The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 27, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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Receipt* VM* Including 15.100 A v‘ opened quiet and cloned quiet; - middling. low middling clsuse. * ... r j,) tjuyir*. Octobwr-Novemher. T. ii.*r* N'ovem taw-December, (W, 1;, .rober-January. 4 53d. buyer*. , rl |>bru*ry, >4)4 57.1. buyers; .'•.arv-Marrh. 4 aid. buyers; March * , i rntHd. sellers; Aprll-May, 4 C A; May-Julte, 4.6104 6M. *el -1 1 • July, 4 ***u4 61d. seller... July , 4<i4 30d, sellers: August-Sep- A ~4 44.1 buyer*- Tender* for doliver ' , loday'e cleuring* 5.2(3) bale*, new v „ 0K1.E444 ( OTTO'S MARKET. orlrsne, Oct. 38.-Co* ton futures ‘" T s 1907.t0 March ... . S TJ6 74 V her, bid .1.11 April S7Sti.4 74 . ... r ~g 7108.71 May *> <<tl .5 .. II.TOO* 71 June 8 7508.76 i.> lary . .8.73' 7J fOTTOg I.KTTKH4. ~ , York. Oct. 36 Murphy A Cos wy: II arket ruled dull but eteady to-day , *i„ut any api-cial nows of Internet Llv aa not quite up to esnectatlons. ' ulrjt 3 to 3-64 over lt night, but ruled ~,r needy during balance of the aee ,, gaining an additional 64d Hpot sale* ') r , , owi. middling upland*. 5 7-33d Our i , k.i opened unchanged to alvout 4 ioer than yeeter lay's close. Jan , i .filing ut SR. gradually adwar.rlng i . . tut .luring Wiler |>art of aeaslon do , . I io a rOv. cloeln* a' about the lowest rgjr, id Ihe session While I here was ~nge In values to-day, bullish .iitlrirnt prevailed, no frost araa reported ~!t.av belt and weather condition* •h i. —l practically un.-hang. and. coni !,!!>•. are . oming In that we are Ivav : much rain, purllcularly In Mle -1 01. Amount in eight for the week 4 ~v sight thus far since Auk Ji. ~ 5 ..alnst 2 5*6.808 teat year Port re ef,,., - store Aug 31. 1.884.184 agatnwl 1.735. , w vesir Port receipt* for to-day 46,- ,V afloat 55.046 last year New York. Oct. M.—Huhbard Bros a, Cos say Liverpool recovered sharply on OUP reaction of yesterday and our market further advanced o * cents for January Prom this point a slow rear Hon set In on 'he better weather reported by the gmrrtimhit and the absence of any cold wave on the weather map our local trade !.h>k for the movement in the Atlar.ti Maaet to be lighter on the holding by plantms on the recent decline On this • heory thev have bought freely during th. !wst few days, but there has >een no increase In the outaide demand The wew'hnr lias lieen so good for the !■' even or eight weeks that crop Ideas ar.- looming placed on a higher level, but the local trade do not expect any severe break while the decline chicked tne offer :ng the reaction has caused the demand to fail off for prompt shipment. WEEKLY LOTTO* KEI'ORTL Comparative cotton statement. Ne York. Oct. 36. for the week ending to i)ay: Net W'dpt* At all I’nlted State* porta ilurtn* week 333.79. Net receipt* at all United State* port* during name week lat year. 241.*1 Total receipt* to thla date l'!!!’ Total recolpt* earoe date U*t year .l.Wa.w. Export* for the week Export# for Mime week laat year... J O -.®; Total export* to thl* date 1,231.0*7 Total export* to same date lat vi-ar Hsa’2* Stock at all United Stale* port* Stock at all Urdu*l State* port* name time la#t year *£•** (Mock at all Interior town* *.* Stock a* all Inter!ct town* m me time laat year “a* 1 Stock at Liverpool same time laat year •H.w Stock of American afloat for Great lirttain **•* ‘ Stock of American afloat for Great llritaln aame time lni year 172.0' Comparative atatement of net receipt* at aU the port* during the week ending Fr! day ever.ln* Oct. 36. 190 ft. and during the rsnw week laat year. r Ulllt WCr A l**rv ■ (19WV01 |l*99-to Galveston ! *6’■*' J*- 1 ® New Orleans mm* j t-j j.*** Boston I*l*l I'.l. Phtlsdelplila '' J * Penea<la Newport News *=**• Total .IHMHIMMH "Comiwrallvo * of net rocelpf* at all *he port* from Sept. 1. IM. to Fri day evening Oct. 26. I#. and from Bepl 1. loot), to Friday. Oct. 199 Since Sept. 1— . l IS9BSB. Galveston I H 4.61. 5,4.766 New Orleans I *. Mobile I wni!l Havannuh I Charleston 1 •*-' Wilmington I Balt!more I ♦d s *' Sow York I 7 Philadelphia i I' 2 *; ®'“T ixr.uola I 14.5 L 19.e63 Brunswick I 18 Newport New* I •>' BW ' ■ Tota 1 . rr... ii.M7.Bi* 1.746.435 ~Bloek of eoTton at all ports. Oct W. 19b tn*l on th* same day of the week last year; PortoT ’ [BS 1899-00 New Orleans :~i".44 233.2 T Mobile I 20.563 36.863 l.alvrMon I 181.358 172.57 Savannah I *•.! !.►' < arleaton I 38 -®" *?'?! ' llmlngton I *3- ,S4> Norfolk I ' 7ll 7 w York I•* ” her port. 1 *•**♦ roil *. *’*■“ Movement lnl< Mh*- New Orleans. Oct 29 -Secretary Hes 1-ra w.-ftkly New Orleans Colton *-*- mge sta'ement. Issued to-day. ho Q . for the nn>-iK dv* of ,h " • .( have . lapsed the aggregate movt- I r.t into eight hi nhcad of the flfty*t* Ony a of )■; year. 114.000. anil behind the 9 ''<• day* year before l#t! of 140.000 ..** amount brought Into eight during past week. hoe been 473. nit again*" ■ -1* for the seven days ending Oct. N lit, and 519.706 year >efore lust. and t . the * went v-Mx dnya of tvtober It h->> *-1.921.05; against 14*7 796 and 1.914 • total movement for the flftv-l •" from Hopt 1 to dale. Is :.7t**..W. * * nt 2 lost year, and 2,Mi9.ni4 yejr l*f .-i. last. "■' movement since Pop! 1 ahowe re ' at ad United Stale# porta 1.924 I*4 1 et iat year, nnd 2.112.220 '* l before lata; overland acroaa the y eelppt. Ohio and Potomac river* to ern mill* and Canada. 