The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 29, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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CHANGES in the southern. rt I* MIDI; I**I.VrAXT GFX KH II MAN %GKK. Hr Will U*l"t Third Vlrr I're-Gilmi , 1(ll i (ivnrral tiaanon. %r \ rrl IMhrr CMM*II Fltlon i rrait'd mid Thrlr Inriimltcnu \aiurd Jaian M. Ilnrrrtt Hafir 4,.n*rHl AQprrlQlrnfit’at of Trm portit !*••• v. jr :• n. Oct 2S.—Unrtrr exrcuttv , \ j :h< re in to hr ;i change in ih* z.t. n of the operating d'-artman *.n> • m Hu ixxy I'ocnixm) to , a ~ * Nov 1. 1100. r pio\i<lr* that the third %*tc .1 i > an general m inajft r, r,i *upernten*l* nt, of transports ,, ?wo rl a super I . n* f motive | iWit, hti r-ngtn •r I ir.i i ulkhngu, infi a superin <y * ‘|r|r.i h, tt’ J that the H>stM j r , mai r nhall ns-fist the th r I ii. ami ft* iw iai rnn** r, **- a 1 mitt r.H p* rtali ;m- tc> j t ,i . ci vuy ai 1 rQi.iomen:, at.l r* ion of new ion.Hni‘ t;on and ; ( .j;t> u tn |m rati (I lit.!*.* v* u a . ppolntments are an , ;ik* effect Nox 1 WlllUm H i ant gentral nvmajger. Wash- I \; Jamie H. Barrett. general If of t.anspc>rtaflvm. Wasn- D i\ o Josep! H. Sands, gcmral ♦ i .int eastern district, Salisbury. Dodo IQ general \\* -terii a- M r. Chattanooga ..1 D W. Luro, engineer f l , and bulUllnffs. Washington, I>. C. nier n Ism. iiboUsix:* the offi***j* of , -ui '•uT'erlnten ieiu of maintenan > , ii a *tiicr*l jsuperintcn*b*n< of main t , ohslet ant g*-*ral superintend #. • at i i|wrlnten lent of tnmk. hitdg s OriMishU IT |X TMF. Ot HTS. % Tiillahanirr (omiuiny la Fluhllnu Thut C4ty. Fla.. Oct. > --The Capital City Light and Fuel Company b an opposed the pr**p*v*ltlo of the city to estao.lsh J and !*■*: are an electric light p int The . matter ha> been in the courts for nearly a year, the city ynminx a verdict in both | • drcir.t ami Seat*- Supremo Court*. It i LOU runtor.d mat the lAffit aid Fuel ’orr.pany will carry the case to the l'tilted i Supreme I rwirt, Th- Platonic In lmtlnc Society of the j Wret For Ida Seminary will hold their pub- j lie anniversary P*lwite on IH* 17. at the Opera The speakers aelected for the .x as ton ar* W IJ. Crawfotd. F. F. r\V M M< Intoeh and Emmett \VJ- i •on Dr J A Townsend of Lake City has t,.-n appointid a m* m:**r of the Board of Mi m Fxamlr*!H for the Third Ju- ' *■ w 1 p fj|i>r * lavis will ere t a tnre-siory * ,iU* i* tneir l.arl\var - itw on Mon ro. : et j The t.iidlf Aid Society of the Presbye- I i.nan ihurch will supply that elittce with a it* am-hvttlnK plant. i OI.DFX I* JHKTMIIIHHT < 111 lit l. Jdm street tliureli ( elrbritrit Its I.TJmI \unlver*ar>. Str York. Oct 2H —Old John FAreat M hodift Kplacoi'al Church, the akiest Kil.-* Church in Amerl *. cek Crated I lS2rwl anniversary t>-da> li' day Y . n with n love feast led by t*je H**v. F. }lnrrie. D. I. Former f jatora of t ibur* i and many |e rvons. h*> used j * le m rnle rw td the congrcKVilon, w?r*- I resent. \4 tm- Cue. f the lev** f**ai n the ves • . Prof Mur. us I* Buell. *D. TANARUS . *h*jn oi the 'rhe. otrial School. Boston I’nl ventity, preached. Th*- pastor, the Hev \V T. ILakeman. * nvlted the ongr* gat .*4i t the clew* of e, o look of fta relics of th ft ruirc.M They in l'ki*tl trw of Phil ip Rmhury. the !.r.-4 kwa.) preacitar. J in Weil. > (Sock, ent ovw; from Rnf In el. .rwl now keeping| tin* in the vea/rv, is another of the churvfi ancient lielr loomi. l> ODD At 1 IDI'AT. Mr. Ii rtifti Uillrtl In a Shot I Vow a I*l 01. Irwintcm. G;i., Orj. 2S L:*f right Mr A J Krueta atvldf fitally shot in l kille.l wif.- He had i p4:-;ol In ’ilh pocket, which slipfM-.i thrvuj h th.- |* 4. r and mn <lown the pants i'c In g< tlhi£ the pistol •*t. it went off, and the bap passed *n tirelv through til* bony -f Mrs. Ktttetz. and lodged In ber nrro. |?ha died this n. -rnint; * * o'clock. Mr and Mr*. Kruets li re Just over the Wilkinson ilrw* In laaurrgis county. Thev • l i-een marfrlf<l f*r aLit two years. Mrs Knietx aas the r'Muahter 0/ county t -asurer, J. F. Williams. She win burled ■ thla aftarmam. The affair ."wst a ni over the enttrs community as the •ng lady was dear'/v loved by every one here. IH Mint I M(\ MMPKIM. I UglUh Deleg •te Met l> Members of frisfh tarlftlf*. 1 L rtet. Sl.-Tiwre was a .arne gath •rr.g of ft. k'l aII it and working men* a e<>- 1 ■' at the Bourse du Travail to-day, t we ITama ekf'.u delegutei from th** Kmr -7 >adea (Tnions, IncluliDK Mr. Baines, * m Tf ary of the Society of Engineers. Mr 7 k\ r of the Society of Pointers, and r and Dell, s* ret ary of flu- Hallway v S ts' fkv'ifty, who prrsetntad a man* ' >to French workingmen in favor of tan e and good fellowship between the ta. nations. hr. Jrtiires and Valllsnt responded, ami 4 rnt-ing f*lop'el n r* s dutlon In faior ' ent-ihening the fraternal union of * * i *rk*nmen of the two countries, and '* t*womstftii*r to arbitration any dilßcul* '* 1 tflat might arise. A MUII OF A Stall Y FOLKS. ' -rrf Trying to tiff at X%*vorkowkl to Hill Him. !edo. 0.. Oct. 28 —A mob of angry 1 *'**•*, numbering perhaps .W. gathered * n the store of Michael Wsyorkowskl * i vening and trlwi to get Mm outside. -4# * rl ng they wouid kill hitu on sight. 