The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 24, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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WfLL BE FINISHED BY JAN. 1 i i.itrrH wmW m nooi. wiu rHK B K hi, m for n'Piw ii„ndieg nnn De ■ all 111 Ikr l*pllo. Hoard IVni'r for the Rear anil ti rd*r Ram for ■lther Hide Will probably Be tbe Arniinrmfiil Ileal l l lanMna Will Hr ProrlilMl. llaHlcg I.IM . ClillirMi In the (.oatlirro M-tlnn Will n RrllfV ed—Little l hwnge In the aeetlnn—Full <ar f Teachers W*H >* O'* Secured fur Ihr Open ing Tin- public *chcol authorities be I lev® the Street School wIH he ready for <*•- CJV uy on Jan 1. The biitldlnr l* to be impoamg and ntt motive In appearance The ixtertor. too. Is all that could be de ftred the arrangement of the room* be in* ell that could be .-isk*d for educa tion. U purpose*. Tile but kiln* I'ommlttce of the Hoard of Education hua been considering a lew lua'leei of detail regarding the finishing of the IniHdltl*. One of Iheae cat at to Uw fence that ahootd surround It. It ha* toaan practically aif reed, because of the fund* being Insufficient to e.lmK of the mertructem of a fence of brick and Iron, to bulk! one of board* at the rear ot the school and plant hedge roar* on either side. The front of the building abuts upon the Sidewalk, so that no fence will there be need's! The members of the committee rather approv* of the Mea of a hedge The Anal decision was left with the chairman. Mr. las* Roy Myers, but It Is practically un dsrstoud that the hedges will be planted The plumbing and fixture* of the bund ing wUi be carried out upon the liner In dicated by the architect In his plan* This means thot all will be of the best material and the latest patterns The com mit -C decided thot It would be better to spare no exi<euse In this matisr. wh.rh Is one of prime importance where so many thS'lcu ar<- to be , ttre.l for. The sani tary arrangements could not he better than thus.' the committee will see are provided for the school With the o'tenlng of the school In Jan uary. the children In the Southern se tlon of tne city who have been uralde t (retire 'duces In the schools In their own ulrtrlcta will be provided with accommo dations. This will mean considerable re l.ef for the sltuailon. .*4u|>crlntcndent Otis Ashmore said yes- I lay 'tun Ibsrt will be pr.f l! ally AO effect upon the schools In the northern section, which will remain full. The af te'n. on schools, now the ('hatham S hod- Kos I and 1. will have 10 he maintained, as the dßtance from the home* of the ihlldren attending them to Eighth street Is too gr at to a Imlt of their being trans it rred A conslderatde reduction In the walling list thot Is kept by the *u|>erlnt*ndent of the names of those desiring admission Into the reh ol system will h pwKlb r with the .;.*r,lng of the Ktghth Street School, though, us Indicated this will he only by the removal of the names of chi. dren In the southern section and their sc oommodatbm In the new bul'dlng At the next meeting of the Board of El tirutlon It Is probable that the question of teachers for the new school will !<• taken no On the waiting list of teachers there are more than cn ugh names to pro vt le teacher for the rlassas that will be established. It Is Mr. Ashmore's opinion tnat the school wdll not le opened to Its capacity before next fall, as there will be i . need for It. Some fogr or five classes, lie believe*, will have to be established It Is Improbable that a principal will te chosen. Just at this season good teach et generally have th*tr contracts that Hnd them In their positions, so that It might be dlfllcult to se" ure such an one a' would be desired. It is probable that, until next fall, the school will bt con ducted under the direction cf the super intendent. there being no principal In charge. tub in\o\ moi'immon. Street* Tbrnash the Kqiilirm Fsv nrnl. The proposition before Council In regard lo the Squares on ltarnard and Abereom street*. coll* for rw expr.aslon of opinion. on the part of cltlxen*. especially those whose residence.