149.505, again*! •** ■ and 152.442; interior itork* In e*- of those held at the rloee of the R *retal year. 393.709 again** 941.915 “ r * 399 79*; Southern mill tak "** 243.996. against 259.144 laat *i Foreign exports for the week r O 'ern 247.931. gotoi lki.JSe lat year. *'ng the total thus far for ihe season 14949*. Hgaloat 1.129.790 laat year. The total takings of American mill* rth and South ami Canada, thua for _ *•** season. have been 492.907. agJlnat * J 1* last year *>:oek < at the seaboard nnd ihe twen4v ' r,e leading luierlor center* hove In '“ied during the week 117.493 bale*. af*' n,t on incraaae during the correspond ent nanod last season, of 49,142. an.l are smaller than at thiadatelnUW. MURPHY & CO.. INC., Board of Trade Building. Savannah Private leased wire* direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans. COTTOS, *TOt K* ANO CRAIN. Naw York office. No. 11 Broadway. Offices in principal elite* throughout th# South. Write for our Market Manual and book containing lntructlona fur trader* Including Hooka left aver at ports and Interior town* from th* last crop nnd the number of bate* brought Into sight thu* far fbr the now crop, the supply to date te I.HSWt* again*! 3.2uC..406 ( ur the same period lam year. AVweld's Visible Napply. New Orleans, Oct -Secretary He*, ter r statement of the world * visible sup ply of cotton issued today shows the to tal visible to he J.tiSa.ia* again*! 2.315,898 ■ a*i weeds, and J,54*.4#5i last year. Of this •he total of Anteri .so cotton t* " 3U2 s* igalnat 1 Mikas, and 6,041.468. and’ of all olh<T kind-, It* ludiiig Kgypt, llruxll. In ■ti t. etc . 457.U.U, ~g*int 4U.O>> and 4* Of the world’s visible supply a* above there te now ufl.iat and held in Great Brl tain and contltietital Ktirep- 1.27*.‘' bale*, agalnet I.77ti,Kw> lust year, and I.7tSl.*tOi year laifore lasi; In Kgypt 16.000 Hgalnet !lhl and 93.nr0. til India 150,000 agilnet dgiu). and 197.u>. ar.d In the Foiled State* l.lbt,oob against 1,441.000 ami 1.623.0ut Im <4041054. New Y.trk, Ocl 36—The market ha* bewn universal.y qule4 without develop ment* In any direction of moment Buy er* have been very conservative In tnelr purchase* and there still uonlli :e* to to il considerable distance betwreft the Con tra ct It.g parlies There la general opin ion that after election trailing will be M.mewnat livelier and buyer* ore evident ly looking for lower price*, notwithstand ing the firm tone of buyers. naval rronics. * Friday, (Act 26 SPIKITB TI'RPENTINE-The tur|-n --une market ranged upward throughout the weik. cloalng firm to-uay at 41 ten!*, with a good demtnd for the offering* To ward the middle of ih* Week a strong de tnand sprung up from all source*, and for a while It seemed that a boom was on. The rise wa* a steady one. however, and u<h a* may he expected to be maintain and for a time Condition* weri entirely satisfactory to the troth The receipts of turpentine for the week * ere 6.861. Kgamct 4.7it' last year, and th# export* 7.*. against 2 741 last year. The exports went to New Y'ork 1.826. to Fhlla irlphta. 168. Baltimore, 10, and the lnterkir 1.J47. 11US4IN8—There was also a tendency to advance shown In the rosin market which iteld It* own. and wa* him under the de mand for supplies for both foreign ami b-meatlc account Buyer* were In the market nearly every day of the week, anil the consequence wa* considerable activity TYte receipts of ro*ln* for the week were 22 779, against 24.492 last year, and the ex tort* 17.437. against 19.919 last venr The ■'gport* went to New York 4.3 M. Philadel phia 281. Baltimore. 6.190. Interior 1.834. 'jverpool 2.!2*>. Bremen, 2.200 and Monte video 3.430 Quotations— At th# close of the market to-day the following qtio4,itk>n* were bul letined at the Board of Trade-: Bptrits Turpentine—Firm at 41c. with sales of 308 casks. Rosin Arm, sales 942 A. B. C 1136 I 3166 D 1 36 K 1 75 E 1 ¥) M :. 1 | F 1 46 N 2 30 U I WO 2 60 II 1 *J W W 2 81 Anm-- Week Ut Year— Apirttn Turpentine— Firm at 48vjr. sale*. 760 casks Ro*ln—Firm; sale*. 1.3A3 barrels. A. B. C 31 00 I ...|I 26 U 1 00 K 1 .*> E 1 W M 1 6J F 1 07V* N 2 30 O. 1 17H W O 370 H 120 W W 355 Receipts Pfisr Week. (Spirits Rosin Uecelpt* pa*t wrok ] 6.HSI 227T0 Home week last year | 6 ,T>n 34.492 Expi.ria last week j 7.599 17,4" Hame week last year j 2.78! 19,919 Movement s’, w York I 1.336 4,.*3| 1’ I'.adelphla j Mg: 3*l fT.iltlmore ....j iq s,l'<i Interior | 1.W7 1.634 Liverpool j 1 2.56 c Bremen | ' 2,^w Montevideo j j J. 43- Total exports | 2,781 19.919 Deeelpta and Storks. Recelpta shipment* and stock* from April 1. I9ftft. to dste. and to the eorte apondlng dale of last year: 1900-1991. Stock April 1. IMO 8.1*7 142.5 0 Received thl* week 67*0 31.192 Received previously 347.454 579 400 Total 2M.TSJ 746 451 Export*— Foreign 159.71* 320 917 New York 26.34* 7* 214 Coastwise and Interior 32.474 31*7,124 Total 217.*00 606.3 6 Stork on hand this day 39 357 139.152 IM9-1900. Slock on hand April 1. IW9 3.586 111 3V, Received thl* week 6 961 2.779 Received previously 234 974 634 341 Total •■••••• •••••• .245.431 93,131 Exports— Foreign 165.315 31.1.91* New York *7.117 119.448 c.xiMwise and Interior 35 6 9 19.,94't Block on hand 37 34ft 149.164 Charleston. Oct. 26 -Spirit* !UR.entlne ,Wti at 40Hc; sale* none Rosin Steady, unchanged, rale* non- Wilmington. N C., Oct 36 -Spirit* tur pcrttlne steady, tlfttmc; receipt* 61. Rosin steady. *1.!0®I.; receipt*. 