1 nd who attempted to get through to **d htn were assaulted and brutally heat ’' Police were finally sent for, and • ,f er considerable trouble disperse.i the fowd, but It it Mid the trouble will b** renewed to morrow. It is the aftermath of X l -* nights iHilttical meeting when Ibis "•** 4nd Congressman mutharu were as -TS by lo igha at a meeting they wsr* ••Idnastn, | Much Property Damaged. <***- Wis.. Oct. 28 —The heavy rain .5 yt * ' ,r 'i- , y nd last nuhi liave raised ' strfMirn* in thl vicinity so as to caus** damage to hr dgea and other prop r Many washouts on railroads are \ M No 1 rains are expected before '•‘Borrow Qighu PLAGUE STRICKEN PEOPLE. Ilorrlbl.- .aßn1,,! Mhrrlnn nud .la.kun loa.l.—Naiirr. li>|ur Kwrrn I Mlnti.apo'ia. Minn . 0 2K.— A .pr tl 10 liw Tim. from Dtfrni. Ocl. 11, via Tacoma, Oct. IS. *ay*' Itc’liiil. of the MifT.rtnaa of ihc ptayuo. "irlckm native* of tac Siberian and Alai kan roa ta, mu) ihe lower Yukon, by Iravelers, who bare reached Pawatai pc Hire the,., morta.'a livtn* tn an awful mir • ry that may fce comiwrerl with Ihal of ihe disease aal famlne-burdeor l pt opl. t of In,lla HriphF pjriuras <f uff rinew of n -m.ill part of the stricken on the l>v#er Yukon in given by Rev. Johi B. H m+. in . harije of the Catholic mission;' t i.l churches of Al.iks The condition of the natives r< so nii-ersbli .” iid he. “that on* mkrl a ay d* itn would h* a relief to them 4 #n e - • *r*ng the tent sees a mpti, \ ■ wife ard three or fotir chlk ren and a t un he 1 fan * as > alar t attvex, i\f , n k • htn nui on the damp gvon nd (,n p, 4. afJlici.-d by the plain, ± \|| nr.* t'i'ush.i x up hloiKl and bile *.n $ \umitinx r, i *of * exlt cm f e-r /kins The ,r u • tcgflon *f it.nueniH neegii. 4 an ty phoid fever. 1 the end of July there w* - sixty-nk.. In*ii:ii affli '*d th p'fegu* ;t Hoy Fro-- ami viciriix Our Opno.l<- fathers •hd mother- old nil they * makl to r*-Have the tilHire- • Father Firnt /t vrs busy giv ing medicine and another father wa-* eni plot* I nil dav giving 'spiritual com fort an i preparing (or the ween* A third pru-t Father Onto was engaged tn bun tug the dead. He had ®ix funerals in on* day blxty iicd at ’do!} t'roea alone. Th**re wer a|gt> (Tgidrcn in th m*s fl- n* .it Holy i’| of whom w r. m. r** or u**# afMcte.l. hut go.*l . are prrvt j b ut ton in tn ~ hcl from dying Alstec Mat lo Josephine of Harred IF-irt. •#♦! hfui been suffering from heart dl **f/-, overtaxed herself in mercy work for the natives nnl died. The g.-vrnnvnt S-itmlth'd -ome assistance to the suffering natives, but it was in adequate nnd rr <w with the approach of winter the prer ft rated Indians find them s. Ives withSM/, their customarv rations of fbod f .-oim fishing nnd th** ch is* and thr cJoalng . haidcr in the trag edy is the c nrnns? of keen winter ’* The Tx>wer Yukon h.. lost man\ native t vark*ua hut on Lie Bering m • as* they M**nc by entire viliSgon on the Alaskan o sot. nnd on the Siberian side Sheidon ks*n rejs>rl that naif of the l*opui;ri<xj su* • umbed. Mb' /UHTEIt IX Tilt Ft LIIT. Be IV riiM'-il Kihirnl Hide of Xetsw linper lltilnen. MiltgaukcH*. Wis,, Oat 2ft. -Oeorgo F Ora# in-, a reporter on the staff of one of the Milwaukee d.uly new pap* r.. occupied Lot pulpit of Plymouth Congragationol urch to-diy and disc us.*-cl "The Kthioal -SI !• of the Nfttrgnper Ilu.dness, or the P fUlosophy of the Frees.” Mr. (liassle's address wax in reply to arte dsttrered by the regular pastor of the cfliufv h. Rev JwkuM Tltjsworth. on "What ti Preacher Thtttka of a N* wepupar The preach**r thtiUg'it h*- uewpapc*r was in financed too mu n by a commercial spirit and believed the t.tne would come > *on shii the editor would be guide*) by a mor*. altruistic spirit, when the Influenr** of the paiwr, already great, would b* grewter. ilr. Qraatsie quoted several passages of 8c rip lure coupling with them the words Know thy.cif." In to know himself, nion must letm s> know everything v- hi h si nv uay iiftfluences hi* life, the speaker cun*- tn*Je*k ami eakl it w a wtftiln the pros in*-e gf the newspaper to teach t man to kr.ow himself by printing th*- news. .n.l everything that was truth was news. Mr tlrajtfei.i iechired. "ft the duty of the newspaper to help Lis overage cin**n to know himself. w> tigere him in what is going on ibou* Tim. to give him Just enough goodn*-** ftii.l just enough nadtirs* ju** ffiOiifh r llgion and Just enough atheism Just : e| aigb sjarttuallt v, ar I Just enough pu gilism to keex him Interested. an*l tbtsa to make him know himself end lcuklental !> to sell 'he paper.'* HARD 11%l\* %T LA (HUMK. Ilallronds %%uehel Oaf nnd Trains Hnl tn gfop. Iji (’roes**, Wis., Oct. 28—In the past twenty-four hours seven and a half inches of rain fell in this city The Milwaukee r* ltd suffered much damage to Us trs ka end no trains have arrived from the Hast for the last twenty-four hours. On C. II < k>odw .iri*s firm the bJtis** was under lain*-! and th family sought refug*- In a , tree where tliey remain**! until rescue*l 1 to-day. Fir** cause*- by electricity dam ag'd the la* Crooae Knitting Works to the extent of several thousan*! dollars. AHRLm:i) rm mi hukr. Two \fgrofi Charged With Killing llrd.lln tn Florila. Thomasvllle. Cla.. Oct. 2*.-Two nsgroa named Tom Benton and Dave Brand**n were arrested In Met *alf In this county yesterdav. on a ch i nr* of murdering a whit*- man named Fred Keddtn. m Madi son county. Fla . a few days ngo It |s aaiJ the negro** have ronieased th • killing an l claim that it was Ire result of a quarrel about sumo cotton. Tliey are being held for the Florida author it la. William H. I niiHtugUftm Dead. Chicago. Oct. 2*.