The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 27, 1900, Page 20, Image 20

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20 A TEXAS WONDER. Ilnll'e Grfal One pml: bottle of lialils lireat Dis covery cures all kidney bbnbler trou bit*. rtmovri kuiH, i urr* <t.abelet. •® ra ' Inal aeak and lama • ***• rhsumaium and >ll Irreg il Till kidneys mid bladder in lo'li n'n ■ n '* *“ Inrr. regulate* I>..table! tr- n. i* 11 1 ‘ lI * tirei. If not ta.ld ts ;-ur l V* -* be sent by Mil • n <■ • . ' bottle I* two month*' trutnnnl. anil *'}• cure any ia*e shoe mei ’*><'•' * >r 1 ' W. Hall, stale tnai.tifai turn I* " l<*k C 9. Ht lxiuia. M Krnd for tei tmonlal* hold by all diugclau and Hotomon* Cos., Savannah, Gia Head This. futld>*rt. Ua , April!. I* lo Thlt la to certify that 1 * alVrted with grav.-l an*f ttiat 1 took i*tv **■* I H of Hail* Orest l>l*<wery and It " om pintrly cured me It I* worth Sl.Mt pel bottle to any one needing It J. T STi'.VEN!* * ==*! IN GEORGIA AND FLORID/'. Al;\\ AND VIEW* OP THIS OAT I* TWO ST ATE*. Xegro Hanged Himself Itaiher Than lie l,ehetl—Mmt MI In Two It* a Train A Kan rollon I’leker (iwlßiirlt Court to Hr Abolished. Nm t l*ar Factory at Tamp*. i Tallahniarr nyltol I ea#ue Issue# hd Iniportnot stuli iui n< Ollier Florida Ncw. M*e-rs I>. <1 Fngarty, F 1' Obenauf nd M. V. Oarr**;l. andantes f*#r aoltc- Itor of tha C.ty Oourt of Auur a w-rc • 11 in Atlanta last wf.-k, urging •< *h bis n cause. Thin 1* tjui:* •'** lute? esting •ink spirit** I con’e"t. *•! t•'* riin l dabw arc on the anxloua •**•*•* All hivt* bope. 1 M go • 1 absolutely non- ommitia! attltuda In the presence of sli ovMtur. a. Alnti 11 r te*s (*rimllt. The Moultria Observer issued last w*ck a han'ls'ino * tl edition ahowlnif ** I * in splendid nhape tho rapid i*rntcrcait and 4rvt4opm*fkt of that city and section. Th* adliu r waa wall illustrated and l* W main to the city. Moultris t rapidly !**• oming • railroad center of Importance. .'! Justly j mv for Colquitt ouunty I* in tha m.d**t of one of the ri 'host *nd nw**t promising **•*• Ilona In Georgia Apalachicola After Deep Water. A meeting wu Ni l in col um bus Krhlay afternoon. at wh.' h all the cities on the Chattahoochee. K'U.t and A pa In hi. - It river* were repr* ntel The obJ**< * • f meeting was o taka st*l> toward ? h* procuring of deep water *i A pal.* hi* <>. • ao that vatic 1c of heavy drought can ge up to the wharf Instead of having to atop at the bar and lighten thair cargoes The meeting woe largely attended tiwinnrtt City i oort Abollchrd, lAMvrencevllla Herald: By vote of th* pvj|,le the City Court w *a ibollahecl, and the laat term f me c*urC wa I I*l la week. Whether or not the Fits f ■ irt li . • l | have Mii that there i* r*. nml **f t their verdict be recorded, and let future tvetita ahow who h" ehowu more wiadom. those who vot'd for •*.* thoae who voted agalnat the City Court (at In Two Hy Feat Train. An Che Southern Hallway train, emit! bound, pa Med Home, anil .if ter leaving At hint* Junction, about thr-.> mile- south of Rome on Thure.lny n white* m m i| poe*<k to be K I. Orlftlth .dl.ln.liU* <ka. # w.ia run over and kiU*sl. T!i* I**nl> was cut n twain, the head find i t.*n • blng fouiv.l on the etd* *f the While the lower limb* w*re b it remaining o> the trit k. the entire tr im having t*. • ed over him 1 *. * j * r a fun t In t • .*>•* ln bring about the man’s identity. Hi kim at*out yeare of ige. Knit %aalntf <i*v ernmrnl, Jiuige lon A Pardee In I'nlted Slate- Court In Athinta. Isf siki *d an or*l giving the I'nltol Sta'• % 11-ti •( Attor rey twenty days from <• t 2i. in whi h i make answer to ,i **mt of '.he Atlantu Machine Work*, agalnat tle government for 13.3H9 for the construction of tt larnj* f>r a lighthou*e off the Milne c*>i-* The government the m i bine w<rk dil not carry out the eontnet, m l •!• airee to retain h portion of the lOfitrn price. to agree ,*k to the amoun* to be deducted. the rna tune work through He attorneys. Hopklne A hot* brought atilt f. r the entlr .un unt. tVntiH Miiusi'lf. Stafenhoro Star While I’klcr P II Pearson of Houston count y, %aa v! ait lug In Bulloch week, a negro entered nl wlfe's room at their home in cotin ty and made an attempt to outrage Mr* Pearson. The negro was on th • *1 by the side of the . tdy w. * n si:** aw*.k* She screamed find of the children ran Into Uie r - n* fright*mm; tii** ) away. The n**Kr qir -kly and a poDH** wis organised. When die negro i that cured a rope, tied It around his neck climbed a tree and Jumped out. Whei his body was found he w is almost deid • nl he wus allowed to liang until the Jon was complete. >egro I iipliircil \of Assailant. Otis Felloavs, the negro suppos.