529 ,'rthl, turiM-nllne stoady, II 4ft anJ I- It. receipt*. 125 Tar firm. 11 45. receipt*. SI N. w Orleans Oct, 26—Receipt*. 55 bar rel* rosin: exports nor.c FIX ASCI AL. MONEY—The demand keep* fairly up with the supply. t . . RANK CLEARINGS —The bank clear ing* during the past week were 6 217,- 47,2 37. against F,*97.13195 for the corre sponding period last year and 33 930.L1.14 ( or the corresponding perlo! of 11®* Clearings by Days— Saturday $1.20*64131 Monday 1.237 *9B 81 Tuesday 993.542 3*l Wednesday "962.101 67 Thursday .... . g*i.3Ai *1 Friday *•* Total 36.217.452 27 FOREIGN EXCHANOE - Market week Commercial demand, *4.99*4: dxt day*. 14 79*4: ninety day*. 14 7* frane* Farts and Havre, sixty day*. SB\; Sw, sixty days, 526**; Belgian. 526.4n.rk*. • ix-v ,ys 98 1 4m tax - 91 . FIX AXri AL. JOHN W. DICKEY, Stock sad Snail Broker, AUGI'ATA, GA. Write far List. THE MOHNING NEWS: SATE It DAY. OCTOBER 27. 1900. Iwi.U KftTIC EXCHANOK Bteady. banks are buying at 1-16 discount and sell- Ing *s follows tiff, and under, loc pre mium. 32- to 650. 16c premium; 660 to 61t. H p'.uHutn H 0 to t2o>\ Jsc premltim. 6200 to 61.000. l premium. 31.000 and over, 75e per M premium. J4ECFRITIER—The tone of the mark*- I* firm, with advancing price* The *u|>- ld> of heating securities Is llmlled. Cen tral Issuts are active and strong. Meek*. Bid. A. Augusta and bavanrah R U bWA, 110 Atlanta and West point 1S> 1 4 .... ■hi 6 per cent, certificate* .... 108 Augusta Factory B 36 fatten* Bank 131 133 Chatham Bank llOt* 111 | f hut ham It F7 AI. Cos.. A 87 6* do do II 66 67 : Eagle uttd l'h.e nix Mfg. Cw .. 105 107 Edison F7lcctrlc Ilium liW, It’S Kr.terprl*# Mfg Cos 1* Germania Bank 13*1 131 Georgia A Alabama 23 X Georgia Railroad Common 211 216 Granltavllla Mfg Cos 166 167 J T King Mfg Cos 100 103 Langley Mfg. C 0... .....117 130 | Merchant*’ National Bank 11l 113 National Bank of Savannah .... 150 Oglethorpe Sellings and Trust . 109 l i Hflij People's (tilling* and Loan l'lb 101 Southwestern Railroad Cos 10* 110 Savannah Un Light Cos 24V* 75' • [south* tn Bank Ed IB j Savannah Batik and Truat 11l 115 I Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta 86 88 ■ Savannah Brewing 101 103 Ilonas. Bid Ask C'har . Col, A Aug Ist 6a. 190 b 106 Atlanta city 4s 193 104 106 Augusta city 4*. 1927 105 107 do 4'ys. 126 11l do 7*. 1903 107 do 6s. 1913 123 Ala Mid. SS. tndd. 1928. MAN 98’, 100 Aurusih Fac'ory, 6 pur cent ,1915.112 Brunswick *nd W estern 4*. 1938 9d 81 C R R & Ranking collateral Js 94 9i C, of G. Ist mortg sa. 1945 F. A A IH* 1 C. of O eon s*. 1916, MAN 96 96 C of O It*' In -nm. s, 1945 43 41 do 2nd Income* 11 14 do 3d Income*. 1946 6 7 C. of O (M G. A A Dlv) ss, 1947. J A J 94 98 C. of G. (Eaton Branch). 6*. 1938. J An 96 97 City A Suburban R K lt 7a 109 V, Columbus city 5* 1909 ltff Charleston city 4*. 19# ini 102' Eigle A Phoenix Mills 65.. 1928 .106 108 Edison Electric lllutnlnultng 6a. .104 106 Enterprise Mfg 6s. 1993 103 Georgia Railroad 6s 1910 114 11VH O 8 A F . 1. J A J 112 112V4 Georgia A Alabama Ist 6s. 1945 191 106 Georgia state 3V*a. 19A. J. A J...H4> do 3H*. IMS. M * N 106 do 41,5. 1915 119 119 Macon ctly 6s. 1910. J. A J ....116 118 do 4Vs. 1926. Jan. par 10K Ocean Steamship se. 1936 104 .... Savannah city 5.-*. quar January. 1912 lib 111 do fis. quar November. 1909 ....110H 111V* South Carolina slate 4V*s. 1933 ..116 HI Sibley Mfg Cos. 6*. 1903 102 South Round 6s 96 97 8.. F A W gen ml go. 6s. 1934 124 126 do do Ist ss. g-M 1914 112 114 do Si John Dlv. I*l 4s 1934 94 96 Week's Hank S'learitut*. New York. Oct 36 —Total bank clearings at the principal cities of the t’nited States for the week wen- 11.739.411.158. a decrease of 2 8 t*r cent, aa compareil with the cor responding we.-k of last year Outride of New York cby the total clearings were 6*56.178,761. a de--ree*e of 5 2 |*er cent. New York. Oct 36 —Money on roll caster it 24F4V. last loin 3 |>er cent l‘rlm<- mer cantile paper 64f6 per cent Sterling ex change heavy with actual business In bankers l.lllr. 31 H3\ for demand. wml at 44 ini, for sixty days. Post'd rales. 44 81*4 and 44 MVyfil 85 Coinmeiclal bills. 41 7V'jg 4, %i. Silver certificate* sm®*2A,e. Bar sil ver. 64>vO Mexican dollars. SO64C. Govem meni Iwnd* strong State bond* weak Railroad bonds Irregular STOCK!! AXIH HOND9. Further nonet lon With Hurst of Xlrrnalh nt th#* Close. New York. Oct. 26—The #tock market underwent many fluctuation* of sent men! to-day, but on the Whole came through the day's ordeal very well and the aver age level of price-* wa* higher as a re#til4 of the day's trading The market w very Irregular from the opening and dur ing the course of the Bess on the reaction ary tendency fairly got the upper hand, carrying pries# to well la-low last night’* |vel. The extreme change In the moat actlv.- stocks wa* from 1 to over 2 points but In the Anal rally the net changes were entiill fraction* The weakn.-** which ovircame the mar ket wa* clearly enough an Incident of ihe dlgentloti of profit*. The furre of the flnul rally showed that professional operator* ventured io sell short* pretty freely also Wall aireet had It* dally report thl* morning of stupendous n-w i-ombtnatlon* In the railroad world, thl* time r.-|ailng to Southern Pacific. Th<- Vanderbllf Inter #•*!