The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 29, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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MAHISB htelligexce. Haltrr* of Internal to *hlppln* Moo Oratrallf. rro)rrp! M. is being made m repairing th* . ~l#h steamship Miramar, which Is hov. , anew shaft on** propeHer attached Gordon wharf. It cannot be told ... lon* ahe WMI he delayed. >•> u* William F. McCauley, Cap* Van H Avery, arrived from Baltimore jJ4 Diphf, where she took a tow some time ago from this port. Hark Crown Prince (Nor), from Darien, fip! —. for Uverpool. before reported a,, abandoned. w.itei i, *•*• (1. Oct. 11. latl iae 77, longitude 6v. The captain aixl r en seamen, who were rescued hv neamer Romsdulen. have been landed t Tha remainder of the crew are supposed to have beets picked up by ahip ( .sverdon (Ur), which sailed from New 'lurk. uct. 8 for Yokohama ,\ floating dry dock of ll.aOO tons cap* - sv m t ba bull! for the British gov ernment. The new dock Is to he loca'ed 1,, Bermuda, and will replace the one w In use at that port. It will be 54) t Ion? and I lib feet wide, aml wall ac room idote the largest vessel# of Lie I : gturti navy. -ome Interesline experiments upon the >rtu*tnn of m* ■ In sea water have been made durli last two years at K*l The met followed was to out n two ’wslve * upl*-* of the metals to !■* lasted, nlr which were then suh rrter|™l in tin ■ water, while the other rb.-ee were held to serve for purposes of ompstlson. *1 the end of ebtht months three of tf- spe, imsns immersed were taken out ei water and compared with thoe • i it uni hs*n retained outalde. At the e .1 . ! sixteen months three mors wore t .ken out. and at the end of twenty-four u.onthe the last three. Thc-c sump!** wore composed of alloy* of < op per rich m aim. of bronzes withs snail proportion of zinc, of hronre free from line, of pure aluminum bronze, and rf aluminum hronze containing Kun* aim er zinc and Iron lam showed an especial resistance to corrosion, not bav in* been attacked at all In the two years of immersion. Tne alloys containing zinc pave the least sa'iafartory results The alloys of cop per and nn and of enpp-r and aluminum and the hronaes containing Iron resisted corrosion perfectly, altnough they were in nontart with iron in the wwer. Tbe bronzes containing Iron placed in the res water In contact wtfh the bronzes con taining tin showed a more or leas notable attack An Important poln* for the prevention ot ,serosion it to avoid pta-ing these al loys in contact with meialr that are elec tropositive m relation to them Ntananh Almanac. Sim rise* i 6:10 n m and acts at 5.11 p rn. High water at Tybee to><toy at 1122 h m am* 1! 43 p m Hath water ar fla vannah one hour later I'ha***! of lla* Mooti for October. D. H M Flrt quarter 1 3 10 eve. Full moon A 7 18 morn L*st quarter 15 3 51 morn. N w moon 23 7 27 morn. First quarter 31 2 17 mom. ARRIVAL* AM> DKPARTIREA. \rufli Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Naeoochee. Smith. New York —Ocean Steamship Company. Hark l>>renro (Span), Casanova. Hava na (at quarantine). Tug William h . McCauley, Van Avery. Baltimore. VeMela Went to tra. S'eamshlp Le.ilm (80. Nobciaaco, Bar celona and < *enoa Bark Char. luring Burt, New York. *lit||lni* Mrmornndii. Charleston O* *t. 2s—Arrival, steamer *• rg W Cl yd* . ChW liester, Boston. via TVnracoia Oct 28 -Arrived, steamer Romney (Br>. put In from tlal •* •( t ;• l \i* •N\ >. Sfn Port Na al. Key Wem Fas . Oct. 2*.-Arrived e-huorer Concho. <iar. and sail'd for ,Mw York. Olivette. Smith. Port T.mi pa. and railed for Havana Port Tampa. Ch i 2* Arrived, steamer Mai*>otte, White. H.ivami via Key \VVt; British KNim* r James Turple. Rosa. New York Germ n hark V Mon la. Vos*. Vera Crut. via quarantine Sailed, steamer Pinita. Thompson. Ha vana Pensacola. Fla . Oct. 27 Arrived, steamship Bthelslda fßr), Clarkson Part?* Pra ym ; bark Sherwood (Nor), Muland, Hamburg Sailed, steamship Penea'ola, fe’lmmon- Oa I vet ton >ntlcc to Mariners. Pilot charts and all hydrographic infor mation will he furnished musters of vas r*'!* free of charge jr> United**** tiy (iroaraphio office |n Custom House f"ap • *im are requoete.l to • all at the office. Reports of wreck.- and derelicts received for transmission to the Navy Depart ment. VESSELS imi \n FOR SAVANNAH. Sti-n inuhlpi. A:s.*by (Rr). 1.736 ion*. Roeg. sld. Shield* <V| SI Alton (Br). 2.19 ton*. Corner; aid. Table Hay bejH W 1 Hon lioll (Br). 2.327 ton. Lewi*; doe M o 10 for Hrt men ' "ruin.i (Hr). 2*' tons. Hn*cn: old 'ltDChwlfr, Oct 18. ‘ M iHr.), 2.”4H lone. Lockhart; *M Ivor pool, Oct. 12. * (Bt). 1.586 ton*. Ramsay: aid. Ta *■ •• Hay. Kept. 27. Kl'rlda (Br). 1 4M lona. Redden; aid. Tyne, Sent 7 * •’■ i 'Mi; • (Br) 1.8.17 lon*. Notman. sM Tenerlffe. On 23 Homeric (Mr). l.ttt ten*. Kerr; posted al r tr>n Kxchangt- Mem. woo, l ,-t. 1.021 ton*. Howland; aid 'Ula Heal. Oc;. 20. Ir <B"l*i. 1 ion*. Sytor, *ld Ant werp, Oct. 21. J ‘t'.ftn North (Br). 