-d to have commldelthu girl near Harmony Orova We*ln s*lay tt i captured seven mile* below < lain* *vtlh Thursday night at 11 ** 1 k lie w a u Md ng for wlf** b ating .ir and having heard Of the arsatilt a . I h* wa** s line*! fled. He proved an alibi that h vs.i- at Pill Ogle's, fifteen m les from the scene at A o'clock, two hours hef- r* th*> assault occurred He w.ia capture I by . |ioxm from Harmony and tla.n* -vllle. bui was let go. Kxciiern*nt In trie community Is high Man ara u clue, and will In all pr Uibility lynch tin right man when caught, Fastest f niton l*lekrr. Oainetvllle Kspb On the record vf a I#-year-old boy. WaNon county. C i challenge* the world for cotton p. king On his la*t birthday. * f*w d.iys ag *. ■Warner Hole of (*> <1 ll<pe w.i? 1G yeai old. He <i*ckie*l to cel#-*i*ate his birth day by beating th workVs i* 'or l In ot fon picking When the tun dou: numbers of cHlien* were present to wlf nets tha end T ie day s pt king foot* I up to the wonderful record of 7". i • in*l* In the Art* tlx hours of the dy Hale p,cke<i V*7 pniitals wn*l the last lx h- u pounds, n average of over sixty pouede per hour In f*ur nnd a half days last week young Hale |<i ked 1,81 pounds. FLORIDA. Jackanmlll* Mctra(>olta: Savannah elll aana ara for mori i>ava.i Mrrat>. Jackaonvilla ctllzma havo lo do lha same Ihlr*. as ho itavlnii this yaar ha* don hr About !h> only thing don nvu* to Invite bids and advtr tin ordinance autborlaing exi*ndtt-jr* of money for paving Florida Orange Fair. Tampa Time* The proportion advocat ed by the Time* and a number of corre eimndmte t*> •he city and other sections at South Florida to hold a Florida orange fair In Tami** In February Is arousing a gr a? and i. of interest and It Is now n"t assured that the mutter will soon tak* definite shap<* I Inrlrin's I Irefnrsl Ante. Titusville, Florida Htsr Hon. William H Hills of Quh.t y If* one of ttu proudest in* n In Florida Just flow, and he ha- # good right to feel so. This stale’s I>em i> tali' pfsl'b-ntlal •*e* tor f whom h# 1 one, have chosen him as th* m* Hh.i \ i goto Wa>nii>ston on Jati 1 n**xt, uml tfl( this state's fur votes for Bryan and Htcvensoti Himilil lliiflter Have the ••! Tit.isM l# I. • t <’a*t Advocate H fnr e*e r* litn i Uig th# ■ rop at I,* •►) * Jt.dl lly. W* **.i• •ve •*• rdlmite tort hlr Over* silm-tliig our crop is m>r# an Injury then a he p. and In |roof of this w# rite that th**#e making the estimate ar# air* tdy putting th# prFe of ortn g'N at H i* r t*ox Wt- wouM much prefer *—t line ting the nt •*>.*•* box#s an 1 jda' Ing the pri •• at 84 |er box W# i**ve tin litter estitnat# aral prhe wll. b# harn** *ut l*’- (•* ts later II will he many y*nis lie fore Florida orange# will •Pop down to |J |# r box. Inaprrtril f muon Fields. Hanford. Gat# <Tt]r t’hronk'le Mr John I Mnachan, sup#rlf*tend'fit of con * true *i n *f t # l*Bmt* rs .Munufu luring Com ftinv s large -rar*h factory ar Hik# Mary ■ and Mr \ kett, superlniend* nt of ih* cultlvathai f th# litm#t m* taa-ava ft. ,d‘ wn*.| hy th# al#ve were ri th* Altamonte springs se<*rlon last w#ek In ps* tltig tn# cus-atva fl*'<l . which look y# T y pr**m#lng They sje>k# very Ignly of th# fine *ondltlon <*f th# *rang# C'Ov<# and w#r* much surprised hi tn# buge amount of fruit that will !••* ■ dpi*# I Ir-in 'hi* station (h.s **eason. Ttiey also • -j* ted and took tn Inventory of the t>|s nid ma'hlnery inte’.y pare noses! hy their * vmfatny. through Mr Fogg, from h# f'li/u'H Whittier ##tat* atvl w. 1 Iran** f r th#rv*v >on o that rom(giny'a mt tin# s.nop at Hake Mary. ll'mw Held for Robbery. Everett ( fsg" r, whit#, and Rd Johnrfon su<l l.ticlus Brown, colored ate h#id In th# county tall In l’tnaro on charges f highway .tohbery and tresiiH'-* Dtn imr th** first i urt of last w##k thee# thr## laivs. In hroii tl day light, reliev'd t boy of hls iHxki'ttx v*k ' ontulnli g m*nih* money Two of the Im>\s cr#jt behind their vic tim whii# the laF'T was gutltig In o stem w r. i<*w und whY* th#y pinioned his arms the thir*l wni through hh jsK*k#ts Th*- • • dmg w its wtit*•"#'l by number **f p* pi* Mini th* uvys were r**.illly Utentk fli.l atsl arrested In a fw h' urs From tin* i *lty iVairt t%*■ \ w#r# ** nt t• * th# •'•Minty, and it n* v s##ma th# star# re furmaiory Is their s-ext abiding pi t • Non. of th# hoys nr# over Id var old. but Sh#tr urrest is a Jrequent * ourren* # l.vcn wh#n arrest#<l **ll charges of high way rohl*#ry. stolen were found on ihem. which were td< Inti tied by it jo-*al dealer. >#vr f'laur l^tcfory. Anew cigar f lefjr Is to h# opened In Tampa within a few w**4e and It will nt no* fake a front rank among th# for* mat ufactorles of thetFt.v l'h Mat u* l 1- <-rnattl-x f'ompanv ki 1 is* the name •*f th# ro w mi itn. and P v 111 vt.irt un der tl * in • and glow ing ittispl' %*■ There is a strong New Y*rk c on* #m* behind the rn**v #ol* rii. nrd there is •%•• t r* a ai t* !m h• • that th# entcrjwls# w\ll rank In i * -with tho long line of o Iher manu fu-tori* - which tr# so' flour 1* ft lug nw Manuel Fernandez will h# the* head of this co *#rn. and will be directly An charge of th# fa torv F*r \ers h# %s con iic iml with th# firm of fassro. F* \ nand*z .