* ate on. or ve:y near those streets. I-Ivlng opposite on of the square* on the former street—al though not u trust lot—an t having given the subject some study. I believe the pro lajeed change a very desirable one The squares—or as strangers call them the llltle parks." have been looked upon a* breathing places, made attractive by the nne trees and the grass—lt a em* to me that the proposed additions on the cast Hid west skies, will but Increase their nt- Irtcilvenetut. Those living In houees on trust lots would be benefited moat. a by hovlnt a Utsn In their Immediate front Insteal if an unpaved street, they would be rkl of wnat Is the greatest annoyance to all I 'USfdteepcrs—a great deal of dust. When I came to Savannah forty year* i-o, if one had proposed so desecrating a tMi.g as running a railroad through on er the squares, he no doubt, would have keen treated as roughly as were t • foreigners in China hy the I <ers, when the march of Improve rs i made It necessary to run a t road through some of their cemeteries. 1 t the squares on these two streets h ■ already been desicratel by having I't-et car roads through them To pave i roadway Is proposer), so that vehicle* ske m.iy go hy the same route, will In . enienre no one. but on the contrary savt many a tired horse a heavy pull t igh the sand. s w>II a* exped *r hu- ness In general. P: must admit the need of having mors s" t- pa*tl; I ran think tf no tm re * bit way of accomplishing this on the Street* named. Cltlarn. Savannah, Oct. 2J. llkd IrOCtl. PBILWHAL. Mr J K Maner of Oarnett Is registered ’ tie Pulaski. M It, -a Tallsy of Ohoopee Is a guest af tire Pulaski. ‘dr. j. j, t-onoley of Valdosta I* a guest *' ' ■ Pulaski. Mr v I Webb of Abbeville la a guesi *1 the Pulaski. M- Wm. W. Kingston of Atlanta l* a * lt f the Pulaski. '!• • M Col. man of Hortow, Is rcgls -1 at the Pulaski. M ' T. J. James. Jr., of Adrian Is a r ' ' l if the Pulaski. I' Mitchell of Thomasvllle I* a * '• f the Bcrevan. s,r tt-'d Mr* H. Ashmore of Jesup are *nm ( ,[ Uj-fpyep N. N. Curtis of Columbus I* rea ls,creq at the p U | B a kl M’ Wm. Harden left via the Central *!' r ‘!.ht for Atlanta. "alter I> Nash of Atlanta Is a r,,,, r f the De goto. '' l: V. Douglas of Rrunswlrk waa CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. file Kind You Have Always Bought of t*i / 9 on the end of v thefoUft. JR Revolution 1 Biscuit 8 No longer will the best n efforts of the baker be No longer will the house- Fa wife complain of the flat, soggy taste of biscuit and crackers. D It was exposure to air that spoiled the bakers’ 9 work. nj It was damp and dust O that took away the delicate taste. On All that is remedied All you need do is to remember the “ In-er seal Patent Package.” Tell your grocer that you ®S want biscuit, crackers H and wafers in the i'* "In-er-seal Patent rj He has or ought to have Soda Biscuit Milk Biscuit | Butter Crackers Banquet Wafers Sultana Fruit Graham Biscuit Sea Foam * Oatmeal Biscuit Ginger Snaps * - Handmade Pretrelette* Vanilla Wafers --all packed in the “In- ;;■* er-seal Patent Package." ; If he doesn’t keep them, go elsewhere—it’s worth the trouble. Jy foot for wK tk,s S^AL ■ on the end of among the arrival* at the Pulaski yester day. Mr. E. J Oiler of Jle|d*vllle registered at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr Samuel Hoffman of Charleston t* registered at the Pulaski Mr. and Mr* H Drew of Myatlc are registered at the Pulaski Mr. Ja*. 1.. Silva returned from New York yesterday on the Tallahassee. Mr*. M. A. O'Connor left via the Southern yenter lay for New York Mr A A Martinez left via the Sea board Air Une yesterday for Tampa. Mr. F. It Itu*k of Augusta tnu among the arrival* at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. F C Foster of Madison. at among the arrival* at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr George Ilaynanl of Ouyton wa among the arrival* yaalerday at the Hu le.-ikl. Me**ra. 8 W. tVllllam*. It Luca* and Ja* Mann of Atlanta are (tue*t of the Pulaakl. Mr W. Iterrlen Burroughs of Brunswick wa* omorjr the arrival* at the Screven yesterday Mr J H. Simpson wa* a pa*emrer of the Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Jacksonville Mr. A. H. Campbell w* a passenger on the Alleghany, which failed !a*t nkght for Philadelphia. Mr*, Haslam wa* a passenger on the Tallahassee which arrived from New York yesterday. Mr. Jerome Eckstein, aon of Mr C.u tsvo Kcksteln arrived In Savannah on the Tallahassee yesterday and will make hi* home here. The marriage of Mr Jona* M>nlel to Mt* l.lllle Sitverburg I* announeel to take place thi* evening In Knlghta' Hall, at 1-9- • K \ i I.•• r,r ! Mt 11,. lin'd ,<P called for New York on the Kanni rny yesterday. Mr* lister will remain North until the litlrr part of I)e rm sr Mr Illchard le-ster wl.I return about N<>v. IS. Mr* Mory McOowan of Ohio I* vldtlng h ,. r *la*er. Mr*. Ell-n M Oliveira. at Zkt Broughton sirett, eaal. The two sister* had been separated from each other for nearly thirty years, and their reunion wa* a Joyous one. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1900. THE WEATHER. Poncwt far Wi4iwly and Thinly thwrgln. South Carolina. Eaatem and 'VMtnn Florida Pair Wadnesday and Thursday, with light to frvwh southwsasrr ly winds Yawsrday'a Weather at Savannah- Maximum Mmpmnira 2 p. m, *2 Minimum tempera! une, t a .m 74 degree* Mean tivnpnxtiw* 1 d<aiT Normal tampmtture so hsrreea Excesa of hmperature * dearer* Accumulated cicnw since Oov 1 *6 legrree Accumulated excess since Jan 1 130 degrees Rainfall O'Web Normal Winch Excoaa atnco Oct. 1 2.Wlnch*n rwflclavy alnco Jan. I 7 7* Inches Klvor Report—Tho htghl of the isavan nah river at Augusta at 8 a m.. Tsth in** rldmn lime, yeaterday. wii* 6 2 fe*t, a man of 0.1 foot during the preceding twenty four hour*. Cotton region bulletin. Savannah. <a for the twenty-four hours ending at a a in . TMh meridian time, Oct. 2S. 1900: Station* < Max 'i MAM Savannah district. ITenxiTenvl talk Ala pa ha, Oa, Cloudy . 67 TO ’ 2! Albany, cloudy J *7 71 10 Amertcus. cloudy ' *2 70 j .06 Ilalnhrldge. cloudy | 82 | 72 1 T Biolimn. pt. cloudy ...... B 1 II I Port Oalnes. cloudy ; 80 i 71 23 •'.•Aliwatrllla. Fla . pt.c’dy 87 73 j . Mtllen. Oa, pt. cloudy .. 8!* i 70 | .00 Jnltm.ui, cloudy I 86 1 TO Savannah, cloudy 62 i 74 | 00 Thomasrllle, cloudy S3 73 j .31 Waycnos*. cloudy *7 73 j .no •Received too late for telegraphic aver age* Heavy Raina—Montgomery. Ala . 1.80. (•oodwater. Ala. 3 at; Marlon. Ala. 2 10. Athena. Ua., 1.50 |No. | -I 1— fltn- iM.ix Min Rain Central Station* |tlons;Tem. Tern.| fall Atlanta | 13 7*l 164 ~'.66' Augurta j 10 *2 88 .38 i harleaton I S | *3 i 68 .24 <lnlveaton j X j Bi> |S3 > lAt tie Rock | 13 j 76 Ml > Memphis jl5 | Til !66 10 Mobile j 6 | W | M ! . Montgomery | 8 I 7t I 6*'* 158 New Orleans 15 , 89 | 62 j T Savannah 13 | 85 | 72 j .13 Vicksburg .... ..... 10 78 j6O j T Wilmington | 10 | 80 | 64 | ,16 Remark*—Warmer over the Eastern *lla trlcta. and namewnat cooler over the Centra I portion* of the belt. There has been rain over the whole cotton belt, ex. ■opt the extreme waatem portion—heavy over Alabama Ohaervatlona taken at 4he some moment of time at all statlona. Oct. 23. 1900. 8 p. m , 75th meridian time. Name of Station | T. | V. |Raln Boston, clear | 66 | 8 New York City, raining ,| 66 ! 33 | T Philadelphia dowdy j 08 | 13 j T Washington City, raining j 68 | 0 | .06 Norfolk, olenr | 72 | 10 | Pi Hadcraa. pi. cloudy ...,| 74 : 8 ! on Wilmington, clear | 74 | 8 j T Charlotte, raining j 70 | 8 j 1.66 Ftnielgh. cloudy | 74 | 8 .60 Charleston, pt. oloudy ..j 74 J 6 | 00 Atlanta, clear I 71 j L. | .28 Augusta pt cloggy j 74 j 1* j .08 Savannah, pt cloudy ....[ 74 | I. j .00 Jacksonville, pt. cloudy j 76 | L. | T Jupiter, clear I 80 | 18 | .00 Key West, clear j 80 j 14 j .00 Tampa, clear |7B 4 j .00 Mobile, cloudy j7B $ | .00 Montgomery clear ...,..] 76 j la | .01 Vlckahurg. clear j 72 | 6 j .90 N*sv Orleans, clear j 76 j 6 | .in Oalveaton. clear | 74 ! 8 j .00 Corpus Chrtstl, clear ....j 76 | 10 ; .60 Palestine, clear | 70 | L j .00 Memphis, clear I 74 L> | .00 Cincinnati, clear I 70 | 12 | .00 Pittsburg. clottdy j 62 | 8 .68 HttfTalo. clear j 64 | 23 j .76 Detroit, cloudy j t ; 14 | .00 Chicago. p. cloudy j <r> 14 | .06 Marquette, clear j 56 | 12 | .01 St Paul, clear | 88 j 16 j on Davenport. cloudy | 60 | I, | T St Routs. clear | 70 | 1* J .00 Kansas City, clear j 74 | t | .00 Oklahoma, clear I 68 | 8 j .00 Dodge f3ty. clenr | 64 | la j .! North Platte, clear | 64 | 6 | .00 H R Royer, laics) Forecast Official. CITY IIHKVITIBM. The City Sinking Fund Commission has advertised for six thousand dollars at City of Savannah Honda. Issue of in. and eighteen thousand dollars. Issue IW9. Live Oak I-odg*. No. 3, Independent Or der of Odd Fellows, will give a bull Wednesday night. Oet 21. for the bene lit of the paraphernaJla fund. Circle No 7. King’s Daughters, will give a lea at the residence of Mrs Robert Olbhes. Second and Abercorn aireet*. to morrow afternoon from 5 to 7 O’clock. The public I* Invlled. Mr J. B Duckworth Is preparing to build a handsome residence on Fin" street, east of Roll Application has been made at the City Exchange for a permit The house will be a two-story frame building, with elate roof. Judge Hampton I* Ferrlll, of the Court of Ordinary, returned to Savannah, after an absence of about two week." from the city, last night The Court *>f Ordinary will he In session this morning and after noon and during the week. The Tomochlchl