The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 25, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 LEGISLATURE IS ORGANIZED. ,\OHTII GEORGIA. I < TOOK AM. Till: ni l'll I*. Powrr't \|ipral Un> iHtifilnl. Kvrn flic r.iilllon n( ItolirkMpiT ut Ihe lluuar • Hefneed nnlll Uaorila-llrlur Due lu the < nurus Yliadc It Nerrssary to I'MatlHtar thr Heading of !!•• Governor's 1 Bill To-day. Atlanta. Gw , oct 24—The session of Oeortß* of I*Ml convened Bt th* cp '"l this toon trig at 10 o'clock The organtxatlon of t>th hou.e* orr-u --pled <*nsid<r*hl< time nnd when the time for receiving th<- .annual message of Oov. Candler arrived, it wua 1 o'clock, making ~ ,i. y ... |. i|K.rc the melting until to-mnrr jt 11 o'clock Tn delay was < need hy s caucus of the flout> of lle|>rraetrt!iMve which convene 1 at # o clock When the organ lint lon ws completed the following were the officer* chosen President of the flcnati ■ t lark 1 low ell of Fulton, m rilary. Ch.irle* fl Northern of Fulton, ire- irr.t pro trm Roland Fi ll* of nihb. m- • ns-r. Flynn Hargett, doorkeeper. MuJ. \Vll*on. Speaker of the House. John P. Little of Miticogee, rpi.iker pro tern. N. A Morn* of Cobh, clerk. J hn T Bolfeulllett of Hlhb. messenger F It. Durham of Bartow, doorkeeper. J H Williford of Fnvette. The "Bticu* of th- Ilou*e *i held for the purpose of eliminating ’he vote of eight Populist* and four Republican m- m- , her* A O Bhtlock of Fayette, chairman of the Caucua Committee, alle-l the caucua to order On motion he wa* made chair man of the meeting and John T Bolfeull lett of Ilihk aecrotary John D Mltle of Mua ogee *|\.iker of the taut House wa* elected wltholw opposition. North (iruraln Tank fherythlng. The race for l|Mk*r pro tern wa* vary rinse and not unßt the last few counties had been called wA It known who would win out North Georgia *" pittol against South Georgia In the race, and North Georgia aeon The candidate* were Fhndrel Mitchell of Thome*, and N A Morrl* of Cohb. The vote stood. Mortis M Mitch ell 71 Four candidate* egitered the rare for newernger of the House hut three of them retired before thirty vote* had been rat The reult of the election wa* that F B Durham of Bartow wa* declared the win ner. In the contest for doorkeeper of the Home C A Moore oppnwed J S Will ford of Fayette Williford won hy a vote of 1( to to It wa* at the beginning of thla race that Byron Bower. Jr . of De catur addre**ed the chair and stated that all of the officer* elected had been from North Georgia, and h. thought there should be a division and e-tne of the place* were due to South Georgian- It wa.- the same kind of protest that Hon Pope Harrow made at the *iate conven tion In July but It had no effect. After the caucus the oath of office was administered to the m-ml-er*. and the regular election of the nominee* wa* had When the Senate was notified of the or ganization of the Houie It wa* too late to hear the Governor * m-a-age. anil a* , there I* no afternoon session, the read i mg went over until to-morrow * *e**lon Speaker John D Little announced the appointment of Mr* T. R R Cobb a* poatmt*tr*oa of the House Mrs Cobh I* on Atlsntlsn and was cho-en **>l of twen ty-three applicants for the pfcece To Cat Dawn Bapensea. No bills were Introduced In the House. A resolution m> Introduced In th* ften g.c by Senator Tatum of the Forty-fourth asking that a committee of two from the Senate sr.d five from the Ho-iec he appointed to mike an Investigation re garding the amount of money -pent hy the secretary of the Senate and the rli-rk of the House for clerical work The law allows *7O a day lor the secretary of the Senate. Mr Tatum cun tend* that both the .th clots spend too much money, and he wants the e*p**iee cut down The resolution was tabled It wu> the only feature o( the day. To-morrow after the rending of the mes sage. the usual routine work will com mence. and a flood of hill* la expected The members of Legislature are consid erably agitated over the question of con structing anew depot on the property of the state here, and It Is believed the nec essary appropriation will be made Representative Wight of Albany will Introduce a bUI to-morrow to change the system of Meeting Judges und solicitor* from the vote of the people to that of the Legislature. fX>TTO* GEO OIL CONBIXC. Mill Hen lief Tugrlhrr tn Arrange* for Having Srrd. CoiunnhM, S. C., Oct 24 —The cotton •rad oil mill men of South Carolina hav hHd a quiet meeting here, and formal a little combination for their muttml benefit The business hoe grown foormounly in the iw*t ten year*. Nineteen yearn ago the Amt small mill was *• bilshed. now there are fifty-seven mills and many of them very large. They crush annually. 