The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 31, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 , A TEXAS WONDER. Ilnll'n tirrnt llllrn iff). One >mali boKlr .. Ilalle U>e.ii IMe* covery cure* all K n m J •>-• * **•“' hl<a remove* are>*. ' <•••*• Inal emiealon*. •>k m.l ■ rheumclim an<] all kldneja and bladder in .o n men and wo man regulate - r tr .Wee In chil dren If not said I > jour lrul*t will be *ent by mail mi • • d’l of ° ne Ixdlle 1* two month* treatment, and will cure any < a .♦ ii on ihh.ilorwl. lit W Hail, eole 11.. I .'oiurer 1' O Box ti., Ht I.OUI* M ■ Hi nil for taailmonlale boM b> all diugnlan and Solomon* Cos . bavanf.ati. O* Head Thla. cut ibert <l* . April J. l>th Thl I* to *rt!fy Hat I w.* *ffeoed Wltb gravel and that 1 took etitv ilro|.* cf H i Oreat Ulecovery and It oom pletely eureil me It I* worth $1 'O’ P*> bottle to any one needing II J T BTKVENB IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. m;ws im> view* op the day >' TWO T uv:i. ArriiK'inirii* for tin* WIrMM * n Aifvata-UKlilalnrr Asked * A* lit-iilit Mot t‘iiirni Knd-Two Braes Killed—Farmer Writ Mlo \\ milil-ll* Murderer— Florid* Mur ilrrrr Ma> I'.ampe •*• •* Ollmo AA ••<1(11nu HI Ukr In Other l lr -liln News. Dublin CourDr-Pbpat- Ten year* •iro I*aurens was th#* flft' firm < > ounty * population If will rank about the twenty ninth this year l<aurcn* now p.***.t>ly the largest county in |* . t. in in* Eleventh District l> over U vm. i Lad |Jtt more trim loiuron* in 1* * Or*at it* Dublin and Li ren 4ri \u*l l.nnlt. Griffin Cab: t’ol F D PDmuke wen over to Greenville this n orntr.g to i'\ nd to a rare that he has been representing In court for twenty-nine >• >ia Th 'mount Involved wa* U 2h> with Intereet rWIt-ally. Five client* have died during that tim and the amount con*ld* raidv dwln d**i yet neither litigant has been able to vile t • settlement. Paund ly n Railroad Track. Sunday two negroes. John Baugh and Frank Lawrence. were found ly ing on the Georgia Railroad track just outside the city lim its of East Greensboro, the form* t g* <d and the inner in •* dying condition A frol* in the vt Inlty had been attend*.l by both negroes They were t > some *1 gree intoxicated After the frolic th went to the houee of Lawrenc* * sister Previous to leaving, they • k* 1 them •elves wHh soot, noth being bright m . iattoes. and one turned his * oat wrong side and In*lnvited thut t * v were go;i*.. .to 'Tide the rods’* to Augue * C ommittees 4 c| to be Named. The* General Assembly, which hs been In session hut six kiys. W* yet to le lD and on a business footing for the con sideration of icgi-latton and this condi tion will only he rea hed wh*a me ttturi l ing Committees of tne ttenate and llou have been appointed Th# i*r* idlng *l fleers of botn houses in making the** appointments must weigh the merits of ea h individual claim and iu d*ilnn with men many of whom are >•* new to legis lation the task one requiring time and rinse consideration The standing com mil tees of the House will not he an nounced by Speaker little before the 1 t of this week or the first of next, although the Senate commit tees, composed of few er members. nav •*• made known by IT. *- Ident Howell sooner. Killed Ills Would-be Slayer. Friday night, shout six miles south of Greensboro, Mr Andrews’ bam w. set on Are, and everything. Including a valuable hnr-# . was te*troy*d. In speaking of the matter publicly. An Ir* w expressed himself very empha.i • <x. stating that he would kill the mm who did the work if he evr fount] him It Is thought fiat the negro who perpetrat ed the deed either overheard or heard of the remarks, and. fc-dng that he w uld le discovered. determined to ktll Andrew About 1 o'clock lost night A fid retvs wan awakened by someone knocking on hi ba<’k <k>or. Ruwpacitng something, he took his ptstol and cautlouKlv t>en<l the do<*r. whereuiaut someone struck at him with an hi missing him Before the Mow could be repeutfd Andrews shot hi-* assailant through the head The man then turned to flee, hut ran onlv nbout ten steps mis] fell dead. No one know's the notne of the <!