The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 26, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TWO SPEECHES IN TRENTON. (ConllmieiJ from Ftr*t The trust Ip wrong from an star.icotnt. for if you will #•* you will And ihut the first thing that tht iruit doc whin H n*‘t> con’rol of on Industry t* to raise th‘ prl< • Then th . onsum* er* suffer Tne nr*! ni| Ip •* *hut dowti ihr fuoiorlff to r*dure production l-r-niupf a high price 1 the demand, and then the trust tfir* onto the labor ing man who Ip ill* waiting for a Job. the expanse of k* if up the high prlcti **lt Ip wrong econom! alljr for another rea*or It rHsroum** inventive genlu*. for if nil ro<*n who hiv. -kill In one oc cupation ar* ur hr **• man. they hang upon him It 1* th< h**pe *f in lependcnc* ; R Ip the hope that y u can some l.y be your n m *'• r. tha* ftimulati H p*o plr %o highest • rwteavor; and when you take this hoj* iwit of the human hr* aei and plant despair In ftp phff. you start •lownw .rd t■•ward th* lev* I *f th* l *rk ***** And if i bad for the laboring man. for If i 1 ib Ting m in ha* genlua and skill an*l M* **mployer fn*-s not recognise hi* eklll and genlua, another employer will Hut when there I* but one employer men genius Ip at a discount and a son-in-law will do a* well i t* genlua. # * Vtemedleo for Truafa. it*f*-rr;r* to hip retnedl* for the trust*. Mr Rrynn *aki *T am almost of mid to suggest th* rem edy down her*. for If w- u **eed in . s-queetmg the water out >f the Nrw Jer- N> corporations vou will have a tidal i wave greater th in that t* Gaivcsion You j will have h flood f*r a wide i' you will J have horn corporation* afterward* *'\Vhv should orpoxitkei* organ lied in . New Jerr• \ |e rmltt#d to |H > on th© ' whole country Why phould a corporation organic**! in 11 . atat* > ptmlHtd to enter into internal# commer • until It < first shows that it K going to i a legit I- j mate bust net and not going out a* a highwayman" I twlieve that If yiu will provide, first, that a >rjomtlon phall ; have the traler equ*n *ed out. un i. j second. that it show that II Ip not trying to monopolise any branch of basin***, and then provide j tor a t*v< a:ion of tne lit rw* if tht* con ditions are violated. I b*ilevt* you could destroy every private monopoly engaged in Intemtite commerce mil prevent th* creation of new one* 1 am not worry ing about tno* <orporattons confine*! to the **?a?**. for if the corporation prey* up on the people of the Piatt and upon them akaie. I am willing to leave the people to fight It out with their lot il corporation, and let |t nve ns long a* they have any thing for the corporation to eat. Hut whei a corporation leave* a state and goes Into other elate*. | ,im not witling to leave t to the state. ! am not willing to put forty-four Plate* at the mercy of a truet merely because |t hire* one state to let it stay there w'hlle it plunders the other forty-four.” Against Flection Betting. doping hie speech Mr Itryan made an earnest for tampalgn work until the dope of the campaign and asked hi* eu|*|*rere not to bet on result*. say It g in pari *‘lf you have any money to Pfvtro. put It in the ramiKiign fund Instead of Iwtiing I with It. Do not try to lteat the Rcpuhl • cans at their gam**. When you bet you bet your money; when a true? m ignat * betp be beta other people's money. A ltowupaper friend of min** gave acme good advice tii* aHmr4iy h* told th** iemo cnatp that if they would put their money In the campaign fund they would g- f satisfaction enough out of pucc*-aa to make them willing to *|>end th** mcfiey th>t way. and if we lore It was no gratlil-a tion to give the Republican* Democratic money as well as a victory in this cnv paign We irnot go io the great • o-- poratkm* and ask them to contribute 1 .