220.000 tons of aeed. and It Is how to g*t the seed that the mill* are concerned They have buyers on the road getting seed at stations all over the state In many Instances miila have been forced to buy •eed a hundred miles away, and from the territory of other mills. Freight charges and price# have gone up Th result of the conference le thit the mills will all buy on a uniform basis, getting the use of eetaollshed warehouses and scales, and that the territory adja cent to mills arid not be invnded by buy ers from more distant mills. This will tend to decrease competition and keep down price#. will kin ixDßreaimsT. Williams of Kershaw Will Kot Abide by the I'rlnmn, Columbia. P. C , Ovt. 24.—For the first time since the Inauguration of the pri mary system In this state. It seems as If there is going to be a bolt. Despite the fact that before a candidate Is allow <1 to participate In a primary he must give a pledge (n writing U abide the result. It seems that K. !'. Williams, sheriff of Kershaw, who w.i defeated for re-elec tion by J 8 Tranthm by a margin of nineteen votes In tl.- >• < on l primary, will run as an Independent. Williams male a protest. The County Executive Committee beard Ms evidence and recounted the vote. There was noth ing to change the result as first report ed County Chairman Kirkitnd has Is sued a cH to Democrats to look up their registration certificate* and come to the polls on election djr to rebuke the move ment, Two Will lit- To-morrow. Columbia. S c Oct. 24.—The Governor baa refused to nterfer# in the css# " artu W \ t * Mi’or ‘irn to-gioe* convicted of the nfsasslnatloci of 11. H Paulllng, a white man. near Falmnth. Or. angeburg counts, Dec. |7. I*9. Mr nog efforts were made to hive the sentences commuted The men will be hanged Fri day TO n Hb % < o|,D IN ONKC DAY. Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All druggiH* refund the money If It falls to cure K W Grove a signature Is on gacti box. 2&.. ** Great Haste is H.)t Always Good Speed.** cMany people trust to luck to pull them through, and are often disappointed. Do not dilly-dally in matters of health. With it you can accomplish miracles. With out it you are 44 no good. Keep the liver, kidneys, bowel* and blood healthy by the use of Hood's Sar saparilla. the fault leas blood purifier Dyspepsia I know n positive relief for dyspepsia and that Is Hood's -ir*pa ri llu. It cured me My neuralgia also stopped." W. i> lULpaia. ltd Oak Street. I) Ingham ton New York. Tired Feellnif My appetite was capricious, my liver disordered and I was tired Hood * -ar-opsrtlla rvllered It all. It cured a friend of mine of female weak tie** Ms* Jr-*:* A Mia as*. Clayton. Del. Ht> and • flJlirnn* Hyf* fit* on irntfttlnr OF' t <*••)*'• *■*• W * M -vIS V * U MIGHT HKI.O I’oit IIOMII ll)!l \oqiik Mnti In Ulirr County .lull. Ollirr \%ijrron Srmm. \V*yrrni. (in., Oct 24 —John Wright, a younir wlilt* in:#n. hi * t* ‘H plirwi !*•- hlr*| *h* N#r of Wnr* cfMinty Jail, fhintwi with th* killing of Mr. Hiram Jr. wh'Kif lf kJ Uw|y foun* 1 in * yard l)Mr Bwtftwa(r Church a few wgr. Thla your* man • in<llct©<l by the grand Jury of Coftce county, together with a young nviii hy th* i ime of Carver. Wright wa* arreittd, but o far Cwrver has nr>* been upphhrndNt Wright d#** nitt the fttrlou* charg> gin. t him. Aivin who w.t i*hol a th#* rk* mg #*nt#ri.lnm-nt of th* Jama* town tkhool, by Rib* Fisher, *ll<l not real #o w#ll 4*?t right, hut It I* thought, with careful nursing he will pull through The l*u |-aai**-*l through hi.- Wllkllilpr, wild he certainly hod a clove call. •Tulk*- Joseph \V Benn<4 ItolWitor John W ntul i number of at torncya, left here yesterday morning for Trader*' Hill, where th** Superior Court of Charlton county i.