The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 27, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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TOP CROP MAY BE HEAVY. rorro* HY ,T wn ” l ' ' r WC.ITHBN WHTII IXMU. Tm no* Have lla<l Grratrr | pN Mir Bringing KrnrwM Llfr— I Oder Mir lurn „ Of Ikr Warmth and Mala ,„rr They Harr Had. Ila Thftughl ,l,r Yield Will Hr Much Urratrr If , r i.l Dttrr Sot Appear llatll Late in |hl . in—Hr. B. A. om and „ r ti. E. Dickinson Dlarnaa Ihr iltiiitictt* r-., .non crop may exceed expectations ■ warm weather of the last trn day* Some three or four ittelt* otto CP • • '* ,h‘ tniperatur* look a deckled drop and r roared about the normal for eeveral .la t inducing the belief that the pteile ■r that there would be practically no ~ , rop of lotton would not tc verltltd very unusually warm days that have r „\.i the latter hulf of 0.-tober ae ex t r .,ordinary. however, have touched the , with the Invigorating warmth nf rummer, and. as there hna bean all thr moll- ore needed, they have respondol gel) ■rouslv. putting forth many n.-w blooira iird giving promise ol a further yield. Home of the cotton men In Savannah have been advised of these conditions l.- H A t Ait is was seen yrste.iday. end „ovKes from hi* rorrewponden a all one lV country, he said, show ihot the „.um-!e f the crop generally agreed upcc s about correct will be considerably , If Hie present weather continues • ante mct with no frost until р, in • ■ season. Though It Is a difficult , „Mr to State with any d.grer of ao- C ITS . : art ulus effect upon the crop would follow should frost hold '(„r -otne weeks. Mr. Cutts said he v , * iaur.l the approximation of In с. ji from iW.OW to 780,000 bales. watlier oondMona have .mtlnue.l extremely favorable up to a rather late ,I.V it'd the |Hants have continued .o #row a„d flourish. Cotton is making, without cessation. Mr. Ottts says, und It wiu .artlntie to do so as long as the weather proven propitious. When frost tin .Hi comes It will catch blooms that nov. appeared, but. If It holds oft long Miouch. bloom* that may now tie seen will have developed lino bulls and the tolls will have burst. Mr <5 E. IMckinson Is another broker, whose views coincided with those of Mr. Cutta. Mr. Dickinson thinks trail. under the Influence of the warm days that have helped the crop so materially of late. an impetus has been gained that will mean n much larger yield than was expected If frost will delay Its appearance utrtll very late In the season. The average date for the appearance of light frost In this section has not vet been reached. It Is Nov. 5. From the htfmldWy and high temperature hut have prevailed lately, one would gucm ttint its appearance this Heaium will be some tipi'* later than Nov. S. The average date for the appearanre of killing frost In till* section Is Nov. 2k by which lime. R Is believed by the gentlemen quoted, a suffi cient interval will have been allowed the plants to produce a heavier top crop than was anticipated. Should the frost not make Itself felt until very late. Mr Dickinson said, a grssit many bolls will have approached maturity, and the frost, when It does • ome, will have the effect of fruition It will hurst the bolls and the cotton may Is picked out Just as though It had re mained closed up until the plant hod reached Its own proper time for having it burst forth. Mr. Cutts does not anticipate any de pression In the price of cotton as a re sult of a heavier top crop than was look ed for. provided It is made. Even with an !r -r ase. he says, the *u|iply will not cx . and the demand. Then- will he no cotton left over, as the consumption will be fully sr great as the production That will mean g od prices He expects a repetition of tlte nfgtory of cutton prices of last win ter and spring The present depression Is attributed try Mr. Putts to a selling pressure In the West. He believes un advance of as much a- u cent Is In prospect as soon as the Western .top has been sold Thre has bin a desire to sell In the West, he rava. ard buyers have taken advantage of t Inst desire, offeilng less and having It aoqepted. In tha Eastern cotton states there has been no such desire, and when the Western crop has lieen disposed of f prevailing price*. the Eastern growers will ho getting higher values for their cotton. A gentleman at the Conon Exchange shewed a representative of the Morning News an Interesting report from a corre rfiondent at Houston, Tex., who declared that the crop conditions In that state were excellent- The cotton Is being rush ed to Houston, but tt Is not reaching that city In such great quantities ns to occa sion trouble or concern, as It Is stopped at various sidings and stations some dis t ,nee from the city, being received only In Installments. Difficulty I* found In get ting shipment from Galveston, though the wharves nnd terminal facilities there are rapidly repaired. The traffic, into the city Is over one bridge Instend of three. formerly. The gentleman's correspondon* satd that • difficulty Is found by the plslttcn \ac In having thor cotton picked. They are paving, he declared, as high ns Sl.2fi a hundred, prices double those that I -■ vail In Georgia, or S2O a bale, as much o i bale would bring on the morket when the product was netting such pitia ble returns. FIRST MM.'UL !