The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 26, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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P.NANCIAL and commercial % ki ti lit:* *A**rT rwm an at hi#k ►'*. ia points. 10.1.1 'l'"* ‘ ®"n rkM *Hmd It ‘ , I „ |>. rltur ol I-lfl <rl-!iplrlt. - * *>'•■ and Kirn. • rcbß.<, „„ Markets Steady—Loco I , u .l TeleamFhlr " ,,hrtfc Tin- Mornlnt Nc Office. Thumlny, Ocl £>. F . first lime *lnce the decline in future* market started evi ir that the slack i about out .t.nndance of rope tt has M in it True the openlns was nt a .1 •’ ami |>otnla. >ut It was .ip tore the trading ha<l proc. edml ' , , ,• a reaction was in "iKht. which . ii ii jump of 1* and 12 point* from *eet price* of the day, and with - rtea ly ai an advance of <1 and The otlly weather new* bear „ me market wa* reporird rain* in f non* of the crop country with f . .1. non that they would lx- fol froat. The frost talk did not I , ; h effect on the local contingent tv >om sold when January was B . Mir.O ' 97. 1-. ck market wa* reactionary, . ii i * alirtbuted to Vhe fall in ih' . i \meriran ecurllle* in the Lon -4 i „ ,*t and the further t act that , . conetiler.ible 111) til da I lon There ~ , i great deal doing in local aw rur.t.i • i i* turtientlne market closed . .nt.i with a c<Hl d< mini I re ..l i thi offering*, which resulted irk 11 li.lriK well nwept. Roe in* , n and unchanged, with ■■ good rn .1 The w-hoiemale market* were The following resume of the dtf- I -r market* will show the tone and q lilt.ns at the cloning to-day: COTTON. The cotton market dosed ateady at n de riln. ol l-lc on all grade* Sales were report! i on the epot of ISO liale*. The ] t .*lplr ware S.ICI against S,o3> lust year and ''C- year before lost. The demand uai moderate during the ilgy. The following were the offlilal apot quo tailors in the doe of th market at the t'niton Exchange to-day: ~j This i East i day. j year, j h.ol mi.lillliiK 9 l-lfi 7 ‘id* I .Middling * i3-’. <; 13-ls Ijo w middling 8 7-16 5-1S ; Market Mealy; o.<s. Ilfs' Savannah Hscelpt*. Exports and Stocks ; Ractslpts thl* day 5.1 M | Recatpt* this day lasi year a.ICIi This day year before last 9.775 j Itecelpi* since Sept 1. 19un 361.(72 i film day last year :q.6v'.i I Block on hand this day 112.214 j Same day last year 106,622 Receipts and Stocks at the rortw— Receipts this day .>,*3B Receipt* this day last year 51.g* Receipts this day year before last. 70.479 T*>tal receipts since Sept. 1. 19(0 1 872,0il Same time last year 1.711.775 Same time year before last 1.173.251 stock at all ports to-day 670.355 Stork same day la*! year 112.750 Dally movements at other ports: G.lveston—Quiet; middling. 8% ; net re • elpts. 19,173; sale*. 105; stock. 167.150. New Orleans—Steady; middling 9 l-ITr; net receipts. 19 955, gross. 19, KS. .-ales, 5.9 H. Mock. 229.574. Mobile—Qutet: middling. B%c; net re * pis. 61S: gross. 615. sales, 7*00; stork. 2*9,427 Charles ton—Quiet; middling. 9r; net re rsipts -32; gross. 2 512. si> k 26.777 Wilmington—Firm, ml lsll'.ng. 9e; net re >* ; t*. 1 >4: gene*. 1.594. stock. 90,04* Norfolk—*Quiet; middling 9c; net rc . pts 2,750; gross. 2.750; sales, 60; stock *S -7. Baltimore.—Nominal: middling 9%c; grr>**; I.Jun. stock. 5.006. New York—Quiet; mPblllng. 9 7-16 c. gross. 1.563: sale*. 158; slock 36.9®. lloston— Quiet; middling. 9 7-16 c: net re c< .p's, 4.749: gross. 6.615 Philadelphia—Quiet, m 'ldling 9 1-lSc: net receipt*. 126; gross 126, stock. 1.9*3 Pensacola—Net receipts. 2.700; gross. 2.- 700. Dally movements at In'erlnr towns Augusta—Quiet; middling. * 15-lSc; net receipts. 1,549, gross 1,613: sales. 700; stork, 86.071. Memphis—Steady; middling %<•; net re • elpts. 1,5*1; gross, 4.456: sales, 2.000; stork. 92.760 Bt liouls—Qtil'9; middling. 9c: net re ceipts. 4.300; gross. 9.567; stork. 32.469. Cincinnati- Rasy; middling !P*c: net re ceipts. 1.324: gross, 1.324; stork. 7,'69. Houston Rasy: middling s%o; net re ceipts, 19,656; gross. 19.(56; sales. 311; stock. 73 746. Louisville—jrtrm: middling 9-\c. Exports of Potion Thl* Day— Galveston—To Great Rrltaln, 13 975. New Orleans—To France, 9 lhO. Mobile—Coastwise, 416. <' Hrlisln. 6,4*>. M’Mmlngton—Pnnllnent. 9,450. Norfolk—Continent. 1.24); ois'wlti. 1.711 New York—To France. 607; continent. £6*. Pensacola—To France, i.700. Total foreign exports from nil ports thl* div ToGreat Britain 35.470; to Fran’e. 17: to the continent. 109!" Total foreign exports from all ports ih :s fir this week; To Great Rrltaln. 116.277 • ■ France, 37.657; to the continent 49 212 Tot al foreign exports elnre Seta 1 1'flO; To Great Rrltaln. 644.256; to France. 126.- 6ii. to the continent. 414.757. SR* 1*1.990 niTTtl*. Rurlness In the sea Island cotton mar ie 1 for the week ending Friday was not U-ge, as Is shown by the reported sales of ■ ngainst receipts of 1,272. This is due It:civ to an effort to hammer prices II .ytrs are reluctant to trade on the !