*. t w- sold, had secured control, and ■ill prob’erne of comitetlllon nnd rote-cut ting were forthwith to be settled. Chicago nnd Alton and Kansas CHy Southern, I* wn* also confidently alleged, hod bocome consolidated The eciirlMe* of the lat ter two rompiriles res(#otti|eil with brisk advances. But In Southern P.tclflc enor mous block* of long etock came out, stic ■ ceding a primary sale of lO.fsrt shares at quotations % point apart. The opening quotation vn\ th# highest of the duy and the stock fed away 1% during the active selling tnovem- nt Brooklyn Rapid Tr ill alt wa* very actively diall In and wn* pUHltrd up 1% before any marked sign* of weakness begnn 10 develop The*# pn'tit* of strangth served to sustain the market somewhat but re:ill*lng continued on n active scale The Coaler* broke sharply on report that the Reading Company would mne to It* full caparlty. A num lier of the iron and steel stock* declined from 1 10 1% point*. They were affected somewhat by the report* of the de# p cut In prices of steel rails made by British manufacturer*, following n rtif made ear lier In he Week by German producers The late rally was I'd by Missouri Pa rifle, which ivus rushed up 3 point* above the lowest, without any news to necount for the rse. TK fall in the r ill money rate at 2 |er rent ami ths manifest relaxation In the pressure to realne encourage I the ad vance. Preliminary estimate# of the week's cash change* by the bank* promise II large decline In cash reserve* Opera tlon with the *ub-tre*ury off* red the grexetst Ir.terert. Depo.-lta of cash wl'h this Institution for transfer to ihe Interior hnve been much smaller this week than last. On the other hand, there have been paymen's a f drafts on account of goll deposited at Pacific coast point*, and th* portion of the gold Import* which came a, bar* hnve been paid for at the assay office. Nevert h* lees, th- pub-treasury har ehsorbed from the bank* during the wek no tea* a sum than 12.310,000. The shipment* of eurrenry by express to the Interior ure believed to hve lieen leap rhsn *IOOO.OOO. hut the decline In cash re aerve* *eem* certainly to have rrached a of 13 on nun The act. on of the call money market relieved apprehension and •ingested the Inference thal the tmnk* must have further eontracted rtielr loans w> a* to reduce the reserve requirement* during the week Only ahoot Hiui.AOO of gold of 'he *11.000,000 engaged for Import wn* received |n lime to figure In the Statement, the b dance tx-tng In transit The Iwxid market rontlr.u*-l active and showed point* of weakness In sympathy with stocks Total tales, par value, $3, 750.000 Unde.! States refunding 2s. the new and old 4* and the 5s advanced % per cent, on the last call The total sales of stock* to-doy were CU.GO9 shares. Including Atchison, 23.370, Atchison pryferred. 16685. Baltimore and Ohio, vAxi. OlssMaAks and Ohio 14,399 ’ Munhaltan 15.514 I; Missouri Pacific, *6.675. Northern Pacific. JO.ito. Pennsylvania NuS7. Reading 5.D66: Southern Pacific. 47.- 635; t'nlon Pacific, 20.7T7. American Steel ami Wire. 6 *l5. American Tolsseco, 18.26 U. Hrooklyn Tranli, 67.19D, Continental To bacco. 6.2*5. Federal Steel. IS.sso. Paclfle Mall. V 770. Paopte'e Goa, 5.528. dugar 48,- M 45. United Butte* leii'hrr, 5 400 New York Stock 1-lat .Atchison JJS, t'nlon IWlllc ... C 24 do |ref 74Vs do pref. 754 Halt, a Ohio .. 7M* Wabash 74 Can. Pa. toy, do pref is a Can So 5.1 Wheel A L. E . 94 I 'hew ft Ohio .. 4 do 2nd pref. . J Chi O W . Wl* Caatral I7t Cht. It. A g 12TV Third Avenue .110 l*hl. ln.l A L 22 Adams lixpre#* !2 do pret . 54 ;Als. Express ...155 Chi. E A 111 K<y f. t* Expree* ... 50 Chi A- Nw 162 Welle Fargo Lx 137 C ll I 4 p ims An > Co* Oil ■. C. C C A St L 61 | do pref >1 Col So. Am Malting My do Ist pref .. is l -, do pref. 35 do 2nd pref .15 Am 8 Av Hefng. 41’ Ie! & Hudson lU7i d* l l>ref *IS Del. L A w ITH |Am Spirit* 1V Dell A R. O 304 do pref 17 do pref 701% Am Steel Hoop 344 Eric I*4 do pref 744 .h. let pref 354 Am S A Wire . 354 fit Nor pref 1634 do pref 75 Hocking Coal HAS Am Tin Plate .. 34 Hek Valley *64 do pref M 4 llllnnt* Central 11s Am Tobacco kT 7 . lowa .Vnlrul ... IS | do prof ...132 •to pref .43 | Ana Min Cos. .. 454 L Erie A IV . 35 .llrook It T. . C. do pref 12 ICol F A Iron 3*4 lake Sli.sre .... 3064 Com TVdwc.-o .. L & N 76*4 do pref 514 Man L 7. Federal Steel ... S>4 Met (4* Ry. . I*l4 do 4>r. f . tV* 4 Mcx. Central . 124 <Jen K*dctriC ...143 Minn. A H. L 5W laiucos. Sugar ~'.15 do 4ref . .. 8* do pref 354 Mo. IWIIIc 574!1ntl Paper 304 Mobile A Ohio 35S do pref 66"% M. K AT .104 Laclede Oaa .... 71 do |iret 324 Natl lllacult .. 35*; .V. J Centra! .1354! .k> pref N. Y Central 133 j VailtMug lesnl 20 Nor a West 37't do -.ef is! do pret Steel No Pacific ; e*4 do pref S4 do pref 734 N Y Air Drake 121 Ontario A W 224 North Am 1.74 Or. It A Nav 42 Pacific Const ... 56 do pref 7* .to Is* pref ... 54 Pennsylvania . 1346. do 2nd pr. f 67 Heading 11* Publflc Mall .... 434 do let pref W*4 People's <la ‘.S4 .to 2*hl pref. . 254 Pr. seed S Car 43 RtO O W 50 ! <h. pr. t Si do pr.f SO (Pullman Pal C I*' SI L A S F 114 - Rope ft T 5 do Ist pref 67 Sugar 1234 .to 2nd pref .. 364 do pref 116 St. L Sw ll 4 ,Tcnn C, ft Iron 5*4 do pref. 317g|l T . S leather . 134 Si. Paul 1154' do pref 71S do pref 172 |U. H Rubber ... S3 Bt. P. ft Om ... 112 j .to pref IM So Pacific 374We*i Cnlon ... ! 8o Railway .... 124 R I * 134 do pref 564 do pref 56\ Texas ft Pacific 174 P. C. C ft St L. 8h Honda r s 2s ref reg- It** I *, bids 674 do cou 1044 do do 4s 324 U. S 3*. reg U 4 N - v c - l! "* • m do *s, cou. . 