The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 28, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 GALVESTON RELIEF WORK. Mint; mi. of u hat thk hku CHON* I' DOING. W bat II I" to Hr Mlolrroo of (tit* HoHf Irltrln I ertul end otkcr nlar. Hhtrh flic "< tb lotted mate* Irf Hoar Trot* wtorlc* (.r*Mollt 'laid— \ Irtt tlatlce* l Minor In- IrrrM. Galveston. T#* Oct t\.- \n erroneous lOiprt-fWOi ro* t u le g > ntng in the .1 - -i avr uni tfixi ..■*r want* have bran luiljr •tfppßco I'ur’fg th* last w#-k *v rl trim S k<t I'l-w ‘ have <n* to lb* H***l Oo •* by apotogb*# from ‘he -f, il.h latri *• of the gif;. urd •xpreseir** j hope €iasl opportunity 1> r u f has lot fnilrfljr gone b> T*te trufti h* that * ocitfl button > m t\* *v#r • v urgent!} .••!**s * now. when ?h# storm lunlvuie nr* just Lgir* i % *•* r.n their giwet, to (nJte Uf ih** hu.Jn* of Af *;*ew 0o Ar, d>i luv<: been mootiy in <4J iothw. m t it 1# hie tin Ci,*t u tu.t w.s i tilled Jr lust mistaken form of *iisnt> From ev ry rily, town *jkJ ' harnl* hi l* Unit* and Htate*. cJo4hs have |*>ur*l In upon u.- bjr *>lp4 miJm ai>•! trum-Knid Moef of tlw fjrßK m* exw I heir 'ti days tom?, long agu many are nll r♦ • v o:?-worn, •rod sp*tne* mii* dirt* that Hie distribu tor* ore fain to handle thm with fku v • t on. s length I*- rtMT*M * v*n th**#** pro due* in lit* breasts of the givers that ?*m todat'ie I*** Ing of ho vine ' lent • til# Lord.** but r tiiat the Isdi* aim! geot.envn for whom they are ri**- tlgtied lately l ad bounce end te liglltn - as <ror> 1 ■ mi via m 1 \ e •he |><roffer In their • fflwtkxn of #t>tnew wbl h n ten k-door tramp vxouol du* hem. is insulting, to my the least. \ few merrhn#it* h*\ o con tributed new fiimh mostly shop-worn sial out of fiiduon, hut etlll usable, at I may b*ae* i t-.•■***. them. * very one, for tti* worrti\ charity. even he who .-**nt a 'Mi- lox of fraudful iiear ehi* * all for It* left foot, iprunMlaiy drummer s earn plesn as there r rally are a few one-leg ged folk In Galveston • ••••• The worst box I have yet seen op** **<l ran## from N*'W Jersey—lt would lw un kind to toll tun the town. Fortunately It was not \ ary large, containing h dozen or so pairs of workmen's trousers, plastered with mud. pasnt and grease, filthy and odorifwKHjH flanral shirts, female under garments niggvwl and dirty and woolen dresses fairly dropping to pieces from the ravages of moth* of course, it w*ould never do to offer these to anybody, nor evon to ''otitamtrial* better things by put Ong tia-m In Juxtaposition. What we do with fUKktl us*le#iei artl<*lea ia h well-kept tp**crat. but |*erhap* at this late hour I may whisper it in your The nntuml Imfnilse Is to pitch such things out of ih* rear wtulow *i**i nfterwsrd.i to make n bonlire of the whole business. Ilut that would ha bad policy, a* false drl - would ha sura to get abroad concerning our “wricked waste of good material." Bo we adapt the aim*- plan stilt h that wlm* wo man. Mias Barton, originated years itgo and has practiced sticomsfully on various fields via all worthbss articles are carefully put Into n w barrels, which are rolled mrteld* toward evening snd appar ently forgotten. And every morning th barrels one found empty the very las* dirty rag stolen. whVh the poorest plan tat loti negro would refuse to aawpt as a ■tft! • ••••••• Th* Orth <■ whrti we f<ic*f|o\isly term •\\flatr**SH of th* ltoh# i **’ that I chief of the lotht-j* dlstrUsiting dspMrtmmt is no sine* are. For ;i time it ci volvni upon the undsrsignsd, until t*j mu< h and Ulf>xl could no longer endure the strain aid a fortunwta collapse reHevetl her from Its onerous duties Purlng that llrl fortnight in Galveston th* knowledge that I gained of human nature, noble and Ignoble, would till volume' 1 From early VTs>rrtlng till darkna rend* red the tom-tip. unitgMed street* well nigh im pas*abla a <*ow and of (hmit humanity surg el around fb* warehouse d.,r; . and * always, the strimgest, >f not the l**aet de serving pushed snd * ilK*a*ed their way t*> tip* front TV) have given free entranc** would have meant chaos snd utter sus pension of businf!*.', window* anl door* ware barred, and hle-hodl<l p<*n .m. t in giacrd w re Instructal to admit only a given number i a time I'ram • ion venlafit loop--hole Inspection • f th* crow.l frequently made* and. a* far n-* |hj llblr, the aged nisi feel da an I mofh*f> with young children, wsr* lml?ted first Kach msmlar of th** distributing commit 1* took p*p|e In charge and fltt* I th* in out from top to toe. beginning with hoe* snd ending with hat; and as nearly every on* of th** four reprt m iiM a family of from three to a do***, e.<-h sl-o t*> be out fitted. the one round represented th* cloth Ing of at least twenty-four pOf>le Then th*>-s. with their bundles big and little were hustled out of the hack kK>r and fresh relay let In at thi front, and lh* weary round aKOln begun. Thus In •* day' time, th*- workers In this strange depart ment More a era able to wait m sever* hunirel n*i-tai>lng csiocncr.