to eatato of Kll n Morgan, da caased. for the psiytvrent of debta and dle trlhutlon. and that aetd order will b* granltd at November t*rrn IWU. of aald Court, utiles* objections r* flle*| thereto M. A. O'HYHNB, Administrator. 3