The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 27, 1900, Page 22, Image 22

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22 MAY BE HEIR TO MILLIONS. *%YA\*Atl FAMILY NAY PROVK K\- TITLED TO ( iUKOIIYI I FORT! YE. ( liil<lrrn of tit* laita* Kdonrd W I'urtf and Their Ilrllrffd H*- Jm I lon ili 11 to llnultpr Mnrptay. of 4 altforntii. \\ ho Hied tntraffalr, l.ravlng Mlll*a*-Mr. I'nrae Wa* the Daughtrr of one *f Three llrotbrrs, \amral Morphy, Who ( umr to *nxannnl I’rom Ireland. Two of 't hem 1.1% rd nml Hied In homnnnh. While the Third %\ent W rat to *rrk and I'lnil flln Fort one. There** a fortune of several mil-ton dol lars out In 4'altfornla, a* yet unclaim**! t>v nblw to * stabllsh a clear tit It ewhich may be the ruhjtui properly of taell-known Savannah |**pl<. Th** • favorite** of fortune ore the hli dren of Ihe late l>it\ur\J it J'urie. And thereby hatifi a tale. Along aliout the >ear IMS there came to Amern* from Ireland three brother*, h the name of Murphy, who al. aettied in Two of them nuic thl city their permanent home, hut the third. In fected with the gold fever of 0. a < roe a the continent and nettled in fall- j form a. For time thtre came octatipnal letters from him. giving • ounts of -** a am." of alien ite good and bad luck. and then the letters r**M*d. In the year* that had parsed one of the brother* remaining In Havanoah had married mi and had several children, but just before the outbreak of th* Civil War Ixdli he and Ids brother dP-d One of hi* dough ter* married a prominent stockmun of j those days, Mr. Foreman. and after his d*-ath married Mi Edward M Burs* Mr i punt* left sewral hildren, among them Mr. Frank K. I'iirae, who are etill real- ■ dent* of Havannah Another daughter of J that one of the three brothers who irtur- j rled. a slater of Mr* Purse. >* now a fit • Ident of Brooklyn, N Y This 1* Ml!** Jo henna Murphy, who ha* Interested herself greatly In the Identification of the (’all ' fornk millionaire, who db-d **v#ral y ur*> ago, with her un le who left BavaiiiMh In •49 For In thi* pronpect of positive tdenfl fl atlou lie* the hope of the fortune Tn* Atr Murphy who wen* to California 1- bctleved to le the millionaire, tud ther • are |idt.itlofin. though i- vet no jxisltlv proof, the- this p i;i fu f Tn* t’.tii forntan died tic- | m <l*ih of * l ink ind leaving property of various* kind* >- . r** •fating In value several millions of dol bar*. Ill* given name w*e the mttne •* i that of the Murphy, who lived for i time in Savannah, md m other re*f*ect“ 1 Ih* descriptions tally. Mi ss Johanna Murphy of Brooklvn. his : •pent some lime in t’alifotaila Investigat ing the case, nnd ha* he coma firmly cm ▼kneed of the validity of her claim, an • t?i r . . •he r*:ate The estate Js now jn the n,tnd °f the prohate court. swotting * claim dnt who can prove hi*- title clear Because of the early death of the brother* who continued to live In Raven mh there w'a* i long !'-***.• tlon of c-*r geapohrtrncf between their survfvl g b\>her in California, m l thel fmi l ! •irre Living in * far-dlst int state, stir | rounder) hv changed and new o rxlitton 4 . I absorbed in the sure* fu4 pursuit of wealth and lnieteted In ,i dozen vneff ’ to uiKlarstand grew out of his life. It may hive been, even, that h# did rot know that either of his brothers left any children or that he had any relatives in thl* country. For* all of those reason* It ha* b n found difficult to supply the mining l.nk* In the chain f f evidence, hut the effort ha not been nt till relinquish *1 8 *rtlr with a moral certainty of ih ju-fi • art.l legality ©f their claim. Mi * Murphy and hl.*s Burse, the latter of Havant ,ih. *r continuing the search for the missing fneta to establish the Identity of th California multl-mllllonalre with the utu* e of one and the grand unci© ••/ the other. It luw been only a few year* since th* Californian'* d*aih and th* effort, whip ft Is diflb tilt, ought not to prove imp • i ble Some of his friends in San Francisco must i*e living avid to some of them h** must have told the ‘■lory of hi* tlon from IrelaiKi and his coming t" Amerl a lie must have recalled stories of hie early life, in w hioh hi* brothers fig tired, and he must have mentlofied Umi these brothers lived and died in Savannah Could the*** old friends of hi* hut be foun i the < lairn could easily he proved NIX TRAM* FROM MBkHTY. Two Troopa Will lie Well Ttrpresrnf eal at flic State I'nlr. The cavalry till it Valdosta day after to-morrow, which I* to be one of the fea tures of the State Fair, will be a nuttier of great Interest to the people of Liberty county. The two cavalry troop* of that county, the Liberty Independent and the liberty Guards, wall be well represented, and It Is safe to say that they will stand well In the tilting and carry off much prize money. Copt. A. Gordon Cassel* of the Liberty pendent Troop and Capt. J. W Hughes of the Lib. riy Guards have work rd up considerable enthusiasm among • heir men, particularly the former, and ! Ihe Independent Troop will have som thirty-five men take th** trip. Capt Hugh* * will take at least t< n men, Inelud Ing Lieut. Hughe* Both Lieut. T. IV Gordon snd Lieut. R. F. Cassel* of the Jnd-per.d-nt Troop will a company their , • command. tk bright Is the prospect for a large at tendance of the cavalry that a street i parade will !