The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 27, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOON AGREE ON A PLAN. 1 \IO\ HT%TI\ <o%lU%\t IMMU.I - tohh ro**im ttri> poih Within Ten Hmn, nt lir Mint, n Ur clilnii Mm He I. %|*erle4—ll llrnnrt fflrin* nni Awhllrft* M •** Mrl and lh* Plan* % eater ilM>-rrrlil< nt U \\. Harkall \\ nn ,%athnrlvetl lu lake Mrp for the >ul- anl Hrmovai f • •** llno*r \<m Orru|M tiiu Ile l |*nf Hltr—llr Will Alan \rraie fr the In • f ruction of •* Klh '••lea f % pproarlir*. A vnri Unr of the Mnvzmn.ih Union Bta t** Con i ar.v wo* l**l*l yr Me*rlny at the olllt <m ,>* m ,< k.ll * Andermm to conaidar the lour i-.*' <>ff**rv*l by tie many i*r hl t. tH, tin l* *h |*t til**- company will errni for it u>e of paHUfiunr train** of the three r< *. - ri>rsni< 1 In lh*‘ agreement, th, SaiUur.l Air leinc*. the Plant By*t m ami the Southern. \o le i' 'on w;u* n achetl Ph ildant W W Mack HI of the Union Station Compa ny . al*!. after tin meeting, however, that It I- prohaUln that the plan t ! foil*** 1 - ih) tn the enotion of the Uni'ltu* will l*e f*lK*to<i within o few day:, ten dtty at the mui. It will not Un < —tv o hold another mncttnj: to fwi.-s upon the m<*ter. Tho#t* tUmuHliK Hr* meeting y*-t* te-miay made •heir r.wtea of the plans offered for thetr •rap**'iUin ind • xplain* *1 to lh*m by th* archil* ti -. mid ther- note* will tw* ntudlcd •uni con lu’don* rear*hod, poeetbly after oonfrn iu< <r ••• -ultatJon with otiwr of* Jl iaJ -of th*' ll!i* e A correspondence with Prr>idant M.ick ill wll then dlacover the viewM of th* dirt roc* of th* Union Btn tk*n t'omfwiny. and th** preeldent will le in a imettion to uuuo < th* plan upon which th* station will l*' bulb. At the vncotlnr w*re President W. \V Mnckull. r-fret*entlnii the Se itajard Air Une. Third Vic* ITealdefM mu) tjanaral .Mnutr* r U S (tannon and Buj*t J S It Ttuafnfwo!. of the S*uth*rn Hallway; Gen eral Hupi'rifSendent W II lu-nhiim. Mr W L Clay ami < “hlef Bfi#ln***r TutwDcr of th* Plant SvMeni M* swr* O I*. Norr tnan and Orant Wilkin* of Atlanta. Prank P Milhurn of <*hwrl*tte and Bradford l„ Gift* rt of New York were the ar'hife ta who mihmlttediloalivns ir.*l who wer* pres ent to explain them •••! mak- clear their advent akm. TYi* m* • tiiur commenced at 10 o’clock, and the off!' tal* went carefully Into the w4Tk 'onwiderlm, the plane Impartially and ee klu? to di< over the one that rouM be h* imd followrd in the t'airtruc tlon of the bulbllr.K fo the areutest ad vantage of th- *emiany and beat satis faction to the public. It war not until late in the afternoon that the work was completed The directors authorized President Mackall to proceed with the necesaary step* for the* nab and removal of th** house- now occupy the site of the del** Some of these will probably he Hold to 4 ontr.rt-m* ns they stand, to be detnoHsh**! and carted away, while others wl.l tw* removed to mljAccnt property own* .| by the company Prom tlfty to sixty .Iwellina houses and Mn.ill ilore# occupy the site. When tn- WWf hov* to civ*- them up there will b' •i demand for house* In other e lions of the city, and the number that .ire vacant, already stii ill will in* trreatly de rea*ed Th** pr -ld# nt was nine authorised to proceed with arrang* m-nt for th*- con st rue lion of the tight mil* • of truck that will *• norcms.try for th* epf>rtsiches to th* depot Advertisement for bids for th* work will probably b.- mi l*- ahorth It if not l*‘H# vd the construction wil Is* unusuilly e*|M-rslve. a*, th* irtnc|pal irrailiriK will be encountered ait he low place Just west of where the dej-ot will h 10. ut*d. \l\ ISKN TON Alt O riXTI HU. ti ntral It nil road bMir* Another llwl letlu to Uwrnier*. Pursuing Its policy for th* Improve ment of the rendition of the farmers ll\- In# along Its line, the Ontrwl Hallrotel through Air. It. L,. Pritchard, land and lr.HitrJnl ngent. has got out another bul letin. Ehttracts from the* bulletin me ns follows: “Th. *hiwn of a now era In farm life le upon us. The farmers are at last on the right track and if they will but con tinue th** work already commenee*! by wiping out the old time-worn custom of o on**-crop Hvet* m mi id with renewal efforas stan*l sbailder to shoukler for a dlvandty of cr*|e*. ut i enc* th* 1 ralnuor of more bve stock, dairy cattle, poultry. Ih#ch, everything that will mak - u farm s*Uf-sustatnlng n* not dependent eoiuiy upon the fleecy staple, we will see u wav. of prosperity spread throughout h Houth that the farmers of to-day hut little dream of." “Th* good news comev* to us from ill along the line of the CVntril of the k mi oral Improvement in the condition of the farmers* and pLanferw g* nerally. mode during th* pant seuson tth! debit have t*een paid m full and mortgages can dled, whlb* mibstantlaj improvement 1 * are |. • Ing made on many farms There |* n * dtaiN Ihh that tb high price of cotton Js. t* u * ertaln extent, resistneible for RUBBED IT IN Tblr.l Tlmr n nn. L*ut XmH I took linmr with i tnln 4**‘*tri* family tn N.