>• e s holders are asking "rices about a* follows: I Ta choice East Florida* 23'8<J24 1 'ra choice and fancy Florida*..23HH24 1 1 holce and fancy aeorgl*.23'i4j23si ' '.r : e Georgias 22'x02! Hera tine Georgias 22 ■ elpts and Stocks— jIOOO-td 1599-0) J Iptspaat week I 3.2721 3,9*1 1 p*MN week i 1.442 736 *t- ■ ipts this season | 9.101 11,141 6 ’ s past w eek I 3.l')J ■ '.and . T.6M| 1 COTTON ITTRRE®. fhe Market Closes Steady at an Ail- Tnnee of tlf/12 Polaata. '• w York. Oct. 25—The market for eot h opened steady ol a decline of 219 * :*• nts. cables being disappointing and 'D tverage of crop new* and oth r out ’ ifiducnces being also bearish. After * ■ "ther decline of 2@3 points, however. ' w r market made a sharp turn and ad ' si rapidly. From the lowest to the i point of the aesslon the improve wa- , matter of |Sfi22 points with " aetlng to is 7 when the market I turned weak January sold down t ■ nnd the rest of th<‘ mirkf eisel l i proportion. The entire ir ■! • np -1 ed to lie very ml h confused nml ' lo nw ventures with the great si rau ' n From the lowest to the clang * there was an advance of 11016 In’.nia with the market finally steady at a I '' advance of 6fil2 pilots. The short Inte - ' ,* •“ largely governed by fours of froat. ' ' is Hie weather bulletins we e ron 1, however, there was nothing to ex- '' ' ’ Jr * r *n ihta account, beyot.d the fact f *' n 'he center of the codon br.t a wav. was reported forming The re unUuuaU heavy, although B*l4- MURPHY & CO., INC.. ftoarti of Tnul building, mvimuti Private leased wires direct to New York Chicago end New Orleans. COTTON. STOCKS AND OH AIN. New York office. No. <1 Roadway. Oltices in principal cities throughout the South Write for our Market Manual and tnx>fc_ lnstruction, for traders Itwites were Inclined to . mailer flgir.s The momentum of the Ist- heavy m\.- mnt t< so great never!helc-c. that most of tho Southern markets Were lower. PU'crrationa i\ t in tit s. New York. Oct 25 —Cotton futures opene.l steady at the decline und closed steady Prices as follows | < >pen I jDW CION*. J inu iry g.7T 8 97~ $75 sju February ....j s76j % 92 n74 gy* March 8.75 Jg97J 8 73 8 9ft April |8 72 890 ! Hsl g 9 May j 874 ' 8.93 73 8.90 June ! 873j 8 92 8.71 {g 80 July jh7l { 8 7 8.71 hB7 August 865j$ 80 | 8.83 vT$ ib promber ~,j .... .... f .... October 8 74h 891 {8 73 8.89 N’ fmher *7s g9l 875 f8 90 December ...j 8.73 8.96 } 8.73 893 < otfon hßngt- to 1 I ***#■. York. Oci 25—Tho ro'tnn rx change will < on Saturday. Nov t at ii ft m., instead of 12 o'clock, to Hermit me miter* to participate In the Republican parade. !.l\ r.HPOOI. t OTTOS MIHKET. Liverpool, Oct. 25 -Spot, Increaaed de mind, prices easier; American tin Milne fair, 511-161; good mhklltng. 5 5-16d, mbl dling, 5 7-221. low middling. 5122 1. good ordinary. 4 9-16*1; ordinary p*d The rale* of the lay were 10.000 hale*. of which >6 w*-re for e|K' ulat;on ind expert olid in cluded 9,400 American Receipts 11.UU0 hales. Including 6.900 Am* rban. Futures opened steady and closed steadv American middling. low mi Idling clause. Ootoiler, s<Hd, buyers. October• November. 4.61d, buyers. November-De cember. 4 57d. buyers. December-January. 4 55(1. buyers; January-February. 4.3281 4 34*1. tellers; February-Mur* h. 4.52d. sell er* \fnr ch-Aprtl. 4.6ot*t 51 1 sellers Aprll- M Iv, 4 495j4.50d. sellers; Mav-Jun**. 4 b 4.49d, aellers. jun*-July, 4 47u 1 r*l. sailers; July-August. I I6fiil 47d. sellers August- Heptetnlwr. 4 4id New Orleans. Oct. 25 -Colton future very steady. October ..... 8 74 bid, March 873''t v 7l November ..S7l fH.73 April .8 73*iv74 Itacember ..STfIb.TJ May v January ... .8.71 h* 72 June '.74*48.75 February . J. 716173 rorro% mstter*. New York. Oct 25- Murphy £- To soy The mnrkct h is been quite uctive to-dav. prices advancing 20 to 25 points from the opening figure*, e* indicated in our letter of ye*terd.i> Bearish sentiment has pre dominated tor the last few days, and the rnarke* Is very sensitive to any advarse crop new* or good buying orders S*w • Orleans operator* were conspicuous buy ers in New York market to-day. Liver pool advices on the opening were rather disappointing, being practically unchang ed from last night, and their ‘2 p m. mar ket was 2 to 3-64*1 lower. However, this loss was regained before the close The spot demand from that aide to-day was better than for some time past, sab** be ing Won* hale* u* 5 7-32*1 We opens*l at 875 for January which was lowest tor the tlay. During the first hour longs liqui dated freely, but after this pressure was removed, prices gradually Improving. .Jan uary advancing to 8.97 n*l closing within 3 to 4 points of the best prices for the day The strength in the market to day wan largely due to shorts covering also a better c iti s of buying orders, and reports from Mississippi that heavy rains were doing considerable damage, and prospects for an early frost were very good. Liverpo! will have to come In to morrow with a good advance to meet oil** close of to-dav Fort receipts estimated at &6.00I) against 41.000. New Orleans ex pects to-morrow 10.000 to ll.ono tig a (net 12.180 lost year; Houston. 12,800 to 13*0) tgninet 10,000 last year. New' York. Oct. 25.—Hubbard Bros. Ar Cos. My: Owing to the decline in Liver pool considerable ini*ton wiu offered ' the opening which brought the lowest pcleea of the decline. Tt> local trade, however. anticl|Mte a reaction, be* omiutr free buyers, aiul prices were well held and advanced on the demand from the short Interest. Lighter receipts gave a further strength, ind som< advice* of local rains in Tcxn* with prediction* of 1 following coil wave .aided to the Im provement. Spot)- In New orbans were odvamed and telegrams reported that market sold out, also that planters were willing to meet th* *l. line Though the mirket was sensitive the advance was well held. I)R V GOODS, New York. Ck-t 25.—Very little new bus •sn s Is reported for the day, sellers be ing averse to gruniing any concession? Buyers, however, are u.-dng the weakness in raw material as a handle with which to Influence agent* ideas No open hange• .ire reported In staple cottons Sales have been made at Fall Htver on a basis of 3V4 for regulars though. 