Club will give a con cert to tts members to-morrow night In tts club house, at Charlton and Bull streets. Rosenfeld’s Orchestra will fur nish the music for the occasion, which promise* to be a very pie leant one. ■ n m . t To Explain Picture Making. Mr W. H Webster, representing the Nepera Chemical Company, will give a demonstration of the uses of Velox paper at the Savannah Camera Club to-night Reside* the uses of Ve|ox paper. Mr Webster wtil discus* the subject of plate development and will give a demonstra tion of enlarging processes. The lecture and demonstration Is a part of the pro gramme of Wednesday night entertain ment* given by the club for the benefit of the member* and other* Interested. —Col. Frank S. Hastings, a retire! mil lionaire of Ran Francisco. Is electing In that city’s "Oolden Gate Park.” at a cost of MONO, the largest flagpole lo the world, XVI feet In height. HISCELLAXKOL’9. or PRINK IR THE HEHT WALL FlN l*h made. Adams Point Cos.. Bavannah agents. 104 Congreee. west. _ YOUR RANGE MAY NEED TO HE connected or disconnected; If you wont It done a little ehea|>er than somebody e;*e will <k> It. or If you want plumbing work of any kind done, cull on A. C. Price A Cos.. State and Jefferson streets; ’phone* tts _ ~REDUCB YOUR LI VINO EXPENSE® by Investing your hard-e*med hard cash with the Southern Oroeory Company, 114 Bernard etreet GRAYBEARI I CURED ME OF ECZE MA AND INDIGESTION <iF LONG STANDING H A JAHHEI.U LAFA YETTK. ALA MADE ONLY BY BBS PUSH DRPO CO . PROPS Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savaonab. Tbosaand* Bare Kidney Trouble and Don’t Know h. Row To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common gfars with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a . e. sediment or aet- Ffjin tZiejT) fling Indicates an 'lcily] unhealthy condt mfi tlon of the ktd- U/\ VPlfT—r Il' neys. If It stains J your linen It is evidence ot kld- JD *I ’ B t* / S. ney trouble: too frequent desire to t~pass it or pjm In the back Is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer s Swamp- Root, the greet kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver bladder and every part of the urinary passage It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often durtng the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Kttot is soon reahred. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists tnsoc. andsl sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wondertul discovery and a book that more about It. both absolutely free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer 4 n-. „r *-,.H,a Cos., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer In this paper. CLASSIFIED AUVERfISEMENTS. PERJO^At. QV lo tion l*y dark long •vnlnj:fl r M Kinky or Hryan will ir# i In—cn b* bottor with 4 good pair of ftp**c tacli* that will ckar tho vision atkl tnaka prim plain !nd dlMln* . and thua taka away tlifia old wrlnkltw au-*d by ftlraln iiik th #-y#w VMon lni|*rovad or >->t a *nt o:nir*r*xi for my jnMHh/ul-luok-fWing e.<*g and apeo.taclaa. Fagtwft. 2b iain Kro'ighion. Hair, J*w**lr>* and Bhav- If.g Huppiy llonar Cuh given for ukl go.d and atlvar. NOTICE—t>R I. A SMITH IIAK RE moved hk* demal ofllcr fiuin 24* Hu I *4 to 104 OgH-thorpe ave. east, uv*r Knlghta •lrug aitora. # RORBH, MM COLE. JIHT PROM New York, with the latrat ntylw for *vm I*k gowns, ladb’ft* dresftd-s and tailor* made suit#. 216 Liberty, west. THE PURNITU Kit F.XCHANOETTu i4amart! (reec, buy* and aell* all kirnt* of aeoond-hand furniture for uali HOW A ROUT YOTJR WWTER c4othing? let ua put It m *hai>e; ) p* r month. Sterling Presnlng Club, Ik York, w MORPHINE. * >*l I'M, LArDANUM. tJiMjalne habit; myaaif cured; will Inform you of harmlesa, permanent home cur®. Mary 8. Baldwin, liox 12U. Chicago OIL HEATERS, WOOD HEATER .ioa| heater®, took ftov®* and range® Ba ilable good® C. P. Miller, agent. ~A DV f:R TTBE M F7NTS RET~N CAI*- ITALB WILL HE PRINTED IN CIaAR oIKIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AI VEHTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 39C. IS YOtTR IRON SAFE FI RE-PROOF? Slffe! St Freeman have a standing offer of 11.600 for every *afe of Ihelr make that doe® not prae*rve if® content®. On® fe wan In burning debrl® 113 hour®. When taken out. the hose had to ft>® turned on It When opened, not a page w*a* dlecol* ored. not a record lost, not a dollar de stroyed If you want security, buy a Stiff®! St Freeman *af®. C. P. Miller, agent. YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; it'® rich and