>' given in Valdosta vhe day I irf the tilt. The Independent Troop will | carry* twenty-five hors* a from Wulthour- Vllle. whb h place they leave to-morrow morning, anl the fair millionth* have promt** and to topplcm tit that numb* r should it pr* %• ln-uffl ient to mount all the men who go Doth lh‘ ln*h ;e*nleni* and the flunrd assemble at VV u*mrv!!le to-morrow tnornlng. •> that in y will arrive In V.I dota the ds> le for the tilt and have • Ife to pee the Mght of the fair. Th** I fair sex will t*e r* presented, ae five young ladles have received and ac<'epie*l Invita tions t> accompany the teams as sponsor** Airs. A Gordon <'as*la of Savannah wlli chaperon th s[K*nors. Four teams from Ihe independents and •wo from the Guards will content. They will strive for prises that aggregate I The. prize for the first team will t** $ •**, frir Ihe second. s**>. un*l for the third. I2T The t**am j will be of iiv** men each. The ! first Individual prise will lie %Z>, the se*' ond. 110. and the third, V* ft is not known that any other troop* wrl. send teams, so lhai the two Lit* rtv county commands are of all the prize*. There is greater Interest in tiding i among them than any olner cavalry troop It* the Male They will enter the tilt at a ycross on N>v. 9, as w* II a* that Inf V ONI • —— ■ 11. n. \MV.IIHI I,Kill. I-'unrrnl af Noon Tn*dr Fr.w (hr if Hl* rntlirr, Mr. Richard W,yn* Cunnlnirh im yaatarday at hi, home. No. 419 Eaat broad ■treat. Hia atrioua Ulneaa waa of about ehrw week*' duration, but hla health had been poor for nnt, month*. Mr. Cunningham wai about 2* year* of age and leave* a widow. H* wa* wall known in Savannah. The funeral will take placa to-day at noon from the residanca •f hla father CapL H. C. Cunniogham, fc'p, 222 Oaaiuu most, ou Mil. *it C KEMIHIMKTt'* Pt'NBRAU srrvlcea Thl* Aflrrnoen wt flt.Td O’clock From 'llrl*n larncl Tempi**. T>e funeral of the late Moses H Gurk ci hrimer, whose death %va* announced in •hr Morning Nrws yesterday, will tike p are this afternoon at £ >• o’clock from the Temple Mi 'kvn Jsrsei It will f*e largely attended. as the young man was widely known and Itad man? friends Hi* mnnr’iKH -. too. w. re such as lu Interest insny in the ed ceremonies that will mark t * ).,<.gnmenl of all that I* mortal of the young m r *hant to tne earth. Mr. Ouckrnheimer was horn In Pavan nah. I Ik7.' *id wa- %t* r* lore, 2k > .irs ok 1 The ia’ Himon Gtickenhelmrr. w.’io det Mgut m -jithJb ago, was his fattier ll** ..iv • inoiiir. a brother. Mr Al*** B tJu* k* i:*i* imer, at *1 tw* sis ter*. Mi I o|add A tier and Mr* Albert G i t. I ’ir lif . r of Norfolk Vs., who. w,i ar i t o* its. Mrs V. M CSucken ■ rner. of; • V. . will a 1 rive In the lty in tun* f• *r the funeral r ne *l*-...*s‘i wa> Hi** Junior memt*er of •he nrm f c Guck* nheiiner-- ts*n*. lie w is a member of the firm In-fora the d*.aih of hi* father, and ha* always been regarded •* a bright and capable business •nan H * tally, too, Mr. t Su**kcnhemer was a favorite, aid drtnlwe is univers ally regretted Hi i iih w *s due primarily to app*ndl- It;- 'I *ls ft- n o brought <w. petltoft- Itt’*, wh * h was ilirrovnal by Ihe opirat lif it v -i laii* t* be in u v* ry advanced iii* It wa* to peritonitis that t>i. A l< Shnnme n* of the .(■ rating physl- *i Mwrltred the fatal t- rndn it lon. and r t t ihe operation *>r to ipi*endl< j>i Mr \h* h. Gt< k'-nhclmer sabl that every - Ihlig p*e'bl*' had b*en dne for Ills brother, and that r.o more areful *>r In teiltgent * i ratbui could ha.s been per formed The fvdknwlng gentlemen will act sa *i*h ers nt lie .--vi > a the temp e Messrs II I# went ha I loubs K Grauss. \V. F > 1 ! * JtirUt im ami Arthur \V Sand unon T - pallt. ir*r-* wl.l be Messrs .1 It ninsteln Mix Alexander. Julian H. Ifexter. A dol pi Sundlnnur. M*rd lly r* * Jr. Jacob I and. tj Kayion. *arl f Herman, k.dwln Frank and Alfred l’snll ’Hie Intern nt will is- in Laurel VTOMYI MOV IAO THIS WAV. Iteptirted oft ihe Ilia tin hi*• a l.t Mglil ••ml I'. %p‘<*f eat Here To-alaay. That a northeast s’orm ms y to* ex |*e, t‘*i on the roa>t u* day w i* the In for million r l to fite weather bureau from Wash inn ' t nluht The in* age was sent about 1* .'li ** clock, atul Is a* follows. ‘Northeast norm warning must b* Il*- pla>* and at 9 lit o’clock, at Jacksonville. Savannah, t’hmrleston an*l Wllrnlngtcai • here !■* a tropical disturbance over the Bahamas moving slowly northwest wank M inds will be dangerous SuiMl.iy on the South Atlantic ccaat from Wilmington “•itlur ard.