The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 27, 1900, Page 21, Image 21

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FINANCIAL and commercial. ,-,wr or 1 TO 1H point* sUU „IJ> i* THE otton n. It HE MARKET. .lira lions of n In Hr . r ,i ( ii> •) the Port*. Ilulllaii , „l,i. . a ort Kr> of Proof, ('> hunt*# In Sentlmoot Hplrita I Irni ot 40>, Onto. Firm noil l nrhanetl—Urol ,„j ivlrplile Markets. Xn Morning News Office, Hot utility, Oct. 27. - it tnnrtd mao reported In t.i market, which ! believed by ■ strong lit.ll. otlor. of the te f* - i ot brl-k trading. The inquirers expected to pay hoWet#’ ~ t. downward tendency of the , . nt haa been o atrnln an hold -1 i~• that Ibe dcniond te revived , , i expect to resume trodinx nt „ nf prices. Hence It wit not ~.. r of the day to make concession#. . . •• n future* market showed o de , . t *ier tendency, closing otcody at ~ , . * if 14 to II point*. The firmer . , . n. . due largely to the evidence* of „ rii dropping off In th movement, eid cecquent lewenlng of receipt* ut In, [,- j and oleo to cable advtcci de de.l* favorable to the hullo. The gin* I . ug# em* co Indicate I hat the irk-t l* about to have the reaction to ii |i appear* cntlilcd after the eeri 1 In price* during the past ten . i•• tibeiai volume of receipt* nt t . , r• ha* helped largely to keep price* ,ii e the decline eet tn. and the be • f t It there la likely to lie an early i|. ,• will win convert* to the bull ilffc * aplrit* tiirperttna market closed r rm at cents. * decline of 15 cent he t.w the . pining The dematid wo* mod -4 raft during the lata hour*, with the under ne eald to be quiet lto*m* dosed firm and un< hanged with the demand q .■ tv hoi < sale nnrkil, were In the nain un .-range,!, with the tendency for l. pri. e*. however, as to several artl ■ I** The following resume of the dlff, r ar • market* will show the tone and quo tations at the closing to-day: COTTON. The rollon market closed steady to .Je a' an advance of 1-14 cen’ or sale* of n. hale* Tne receipt* were 6.674. an ms, 6.94? last year, and 12 M 5 year before last A hitter demand we* reported from all quarter*, and the day closed with a good voi mie of husifices reported Good mld- Jllie: muon, fob, 11, with buyer* bidding i> .1-I4e. hilt With llule business on 4he lower heel* Holders nr*- Took- Ire t>r their dtu os It tier, end now that the tendency of the cotton future* m. ha* apparently changed, they do not .re to make concessions The following were the official *|>ol quo laiion.H ut the close of the mark* t at the Cotton Exchange to-day: Hilt Laat I day. I year. Good middling i, 7 7.]#; Mm Ulna IK 1 * IS 13-16 l.w middling si, ;s 6-16 Market dead) e 777 Savannah Receipts. Kxports and Stock* I- 'ipta this day ,|| Receipts this tlay laat year 6.047 Thl- tlay year before last u si;, It- elpia anion Sept 1, 1600 3S;i,4M Same day last year 316,616 ( '•fitment exports 7,nao P’o k on hand this day #7.06;; Same day iat year . 106,907, It' -Ipta and Stocks at the Porte linoeipte this day tS.ktR I; elpla this day laat year 3*046 I" elpls this .lay year before last.. 67.710 Total receipts since Sept. J, i#uo 1.J64.T91 Hsme time last year 1.6M.576 Same lime year before last. 2,299.671 Stock at all imrls to-day 661.t00 Stock earn" duy lost year 619.497 Pally Mov tnonls at Other Ports— Calves ton—Steady; middling. l3-16; net receipts, 19. sen. gross, Itt.sen. sties, 1.267,, M* k. 170.608. New 1 irl,nns—Firm; middling, # net re. ccipts, 12.170; gross. 13.597; rales, 4.150; ‘ stock, 23tl.tfi8. Mobile Nominal: middling. e'*, net re ceipts. 606; gross. SQt; stock, 20.771. fharh sloti—Quiet; mUdllng, 6\; net re ceipts. 1.*7.’; gross, 1.K72. stock, ~t si# Wilmington—Firm; middling, 9. re ceipt.-. 1.661; gross, 1.661; stock 32.611. Norfolk—Steady; mldlling. 9; net re c-lpis, 2,716, gross, 2.716. auks, 50; sto. k, 30.317. Baltimore—Nominal; mkldllng, 9‘i; stock. 2.756. New Vork—Quiet, steady; middling, 9>4; r el reeel pis, none, gross. 6.923, sales. Silt, ► look, 36,226. Boston- Quiet: middling, 6 7-16; net re ceipts, 6*16. gross. 67# Philadelphia —Firm; middling. #* 4 , net re ■ Ipts, 17. gross, 17; stock. 5.0J6. Pensacola Nel receipts. no. gross, 600. Bally kbit aments at Interior Towns— Augusta—Firm; mtildllng. 9‘; net re ceipts. 1,386. gross. 1.366, sales, 322; slock 6> 2#7 Memt>hls—Steady; middling, S'i; net re ' ' l|ts, 4.965; gross, 5,710; rales, 2.600; stock V 466.—Quiet mhltlling, 9; cal re ‘ "Ipts. 2.610. gtoss, 7.314; stock. 35.922. 'lnclnnail—Steady , middling, 6',; net re- 1 ">4)l#. 67 gross. 667, sales. 400; stock. 7 r 4l. Houston—Quiet; middling, 8; nel re -1 22.635; gross, 23.636. sales, 472, stock, Ts/CO, ■"oisyillo—Finn; middling, 6H. 'puts of Cotton This Day '"'••Sion—To tlrest llrltaln, 2.P2J; • rue, 6.77j2, continent, 1,460. <'neane— To (Jrcat llrltaln. 1,015; 1,1 " iiotl. continent. 12.347. coastwise. 1 'oastarise, 507 •all—Continent, 7 000. "sion—Coust wise. 110 1 ■ lk i 'oastw lee. 1.111. 1 fn icola—France, 600. f'uugn 1 sports from all rwrls *• Pu tlreat llrltaln. 3.153; to " *4,402. to the continent 20.347. ■ f rwtgn exports a in. • S< pi 1. 