—William H Cunning ham. for many years manager of the Western deportment of the Fire Aso**t ution of Ph!laMpiUa. dil here to-day, , aged £J years. \ A Monnmrsl fr Assit loiurle. From the Manchester Guardian A movement is on foot to creel a tomb stone over the grava of Annie Laurie Many p**>pl* are under the delusion fhat Anni** Laiir,- wa * merely the ftgmen' of the p****'s brain, but this was not so. Bhe was the daughter of Sir Robert Laurie, and was born In M i*weltoo House, which stands on the "braes" immortalised In the -ong Ber birth ks thus set dowh In the BTTjorg MS "A* the pleasure of the Al mighty Gad. my daughter. Anna Laurie, was horn upon the l€th day of De ‘ember, Iftvi years, a bom 8 o'clock In the morti ing, and was baptised by Mr George min ister of Olencalrn." Mix welt on House Is still full of mem*' ones of this winsome girl, and In the long drawing room there still hangs her por trait. Her lover and the author of the original song was young Douglas of Flng land. but In the a*iu<*l sh*- gave her hand to a prosal*’ country laird, her cousin. Mr. Alexander Ferguson They lived at Fralg- i darroch Ifonse. five mile* from Maxwel- ‘ ion. and when she died Annie was burled In the beautiful glen of the Cairn iiOSTCTTSr tUWUTU coil Slip*! 100 * IlKlt*tlOO, Trou Mr*, you curr tboie til*- | 3*6* counieraeta | *W| | I J T’flE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. OCTOBER 2it. 11100. SPORTNQ WOfiLO STILL TALKS LORD DIRHAM'* 111 %H4itCfl C*A 8K j MtCM % GIT ATI OX. Asar wt*d Tbe> Were Xot %alnst A nirrirus* n a Class, hnt \*tlnS 'An* Hough anti Tough Klewrsl. Bimp Ft-nlsea Lord Durha m— **a ys. * Hosnrr, Thai Xelil*r lim’iicaa Xor I'ugllsb Hufflnu* %re Deeir- Mble—%u kssorliitent of llfsft. Oct 10.—The qmwtion of Eng- I iish vs Amt-rlcan methods si Ihe racily world continues to agitate the sporting writers of the Ixmdt n press. The Daily Teiegrai*.! again protests igalnst uo Idea that the supporters of i laird Durham are animated by feelings *jf joaliHisy and points to instances of I u.irm wt*u om extended to American own ers bud jockeys "8*) far as the American trainers ar I 'oncemed," it says, "there was never tn unfriendly word ueeii until one xr (u> of th* iar-st t earners were tuaported uf k>ping* tbir hirs**s. Ttih* Is a punish j tble in the t'nitod and ougnt to b* her*- also." Th* Stan*laid, which makes the atew irl* of the Jockey dub responsible for i rh * r ‘ • *‘l trouble. U Hares that Lori j Durham’s attack was directed primarily igHinst their "supinences and torpidity." TUf Tim*-, after remarking that "It j w °uW be difficult to over-praiso the- aerv leoe Lor*l Durham has rendered to the causa of turf r.-f>rm." says: "Then- is no doubt that If he evidence of th** alleged misdeed.* of Am*r >can Jock*ys the steward* will be p!c?*ed *o give it consideration, hut the tone of his letter of Wednesday does net Indicate • hat h' poss*seee such evidence, as he rather modified What he *ald In hi- gp*ech nf the jockey club about Newmarket he me the dumping ground for American j jockeys. I-*r I Durham cites fnstvne e where Americans have been reprimanded f.,r un scrupulous riding, but th-re is all the *ll.- * ftrence fn the world between the wild riding of a Jockey over anxious io sin a race an| pulNng te prevent winning which wms tmpled In Lvd Durham’s speeeh. "D is unfair to single out American Jockey* or even their followers a* wois* than Rnglieh wlthou cogent evidence o support e\g‘h an allegation American fol lower** are r.or a whit more undesirable I • han English ruffians such as have always boon th** <*ur*Ae of race courses." RANDOLPH or HOAX OK K. Ifovr the X lrcrtnia *tateamnn Xelerte*! Ik** Villi tn III* Xme. | Correspondence of The Richmond (Va ) Time-* Living within a few hour*' ride of the former home of the celebrated John Ron - i of Roanoke, I have often passed and viewed the place where trudilion says hi* sepulchre is. with his head to the east, the reverre of the custom then and t ow pre vailing Amonc the old ie*gl** rf C har lotte Coanty who kn* \\ him. the question has often been akd why Mr Randolph, with his dwell'ng on an enknence over looking the Staunton River, with Ms b.o.d stretch of magnificent lowlands, s ould have named his residence "Roanoke** end afflxe<l It after hi* signature. There is a large creek, with headwaters near the Prince Edward County line, flow ing frem north voeauth mr > igh ihe coun ty of ( hariolte. called K.enok" On both j aides of this stream, naar its mo.itt> where it empties uato the Htsun on. Randolph owned u body of land. His hone- |ds* r.t far distant from the creek, he called "Roanoke," following a cob anal cu.’tuun of th* Ki lan<leil pi o prletors of Virginia In Laving dlstlrctlve name* for their mansion*, (hi the Jam a. York, nnd other rivers of EoNe.n Vir ginia the custom prvva.ll* to this dav. Mr liaiKioiph 'tiwd no land south of the rtiaunton River, but he w* meet* r of the adj*cent lands on hot i ld> of Itounoke 1 Creek for a long distano j Old p*opl* who knt?w Mr. Rendoiph have tolti me th*i ihe affix "of Kosnokv 1 tukt-u from th** name ot the orek. He said it wa* an Indian name, an*l he priib*t idmoeif* on his Indian blood, being ie acended In the seventh generation from PooshonlM. Th** first mention 1 ran find of R*a noke wee In loff*. when Bir Richard reer,- vll left !