*<] negro. Hrunili) '■ Miarmrnt. Mr. Wright of Dougherty has Intro duced in the House of Representatives a resolution asking that a J Int commit **■ of five from the Mouse and three from the Hcnate be up|otnt-d •. <onf r wdh th* Brumby Monumental Assot'iatl n and a-- certain how* the General Assembly mt/ht co-*.*iMrate with the Brumby Memorial A*- aocUtion in Its . ff<*ris t<* . rect a monu ment to the gallant Oeorglm The r so lution was uratidmoii'ily ado ><• 1 by t Ilous* and Immediately transmut'd to the Senate. The association haw i.ow about &.UO) Five thoti-af and will lv* e -qtilred to purchas* h sultubl • mmument, and It Is ihe association ’ desii* to b.* permitted to erect the statue on the c j i ol grounds, upon the north** u c r •• protaioly. which ; rmlsskm the r-aou tton carries wi h . and secure t r< m th •late an ipfwoprla nof twelve to fifteen hundred dollars umount tould be taken from the n try fund without In conveniencing ant dy. A rruHHfttii'U t* for \ rtpmna. AugiJUU Herald Mr. <t©or(© H. How ard hap brrn rompUm* nt-J heartily on the foresight. ability and fnergy I* ha rvlnc*d In iserfr* ting ih* arrangement* to entertain th© rank and file of the Georg a Confederate veterans on the orrolun of their piate reunion and encampment h re In November. Trio, he ha .irraund o care for thoae of the ar llm veteiuti* who wi*h to go into en rn meat w n their Georgia * oiuiadm *>f h* Fur arid Harr* Mr. Howard, a* shown in the Fun day Herald, ha* made amp e p ovl ur, and equipment for sleeping quart, r* fo* the visiting aoldler*, anl, with th* aa*l lance of Mr John I llihn t o well caterer will provide for them ua to In splendid manner. Mr Howard ha leen very thoughtful In hip p ejara kna He haa gone down into the minute*! <; tall*. He hai looked after the little a - that may mean prep ter comiot o noble old heroes. The Herald h* be*n permitted to know all hie pn* and w ran say that he ha* worked w I . trulv and Intelligently and ha don© well We ar*- atm- that the people w.ll applaud the effort* he lu*# made. FLORIDA. On Oct. 25. by Rev. T J. Hook*'. Mr R 21 Willi* and Miae Mai*©l Themis were marled at Lake City, b C. The happ jple left for Ilatcom. Fla., where they w,ll cast their future lot. Mr. Wilis 1 a number of the firm of Davis & Willla who are very succetaful turpentine op n o at Da scorn Fla., and he haa been qul • successful In his business pursuit. Pensacola's Kiport*. Exports to foreign ports from Persa cola last week, carried In two steamships and two barks of a total tonnage of 4.111, , ware valued at sl< 2.T.* distributed as fol low* Havre. lir. .!#. llhvn(i, 14 12 ; t'ampana. $9,103; Buenoa Ayr# 19.900 T Item* of xi*ort wrn* ' t ;ag..o:7 feet pH h lint timber and lumbar. 2.700 la f' coilu -, 2,till> to:m phosphate rock. and gefi**tal < rg •• 11 • 1 t a tile for Culm valuwl n( $314 I 4 *** During th* week twelve st*-arn*h*|>* , I seven sailing \**et* of a t <ial tonnage of 37,l<fi arrived for i4ror!*. Ilrlnaliic In Mtirh I ||na. (lalririvUlf Hurt: Farmers In the Ml na# aectlogi are bringing orton lo t a market In large q untluf Tif *D* In price of ill#* atap)* ha# given n new Im* !