1300 1,1 -H Britain, 679.6.11 10 Fiance, 146,- l - ‘o ;hs comment, 443.311. MIA ILAMI torrtiv re wei* 1.0 noteworthy features re in the set island cotton markot the pi I yvrek. The demand was ale, and business dosed on a liai se Waiting tactics have apissranl ' udopted by mill men ami c.ineum ’ •'' a may be relying on ha sleadlly eg siock to depress prices. Re ’ is tupt week were 4.515 bags, •• sales of 1,125 hags. , *’■ shoul as follows: ■ - holer Hast Florida* 23’j32l ' .lOlce sr.d fancy Florida*.23'yft24 eh ice nml fancy (leorgla* ‘ isorgias 22'ii4-3 ■ •* e Qearglai . 22 *t an,| Bt'Hks— jIMML UN-W • 1 a 1 week 4,515 3,163 ” " ’ "i w e, k ■ 1.29<f 2.131 P' thl* rcu.on | 13 615 22.123 U '•••■sfc I MS* 2.41* h I hand | 10.SIJ, 13.111 wrro.i rt.Tt iut. !H * Market rinsed 9 tastily With •’rices tip 14 to Id rolnte. . Toil* Oct V -The cotton tnirket; *•* ty Ir> tp,-, with pr!C" 7 11 12 >*• -is ttuf ni> r scars of short* ard an r •'•betantlal buyu<g orders from U** Public. fm :ho rlsa Untiooi and "** tL *** ‘-visas bought !*•>> MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trade Building. Savannah Private leased wire* direct to New York. I Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON, still Kt, op GRAIN. York office. No. 11 Broadway. Office* in principal elite* throughout the South WrKa for our Market Manual and book containing Instruction* for traders •*" | and on all aides the feeling appeared to b* decidedly bullish There was a detrth •of bearish Influence while bull factor’, lon -e more were abundant aid of e n j vtnclng weight. The crop movement. which ha* been so I irge rre .’t a f t ■ j month tt* to figure a* iho dominant b. ar ttrgumeni. gevo every Indication , f dr.p- I ping oft rapidly, nt the put. a* nv.ll a* In Ihe Interior. The spot -Ituatlou South wtt* reported radically tlrmei with offer ing* light even at mark'd advances In bids. The weathei ovat tha belt **, ad ml ruble for it! plantation work though an ’ Intensely cold wave in trie Northw at i gave rise to fear* nf a nearby termination jof this favorable condition Oihio news j averaged up strongly In favor of Ihe bull*. I Following th, call Ihe nurkot a Ivin ed | sharply ar.d before there was a lull In de mand January had climbed to 9u3. or 13 | points above last night's closing* Shorts j were liverish, buyero all the forenoon, though < oirmils.’lon Interest* appeared l>rceed haid for first honors In this c n | nectlon. The market for fulur-a closest very steady with prices net 14 lo Ik points I higher. PLITTVATION* IN FITIRBt, i New York. Oct. 27.— fXytton future# J opened steady at the advance and closed i very sn ady. I’rb e* u# follows: t t|w n High. lw Close January s 98~| 9• r 8 9 904 1 February ....j 5.98 j 9'4 \ K. 90 $ ft< March | (.98 (.07 , Sis 5 April i(Oi( 901 9.00 9Qf May ; | 9 7 j ft.M | 9 June | 9 oft j 9.oft j ft 97 9 C July jK94 | 906 j ft.W 9 August j 8.90 | 8.97 | 0.91 j 8-96 i*pplPfnb/T ...J | | .••• j j October \ *93 f 902 j 991 ' 9oi November . *93j9 08 j (.83 |9 00 | December ... |8 97 9*6 *93| 9<4 leIVRRPOOI* rOT'l ON MtIIKDrV Liverpool. Orr 77. 1 p m -Spot, qul**; 1 price* firmer, American mlrWlin*: fair, ; .'1 2S-32d; gooil mit*tling. f. *l. miidllnc, ;T 9-32*1. low lui.Miintr. 5 3-12*1. (*! or 11- I n.*fy, 4 11-W; ordinary. 4 , %i The Ml#* ! of the day were 2.000 bile*, of which 50ft • were for eperulnrinn and export, and In • eluded 5, f ihn American; all American. | Future* opened quiet and cfoaed firm; American middling, low m.*ldhrr clniiee: O'toher * 17-1. ‘.••Here Ortehrr N*o j vemlier, 5 | ceniber. 4 *ill. buyers; D< •'mbrr-J m uary, 4 ft*d. buyer*. January- February. 4 ‘>'/4 59d. buyer*. February-*March, 4.r71, aellere; March-Aprll, 4 fkVf. Iwiyers; Aprll- M> . 4 r id. rellerr. Mny-June. 4 ..’.d, a.’-ll era; June-July. 4 sßd. eller; July-Au miaf. 4 .V>'p 1 Md. buyera; Aucust-Septeni ber. 4 4 : l. buyer*. M:w ORLF%!H*k HIITON MIRKRT. Nrw Or Iren*. Ot. 27.—Cotton future* p ready. Ort.. bid v, or.fiß v, Nov 8.814vK.(2 April * R.V&* I*h* M iy s Jin * 8l(fi8.82 Junf 5.8V5|5.57 Feb S.B2fl(.fC COTTON I*9TTTKR*. New* York, Ort. 27 Murphy A *iy Aw a a* th# ca#r * w* * k m holiday In both tli# foreign nn<l k rnl imr k#i* orvl ih*' huyinc h* :i *ir * iy.ntf in fluence on prl' t's. Lsverpot l idvar #d 2 to 3 point* thi* morninx ani th# |-v#r here *iarted th# htfrh of y#*t>r dav. I Hiring ih# r r!y tlraluifi* January ruled from io 9 r#nt*. with * onslder abi# Ainounl of rol ton rhanjfir x hand* aroun*l H#!l#r* found ni-iy nwirk#t for their roiton and th# daman.i (ui y forced January to b* f ue the en-1 of th* fir*l half hour. New York. Ort 27 Hubh.ird Bro*. A i’o any; Uv#rpx>l wtlvrin to-day on a flqueex# on October delivery anti antlrl pntions tf * llirhier movement next week, ilthouvh the movemrtit to-dny *how* no little at tor.t< of any material rbame#. W*' have pointed out thi* f.i for In th** *tu i* tint) din hbowing m dipo*|tlon to hold #rv ernl time* thl* w• k Weather 6ditlonH continues to h# favorable ami th** predic tion* <|4> not indit'ot# any from fro*t for aevernl dy*. Thr huvinft to day wa#* for the lor tl aw! W* •*tern c- Munt. largfdy for tb** rotton aold on th# break of iiet week A fur* tiier •dvanr# xp* < in| in Live rpool to morrow by our lo il trad* . mtY 04)I>H. Ntw Tork. Ort. 27.