The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 27, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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12 ' 4 ‘* '" ''V* A* th© flr e of KmwnVr approaches there is an end to our i .:•*(, Mlf days ntiifi the formal winter gayetlea have not yfi <' *furr.• r I th. will m' lie reorganization of mo of th© <ard club* an i 4 i c sand the t* winning of a l ow \far * fh© G.-.r riuh> Much enthus iasm h.i# h©en shown over th* proposed floral pa-.t 1 U given during tha E-k*’ cartuvaJ. The lull i connected with the* Woftiii.'i Kv hai l.avi' interested tbsfit* < selves in l“ matter. nd it 1* hoped that i. affair may l>e ma lr a t>uerr?,f ul and beautiful ore Th© first of a series of monthly dan* • wa* given Thurediy even tug b> t * Chatham Artillery at tho*r arm ory. About seventeen roitpks sr pres tni, and in. entertainment proved in every w.iy li-itK tful Among tho-** present *•*'(* Mr and Mr R©dtrk. Mis Joele D'-n* i. M > Marie Drew©, M<*s Marion Cooper, Ml Elis© Ctiaprau, Mil* R< sse Coop* r. Misa I.uJa iHivls, Mis* N inno Con**> Mia* Fallitrent. Miss Kalla Dr©©*©, 5H* Eth*i Walker, MR* Daisy Clark k * Kfflo Itl mdworth, Miss Adams. Mis* Emn.l** curk, Mums Ka/ej*. Ueut, H. 8. Dree*©. Mr J, l> Woodroe, Mr. 'h#*rltofv Barbratr, Mr Walt* r Allen. Mr. Hldnwy Cooper. Mr. B. R Armeir <ng Mr. Oeorg.- Allan. Mr. J. w Hodges. Jr.. Mr Uowi cu4. Mr. Hockley t©*nfcany, Mr. Edward Baoan. Mr. Freeborn Clark. Mr Da via White, Mr Arina rut f'h *p* a Mr. Pipy. Mr A D. Kreoeon and Mr. William Don ften. Mr. M A O’Bymi wa* host last cv©i*- Ing at a htautifu* dmn*r in honor of 171* Excellent* AtrhbUdop Martin* lit and /he visiting prlater The n>om was xqtii#4te, |y d* -‘>rat©>i with the episcopal Wide satin ribbon*. crossing th© table from opposite ends, war© 10-j*©d a i *a I. aid© of the lovely © cenYerpiee© and fell In graceful boas from '/he four rorners. In the renter stood vase of wonderful purple orchids, w h As sliver candelabra, with purple ©had**/, shed a warm glow u|4t h rare and ddt'ah blossom* in their soft shelter of mid*n b.dr ferns The guests were Moat Rev lebasnlano Marcnelll, !U. Rev. Alfred Curt.*. Hr H* v .<• <.*ion Byrne. Hi. Re\ John Moot©. Hr P,ev A Van d* Vyver, Rt. Rev. l/o HikJ, Ht. It* v Then phlle M* * i' hweil Rt. Rev. I*l w ard T Alien Ht. Rev Henry Mo*ller. Hi. Rev Benjamit J Kb’ey, Rev. Dr. Hooker, Rev. Wiaiam o'R. P/k*w, Mr. Farrelly, Mr Artr.ur J Ollart, Mr O'Connor. Cap! I*. K, Gleason atki Mr J. J Mc- Donough, Jr. Lit* Mis* Mo! Owens was hostess Thur <l > * t* rno* ti at u inrty tn honor of b*r fifth ilrttsU. Among the srnaa fsopiv pro--U wv t* Mi' Ail * (Jordon. M .** KlizdiaUi 'Jordon. Mi-* Nana Hull 51 >* Hatnee. Master Julian Hartridg- M*g.-r M.lward (lihh* s. Blaster Will Mu'Walk Blaster i)uti> an <w*ns Biastwr ThorAAi Charlton, und Master Charlton Thau. Mr*. William Hunter. Miss Hunter, an ) Aius. G Hunter wfho have been •pending Mimmer with Mr? Annie V Martin at her i narming home, Forest Hill, Martvti Thursday. Mrs Thoms'. Mi" Mary t rw’ens and Mr T L)a>*i <mns are *xpeeled hom thi Oiomtr* from CJitlnas. Mae Arnold and M:*s Mary Arnold wil. In- •gsi* i# this w**-k cf Mr. and Mr*. (i(S>r|e Oown* They expect to leave Hat unhy for N*w York, where Mis* Amoi*i wfll study at the Art during th coming winter. Mr and Mrs Hoi* rt Rilling ton will •move to-tiKMi -w into their new home on Seventh street near Ahrrcom. Mis N. A l*a|>e iui I Mi* Sallie Ander p.wi returned this morning from New York <Y! and Mr .1 H M Clinch returned Tuesday from Morrt*town. Dr H Ut!m*r ITiiliip* a!t*d Tuesday for New York wnere ia si.l spend h we*K mC ten day s. Mr. Arthur R M Gibles will return in u day * r two from \ flint a. where he h* > en eahinPlng * veral horn*# nt the horse p>h *w of the Interstate Fnlr. Mi* Sr ilfte McAlpln. who hw* been tne t i*M of Mr. td Mr* K I* Wilbur In Hetrdehem. returned tonne this morning Mrs. Frederick Ja* k*on. who has been vleJtltig hr moihet. Mr* Arnold leit M 1 v to Join Rev. Mr f Jackson, at ll* Springs, N C. M"s Pboe*#. Belloc returned horn*, nfief* a visit to the Pari* Kxposiilon and a short stay in New York. Miss Nan Soeven is now in New Y*ork. studying art at the Rhooi >f Design. Mias Elizabeth Johnetott and Mias Edith who are iiiw in Washington will Rave in a few days to visit relative.