(k men on the |*l.ittd of Koanoka But In the history and biography of th* Indiana of North America by Drake no mention Is made ol any trib*' of Indians named Roanoke, although 474 ilff* r*! tribe** and nations of Indian*- me named in j the publication of Dr Drake. R©. ok** lelaiul Is In the extreme cistern |*art ot North Carolina, near AH emarle and Flm i lico Sounds, and attached t*i Dare Coun ty About twenty-two miU*a below Ran* I dolph s landed estate. In Charlotte, th** Dan and Staunton River-* unP* and form Roanoke River In Mecklenburg, an.i It i then how - into Albemarle Hound, t'ntll a I frw years ago Ranolph Station, on the , i Richmond an*l Dunvile Railroad, wns j called Roanoke, as H is situated alynjt lht yarls fr*>m the creek and two miles from the Randolph residence. Howe, in hr* "History of Virginia." pub lished in 1851 rays: "The name of Roa noke is derived fr**m a small creek running through th** plantation of Randolph." Home say Roanok* mean* "red w.drr." hut I can find no authority for any Mgnlfi. (-niton of th** name, but it Is no *baibt of Indian origin Th*ir names of Breams Werw always descriptive and eup/ionlous In talking with old people ysara •* abou* Fiandolph. and esped Jly with thoe*i who kn. w him perwmnlVy. 1 have | been often impressed with the vurlous n<l contradictory view- entertained about him Some looked upon him with fear, many with admiration, and others with derision Hut all agreed thut he was a "wonderful man” and of unaurpassed mental brilliancy Every one would aay that "when Randolph tra rated it was In :i coach drawn by four Tiors** and ac companied by postilions.” My father was High Rise riff of Charlotte County for • number or year* fthnt officer then collected th#* state and county revenue*) and during Itandolph'n life had a high regard for him and always support- , and him. except wh*a Randolph opposed president Jackson “He said Mr Ran dolph was a courteous and hospitable man j *t hia house, and when h** visited him to collect his taxes, always had the no t change, having 'a****!! previously notified • of 1 ti** amount li<* risked Mr Randolph on one occasion to go over the calcula tions and see '*t they were correct. Mr ( Kaniolph replied: "An official like you. t wrh*. nt tends #> his duties nnd lets other j people's busl/ress alone. Is not likely to make mlMuk.c " Another fpvorfte re* olle* tlon often re peated was when Mr. Randolph called to see a nelrhbor he found his wife busily engaged, ea she said, in making clothes for the paor Greeks (at the lm* so much svmiati'.y warn expressed in this country for Tureuah yokel When he ciorel th* front door and left ho saw several ragged negro*j* in the yard H* returned and called the lady and pointed to the nevroes nnd aai I. "Madam, the Greeks re at your door* ' and then mounted hi* horse. -•A? • recent banquet in Sydney a de sc andant of the MOcdonaW* rmi.-*sacrel mi * ffencoe passed a knife, "with the blade A>remost." to a member of a fsmoua old ftmlly bearing the historic name of •he MaMonaldi* hetrayers Most of ihoet* I ne of contemptibly bad or+toUq* Bvt j I one or two understood the Hgklflcance | and knew that the betrayal D * ,IU j | forgiven. J TABOM'A WtAI.TH AXD POVKHTV. IBs Quirk Rise to Great Riehca and t Itiwmte Dim. From the Denver. Colo . Times. From poverty to riches. From riches ba**k to powrty That is th* Tabor his tory. the most drama In human life ever enacted In the history of the West The great mining holding* of Ex- Sen ator Horace A. W. Tabor have b- **n scat tered to all quarters of ihe glob** The last piece of property oft he cnee immense estate has been sold under hammer to xettsfy a Judgment of gLlflu* The Mat h lest* mine, Wonderful or pro dut tr. goe the way Mrs Tabor s Jewel* wenij— the way everything has gone Phe has mode a hard tight against ocerwelm *:Ml *Hlds. The last |M*uny goes to satisfy tne demands of mortgag* es. Horace a W. Talior was the son of poor people, who were n*t able to even give him ?hc b< st of the e mtnen country school education JiffoMol in <i <ans county. Vt That was seventy years ag>’ Th boy studhd at night and worked between school hour* to assist hi.- sunggllug jarente But the stem ilftmard* of life cut *ff hie e<lucation before he orquir and • rough to put him on n Intellectual Riot ing with l*U fvl!ow-mak dtill he persisted, ard w hat he could r.ot learn in ecoool he absorbed through hi-, own efforts At the *g. of-■ years be had learned the trade of stonecutttng and wun earn lug fair wages, lie had been marrisd in ihe mcantlm and moved, with his wife, to Kansas, where !♦• engage*! In farming i Ills crops failed Hi stock died Ills faim wa* burdened with mortgages Then M*>d fortune met him. and h* mar tag* 1 by hard struggling, to regain the lost ground He become a free aolSer, and was elected by that class as its Isgihlam. re presentatlvr in Top ka That was in 18G7 Hard time* came again Again fate seem ed to b* aguinst him. anvl h* found that he could not earn m living In I*6* he deserted the farm, with its mortgage -and i*ooi crops, and * am© to Denver. 11* cast about for some time searching for employment, but mo* with no enr our a gem ent During the follow tng year gold was found In placers along the tipper Arkansas and Tabor with no hope in his heart, but driven by destina tion. started for the scene of the discov ery There were scores ahead of him He landed at the font of Cache creek, but ( found that those who had gone In a ivance j had gathered all the riches in sight ; Heartsick but still determined, he went | on to California gulch, where he made | the first strike There he Worked a claim j udjlining th Discovery, and with such success that h* soon had enough money to establish himself in the supply busi ness in ISC'. Then he sold his mine and ; wMh fV**o capital went QfffQgs b- M • - qinto rang** to the Buckskin Joe district of Park county They needed a supply store there, an I Talior began business with a rush, accu mulating ar.d saving with an eye to the future. In IfifiA he w.