3** Is quoted for that quality. Jobbing condition* are slow. NAVAL OTORE9. Thursday. Oct. 25. SPIRITS TFRFKNTINK The turpen tine market opened firm to-day at 41 <ens. with lies of 309 rasks. and dose.l tirm and unchanged with further salts 76'. casks The demand which sprung up sev eral days ago continued, and It was re ported toward the closing that business of satisfactory volume was transacted during the day Condition* seem favora ld< for a strong market, and the chances ure for the momentary maintenance of values. The day*a receipts were 1.318. and the exports none ROSIN—The rosin market opened Arm to-day with sales of 1.052 barrel*, and dosed firm and unchanged, with no fur ther transaction* reported. The demand was reported good The day’s r<?ceipis acre AOM barrel*, and the exports none Prices as follows: \ H, C II 15 I fl ® D 1 38 K 1 75 E 1 40 M 1 W> F IV* N 2 * 1 fib WO 250 Jl ’ 1 W W 2Si Receipt* Thursday— Brririt* Rosin c. R. R ' F. A\V •’> .* A. L 0)3 l.** Enrorts nonr. Naval lorc Bi.tcmw> Sfilrlii* Rosin. Stock April 1. I 3 * l ® 2.197 l*2,r/"'> Receipt* o-<ly !•**( • <'3 Receipts previously 2SJ.M.I KH.407 Tots! since April 1 256.> 7*0.941 Export* to-day •••■■ Exports previously 219.505 wi.iW Exports since April 1 219,500 597.7(5 Stock on hon'l to-rtay *9.395 11J.1M Stock on ban 1 same tiny lost v.-nr .W IIMM Ch'trleston. Oct. 25 -Spirit* turpertlne market firm tt *>l4o; sale-, none Rosin, steatly. sales, none; unchanged. FINANCIAL. JOHN W. DICKEY, Mock null lined Broker, AIOtSTA, OA. Write tor Mat. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1900. WiiminKtao. N. C.. Oct. IS —BplrM tur- | Pen tine Urni at 41U41V1 rcalpcs (1 • firm. II t’ruile tun cntln steady. 11.40 and 12 40. m-eipi*. 4* Tar firm n? $1 45 receipts. 227 N. w 01 >,., o i £>.- lucetpls. It.sin <23* barrel turi'entine, 9u. Export**, none. I Hi: It II i: MARKET. Whole? *ne activity prevailed in the riev market during all the past we k. and the movement ?how . further enlarg* re nt in th. dally nv* nge of transaction* In dividual opera'ion-. how*ver. are limited to purchaui for ordinary requirement* ai. 1 no dtr-p :dtion was manifested to pro* vide agait -t the future. Brices are not rgar>led a? high, but the egperlence* of former >*m moM iNiturally cause buy- ! erg to look f r i tne recession of tla mar L # t. jtt* dii.. s thu fur has bti du< t | shortened Us in the hands of the ! trade and by re is m of which there has born a constant and enforced iwtronog* I'urthennore. lu to a r irictHl su*>t>ly f on a. count of thi tardy arrival of the j crop in the Bouthwe*l. At th* South, encouraging features maintain in all of the respective m irk* ts, 1 and muni running ahead of previous week . no weak spots discernible—on the con trary. sting undertone le* a use of a large proposed deal in the tiouthwest. by which th< majority of its crop will be dlsp>vs**l : t f thr *uh a single channel, As undf r- | stood, the org4inix.ition Is the natural sue- I eoasor to the Rice Orowcrs* Association of last year, and is to U‘ called i ’The Rite Growers’ Distributing Company * It Is however, more comp re- ( henslve tn that it Is to be heavily capital- j laed and will p*hs4ss th ability to carry j and market the product wish deliberation. ■ by which full if rot maximum price* will • In secured AI! of the dlr an*l collateral lnter's?s * in tics are sil l to •• intcre.-te i tn t ♦* n w com|*wny and siip* r!i< lally regarded. . It ap|*eartt to he th< ‘h. st thing that evei j ha pinned.” The ruinous 4 rnpetitlon of | the p.i*<t would thereby l*e e irnhiated. price# unified, and all grade* rated a* their relative worth Hlngularly. however, the . nterprlse is intagonlsed by -omc who I or** prominent in th* various communities and it is )u t |H>.-s|bl< that their ln fluen* may te- sufficient to prevent any thin h b. Ing 41 H 4 the current season 80 far a. can be di - • med if the plan ir < ar rie*! :arough. it will leave llreetly In the hands of the planters, over a million dol lars more than was realized on the crop of year; and Indirectly froflt the gen eral business Interests of the respective sections. Either the plan proposed, or something of kindred character by which there shall I.** rn.(ij).'ii!inn in marketing, must b evoked, otherwise th* present year will see a repetition of former ones. 1,0( 41, “I I I HITIK.H. EDISON ELECTRIC—The Edison Elec tric Illuminating Comi*ony’e stocks nl lK)rds are well thought of and seldom ap jnar on th* market. They find ready sale when they do. Fl\ A\t I AL. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply. FOREIGN EXCHANGE - Market weak. Comtnerial detnatui. $4 *3N. sixty •lays. $4 7V. ninety days. U 7*u francs. Balia and Havre, sixty and ya. 5 23 7 4; Rwtss. sixty days. Helgi .n. 638. marks, sixty days I*s 11-16, ninety days, 93V IUOIEBTI* EXCHANGE - Beady, banks are buying at 1-W disc Mint and sell ing as follows: $25 and under. 10c pre mium: 125 to SSO, 15c premium; ISO to si*. 2bc premium; IlcO to S2OO, 2*c premium; S3OO to $1 .*•*■). * premium; SI,OOO .ini over. 75c per M i*r* mium. S4EGBRTTIEB The tone of the mark*'- Is firm, with advancing lri * v The UP jdv of flatting securities is limited. Cen tral issu< are active and strong. Stock#. niA. a'. Auxuot-i an>l Savannah R R —l69'* 110 Aliania and Wtst I'olnt !2.,54 do 6 por cent. eeriltt'-ai<e I'* Auguata Factory 82 65 , Gitlicn* Bank >2l 133 Chatham Hank 110V4 111 Chatham B. E. AI. Cos., A 57 56 do do B 56 57 Fag:,' nnd Phoenix Mfg. Cos, ....166 i'*7 Edison Electric Ilium l'<69. 