** I.arlb r In the day. at 2 40 o'clock an ad \ isory w tri.lng ha 1 been sent out to the effect that there wa* a disturbance cen tral north of t üba, and moving northwest au-lt c wind* from the north and north *4*t that wa re likely to In- dangerous to •mall \ *1 along th* Florida and South Atlantic coasts. The tic in temixrature yesterday was 70 d*gree :-lx ihovr n**rmil. thua giving to the month nn accumulated excess of tem perature *.f 13f> degrees. anl to the year un ex ess *f 1.’9 degrees. owing to the lack of rain In the lust few days the accumulated excess of the rainfall for I\h* month has been reduced to an excess of 2 61 Inches, and the short ige fr the year Increased to R Inches The excess In temperature for October I***** was only 23 degrees. The *ate for* ost for to-4ay I* rain To morrow 11 Is predicted will le fair In the west with occasional rains the east lortkm Fr**sh to brisk northeast winds, P * slbiy be* ml. g dangerous on the coast may l*e expect*at. iiirvt'MNT H%ni*Y Brjyin). Waa •track by s W anon Yesterday aiaid Uuatulued s llrken Mlb. Mr T W Hall was seriously Injured yesterday morning He was riding a blcy la on Pray ton going south When near Congress street he was run Into by a w.v g u driven by white man going In the pp<dte direction and. according to Mr Hall's story, on the wrong able of the street. The end of the shaft struck Mr. Hall In he el l** breaking on, ‘ rib nd giving him together with the fall that he sustained, a number of most painful hniisea He was iildc. however, to Tele to the ofTb e of Dr. (j W If* riot where h© bad his Injuries *: t • tided to The non who drove the wagon did not stop to see what damage had been done nnl a* ho la unknown he has not been ar rested. KI ANlieil TUN HR ( IMHIMTF.I. Military Hoard tlud OlDccra-F.lect Appear Before It. The military examining board tested the know I* *Le last night of three candidates for commissions in the Georgia Utate Troop* Tli re wc c to lave Ben four b fore the board but the fourth, Mr. Junes K Clark*. Jr., of Darien, who has I*. -n appolnteal adjutant of the Sc ond Battalion. First Cavalry. hu gone to F.u- Vx>|m* on a visit. - Tho >• who a|ipt*ml Inform tho honnl w.-r.' Mr Abram Mlnlf. nn lnl.<t tjunr ti rniaatrr nii.l rapinln In tlio l ,, tt*l t .iv ;ilry. Mr. H)> lit von Howl. rVrto.l oeoon.l llontonnnt lit <'onptßy f of tho Havannah \'olunl,‘or tiiiar.ln. nn,l Mr. John A Hut ton .l. rti..l lU' Otid llrutrnant In t:omi>any A of tho Oimdli ■ I I*o itt.iiit tiititTi tut < iiive. Mitnrtl for Inulhrr linn'. Ilpllrrr,l l.rtt.r n,l 'look It* Dtntrnl*. John Jon<*. colored, urroruvl nlhl bo fort* la*l At tht* ro]<n > it of John f’owlln. al-o tolorrd, who cltnrsrd turn wllh hv- InK (orir* *1 li(* tlamr lo a rrKl-lry r< < - rl(>l it. I tpplylnx ttir amount of tho rn. lon,un*. ft lo his own u*t, w;ia rommlttnl to Jail yf.itrnhy on a warrant sworn out Iw-f.irr t'nltrd rttatra ro*nmlalonr J. bh-rl l.rwla. Tt)* prison-r admtta lha charfii* Hr will hr- Klvt-n a preliminary hrarlna 10-morrow afternoon. HIUIITIUTK KI.INK TO IlKMti*. A Humor Thai Una liren farrent for Deveral Hay a. A rumor waa current yrslrrday to Ihe effect that Mr. Charles D. Kiln*, maglr traie of H e Third Militia district, had re- Mifned. Mr K.ln- w.i* out of th* city anrl tou‘,l not be *<-<'n. but an officer of hlr i-ouri elated that there waa no truth In the tumor Humored Itrimnln* at Thunderbolt. There tv as a report In the city late la*t nlitht that two youn* men had been drowned yesterday afternoon at Thun derboll. Tnetr namea are not known, nor I* It known whether they were whMe or colored a* the rumor could not ba veri fied So report of such en accident bad been made lo sither the police or the coroner up to an early hour tola morn lo*. _ Wr Bay Old Gold At Its full value—for oaab or tn exrhan*t JU * pwvtiasta. fiterfiber* A Co.— THE MORNING NEWS: STNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1900. LARGEST IN ITS HISTORY. i OWKITIOI OF GKORGIA HlVhlO), DAIGHTCH** OF rONFNRIRR Al I.— I.raa Than n Third of flic Chapters • lave Been Heard From aad Year ly Misty Delegate* Have Xtiniflnl Inlrntion of i omlng—Thrrr Will I rrlalnl? lie a llamdre*! I• leu• *'*■ • n Attend* ure and l*rbably Morr. Other*. .Not Delegnle*, Will € *nae .%raaluoa tn Ite In llfM|t>et Hall of Ite Xnfo—lleceiillnn on Wednesday hvenlnd-Ktruralnii to Tybee. Th* tnnudi < of the Georgia Division of Daughters of th* Confe-leracy. that will be held in Savannah on Nov 7. 8 and 9. wl.l he m<re largely attended than any previous convention in th* his tory of th* division. Less than a third of the chapters have been h*rd from ami already the del* gt* number nearly sixty It Is confidently expected that th* at t r.* lance will r *ch a hundred delegate* ..lid believed that It will be’fsr more. Be. sides the delegates there will be a numb r of other visitors to the city, who wlil he drawn her* by the fact that the conven tion will be in progress Mrs Margaret Branch Rest on. president of ihe Savannah chapter and chairman of th* executive committee, reached th* city on Friday and a* timed at once Immediate direction of the preparations in progress for the reception ai*d entertainment, of thooe who ire to be the clwipier's guests Mr* Sexton said last night that sit* found ail the committees w->rkif*g most cheer fully and faithfully and well ami that the programme of entertainment had been practically mapped out. Sessions of the convention will be held In the banquet hall of the Dr Soto, on Wednesday morning and afternoon, Thursday morning and afternoon ami Fri day morning. Th* convention will 1 journ on Friday morning sine die The morning sessions w.ll begin at 10 o'clock and Inst until * and the afternoon se*- probably, at S:3) and laM until J It Is expected that n reception to the delegates will b* given on Wednesday evening, though th* date for this function has n* been determined U|*on ahsoitu* ly. At this reception. Mrs. K*lward D. Wel. wife of the Broteatant F.pis opal Bishop of Florida who i* ha presklent *f Geneva) Confederation *f l>aughtcrs f the Confederacy, • cd hv Mrs. Ilallie Alexander Itounsavllle, pr*s4d*nt of th* Georgia division and the presidents of lh” South Carolina, Alabama, Florida and TANARUS finesse#* divisions. >n * :*• they attend tho convontlon. will r*ceive. Invitations hv* been sent to all of these officers, os well as to th* officers of the general con federation. of the latter it la known that Mrs J Jefferson Thom.