■' THR SKAkOV CIiPH tn the Hcmhrro of the V. W. C. ' lit llriiflin |im] of SI. Andrew. Christ ('hurrh Ch-iplir of the Brother ho ■! of Si Andrew gave o delightful !• I*'lmnmcrrt to the member* of the Young M-n Christian Association last night. Alter programme of tons*, rtafllnsi. and r< citation*. refreshment* were served 1 i number of the laities ami the men- Ur* of the Hrotherhooil. Tne programme conslstefl of a quartette ' he choir of Christ Church. Mr*. N H 1 oli-. Mr* Hunter. Mr. Gorman, and SI- <; iv. BeckettMr. Arthur It Klllolt c 1 n rending from Joel Chandler Marrl*. Sfr- rinme xang'a solo, uivl wai followed Mr. (iormait, who sang PlnsutT* -n of the Earth." Ml** Marlon (•• ; r ret Iti and "Jett Her Wny.” and a* 1 m ore. "A Midnight Catantrophy." Sir* Finnic gave another song, und wo* l< - ei| to respond with a recall piece. SI -r c. S. Connerat, Jr., and Mr 1-red >nd playetl n violin duet. "Over inv Wave*." composed by Sir. John S' k in.! next social to the member* will he r i Nov. 3 by the But her League of I* l I.utheran Church of the A*cen*lon. I OOI.EVJ STOKE 111 RNEO. •‘elle vert to Have Item Hohhed and let on fire. Tf- fire on Hutchinson's Ilan<l. report •and i. ycaaerday'a Morning New*, provetj '’ 1 the store of Thom ig Cooley at Ba It I 1,1 v am) Planters' Cut. From the ctr • „ attending the lire. It I* he el the store wn* first robbed and then r and A report to thl* cffei t was m ule *' 'h police barrack*. Mr. Cooley rtl tr'*,r * hi* loss at about *I.OOO. with |n ’Jr"ee of about *3OO. He had conducted v* there for a number of years. ' -'e lire could die plainly seen at 1 o' lock ” , * 1 " morning from the Morning News ' When first ke,. n It was thought r, !l ' lot of freight ear* on the Seaboard ' r Inay's track* were burning, hut It “•<! to be too far away for tbl*. FOR THE FLORAE PARADE. Elks Working to Make It s Bril liant A Bale The Elks are making a strong effort for the floral parade during the carnival. The committee has arranged a line of hand- j some prises. The largest of oourve. will be for the best and most artistic decorat ed vehicles The prlxes will be for arils tic merit only; regardless of horses, or expense of decoration, or any other fea ture than the decorations and their merit from an artistic standpoint There will be three prtxes. first, second and third, and In addition first and second prlxes for the most comical, most original, and best chllJ's and pony turnout. These prizes will bo In cash The committee decided on cash prizes, as In this wny all danger of duplication will be avoided. Speaking of thenovi land beaut If ul efY sets that ran he very reasonably obtained. Di rector Henson said yesterday: “The beat reaulls are with but one or two colorings on each vehicle Thu* we will suppose a carnage decorated In pink and white, the carriage Is first covered with white cheese cloth, and nothing could give better effects than cheese cloth; then the phik flowers are fastened on; fhey are sewed to the covering and Interwoven, so the finest carriage Is not Injured In the least The harness Is covered In the name way The lathes are dressed In pink and while, the leaders In shite dock with pink (leavers, and there you have a dream of beauty. Then follows a rig In pure purple throughout: another, with black horsea, decorated In black-hearted yellow popples, yellow hnnies, ladle* In black and yellow, leaders In Mack dress suits, stlk hags, and yellow flowers: then comes the dainty little phaeton, with spotless white pomes, and tbs entire affair from the canopy over the ladles to the ground In pun white Thus, one follow* The other, all a pletUTe, each a part of the whole, and none that need cost more than lie at the most." The Royal Italian Rand will he here an) in constant attendance at the fair grounds Prof. Tony I’lcllonla. loader or.d manager will soon arrive and arrange the programme* for the Iwo weeks: this, with the Katrman Boston Concert Baud and other musical attraction* engaged Insures plenty of good music Prizes will be offered on bicycle parade*, and any riders who decorate their wheel* will be allowed In the floral pa rut s These parade* will lake place Wednesday. Nov. 7 and Wednesday. Nov. 14. at noon. ItlU r.L ZKMOHA WAXTKO IV fiPAIV. I.ettrr from fonsol tienrrsl at B,r rrlnns tn kaperlnten.l—nt of Police. Police Superintendent Screvan’s service* were Invoked yesterday by a letter from the United States consul general at Bar celona. Spain, to find If posstMe Minus! Zomora. The letter bears the date of Ort 12, and Is as follows: "To the Chief of Police of the City of Savannah, Go. Sir I hove the honor to atate that one Bar tholomew Zemora, who. according to the enclosed certificate of marrtatfe. wo* mar ried In Savannah to one lemla Forrest, tn a Catholic Church of said place. appeared at my office ami requested me to make inquiries In behalf of the where .ilKMits of hts son. Mlftuel Zemora. who was horn In Savannah In the year IB7S, and from whom he has had no news for the past fifteen year* Said person states that he thinks his son live* near the Oulf Railroad wharf, and is desirous of know ing If he Is dead or alive. "Any Information lhat yosi may