110 N. J. C. gen. 55.124 do new 4s, reg 134 No Pn, 3s 664 do new to.cou 135 No. Pa 4s .1034 do old to. reg 1154 N. Y . C. ft Bt do old 4s. cou 11f>4 Is 4s 1*64 do ss. reg ... 1124 N. ft W mm Is un do ss. cou 111 Ore Nav Isis lift D. of C 3 65s 1*44 Ore. Nav 4 IW t Atch gen 4e !‘*>4 Ore 8 Line* * 1171s do adjl. 4s 674 or, ‘- B L con 5s 111 C of O con 5s 9* Read Gen 4s .. 33V. do Ist Inc .. 444 K O. W Ist* to'., do 2nd Inc . 1341 R L ft Tr M Can So 2nds . 107 con 5a UO C. ft O 44 100 St L ft 8. F do f.s 15F4 gen 6s 123 r ft Nw con 7s !S4 St P cons 1705. do do 8. F St P. ft P Deb 5s 120 | Ist* 11*4 Chi Term 4s 32 80 P* " *O4 Col Bo 4* .. -.82 80. Ry. 5s 104 n a R G. lsts IJ3 s. Rope * T. 6s a ,lo do 4s 864 T. ft Pa Ist* ..1104 Eric Gen 4s . 704 do do 2nd* .. .. 7<> K W A D C. t'n Pa 4s 1064 j ßlll 74 Wabash Ist* ..,.113 Gen Elec 6 .112 j do tnds I*B lowa Cen Its 112 West Shop Is ..11*4 L ft N. Uni. 4s 884 Wls. Cen. Ist* ... v!4 & o is si Va. Centuries ... 31 Mo K. ft T. " NW York. Oct. 26 Standard Oil closed at fiOHpirf. Murphy * CO,’# fttncW belter. New York Oct 26 —The stock market thl* morning opened active with a aome ivlijt feverish tone Tne early iransac flone nhow.,l .1 number of usually wide ami erratic fluctuation* for the most part initial price# were modi- at slight varu tlon* from yesterday* Anal figure' Southern Pa Klc wa* exceptionally active ot the opening and the tock rose further, the dealings being presumably influence,l bv the publication of a statenv-nt to the ~(T#ct that control ot the company h• ' been acquired by V.n.terbllt Interests A though there wa* little or nothing In substantiation of the rumor. It# pit die 1 <lon appeared to lead to some buying of the stork There wa* n sharp #!*ciln* tn Reading first preferred, which gave th# l stock a conspicuous position In the mir ket. bit! nothing that was deflnlte eoukl he instanced tn view of It* tendency. Th. strike of anthracite coal miner# was ye* tentity officially called off Another r ■cl lot tor y feature of the marker wn* To Igor. Where the dealing* *"■ extrem#-ly heavy, hut in this Instance, too. Ut ere win. nothing deflnlte which would ex plain the dec I In- In the Nock A Bronx feature wu# Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Manhattan wa* only mn##-rniely actlv* but was steady The Industrial quarter opart from Hugar wa* not especially ac tive. and regular < hanges noted there as In *he general market Isjndort finished a sllghttv lower range of prices for Aiwr Kan stocks an#! foreign houses wire sell ers here at the opening of bu*lnes*. Th -•rly dealing# In the market *e#-med to follow the same tivhnlral line# that hav, prevailed thnaighoul the week Htiga' rallied sharply near the close on covering of shore* The markf wa - benefited by similar tendency In Brooklyn Rapl I Tra'ilt. Impr># v lon market oversold shown by lorronln* demand Sharp r in tlon. eapectallr In Northern Pacific ual Grangers Mataouri Paclfli w~ heavily oversold and advanced on shorts Read ing first preferred strong covering of short* *old early on rumored dtaw-iitloii* of the coal companies Total sale# of slocks to-day were 611.125 share*. MHCRLU9BOC* MARKETS. No**.—The*., quotation* ar# revised daily, and arc It pt as ngar a- possible In accord with the prevailing wholesale prl-es Official quotatkina arc not used when they disagree with the price* whoie ralera aak. Coantry and Northern Produce. POULTRY—The market la steady Quo tation* Broilers. 30WJ6e; pr pair; half grown. 4'gj!d . three-four h* grown. 66® 69c: hens. 4t75c. rooster*. 4'lfticc. ducks 60073 c. gee*,-. 760 711 00 EGOR -Steady *t ISo. BUTTER—The ton# of th* market Is Arm. Quotations Western creamery. 19® 24V New York state dairy, 17%t?22%c; extra Elgin* 2t©3Be CHEESE—Market Arm: fancy full craagi cheese, 13V for 30 to 22-pound nverage, T-flkt-cx ->nd average, lie. Early Vegetables. IRISH POTATOES— Northern, SIOO sack CABBAGE—6® 5c per head. ONIONS-Yellow In barrels, 12 00: crates. 90c; red 11.9992 00. Breadstnffs. May and Grata. FLOUR— Market steady: patent. 14.25, straight, 13 95. fancy. 13 Mi, family. 13 M MEAL-Pearl, per barrel. 12 75 per sack, II 25; city meal, per sack, bolted. 11 17V/ 11 20; water ground. II 22’.,©1 23; city grits, aaeka. H 22%51 15; pearl grits, llml nuts', per barrel, 42 43. per sack. 11.39; sun Southern Railway. Trains Arnvo and Depart Savannah on loth Meridian Time—Ona lluur Slower Than City Time. Schedules In Kff.ct Sunday. Juiur 10, 19hh. R 1 V! D . Til Till !' AST ~~~ : READ OF N.- 1 N (Ce® nl ; No. Si No :a lHbpn< l- -v.u, Lv ,T Savannah \r 5 Xum, fgHMI (Eastern Time.) || 4 21pm 4 23.ini Ar ...., Ul ukvtlU Lv j 3 Ohsm, 1 v7pm *• pi vr c tambta w Lv I Ham 11 Han *u(uii .11.11,, ,\r 1 hatiti.. Lv IHpa am R 4pn. •... p-.. Ureansboro i*v|j 7 18pm; ■ .m ' ’ At No f. Ik Lv” 8 ttipill 13 51.. in 1 n „„ Ar Danville . 7.7...7.7 Lv 5 upm 4 Earn **> At It 1 nits ~i Lv 12 01pm 00tm 3 ftkmi. 3 ilpm, Ar ....f1... 77. ... (.inchlnirg .7. ’. l*v’| t Mpm ! !hn 4 ftaun 5 .16pm Ar Chut loin svlllo I.v J g*il|U fftpn 7 Seam ;*.pm Ar '... Waanlngton |,vj|ll l&am 3 ' 2pm 6 3,,,,, Ar N'ew York Lv 12 lOain 3 tn 7 ’i" *7 ut Ar |to-1 -u ... Lv 5 flWpm I* Mam N id tiii: Nmitrii AND wls:- II (Central Time ) II ___ <>tn I.v . . . . BaVaFnah B *• • (Eastern Time.) * |1 C* -kKirii |*v Cuiuiiiliiit ..a® laVS; 1 2 im 9-Y.iii. Lv Bp,irl inburg Lv(] 6 15t*m 12 lejan I.V Ash-vllle L' 3 Sgm 4 02pm |Ar Hoi Sivlngw Lv 11 4i.m 7 I'm Ar Knoxville Lv | 8 gam 6 IQain Ar L, xlnglon I.v >lO Sgim 7 LVim Ar Cn Innall L- •*!