—Th# u*ual Saturday dullness ha* *'hraoterlied th* trading of to-day but buyers have evidently deter**l to delay all artlv# purchaainff un til aft#r election The elutht wrakneM in th# print cloth market haa had little appreciable effect upon th# general mar k#t. A fair advance builnc*** L in pro- K rea son th# burlier grades of printed nov elties The jobbing busdno** 1* of very email proimrtion*. NAVAL. ITORC4. Haturday, Oct. 27 BPIRITB TURFENTINK—The turpen tine market opened firm *t 41 cent* to-day. with sales of 4<3 ca*k* at this price, and closed firm at 4ft ! 5 cents, with further sales of 75 cask*. It was said th# demand wa* not strung at any time during th# day. which n ounts for th# drop In the afternoon. The day * receipts were 1.091 and the exports 67 ■ "■* !?*? FINANCIAL#. ; F. A. Rogers & Cos. L® | 1N40690 ■ 46 V C O I BANKERS. BROKtPS tad OEAICNS IN ! Stocks, Cotton, ] Grain and Provisions > jM high grade jM > INVESTMENT SECURITIES [. # . CASH OR OR MARGIN • • • | RiOgUT Rrr*st*cra xtm C**mr Ift rltr far ttaaklrl "HA FfTTF AA ft... • (~. CERTAINTY f.V RPBCVLATtOM” I It will psy you lo get our term, . I a*t sod ,pec*l quotation lertif* A** 3B WALL STREET New York JACOB BERRY & CO. MEMBER.-* <>f the CONSOLIDATED STOCK EXCHANGE. ESTABLISHED 166a 44 Slid 4t! Broadway. N'W York STOCKS. BONDS GRAIN. COTTON. Strictly a commission turn##, working tn th<- Interest* of our client# on-1 executing all orders up nth exchange sml fur ■mr mtv bo k rlsacrlhlns morket move, ments. al-o fluctuation *'-.#eis and ilarkst report*. CommlfAloti !•!•* JOHN W. DICKEY, Stork nnl Hon 4 Broker, AfCJISTA. GA. Write tor List. THE 3IOKKING NEWS: SUNDAY, OCTOBEK 28, 1900. IU>BINS The n>?ln market closed firm •td um’hanifd to-day. with aale* of 2.127 iarreda reported at the opuuns call. The demand **;■. fair, though not eui’h aa to k. p trullnx moving along at a very briek pa * The umlertnne wm rather quiet The d\ - r* rip’.w w.-re 3.712. and tha eaporta 3.021 I rices aa follow-. A. It. C $1 3& 1 Si ©t I 1 33 K i 75 E 1 ¥) M 1 w F lit N 2 i 1 It) W G 2 ah j H 1 Oft W W 2 Si Kcidpta H.iturday— RpirWa Roffin r H. H 147 344 S., K and W l.Oftft S A L 273 1.78 b Kmpona Siturday— (\ It It . week, various 7 1 S. F. and \V . week, v trious .. 60 1.0(5 b A. L . week, vnrlou* 614 All*!, bg. NP-ohdto. Venice 1441 Naval Store* Statement— spirit*. Ho^ln Stock April 1. 1900 2.197 1(2,500 Iteeeipta to-day 1.092 3.712 Receipts previously 2.'d..V* (02.952 Total since April 1 257. US 719.170 Kxporta to-day (7 3.0*1 Kx|>orts previously 217.>* 6ftH.303 Kxporta alrv'e April 1 217.567 *9 326 Stork on harvl to-day 4‘.27S 139>14 Stock In at year 27.359 145.092 Chari eat on, Oct. 27 9plrtta turpentine firm at 4“V; enlea none. steady, un ‘hanaed; talcs none. Wilmington. N. C.. Oct. 37—8p!rt*i turpentine, nothing doing; recelpta 11 Roaln steady. 31.5MV].2a, receipts (45 <’riHli- turpentine steady. |1 4*n2 40; re reipga 29. Tar firm $1 45; receipts 'M liumtiiicnt Item*. PFNTRAL OK GEORGIA These ae-ur It lea have had a favorable week They have all materially advanced with larg.- -••Icn reported Northern buyers have tak rn them, which helped to relieve our mar ket. The consolidated Uvea sold at 9*. first Income* at 44 ! a. second Incomes at and the third Incomes at 7 A fair reaction la looked for in some quarter? OKOROKA. fIOt’THKRN AND FI.OR IOA These se< urltles have acid higher this week than ever before. This was doubtless due to increased ramlngr. The first mortgage f. per cent bon*ls sold up to 113. first preferred at 921*. second pr ferred at 10, and common stork at This will be gor>d news to many Rivan nablans who have held on to these secur ities. Its * good property, well managed, and Is regarded favorably by many. Fl\A*< I Al*. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with tb* supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE - Market w**ik Commercial demand. $4 '<3**. sixty days. 34 ninety days. 34 78. francs. Paris and Havre, sixty days. 5 23>; Kwisa, sixty days. 6.J6H; Belgian. 5 26. mirks, sixty days 93 11-16; ninety day*. 93V DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Hteady; banks ara buying at 1-14 discount and sell ing as follows: $25 and under, lftr pre mium. 325 to 350. I.V premium; 3-V* to 31<. 2fte premium, (loft to f?on. 25c premium. 33ft0 10 ll.ftOO, premium; |! onft and over. 75c per M premium. BEt’FRITIRS—-Central ee urltles con tinue firm and c|o-‘ n’ the highest, other wlee the market is dull Stork*. Bid. Ask. Augusta and Savannah R R V* 1 * 110 Atlanta and West Point 125** do 6 per rent, eertlflcatew l f d Augusta Factory *2 15 Cit liens Bank 131 133 Chatham Bank 110*4 111 Chatham K, E. A I. Cos . A 57 5k lo do !i .. 5k 57 Eagle arid l'hoerlx Mfg. CtK ...106 I*^7 Edison Electric Ilium 1061% I<#i Enterprise Mfg. Cos. 102 Germania Bank .130 131 G-rrgla & Alabama 3*i 26 G**orgla Railroad Common 214 216 Granltevillu Mfg. Cos. 165 167 J. P. King Mfg. Cos 100 103 lenngley Mfg Cos 117 130 Merchants’ National Notional Hank of Savannah —,l.V> Oglethorpe Savings and Trust ..lfl9 l 9 IWVI People's Having* and Loan 100 101 Southwestern Railroad Cos 110 Savannah Gas Light Cos 241* 25** Southern Rank 153 156 Savannah Hmk and Truat 114 IK Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augurta 55 M Savannah Brewing 101 103 Ilona*. Bid A*k. Char. Col. A Aug Ist 6a, 1900 . 