The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 28, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 CANDLER TOOK OATH I YAt 441’H ATIO > I I 111 >|i\l:s l\ it %M. or i ki. hoi GOVERNOR’S BRIEF SPEECH. nr: i lu.r.n r.i \om %m i h.i*i.a. tio > i*oii u ii hi i vi ins, Ontli of OfHrr AilmlalaOrfd lij ( hlrf Himtiion-4>oirrar 1 r***l (hr I ritlilnMir*' to Mnntl Firm I ni'rofli'limrtth tif I cilrml l*rr c*r nnien •—lltmar In t iitl<<n In 4 Hr*til! I nlr-' o ufr to l to UtfpfiMn, Atlftrt t <, ( jT, Om C’tndWr wao offi cials iruj.i uni into trtu. II ! ni’rn:n* in in#- hail *f h HfiiM l of K*fr*>►niti’ #* 11. ti* of th* in* i* of th#* I four* rui Hmat** oik! a l.ufc* i.umfnr o (iitiHdn in (h‘ irali#r\ The rerrmonliv t>tran promptly ai noon The Sot tf* hh'.l li t . th ir-i'i-l *tlv#* h ill a* that hour arff th* r#*i* I of tr on> initial aprointei t< for the u ill juration wa rea l 'l' i dimply p ovi.lel that th** caramon v ink#* i • c In tre lull of the Ho jan In th i*- ••* <>t b fh t * rtle and lb* p • Hi- it formal r port of tha Join: Coctmitl** a 1 h p*pa*) up.!, th* el*' • ;• it irt t r *#l Tht OttW'iu r am** In ami w**a pr#nHit‘*(l to tha •*embh l*> Mr. H* a #*ll Ia ver. Lrlef prpoenlt A* G**v*rr C a dl**r aroe - he wax |rriet**d with Mppiaue He miul t .at Hi taku p n himaW for th** k'vd in.* > iurallon* of the irubarr .'itorta! offlt’* h* lil • with a prolourui realisation of t • r-xiemlbill ti#*a of the hwti tr im M adv. rie*! to the dutlr* of i e ta*i#!.it'<r and urice I tfietn er> icgirt/it* in t'b*- int#*:#-i* of the wiiufc* shi** and n*H *f #u county oi w* • tier, of <>ei*nrta He touched upon the t**rKi. lownrd* the . *ti erjr itlo f tiv* p*m'**rji of the t***i-ial a *vemnent an I kinpre- • r! fho it are with the nr** •Hy for PtaiHlina: hrm **#< list thi- wjdrlt He hopa<l. ton, that th* l I e sisl iiu*e would Mor#'lly Kiiard tlie *f the etuti* flnl would foator her inrti? ut iona. hei ft-‘hoo m |er rolleif* x. h*-r Hr I tool of (et hnology. th f’mveralty, h**r erhoola for the bln.*!, tha deaf and dumb and h*r nxylum He m fed b icltiniat* economy and e.*M that while th* m instituikma *i*u •! not l* Starved, ail flue rare nhoul.l In- taken In Ollier direct lona Hint i.o iis * nl* rprt—' r#quirm; rncm* y. which can only i** r.ilped by tuxaiion upon Ihe people, l*> under taken. The nthe oath *f office *.•* idminfpteretl by Chief Juallo. Himmoi * After (hi* war done th*- areal *#Al of G*orict w \* . tn mitled by th* overnor to the H* er* t iry of*. ami I hen the Hove mar anl r at** hou* *'fh*-era retired m*l after them, tfi Hm.ite, and • •■iinony w i** over To t IhII \ iil(li>in Pair. The Hour** listened lo the Clover nor’a fne**jae to-*la> Then It ado|td a joint rewolution t* adjourn n* xt lay and v.el: t i** Yald**t inr. which reaoiullofi provided that Thured\. th* tlay upon whi n th** memla rti wou!l i* en>ivinic tti- Bouth tiietyii fair, ahtul*l not lw* counted ! a-* a l-jiirlatlve day. M* - Hoilsea >f Hart, Introduced a hill, Hvithoniliuf th Onvemor to aiHMilul a •ultabl** n* m to pr* pure a n?*t**r of |** r aon who enliMed ami erve*| In the Civil War frm (borgia, at a ea.ary not to ex ceed The H* nate met at 11 o'clock to-day A swal-l *fimtiii!catkn waa received from the Hovcrnor with the r#*<|i*t that the earn** tH* read in executive ae-s|.*n The 11*mi * ution provelin* for ad- Jouii.tmnt *f th* Ladilature from Oct. .*tl lo Nov. 2 wan read Mr. Boynton , moved t atn*ml It *• aa to allow nil •# ve nf h liar nee who dartre to attend the Htate Fair ut Vaktoetn. The umendmci t wa * a*to|**N|. aid na amendd the Houa retuMMtkm wax irrl*d An Invltathm w>* road (rom the Way- ! *r*iep Pair Apmedatlou to the to attend the lair Nv h 4 md acceiaexl wiUiout um*n Inieid .r even a susaestlon to amond. na in ei**** of the Invitation to the StMt* Mill at Valdosta. The action of fh Se nate created a ond de i| of liiuirldor. *wlrix m the unanount al*e • native lt the eentlmerit of the Sen ate. a* the tualy. after practically votlnic to r‘fu**c t* it 1 * to \lln*l.i to attend the Htate kYiir in a lavlv. a*rr* t* go to Wiv. croee In a Uxly What the change In the feeling of the Henate could not be amount*d for. unle*** it w due to th#* popuLirttv of Senator Johns* n. who ft*l*eM'ntn the Fifth district and whose XrapMirx is in WtytVOM In the fxautlv** session a sealed rom man4catl*m wap tea.l from the fb>vern<r announrfng a number of np|K>intments for judges and solicitor I *, which, under the rules. W|is laid over for a day ATUNTVH THIUi nKi.tR. tbs Will (non Me ti*ni to the Antifli Atlantic Mutton. New York. Oct 27 The cruiser Allan ta. Capt H C. Pendleton, ccmmander. left the navy yard to-day, going to Tompklnurlllt, where she will l*%anchored tintl) Monday, when tne navnl board of aurvey will l*oerd her Bhe will start for her official trip at e.i s<ue time on Mon lav. Th* cruiser wax remolext at the local navy yard and the offlciala ate anx ious to s**e showing she will make. As so*>n as the na\ il loud, of which Hear Admiral liogers I- p:*sMent, ac cepts the Atkin* - - •* will atart for the Hcuth Atlunttr station. I*l .Itlt V U P ttIAVItTBD. Aattrlraa, f.n., Aegro to He Pixseutsil In PhllMdelplilu. PhlladsdphiiL, Oct 27.