•" * uopm Ar .. ... St Louts Lv | * Bam 7 .awm ,\r LOUfeVlUa 1-' • All trains arrive and depart fp>m the Plant System Hiailotg TIIROCUH CAR SERVICE, ETC. TRAINS 33 AND *4 DAILY NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS VtH buliHl Unit Iml trains, with Pullman D,as lug Room Sleeping Cars* .ii Savun null aisl New York. Connects at Washington with Colonial Expreas for llostiai Pullniun Sleeping Cars between Charlotte and Richmond ami Charlotte and Nor folk Dining Cars serve all meal, between Savannah and Washington TRAINS 35 AND *■ DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vcstlbuted llmttid trains, carrying Pullman lliawtng Room Fie. plug Cars tietwern Sava' nah and *N< w York. Dining Curs serve all in* air tsdweeti Suvannah and Wa.h'ngt >n. Also Pullman Drawing It,aim Sleeping Cura lieiween Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and The La ml of lb* Sky " For complete Information as 40 rales, schedules, etc., apply to Q. GROOVER Ticket Agent. Planl ByMem Station JAMES FREEMAN, C P. and T. A.. 141 Dull Mreet. Telephonea-lifll. K<o; Georgia. 350 8 II HARDWICK A*sl*iant General Pnssonger Agent. Atlanta, Ga. dry bramte. J 1 251< I 30 suck CORN Marker firm, white. Job lots, 650; cat load bus 62c; mixed corn. Job lota, 6;c. carload led*. s>c RICE Market steady, demand good, fancy head. Si-: fancy. 5Vc Prime 6 Good 440*4 Fair o*4 Common 24 WATS- No. 2 mixed, earloavl. 33 c; Job lots. iKtAe . while clipped, .are. 37c; Job, tor DRAN-Je.h lota, 96c; carload lots. 10c, HAY—Market steady; No. 1 timothy. 92X*c Job; 874 cars; No. 3.85 c Job; 324 cars. Sugar and 4uBr, SUGAR- Cu* loaf 8-34 | Diamond A 6*4 Crushed * 34 | Confects>nrre' A 5 79 Powdered 6.W ; White Extra C. .5.18 XXXX. pow'd 614 (Extra C 5.41 Granulated .... 599 |Golden C & 14 Cubes 8.11 (Yellows 5.01 Mould A 6.8) | COFFEE— Mocha c | Prime N*. .1 ...11 o Java 2*u |G<l No I . 104 c Pea berry 14 o; Fair. No 5 ....104,- Fancy No 1 .13 Ordinary, No 6.10 .• Choice No J 114c| Common No 7 *4c Btaro%var and iluiaiug buppltea LIME. CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT— Alabama and Georgia Urn* In fair Vietnam* and sel> al 36 cents a barrel; epecial calcined ptsaier. 31 uo per barrel; lialr. lyric. Rosedaln oemeui. 31 augl 33; carload lota, special; Portland oemeM, re tail 32 35. carload lots 32 UK!2 30 LT'klllKK to O B VESSELS SAVAN NAH-Minimum. yard si* s. $lO sDjdl 00; car sills, 112 fi>tlS On, illlh. nil sixes 314 I*l to 13 On; ship slock. |l6 noto 13 00. sawn (las, 35 0008 50. hewn Ilex. .150*8-'. OlL—Market steady; demand fair; sig nal. 40X1(00. West Virginia black *3130; lard, isc; neief,a>t. to7'. machinery, 16 *l2-V; linseed oil. raw. 06c, bulled, ggc; kerosene, pi bn* while, Ur; water while, 13c; Pratt's aetial. 14: deodorized stove gasoline, drums. 114 c. empty oti barrels, delivered. 33c. BHOT-Itoop. 31 30: B. B. and large, sE7g chlllevl 3175. 1 RON—Markel very steady; Hwede. 340. NAIIX—Cut. 12 60 base; wire, 32 85 base. BARBED WIRE 13 50 per IJO pound* straight roods. 2*4J>*'. sugar hous* mo lajtrei 15030 c. GUN POWDER—Pee keg. Austin crack shot. 51 to half keg* 52 35. qua. ter keg*. 31 25; champion du king, quarter keg*. 32 33; Dupont and Ituxaru smokeless, half kegs. B'l 25. quarter k*g. 35 75; 1-pnond canisters. 1100, less 25 ner cent.; Ttwiedorf smokaleea powder, 1-pound cana, 31.00. 10- pound cans 90c pound Balt, tildes end Wool. BAJ/T— Dementi la ralr aod Ihe market steady, carioad lots, lOu-pound burlao sacks. 44c; 100-pound cotton sack. 45c; UO-pouinl burlap sicks. 434 c. 1 111 pound cotton sacks. 494 c; ZE-pound nurl.qi sa. s a. 56c. 135-pound cotton sack, 56c; iuu pound burlap sacks, (ftc. HlDES—Market ttrm; dry flint. 134 e: dry sail, 114 c; green salted. 3c. WOOle-Nomlnat; pnm# Georgia, free of tand burrs snd black wool. 19* black. !8e; burry. 10c. Wax, 33c; tallow, 34. Deer aklna 30c. p-ralta end hints. APPLES—Northern variety, 32 2503 60. PHENES—4Os to 50*. lOr. Jt) to 60s. 34c, 60s to 70s, 7c. Tbs to ss, 34c; 80a to 90s, 6c, !* to 100s. 54C BANANAS—3I 250200 httoch 10 ' C*XX)ANUTS—33.7SO4 Ou ta r lto PKANPTB- Ample slock, fair demand; market Arm. fancy hand-picked. Virginia, per pound. 44c; hand-picked. Virginia, ex tras. 4c. N C seed peanuts. 4c NUTS Almond*. Tarrnguna. 10c: Tvtcas. 16c; walnut*. French. 12c. Naples. 13c; pe t’snr. 12c. Braalls, llr-; fllberls. 13c; ataorl sd nuts, fn-pound and 35-puurKl laiiss, 13c. C aft on Lagging and Ties. BAGGING—Market Arm; Jute. 34- pound. 94c, large lota, *4c: small lota, {-pound. 14119 c; 14 pound. 340*4c; sag Island bagging. 12V TIER— B.anoand, 46-poond, arrow, large lots. 31 to. small lots. 31.60 llat'on, llama ami l.ard. BACON—Market firm, D. 8. C. It. aides, 84‘\ D. 8 bellies. 94c (Eastern), ac cording to average site. D 8. halites. 34c (Wi v lem); tin k. and C. R. Sid" -. *4 HAMS Hu-sr cured, 124(121%, LARD—Pure, In tierces, 84c; In 50- pound tin* and SO-poun<l tubs. 34<'. eomr>oinl In tierces. 64c. 50-fS’Ulid tine, and to-pound tubs, kv.c Dried auil Esapuraled l iuils. APPLEB—Evaporated. 7074 c; sun-drlad, S4A)6C. APRlCOTS—Evaporated. 10c pound. Deciaitnas. 10c RAISINS—L. L.. 32 00; Imperial rsMnsta. 12 .V,; loose. W>-pnnd boxes, 304 c |*,*l PEACHES—Evaporated, (wwled. 174 c. aniealed. 