*:•*• t lha huMiifM and U l* *|Ult* llkelv that a larger acreag* than aver before will b* plant'd in t t district In fail the farmer* ail over th* county are lw*sni yoo I and a tremendous crop may be lovk m| for next \**r The far met* should be cartful ..I'** tills* Itnr • * there a * f * jl danger "I nr. overpr oduc*lon. and tnai would i* * -jtarliy have a irndiu y to lower lire price .tiny |.'|- the (iiilloni. Jacksonville' Metropolis It la poag,ble that Hob WII lama Mor1) may yet *s ipt- hatgirg. u Ida attorney *■♦** to , *Jiah muma to nlgtrt t* pN bt fit# tt% .S ,o r Mid of Hardon# for c *mmu tattoo ! **. Hi e WUll*i# w , —I t> th** Governor a rartun< baa develop 'd .41 the aide of hi n< k aid ha* re qui red • iriri al aft* nil tt4 Will rati 1 mor- a- the sore la enlarging and - badly. William'* xai* to have been hinged on Bepr ♦ but he w • * r pil'd until Nov ♦. Nearly two yea ft* ag • hi-* !!♦* >• ir oil negro ■ul to death tlmal. .ii, i. and n<.to riKiii. ..t Ma> |*oit H** was tried ar,d *:.vicid An ap**-a! w* tnno taken to th* Bupreme Court, and lr affirm ed the decision, nI now a* •* leal r<* >.rt the pardoning power I* to bn Impo tuned f*r a hang*- of sentence It ia ImH always that the beard g>* tack n two courts, hut It does *<-u* lm a a it I* oniHee* **f very ympa hello gentium n oid between the board and th*‘ arbuno.e \Yilllam.* ii!}*) ee*wpe neek breaking. I % Oil* \eta \*te. hvoc* Ot. fVt. $h The Haptlat IrnntHa Association closed It* annua, eenaun here last week li r W C I vell f Atlanta officiated ri the ddl**atlon of the Methorilat Church hern yesterday. The S* aiH. .rd Air line has moved Into i ir new bpot It i a large .•enmiodKvw building and when tainted will |r*sen: -lulls an attrncilve appearance Hnun*ler> Hanks. * negro who lives two mile.-* from here has a banana grove of a *out fifty from Which be h.a gathered this year several fully de veloped bunches of fruit The cotton ■ r*;* Is about gathered. lIM I’ll I IK lU7IN ON KIWTION, Mall khrret Men to lleelte llogMerrl on *t’|i of S|||,.Trraur>. From the New' York World *Tf Bryan Is not elected.” wajrer**d n Wall street bulneei man ytttfcdty af ternoon, ”1 will hire a drum corps to col lect a crowd in front of the atatue of Washingnc tha Sub-Trealiiry. nnd will recite ’Alary Hud a Little Larnh from the top of the steps.** 'T'*ne!" Hal<l a well-known Republican bank* r ”lf he a>. I'll do th* same thing.” I** iillar betting Is going on all over the city. Wag*rs hove been made in the dull* and hotel* this week that hove ranges] from two and a half <to one. to ven to one in favor * f McKinley. Freak w gers are not confined to New Y*rk Jacob Htrong. sixty years old. a Democrat of Hoe. Ark ha* bet SHiO to $5 that M Klnitjr will be electe.l He hit ilwraya voted the Democratic tl ket but this time cannot tol*rate Hryanism In Chicago Robert IC. Burke has offered t< b* t any i*art of sl*mM) that Bryan will irrv Cook county. He a Ids to this thi he will b- t any itnount tinder fio.ono at tlw rate of 5 to 4 that the county will go for llryan by more that 2ft.‘W. WhH‘ a* luncheon with his friend. John J Morris, of Croi**ey avenue. Brooklyn. A F. Miller, of street. Hath Beach, mode a hot that if McKinley h el**- ted Miller Is to pay his friend s car* f.i* t. N w York •■very working *ky, and for his lun> lies • very day in the Morris will pay If llryan Is elected. All Norfa if 14s*f■. In Milwaukee nil port* of ztgxng beta arc b<mg made John McCoy, who own* a \\>M Water Mrcct cafe, re-elval HO.urtO Wcdncaday night to wager that William McKinley would be the next I'lmldNit f the rn!lc<i Btatct The owner of the money refuawl to let his identity h* known, but It 1b piated by McCoy that more money will b#* forth-coming to I**- agerc) at Ilft.fOO to |H 000 in favor of Mc- Kinley. Th.