—t'harles Perry, the second of tha three negroes charged with the muon rof Prof. Hoy Wilson, whl'e, the young law t tntctnr of the Vniversfty of P* tuv ylvuniu has been con victe*l of tnur ** r in the fire* degr#*** Hen ry T. Ivory’ "*< found guilty two days iigo and Amos Hterllng vet remains to be tried. nr.ivp.vt it it oi'ii i'h 14 iip vn. laluai tl Ikwf) \\n 71 bear* Old nml trnrd lo I lx II War. Mon Ip* bar, Vt . Oct 27 Kdward Dewey brother of Admiral Jjewey. tij" *lied at his home in ihts city II h<- he#-n ill sev eral month* t?h kidney (roube, but hi death wa* unexpected He was 71 years of age. He serveu in the t'lvil War ,*■ quart* rmasler of the Fig nth Vermont Kotflmeni. i citaus € mini t oi|lcf*•!. Ws-hington. O t 27 The work of counting the Inhabitants of the Fnlted Htat* a war prstclicnUy completed by the Census Bure.hi t lay nml next week ]>l renor M* rrtam will announce the pop ulation of th* < untry I tilon l abor Party (ilres 1 p. H* .* i M t.. Oct 27 *aididates of (Via l*i I*al -r |Mft> here I* 1 by J. A rg *4 f r Governor, have filed their r* i with the :***t< ary of state. Ferg • -f that b t**r: will be ftjrowr, ?r, fy.*. *n < anrlklatc J. K Tool**, wn l**- p!*< *<| at the hud of tha Vo lor. Is. vi Ucrcl I II V IK.IA OP niw % H DICK. Made by t aager Aaalast fSpl. Hall of the Marine C orpa. Washington. Oot. 27 Minis tor r*org*r hsa preferred chargae of cowurdl * against Newt T Hal.. Pnfted Marine t ’orpa, the second in *gnmsnl of rtie marine fr*r es st I* kin during the siege. The *t*:atta are closely guarded, the r*g* ; illations of the War and Navy Detri ment etrb t y forb'ddlng iubbltyat this ‘tag* It I- g*ther*d. however, that Mr ! * nger que*.ti*u*ed *apl Hall s v>urase f.c* ituae of lti latter s *le Ik .ition to carry out otft.iln military oiet.v.ons suggest*.*#! bv tha n*P.Dt**r Th* charge b the orltrsrv course f.HMd Into i‘e hit D of Gen f*hafff<‘. the commander-in-* hl*f of the f.rre* in • f’nlna * In. examined th*rn made an in quiry *m Ms own n • tni. and then con cluded fhat th. who e matter rest.**l on lh* differ* rv e of judgment t*etucen the •di * •• iptala ant dh# papat t. Wdivhuigton, with re ommen*iation that tu* fiirther |>roceedlnga be had. a hfwllr g \ Mitts attr k the * Mpinln. From the War Department ih- papers * '.! t* th* N.ivy Defsirtmer t an*l af er sun** • ‘insider *tl*n. I* w •* determined t hor the morale **f the marine cerps re ■lu'.rerl the m**-t formal or I .vm;dete ac quittal of an a >*eei officer fr- m such a charge. In order lh**t he might tot In if ter years suffer from lt tepetltlon <'*a)equenrly the p ifs ra srr*- ks n re f.*rred to d#n Havarornl h** Cimntandafii ••I the marines, who I* taking step- t* have a thorough Invsitlfttl n I y a prop er court It appear* fhot the only rer*>rf of the f !if t of (he marine* at Pekin to reach t e rtmerit was from t‘>*p* Hail, the senior officer. Caja Miles being tI! too ill to report MVIIHIAfiK HIM i nWIAIKAt’fI f ddlng of Marrhloneaa of Inglrari Was e llnstneaa Affair. Ixmdon ON 27 —An arlrtocrntle law suit, which will shortly he hmni in Gam era. i* the application of the Marrhloe- , •sx of Angleney to have her marriage #o the Marquis, wto U head of the I*og*-t fumlly. daclare*! null. They only became man and wife In l*sn hut it was strictly a marriage of conven ience l*4ween cousins arranged for the sake of inheriting property which other wDe, coibd imt have Imen touches! by ♦•lfher of them They both agreed to live their own live*. ApjMrently. this extraordinary arr inpm#nt Ud not work well in more ways than one It t* *•* • rt* *1 tnat the Marquis agreed r* give hie vlf#* i.'.OflO the first year and th nc.'oiwl year, and so on. until tne nUowaiite reached (10,OUi a year. However, the alleged n.lowon e was otop l**’**! almost |mm**dlatoly. Ijmlv Anglesey, who describe* herself, "otherwise Chet wvisl. her maiden name, now wthe# to get out of the bargain, an*l. it is rumored. If suet essful. she will marry Count Her man von Hatsfeldt. JI H 1 lIUMH THI AI < I I I.TY. Poar Men II eapnnaihle for Jennie Baaaehlelfr'a Heath. York. Oct. 27 -A jury empanelled by Ooroner Vroom of Bergen county. New Jersey, |n th* 'ase of Jennie B*schleter, wh<*ee bath is allege.! to have been cauecd by the a*hnlnlstratlon of n drug while eh<* wrrts in the ci>m|)any of four young men of l'arer<*oti. to-day brought m the ftiltowing verdict: ’W . the jurors, being duly sworn and charged lo inquire on the tart of the state of New Jersey, when, where, how and after what manner the sak! Jennie r.imc to her death. |o say upon our oaths afor‘said. that the said Jennie Boss, hlet#*r ante to her death, ac cording to tha evkVi.c produced on the Thh day of October, in the county of pas e ii* snd that Walter M Abater. George J Kerr. Andrew ornpbell ami William Death are resfionsible for the same " WITOO* T4KM A HOLIDAY. Oci-mUib I. Ih- Hrlnrn of llfr lin - lolnnteert. londor. Ort r -Th* Canal* lln. AuranU, now Man imnt by fh. Rrlil.h Kuv.rrmant a, a tranaport amt which hi* on hoar.l the city of lx>r>>lon Imperial Volunteer* returning from South Africa, arrived ut Southampton at 4 o'clock thin afternoon landoncra arc havtna a t-.t-irrou* hoUday. thotißh the clt> of tendon Imperial Volunteer* did not .om.- to Urn,ion Th.- rcai thorouirh far.a come of th-m closed to vohl. lea •r. tilled 10-nlßht with Im me nee crow.t*. ► Inmna. dan. in*- and t—ra.llnß to th* tnu! ale of amateur land. Ilualncaa. by roo -ral cnaont, will t*. partially auapended on Monday, anti the courta will cloa, I— ♦ AI FI IMI AHItKKTBD f\ fAHIS. He la the Boy IVhu Tried lo Kill the I'rlacc of Wale. *’* rl * Oct. 27. Slptdo, the youth who attempted lo u-euealnute the Prince of Walea. waa arrested yesterday at the houre of hla uncle In a suburb of Darla, wla-re he baa lived since he came here. He r.slsl.