* if Kdsa'*etb. Mi * M **l *1 iiOtnas ami Misa Meta Ttujrnas returned during !• week, after a pleasant rummer st (Juinas. M*rs Margaret who Is now visit, tng Mr. and Mrs Frank *$ reven, in Cos lumbus exp rta to return to tfavwnnnh this week. Mrs. Robb White and Mies Mary Whit, who have Nen spending tome week* in New York and Virginia tine# Miss White's return fr.en Europe, rra bed bom© yesterday, Mr. a..4 Mis. II Wiley Johnston left Fr,- day night t*-r Asheville, where they ex* pe t lo spend a w* ek or two. while Mr Johnson recuperates from hia recant pro longed Illness. sR>* Fannie Williams of Feinantlina l expectod this w*-ek to b© the guest of Mr.* James Mensies. Mr* Karr on Carter and her little dough tef, MR* Ellen Carter have returned from fßwane**. Bli* George J. Baldwin has returned home MRh R(U White expects to spend th. w f,*. with Mr. and Mrs. Peabody 1- Cm- ago. M* i x !* returned home aftf a r gt ; . umrner in Mas *' huseitp i /.* fs I- * f Ylrs. C. E. Montague will Ram with $Ra ur© of the success that sh* is (oak > . ui th< study of music In New York c.'s Mrs Montagu© studied two sea son?- in ry, and has upent the past stammer in New York studying with Mr and Mrs The<d r B. Jorksu*n with whom she wil; * n .uue until January Mrs. Mon tague - v i ** is •* in* z*o Mp. ano of excel lent Quality and gnat sw •*'*. u*t. M r Jorksien is a well known teacher In New York, and is the rond-njor of the IkkUi binguug Boclety. In April ha will be* come a member of Madame Hembrlek's Opera Company Mist" 1 irrle Lilienthal la visiting frtand? In Naw York Mr and Mr* D Y Dancy are enter Mr* I-afave'te Flajwy and Ml** Mae Dancy of Ja-k->owill*. who are on their way home af'er a peaean* trimmer at Asheville Mr* Ruhr ft NtrvfH will return from N-w York Thursday Mr* Nl sdl ha* been a pupil for the paet eight we, k of Oe navfeva Stefln* and Constantine Mies Mari* Et.uOch. who ha* bean North all summer, will spend November In New Tork Mrs James L. flexion will rettirn to .sa vannah tht* wen to be present at tha convention of the Daughters of tha Con federacy. Mr- Rai*nn Wylly will return In a few day* from Thomasvlll* Mr* F. H. Fkkatlng returned during the a nek from Mr-mphig Dr J 1. M Curry and Mr G R Glenn w ill be f guet of Mr and Mrs Otis Ash more daring the convention of the Daugh ter* of th* Oongederacy Mr*, ft A Einstein, Mis* Ruth and Mi** Ha.ami. lAnMein, are at St Eawrancc. N. Y They will not return until later In the *e* eon TJbc marriage of .Mis* Bessie Winston Dfe and Mr t'harie* l*atteriton Cardwell, ftgiioh was celebrated ThurwUiy In ftt '/“aura Church. Hanover. Va., U of lhtar est to many people m Savannah Mr 14 Broughton Street, West. Ladies’ Furnishings. The smartest, newest, best fitting, bast made goods are always to be found here. A splendid winter stock is now on show. Ladies will be interested in the offerings we are making in Flannel Waists this week. Three specials in French Flannel Waists, in all the leading shades, $l.OO, 3>l. J 5O, $1.98. One lot of odd size Silk Waists, worth from $5.00 to $12.00, selling at 5&.2.Q8. We are leaders in Kid Gloves. Our Kid Glove De partment is the index of our store proper. The color assortments are complete, and comprise all of the new desirable fall shades. In glace, suede,French mocha, Paris point. English Walking and Evening Gloves. We handle only Gloves that are reliable. We are agents for Mdme. Butler’s Buena Tonic, used so extensively for beautifying the complexion. Cardwell to (hr non of Judge Richard cardwrll of the Ruprem* Court, and him well a young lawyer of promise Tn* btMr I* th* daughter of MaJ John Ma*>n la*- of Stafford. Va . and thr adopt'd daughter of Mr Rt ketton L. Wtnnon of Hanover. Th* church was handsomely decorated Th* uruom and ht* heat man. Mr Leelle Garnett. of Washington. I). C.. were in aalttnx at the altar when ihe bridal man h was beautifully reodi-ied by Miss