*- cauaei wo do not intend that they Phould Snake It bark out of th* people. We have got to a people'* tight, and you who are Interewb-d In this fliht ought to sup port the tight, not only with your votes but with your work and with the money that you can spare,'* The Opel* Air Hrrllng. Mr. Bryan's outdoor meting In Tren ton woe u tremendous. success. t*xh In point a <t attendance and enthusiasm on the part of the crowd. He spoke standing In hie carriage. and said: "I am willing to risk the laeuee of this campaign In the hand. of th, Amerlnin people. If to-morrow tiii'ming the voters were permitted lo go to the tolls and write on their ballots their opinions on the question before the country, with no one to Intimidate. I have no doubt that we would carry this country by s pop ular majority, such as no ticket has ever rarelved In the I'nttrd States The only question to my mind Is. what effect will be produced by the coercion that Is now betnic ottemiited by those who stand at the head of areal corporations I went to Auburn, N. Y.. the other day, anil I learned that the head of n large manu facturing eetabllshment has threatened to rkjec his works In case I war elected I do not know how many threats like that will he made I do not know what effect such threats will have, but 1 am going to give to you (sharing men an answer to such a threat Whenever your employer tells you that you will lose your Job If you vote for me. you tell him that If the country Is half as prosperous as he siys It Is you ought to be able to Pnd another Job very soon: but If there le no place for a tn-‘in to work If he loses the Job he now has. there Is no prosperity in this country to hout about "I esk you when will you be stronger 10 fight this bailie than you are now’ If after all this period of b asted prosperity >ou have not laid up enough money to stand an bllenes sofa wo k. don’t you think you had better vote for some partv that will give you a better chance than that to lay up something for a rainy day?" BUY AT IT rim. UIKI.PHI A. Spoke to large Crowd From Balcony •if the Times tlfltce. Philadelphia. Oct IS.-William J Bryan arrived In this city t SIS o’clock this morning from Wilmington. Del . whets he spent the night after hl big tr p through a portion of Maryland and laela ware yesterday Mr. Bryan was es-orted by the Democratic city C mmltlee of Philadelphia. When he arrived at the Broad street sta tion of the Pennsylvania Hsllroad he was greeted by a mass of people that Jammed ths big train floor so completely that lip re was scarcely room for his party to make tts way to the street The streets sur rounding the station were also crowded with thousands of people curious to ree <he Democratic candidate. At 11 o’clock Mr Bryan was driven to the office of Iho Phils., clphlu Tim.-, lie was met by Col. A. K. McClure, the vet eran alitor of that psjw-l* and . to ■ balcony on the second floor o! the burn ing. Thousands of people ciowded the streets end cheered him Mr. Ilryan was Introduced by Col. McClure and s;oke In port os follows: "1 am g ild to be able lo stop a moment In this city, and Ism more delighted lo speak lo you from the building where this paper Is so Intelligently edited for Amer ican as against European Idea*. I be,love the only reason our principles are nol ae strong In the Hast ns In the West l because the East has not the same oppor tunities as rhe West Our parly Is nol th* party of the f. w. but the party of the masses It seeks no special prlvllge for aumr. but equal rights for all. The Dem ocratic party Is making a canvass on the platform that nates Us position on every question, but the Republican |>arty Is ■ ondonttng o campaign on a platform ths. ■ unreal- every Issue It does net reveal tts post*lor. because It knows that If It makes its principles plain the psopte would repudiate them. Just re member when that party met her* la tos early day* of our forefathers the Declaration of Indepen dence was its platform But when It m**t here this year the Declaration of Ind*-- nderce was Ignored altogether The Rr i üblican party t aids for te*pnti*m in the I'htliiplnefi The H* (Hibliran party has m r me*ly for any evil that confronts the farmer. Instead it congratulate- the fr rasr on kiksl rains; the laboring man on hie full dinner pall as if he was all stom ach I want you to know that th** full dinner puli argument does not m**et a re s|4>nse from those who carry the dinner | |oil. They want something more. They ! want reMef from lanes and from govem -1 m**nt by InJiiticti.Tn; they want rapreseti- I tatlon In the President's cabinet. they want settlement of disputes i*y arhltra j tlon; they want laws that make it an of i fetise to org inlae trusts I recommend i that you read the