-d the ofllceni at flret. hut then quickly yielded. Ilia uncle aaye he be haved quietly while In I’arla He la not aware on what around ha haa been taken into cuetndy attain A .Ha twitch from Hruaaela auerta that S.pkk> "Hied himaeir *nh th- French militant anarchist*, and took part In their demon st rations. I'AfiK DIKD OK 1 K 1.1.014 KKVK.II. Volunteer Oftleer I'rnhnhly Took II at a I iiucrnl. Waatilnß-on. Oct. 27 The War Oepart ment I* Inform’d that Capt Fred M I'.tßc of the Forto Itlco Volunteer Infan try. dletl at Havana of yellow fever on the .’■.th Inaf Capt I'tßc tu, a native of Virginia, an I joined the army In June. lv,o ue a < iptuln and uaalatant adjutan' R. neral H. attended the funern! of MaJ IVtereon. who illr.l of yellow fever In Havana on the 1711, Instant, ot.d It i* he. Ilevr.l contracted th,. dttw arc of which be tiled on that occasion. at OTT l:\TK.ltw 4 11K4141. aa, He lllil Not Nay What Was l,nb llahed About Truata. New York. Oct. 27 —Referring to the charge* that he had upheld truet* In a speech al the Fifth Avenue Hotel last i night, Senator Scot! of West Virginia said ■'l til I not aay anything that could he j construed to nn an w hat I* Implied In the publlfhetl report. I did not say any -1 thing resembling whal I am reported with saying. Wt Wert at a private din ner and no speeches were made." limit.,, meat fur a Seminary. Columbia. H C. Oi • 27.-The Synod of South Carolina haa decided to Inaugurate an endowment of IM'.ooo for the Presby terian Seminary of Columbia It was de j . kled not to remove the seminary to Al* j lanta or elsewhere. | II Was Sell -11.-1 ,-use. Hlchmond. V* . Oct. 27 —The Jury In the ! inquest In th* ta -of the shooting at Cu"kon. Ixyulsa county yesterday, of W I D. Franclaco hy Capt. \V B Pendleton. 1 rsturued • verdict of self-defense. THE MOKNING NEWS: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2*. 1900. TWO POISONS WERE FOUND. 4Y4L.Y411 OF TIM OH(.AM OF Mll.- UUMINK HUT.. Wlllbaaa I’onml 4r*rut<* and Tr*r** of Mrrarf-Ara#nlr (on Id Unit* ( nmr Kroni (hr lMtilalnilnai I'l • il. hat If t nnfatnrd no llrrmri-lii frrrnm Thai Wrr** lirxmi—l'nl* rt**k ami tionr* larnnl br l* (•rxii<l on Fnrgvrr * ksrgri. New York Oct 27 -Drof Witt ha up. In his ai aiysi# of ih* ►torn* h of William Marsh Hk ► reports that ♦. f* n*. marrury arwnF In the fionu !. l*r> f ! Wifthaua’ r**jort ta Coroner Hart i* •> fallosp "! hav* th* honor ta report on Pep? X IWO. I attend**! an autopsy matte at ♦ i morgue hy Dr K J. Don I In, in ih* j-r*** ►no#* of D Hamilton W'llllarm*. upon th#- t#>ly sail to h** that of William Mar.h 2 rartlc away certain organa from , the Mli body ar*i siihmitled them t an nriMlysix, wlih the result* <!elalie<! *>n Hept 27. Ikt), I railed at Klowrlght | undertaking establishment. n Fourth v ; enue, near Twenty-sixth slrref. miml itier* i received fr#un Mr h tuimi* e of em balming fluid whtrh I ii ,*o analysed PM* m* timing fluid c**nClned besides forma Me hy da th** folluwlng mltieral jr greiilent!* I’o.dswlum, sodium. *in<* and aluminum, sulphuric a k! .reninua nid j *nl chJarlne Tne*e are probably rom blned in m.ikfng the liquid In the form of "Odium arsenlre. inr chloride and *4uni The entalmlng fluid contains no mer r *iry The arvaiyain if (he h'uiim h and .f tne Intenfine* for vegetable piUaona have given r.’guMve results. Merrary anti %raentr. "The analyst-* of the atomarh. of the In (efrttne* and of fhr kidneys for volatll* {tolMn failed to show (he p(•<•• nee of any foreign substance nth* r than formable hyde. M ronatltuent of the embalming liquid mentlonefl before The arvalval* f*>r mineral poison* referred o before lis not been carried to the potnt where *mc wewiid appear That met il may or may not ho present The gtoma<'h was found to contain arsenic, in notable quantities and an unw#*ighah|e minute quantty of mercury. The presence of the arsenk* In this and the parts mentioned te|nw could he accotinte<l for If tha embalming liquid, a samH‘ of whtrh I analyxed. bad h* en use*j in presemdrig this body The ln'**- tlnea were found to contain both arsenic and mercury The quantity of arsenic present has not been determined The quantity of mer**ury present In the sample exnrmm-d wa- found to be fifli*; gram in 2V grama of tiiwiie equivalent to 17-looths grains per ounce (of 4Ah gramwi ’The ktdnevs con(aln*-d arsenic and mer cury also The quantity of arsenic has not heee; determined Th*- quantity of mercury present in the sample examined was found to be OOfcl gr.ivvis In ItTT grains of tissue, equivalent to .023 grain* per rain**# *T would infer that the very smnl quantity of mercury found In the ►tomarh and the relatively loige amount found In the Intestines. *<,! partA ularly In the kidneya. that that metal !n some form of soluble combination hsl been in troduced Into the body during th* life of the de cased. prolk*h!y eeyeral hours, probably days previous to his death." PATRICK AMI ,h>M> Grand Jary to Inrrstlgßtr Charars of For*'rv. New York. Oct 27 - Magistrate Bruno announced hts decision to-day in the case *f Albert T Tatrick and Charles F Jones counsel end prh-ate secretary, re. Mactively. for t!ie late William March Hkc. holding them to await the action of the grand jury. Ball was fixed ar 00i* each. The tom prlaonere are charg*s| wl'h having forgs| th* signature of Mr Hs . to u check for ,nno. dm am hanking Arm of Haenwm *% Hons. The check %v,* made payable to Mr