-w tia.fn, tttnl nltiiouit.i Urn tfU . iuhorate Itul otn tiling liuthlnc "'n** *<.> twartlly lipUl tin and j.lnu Uxl ua a little saucer of flrap.Xttt.- fwaJ. *ianalog l*y t*w mtntt.-t - t.lnt.- Ho wM: J hav.' taken ronllelM (tft.r mcairino. but nothlns ban brousht relief to lKly ur.a to.un llk>- lhl foo.l •'HI* wifi echoed the *entlmenta and eakl *ho coukl never tell how mtl , h brlKhb r and henver he hail Item *ln -e the itrtvent of <>m|>e-Nut Into her honn "A tvi-tk later I called to ... W ldow ■Who had a broken arm I expecte.l to tin I *< r <ll**olate, but to mv *ur|>rlae, w.i R irrwtnl wtth Cheerful vmtle.c 'Well,' 1 ►aid. Ilow H thl*. I expeetcl to Htnl you lit the Uiiitia of despondency.' 'till iki. elie eald. '1 could not cook very wi ll with u broken arm, but with a little hot milt, odd*d to H few epoonful* of Ura|>e-Nuf, 1 set it most delicious meal that build up m.v strength by th- whole-ale.' "Thl* Was tho second time I had seen Grope-Nuts In the character of public ben. I Wore night | re.-lv. ,| mv •Bird irllmpec of Grape-Nuts, when calllns on a little child who had burned her hand Her was Just preparing u saucer of strawberries and Grape.Nut* j) 0 yon Ilk. It?' said I. 'Oh. don't I?' said the child. 'lt's so good It most makes me for get my burn.' "Now l decided I must hate me Uiape Nu-s myself, f..r If It wu* good for tired bralri and burns ami broken arm*, it suri !>• ought to l entit my broken nerve*; so I had a i-c kaice sent up to the house and liav. Isel some Grape-Nuts every morning for breakfast since, with this re. hull, that nature's sweet r.stori-r, l.almt te.-|>, came back to m< mv nerves * >me. ls*w DUleted down at and life ttKdt on a dif fered aspect. The old tired, sleepy fed. has gone and the air seems < ha rated niih bouyancy. ,''l enn an easily walk ten blocks as one, i*lftl* till .tutles are costly ae. ompllaheu ami all th-- bmd. cs of life are lightened by the astonishing power of good and well selected rood I hav. taken no medicine uurlng ib i time, therefore I .nn onlc at tribute the agreeable change to the sure help that com. dally from the use of this remarkable food " Jennie May Hum bler. Abbott Ave„ Watertiusy, Conn. May 5, 1900,Some time **o I luffrred Warner’s Safe Cure it a ■ A J with general debikty trom over m splendid remedy (or building up M g g I '■ <| m work, losing appetite and strength, m a broken down constitution. Some W g ■ I I I I I I g “ m There seemed to be no reliei. and W W yean ago my system was com- m I U I g the medicine I took did no* help me. a f pletely run down, and alter using three ■ I | was advised to try Warners Sale I I bottles I felt like a diHerent person, and ■ I Cure and 1 am pleased to lay that it ■ I when I feel a little worn out a lew I I did all and more than you claim ior it ■ L doses are always of great benefit. ■ V W * J tl | and made a well man of me in a short ■ k Yours truly, g ■ ■ ■ ~4~ Uim time. It therefore has mv hearty M \ P. GARDNER. # „ I I /—k I | ■ | % endorsement. JOHN POTTS, # V Gen. Delivery, care aL. HT I IVd and 1 Ik- MM V. 2595 West Ashland A ve.^ m. T- wrt r i W A m m pm't Chtcaco Crtekrt Club. Treaaurer W uhng Gospel p „v,l Hort. Society Temperance Club, Loudon. Bog. There never was a period when so much attention was given to the culture of health as to-day, and not without good cause. We must prepare to fight against the prevalent scourge of insidious attacks upon the kidneys. The pressure of life is increasing. The preva lence of kidney disease is increasing, weakening constitutions and impairing digestion. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY OF THE DAY FOR KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES, Bright’s Disease, Indigestion and Debility, Excabjor, Mtan. May 30, W I am very glad to apeak 18 W ,h< A m good word for Warner'* % £T Safe Cure, the doctor, would m feslSA WARNER'S SAFE CURE I completely reMored me. I find It of I I Uver and kidney trouble, aUo female ■ I eapecia! benefit to nervout people who ■ The 111,.<l la the 1.1 fr. g weaknesa. But Warner* Sate M I ufter from Insomnia. It U a fine M Therefore, purify flic Blood h, era, of the K1.1nc,.. %tn fine phvdcal hta'hWow *** m h Inducer of sleep. * Thia I* Notnre-a wo, of ilnlnit It. % m V mrTa“r*lX'ughlin. M ”■’> " ,1 ,u \ L -J-: SMI J H ' M Sec. Biue Ribbon Temper M ChapUin Chicago Ave. J ance Club. I. O. G. T. Free Sample of Wnrner - * Safe fur.