aril* les by that distin guished Pennsylvania Democrat. ex-Oov. I'ait Ison, who has Just returned from Por to Rico ami you will find that the Porto I Ricans can writ* a complaint that will j rival the complaint - ur t>eofle had agwlnat Kngland before the revolution. ’ WIU* MMHK l\ ( IMIMIIiI. Mr*. Bryan Uill Arronpa my Her llueliaml on Hie Tours. New York. Oct 25 Mr*. William J. Bryan Is In this city as the guest of Dr and Mrs. John H (Gardner, flhe will re man h*-re until Mr Bryan arrive- In town and will accompany him on his further trips. ADMDBTH fO^UEMtIKD. MmolutlnsH Msnni by *taay %ntl- I mprrlnlials. New York Oct 25 President C. C. j Hughes of the Oreater New Y* rk Aaso clotton of Ihe Naliotial Association of Anti-Imperialist Clubs to-night gave out a set of rewiluMons which had been sign ed by over 500 officers of the orguntxatlon in forty-five states and five irrrltorle© ( The resolutions <ondemn the adminlstra j 11*i t iut of the Porto Rican tariff, the t sliver) in the Hulu archipelago,” "for the perversion and suppression of news,” j fur “the Infamy commit!**! In the Philip pine Islands.” for the ta It under*landing with monarchical givernnients which de prive* a people struggling for seif-preser vatlon *nd a republican form of govern men in Bouth Africa of th* moral sup|**>rt and help which our people would glsd.v | extend and “for the arbitrary exert*Re of executive power by the McKinby ad ministration Hf HUBY TO tiO TO 1,01 IRVaLG. Will He Willi Rnltclif* Trmplsra of Kentncliy In IfMil. Louisville, Oct 2T. —Rear Admiral Bchley j has accepted th*- Invitation of the Knights i Templars of Kentucky to attend the twenty-eighth conclave in Louisville Aug 27-30. 1101. Ills answer, under date of Kept. 14. was written on hoard the flag ship Chicago at the Bouth Atlantic sta tion. Montevideo. l?ruguuy. and was re ceive*! to-night. The Invitation contained a request that he take part In the Tem plar parade as a members of the mounted staff While agreeing to come to Louis ville he decline*! to ride a horse, saying that he dkl not believe It would he |*ositble for him "to keep the saddle on loard one for ten minutes, even If the animal were as gentle as a camel " Twenty private homes will be open to entertain Admiral Bchley and he will be assigned to one of these or to a leading hotel, as h* may prefer. HKt KPT ION TO iK*. II (Id. KB. Made a Speech In NVhleti Me Compli mented the Colonial*. Cape Town. Oct. 25 —Blr Redver* Buller, who landed yesterday from the Ha warden Castle, na* accorded a magnificent recep tion The Mayor of Cape Town presented to him an address In the presence, of thou sands of enthusiastic cltixens. eulogizing his great service to Cape Colony and to the empire In reply to the address he paid a high tribute to the courage and bravery of the troops, complimented the colonials, nnd expressed a hop© that the winning side would remember that self-sacrifice could he shown in peace as well as In war The city Is beautifully decorated and the popular demonstration was truly re markable. Tilt: GBRH %N* IRK FHIHKD, Humor Credits Them With Designs nil \aiag-tse Region. Indon. Ort 23—" Rumor credits the Herman*.” says the Bhanghni correspond ent of the Times, "with the intention to take eorly action In the Yang-tee region, where the military situation I* becoming serious. The Chinese troops ther*- and in the North are dilMrcutly drilling and practicing musketry firing under foreign trained oflleer* Large quantities of pro vision*. war material and treasure are being forwanled from he Yang-tse dis tricts to th© imperial Court * FOB THE CHILDREN. To Keep Their Digestion Perfeet Tothina la in Safe an,l Pleaeant as 5i,...n s l>iepepsla Tablets. Thousands of men and women have found Stuart’* Dyspepsia Tablets the safest and most reliable |,rrparatio for any form of Indlgewtlon or stomach trouble Thousands of pi-ole who ore not sick, hut are well ami wish lo keep well take Stuart’s Tablets slier every meal lo In sure perfect digestion and ovoid trouble But It Is not generally known that the Tablets are Just as good and wholesome lor little folks s for th. ir elders * Little children who are pale, thin and have no appetite, or do not grow or thrive should’ use- the tablets after eating and