Catherine Anderson, u* the bride en tered the church. She rat tastefully gowned tn chiffon over taffeta, and was accompanied by her ilalsr, Mies Dorothea lei', In organdie and green aattn, who car ried 1-a Frame roses She was preceded by her twelve maids, attired In organdy, with point (l'eoprlt fichu knotted with choux of Nile green, and aattn aaahe* of the tans, ami carrying chrysanthemums The nrl<lemaldi> were Ml** Nannie l-e*. Miss Nellie Meredith and Mtv* Edna Ige of Stafford. Mlaa Abhle St John* of Fr*l erlckahurg Mia* Man Haw Miaaea Card well and Mia* Marguerite Tinsley of Han over. Mta* Ann Dee and Mias Calvin Bragg of HI ttmond. Mlaa Louts* Waldhauar of Savannah and Mlaa Nettie Evans of Flor ence, S C The ushers were Messrs John l-ee of Stafford. William Lee of Richmond Klerson and Tavlor of Hanover. Lloyd Hrptturn of York. Penn . ami Christopher ilarneft. Dr Davidson and Ir Merrk'k of Richmond Among the guests present were Copt lau Lee and (Sen Fltghugh Dee, uncles of th* brkle. Mrw. D M Watts • f Norfolk and Mrs. John Hanks of Henderson. Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Cardwell eft on the northbound train to spend some time In Boston ami New York Mr II ft Knber of New York arrived In the city during the week 10 Join hi* wife, who la visiting Mr Joseph Feral. Mr and Mr* Faber will leave In a few days for New York Mrs William Baltin will return this week from Pittsburg Mr and Mrs S Ist M Vernedo* are spending some lima In New York Mr and Mrs De Soto Fltxgrrald are at Mr HtmtlYl on Taylor at reel, writ, for the winter. Mr* I* Kayton left Thursday for N'* York. Mr and Mre J T Shuplrlre have an pounced the engagement nf their nle *. Mlaa Meta Kemps 10 Mr, Robert Angel Crawford. The wedding will take place Wednesday. Nov. s. at the honv of Mr and Mr*. Shuplrlne. No K*r Had ion street, west Mrs D R. I.e-tcr and Mr Richard M Dealer tailed Tuesday for New York. Mr* I.ester expect* lo *pend Ihe next lw-, month* at the North. Mr, Drier will re uim In shout a fortnight. Mrw Henry Johnson t expected home this week from Augusta Miss Edith Cavannaugh left for tbs North Tuesday. Miss Cevinnaugh will spend the winter In New York studying music. Mr. George W Wylly, Jr ba - returned from th< mountains of Norn tjeo gl >, where he has been spending Ihe past two months. Mrs. ft. A Keogh of charleston haw sent out cards of the marriage of tier THE .MORNING NEWS: SI NPAY. OCTOBER 28, 1300. daughter Alice to Mr J. H Rolhemu* ! The ceremony will take place at S o c|o k Wednesday morning Nov 7, In A- Msr. * Church Charleston Mr, Pt lhamu* is tha travaltng isier agent ot th Plant ft-, sleet, and haa many fMer.da It, Bavm nah. Sir* J E Johnson and Mis* Cornelia Johnera. sailed Tuesday for N*w York Mr* Robert Paul of Darien waa In th* city for several dava during tha wee*. Mrs William Iwvy of Augusta M vlg.t- Ing her d*-<-r Mr J Lovenstein. No .-11 Gwinnett striet w-et Mr* E M Ha-itm returned a f*w day* ago from New York Mi** Annie Kehoa and Mia* F.atelic Gahagner hive returned from a visit to the Inter (ate fair In Atlanta Mr- Ferdinand Newberger left y<wter tle\ for New York Mr* J K Hay-*- and har little daughter. Mav .eft ia*t everting for the moun tains ot North Carollr t On Wedmsdj-. last Mi* fhello Kliy antertained a fw of iter friend* with a delightful dance at her home Dam mg wax Indulged In during the even ing after which, refreshment* were served Among those present, were Mtes.e Maude and Emily SuMer. Ida and El I! lor. Munro* Fannie orwl Ray Sllv-r --■teln Annie Extrnw -It. Maggk- Delgt-a M< ill* O Keefe. Arne* Demers, Nelli • Fotdard ar.d 'Jussi* Ferrell, and Most Barry. -Sami son. Daly. Jockeor, Oliver. Brown Von Newim anl Murgionl. Mia* Itsatsla Krause left during the wre k for Columbus, where she la the guest of Mia* Hoflm Mi* Alice Delar.oy has relumed from Atlanta. Mr Albert Mendel who has Nm In Wierhadei it I summer, returned re entiy. aid will ep. t.d tha wlnlet with hut C*r, Mr* H Cohen Mr aid Mr Charles Si ller entertained at dinner Mon<la> evening In hoorrr of Mr* •etlar'a birthday Their guest* ware Cap - and Mrs Jacob Paulsen. Mr and