pur®, try It FURNITURE UPIfOTTERED MAT •re**e® renovated. Antique furniture re poll* hed. furniture packed and *hlppH) In f#®t manner Sen*! me your order®. C. P Miller, agent. how adopt yoitr Winter clothing'’ let us put It In shape; |1 per month Sterling Pressing Club; 19 York. w. “RONE FLOUR; 30-POtINT> HAO. 0r; leave order with E Moyle, 10 Broughton street, east, or 114 Park avenue, east J. Gardner, agent. if its miem you want, you can get them u4ie#p*r from McGlllle. bpecial] AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rookere; ladles' otae, at 12. J. W. Teeple. _______ Tam nowTocated at <l4 wSst Broughton; ring up 11NK If you want to hove your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the eame as I do the work that's given lo me. A R. Griffin. 414 Broughton etreet, west; mattresee# made to order MILLER’S STOVER AND RANGES give satisfaction Th* Megnetlc. Econo mist. Waldorf. King, und other good makes at reasonable prices. 3/7 Brough ton, west. KENSINGTON" FARM MILK 18 I’N surpassed for richness; delivery Is per fect; phone. 2346 MILLER FoR OFFICE DESKS office table*, office matting, office shades 3117 Broughton, west ‘WHEN YOU SKE~MO!LLIS SIXTY - Inch IP-cent rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t heap It; will sell In any quan tity. HOW ABOUT - YOITR - WINTER clothings let u* put It in shap-; ti pr month. Sterling Pressing Club. 19 York w FOR FLORAL DESIGNS. CUT FLOW er*. plant* and bulbs, from Oelschtg’s nursery; leave orders with E Moyle. 10 Hroughtegi street, east J Gardner, agent. •FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE.’’ la a specialty with McGIHl*. “MILLER’S NEW STYLES IN car" pets, mattings, linoleum*, window shade*, etc. All work done In flrat-cas* style. 207 Brought! n. west irAnjjf LACE curtains'will beautify your iwrlor, “l WOULDN’T TAKE $lO 000 FOR THE BENEFIT DERIVED FROM GRAY HEARD MISS NANNIE JONES. AL LISON. N C’’ MADE ONLY BY HER PKSB DRUG CO.. I’ltOPS M GII.LIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS Tsr-e curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, atovee. hsdroom suits, and furniture of every description. SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ranges for sale by J. W; ulro agent for Insurance gasoline stove. Ml* BUYS NH’E RATTAN ROCKERS while they last. l-arge assortment of rockers, divans and easy chairs. C. P Miller, agent KENSINGTON FARM 18 ON AN elevation In th* eoun'ry, free from city drainage Impossible for milk to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone *346 De livery prompt; satisfaction guarantees! MGII.LIS MOVES. PACKS. SIIII*H an t store* pbraoe ard furniture; lies! work only; no "Cheap-John" price*—no "Ch*ap- John" Jobe “’’GRAY BE Alt D IR THE BEST THING I CAN GET FOR CATARRH OF THE HEAD. MRP C J LAWRENCE. SWAINBBORO, GA.’’ made only by RKSI'ESS DRUG CO.. PROPS GOLD FISH Ktc "EACH. II on' DOZEN Ftsh grass for sal* hy J. Gardner, agent. 114 Park avenue, vast. Cold Weather Goods. The ®nap of the cold cometh, and cometb gu!- kb Wa ibowr COAL MODS, FIRE SETS, FENDERS ami all other arvessorto# far the flrelAi> ami heater. THIB WKEK we tHTwr THI: BARLER OIL HEATER And OUARANTBL EVERY ONE. In I1 atxea, from 13 75 and upFwrria The Itjrler la th* Ideal Heater for thl® climate. It I® free from all the obJ*UMVa of (hn ordinary oil httri Conn* and extitilne th® Itailer. Anorher shipment of LIItREY CUT GLASS We are opening the moat elagar.t lino of novrltle® ever ahowu In the city. THOS. WEST & GO., il BROUGHTON STRRPT. W. PRRHOWAL WALKS ARTTFTCIAL pure cement c.g>ing for fi'iulig. four f**et long, 14 Inchea btgh and nine Inchca thick; eldearttlk emtiH, blialu* varlei cokrv, o*'(agon and hexagonul; g**l work arwl re*®aivat>le prkv, r*tf4-r* to Mcmv* J H Emill, M J Salomon®, Wil liam Keho® and other®. f*bop Whitaker and I<et Afreet®. Ch®rb-a Hohci®, Robert® alrcof. "CUSTOM irut'SK SHADER. A PAR rot and canary will be <Hpo*e<l of Thurs day ®v®, k.fO o ck>4 k |l.n FOR WOVfeN WIRE n>TO while they la#t. C. P Miller, ugrnt. t W FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they laat. litg aaaorttnent. all grade* of art Nquare*. rug®, mats, portlera®. C. I*. Miller, agent “krdiuUß sF.r.u> sixty fNru nras —Smvrna pattern®- for W tent®. TnvnnTißEMisktb sirr in WIM. HP PRINTED IV TIiAR HIFIF.D ADVERTWKWKNT COU’MN FOR TWO tenth a WORD No AH VKRTIBBMBNT TAKEN Foil I.EBH THAN *C. ~ " ‘ ■UIIUAL. rOM'MBIA. H t\. EX(-TT*D. DR. < W Randolph of At l*oul. 1* now at the Albemarle lintel, curing th* most In* veterate stutterer® l*i three