*# of Atlanta, who is the treasurer, will he in Savannah during the lime the convention sin progress. It ie expected that other* will 't*n.l though their deffnl.e a-* cptancea of the imitation* s-ent them have not yet been received. i #ii Thursday evening the Children of th (’•mfederacy will entertain the delegates to the convention The Winnie Davis Chapter of Savannah, is the largest in the South, and. under the direction f Mia* Aiidl“ Barnard ami Mh>i* Nina Bat***, the dire*'tre*s and as***tant dlrectresa, re spectlvely. has hie\*#l a *legree of suc cess that has made m and it* work of great Interest Th* entertainment by the children will be given in Guards' Hall There will be sn address of wel come to th* Daughter* by one of th* chi Wren, followed by the pinging of 'Maryland.** “The Bonny* Blue Flag." 'Dixie" nd other Confederate *|r* Miss Barnard will al-. **uhmlt her report upon the work that has been a vompllehed. Following the -xcr<-lses by th* children there will he addresses by Htate School Commissioner <; It. Glenn and Dr. J. L. M Currv, the laltei In luarge of the dis tribution Of the Peabody fund ill the South. Dr. Curry Is a graceful and elo quent speaker and his address will la* one of the feature* of the convention. Friday afternoon ther* is to le an ex cursion to Tyb*e and sn oyster roast a; th* <i*t!.am Artillery Club House, on the Inlet. This will •*■ the con-1 tiding feature of th* programme of entertainment, anti ti Is probable thru most of the delegates will get away on th** trains leaving Sa vann.ih Fii*lay night, though some of them will doubtless prolong their visit to the city tor several days. some specailatlon ns to who will ie elected the • xt president of the divis ion. Mrs. Kouneuvllle, the present provi dent. has held the office for thr*e years and It Is understood will not accept v fourth term Indeed. Mrs Rounsavlll* ac cepted the office nt the Athens conven tion. h*i*l last >car, only because tho work for the erection of the Winnie Davl Memorial Dormitory. ** the Stale Normal College, had not been ron''ii<lbd This project was conceived by her snd under her direction haa hern crowned with su*c**aftil conaummatb n llnd It been concluded last year, would not then have accepted the office of skate president for nnotner term If Is not known who will he her sticceaoor. nor does It seem that there nr* my promi nent candidates yet In th* fl* Id There will !•* • meeting of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy on Tuesday after noon. which the programme for the t'tmvenlton will f** !*• *ldetl upon final y. While there may I>* sow* minor ehangea It Is not thought that In essentials it will be different from that outlined above \l| Indication* potnßto a c*nventkm success ful abo vs any In the history of tbs di vision. Gt’KSTt* OF THK 'K ABO ARD. Piarfr off V I min In vas Fntertalaaed h? t o*nl Repreaenffatlves. A pleasant day waa spent by the gentle men from Richmond and Ihiltim >re who were here yesterday as gue*t of the S* u hoard Air Line. They arrived early In the morning by that route, ana! were met at th* depot lifer by representative* of the Seaboard nnd driven over the city. An Inspection of th* Seaboard terminals on Hutchinson's island was Included in the day's programme, the visit ora crossing the river In the company's steam Ituch and taken a run up and down the stream They were dcllgtM with all they w r shown. They were also driven to the h’a vanruah Yacht Club and Other toms of Interest In or near the city. The party l#*/t last night for the North. Mr Jangburn* M. Williams 'f Rich mond. of lire firm of John L. Williams A Hons, bankers, and a brotlter of l*reldent John Hkelton Williams of th Hoilioarl. wa * at ihe head of the party, and th • other member* were Merer R A Lan caster. Jr.. W M. !#u k*‘. Colman Worth* am. R. W Maury. K. V Williams. J. W. Rothert. Charles I#. Htrlngfel ow. Jr. F. \\ Noltlng. Joneph B Hr.ishy of Rich mond and Ne son Atrother of th ou Huperinu ndent t 'e*i| Gsbhett. Agent jt\ C Martin. Mr W V. Davis **h Mr Wil liam Butk'r. Jr. representing the H*s board, showed emit* l * to tt guests *lur ing their stay. A torpid liver made active, a bad head ache relieved by using Saratoga Aron dack Water. All you can drink for b esnts at Solompns' drug stole. Bull and Chsrlton strseta -ad My Ladlea* Shoes. My fall stock of ladles* stylish shoes hs Just arrived They sre th* pink of per lection. If you ars stylish, you wear them Glad for you to sea A. 0. Klofeols, J Urbilghloik west.—a 4 FROM I'fiKFII TO PHlftOff. fill? Hill Iwaitintc sheriff nrfir'a .