*s Including ttu- absentee#, reprearttted by their r* l five** Them are not many of us. and tin men of the puny were kept busy u bees, tearing open boxes and piling the con (mils in thoir rwaponltva places shoea 1n one n>om, food-stuff* In another, under gsrm*t>La here, infants cicßhes there, Ia dies dreaees In another corner so on through the gamut of con* elvabla com rriOiiiUtw Bum** weeks ago a S.t*ge was made, when local committees. * ompoaed of Udi*s frrwn the various church**#, took boi l of the work Now the big Hed C?ros waro-lw>uso Is ltk a whdcsuJe emfvwium whence boxes nre sent out unopened to Ihe several wards, in each of which I** i distributing station in < urge of the ladle aforesaid. • •••••••• From orery one of ihesa stations mm the same **omplaint—4hat there Is •* riant, imperative a.l fr warm garments woolen underwear, wrap*, bed i>lank< * aft otter <• nicies ne* *sar\ f*r th** w In fer, now only a few weeks away There 1s no means of satisfying the demand. f"i the good peopla of the North mem to tv* laboring under the Idea that this l> * lor id climate, and all the clothes the* aeml an- Ihin ard summ*ry The trutii 1s tha' this llttl* Island of the Mex!< u Gibf doe have Moms severs winter weuth er. a--' omptnied by ic** and . while •‘northers*’ that chill h< very marrow It ot;a s bonne €.rc of fr#*qurnl tc*.Mrr* n* • In Nail ■ l muslin shirt we have m*rlvad. an 1 the equal number of nant calico wrapper* with In. h-i*i* hema at bottom. It would he much wiser to aend flannel sn*l cghrr material eult**! to Ihi seasOti; and Infinitely wiser yet to wnd money and allow tin* (3alv**etoi.ianr to buy garment* to f-ult themrelv* cf the- local merchant*. The latter have suf fered enough, heaven knows, from the storm, witliotil b-lng utterly ruined uf terwanls through pitfuldtd charity They have drl*d thlr drencher! and deluged goods, cleaned out the tnKl ami enlt b it b\ the a* * from th*lr places of business anl are making h*-rol- efforts to av* rt utter fall ii T Ir.surai. -o r* making g*Jod r.o atorvn lo*e#, and th m r* hantr, having destroyed thousands of dollars wotth of ruined r** offer ing th*e. sllghrly dammd but still usable at gr*atly redu *dprb*s liul, naturally* pojody will buy at an' prl* • . s*> long as train a* *1 *hjpl*>A*l of go**l > .ai tftnue t arrlNe from free distribution ami m* r nrsl> fsi.ur- ar* the onl*r of th* hour in Galveston. It cannot be too strong*y impreseed upon the p*ople that money Is the one thing most imperative ly mteded for Texas* relief—mom y by the millions of dollar* tor tearing tip the mountain* *f •I* ri r* -t uilding the houe* #uri)i*hir*g thm wnen built, smi purrhaetna t**i* -ewfitg ms hill* etc., for t'u*e who havi tost everything hut nskd earn th*ir own • ix rt if provided witn th* implements of their trade • •••••• Borne of our ex|ierlen< iu th Hag Fair of th* #• I Mh*-ii tmeiit havs b *'i o*l*l inl* **l In mn n |*i k iv* n* flu I lettarv settrlmefttal epMlee from ladies. i'Msuma.Mv \ hidden in *ne pockt of coat# ami trsMiaerr. inviting corre sporai* nc- w ith -t,* r* jpt*nt- si I offer* of nM*riTV*n> piiipea! to the female gar rr* rtr !***•■ r+ so found stuffi**! irto the toe *i eh ** i| th** in*-M •••rn •st *f oil cam** to .Irht tn i loi *f aoap and >omlt Th* I t mentioned I-* too chara* u-ristic to b*- b prlvi.l of puhllel t\ Th** wt ter a l* nfwylvanisn. tlsscrlhca Mtnself a c<-o*f **>k rv man of thirty Vwns, of r■ x i-pthmai habits Mid gen • rallv pro o* roua • r uni . m** v, but ow ing to the (Ic.ith of h wlft . year ago. tnd u l*a r m of e*>r* eyes i w t**m potar lown on In k However, he * it • proud <>wt r *f i* home, whose furnishmg- < . e\icily w.- thousand dial rs hi *1 f w lief, --an* voung Murrain •••is. *anc on tml t.ik-- i* s* •u * t the earn*-, i wife • imU-r two iwing t* the sore *■ * • f !•* rannot afford to (ay her transportation from Galveston to the l*enn**v *gai vlii igt ).i*4 If th* Tied (‘rta*s wlli kin H •J# • r the voung woman and pun hw. her ticket th- rest will he smooth . • 11111 * r (|e make* a **p**' al point of -ome your v woman who hn* lost her • • • • that *. • • i *f. v i * r ■ • ru- s ire |). to*M.) ,1* | wl’h the evident *ui% tion lh.* sp(*ili .ns** would he rum *-r>nm. h* writer urge* upon the ||,*d ' r*>- dts> retbgi in miking the choice. A Vermont wsl.w writes in *he same veto urn! puts her l*ip \ str f*nnap|rtr Into a hot >f hand-knit-hose Bbe *a V . * v n* ) .■* i K>-*l farm hut Is tired of th et*?d northern wl iters, aid will ell out and come K*.-ith with her money, to vnir ty **#*n# fl*h*l offerer wh<s*- wlf* w<r drowned O#casicNially we -trike a*>me. thing pattietf* . such es a burxlie nf !*ahy clothing a* * •>mf*anied hv n note say fng tlt the *)ar little eon I for whom h y w* r*- intefuhd was called Up higher when only * few days old. and Its sorrowtnt treaher h*pe*| that #M*m*' happier m* th r might find in* for the ffarmsnts which love had provid<l. Th* IrruiH of the Punning p*ior-house Aral Insane asylum, near Chi'ago, ii *d elghly-flour dollar# among fh**n* *lvs t*>- w r*| Galv* -ton s relief Thiity of the poor old aim -house | n**kiw*rs form* 1 relief .-letv and gave up their onlv \ jx tiritw tea and tot* <• > u. tu swell the itirvl Truly in Henven'e reckeaiing tbe*e ais of ee|f-dei*kil on tlw part of th* lowly an I %fflletd ma count for oa mip-h a.- the k** raised by th** great, r! h Gty of (nlcago Bven tire jeor forgott* n negroes of the Camllna ew-l.*danda to wh*e> .sals tan c*o the Red (Toss went after their great flood a tew vear* have ruler 1 .miong them -*|ve# |lks-an ;t*>tcn tailing amount con si daring their abject jervorty. Miss R.