- aent on npplleatlon. Addre** WARNER S SAFK CI’RE CO Rochester. N. T. ihi ••**% ora of praaprrlty. but not on ilroly wo. farming In - piay**l an important part In brlimivic About th* gool rrnultti now binit reaped by iho farmer* throughout fh- South. The arre ago In wheat, rye, oat*, xugar ci#e n*l broom corn wa inorraa©*! very materially tluririg tho past y**n wrhllo much |nt*T •ot hti bt**n munlfostoel In ruling live stock. *ktr> cattle. poultry and hog*. "It Is with pleasure w announce to the r aders of the Bulletin that arrangements have been mode, under th- uuapk'o* of the Oeorgla Dairymen’* Association, to have ex-Oov. Hoard of Wisconsin visit Geor gia (luring the latter part of October I Mir ing his May In this state Gov. Hoard will deliver addresses In several towns along the line of the Central of Georgia It.ill woy on suhjei ts of vital Importune© to ev ery fann*r and dairyman In th South. Gov Hoard l* the twlitor and proprietor >f Hoard's Dairyman, the leading dairy paper In tbl country, ami is an acknowl edged authority on all matters pertaining to dairying and coring for live stock. Gov. Hoard Is expected to speak In the following towns on the dates given, vlx "Madison. Oct 27. ut the Court House, 11 a m. Eaton ton. Oc4 79 at the Court House, ft m • MHleilffcvllle. Oct. 2ft. at the Court House. 1* p m ‘Macon. Oct. .V. at the Court House. !1 • m "FJvery man. woman and child interest • and directly, or Indirectly, in dairying, raising live stock, poultry, etc., should not miss the opportunity to hear Gov. , Hoard "Growing tobacco In sm ill patches for home consumption has been • common practice among the farmers of MuMle and Southwestern Georgb* and South and Southeastern Alabama for years past. an.l vet with the exception of a few furmets In the extreme southwestern section of Georgia, the idea of growing tobacco for market hat apparently never suggested be|f. The growing of these m*!l patches 4f !fihor<v hae nevertheless servtNl n valuable purpose, in demonstrating he yoml all doubt that the fertility of the soil and the climatic condition* that pre vail throughout low**r. Middle and HouthtveMijg) Georgia rind South nod Southeastern Alabama are peculiarly will udapted to growing this crop. During the pant season experiment* have Uen made in the territory mentioned nd It has been proven that the*© land-* produce ns fine a grade of cigar tobacco as can bo raised In any section of the country, "The following extract is from n letter dated Sept. 2?i. lftHO. received at this olhce fr m an expert tobacco manufacturer who him recently vlxlted several of the tobacco growers In Southwestern Georgia for the purpose of examining the tobacco grown in that section this season "Having Just returned from n short trip lieiwien Amerlcus and Fort Valley and bringing with me several samples of to bacco raised In that section tarsi which, by the way, are the finest I have yet had), 1 take pleasure In sending two of the best to you Submit It to whom you may. If they are Judges, they will pro nounce It as fine as any raised anywhere I lend you In same package of cigars made out of this tobacco and when you rake it into consideration that this tobac co has not even gone through Its first sweat and Is as taken from th* barns. I inu-t sav that I am delighted There Is not a manufacturer of cigars In the I'nlt i-4 States hut that wot ill be glad to get these wrappers after they have been thor oughly cured, at 7i cent* |er f*outid. so i that there Is no danger of over-doing the | matter. After fifteen years e*:erlenee In baling and manipulating every kind of igar tobacco, 1 im convinced that the •eorgla product I- in every wav equal to the lest as a wrapper. "Being fully satisfied that there is n great source of revenue to the farmers of Georgia and Alabama, wh* will interest ;hcmslves m th* growl g of tobacco. ar rangement** r* now being perfected by which we expect to distribute, absolutely frn-. tobacco to><l t** very farmer lot • *•••-! n or adjacent to th** line of this compa ny. who will agree to plant not less than one (1) note, on the following conditions, vit.: "First This office will furnish toluicco seed free to every farmer who will ngrei to plant not less than one <1) acre. "flcrond After the reed beds have been prepared, they nrr to In divided Into four parts to l*e planted one section each week i for four consecutive weeks. In this man n**r If for some reason the first sowing *houWt prove f.t'lure. the other three rowings rnoy he relied upon. "Third. Each farmer will be required to plant five tim**© as much seed as nec essary for his own use. *o that if It should happen that his neighbor loaes his stand. h*‘ can draw from the over-abundance of this seed bed. • Fourth Each planter