The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 29, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 ST.JOHN THE BAPTIST f 4Tlli:i)R Al* III.OM ATI D WITH IMl'oiiNCi ( |;h;momi v PAGEANT OF THE PRELATES. JMO ft ft. M 411 TIM Ml Till: € i:\TII%I I liil HK. Tlir Solemn nail ImprrMUr fterxlee* WHlrh Hrki*<l !•• Wll. ; nnaril b n I hroiig of I'roplt—l ftoltit* Effort l*> Mr. Pnnluv*. Il (•ratirl %l > !•• I’hair, • |)*nuli nl (lir lllluni. liar Array • Prelate# nml < lerg> In tin u dotit* Vralnirila iMiil llr I mrllnr** l (lit* iu* \ll 4 ontrllitilrtl (• Mu l.r Ihr UrrNiloß One In ll* llruirm hrrrd. Th* r *wr Roman <'ithollr in nonor ot SI. John the Baptist wa# <1 <l* | rifl yMtertUy. The dvde ior> r r\l<e| h roixliirifd with all the <le( l and owemutdal which mark* • v.nt In, Ihr CUthollc Chur h nd with *ll i f-u turv which a*il (o the aitni llvni'i iioirmnlty ariJ lmpr< • ‘lvor.* *>f lt - kcrnM Mr MartlnH.l. Archbishop and pupal deiegaie to this c.>untrx from l:n tcndinl by ten bl#hoi>* ; i with mimrio i prelute* and -rg> and * f .!*• t* <l*l ti Uielr vestment* mi *1 rol* * of ufflo#, condurtHl i. • ( l atum The Archbishop w * uttlrrd lit tht Pinole cut tael* tul roL MV* of hlst • 111' e .luril H the l* t| ballon an.l to th .• w<r* later the mag n ill ent ami .-eti> v'(nevus the celoblaittiMl of toe auieflin |am It flea I man. Over J.OfiO |><opi) th* majority of them fnefiitm > of th* Gat hoiw fftMh. wline e ; the kuiemn ' ertmouy. will M l.tsttd u* arl> three hour>. while hundred* u( others watched tht- proce*.on to the cathedral, thl* b**lng In Iteelf one of the m<t in teresting frature# of the . eremony. The •anciuary hud been very tnstefudy | o raid'd for the occasion with palm and potte<l plant*. rte-e- anl * irywanthemum b’-tng included In the devolution* on th* altar The candle* <-n the (• liars w i* Ughtu). but the chur h wu i*M latk. ll*tit and the balmy sunlight, to which Father Far (low alluded liter In hi* **r mon a* #o appropriate to the day. termed I to pettn*ate * very tuok miml corner of the I beautiful building, bringing out In fine ef fect It* handiomt ur hei and tasteful (decoration* The crowd* begun arriving early, a* there was wtnc fear that there might be m rush for seats I* fore the opening of the service#. All comer* were received at th* main entrunc# by u < ummltree constating of Aleesr*. M A oTlyrne, I*. F. Gleason nnd jonn W.Uoid* wno re *• ved the tl kn holder* and turned them over to the unit ers. who escorted them to the seats *- elgned them The usher* were. M sar*. Arthur J. O'Hara. John Mclaughlln. I* Brennan. \V J Harty, J J I'ow.r*. Hen ry Blun. Jr., J W. Heff* man, J F Mc- Garthy.T H. O'hoooun .1 J. GN*)n and W. J. Kehoe. Moat of the were oc cupwd before the *f the service though a itiimler of ihe thMet-holders, r mnin.'d outside in order to get a better view of the procession In the choir loft, beside# the iarg . holr. were the Hl*tei> from tf*' convent, St Joeeph Infirmary, the girls' orphanage and other I'athoitc Institutions of the city 'I lie l*rM*e#sion. The eWk-Hl proewlon moved on time At 11 o*( lea k the h*ad of th procession emerged from the basement and tnoved along Harris street to the front of the | Cathedral. First came the cr.**bearer. Hev. John I Carey, ni'i ompnlol by th> acolytes. Musters hutibl McCarthy and James Houlihan. N< xt came a number of altar Istyg. atnnit thirty In all. a tired as for the altar service Many of them were very small and the little fellows with their clasped hand* uplift'd made a pleasing picture. Following the altar boys wert th# aurpllced clergy, the majority b* tng frtm the Savannah dloces* Next am the ten bishop*. Including !!ihop Keiley of Havannah who came lasi Fa. ti bishop was nn ended by two chnplnlns. one or. the right and tie- other on lh left, and followed by a train I* irer. Hev Hubert F. Kennedy, the m *ter of ceremonies came next, followed by Hev. Father James J|em>esH4-y. the sub-deacon of be nuts* The procession being an escort to the Archblehop. he earn* Inst M<m>signor Mar tlnelll wa accompanied by hi* deacons of honor, Hev lr Hratin of N. w York and K Insignia Ih*.irerw with tin 1 (niter, cposler •ml other lpetvivia atta. hlng to the arch blstlOf >'(* Olfles. follOWtd. Few of those in the large crowd sur roumHiig the cathedral had ever witness ed a proceflglon of the kind. The efTe. t was pleasing a* well a* Imprettslve Kn tering the gate* the procession hl:d at the middle dix>r of the edlfl •. the bishop* and the doh*gate standing u|s>n the wieps with the tl.-rgy remaining u|*>n the awn The pro<*e*sion was n.a Interfered with by the large and sorm-what . urtous crowd which gatlwrad outbid* the gate*, the two polkem. ii stationed there Keeping tne crowd out and preserving eicellmt order With the arrival *f the procession at the main i ntran. > the eremony of cttlen tMgan The most reverend drdlet tor twgan the service, revAtlng tha prayer commeiK tug Acniom s nostra*. "FHrees we bewet. h Thee, (► Lord, our actions, by Thy Ineptratlon ard further inern with Thy continuai to*lp. that every prayer and work of our* may always begin with Thee and by Thee happily ended." Then fol lowed the antlplton, "Aftpetge* me,** etc., i. "Thou vlwlt sprinkle ine, O loot'd, with hyssop end I anail l>e cleansed: Thou shall wash me and 1 ahall b* mede whiter than show." The I'salm .sah. Ml- r-rr, Mai l>ru." etc , I. t\ "Have mercy upon me O God. c ordlng to Thy great met >,*• etc., was then taken up aid r- ta-d *i leraeiely by the reverend <Aerg> sprinkled the Walls. During the vayttig of rhl* I’nalm the Archbishop