*nt back to the gulch and opened a store at Ore Pity. TXu- gold there had played out. however, and for a long time thtjre wa- suffering nm**ng stranded min* r Th*’n it was that 1 • bur’* real nature mine to the front. He furnished supplies to his fellowmen free . of charge when neceesary. otherwise on lci.g tlnie and they up, reclate*! I*. When it l**ci*tne apparent tlut gold, so far as that section was concerned, was a thing of the past, he went to Leadvllle. ned there It whs that he began to deal in gold mlnoe Everything flowed into his , packets with such rapidity that the men I m the hill ouperstltlously believed him guided by some *uicriiaturHl power They sought his advice •g**rlv. and those who nv*k i* grew rich. One great success after another followed, until two years after his arrival at Leadvllle he bought the Matchless for lltt.Ou* from dealers who had bought It from half-starved pros pectors for almost nothing. Th- II • - was a I Ihe s*rt Tabor's profits n that on** mine were never less whan 12.000 n day, and at times tan up as high hs SKi ,<joo a month Tabor was the MnUss uf the camp The connection of his oain*- with mines storks skyward in a hurry IBs condem nation of a project meant It a instant death As fast as ha accumulate! wealth be height interest in the San Juan region. New Mexico, anl old Mexico He was chosen mayor of and showed bis public siffrtt by bnll-Hng an *.|era bouse, establishing the Bank of !>advlll*. promoting in* wutsr and go# works pro jtet, sacuring valuable street Improve merit*, and inducing capital to come west. IBs fame spread throughout the clvlllxe*! world In If?* he was elected lieutenant gov ernor of Colorado and served with un utual distinction. In I*3 h* was elect** I senator by the general assembly to fill ihe unexplred term of Benator Teller In ISM he was mad-* chalrrmin of th* Repub Hoan state committee, and Jan 1, V&l was made prreldetit of the Chamber of Commerce IBs wealth I* gag to disappear when he entered politics. friends fasten***! upon him like leeches and ruined him HD good nature and big heart were too much for him Finally he was*appointed post master through the Influence of friends who understood his financial condition, an*l to the day of his death he was proctl < ally de|*endent upon frter.ds for mean* of support. This Is. briefly, the history of a man whore life has mado the greatest human drama of the West. In a little four-room brick house at AM Broadway lives Mrs. Horace A W Ta bor. acknowledged to be one of the most lie* tit If ul women of th** West, fated be on* of the most unfortunate. Instead of magnificent fountains. apatou* lawns, beautiful flower gardens find gorgeous en trance. the front view of the humble real dene* presents a pitiful poverty -stricken Hpf-arence as comi*ared with the incom parable possibilities through riches of the There lives this woman who la fight Ing bard to recover the Matchless mine, the last of her husband's great properties. Within six months she must redeem or lose It Redemption seem* now to be !n possible, but ah*- I* fighting bravely "Qny. If you must say anything.” she said to a Times representative, "that the property lessee are a* nothing compared with the loss of my noble husband Deal gently with him. for the beei thing he left the world wns his memory, which I love " —lt Is likely that salt mining may in the early future be add' and to the Industrie* of British Columbia A Vancouver syn dicate. a leading member of which Is F Carter-Colton. former finance minister of British Columbia, ha* properties on Halt Spring Island In the. Gulf of Georgia, which not only show good Indications of coal, for which borings are being mnd but also contain valuable s tit springs At present the salt used in the province is either Imported from England or from Ontario. | isi. Some "Soon to be Mothers" % 2 laViA GRIX A.:vi MISAH IT L ,** • -jk_> ‘-j and -than h-va tnnnth* o( pac ami cosiurt paMir.g •—>. mJ through th- weary time before confla*raet. zm / 1 TI -letterettain taieeaee by tieiua eaiernelly the unique * 1 JV Ua ‘“" l ' “Mother's Friend” W** ( * 'I W By It, nfiwnc, maliM thlld bearirg s fl-Mfe, a* S U r , It rellewee all nervoaeneea, heedai t.r, peine acd neaiee. Jp* K gAgl luf "AfvtNMMf.vKaMviltwad'M'idwrtFfifvt. an tt*iH*K* Mtefa 1 C' -f*, iv M*-4%ct>ri.indlilf(MiU>-f|ettir!eloli.l'tain#<|U'Ukeo4tM \ I * s*♦ per Uuul, Wd ***• tH#m i.ayton, iMri*. <Z issi lT •MpttmfmiA ot* fwHft* rt .* i txuile. took l* ciiociaat g .wa,—- t ** k ®- PAINTING IS FADING AWAY. DBt AY OF LEONARDO D% % I NCI'S •THE LAST M FH:. M Its Restoration Proposed—tint- of the • Ugliest Efforts of ftloioMn The Three Other Chief Master pieces la Pictorial 4rt. From the Baltimore Hun. Milan. Oct. 3 An on* the grandest works of the grand period of ianting in Italy, the "laisi Bupper" of Leonardo da Ylncl is to be reckoned. Thera can be no two cpinlons on this point If it is not th*- graittM of all pictures, as many assert It to be. B inut certainly b ranked as on* of the threa or four creations of art which are universally ac eptel a the highest effort• of the hu man mind and hand t;a celling of th* Sl>tlre Chapel b> Michael Algelo, th# "Transfiguration b> Raphael, and Do ir*ni hlt.oi Last Communion of th J#- rotne " The-.* thre.