*r to< consider# that i would l**' the profs r iod gra* efttl thing to turn ihl# money over to a reliable committee of Texan colored people, fo la* ward f>r tin* benefit of fluol sufferers of that ra e a.r* dome of the nine! extensive dutauoii.4 of f>mml, inoftev uiwl clothing have come from Johneiown. I*a Imns .iiat. ly follow Ing the ftrst ap |s-al for help Johtaiuwn ship, thing# in aurprising *ju.mHl**** to Halve* tiat'M aid. A a*ise of gratitude for help rmti* red to them in similar but smaller itl*ae!erw no doubt prompted he mt>b* lli*era|lty of It# riliiflv. The havoi* vvro-tgbt by the storm In Galv*- tou waa mn* ti larger In loss of life arid property (hun at Johnstown, but the money, thus far. have aggregated one thin! i*e- for both the city and the main l imi titan wi* given at Joimstown. . ........ An <rf-l t * *nlralla !n th* 1 *l-t o( Wiu<lUntt(H). r Mi*, t > Ml.. Kar 1. n th—t s)m 1. lU >* ..f h of hit*, ha. Is el • !*lit chlldrei. of her own undone uk-pie.l i*h)l l Them* are all rnarrlnl an>J . oln well, arni now ulio want* to adopt four elol Jreri from llw- floo.l anffore.r. dletrlet Hh. M| eh— laie a kil farm of tan aerpa, with pJemy to eat und i-omforl .ble ■ lotliltiK. Oder* to lilvu referetv.- ami all that aort of thlmt. and a. u Riiar ante.- . f ¥ ""I fault xende iwoniy dollnr. to the He| c-ros orplaraf. She wIIIII. i two *lrlr. tho latter he tween two and ft* 'ear. of age. the for nu r aomewbat older Vr.terday n little |x*neUoil note. In a chlkl'a Immature eruroKraphy. was found n a Well kept Uv.k of fulry.tales, eneloe ... I in a boa of rhlldren't rloihlntf T< -aid Apillui Station. N Y Dear Kid i-rose ehltdren. 1 will rend you one of my nlee ("hrlatma. Uioks, an*l w*e aie so sorry for vou Mamma ha. loM us all atmit the fl. Mil and hoa so malty ‘*f the |..r |m*“ ,de were drowned Whoever |ft* this txaik may write u letter to Hubert Tom ok In. " • •••••* Manv pathetic things happens In the *h<*' department of the lt#>l <'r<>** w.irchous* The other duv u big burly. sg*d |w>lh'man cams lo get :i p;lr of No. 9 brigitnit \ficr li* hal been flft-*l lv lh ft*a ilcman In charge, he wus aaksd If h4* didn’t w int some shoe# for hi# family. It. nrl Silence ft n mom* rt ind then f!o<xl of tear# and sob# that shook the m m‘s great frame was the on’y answer “They are g**fv . all g.wie ” he fit ally said; and then It rn* out that he w-a of the thr • poli -em* n whose entire famllle# w. rt* sw*-|>t a way on the t of the Morm. while they were attriullng fo duty, helping fo * iv* other je<*pb‘* familbe. Thin mm had a wlf*-. four pretty chil dren at>*l hippy. ptoierou# borne; and rot a trace of any of them has best) found What l# there about a pair of baby fho.H that appeals 10 the heart of h parent more than any other article of In- STRICTLY SCIENTIFIC. duly Onr l*tlr * nrr* Wliidi Tan Hr € *nll**r*'ft 'iirli. Th/* Pyrsmul PU* <’urc 1? strictly *cl*n tiflt- both in Ita rompo*ltk)n and In Its • h**rnfMMits* nrtion. find th** brat f*tur** t? that I! I? p#rf**’tly larml*?. No 111 #ffo<*t9 *v#r r**ult from If# us** Th# run* is u*'rompli#h#d palnD#s#ly by tti# iMtrStig*-nt proprrtlvH anl hraltng oil? contain#*! in It, whl h - u#s th# llttl# tu* man and cotig *t#d blood v#?#**l# to oon trn t and th# obstruction to th* circula tion to I*# rnnovod. Tho Pyramid Pli# Cura is In suppository form and far superior to any solve or H'rm/nt for convenience. It in applied ti ght and atorled Into ! f*.- sensitive re* tal im rnbrane a. ling both .1-1 a local and a constitutional treat tn< nt One rfl-cent box of the pyramid has often been effectual, even In cases of many years’ standing. RdW from iain and Kchlng Is so lm n*dHit# that palbnts s*metime? Imag ine that the remedy must contain soni# form of c<* aire or opium, but a careful nn il> shows it lo contain no cocaine, anaesthetic or injurious drug of any kind It Is guaranteed free from any deleterious substance. The ligature treatment, the knife, or the •dill more (lire! treatment by dikttaflon. braWl*** causing Intense (Min and some times collate*** and death. ar now known to have Ultle value a* far as a permanent cure is concerned Thousand* of p - suff* rers !ear witness to the value of the Pyramid Pile Cur* and even in cases where u dangerous surgl il oja r.iit>ii ha? faild t> tire surprising re •cilf* have been obtained from this renu-dy after a week's use A complete treatment of th# Pyramid Pile Cure is sold by druegists everywhere at fifty rent* The J*yramid Drug Uo of Marshall Mich., will mat! to any ddres a little tMM>k on cause and ears of pilra and alls! of cured i*t'tents Irvin ail of the United staler THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1900. Statuary. An rllidl<- rtlKpUr of H-a*ii-ry will h found In our showroom*. Wt Mthlblt Statuary In Hron. Mart>> ond iY>lor. All th* fix*.’ noiiiftit-for plrro ir rn r'.*r l*d, and the prices ore exceptionally low. prn Wedding Gifts . . • Ore can hardtv think of any place except West ’a ft's here the taste and po ket hook ran he an easily suited, and one ran Mire of bwntlng Just what the brid*- wsnts. We have Bolkl fltlver sri other Nov*l tt in a richer and greater abundance than any house Houth THOS. WEST & CO., II BROUGHTON STREET. W. f;int apparel** Many a mother ka-pa arm ng her choicest treasure** a pilr f tiny etio* s o%'cr which she eh -<h* P ars *f •**rrow fr ttie lilt *• feet that **r * e jue-s*d them Bhe doe# not we*p over the cap. •ft dre#a. hut the shoea mor** than any thing • !