will derive great benefit from them Mrs O H. Orostley, 638 Washington street. Hotmken. N J. writes Smart's D> s|w-psta Tablets Just All the Nil for children as well as for abler folks I’ve had the treat of luck with them My three year-old girl takes them as readily as candy. I have only lo soy ”1.1 hires” ami she drops everything else and runs for them A Buffalo mother a short time ago who despaired of I hi- life of her babe was so deltahec-d with the result* from giving the- child these tablets that she went be fore the notary public of Erie county. New York, and made the following affi davit’. Gentlemen—Stuart'* Dyspepsia Tablets were recommended So me for my two months aid baby, which was alck ami puny wad th* doctor* said was suffering from Indigestion. I look the child lo the hospital, but there found no relief. A friend menlloneel the- Smart Tablets amt 1 procured a tw from my druggist and used only the large isret lozenges In the bn* was delighted to find they were Just the thing for my baby, I feel Justifies! In saying that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets savrel my child'* life Mrs W T DETHLOPE Subscribed ami sworn o before me this !2lh day o! April, IK9? HENRY KARIB Notary Public In ami for Erie co. N Y. For babies, no mailer how young or del icate. the tablet* will ac ompllsh wonder* In Increasing flesh, appetite ami growth ir a* only the large sweet tablets In every box. Full sized boxes are sold by all druggists for Bft rents, xml no parent shoubl nsgleel the use of this safe for all stomach and bowel ihroubles if •he child Is ailing In any way regarding Its fo>d or assimilation Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets have b . known for >ears as the best -weparaLon for all sionivoh troubles whether In adults of Infants. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDA . OCTOBER 20, 1900. l/|g3 i ipmsi Look it your tongue! If It'icoited. your stomach your liver out of order. Ayer’* Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dvspepsta, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. All druggists. Wam yopf iiiutiityho or bssru s bssuufsl brown or rich Mark ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE UMKr. ■ j." • * * - - tiia: < \m or mi imoni. booth < srolinn Presbytery ttetnins Him ns n Mitalster. Columbia. B C., Oct -* —The action of ! this, the Charleston I’rc hytery, In re- j fa in Inf the Rev. Dr. I J. Ilrlmm a minister and mfmler of the Prgshvt*rv. l* spite hi* re*|U* st to he released. Is s aid to he something unique in the history of the church Dr Brlmm Is n young man and cunsld- i ere*| une of the .ih|e.t in his church In th Booth. For several v*.*r*. and until quite re ontly. he was professor In th* Colum bia Theological Bemtnary, which Is sup port *sl by th* sytKMft* of Booth Carolin i. tieorgl.i and Alabama Dr James Wood row. whose teaching* on evolution caused such a stir In the Presbyterian Church of the country tifte* years ago, occupied tho same chair In the seminary. At the last examination of the grad uates of the seminary, the old proff*>r* who were conducting the work, were as tonished to hear one of the student* alo uuently maintaining he 'heory of mlracu lout healings and the *v her doctrines >f Christian scientists Wh n aske.l for hlr* authority the student named his Instm tor. Dr Brlmm Investigation developed that this professor h,*l hern so teaching his clause* Dr Brlmm maintained h!s l*ellef nnd resigned his professorship. The whole matter was kept very oul* A few w* eks asm the “filth cure" ; preachers who bod been forced to leave * a Georgia city, came to Columbia and be gan work on the street corners They *lll | nothing except for money and were doing . a rushing business. A local paper having evidence from the towns this* men had been In ihut they were frauds, exposed their method*. Dr. Brlmm immediately pub licly espoused the rati*** of the "divine healers” as they called themselves, writ ing cards In their defense and expressing belief in their divine power to heal. WILD CIKF.ftK IN % TRAP. fnaicht 1 nder t heee noth—ln Orn tnrlcnl 4sorlstton. Tsllahawsee. Fla.. Oct. 26-Robert J Itannermun of Gadsden county Is a suc cessful tobacco grower This summer he covered a field of several