Fafrlck FLOT AG4IMTT LOIBRT. * Urged CnaaplrarT Aaalaat the French Prrslilrtit. Lyons, Oct. 27—The Nouvelllate de lA’on says a plot to assassinate I*realdent lioubet bos been 11* owrt-1 It appears that a working electrician named Coutourier burglariously entered the electric company a premises at Nlme*. .stealing 2.tfiu francs He was trucked to (Mange. n**ar Lyons, where ho waft ar rested laxrtimont** found on his person revealed, lhe paper says, an anarchist conspiracy to assassinate President Lou bet on h!x * m lng visit to Lyons to unveil a monument erected to the memory of President i’ar not. Atory la Fnfonnded. Par la. Oct. 27 —The offli’lalx of the pr - fei'ture of police my they have inv* stl gatrd the (’outourier story published by the Nouvelllste de Lyon ami And It to he without foundation. Omitourier. they add. Is a vulgar thief hungering for notoriety CtXCISSATrtI IKi.hTH 4TION. That City rtioat Increase nf Leas Than I.4NM). Cincinnati. Oct. 27 —The r#gM’ratkn of voters In Ohio cities w.s completed to day The total number registered In Cin cinnati. with one procinct mliulng. mel. was The regi*tr.tU>n lour years ago was No.fofi This shows an In crease of Irsa than 1.000 registrations thi." >ear over those of IK*? Meat*! ral lon nt < nltimbaa O. Oolumbua. 0., Oct. 27 —Almost complete returns show the total number of voters registered In Columbus* is about 14.000. a gain of t.‘H> over IK*l and 6,000 over IMW. Toledo's Itealat ratloa. Toledo, n . Oct. 27 —The t< tal reglstm tlon of Toledo la about 12.0UU, a gain of .ilxwil 5.000 over a y< ar ago. and about 7.000 <#ver that of four years ago. Hlk Meeting at \rw (irlenn*. New Orleans. Oot. 27 —Large crowds gnthered lnid* and outside the Choctaw ('lub headquarters of rhe Denio. racy to night. the occasion being the oc an to ocean meetuig in behalf of th* Bryan- Stevenson ticket. Then was a fine dl<- j play of fireworks nml gnat enthusiasm j S* nafor McFnery was the speak* r. Demo * ratio candidates for Cot)gr*ss ma*fe | speeches Mon(imrr> lirnncral*i Met, Montgomery. Ala.. Oct 27 In accord ance with the call from headquarters, th* Bryan and Htevenaon Democrat! * Club of Montgomery had n well attended and en thusiast ic meeting at the court house to night. • %anit 11 rd t> ’loiigh*. Toledo. 0., Oct. 27 Hon. J imes || . Houtheard, congressman from this dlstrk't and candidate for rc-* le< tion. was assault ed by toughs at a meeting h w s ad dressing and roughly handled. Tfer* were ut least wenty desperate tight> in progress *t one time and police were called. Prohibition < itndldnle "|**U**. Her a toga. N Y .Oct 27 -John (1 Wool | ley. Prohibition Candida *e for I stke to nn enthurias** rowd of ov. r : !.>* persona al tha City Hall here to- CHICAGO’S OVATION. fContinued from Fjr*>t Page ) *i. r i- > * of William J Bryan " 2 1 was w* 1 along toward midnight wh n th- big (imm in* mg. or cllectio© of m.i m* ett( ; ram** to An *nd The Onlv untnw *r*l ir.* Ident wa an exidoolon of fli* works smog r> w*l at the Van i Hur. n r••*■( -mi the (*oun of Horor. Th* explosion < i •t * elstinp* de aial a number of i** * id* vs-re trampled Upon ard htly burned iM*ar* ;.U> no pe son w. 4 seriously Injured i I VOID ATI hh W 09* ► hain l*rretl*n tin I IvleetloS f*Maed Fxeitrin* ut nt Alley. Alley. Oct 27 v a barn presidential *v. tlon * M ,i*• (r • High Hchoot h**re yes iriay uitemoon, •* iaik of the town, and has crest*d of a stir. Tne .mdldHtee for pr*- *l*u Mai honor* w#r two of the student*. Jame* Middle arwl \N I. <*wrrl. . tt. >;>ulttr and intelligent voting met Th* ♦*** tion was held In the ro*-t oipr** .ti v whs perfectly fait irvd t int• ■ i *~r*’ of neither candidate suf f- •■*! m the reast M* Klnl* . w r* ; rcsente*l by lUiklle and Itrv.iii bv thjrn* All the state* wit.i th lr *j hu i of eiiotoral votes wore rep-e -*• i lit th* Numbers fr*xm 1 to 4C Wer* put upon tbe M kitoard. each numuer r* , i -*n!log m state with 11 w fuh #*aa .rj|l • During the tmimlnv • * • >n the pupils each iwdected o num er and wee clvn the e which corre l-u d*-*! wutfi th* narn**, a*'< oruling to ,i ,!.-( of the etat > which had been rnHd\ aiul numbered by the tea. her The cin • b lit*t- w • e it .. n carte blanche to ob i lu th* **J'*f*ral votes of 4oe states by any minn.r iMs. W h-ttir tha axrlramart! rad hurh, tut , hitfnsin-d by on. nf MrKlnt> Usutsmnta ipKsrlllf on !ha ti.-i in th.- ahap. nt n b g Uix of intty Crlrti of "Hanna." Hanna w.-r. heard nn all nMea The P'tb!l> who had t,.-, n tu- ky ennugh to ae f'trt. iu.-h stales a< New York. Pennsyl vania. llltools and thin were rspevlally In ilemantl. others In i,rn|M-tion The ballots were .1-,d lt) „ nne a' a tune under the supervision of the prlnei|,| an,! a While iim returns w.-m Iteing counted the ewndldstes were > '-h at a Itl.icki. atd tskln them down us eolletl out They ran neck and neck anti the excitement wus Intense, in fact, as th- losing hour of school had anti order was not required, pantlerntmium reign, and The yelling sou Id have been tear I all over town. Young i’urrle. who represented Bryan, reeelve.l 227 electoral voles, the last vote, that of Nebraska, be ing found In his favor. A hr- sl-lt-ntlal e tlon In miniature could not possibly have been belter exemplified to each Mile, while others w. re doubtful and wavering Vfters went bark on Ihelr pledges and sol ! the eanilldst. s out jut as Ih, y do In big election. funny thing that occurred w ,s that McKinley carried 1 .eorgra, while Brvan carrletl Masaschti ectts. Teacher Thomtosn. who devised the whole schema, will have to gel out n patent on n r/OSKEKT AT IHHIF.N. 