agrees to place at the disposal of this office, all surplus plants. ‘ An expert will visit at least once each rwitun ati) section that has as much is ten acres either In one or more iwtchc*. he will advise with the farmers, render ing them ever reasonable (••sistonc* un tli th*' crop b harvested and ready for market • We will also mail to every farmer once a month full instructions as to the prop- r method of cultivating and taring for the crop jo It# vgrioua gugci, ArMUftmaait THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1900. hove been mode with ti tnanufoeturer of tobacco to purrhu *e, at a t.dr price, .til Ihe eurcesefally cured totcco. or pi tee H tv good advantage, thn* aseurlng th farmer a ready market and h *f? return on ht* crop. The dawn of anew era In he pros perity of this section Is apparent to all thinking men. anti a rich harvest Is ahead for those who will Hike time by th fore lock und engage In growing tolan co. now In the Infancy of the Industry. "We expect to be in pndrlon to com mence distributing seed during the Intier lirt of Oi-tola-r. and all who will agre< to plant tobacco under the condition* as outlined s-ioukt make application direct o thl* office for such seed a* might be needed." General Manager C I * Myers of the l-enlnsulur and Dccldental Hteamslilp <’om|iany Is In the city. WARMS MINE HIhGUI. Me Was n Negro 'ltirtlerer, In Soiilh In rot Inn. Columbia. H. C . Oct, 24 —Wnrhy Wine, a negro, was liang-d in Orangeburg to day. <Hi Dec, 17. 18M. H. It raulllng was found mortally wounded, lying In the road near Fort Motle. tirnngehurg coun ty. He die*l Ihe next day. Worby Wine and MiJ. Green, negroes, were, according to he testimony given at court, riding along when they saw un object lying In the road before them. Wine drew ht* pistol and tired at the ob ject "which turned out to be Mr. I*aul llng. who woe prohnbty under the Influ ence of liquor. Th shot Inflicted ti mor tal wound. It was provtsl that Faulting *v* robbed, his wallet being found In Ihe t-ossesslon of Green. Wine confessed to having flred the shot, but notwithstanding that, Green wan also convicted of murder Except Wine's confession the evidence was rlr cumstantlal. An appeal was token to the Superior Court, bui n new *rlal wn refused. The Governor al refused to Interfere, and until ye*4entny It wag lietloved both men would hang to-day. On the representation of Wine that Green wn* Innocent, the Governor, as already reporsed. cemmuteil hln sentence to life Imprisonment, At 411 ITTFH (IF ttl ttllKH. < hess Joiner unit Tom Waters Found hot Guilt, nt *fntrshoro. Htateslwno. Ga.. t)ct. 26 —Suiu-rlor Court has been In session since Morutay, The criminal docket wa* taki-n up Wrdneoday morning The ease of Atfaway. charged with the murder of Chess Joiner. Iwth white, consumed all of the day. with a verdict of not guilty late nt night Tom Waters, charged with poisoning his wife Inst July, was begun yeatenlay morn ing The evidence was conclude) las* night at 9 o'clock The Jury was address ed this morning by Col. I) R Groover, for the accused, billowed by Col*. H. R. String! and A M Deal, for the state. The .oncbsllng argument wa* made hy Judge Twiggs of Savannah. The Jury In the rase of Tam Water* to night returned a verdict of no* guilty. t Mexican viii.t r titi m:\ . tine 4,nea in Part*. Ilthera Visit the I nltrd States. Kansas City. Ocf 24 -Col Minuet Mon dragon. Unit Col. Enrique Mnmlrngnn Sergt Enrique Mondragon amt Unit V| •- tor Hernnndex of the Mexican army ar rived in Kansas City to-day. Col. Man uel Motvdragon gtH-s to Washington, then to Fans as mllll ir> attache of the Mex ican legation Col Mcndragon is the Inventor of a rapid-fire gun. which te bunding at Saint Chnumont. Hergt. Enrique Mondragnn le-companics the colonel a* on assistant. IJeut. Col Enrique Momlragon and I .lent | Yellow Label P^(.WmSKEY XLfe- Stild in “homceopatliic doses” wherever 1 It p*d liquors are dispensed; and to he had ~\ 1 in bottle for the home or the sideboard, la Wy p|SJ |, of all dealers in genuine whiskies. “ f 3, *soiuTUf STIMULATING-INVIGORATING STRENGTHENING-MELLOW-OLD XWe'll Treat. soil ordinary : cX, V . Jcjjkl 1 j\ whbkcv. to lio the difference will *md you Sam -1 ' pic Kittle free on I - ct*. to dc- W 9% Vm Cha. U. IMalfor * 00.. Victor Hernanvl.-x will spend n year or more tn rhi Cntted State-, -nulling ex plosives vnd looking through American powder mills They then exjiect to put another year In in seeing through similar Institutions In Europe They will leave for Wnehlngton to-morrow night. ALL THE NEW * T W AYt HOS*. ttpeeebes Ity Bt-moerntle f nndldntes. tMlier News Votes. Wnyrro**, Ga.. Oct 26 Mrs. B. F. But ler was rall.