dav® Col. Wllte Jonee an-l many other® had hi® mm* and nephew cured Many are rt>m- Ing hundred* of mile® He leave® ‘ohirn bla Nov 4 for Savannah. Ga Write him stamp He beats the world No bet ter. • GRATIIFARD OF HHF.tT MATIHM I <'ANT PnAIHF IT ENOUGH r. P. ( I.AKK. SAVANNAH, OA" MADE ONI -Y lIY RBBPBBB DRUO IN).. PROUH golf are rotiß rSSf t “Ir you* frrt ate troubling you, vsll on m* ami I will gtvn you rvlpf. I euro Ingrowing nsll*. •■ora* anJ all rll.ra*** oC the I'vu without pain; rhargs* rraa>auil>la; ran gtv<- Ih* beet retrrrner* In th* vlty; p llrnts irnatvj at rsablnncs*. ordori ran bo Irft at Uvlngslom's <trutr store, Hull and ('otigr*#* atreeir. tel,phono 290. Dm Dsvl*. surgeon rhlropxtla, t ~"<IRAYB®Aftb CURED ME OF BRY HIPKI.AH ON THE DBG. WHEN EVERYTHING EI.SE F All JED JOS ROGERS. HPARTA. OA." MADE ONI.Y ItY REBP EBB DRUG CO. HELP W SVilUe-MAIIC. BRICKLAYER® wanted at GAS tonla. N. C. Flynt Building and Congtruc- Iton Company. WANTED IKIY TO WOllitlN STORE; Rfernc rvqulred. Dr. M Schwab A Son. 47 Bull street. WAMTBD OFFICE BOY. WELL recommended New York l>entai Parlor*. 107 Broughton street, west. ‘WANTED. A BTIIONO BOY TO learn the wholesnle notion business. Apply 31 CongrssH etreet, west, WANTED, DELIVERY BOYS AT once, at 110 President, west. 'wanted, a BUTLER ONE WIT.I. Ing to make himself generally useful. Call after 9 o'clock Wednesday, at 233 East Charlton street. “wanted. an experienced young man In a dry goods store. J. Co hen's. 116 Broughton, west. “SALESMAN WANTED IIY OLDEST firm lii the trade to sell to physician*; permanent position; state experience fully, P. O. Bo* 55*. Philadelphia. “WANTED. PLUMBERS. |3 .V). llßfCK layers, lit Ui, mill machinist, fllsr, ham merer. laundry machinist, washer, IS, board, bakers, tie Inspector, liooklseefw-r. commissary clerk. Huber, 317 Well Bay, Jacksonville HELP WAXI EP-yEBM®. HITE woman to cook und assist In housekeeping at Thunderbolt Apply to Mr*. Schmitt, near college. Th und* r I silt “HOTEL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 317 West Bay, Jacksonville, wants help, all kind*, for Florida. Georgia, Nassau and Cuba, season 19ot>-1901 See lfuber for fur ther Information. ADVERTISEMENTS BET IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN ULAB SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C MiK.vri W ASTED. AO ENTS W A NTKI k-'’GALVESTON The Horror* of a Stricken City," by Mutat Halstead, fully llluntraitd, f.islest s-l||rg bonk ever publlshesl, only II W; best term* gu.irsnteed; outfit free; tie quick. J. S. Zelgler A Cos., Chicago PI. - IJNPLOYJIEST WASTED. tXd a iTTess der ■ut^and fl, manufacture and private trade e*|>er lence; day engagement 11.6#. (No meals). Louisa Yuellyn. Poetoffi'■ WANTED, Wll ITE 11 MIL WANTS up-talrs work, no waliri * nor It lon de slrrsl Addrees Reliable. Morning Nw* 101 N(F MAN W ISIIES TO CHANGE position; Sve year*' experience In gro cery business (Best of references). C. N. T. ear* Morning Nsws WANTED. BY STENOGRAPHER, several hours’ work each day. Address O. N.. this office. ROOMS WASTED. """nicely FURNISHED RimiM want. ed at once by lady, between Oglethorpe and Hurts, Drayton and Barnard. Ad dress F J.. care Morning News. WANTED. FLAT OF FOUR OR FIVE nios-ty e-—'-c— l roe— *s s-esai. quiet lo cation; preferably with private fe—; for young couple. Address A. U. C., care NewA Our Announcement that we had secured the exclusive agency for Che famoni SHOES FOR WOMEN ha® met with such a tmartv re*i*mee •• to give assunne® that ftiea® CseMfTDil erg dur iNit hulie* rlhn'ii will win in H.iv.nn®h the jinn |-M>uk®rlty that bAi MlAnl their inimdikdton In every clly in th** Un llr*l fkutra In th® nxUrulvt van® y m* r!mw are style® for every uae ->*treet. dre® *, hour® and • itu.y. #% FASHIONABLE ELEGANCE IJIJ ABSOLUTE ease EXCELLENT Si-:RVICE GLOBE SHOE CO., SOI.K AGI.NTK HOUXI WANTED. iu RNtBIIED El-AT OF 3 or 4 rooms, bv tin* wark. AiMrrai st ooio l| H, oaro Now*. W*3TKIk-NIM KUAIKOI'I. “.Vi.roF hit'ini:mi;nt \vjhh- Ing to -,-l ths s iisrr tn Savarnsh. will Isovti rhlldran Enadlsti, must' - or Franoh for room anil txmrj tn fomfortulilo homo Adairrs- Miss O'Haro, IAX> Nlnalarntll *trr t. N IV . Washlngion. I*. C. WANTED. TO PltUTlAffi A BEC*- oihl h.itMl Ir. plan*. In |*(f's t solar, onns plrlr; < apu.Kv four to #-vn ton. A*l •lrrss P. O. lUix No. Id. Navannaah. G#.. w ith full partli ilUrs, |ior. ami whoro van Is* examined. "^WANTED.Ti HUY W.flflO (>IJ> FHATII - sr lob. leave orders or send a postal *ard to IJki West ltrvan street. le-vrneun. IF