*• t*o.. but a dissolution was hid last , ring, and the old firm continued busi- M J <'astro St Cos., whlk Mr Fernandez M gan t* m ittir# th# |*iat s for th# new f t tiirj Th# FerniiM.l#s f.w *tor> will i- •■ at#-l In the Fourth ward, cor n*r *f Twelfth avenue and Flftti'nth >ti *et. T'u Ila lie and th# tiiplfnl. The Tail.that* -#c t'npltal l*#ogue has J'ist is •#•! a #o,-i#d statement to the • f FI Idas urging the retention of til# • p.ial at Its pr#s#nt site. After golr g over the well known urgiiments In Thl • laha #'s fav r and 'piotlng from Gov lUoxhnni s letter, th** stutem* nt a- follows The people ar# satisfied and do t'*t dcslra a < ‘tang# tf l*> a*B>n aid tt > >ci o.,uer.t In. r* .s# In their tax bur den.'* Th** nly wa> to prev* n* an |n #reas# of lh* tax levy is to retain the • it*i!.il at Tul a las-* e. wh#r# th** * t ite - now attif*# #• ••mmo*lstlons In her own which aie tqtinl In strvic tur# tiul durabilt'y to any in the state I* hr *t.* Informal ion from w*ll-ir.f rme I arid r#li dd# citizen*-, who have full know'l. sjg. <>f ih# situation has been receive | ff'-tu and! 'ts'rluns of the siate. a*il the la! ! a ’-• * aj l’al 1,, ague Is Justified |n >' wit 1 enur • ■ <*'■ f1 • l*i t . i.ii| .1 mi j**>tv fa l the votes cast nt the primary • ?!• n * n N.w • :>•. will be In favor of Tul'‘ahaost-a as th capital of the state of FU*rlda." REWARD OF MERIT. % Nrw Catarrh 4 ur* Hrcnrca National V*opularlf> In !.#■• Than On# 8 ear. Throughout n great nation of eighty million'll Ik a <l* kihtui# K'ruggl# to e> ur' even a recognition f r n n* w article io • v nothing of .u'hlevlng ixipulur favor, m l y* t within on** \**ar Stuart's Catarrh Tablet*, th* new catarrh cure, has nu t with inch sUvi'fM that t*>la> it can In* ( t*r and in every drug -tore throughout th# United States ai l <';itiala To l* sure, a amount of advertis ing was ru ir> In th ur-r |iiKtan< e to ! I :in*r il *- rm**-ly to the attention f th* public but every one fainlllar with the f übj* ct knows that advorilslng alone I never m. I** any article r**rmancntl> su* - • • kkfnl. It imi-t have in addition ah*o!ti*o. unl‘ lab** merit and ttil* the • w cotarrh i • in certainly |*>* a so* In a marked <l*- j gree. Physicians, who formerly d#pan*le<l upon* r*. sprays md lo a! washes *r olnt mentM now um Stuart's Gitnrrh Tablets b* sun-, a one of the most prominent - t**l, th*se tablet a c *n'alM in pb-aKun. riv -lent f*>rm all tin* really efficient • •a? irrh remrdb s, such as r I gum. Gua ya ‘l. I'.unl' pt*d, itui Ranguin.iria Tl y * ontalti to* cm* ine nor •'piati*. and are ; !v*ti t* lttt •• children With entire .f* ' • b n*-it In J J. It-. 1 liter, of Covington, Kv . ► ays I KiifTend from • atarrh in my h*a l and throat every fall, with stoppage of the n*is# and Irritation In the threat af f#< tlirg my voice and often extending to the st much, uusin.g catarrh of th# s*om ach. 1 bought a fifty cents package of Stuart's Catarrh Tablet* at my druggist's. irrb *1 them in my peck* t <ml used them 'althfully. aid th# way 1n which thr\ *’* r#l m\ hi *1 and throat was certain ly remark-*!''*' I bad no catarrh It win t• r m l spring and on-bler rnv>eif en tirely fit**- from any catarrhal trouble Mrs J ion.# lild-. . of \Vn.cling. VY Va., writes 1 KufT#r**d from catarrh mar ly my wh de Ilf' an-l last winter my two children also suffered from caturrhAl colds and son- thr*>at so much they were out of school a large portion of the winter \fs tr>th#i who wak curd .f catarrhal d* if ness by using Stuart's Catarrh Tab lets urged me to try them so much that 1 did so un i uni truly thankful for what they ha\<* done for myseif and my chll* oisn I always keep a box of the tablsts In the house and at th# first appearance cf a cold or scr# throat w-e nlo it In ths bud and catarrh is no longer a house hold affliction with us. Full nixed packages of Stuart's Catarrh , Tablets ure o*d for HTt>* cents at all drug ! fiStSi, ( THE MOKNING NEWS: SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2S, 1000. III G FMOFIT FROM AKA OTTER*. Th!r Firs Hrlng Else llandred flol- Inr* I at# ti In Hie Market. From th# Portland fr#gonian. The most b* uutlfll! tfretch of oc#an leach to be fauml anywher# oiv the f*eiflr *>ssf of tha 1 Tiit*d Btatea is the wide #x panes of si-*tl • and glittering s*i and | which ll#s la*tween Gray’s harbor and the Qulntault river Thcr# may l# seen an ( unbroken nr*-# *d twenty miles In length, and r low ti l* from thr## to five mil#s In width, which would make a moonlight paying-ground for th# Ibairls. Thcr* are many • wrUk# structures at regular dlsta **• |>erliaps half a mil# each, whi* h exdl* tn# curios.ty of th# m my coast-line steamers plying b#tw##n Han Fran* l*< • and northern ports Th#s# nr# th# towers or thuotlnx bv>x#s f * f u ort# r hunters They are built *if tall, slen der poles, gene rally four in number, sunk to a great depth and fixed securely in th# hand ** *1 surrounded by a small box cov ered with a root to porieca its occupants from the burning sun. Cleats securely fastened to