- Iteing heM A ing ha* he**n called by Ic.nling cltlrena for u meeting ot the new Bouth ern Hotel to-morrow afternoon, to 'on vid* r nxa’terH of Interest to the town. It may he that a large menwntlle sto* k • ompany will tie the outcome of the meet tnkf md #ht with a capital PTOro ,r $10"00rt. a large time store will be opened In MRQtetkW wiih the evtlMl ♦ cotton market m Way. ross. which the town has not enj*>ve*l heretofore. The meeting will he h* Id nt % o’clock FOHT VALI.KV'S KNITTING MILL. Vandal In Mrlhodtat ( bereb-Cotton In llonston fnnnty. Fort Valley, Oa . Oct. 24 -Messrs H. A. Mathew*. F O. Miller. J M Jone*. L L Brown. A J Evan*. Claiste Fag in and Dr M S Brown have aulwcrlhed tt<V)*i for Ihe erection of a knitting mill here. The subscript lons are cash. h* eoon s* a site can be oele.-ted r.reperallons for Ihe erection of th* building* will be gin at once. S>m, vandal entered the Mrihorliei Church at thl* plave. and after stein,g th* pendulum from th* clock, knifed < ne of the b. sullful pulpit cushion chair* al most beyond repair The people are high ly incensed and If the perpetrator I* appre hended no merry will be shown, bui he will to- punish’d to the full extent of the law. While the farmers have received I very satisfactory price tor their cotton thl* e. s son. ns compared with the |,rLes pre vailing for the pa?f three years, yet they have not gone cotton crsxy, but. on the. other hand, srtll plant more grain—espe cially wheat—this fall than they did list year. The farmer* of this section seem to reallxe now -and for the first time In more than a decade—that If they make coiton the surplus crop tlvy aro assured of good times, no mailer what the price for Ihe fleecy staple may be THE ANGLESEY' DIVORCE *1 IT. It Has Occasioned Yin eh Interest In Ann nata. Augusta. G.. Oct. 24.—The Associated Press cable dispatch from I-nndon. Ocl 22, telling of the pending divorce suit be tween the Marchioness of Anglesey and her husband has o-ca--loned mu h com ment tore, tne glrlhoed h*mo of the wn. man who preceded the present Mar h. tone In that till©. Bhe Is the daugh ter of ftie Ist* John P. King, for thirty year* United States senator from Georgia und for many years president of th* Georgia Railroad and Flanking Company. It wus seventeen years ago when Mrs. Minna W.xdhouse* then a widow, became the Marchioness of Anglesey. The step Incurred the displeasure of the Quern, who r afier refused the Msrqitls recog. •> Ir •. Gas Sip bad It a, th* , that this was not 10-cnusc the Qu.en ob jected to the American alliance, blit be cause the old Marquis, who had hern twee married, was then engage.) to an English Isdv. which engagement he broke to marry Mrs Wnodhouse. About a year ago the old Marquis dint and was suc otried In the title by the son of his first wife, who had married cousin of his, and who Is now seeking a divorce. The former Marchioness has made her home In England ever since her mar riage MR. LKAKBR IN 111 RKK. Made a Speech In Wavneahoro Tues day Evening—Other YSatiers. Waynesboro. Gu., Oct 24 ~ Mr. W. R. la ,ken of Savannah made a short speech to the Republicans of Burke county here lasi evening. Mr Leaken Is the Repub lican candidate for Congress. He was Introduced by Mr R Schwarz wets*, whit*, and was followed by several colored Re publicans of Savannah. Rurke Is (he home county of Col Lester, an t wa- never known to go against one of her ctltsens. If on thr right track In other words, wc are elrlctly Democratic In every sense of the word. The meeting will not mike a vote In this county for Mr Leaken A little cotton 1* coming tn. but there Is sttll a little on hand Th* top crop of cotton. It Is thought will not mature enough to pay for Ihe picking. A J Lang, a baker of ihls city, for merly of Ftlackvllle 8 c . die I suddenly here yesterday morning The Knights of Pythlae. of which he was s memlrer, sent his remains lo his former home for in terment. The new water company, furnishing water from an artesian well. Is laying pipes on the main streets, preparatory to furnishing pure drinking water to consum ers la.vtfed to Uoluml.ln. Columbia. K. C . Oct, 21.—Thr Wsde Hampton Chapter. U D. C.. of this city, has derided to extend a general invita tion lo the United Daughters of Ihe Con federacy to hold the tioxi general con vention in this city. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1900. TIMIIFH MAHKKT HBFKOVI AG. Lmlrr *trong In UelalOdlt-^Mlirr Itnrlen hews holes. Darien, fia., O t. 24 After three month# •>f ii mot! unpr* 'denfeil dulin< tle tlm ! b* r market Is beginning to allow *ign* . f improvement The tlmbrr m* rchan* r* ! rinding vent- Is easier to procure **nd the l expot t trade lx expcctM sor>n lo pen up ! cn it larg** h- ale Not withstanding the fact that t> it j 111 .a- timber lias tome dt-wn the river r*- ently. a fairly g"d vtork Ij on ht*n*l r* *dv for shipment Bevorwl v* eel nr*- l*.tJir-g u! ;-|m atui athvrc ar expectetl to arrh* at an early dat- Th* small demand for timber, together with low water on th* rlv*r*. ha- a .t*l the tlmi'*'rm**n t< hoM th-lr ttmte r Th* m# n have be on cutting toe l*i and wait ing for better prt * U? re drifting them down the river. A distinct revival >f ehi|>fn* nlh * xp* ted now . Mr W It I„*.ken. Republican 'ond:* • kite for <'•*r* ee, sp>k* .it th** (Jour House Hntur lnv H - audltori* w**r ly (-olor**l and tho.-*** of them who yot# at all will douhthw vot* for htm Mi le*akn ha some |M>reonal frietxlv her* trnonc ih*> whM*-? who him high l\ hut ri-ai* *f them haw thought **f •*■'*• Ing i allot for him Mr la* *t* r wll. jwoini. y [ M *ii the full Dcmocmtlc vote it •hit county Th* hwf and oyster has op* n* 1 here B ver,| firms hete .r doing lib** t usint. s now and the shl,* menth wi I incres*** througn th* winter The goltert* are practicing dally an I record** are breaking right along Th" members of the ljilcn Golf Club will be gin thl* week to play for |*oaluon The IndivlMal contests are ex|* t l to ie mo.t lntcr**tlng m*l when th* nb* h game is played between ?nin ih * r and the iiofiiF hoys hop** to U ar off th* honor.- Th* link 4 * are In much letter conditton than they hive ever cen Mr Joseph A Walker hod begun ih* erection of • handsome mercantile bul and ing on iiroat*) street It will cordatn four or flv** -tor* s .md oflflcee arul all wIU h Occupied a s*h*i 4 ns finished Amo* Rodger* an*l barter, tioth colored, were bound over to the Novemler t* rm of the Bui*erk>r <'*>urt by Judge Livingston on the charge of having stolen go* -Is from the store of A am Strain's Boris. —*T always telephone John wh* n we have company, so he II he prepared “Goodnfee' If I tele r hon.*l William he’d stay downtown *’ —Chicago Record. , I'tAKHAI. IS % M ATIOaw. COLLINft-Tha re Mrs. Margaret Collins, relict of the late Jam** Collins, are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from her late* resi dence. No 4V Wilson street, this after noon at 4 o'clock. LOW —The frl*nk md relatives of Miss Margaret M how, and of Mrs Eliza L Mill and family, rc respectfully Invited to attend the funeral of the former, from the residence of the latter. &21 Barnard street, tins (Thursday) morning, at 11 o'clock syxtUL .\umKk " CT77rrT7rxr%Ti;.iT%Ki;R*. Office of Savannah Water Works. Savannah, da.. Oct 21. iJHA). The water will be shut off and remain off this (Thursday) morning. Oct 25. for several hours. In that section of the city as ftki.ows On Whitaker street fr m Seventh to Twelfth streets; on L*itnar avenue frm Lincoln to Whitaker *tr***ta I. U. KIN SLY. Bupt. LEVAN’S CAFE. RESTAURANT AND OYSTER HOUSE, 111 Congress Street, West. Blue Point, Hnckaway and Native Oysters tn all stylra. CHOP STEAKS AND GAYIE OF ALL KINDS IN M3ASON EVERYTHING FIHST-CLASS. DINING ROOMS UFSTAIHS. YAK HAVE RETIRNED From the Carnage Dealers' Convention, and have (as we promised) purchased the most elegant line of Burrles, Traps, Stan hopes. Runuhoute and Buxgbt We will announce our f.tll opening next week. Walt for them. You will be sur prised at the elegance of the new designs CONHEN-KULM AN" CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. MSI KYI ANN'S C YFE, 113 and 111 YY’hltaker street Merchants' Lunch from II 30 to 2 p m Everything served In the best style. Dining rooms for private parties or families are strictly private, and the best oysters, meats and game are served and prepared by s most competent chef. Phone 710 NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council, Savannah. Ga . Oct 14, 1901 Dr Osborne, acting city physician for the Second District, I* located at No .Nl6 Prk# street. Office hours. Sto9 a. m and tto 7 p ro. YV 1* BAILEY. Clerk of Council SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor consign* a of the British steamship Laura wt.l be re sponsible for any debt* contracted by the crew. BTRACHAN A CO., Consignees Savannah. Ga . Od. 24. 