2.233 inn*, at Philadel phia Oct. 20 J “'<) iNori. i.sot tonv McCracken; due ' IS. tor Bevel und Be Petersburg. *KI Hamburg rw-t * fk*ta;i (Br). 1,102 eons. Chrlatlanacn; at Hartl.head, Oct. I J,oor ky tun. 1.073 ton*. Laurie; *ld. >4*. Oct IS. "•ntlnas (Br). 1.737 ton*. Kehoe; due Ocl, f °r Bremen. M !f >*| \| Pinuio* (Span). 2.1 M (on*. '•tint*,* due Oc;. ]j f or Barcelona. • N P un* <Br), 2.17* ton*, at St Mlchaela. Sept j® for coal; dua Oct 2* (Br.). 2.044 (Ona. Purdy; *ld Liver '*‘’ol. Oci $■ dua Ocl. IS. for Manche ler ' ■ fßr ), 1.285 tons. ; aid Middle*. o. (Jet. 7 ' * IBr). 1.5*3 (one. Enckaen: at Rl- J J>ietro. Oct. 1 ala I pa. Harvest Quren (Br). 1 MS ton*. Forayth; *' quarantine, Oct. 11 Kurki. (it*)). 7j* ton> Marlanl; *M Ooole. Oct. a. A' -more (Seri. 1.13 ton*. Sorensen. ahl Sender lord Oct] 3. w* *’• ! Auai.), 791 tona. Boamanleh: Maraem*,. Oct. 10 l?]** ( °* r >. 1.177 toaa. Ortas. sid. Ow. lb MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trad* Building. Savannah. Private leased wires direct U> New York. Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON. STO( k AAD CHAIN. York office. No. gl Broadway. Office# In principal clnea throughout the Pouih Wrlee for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for traders Bravo (Nor). M3 ton?. Andrcassen; aid. London. Sept, 20 Cosmo (Br). 385 tons. Mallyrafl; at Per nambuco Sept 12. Colin Archer (Nor), CCS tons, Martlnsen; sld Cork. Sept fl. p.l Roches Pi Oct ! 21. Emllie Marie (Nor). MO tons. Tohnesen; s and Runcorn. Dipt Pristed (Nor.), 1,9i5 ton? Jacobs, n. pd. Lundev Island. Oct. 12 Francesca (Italy. 1.083 tons. Baneolarl; aid. Rotterdam. Sept 29 James and. Pendleton (Nor.), *7O lons, Nlch olalsen: sl l London. Oil. 12. Kami fJor.l (Nor), 743 lons, .Sorensen; sld Harrow. Oct. 18. Monte Allegro M (Hal). Uhl tons. Fulele; sid. Marseilles, Oct. 13 iiatla Ad. laid? (Itall, pri tons. Oltvarl. aid. Genoa June . p*l Tartfa Sept. IT Monarch (Hard) 523 tone. Anderson, eld Galway. Oct. 29. I New Zealand (Nor), (525 ton*. Thlescn; sld Hamburg. Oct. 4 Prince Georg*- (Nor) 4TB tons, Hansen; i sld Kowey, Sept. 19 Pailao (Nor), 57* tons. Pedersen; sld. Hull. Sep* 28. Puola Madre Htal). I,OSS ions Schlafflno; sld. Genoa. Oct. S. Royal (Nor). 839 tens. Krogh. aid Havre. Oct. 3. Stella del Mare (ltai ). 1,13d lotto. Lavagt nus. eld Oenou Oct. 2 Veronica (Br). 1.093 tons. McLeod; at Wa terford. Sept 21 Victor (Nor) 614 tons, Ortvik; sld Bar row. 0.-4. 19 fffhnonpri. Harold 9 306 ion#. *l*l Philadelphia Oct 13. Rebecca M. Wall* Ml tons. Llftlr. aid Philadelphia, Oct. 20. Woodward Abrah ams, <576 ton#. Marhoil; • t Baltimore, Oct 16. WEKKU HAHKKT HtOVIEW. I < ntton I’fi rf I > llfrnvprii anil Farther Short Drrllnp—HiocU* Partly l,n>r a Early Advance. Early In ihe weak the MWnrv of the cntion market *• hctavilv downward.*, tha dcclino amounting to fully J in uary reaching KTfi*'- Toward the en I of the week the tone auiffenro and more than half the decline was recovered. Jan uary closing 9.04 c. reororo* apj>ear to have hi I • good deal to do with the late reaction. It Is* very generally felt that some such recovery wu due by the nature of thing and no a recent d!'po*Uion un the part of receipt* to run rather lighter wui* availed of to bring about an upturn. W*ather lira been very favorable for gathering >h** crup a* well aa for maiuitng euch >o\* slop ala at til making. Tne Incl.niiMt In generally to Increase crop os Invite*. Very likely ihe advance may conttnin n while longer, but It haidly **ok- advreable lo be too eangulno on the hull aide. Siocki were active and there were many notable advance* early tn the week, but latterly a react*on.iry tendency de veloped ami In *ome case* quot it lon* ae lower than n we*k ago. A neivou- and ttiKtuaung market tnua: be expected un til niter the election Wheat r<>ntimi4 to >le lin\ and I cembt*r ha* got nearly down to 73c Wheat I* perhjp* the cheapest commodity tn the world, except oat*, and will won hit net attention. At al>out 70e it ought to be a teaeonably anfe purchase Wm. T Williams. PROFIT OF Til HEAD MAKERS. The Cnnrnimera of Ae* laland Colton Declare Ilia Dividend*. A Glasgow dispatch to the New York Journal of Commerce and Financial Bul letin. eay*: The Coate* Thread combina tion of Beoland and the fntt*- .State* an rnimfPK a nrorlt tor the year of UATtM*) (about 112.12 #.OOOl. A dividend h** Jurt been re< ommended auffleient to make a total of ix*r cent, for the year on the ordi nary *hare*. Tne route* Company hav declared tw> dividend* this year of £lO each <on #*hore*>. or per cen* In all. Conse quntiy tt* prorent divldood would tx ?3u i>er rent. la* year the company paid 40 per rent Th** ordinary afeiare* of the company, which nr? of £lO par value, are now selling between r 79 and IW. *o that the return this year net* only n little over 6 per cent There are i3.000.tn0 of ordi nary which at curnr. market price* would he worth jihxii i24,0D0.'M i or nearly $120.000.0f0. The company ol*o l a* 12.0iii.000 of preference share* and £2.