8442*0. PEARS—Evajioraled. 34c. Ml9t Rl.l. % klTOt'R. FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrels. No. 1, 38.00, No. 2, 17 to. No *. 75; kits. No I. *l3O. No 2. |1 10, No 335 c. 1 odflah. 1-pound brick* 64c. 2-pound bricks. 6c Knx iked herring*, per box. 1711 l*c I mien herrings in kegs, SI 10; nets mullets, half lairrel*. M 75 BYRUP Market quiet Georgia and Elnrldu syrup, buying at 2H130c; sailing a* 121135 c sugar house al ltftllSc HONEY—Fair demand, siralned. In bar rels. sM!76nc gallon. High wine basis, tl 33 OCKAM FREIGHT*. COTTON. —B* vannah to Doe* on. per ret 25c; to Nw York, per cwt., 20e; to Philadelphia, per bale. II; Baltimore. 31. FOREIGN DIRECT— Drown F; Llv er[KK)l. 40r. Ham rnrg. —; Genoa. 60c; Bar -el ona. 60c; Manchester. 50c; Havre, 50c; Antwerp. —. FOREIGN INDIRECT—Weak and nom inal . Llverpoul, 65c, Manchester. 65i. Hamburg. 65c; Havre. 73c; Ge noa. 60c; Beval and St. Petersburg, 70c; Antwerp, 56c. ! 1.1 MIIEB By Hall Freights dull; 10 Baltimore aril isaw ird, 34.60 to M ix) per M . In* biding I'ortland. LI’MUEK -By* Savannah to Ba’ tlniore, *6 00. to B. It R or II AO docks. 65 TO; to l*hlla*le!phla. !6%c. per *wt . (I pound* 10 foot); to New York, |6 TO per M, 87 25 lo dock, lightered to Boston lo dork 38 TO NAVAL BTOHRB The market |* firm medium also vessels 14. win "'..rH for it. lets. 8s 61 per barrel of 310 pounds, end 6 per Cent primage Spirits, 4s 9-1 per 40 gallon# gross, and 6 per cent prlmaa latrgn vessels, rosin. TO; sfkrlle. I* 3.1 Htismt. Ur per Itx) pounds on roaln; 21%c on splrll*. Savannah 10 Boston, and 9%- tat rosin unil IK- on aplrlfe to New York. GRAIN. I’MOVlklONs. TC. New York. Oct. * —F'lour un.-.-tibd in.l Mil**- lower lo sell, strlth buyers holding ■•IT Bye flour quiet, Commeal easy. Hye easy. Uarley quiet. Barley malt dull. Wheat -Spot, weak: No 2 ml. 77%r; op ttonn were w.-ak again *o-.lay. etifferlng from speculative neglect, liberal *al.-* by yesterday * buyers, favorable Northwest weather, further liquidation ami smaller seaboard clearance* * low,! weak In splic of a g**d exiiort trade, nt %o%c net tp Cline March, m%r; May, ki\. ; Orgoher. 75%c. Decemlw-r. 77%r corn—Spot Weak. No 2. 45c; option* tie I'llmsf quite sharply during Ihe flay In . Igisi quenre of sneer cables, tree offer "w* of n# w corn, fine weather and the •Irifp In wheat Ftoeed weak %c !# May. 41%*-; Ortfxpor. 45 , 1 ifsYml.rr 42- Dal* Hptd. dull; No *. 25%c; opilone very slow and ruled xwsler with corn Beef firm Cut finals steady. Lard rosy. Western steamnl. |7SS; Oc tols-r 1 liiaisl |7 35 nominal Befinfil quiet * onilneni 17 TO; Houlh American, 6 25. c<Mnpound. 6*vi4i,%c.' Burk quiet. Tallow flull dull. Rosin fiulet. Turjn mine- steady. * It* . nrm c.fff.-e. -Hpot Hi# 1 steady: No 7 Invoice. B%c; mll.l quiet; Cordova. IH.'ult Eu turt-a openefl firm with price* iinchangeil lo Hi point* higher and fursher worked up 5 to lo i*tlni* on islura of aliort* ami lirlsk outidfle suppftrt. bifse.l upon strong for eign market new*, smaller Brasilian re ceipt* then expected. Imreased ware house ilellvertee, better demand for *|*)t article and an abeonce of beer epecute * lon Trailing waa the lurgtsu In aeveral t<-ek*. Cloeed st.afly af a net otlvance of 10 lo If. point* Total sale* 47.364) liugs. Incluillng November, p: 96447 96, Dei-emtier. D"6'o7 l 5; January. 67 3wfi7 25 Sugar—Raw. quiet, fair refining. 4%r; centrifugal. 96-tet. 4%e; mukteses sugar. 38fcr; refine,l quiet. Ibglrr steady, creamery. 1484 22%# , etele dairy. 15G21c Chfiwe steady; large white, llftfcc-; small white, lie. Egg* dull; elate nnd Penneylvanta, 21& 22c. Western, I7©lßc. IVitatoei quiet. Jersey*. 6l W4FI 22%. New Y.gk, 116011162. I#nng Utand. |l 6uyl rf. Jersey sweet*. 31 TOfl2J). Branuts quiet, fancy handpicked. 4%f> 6t; other ilomesllc, 3%t4c Cabbage quiet; Long Island, per 190. 31 6002 25 Freights to Llverpofil dull; cotton by steam, 27c. I’UTTO* SKKII Oil- New York. Oct. 26 —Cotton sect oil was again very slow with the undertone rather easy and price* tending town Prime crude barrel* nominal, prime summer yel low. 34 V prompt; off summer yellow. 33V: prime winter yellow. 4of/4lc; prion while, 3X®6sc. prune meal. 120926 90. CHIf tlkl MARMOT*. Chicago. Oct. 2* —On ri*orugi excellent cro|t pr...|t t* wheat to-eluy lost yester day's advance, Itecember dosing v lower Corn closed %®%.', and oat* %4j%e down Provisions at the close were unchanged to 7V lower. The leading futures ranged as follow': Opening. Highest. Lowest Clslng Wheat No 2 Oct 73% 7314 71% 71*4971% Nov 7214 73% 7114 71%t|71% Dec. 731*t173 ly 73% 72%U72',. 72% Corn No 2. Oct H 2.H 37 27 Nov 36%ft37 27 36% 36%®36% Dec. 16%ft3R% 35% 34% 34%®V, Mav ... 36% 33% 35%®36 36 Oats No 2 - Oct 21% 71% 21% 21% Nov. 21%®21% 21%ar.% 2!%®21% 21% Dee 21%®22 2! 21%1K1% 21%®21% May ... 23%tt23T4 23% 21% 23% Mesa pork per barrel— Oct I 1.... 1 115 00 Nov 10 TO Jan U 32% 11 25 11 19 11 10 Lard, per 100 pounds Oet 7 oo Nov * 95 97% 6 96 3 96 Jan. .... 367 % 6 37% 60 6 62% Short riba, per 100 pounds Oet .... • 71 Nov 3 15 l6 6 10 6 10 Jan .... 5 97% 5 97% 690 6 91% Cash quotstlons were as follows: Flour, quiet; winter patents. 23 709*.90. straights, 11 lO®3 00; clear*. 13 OUG3 47,. spring specials II 40® 4 50; patenls. 13t093 9n straights. 13 009*46; tsiksr*' 12 2092 75; No I spring wheat. 65flTli'. No 2 red. 7*c‘; No. 2 corn. 27%c; No. 2 yellow corn. 37%c, No. 2 oats, a®22 I vc; No. 2 white, 25c. No. 3 white, 24®25%c. No, 2 rye. 47%®47%c, good feed ing barley. 