*** bring to mind the wee hit of humanity thot for a iinl# tiriv- t<el*J!el dhmt th*- hoiiM pvtrerinr up stairs and down, out door# aid In. Many mother whose bah* was torn from her arms on that cruwi nigtit of torm has given way to her grief at sight of th# little shoes in the Rad <>om warehouse, and our tears have fal.en with hens • •••••••• \ the varied (xmtrlbutions that arc istantly arriving. *am* yeaterday * large con sign meir of men's h* . from the N'oiional Hatters' Union, also a quan tity of mackintoshes ujmJ overshoes from t New Jnsfv Ir.dia-rwhhcr man , jfa**torv The same dav we received two arloa*l of disinfectants, pu'luditac ftfty-aeveti bar rels of carbolic acid, thirty-seven harrels •*f copperas and fLOto pounds of oth*w dls infeetnew all of which w turned over to Galveston's -Mayor rvlthout ioea of time Iff *-ver dislnfetuantsi were needed. It Is right now. when hundrcle of putrefying ‘Tpea* arc |MCsontng the air. Tioush two thoi*aara| men sre . onstartly at work. aihd by two hundreds teums, the heaps of wreckage t*c*m to he as high as ever; •nd |t |s estimated that under It are at le*at n thousand rotting human bodies, to <ay nothing of the <mr<a#se-. of dogs <*ws. horsee and other dr>mette animats loat weak'* re onl of (vdles found and • renuWed was Mb— forty -<ne on Friday. All are burned to aahea on tha nearest pile, which 1s kept busing night and dav with what ever r'omtviattble material is at hun*l At first the workmen curried the corpses on rtr*arhera. then In -ai* ks. slung h *mmo ‘lc fathton Then as legs and irna end heads dropped off. they em i*l**il shovel# for tne ghastly fvrk. an*l now they arc using pitchforks. Although every physician in Galveston Is vehe mently denying that there |s any danger of pestilence in the tainted air. they are holding petv*me meetings to dtscuw whit i* beat to be done m what ail rv-.-ognlze *# a vary grave situation Fannie R Ward i l>enfists mm llrtertlvea. From the Naw York Herald According tu L>r Hans Gross, of Cger nowll* dent! la are likely In the future prove of great service toward the Iden tification and discovery of criminals. He dwells upon this subject at length In the secon*l volume of his work, “Archive# t*f (’riminnl Antiiro|n>lagv.“ which has Jtet te-cn ptiblistivd. .4i*i draws special atten tion to lle fa* t thnl on the occasion of the great fire at the t’harlty liojoar In Uarls. *>n May ( isST. many of the vic tim* w* re Identified by means of their teeth He also relate# ihe following curl (#)• stoo' ‘ A hanker was mun! r*sl In Bi Uet* r burg some tlm** sg*. arul near hJm was fount! o dgar holder with an mler mouthpiece. The holder was so shap'd that It could only be held in one f>*siiton tn th* mouth, and a cloac • ssmination show**! that It had two marks, which must have been mad** by two | of unequal length The hanker had no such Irregular teeth, hut his nephew had and, their *u*|lc!on# aroused by the simple !ait Important discovery, (he authorities soon learned enough to warrant them In arresting him on the charge of murder.'* I)r. Gross te| a another story of a man who attempted to commit murder, and whom the police aurceeded In arresting and Identifying through Ihe gold tilling In his front teeth, a clear description of whk*h ha*! been given to them by the would-be assassin’s Intended victim The evident conclusion Is that most val uable Information Is to be obtiiined from dentists if detectives will only look for It CLASSIFIED AUVfcHfISEMENTS. PERIORAL “XMAS—Y NOT JSTAirf NOW**” 15C secure it nice boy'* watch. 29v ee**ure a reliable taiiroad watch. 33c re are u hand some liMly’e gold watch; tii>- secure i mag nlfl •ail gold-fliled watv h. American move, ment; imlance on easy InstaUtn* n# and : no |M*kUer* 4>r collector* to worry V. | com# and have the system explained. F# gras, it East Broughton. Hair. Jewelry ami Shaving Supply House; old gokl or silver taken as payment, or cash given for same. HEADY M IDE Joh**s when you t an get a suit made to rrder from $U> up. elegant pant* $4 at A. Gets, the Tailor, Jefferson aid State; also cleaning and dyeing Till; InnuaU opening rbcep. tHm (public) of th Kiu-lln of Mum, an I Elocution. 19 I'wrry ilnel, wntl. ik plj - Wadnaoday r-al. frntn & 10 7. jho grummo t- glu <it flvc-thlrly HASKINS ORCHESTRA OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT* HARRY RASKIN, READER. UXn WEST IIROAD STREET THE riKNITTRE EXCHANGE U 1 Hurnard alrr-l, buy, and awlla all kind) ( act-ond-hand furnilura for ,-aan. OIlT" HEATERS. WOOD HKATIiR. coal hcatrra. cook stoves and range#. Re liable goods C. I*. Miller, agenl ""advertisements airr" in "t Ar- IT AES WIDE BE PRINTED IN HAS SIEIED ADVERTISEMENT COU SIN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOH BESS THAN ftC. ROBBS MIEU CfR.E FROM NEW York, luteal aiylea 216 Elberty. weal. rsE JEeLiCO COAL NONE BET ter. prepare for cold weather A. S. Co hen; telephone da IS YOUR IRON SAFE EIRE-PROOFT SMfTel A Freeman have a standing offer of 11,1100 for avery f* rf their maka that Joe# not prererve lta contrnta One eafe ma* In burning debrl* 111 hour*. When t tken out. the hoae had to le turned on It. When opened, not a pag- w.te dleeol | ■ red. not a record !o*t, not a dollar de .•roved If you want a-curlty, buy a Sttftei A Fraeman aafe. C. I*. MUler, ■ A*tU‘(a I-KII-ON AI.. I ~TxoTt'Tj??KN • i7Pi7NK^MriS?K?f lo Hie (Inner j.-w.iera xxkln for | vour rejmlr (..(x *m w,(rhe. .t t ij a sort i your shlls to lav® your watch to thorn, th* will Just ip s**un i ammer It out ss they do tin; go to Wlleii • k Urmighfon vtl Itarnard. with It. if h* * .