-d last night by a telegram to thl bedside of her father. Mr H C. McLendon of W'ttlacoochee. The old gen tleman was reported In a dying condition. He I* well advanced In year. Prof. K A. Pound will leave to-night for t ixfoot, where on Monday he Is to de liver the alumni address at the anniver sary exercises of Pew Society. Emory College. Hon Arthur Emmett Cochran, candi date for I>emocrnt|c elector from th* Eleventh t' District, will ad dress the cttlxrns of Ware county at the Court Housn Monday mortur.g. Nov. 5. a* 9 o'clock utilizing the Idle hour Just prior to the opening of couri by Judge Rennet. At mam the Minn day Hon. W G Brantley, ctongrexsman from this duirlrt, will apeak Ware Is one of Brantley's stronghold* and he will draw u large crowd. Thi- many friends of Capt J. W Strick land. the vpteran hotel man of Way cross, will be delighted to learn that he is rap idly recovering from his recent long spell of slrknt-** There was hut IHtle business before the court In Charlton county this week, and an ex ccdilvgly short session was held The court was convened on Tuesday at 2 o'clock, and adjourned the next day at the same hour. Georg! W. Deen, president of the Ex celsior Medicine Company' will erect a handsome brick block on the comer of Mary and Pendleton streets State Sr ho | Comm!: - toner O R Glenn will meet with the County Hoard of Edu cation on the rtrst Tuesday In November, so he write* the President, Mr D. R Walker. ttOHLYS M VATS VI-OI.OGY. Hus A\ rltf en llimnuillng One From X onnaz ('hnrelvill. I*vndon. o<'t 27.—The Earl of Rosslyn writes to the Dally Mall this morning In reference to the ottack made upon him at the banquet of the Pall Mall Club on Thursday hy Winston Spencer Churchill, who accused him of "slandering Brltl.vh of-'i irr Iti tceounta the E.iri had n-nt to newspapers from South Africa." and who went so far as to give the He direct to some of t*>rd Hojslyn's statements The Evrl says: "I shall he only too to expunge the paragraphs complained of from my book tf vtv offlcl it Investliatlon cb-wr* the otttcers of the suspk-lons ngitn*4 them In the meantime I have written to Mr. Churchill demanding an opokjgv " . Th!! nmsv II le New* Ant**. Thomasvllle Oi . ik-t 24 —W J. Taylor hns pur. hasist "The Willows" from T J X'oung and Mrs Mo lie Brown will occupy and run the sink- as a flrst-clas* hoarding house. An elcK vnt ball will be given In thl* city during the carnival we. k The mittir I* In the hands of 1). K Kliklm.l R. C. Balfour ha* purchased a fine lot o' machinery for a t isket and crate factory, which he will erect In thl* city Immedi ately. Thl voting eonlist for the queen of Ih" carnival In this city Is proceeding active ly. MHm Pauline Mit.-hell Is ha ling with Miss Rosa ltaki r second. Xllitntn's llitrir Mtnav Ends. Atlanta Oct 24—Atlanta's firsi her* show < loeia! 10-nlghl Kentucky anil Illi nois horses carried off most of the prlxe- The show wa* a pronounced success m.d will be m-vcic an annual iff tlr hertaflar. Mil Til AFRICA CRITICISED. Hi ennse Materials %re Being |*nr eliasrd In Amerlra. London. Oct. 27 —There Is eonslderahl* correspondence In the papers on the sub ject of the South African contracts, the writers expressing Indignation at the evi dence that large order* have gone to the Drilled States. Some, however, contend lhat the enlonlsts are entitled bv go to whatever market they choose amt are not bouml to add to their already large losses by buying In the dearest British market* The editor of the British ami South Af rican Export Gaxette. write* to the Times that the A'oungstown Bridge Com lny of New York, has received large orders for bridge ami tresile work on the Cap* railways, showlrqt. he say*, that ln American order*, which are giving through wub-contraetor*. are much more numerous than the figures of Sir David Tennant, igenr general In Lomkvn for C*pe Coionv. reveal. CiXTKfI IA HI9 AF.W HOLE. Will Heroine President of Kanas City timlhers. Chicago. Oct. 24 -John W Gates has been east for anew role on the financial stags* He Is billed to appear as the presi dent of the Kansas City Southern Railway Company. The itssil whereby the llirri , 'n or Eaatern Inim-sts of the road is* Into the hands of Gates was concluded to day The transfer of the Interests will take place In New York Tueoday. To day the money was deposited for the ar qulremeni of K.000.00U nt bonds and like amount of stock, which represent Ihe Harrtmsn Interest The operation of the new line will be friendly to the Chtrsgo and Alton Railroad, hut the Alton does not guarantee the payment of the bond Interest. tit T OF RECEIVER** HXAtyst. Black Diamond Hestnrnl in the Original Company. Knoxville. Tenn.. Oct. 38.