Mr- be dig. aid Mi Otto .Seller. Mr an*t Mr* E A M. Schroder, Master John Schroder and M ister John Heimken The marriage of Mr. Bertram Blanchard Froet and Miss lAly Heile Drayton was qulM.y eoferonlzed tn St Pam a Ept---o pal Chureh Wednesday afternoon at J.J) o , kwk Ret J E fleuliy ~(h-late*) Mia* Myrtle Owen of Savannah was maid of *nr. and Mr John White of Norm Car olina. aete*J as best man The bride wnr> a nuud** me tailor-made traveling gown of tan Venetian ctoth n*l a *tvllah hat of the same material. Mr and Mr*. Froet left via the Seaboard Air I.lne Rail way for a short trip through Southern Florida, arid will visit Mr Frost'* parent* before t(-turning to Savannari. Thay will be at home to their friend* at No. 1M Hull afreet, west, after N'ov. 4. Ml** Irene Hanley entertained tn honor of her birthday Monday eveofug Those present were Mr and Mr* J. N Melton- ough. Mis* Mury Downey, Ml** Stella Downey, Ml** Jennie Helltey. Ml** Annie Corbett, Ml.** Mtssle llanlcy, Mr. William Barrett. Mr John bottnev, Mr. William Downey, Mr. Dawrrme Kelly, Mr B Sullivan. Mr lie. mond White. Mr. N Sampson. and Mr. otto Franck Ml** Will* Cohen, who hue been vteltlnc her sister Mr*. W. h. Hyck. In Atlanta, ha* returned home. Mr. and Mr*. Maurice Greenwood have moved Into their n< w home on Hunting •km etreet, near Abercorn. Mr William Ml'cheleon and Mr Arthui Mltchelson of lerlrn were In Hie cltv during Ihe week for a few days. Mre I M Schwab and Ml** Rosalind Schwab have returned home after a de lightful aummer at Saratoga. Mr Robert frowning of Darien made a short visit to the city during Ihe week Mr* A W Harmon ha* returned from a visit to her mother. Mr*. M E. Wright. In Weycroe# Mi** Alice Bayer* will leave during the week for Dondnn. England, where she wkl spend this winter and next summer visit ing relatives. The wedding of Mis* Marie France* Wholes* of Augusta and Mr. William R Eley of Columbus. O , will be celebrated Thursday evening next at the home of Mr and Mr* J. Pearce Whele**, No Ml Habersham street Rev. Arthur J. Smith will perform ihe ceremony, after which thsre will be a reception. Ml*a Whe|e*s It a outer of Mr J P. Whele**, and has many friend* in Savannah. Ml** Rosalia Beckett wdll leave to-mor row for Macon, Mo., to spend the winter with her uncle. Mr. E 8. Norman. Mr and Mrs. Shulhafer are living Ihl* winter at No 15 Bull street. Mla Dottlte Falllgant entertained Tues day evening wrh an Informal dance In hottor of her birthday Her gtie*t* w*t Mr and Mr*. W N. Readick. Ml** Rena Falllgunt, Mis* Marlon Cooper. Mis Nan Houston, Mi** Lydia Houston. Mis* fa* He Remberl, Mt** M ty Nichols. Ml** Car rie Nichols Mr. Robert J Travis, Mr Oustavc Robertson. Mr P M Bryan. Mr C W Rogers. Mr Alex. Krennon, Mr Halford Falbgani uml Mr. Molina. Miss Mellle Greenlea of Asheville, who ha* been the guest of th* Misses Coney, left Tuesday to spend the winter with Mr and Mrs. Edward Coney in Bruna wick. Mlsa Edith Stillwell will return this week trom Boston, w here she has Den vlsllhtg Mr and Mr* John K Royall Mr and Mrs. Aaron Guthman and their children of Atlanta have come to Savan. null for the winter and are residing at No. an Bull street. Mrs. W. O. Charlton anl Miss I.ucl e ! fharbon are visiting Mrs. Charlton'* | lather. Mr Manning. In Jacksonville i Mrs Julius Prr|ln*kl ha* returned from n visit lo Mr and Mr* Arthur Me Yer, In Nashville. Mis* Jessie Strickland, wan ha* been j visiting friends in Amerlcu* and In Mont | gomery, has returned home. Uiss Mailon Coopt r ha* ralurnad lion# DRY GOODS. OUR EVER- CROWDED, BUSY STORE ATTESTS THE MMiMTIC STRENGTH OF OUR SPLENDID OFFERINOs THIS WEEK’S MAGNIFICENT SHOWING feet wiMcrnfst "f Coloftd and Black Drs.i Good*, the richest and moxt pleaiing products of foreign looms in RUrk and Colored Silky. Mark the excellence of the endless variety, in fact, all oi fashion'd latest fancies in that completeness of assortment, and elegance of quality, that baffle all attempt* at competition, and keep the crowd continually moving toward this money-*aving store READ ON*—SPECIALTIES FOLLOW. BLACK DRESS SPECIALS. GOODS. FIGURED MOHAIR CHEVIOTS, value 39c. Monday’s price 25 r PRIESTLEY'S SILK WARP. F.L’DORA, warranted dust proof, actual value S.’oo. special price ....a yard $1.49 BLACK SPECIALTIES (Continued). Fine Black Silk- Imported All-Wool Finish Crepon, Armure, Henrietta, silk finish, 44-in. wide, s;ood value at 52.00 quality. worth 5i.75, 50c. Special— to go at Special— 5i.25 $1.23 a yd 30c a yd a yd. PEBBLE CHEVIOT shrunk and spong ed, the best-known goods for Tailor Suits or Separate Skirts, cheap at s*so. SPECIAL PRICE ...a yard $1.49 BLEACHED DAMASK, all linen. 