1"6 Mfx Cos. ' nn Gi-rm.iida Bank 150 131 Georgia & Alot>ama —3 26 Georgia Railr'-ad Common 214 216 Granltevill* Mfg. Cos 165 I*7 J P King Mfg. Cos 10 103 Dangley Mfg Cos 117 120 M rchatii"' National Bank 11l 113 National Brink of Snvannoh ISO Oglethorpe Saving" ■ ivl Tfu"t ..10914 lid' y People'" Saving" and l.oan ..MO 101 Southwestern Railroad Cos ..109 110 Savannah Gan I.lght Cos 2414 S'ix Southern Bank 153 155 Savannah Bank and Truai 114 115 Sll'ley Mfg Cos., Augufta 65 wt Savannah Brewing 101 103 flonaa. Bid Aik. Char.. Of ] A- Aug Ist 5", 1900 . .tn* Atlanta city 4". 1922 104 106 AuguMn city 4s. 1927 1* lOT do 454", 1925 11l ..... do 7". 1903 107 do 6". 1913 123 Ala Mid 5". Ind'd. 1928. MAN 9654 1® Augii"<a Factory, 6 j*er cent ,1915.113 Rrunewii k and 55'estcrn 4". 1936 52 54 c R it A Banking collateral S. 94 90 C of G Ist mnrtg sa. 1945 F A A 11* 1 C. of G. eon s*. 1915. M A N 95 90 | C. of fl Ist Income*. 1945 41 44 do 2nd Incomes 13 14 do 3d Incomes. 1945 . 6 7 C of O (M. O. A A Div) ss. 1947. J AJ. M 06 C of O. (Eaton Branch). S, 1938. J A D 7 City A Suburban R. R. li 7s ...109)4 Columbus city 5 1900 107 Cliarlcston city 4s. 19iS* Mil 102 Eagle A Phoenix Mille *.. 1928 !'J6 106 Edison Electric Illuminating 6a 104 I*J6 Enterprise Mfg •. 1903 I'd Georgia Railroad 6" 1910 114 ll'*Mi O. 8 * F.. 1945. J A J 112 11254 Georgia A Ala Ira mi Ist ss. 1945.. 104 10* Georgia stale 349. I**, J- A J...M* do 3Hs. 1915, M. A N 105 do 454", 1915 11* HO Macon city 6s, 1910. J. A J ....116 118 do 14s. 1926. Jan. par 106 Ocean Steamship se, 1926 104 .... Havant ah city s>, quar. January, 1913 " , "J do ss. quar November. 1901 ...,11014 111)4 South Carolina elate 44*". 1933 ..116 11* -Udoy Mfg Fo. S. 1903 102 South Bound 5a 96 97 S F A W gen. mt ge. *. 1934 .124 126 do do Ist 5. gokl 1934 112 114 do St John Div. Ist *s 1934 .94 96 New York Oct 25.—Money on call tirm ai 3449444 P*'r cent , last loan 4 imt cent prime mercantile paper s*l* t“*r cent S'er ling exchange steadier with actual busl ines In bankers' hills at II 53*4 for de murid, and at >4 So'i4 >os. for sixty days Posted rate*. $4 814,4 *2 nml II 81)4*11 65 Commercial Mils m 1*44 silver eer tmrate: 64M163V. Bar silver. 6'4e Mex ican dollars. 3>4C. Government bond" strong State bonds In ictltra. Railroad bonds firm. stocks tvn noYfs. Itenclßin \ot Eull) Explolnrd In the liny's News. ' New York. Oel. 26.— According to the phrase of the jwofesalonal traders In atocks a reaeilon in prices wnm thcoretl rally due ttwlay. The roactlon waa atren uously contesie-i by the bull element, hut ihelr efforts proved futile aid price* gen erally "how lueses on the day. A audden and characterisße break In Sugar In th. lb • hour had not a little to do with the decisive course ol the matket downward Sugar suffer'd from very heavy liquidation Alton iua recent sharp rise, which was 101 account'd for by an news To-day's reak was re illy wtliio t explanation, exea t the fact of the previ ous rls< and the resulting realising. The drop 111 Sugar van I'd to .t' 4 points. The wcakne," wm ra extreme at olher p int in thi list, ih- iroili-iaking having pr.v. ceeded In an orriit and quiet way dur ing the greater (pat 1 of the day milium very serious eff'll on prices. In the l.iti dciittg" manl|Htlatlon l<y the b< tire waa in jvldetice sio.-k< making w. It ,1 inea o* Ight 1 1 Tin theory which pgifesslcnal >n raters offer i" ixplam a real lon like hat of to-dat is that "taks. .t|a result of t steady and prolonged advpuc. had pasted ft m strong and orgtt.ixed control into Ih'* bands of weak Ind s* it * rial l'liycrs out stde, who do ttoiemmand large te utir as and who lick im *1 skill in sp. cttlilive method to |ir*nt liollitivs The anxlet>. of thiajc; >aa o( hohlers on any sign of a react|H< !>.■ tunes .1 drag on a bull market ujaruys in due 11 .c-s >f time. To-day’s dispd'titott to e• 11 had no n*- companylng favwr.title t ew- 10 ex, lain It unless the niigru ' Ink of eonlirma In tf many of the n nt ttinturs which hi" lain used let .l atic Sttwks coultl be called bay new T 1!" clast* of rum rs cen tered about Brdoklyn Transit 10-day and mcluiVd rumors if Chang of cunlrol of Metropolitan Sue t Hallw ty and nil* 01 tlons of a newly • cqulretl Inter.-I by Uie Pennsylvania Hjil rood In tit" proper!\ Tbt stuck wa pushed up an extieme on these rumors It fell 1 t-k nearly 2 . In the late selllti - In the railroad list Southern Pacific w.i*. tin* cousptcuo is feature with an extreme aelvanc* uf ly 2 |H,ints and a net g"tn >f l‘ Th. new t hl ago nil) Alien securltie- which w. re trade I In for It; ' flrst lime a.lvan -.d steadily for the common Wt.a'k, Wltich rose 3 itolms. There wIS cotM gln the money mark t to disturb et e . 11iv = trorrowers lit maxltntint ra'e lot .'all loans was 4', p r . .1 t as tinst 5 |t. r cent v. ter.l ty and th tat* vl'ldtd to 3 i-*r ent in the It - dealing- There srrti no deposits at the aub-treasury fur < mafer to tht interior. Sterling exchange alradb and slightly on the tlrnn r money m.rk. t In latndon. which re sulted from the weak return ol the Bank of England Btf the Improvement In eon dtilon ol the Rank of France wt ro.l y ol greater Importance ,t Paris Is l.s'ke l 1., to conserve the money situation It I" evident that New York can draw further gold If It I" dcsßed but of a total tlrei.'y engaged abroad for Import of 310,'Aai. I e* than hts been u tuully tf . Ive.l and placed in Ibe banking reserves. The r. st B in transit and will s* on It. come available. The lend market wa not very active to-doV! btlt prices w'ere firmly heal To al sal. par value *2..’igt.lkat. E S live* advanced )* per <fnt on the last rail The total sabs of sto ks were e*'7t>' "hares. Ineludlng Atchison 2M.130 Alrhlson preferred. 