- 000.000 debentures. The preference *lvire< are entitbd to only 0 |*er cent sHykJeml" and the debenture* to 4** per cent. Foralgn mall advice* *->■ that the cen tral agency whi> h compriaee the Coates. ! Clark. Brook* and Chadwick concerns* had *dvanre<d price* of thread. The Vlaible Supply of Cotton. From the New York Cammerrlnl and Financial Chronicle. Oct. 21. The vntfblr supply of cotton to Oct 30. aa made up by cable and telegraph. U a* follow* Continental at arks. a well ,** thoee for Or*t Brlrmn and the afloat, are this week’s returns, and consequently all European figure* are brought down to Thursday evening Bim to make fh* total rhe complete figures for Oct 2*'.. we add the Iti m of exports from the T'nit • and fltatet. Including in it the ex|*orte of Friday only. 19M 1*99 Stock at Lgondon 15.000 2.000 Total Great Britain stock 214 7M Stock at ltmbiirg ir.,drv 27.b* Sto-'k at Bremen 106,f0h 111.00** Stock at Amsterdam 2.<* W| Sto-’k at RotteriWun *>’ Stock at Antwerp 4.i**i 4.000 Stock at Havre 42.000 131.>* •♦toB'k ot Marseilles 1.000 4.d* Stock at Barcelona 17<vo *>nn Stock at fJenoa 4.n lo.v> Stock at Trieste 2.000 12.0 U) Total continental stocks 191,200 301.20) 1 Total European utock* F6 3* 1.114.20) India cotton afloat for Europe .. 67,000 l.uO) American cotton afloat for Europe 742 000 632.900 Egypt Brazil- etc. afloat fur Europe 31.000 43.000 j Stock m r 8 446 642 ?7 Stock in t; B interior town* 4*3.30 <lO. $4O IV 9 exporta to-day .... 43.1*7 # 3O.V*7 Total vltltolo supply 2.394.775 5J30.341 Of the above, total* of American and other daacriptions are a* follow*: American— stock bales ... 141000 669. f- io •■•onfinenta! stock* 1*9.000 -11.000 \merlcin afloat for Eu ropr 742 000 5*2 OfV IV S stock 9*3.44$ *43 797 FIXAMI4L. JOHN W. DICKEY, Slack and Hand Broker, Al’GlfTA. OA. Write far List. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1900. I . 8 interior stocks 402.262 < r. 8 exports to-day .... u.Uu a0.507 Total American 2.2U.576 3.U57.144 Toal East li.dia etc. .. 190.300 163 NM Total vltlifeka supply 2.AH.77i 3.230.344 The imports into continental porta th* paet week have been Ion.OOD Lmlv- The above figure* Indicate a de reawe in the conon in sight to Oct 22. of 535,259 bal*** as lonapared wMh the same date -)f IW9. loss of 839,713 bales from the corre sponding date of 189*. and a decline of 78.- 140 bales* from 1897. I ntfon Movement. The Morning Nm • the rocf ipi of laih:im Alexander 4k f(fi. "Cot ton Movement and Fluctuations for ISOOl" Th- bok cnibnct a cotton statistics from 189.7 to the presortt tlrn* ll is neatly bound in cloth, und in substance is equal In every point of exc Hence to previous Ismiea. In addition to sraGsttcal matter* covering every feature of use and interest to ihe trade everywhere, there are finally written review* of crop and trade condition* for the year The volume not only fill* a great want with broker*, factor* and buy er* of cotton, but farmer* rtnd It an In valuable compendium of Information they require. book noth n. "TVbaceo f*ulctara" i* the title of a neat pamphlet Ju-t Issued by the Gorman Kali Work*. 93 Nassau street. New York city This publication treats quite fully about tobacco growing from the time of wowing seed to the marketing of the crop 4i 1* a valuable publication and will be sent without charge to any planter who applies for i:. ‘ Filths of Famous Men.** in their own wool*. Complied and edited by John Ken yon Kiibotrrn, D B Large crown *vo Library cloth $2 Henry Coate* A Cos . publishers. Phil* ielphla “Fsithw of Famous Men ’ Is a unique work. There ha* never before, perhaps been an at tempt to gather into one volume a con sensu* of the p. r ural opinion* of the world's great t unke?* and doers upon the leading topi s of e igious belief, ami I>r Kilbourn'a work, therefoie, stands alone The extent of his performance shows tire less Industry and the w!d<ai range of m tlent reading. He g:v - ij- A’.gustuac and—Wlckllffe, Luther and Calvin— Bishop Butler. Phillip# Brooks and l>r McCosh— Tom Paine and Robert liigarsoil Giover Cleveland. Benjamin Harrison and William McKinley—Confucius. Bo ra t and Mohammed—Jew and Gem lie— heretic, aid true believer—agnostic and de votee—dreamer and thinker—i#oet. a len tist. soldier, statesman und man of af f.ilis In every walk of life. More than 5n people, worn* n as well ns men. are here mule to aicak for them*elves in numtH'rle.*? extra-l On his title page Dr KBhourn take* as a motto waving of Carlyle, *‘A man'* rt.lg.on U tha chief fact concerning him.'* "Johnson's Physical Culture," by B. F. Johnson. B. F. Johnson Publishing Company Hi* hmond, V.i,, cloth. 