acres with cheese cloth. Standing eleven feet above the ground. Tills cheese cloth, It seems, is serving n double puriose. One day this week a flock of wild geeee were flying southward over that section, nnd It Is surmised thxt they mistook the cheese cloth for a lake. They dart***! down, passed through It. and found them selves In a cage Mr. Banncrman and hi* hands shot a (ew and killed the rest with clubs A local oratorical association was form **l at the Rente Seminary on Wedne*da\ and the following oflleer* were elected Asa B Clark, president; B. A. Mngln ness. vice president; Bessie M Saxon, secretary nnd treasurer W M Mclntoi-h was elected business representative to the State Oratorical Association. Paul Carter was elected to represent the seminary at the first contest of the Florida Inter-Col legiate Oratorical Association. which will be held at Jacksonville next Fe>ru ary Richard W. Wilson, formerly a sergeant in Company K First Florida RegJm* nt. in the Spanish War. has written his mother after an absence of several months, saying that he Is In South Africa, where he has seen active MfVtet tfl Hi British army, hut expects to return home shortly. XAMPAOT IX KOTO OP' HOBSON. Knee the Voting Man Permlaalnn to Xpenk Aboot Hint. Breton. Oct. .-Rrar Admiral Rimpson was seen at the Charleston navy yard yesterday, and In replv to questions said that he had received an Invitation to at tend the Alabama State Fair at Firming ham. but that It was impossible for hltn tr. accept He said he had put himself In the hands of Dr Beyer and felt that his health woubl suffer greatly from a trip lo Birmingham. He said he was gaining sieadllv. The Rear Admiral said to-day regatdlng Lieut. Hobson's speech. In which hr praised the bravery and skill of Admiral Sampson and said he was dying of a broken heart: •’When Hobson mas here he asked try -1 he might say something to the people of his section about me I said he might I knew he would not say anything Im proper Hobson I* n fine fellow, who per formed his duty well and who nearly but hla life In doing so He always served me faithfully, and I take an Intersl In him ’’ BARK ABANDONED AT SEA. frown Prlnre Was on the Way From Darien to Liverpool. I>sndon. Oct. 26.—The British steamer Homsdalen. Capt Ixang from Charleston. Oct. 7. for Bremen. p*>*rd Prawle Point tn-day and signalled that the Norwegian hark Crown Prince, fapt. Sorensen, from Darten, Sept. 21. for Liverpool. had been abandoned at sa All the crew had been saved, of whom eight were on board the Romsdalon tdiversity Tirw* Totes. Athens. On . Ort. 25.—The edltnr-ln-chlcf of the 19td Pandora, have begun work on the piihlic.itloti. It I* their Intention lo make this Issue eclipse all others The differed editor* hsvo been assigned. Tne ! editors will go before the two literary societies on Saturday, and tsk them foi appropriation*, and they are sure of get ting money from them The senior class of the university held an enthusiastic meeting this morning and sent a petition to the faculty asking them to abolish college honors In the senior class, as they thought the system wis productive of more harm than good ■ . m . ■■ i Thomas. 111.- New* Tote*. Thomaevllle. tla . Oct. 3—While putting up a window curtain on Tuesday. Mr*. T J Young of this city, fell and broke her left arm near the shoulder Oreal preparation* are being m ide heri tor the street carnival on Nov. 14. is, an.l t The show to be a big thing The midway amusement* and the race, are going to be great. | Sharkey Wont Fight Walcott. y v York. Oet. JV -Tom Sharkey to-day made public an answer to Tom O'Rourke's I challenge In behalf of Joe Walcott, Stiar- I key decline* to meet Walcott TWO AGRII MiHoe*. ——— Onr IYears Old. ad the Other Sevrntr*li Year** Preacher. Columbia. H C.. Oct J —'The county of Greenwood contains tw remarkable old negroes ope of them is robably th# old | *ft man W) this county while tha other i has been a preacher of he gospel three | score and sixteen yeai. and is still | preaching. The age of Trim my lxmmond cannot 1 Is* tokl with accuracy, ht he hel|e\es he j has lived a century -its a quarter, and | iged m* n. wh<. when hey w**re hoya. | kn**w "t’ncle Trim* asm old man. be lieve this estimate 1 no *oo high. Trim ! was th* shiv** of