75c quality, Special for this week 49 ENGLISH BOX COATS, made of Black Boucle: 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, The 25c quality, Special at 20(1 jfj. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT. THE BEST QUALITY. INVARIABLY THE LOWEST PRICES. At GUTMAIN’S, 19 brouchton street, west. a viili to Ml* Katherine Johnaon In Waycro**. Mr I. A Ashrr of New York was In the city during the week for several day*. Mr and Mrs J K Fulton have a* thetr guc*t* Mr*. A S. Potter and Mtsa Besata l,ee of Statesboro Mr* T. A Stubbs of Darien, who hat been the gue*t of Mr and Mr*. W. B Hill, hue returned home Mis* Hannah M-A'arlhy ha* returned home after visHlng if- ndersonvlll*. Sa luda Flat Rock. Ashevlile and Belmont, staying about two weeks In each place While in H* Imont she *|>ent a delightful fortnight at the Academy of the Sacred Hear* a* a guest of her cousin. Bister M. Agatha. Cap! J C. Post ell has recently purchas ed the Howard residence at First and Drayton street* and I* having it renovat ed and remodelled preparatory to occu pancy about Nov. 15. Mr* A. XI Cohen and Ml* Daisy A Cohen have returned fo the city after a nix-months’ visit with relative* In Ger many, Mls Bessie I*ee and Mr*. A 8 Potter of Statesboro Ga are the guest* o? Mr and Mr*. J K Fulton. Monterey Square. LITTLE JAPANESE KOZUS. They Are the Apprentices of the Orient. The ancient custom of atgirentlceship down from mediaeval times, and still tn force In Europe, ha* a parallel In Japan - like so many otlor Western customs In Japan, too, It ha* been hand-1 down for i-enttirle*. and It remain* to-day one of the most picturesque and little known ele ments of Jaiane*e civilization, and of interest to all who have a soft spot til their heart* f r small boy*. The little Japanese apprentice Is called a "kozo," and he belong* to a poor or middle da** family, who cannot tinder tiike the burden of his support and educa tl->n tn the home To apprentice a hoy to some useful trade mean* to make a good provision for his future. rd the Japan ear Idea seem* lo he that the sooner thl* • rrangement t* made, the better When the parent* have decided upon what call ing the on shall enter, or have fount a good opening for him. perhaps In the business of a friend, he hove* hi* home with hi* parent*, and t* hound over to hi* new master with a long career before hint as • k zo" before h# ran aeptre to he a workman with wage*, and finally a master himself If he develops any ability In hla trade Th* (tret born son In an Oriental fain- T BEE HIVE, 'JSSi N - SCHUTZ, Vi* ■*. Mars* Si. Julian and Whitaker Streets. The Newest Fall and \\ Inter No* rltlea. priced lower than elae ahert. A critical eiatnlnation will ronvlnce yon that thla I* ao. The New Imported Gilt Trimming Braid*. 4c, sc. Ir a yard. The New Imported Gilt Trimming Button*. r. 10c. 12c, a dozen. Th* New Gilt Beltz. 10c. Sic. 41k'. 75c, Me. The New Black Patent Leather Belt*. Id-. c. The New Narrow Black Velvet Belt*. 2Sr. The New Patent Leather and Tinael Belt*. 35c. 4Sc. The New Gilt Hair Broochr*. c. c. 10c. Th# New Horn Braid Pin*. sr, 7c. *c, Sc. The New B.a -k with AVhlte Polka Dot Velvet*. 9c. lie, 14c, tic. 25c. The New Corded Ribbon*. 15c. Th* Net* Shape* White Linen Collar*. c. The New Silk Dutch Sleeve*. !.*. The New Grecian Girdle*. 4c. I*e. Th* New Shape Cor**4*. 47c. 59c. S9c, Me. Th# New White I-ac# Collarette*. 44e.5e, 9e, 75c. Me. The New B! iek 8 Ik Boa*. 75c, Me $1.25. 31.48. The New Black Velvet Collarettes 45'. c. 75c. 38c, *1.25 The New Purl*.an Ribbon End Trimming*. 