th# poles from bottom to top afford the hunter means of Ingress and egress. The hot sun which blase* fiercely on ?hl* wld* #x|*ns# of white sand during the months of July and August heats It nl most lo a burning i<nnt, am! tha waters of tti# in* •anlr g tld#, rolling aiul curling ovsr this hot sand, become daildoualy j warm This U the playing ground of th# vii otter, th# place where they com# to j spend their holidays They Are Flnyfal Orstsre*. They |##v their *ne*i In the fr-off ro kv Islands where trere nr** no wind hen#lies and th# green water re eokl and ft##p. and com# her# ,Ik# |*#'ple to a waterlog pin e. to S|mN)*l the sumnter months In rolling and tumbling a out In ; tls warm water In perfect ##at*cy of ! d-.ight They 1* .ip and pla> alsut in th* j foaming breakers and polish rheir l*#au t.fill shining sklr.s by hugging th# sandy Udtcon and allowing the ocean swells t* drlv# and (hrowr them about at Its will Although **-: otters have th# timidity which Is natural t< all wild onlmals, the-* i ire bolter ab> 10 protect them#alvoa than any of th# other animals which have tii*.r homes Ir *h* *#. Tt.# awlfmesg i*f t:elr movements makes It p*sslbl for them t< easily ntch any kind of emill | fish. *nd thus they c*i atp"a*# ttielr hun ger with the daintiest fool. No sharks <ui catch them; they could t# twenty f*#t a wav whE# Mr. Rhark wow t ruing *4l hi back and If th# shark wer** dlrenly t*ia th them they *ou and lhrowr them** lvs five f##t In the air Uk# 1 a kaleldON*ct*J<* teill whPe th*- tig y mon ster was snapping hls Jiw> Tie hunter 1 Is In hi* h*x. the t,B# Is #'>ming In hi* I. with a jHiwcrful il* PI glans t asdsi pi# ;ra#tf si #ye. he eag#rly s ans each om lug roller 11* ha?* been her# every day f*r • we* k and hls rifle has lain untouch ed by bis *Jd# Tteuay socnstnlng may happen. Tli# Gum# Sighted. All it ones he starts and mutters # lit tl ejaculNtk>n, he a**#s something H# will so*vn know what It Is. for th# swells ar# otnli g swiftly airsl fh* <llat ance be tw*#n hlm-elf and ftie object he lias s*cn will b* klv I* ssen#<l. Yes, there It Is • gvln. th#r* Is no mistake. It is an • *tt#r n*? mor than <S* vwrds aw.iy Th# nunter biya l*vvn his glass and there in P<*i or P" w*orth of beaurlful shining fur mainly visit'!* u> the nak*sl eve. The m.m In the tow-r picks up hls Shar|s rifle. Intern* u lJi*-grain cartrblge in th# (’hatnier. and there Is aw: ked. wistful gleam in the keen eye of th# unter as h# raises hls weapon for the *irs? shot There Is a fl/i'-h. a r#o>!l and v report, which Is scarcely *lle>tingulshable in the rowing of th# breakers to th# man vvh* holds th# gun Ammunition s .10 ■ •bject and. wall* ilgntntng rapidity, he loads ind fir* hts pic## That otter will n**r b# mon- than fen feet from where he w # wh#n the huii4**r pitllcl th# trigger vvacn Ih# bullet g#ts there, and that hunter #lll hit a bounding deer at Jot var 1 twice 'it of five shots. Tti# ctt*-r i>* r.J- vu g him-* If In the dangerous * om l*ui y of nmrdf nus bullets, whten ar** do ng thetr !*• t# Mud him An*>ti#r huge t>reak**r brings him within ‘m yard- *f the oiaxihg rifle. A quick recoil of the li**iv v gun turns the hunter had round, thcr# i- an unnatural gpl.rnn which t*.l tie man somatiilng has hap pened 11* strnlia* hls ey#s. no n#e*i of hi- t*> ## ther# s hbvsl In the wa ter, and this I'ir Mm that ther# is a Mg lade somewhere In that |su>. •••• it Illfli Miiiirl. No nc.vl |o i.o oitfr rouM \ <*"i like t*vit nnl ri a.ihor^. Vh hunter lny down hi* pun. i Vr* will !*• no more ottrw in * phi to il ot Me hU g line i!ni.**t oi>|*M*:te hi tower; It l> drifting helper- j lownrd tti % hor\ Thut wklu I* hln m l tin #*%lon mem* thsit h Will h*\e wvery i i\t he w.ii.ih fr nrother y** ir If rut fire u tingle -lint T 1 i Her. e gl. nm of l< .-Ire ban left hl dirty fnct* nrui h bcn rep aoed by one o* I*o He I- wld with Joy. How he wi>l*- he could pet down ftorn that lower . tid be as the *|<ot where the oi ler will !*♦* thrown up on ihe sand, but he must wall until the tide ft 1 n a iMl’e one of hi ' hnlf-i*re*d hoy*. who I* 10 or II years VI. I* moping nzily along the* leit h. Ids *pd> k *v* di t*‘Cts something I .ike ,t *t • n**t w. If he >.p over the i-nl and 1- M*n be- ile t*, d* i.| offer With a yell’ of d'-llght he flic* toward lh* shanty on Ibe bluff to tel’ his mother and thi half-d ''•*> or so of ofh* r little lreds whnl iu is happened and they all come tr oping and wn * e bench ms fast ns Iheir leKf* *in •/. rry them. The tld* is gntn* out now and the bh-km) of the otter stall!*' the sun I which has lured him t> !