sprinkled witn loly water tia* tne and upper walla. rep< atlng the antiphon "Aspergea me Dominc • He turning to his push lon before the main doer of the church, the Archbishop read the prayer L>eu‘." that is "O Lord God, Whurn the heavens iviml earth carw.ot coidaln. but yet to have a h a bite ’ ion hj m on •ua'th where Thy name may be perpetually invoked, graciously hear our prayers and through the inter ceding merit* of the H'.esscd Mary, ever virgin, of rtt J hn the lUpdst and of all the swim*, gran* according to Thy mercy and clemency to look down favorably ut>on and d*;grt to \ uilt this pJa e, purify It from all Sehleviient through a txnjnteous I>e*rowrwJ of Thy grace and keep It *• an 1 may at Thou, u lr<l. Who didst fulfill the pious wuh of Thy beloved David In the temple • t his son S* ion.or. aleo . to exe- me our wi*a#e> in this building of <*urs and let *l. spiritual wrick Mines* ot wile* o f i*stt d<gier( from this place Trough ur Lrrd," etc. ii he ending of this prayer the pro seed up the mtddle aile to the lugh the chanter* Intoning th* Lit any of the Batnt*. The services ware m Latin, but a free traaalatlon ee quoted, was by Hev Father Kennedy master of c#re *>**•• 'MU Agv.hblaJsop read the pray <ri at the entrance in a very low t n !*at*r on in <*hsntliig the service, hi* voice Wfis low but audible and of a very pi* le ant tone. \f the lluli % liar. Arriving at the high *ltr t • l-h p and .’K-rgy continual rhanll g t • •* Lbaoy •f flit- Halnta, which isk* <f (kid lht tie ms: gl' *t rnaj r*et io ad tt * faithful departed, the Ar.-bhtshop rs* an- wl Ii niltr*' on and crosier In hand, s-ikl In in audltde vu|r< **\W beses fi Thee * ' L*fd u<t Thou hear us and deign to poilfy nd tb >. th*e chur* h and altur errci*l io Tny honor and glory and In m* mry (*f Thy ►atm. John th. Haptl*t Anotlor prayer like the f'.rm* rw r -* tJ* n *l wlier*'Up'l ihe naif*' He *nd yei ufb* ting said "**oine into m. I Ip. ** God, i liOrd make hast* to h* Ip me Glory lie 'o th* Father anil •< the Hon m*l to the Holy Ghost * 1* w.ia in •he .4-k'lnidng. I* iios at *1 evei -hull 0* . world without end Amen Thl- w.*a follow*.! !,■. ; ii* pro*' ' ' mn.lpotefi* *1 Mi.-erl. or lieu th i ’( * Hindi*o(* nt merci ful God who has* granted to Thy p* le*a t ■,i woi.detfnl |** tl**it woutev. r the* would worthily do lb Th> n *m* Thog uouids* .j 4 to ratify, w* iek that Thou | Io Tnv iM-mcnn wouldst erne In aid !mh* hi temple whl h w.- r* tout to] . , ,n.I 1 • - ami upnn b**ho dlng our | humihiv. through tie im rit* of Thy j itni*. let the demon? <l* part h*n e a id j In I hsralf! to keep u* la P • T/.rough our I on] *t Hb ns u,rd. Huh house, erected to tin In.nor of Thy naira Thrr Fs.ilm* of David were then •kl ■ ,ii and wnils they %\.r*- being re. lied the M r H* v Archbishop went. |r. e<l#* lv ! it,- i ros 1m aret. t-*wn the wide* aisles of 1 •to- chur- J. -P uklln- the wall** with holy . water, saying ’*riiou shall *prlnkl in- etc. on r*‘ iing the f the I liter after the i; -ng of tin* w..e ot tin* church, lie *.!•! the final prayer “Hsu* 1 <|U l. *t "f> God who ,4HCtlftc*t tho.f* t|lb ated u Thy name, pour out • j. v i >ui dailt grit • * r I this bouse of * i\.-r and may nil tho*e who pray unto The. here experience Thy Siel(ll*li( m* rcy. Through Our Ird." etc. Tlic Pontifical Maas. Thl* included the reiemony <*f drdl a iin which Inkted between thirty and forty minute- Till* wii- fo|low*.l by the *oh mn |*intlfl< al ma*-. e ndu' ia| by the riaiat r* v* r* nd didlcator. The ofII- er* of |h* ma-- I*. Ing already vested in their handsome r*h* -of ofTI e. pr<**'ceded i C.I I- .1 \ :iC At' Ii and hp lo rota* for the -.i< rtfi e In a low mas* or a lush mass 1 < untatai :i- frl* -t who .fTers the ®acr|-I flee Is a on* and unassisted by any t -teralant; a solemn mass Is sung with j . .bacon and a s*ib-dnaron *s*isting th** ! I*rl i a solemn ponllft* al high mu** Hi when a bishop or higher ligultnry is th* officer, and then hi- attend in:* are an a distant priest. fw ba.*ais of honor, the deacon and sub-den con of the mass. lie i.l# s th*o • there are. ns In* ih*' sobtnti hlgii nni . a master of cer*- m*M les and nasHtant rmst* r of c. r- , monies, a censer hearer, two acolyt*e | serving muss, five acolytes who carry In- j i*:i I of the Hlshop. mitre, cro-ler. * t 1 Th** robing of (he Ar.*hldehop for the j mass proved . very Interesting fiviture 1 for the congreg.itton. thougn as his grace was surrounded by the ftl •rs of the ma-** tail little of the o|srailot> coukl b* perceived. To the handsome vestment* in which he had entered the eanftuarv. tiie Archbishop added the more nmgnl;l .*nt robs and • < • oaorle* worn in con da ting the |H>nlifi i iugh mas*. The*e .shale the vestment* id the |ale*t, th- Hlshop and the Archhi*hop. so that the * b- r n( rejwi sentn in t* p rsoti, n com pl*te circle of authority. Among th* gar ment* HNtimed by His Grace, were the imlce. uib, cincture, mwnlpie, stole, tunic, •talmatb and chiciuMc, stt* king* and sandals, together with the |s toral cross, ring, mitre and crosier. All the vest menta were very haiwloome and douhtlesa very valuable. The mae** |* not tinfamillir to the member* of the *ath-dr.ii emigre *tloll and di. s rta differ greatly from the solemn high mas*, rx .pt in being som %vnat nar.* b-ngthy. The elaborate tnu-i al programme, rendered with fine effect bv the hir. also oontrlhuted to the length of the miw The first part of the im-r laung completed, the s<-rtnon was In order. THE HF.IIH ATONY MO ft. Preached hy Hex. Father O'Brien I'ardow. It was naturallv expected that a pulp'd orator of distinguished ability would be .