2f> cents "Johnson's Physical Culture" l* a book of simple, practical directions which comes readily to one's hand. Herein Is ir* peculiar merit. It was made to be used and one can u*e It—every i>agt* of It. It i* not the work of a theorist. It is thr work of a man who has put physical culture where it belongs, tn hi-own home and has personally reaped Its benefit. He writes out of a rich experience, and he writes with that simplicity which comes from perfect familiarity with one’* sub ject. ' Among the Crackers." by Ro*a Pendle ton CWle* The Editor Publishing Com pany. Clncint>atl Cloth. $1 The author has rrade a careful study of the • ha me ter of the Georjra "Cracker." and ha* suc ceeded admirably In portraying it The scenes and Incidents of the story are more than usually interesting No *ne who reads the wid regret having done ,*o It will give him an Insight into the lives and manner of living of a very in teresting -nd worthy class of people "fttrinftown, on the l*me, • a taie of northernmost Kentucky, by John T’ri Lloyd Dodd. Mead A Comi*ny, New York, public hers (.‘loth, $1.26. Tha seen of this story is laid In one of the quaint villages in Northeast Kentucky. The ac tion begin* at the time of the War of Be ceaefton. when the hero f* a ragged little urchin tiudging along the dusty plk and ■ ontlmies until the boy Is well Into rna •- hood The story Is marked by a fresh ness, a vqgor and a Are that are not of ten found in contemporary fiction The l>ook is essentially dramatl and situatt* n follows situation with a swlftnesa that kee|H the reader keyed up from th*- tim*- that he first mee** Sammy Draw, in Bloody Hollow, until the time when in romiany with Cuftt and Dinah he take.* leave of f*uie At tin* gate of the Insauti tul convent In Nazareth. Ky. • The Young Bachelor," by Camm I’atfe son Is • well written hit of historical sketch work, descriptive of the condition of the Pouthern states prior to and dur ing *he Civil War. The b ok contain* all# an essay m "The Desflny of the Negro ' Published by J P Bell Company. Lynch burg. Va Paper, price it) cents. Hasaslaes. Fiction of the hlthtl Mandat'd. tlmly artlelm hy •>- h*M writers end llluMrn !ton of lhe (troaleer m-rW are (ooturta of S.Tinner'? M.izazlnc for Novml>er. The leading article i efililled "Rutrle of lo ,)ey,*’ and I* hy lh* well known writer Henry Norman TM erlkle deal* wllh (he grent ri(o > rlan Hallway. 'The Who Wl? Not Oa'ight.” I* a Shanghai .ory by Richard Wiiated Mary Calh r!nc contrlhiKrw dei Idedly Inter esting eiory ewiltlrd 'The Wheel of Time." "Tommy and Grlgzel" |e ermcliwl ed In thla number Ae much •? Ilarrle I? liked it L ( (jueMlon If H I? not qulle croerally ihoughl. hy tho*c who have r(d Ihle (wory In the ?er.ol form, tha' K I? too lon* That ll hae great merit ther? l no doubt, but long Mortcw that ire very long are |>t !> be regirded w. h dl?favor by the nubile, even when wrl'icn hy o popular an au’hor n? Mr. J ,M Rwrrlt Charier Serlbner'a Sons. N,w York City The Novemher number of llte polltan ho a superb table of content. The leading article I? entitle-!. "Thebe*: Her Ruin? ani her Memoriae ' by Dulany Hunter It lan article that will b. read alth deep Intereit A timely article , the Galve-ion tragedy llluMr ((low* by John Kay. Tin- country does not yet ,eem 10 fully under?(and tne magnitttd* of the dlearter from which OalveMon eulfer ,.d The tone of life end property wne far gteater than at Johnatown. F.t.. yet rot nearly ?o much money luta baen con • rlbuted to orelet the eufferir*. There on n;an> other ortlclee wtilch nerve lo make thi number a noanble one Th c-oftno poll tan. lrvlngtrai. New York. The AlkaheM for October I? an ezcel !erd number It haa a number of ezeel lent artfelea. and show? Incrraatn* evl. dencea of prosperity Moei of its ron- M-Ihutora are atrangera to ti e public, hut 4hty are doing very creditable work. The Atkahest. Atlanta. Go. The special feature* of the American j Monthly Review of Revk-srs for Novem- Iber ara nm Illustrated article* describ ing tha campaign methods of (be Repub- lican and r-emjcratic National Commit tee*. respectively-she latter mtrlbute,l by Willis J. Abbot, the manager of the Democratic press bureau al Chicago, and th. former by a New Turk newspaper man, who has the entree at the Republi can headquarter#, a full acroum of the wv -jaiuti and purfioee n( the Hall of Fame for eminent Ainerlcens. by Chen cellor Mu.t'racked of New York i'nlvera- Ity. wllh portralfe of the twenty-nine dls ttngiilshed Atnerlcnne )u*t selected e* worthy of (sjmtnrmorallon tn this unique edilhe, m etudy of 4he recent ra(>t.l devci opment of ••|ru*ta” In Fnglnnd. by Hoi? ert tvmeld; and an Inetru *lve skkJv of Hrlltsh camt'ilgn methods ae Illustrated In Ibe parliamentary vice lions o( the pa* I munth by W T Ale.tJ The ctltorlal de partment. "The Frogresa of the World.'’ | covers the presidential campaign, the British and Cano-lkm general elections, j tho career* of the late John Sherman and i Charles Dudley Warner iwlth portraits). I and many other topks of ttpeclal •' rest |nt tho present moment. Many v tbe latest and most effective cartoons o the campaign are rrproduccd In tbt* nunilter. Itevlew of Review Company. 13 Aalor I’lace. Nw> York City. "The Liveliest Women In All America," The Ftit a.