* Bryan money wag ready to <ov*-r that held by McCoy the next day. Th#* prevailing < dd* In Milwaukee on the Prreldentlal electldn are now two and a half to one (*n McKinley. M Coy has also large sums placed by other ien*ovie to le i* 1 by hlwi. II" has $3.tU) to le wagered •gainst s2.onn and |2 h"> against It.ftD On • f the l> is th;it McCoy has ma le hi of Sl.Cn to odds tltat McKinley will carry lmliana. In H Paul there is no Bryan money in sight. Anient Democrats are making p* • uliar bids tliat llr>ii will le elected, hut they w g*r to wear full l**ards. not to -h *ve for a >ear, to roll down hr I in I barrels, and to do many other outlandiah things. A prominent cattle dealer of Ht Paul Iws wired 12.000 to the New York Stock Kxc I. a nice to he bet against $5,000 for hr yan. Hon. 1> J McOlMlicuddy, of I*wleton, M . ha** .fTi-ed to supply his friend II n ’hcirle© Osgood with all the ten-eent cigar* that he cun smoke in three mon the in rase McKinley l* elected. Mr Osgood will return the Igors if liryan Is elected, though oepood is a good l>ena*crat. Kx-Gov James I Boyd, of Nebraska, had ll.'tsi of * friend'** money to bet on McKinleys carrying th** stair The !tw>r><*y wap taken later by a rl h <mviM Defnocmt h. It. %'ockrell offered to tak SSOO of it. One of the mcmt*erx of the N*w* York Stork Kxchange who believes that Mc- Kinley will carry the Bate of Indiana, wagered $o.00l) to that effect on Tuesday of last wvek Messrs Canty, lloblltsell A Cos., bank er* an*) broker* of Baltimore, Ml. h\< t ffs;d a wager on behalf of a client f S'.OP even Jhut McKinley will carry Maryland The Bryan end was taken by N**w Yorkers The same firm of Kaltl morc linkers Imve been Instructed t* wager F.'M In s'ou beta at the rate of l to 9 <*h:lrmsin James K Jones, of the Nu tlonal Democratic Committee. Is irvltg 4JS Wtm BSb Imy 8889 H r KIT. EBB Wh,n neglected. Ilmnl Invarl My || ||JB if 5( jg *i KBj *3 result* In .v <,ire of scrum, (t 5 M *• jfe A MS. Sm i n-. f,^nll v . y* K W srffi Is jftja R E Bfll jji I- t> - i:ti:.g n .lMt’i v- ■ W H ■ WSSBI turr. when rakeu the whole urinary aud geuital orgam-m and the whole nervous system. . • Thoordmary rorthod* rowrtod tofor a euro aro ot only ncra cialiD*l>i>am(ul, but frequently cauae dltordert at terinut a, the g atrleture Itaelf. I pti. r I>r Hathaway years aco dltrariled these old-time barharout methods and perfected a system by which he remotes the stricture, 1) reducliMl the thickened waits of the p.. a e to a normal conditio Btus Thera la BO operation. The treatment Is applied by the patient himself It !• painless and takes no time (rum business. The cure ■MI elTert.-d Is (wrmanent and all complications of the diseased condh W tluns are removed. This method of treatment and cure of Stric tore Is exclusively used by Dr. Hathaway. EpWSjA o' Dr. Hathaway, by a similar method, cures Varicocele without A s > operation All Sexual. Urinary. Nervous. Blood and other diseases of a chronic nature are treated by him by htiexclualve system. J. jntWTOlf HATHAWAY, ■ D . hlc h for JO years ha. proved lorarlAblo uUs result,. Write to him or call at hi, office for a free copy of his new 64 pace book and eeU-examlnatioc symptom blanks, and for free consultation and adylce. 4. NIWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. ......... l>r. Hathaway A Css. Office hours to U m.. tto i and 7to LsA Diyau street, ttavannah, Ga. > p m. Bunda) Ua. m. to 1 p. at THE MOWN ING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1000. nant over what he calls the "betting f kes" of the Republicans in offering heavy odds on McKinley in section* where it is wall known that they will not l < Ukl. MARINE INTELLIGENCE Matters of Interest to Shipping Men firsrrsllr. With the constant e*fenl**na which are being made to Savannah s wharf fr*nt t eecrna that the rerent grsit Improve men by the Seaboard Air Line is not to m-1 the present forward movement The work I* teing taken up by smaller Institutions above and below the city with the pr mi*e that the wharf lines are to le gr *atl> ex tervleri. The most recant wharf add!’