• t uittk* It rut . (nr*a it away. ' ASII RHGIOTKIIB REVAIRED AND rep2ai**d. ra**.rs und safety razors con caved and hollow gt* n and. and cuttlary of ill kln*h. ptmtght fl* l *. sharpened, honed ml t*-mi"r*-*l. raaor- and corn kniv**# ma*h* u' ordered, handitm put on razor# and rwzor otroi*-, b**#t for putting sharp edges fi razors, orders sent througii fv.'ofh/ *• general d*uivery, put your ad dre * nn*l name on orders, an*! f will <'iall and pc# you Robert M Donough. Savan nah. Ga ~JTOT A DARGR ASSORT men* of nea ani *l* ; iht moaquorade cos • im* s .t Mr# .11 ll*-*terlch. 110 State street W’ -1. ABO! WT It • (hint; let us put :t in ship ;f. per fnotiib Mcrllrg l*r log (Tub, 11* York w DRESSMAKING MRS L.. GRIFFITH has rmi*iVi| to llg J<ai* street, east. YOl Wild. LIKE THE MILK FROM SpruigtUld Dairy, it s neb and purs, try It MORI* IIINE AND OPIUM DRUG habits cur- -I at lean* . week's treatment fr 4 Fairie s and prmtnfnL Write in < orvtidenc# or call |**r nallv. The Tack a Potisha Treatment ’o . J2IVI W. Forty ond Btr*et, New York. grment bidewalkb. arttficiaX pure cement coping for fencing, four fee** long 11 inches high and nine Inches thick, jddeK-Hilc blocks, various • o|r#, octagon and hexagonal; good work und reasonable price; ref* rm to Messrs J H Estlll. M J S*>lom4ms. Wil liam hr hoe and orher- Bhop Whltuker ard Rest streets. Charles Hobbs. SIS Roberts street. n YOf HAV2 iiachTnbrt 5b household repairs to h* dono, see J. F McAullffe, 49 Drayton street. FURNITURE MAT tresses renovate*!. Antique furniture re (Mviisbed. furniture peeked and shipped tn t aet manner Bend ma your orders. C. P Miller, agent. CAMKI.IA JAPONICAg ANP AZALTAB price, $] oi and upward; direr* tmporta tlon through Bavannah Custom House hv A. (* Oelschlg. nursury. opposite Golf Links Phone, 4 1f,, also Hvnctmha. Nar dassl. Freains and Lilies Plant now J. Gardner agent, care E. Moyle. 10 Brough ton stivct, east. ItT’Y YOUR CANDY AT H UTTER lfh> CY># tall lied fruit# and cherries. 4V* per pound, the flneat assorted candy. >* per pound fine assorted andy. 2f*c per pouiui; cream bonbon# and chocolate# assorted. Uo per p*and. a nice box of 44ndy for 10c per pound 110 St ate street, west, (rppoelte ok! Portoffies. “IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGillis. SPECIAL AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers; ladles' size, at 13. J W Teeple. “how about fori winter clothing ** let us put It in *hape $1 per month. Sterling Pressing Club, 19 York. w. I "AM NOW I.OCA TED AT 414 WEST Broughton, ring up 11S4 If you want to have your fumkur moved or packed for shipment or storage. I guarantee prlrc* the .sme a# I do the work that's given to me. A. S. Griffin. 414 Broughton street, we*t. mattresets made to order WE TAKE ODD TRUNKS fN FX change on new ones; Chatham Trunk Factory. Broughton, corner Abereom streets. Georgia phone KY.I SECRETS THAT WIN- K NOWI.EDOE that pays; science that brings business snd social succeaa; cures disease ani bad habSe. wlqz love and frletwlship, gratlfler ani>ttU>ne. glvea wonderful power snd control over others You can i4am <1 home. Write to-day for our elegantly Il lustrat'd book, which fully explain* all •he hidden mysteries of persona) magnet ism. hypnotism, magnerlo hooJlng etc; It -* fr*-** Address New York Institute of Science. DepL 141 A.. Roohooter. N. Y*. fIATRi RIBBON VELVET AND ever\Thmg 111 he mllilnery* line at lowest prices. hatH trimmed for 25c; reniol**lng specialty; feathers dyed and curled. Mies C. D. Kenner. 117 York, west "PREPARE FOR DEBT GRATE FIRE; gu Jelltro coal from A. B. t\>hen, tele phone tw MILDER S BTOVBB AND RANGES gDe satisfaction The Magnetic, Econo rlst, Waldorf. King, and other good makes at reasonable prices. 307 Brough ton. west. % KI, N SINOTO N FAR M Ml L |TI B~t T N - surpassed for rtchnes#. delivery Is per fect; phone. 2M5. BKE MIIXER FOB OFFICE DESK! office table*, nffl* # matting, office shades 2QV Broughton. w**st WHEN YOU SKI) M iJILLIB SIXTY- Inch fk-cent rug*, you will buy them. Just tan t help it. will sell In any quan tttj HETTERICH B CANDY IH POSITIVE ly pure and healthful, fine assorted cho • olatea, i-- a poutaJ. 110 State street, west, opposite the old post office. ""“FURNITURE MOVED WITin^ARE.“ is .i specialty with McGlHIs. " MILLER B NEW STYLE- IN CAIT pets, mat ng*. lincleums. window shades, etc AH w<ok done in ffrst-c'ass style. ?07 Hi oiigiiton, west "VI GILL!S* LACE CURTAINB*" WILL beautify >our i*nrlor 01 LLIB 18 CHEAP ON RUGS. NETP lac** curtn:ns, hammocks, water oolers. pillows, picture*, bedroom suits, ami furniture of every description. “bee the jewel btoveb and ranges for sale hv J. W Teep e; n!-o agent for Insursn e gnsollna stove. HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER • 4othlng* let u# put It In sh.p . $ p* r montt> Bierllng Pressing Club. 19 York, w J! M Hl YH NICE RATTAN ROCKERS v\hlle they last Largo assortment of , rockers, divans and cay < hairs. C. P Miller, agent N FARM 18 ON AN ' • levatlon lit the country, fre# from city drainage Impossible for mlik to become j contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2345 I>e | livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. CORNS CURED ON HORSES’ FEET by having them propery shoed. i man can Im> a flrst-r t • Mn kenilth or wheelwright .nal vet make rt botch Job when he goes i to shoe n to the man whose sole business w* to tit sne# properly on horses* feet, and guar antee ihe fit every time Monahan, the Hu>e*hoer and Fitter, Jefferson street, near Liberty. WE HAVE JUBT FINISHED A LOT | f fine trunk# and satchels; he sure to get our prices. Chatham Trunk Factory, Broughton, corner Abereom streets M*OIJ i■ 8 MOVIBi FACKB BHfPi and store*, pun a ind furntturs; heal work only; no “Cheap-John’’ price* —no * ( heap. John" Job# 'GOLD FISH H;"CANARY BIRDS* 12 50; fish food and grass; J. Gardner, agent, 114 !'rk avenue, asst. SIOO FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they lasi. C. P. Miller, agent. f 4) FOR ART SQUARES WHILE | they last. Hit: assortment, all grades of art *quHre. rugs, mats, portieres. C. P. Miller, Agent 'M'OILUS SKI T.B SIXTY INCH BUGS Smyrna patterns- for 99 cents. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP j ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CDaS BIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD , VERTISEMLNT TAKEN k'OH LESS I TUAN 30C rasataox ax*. WE WILL REPAIR AND RlflfYA'EH vour Md trunks, satchels and umbrella** f r half you pay th**r# ciatnam r.t-■ rv, llroughton, corner Ahercorn -ireeU. ■HftflAL DR MeOEHEK VISITS ANY PART city. 11.I 1 . ra#h. office tr*: merit. V> l* r nnth; ine furnished Cozm^polltw Dlepep*ai|-y IJherty and lJncoln stree!-. phoia sr* SAVANNA H NEXT HTt'TTE fl ing people are now flocking to Dr. G W, Albemarle Hotel, Columbia S O . and we learn from Da*ling papers that he (• (tir ing mn\ He ha** enjr.iged fo go to S.- vannah. Ga the sth of Nov., am! stav ten days He w; 1 then go to D.iila Tex Stutterer *h seems €> he your l®"( opportunity <‘ol Willie Jone** of 4*oluvnhla and many others ar* |ou<l in his *rai#e. -ChrkMian ln.i*x. LADIES’ CHICHESTER'S KNtHJBH Pennyroyal Pills r* tlio last. Safe, re liable. Take no other He?,d k et.imra for partlcuHrs, *'R*l!ef for LadDa ** In le*ter by return wu®il A*k your druggSt. Chichester Cham! il Cos.. Phila<la . In. CANCER CURED AT HOME BY IN f*-riai tnalmrm, no knife, piaster or pain H*)k ar>*| tcxtimovuai* niail*sl fre- Can •or Institute, 121 W Forty-s*cond ntr*wt New York 'i HAVE FOUND A POSITIVE CURE for drunkenness, ran he given irertlh’ will gladly tell you wN( ti I* don't send mo*ie> Mrs. May Hawkins. la* k Box U H 131. Grand Knpid#. Mich. MORPHINE. OPIUM LAT'DA NUM cmalne halnt. myse!f cured, will Inform you of hemvew* permanent home cure. Mr* Baldwin. Box 1212. Chicago. HOW ARE YOUR FEET** IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on m* and I will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nail#. 'orn# and all disease# of the feei without pain; charge# r* isonaMe; *an give the be#' reference# In the city. |- tient# treated at reeldencee. order* <®n be left at Livtngstorr# drug #i>rs. Bull and Congress #treet# telephone 293 Lem Davl*. surgeon rniri*t>oiii HELP W A.ITLD-M U.g. TINNER m" K<r#na*n. J4O Whitaker #tre#*t WANTED, a PUTIJ.R ONS WTLLe Ing to make hlrnse f g* uieful <*al! after 9 o'clock on Monday, at 222 East Charlton street. ~REGISTERKI* DRUfTCLERK. MUST he strictly temperate, energetic and thor oughly reliable. Address, with photo and references, stating age and salary export ed. W A. Bishop. WANTED. BRIGHT ACTIVE BOY To assist in stack at the Bee Hive, 0u Julian and Whitaker street. WA NT BIX FI RBTCLABB NOTION man to take of antlre department; liberal arrangement with the right party. Apply to Foye & Eckstein " WANTED. RELIABLE WHITE ROY to dDve milk W'lgon ft>r Sprlngfleid Dairy. Apply Monday morning at 471 West Boundary street. WA NTE D, GOO D~ “T ENOGRAPH F. R ond claim clerk, state experience; salary. 145 Walls**#. News office. “THREE BARBERS WANTED APPLY Screven House barber #hop SALESMEN WANTED T* SELL OUR goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade, we are th largest aul only m n -ufacttirera In our line in the work!, lib eral salary |kl Address. Usn-l>ex Man ufacturing Company. Bavannah, Ga. WANTEDHa WHITE PRESS BRICK layers; no strike here, |3 50 for nine hours. I month* work A. H. Johnson, Tampa. Fla. WANTED. LICENSED DRUG IIRT To take .7iarge buslneaa In g<xsl locality. M Ia C-# care News. “BRICKLATERa WANTED AT GAS tonla N C. Flynt Bujlding and Cons true torn Company. SALESMAN \\ \Nii.l> FOR LOR Ida Apply by letter to us with refer ence; goo*l salary |Mid to the right man Lippman Brow., wholtiaiu* ilruggDt Lipp iiuiii block. Savannah. Ga WANTE In-U MBEUS U ft R tcr layers, $3.50, mill machinist, flier, ham merer, laundry machinist, washer. sv. board; bakers, tie Inspector. bookk**e|x*r, commissary clerk. Iluber, 31" West Hay. Jacksonville WANTKI AT 7IK RiETOWnT”? C a once; first-class white brick layers; wag-is. 53 .’#> per day. Add re#*, G. L. B. C of A. (’. L. Cos.. Georgetown. S. C WANTED. A SALESMAN TO TAKE the sale of building, rooting and wrap ping papers, etc., a* a at*!** line, on com mlszlor. for Savannah anl vicinity. Ad dreiw C 8 Garrett A Bo#i , No. 20 South Marshall street. Philadelphia. ~W A NTKI. I ,OI >< i E OR(S AN 17. ER S. highest salary and commission paid; at tractive plan Addrcza Kriighta Kadosh. Des Moines. Ia SALESMEN To BELL PERFUMES, toilet aoap*. etc., to dealer*; s’uo month if and expense*. axperieica ummuzirjr Plumber Perfumery Cos.. St. louts. Mo WANTED! INDI BTRJOUB MEN AND women in every town tu work lor us at their h f >cn**. no canvasdng. we will sen t work any distance; we have several line# of work to gL out some of whlci e -qulres no fxprrlence. If you can’t devote the whole day to our W'ork you can earn 55 or s*i a week by working an hour or two evenings Aklre#s Standard Mm iffa. tur ing Cos., 142 West Brf stre**t. New Yoik RaT.ESMKN. Tt SELL LINE OF XT to-data printed wrapping paer. earn t-'O to t&O weekly, os side line Kamper* Thomas Paper Company. Cincinnati, O. \ riVK MAN. Si M<>NTH AMD EX