'hipping nn the Increase—Offices Be ing Improved. Darl*n. Oa., OcL 27 The young people *>f Darien arc preparing for a concert to l*c given at the liragoans Armory on th* #*\ * iiii g of Nov 22. for the benefit of th* I’r*-hytcrlan Church NVnrly all th* beat tabnt In the city will b* lent to the occa aton. an*l that It will b* an enjoyab?* • veiling there can b* r.o douht. Th.* f* tiiurep of the progruunme will be an nouut **) later The Preubyterluna lack uUjut f # of having their hau<Lv;me $6,000 chui'*’h txii'l f *r iu.l every effort w*l l niuh *> the memi>era ni *1 their friend* to '!*" the gum before the end of the year *J h' offleo** *>f M e**r- Hchmidi A- \Vyll>, tlmler merchnniM. have r-*-er.tly been ren ovat*! They io>w |>rrsent a mom uttrac tlvc appearance arid the Arm 1* receiving many vompltmentH upon the Improve ment*. Mena re Hunter Bonn A Cos. have Jurt begun w*>rk on their office*, which will nwike thorn arrv*ng th pr*tti**t In the RtaU. The ceiling* will b* of GeorsU pine. Ollier !mprovem*nt* will be made Manager Manooti n*l hi* crow of office m**n are jr*ady tmillng In nnti'tputlon of th*- new t'oinforta they wilt o**.n eniov Kiv • l ark s nr.d thrtu- *'hooner* are now In port. Other arrt\ala are expected. ai.J th** *M|ping bu*lnew will open up on a large ** al* During the part week 1.915,- feet of tln>ber. at $19,410 were ahipped for foreign |*ortii. Kditor Grtibb ie till "1-k. but manag*Mi t* writ* h>M n*tial bright column of edi torial In the Gaxette. Maj. B. T. Sinclair of the Flret Georgia Cavalry, has ppointed Mr James K. Clarke, Jr , adjutant, with the tank of fti'ftt heuenant. of hi* battalion. Mr 'lrkc i* a military m*.n of experieiwe and will make an efficient md }N>(>ular officer. *< rnmi I ountry Hacc at Fmnry. Emory College. Oxford, <r*, Oct. 27 All pr*paratlon* for the cross country re lay race l;a\e been made and unless the weather takes an unfavorable turn the race will come off *n ached tile time Mon | day afternoon. Tne course, which will be over tha Lawrencevill* road, has been marked out, ami the stall will be made from Walnut drove and the flnlsh will or. ur at tlie Junction of College Avenue and Benson street. Thl> cours* gives ten ' miles of go>d country road, the greater I art of which Is in pplendtd < onditlon, and several of the t*ams are confflent of their | ability to break the college record, 56 mln | utes, 15 seconds. The name in the &>pho ! inor** and Freshman classes were selected ■ ttie early part of the w*k. and have been ! In hard practice ever elm*'. The other • teams ware selected this afternoon, an 1 | .ue. Henior. Mat L Harris of Hit.ggol*). ! James M Bawds of Cuthlwrt, W F. (Juil- I tan, Jr, id sladls*ui. Ldward V. Basnett ! • f Atlanta. Chas. K liowman, Jr., of Ox ford. Walter l Doming'z of Balnbridge, > Alltel t’ I oom of New non, Edwin A j it>gees f Walk ca, (b ulge Dexrer Blount , 4.f Barn* svlll* . a? *1 Henry S Johnson. Jr., *>f Atlant.i June r: G**org* K. Burbage of Atlanta. Yerl>n .\lore of Atlanta. Janus |C. Knox of Covington, **® u * H. Turner of ('tii.uiiim. Guv A. Myers of Atlanta, Hetman J ;n -*n of Palmetto, J LeHov ! Min an t.f Atlanta. C. t Gordon (juilliait of West Point, L inar Ihivne of Jonesboro, t;.*i Willie B McCain of Atlanta Sub- Krefthman Jn* Chadwick. Battey of Borne. Jos* ph Dillard nf Crawford. Charles C T\ ■ r *>f Moultrie. E. W. John- I s-n of Atlanta. Alfr* I Wynn of Bhady*. T \\ (ir toli of Covington. Frank I William.** nf (xf*r*l. Wallace Robert* of i J ksor vllb . Fla . J. H 1 leery of Beids- I . ilk . and M B Fosterling of Heldsvllle < 'ti nr ount of sickness Garnett i^utlbar. •*f t *• Freshman and Walter Anthony of ihe S j*h n r teams have been forced to ’ drop out. Their places were Ailed by Geurgc K Farmer of Joneotoro and M*hi i tagu* 1 Boy-1 of Bavannah. 4 Will *li W |f linn I Hands . From the New York Press. An ok! f*i nd. who tuis done Europe and ! Krtgl-ind in •; • last four months, fetches l*a< k novel !lmep(e e. Il is s watch of ’ opllnarv six* but devoid of the usual hands and dial In the center are two small space** for Agures. the upper for hours and the lower for mlntit** These hange* at he proper intervals, present ing th* cor re* t time as the railroad man ii tv * * p ij <>r *'. $O. not "14 mnufes of 11" or "half-ps 6." In the slovenly civil : in style % se ond hard mks frac tvns of .• minute- for the exa t man This w-ftch i guaranteed for seven years i and costs only $ll In Part#. i STEAMBOATING IN MID-AIR. OOt'MT (Kri'Utl. MLVM TUB rnoßßicH or ajcniab .4vim noi. Th- Btfxrtl n.d Mon Rktbnrxl. 4ir ■ hl, fm Hulll-I'w. Tml. Pforr It ■ ' Rgllnoa* llnt'lttttrt! In n TYnllln of Alnnilnum i titnpoip Ih, llotlr of th. .*hl|n.|l lo hf I'tnrorfol Prop.llrn nntl Ulr.rlrd hy flnln of Hatt.lrro nl kllh.r KnA—l'od.r Ihn t ontrtil of th. Inventor nod Hl. ( r.w, 44 h.i 4rr ( orrl.d In Alnmlnnm liari , Brxrnlh the Bnlloans, the Crnfl Hloe. nntl Fnlle, Tnrne In An, Direction nnd Plows Thronffh Ihe Air Amlnnl n HroffwTnd. (fYrpvTtgM, 1900. 8 R. Me*’lurn Cos.) Hlf'tfo the first balloon xucoeatfuily roar ~l Into the nthnr. fha great problem of n.ronauHm hn* been to a.hleve that aatne .