106 Atlanta city 4a. 19T: 104 104 Augusta city 4s, 1937 106 167 do 4>*s. 1925 11l do 7a. 1903 107 do 4#. 1913 122 Ala Mid. 6#. Ind'd. 1928. M A N 93H I'D Augusta Factory, 6 per cent ,1915.112 Brunswick and We-tern 4s. 193* . 83 64 C R R A Hanking rollateral 6s 94>4 94 C of G. Ist mortg. ss. 1945 F A A 119 121 C. of O. con. s#. 1945. M Ar N 95 96 C. of (1. Ist Incomas. 1945 II 1 5 44% •to 2nd Incomes 13V9 l('v do 3d Incomes, 1945...., 6’., 7Vx C of G (M. G. A A Dlv) 5. 1947. J A J 94', S'! C. of G. (Eaton Brunch), 6s. 1936. J. * I 66 97 City & Suburban It H. Ist 7s 1"9V4 Columbus city s#. 1900 107 Charleston city 4#. ton# 101 108 Eigle A I'hoentx Mills is.. 1928 ..I'd 108 Edison Electric Illuminating 6s .104 106 Enterprise Mfg 4. 1903 ]nj ... . Georgia Railroad # 1910 114 IP4 G B. A K . 1945. J A J 112 U2H Georgia & Alalrama Ist 6a. 1945 lot 106 Georgia state .Va*. 1930, J A J ..1144 do 3H. 1915, MAN 106 do 4Hs. 1915 118 119 Macon city s. 1910. J A J ....114 118 do 4‘jS. 1924. Jan par 108 Ocean Siesmhli> s>. 19K 104 .... Savannah city 6#. quar. January. 1913 110 111 do ss. quar November. 1909 —llOl4 111<4 Boulb Carolina state 4'y*. 1933 ..114 118 H I.ley Mfg Cos. S*. 1903 102 South Bound 6a ..... 94 97 S F A W gen. mt gc, fis. 1934 .174 126 do do tat ss. gold 1934 112 114 do Bt. John Dlv. lal *s 1934 94 94 tUlEkl l It 1A K mTMRIT. New York. Cct 27 —The weekly state irent of average* of th* associated banka ahows: l.'cns. 1793.381.6>. decreased It. 164.990 Deposits. 384.1.391 .700. decreased iDMI.V)) Circulation. 320.5m.(i66. increased 3138.7u1, legal tenders 337.946.tM). Inereared 344 3*19 Hpec.e tI.A 933.7uu. Increasad 82.379,Hat Total reserv* 3216 879.700. increase 32.323.- 609 Reserv# required 3219.647 976 decrasted 37f0,32i fiurpiti* reserve 16,031.926. Increase 33.094.- 125 New York. Oct. "7 Money on call non Inal. Prime mercantile puprr, 606 per cent Htetllng exchange Heady with acttail bus iness In hank'-r* hilts a' It *l4 for de mand at 34.904 for sixty day* Posted mtes, 34.8104.314 and II 34404 88 Com nierctal Pills, tt 79404.80 Bllyer cerlifl cates, 644*1 r.w,e R* r silver 6t4e. Mexi can dollar*. .1040. Btate bonds Inactive. Railroad bond* Irregular (lovtrnment l-onda Irregular. ST fit Iv* IMI HO At)*. Drooping Tentleney •) Deeplte tlnotl Hank <tatement. New York. Oct. 27—There was a very manifest disposition 10 sell stocks to take profits to-dny The act tea ranee of the un expectedly favorable bank statement gave i momentary rheek to the downward movement, but the rally w.# taktt ad . • antage of to Increase the sclltr.g and the j Whole list gave way, closing weak and at I tbc lowest price a. Net losses of between one and two punts urn recorded In many stocks. Iwdh lu thu industrial and radroad Hats. The former department was the greater suf ferer Home stocks had a period of strength after tha opening, not ah y Hugar, Brooklyn Transit and Metropolitan Htreot Railway, which were most acutely affect ed bv the late selling movement The imn in I steel stocks as n group were weak, in spite of encouraging reports of the in dustry in the weekly commercial reviews Heveral of them suffered to the extent of 1 to IS ier cent In the railroad list, tho most conspicuous selling was In Missouri Pacific * the latest stock to be subjected to unwarranted rumors lo advance It. fol lowed by aiit:iorttutl\e dentals Other membara of Southwestern groups fared better, no4ably 8t Louis Southwestern preferred The Chicago and Alton* and Kansas City Houthems were strong Southern Pacific continued heavy. In spite of the decision upon the n w president. Readings were quite weak at hisses of a point. There was a disposition about the ex change to depreciate the excessive ten dency of the speculation, and tlu* broad neaa of the metluals employed In some quarters. The systematic and periodical dissemination of bull canards was felt to endanger the stability of a market where buying was based on such flimsy grounds. N- Intelligible explanation is i ITered of ih* large increase tn cash re lortd by the Kinks for the week Pr* limlnary estimates of the changes, tased on statements furnished by the h.nk< themselves, and made by an thorltlex. had placed the pr<b*hle loss In cash ad the way from 31.500.000 up to over 35.000J1U0 The payment yesterday by the sub-treasury of drafts for f4.O>.ofto n a< count of the Australian gold recently ar rived in Sen Francisco wa*. not expected to figure In this w** k • statement Bonds as well as stocks, have re*inde-i to an awakened public tntered and some issues have gained sub-dunttally In price* United Ht.ites refunding 2s when Issued advanced K and ihe 3s n w and old 4' and the 5* registered 4 and do coupons 4% per cent over the Quotations ruling a week ago The total sales of stocks to-day were 229.6*n shares. Including Atchlaon preferr ed. 5,610; Baltimore and Ohio, 6.400. Mis souri Pacific, 27.(10. Northern Pacific, 6.- 911. Pennsylvania 5,495. Bt lo>uls South wentern preferred. 6,(64. Union Pacific, 12, tWO. Hoiithern Pacific, 7.1fi0, Brooklyn Transit. 21,196; Hugar. 14.6*s> New York Block List. At hlson 32t%1’nion Pacific... l\ do pref 744 do pref 764 B. A 0 7i\ Wabash 74 PaiL Pacific ... 