-•■lei'ted to deliver the sermon on such an *► a-ion and in this the congregation wa - not disappointed. In fact, a more able and a more l<Ktuent sermon ha* rarely beeti Ip .mi in the Cathedral The Rev O Hrien I’ardow of W. 4 hmg'on, to nlim this duty fell. I* noted among the Jesuit fraternity of this country for hi* eloquence and iblllty sc well as hi* Beal for the faith \t the request ot lilsliot> Kelley u week - ii-treat. during which he will preach tlv* -nnons daily, (or the t atbollc students at the Georgetown I’lUverotty, which was to Itave b• n Ip Id thu* week, was noat l*om•! until next week In order that he might deliver tip- pennon at the dedica tion here. IVhen Father I’ardow ascended the |Mil pit to deliver th* ilmliostury s< rmon a 1 1;rill of Interest spread through the lrn* iriettse congregation. The r putatlon of th<- illsiingulslied otutor bad preceded him to cavaniiali ami b captured from th*- firm, ;uvl held until the etui the full tntereai nd attention of every one of his audi tor*. It was ad. ctrlnal ki mod, hut so envel oped was it in human sympathy uml so clearly 111 uni hutted hy the orator'* fa. lb *IM-c.h and full understaiutlng of hi* theme, that there wa* not a single mo mini when the interest of the audience flagged rnlvemaily It was pronoimc*‘d one of the b* *t sermon* b liveted in Hu \rtnimh for ten year-. Father I’ardow said, in i*art • When, two year* and eight month* *go. the sad new* w,i* through tho couni r> of the <le*truction by tire of the grand Cathedral of Havanmih, the news fell lik* a pall over ail Catholic hearts; (ha North. Fast and West wept with tlior suffering sister church, of the South. "We could only say: 'Thy will lx* done;* and w v w* re i* mud*d of the w -r is of tioly writ. ‘My way* ate not y.iur way*, nor ar# your thought* my ttiotjghis i the le-rd Hut to-day, we **<• la>w the | lo rd know* test The untiring energy of >our Ht H* v Hlshop. tin* seal of your i- rgv. the generality of the Catholic peo i le of Savannah, tne kindiP-** of many even win. are reft of our faith -all this tut- worked a miracle, and your magniii <;~nt cathedral rise# from It* ashe*. more gi-jrlous than ever * (>ur hearts are so full of fay to-day thM we need just such a ceremony * * this to give It expre**lon. Th* presence of his excellency, the Apoatdb' <lel**gaie. the representative of our gloriously ogn lug l*pe, XIII, the large concourse of Hlsho|* from iei many dioceses.bwm an object lesism never to be forgotten. We need lust such balmy air ami such mag nificent ski*** ns we ve them to-day; and they *e* m to ba\e delayed their departure * xprewdy In ord* r to tak* t*art In thl*. ideal .-ecantonv. \N • ne**l Just such so<il lnspiring music t voice our gratitude to God "Gloria In excei*l* Ico " Hut alovi 411 thl* is the great lesson * f to-day. th** ceremony The dedication of * t'jtho’ic cathedral means two thing- It means th# teaching of truth and the teaching of it wtth authority "We live In time* of great unrest in th* roltgtou* world outside the Catholic Church Revision of creed* modification of belief* Mem to be th* order of th* day. Pevpb who ttill *ay they believe !r. Chri*t. y*t reject Hl teaching Th* c*r emony of to-d*y tails u* that Christ es tablished an authoritative tribunal to transmit hi* **chlng to (he end of time (Continued on Second Page.) THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, OCTOBER 2!, 1900. SWALLOWED BY THE DEEP. 1 111 ft( WOM Aft OV FR HO A RII FROM ftT- A MAMII* ft AFOO4 IIEE. “Mftaa Martin. M a M>*teri*u* \•( \A iimn I ’ansnirr, Disappeared Friday Maht on b*- Vo gape from \rn York t *avaanal Was Mrlght, Handsome and Attractive. 14|ft i oafllellna ftforlea of Her l>B4f Life—>Annoanreaicat <f llrr Intention to Kill Herself Taken *■ u Jrnt—ftald lo lie Mt** J**#*lr Mall by of t aieipoia, ft**a 4 ork. I The Amainsti p Nu* oo *h* e. of th* Savan : nnh line r*arh#d her dock wirly y**iter ■ day morning, la kpig one of the p.issen ger* with whom eh* had *tarlcd from New Y<rk, a young woman, who had given her name as "Mp- Martin," and who hd attracted con Jerabto attentkm on the vovag**. What is known of the affair dor* not make a full story and mu h must ** left to tlw* haauird of conjecture What is known, however. I* sufficiently distress ing. and the lurml'* * that naturally arise cannot be productive of anything less than deep sympathy wtth the ne*‘e**sl ty, <r the apparent necessity, which prompted th** r.*h a t of which the. un fortunate young woman was guilty. The Naeooehee fr.iiled from New York on last Thursday afternoon. A ticket H ivannali had b**en purehas* l for "Miss Martin." and the passenger who gave this is her rat me. Insisted that sh* be n ,gned to ptaleruom <n th*- upper d* k Hueh preferences on the prt of iMssengera .(r- not unusual In tie experience of ship captains ani purser*, and as th*- i *- *eng*-r list was not a large one the de clare*! preference of this particular j •** Monger whs complied with r* udily Hhe w;u assigned to nn outside stale room. Number 24. which sh*- *har*d with no other • Mis* Martin" was a bright, attractive and g.ind-looking young wom m. of !