“stri Irttnn. and the ebbing r||ple* tend r y o.r t- 4 ' for tfie last time ilie pretty tr.imal w filch ha- been the r play mate n ! In life- hi .1 the >-ei will nm in for ti e fr* • hoi ti thing whl a has always hnd a borne In lt booam, Sotne way r an *the* Ihe new> spreads qnl kly and other h i t. rn m i crowds of Sn aeries come trooping toward the dead otter from all direction*. IMUMIIM I IIH THi? l\s\\K. Mimic lias lle-n Found to *olhe the %llnls of Ilr m• u i r | People. Fnm the Chicago Chroi dele. Music trogtment for the Inn \e is being tried on Ward's Island. New Y vrk. with some encouraging stgnf The Jdea of utilising rhythmic measures to sv>the th. Insane date- from the undents, bis’ It was only recently that systematic work In this dire* tlon nis begun In 1*77 and s m. desultory effort was made on Hlackw*<*l'*> Mur* I In !vv*. the Ixmdon lancet tli cussr*l the oubject. and is quoted as suy ing: "Music Influence* both brain aid spinal cord, probably on account of mu-1 1 h ivtng vibratory or wave motion, an . through its vibratory a tlon stimulates the nerve centers Music acts as a re frrahtng metital stimulant at l restorative • • i tone and Indirectly through the nervous s> -tern reaches tlie tlsrues.“ In the present experiment classes of twelve arc treated The class is ushered In n the muelc-room and left fr* Every movement Is watched by nurses, however, atid Just before the music begins and • V r, •• :-• f 1 i • 1 • ;.e r - .'.•! f r•• t ! pul-* < * , * . *.* i ii noted The Instruments used are the harp and violin, with the piano • companlment when there is singing A baritone voice la employed Ever In th abort tima the experiment has been in progrees improved attention has been no ticed This is one of the most Interesting llnea of investigation that has ever been followed with the insane and a full report >n the work will undoubtedly contain k much valuable lnfortnauott, # NEWS FROM THE WATERFRONT KHIP MF.WRT TII.I.AHD OKI.AYKI BY OKPAHTI HI <r MATE. 11, nt (llHrrr MHh •*" Wlf* *firr Ih* hi. 1 p M*<l Paaaari l h* Ilia lit—Th* ht*ni.hlp nofl'a Ar ,|vm With ar*o of **t**| Hall*, nu.l liar H* * hart*r*rt ll*r* for Oalnard r*—Hark Iriaal* *-r --rr'a Trowbl*# ntlno*d—Mat**ra .f lalcrrat lo hhlpprra aa.l Mar- I ners. Th* al.ip llrnry Vlllarri. wtlh rarpr" nt |,hwph*t* ro. It for Honolulu, whhfi pa§- -1 down lo th* btffht *v*ral ri*y ao. lias nol tarn ri*lay*d j <>•> by th* rouh m . m Ih* oar ar.ri th* mtahap U la r*- 1.,rt*.1 ah* hari lh*r* Th* **u* of tha .l*b,y a f pr*,*n* t* th* .bwnre of th* mat*, who )*ft with hl wlfa aft*r th* Villard pni~l riowtv H* ha not bc *' n h#<*rd from sine# rapt Quick wax in the city when th# mat# left and la said not to have known ai vthing about the mate's departure un til h# returned to th# v#ss#l Knowing from th# rtrrumstar '*• li nil#r which ha left that th# nut# did nt Intend to re turn rapt.. Quick at one# took steps to sc#urt th# services of another man. He #r,g.ur*d a man in New York, who la now n tr# way to Savannah on th# steamship Kansas t"Tty. Th# mat## reasons for 1 avlng fh# Vl.lard ar# not known, though It :s aid ho was not ploatc4 with the rr#w forgo of Ralls* The riant I An# steamship Florida ar rival v # wer day from Rparrow#' Point with v cargo of tons ot st##l rails ami flsn plat# i onslgned to th# Havannah, Flor Ula and Western Railroad This ma terial Is tn b# used bv tn# railroad *v>m pany in th# malntet anca and lnM*r*vem#nt of its in## Tha Florida brought #t#el Ilia to II I lb (Ml .ear after ah# hod !e*n taken off her r*Hrilar run 11 no< kr urn to what port the Florida will go fr *m Havannah It ws iat#d she would probably h# chartered here, hut neither in# character tier ileetlnation of the cargo ire known Mark l.lssl# Curry'a Troubles. T’nless th# owners of the tark IJxzl# Curry arrnng# for th# claims of lorai ship nrokers snl others a gains* her it Is said proc#**llngs may h# taken sgalnat the ves s#l Th# #*tat# of N Paulsen has a *lalm of about $' 'OO against th# Curry, ami t litre are reported to t# <4her claims which wbl run th# total up considerately. Th# owners wirel th# underwriters yes terday to put th# mnt# In charge if com p#t#nl. In p-sc# of Caps l4ndry Thla did not disturb the captain, however, who states he has dots tha beat he 'ould to disentangle tha vessel On anirlng In R# vannah he drew on tha Curry** owners for a Jofi>l leruble sum a largw part of whi *h was ua#d In paying ofT th# crew, who signed for twalva moot hs. and had served thirteen months without racsiring any pay Rom# of the sailors had nearly s>•* due them. Th# additional expense , au and by the vessel springing a leak Is i j-ur.nt y causing th# owners to h#sl lat#. The re w * r# rumors that stuff was l#lrg rinviuul fr..m th# vessel. N action was tak#n by the creditors, however. *0 that th#> 1* not prohnbly have fears of bialng much in this way. Tli# Port of bondon. Shipping Interests In London ar# not a little perturbed over th# increasing trou ble# of navigation on the Thames as well as th# Inadequate harbor facilities gen • rally The a. kof water In the chan nel ! du# t two causes, the chief one •f which H the enormous amount drawn :rom th# upinr Ttm#s hy th# various mu-ant* wM h supnly wnter t> the vast population and London aiul Its suburbs buxloii. t.<. hflh hn.l a gar*vag abuse wh a : mw helping to choke up navi gation. Tn* clfv refuse has b#an towed to •*.’