864 do pref 18% Pan Southern .. 53 , W A L. E 9%! U. A 0 3ft j do 2d pref 364 P. G W 11\ Wis Central .. . 124 C. B A Q ... 1274 Third Avenue . 110 C.. 1. A L 22 Adams Express 13ft do pref M American Kx 157% r - A E. 11l 9:14 United Htat.s Kx sft C. AN. W . 162 W ells Fargo Ex 127 <\. R. 1 AP. . l*wi 4 Am Cotton Oil 3*5% C. C. r k Ht L 624 do pref 97 Col Southern . 6% Am. Malting .... .64 •lo Ist pref .39 do pref 25 do 2d pref 154 Am 8m A R. . 41% Del A I liaison 112 j k prof 91% P, L A W. .. 17h Ant Spirits .. .. 14 I. A R G 2ft do pref 17 do pref 70 Am Hteel Hoop. 23 Erie 12 do pref 74 do I*4 pref (54 Am Steel A W* 31% Gt. North pref 163% do pref 75 Hocking Coal .. 16% Am Tin Plate . 314 Ho. king Valley SH. do pref s? Illinois Central 119 Am Tobacco 96% lowa Central .19 do pref 130 do pref 414 Anaconda M. Cos. 45% L E. A W. .... (44 Brooklyn It. T 624 do pref 102 col. Fuel A Ir. (94 Luk Shore .... 2u8% Cont. Tobacco .. 2(4 L A S 754 do pref Hi 4 Manhnltan L . 97 s Federal Steel . 314 Mat. H* Ry. . idtL do pref *#4 Mex Central .. 124 Gen. Electric 143 Minn A 8f I, .. 59 Glucoae Sugar.. :& do pref 97% do pref 99% Mo Pa iflc . . 664 Inter. Paper i.o4 M. A 0 39 do pref 67 M. K A T 10% Laclede Gas . 7ft <k pref 32’ National Biscuit 364 N. J C 134% do pref 9ft N. Y. C 1324 National Lead 19 7 . Norfolk AW. . 37% do pref 9^ do pref 764 National Bleed 29% Northern Pac... 66% do pref **74 do pref 73 N Y. AIT Brake 121 Out A W 224 North American 15% Ore. Ry. A Nav. 42 Pacific Coast ... r *i do pref 76 do Ist pref M Pennsylvania .1354 do 2d pref .... B’> Rending 18% Pacific M ill 424 do Ist pref .... 58% people’s Gas 94 do 2d pref .... 2*4 Pressed Btcel Car 43 R. <. W sft do pref do pref 90 Pullman I*. Car 19> Ht. L A Han F. 114 Htan. HAT.. 5 do Ist pred .... 864 Sugar 122 do 2d pref (B4 do pref 116 Hr L H. \\\ .. 144 Tenn C A Iron 67 7 , do pref 32% V. 8 leather .. 11% Ht. Paul 1154 do pref 71% do pref 172 U. H Rubber ... 324 Ht. P A Om. .. 112 do pref 95 Bout hern Pac.. 36% Western 1,7 n lon. *ft% Horjthern Ry. .. 12% H I A H. 13% do pref 664 do pref *% T & P 174 U C. C. A Bt. L. 50 Bonds. U. 8 2a ref | 3**le 66% reg 104% do 4s 92%f do coup .109-, *N Y Cant. Ist a be do 3s. r*-g 1<6% N J C. gen 5.12i •lo 3>*. coup .110 Northern P 3s . 6*% do it, new re< IJ4 Padfi 4s. .. .1034 do new 4s. |N.Y, C. A 8:. coup 13S Ix>uls 4s 108% do old 4s. reg..U&l4 A W. con Is 77 do old 4* coup. 1154 Oregon Navlg . do 6s. ,|on l*ts ... be* ilo s*. coup. .11l do 4s 103% D. of r, I •:■* 1.4' f} 8 L ** L 74 Atchbon gen | do con 5* . ..114 4* lftft v Reading Gar 4a. k*% do adji. 4- 4•* Bio G. W Isis.. 95% C of Ga ■on Is •. luli* A 1 M Bo Ist I fit i? | •Ml B io Ui do 2i.d In lb, I* A Han F Can Hou (nda W 7 Gstiaral (*- 123 C A o 44 ... R*% St Paul con-*. I 17ft * Bo 5s 1.04 P-. C. A r C. A N c-n 7- 13 4 1-t * 11*4 do H F. I> 5s IJO do 5a 119 Chic. Term. 4s .52 j Sou Pac. 4* *ft% Col. Sou 4* . *2 80-1 Ry. 5s JlO I) A It. C Isis !01 H R. and T ** 6ft do 4s W Tex A Pac. 1*1*114% Erl* Gen 4 70% do 2nd 7* F W A D C Union Pacific 4* 105% Ist 74 j Wabash Ist* ....114 Gen Electrl 6aUK ! do 2mls ...KCt lowa rant. Ist- .112 j Wret Bho-e i*.. .112*4 L A N uni. 4a 99 Wla. Cent lata *64, M 4 0 9 4 | Va. Con mica .. 91 M.. K A T. j New York, Oct 27 Standard Oil Mfi 605 VViirph v A 4’*a. A tuck latlrr. New York. Oct. 27. —Murphy A Cos. say: The stork market opened moderately ac tive and generally steidy. but after the Initial dealings reactionary tendency was general Early able* showed the London market to be below parity with local final figure, of yesterday, but on owning of business for* Ign houses wee buyer* bcie, notably of Union Pm Iflih - At bison- snl Bouthern preferred In th rallwav list the firmest feature* w re Pennsylvania. Chicago and Alton, Hi lornt* and Southwestern. Kansa- City. Bouthern and Miesourl Pacific, and Kan sh arvl Tex t* In the industrial quarter. National Tube was steady, but otherwise th*- Industrials moved In line with the re mainder of the market Rrooklm K.i|4ld Transit and other loca; traction* wer firm at ihe opening but x*artl 1 ated n the subsequei.i reaction. As Is often the case, the actual •bow ing made by the banks In th weklv Statement was far out of line with all th** preliminary eetlmatea whereas a loss in actual rash of nearly kLfthoo© hod teen counted on, that Item showed an increase of (2.300.000 ami the loan n count Sxuln showed a contraction, the amouct telng 64.464.000. Change* tn loans and in cash were by no means reflected In the deposit ac- ount which f* 11 away 83.04: CO* and In roneequenca surplus reserve rose ki. NO** and tha banka auw bold |6,<fil,QoU In excess Southern Railway. Traloi Arrive end Depart Savannah on 90th Meridian Time—One Hour Slower Than City Time. 8. hr.lulra In Kff.-cl Sunday. June 10, 1900. SESli'fitTwS to Tin i:*>i RBADtJP No i NCI tC.nirtl fin* i No Ik N E~.opm ij .wain Lv Savannah AT , 1 Ioam I 14pm (Enatern Time.) |( 4 21pm 4 Sam Ar Btackvlile t.v 1 OOani, 1 <7pm 4tv |MII 4 u>.ni Ar * Columlna I.' I -am 11 Da * * l<H>m Cam Ar Choi lone l.v a .4>ni loam Upm Spm.Ai . OrNMkOM to •' 10pm • 4am .. Ar No folk I.' > nuu " Bpm Vl DanvtlU l.v fc 40pm 4 Mam Of HI) a r.| mAr Richmond .. T ..T .' l.v 1] 01 pin 11 00pm 2 40am .1 lom ,\r 77. hhurg l.v 1 .2in - 4 .Viam i, ..