*•- tween 3& a rat .V who fell r* adlly into the g(*sl of some of h* r fellow p *<engers In h r manner an*l * >ndu< t wsa no trace *f *le-iond**ncy. hut on the contrary, -he ••■♦• to t-e Infer este*l In life and In reasonably g>o*l spirit* nil of th*- Urn* Hhe w<ih fido' db *■ Ing the isvlltlral situation, and -II i dl cu*- It wish the ftl*ers of Ih* N.icoo- h**: and other*. She told her newly-made acquaintance*, however, several different stories of her self and her life. th< db r-t ;i, ** In which were not discovered until It was found that she was missing fr<*m the ship She tobl (Ypt Smith, f r tnstan • that she was a (school teacher In New Jej ey but had lost h*r |>*rltloi'. i* on* * f Ine passenger* she said sic had Ie n living for some tlnu* in Fast Twenty-third an eel. New York. To situ another vs*nger. a young wo man of b** th*n her own g*. she uti fobVd her Intention. f*ne *bl Urat sh hal become d**poralent sin< - e she had bee tier position and (hat she mtetxbl to com mit suicide. She Slid thl- however, with so little of the dramatic oir with which such statements are usually •< ompanie<l. oral In a manner so quiet and free from display, that the girl who listened could not believe ft was or .( any r.* that oulclde was immediately contemplut *d, and ttaaight It best to |*s* Ihe remark off with a laugh and a Jest and say noth ing more atiout It She did follow thi v’ourse. (o her bltt-r regret afterwards Hatteras was passed late Friday after noon or early In the evening, and a bon* 10 o'clock ' Miss Martin" retired Sh. her shlpboatd acquaintance* good night in her usual quiet tone*. This wa* (he last ever seen of her. Saturday morning she was missing from her stateroom and a path tit search failed to discover her anywhere about (he ship she had vanished in the the weave of the deep had swallowed her up and none knew how, or whence, or when, ah** had thrown lierself from the side of the ship This much of the story comes from th*- officer* of the Nacoochec and th*- passen gers Whatever else l* known Is derive! fr>m an inaiterimn of th*- very small amount of baggage and personal belong lug* of ' Mis# Martin." It I* pitifully small. A Morning News reporter inspected It yestetday afternoon. Thor* whs a small hand satchel and r small iark.ig* In u I *Utlon. a cheap traveling hut and an um brella of black silk In the satchel was ,* Idjrse. and this contained scan.- artlclef •hat threw some light oh the identity of the unfortunate young woman, on th;* handle of the umbrdla also was graven a tumie. that may or nay not be m clue The purse contained tio In small l*ll!s and sixty-four cents In chang**. an un used return coup* n of a ticket from tiovla to DeHuyter, la>th small stations on (he le*hlgh Valley Kailwu%, In N*• tr York -tale, a number of the 11111#* deecrljftlxe circulars of point* of interest in Washing* ton. that lb# tourist Is ban*led by fil guide, a couis*n for a sat In the Metro pollian Opera House. In New York, bear* lug date. I>ec. 2i. and such articles of apparel s m woman would k**P Ip satchel such as that beongtng to "Miss Martiiv" These were neat and dean anil of good, though not of the best, churn nr They bore nt one single mark of Identification, nor was there n the purse .r the satchel a letter bearing t* nntne There was <• card. *>n which was written h. pencil. "7 Howard street " There Is no nuch number on Howard street. In S.i\*nn ,P j n th# examination of the umbrella, the repot*er discovered what may la* a clue On a verv small portion <f the handle, from which the hark of th.- natural %vod had been e rnivd. had b*en written a name and an address. The name ooukl ' tte deciphered "J. L Ma.tby, and. with (he aid of ft magnifying glass, the a.hire** resolved itself into "C-ixenovla." The coincidence of thi- address with the name of the station from which the ticket found in "Mies Martin's" puree read. :* significant. Ho Indeed, is the slight sim ilarity between tne name* "Martin" and "Maltby.” A telegram from Syracuse, which Is the nearest city to t'asenovia. states that Miss i Jessie Msltby. a school teacher of the Infer place dl*ap| from home some | ume ago. This lend* confirmation to the 1 theory that the drowned woman bore thl name Caxenovi* is a little town and Is ‘e i of a seminary and other tnstMutloi !of learning Th** fact bw!* wllltlonal col 1 or to "Miss Martin e" own statement that nc w is a school teacher, who had lot (jer position These arv the known fact# Everything else is a master of- <ft>nj*cture. for which (be desperate de**d Its* if and th* nimpr portion of a life’s sad hist or > which i known here must furnish the point of dc ;*rture Agent TVet*v*nt. .>f th* Ocean .ftteamahlp Company, is making an *fTort to learn something of the young woman's pass history and of h#r friends, aid n.-w light may he thrown on the tr*t%lc oc curence by what tranapirea t.v.lM A ffyracusa dispatch to the Morning New*, received *t 2 o’clock this xaya "J**si* L Maltby. a young svh>oi teacher at fftsenovla. Ma lloon county, ills appeared atmut a y**r ago Hhe drew al. her money about •*> from a Syracuse nnk and gave no warning or reason for * ing awav. Hhe had acted strange y and it was thought she was dement*! Home (lire later an uncle name 1 Bsr>>er. of New York, found her In New Jersey, and she went to his horn**." The fact that "Miss Martin' told tom* of th* p*eser.g*rs on the Nacoocne* that th* had be*n living in New Jsrs*y and ttschlng school there and th**. "J. L. Maltby*' found on h*r umbr*:ia in con. rvacUon witn the above dispatch, show pretty clearly that Ih* jrouug woman was Jessi* Maltby. ft LOT HAr|M> Mt ftT GO. I lanr# and Mala \%atrr Must lie Pur chased at the Market Prlrr. There ore protmbly a hundred or more slot machines in Havunnah. the operatsm *? which will >e interfered with by the iii'-tnioti of the Supreme Gourt, han*l"i down Saturday and r-farted In the Morn ing News yesterday. The .Supreme (Y.urt d* idea that "A nvr chant, wlio give* to a •l*--ignated cMw of customer* an opj-ottunlty to secure hy lot or •ha nee, any aril-la of value, ad dl'lonal to that for whl h #u* h customers have paid, violates the p<ovt#ion of sec tion 4(/7 of the pens! • !