Col. f|mue! Warren of , Revolutionary War f-irq nd w;s horn j his pl.ntatlon near 'endleton, B. C. i At Col. Warren's death th** estate was soli, Trim lieing purrlksed tq Alfrnl Neal. This wo* In th© k*t century. He | carried the chain when he sites for An er- .n and Wilmington were surveyed . * ighty years iiku The diet and h tbits sf his mar. j may In of Interest to twho would ittns to preserv'e tl*-mse|v s t’ncle Trim, summer and wkt*r. rises at half past four and goes to I>l at 10. sleeping ; *‘j hours He eat* neither rfl* at* nor vege t hles, but lives on bread nd sage or mu ! safes* ten He has alwsvs bits a hard j worker, and even n**w xcistonally follows his plow He can talk intelligently on many subjects. Rev Nathan Btark M< horn at Han over. Va . in 1N H %.i> bought by Ma thew* Devoe of South ra'olira, and sold by him to James Bheppard. f *ther of **x c*ov Bhefgard For #6 >ears Stark has | i*e*n a Baptist prea N* r and since his • munc|imtlon has evtgl ltshel a tt'imlwr f churches In this st**e Hi* congrega llon celehratekl his Id*h birthday with public science at the <hirch A large numtkcr of whites attendee and a substan tial sum of money w contributed for the old i*recher*s l^neflt HK WII.L HK AHHKBTKD. Hank Official* Evidently Mean to Prosecute Alvnrd. New York. Ck*t & —Th* World this (Fri day) morning says Cornelius L. Alvord, fr . who is said to have stolen tfnft.nflo the First Na tional Bank, was drlvefi through Mount Vernon last night at 3:JI o'clock. a*c*>rd ing to two residents cf that city who know Mr Alvord well. Alvord. It Is said was In a two-hor*# j coupe rockaway arvl wa by ; three men besides the driver. It was slid In M un' Vernon to-nigfit j ! that Alvord is now at the home of an In- j i timate friend In Manhittar. and will he ! I I Treated In a day or two New York. Oct 2T. A an e a meet of Its Intention to proa#cute Cornelius L Al vord. Jr., the thieving -ot A teller of ih* First National Bank, the r#**;ionslhle offi cers of that institution will offer a libera! reward for hi* capture This decision was reached this ifternoon following Hie conference letwren Cap© \f' Cluskey ar.d the president, cashier and counsel of the bank The amount of the reward wras not fixed. At mklnight dl-jw’ h frm Mount Vet non said Alvord w s in New York in the home of an Intimate friend If any negotiation* have baen going on looking to the restitution of port of the stolen by the note teller of the First National Bank they were broken off abruptly to-day Fnlted Btates Com missioner Shlekb* Issued a warrant of ar rest late In the afi* moon for Cornelius L Alvord. Jr., on the charge of cmfoex xlement. HF.rt ATX OF CAROLINA. tdiiarrs.lnnal Yon.taottnna In All of the District*. Columbia. 8 C.. Oct 15 -The Republi can* In South Carolina have exerted themselves this year and nominated a man for Congress In every district. These nomination* are a* follows: First Dis trict. W. W. Be, kett. colored preacher; Second. J B Odnm. white: Third. A C. Merrick, while; Fourth. S. T. Ponier. while; Fifth. John F. Jones, white; Sixth. Holier! Stewart, negro lawyer; Seventh. Alexander Dautgh. colored. The only really serious light Is being made by, Iteckett. who Is opposing Col. William El liott In the First He has been doing some* active canvassing and making speeches , Ex-Congressman Robert Smalt*, collector of the port of Beaufort, ha* also been Harking for Beckett In view of probable contests. State Chairman Jones ha* Issued an a-ldres* to the Democratic voter* urging that they turn out election day and vote so gen erally and moke majorities *o large that oven a Republh-an bouse would nol dare unseat one of the congressmen. Voters are also reminded of the threat to re du.ts representation friar, the South lo i-onform to the number of vote* ea*t In Ihe general election and they are urged to make a good showing at the poll* It I* so long, however, since men have voted In the genera! election that It Is probable there are tens of thousands who cannot llnd their registration tickets THE WEATHER? Forecast for Friday and Saturday— Georgia and South Carolina: Occasion.l rain* Friday. Saturday, fair, fresh north easterly winds. Eostem Florida: Fair except occasional rain* on Ihe cast coast Friday. Saturday, fair; fresh