■ * -tensibly. with th# result that th** '-a end *tf th# channel has nercaptl *l> fli 'Nil up h# ius# of th# mountains of nlnk.iN* rubbish that have t>#en dumped into It. InvoHtlgation ha *l#mictratei that this ih no sttMill jiart of th# present difficulty, which makes It Interesting to know to whai extent New York s gateway to the ** a has be* n affected fn*m fh# Illegal •l imping of ash## and ballast too far In The stretch of water which Is consid ered "th# i*,rr of Indon" Is 70 miles long, and In thl.- distance th#r# are M au thorities of various kinds exercising con trol over it tn on# wnv an.l anoth#r--al most a governing body for every mil# of water Ther# ar# few mope striking ea-cs of t.vo mu n government. No wonder Igmdon's noble river is filling up. anl navigation Into the wor d's metropolis is in danger of dying of thirst. Gap? Peter Hanlon of fhe steamship I*a Grand# Durh* has h**en engaged by the Nwport News Shipbuilding and Iry I>o* k Fompany to take th# United States transport Ituford to New York from their works, w here she has been undergoing re po r* and alterations sin a June. Th# total earnings of the world's shtp plng are estimated by Muihsll at IfirtiOhO,- *r* Th# part earned by the shipping of the Fnlt* 1 States Is put at IK.hfIO.MD. ,da 117 *i,. France. Norway. 8. ■*,**" Gcrmanv. 841. • ••.*••. fhe Unit* 1 Kingdom. wrecked s3!.oinhon worth of property In this country during th year* from 18S9 t* 1W “What is the shatie of a ship going to pieces on a stern nd rockbound coast?" i-k**l Gaswell of Imkans. “Very had np#. I should say. What shop# woukl you < nil it?" 'A wi ck tingle" l’i****enit#r In Steamships. ras>* nr. r- by steamship Naco.ich#e. N#w York far Hovanmih, Oct 2 b Mrs. W W K*g* r-, M'-s May Rogers. Mrs J Bog r:-. i’ P Prendergasl. J. 8 Andrews. Mr; I*. Sloan# and children, G. D. Wth •n. Mb- S W Anderson. Mrs N A Pape, Mrs O M r|l|ey, Tl K. Tltley, R Fav nn*l wife. Miss L. C. Root. 8 T Hpauktlny 'lr Halstead. Mis# Martin, W A Mif tin. T It Hhav and wife. Mrs C S HtnlToi | ,n*l daughter. Miss 8 M - Alpir, J. I'.irr, M S Rurhank M# A \1 Stevens: K 1* ' irk and wife. G Hiker. <* M ltlk*r, Mrs Charles t*ox ami daiight'*- Mrs I! M. Ilal#, I'rank Hale. 1' Must 1 - ltd wif# Mr* Smith and two children. M A Smith. C. M Smith. C W. A’* vander. Ml-s J L. Jenkins Mrs lllnes. I‘an !✓•*. H 1 H>baon, J. H Hinton. <’ W Reynold* I* A Chippendale, Mrs Marl# Rhine. Fred Cook. A Truman. Miss J Ravage. R Itawland and wife J Hn#l •ler. Mrs M Tiller. J Hubbard. J Ferris. • 1 Nenn.into. I) S#* ;i**her. N. Joseph, J A Cad sen. Mr* Il.irl-ky, R. Johnson, P \V cadopky PaKveng* r# by -•♦# m**h'p City of Aitgusta ( br New D'tk > •“■:<• rda\ - Mr Halbert R jt Goodwin. W R lor**cy. Cap! H F. B. Gi jcsplf . F Potter. ** Falk. E B. Camp, j V. Gardiner, O M l**tlt. Thomas R ; Jon* u* and wifi*. Dr W E Sanders, M R R rhlvet and wlf# S J. Achlver. L O. ; llchlt'er. L J R hlver. (*rl Luther, M i KrU *1 Nicholas Ghts and wife, Quinn Steven*. Samuel Anderson Passe *:*• rs hy .tteamshlp Dorchester sail ing to I nit I more yesterday— W W Thom son. F *? Reynolds \V I. Cole. John H Howes. \V L Shuck. Miss Eva Sraith. passengers by steumshtp Berkshire sail ing to Ph.VsdeiphUi yesterday—John B Richardson. Mrs. A. L. Alien. Dr. J. S Barr. Mrs J. 8 Barr. k ’aaati.gsrs strived last night on attain •hl| Texsa from Baltimore K. F Thomas. Mrs R. K Davis. Mrs Fohm. J Fohm. R. McKenna, F Hertel, Mrs F. Hertel. R B las vis, F Fohm. Master Fohm. “Jack” Hanlon. Frank Hertel, E Hertel, J Hew as. M I Matron. O. Krug*-., Mr* M Blsty, 8 IN>utez J Michael. P Michael, John Mtchae., Miss N. Michael Mr P#- broeky. F White. 7. nwh#r. J Bird Wm Bird Mrs Kervosky, J 8 llsloski, C. Blsty. J Plase. Miss M Bird. U Fisher, t*. Bristol. Mr- Fisher. P Peteskey. F pew'e. Wm Knosky. J BXsky, Reu Ilis ky, H O. St'hmklt, I*. Bhikey. C. Wagner. Wm Htetf.rr. Mr# Kruger. Andrew 11*ti er. F Pease. Mary Bird. J. Htockcr, Mr Kruger. Havannah Almanac. Run rises ot 6;IG a m and sets at IAZ p m. High wa#r at Tybe# to-day ot 10 12 a m. and 10 51 p m High water at Havan nah one hour later. Phases of the Nuuu for ortober. D H. M First quarter I 3 10 evt. Full moon R 7 18 morn Issst quarter 15 3 51 morn New moon -3 7 27 morn. First quarter 31 2 17 morn ARRIV.UA AND DEPARTURE*. Vessels Arrived % •■farday. Rteamshtp Texas Fid ridge. lislflmor#. J J. f'srolan, Ag#nt. • Rteamshtp Florida. Allen Sparrows Point. —Havannah. Florida and Western Railway. Schooner Julia A Trubee. Miller, New York.