YOU WANT OrtOt) Mtl.K. GET IT from Sprmgllvld Dairy, It's rich, purs and whole Mans “UASII PAID FOR GOOD RECON rV hand oat *avks 212 West Ray street. IF YOU WANT A PLACE To It'MP earth, dirt. saml. manure, etc free of charge. Ju.t at rlty limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Hrown 11roe.. • ttr nor Andorsoti amt Rot streets. ADVERTISEMENTS HKT IN CAP IT AI #3 WIU RE PRINTED IN t'LAt* HIFIED ADVKRTTBKMBMT frtU’MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. No AD VERTISKMBNT TAKEN FOR LIAId THAN JRC ran HrAT-HOO>4. W ||RIGHT. WITH or without board at 37 Charlton street, west FLATS FOR ft TVS. RENT. OF Pot’ll ROOMb" furnl.hed or unfurnished, for talus'keep ing complete. 114 East Überty. ruH RKXT-nOI’IM %l,lt RENT? COMKrtltT A RLE" lIOUHE. No 217 Wahl burg street, esst, between Ahermrn and Unroln, flrst daw order and condition; every convenience Right rent to right tenant Relate Saloqt'in Cohen. West Rtoad and Rroughton streets. FOR RENT. DEStRARLE DWELLING with all modern Improvements; in g<d repair 30* Jones, east. Kullocti A Screv en ""FOR RENT." 17 DUFFT BTREET. east. poeeeeston at once Apply George I. Germany, agent. It Hryan street, east. TANARUS" RENT. 221 AND 223 BOLTON street, east; these are gtesl houses and location excellent Apply l<> C. A. Mrln tlre, 4H Hoard of Trade building. run nKai—aToiuca. Tor hknt! rTorb bouthwicbt corner Wbltaker and Liberty streets. Ap pl) M Liberty street, west. rok 11l XI-llt Kl.l.A3kOlt. LARGE WAHEIIoUHB AND OFFICE for rent, corner Rroughton ond Weet Broad streela, formerly orl'lliplll tiv th- Snvarihaii Carriage and Wegtat Cos. 11. P. Smart "aDVERTIHEM ENTS SET* TS? CAP ITALS WILL RE PRINTED IN CLAA HIE IEI i ADVERTISEMENT (X)LUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOIt MOW THAN WC FOR SAL®—REAL icHT A Tit. ADVEHTISEM ENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL ME PRINTED IN uIsAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOIt t’WO CENTS A WORD NO All VEIITIHEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C. “forlale. A LOT foS TWO llllN dred dollars, easy Isrms, on Ninth stress, near Rust Broad, no city taxation. C. H. Dorselt. __ EM It SALE.'“lots <)N ninth, near East Broad, a* ** each; will soon be advanced to 1235; when a lot hao been paid for ! can arrsnga to get a home bulls. C. H. Doraett. FOB HALeTLoTH'oN NINTH STREET near E**t Broad; no city taxes, at IJ each; fwenty-flv* dollars cash, und easy monthly payment* C. H. Is>rett “RESIDENCES AND BUILDING I.OTS for sal* all over the city. Itoborl H. TsScm. real eetat* dealer. No. 7 York atreot. west. "FOR HALE OR RENT sn-AURE farm with house ansi out building*, n good ronslltlon Apply B7X Stewart street “FOR SALE THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold so first-class parties. V**o will mak* good neighbors. an<l non* other can buy, The terms are very eoay, and they or* cheaper than any other In th# vicinity c If Dorsetl. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP IT ALB WILL IIE PRINTED IN CIjAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN K>lt TWO CUNTS A WOflli NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN ane tun n >-kiM.siiU*k#n. try It when your favorite remedy falls, at 25c Itotile aided to a gill of honey makes a splendid mixture for Infants end children. BENZOIN BALM. MAKES THE SKIN like velvet, for sale by druggist or at Hen ry and Abcrrom poraae Drug Stores, Whitaker anti Taylor streets. “for HALE HALF INTEREST IN - A North Carolina summer resort. 11, care Savannah News. “for SALE. NICE benches For shoo stores; also two large sidewalk dis play esse*. M. Dryfus, 111 Broughton ' St, west, “PINK WOOD. - SIXTY-FIVE CENTS load, two for *1.25. No. M 7 Itay street, cast. “TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR sal". I# crops first year boxes; 13.001 acres round timber, at 1150 per acre; D per thousand boxes for leuaed timie-r, plenty of timber to he got; In five ml4<* of rail road; will give possession new nr at end of season Ad, Round Timber, car* Morning News “fire proof SAFES we carry a fine line of fire proof safes In stork at ill time* Th* parties esn see exactly what they are getting Our pries* ore as low as manufacturer* sell It. with freight a<M ed Parties Ini.resttsl, why wish a good n?a proof safe, will tin well to Inspect our stock. LI ppm an Bro#., IJppman bkyok, agent® for manufacturers. fom a stag—mixi ku t.xcoci. SPRINGFIELD NOTED for having rFh. pure mUk; try H; you will be pleased. ADVIJU nSEMENTB SET IN J*SF ITAIdt WILL