15,296, Baltimore and Ohio. 8.71"; Manhattan. 13 510; Metropolitan Sr. t It itlw.i). 7.J<'. Missouri Kansas n and Texas preferred. 5.461'. Northern Pa'll) 31.425.. Pennsylvania. 15.290; Reading first preferred 13.660: Ht Ixvuts Southwestern pref rt. 1 1,6*9 South, n Psclftt *7.77 . fnlon Pacific. 33 570; American Ste. I and Wire. 6,lV*; Am. rlcan Tobacco. 21 39*. Ilrooklyn Transit. 116 175. Federal Ste.-I, 8.4*11: Partite Mall. 10,655; People's Oas. 6 - 255; Sugar. 50.470 New York Stork U*t. Adrhlnon 324, Union pacific ... 61% do pref 74V do pref 75f4 Rail, at Ohio .. 7,% Wanash 7 1 . Can Parlflr ...87 | do pref. 19 Can. So 534,(44'hee1. A L, E... 9** Ches A Ohio .. 3'k, do 2nd pref. .. 26N Chi 0 44 liv, (4Vls Central .... U‘i Chi. II A Q .127% Third Avenue ...110 Chi Ind A h ■ . 22 Adam* Extaess. .129 ■lo pref ;an,iAm Express 156 Chi A E 111 ttJ- C. 8 Express ... s<i Chi A Nw ,*2), Walls Fargo Ex. 177 1' It I A P !■*!, Am. CM. Oil 96 C. C. C A St. L, 624, <k> pref 91 Col 80 6 Am Malting .... 5 do Is, jaef. .. 38% do pref 27-% do 2nd pr. f. .. 15'. Am H A Itrfng 41% la-l A Hudson 113% do pref 91 Del U. A W.... 176 jAm Splrlis I | ten A H O. . . 19% do pref 17 do pref t>. Am S Hoop ... 24% Erie 12% do pref 75 do Ist pref 35% Ant H A Wire.. 35% 04. Nor pref 164 do pref 74% Hocking Cool .. 16 jAnt Tin Plate . 34% Hock \*al!ey . 3*4, do pref .. .... 82 Illinois Cent. ..1184, Ain. Tobacco ... 9k iowa Central.. 19 j .lo pref 127 do pref. 43 An 1 Min Cos ... 45’* K Erie A W . 35*, Brook. It T. .62% do pref, ...... 101 1 *ol F. A Iron.. :tt*’., Istke Shore ... 2U6% Con* *T- A.a.x 0,-V . t. A N. 75% do pref 62*, >lan. I. . 97% Federal Steel ... 39\ Mel. 81 11 .161% do pref <9**6 Mex Centrul ... ITSOvn. Electric .. 1*3% • ,llnn. A Sc. 1... t>'% Olu.awe Sugar... If.'., do pref 98 j do pref 98% Jlo Paclßd 54 7 v Int. Paper 3h Mobile A Ohio . 4(1 | .lo pref 65 Mo. H AT .... 1"% Ijirledc Oas .... 71 do pref 22% Natl Hl*tilt .... 86% |(. J Central ..135% do pref. ■>% f Y. Central...l33 Natl laud 31 Nor A West— 37 |do pref 97% do pref 77 (Natl. Steel >% ,\'o Pa Me 56%’ do pref >7 do pref 72% N. Y Air R .125 Ont A 44’ 22% North Am 15% Ore R. A Nav.. 12 Pacllle Coast 56 do pref 76 j <k> let pref. ... M Pennsylvania ..134 7 , do 2nd pr. f. ... 67 Reading 18% Pacific Mali .... 4.3 do Ist pref. 59%' Gas .... 96% do 2nd pref .. 29 Pressed R Car.. 4.3 Rio a: W 50 <)■. pref Btl% do iref :** |Pull Pal Car 189 St DAS F... 114a 8 K>po A T 5% do Ist pref. . (.7 SiiKar 122% do 2n I pref. 16% > pr* f ...116 st. D 8w 13% Tenn (’ A Iroo . 59% do pref 31% If. 8. la-ather .. 12% 84. Paul 115% do pref 71% do pref 172 U. 8 Itublwr .. 3.3% ‘Jt P A 0m....112 | do pref 98 Ro. Pacific 37% Wes 4 I’nlon ... kW, So liallsoty .... 12% it. I. A S. 13% d<> pref 16% do pref 57 Eexas A Pa* ... 17%,1’. C. C. A St. L. 52 Bond*. t'. 8 2s ref. reg. 104% do 4s 92% <lo coup 104% 'I- * O 4s hid 84 l' 8 3s. reg ..lA% N. Y C Ist*.. |( do 3s, coup ..HO N. J C. gen. 5*123 do new 4s. reg 1:13% No. Pac 3s 6;% do new 4s. c0u.134% do 4s 103% do old 4s, reg.. 115 N. Y. C. A St. L. do old 4s coup 115 j 4s 106% do ss. reg 1:2% N. A 44 cot, 4s. 97% tlo ss. coup. ~l'3%'Ore, Nav. lsts. 110 D. of C. 3 65s . .123% do 4s inn Aleh gen 4 .-1 •< ! f •"*?. H L 6s ...127% do adj. 4s .... 87% do r<nsoi 55....11448 C. of O con. 5s 95% Read gen. 4s ... HU do Ist Inc 14 R- O. 44V l(s 98% do 2d Inc bid. ’3 *- L. A Ir. M Can 80. 2r.ds ..17 | consol 5s . 110 C. A O. 4%s b<> |Bt. I. A Sn F. and.. 5s IJH I gsneral 6s 124 r A Nw. con 81. P. consols 170% 7s 139% Rt. P. C. A I* C A Nw. S. F. i I*'* lU*i deb Ss 120 j do 5a ifE o*l Term 45.. 91 So Rv. 5s 110 Col Ro. 4s 42% So. Pac. 4s (o', D A R. O. Ist" Id S. Hop. AT 6s. 69 do 4s M, Tex A Pac. lsts 114% Erie gen. 4s . 71 do 2n.|s To F. W. A D. C. |!’nlon Pac 4s . 106 lata 72*% Wabash Im ....11* Gen Elts 5s ..11* do 2i*.ls 10248 lowa C. 15t5...113 V4’.—t Shore 4* . 113 I, A N P 4s .. 19 Wls C. ista ... *6% M K A T. 2ds. 77 , x 1 4'a Centuries .. 91% New York, Oct. 25—Standard 011 6024, 00*. Morphy A do.'* atoek letter. New York. Oct 23—The stock market opened active an! f*r the most part ex ceedingly strong Tt. trading seem. <1 to he little affected b| the fact that the. London mrKet wax quite generally de pressed. with dec ln* ranging from % to % In American sticky while consols were % lower There vax,no definite explana tion tn this martin ‘a cable advices of the tendency of the market, and no change was to-day In the Rank of Egland a uUtdl iut* rate of discount, A Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and IVioirt Savannah an 90th Meridian Tune-One Hour slower Than Cliy Time. Rchedulea Ut liffect Sunday. June 19. IWO. READ IHIWN TH TiIE~EABY' 111.A1 • I'l ' No 1 N. ■ . {Central time.) ;Na 351 N" 33 i- ."I"'. .an U Snvinaah ~...L . .7.. ....... Ar I i l*am S Ktn | | (Ka-lern Time ) 4 21pm I.Bam Ar Bit. kvllle I.v 3 Bttt; 1 ' 7pm 6 and pi" 6 bam \r Columbia 4-v; I 25nu,1l .-1 n ■ 1 no vr .. Cbarlmte t.v • 1 <■' I * * U 44pm U 23pm Ar (IrtsutltOfs ... I.* ! 7 10pm 4Htnt ' *m At . No. ' Ik . . Cv I 'bpni 12 Ham; I 2*pn> At Danville ... I.v 5 40pm 4 vatu 0 Oh-'ut h 2.,pm At Richmond I.v 12 Ulpn* 11 ''!> u * 6#att. 1 !