ponses, permanent position, ezpcrien*-*- un necemsary. Clark A Cos.. 234 H. Fourth street. Philadelphia MA N TO TTI A VEL A ND~ A TPOI NT agents; to entisfa ory hu tier with g#>l references, SI,OOO and expires; perma nent. rai*W! promotion Adh*s Man ager. ‘'Travelers. ’* 501 Star building. Chi o—o. WANTED MANAGER FOR“bRANCII office by old established nmnufa turinc house. Ha la ry $125 per month and extra tommisalons Must furnish satisfactory reference** and |S*i cash. District Manager. SOD Johnston Rmidlng. Cincinnati, Gw " OLD ESTABLISHED MERCANTILE house, extending business in this section, wants to arrange with capable man of correct habits to manage branch; aaoirv 11.58! yearly; extra -otnmbolitn*. must furnish SW) and #aiisfa tory nf**renrt> optvrt unity, Drawer 74, New lln van. Conn. ""government positions nriN’t prepare for the postofflce or any other civil service examination without seeing *>ur catalogue of informat < n Sent free. Columbian Correspondence College. Wash ington, D C. WANTED. SALESMEN TO HELL IM porte*! and (!om**#’lc liquors, prlncdpally ftne Kentucky whiskies and bDrvla. case and barrel goods, to Jobber# and saloon trade; goo*! chan.-e to the right man. sal ary or commission Addrr*# R H Stra der A Son. *!f* and 71 East Water street, Lexington. Kv ‘WANTED. SALESMEN TO TRAVEL for old established rtrm; $75 p*r nvmth snd expenses; no capital or previous ex perience needed, w** furnish work and teach you free W, B. Hotiss, 1(U Roxe street, Philadelphia TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTWD by eetabllsneil house, no technical knowl edge necessary, but simply all aruund huetier of goo<| a;ie.trah* *• ard addr* #-. first-class line, ip* al contra t, ent re time required. rUerau.Oi. Box Tk:e> Detroit, BileK Shoes for Correct Dressers. People who count proper shoes necessary to correct dress will le delighted with our new fall stock of Fine Dress Shoes. The snappiest, the most pleasing, the very swellcst shoes for ladies and gentlemen ever shown in Savannah. '/‘AErf/v We Fit You iHI Where Others Fail J. A. VAKNEDOE. EnnETT fIONCREIFPE. A. L. WEIL. li;i.l* U INTKD-H4LR. LTERvwiTT^nr^TT'r tiers to <a k sign?; distribute* circulars, samples, etc., no nanvaaatng. gcwvl pay Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago SALESMAN WANTED BY OLDEST firm in th** trad** to sell fo physicians; permanent position; scat#* expcri*nic fully. I*. < Box x,> Phlladclpbia. WANTED AT ONCE. FOR HOLIDAY trade, by re*pnti*dbl*- manufa.surer, two traveling #ale#m*n for Georgia and Missis sippi. larg- commits lotos, or will pay cx jwn'*-* Hiul #ir\ to right man; hoixl and Mftrtnr#. Address care of thla xuiprr YOI’NG Man. OVER 21 YEARS. TO travel in Oorfiz; good route; m*>deraic salary u£d expen?*#. r**f**r*ncc#. perma n*ot |x>#ition if satiNfactory. *elf-.Mldrcss ♦*rl envekHM* for reply. Read Manager. Pontiac bulldlmr. Chicago. WANTED. RELIABLE COLORED man to prepara for traveling position. RO monthly an*! expenses; promotion: jerma went; r-feren.-e# required; eticlose aelf-ad drewM. .1 envelope for reply. Becretory f'ard, 395 Dearborn. Chicago. WANTED. A HUSTLING. TRAVEL -Ing salesman f*r this stole. Ix Angele# Fruit Cider Cos . 8t Ixuis MEN OR WOMEN ARE YOU OUT OF work, or do you wish to better your prea ent piaition" Investigate our plan, eteady employment 13 to L ■ day. Address, Box Atlanta, Ga. RELIABLE MEN TO SELL OUR LINE of high grad'* lu!ri**a*ing oils, grease# paint# and vamlshe#. salary of commis sion. Address The Adams-Frankhn OU Cos., Cleveland. O. HLLfI b A.VI LU-i LUALK. WANTED. A COLORED GIRL ABOUT 17 years old to do light cooking, give ref erences. Apply LiY# Gordon street, west. WANTED. A TAILOR EBB, ONE WHO has had #*>ma • xperlence ut Ladies’ shirts. - r Li Abcrcorn Street. ‘WANTED. BETTLRD WOMAN WHO urwlfrst<inD nursing snd caring of In fant Call or uidress at once. No. 28 Aherootn street. WANTED AT ONCE A FI RUT-CLASS cook. Apply at 3M7 Charlton street, west "wanted, ca baulk gTrl for gensral hou.-ework. £O3 Broughton street, east. ‘W A NTEI * COMBCTBNT LA DIES mail and lo S"*!#t tn housework; none without r*fcr*M - Apply between 9 and 10 Monday. Nr. 211 Charlton rireet. ea^t WANTED. A COLORED WOMAN TO cook Apply, with reference*. 112 Ogle thorpe avenue. eo*t WANTED, A HOUSEMAID. MUST BE ompetent * .xltre*#; none without rofer enc*H nead apply. Apply letwem 9 and Id Monday morning No 211 Charlton **tre*t, east. WANTED. FOUR (’ANT 4SSETIS. TJ4- dles or gentlemen. Apply 43 West Broad otreet. Monday morning. HOTEL KM‘bm7ySiENT AGENCY, 317 West Bay. Ja*k-on\lll< wants help, ull kinds, for Florida (Borgia. Nassau and Cuba. #• uson 19>4F1901. Bee Iluber for fur ther iiifuriiiatiuci WOULD LIKE To INTEREST CTTLTT vated Ih<lv in highly honorable buatneiMi, out of which she own make from 1100 00 to $1.7000 per month; must be good talker. The Anvil. Savannah, Ga WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED GOV ern *-s < i|>able teaching the elementary bran- he* und music, none other ne**! ap ply. Call 312 Oglethorpe avenue, eaat % ba twHn 2 and 3 o’clock p. m. WANTED. A WOMAN AH CHAM l>eiin>ud and l*iU-e servant. Apply at 121 Sixth slieet, wnsl CORSET AGENTST"THERE* IS ONLY one best that’s the liygeia, the standard of th* century for service and eattsfar tmn. For isirliculars address the Wet - rn Corset Cos . Bt. Louis. Mo. "“bright energetic LADY to BEP n*'nt large manufacturer; order *.ik garnu nte. on** w|?h large acquaintanee preferred, sample# furnished free, lib eral n-atket Manhattan, 13 Lib erty street, N‘*w York. PLEASANT HOME WORK FOR LA if**i* Hand reply er \e|<fte for sanp!e of work and particulars Turnbull Covirpany. New Bridge, N ,J. LADIES CAN EARN "oOOtT WAGER working few hours *lai!y introdts'lng our Christmas nov* .ties, ropital and experi en e unneccjKsary. Illff, 110 Wabash, Chi cago. “LADY To TRAVEL IN"OEOROIaTST-0 monlhiy snd all expenses to start, perma nent tM#ition if satisfactory; self-address ed envelope f>r reply Address Trea*urer Mn Brady, 365 iHsarborn, Chicago. ’CODRED LADY TO PREPARE FOR traveling- salary and x|en#es to begin; reference*, send self-addressed envelop* fur repiy. President Mac Brody. 