10c, 15c, 19c. The New Black and White Stocking*. 125yc. 15c. 23 . *sc. The New Ladles’ Ribbed Underwear, lIVM- **c, 39c, *sc, 95c. Tha Naw GecUctneaa Hnavy UndeoTgcar, 20c, 59c, 45c, 75c, Mw GUTMAN’S. Ready Made Sheets, Size 90x90, Value 85c. Special at 69C 60. Ily Is at FO much importance that in Japan he rarely becomes a "ko*o. * unless hi* parents are too poverty-stricken to aup port him; hut that doe* not often happen In a country where living is so cheap that small ones mn he reared at the cost of a few ‘ sens’’ a day If economisiniif mu*t he done. It Is the unfortunate young * r son* who suffer by It and are general ly apprenticed. Most of the “koto*** in a Japanese city ar* country* hoys. k tha* when they leave their homes they may not return again for many years It 1* rot uncom mon for a child to become h "koxo ’ al the age of five or elx vears If the master considers the hoy bright and strong an l likely to do well in the trade, he pave the parents a proof! sum of money, and agree* to give the boy a home, food and '-lothinir until he 1* eighteen, when the apprenticeship I* over. The name, by the way, means ‘little priest.” Inquiry do> s not develop th* reason why this term applied to them Home e;y that it Is be cause the “koaos” shave their still their hair Is allowed to grow out ugain. at I not kept shaved like that of the priests. The mooter probably finds it more economical to have hi* ”ko*oa' ” hair rut very short, at.d therefore at long Inter vals. Hard Uorliinir (hap*. The ”kogo' leu Ih a busy Ufe, to he -ure. one that is filled with work from * arly in the morning till late n night, hut he rarely receives unkind words or neglect, or suffer* hardship, according to the Japanese conception. Probably Nmall American hoy of any class would ohp t to working :* hard as the average f f 4- apprentice The Jipsncse are uniformly gentle In their relation* * * h other, and harsh word* ate an > heard, so the “logo* is sure of a, home where he not only ha* all the rice ’hat is tp-od for him to eat, hut is free from the nagging which people are so apt to give oth*r }M*op:e‘ children. The re to he seen everywhere tn the streets tn Japan, and in all the >tores. If they ar* apprenticed to n “tub!” mak' r ”lahl” are tiie whits otion an*k with h separate pin e for the big toe), he sits n I day on the little plat form within th*' door of the shop, stitch ing away on the white so ks. and deftly tilting in the tvary fa-tenlnir Generally there ere four or five al work al once, nd the eldest is put in charge. He checks oil unseemly mirth in thw enre of a customer, and Interferes when conversation too loud and turns into squabbling, for atnali boy a are much the some the word over In the streets ‘’kotos** with their musters’ name printed on the front or ba-*k of thetr blue cotton fro k* which. MILLINERY. In this department, in the midst of our great as- /<& sortment of Millinery “Sa Magnificence, l J we invariably excite ad- \ J miration, and never tail to y please. THTS CROWSING FEATURE of our store * evinces skill and taste in bringing together in T one grand collection, the best novelties in f Headwear that has ever graced the realms of fashion The completeness of its every detail, the - polite attention of the salesladies.has made this f department the most popular millinery parlor in the city. Would-be competitors will wonder at. and the ladies ©f Savannah will be charmed with The Elegant Hat offered this week at $5.00. Pillow Cases, Full Size, At l CIS. Hi And the Very Stylish Hat for the small price of $6.50. ull of Style; a perfect beauty. SPECIAL $15.75. Walking Skirts, Perfect Beauties Made of Pebbled Cheviot & Oxfords Special at $6.75 with skmriKhr trouser* of tha same color, make thetr coatume, trundle carta with lumber and carpenter* tool*, or char coal. or some kind of *rain Generally the mark* of their avocation* are so smeared over their round countenance* that It la superfluous to look at th* cart to see* a hat they are doing They always seem good natured and happy, and have a glow of health on their brown cheeks ahlch anybody might envy. Only Two Holiday*. ' Kozoa have