*• wrlcn declares • no person sh.tll keep, muintuln, cm pk> r arry on r.y lottery In this state, or any other scheme or device for hazard ing m*mey or valuable things." The and •ml on * h r**ad one, und if the law |s enforced strictly, its effect will be (* remov*- from their spneres of ii * and qmament the various sloi na -• iiii*t* whl< Savannah tn*r bants use (o •‘lira* t custom and fa* Dilate tne ml*> *f th* Ir wiire*. They ail must g* uul* r JuMlce Gobb's interpretation of the law of • ours#-, the in * "),n*‘s th4t |erf*rm a- -ignsird service for a <le?<. ignntl amount. as, for in • tunee, those through win*# ln-trum-n --tuiity it Is p. -aside for the possessor of ••■>*• cent, to "ascertain bin correct weight." or thos* others which discourse harmony u|ton tlw- (Hopping In tite skit of i slightly larger coir, do n*>t corne within th* pronibltlon of the law only those at*, aff. t*l which make th* imount the player re* <|ve* deix tidan* •and m chance, and this rul* Is not changed by the fact that th*- piaver is sure to get -ometlying, th*- only chanr* being that h* may get more I'n*. rtalnty and the hazard •*f anything of value combine to consti tute a device for gatnhllng and the pro prietor of such a it a bin* Is liable upon • mviction to punishment as f >r a misde meanor. The machines hy which the player see wether he g* ts on* or a hundred or na\ the other varhty whi* h t**ll hlni how many drinks of soda water he may get at the fr. nt for a single nlckd, the c*t t the f iint for a single nickel, the which ul-o means cigars for th** winner, and the \*ariotis other ingenious little d“- vires r.f the same character are banished from Georgia. Applying the rule a little further tha > hurche- and fraternal organization* that oc- astonally recuperate their fli ane** t,y giving fairs will have to slop disposing of ‘k’.ls. and tons of coal, and diamond ring-. anl oak aideboar*!* ami corner lo’s by mean* of the fascinating. Hut un ertain raffle Such a proc,., ding 1- a e* hem* .t device for the hazarding of money or valuable things." And in the prospect, thouvh It miy rob life of some of Its sweetnese. there 1- not li king a pleasant feature. The visitor to the church fair or frateriud Uizmr of the future will not he sought by sonic demure little maiden, or rather by r ano dozens of d* mure little maidens, "to take a cha. ©c on sn embroidered center idee*/' or any other pine of f*‘m.';e finery, for which h** has no earthly use and woul in't kn**w what to do with, in the improtMfdc event that he won In the light of this greai re lief. the ordinary man will probably he willing to pay for his cigars al th* flat or market price. HF.ftF ATII MAM FLOWKKft. ild> of the l.ntr H. ft. (.nekenheimer Mt Rest In 1.11 iire| Grutr. The funeral of the late Moses 8. Guck enheinv-r took place veftterday afternoon it in o'dork from the temple Mtekva Israel. There was o large attendance, the temple M mg tilled by friends and rela tives. Many followed the remains to the Jewish quarter of Laurel Grove ceme lery. Thi* cortege was long nnd Imposing The fl**ml Ifibutes were many and beauti ful. Employes of the decesisi-d each car -11 1 a design. Itnpre-.* tv*- services were conducted t the tempi** utnl the grave by th** minister of lift congregation. Rev. Dr. I. P. Mendes. The musb' was sweet and solemn, and many wef. m*v*l t*> tears by the sadness of the death of th**lr friend wh* n he we but upon ih* threshold of his prime. Tlx* tribute of th*- minister kart non* of Its warmth and eloquence through tbe softn*ss of his tones, and many Joined in the prayer that consigned the body to the earth and the soul to Rs Maker. The following gentlemen acted as ush ot* at the temple, Messrs II Ix> wrenihal. Louis K. Orauss, W F Kcherff. D. 8. Rosenheim n*l Arthur W Bobmon. The pallbearers were Messrs. J. R. Einstein, Max Alexander, Juban 8 Hester, Adolph Sun*!heimer, Mord Hyams. Jr.. Jacob Dub. G. L. Kayton, CVirl J Herman, Edwin Frank and Alfred Fanil. HACK FROM TDK HOH4K IHOW. Atlnntn llnl Hn F.vent That tisTr Itrnrrnl The Savannahians who had hors*** entered In the Atlanta horse show have returned. Mr. Frank M Butner said yes terday that tho show* was an unqualified success, both people and Horses being shown to advantage. As much delight, apparently, was found in the narrow ln -pectlon of the faultl*-sly society that appeared as s|ectators a* in the ot servation of tho thorough breads that ap potired In the coliseum in tho various rings. Ho pleased was Atlanta wrlth the sue re** of the show- that it la probable the event will t*e mad** annual. Mr. Butner **ald the horse show* was a far more ln teresting ttra> tlon than (ho Interstate Fair, which, aside from the races, proved rath*r tame. Mr. A. P. Doyle ami Mr Fred Kuek had hordes entered in the rwcea, and Mr Doyle’s showed as win ters. Mr Arthur R M. Olbbea had hors *s enter and for the show as did Mr. G. A. Htufts, wh*se pacer. Bessie Wilke*, won second money In the speed ring. i ii REFORM A TIO ft* ft Aft ft IV F.Rft ARV. ftrrvlce* llrlil at tho l.nthernu 4 hurrh In 4 **m me mors flnn. The thr*e hundred nnd eighty-third an niversary of t e Hefoimition was ob served yesterday in the services held t the Lutheran Church of th* Aseensl t> Appropriate were preached hy the pastor. Hev. Dr. W. C. 8- hacff, r. in . ommemorstlon of (he great event Fading up to the Reformation, the r.aiilng of the the<*w by Martin Luther to