* are masterpieces that have won fhe admlrjtioi. of all men whose opin ions are entitled to consideration for near ly three centuries, hut the appeal made in D.i Vinci’s work t the heart and the m pat hie < f mankind is more immediately responded to than In the case of the oth ers. Perhaps there is no existing work of art b**tter and more widely known to the world than this ma*t*rp!*ce of Leonardo. Magnificent line engrax trigs from it and wrought wlih an • uracy and a lw * r of xpre lon worthy .f the l*est days * f the mgraxer's art, have msde this work familiar In hundred* of thousands of hemes of the wonlihv in all lands Even more humble dwellings are mad* glad by a more or l**** crude memorial of It in m chromolithograph, or a wo*wicut, or a photograph from an engraving Its subject is easily uriderrtotxl by all; the sorrow and solemnity of the event rei rreenfed In it app**! to all minds, the simplest as well as the most intellectual This accounts for it- general popularity. The UrtsiiiNl m( Milan. The original work, which was painied on the end wall of the refectory of the Dom inican Friars of Hunta Marla dells Gra xl* nt Milan, has w *|| nigh fsded out. A quarter of a century ago an observ ant writer said Ilia? at that time the painted surface wna scaling off. not very rapidly, hut toressantty. and he added, in h sadly phophetle tone, (hat "this Is. perha i*s. th* laet generation whtxse eyre w ill h* hold its b* aut|es. even yet wo trans cendent tn the c Irreparable 4e< ay " Three vear sago I saw it. un i. after long looking at It thought that three fears w*re exaggerated After a lengthened visit to it now I fear that the gloomy pre diction Is becoming rapidly fulfilled. It savins In a more ruined condition than be fore You fol a pity n* seeing this Incompar able masterple. a f iding away, as It were before your c>-s As I sat In on* of the high-backed chairs with which the ancient Refectory of Rarta Marla dellc Orasle Is now pro vided and look'd upon that wall, on which Leonardo da Vinci bad expende l the tabor of seven of the berxl years of hts life 1 could not help renewing while I regretted the loos that the xvorbi will suffer when ail his work will have passed into masses of m*ra or le*s unmeaning colors, that be himself was much to blame He experi mented with anew method and ground of painting He forsook the sure and oaf** and long-established mod* of fresco painting and hu labor to a ve hicle of which he had not. at any rate, sufficient experience Ami is I regarded the great picture the central figure, the Christ, naturally at tracted my first attention, both from Its portion and from its Importance in the wor k R.*d to say. the fare of Ihe Christ Is blurred over with a sort of mist which s**Htns to have re i ale red the feature* In distinct and vague; the **y* sand th* out lines of the n* -e and nstulli a*.l the f*rin of the face around the chin are no longer dear and defin'd. You seo them a* through a ra!h* r HI k veil and tro ign ytai recognlx** th* icreinap represenietl. you < nnot <iisttnguish the lines and ehad ows of the face You feel that this figure is nut the ghost ot what It wn* originally, and thAt It Is fading gnost-Uke from the eye* of men. The Head of < lariat. If >ou wouH cont* mpiale what it may have Drn like at on*- time y*u must go to the Rera Pl* lure Gallery, and, shutting your ey**s to ihe gk>rbm* color and beauty of Raphaels S|-r. illx o" or Marriage of th* Virgin,” look ai the worm eaten sheet of |Mper on whieh Don.rk made a charcoal *lr twung *.f th* head of <*hriat that h* ti>o iglu of putting In l la* pic ture. At first sight this head appears uncer tain in the outlines, as if the artist were but trying what Idea would lest suit him The longer you look, however, the rn*ra the beauty and exj>re*|oo am! fitness of this marvelous work to the aubject will impress you. In all the range of art drawings there Is. perhaps, m* one equal to this The btaek chtrcoal lines nre washed with jink color, which removes thrtr harshness, and at the distance of a few steps you might imagine It a fine though fa-ntly tinted water-c.*kr drawing. The eye* are fu.l. the lids lowered ami Just the f lint* si glimpse of the ere I* xbibb* as It locks down There ts a sens* of sadness expressed In the lines of the beautiful mouth which is Infinitely touch ing. You feel that the moment which the painter has ehosen for his picture Is well denoted In this silent-speaking coun tenance, so rapidly and exquisitely drawn on thl simple sheet f white r*iter In the gr*ot work tn ihe Refectory of Hants Marie de|e Grasfe. the who!# acetic full Of ll'tlon and the expression of the mose intense ami moat absorbing of feel ings is depleted to the full In this draw ing of the Rrera you read In the face un told depths of sorrow over the sins M men and Infinite kindn*** and tenderness to ward all. The linn of Sorrow. Bearing a vivid Image of this drawing tn mind, ond proceeding to the fading picture In Hints Mar!