- of the White House." "The Msn Wh 4 role Nar i-sut-,' "Waiting f>r the Mall' a page drawing by A K Fru-i —and "How Aunt Hally Brought Down the House." a ehort story are some of the excellent feature? of the November La dles' Home Journal In Ihc Issue Clifford Howard rontlnne. "The Hlory of a Young Man." Charles Major his "Blue River Hear Stories," F.litabelh fttuurt F'helpe her serial. "The Hurcrssots of j Mary the First" and "Joslah Allen's Wife" funnily narrates the Incidents of her fourth visit. Ladles' Home Journal. Philadelphia. The Woman's Home Companion for No vember open* with an article, entitled, 'Tbe Greatest Sunday School in the World." describing the famojs Sunday school of Stockport. Kr.gDr l. which has been In existence for 116 years und which now- hae over Soon pupils, "The Social Sphere of Mexican Women." by Adelaida Vazquez Shlaffino. hereelf a Meat .in. tell* of the duties of the wife and of the re strained character of courtship beyond ihe j Rio Grand*' The Women's Home Corn j pardon, Springfield O. The New Llpplncolt Megaxln* for No vember is a sterling good number of a periodical that la growing better vsch (nunlit of ah new existence. The com plete novel fe.iture ha? been maintain*.l with never-falling Inlrrest. a? wltnc*? I "Madame Noel," by Oeorge II PI. ard In the present Issue This Is a story of leuigfrltow s "Acadia." where the simple folk live an tdyllle life surroun led by the big woods Mr Picards creation? en* living people full of such pension, aa move us all. only here intenrtO.d by th" remoteness and the lovelln**a of the back ground The story la of the l.v.* .mi hates of four young people who romjo** two house*-one a priest's, the cthei an English clergymans D Is touching and lively by turns and sweet always Not In (mill)' day* has a story been written that clings so to the memory. J R, ldpplncott Company. Philadelphia The true etory of a whole company of modern Monte Crlsloe Is to he found In | IVouglas White's "Yankee Millionaires In South America." a prominent article In Alnslee's for November Tak- George B Chare. "Chile'* Silver King," (or ex ample After having failed In hi* hunt for a paying prospect In California, he proa pected In Chile for ten year* In vain One day an old Hpanlsh priest, a friend of hie gave him a map by which he traced a silver mine that had been loot for a hun dred years The mine proved lo be abn ansa, and to-day Chaco can draw on fhe Bank of tOhgland for five hundred thous and pound? Reside* Chace there are a hold len more Yanks*-* wh > have piled up million* In South America The etory of their career reads like a romnn* e bu’ their photograph*, which Illustrate the text, show them to be bard-hwrdol mm of business Alnslee's Magazine -it Will iam street. New York City. Perhaps the most timely article In Mc- Clure's Magazine for November. Is "A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Pekin." by Mrs. E K Lowry, one of the be sieged missionaries in the legation* last umm*.T. Thl* vivid narrative by an eye witness of tnnsl of Ihe events destrrlbed. Is sure to command attention at a time when th" eyes of all th" world are turned to the Far Bat. ft I* in a true sense history from original doeument* Another article that will awaken gen eral Inter* st, is that on "The First Flight of Count Zeppelin'* Air Ship, by Eugene Wolf, the Count'* asl?t int and compan ion In the trial. Only by uch >in explana tion as in here given aided hy the ac companying photographs showing the de sign of tbe ship and Its appe trance In full ffigbt. can Count Zeppelin'* m-irval of construction and oehtev-menl be appre ciated. Interesting, suggestive, helpful— that must tie the verdict upon "William Allen Whlte'a Character Skdch of Han na " To vast majority of most Intelli gent renders. Senator Hanna waa un known until the campaign of l*!kv and Is still hut vaguely understood, either o a politician or a* a man. McClure's Maga zine. 141-135 E. SS street New York City. Miss Sarah Orne Jewett has Just com pleted an American historical romance which will nppewr a* a serial In the At lantic Monthly, beginning In November Ha title t* "The Tory I .over •• Th ro mance opens In the rfc-h provincial neigh borhood of the F'grataqun river, upon ground familiar to the reader* of Mias Jewett's short stories It l* concerned w-tth th* early affair* of the Revolution; with the exiled Igiyalisls. whose advent ure* afford anew fle'd for historical fic tion end with the fortune* of the frigate it tnger on the French ar.d English eoatd? Renders who are curious a* to Ktersry coincidence, may be Interested to know that Ml** Jewett hn* been occupied with this story for several year*, and shat her singularly spir ted picture of John Haul Jones, who Is one of the heroes of the tale, was eomn"*ed before ,h* publication of "Richard CarvH " Houghton Mtflln and Company. 