•■ ,\i lot. hburg . I. i 3pm ••• • .Sent 5 Jggtt \r Cbailo'lt avllle I.v 2 Mtan.lJ 4pm Opt \t \v ,1 nglon i.v II .nn * ■tn * \r . Hal 11 more |.\'js 32unt 8 27pm 11 3 .: .eani Ar .. ... Philadelphia .... I.** 1 3 (Aamj (. 05pm 2 "3pm 6 23.1 tty Ar New .. I.v 12 Mam 1 24pm * >1*1! 300 pm Ar .. lax loti .... Lo It tlPpm 10 Hum N>'... TO THE NORTH AND VN'IIST. I' No 3j || (Central Turn ) It 12 IVam L.v B-ivaitti th Afli 1 10am (Eastern Tinw ) ll 6 90am I.v Columbia I v l 129"" ) 50ain ,l.v Hpirtunhurg • I. v l • •*P m I- I .sit .I.* . A h. vtlle |.\ | J 'opm * 02)tni Ar ||ot riptlna- * ,v •> 7 A'pin \r Knoxville I,V|. * Wl" 5 loatn Ar 1.-xlngton l.v lo 3"p" 7 45am Ar Cincinnati l* v * 'A|"n W’pnt Ar 81 1,4.01, l.v *"*•'" 7 suunt Ar . . Latulavllle t l 45nn> All trams arrlvu and depart from the Plant Hyatem H'allnu. UlltOl tIH t'A It BERVICE. ETC TRAINS ... AND 24 l, All. V. NEW YORK AND KlaOlttDA EXPRESS Vest I I* bd 1 tin t’• it 11 n ti. s, with Pullman Drawing luinm 81eeplhg Cara letw.o Savin "it 1 and N.w Yotii t'onnrrl it Wasntngtop with t'olomul Expnas 4"t Boston, i .illni.ih SI. 1 ping t ors between Charlotte and Klchm.ital and Charlotte utid Nr folk Dining Cars aervt ill man betwatm Savannah and Washington TRAINS . AND m DAII.Y IT IF. CNITEII STATER EAST MME Y.allbuled mind irah . c.,rr>liig Pullman Irawli g Room Rbsplng Cars between Ra'„ nah and N’t w v, rk* Cat- serv. all tin ai letwccn Rtviinnat and Wa htngl -n. Also Pullman Drawing li-ntitt Rteepdig Car- Itetwt.n Ravattnah and t tnclnnall, through Asheville and The Unit of Iha Sky For comp!, te Information us to rates rt hodul. s. etc., apply lo G GRititVER T'ckrt Agent Plant System Stadia. JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. ami T. A., 141 Hull street Telephones—Bell. *M>; • ffoijrln, MO. B II I! A RDWK'K. A si 'nnl G* nrr#l Awnl, Atlanta, G*. trnrtit ularly ft--.iturr of IN i.iil wmy liM Ufori ih* **i***iuik of w South'rn Bii ’lfl . wlilcli fiilvuii* •! I l‘* r <***lit. oil Xt'* *M)lniily UrK‘ traliH.K I |orx. Northern I'tinh' mui quit) slutnly *l* lrnirtl ut (h* 4j"iiii*B' in iyni|oih> #tli thi i*tveri* *i • Itn* i.f Hto k In sho laomlon n.lrk*t. hut the iraiiint; lit l* •‘ ,, 1 h*qu* ntly lt*velo|X'U .1 llriucr t*>r* Tti* 1 AlciiUon •h.irt H <*• * I I’nlofi l*#* irtc moil ronttniMMl Motive amd fliin feutur* **f the market The l?uiutiiMl (|Uit.r w .n'llV' 4ml K4-n mlly sieady. slightly *• low >• .-vCerilay'- final flßurci* Coniplnmu ■ features' there ihi# morning were the Leather ‘lwu* % American UnwH'il and Cur Koundt y. Krooklyn K|ld Tronalt *d varur i vry Hlarily after th oi>*nlnK wiiile Manhattan continued •*> *how }| rather r • tl >n.iry ter.d'ncy. Shari* reac tion #1! around at the close on profit-taK ftiir. hy ti.i-ler- and houwr Having In Ilrooklyn l(Hpi*l Transit and Southern Bacilli wa good Heavy re’litiK' of Kuk ir look'd hko lower VA all *lr**et Helling of Northern B lflc by house* wild , nnt i ;ii i hUntln Total sales of stock* 10-day were 691.2X9 Mist lal.l>AM:oi 1 MAHKI'TI. N Th. quotaUooa ae rovl€d day, and are k pt a# a* |os'*lhle in accord with II*? prevailing wholesale pri es Ofhrial quotations are not ued when they disagree with the price* whole * alere aak l ounfry *••! Noriliern l*rodare. POULTHY The market ta ateady. Quo ta* ion lfrolb r*. |M> r pair; half grown. 4'u e-; three-fourthe grown. W'<t f<k-; h*n. •r'l.V'; r met era, durk^ io^76c. gee#'-, 76cii$> W KflOß Steady at IXr. BI’TTKH—Th# tone of the market la firm Quotations: Wealarn i reamrry. 19t| 24*-' N* w York itatw dairy, extra Rlrlna 2kf|2sc. CIIKF!HB- Market flitn; fancy full < ream cheese. ISQ- for to 2f-pound nvcruge. 2T-rx nnd average, 19c. T-nrly \ rgrlolilra. IRISH BOTATOES—Northern. 1299 aa k CAnBAGi; Vus* |f r head. ONIONS Yellow in barrela, $2 00; crate*. She; red. $! oom nr) Ilrendal uft, la> and i.rulu FLol liMirket ateady; patent. sl.3a; straight, $j 90; fancy,, family, $J .. MLAlv—l'tarl, per barrel, $2 7a. per sack, fI.JJa; city meal, per sa< k, butted. $i.17 , / *4i SL; water ground, $1 22'*<al.2b t dty grits, aaeka, $1 W&Zt 1 2a. iarl grits. Hud nuts’, per barrel, s„* A2; p< r sack. $1 30, sun dry brand- $1 2.V0 l 3u sack. CORN Mark* firm, white, job lota, 65e; rail* ad lota. s2c; mixed corn. Job lota, 6.C. ear load lota. fcVc RICE- Market ateady. demand good, fancy head. 6c; fancy. 6^c. Prime S Good 4Hff4*4 Fair 4 ©4Hi Common IH OATB- No. 2 mixed, carlo*!. jot* lots, 3?4f3V. while i llpfM"), .are. .T - ; Job. 4<v- RRAN—Job lota, carload lota. 90' HAY—Market ateady; No 1 timothy. WHc Job; K7V enra; No 2. 8&e Job, cars, ftugnr miml 4 offer. SUGAR— Cut loaf Tl { Diamond A 5.84 Brushed 6 31 j Bonfecttoner*’ A C.T9 l*owdcred 6.09 1 White Kxfrn C*. 5 49 XXXX. row *1 *! 14 I Extra <* 543 Granulated .... 6‘.9|Goldn C 5.14 Cuti*.' 614 V t-llows 5.01 Mould A 6.3) | COFFEE— Moehn 26c (Prime No. 3 c Java 26e j<ix>d Nj. 4 ...IOV 4 c peaherry 14 c; Fair. No R .. 10H • Fancy No. 1 ~12 ef Ordinary, No. 6.10 Chnire No 2 Il%c|(V*mn>on No. 7. Hardware and llaiaibg ftuppltea UMU CALCIUM. BLASTER AND CEMENT' A.u ama and (Jeoigta lima in fair d*mun' and el at $0 tenia a tjnrrel. Special calclnNl pi.iaier. I 00 pe- barrel; hair, 405 c. Ibtsedale cement. $1 carload lot#, apecial; Portrnnd <emeni, re tuil. 99 26 carload lota 12 Wi2 99 LUMBER H O B VB6BELA SAVAN NAHMinimum, yard mica. t;o toffi! <*>; car allla, $12.60819-00; dlffl alt alsea. turn filiOO. ahlp #tock. sl6<r|iHOo. aawn tlea,; hewn Ilea. OIL- Market ataad>; demand fair: alg nai, 4ouUx.‘ Went Vuvlrda block. 