(mi Ar Chariotteavllle l.v 2 OStOi.ll Mpta 7 lam v ;n,nr Ar Waahington l.v ,11 lbam !>*•"* * 14am 11 3&pm Ar Halt imm .< l.v | a Skim a 37pm 11 Seam 2 imam Ar Philadelphia lav I * Wain 6 Mpm 3 OJpm a 3am Ar New York l.v ,12 Warn 3 ->pm * ai|wn I mpm Ar | union lv- j & 00pm 10 lOain N '• . TO TUB NOIITII AND WEST i NolJ II (Central Time.) Jl i.v sw* ZRI • i l *"* (Eartern Time 1 4 .Vam l.v Columbia I**ll 1 = - s,m * Want l.v Spartanburg Dv|, • I*P" 12 lupm l.v A'lP vllle l.v S , *4* m * -T>m Vr Hot Spring* l.v 1144 am 7 l>m Vr Knot vllle |,v , t 6 loam Ar lathrinn l.v ! |lo A<pm 7 4&am Ar Cincinnati l*v 9 "°P m •Wpra Ar HI Loula l.v , 9 iam TWani Ar D.ula.HU I*ll 7 tai All traina arrive and depart from the Plant Hyatrm Station. THROUGH CAU SERVICE ETC. TRAINS S3 AND 44 DAILY. NSW YOIIK AND KDOIUDA BXPRBBS Veatl buled limped Iralnt, with Pullman Dtawlna Room Sleeping Cara leiaon Savmi null and New York Connects at Washington .with Colonial loi ll.n*toi. Pullman 84r.-|.|ng Cara between Charlotte amt Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk I'lnina Care eerve all meala between Savannah ami Washington TRAINS i. AND X DAII.Y THE fNITKD STATES EAST M VII, Veatlbulwd limit.*.l traina. carrying Pullman Drawn g Hoorn Shaping Care betw. cn Savannah end New York Inning Cara eerve all meala betwe*n Savannah and Wahlngton. Aleo Pullman Drawing lloom Sleeping Cara between Savannah and Clnc.tinail. through Arhevllle and The l*an*l of the Sky " For complelw Information an In ruler, M'hedules ele., apply to tl OROOVEJH. Ticket Agent. Plant Syatem Slailon JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. and T. A.. HI Bull atrret. Telephone* Bell. KO; Georgia. M 0 S 11 HARDWICK, AveH'ant General Pa*enger Agent, Atlanta. Ga. of lheir lawful requirement. The puhll cation of the figure* nf Ihe etAtement raueed u ah.irp rally In Ihe *t# k maik-t and Ihe advance In price# wo* attep'bel hy a marke.) tncrcaee In anlmailn No ►l<e, lal feature of Internet, however, and. • \ eloped In Ihe later d<lmr- The tally did not continue up to the cloee of bu.l n. ~ and II w u #m ceaded hv another re action under which Ihe matket . loel un eettled. Hllt r.l.l.iißOt I MARKETS. Note.-Thrse quotatlona are revised da ly. and are k pt ee natr ae poeelhle In accord with the prevailing wholesale prl-ee Official quotation, are not used when they dDagree with the price, whole saler, aak Country and Northern Produce. POULTRY—The market ie ateady Qun ta’lone Hrollere, H)3sc. p. r pair; half grown, C'aJ.A ; three fourth, grown. Uff 40c. hen*. eja7sc; noietera, 40floc, ducks S(V.M&C, gecec, TScffJl IA, LOGS- Sbudy at l*c. BUTTER—TiIe tone of tha market I, firm, yiartallone Western creamery, IM9 Slip. New York Mile dairy, Dq.'.V extra Elgin#. r.fi2c. CHEESE Market Him; fancy full .ream • heeee, ljt,r for 10 to 33-pound average, 35,30-pound average, 11c. Early Vegelaklet. IRISH POTATOES- Northern. J2UO •ack I'ABDADE-Mlfc per haad. ONIONS- Yellow. In barrels, (3 00, crater, kk : red II WVfE: 00 Hrcadetutle, llay red Grain. FI/M’K Market steady: ialent. 34 30. rtraighi. I! Hu. fancy. H7f; family. |3 W> MEAL—Pearl. |>r barrel. IJ 7" |ier sack. II 75. city meal tier ea. k. hotted, ft !54f> ins. water ground. 11 iP. city grlte. rack#, tl JO. (earl grit#, lludniMs, per har lel, 12 75; p.-r a< k. I 35; sundry brantle, 1 Tl'jtfl sack CORN- Marker firm, white. Job lots, 63c. rat load lot, 63c; mHcd corn. Job lot* If carload lota, 69c. RICE— Market aiendy. demand good, fancy head. 6c: fancy, 6'Ac. P'lrne i Good 4 ACM it Fair 4 C4H Common OATH No : mixed, carload. ISA' ; Job lote. 35y36c, while clipped. <ara. 37c; Job. !Oc. BRAN—Job lots, 95c; carload lots, 900. HAY-Market steady; No. I timothy, 93Ac Job: *7A cars; No 3.45 c Job. *2A cars, hugar nud t offee. SUGAR— Cut loaf 6-34 , Diamond A 5M Crushed 634 j Conf.a-Iknirrs A 5.79 Powdered 6.09 | White Extra C.. 5.49 XXXX. pow'd. 6.14 Extra C g, Granulated .... 6*9 iGolden C s. 14 Cube# 614 Yellows 6.01 Mould A 6.30 | COFEEB- Mocha 36c | Prime No. f*...JI e Java 34c | G.od No. 4 ...JOSge Peaberrv 14 e Fair. No 6 ..10A- Fancy No 1 .11 r|Orllrarv. No 4.10 e Choice No 3 llAc Common No T. #Ac ■l.rdnan and Hutdlug Rugptte, LI ML. CAI/CIUM, PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lima tn fair dername and eel* at 65 cents a barrel; special calcined piaster, tl 00 per barrel, hale, 4i/e" Itoeedale cement. tl.hktfl •; carloed lota, special. Dor land cement, re let: 63 35 carload lota U '>qrt 10 LUMBER P O. B VBSMELh SAVAN NAH Minimum, yerd a#.. 6lo9otfUoD; ear stile. 113.50011 Oi. dlffb ult slsrs. 114 00 6/1600; ship stock. 114 'w)Rf H 00. sann Has, tk'OifXib. hewn Hex. 554 %■. OIL-Market needy; demand fair; elg. nal, llAikOc. Weet Virginia black Sffllc: lard. Me. neaiufoot, Oq/Jo . machinery. It . Ilnetrd oil, raw. 86c; boiled. 6c; kerosene, prime while. 13 . water while. 13"i Pratt s astral. 14: deodorlxed e<ove gasoline, drums. UV*c; empty oti harrekr, delivered, tie. SHOT Drop. It 80: B. B and large, ti n* chilled 3175. IRON Market very eteadv; Swede, NAIIJt—Cut. 6360 base. wire. 63 69 baas IIAKbED WIRE 63 M per IJO pounds straight goods. 316430 c, sugar l.ousa m least". 