11 East Seventeenth street, New York City. Truth becomes more attractive with each Issue The November number con tains a fully llluatrated article on th* work of Carl* J Blenner, New York’s fimou* portraitist Two of the picture* accompanying the arl'cle are fic-stm le olor reptoduedons taken t.lre tlv from the original painting*—two of the rln(er a exquisite ideal head* Its IhD number |. concluded Mr# Tlurion Harriaon'? Might, ful "Flitting Through Finland " And there Is an article on art’at?' model*. II lustrited wllh many por'nHs. In bxh bbc k and white and In color of the prln lp| young women m del* of New York Rlrhard Harold Vynro- wipes Inlere t- Inglv of the Opera In New York and (her* |. a (hclllinx s'ory bv Stspheri Crane Truth. Nineteenth tr*! and Fourth *vs nue, New Vork city. ■♦? " t •It fared Me.” "Orayfceartl broke up rheumatism a* m*." says Mr. Ch*a. Thomas tha Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me In better health than I have enjoyed lo * long time/' Take Greybeard Pflia for that dizzy fetlng—Lost appetite, ar.d follow It up with a bottle of Greybeard. It 1* all you need. Respess Drug Cos., (ole prop*. Savannah, Oa-ad. -a- Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90th Meridian Time—On* Hour Slower Hun City Time. Schedule* In Effect Sunday. June 10, l*. i)Ead down"] Yd th ff east JT - rka6 d£ Vaii NO - (CtttnPKCr ; v... t. u 11 JOpni ~ .'wu Lv lavannab, 4 15pm (Baslern Time.) II I 4 Ilpnt 4 >tt. Ar Blackvillk Lv|| * (Gum, 1 'Tpm 6 u'imii 6 luani Ar Columbia Lv|| 1 afctm.ll 25a u 9 lopm, 9 45atn ,Ar Charlotte Lv, v 55pm Z 10*m 11 44pm ij ?apm Ar Oreansboru Lv|| 7 lt)|>m, ? 4ttn Warn; j|Ar NorV'olk !T.V '. L\‘ . .| k'vOpni 'pm \r DanvllC l. ktepm 4 39am 9&*m dXpin Ar T~..~ff~Lv 13 Olpm.H t/'pm • **”" vr .i Lyti. ltbiirg Lv 3 2pm *4 dam 4 J.irti s 15ptn Ar t htr lotlc?vtll* Lv I NgnjU 54pnt • A.m, 8 A>pm;,Ar Maaltlngion Lv ;l! team 9 ttpm lsam !1 35j>m. Ar llaltimnre l.v | 8 ilatn; H 21pm II Scam 2 Ham Ar riilladciphi* l.v j 1 Wane 6 Mpm I Mpnv 3s,,m Ar New York Lv,|U Warn! 1 Kpm * 10pm 3 norm Ar notion Lv.| 6 uOpni.K* 10am N j i ’Rr’fflß NORTH AM' \\ LST. ! Noli II (Central Time) || klatn Lv S.ieAtitiati Ar.t 5 10am (Eastern Time.) 4 30am Lv Columbia L v 1 25sm * Warn l,v Spartanburg Lll l & *m 13 10pm Lv Asheville l.v 341 pm 4 tttpiii iAr lint Spring* Lv 11 45am 7 Jbpm Ar Knoxville l.v s lam 6 loam' Ar le-xlnglon Lv]llO 3iqim 7 45. m Ar Cinclnnatt Lv "OP"> ooimi Ar hi Louis Lv | ( Ham 7 Htam Ar LllT*llß Lv 7 Cam All trams arrtv* and depart from th* Plant System Station. THROUGH CAI SERVICN ETC TRAINS 31 AND 54 DAILY, NBW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Veall buled limped trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savan nah and New York Connects at Washington with Colonial Expr< *s for It-ed'ai Pullman Steeping Cara between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk Dining Car* serve nil meals between Havarirfah and Washington TRAINS He AND 98 DAILY. THE UNITED ST ATES FAST MAIL Vestibule.! limited train., carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleridna Car* between Havat-nah and New York Dining Car* aerve all meals laiwren Savannah ami Washtnglon. Also Pullman Drawing liman Steeping C.iri belwcen Savannah and Cmciunatl. through A a hevl lie and The Lend of the Skv " For eomplete Information an to rale*, schedules, etc, apply lo G. GROOVER. Ticket Agent. Plan! System button JAMES FREEMAN. C P. and T. A.. 141 Bull street. Telephones— Hell. 950; Georgia *5O S H HARDWICK. Awlatant General Passenger Agent Atlanta. Ga. POH oniKEK I4IPHOA BRENTS, Dublin l*eople Moving to Have the Itivrr Worked on. Dublin. O*., Get. —A very large and very enthusiastic meeting of the business men of iHihiln sin held at Ihe Knlghta of l*ylhias Hall Krutov night to consider ways nnd main, to get an appropriation of IJO.IW for fhe Oconee river and to in duce the B<aboard Air Line Railroad to build s line from Lynn* to Dublin. It wax decided hy the meeting which was pre ,idi-d over by President J S Simons, Jr., of the Young Men 1 * Hnslnee- League to invite C.ipt C. E Gillette of Savannah to visit Dublin for the purpose of making a survey of the river, etc , so us to de tsrmtne It* need* iilao to aypotni n com mittee to urge upon president William of the Seaboard the wisdom of building a road to Dublin. President William* will be Invited to Dublin by thl* committee, which in as follow, J M Duller. H Hyrtvk and T J Davl*. from the Mer chants' Club. H M Stanley J S Simon- Jr., and C. A Weddlngton. from the Young Men's ItuMness league: William Pritchett. J H. Jackson and K O Conker, from the cPtsena. and W K Schaufele. W. W. Robinson and N. B Baum, from the Hoard of Trad*. It seems to he a settled fact that Depot Agent D 8 Rtackehoar of the Wright* vllle and Tennllle road will succeed Mr H H Yourg as c(*nmercl*l agent In f>uh lin. Mr. Hlarkshear is not famtltar with rale*. t(d this will nece*sitate the em ployment of u rate clerk General ger Agent K K Bryan. Jr.. Is now in 8* vannah. nrd It I* believsd that he will employ one while there. II I* rumored that Mr W C