%rrlfil In \rn Tirana. Hhenff who left Bavannah right i*fore ! •-♦ for N* w Orlcana to bring h. * (' Clifford Hill, In* absconding k*i'pr of I Orov f fvcnatary, proba bly r' -n’hH that o‘t* la*t nigh’ Sheriff Hweemy will probably t ike a day or two • n |ffi ihe t .w*n before r*t'irntng w>th Hill. Tha Nrw Orleans Time- iMwmocrat of Fri day pub!i>m** tin aU-'l picture of lItII. together with the fo.: wing account of hin < rime and arre*t "CllfTor I H U, a wi lower and th* father of thr<* ihildrt-n, is w j.ri r*r at Ontrai I*oljheadquarter on oharffr of being + f ugl’lv#* from Justice from Savannah, whrif ho m wanted to iniwar a charge of ••ti zxiing s!.tiuo belong!ng to the c ity of S. v amah. Hill wai captured yesterday morning * Gtrod ind Caron'talei streets by De t* * 11v♦* Kerwin and L ttb uai and tt wai hawed upon a telegram from Chief Thomm K<*r< ven of Havanixih. Hill was the keepea of laurel Grove Cemetery in Savannah, lie had rhaip- of the <’<>||e<‘i|on of the funds of the burial certificate*. These funds had to •nounird for monthly. Hill failed to make these return* He lo*-t i he money pioving i*>ker. "As keeper of tti• cemetery. Hill bad a house free of charge and a salary of U.Ofti a year but his wages went with . rd*. and then ha ul tha money !*•- longing to the city. He rover and up hi* ti i k; a* long a* e could, bit the day of rekonlng finally cam*- and when he • ould rot d*'*|ver the money due io th* M> he abandoned hh thre* little chil dren and hiH friend* of a lifetime and trb*l to week aafety from juatlca by night. Ho he came to New Orleans, where he was • •jcnparaltiely #fe until yesterday Hut the leuta hounds of the law hunted him down, and he now o cupt**a a steel rage, a *> lf-confi*xrd embezzler, as his wuti'i quevit statement wl 1 .-how. ' In lila call he seemed to be a young man with aKrr~ul., manners and | aas ant address A*- the reporter visited him he v\.i asking fo. a sandwich and a< up of coffee “ I don't want to talk much nl>out this." he add, 'for I have promised to go bark to Savannah without requisition papers as *>n as an officer arrives J would go back alone. If they would let me l have nothing to lear. I believe that 1 can arrange the iffulr by paying up.* "It Is claimed that you are abort $l,OOO of Ha\annah s money v\hl h you lost pl iMng isdcer,*' wsld the reporter "I am short, at I I !*• t It playing poker, but It can't he u y w.ich amount aw fl.ouu Tlmt Is Impossible I bad to make my re turn* the list two months. 1 can't tll what the amount is The last loaa I made was at i*ok r. 1 w.i deep In debt and made my trouble* known to *miH of my friends. I toll them I was going o New or.e in* Idl l not run awa\ I came here to get work I Imve regular ly corresponded with the** friends, and they know 1 arn here I have secured a position In this city, ani was going to work Nov 1 This trouble will cause me to lose rry position •• PA It F VIS WIN, MEI7T. \\ 111 Vileii tfirrnoon Schools of I,yon's Hull Wednesday Machf. A mating of cilia* ra and parents Inter ested in the afternoon school system a it now exists In Savannah will be? held next Wednesday night at ► 30 o'clock on the third floor of Lyon's Hall at Brough lon ami Whitaker streets, when views and idea* looking to an Improvement of con ditions will lo All Interested are invited by those signing the call to attend the meeting The signers are Dr. L A Faillgant. Messrs J C Posted. K A Hutton. John K Frlzsell, E B. Den ton. Robert Green. T. F. Keck and J II gulnt faii.f.u to iiimnnr him. \rgro Tlkmiklil f> He ( iimlnefnr l.nt f tin ore's Murderer lleleased. Henry Howard, the negro held at the Barracks for the last several days thought to ba Will Fr>e, wanted for the murder f Conductor 1L M. laittimore, wns re le.ised yesterday # Officer Dan Kiley of Magistrate Wick ham's court, who tr.alc the arrest, mail** • very effot t possible to gi*t some of the Southern Hallway employes that might l*e ab ♦ to Identify the negro, to come to the city, but hi efforts were without a\ all. FAVOHITF. OIMHDATE. He titanils Excellent Jlliiut of llelng llr-IHerted. Interest in the presidential election In creases as the time for It approaches. Few have delayed to this day the decision as to who they will vote for. They have doubtless made up their minds IM to which candidate they will support In both national and con gressional elections. While there may be H*mo who are still undecided. It Is pretty rrtatn a'l ae dc<ddc<) to trade with lx>- gan What he furnishes Is equal to the lest In the land. Hie stall Is the rendeg. vous for buyers for i: home*. He |* not out f**r political office but for trade b* Is a standing and favored candidate, ad. lni|Mrtcd Milliicr , Sale. To-morrow the finest imported mllllnrrv ever brought io Savannah will be placed on sale at (he following prl es at lvrous koflf'e: Imported poppy ro*e. used for crowns. J! fv others a k 11.50. Imimrred foliage all shades and tints. P and 73 •. others n-k $1 25. Import'd chiffon and gl.t novelty ribbon. 45c yard: others nk $lOO. Imported >quln tet fish s ale trimming. !U*c; others ok $1 .*•. Imported on aments atul buckles, 73<* each; otherf ask $2.00. Imported French ianne velvet, SI.W yard, others ask $2 .'