he able to give him through this consulate gen eral will be appreciated. "1 also request that you will return to this offirie the certificate of marriage 1 am, sir. your obedient servant” (the name of the writer 4s undecipherable). Inclosed with the letter was the mar riage certificate lasue.l from this county by lion John O Ferrlil Nov 2s. 1874. and showing that the roupb- was married on Deo 3 of the same year by la'vl 8. Hart, notary publle and Justice of the peace. Kupt Screven ha* not yrt found any trace of the subject of the letter. H*H I I H.UIGED WITH BTEALIM; *IOO. White Man to lie Tried on the Charge of Assault With Intent to Harder. In the Recorder's Court yesterday Mag gie Burroughs, colored, was tried on the charge of stealing lift' from Mr. John Oreenan of No. 21 Congress street, east She denied the charge, but was remanded to the Superior Court. Robert White, colored, arrested two days ago by Detectives Shea and Murphy ~n the charge of breaking Into end rob bing the office of the Marine Railway on Hutchinson's Island, and whose case had occn continued, was also turned over to the Superior Court. John Jones, colored, charged with hav ing forged the name of John Ponlln *o a registry receipt, was sent back to the lock igi to be held subject to a warrant of the United Slates authorltlew. Thomas Carr, white, arrested the night before for being drunk ami disorderly.and charged further with resisting and strik ing the officer, was fined $' with the yptlon of ten day* In the station houae. The ease of W. yj. Cooper, white, of No. f>22 Anderson street, west, who had !.een placed on the Information docket on the charge of firing his pistol on the street on the night of Oct 22 and. further, with an assault with Intent to murder, having shot at C. A. Pacettl. was contin ued until Tuesday. TRMPOBARY LETTCRI OHASTBO. Mrs. Alice E. Wnlker Will Adminis ter Personal Estate of Mr. Parish. In the Court of Ordinary yesterday Judge Fernll gianted temporary letter* of administration upon the personal es tate of the late George W. Parish to Mr* Alice E Walker, hi* daughter and one of hi* heir* In the peilllon for temporary letter* Mrs Walker shows that the per sonal estate of Mr ParUh amount* .n value to *7.500. Mr Parish left a will but that ha* not been (lied In this will, which was made some years ago. Mr Parish directed that | hi* wife should bo the executor of hi* es tate that In ease of her death or dl- I qualification. Wallace W Fraser should | be executor, ami In the event of Mr Fras et s dlsq nail tit a lion, the executor should be Valmote l>. l-cbey. Since the will wa* made Mr* Parish h* died. Mr. Praaor ha* become mentally incapacitated, and \lr. I.clx-y ha* removed from the Jurtsdlc. tlon of the court I'nder these circumstances temporary letters of administration on the personal I .state were granted to Mr*. Walker, who ■rave bond In the sum of 115.0 m. The will will be filed ond probated at the next term iof the Court of Ordinary, when Mr* i Walker will also apply for permanent let- I ter* of administration * < I A BREST ED H*’ THE POLICt ————— Few Prisoners end hone barged AVlth n gerlon* Crime. There were only a few arrest* at the barrack* up to midnight. Th<*. White, colored, was arrested by Detective Mur |)hy. on the charge of assaulting and cut ting Willi* Grant. Mike Nolan, white, was arrested by Pa. trolmnn Detgnan for being drunk and ! ,fj.,rderlv. The prisoner resitted arrest. I and will have that charge to answer, also, till* morning. j W Dudley, wa* *ent In by P.itro ma a | wall charged with *trik!ng Jacob John | colored The other arreats were of 1 little tnocnent. IHE MOKNING NEWS: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27,1900. New England Women Have an Abiding Faith in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. After years of struggle to attain and merit public confidence, with a Arm and steadfast belief that some day others would rerognixe in us the truth, good faith, and honesty of purpose which we know we posses* what u gut;ti me satisfaction it is to succeed, and to realize the uplifting influence of the merited confidence of a vast army of our fellow bcinpa. Thus stands the Pinkham name in New England, and all over America, and nowhere is the faith iu Lydia E. Pink hum's Vegetable Compound greater than in New England, its home. Merit, and merit ahtue. can gain this. ORGANIC INFLAMMATION. Dear Mbs. Pixkuau : I was tioubled very badly with inflamma tion of the bladder, was sick in bed with it. I had two doctors, but they did me no good. A friend gave me Lydia E. Plnkhnm's Vegetable Com pound, and it helped me. I have now taken three bottles of it. and I am entirely cured. It is a tiod-send to any woman, and I would recommend it to any one suffering as I was. I think, if most, of the women would take more of your medicine instead of Coing to the doctors, they would be ettcr off. The Compound has also cured my husband of kidney trouble.” Mkm Mauki. Oooki.n, Bos 160. Mechanic Falls, Maine. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. “ For two years I suffered from nervous prostration, the result of female weakness. I had leueorrhoea very badly, and at time of menstrua tion would be obliged to go to bed. Also suffered with headaches, pain across back, and in lower part of abdomen. I was so discouraged. I had read of Lydia E- Pinkharn’s Cbm* riund. and concluded to give it a trial. wrote to Mrs. Pinkham. and received • very nice letter in return. I began •t once the use of her Vegetable Com pound and Blood Purifier, and am now feeling splendid. I have no more pain at monthly periods, can do my own work, and have gained ten pounds I would not be without your Vegetable Compound. It is a splendid medicine. I am very thankful for what ithasdone for me ” —Mas .1 W J., 76 Carolina Ave.. Jamaica Plain, Muss. #lf Uydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound will cure these women why not you —you oannot tell until you try it. If you are ill, and really want to get well, commence its use at once, and do not let any drug clerk persuade you That he has something of his own which is better, for that in absurd. Aak him to produce the evidence we do. THEY WANT PAY FOR STREETS. rOLUNDVIM.K. PETITIONERS HKAHII MV Cl TV COI VC IL. f lalmril That thr City H> Sever Acquired Tltlr to Htrrrte Oprarit Tkrrr liy Ihr 111 n< I Company ol Which Mr. J. . Collin* Wn* Prea tdcnt—kcnhoard Company May Hr* rrlrr AmUtNnrr From Flrrmrn Hhrn Irrdril—Senator and Itrprr aentatlvee Requested to Support City’* Mill to Aequlrr l.noil Outside thr Corporate l.toilt*. Thr Commlttrr of Ihr Whole of Council met ye*ter<lay aftrrnoon and spent about an hour listening to a delegatl n of Col linsville property owner* unte th* It ***** for aclileimnt with the city of thdr claim* for street* and lane* opened through land* of the Real Ks tate. Loan ami Building f'ttmpany In isiht. It I* claimed that these street* were opened under an attrerment with Council by which the city agree! to open all th street* lending across the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway and that the failure of the city to live up to its agreement depre* tated the value of th*- real estate owned by the company nnd caused heavy lost* to the p tilloner* Messrs. J. 8. Collins. W I. Simklns. W. 1,. Orayotm. W. J Lindsay and Hugh 10-gan -gan appeared before the committee and advotated the claim* ol iht petitioner*. A meeting of Council was held after the meeting of the Committee of the Whole but no mention * i 1 made of the Collln-- vill*' mailer. M lyor Myers --aid. after the meeting that the Collinsville mtli*r hot been pending for some time and that hat object In giving a hcirlng to the petition* era wu* to enable tie no mb* r* of Council to g< t a clear understanding of th* o**Je*'ts of the p< tlllon. What at lon would h* taken the Mayor w.* not prepared*!** sty. No specific sum I* named by the pctl i loners m I heir request for eompens*itlon. They assert, however, that the city ha* never acquired title to the rtre t* and lanes In question nnd that the title still re*t* In the eoni I*l tty or Its successor* It is possible that the petitioner* may b* willing to accept rotters*ions In other di rections In lieu of cash. Several minor matters wen <lUp**r.l of at the recess meeting of Council. A reso lutlon wa* adopted, calling tifon th* senu'or from !hl district an*l tre terre tentative* from this county to give Mielr support to the bill giving the city the right ,o acquire land* beyond the *or..o:ate limit* for th* imrpof** of opMiin* * trr * I for rfßMfttrie*. P* hou** mrut tot other I tut bile purpowf. No tlluatan ** bia * j to any other proposed lo*a! legislation A communication warn recslved from Hupt. Cecil Gsbbett of the Seaboard Air IJn* calling attention to correspondence 'wtween Agent C. C. Margin and Hupl. John E Maguire ot the fir*- department, with reference to securing assistance from m*m!*rs of the department In case of fire* occurring at the SealMmrd’s lermin *kt !on Hutcnioson Isjan*l. partb tilsrly tt I night. When the force of employ* remaln- Itng there Is small. The He.tboard do** not ask for the uot of the city’s engine* or other apparatus, but simply deslrw the PAINFUL PERIODS. “ I cannot help but feel that It is my duty to do aomething in regard to recommending your wonderful medi cine. 1 must say it f ‘ .tirafA is the grandest y ityV-' I medicine on earth, 6 . HJand have advised \ fJF t H* 7a great many suf- I a aVI offering with female jf \ / A troubles to tuko it. tb A *** / ft I toll people I wish L--' ‘ yspagU. JXI could go on the platform anil lee _r . . lure on it. u sQALLV’ “My trouble was painful menstrua ntlon. The suffering I endured pen cannot describe. I was treated by one of our most prominant physicians here for five months, and found myself getting worse instead of better At the end of the fifth month he told me he hud done ull he could for me, and that 1 had better go to the hospital. “ My sister advised me to try your Vegetable Compound, as it cured her of backache. I did so, und took it faithfully, und am now cured of my trouble, and in perfect health, many thanks to your medicine. I cannot praise it enough, and would recom mend it to all who suffer from any female weakness.”