—The Black Diamond Coal Company was to-day taken out of the handa of Receiver T. H. Heald and restored to the original company ond the i-referred creditors, who ore the only creditor*, save the stockholder*. The comiiany will Issue first prefernd 6 per cent, stock to the creditors for their ac counts. nBHOI HATS K f |||< %<iO. Monster lie inonstratlnn Will Take Finer There To-night. Chic ago. Oct 9ft -Btate street from Ran dolph to Van Huron will be the forum to morrow night for Democratic oratory All Along this stretch of the broad thorough fare Democratic leaders of national prom !nenr will address the crowd" from wa gon* Besides A<lli K. Stevenson, the lls: of *i>caker* will Include Senator Black burn of Kentucky; Congressman Bailey of Texas; Webster Davis. Mayor Harrison. ex-Gov Hogg of Texas and nearly two scor© of others The street will he Illumi nated as much as possible, and there will be bands In plenty This, next to the pa rade scheduled for Nov. 3. is planned to l*e the biggest feature of the Democratic campaign. I#nl of Seaboard Convention. JaokHonville. Fla . Oct 36 - The Seaboard Industrial and Kducationa! Convention which tins been In s-s/lon here for the past three days closed lls meeting lost night, and this morning took an excursion on the St Johns Cape. C. E. Garner, pres ident of the Hoard of Trade, generousl) tendered the use of his steamer, the Miiv Garner, and a large cmwd accepted hi Invitation All of yesterday's work was devoted to plans along educational lines The idea of industrial training was dwelt upon by all who addressed the meeting ktatne to Huron Rnaell. London. Oct. 9ft.—A meeting of jurists and eminent public men to-night called to determine upon means to perpetuate the memory of Lord Russell of Kilnwrn. the late lord chief Justice of England, decided to erect ti statue m the high court of JurGre. Melville W Fuller, chief justice of the United States, and James C. Carter of New York, were invited to Join the tbnsral Committee, and Ambassador Choate was choeen member of the Ex ecutive Committee. Hn ilrocid Kw iDillrra ( awaht. Chicago, Oct. 9ft.—-Two alleged swindlers, who by means of clever forgeries and bogus passes, arc thought to have within the pal three years secured thousands of dollars from railroad companies and scalpers In all parts of th© country, were srresled here to-night. C. C. Rosenborg and E. F. Ashby are the name* given by the prisoners. Karon Huaseira Estate. London. Oct. 27.— I The will of Harm RusseM of KOoweii has been admitted t> probate. The testator bequeathed his en tire estata. valued at nearly OfIROOO to "my dear, goad wil*'* . ■- —a .• t**' ..A —. MHMBOV Jl UTICC IIKtU^IIKI). l-nlitfe Sentiment laianrd Over lint rage at l-Hteraon, *l. J. Poteraon, N. J.. Oct. 26—The revela tion* made In connection with the murder of Jennie Honarhleter continue to cause the greatest eieltement and indignation In iMa city, and arrangement* are being made to-day for a monster mar* meeting to express nubile Indignation and Insici on *peedv Justice. Public sentiment 1* becoming more In flamed every hour. The authorities are considering the advisability of .wearing in special ileputler to protect the Jail. It Is hinted that the principals may be quiet ly removed from the bul.duig. The movement for u monster mas* meeting f* being engineered by President A. W. Bishop of the local branch of the society for the suppression of vice. Prom inent clergymen are aiding in the work. Mr. Bishop declare* that the condition In Pntcrron I* awful: that the young girl* of the mills are ronaldrred the legitimate prey of libertine*; that ease* similar to that of Jennie Bosschletcr are ot nightly occurrence and that the grand Jury Is utterly rotten and prevents the punishment o? those with "Influence ” Prosecutor Kmly say* the prisoner* will be brought to trial as soon a* the busi ness of the court will permit. Tin Plate Plant to !triiine. Newcastle, pa., Oct. SC.—Orders were Is sued to-day by the American Tin Platt Company for the Shenango Tin plant of this city to resume operations In full lit every del-art ment next Tuesday morning Thl* plant Is one-hulf larger than any other mill In the world, and hundreds of men are affected by the order to resume The Greer plant will l*o re-time opera tions a* soon as It Is possible to obtain steel to work upon Stranded Miners Brought Home. Seattle. Wash.. Oct M.—The transport Lawton arrived In this port from Cape Nome with over .'* stranded min ers. brought down at the expense ot the government. One man, James O’Hhten. diet at sea. Just u- the t.iwton was ar riving at Dutch harbor Two others. J C. Carpenter and W fteuer. i<—t their reason In {he north and will be placed In the Insane asylum. Snlcldc Followed Mnrrtng.