9 il2c; lard. 9se. neamfoot. . ma< hlnery. if Q26c; llnaed oil. raw, f K . U*nd. Me; k' roaene. pilme white, 19c; water while’ He; Bratl a nnt rah 14: deodorixed Move gatt'dme, nrurna* UMc, empty oil bnrrela. deliverers. ksc. BIIOT !rop, 91-90; B. B. and large, t1.79* chllie-l $! 75. IRON Market very steady: Kwede. M4O. NAILS—Cut, $2 40 bate; wire. $2 K law. BARBED WIRE-U6O per DO pounda atralght gooda, 29890 c. augur houan mo laaa**s. IMiao. QUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin rrmcM ahr. 94 00 half k**ga 12.15. quarter kega, 91 25; champion ducking, quarter kega. 92 25, Dupont and Ifazarn half k-gs. Vi. 25; quarter k**gs, 9-" 75; 1 -pound canlatera. tl 00; leaa 25 par cent.: Toxadorf amokaleaa powder, 1-pound cans, 91.00. 10- pound car.a. 90c pound. Salt, llAdea nd Wool. SAf/T— Dcmuria ia rulr and the market ateady. carioad lota. 10>-pound huriao aaeka. 44c; lUj-pound cotton aack. 45c, llt>-pound burlap an ks, i*'.*?; 110 pourgi ootiou aaeka. 45Wc. 2B puund burlap au< k m, 16c. Uu-pound cotton aack, 56c; pound burlap sacks. HJc. If I DEB—Marked trm; dry flint, 1955 c; dry an It, lH5c; grae** salted. 4c. WOOD— Nominee; prime Georgia, free of sand burrs nnd bla*k wool. I*-. black. 19c; burry, ldc. Wax, 25c; tallow, 9Hc. Deer akin*. ®c ABBLEri—Northern variety. S2.2MD 50. URUNEB—IOs to 50a. Km.. sua to Wa. GOa to 'Us, 7c. 7Vu u tya. 9Jjv# 9V to Wa, 9c; J# to MO*, 6Vkc. BANANAS $1 2• a 2 '■* bufuh LEMONH Market steady at 92 76<ff2 u 0 COCOA Nt 99 75,|40 |wr ion PKANhTS- Ample stock, fair demand; market firm, fanry hand picked. Virginia, , |***r pound. 4*V'. Virginia, ex [ Iran. 4* . N C seed paanuta. 4c 1 NHTH—Almonds. Turragona, 16c; fvlcaa. 19c; walnut*. French. 12c. Naples. 12c. po -1 ana, 19c; Bratl!*, 13c. Albert#. 13c. assort> ed nuts. !A"pound and 7b -pound t*oiea. 19c. Cotlou haiilnt and Tlea. BAGiJIiMG- Market Arm; Jute. 2\4- pound. large lota 9*5:; small lota, I-pound. l\-pouud, SWU4VSc; aea iMland bagging. 13V TIER Hxanuerd 45 pound, arrow, large lota. 91 40; small lots. 91-50 llaron, linm* and I aril. BACON—Market firm; D K C R al.les. IV; D H- bellies. 9Q* (Eiastern), ac ordlng to average else, D H bellies. (VVi .Mi rfi); rocked C. H. aide*. lV*< - IIAMS Hugar t ured. L'ul-S 4 * LAUD—Bure, In tierce'*. MV<-; In 50 pnutkd tine uni SO-iMjin*l fuha. SV. coni|>ound In tierces. 6W*; 50-pound tins, and SO-pound tub*. 6\r firird mid kvapuratfd Friilli. A BBLER—Evaporated, aun-dried. s‘iAßh A BRlUOTß—Evaporated, lUc iound Baetarlnen, 10c RAIHINR L L. 92 00; Imperial cabinets. 92.50. loose fO-pound boxes, Niij| M und BKAUHICR- Evaporated, pculcd, ITVgc, cnj*eal- and. PEARH—Evaporated 54*:. Mlvt KbbJlMKOl'I. FISH Mackerel, half-burrals. No. 1. $4 ii; No. 2. $7 *•. No. 3. 96.76. kits. N< I. $i Ai. No 2. 91W; No. 3. 96.'. Osltlah. J IMiUIMf hrt hr 1 * < 1 ai. 1* Hfiwtke*! herrings, per box, 174/19c. Dutcn herrings |u k*-g*. 91 10; new vnuiUda, half lmrr*ls. $3 75 BYRUB-Mirket quiet: Georgia an.l Florida syrup, laiying at 2*896c. selling at ?.2kt .75c, sugar at 10f/15c HONEY Fair demand, attained. In bar rels. 6643&> gallon, lligli Wine bids. 91 99. OFF.AN FIIF.I<iITk. COTTON Savannah to Ikvtnn, per rwt . 25c; to N*w York per cwt . 90c; to Bbllad' Iphln per bale. $l; Baltimore. sl. Ii IR RIG N DVRI k’l Rrtm It . Uv erpool. 4<m ; Hamburg, , Genoa At.- Barcelona. 90c; Manchester, BQc; Havre. WW*; Antwerp. —. FOBKIUN INDIRECT- We.k and nnm Inal: Manchester, 9**i Hwnitxirg Havre. 72c; <;• roa. 9 . Keval aval Ht. Bcteraburg. 70c; Antwerp. 66c. LUMBER - By PaU - Fr ighta dull; to Balflmor* Ufa) eaaSwird. $4.50 to s*i.<)o |*er M . including Portland LUMBER By Hteam -Savannah to Ba timore. 9* 00, to R R R or It A O docks. $f- 50; to BhlMd*lphla. IWfce. per cwt . (4 pounds to foot), to New York. 99 50 per M. 97 25 to dock; lightered to Boston to dock I* V> NAVAL NTORI6H- The market |a firm medium tin veaaeia. floaln—Cork for orders, 3 *WI p* r barrel of 310 pounds, an-l 6 fHr rp nf primage HfHrlfa. 4a 9d per 40 gallon# gross, and 5 per cent prlmag lairge vessel*, rosin. 3e; apirlta. 4a 2d Rt'wm. 11c |o*r 100 pounds on rosin; Tltyc on aplrifs. Pavannah to Boat*>n. and t*Ac <4i rosin and 19c on ai'tHfa to New York f.H%IV Blto\ lM|o\a ,T( . New York, iict Zb—Flour a shad** stead ier hut neglecnd. Rye floqr. quiet. <*orn meal. *te t|y; yellow Western, 96c. Rye. atiady. Barley, dull Barley mult, dull Wheat H;ot, firm; No. 2 r#*d. 7Mic; op. tlona h *d . firm opening on good foreign buying and after a a**t back under realis ing' experienced a strong upturn on reports of extensive M** Uin fly appearance In the West, firm late rabbai. active local cover h nd fairly lther .il *.-at%* r*l cleuru • ■ firm at PatJlV cent net ad van* t March closed Kl f a,c, May closed. 61Sc. Oc lolht closed. tbrnnlwr closed. 7 Uorti Hint, Arm; No 2. 46Hc; options were steady to firm all day influenced by the strength of wheat, big clearance#, covering and reports of an npfr*'i< lilng advance in rail rates Howyl (wirtly %c net higher May closed. 41%c; October closed. 4V; brci mbfr closed. 4-*Mc. fhds-ftjtot, dull; No. 2 option* slow, hut steady Beef, quiet. But mea*s, *#-ady !>ird. firm, W. stern steamed. $7 40 f>cto!er clowd. 17 nominal. Re fined. firm, continent, $7.55. Pork, ateady. Tallow, quiet. Petroleum, dull. . Rosin, Arm Turpentine. Arm. Rice, quiet fYiffee H|*t Rio. steady No 7 Invoice. *V4c; mild, quiet; Cordova—Futures op*n d steady at ten point* advance and ruled fairly active, chiefly on local covering following higher cables from Europe an.l large warehouse deliveries In this coun tiy Market was easier towards the close under liquidation In absence of puhlir sup port steady at £diH) points net ad vance. Total sales word 25.X0 bags, lo ci 1# 11 tig November, 90 90; December. |7.03, March. 