— Nits. 11. S. Hall, 461 Orchard St., Nrw Ilaven, Cons. SSOOO •if uu vu Q ky Jfeak or Lftui. faun.vhicb will bo paid to mnj t*r #ou vbo ran And that the ftbuffl ibfttAonUl tetter* tr not gena- Im, or were p’lbliihed before obUUalog the writer * ti>ecl#l nermiMlou. Ltdia K. mkBAM Mewcimc Cos. service of ten to fifteen trained firemen In cam of flr<* to uWI th* •m --ployen In working th*‘ hose imml othr fir** apparatus which hi i*** n by the company. Th*- matter was referred to th Pir* Commit!*. with power to :i't. Thlx i* preeumi-d to N* practicully equiv alent to irrantinK the Seaboard'* petition A reoototion wim nlo|>ted mtifyint? th h i ion of Minor Myers In IrnlorxinK the treasury warrant recently received from th*- I’nited Btit*x jfovemment for 130,000 In payment for the clty'e prop*rty • thr quarantine station. It #eme that the ir*:uury .nMhoriliea wen* not **Htl*fi><l with the t*impl- attnrhment of th** My or n etiermture A copy of the resolution will le forwarded to Washington, togeth er with m extract from the city char ter. showing the authority conferred upon the Mayor in mi h m.liters. TK %It I %<■ IHW> 11 1% IM %/./,%. Henry Jneliter Wuntn nit ln|nnetlnn luuDim* H. **. linker. Mr. Henry Jurhter hied a petition for * temporary nnd permanent Inlunrtlon nsainst M. S. Maker in the Superior Court yesterday, asking that he he restrained from encroaching upon he pl<lntiff> property, on Waklhurtc street, between It.irnnrd iixl Jefferson Plaintiff and defendant ore owners of adjoin ins lots and residence* in that lo cality. It p* recited In the petition that the defendant Is building u plnxsu to his residence, in<l Is tearing flown part of th* pi.ilntiff h piazx.i to do It. The paint- Iff says h** hu - i>aen In quit* pea* • able, uninterrupted and undisturbed |K>ssession of hie phizx.i nnd the ground it occupies for eleven yearn. and h*- wants the tnt*r feten* • with It. of which h eay* the plaintiff ia jruilty. permanently stopped. Jude** Pnlllßiint yrsint<'l t temporary restralnlnx order nd rule, requirinic the defendant to show cause before him this mornlnK. why an Injunction should not h* Issued The pin Intiff it* represented by Mr. It. It. ftirh.irde at tiii: rut:%Tt:n. ••l*rlonrr of /.endn** at Two l*er formsiee To-|ny. "The Prisoner of Zcnda" will be seen at two (terformames to-.Jsv. matinee ami nlftht. The prorim.’tlon Is by special ar rangement with Mr. Daniel Krohman, un der whose rian jg-m>nf the play has l>een presented since Its Inception. Although last year was Its fourth year. Its pecuniary success was so great that It has been de cided to present It another year The leadin* role, the dual one of ft tssendyli and the Klnir. will Is* assumed by Vaughan Glaser, whose os*odatk>n with the play as Frit* von Tarlenh* Im In the past ha:* so materially added to Its suc cess Charlotte Tlttell os the Princess FI ivia ha* a chan Her that fits her abil ities and personality like the proverhla! glove. Treasurer of ktnfe Grocers. Mr. Jame T. Evans of this city w* e lac tad treasurer of th* Georg a Retali Oaocery Association which ha* Just end* 1 Its meeting In Atlinta. The other offi cers are R. H. Jarvis of Athena, president, and CUsha Winter ot Atlanta, secretary. CLASSIFIED AUVtRriSEMENTS. pen sos al tlon by th- thirk lonn fv^nkir* •*r ,U Kink) or tlryan will pi In ■ *n bp beltfr *lth . kcmxl pair ol iNclm that will c.-*r iht< vision 4n<l inHku print plwlti Mint tJis:m t, amt thus l ik* away tht-Mf oi l wrinkle** by •train ing the rye's Vt*to<i Improved ot not n cent ch*irK<Hl for my youthful-look-HivltiK eyfug.OMM miul *|>4S tkolru. > IsMiNt lirotiKhtofi. Iluir, J< wrtry anti jJhuv in A Suppl\ llou*e. I'tMh gtvn (or olt go)l Aful rll Vi r MOlil'IlINi; nl'H’XI. LAUDANIM, cocotnu hibtl, mytclf currd, will inform you of hdrmir 4 *, p* rmAi*ni homo curr. KlAry B. Baldwin. Box 1212. Chi* ago ~OIL HUATKRH. WOOD HKATKII. roul hmtorif oook f*to\i * ml rn*v*. It* Itablu Koodi* C. I*. Millrr. 4g**n "TkOV RHTIIiKMKNTII BKT I.N CAI IT.VUB WIUB UK I'RINTKD IN OL*AH HIIIKI* AI \ KHTIHBM KNT lOU’.MN PoR TWO rKN'TH A WORD NO Al* VKRTIHKMKNT TAKEN FOR LFHR THAN JIX.* i. TOUR IRON BAFB~FIRE-I f*ilff*l A Frrfinan ImVr f*lAHillig ofTrr of SI.OOO (or vi ry rafr of their muke thwt do*A not pipirrvo lit C4ntrnlii itn' ■Afr wan Iti butnltiK b hriv in hour* Wh* n t,ikrn oul. th* ho** Kal to he tnrnnl n It Whi'ii opn i, not a page w *!lm*'ol omtl, not a rp. *rr<l 10- 1, not a dollar de stroyed If you want gucurlty. buy a StifTel Sc Mife C. P. Miller. Agent. ■“YOU WIKI, UKI. THR MUsK from Rprti)gttld Dairy; U rich and pure; try It. FI’IIMITURK IfpIIOLRTKRD. MAT trr**r r*f*<l, Antiqua furnlturr rr |m)idhwl. furnlturw pMoknl and rhlpfird In manner Brml mo your orders. C P. Mllkr. Agent. CAM KM A JAPONirAS ANdIAZAUIAR prior, $1 o*> and upward, din’d Importa tion through Savannah Custom Mourn . by A C nuiwury. opio*h*- (lolf Link*. Phon*. 4%. nl**o Hyurlnthii. Nir Fii - < *iAM ml Llllru. Plant now' J, Agent. (*an‘ K. Moylo, 10 Brough ton rlr*d, *nl. IF ITfl RUGS YOU WANT YOU CAN gt thrm Uici(>rr from McOtllla. SPFriAL AN UNLIMITED BUPPLT ot nlw© willow roikorv; ladies' ots. At $2 J. W. T* !• I NOW LOCATRb AT 414 Wis i Broughton, ring up 11** If von wm to hvr your fumlturo or parked for or I guaranty** prlroo thr* sunie a I do ihr wrork (huff ilvrn to m* A. 8. Griffin. 414 Broughton •trral. waal; mattr*a*a m.iln to oilrr MILLKRrf STOVER AND RANGER g|vt aitUfactlon Tha Magnatlc. Kcono mlAt. Waldorf, King, and othnr good make* at niasonabl* price*. >'<' Brough ton. WAst. K ENBINOTON FARM MI tC" uTUN- Aurp4ia**l for rlchneA*. delivery U pr*r f#ct; phone. 