190 ft. NOTH R. AU hills against the Italian steamship Lealta. Noberaeco. master, and the Brit ish steamship Isle of Kent. Slither.and master, must be presented at cur office by or before 12 m this day. Oct 39, or pay ment thereof will l>e debarred J F MINIS * CO.. Consignees. NOTICE. All hill* against Ihe Rrltlsh steamship Thornley most be presented at our onie* bv 12 noon thl* day. or payment will be debarred WILDER A CO., Agents. Oct. 29. 1900 41’IK I Yl. NOTH t To my friends and patrons Mr. A E Walkley la no longer connected with the Royal Pressing Club F McWilliams, prop. PALATABLE, PURCHASABLE a uni Alt ■!. Jos. A. Magnus VBB Cincinnati, O. MCCTIMtI. y.LHI ÜBABRIa L4IIM.L SO. Ifi. F. Jk %. M. A r* a. ’ liar <n **f thla Mk xy Th* M M Deg re* will he confer ed Mritilers >f M-ter I**U* -and tnnMent brethren ur** fra**rnully Invited to m**et with us By order I’LLASANT A STOVALL. W. M J A HKRSCHIiACH s* r* t try. i M\;nsm im n of mi t>>in Th* regular qu.irterly meeting -f th© club will U* h-d at sA I* m on Thura !.>. Oct \Wi, ut th* offi e of Den mark Adam* A* Freeman. Tti** article on ’’Volt <ir* .” prepired by the late Col S r*wn. will be r* and F W MLLDRIM. Pre-idont. WM W GORDON JH. Secretary. •rtctUL vorictwa. ITUIJMim Full INFORMATION. city of Savannah, Office Clerk f Council. Oct. 19. IfOO The following resolution adopted at u meudng of Council, htl on the *v of th#* 17th ins? . I* herewith published for the Information of all concerned IJy Ald*-rmun Dixon Resolv***! hy the Mayor and Aldermen of the ity of Savannah In Council a© s**ml'l*d. That the ordinance for the re. naming of etreetH south of Anderson etr*t he published for information and that Coun . 1 Invites an expression of the view* and wistie.s of the itixenu of S.i \annah. *m<l particularly of those residing eouth of Arxleraon atre**t. or owning property in this sec tion. concerning the w.suom and ex pedlen y of the ordinance, those vh we to b* expressed by petition r other written communication, or orally, at the next meeting of Council at which time the ordinance will be read on its passage An ordinary* *• to re*4utni the streets in the city of Savannah south of Ander son street flection 1. Re it ordained by the Mtvot and Al lernvn of the ty of Savannah In Council s>semhl**d. concerning the street* In tt * city of Savannah south ot Aixb rnon stre*t. that hereafter First and St Jam* street> shall be known as Thirtv-firet Ktrcet Second. Glllott un*l Sr. Paul street* shall be hereaftar known as Thirty* second street Third. Grapevine Weft Third and St Nicholas streets #hall bo hereafter known a* Thirty-third street Fourth, lilt-murk. West Fourth and St. John streets shall In hereafter known a* Thltry-fourth f-treet Fifth, Surah. Wilder. West Fifth. St Mi huel mi l Brady str**ts shall be here after known a* Thirty-fifth street. Sixth. Willow. Wear Sixth und flt Thomas street* shall be hereafter known as Thirty-sixth street. Seventh and East Seventh streets shall be hereafter known as Thirty-seventh a? reet Eighth. Center. James and East Eighth nreets shall be hereafter known us Thirty-eighth street Ninth and East Ninth streets shall be hereafter known as Thirty-ninth street Tenth. Church and East Tenth streets • hall be hereafter known as Fortieth street. Eleventh and Ltmor streets (or avenue) rholl be hereafter known a* Forty-first Street Twelfth and flouth avenue streets shall hereafter known as Forty-second street. flee 2 Be it further ord.iln#d that ill ordinances and part.** of ordinances In conflict with this ordinance or** hereby repealed. WM P BAILEY. r*|erk of Council TO IIHE! Yl YTH 4. Mr James Lemon. Saltkehatchie. S. C., writes: "In M .y. I*. 