th* door of Ih# cathedral in Wittenberg. lmy to-morrowr will be the anni versary of th* event, and special service*** will I•* h*kl that night *t the Church of be Ascension, under the direction of the Luthe- league. A phasing programme ha* been arranged, and 1t is expected I bat all who attend will enfoy the extreme*. The German \ limsera will ar|enl in uniform and In a body. IVII.L KI.KI T tftiITMIJH. Rutledge ftiiya Hi* Faotlon Will ( on. tlnnr Its Work. H N. Rut edge, who undertook to organ iz# anew Republican party machine for th# county one night last week, announces that the decimation of Capt M J Doyle to *ct as chairman of th* organization wili not deter him and his associates from continuing their efforts in this direction Another meeting will b* h#ld shortly, when anew chairman will b* elected probably Rut edge himself, and tht report of th* committee appointed to wait upon Mr Lsaken and Inquire ht* meaning m th* u** of th* phrase "negro domination," wUI b* i aoaived. BUILT THEIR OWN CHURCH. 11411% OI TllftllF. 4 Oftl.llFb ATIOft i:iik( ti:d \ hoi %k of ivoiimiip. liiformnl Oprninu leitrrda) After noon In An* llulltllntf at Ilnrnßrd nnd llrsh ftlrrets—The liny Wa* llie ft ** oii*l %nn I % *-r*a r> nf the 4lr aaii|sntln of tlie ftoulhslde llap llst Gharrh—The Pastor. Hev. If. ft. b'lrntlrM, t.nxe n llr*lrw of the lllslor? of the 4 hurrh—Two Weeks of Hesltnl Services. No church In buvar.nah l>enr so unique a hlM*ry as that which is n<j\v netting completion at hainud aru Hrady street*. Incpe.j. though more Imposing in stz and archil* lure than the <rdtnary • ounir> church, the bui.dlng yet has a sugg*--silon of the rural house of worship, in that it has been raised by the labor of th* male munb* n of its congregation, under the a hie and energetic bad of their pastor By the toll of their hands and the sweat of their brows have the men of the Bouth side Baptist Church erected tt.e:r hou>e of worship. Though none •an say a word in <lisjrMg**m*-nt of those who give their worldly substance In rai.di.g temple.-* to the L>rd. yet tne labor of the members of tiouthGde Church, in a day and gener ation, i*aru uUrly in a city, given almost exclusively t< ,m> Ing for such woik rather than doing it. **em* to challenge tha ad miration nml evoke the * otnnumbit ion of all. Not all the male members of ihe church wrought with their own hands, for the business of some would not permit th4Ur devotion of their time ami the physical Infirmities of **b*rs made It impossible for them to engage in the labor, but tho-a who served not with their hands gave of their substam*-. and u >stitut<‘ workmen w*re hired or mate rail was purchased Ail worked together under the mmc*ration of the pastor, Rev I> 8 Kdenfleld, who ha* been the life and sou. of (lie enter prise. folding out the erwourag* nient and prom!.-• of sustaining words and the a|e proval of the Master. Yesterday afternoon the informal ox*en ing of th*- chur* h wa* h* Id, and many of the mem iter* and their friend* and r**lu lives Wert* present. At 3o\ |> V tlie ]#•- tor recounted th** hi*tor> of the church aid reviewed the # fforts that have r*- sulte*l in its growth from such Mender proportion* to th. very substantial ami • ncouraging basis upon which it Ugln* it* life in Ms new edifice The day wa •he (Meotul anniversary of that on which the pastor gathered a small hand about him for worship In a small loom at the corner of Whitaker and 8* com I iwreeis. ftunday after .Sunday wrview wer* hekl in that room, but no organization of the hur. h wa# eff.-,for six month* The pastor wav working to tlmt end. however, nnd eventually he enaide*! to w|t n**** th** fruition of hi* In Ivor* and hope# and the banding together of twenty-six members for the advancement of lit • au*e. the Church thus formes! ixdng h- th** SouthMde Baptist. During the next U w montho the grow h wa# alow, hut steady. For a long while n wa# seen that mor* xaiDfactory q ar ter# for worship were needed, and th slowly increasing m*mleiß i#-f ( m, tumty un Improve*] for the furtherance of a plan devl##d by the pistor a;.d hi-; io m This •. for ihr purch M - of ih .t tho corn-r of H.rn.rvl fln-i Rr.idv not fr •lirt.ot from thr par.- of th * < - hurch' nrKinizotton. and ilte -re - Don of a rommodlou* btilldlnif A. nUjrht hove tapMtal, tho.o drt'Rn tOK-thor by tho fMi*t.,r *or no Mo.iithy. TtiotiKh not b.o.rod wph po ftiHlon of ih. a,„i- of ,hi worn ~I Py hil ‘l 'h- Krarr of <brl In the.r ~t,| ih.- -Ji*ritfor th* t-pt-a.l ~f || lx IclnK-kwn To Ih.- i-t Mot n KUKK-'MIon itiot thry bnlkl Ihrlr own hotiat- of Wur.htp thry r-*- -pon.lod - irly Adaptlinr om.- know of ur-hit.-, lur.- .-nd n-ol of the ocraalon. tho pu-tor .Irow ho idfiho f-rr ih- bulM.n* an-l und.rtook to su|h rinti-ral it# construction. Ho h-i-l no warelty of labor. Tho mom -1.. th iauht tho infection >■( hi- own In • kanltablo aplr.l and •OKorly aon<ht th. work It was on Juno I ih.,t tho kp.uii-i ■mih l-rokon for tho bulldln*. and it ma> bo soon frotn this that t)- ~f k has no, lagged. Kvsr> lay thrro have t,oon m ,,, busily engragud bulMlrig tho house m which thoy thrmsolvos woro to worship Th- i-nst-r hlm—lf. in nil tho tin work has torn g -lng on. has m 1,.. -1 hut four da>- from It, his abs-nr- havlii K then boon domain). .I by a nil to proa It m the tountrv. Altout tho middle of August tho build ing had advanced sufficiently to admit of services Itoing hold In a hail at th. roar :hat has since l*.-n divided Into rooms These rooms and others above form th. parsonage t-' th- Irs-ntton at Whttak-r and 5..