2246 gifi M11.11.1t KI)R OKFK’K desks' ofTlca tabUk. offi ** tnatilng. oAlca shade# SH Broughton, w^st "WHEN TOP BKK~M*GILMK’^BIXTT im h 99-4'ent rugn. you will buy thorn. Just can t ht*lp It; will sell In #ny quan illy, "FURNITURE MOVED WITH I# a wporlalty with McdlHlr. ~M!LLKR H NEW IN CAH peta. mattings. IlnolAumu. window- • hud#*. r*tc. All work donr In style. 207 Brought' n, wowl I.a* CURTAINS"wiII brAiitlfy your jairlor. ""M’GILLIS IB CHEAP ON RVG. NfrTN lr# curtains. harnnvKkH, water roolors. plilowi*. ploturwA. Atov*’*i, hfdroom nulti, nnd furniture of rvary dr*>crl|>tlon. "BUI: THE JEWEL STOVER AND r.ingrH for Mir by J. W. Twple; also for lnAiirn f* gANrdln# atove. jl >* BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCK white thoy I Aft. leiirg*- of rockorp, divan# an 1 tisy chaira. C. K. Millrr, agont KENSINGTON FARM IS ete\atton In th country, fr*#* from city drainage. Imponslhte fo" milk to tx*coino rontumlnatcd, by Impum odor#; If you want pure Jcr*ey milk, phonr* 2245. I>w llvcry prompt; nattefactlon guaranteed. MGILLIB MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and at or e pkino# and furniture; l<#t work only; no * “Cheep-John" prlct—no *‘C’hei|- John" Jote "GOLD PfßHi IMS m CANARY BIRDS. $2.80: Ofh ffKMI and gruff; J. Gardner, agent, 114 Park avenue, euat. SLOO FOR WOVEN WIRE iCOTS while they laal. C*. P, Miller, iigcnt. "s.7*o FOR AMT SQUAREB WHILE they last. Big a4>rtmcnt. all graden or art •quorß, rugs, mat#, portlcreg. C. I*. Milter, ng‘nt. GILLIft SELIaR^HIXTY• IN<*II RUGS Smyrna |nt< rn#—for 10 rrnt.’*, “ADVERTIBBM ENTS SET IN CAP ITALH WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAH HI FIEI> ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CEN'rS A WORD NO AD VKRTIHEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MO . MJUMbAk SAVANNAH NftfiXT HTITTICR- Inff people arc now floekinrc to Dr. G. W Randolph, Albemarle Hotel, Columbia. 8. C., and we learn from leading papers that he is cur ing many. He has rK*(fwl to #o to B<*- vannah, Gj., the Oth of Nov., and st.iy ten daya. ll*- will then so to Dallax. Tex. Htutterer. this aeems lo fn* your last opportunity. Col. Willie Jone of <*olumi>l.i, and many others r lou*l In hlx pr.iix* . Christian Index. ""how ARE YOI *K FEET? ! F YOFU f. et are troiibllna you. * all on m<- and I will give you relkf; I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and oil disease?* of the feel without puln; charges reasonable; *in Slv* the Im st ref* renec* In the city; |*o tfents treated ol resklefi*-es; orders can be left at Uvlnitston's dru store, Hull and rowere** streets, telephone 298. l.< m Dsvih. HiirK'on chiro|iotllst. HELP WaKTHO-aiAbß. WANTED. LICENCED DRIMKIIHT TO take charge business In good locality. .\1 C.. <*are N*w*. ""BRICK DAY KRfl WANTED AT OAR tonij. N <*. Klynt llulsllng and Construc tion Company. BAUiBHAS WANTED FOR FDOR Ida. Apply fy let tar to with refer ence, good f-olory (Mid to the rlsht tnun Idpfsnan Bros., wholesale druggists, Upp m-tn block. Hsvudimli, <*.. WANTED. PLFMBKRB.'“iITSST RR!de layers, |3 £O, mill machinist, tiler, ham merer. laundry ma< hinlst, washer, hoard; bakers, tie inspector, hookkee|M*r, oommlsaary clerk. Huber, Sl7 West Hay. Jacksonville W A S T y. I v T ORORGI TOWN fTc.’, at once; first-class white brick layers; wagr-s, MVt per day. A*WJress, O. L. B. C. of A. C. b Cos., Georgetown, 8. C. ""WANTEI) A HA I JCH.M AN Tt' TA K E the sale of building, roofing and wrap ping (stfM-rs, etc., iih a sl*l* line, on com mission, for Hsvannah and vicinity. Ad dress C. 8. Garrett A B**l . No. Houth Marshall str‘r, Philadelphia. AI.FATt WANTED. W^ANTeT^ The Horrors of u Blrlcken C|ty," by M'lrat Halstead; fully Uloatrai*d. fastest selling hook ever published; only 11.80; leai tarOM guaranteed; outfit free, be qul< k. J. 8. Zeifler & Cos., Chicago I/I. HR* tgPKCTI'VFs" DIVIDEND” PA YI NO otoi k at t 2 •} fer month, h ghest bank references given; agents wanted In Ba vannah. Addraaa, Uox 2%, Cripple Creek, Col. ftftKLft* W A.VI i.IK-KKM Al l*. mmoTuS i ’L< >y\i k v-T au Wmi Huy. J k 'Unvilu*. wnnf* hi Ip, ll kind*, for Florid * *i*orffl* Na--*uiti anl Cuba. iratot) lfftO-DWI. tk*e llutier for fur ther Information. QiaUR WANTED. FIVE GIRLS TO fokl |per* in bindery. Apply * and 1) Bay, went, between ft uml S. M. S. A I>. A Byck. vvori.n uikk to intkkkbt'culti* vaf**l lady In lilklilv honor.ll buillii**. out of which #h* can make from tluu.oO to flfiO.O) ior month; muni In* koo>l talker. The Anvil. Bavncmah, O.i. WANTED. AN KXI'KItIENOKO OOV eriven* capable of !*•*• hln* th* elMnentary branch**!* atal mimic, non** dher n****! ap ply. rail .*ll3 OfflethorfM 1 avenue. eayt 4 lw tween - and 3 o’clock i* n. WANTED, WOMAN TO rook AND tin*) Iron, at the Isle of Hope. A*l dret** ThompMm, thin ofTl* •• wanted a woman as ciiam tv -rim* tl ami tvou*** i* Apply at 1-1 Sixth street, w**-t adVkrtiskm ENTS SET IN CAt * WILL lit; PRINTED IN ClaAB T> ADVKRTI s1: M ENT COLrMN •■’OR TWO OKNTS A WORD NO Al* VKRTIBEMENT TAKEN FOK LESS THAN 300. UruOYMCDT WANTED. WANTED. POSITION AS MANAOEII of livery or Hair atahle bv young man, who h.i.