northeasterly winds. Western Florida: Showers Friday. Sat urday. fair; fresh northeasterly wind*. Yeetcrdi.y’s weather at Savannah: Maximum temperature mid- .... day *1 degrees Mlmimtim temperature Ia nv 7n degrees Mean temperature 7 degrees Neirmal temi rature degre-s Excess of temperatura 13 degrees Accumulated excess since Oct. 1 11l degrees Accumulated excess *tv Jan 1 145 degree* Rainfall no Inches Normal in Inches Excess since Oct 1 279 Inches Deficiency since Jan 1 7 9k Inches River report —The hlght of the Savan nah river ot Augusta, at * a. m (75th me. rldlhir time) yesterday, was 17.S feet, a rise of ti n feet dur tur the preceding twenty-four hours. H R Boyer. L. F. O Weather Bureau. t'nmou* I.Uistlsli llsgrr Head. !,ondan. Oct. 25.— Sim* Reeves, the vet ern Kngllnh singer, died to-day at Wuithing. Sussex —An Eastern college president said Ihe other day that to th- flngie medical fac ulty ot Strasburg th‘ German government paid a yearly subol.ty larger In amount than the Income from i bsldles ai*l endow ment* of all the m-dlul school* In the Pntleil Stales ”N > londer.” s ild he. "thal a large propo tlai of discoveries in i medical and surgical iflence are of Her man origin." CASTOR IA For Infants .mi Children. The Kind You Hi Always Bought Bear* the vVF/y--” Sigasvme of EDUCATIONAL VOTING CONTEST. Earn a Salary and Get An Education AT THE SAME TIME. 4 FREE SCHOLARSHIPS in The Inlernational Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pa., will be given 1 u away by the MORSIRC SEWS to the ten persons receiving the most volts BEFORE SOV. 20, 1900. The pernon receiving the largest number of votes will have the rhttke of one of the entire ten. The person receiving the next largest number of votes, the second eholre. The person receiving the third largest number of vote*, the third choice, nnd ao on until the ten receiving the largest numbers of votes have each aeleeteol n heholnrshlp. TEN FREE SCHOLARSHIPS. 1 A Free Beholnrahlp In Me- which will qualify to design and supcrln-j * * Free Beholnrshlp In Me. rlwinirnl frJnglneerlag. (tend the construction of bridges, to lay ehanlcnl Drawing. ... - _ .... . out proposed railroads or superintend W k* I 1 7 Qualify or po n* . r _" th*Mr construction and maintenance; to which will qualify for salaried positions as • an a ra stn't!, ma . e * p design hydraulic apiairatus and plan draftsmen This Scholar&hip foren,rn. SUP .nd me- wat<>r (>owor ant , an<i lrrllp , tlon inc , u ,,„ „ romple., Dr.lttn, Outm. r.. ;systems;and for positions a* surveyors, or rail price 112 56. 2 A Free Aeholnrshlp In Elec- | R|( municipal or consulting civil engineers. trml Emlnrrrl.i. r , % Err. Srhol-rahip dn Mnl- ! * * #’rrr Sirbolnr.lilp In Ar whlrh will qualify for pontlon. as suprr- (ar , piunihinit. HrMlsi. and ehlterfnral nra-rtna. Inirnd.nts of r|—-trie lihi and p-nwr. vantllnllon which will qualify for positions as arehl piaota. nr of slrctrl'-al tnanufartorlas, ■“ * . ~ . , , i.otural draftsmen This Scholarship In electric..! engineers or electricians This which will qua^llfy t^n fIII the hi^ahos^t pos - * ( . omr , ptr Drarlnit Outfit, retan Scholarship Includes a Free Outfit of tlon* In the plumbing. h*ating and v,n **' ip 65 lulectrlcal Apparatus, with which to do 1 .tlon trades, or to act ns Viumblng !n --the work of the Course. spector* j, \ Keee Scholarship In Or. A Free Scholarship In Ar- O A Free Seholnrshlp In nssiratsl Drslgs, rkltertare. J Chemistry. providing thorough Instruction In freehan I which will qualify for positions as arehl- which will qualify for positions as ™ n "- .irawtnic. history of ornament, and the tectural draftsmen and delners. arehl- lytlcal chemists j.lements of applied desUrn. and covettKr trets or architectural mgineers. or to no T A Free Scholarship la < om- |, ha ~m , ground as similar courses In the Into huslnee. n builders and contractors mere Is I llrnnchrs. t„.,( resident art schools This Scholjr 4 A Free Scholarship In Civil whlPh wln nua ||fy for positions as stecog- hlp Includes a Complete Designing Out Engineering, |rupher or accountants. |fU. re*al! price $9.00. NO BOOKS TO BUY. Included with ench Schotarshlp will be all of the teat books or "Instruction Tapers." In pamphlet farm, the Ques tion