-. Kid str-n-ts. th- congregation moved to tho iwrsottago. but already Ih lahors of the craftsmen ha I b. gun to tu; fruit, and in th#* sltort wte-ks sine#* the parsonage was llrst us-d for services tho congregation* steadily grow until they !>• ■ ante too targe to b- accomnwHlalod In the hall- It was then decided to hasten work on the au#li torium of the ehureh, nnl It ts tho readi ness of this for worship that was made the o# t-oslon for the informal opening A gri'.it .leal of work yet remains lo be ■ lone on the Interior and exterior, but the congregations can gather In the nu dl oruim for services whlls the rtnishlng Is in progress. It Is expected that a few weeks will see the w.-rk complete. Revival sorv|e.-s will mark the beginning of worship In Ihe m w building They will be conducted hy Rev. \V I> King retumcsl missionary to China, and the pastor. Rev. Mr King preached yester day morning. 8-rvleos will he bed every afternoon and ev. ry r.lght for two week lltn THE ktNK ■*lll-:At milts. Sersloos at tho l-lrst and rho Puffy Street llaptlet Ckarehea. Tho First Rapt Ist and the Puffy Street HniMlrt Churches had the same ministers yesterday. In Ihe morning, at tho First Church, the sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. James B. Taylor of At lanta, ao#-retary of the Koptis, Orphans' Home. and at night hy Hev. Pr 8. Y Jam# son of Atlanta, roc rotary of the Raptlat Ssate Mission Hoard. In the morning Dr. Jameson |>res< hed at the Puffy Bireet ('hiireh atal at night Rev Pr. Tavkir preached there <MIWI.II lls SttSKIOM. Dr. Jameson f*rraohod lleforo tho New Ranbary Association. The thlrty-ftflh annual session of the New Suntoury Baptist Assoelatlon was concluded yesterday morning at the Puffy Street Baptist Church by the missionary sermon by Rev. pr. 8. Y Jameson of At lanta, secretary of the Baptist State Mis sion Hoard The congregation w>a large anti Ute serrtton greatly enjoyed. Most of the attending delegates, lay anal clerical, of whom there were s -me fifty In attendance upon the association m-nllng. have returned to their homes They >r ■ representing most of the tn.-nty Batkist c'.urches tn Mclntosh Llherty, Bryan nl v'hathsm counties that comprise the as. siMlgtton. mnWEIIEIt beer hst been consumed by the American pub lic to tho extent of over halt a billion bottles. More than any other boti.ed beer In the world. Made exclusively by she Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass n. 11l aXi: IN unu-i BANE. I ttsrsil Srhwsri' Grocery and Itsr Burned. The grocery and bar owned by Conrad 8 hware on I.overs' lane, just east of the ITant System track, was destroyed by Are this morning a few minutes before l o'clock. NECK llltoKEh IIV A El CHET. Henry \A rlatit. Color#!, Killed Y#- trrrix) In Ihr Wlnlfrld*# Hold. M#nry Wrlxht, coiorr*! wax kill#*l on th# HrKi*h ship Winifred yrotrrAay morntng at 1# W o’rkjrk. wnil at work discharging *• cargo of kalnit. The ship I* lying at th# Savannah. Flor ida und W**t#m wharves. Wright wu forking in the hold irva-iing the loickct* at wnich the atuff wa# b*lng <!!■•• .urgfl on th# wharf by mean-* of pulleys worked witn th# aid of a donkey engine *tati*vi*s| on tn# wimrf. He had Just loaded on# of ih*#!# bucket* which was b#ing drawn up. w hen the engineer. nii*undcrtat)ding the *igual of otu of the deck hand*, low ered the bucket *u<Menly, and It cam** *kwn with cru*htng force on \% f riglu‘*, breaking hi* neck Coroner 4)o#Uf wa immediately sum monl and maJe u examination. Th* twdy of the man wa* taken in charge by relative*, who will ship It to flay to Ora hamviii# Wright # home, where he ha* a wlf* ard # vernl children. W'Dt** a number of the hand# employed In work *mliar t* that Wright had tx*en doing attributing Ida death to the fact mat they were working on Hunday. re fused t> f'ontinue their iahor. ond tho4gh #*me of them were later Induced to con- Hnue, a large number of them persisted In their ref 11*4! anl quit for the day. J lIEftRl ft I ELI. J Eft HE AD. The Lnd t ame Ut ftlght After an ■ line** of Five Week*. Mr. Henry Hteilje* dkd at 9 o’clock last night at hi* home. No. 3*3 Oglethorie avenue, west, after an IHne** of five wek*. the Immediate cau*e of his death l ing typhoid fever. .Mr. Bt**llje* wa* quit# a young man and wa# unusually |>opu)Hr among a Urge cir cle of frit-iMl*. bedde* l>#lng quit# provnl nent In fraternal organization* He wa* a member of Teutonia Ffttge. No 7. Knight* of Pythias, and captain of T*u tonia Gompany. No. 3. f the uniform rank, K of P lie wan also a member of Live (ak I*ndj;*‘ of (>hl F**Uow’*. and of Ocean (Tty l>x)g* of the Knight* of the Royal Arch. Mr Btellje* wa* bom near Bremen. Ger many. Feb 5. IfTTI. rul came to this city it 188T*. Since 1833 he has l>een in the gr>- ery busines*. He leave* a wife, but no children. | •TOR H Pltnß A 111.1 GOftß. fto Report of It Received Hy the Weather llnrrnu lai*t ftlght. The rtagn and th# land rn denoting the approach of .1 *r.