*> Imported French felt shapes, all colors. $1.23, others ask $2.00. Imported French felt wuiklcg hats, fin e-t made, lid**, others ask $3.50 grebe breasts, finesi made. 73*-; otheis ask $2.00. Imported phe isant breasts, finest made, other* ask $2 ©u. Imported novelty fancy feathers, finest made. . others ask $1.50. Imported novelty felt and chenille bon net*. JdK-; other* n*k $2 .'io. ad. Krouskoff's. the Milliners. S|irr Cemln|*4'o|er A t 0.. All Aexx Mon*trr It. It. *ihow. The tour of these show's have met with most gratifying results. Corn* r A Cos. are modern showmen with modern Idea* and are justly called the exponents of the new school of American showmen. They have organized a company of circus perform er* of unrivaled lalen* who for two hours •> upy th* two big ring* simultaneously, feats of strength, trials of speed, and dar ings acts, by both man and beast are cun -tai.tly going on They will give two per formance* commencing Wednesday, net 31. for three day*, to be augment**! by a itreet parade at the usual hour —ad. Pattern Hat Sale. Kentmbar. when you buy a KrouskofT hat you get styls. quality and lowness of prlca comh'ned. No houss in ths South, much less Savannah, gl- t* values such as they do. For this weak troclal values In trimmed hat*, at $5 00. ssoo. $lO 00. $12.00 and $14.95 These goods are chic Parisian bleat, and ladles looking for correct style# can only get them ox Krouakoff a. tha 4UUaeTa.—ad, * GOLF DREW MANY PLAYERS. LIVK9 HBF l.o*T 30*12 OF LAST leiHOX ff ENTIII SlAirrs, In a tractor n. C. Aten art. Who Will Aftaln fie In t'lanrn* This %eaann, Hn Accompli*la**d Mach With the Casrse—Those Who Played leatrr •lny Afternoon I'ounil It tar*nfl% liiipr<nrd—t lull I* (ironing In SI can tar rnlilp— Ma-mber* \% 111 Play for Pa*ltlon* the l.l*t—-They Will Alt Strive for Poaltltin* on flic ( lull Tram. The golf links draw prol<ably the larg est crowd yesterday afternoon that they have known wince last spring. Nearly all of the player* who were a.vay for th summer hav* returned, and their lniere t In the gum* is unjbaled. More (than that. It has Increased, as Indulgence in the {Mistime during iher vacation* at summer resorts served to render them mote <om pleteiy enraptured with It than ever. Mr D. C. Stewart, who acted as In st nn tor for th* club lost winter, was found at th* club house by ih* visitors He has been engaged to instruct the mem bers for another reason, and th commit, te* a action Is very eatl factory to all, a* Mr Si* wart waa popular wllh the players. During th* few days he has been In Sa vannah Mr. Stewart ha* directed th* la bor* of (he men at work on the links and has achieved signal results. Th* course has been almost completely cleared of grass, and is now In better condition than ever. The cutting of the grat-s from time to don* has caused It to grow nicely, and liter* is now a fine sod where tlw? growth waa formerly but v*ry sparse. Playing wlil Ik* more satisfactory this season than last because of th* Improvement In the links. Titos* who direct the affairs of the club are looking for a general spread of inter *•• In th*- game this season. The mem lienhlp. already large, will he built up. A number of additions have already been re ceived. and it is ajxp.ied that many more will Join. Those who begun to play th* gntne last season for th- first time were well nullified with it. finding It fully as fascinating as It had been described to those who had already tasted of its pleas ures. Th* representations of those won to gold by last s* ison's experiences art serving to attract neophytes. Within th** next few *li\ members will begin playing for ila*ct on the dub roll Their it im*-t w ill Ik* jammed tn th** order ■if their j ores Another honor tltnn that o* wppearing high up upon tin* list, will be th t of th* club team #f a-ix which if* s*fon to I** chosen. Trim (*aptin 11 n rj Biun. Jr., will choo**- those who w.:i play. It is expected that the teim w.ll meet other* from Darien. Jacksonville. Macon and Augusta aluring the season, either on the Savannah or other links. The weekly tournaments that proveal 'o f*opular last season will again b* In ev - ‘lence The 'imnl4’*e has not decided Just when they will be lnaugurat#**!. Sul:- üble prizes will be offered, and the tnur naments will k>ubtleas l*e contested with nil the Interest that the players were wont to *li-pinv. * A i nrd. Editor Morning New*: D**r Sir It has come to rny noti e that report* hove h*e.r circulated In this community that I have made threats of vengeance agunit the slayer of my son I desire through your eolumns publicly to deny such and to state that I have made no threats Th* report is absolutely false. Th* circulation of Just au cn rurr.o •loubtles* w is the * a use of the kill ng of my son Very reaped fully, !*em Davis. Bavannoh. Oct 27. i!mo —ad Tlionneaeua Arl *(ore, OppOMlte |*ot office. Avery fine selection *f framed pictures Just In, at very moderate price. You ought to nee them id i 4 bit* French Hats. At Krouskoff's the ew<dl Paul Jones and otonial turban*. In all colors, trimrne J nnd untr mrmd. French f-li colonial tur- Isans and the Paul Jones, $1.13. Special this week .) My Men’s klaoea. My fall stock of men's and boy's shoes ire Just irv They arc beauties. Well made *v|th the btad toe. They will delight you Gla*l to show them to you. A 8 Nichols. 