154f3V GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin rrecfc shot RoO; half kage. (2 3S. quarter k-ge. 61 35; champion ducking, quarter ksga. 63 26; Dupont and Haxara smokelsss. half keg#. 611.65; quarter kegs, 65 75; l-pevind canisters. 61 00; leas 35 nor cent : Troiadorf smokeless powder, t-pound cans. I! 09. im pound cane the pound. Salt, Hides and Wool. BALT-Daraano is fair and the marks! steady, caeiosd lots. 100 pound hurlao sacks. 64c; 190-poumJ cotton sack, 4te| UO-pound burlap sacks, 46Af’. lib pound cotton sacks. 4*tsc: Z& pound nurLpasck*. 66c 136-pound cotton sack, 65c. 390 pound burlap sacks. 66c. HlDES—Market 6rm: dry flint, 13Ite; dry suit, llAc; gresn salted, to WOOL-Notnlnat; prime Georgia, free of sand burrs and bla< k wool, 19c. black. 19c; burry. 10c. Wax. Hr. tallow, 666 c. Deer sklnx. 60c. •"rolls and Nuts. AITLES-Northern variety, 62 2603 60 PRUNES—4Os to 60s. Me; 60s to 60s, 6Ac. 60s to 70s, 7c, 70s to Pa, 6Ac, 60s to Wa, 4c. lJs to 100s. 5Ac BANANAS—6I 2503.00 bunch. LEMONS—Market steady at 63 76®3 00 COCOA NUTS-63.7504.00 per 100 PEANUTS—AmpIe stock, fair demand, market firm. fancy hand-nicked. Virginia, per pound. 4A; hand-pleked. Virginia, ex tras. 4c, N C ssed paanuts. 4c NUTS—Almonds, Tarragons. Ite; Tvtcaa. 16c: wslmits, French. 12c. Naples. Ilo; pa cans, 12c; Rrsxlls. 13c. fllberta. 13c; sssort sd nut# It. -pound and 26-pound boxss, 11c. Caftan bagging and Tics. BAGGING—Market firm; Juts. 214* rfund. A' large lots. 9Asmall Iota; pound. 6Mj9c; lA-Pouod. U'SAc. sag Island bagging. 12Ac. TIES S.nnusnl, 46-poond, arrow, large lots, L tv, small tola, |UK llacnn. Hams suil I ard, BACON Mark*-! Arm; I> 8 C It sides 1 (V. P. H hrlllcs. IV (Eastern), ar i lording hi average at*.-, D H hi’l Ilea, KV ; (Wcsierni. inadid C. R side#, 6V IIAMS Sugar cured. L'L 1. 1 I.ARD Pure, In tierce#, hV. In 60 pound tins and 60-pound tubs. K’y. , comiaoutul In tierce#. tA( . .<> isuiiid tins, end 86-pound tub#. 4%c lined end Kvapuraled Fruits. APPLES- Eva pore led. i uTV,, . suu-dtled, 6A6)Oc. APRICOIW--Evaporated. 10c pound, osctgrlns*. 10c RAISINS L 1,. P 10, Imperial cabinets, 63 75. loose. 60-pound boxes, 4#4" pound PHAt'fIES -Ev .iporsled. |waled. 17Ac. unpesled. I’I.AHsL-Evaporated. Pi#. Mist •OI.LANCOI’S, FISH-Mackerel. half-barrels, No. 1, 66. W; No 3. 87 m. No 8. 65 75; kbit. No I. 11 21. No 2. (MO. Na 3. 55. i |MHifi| btlrki* (V9('. 2-piMifiil brtclUl, •♦' HrnsiktT) lirrniix* Pr UK. 17&1B’ Outctt in kv||i'. $1 10, nv* inuilufl*, hif- ImrrHs, S3 75 BTRITP N1 rko*l qult G*nrxl ciml FlortiKi nyrup. kiuyinx at 2M1300, relllni; mt 32!!(&c. uk *r hou hi 10^f15c lIONBY F*lr •lHniri<l, stniinec). In bar rol*. (Myftft o KHilnn. lilKh win** |l 27 OCCAM FHKIUHTR. COTTON Baviniwh lo p^r rwt . 25*', lo York i*+r wt , 99c; io Ptnlo<lGphln. |rr 11. Halllmore, S1 FOREIGN lIRECT Ilr*m#n. HV; Llv crpuol. 40r. IlnmNirx. ~; Omo*. <Wr Kort'tlonn. fim , Mwii'iicpler, 6<v-. Havre, . 50r . Ani’M’|, FOREIGN INI>IRP>"T Wrek nI nom irnil I.iyi|*>-.| 55'. Miirhc*tcr, Humburx s*r; 11/ivr. 73*; Ge noa. (9r; Rhvhl nmi H. !%ter*burff, 7uc; Antwerp. LUMBER Hy Pan Freight* tlull; to Laiilmorg aivl ni*u ini, $l bo In K <ju |ter M . InrliKllni Uortiand. Ll’MilKK fly Htcam Havxinrmh to Ba • tlmora. 00. to I* R R or H A O dock a. (6 SO. to Fhlladclphla. 14Hc. par i'*t . (4 pounda to fool); to N**w York. MW par M. t? 25 to dork; lightered to Ifotlon tn dork, f* NAVAL BTORBB Tho market i* firm; tmdiuen ill* voaarla ll*aun—<’ork for order*, In ftd per barrel of (10 |aour>lN. anl 5 p*-r rant prlmax** Hplri*. 4a par 4ft traikm* xrnoN. and 5 per cant prim ax* I-air** vcaacl*. roaln. (m. (>irifa. 4 3d Hicaun. 11c |er 100 pound* on roaln; 21 Vfcr on Hplrif*. .Savannah io (OftM, and cm roaln and !9r on aoirlta lo Naw York 1,11419, I'HOVI*IOA. F.TT, New York Oct 27- Flour Purely steady; winter patent*. 33.7004 00. Minnesota pat ent. 34 0004 35 Ilya flour qulst. Corn meal quiet. Itys dull. Harley quiet. Harpy malt dull. Wheat Spot eaey; No. 2 red. Tfe. Op j tlon* ruled P.trely ateady throughout th* morning with trade prartlrally on a hol iday basis Ixtwer eable*. an absence of I outside orders, further llqtildolion anal | proapret* for Penrith statistic* on Monday, | all contributed to the depression. Closed easy 4ft V net decline; March, so'. May. 9n'V; October. 7&4e; fteeemher. 77c Com—npot steady; No 2. 4fc- Option* dull and easier because of weak cablet, the drop In wrheat, and talk alarm pro# liecttve large recelple. Rallied finally on j covering and eloaad steady at 4c net *d j vaneo to 404 c net decline. May closed j 41V; Oidober. 44V. Itecemher. 41V' [ Oat- Hpot quiet; No 2,254 c. Option* neglected and ea*|er. Iteef ateady; family, 319 50011 90; meet, !39 0009 50. beef ham*. 329100-'! no Cut ; meat* steady, pickled hellle*. 94711 r; do • boulder*. 6'sW64c; do ham*. 9'fS9 t r. laird dull; Western eteamed. 17 3507 49; j October. 37 40 nominal; rellned dull; conti nent, 37 68). Hniith America, 38 26; com \ prmnd 64fif>4e. fork dull; family. •MOOnW.W); hon I clear. 314 25017 90. mess. 13.39013.36 Hutter steady; creamery. 16#224c; etale dairy, 15021 c Cheese steady; large while. lO*301|c: smoll. He. Kgg easy; state aryl Pennsylvania, 31 0!3c; Western, 17019 c, Petroleum dull; refined New York, 17 45; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 37 49, do in hulk. 34.85 HoHri quiet, slralned common to good, 31 47401 66 Turpentine' firm at tt'sfjtfcc Hlce Arm. domestic fair lo extra. 