1 visited the ’Lower Bu wanee Springs,' Florida, crippled with rheumatism so much that It was neces sary to lift me on and oft tho cars After remaining there for six weeks I returned home entirely relieved I have grewt sym pathy for a rheumatic, for I have had my share of It Go drink of and bit he In tho waters that gave me life " Mr. J W. Lindsay, head of Ihe large fur niture house of Undeay & Morgan, In Savannah, (la . writes: ‘‘When 1 left home I could hardly get around—l was In o much pain, caused by my kidneys being in such a bad state. I was only ot your spring four day* when I felt entirely free from |>aln and was able to walk to the station, which. I think. I u good mile. Shall be pleased to answer any communication In reference lo my case 1 am entirely well now." THE SAYYNNAII I’REPtll YTR44Y ( 11001.. MILITARY'. Harris and Barnard streets. Ormond B, Strong (Cornell!, bead master. Greek. Latin nnd English. Rev, R P. John*, n. A. M (Princeton), lately ot St Mat thews' Military Academy, History. Geography and .Modern Languages. John Stelxir. A 8.. Mathematics and Chetn l*try. SPECIYL NOTICE. JI AT RECEIVED One carload of Moyers' fine work of Syracuse. N Y., open and top buggies, the most complete line ever brought to thl* rlly We defy competition ort thl* work I ask the public om and all who are In the market for end and side-spring casy-nd- Ing vehicle*, that they can he found at my r*p*!tory. Also a full line of dellv ery wagon*, open and top, milk and baker wagon* Y'ou make no mlatake by calling at once and make your selection. MARK APPLES REPOSITORY, S2d Brougftton street, west Kelly's Rubber Tire*, the only reliable tire on the market NOTH 12 All person* are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the British steamship Ormesby, Robin won. master, front Tenerlffe. as no debt* of their contracting will be paid by mas ter. owner* or by W W WflJbtN Agent. Consignee IHCTI At. Nin ri t All hills against the British steamship BUkt moor must b< presented at our oitlce before 12 o'clock m. Hit* day, or paym-nt thereof will be debarred. STHACHAN A CO. Consignee*. Savannah.. Ua, Oct. Si. 190t>. KODAKS anti PHOTO. SUPPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SI.OO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDY^ Cures when all remedies fall. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Hull and Congress. Branch H‘> Bull St. Phones 293. Phones 382. Superior to All. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 irtCIAL SO I 11 UA. I-VII.IIIML (IK I.OM. UEI.K- ItHVI'I'LU Biri-IM ARBLE < IOEM. This r-urp older Is acrvr.l on miaraer# on the American lino. an,l ut the Waldorf- Astoria uiul Irjdinß family roc era In Now York City. Bauldlna's Punun rldrr Is muds from th.. pure Imre of harsl picked apple, from his own mill on the premises. It Is abso lutely pure apple Julre. und all the effor vasrenee Is no'urul. and we guarantee It to he the eholi-est rider In the worn leading phyairians In Nw York and Brooklyn recommend thla elder to their liatienie. |U* |M.rfect purity la guaranteed. In l-uuklng f Pippin rkler. only loan* Ul ■ind Newton's Plppuw lire used The air plea are left on the trees until l,te in October when they are hand picked ond pla'-ed In n dry room to ripen f-auldlnir says "the nppies are thorough ly crushed In his own mill and the Juice pressed nut nnd run Into sweet clean r.ieks." The difference between crush ing nnd grinding apples Is very great You will know the dtfferen. • between crushed apples nnd ground apple., if you take some- stems and chew them, jou will find thit bitter taste whlrh Is not with Paulding's cruaheel apples. This elder has not the extreme sweetnev* of the Bum-t elder, find everyone will find the Buukhng'a Pippin elder Juat right to take with dinner HI’I'MAN HBOS . Sole Agent-, In Savannah. I’lti:a|;lt\ B till It SIGHT By wearing clus e. that not alone en able you lo see, hut correct every defect that may exl.t. There Is no guesswork In our meihods. We have the latest and moat approved scientltic uppnr.nus for accurate eye test ing We make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you need the service* of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal lenses are perfect In every respect, being ground under our own eu pervlson They cannot be compared In value to the kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or Jewelers who han dle Inferior glasses ns n side line. DR. M. SCHWAB & SON, Kxcluslve Opticians. 