8 Broughton, w* t ad • a l.adles* Tailor Mnde 4 ostnmes. High class ladies’ tailor-made costumes made to order from latest patterns and most #e|e. 4 Mock, by G Fantlnl, merchant tailor.—ad. i Q i 4 If There’* a \\ *alllng Thla Week You haven’t much tlm* left to select the pre*ents at Sternberg A Cos -ad. P. P IV. a wonderful medicine; 1t gives an appetite; it Invigorates *n*l strength ens P. I*. P rures rheumatism an*! a I pains in the side, ba* k anal ahoulderv knee*, hips wrist* and Joints B. P. P. cures syphilis in all its various et ig* s, old ulcers. *or*s and kidney comp alnt P. P. I' cure* catarrah, ecz* m.i erysipelas, oil * kin dlseaoes and mercurial pniriscming. P. I*. B. cure* dy-pcjs-la, chionl** female complaints and broken-down constitution and loss of maidx)**!. I*. B. P.. tn** test blood purifier of the age, ha* made m re permanent cures than till other blood r m elies. Llppman Bros., sole proprietor*, Savannah. ia. -ad. Fifth %xenua % 4 arrlNge Mats. Krouskoff's show the swell id* a* in car riage and street huts. Special sale this w*ek. $7.50; others ask $12.00 for huts not us stylish and made of tdioldy m tterials. u*l. Krouskoff’s, the M.Hitters. Abbott’s East India Com Paint cur*j every (tone; It takes off the corn; n< (tam. cure* wart* and bunions and Is con ed*d to tea wonderful corn cure. Sold by #ll druggist* —ad. It* *afe to Hra> Binmottda. From Sternberg & Cos. They cull them "very close"—-so close that they are willing to redeem them at any tirrw* at cost, less 10 per cent.—ad. M> 4 lillalren'* Ihors, I have r<x*elved the best and prettiest line of children’s shoes to he found In Sa vannah. They sre open for Inspection now You isn't beat them. Glad for you to call. A S Nii hole. 6 Broughton, w est, a i t*. I nntlnl. Mereliwni Tnllaar. High class ladle*’ tailor-made costumes, mad* to order Lorn the latest pattern* and roost *el*ct wio. k.—ad. \% altri • iMlrtag. Carry your watches to J A C. N. Thomas. Jewelers. 221 Whltsk*r. Repairing don* weh and cheap Lyes tuuj fr*. —ad. $23.00 Pattrra lint*. *l4 o*. To-morrow a few more patterns at $14.9$ Remember, thes* w*re imported for the Krouskoff opening Good many sold ytw terday. A few Ult Cor Monday s sale , t We (an not lilve Yoa the Earth. We 4 an nail Even **ll It *• *ou. We <sn give you sn Idee, whlrh. When carried out. will reuse you to pat yourself on tne b.i k for your good Judgment and cause >*.iir atay ott earth to he pleanant in enjoying the consriousnesa of duty done Did it ever occtic lo you that the li.come of your labor, your salary or prof i*. In husin > e> is the mot valuable thing tn dollars not your family has? No man regr* the Son* of this Income after d* ath. tui hi* dependent family will nerd the salary just th* .*ame. The Idea is : nis Think earnestly for aw hile over the It* -nt situation and the probwble future condition of the *i#*ar ones dependent u(on you for support in event of your old age when you ar** unfitted for profitable work, or after your early death, then figure on about as mu h sound and re* ;4ble Ilf** inMirance. euch as ie writtesi by •he Ma* husetta Mutual Ufe. as will r<* f *r ptur dependent ones In event of your death or old age, then send your Ag** aid address to llarty A Apple, man •ig* r for Gav>rgla, for a specimen of a policy of guaranteed valuta and up-to date features Over two million* of dol- of ineur.ince in this company on the Lves of qtrodrnt men and women of Sa vminah alone. Don’t be foolish; don’t be selfish. You may say that you will take change* and not Insure, but you forge: ail the nan* ea tire l*elng taken by your family. I* Is no trouble to show goods, and we welcome the inteJligent critical eye. Be wise Jn time.—ad. Have lou nn Artist’s Kyrf It 1* not strength, but Art. oHalns the prize, Ard to !•• swift Is less than to be wine; ’Tis more by Art than force of numer ous strokes.” —rope. The greatest hypnotist who ever lived ctjuld not compel the deference to the triumph of Art that Is forced on the most hurrlM or Indifferent passerby by the charming di play of charming goods, ro gracefully grouped In th* pretty show w indows of Bterni>erg A diamond and Jewelry emporium, on Broukhton street In one window the eye Is dazzled snd f isc'lrvated by a brilliant display of dia monds, emt'O lying every conceivable whim of the cunning hand that set them Ittngs. mud*, earring* n*l pendants of new and novel designs, yield backgrounds that show the glorious gems they hold to lerfc' tlon The other window, though le.v- oppressive with great value, presents u u ni|ue and captivating display of the rl h cut glassware for w hDh Hternberg t- not**!, am v*li .is silver objects, equally :riipr* salve by their beauty nnd value n id. verily, the Display in H* entirety • I-arl*. prove* th it tho window decora t**r s hani- %N*r* guide*l by the eye of an artl't 'Ti* little wonder that those in need of hnti l.Mun© nnd valuable arttclfwa In this line, f r Investment, personal use or presentation purpose*, are easily lured by tha outer be a on* to the stlil greater treasures within thin popular establish ment. Hternberg’* windows are the out ward elgti of the trade supremacy that reigns within ad. Thr l.nlral lilrUa. The suor-i-wsful