two holiday* only during the entire year, and one -ond> rs whether they were selected because they seemed the most appropriate for the little wretch es. or whether It Just happened that way, for they are the two holidays which ap pear on tha Buddhist calendar a-* offdays In the Buddhist purgatory, or hell. Of course such a |4aee never ex I*o-1 tn the early Buddhism, but It has gradually grown tn the Imagination of devout be- Havers, and the list of the torments I# eatalogued. The unfortunate *plrlt* con signed to thin plae* suffer from every Ingenious method of torture ever devised tn the human mind, hut there are two days when this ts remitted and they are alllowed to enjoy life and to recuperaie These are Ihe two dava on whl *1 the "koxos” are allowed to do the same, and great day* they are. and talked f->r* and to through all the hard labor of the re-t of th# year. The master nhveyasupplles pocket money to the extent of two yen (one doll ir ) which Is a large sum for any Japanese child to spend, and most of It goes for a* large a variety of candy and cakes end other eatables aw the bov can find. It Is the ambition of every "kozo" tr ie to the tradition* of his guild to eai so much and In such peculiar combinations that he will be 111 and unable to work for several days following, and he general ly succeed*. With all their abandonment to the unrestricted pleasure* of the day, they seldom forget to visit the temvle of Kwannon. the God lea* of Mercy, wh-re they eland reverently before h- r shrine and say a few prayers, their h its stuffed with good things to eat and their faces smeared with the same. Before they leave they throw a few copper 'Tin" to the gol desa This never forgotten offering of prayer* and money Is Ihe mos* unconsci ously pathetic incident In the m--notonou existence of the hard work' and little "koxo." BLACK BEAR STORIES. NO. 7. The Bear Tells How He Got st the Honey. t sit telling you last week about cap turing a bank robber and IBlng at the time near a farm house where there were several hive* f bee*. A bear Is a* fond of honey a* a boy t* of randy, and Is never able to get enough. I had my eye* on those hive*, and In prowling around them smelled delicious honey, hut don’t you think I didn't know all about bee*. I'd been stuns several times and knew how It hurt. I must get at the honey at night If at all. hut. of course, I wanted to get the sweet without the stings. Bee* can't see very well at night, but If a hive 1% tipped over they will look for the enemy who did R. After thinking things over I went to the wolf and asked him if he I ked honey. "I never at* any.” he replied, "but I have often heard how nice It tastes. Have you brought me some?” No. but I know where you can get your fill of It." I said. ''That'# what I came to tell you." Thanks, very much' hut what about the bees'* J'v* heatd that where there waa honey there were bees. Bees btte. don't they?" "They slir.g sometime? but a wolf *hou!dr't le afraid fa few bee* AVhy. It was only last week that you chased a man two inlies "Yes. I call myself a pretty brave wolf," he wild, "and I don't think I shall mind a few bee* I shall be ready to go with you at any time " I think It was rather a mean trick 1 played on the wolf, but a* he was always trying to get the he*t of me. I didn't feel bad about it. One dark t ight I took him down to the farm and showed him tne hive*, and sold: ' Now. then, all you've got to do la to jump against * tuva ar.d push it over MILLINERY. COLORED DRESS SPECIALS. GOODS. INGS. one lot, fifteen pieces to select from, a grand bargain at 39 * vd Camelshair Cheviot, Russian Zebeline. S6 inches wide, a beautifully stylish, sfi wonder at this in. wide, newest col price— ors, worth $1.50, now 49c a yd. SI.OO a yd. SILK specials: BLACK p. Krv BLACK TAFFETA ,V,xnß taffeta SILK, SATIN’ S,IK . extra heavy, - wjJ IN ’ full width, all-silk, 27 in. - ' ._ ’ an elegant ar wide. value VhLs week’s' ,icle ' B ’ c 51.50, Mon- duality. Mon dav's price, [ $ ’ * day’s price. 