Myere. formerly a,*lt an( to Mr. Hlaekehenr hut now In tlawk- InavlHe, will tie apiennted toral agent tn Dtiidln He Is very isipular here A A Puller, a white man againat whom there are five Indlnmenfs pending In Laurens City Court, for the unlawful sale of liquor, wa* arrested at TennlMe Fri day hy hi* bondsman and brought to Dub lin At rhe Inst term nf toxirens City Court the bond* for Pollen'* appearance at the court were forfeited. Pullen wa* tn the court at the time, hut hi* presence wa* not known o Judge Adam* or Sottel tor Corker, though some charge tho) the sheriff knew where he was hid and could have arrested him hnd he so desired t! Is also etoirged that Ihe bondsman ot Pullen told the sheriff 10 bring Pullen Into enurt oa he was then In the court house, and In easy reach. The friend* of Sheriff Hicks do not believe thl* and H I* prob ably an ejuiggermmn. though many be lieve the story when It Is told FIFTEEN IMYS OF RACINO. Entries for First Day of Atlanta Jockey Flub Steel. Atlanta, Oct tl—The Atlanta Jockey Club will open a dfteen-day meet at tho Piedmont park hilf-mll* track here u. morrow. Home fast and w-tl known horses will he entered and good *port t promised Five even,* *re on the card for each (Iny. W, F Union who ha* officiated In St 1 .outs for several year# will act as starter John Morrow of Canada Is preahllng Judge. The entries for to-morrow are First Race—Five and a half futlonga /anone 113; Dutch r'omedlan. 11*. George lasbar, 109, Queen of Beauty. 100. Nannie J . 109. Zantie, 107; Two Annie*. 101. May 3. 104. Eleven Rlta. l‘M Second Haro-Three-four,ha mile. Qua ver. UA: Golden Rule 166. Ho—ili- 10'.; 3>orpula. 106. Annie Iviure-fa, UK. M tdnm Gere). 166: Eleanor Howard. 101. i Llea. 104. lulla Rose, 1t Third R*ce(—Five-eight ha mil* Boater. |()9: Toad Ratney. 109: Maltese Gross. l'*>, Mattie Bain. 162: H-nry' Hlsiar, 1 3 3eor)iii|e„e, I0J; Sw-ee, Drr-m 168, Mnyme Smith. 99. Annie Coone*. Bede of Harr *• burg. Center-field, 90, Fourth Race—Oti* ml'e Monkwsyman. 117. Octe Brooks. BJ; Ahe Fursl. 80. Birdie May. 107: Mike Haverly, 107. Llllton Reed. tOT. , Fifth Race—Beven-t Ighth* of a ml'* Jes sie Jathoe. no. Little Reggie. 107. Sister Alice. US: Grandma 11. 101, Ignis. 104, Vi ola K . 104. Chub IP ROWDY IkW AT HHKHTOM. Tero Drunken Men Terrorise the Vil lage fur a Whole Day. Dublin. Ga.. Oet. -Th* pmp.c living In thn village of Brewton. eight mile* from Dublin, were In a sitate of terror nearly ,h* whole of yesterday. Four drunken men drove up and down the streets, cursing, fhooling their plstok, and otherwlao acting Udaterouely. The vlUage marshal was unable to arrest h* men be cause none of Ike villagers would a salat It I, said that the marshal wa* recently employed by the Brewton government Ite rs use of the belief that hr could stop the rowdylim for which tlrewton la occa sionally noted. Two of the men killed a negro at Brewton some month* since, and were In turn badly wounded On Saturday, as soon a* he sow that his marshal could no, e4op the lawlggs ness, Mayor telegraphed for Sheriff E E. Hicks. Th* sheriff was out of the city, hoxcvcr. asd th* m#, n. therefore, kepi up Ihe rowd>tsm practi cally all day Late yesterday afternoon a warrant wa* sworn out for ,h men and (hey will doubtless be arresKd room Al Brewton were two very alck ladles, and the shooting and wild yell* on tha streets three on* of tbem lido convulsions. 1. UlOfm\ R T DID CSi R'T i iii.m i.u For Isis of Hope, Montgomery, Thunder boll. Cattle Park and Wee, End Dally except Sundays. Subject to change trllhout notlca ISLE of HOFB ■ i* ■ lor l of II Lv Isle of Hole • 3b am from team j .uu an. for Boiton 730 am from Tenth tOO am for Tenth •K am from Tenth 700 am for Tenth 0U am from Bolton 100 am for Tenth 10 Uam front Tenrh 10 00 am for Tenth U ® n'n from Tenth 11 oo am for Holloa I U pm from Boison II SO am for Tenth I*o pm from Tenth Juu pm fur Tenth 190 pm from Tenth i4O pm for Holloa 19) pm from Tamil iuv pm for Tenth (19 pm from Tenth pm fur Tenlh 99n pm from Tenth guo pm for Tenth Tl 9 pm from Tenth ) 700 pm for Tenth Igpm from Tenlh •00 pm for Tenth 9pm from TANARUS( mil d> pm for Tenth 10 10 pm from Tenth 10 00 pm for Tenth ll 00 pm for Tenlh MONTGOMERY. I. -tty fur M l.i Monisromerv' 910 am from Tenih 715 om tor Tenth 2W pm from Tenth 116 pm for Tenth 890 pm from Tenth 800 pm_for Tenth _ _ CATTLE PARK. < *,.Park ii osila Park 9O am from Bolton j 7 uo am for Hot urn I 30 am from Bolton j I 00 am for Bolton 100 pm from Holton 1 Ju pm for Holton 8 10 pm from Bolton j 8 on pm for Bolton 7 pm from Bolton f7DO pm for Bolton 800 pm from Bolton 1 4 80 pm for Bolton IHL'h Pl.iU,uL l . Car leaves Itolaon street June,tan 5:88 a m and evary thirty minulea thereafter until It a> p. m. Car leave* Thunderbolt at * 00 a. m. and •very thirty minute* thereafter until 18:09 midnight, for Uotton esreet Junc tion FREIGHT AND FAMFKL CAM. This car carries trailer for passengers on all trine and leaves west side of city market for tele of Hope. Thunderbolt and all Intermediate points s| 9 uo a. m 1 -on p m 560 n m Leave* Isle of Hop# for Thunderbolt. City Mark-4 and alt Intermediate points at 600 a. m. IF® a. m . 