-or.frol over a ehtp of tha air that Ihe oillor haa over 4he ship In Ihe wafer Th* pr-tblem —aa tw„-fol<). It mqulrert the a-hlnvemtfM of propulelon anti of dl rertlon. In the agwregate million* of dol lar*. ngHtrerte of years, and sroreo of Bvee have been devotoj lo Ihe ablution From time lo lime announcement haa (teen irtumpnantly made of an airship lht eoutd be steered Ihrough the ex. of the aklea; but a atngle trial of the contrivance has endesj In failure at the beat, disaster at Ihe worst. Of late Investigator* have turned from the idea of the balloon to that of the souring niH—rstue: set king to Imitate the Dtni rather than tha irteamehlp In their efforts to navigate the air; hut ore etudent of aeronautics steadfastly h'ld to the line of the gas alrahtp and now. In the ntoeing year of the nineteenth oentary Fount /.••ppelln aiaeiaonaa to The world that the d.rtglble aitoahlp Is a demonstrated fact. Two flights suooesshd In every partic ular form the haste of fount ZeppeNn’a claim, which la universally recognised since hie most recent experiment on Oct. 17. at Frledrlchshafen, a Oerman toa-n on • take ' 'onstance In each he demonstrated beyond cavil that his air ship could be rwl.od lowered, and steered m any direc tion at will, while carrying five poesen grr* This amount*, broadly stpeaklnc to this, that the first step forward hue beer, made In aerial navigation, since the flight of the first baloon At Ihe begin ning of ballooning It was shown that the great ga* bulb could be rained or low ered. to some extern In a~eordnnre -lih the will of tha operator In all Ihs years since no msn has suconeded in controlling lis Intern I movement, or overcoming the l-reesur# of ihe elr currents, until Ihe Herman room built the huge craft which ha* ma.le hi* name known the world over. What remains of the problem now Is sim ply matter of mechanical Ingenuity; to lighten the structure of the airship while preserving Its strength, grid to Increase the motive power without adding mate rially to the sretght of the engines The threaten Airship In the World More time, thought, endeavor, and money have been put Into the Zeppelin air ship than Into any prrvluug enterprise of aerial navigation It Is thirty yean, since fount Zeppelin, an officer in the. Dermal* army, first turned hie attention to It ns an engine of war which should render the nation In possession of It Ir r<*tetib?e, by enabling Its officers to scant without fear of the enemy's flrv FYom thnl lime up to the present, he has been al work with llttla tmerndtslon. upon his great I,lea, upending his great wealth lav ishly In experiments whlrh rn-ere. for the mort part failures; but failures of tlie kind thnl Isa,ls to laircoa* Hla constant endeavor war to find a structure whkh should he light, yet firm, nnd properly balanced, and to supply It without much n.lded w.-lght with motors capable of driv ing ll thrmigh the air. He long ago up hla mind that to be of practical value his airship must b" able to altaln a speed of more than fifteen mllea an hour. stnee the currents In the upper regions of the elr where he proposed to operate are so often of that or greatr velocity, that a •untrlvanoe unable to withstand winds of that order would be useless. In Ihe mean time. he dkl not take the work! Into his confidence, and the many aeronauts In various |tarls of the world who like Hargrave of Australia. Chanule of this country and Ihe lllfated Ultenthal of Ger many were following the line of scwrlng Might by means of aeroplanes, were In clined to look on him as a visionary who wood only add one more to the already long list of failures It was not until two or three years ago that the s-orld !>eard atiout Count Zep pelin's airship Then what It heard wa* not definite; being the general Informa tion that live biggest balkvon ever built wa* n.-arlng com piss lon In a boat house on [ok* <'.instance, a balloon bigger than a man of war On July 1. of this year, su-h of the public as chanced to be In the lictntly of Bake Constance, or had come ■ hither In expectation of the event, hod opportunity of verifying Ihe various ru mors shout Ihe so-celled balloon, what •hey saw as Ihe great structure was moved oul from Its floating boathouse for Ihe flrst lime, wa# a framework that Hooked like a cigar, 420 feet long and 3* feet In diameter, except at the tapering ends. At the sidea were ptv|>e||eTs. and al each end big. fln-llke protuberance* which were fo serve as rudders. It was not like any balloon that any of Ihe sivctatOTH had v*r before seen. and. In deed. it was not strictly speaking, a bal loon. but a scries of balloons, seventeen of them In all. enclosed In a frame of niumlnum trellis work That day no flight was atlempted on ac,<ount of the high wind The First Aurressful .lonrary. On ihe evening of the following day the airsiilp made the first really successful air trip on record. Keleased from Ihe ca bles that anchored II to the barge,. It rose quietly and steadily that Ihe swift ness of Hs flight was hardly npnreriahle to the thousands who watched It. When It had reached an altitude of between twelve and thirteen hundred feet Its up ward progress was checked, for that Is the air straium In which It Is expected Hint most of the traveling will be done. Then the maneuvering began Beneath the laxly of the balloon hung two alum inum cars, one atiout 100 feet from the Prow of the craft, holding the Inventor and two companions; Ihe other about an equal distance from the other and con taining two other passengers The oper ating of the craft was done from these two cars The eager multitude below, with their field and opera glasses could rec from the decks of the fleet of excur sion