98c a yd. sl-19 a ya. yd. LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR SUITS, m stylish and fashionable kinds. Special attention is requested to our Russian Blouse Suits, trimmed with black vel vet and gtlt braid t ... SI 8.00 * suit Basting Cotton, All colors, At 2c a Spool. Patent Hooks & Eyes 2c a Card. Best Pins, 1c a Paper, and help yourself. Don't b# o pig **J eat up all the honey away from m* But what are you going to dof he asked •Tm going to watch the house arg give the alarm If the farmer comes otp " "Rut why can't I watch?" Because 1 have the best eyas P>.-*ry one know# that a bear can sea further than a wolf It seems to me you art turning coward If you don't want honey Just say ao, and I'll get the fox to h p me out." "I in no coward, aa t'll aorm show yoa*' said Ihe wolf, and with that hs leaped up against ono of the hives and tipped it over Then he ran around and put hi* head In afier honey. I heard him going: “Yumi Yum'" as he found It. but It wasn't png before he found something else The bye, woke up and plteh.d Into him. and tha wav that wolf yelled out and rolled over an | over on ;h* ground would have mads you laugh till she tear* came He made so much nolsa that the farmer cam* fa the door and called out lo hi* wife: Hannah, there's a big dog fight going on oui here." "8hoo? RhcoY Get out!" cal!*d the w ife; and the wolf gave a few more yelp* and ran away. ' I was in hiding behind the sunflowers, and they wall'd for awhile and then shut th* door and went hack to bed Ry and by I crept up to the hive and found th# bees gone or benumbed wtth the cold l stood there and ate honey for a full hour, and when I could hold no more I went off to my den and went to sleep At a late hour next day I woke up and went d-.wn to the rr*ek fir a drink Along 1 anie the wolf, and J tell you ha was a oueer sight He was all swelled up al most blind, and his tall was dragging on the ground. "Hello, now; but what all* you*' I asked. "Oh! It'* you. Is it!” he growled a* h squinted at me. "Wall, I want to tell you that you are the meatiest bear alt'*!" "Rut what- have I done?" "You got me stung by a hundred beea. and 1 didn’t hardly get a taste of ’ha honey Never again do you dare to speak to me!” "But I thought you like a Jolts" I said t "Joke! Joke!” he howled. "Do I look like a Jok'd Go on with you, you old rascal and I’ll never be friends with vo again!” - | f filial And he never haa been If * * yeai ago ihat he got stung, bu' he has not forgiven me and won't live In the same piece of woods with me MOhiTKR IN PISH BED Big Award Fish and as Mail. Mb prising fatebee. From the Phlladolpha! Record Provlncetown. Maas., Oct. 14. Innova tions upon the routine of Ashing Ilf* h v * occurred here during tha part ten day* Those Innovation* Include the oapfluie of a *w<>rdfl*h In a mackerel net. tha cap ture of a mother porpoise with on suck ling and one unborn babe. In th* **m* sort of fish "stopper." and the taking M a monster shark In a flab '*■ Herman Smith caught the ew-ordrtah ' a n*t designed for th* capture of mack erel. The fish was big enough and power ful enough to have bum through th* frail twine, but Instead It went W*n * flurry of fear or excitement upon comttlk In contact wl-h the net, and succeeded tn rolling Itself In successive folds, th* unk ed strength of which proved powerfi enough to withstand the frantic thrash ing of th* heavy fl*h. Thla creature weighed SSn pound*, and aoM for apt't'O* Imately 135 The shark was a big one. weighing more than 1 000 pound* Theoll extracted from It amounted to one and one-half barrels The specie* was unknown to Its captor* men who had ahared In the k>! ng n many kindfc of shark* The wonder that a shark ao large would have remain ed within the wetr and suffered dw*n when with a few sweeps of th# tan would have mad# It* escape The porpoise* were caught by two fld*- ermen In o mackerel net They were m ed In the netting, and were he!pi***, but living when found The captor# kno Keo • hem on the head and carried tham TANARUS" sale to a manufacturer of watch oil T ‘ mother porpoise* measured flve f**t , length, while the suckling wo* t*° * one-half fact Jamg> Best Steel Hair Pins, 2 for lc. Best Bone Casing, be a piece.