97-25; May, 97.96. Sugar—Raw, easy; fair refining. 4V-; centrifugal, 96 test, 4%c. MoJaet>ca sugr. i\c; refined, quiet. Butt*r. steady; Western creamery, ICG State dairy. US^lc. f’hicse, ateady. large white, lOTic; small white, lie. Eggs, quiet; state and Pennsylvania. 2K, 22c; Western regular tan king, at mark 17<| 19c. Boiatoes. quiet; Jersey's 91.6001.1714? N* w York. 91-2MILC2H; T-dand, $ biy 1 75. Jeraey sweets, 91.5002. ft). B*unuta, quiet; fancy handpicked, other domestics. 2M/4c. Cabbage* quiet. Long Islend, per 100. 11. —— '*-*r*-* Plant System of Railway*. Trains operated by 9ftth meridian time one hour a lower than city time. In effect Oct 1, !>■. Ail trains l.v Ravanr Iti Ar Ruvinnali Between ’r. in ... . H.ivarnuh J 1 Wnm ■ iim Waver Att .. Mala am *U n J . ksonvllle 12 h> n n ** ■ pm, —utid Florala , 7 00 ptu Between 1 ■* am SsutnnaJi ,2 45 am • • • uarb el on 7 tit am v * i! c. ,nd East B'UUi. h i at Port Tampa with Pen- In Mar -u •! i lcntal sieMmers leaving for K. v W. nd Huvan 1 Mh lays, Thurt i.iv- and riatunhi)*. 11.uO j* m t ll if Th k- f oftlcc* rur furtucY infor mation. J. II POI.H I MPS T B A . WARD t*| AUK tif Ticket Agent, !• t4**to Hot*. Phone Tt It W Win NN 1'.,. Truffle Mun ager \ u.iiah, a. j os Georgia rtYCO -y/ 8' 1 ">llll*s Effsc!ls. Ppt. 10, t*(l*. Trains atrlvs ni an*l <l.|Hirt frnm 6Vtiir*l BUllsit. West Bro.i*l. foot ot luharty airs*). eih Tim. Onp hour shxww man "Hy tims. i *0 '■ p Arrive - BAvannah; Huvsniuih; |Auu*ia. Macon, Adaata.l s wuniiCovltiKton. Milinl K svi!i|% v>%m |sn I nil lntrrnw*lUt* g,olnls| lAtiKUsin Macon, Allan,. | |Alhn, Mna!, mry, Co-' vm|luinbua. lilim!nxhuni Ain Warn *8 Otiftn 1 **v , 1 A'-. ~inns i ion (47 Main i* •**"! Ouyion Dinnn Train. Ti aJpfn *tMlly. {Ex. ppi Htintlay. IIETWICKN SAVANNAH AND TTBFB. "• r 'lh mrrl'llan or Hsvnnnah dly tiras. LEAVE HA VANN All, Monday only 6.2.. u til Dally except Monday sjo a m Dally 3o p ax LEAVE TYHKB Monday only 7:16 a ni Dally excrpl Monduy 10:26 . rn. Dally 6:3i) p. m. Connections mad. al terminal ,o>nia wl>n nil trains Noithwaai. Wrat and H"inhwpsl T Blaaplnc ran on nlelK train* hclwpan bavanmth an.) Außustu. Ma <mi. AGanta •nd Birmingham. I’arlor cars oo day tralna between Sa vannah Macnn nnd Ailinta lor cnfni'leio In forma Hon, aevhedulea ratea an.l oonne. aiqily to W O liitEWER. i'ltv TDket .nd P.-M --•n*r Afc-pni. 107 Hull alreet or J V C R ,K\”? Y ** n ' p °' T, ' kr ' Aeant. J II All,l. General ItMFonanr Avant s„wcy"iMf ,N Tr “ m * Sr! r IHEO D. KEINF, Gen Huperlnlendimt. Kavnnnah Or. Double Daily Service nJ.n* * hor ' ,tn * lo Norfolk. Washington. Ui* Em U ' , ' ,llla<lcl * ~ijj b New York and I N. 44 | No tt Lv Hv.„„#h. H A 1. Ityill ISpm II pra At ‘ olombla H. A. U Ky| 4 mn| Mam Ar Raleigh, H A. L. Ry. |Il 37pro ll Warn Ar 8 a. U Ity 7 4 I .pro a. J ' Jl’ll'L'*- MA l. lty 4 Uaro 4 pm Ar Mctuwrod. UAL Ujr t Item I 40pro Ar vv iHiitng'ion, l>nnu H 46mid 9 90pm Ar Hulllmorr Pennn 10 03am 11 25pm Ar Philadelphia. Penns... 13 ?7pm 7 Mam Ar Naw Vork Penne ...... 303 pm t I.lam No 4t N,. ,A l.v H iviinnah. 8 A I. Ity II SSpmlli Wpm Ar Portsmouth. 8 A I. I(y| 7 00am| ( (opm Bn-aiu< r* leave Norfolk dally, except Sunday, for ilaltlmoro, Philadelphia and New York. Md dally for Washington. The abort llna to Montgomery, Mobil# and New Orleana, leaving Bavannnh at 7 2f> a m . arriving al Montgomery 740 P m.. at which point close connection la made with the U A N H R . arriving at Mobile 306 a. m. and New Orleana 740 a m. The ahort line to Prrnandlna, Jackson ville, Tamiie and other Florida poln la. ~~ I No. n i ~No. ti" Lv Savannati. 8 AL. fty C Maml I VTpWI AT Fernandino, 8 A.l. Hyl # 33am o6pm Ar Jacksonville, H A Lhi ft plain, 7 40pm Ar Tampa, 8. A L Ity... ,| ( 30pra| 4 30am Magnifies!# I‘ullinaii bultet sleeping car service to Washington. lialtlroore, Phila delphia and N< w York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining cars from R.ivannah to Hamlet, and HP-hmond to New York. Ituffet parlor cars Havannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply to Ticket riffles. Dull and Uryan streets Phone 3*. Co*(on by il'nm to l.lverpool, Dr, cerru* mi.ii on.. N'w York. On. Ik—Cotton **d oil barely *teudy anti a xYjila lowtr to itll in titiv quantity, with < xp.t and ilomn lie trade < (ju illy ilull. Prime ru'lc bar rel* nominal Prime sairniru r yellow. M%Q :.<■ prompt; oIT summer yellow. 3tc; prime winter yellow. 40b tic; prime white, 4*W Sic; prime meal, < HICtOO Mtßhmi. Chicago. Oct. 21 —Wheat war llrm to day on the blir cash sale# here yesterday. December cloalriK %llh higher. Com oloi eri It, ami oat* %©%c up. Provision# at the clone were 12%41'JDc Improved. The Imdtiiß fulur.a ranged as follows: Openlnir. Hlh*st. Doweat. ( losing. Wheat No 2- OCt 71% 72% 71% 72% Nov 72 m% 72% 71% 7:%e72% Dec. ... 7i%%73 73% 72% 73% Corn No I.— Oct r% % *7% Nov. .... 35%037 27% 15% 87 ®*7% Dec 25% 34% % May 8&%0% H*% 35% K% Oats No oct 21% 21% n% n% Nov 21% 2t%SIH 21% 11%©21% Ills- 2HVHJ2 22 21% 22 May 23*. ,23%25%2r*21%2*%23%83r4 Me# pork per barrel— Oct 314 0 Nov HO 50 HO 75 10 S> 10 7* Jan 11 10 11 30 11 10 11 17% laird, per 100 pound* — Oct. 30 37% Nov * t 87% * 6 35 Jan 52% *s 3 52% 30% Short lib*, per 100 pound*.— Oct. ...... M fi 35 6 30 *TS Nov 320 t. *n 2n Jan (37% 5 87% 6 (7% 5 33 Cash quotation* wer* *• follow*: Flour, • %oulLuueU up lata Mil P#*o 9