440 64c Coffee—gpot Rio quiet; No 7 Invoice, 84c; mild quiet; Cordova. Affile Future* opened steady with price- 5 lo 10 point* lower and ruled moderately aetlve anti easy under unsatisfactory European ca ble* and heavier receipts at Rio and Ban to* The close was steady with prtrea 6 to 19 points lower; sales, 11.990 hags: No vember, 7 99c; December, 7.100! March. 7 30c; May, 7 00- Bugar. raw quiet; fair reflntng, 44c. centrifugal, 96 test. 44c; molasses sugar IV; refined quiet; standard A. 6 55c; ron fectioner*' A 5.56 c; mold A. *00c; cut loaf. 6 13c; crushed, 6 15c; powdered, 5.86 c: gran ulated. 3.78 c; cube*. 6.90 c. Potatoes quiet; Jersey’*, 11.0901374: New York. 11 280! 924; long Island. 91.50 01 75; Jersey sweets, 31,50*1*90 peanuts steady: fancy handpicked. 440 6c; other domestic. 344 c. Cabbage quiet; I eng Island per 190. 11.69 02 25 Freights dull; cotton hy steam. 170. nrrrtii weed mi.. New York. Oct 27.—Cotton seed oil neg lected and nominal Prime crude Parrels nominal; prime summer yellow. 34 V prompt, off siuunei yellow, U4c- Prlau Plant System of Railways. Train* by fr>th vncrtdl in tiinw^ On# fwMir *lnt r than rtty In eft tit ot i, imi. All friln* ' I* v Savannah iMili Ar tovfinnalv Ikitwrtn I limn .. . Hv itin.ih ' I Of) am • ’' 4tn W -•> or* 10 IS am • 10 irn Jacksonville 12 10 n‘fl •* w pn and Khr da 7 GO pm I flni mi.ah 2 am Ctrl**don lUiin *2 dim to.i K.iat lo pm I’onm-f!Pm* mi I’oit lam|>4 with Ivrv •n*mar ai. lt* I* nt*l hi* m< r i* <vtr£ fvr K*y W*-t and Mv in.* \l.Mily*, ThtirPd.'ijr* lift Hit irdayn Il;u)p ni. fill •! Thket i rtl .s for further info** inatlon .1 II If >l.lll- Ml S T • A . \N MU rteAliK * rv Tl kd !*- Sto Hoi, i Phono 7^ D N l ' l WIIIiNN l .i- v iia r Traffic \l rv • IT* i. Sivannah. t)n. 0$ Sehedulea FfTectlve Sept 1 I*l#. Traina airlve at and depart frtan Central Station Weet Broad, foot at IJlarty etreet *oth Meridian Time Gne hour a lower UM# elty time _i*eava Arrlva Savannah: Sevan oah : i Auguata Ma u. Atlanta.' " 4*am t'ovlngton. klno.lgavllle *. ..yy,, land all Intermaellale polnlsj (Align ta. Moran. Atlanta,l " iAthena. Mimigomary. Co-| > OOpm, Itlrminghnm. Am (•* OOaiM |erlcua. Eufaula and Tray ( *4 o'tun, Dover Ac. ommndaiion r7~uiaaa '3 i"pm Guyion Dinner Tralr dt auam •Dally tl-i* eefit Sunday BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBEB. lath morldton or Sivannah elty time. _ IaEAVE SAVANNAH. Monday only :2i a tn Dull* r leapt Monday a. „ m , a> V I.KAVE TYBEB on,y 7 ** “ Dally eaeep, Monday 10 X a m. Dally tm p m Connection, maul., at terminal pomta with nil traina Northwaat. Weat an 4 "OMihwpii. Sleeping ear* on night train, hatweea Snvannah ami Auguata, Ma.on, Atlanta, and Birmingham. Parlor <ara mi day traina batwaaa Sa. vann.ih. Maenn and Atlanta. ►or . r.niplete Information, a vheduUa. apply to U O HBKWKIt. citv Tlrkat and Paa anger Agrnt, 107 Bull atreat or n,po * Tv ' k< " Arwii J 4 liAll.l o*nrr*l nrmr utnl THEO. D. KI.rNE, Gen Buperint*ndaV hi|. Double Daily Service Th# short line to Norfolk. Wsshlnglo*. BgJilmorc. I'ha.idslptUg. New fork m3 th* turuH T —2 ■ „ 1N044i No 46 Lv Havannah. 8 A L Ky;l2 tipm li~KS Ar folumblsg. A. L. By 4 3ipro 4 S4am aJ Drr‘* o A ’ L Hy 11 npm u “•"* Ar Dunwm. h a L Ry 7 ban. 4 14pm Ar -- ■ l, ‘ r,bU - r - H * 1- Rr 4 11am 4 Upm Ar RJchm.aul S. A. L. 54, g 16. m ( g^, Ar Washington. Pstn,a 8 45am 9 60cm Ar Raltlmor. Rcnna 10 atam 11 Ar Fhlladelphla. Penn* 1137 pm 2 66am Ar Nsw York Pstina 3 u3pm 6 13om I No M , No RT I.v Havannah SAL KyjlJ 66 pm H sgpn, Ar Pwrtamouth. H.A-URy| 7 Ouam| 6 50pm Hteumers le*\# Norfolk dally, sxespi Sunday, for Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York, and dally for Washington. The short line to Montgomery. Mobil# and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7.25 a. m„ arriving at Montgomery 7:66 p m.. at which point close connection Is mad# with the !,. A N. R, R., arriving at Mobil* 6:66 a. m. and Nsw Orleans 7 40 a. m The short lln* to Kentandlna. Jackson ville, Tampa and other Florida point* 1 No. n i kToTT L' Hat aim ,I. HAL Ry ■> Mam 307 pm Ar PcrnsmUnn. H A.L By| 9 35am 6 06pm Ar Jockaonvllle, H A Ullyl 9 10am 7 40pm Ar Tampa. BALRyS 60pm 6 60am Magntflcen* buffet sleeping car service to Washington, Baltimore. Phila delphia and New York; also to Jaokaoa- Vllte and Tampa. Dining cars from Savannah to Ham Ist, and Hlchmond to Nsw York. Buffet parlor cars Savannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply t Tlekst OOlcs. Bull and lJrysn atresia. Phone B 1 t winter yellosr. SdNlc; prims while. Mffgte] prim# meal. 6346/24.50 f hlrase Hoard nf Trade f leaed. Chicago. Oc 27.—There was no Board cf Trad" *eslon to-dav, on account of "Prosperity Day*' parade FISHING TACKLE. JOINTED RODS, REELS, ETC., SEINES, GILL NETS, CAST NETS. A FINK Assortment of Hooks. EDWHRD lOIEUS SONS, 113 KrouKhton St., West. PEHNYfipyAL PILLS I KRU ml .014 N*m ni4 •Uh feta* rtOWr Tall* •• •tk+r. B#Am U U n ( .r... nateUlHllont mmA ImHa. !•■. I, •• ft *t m 4 4f • um larttUw>. Tnrtußlsh ••.1 r * ~ *9 9+ l.r. M.II ll.Mtuu*.. Mt| 21