—Master. Y’essrls Cleared 1 eeterday* Brig Nlooletto (Auat), Favrlcte, Venice —Chr. G I>ahl A Cos. ftchooner Th#* A Ward. Collins, New York and Roundout. Vessels Went * S#a. Rteamshtp C4ty of Augusta, Daggett. New York. Rteamahlp Dorchester, Jautaa. Balti more. Ht#amshlp Berkshire. Ryan. Philadel phia. Rteamshtp City of Gloucester (Br), Mil burn, lAverpool Hf#amah!p Brakemoor (Br), Butcher. Liverpool Rieamship Manin (Ifal), Oornallo, Oenou and Trieste. Arrived From Uiohmli. Schooner Jennie Thomas. Young, arriv ed Perth Amboy Oct. 27. f Shipping Memoranda. Carrabell#. Fla., Oct. 27 ~ Entered, twrk Elmeton (Itnl), Car*llglii Geti** Fernandtn*, Fla., o*t 27 -Arrived, schiwner Annie T Bailey. Finley. Dartei.. steamer Nor (Nor). Mlxam, laOk Palmar Cleared, •chooners Lizzis E. Dennison, Boss, St Pierre. Martinique; Eva II Hall. Leighton. Now York Port Tampa, Oct. 2? —Arrived, steamer Fanlta. Thompson. Havana. Sailed, •(•amsr Olivette, Smith, Ha vana, via Key West. Charleston, 8 C . Oct. 27 —Sailed steam ers Spring w ell (Rr), Chisholm. Galveston ; Mourn Oswald tltr>. Brown. Norfolk. Key West. Fla., Oct. 27 —Arrived, steamers Mascotte. Whit#. ll.\aiti. and nailed for Port Tampa; Miami. Delano, Miami. Liverpool. Oct. 27. Arrived, steamer El be. Ravunnuh. I sis PalniNS. Od 25 -Railed, steamer Me.bridge. Fertumdlfla. Liverpool. OcY JS Arrived, steamer An nie. Charleston. Baltimore. Oct. 27.—Sailed, steamer P II Miller. Savannah. Norfolk, Oct. 27 —Arrived, steamer For est Castle (Br), Fernandir.a, and sailed for Hamburg i Antic to Unrlnrr.. Pilot rlwrl. ,nrl a I hyAmifmphlc tnlfir ronllon will tw> f i.rnit hf I mwien of va a,l frf of I'harrr In I'nltfl fHn'<s h\- ■lroKraphlr of!W In CUdom Hon*-. iiiln, *re to c*ll at th, offlc-, H, of wrecks an<! derelict, re civ. <1 for traninisslon fo the Navy Depart, ment. F-orelirn Eiuort*. Ter Austrian hriir Niro let to. for Venire —1.4! hnrrel. rosin, H.m 09.—Cattro b> S P. Cos. Coastwise Report.. t'rr steamship City of Autriistn to Nw York Orl. 27 Uiies tipiarwl rotton. jo twtiee sea Island ration. *¥> hbls rottonsfd oil. 27.7 rns.a rottonseed oil. Uties do- 2. hairs eweeplntcs. &kl rosin. Of> bhl, turpentine. S.D feet lumtr r m Ml* hldts*. l.tiaO pkfs !>•* m tterlA:. bhht llsh, 116 rs.. i lKAts. 751 hox.. fruit. 2t bide vegetables. 22.7 cm lee vettelAide* 7, ton* td(f Iron. 73 tsties t 01.,., co iTo.otn shinnies. Dn twti.s. sponeee. 77 bhl, pw h. inned Ml ..k B . !n^.. Per Ml Ims nip Doreh .:- r . f„ r it ,|(| more_2H hales upland cotton, 1 tv. bhl, roeln. 1)1 fret lumber. 7t pke. fruit I. wickn clay. 2*7 pktte mdse t; eke 10. mestlca tn.l yarn*, lit hai.Ti hide* und wool 61 hhis pitch. 13 cases canned icesls f’er sitatnship Hrrkshlre. for Ptillailrl phlti 127 hale, upland e.>tton. sii pt.ot rosin. 212 W.;s turpentine. 317 Ot! fee ] her. 121 pkjts fruit, is. pks 3:2 i*k*K doin**KUr* *iui yarnK. i.j*q *, kj. ton seed, eet lei Im rice straw. ,u,k Steves. 12S sacks rl w bran. I bbls exit ionn##l *ti. Schooner Thos A Ward, for New y., r k and Roundout <*2.733 fret yellow lumber.—Cargo by R It Hunting A Cos. Personal N,, |„ W o>erase. Mrs. C. L. Thigpen Is spending a few weeks with her daughter. Miss IJ|y, who Is attending Wesleyan Female College hi Macon. , I.ev. J. C. Gillespie has hern called to the pastorate of the Douglas iiaptlat C hurch, and will prol*bl> accept. Miss Aggie Cason, daughter of Super intendent J. A. Cason of the Ware coun ty poor farm Is recoverirg from her re cent illness from typhoid fever The Cofice County Sunday School Asso. elation Is In scs.lon at McDonald to-d,ty ind to-morrow, uet 27-2S. W. l 1 Ward la 1 piesldent, aiul J W Roberts, secretory Miss Kathryn.- Shu ts has aeeepie l a|u riti nasaaslatant tn Prof Settler's South mm Polytechnic School. Mrs T. J. Willis has returned to her It.-ttic in Tattnall r unty. after a visit with her thin, J If Willi-. I 'Me -f the m*ut hlg dy esteemed minis lers In this section is Rev. E 31 Whlttag presiding el-ler of the W.tyeroaa district Ills f-opl all loc-e him nt-l want to see him returned another year. Mrs. K P. Peabody is visiting her brother. J W. Hitch, who Is a student at Emory College. Prof. E A Pound has gone to Ogford •vh-re on Monday night he deliver* th • alumni address before 'he Few Literary Society. It Is the sixty-first anniversary of the society. —Few women have done more for their '■eg Hum 'BnrontM Burdt In I-ondon alone she h.ts established free srwtiig schools and an organisation for the trn.nltig of housemaid- Sip- Mas pro vided a shelter for hom lews women, one half of whom have gained courage to tu-gin life tinew Bhe has organised the flower girls of London into brigades, with Axed stations assigned to each, under police protection. —When a marriage takes p'.ac# In Chlnt ths wedding party enter* the temple ard lights a quantity of fireworks, inclu .! g a number of crackers. This Is sui po ed to wake the "Great Joas" from hls aieep The priest repeats th* service at express speed, the bride and bridegroom taka two 111 ties glasses ot wine and arc theu de clared man and wUa I CURE MEN AND WOMEN. Twenty Years of My Life Have been Devoted to the Study and Treatment of Chronic Diseases. Th# map or woman afflicted with Chranld Discos# Is sure to have a shattered constitution This form of th# reason that th# prog re s U so gradual that tlie |tl#nt do#a not naiize J ist what serious consequence are to follow I cannot too stiong.y impress th# im fMjrtanc# of having such afflictions proparly treated They gradual. 