** dalle Or axle, you may thus supply wbst is lacking In th** great work With this In mJnd you may disregard the blotches of white wall which the seal Ing of the surface of th** pi lure reveals beneath You may thus sh it oit train sight the spots of raised surface hare n I there throughout the picture, which are forming In tiny roughness preparatory to dropping away. Then, with a sort of in-formed xßion. you may see something of what the great master Intend**! to portray. All the world knows the picture, and that th* moment ehosen by the artist is that immediately following Christ a ut terance of the words* "Verily, verily, i say unto you that one of you shall be tray me " "The intellectual elevation, the fineness A Pastor announcing, from the pulpit, a committee to look A:, after the cleaning of the buildin", called it “The >ear *' nc Committee." That is the kind of |/t\ advertising tliat has swelled the sales of m Jr y Pearline. It’s from people who know ■ Pcarlinc. and are using it, and who think D Stf ) |li \ and speak of it as the one thing nec cssary in any matter of cleanliness. Talk with some of these people, if you have doubts about Pcarlinc. w Cleanliness is next akin to Godliness- Wbat is this Man Good For? As He might be-MUCH! // Ll H, is a n.rvou. wreck. Tti.lifri. • F^e (Uppmka'o Or rat overcome* at once the acute •rmptoma of every form of Nervoua Deraagetnent, and aoon make* the patient rokaat and aiubitiooa. P. P. P. i* the beat combination of green roota and bark* that waa ever pul together for the cure of Weakneba, General Debility and Neryoaauaa*. It ia a good tonic und the tx sit niood Purifier la the world. P. P. P. U Mature ’a apecifii for Rheuntatism. Uyapepaia, Catarrh. Malaria nnd all forma of Blood Ponton and Scrcfola, whether Si adults or children. •P.P.P. ia void by all druggista— st a bottle ; *iz bottlea, ti- * ' Li ppm an Brothers. PM t3ffiSSf , BiocK Savannah n*. of net tire, th- h-nlrn dlrntty." ■KH, Mr. Jam-eon. thut elnitmol- art rrltlc who -aw ev-rythln* Kh- 1 e<> well, ‘ etiffer-d ,lih the iwofotliid*' eorrow. In the heiul of ('hri,t. -urpaae* 1 ell I could have roncetved a po-all>l< in art." Hln. e -he tlrel raw this aorta over -Iktv year, have loaned away and the |*totufw wee much leee fude.l then than now. Vet ah- eaye. "And fad-1 aa It te. th- char* after th-r-. U-ins etemp-Hl on tt t>y tha eoul, not hv the hand ,rf the ertld. wl I r-matn while a line or u hue remain* vis- Ible." There l much r-e—m to feor that thie rad tint- If t.ot now her--te n-r at hotwf "It le e divine ,he.tow eho K.wle "and until It fad-* Into not tuna and .HeuiH—ar, utt-rty wIU have the Itne eniente of di\lnlty." Tn* ti,ar- of t'hrtet. ray* Kualer. form* th* renter He elt* tn a tranquil attl i tude. e little efart front the trihere, the i dlmlp-ra era rena-d three and threa to ueth-r. and rhev form two *-f.irKt" ! irroupa on oarh *4d- of the Hevtour Th-ro ; four group* tn their ireneret treatment indicate * r-rtatn rorr-*pnn<lerir- of emo tion and e iiarmony in movement, uniiel however, with th* ,rrai*t vartoty in ,-Kture and tn the -xi rraalon of Ihe head*, life IMeelplee. While the ,reet-Kt IneereKt of th* rd-lure rent-re * rmjnd Ohrlet, where there :a tran'iuillty. much eicttement pr-v*lla omint th# epo'dhw, wish the e*.option of Ht John, who teen* over front <h lrd a* If hie gontle nature we* oppreee <d keymid uiterante by the H(.i>r<N. hilur twtraval The lower part of Ihe fore of Hi John I* quite indtettnrt tn outline, arut lie rotor and nhadowa nave almoat wholly merge.] into one hue. Tli* other figure*, thoiigh there nr got* of fading color, and of blurred out line, upon tlx-m. wre not quite oo deterior ated The tablecloth, with It, blue palters— ! a'v-h a jwi tern a* you nuv ,*e today in ok] rloth, which were |>la ed on altar, m ' the Klituenth and aeventeenth centurle, : under the finer altar cloth la attli a.iffl l <lntly evident to the eight. Th* Uny to.vea or hreaile, eurh n, are • till to he aeon In Italy, are quite vl,t --d and preaerve much of their original color and outline Th- far* of Judn,, that bo!d Mephla totdi-llan countenance for whlrh la* Vinci oo long nought a liwel-l, endurea attll on do tho red brown of th traitor and tho b<u* dree, that covera tho right ahouhlor, ao otrong looking and mua cular. which la near*,! the epei lator. The I'raltor. You may atlll dialingulih the nervou* right hand, with lie eager linger* clutch ing the money hag. of whlrOt he ha, charge, and which Id to hie arail'a ruin Thla money bag 1, hla dlatlnrtlva algn of the Italian art of the algteenrh and eev-nteentti renlnrlee The action of Jiela, In thla picture I, ,urh a, haul- deecrlbee In hie account of the fate of the avarlrloug In hli’Tn ferno"— The,* from the tomb with clen-hed gra*p abel! ti**. Of Judn,. Mn Jemenon nay,: "111, fa-e I* ,*en In proflle nnd cent Into ow Without being vulgar, or even ugly. It la hateful." Thl# deocrlbea It truly Hhe mention,, healdee. that Jialaa, who known full well of whom the Saviour lake, atartc heck amet-d, overaeilliig the eell If that Incident wag ever evident In th* plctur* It la ao no longer Thera I, not tha allghteat algn to-day of Mil being ,pilled In front of Jude, That may have faded away. Ilk* o much♦!,- hut. though It la e*n In aorne copt** of an early date, mad* when th* original wa* nt 111 rom paratlvely perfect, other, hav* nothing of thl, *ali-o|Hlllng Incident Th* elory of the gradual fading away of thl* plctur* Is long and eadly In ferret ing. from a very early period, even during th# life of th# artlet, Ha vlclagltudes be gan A door was cut through tha wall on which It waa painted, removing the feet of the Bavlour and aorne of the dtrrlpte,, a well at a portion of the tablecloth. It wa, painted over, and (polled The French eoldler, at the end of !a,t century etabled their horsea In It and other ml,fortune, of an equally dlrastrou, iharacter fell upon It And now It would ,e#m a* If the Integ rity of th* laid fragment, remaining of the work of thl, glory of Italian art. I-eo nardo da Vinci, wer* again threatened. A work on Milan, juat publl,hed hy one of the principal publl,htng hou*e* tn this City, announce,, apparently with knowl edge, If not with authority, that "an at tempt ta now about to he made to re,tore to U It* primitive beauty." one dread, ,uch attempt,, that alway, prrmUe *o much and which -ml ao badly. I’erhap, the coming enterprlae may he aticceasful. and If no th* world will again be gladdened with a sight of one of the greatest of mast#rp!