boats most of the details of opera tion On a cable suspended beneath the body of ihe ship they saw a weight which from time to time moved back ami forward. When If was mover) toward the rear of Ihe air ship the prow was elevated and the whirring propellers drove the craft upward at an ani,.e When the weight wa* drawn forward the great clgar-llke object turned on It* own axis and slowly pointed earthward. As soon os the weight was stopped In the center the ship moved along on an even keel Presently the olr vessel made a wide and graceful sweep In a full circle, part of the time necessarily traveling against the breexe This proved sufficiently the alwolute dlrtglblllty of Ihe contrivance Count Zeppelin then pointed It toward th* village of lmmepstadt, and put on some speed, making three and three-quarter miles In seventeen mlnti’es A slight nc eldeflr to one of the rudders prevented rny further exierlmentsf on on that day. and the atr ship came down upon the lake so gently that there was not tha least shock to those tn the alumfhum cars. FOR TWENTY YEARS Captain Blake Has Made a Daily Trip to Mt. Vernon. THE CAPTAIN TELLS SOME THINCS HE KNOWS OF PERUNA. Uf [ill TP ff; |M il HP tl Hr m I ■i/ < ..plain Blake of ttesmrr McAlester. Captain I. I. Blake, of the steamer Mc.Aleeter. Is one of the best know cap lain* on Chesaie.ike H> The st.amer MctAlester Is the only boat that 1* allow ed by Congress to stop al Mt Vernon, ■he birthplace of George Washington. For twenty years Capialn lllake has been making a dally trip to Mt Vernon In a recent letter written from Wash ington. P. C . to The Peruna M'dlcJne Cos.. Columbus, Ohio, he says: “I can cheerfully recom mend your Peruna for rheumatism, and it is also a very substantial catarrh remedy.” Captain L. L. Blake. Much that Is called rheumatism l in reality myalgia Mx.lgia Is an affection of the larger rouaol**. especially those In the small of the hack, producing pain stlffnes. cramp, and frequent I ■ distress on the slight” t movement. When the muscle* of the small of the hark are In volved It Is genera lily called lumbago If the large muscle* ”f -Ire arm." or legs ore the seat of the affe tlon It Is generally then railed muscular rheumatism They are one and all the same affection, how ever The month of October brings cool day# and cooler nights. The dally perplratlon nf the hot months Is gradually and some times suddenly dls ontlnu.d Thl* pro duce* an avid condition of the hlo-xl which the kidney* are not always able to cor rect. By stimulating the mucou* mem brane* of the whole body, the accumula tions of acid In the blood can he drained away. This could be done with Peruna taken according to the direction* on the bottle. which also act a boat when the ahl? land* fount Zeppelin expressed himself a> entirely *atl*!lrd with the results of the trip No other trial we* made at the l,me 'Hie craft was returned to Its flouting quarters and after tbs nltlMitf repair* had hern made the Inventor and hie assistant* ret thentaelvee lo the prob lem of dec rear Inc the Welch! of the ship Despite lie gr* at sixe and It* volume of nearly 17i,W . üblc yard*. It weighed with Cara and rrew, only eleven tone; l-tit the poealbtllty of decreasing this weight without sacrificing siahlllty m*ont the capacity for just eo much more weight and consequent horse ptwrr In th pro pelllnic engines. What alterations and Improvements Count Zeppelin mad* In <ons**quence if the first trial he lias not revealed, hut It I* assumed that they were of considerable extent since It was three months and a half before the (treat machine was again brought out. Meantime certuln critic* had suggested that the navigation of the ehlp In all direction” nt >y have been noth ing more than u skilful taking advantage of the air current width flew In different directions at different hlghts. Attention was called to toe fact that a balloonist had once, on a wager, traversed the three sides of an aerial Irtuticle, by raising and lowering his balloon lo catch the various currents amt It was hinted that fount Zeppelin could have done the same with out any machinery or motor power. This last trial of On. 17, however, has com pletely refuted that theory.' Tae airship traveled six miles with the wind, which was blowing about ten miles an hour. Then turning and without rising or hill ing from the air stratum of uhout I.tOO fee* In which It was traveling It came hack against n freshening breeie nt a goo*l rate. It then went through a number of maneuver , turning and twisting, ris ing mid falling for an hour anil those spectators who had seen ll on It* Initial trip declared that II traveled ai a faster rate of speed and answer**! It* rudders, and altitude shifting w* aht more prompt ly on this occasion Ih.m on the previous trip. Count Zeppelin Is said to have expressed a belief that a few Improvements will render hi* ship capable of a speed of SO miles on hour. In spile of the fart that ha Is over 70 years old nn*l has spent thirty years of hard work on his Invention, he intends to continue the work with un abated vigor He considers the problem of acrid n c bat there must be a great advance n construction along the lines he ha* laid down lc fore the air ship con become a ehlp of commerce. In all the present craft has * ost about 1100.