bidder wins n bargain. Two beautiful new Ringer piano*. latent, style*, mahogany canes, upright, will he sold at Dorsett’s at II o'cloi-k. Novem ber the Bth, to the. highest bidder. Then* pianos arc sold regular In music stores at *350 00. f>,ng"r pianos are guaranteed by the manufacturers for the same length of time that all flrst-clas* pianos are. Call and examine these beautiful pianos and bring your expert Judge with you. and you will tie delighted with their tone.guar antee, and their style. They will be sold nt norsetfs. Congress Street, near Whitaker, to the highest bid der. at 11 o'clock. November the *rh. and you will not have a chance In many a day to get ns good bargains as you will at that nurtlon. Th celebrated Knabe, makers of the first grade of pianos extant, buy and sell the Ringer pianos, and so with the leading manufacturers of the I'nlted HtatS*.—ad. At llleke*. The best of everything will be served nt this famous restaurant to-day. Oysters served in every style. Game of all kinds. A menu that will tempt king Cooked by the lender In his art in the South. Re member the place. .Make the hour to suit yourself. Hicks.—ad. Drummer*. II W Tlpplns has opened his hotel ot Msntstai, Ga. Hie Intention Is to cater < s|>- tally to commercial travelers Rill of lare to he unexcelled by any. Clean beds and polite attention Give your baggage to ''liriimmers' Hotel' |*>rter; good teams furnished —sol. stud y While Ton Work, Through one of the ten free scholarships In The International Correspondence Schools of Scranton. Pa., which the Morn ing News will present to you If you secure one of the ten largest numbers of votes by Nov. 20. 1800. you can keep on earning n living at your present work, and at the some lime, by etudy at home In time usually devoted to recreation or reel, fit yourself for a professional position at a good salary. You can easily become one of the win ners of this contest, by devoting your t -11111100 to collecting Voilng Coupons and keeping at It No one has a better chance than you. Get every vote you can, and hove all your friends eave thr lrs for you. Sec the window display of text books and drawing outfit* to be given away by the Morning News in Its educational con. teat, ot Chas. M aks' shoe store. 17 liroughton street, west. Suppose Sexeritl Persons Desire to unite In presenting to some friend or relative, about to wed, or other wise worth of their good will, a suitable gift, what Is simpler or more fitting than a cut-glass set or n chest of sterling sil ver from Rtemberg A Co.'s supetlor stock’ It's a quick solution of what Is usually a problem. nl la rot very expensive, either—for a gift of solid value —ad. ■ ♦ School Supplies. Just received a large and assorted sup ply of school bags and school supplies, all at cul ratrs: from 10 cents up; also, usual large stock of all the school hook-, now used In Chatham county, at Kstlll a News Depot, 46 Bull street, Savannah, Ga.—Sd. “It Cared Me.” “Graybeard broke up rheumatism on me," says Mr. Chaa. Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me In better health than 1 have enjoyed In a long time." Take Graybeard Pill* for that dlxxy feeilng—Lost *i>p*t!t*, and follow It up 1 with n bottle of Graybeard. It la all you [ need. Respess Drug Cos., sol* props.. Savannah. Us ad. A llrlleluu. Smoke. The Herbert Spem-er la an elegant cigar and u truly a delightful enjoyment to | Innate the fumes of tfala fin* tobacco; It Is evbilaratlng and dellcloua rice that (he name of Herbert Spencer la on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none sre genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only ao'.d by the box of (0 Conchas at lilt, and Perlactoe. St.SO SI Ldppman Bros , whole sale druggists. Ha r nerd and CHgrM* streets, of this elty ad. A High-Grade Institution for Ladle*.— Bhonrr College, Rpn, Qa. Writ* for catalogue.—ad ~ ( Footwear Fashion. Our effort to combine durability, comfort and elegance in our line of Shoes has met with great ‘‘success." This season we break our record. “See them.” See our window display. “We Manufacture’ HARNESS and SADDLES of all kinds. Come in and see them made. Congress and Whitaker Sts. LEO FRANK. No better Whee! Values in Savannah Than those We offer. Clevelands Are the Leaders of Wheels. Terms i¥9ade to Suit. WM. & H. H. I.ATTIMORE. ATTRACTIVE PRICES -AT- Headquarters THIS WEEK. A NEW OPEN STOCK ■ II SIS. worth $25; this sale 517.85, Heavy Japanned Bread Boxes, worth 35c, this sale 19c. Heavy Wire Potato Mash ers, worth 10c, while they last 3c each. G. W. ALLEN & CO, Plate nml Itarnaril lllrrfll. DONNELLY DRUG CO^ savannah, ua. DRUGS. SEEDS. ETC. Mall order* solicited. Rail pbon. C 7% P. B.—Send tor free sample I'. * F- Pyspeptla Cur*. ■ AMIAKSEVTI. gAVANMAd THcATart. MONDAT AND TUESDAY. Oct. 3 & 39. Special Matinee Tuesday. Ldebler A C<>.' immense pr.atuetlon of llall Caine's Powerful Play, The Christian. Th* and of the Century a moat remarka ble dramatic triumph. To be presented here with th# tutu complete scenic equipment and special ef fect. employed during Its memorable en gagement last season 50—PEOPLE—*0 2-CARLOADS SCENERY-2 Night Prices—ll.Bo 11 00. 71c. Sftc end Cos. Matinee Price*—* 100, 75c, 60c and Seat* now oo gala,. *-*