III: PRINTED IN CIaAM HIFIED ADVERTISEMENT iRM'MN Foil two cents a WORD no AD V RETIREMENT TAKEN FOR THAN SBC. e unt aivu nicini. isOST. kTTII ok MONKV amount. Wig (o ®lKy tftoikir®. Lllhtivl rnworrl If r*lurn il to rt. L.nwlmni tWurf*. Havuiv n®ti Hr* u lug (’unipAny. IsOHI* KOITHKIiN RANK HOOK. Stf. 15233 Htulfr will return ftim* to 101 8t Jullitn ®tr®at, ®g®t aim! r®*®iv® r#* ward 1 H IT \ ni-AriC KNAMFeL AURA fan Omagsi Imhlk**, nhH|® a m ill*®* rma, ii.inif on hafk. A. W AokMMB, ltrwont if r**turfi*<! to Nt. 307 Hull atr®®t LOOT. ON WKPNKBPAY. A LADIKiY gokl w.ifrh and iliuln, a g**®! mvard trill ir iMitl If return***! to 23 I (rayton ®frr*t. ■ UIIXKM cSaSckT CAI" ITAI.S WILL HE PRINTED IN CI.AS RIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTIBEMRNT TAKEN FOIt LBSB THAN *>C I’t.rMnfXQ. MODERN PI.CURING IT WHO, HU to your Interest to let me give you en es timate on your plumbing, new or old work; repair work a specialty, aa I am a practical plumber No guess work ta eetdaoger your life. Wlgglna, phene IVT. Georgia or ReU mat kU.sxMM x '^AihVEicnHt.mT.niw ITAI.H WILL HE PRINTKD IN < IxAJE HIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FDIt I .Eefci THAN XX “MR GIVE YOtt raTHim IKIMBNTIC te gloss finish, pe-rfect work. Forest CRy Igihaslrv, Park nvenue. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING given personal attention, at Koch A Syl van’s. 4t Whitaker "AVOID THE RUSH LET ME HAVE your sign worlr for Klka' fair at once. Wm. Teylor, 140 Itarnard. 'WE CLEAN CLOTHEB BY THE RE sor lne antiseptic process Try us New Y< rk Sloan; Ly- Works, Whitaker und State. THE STAR THAT LEAD® TIfWM all; New Domestic Machine, with half tearlnge Fenton A Mon. FOR FISHING TACkLE. NETS. ETt£ go to Cornwell A Chtptnsn. FIVE HOTTI-FJf “till A YBE>AHD CURED ME OF RHEUMATISM OR LUMBAGO. OF WHICH I,HAVE SUF FERED FIFTEEN YEARS H O. DENT, HT. SIMONS ISLAND, GA." MADE ONLY MY HKHPEBH DRUG GO.. PROP*. CALI. UF PKHItY A BENTON. IF you are going to move, shift or More fur niture; Hall 'phone 1124. “HAVE YOl’H HOUSE PAINTED with German reedy-mixed paint; entire satlsfafllun guaranteed. Adame Faint Company. “WBLLBBACH GAS I.A MPB. Ci>f plete. put up. only 73 eenta, ansi gusralt tecd In save you ngmey on your gas bill; you can alwaya find an assor’.menl of mantels hern, (torn 10, 15. 25 to 3ft cent*: dsai’t forget the place. A. C. Fries* A 00., Slate ami Jefferson streets; 'phonaa 454 WANTED. ONE THOUSAND HUN pry psoplr at the Southern Grocery Com pany, 114 Itirnard etreet •PHONE ISIS FOR FOREST CITY foundry They will call for your Unco tomm dlptely. GET YOUR WEDDING PRESENTS at Koch A Hylvan’a 46 WhMsker. They are beautiful and cheap. “MF.RCMANT* ATTENTION' AlWFTß tlslng and signs of all description, classi cal work at modern price*. Be# Tavlor, 14<t Ikirnard street. “ATTACHMENTS AND MACIIINE-RB palr<*l while you wait; all work guaran teed. For poor people free. Penton A Bon. LA DIE*. HAVE YOI'K FIN): CRB pri and tailor made dreoaea dysd by new oxadye process guaranteed not to shrink or get out of shape New Y<®k Dyo Works, Whitaker and State ‘Phoao M3. F• lt HARDWARE and tools, “oo to Cornwell A Chlpman’s. . i iRRH WHICH HAD CLUNG Tf f ME THIRTY-FIVE YEARS IF YOU HAVE CATARRH. TAKE IT MRS ItHODA DEAN. HALLINfIKIt, TEX " MADE ONLY DY REtU’KHH DRUG CO. PROM. PERRY A BENTON - WILL RBNtV vote your old mattrease* and furniture* make guad as new. at very Utile cost. WE BELL SEWER PIPE. FLUB pipe, fir* clay, fire brick at lowest price®. Adams Paint Company. 1M Cun gross, west. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS In every of your hard-earned hard rash at the Southern Grocery Company, 111 Barnard street. SANITARY PLUMBING. GAB AND steam-fitting; when we give you our oslt m lies we g't your work, he, sue* we em ploy only experienced plumber-, and guar antee sottofsctlon. A C Price A Oik. Slate and Jefferson ®treetg; 'phfHWa 65A “THE MOST'UP-TO-DATE WORK I® being turned out by Forest City Laundry. 'Phone 1575. “ELECTRIC “NIGHT CLOCKS. THE thing for t>drouni, at Koch A Sylvan*® 46 Whitaker. “PIC TOR IA L Hl< ins” AI >VERTIsTno signs, signs of every description Special decorations for Elks' Carnival. Wm Tay lor. B!NGF.It NEEDLES. THREE “FOR five cents, trill oil with dozen free. Penton A Son. FOR HA NOES AND STOVES, GO fo Cornwell A Chlpman. “•'OH AY BE ARD CURED ME OF DYd- PEI’SIA. WHICH HAD MADE ME AN INVALID. MRS g. K CLARY. GHKENSROKO. MADE ONLY BY KKBPES® DRUG CO.. PROPS. PERRY A BENTON USE SPECIAL rare In moving, shipping and storing furniture, phone U 34. 3