< had I.S yearn practical <■* p, run. r, oati give l.ert reference!. Htl ary no object nnlll uflor thorough J T. K Care Now Houlh. ro Hold. Way rrias, Ga BTHNOOR VI’HIvU ANI TvH'Wltlt ,r ill—iron to change poaltlon. tutiicrleticc.l. owns in .chine A.l.lrr— Hfcnograpber, cure Morning Ncwn. dl> SITt’ATION WANTED. POSITION AS bookkeeper fur * largo lurprnllne or n* mill; ofi'itilor f r r r'it baat of rrfrr ences on lo competency, .'ham. ter. elc. Addrea* (' I* Mavla. la ru ila %%' A AiTEIb—M I.AA IXLINBOfft. TLvor WANT HOOD mii.k. iTet it from S|wlngtii M Dairy, It's rich, pure and wlioleaome. • “CASH PAID FOH (KIOD HECIINIr hand oal pack*. Ill’ W net Huy alreet. IF VOir WANT A PEACE TO DPMl earth, illrt. ..hid manure, otr., fre- of charge. Ju*t at city limit*. hauling our hard road, write or telephone llrown Pro. corner Amloraon and Eurt lirood at rod*. \E\ EItTESI MI.NTS BET IN CAP I TALK WIEE Pi: PRINTED IN ODAH SHIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN Fn|< TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD V ERTIHDM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MC rug HrAT-HIMIM*. 'TrnTfnTr PLEASANT ROOM WITH nr without board t 207 fTiarllon at root, weal. ei. at* r>N ianrr. FLAT FOR RENT. ALSO ONE FDR n I Mind room. Apply 127 West Lllierty ItfWt. lIAHEMWNT FEAT OF THREE room* In good order, with private fam ily; nil convenience, reoaonahle to ilcalr ab|e tenant. Addrea* basement. News of fice. fctt hgkt-ntirsiM FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE HORSE. No 217 WaldburK street, east. btwon Alnrn att<l Lincoln, tlrst -rlnm ardrr anti rontlltlon; every ronvtnlenee ItlKht rent to riirM tenant Estate Bslom*>ti Cohen. West Ilroart and Urouahton streets. |t*H l:r.N 1, 17 I't’lKV STREET, eust; pos.eeskm at once. Apply Oeorjte L Uartnany. oKftit. 1 Hr yen street, east T< KEN I*. i:l A Nl> *23 RfiLTON street, east; these are sood houses and loeutlon csoellenl A|i|riy to C. A. Mcln tire, m Ikatr-l ot Trade tailldlnF. t >' '™" * FUR UK AT—STORM*. FOR RENT, S I ORE SOUTHWEST corner Whitaker and Liberty street*. Ap ply IS Llbrrty streot, west. run HI.S7-MIKKLUSBOIII. LARUE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE for rent, corner llrmqrhtoo and We*t Ilrnud streets, formerly occupied by the Huvunntiti Carrlaso and WaßOn Cos. 11. V. Smart. ADVBH riSFMKNTS RET IN CAR ITALrt WILL ItE PRINTED IN CLAi 81 FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO All VKKTISRMENT TAKEN FOII LESS THAN StK.V FOH RALE—REAL ESTATE. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAB SHIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A IVoRD NO AD VKRTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN SC. . “TWO-STi IRV HOUSE. IN IKKIII ros dllktn. ami under Rood rental Only II W If sold thl* week. Voilmans ft Dentmond. FOR SALE. THOSE lijTS ON NINTH street, nrar East Itrosd. tiava only been sold to llrst-class p-irtla*. ~*io will make Rood nelßhbors; and nona other can bur. The term* are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other In th* vicinity. C. H. Iloraett | "FOR HALE. A LOT FOR TWO HUN-' dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth strata, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. It Dorset t FOR SALETIOTS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad, at lasi each: wi:i soon be ad van ed to EOS; when a lot has been pall for I can arruna to get a bom* built. C H. Doraett. rORIfALE Q>TS OfTNINTH RTRI: FT near East Broad: no city taxes, at IS* each; Iteenly-flv* dollar* cash, and eaay monthly payments. C. H. Domett. -RESIDENCES AND BUILDINO LOTS for sale all over the city. Robert H Tatem. real estate dealer. No. I York Street, eveat. -FOR SALE OR RENT ACRE farm with house an*l * bIIMHIS * good ffirvlltloti Apply CTti Srewirt street. BET IN CAP ITALB WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAW BI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTfSEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS TUAN C to II SAI.E— XUStEL.LA.tKOt*. It when your favorite rem*sjy foils, at 2vc bottle added to Kill of honey make* a splendid mixture for Infants ami children BENZOIN BALM. MAKES THE skin like velvet, for tale by druggist or at lien ry and A her corn l’ersse Drug Stores, Whitaker ami Taylor streeta. “FOR SALE 1 TINKHAM 'CARRIER; a cabinet for delivering packages; In per fect order. L. W. ißcjtae. Churlerton. S c. ' FOR HALE. ABOUT'ONE HUNDRED a* res of growing hay on Poplar Drove plantation, nboul on.' mile from the city ilrnl's on the White Bluff road. Apply in Union ft Cunningham “for SALE. HALF INTEREST IN A North Carolina summer resort. B , rare Savannah New*. TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR tale, U crops first year boxes; 12 001 a* rn round Umber, ai SI.SO per acre. I* per thousan*! boxet for le.