2 to p r t. mams end cab. Oar loaves west side of city market for West End I:® a. m. and avery minutes thereafter during tbs day until 11:80 p m Leaves West Fnd at 8 30 a. m. and ev. ary ® mtnute* rheresfSer during the dtp until 17 00 o'clock midnight, H M LOFTON Get Mgr •ABBOTT’S . EAST INDIAN Corn Paint Cara* Corao, laaloao sad Wsrts i Spoedily and Without rata. i FOB MU IT IU omiSStSTS IIPPMAN BROTHERS, I WhoUtalt Driffiita, Llppmao * Block, Bavanntb Oa < Ifi.fiOO fra.^ S S^ v Avkhlml #1 l*#rl \ / Qufna \ [LAROCHE] WINK CORDIAL 1 Hlfhetf fefomm*ndfion for cure of Poornee I V o Blood. Vomtch troubkh and (<fnni De // Y Willy, lacrooftta fhe apptfife. fro(fhc' / \ fbe aarvet sad buildv up rhe entire ayateni I \ IV roe / \ PARIS / R. Fmiffra # Cos. yr 49Miln. \ %. BRRNNAN BROS^ * wmolesalb Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc 333 May STREifr. Waal. lekpkeoesaa. ORANGES. Headquarter* for FINE FLORIDA ORANGES FRUIT* AND VEGETABLES Of all kind*. BEF-D RYE. SEED OATS . HAT. GRAIN, FEED. FLOUR, CHEESE. BEANS. Pea*. Rice Straw, etc. W. 1). Hirakins & Cos. Plant System of Railways. Trains operated by 90th meridian titna-a One hour slower than city time. In effect Oct 1, iswi. All trains “* Lv. Havannah Dally Ar. Hav.imiall Ret ween 3 15 umj innah | 1 00 ana '■2o am' Wzycroe* ... iioiSam * Id mi Jaeksonvtlle |l3 10 n'n 5 on pm and Florkln | 7 00 pm Between I *> Htn| Savannah 1 45 am "• 45 am CbarlaatoD |7 50 am ind Baal < la pm ("lit, el I, ei ,ii port Tampu with Pats. * r tint ‘ I •' dental sl imer* leaving for Key West m.l Ila van,i Monday^ tl on p. m. fall ut t • k.■! urn .* for further Infofw matlon. J II POLHEMPB. T P A., WARD CLANK, city Ticket Agent, D" S.tin Hotel Phone 73. ll W WRBNN IC. nger Traffic Mans itger. Savannah, Ga. ljfP£ ff'-hedtilea Effective Pept. |0 1900. Train* arrive at and d*i<art from Central Station, Weet Broad, fork of Ldtarty street ,h Meridian Time -One hour slower than elty time la*'- grmz ' ■gyannah; BaVannah: Macon. Atlanta.l • sam!Covln*ton. U:iledgevllle)W! odyta |and all intermediate [>oinlaj jAtigti ta Macon. Atlanta.l •eeo. ' AI, "'"S. Montgomery. C*-| • Utkim lumhus, Birmlngbum. Am N OOaza |s f leua. Kufaula and Troy | 1 '*tpm| Dover Accommodei .ni rt natu ’- '*i|in| Guyton Dinner Train Tllaspm •Irally (Except Sunday HETWEI N SAVANNAH AND TTBEB. 7lh meridian or Htvannah elty time. leave havannah lori'tay on),, 7L a m Dally except Monday 9go a m Dally 300 p m. „ LEAVE tyreb z,”'r U, :„ 0n “ ?14 • "> Ihtllr sxc^ Monday 10 36 a m. Dally 5.80 p. m. < nnnectltMia mad- al terminal points with nil train* Northaaai. Wat and Booth weal. meaning cars on night trains between ffavanntih ami Augusta. Me .on. Atlanta anl Btrrntnxham. r? r ‘ “> <*y train# between Ms vannah. Macon and Atlanta For complete Infttmiatlau. S'-vhedutaa. ratea and -ontvctiant apply to w O JIREWER, City Thket and enger Agent. 107 Bull atreal. 7 c* IS Klei.VF. Omn Ravarnah Ot. Double Daily Service The ahort lino (o Norfolk. WaihlnitOß. fhJf K' V-rk* | No 44 NoV Ar “s"S‘-a f > £ v 12 * •>" * Mp a, bl’ . k 1, A * * wpw mm Ar Rai.lch, 8 A. U fly 1| Upm II 10am Ar Durham. hi a UK> 1 Mam t Upm aI J.r."' r * bl l f i AI, Ry i ij..m I Upm Ar lUchmiml. * A, U Ky k 14am * Ar W ihln(ion FfOßi... h Omm I 90om Ar Half tmor I' nna. 10 (Omm 11 Ar Ptitla<|a|phl6, Frnna... Hpm Imm Ar Kaw York I'fima 3 ocipm; | li^at ; n„ *4 v W f.v Savannah. H. A t. Ry 13 II (Item Ar Portamoulh, B A I, Hyl 7 OOamj I Mpm Miramar. laava Norfolk dally, aacapt Sunday, for Malflmore, I‘hlldaJphla and N#w York, and dally for Waatilngton. The abort llna to Monlautnary. MoMla and Na Orieana, leaving Savannah at 7:14 a. m . arriving at Montgomery 7:4* p. m.. at which point closa connection la mada with lha L AN K K.. arriving at Mobile 306 a. ra. and Naw Orleaaa 7.t0 a. m Tha abort Una to Fernand Ina, Jacksoa villa. Tampa and othar Florida polnla. No 17 rwnr Lv Savanna h. S. A X. Hyl t 00am| t 07pm Ar Farnandlna, H A I. Kyj 9 34am t Ittm Ar Jarkaonvilla, H.A LHy| loam, 7 topm Ar Tampa. H A L Ity .. | 6 tupm 6 tOam Magnlflctna Pullman buffet aleeplng car aervtre to Wavhtngton, lialttmore, f’blla dalphta and Naw York; alao to Jackaoo vtlla and Tampa. Dining car* from Savannah to Hamlot, and Richmond to New York. NufT'i parlor cara Savannah to Mont* pom ary. For Additional Information apply to Tick** office, null and liryan atraeta. Phona It. FISHING TACKLE. JOINTED RODS, REELS, ETC., SEINES, GILL NETS, CAST NETS. A PINE Assortment of Hooka. [DUD lieiiTk 113 Broughton St., West. a BURJt'S Jgy ftyspepsia ' Tablets. 4 iMftUim. Ud HmOiri ■ nuwwM r*l ■ J Wj3T f tha Hffi'ikf 1 fcln lr*44**or*. ■ JW Promote the Appetite J U hhd Put Flesh on Thin I L p ~p ,e Mf *** fco Nap** MS a* %fDH M 9 *• pgO' ■ *,.• •* * r ** A p®g M9il aU 4rffi#a<a R J iou mvm* # 00., mmm Wfaw. m. J 7