4, but *ur >• e!p away th* vltaiKy. ami r tilt in compete helplessness I have devoted twenty of the best years of my hf# 10 th# study and treatment *f theeo dlseaeea, and my success has been demonstrate*! tlm# and min \ \ gfh# fa#! that 1 have cured IftindrMs of the otstlnate cases wh Ich other physician* have treat#l In vain. The dts#*'es of % which I make a specialty require the H closest study, and tt is impossible for the ?* practitioner to obtain th# perfect V knowledge of them n# finary to treat them auceossfully. In ih# treatment of Shjfs. JgdST MANHOOD. STRKTI’RE. VARI MMb ER. FEMALE WEAKXF3RS. KIDNEY DIHKASER, RHEUMATISM, etc., etc., 1 give racte case the benefit of my skill galne*l by twenty years experience, dur- Ing which tlm# I have treated thousands sr of cases, and thus becom* familiar with ( C* every peculiarity and detail of each and! m \ cas# Without this complete knowledge * x< • > Diseases. R!entlflc discoveries the " siv 1 • ■ 1 and I always employ th** i.itest up \ to-date methods In treating my patients * I cure fialnlessly. and without detention from business, stricture and other dlw#as. which other physicians force through a series of cruel, futile operations. FREE CONSULTATION. 9 I Invite every one to consult me freely wnthout charge. T deal with tnv patients In an honorable and straightforward manner, and court the closest Investigation of both im methods and my standing If you mnnot see m# In person, write me full*, about your <*#. as my perfect, system of symptom blanks enables nv t>> un derstand your rase fully, and treat you succestgully at your own home. All cot respondent strictly cor fldential. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY. M D om*, hour,: tom .nosna 7 *• •r llßihn.,A • o’. * p It) ButKlov* 10 a. m. to Ip. m. 3S A HUY AN STRKfrr, SAVANNAH. GA. Learn a Profession Without Going Away to College or Leaving Home or Quilting Work. WHAT YOU NEED for complete success fn life Is one of tha Ten Free Scholarships In The International Correspondence Schools of Scranton. Pa which th# MORN ING NEWS will present to the ten persons having the most votes by Nov. 20. 1800. Gather all the Voting Coupons you can. and win one of th# Ten Fr#e Scholar ships named below. Through one of them you can qualify for a GOOD sal iirb*d position, and not lose a day from work or leave your home while study ing I 1. MECHANICAL engineering. ! ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, it Including Complete Electrical Outfit.) j 3 ARCIUTECTCRE. 1 4 CIVIL ENGINEERING. j 5. SANITARY PLUMBING. HEAT -2 mo AND VENTILATION. MOW TO VOTE. Cut out the attached Voting Cou pon, and mail or bring it to the buslne s office of the Morning News. Savannah, (is. Each Coupon must bear the name of the person for whom you wish to vote. What is this Man Good For? ** He might be-MUCH! /P* '> * burden to himself, and hln presence jLAKs his family and friends. lj hit) bujinMs, and hie con rc*l and art — :: ""vlffl rave - This unhap i'jcP,Xc~lr* 1 py man is only one ol a million in America. If there were no re- L f° r theif con ditlon they in b">.. 'T deed prav for death. /. ~sEOT Hut Nervoueneanand n. its morbid horrors Jnro-w are vaniHliing before tile marvelous w rk feij) of advanced e. fence. (Xrippman’s Great Remedy) overcome* at once the aente aymptoma of •-ety form of Nervous Derangement, and aoon tnnkep the patient robust and ambitious. P. P. P. la the beat combination of green roots and burka that was ever put together for the cute of Weakness, General Debility and Nervousness. It is a good tonic and the beet Blood Purifier In the world. P. P. P. is Nature's specific for Rheumatism, Dyspepnia, Catarrh, Malaria and all forma af Blood Poison and Scroftila, whether In adults at children. • P. P. P. la aold by all druggists— st a bottle ; aix bottles, ss• 5 Lippman Brothers. r *°u&Es?mo C K Savannah Hi. r— : : —— z . ■■■ JMJ nruitkjft. youare especially invit- I ed to exatmn ■ our 8 • In wm t l ers Dress Trunks, made of i'J 'IS veneer lumber,leather liouml —iinen lined, ladies or Regular our price only SI2. * -WL Made at our own factory. 420 to 426 Bay street, east. Retail Show and Salesroom 314 and 316 Broufhton, West. Southern Trunk Cos., m. and. lubin. Proprietor McDonough & ballantyne, W Iron Founders, Machinists, j^JL Ui*..u,iik ti mtmnmlm tiarrr. ot mry wad >-artulta Basinaa. t.rOaal aa* tap Hmla, 1 * r " —Ola, Mill aaa I'aaa, Ika ftlaa. I*all*r, *a- TELEPHONE NO. 123. # ■ IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITH OGRAPHED AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS. SA VANNAH. GA 6 CHEMISTRY 7. CO3IMERCIAL BRANCHES. S 3IECHANICAL DRAWING. (Including Complete Drafting Outfit.) ARCHITECTURAL drawing. (Including Complete Drafting q*i!!lt.) 10 ORNAMENTAL design. • Including Complete Designing Outfit.) VOTING COUPON. Name Bt. and X& Town j