#e# It I* well to remember, however, the ad vice of Dldron regarding ancient work*: "It le better to roneolldate than to repair, tieiter to repel" than to restore and bar ter to restore than to embellish." In no cage should .in addition or a diminution be made to such work* If those who propose to r*tore ijtn- mirdo * "lai*t Hopper'' to ll* primitive beautv hear ilil* iti mind th* result may be a happy one HAVE* MOCK. % (tftnnllr rhl|i Iniw flit* hide ot On* of Mil r > In ml * From Ihe Baltimore American Dr. Philip H. Ihler, provost of the Pea- Mv Institute, I* much Interoated In a plan lo have th* farmer* and other r*'- dvi** In the nr Igh ho rimed of Buena Villa Hptlng* Washington county. ronihlne and develop wn*t Dr. Bhler de< la re* lo be ona of the moi wonderful natural n .|cl* anywhere lu title country 'l*hi* It Bavin Bora. .1 hi® I. carle latr 1 f-aginetit of rock which rear* It* head hundred* of fart In the nlr. it|ttM>Ar||is Just liter a great me dlarvnl <art r In die of I hr Kur -peon coun tries Th* rock I* nna# overgrown with irrr* and underbrush, an ihni It la hard to art a good Idea of It* remerkebte struc ture, and Dr. Phler** tdra I* to have the farmer* at it resident* eta I r the vegetation away, when the tink would aland out clear r.d hold and would lie one of the alahte of the Atlantic ee.vlmard. Haven Rook I* an ratted hrcanar In for. ttter vrttra a if ten t number of ravens Itad thrtr nr*ia on Ita summit. Not many of the t did* remain now. hut the name at ill clings to the fork. It I* n frogmen! of what In earlier age* waa a mighty moun tain pna*. ton whlrh la now broken Into a number of mnase*. There were great null vine i Mgr* whlrh were connect**) with Mount gulrauk. and Haven In. k waa rent nway from one of lha ridge* by rome great ronvulaton of nature. It ig now mote than half a mile from what wo* originally the other pari of the ml** •'Haven Hork rl*e* like a great ruined castle,'* *.tl.| Dr. t'hler veierday, "tailtl* the road lo Hagerstown, emending along the line of the rood for 7<* feel H|* con stituted of IVuetiani Kinds; mi*. which I* •he overlying nek of ihal region, and which ha* Item cracked apart In a sin gularly *ymmeirlral manner. Ii give* ihn effect of a perpendicular wall of rock rising hundred* of fet t altove the present level of the ravine which tnunda the op po-ltc ehle of the toatl. Being so I'.ttn pletely covered with tree*. M ran only too eeti hy going some distance down tho road to a point where only one and la visible. The upper part of the rock I* craggy, and ran l ascended by a path which lends off to the right, * or ton feet to th* east It Is isissltee to aarend It hv crawl ing right up the ro-k, Mu It I* an awful climb. The to k la a wonderful thing I have been all over ihw country and seen the natural wonder* that |>eopt* travel hundred* anil thousands of mile* to *ee, hut I have never *een anything like Ravi en Mo k —at least, hi thlg part of tha world " The rock I* on a tart of the properly whlrh belong* to Joseph Brown, g well-to do farmer of Ih* section. There are about ten acres of vegetation which obscure the lies my Of the view, but If they were cut away the rook would stand boldly out and be a sight worth going hr to sae. X HAMBLt: rim di vwh\i>% Verna Thrown Into Ihr klreel by tg Alsrnl-Vlln<|rd Ilrslrr. From the I/okm Kxpreee. ••Have you got those diamonds'*' la th* question Of the hour In Birmingham. Home Hi) precious stone* have been HutEft out by lucky prospector* In Vllhirtv street, ami the search still continues. It happened In this wise: In a hi of nhstrariloo Mr John r>ar!s, member nf u Arm of diamond merchants, while wa'klng down Vlltuiia street en a recent morning, rallied an old envelope out of hi* r-feket and commenced fo tear U up When be reached the last section the terrthl" fact dawned on him that It was the envr|o|>e In which were soma I.HD •moll •llamiaid* valued at (IMi. and that he had been towing these broadcast over a public thoroughfare The new-, spread with lightning-like ra pidity. bhuopkeeper* locked up and came lo th" more lucrative occupation of pick ing up diamonds, while for a mile iround an errand hov at his ordinary work wa* a phenomenon. Rut It n scraping of tho street w| h knives and sticks, had never been JVC' A* It happened, most of the lost strives went down the cellar grating of a Jewel er's shop Ingenious youths tlahed f.r them and reeled In three prise* at a tlm". others sat In the gutter sorting an nx toualy guarded handful of dirt. Btlll the crowd grew. At one prrlal over 1.500 lads were to be seen harl at work. From noon to 7 o'clock the street wag nearly blocked. When night fell candles, lamps am] lan tern* were brought to aid the Indefatiga ble hunters for treasure trove, and tho scene presented could only have been don* hist Ire lo by Hogarth. About half the diamonds have found thtr way back to their rlgntful owner Rome were sold to a shopkeeper. snJ t. w s rest, like the grave* of a household, ara scattered far nnd wide. Diamond pins will shortly be lashkwmbl* In Dlimlnfcham. 5