17 Bull street. N I: ' 11 !-• |' ' ... :i •* i at- ■ day recelvid. Repairing done at short notice. HKVIVATIM.-'HTTHKOHS - ItIIN OV tTIMI. Hair. moss, licking. fiber, feathers. Our stock of new material aid manufac tured products are up to dat.- Our reno vating and r> making has drllgh’cd many prominent itridents Ask your acquaint ances Materials sent us Is picked, steam ed. cleaned and medicated by modern ma chinery. Making done by mechanics. We confine our work to mattresses and bed ding generally. We sell ticking of all kinds, moss, hair, cotton, fiber, feathers, or any article needed in line NATIONAL MATTHKSS AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell Phone 11.3*1. 331 Drayton street. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Oct. 19. 19,0. A vacancy having occurred among the city physicians by reason of the resigna tion of Dr. M. H. of the Second Dis trict. notice I* hereby given that an elec tion will be held at the next regular meeting of Council, to be held on Oct. 31. at x p tn . to fill th unexpired term caused by the aikl resignation All appUcntlons lo be filed with the Clerk of Council nt or before 13 m of the 3!at Inst. WM P BAILEY, Clerk of Council. MAATKI.S. fiR ITE* AND TILING. We have the largest stock, prettiest de signs. lowest prices. Call and examine ours before buying Beautify your new houaa with pretty mantels. ANDREW II.VNI.KY COMPANY FANCY AND Rfe-PKBIMRn IIHICkT* We manufacture and sell all ktnda of fancy and r< -pressed brick, pavl- g and building hr! ks Our common bn k ar > the tell for building pirpoce*. h Ing larger than other kilns make, and cheap er. He sample- and prices SAVANNAH Ht'ILDINO SI'PPLY CO., Congresa and Drayton atrwta HO NUN RXECITKD. By the Amen, an Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore We arc author. 111 to exeeute locally (Immediately nj.,, application), all Isolds In Jialtrlal pro ceeding* In either the ,iate or I’nued Staler Courts, atwl of administrators and guardian* HEARING A HI LL Agent*. Telephone 334 Provident Building. AMI AM) CYPMM Id mil K FOR SALK. lAi.onn feel of ash. suitable for wheel wright*. Carriage maker*, car work* nnd Interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of ail *i*es We have resumed rutting our famous brands of rypress shingles and wll *o©n have a full line of Ihem for sale. VALE ROYAL MFG CO. I'ROPII* Al.* WANTED. City of Savannah. Ofßee Director of Public Work. Savannah. Os Oct. 23. 19(10 -Sealed pror-eals are warned for fur nishing the city of Savannah with 12.n00 square yards of granite blocks ftp. -id cations furnished upon ipplle.itinn* OEO M GADSDEN. Director ot n i liurn Loan money at six ir cent, on real estate security BECKETT A BECKETT, Attorneys at Law and Conveyancer* GUAPHOPHONEB and RECORDS SUI3EM nOTUB*. HEALTH FOODS These are food* that aid digestion, but a) muscle and restore nerves. GLUTEN FLOUR Per Pound 15c. GRANOSE FLAKES I’er Package lie GRANOSE BISCUITS Per Package lie SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT Per Package 15c; two 25c These fo ds contain the full nutri tious constituents of the grain. The S. W. Branch Cos., Cor Broughton and Barnard. Phones 7. Silver Services Single Pieces Spoons and Forks Pearls Diamonds Watches One of the largest and most com plete stocks in the country. Manu factured by Sam’l Kirk & Son Cos.. 106 Baltimore St., East, Md. A Well Dressed Person Cannot neglect the question of CANE and UMBRELLA. W* have just opened a lot of beauties In both Canes and Umbrel las Ivory, Ru.-khorn and other handles, finish'd In Gold, Silver, etc. Everything warranted The *tyle an the latest HUNTER & VAN KEUREN, Jeweler*. 143 Bull. Nursing Mothers AND OTHERS REQUIRING NOURISHMENT CAN OBTAIN THE •HARVARD PURE BBBft OT AU.*I.EADINO GROCERS. HENRY SOLOMON & SON, SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Wo ore now moving our Wholesale Do pan men t to the commodious quarters 127 Congress street (formerly occupied by SI Dryfus. and will be In prrfeot shape In a few days, and be pleased to serve our friends. SOLOMONS COM TANT. THE WAV TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way 10 get your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call at 22 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work Prices teaeon.ible They also pack, move and store furniture and pianos C. H. MEDI>' K. Supt. ami Mgr. RICE MILLING, RICE FLOI'R, RICK CHAFF. We have anew mill with all modem processes, and machinery, and are now reads for business. Ws solicit your pat ronage and Invite correspondence, rlos chert free :o patrons THE SAVANNAH Hirst MILL CO., T M Cunningham. In-klent John Screven. Jr . Manager - " - * ' -L. .!! 