- 0. more rather than I* ss than Hurt sum. Much of this has been ste-nt In experi mentation Another airship of the same kind could he constructed for s fractional part of that sum. —Squire's Daughter—"Do you think tt Is quite healthy to keep your pigs so * .nee lo lha collage” ' Hodge—"l dunno, miss. Noan of ther pigs ain't ever bln lil!" Punch. —Some time thl* month Queen Victoria wl.l personal.) Invest th* frown Prince of Germany with the rlbl>on and Insignia of ihe Garter either at Dulmoral or at J-'riedrk tishof. A * the apprxn, Sy y Cool weather, j j 1, * r na should hr i ■ I to Invigorate the mu, HI membranes against the l ■V- 1y of catarrh, and to stir ■ Ihem to carry away the - , ■ matter dammed up In the .v— --| w hich found Its way out t i m''■ th* skin In hot we.ther. A of Peruna taken In time le or , weight In gold to any on# dur r* the month of Octolier, eapec;.ii| „ those who are liable tr, > muscular rheumatism. Mrs. I* W. Monsell. W 7 Nostranj nue. Brooklyn. N Y . writes "For ten year* have been a .fry, from rheumatism, ha-.lng had tn dux jj, Irflammatory rheumatism, being „ for week*. I also had rheumatic fev. y lung fever, dragging along miser.., ,-j 111. I often felt some other chrotUr lira*, was coming on me hut I did not reallxe that It was catarrh I had a ir., t deal of headache, and every iwtl# caused me to raise no end of mu. "About eight months ago I rend • p*. runa It seemed ao logical to me ’lts, ; wrote to t>r Hartman, an.) began • j, Peruna Before I had finished th* >• lnj bcttle my terrible headache# wer- na.-! cured, and I ha.) such sweet relief I faj suffered so much, six mornings oh nf seven getting up with a terrible h.-n U-j. I can'r begin to tpenllon the other tew? , I hav* received. In all I took fiv- 1 t. and I feci like anew creature. “lat winter I hsl the grippe mt *’ * terrible rnngli, hnt tVrna* made abort work of flint. For • ttnin It can't be beaten. Catarrh l th* tronltlr with so maay of ns and nr do not realise It." People who have been long eubjer- • > catarrh are almost sure to have a "n of their hod symptom* at tlw jr>< j t f cold weather. October Is a good im* > fortify the system against this -I j This climate Is especially prod i *. * catarrh, because of It* extremes of 1 1 ar.d hot whether. No sooner do we . rv from hot weather than we find oir In the midst of wintry weather < *rv tie of Peruna now may prevent % tarrhal affection Inter on that won 1 * many bottle* to cure Captain M G Yarnell, Post r -mmar 1 er Win Down Post, No 68. G A writes from 2*122 Lincoln V I?., Washington. D. C., a* follows concerning Peru nn as a catarrh f cure my* ■ "Y our medl- | t believe to be the 4. \ tm •II amount, an.l can see very p np , M 0 Tarr ,. beneficial results. I shall continue its use and recommend It to my friend arid comrades for all catarrhal aff<- tiona " Address Thr reruns Medicine rn . rn lumbua. 0.. for a free book on catarrh written by I)r. Hartman. VIRTI'OI'I CAI.HOIN rot 111. An Areadlan Portion of Ihe stole of Illinois. From th* Chicago Inter Ocean Calhoun county, situated on a a which for'nfty mlle-s divides the waters of th* Mississippi from those of Ihe Illi nois. Is proud of many distinctions fat make it th* moat unique county In all the great stale of Iltlmtfs. It Is twenty -A' •> years sine* Its boundaries were survive ! and since It became dietingutshed In the annals of the Middle Waot as worth*’ special notice. It Is a quirt, reth - county, but It has pride In Itself art it flaunts a few facts that astonish ou' era. fulhoun county has no debt, no paujee*. no poorhouse. no crime*, no prisoner*, no consumption. It has set Its face a. *ln*t many modern improvements, and attrib ute* ita utopian conditlona largely t > "■!* 1 fact. There are no theaters, no I *• graphs, no waterworks, no str* et are no pavements, no factories snd no i 1 ■ roods. No automobile has ever penel * *d to Its fastnesses, and no golfer ever made hla little ball spin **■ r ' green sod. There I* not a photogr *| ‘>> r within tli* limit* of the county l ■ '*'■ era are barred out a* If by a alone sal There Is not a Chinaman or an Dalian on the census list. Tne shiny colUr and il> hand organ are unknown. Descendants of the first KngH-'h "and Scotch people that came lo Am* ri ' lied the county. They were atuid* ners. who entered a rough onl pier • country to build homes and lo till soil. It Is six miles from river t>> and from the high bridge dlvkl'i * two streams there Is u wonderful * ''* hills that ere all awry Here nre prin a forests and mounlalne that are pll* upon another. The topography county became Us safeguard, for on Industrious could cultivate vhgln n that wn* rock strewn an*l overgrown ' timber. The Kingdom of Calhoun I* the r **• given lo the county, and Its reside! "• not resent the tmpih-allon In Its till* 1 ll ' hnun does not approve of unrestrtci. a migration an*l H Is exacting alaiui <• character of all newcomer*. This fa*' *" .ousness account* for the fact that t Jail t* never occupied, snd that It I as a storehouse for th* clean record* the county. Petty crime Is almost unknown N * snd then the tramp* or gypsies P'‘ s ' r * through the county will steal a purer or a fat chicken, and If the transgf ’ 1s caught th* owner of the stolen i r f I* quit* able to deal with him wl'.houl expense of a trial. A mild reproof. ■■ severe cases, a few well directed kl< prove salutary. —A witty and cynical Frenchman •>- vertlse* a* follow* In a Parisian p*i' r " V young man of agreeable presence ' desirous of getting msrried wool I to make the acquaintance of nn age I experienced gentleman who could dl* u ** him from taking ihe fatal step' 1