*. Kansu* City, Me. Oct. 2d. —Oustave Hurstburg. a packing house employe w is married last night to Miss Ira C. A H hnelder, and to-day he committed sui cide. No Idler or writing to explain nhv he killed himself was found He was thrifty and Industrious ami bore a cool reputation. Brown Iteleused From Jail. Chicago, Oet. 24 F. Wnylaml Brown who. with Dr. August I’nger and Frank H. Smiley, wa* arrested some weeks ago and later Indicted hy the Grand Jury for conspiracy to defraud several Insurance companies which held risk* on ihe late Marii- Defenlmugh.Ki-cured hi*release from Ihe county Jail to-day on bond of 110.000. The Artnonr* tn Consolidate. Chicago, Oct. 24 —The Tlrm-s-Hcrald to morrow will say that within a week there Is tn he a consolidation of Armour A Cos , of Chicago and th- Armour Packing Com pany of Kansas City and an Increase In the capital of the Chicago eoiporallon from 120(00.000 to 835.aM.0nP Atne Persons BHdly Hurt. Chicago. Oet. 26.—Nine persons were hurt to-night, four seriously, a* the re sult of the grip on a State street cable train Jumping the track The seriously Injured are It W Kill. Metxger, Elmer Mo**, A \'. Wyrkoff | I.V.imo To *22.finii OA BKX'AT. pi,mm to fpIO Wagered In Wat! Afreet nn McKinley. From the New York Journal. F II Broo'ts. a Stock Exchange broker, ha* S2OOOO to Sl.Odft that McKinley will win amt $5,000 to $32,500 that Bryan will win. Mr. Brook.- announced yesterday lhat he could place both bets With Cooper. Cramp A Hoadleston Brooks wagered SI,OOO to 12(4) that Mc- Kinley would win In the general result This I* *hi- first bet at 5 to 1 made on the Stock Exchange. John IV Show l*-t ll.vd) against S2.nm with l H la- Veen yesterday that Mc- Kinley would i*vmc down to the Bronx with 125.000 majority. Pearl & Cos. hold the stakes Thomas Steeley. on curb, offered 8100 on Brynn nr odds of 414 to 1, with no takers. Richard .Croker s offer fo wager 82.0 m against ll.wsi that McKinley's plurality above the Bronx would not reach 125.000. was accepted yesterday by Charles* A Hess brother of Police Commissioner Ja cob Hess and Republican leader of the Twenty-fifth Assembly District. Rorgeant-at-Arm* Len 11 Wager, of the Democratic State Commlilee, announced lasi night that he had 85.000 to place against 830.000 that Bryan carries Ohio. Thi' money k said to I*'long to ex-Senator Edward Murphy. Itacklc In Her l.ungs A years. From the New York Press. Hughesvllle, Pa.. Oct 21 —Mr*. H T Smith of thl* plare goes about her house hold duties with more i ni-erfulness than she ha* for five year* on account of the removal of a foreign substance from her right lung, where It hnd found lodgment all that time. Early In 1596 Mrs Smith, then Miss Mc- Henry. placed a small buckle nfr a sus pender botweon her lips, and huvlng oc casion to laugh, the piece of metal slip l>ed down her throat A soreness In n nhorl time -lev. loped | n her right lung ami the symptom* of tu berculosis made their appearance Mat ters continued practically the M im* until a few days ago. whn In a severe spell of coughing she *|iat out the piece of metal swallowed year* ago. It had be iome oxidized, resembling u pie. e of char coal. fCMICMCOTIR a CNCU.IBM ENNYROYAL PILLS OHiMT a.l Onlf ItL/JNhafi I wUmaM *+( ff niK'HKHTKRS KM.I hil UKI) r.l (*ld ntfiini* *> in Mi*| TV fM **toatll Hli>ia M d I Milt*. I / Iff *•••- ar #®A 4#. t a Vo* 0 **4 "lialtrf fWr U4lm,"m Ufiar r. tarn Mall |O,A|O Trai'.a>&ia < SalUf JJ" I** 1 ** *• Mr-' “' ’li'.di huTTa*. 1 rt ••** by L. h. Braatl| * Ca- W **• l*r*||iao Ka* Oriaou*. W. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Aflent, HAIMVAV AAD Mil.l. M I*I*I.IKS, rroA'ldenl IlulMtng, Bavannah, Oa. S ■■““““"PARKER'S 59 HAIR BALSAM ai*l b**mi Urn Uit half. a Invariant povlb Falla to Haaiora Gray ■ Empty Honshcads. Umpty UoluiH Uuaakiaai In aaJe by ***** c. M. GILBERT & CO. friend. 1 think you must be twenty yetrs older than you are? Yet it’s impossible to look young with the color of seventy years in the hsir. It s sad to see young persons look prematurely old In this way. Sid because it’s ill unnecessary; for gray hair may al ways be re p-- ££££ Avor? For over rHal r ;.v.v::Vlqav hair prepara- V| tion. *♦ - L an elegant dressing; stops falling of the hair; and cleanses the scalp from dandruff. When you feed your hair well it will grow well. It keeps soft and never splits at the ends. SI M a Milt. All tfmultt*. “ I have been utng Ayer'* Hair Vigor for over 20 year* and I can heartily rv oinmend it i<> tb nubile a* the best bair ionic iu existence Mr*. €l. L. Aldkhron, April 24,1899. Ector,Tex 1 If you do not obtain *ll tho h*nof)t* you o*poctM from th* u*e of tho Vigwr. writ© tb l>octor about It. Adilrau 1R J. C. AT EH, Lowall, Matt 1181 Of HOPI fi r AND and 8 8 RT M Ili.Ol LL. For Isle of