1 —— l OLD NEWSPAPERS, MO tor ■ orate, ml Buaineee Office Uurulng News, LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO P ' President H I>!LLO X C B. ELLIS. BARRON Vice Presides! A „, hT ER, The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH Will be pleased to receive a. °* “* rc >at. Firm,. Indlvia,.^* and CorporAtlana *'*■ l -*na^ Liberal favors extended. Uneurpaeaed collection faellni— , Ing prompt returns *** LY ON DEPoaits. Safety Deposit Boxes end v. u t,. rent. Correspondence solicited. ,<m The CifizenTßaiik OF h A) AN N A||. CAPITAL $500,000 Tree..,,. . !.■., „. Bk( lluainraa. • Sollelto Arrnnni. of ~- ww Nlercliaufe f R.„ U . , nU *• tnfioiiH. H f’olleef Inns handled wd, h M( eewnomy and dlapateh. Interest, rompownded qnr,e„, allowed oa deposlta la „ or v,vi.' AAepartmeol. 81 Nofe.y Deposit Vaults. 8 RHNNTLEV A. DENMARK. Fee.,.,,,. MII.LR B. LANK. Vice Preeldes, GEORGE C. PRKCNAN. rw.hler GORDON L. I.WIIOVKH, Ass,. Caekle,. SOUTHERN BANK of the HUH* of Oor|lx. Capital jjgp, Surplus and undivided profits Uo'w DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE uT GEORGIA. Superior Isclliue.- lot transacting a iitinfai uatiKing CulltcUoni rr*i*!f on eil point# *** **ltok> through benke enJ Account* wi Ueukerel Mn vLaEu and others soUUAaU. Safe Dapuaii bom tor iwL Dcpanmenl of Bavlngs, Interest peyeSe quarterly Soils Sterling Exchange on Londea a and upwards. JOHN FI.ANNKRY, President. HORACE A CRANE. Vice President JAMES ST’LLTVAN Pa*hler DIRECTORS t Nt i NERY ' WM W OORBOS E. A WEIL W w GORDON Ji H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN. LEE ROY MYERB JOSEPH FER9T H P SMART. CHARLES E1,1.1k EDWARD KEt.LY TOHV J KIRBT iHMwFif CAPITAL, gd30,000. Accounts of banka merchants, txrpirw lions and Individuals e otic usd. Savings Department, Intcresi p,;o quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults ter rent. Collections made oa all points el rea sonable rates Drafts sold on all Aha chief cities of tbs world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice PrsaMeaS. W F. McCAL'LEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAu. GA LOP Ui !.• Undivided profits M.M Tht. bank offer* lu services to corpora tiona. merchant* and Individuals. Has authority to act as axsoutor, ad mlnUßrator, guardian etc l>*ura drafts on (be principal and ies la Great Britain and Ireland and on the Conti n sac Inter,*! [Old or compounded quarterly or, dep.elts In th* Savings Department. Safety Boxes for rent HKNRY BLTTN. President OEO. W TTEDEMAN Vloe Preeldent jr,ifN M HOGAN. Cashier WAT.TER F HOGAN. A**'! c a *M*r. No. 1640. Chartered, lMt —THE— iftlii: lal ll OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL* VO.<. 81KP1.U8. IMO.W I NITED STATES DEPOSITOR*. J A. u. CARBON. Pr*.M*et- DEI UN E GORDON, Mrs President W U DAVANT. Cahlnr. Ae'-ounta of bonk* and brkr. ***• Oti.n'a and corporation. rec'lad th moat favorable terms ronatstant inf, and eonaervmitva banking THE GEORGIA STATE B LILDINQ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 14 YORK STREET. WEST 5 PER CENT, per annum allow*! on deposits, withdrawable on dtmar*. Interval credited quarterly 6' PEli CENT. per annum allow*! deposit# of avail hundreds, wlthdf* able at annual periods GEO W. TIEDEMAN. President. D. H. LEVY. Vice Prealdent. E. W. BELL* Secretary. C. a ANDERBON. JR . Traasar*r The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms in tepipff iisft Koe aata. a Porsdtb Newspaper To-**' will fold abe*< K***- tt tln goo 6 Price BOD It oo oaiktnally ' we have au we M II *'“ ta * r “" 11 oocuplea. M 11 taUI ba an Sivaluabi. adjuaot newspaper at£o* Addraaa morung news, 5.T....1. °*~ I r TOU WANT OOOD MATE I* 14b and work, oraar your llthocrapMl printed sUtlo**rT •> Wank book* f, °“ Morning New*, Baraonab. &*-