Papers and Drawing Platra necessary to study with In addition, each Scholarship will Include, without extra charge, a complete set of the same Tapers and Plates, handsomely bound In leather, with a book of Formulas, and a Key for the whole work of the Course, for use as refer ence books. ... w ON EXHIBITION AT CHARLES MARKS*. fat oat the attached Voting Coo pon and mall or hrlnn It to the bus iness office of Ihe knH MM. NEWS, to Bavnnnah. Ga. Each Coupon vnnat lirar thr name Vote • of the person for shorn yon sluli to vote. KNIGHTS PHARMACY, Cor. Oglethorpe Ave. and Drayton Si. Will sell you Smith’s Chill and Fever Tonic, and if it does not cure they will gladly refvnd the amount you paid for it. Look for the Red Triangle on each package. What a Promlnont Crocsr Say*: Office oT J. H Shea rouse A Rro.. No. 640 William Street, Savannah. O*. Savannah. Oa . Oct. 12. 19d> Columbia Drug Cos.. Savannah. Oa.: Qentleroen—l am glad to Inform you that after months of suffering with chill* and fever, having tried many ao-called chill and fever tonics. I was persuaded lo try your Smith’s Chill and Fever Tonic, and one alngle bottle of your tonic cured me I feel It my duty to Inform you of the wonderful cure made on m>- and. through you. nil those suffering with chill* and fever. No remedy ever tried ha* done me any good except your Smith's Tonic. Respectfully yours. J H. BHEAROt’SE. WE ARE I HR HIS Of the Town bee a u*e we keep th# CHOICEST WEDDING GIFTS SOLID SILVER. WHITING’S CVT GLASS. Our own eab-v-tlon from the best makers of the world. IMPORTED WARES from the great mans of Europe. Nothing finer ever shown here CHAFING DISHES In all style* and with the latest Im provement*. DON’T FORGET ITS when you are looking for Wedding Gift*. We can please you and save you money. G. W. ALLEN & CO., Sum* ssd Barnard Street* Some Things New THAT WE HAVE Just Opened Up, And the Assortment is Complete. VESTIBULE LACES. Several qualities In 12. IS. 24. I 1 and 36 Inches wide, and all to match \\< have panel* also In IrUh Point, and Arabian. MANTEL SCARFS In Japnnese Silks. Imrvted Ora tonne*, and several cheaper qualities. LACE CURTAINS. This stock aa usual la the only full and complete one In the city. FOLDING DOOR PORTIERES are hard to find, but after hard work we got about twenty different pattern*. The#* Roods are extra wide. Of course w* have the nar row onet* from the cheapest up to SIo.OD a pair. WILTON AND SMYRNA RUGS 1n carp** sites, from up *o larcent site. The Wilton and Axmlnster are especially fine. UPHOLSTERING GOODS Oultnps. Silk Cord*, etc.. In all •trades. COME AND SEE US. LINDSAY & MORGAN FINE GRADES OF WHISKIES. WHISKIES. WHISKIES. The R. G. Whiskey gallon $ 2.00 Glendale Whiskey gallon $ 2.5( Crystal Spring Whiskey gallon $3.0 Goiden Wedding Whiskey gallon $3.5 IN CASES OF 12 LARGE BOTTLES: The Antediluvian Whlakey hot Led by Oa born* of New fork B*-® The Peerless Whiskey bottled In,band In Henderson. Ky 82.0# The Peoria Whiskey bottled In bond by Clark Brother* 412® Meredith Rye Whiskey, bottled at their distillery In Ohio Ill® Goiden Wedding Whlakey. our bottling **•* LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Lippman Block, ... Savannah, G*. McDonough a ballantyne, V Iron Founders, Machinists, ••Ic*s iuiiba< Matterom.4.era, maaala etarers of atailea ■* #r, *d I-.ltr I leal „4 tee ■••stss IvjlfißCSL ' t-ees. Mitt., Mill Peas. Ska Itlsg, ralleys, eta. * TELEPHONE NO. 123. VOTING COUPON. ... .a ' 1 S’aras Street and No. Town OUR CARPET STOCK comprises the following: FRENCH AX MINSTERS. WILTONS BODY HRVSBELB. WILTON VELVETS. TATEBTRY BRCBBELB ar.d IN GRAINS. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER than any one else for flrst-c!a*r goods. We do not buy JOBS ard palm them off as FIRST-CLASS stock. When you buy a carpet from u*. you won’t ever be sorry, be cause we know 11 Is all right. DON’T BE CAUGHT by a great big advertlsemen* whl-'h Is not all truth. We never give bill* and make It up on other goods Wo want a living profit on everything— can’t live without It. FURNITURE STOCK Is getting In shape, and we are showing a full line of Bedroom and Parlor Suit*. Sbleboard*. China Closets. Leather Couches. Iron Bed, Mattresses. Fancy Rockers, Tables, etc., at prices satlafactory.