37c: fair to chop, malting. 4K#6C. No 1 Aaxseed. 11 *8! Sl, No 1 Nortbweatern, |l*l® 1.52, prime timothy Plant System of Railways. 'ltraln* operated by 9<th mrrtdlin t!uitr* On** hour r ihun * tty time. In rltecl Oct. 1. 15m0. AH l.v Sivannuh I>nlly. Ar Snv.tnn.ih Ih t wi *n S I** nmj , H ih ( 100 m 5 um| W:iycro* lu llt mm h lo tn J mil son v111e....... ,12 10 o‘n 6 pm find nr‘l J 7 pm Ileiwtfn 1 itm> Si’ itinuh II 45 m f * * • n Ch irlraton |7 fli mm 12 SOn n un<l K ut jo 1> im Coniif ti .iiR at I*ort l inip-i with Fen lnultir i.’i-l • 1 Fti.un<n Ifiivln^ for K > Wt-' tii.l Havana Thm- i.ivn m l It on p m <*ill .it Tl* k*t >rtt f-n for further tnfor* mat ton J. II I'tUaIIKMCH. T IV A . \VAHI> CLAIiK. t i > Tl- kM Aent. I*. Hajto lI.Mil IV'ltJtl t n It W WHI'N'N. I’ut*st n r Tr.iffli Mnn •irT. M-ivunnah. tin ryc’o, y Hi-hetlulea Effective Kept. 10. 190#. Trains arrive at and depart ftign Cenual Hlatlon. Weal Broad, fool of L:l*arty street 99th Meridian Tim* One hour slower than lty time. Arrlv# ~~ —vawnah: Hivann#t: lAugusta. Maion. Allanta I 8 46am|Covlngbm, Mlll.dgevlllej*6 Oggn (and all intermediate polnts| jAugu Ia Macon. Atlanta.|' i A,time, Mtsi'fomsr). <;o-| > OOi-ib lu'nluia, Birmingham. Ain-|*( s-.ri j#flcus. Eufaula and Tray | b- TOpmi Dover Acionutkniaiion |rt Main ri isipmi Guylon liginer Trair *f)ally. fExcept burulay. ~ET W ' ' KN SAVANNAH AND TTMEB. 76th meridian or Savannah city time. LEAVE HAVANNAH Abu, lay only 6i, a sn Dally txcepl Monday 9.30 a. m. I ally 300 p m. leave tyuke. 7,4 • "> escept Monday J6;3u n. m. Dally 5.T0 p. m < >m, ectlons niod at terminal iomis wh all trains Northwaai. Weal and Br>tirhwNlt. j Sleeping ear* on nlg-ht trains be(wen Savannah and Augusta. Macon. Atlanta •nu lilrmlnirhani Parlor (ri on dny trofna t><tw**n •- voruuih. OlMf ftn nnd Atlanta ►or <'ocnpli* infgtniioiion. • rates an.l --onm-cfinn. apply to W O Bill.u EH. ■ tty Tick. #nd Ihraro •nger Agent. 197 Hull alre#i. rc n „ M aV, , 7 T ca RE r,rpo ' Tlrk " < Ag#wr. F Vl HYximeXll 1 **a#aenger AgSXM. 5," 1 H * N I2 N ; Tr " m '’ Men iger THEO. D KT.IJfE, HupCn,,,,^ Pnvnrnnb Oa. Bin IIMITEO n s Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk. Washington. Ualilkare, Philadelphia, Naw lurk and , _ I No. M | Mi IT Lv ba vaonah. n a L fly li Kpm if Mpm Ar I KU Hy ****"" **" tl 8 Al U Ky - M *7pm U 10am Ar Durham. H A. L Ry.. 7 m Kpm Ar H . AL R l4. m 4 Mpm Ar Richmond. 8A L 11, I item Mpm Ar Washington, Fsnna... * 45am 9 90pm Ar lialtlmore Fsnna 10 Mam 11 Kpm Ar Fhlladelptila. Fentta. .13 Ifpm 356 am Ar New York Fenna J 02pen ( teem N.. 44 No 6* Lv Savannah. B A L Wy 12 Jspm 11 Mpm Ar Portsmouth. HA L-Ity 7 aftaml 5 Mpm Hleamera leave Norfolk dally, exoept Hunday, for Italtlmora, Fhlladelphla and New York and dally for Washington. The short line to Montgomery, Mobil* and New Orleans, leaving Bavannah at 7* a. m . arriving at Montgomery 7:40 p. m.. at which point ckwe connection la made with the LAN R R.. arriving at Mobile SO6 a. m. and New Orleana 7 40 a. m. The short line to Frmundtna. Jackson ville. Temps end other Florida point* | No V | No, It Lv Bavannah. i Hyi | Mam; t 07pm Ar Fernandlna, ft A L Ry 9 Bam! I Mpm Ar Jacksonville, B A.LHy, 9 Iftanrr 1 40pm Ar Tampa. B. A. L. Ry j 5 lopm| ( Mam Magnificent Pullman buffet sleeping car service to WesMngton, Ualtlmor*. Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tani|ia. Dining cars from Savannah to Hamlat, and Richmond to Nsw York. Buffet parlor cars Savannah to Mont goinsry For additional Information apply to Ticket Office. Hull and Bryan street a Phona 23. seed. 14 39; me** pork, per barrel. 11159; luAl. per M 0 pounds, V fkf7 02%; short rlha •Ides tioose). tS7r<67.CO. dry eiite.l shsut der- flnixisli 6*iC.%c: short clear sides (boxed). ' TV-le. *3, whisky, basts of high wines. 11 27 Kmllb's Tall Girl*. From the New York World Smith College, N -rthompion. Maes.,* has an amaslng array of ailtudinou* girls. In the Irishwoman cl.i** of J 44 young and lovely ladles the average hlght la reported an 5 10 Inch***. The Hmlth •vi*n*cinic wt ••ral Inch#*** htrf#T, nre too o\ *nhdow#<l to think of haxlng the new arrival*. All Northampton I* gaalng with wonder and aiimlratliMi on these Alpine !>eaut!es, snd Ihe e<lltor*of the loral paper has been moved to write a rhapsodical leader enti tled The Tall Girl." Of course he made use of the d.-ar old quotation alsMll "link ed sweetness long drawn out.” and rung In that Other tin- old line aboilt “a duugh ter of the god* divinely tall." Asa matter of fact the 5-foot-19-inch girl of Hmlth overtop* the “daughter of th- gods ** The Ideal Venus, a* the soulb tor* sculp her. standi but 5 feet 6 Inches In her marble feet. Why so many extra im-he* of stature should have suddenly hern added to the fresh woman class at Hmlth College, a* compared with the same class*# Of previous years, doe* not appear But Hmlth'* new battalion of *-foot girl* mav l-e reasonably accepted as testimony to the progress In Masiwchusetta of “the higher education of women." —Gen. and Mr* Lew Wallace hav- pre nentr-1 o the Wabash College Library Ihe original manuscript copy of “The Frtnce of India '' TV- pages are In Oen Wallace* Ane handwriting, and show cor rections and suggestions In th* hand writing of Mrs Wallace. "The Prince Of India" was begun In 15*6, on the Kanka kee river, and was Aula had lit USA 9