*se*l timte-r. ph'iity of limber to be got; In Rye mffea of - road; will give pots*anion row or ai end of season Add rent Hound Timber, cat* Morning News, yon #aiis-nucfcMaAJimt. FIRE PROOF SAFHS—WB CARRY A fine Hu* of fire |iruof Mfw In (Work at ail time#. The pwrUe# cun *** exactly what they are geftaig. Our pii t *w ace aa tew av mwnufat'turer# w# It tt, ib freight add ed. Pnrtle# Interested, who wiah u spo>*\ fire proof aafe will and.. well to tnftpect our itirk. Idppmaw Rroa. ( Lippman Idorlc, agcntiA for mavnrfa turer*. "* SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pur# n.Uk; |ry it; yuu will be plenMed. A DVRRTIS f: M IN CAP ITAIoK WILL BE PRINTED IV SIFTED ADVERTISE Mi: NT **OLCMN i \TP A W*>RL HO AD V K RTIHF. M ENT TAKEN FOR THAN 3rM , LOU Ain rot mi. tiutnc <*f Prin... Reward If left at 3tT j!'ffnr#Km #tr%^*t. - LEA runt reticule, c*ntalntng luii* h of key# and h mdk* rchlef. Reward at 1130 Hamarifl ft reel* FOUND M lUTT htrxl f<*t white Owner can have name by paying • m m Apfdy to J. T. Mon ah-in. 3L* Jr'flfep*on #4re*t. - ’ ' ' ■ ■■■'——*■— 111 (IIW KI. ADVERT IS EM IIN I 8 SET 'Ts' ITALS WILL lil I'RINI I D IN CIsAH HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT <' *LIIMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO Al V ERTIBE MEN T TAKEN FOR THAN 30C PI.I'MBIAO. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL F. In your Uit* re. t to let me give you an e#- 11 mate on vuur plumbing, new or oil work, repair work a #|M*4ia)ty, aa 1 am n practical plumber No gue#H work to rt#langer your life. Wlggln#, phone fSf. Georgia or lu ll Ml at ELLA VEOL'I. ADVERTIHEM entb set in cap itals WILL ME PRINTED IN CliAd- MIFIED ADVERTISEMENT 4 COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LKHS THAN JOC. CALL UP PERRY St RENTON. IF you .re going to move, rhlft or wtova fur nlturt . Bell |4a>nc 1124. WELLSBACM GAS LA MI'S. 0014- pltlff, put up. only 75 i nil, ami goaran- Imxl to aiive you vmumy <*3 yottf ge bill; you i mii ulway* tlml m a#tH>rtm nt of naaniel# here, from 10, 1;>, lb to $--• cent#; don't forg* t the plate. A. <?. Prba Sc !*o.. Slat** und JefTeroon ‘pbontaa (31. 'HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAINTED with < term An ready-mix art paint; entire #Attefa<ilon guaranted. Adurna Paint Company. “wanted] ONE THOUSAND ifUN gry people at the S>utheni Grocery Com pany, 114 Barnard afreet. “FERRY a BENTON WILL RENO vate yotir old vnattreoAe# ami furniture, make good m.i new, at very Utile coft. WE SELL HEWER PIPE FLUE pipe, fire clay, fir# brick al lowet prteaa. Adtm Paint I'ompany, 104 Congraaa. Mt. “MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED cents In every hlbr of your hanl-earned hard ra#h at the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Harnard atrret SANITARY PLUMBING. OAH AND #trum-fit ting; when we give you our A4t mnlcA w** g*t your work, becauua we em ploy only • x perl meed HuinUrn, nnd guar antee entiAfa<tten. A C Price A Cos., Slate iirnl Jefferaao arw!ta; 'phmWf Ad. l'i:illlY * liKNTON tisi: 81-KXIAI. car- In nH>vlii*, MnpH)K sul storKig furniture; 'irhon* 1134. OTPHINX Ifl THE MKHT WAUI. Fin ish made Adams I’anK Cos., Buvannab sxents. 104 Conxrsoa wsat. ~YOt'K IIANiIf. MAI' MEKfi TO HR connsetsd or dlwonnoa tnt: If you warn It don* a little chru|M'r 'hon somebody also will do It. or If you want [tlutntdna work ot any kind don*, call on A. C. Prtr* 4k Ca, Htatr. and Jsfferson streets, '(>hons (U, ■ ~ RKDf CB TOl-R T.TVTNO EX PKNSRB hy Invsstlnx your hard-earned htrd nash with ths Houthsrn Orocary Cumpany, 114 Barnard street Norwood’s “Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savannah. LKUAL BALES. HmTIUFF'H of PHOPERTV. STATE OF IJEORtHA. CITY OF BA vannnh -Under ami by virtue of s dis tress warrant Issued from the City Court of Savannah In favor of J Randolph An derson. agon! of estate of E g'. Anderson, Jr., against Mrs. Itertha Smith, and by virtue of on order of sale granted by th# Honorable Ttioma** M Norwood. Judgn of the City Court of Savannah, on th. I7ib day of October. A. D. HOC. I will put up and expose for sate at pubih outcry an th** 2Silh day of October. A. I). IHfiO, within the legal hours of tale, to the highest bid der for rath, the following personal prop erly, to-wlt: All Hint certain slock of g*sjd>. ware* utvl merchandise In the store num bered twelve (121 Broughton etreet. east. In thioclty of Savannah. Oeorsta. known as "Gardiner's Ituxaar." e*>n*l*ilnß of toys, fancy goo* It. notions. Jewelry, ll*.nut s’ sup plies. seed*. !s.k'. stallom'ry. cutlery, cu rloeliles. birds, cages, hardware. Japan* se goods, photographs. * ones, and all otb<r articles of whatsoever character or kind contained In sai l sio* k of goods, ami nlao flxture*. <-ouni* nt. show case*, one (I) Iran safe. desk, chairs, awning, electric light and gas fixtures In nnd about said store. Saul property Is levied on as the p*op en y of Mrs. Bertha Smith, ami will he *ol*l ou the premises at No. 12 Broughton street, east, us s whole or In par eb* or lots as may tie must ndvunlag<oue. E J WHELAN. Sheriff Clly Court of Savannah. Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Texa# Rust Proof Oats, Coast-raised Ry*. Cow Feed. Hay, Grain, Bran and Feeds of all kinds for stock and poultry. T. J. DAVIS, Telephone 223. 1U Bay •(reel, west. *CUftE YOURSELF! Pee Big ff tor vonatarel li— hvrger, InXaaiaisUwMk rritatiiias or operation, >t aiuroa* Bwatbrseew Feints**, end not eetns** , gent or poimoae. Netd by Brsntafe, or sent In wrapper, •iV'oVTLatC^V® Cl re o Ist Stmt urn reused These tiny Capiules are supeftgJ |\l to Balssm of Copaiba, I 'V 7 CubebsoelnjectionsandlflliDYll CURE IN 48 HOURS VJ/I LV J the ume diteaies vithoufl inconvenience. 3