<rm that have been on the Postofllce buibling elnce 9.46 o’clock Saturday night, were taken down last night It 1* evident that the storm that wa# * x|#-oted from the i-uibaman coast ha# • Ither petered out or gone off in a dlrec* •lon contrary from that It was moving in when the advices were received at the bureau Saturday, as in the Washington dispatches last night no mention of it waa made. The temperature yesterday was. maxi mum 79 degrees, and minimum 41, giving mean of 70. which exceed* by 7 degree* ae normal, and give* to the month an *c cumulated excess of heat of 112 degrees, md to the venr. 146 degree* The forecast f*r to day and to-morrow t# for fair weather except tain along the ,-oast Fresh northeast winds may be ex pected. Ilronuft llol> i'uuml. The body of Tom Brown, the colored .vok w lio was lrowne*l from the dredge four miles below the city Friday, w 1# found yesterday, near Venus’ Point. Cor oner Goette wns notlffe*l nml will go lor the body to-day. ** * 1 1 our ll*** 1 Work Cannot be done unless you have good health. You cannot have good health without pure blood. You may have pure hood by taking Hood’# Kirsapardki now. You > annot realize th- good it will do you until you try If Begin taking it to-day and see how quickly it will give you an ippetlte. strength un<l vigor and cure your rheumstiem, (aturrh or scrofula. Ail liver life are cured by HooTs Pills. 26c.—ad. I*l f Tlie l.nt-Mt Idea*. The successful bidder wins n bargain. Two beautiful new Singer pianos, latest, styles, mahogany cases, upright, will he sold at Domett’s at 11 o’clock. Novem ber the Rth. to the highest bidder. These pianos are sold regular in music stores at 1360.00. Hingcr piano* are guaranteed by the manufacturers for the same length of time that all ff?>t-rl.'iss piano* are. Call and examine these le.utiful pianos and bring your expert Judge with you. and you will I>e delighted with their tone.guar antee and their style. They will be sold at Dorsett’a. Congee#* street, near Whitaker, to the highest bid der. at 11 o'clock. November the sth. ami you will not have a chance in a day to get as good bargains as you will at that auction. Th* celebrated Knabe. makers of the first gra 1# of p:anoa extant, buy and sell the H uger pianos, and so with the leading manufacturers of the T’ntted At ate*.—at!. r. P. P.. a wonderful medicine; It give* an appetite It Invigorates and strength en* P. P. P. cure* rheumatism and a 1 pains in the sale, ba<*k ard shoulders, knee*, hip*, wrl*t* and Joint* P. P. p. cures syphilis in all Its various stag*#, old ulcer*. *ore* nd kidney complaint P P P. cure* eatarrah. eczema, erysipelas all skin dlseas#* and m#r urDI roinnomng P P P. cures dynpepela. chromic female complaints and bn>k#n-down ''on*tltutlo: and loss of manhood. P. P P. the best Hood purifier of the g\ ha* nvadc m re I* rmanent cure* than J 1 othar b;*ol r m c*ile. Llppman Bros., *oi* proprietor*. Savannah. Ga. —atl. I'n 111*11 i*h * rippln Cider. Tht* celebrated pure, apple Juice cider, made in Long Island can be had in pint or q*eirt bottles d#r* t from the manufac turers, with their own -tamp, at Llipman Bros..* Druggist, ftavannah, Ga-iad, Far Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Window * Soothing Syrup ho# been used for children teething It soothes the child, softens the gum*, allay* all pa n cure* wind colic, and Is the be*t remedy for Dlarrhora. Twenty-five cents a bottle -ad. —■ ■ T —r,|,|*l|ra *' Jus! rwlvl a U.-* and asxorlsd sui ply ot school bars and school •upplten, ,11 ai cut ratsa: (rom 10 cants up; siso, US'ISI large •lock of all th* school books, now ussd in Chatham county, si Esilils Nsws Dspot, <5 Bull strsst. Savannah. Ga -ad. A Hl*rh-Orad Institution for Ladlss— Shortsr Colic*,. Roms. Os. Writs for catktoKus.— ad. (itVELAND Burwell Bearings give it easy-running qualities. No wheel has greater durability; WM. & H. H. no wheel a prettier finish. LATTIMORE - QcX Puit|iiecr> Floor#. have been laid In many of the comfortable home* In New York, Boston and other cities. More cleanly end economical than < ur pets. Plain and fancy floors In id and polished complete over old floor*, making a solid and beau tiful Improvement. Cat alogue on request Es timates sent on receipt of measures of room Having ** number of floors to lay In Savannah thl* month we can quote close figures. J M ADAMS. 227 N. Gharle** Street. Baltimore. Md. Hogan’s The rom|)|p|piif of the foor de- Ie rf mentd mentioned helot* coiii|irla ! m. trillion I not degree of ejtoitMni. to •*> that Ihe I r etjiial In not to lie found In *ntfinnnli. n* In P*t>le, I'er feetion of Filliaih, or na to le%* I'rlrp#. An Inspection trill eowtlnee )on tliaat this la no Idle hot**t. 111. 4\ K F.T* AM) nniKORTA. A;?e shipment Just receive.l i • many and with 1. Come tu.d cure lh* m at your own price. A few more fine soiled lilankets ai a sacrifice. poKTiKfioi aivd TIHI.B rou:n in Tipcstry and Chenille. Kxqulsfte In de sign and quality. A look at the*** will In sure a sale. Our $1 75 and To Porter'* are creating something of a siir. Cal: id examine them. JACK RTS, CAPRA AAD FIR.*. The highest possible novelties in t? * department. Our Furs are the pick cf cfta market, ranging In price from $1 lo fcjnOft n will pay you to look at this be fore buying. CIHrETH, WATTIWng AW rut.* l\*e are the acknowledged |e iders It l' '* line Our Art Rquares and Hmyrna I >■''* are tieaiilies, at prices that suit the tint • I>on'f forget the fact thnf we are allll on top In unr Dress tiod n' l llotinS Fnrnlthlng |)p|arimrnl. Ur ritrnd n eoriilal Inrltntlon to lookers. ( oorleona frrslnisnt to sll. Daniel Hogan, The corner Broughton and BirinrJ ,l *- iHI’MMHMTI. gAVANNAri THtATAH. TO-NIGHT TO-MORROW MAT INKB ANP NIGHT Uebler * Co.‘ Initten..- prt .Auction l Hall Calne a Powerful Play. The Christian. Tho end of the Century'" mo*t remarka hl drnm..tlf triumph. To be presented here nlth the nii eomplete a. enlc equipment end pe lai ' feel* employed during IU tnemor.lue en gagement laet aeaaon Wl-PEOPLE —6b 7—CARLOADS BCENERT-: Night Prlcea—<l SD 11 M. 7Sc. Me and3. Matinee Prleae—’..oo. 71c, 80c and Seat* now on eale. , 1 r TOC want good material and work, order your lithographed •* printed etatlonery and blank book. fro— Now*, Savannah, On.