866 Dear born. t’hhago MIDDLE AGED WOMAN TO REPRE eent rirt abiaens'-! Arm. office marmg* r. work can be conducted from one's own home mis: he intelligent an*l energetic; to rlcht party fl.huo yearly. Manager. Rraiich Office Departmefit, 60U Star build ing. Chkago. “advertisementb set in cap itals WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAB SHIED \D V E KTIBKM ENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C 3£,}MoiFs2:s() [OXFORDS $2.00 A HALF DOLLAR SAVED ALL ROUND. GEDL & QUINT, 205 Broughton Street, West. AGENTS WANTED. A< J ENTS W A NTEIWOALVnBTOIC The Horrors of a Htrioken City,” by M at fully illustrated, faeteat sell. ( hitok ever published, only $1.60; teat term* guaranteed; outfit free, be quick. J. ti Zelglc r A Cos., Chicago 121. agents wanted 7 latest invention for producing light Ik *, electricity. Cheaper than Agents coining money I-arge#t factor PromfK ahlpments. The Best IJght Com pany. Can!on. O. "BIG PROFITS HANDLING LATEST Improve*! g%i#ollno tamp; sells at sle t ; belt'* electricity; cheaper than ker e* retail $4 nr. up; 12 different atvlra; excius.vs tetritorv Standard Limp Cos., Mar.u: .<y turere. Chi* ago ‘we DO NOT WANT BOYS OR T/>VF er# to write us. men of ability only; scv.*‘ t* s.'*• jew month; salesmen and general sr* •#. salarv or commission; ssw- lx! *w duc*mants. Hecino Fire Englna A M* Cos., Racine. Wl*. I ‘AGENTS on SALARY'OB ~C<TmM7H ! lon: The graateat agents' #*l!er ever pr duc*d; every user of pen und Ink bu>i It on Sight. 3no to •) per cent, profit on* agent’s rale* amounted to p>2o In adx dar# another $32 In two hour? Monroe Mu; u foctuTtng Company- X 45, La Croats, \ti> SIOO MftS'THLY NEW PATENT Mt tlilic bread Imarda; sample free C ; Forshee Cos., Cincinnati. O. “WE WILL PAY ANY MAN SST. TER month and all traveling expense#, to tsk* order? for the moe* reputtUs portrait concern to the United Ktatee; yo*ir m - ary will he guaranterd and poaitlon manent Ad'lrese D**pt. 21, IYTO I*urk ave nue. New Y'ork City. “AGENT** OOMEdfHAPED PERTH rated fry pan covers, firevent gr* ?p!a#hlng Sample nruf catwlogti* 60 fast sellers free. American Novalty Works. Reading. Pa. ‘AGENTS A’ECIALTY BACKED RY absolute !lW nte* to straighten k i negro hair: nearly ail profit and sells on *ght. Write Boeton Chemical Oomparr. Richmond. Va . for territory and particu lar*. “BIG r ROFTTR- TWrTD<">t jJaRB WTLT, bring my scientific secret formula tr making extracts of vanilla, lemon, blood orange, excellent oppi>rtunity. Address Robert Wilson’s laboratory, ® Nm . street. Newark. N J. WANTED everywhere, men and ladiea to sell Parle Exposition Views (llx 1b $3 Oh dailv at home; sample view# ard terms lkc ellvtr J. E. Rue. Uttleton. N. C. CIIPLOV HE.kT WASTED. MKNT WANTED. YOUNG mail desires position In oflloa work How fair edu< avion and write* legibly. Will a* rept suitahie ioition of any kind. Ad dres* J , this office. ‘WANTBK. I’OHITION” Afl fiflOKl k-'-p-'r or work; am al pr-.-nT oaah irr at a l-ank that will liquMat*-; i*t of rferencro. Address U k Uo 9. Oa. A WIDOW, WITH ONE OHIDD. ri u ptac- a h.>iwakc-prr; on *l' K*>.l rrferenrea, I us no obl-ctlon (o Ira' In* Savannah. A<Mrrs Mrs. S. L., car* of Morning Nwa ofßre. WANTED. POSITION RT TOT’NG man *lio*ripner; rrfi-rr-ncr*. Addrraa ■I. A M N* ws ofli. HESPEi TARI.E L.AI-Y DeIThES PO sltion as In hotal or rashlrr In hotol or rratauranL Now*. B W. A YOfNU MAN EXPERIENCED IN watch r--|alrinjr wlh<* a position at nvod erato salary. Address J . N-wa ofllca. AN EXPERIENCED MILDINER AND dress maker wishes a poaßlon; country preferred A'klresa C.. News office TAIt-ORESS DESIGNER. CUT AND 111. manufacture and pDve trade ex perience; day enfrairement SI 80 (No meal si. I.oil-a Yuellyn. PoatofTlow. REEPECTABUD ObLOHBt) MAN wmm position as coachman. No. MS Owto tietl street, went. wanted to assilt as cuMk on R illTr.,ay i.jfi-hrw. In any hualne,,. hy m telliK- nt man who Is well known In city. Hustler, Newa office. “POSITION - RY BOY OF THOM country. living writh relatlvws; salary no object. Claude, cars Newa. "MEAT AND PABTRT CIOK Charles Wilson. No. 3M A at reef. Br.'BS- Wlck, Ga. " YOUNG MAN OF "GOOD QUALITTYS wishes position where he ran protrata himself; wholesale house preferred. Posi tion. News. WATCH MAN. POSITION WA NTBD by a reliable, sober while gentleman, day or night, good reference#. Address £9 West Broad street WE BtIPPIsT TRAINED MVRIE from -lollar dey up 40 Montgomery street. Its. McKana WANTED, BY ENERGETIC Tf)TN(I man. poadtton a boidtkeeper or ana -'an or clerk In office; best references. M C. IS. Bex 37. Hodges, ft C A dOOD REI.IAKI.E CODORBD "wo men wishes a poaitlon as cook or mae Sll East Gwinnett rtreet. RBUABDE Cf 11 .OREO WOMA N wishes washing SOU Monlgomary "a" wahherwomav wants family wotahlng. Apply M Third street, west.