Hope. Mongomery. Thunder bolt. Cattle i’ark and Weal kind Dally except gundaya. Subject to change without notice. IBLE OF HOPE. i. ' I*V tor I of H L.V Isle of Hope *SO am from Tenth 6uu am for It.. u" 730 am from Tenth <OO am for Tenth *IS am from Uollon 300 am for Tenth to SO am from Tenth 10 00 am for Tenia 12 00 n'n from Tenth 11 On am for Bolioa 1 IS pm from lloKon II 30 am for Tenth ZSO pm from Tenth 200 pm for Tenth SSO pm from T-nth 2to pm for Boh s 4>i pm from Tenth Suu pm for Tenth 1 SO pm from Tenth m pm for Tenth *SO pm from Tenth foo pro for Ten-h 7SO pm from Tenth 700 pm for Tenth SSO pm from Tenth 800 pm for Tenth 9SO pm from Tenth 900 pm for Tenth 10 SO pm from Tenth 10 oo pm for Tenth ll 00 pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY. t.v city for Lv Montgomerr *SO am from Tenth 715 am for Tenth" 2SO pm from Tenth 115 pm for Tenth 3 pm from Tenth 300 pm for Tenth CATTLE 1-ARK. I,v ''V fw 'mi I'.iidT LvT t at tie PariT SO am from Bolton 700 am for Bolton 7SO am from Bolton 800 am for Bolton 100 pm from Bolton ISO pm for Bolton ZSO pm from Bolton SOO pm for Bolton 700 pm from Bolton 7SO pm for Bolton 800 pm from Bolton I 8 So pm for Bolton TH L N UKHHUb 1. Car leaves Bolton street Junction IM A m and every thirty minutes thereafter until 11 p. m. Car leaves Thunderbolt al 8 00 a. m. and every thirty mlnutee thereafter until 12:00 midnight, for Bolton street Junc tion. FREIGHT AND PARCEL CAR This car carries trailer for passengers on all trlpa and leavea west sld* of city market for Isle of Hope, Thunderbolt and ail Intermediate points al S 00 a. m., 1 00 p. m . 5:00 p. m. L-aves Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt City Market and all Intermediate points al 6:00 a. m . 11:00 a. m.. S to p it. ~ WEbT END CAR. Car leavea west aide of city market tor West End 800 a. tn and every *0 mlnulee thereafter during tha day until 11:S0 p tn. Leaves West End at 3 a. m. and ev ery to minutes thereafter during tbs day until 12:00 o’clock mldntrht. H M IXIETDV Get Mrr. LEGAL NOTICES. IN the District <‘ourt of the Ended States for the Eastern Division of the Southern District of Oeorglo Notice f application for discharge. In the matte' of James R. Smith, county of Chatham, In lonkruptcy. To th CT*htors of the above-named bankrupt: You are hereby notified that the nbova-nametl bankrupt has filed his application for a dlrcharge from all of th*- debt * provable In bank ruptcy, against satd James H Smith The untd application will be heard by the Hon. Emory Speer, Judge of the t’nlted States DlfSrlct Court, for sold district and divlt ton at the fttate* Court House. In Macon. <!a.. on the sth day of No vernier. 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m All creditors of said bankrupt are notified to appear at the time and |daro Mate.l. and show cause. If any they can, why tha iwayer eontlilned in the said petition should not be granted Dated In Sa vannah. Ga., this 26th dav of October, 1801 V H. H. KING. Clerk. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY - Notice Is hereby given to all persons In terested that the estate of Isabella Neill, unrepresented and that tn terms of the law administration with the will annexed will be vested In Jordan E. Brooks, county administrator, on the first Monday In November next, unless objec tions are tiled thereto. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrtll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the 4th day of October. 190n FRANK E KEILBACH Clerk Ct. Or'dy C. C.. O* GEORGIA? CHATHAM COt’NTT - Mrs. Annie E Jerkins has npplted to the Court of Ordinary for a twelve month*' support for herself and minor children out of the estate of Joseph M Jerkin*, de ceased Appraisers have made return* al lowing aame. Thene are, therefore, to cite all whom It may concern to appear before aatd court In make objection on or before the flrs* Monday In November next, otherwl-e some will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll. Ordinary for Chatham eounty. thl* the 13th day of October. IW FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk Ct Ordy.. C. Cos.. Ga JOHN G. BUTLER, —DEALER IN- Patnlr. Oils and Glaaa, Sash. Doors.Bltnds. and Builders Supplies. Plain and Decora live Wall Paper. Foreign and Pom rat * Cements. Ume. Plaster and Heir Bolt Agent for Attesting Cold Water Pal 30 Congress etrect. west, and 19 81. Julies street, went. DONNELLY DRUG CQ, SAVANNAH. OA. DRUGS. SEEDS. ETC. Mall orders solicited. Bel! phone p. 8 —Send for free sample F. A 1 • Dyspepsia Cure. J. D. WEED * CO SAVAASAM, GA. LMther Bcltlnt Steam Packini? & flosi Agents for NEW YORK ®UI*BEB belting and packing CGAU-JN*- OLD NEWSPAPKnS. ZOO for eglte, ol BufUien OOct Morokif News, n —•