! *n is that I>eing made near the od ctv water plant above town, where ex'* net e r>eratt#ni hove just isrm In Imi r#v!ng the water front The large l imb r m iis which are now building here wid rej,iir*' extensive narf arrang-menm Th* pro m*tors are row driving piling and proe <ittlng i**her features of the work. With in the ne*t month the wharf, to extend fr-*rn />e l<*s#r t/ourdary of the company s property to tne St siioard Air Lat a brlda*. will le finished In ad*llti*n to th • wharves airu .ires will also te bulb th*- e for th*- handling of logh from the river to the mills. \f-*r ronufsrbie delay the Amerl a ship Henry Vglard. Gap* Q-itck. sailed yesterday for Honolulu Mate f>tar. who e departure and the cotkoequnnt '.D organlgatton of th#* crew caua**d tne <'*■ iav state*] to the Morning News I- st night thai the ret->rt that he I -ft t sr* k a place on the cl*v police force is untrue Me intend* to remain a seafaring roan. The tug Weymouth was hauls! out oi the marine railway yesterday for repairs l'i*MMgiT< in Hfcam*lit|i. Bwaeengers by rrA-im Ip Na*-o-whee for New York yester#!a>v Mrs Henry Bun Mrs Tbfm*s Hunter. J II French ad wife. Duncan Morrison. M Har een, Rev H <” Dyer arid wife. Ja*'k Dyer. Henry I brer. Heien r>yer. Dr W T Hendon an l wife, J A Humphries and 7 intermcdla'e Mvnnnnli Almanac. Bun rises at 614 a m and •*•* at 50> P m High water at Tybae to-day at 12 &2 a m and 12! p m High water at Fa van rah on** hour larer Phases of the lloon tor October. D. H M First quarter 1 3 10 eve Full moon 4 7 14 morn last nuarfsr 15 3 M morn New moon 23 7 27 morn First quarter 31 2 17 morn ANHIVAL4 AND DEPART! REA. Vessels Arrived VesterOy. Steamahtp D H M Her Peters Bait - more J J Caroltn sgent Steamship Elton dir i, Rameey. from be low Btrachsn A Go Hrho<ner T. W. Ininn. Bond. New York —Marker. Vessels < l ercd A esterdwy. Ship Thor (Nor). Andersen. Bristol Henry Juchter. B-hooner Percy and Llillc. Andcrron New Y’ork. A rssels AA ent to s*ra. B*emshtp Nacoachce. Bmlth New A’crk Bteimshtp Texas E3dredge. B l lmore Bteannshtp Die of Kent (Hr ). Butherlanl. Bremen an*l Antwerp Bteamthlp Yotor (Br ). Kerr, ltanchca ter. Ship Henry Villard Quick Honolulu Brig Nlcoleiio (AuaV ). Favrl h. VenDe. B. hosier Thomas A. Ward, rolling. New- Y’ork and Rondout. 4|tt||lnai Memoranda. Jacksonville. Oct. 30 —Entered. s-'hoone* Henry Crosby. Strong. (JeriiMnwn. De matara, st< anier Navaho> . Johnson. Bos ton Cleare#!. schooner Wil’d.m (*. Wickham. Ewan. Philadelphia; st*-amer Na\ahee Johnson. Boston. Pensacola, Fla.. Oct 3h Arrived. Hirk Luigi (Ital >. Cuneo. Rotterdam Balled, steamships Romney (Br >. which put In for coa!; Apex (Br ). Popham t*enoa. Cleared steamship Aureela (Br ). M - Ewan. Honfleur; bjrk Glen Grant (Br.) Crangte. Montevideo. Fernandtna. Fla.. Oct. Arrived schooner Lucy H Russell. B**ho;* Salem. Mass ; Robert C. McQulllen. lUnk'n New York. dcared. uttainrr Nor (Nnrl. Mux-in, Monm>'l, Germany, via Ntrf.'lk Hailed i’h<**n**r HmVI. Key*. Port o' Spain Quin Mis: IJxale E. Hosr, Si Pierre. Martinique Rochefort. (Vt. 29 Arrlver. utttmer Dartmoor, I'rtiMrolA. via Norfolk. Key Went Oct. ;P Arrive*! strainer* Al te Norfolk, Mascotte. White, Port Tun pa. anti nailed fot Havana t h.irleaion. Orl SO.— Arrived. ikittn yacht (‘rrmeirt. New York, hound New Orleans: schooner*. Btandtrd. (Wfrry. New York: James TV Pewell. Fair brothers. P onion: Bu*le II Davidson DoutrMy. Norfolk Cleared, steamer Mannlnitlry (Hr.l .Traylor, Bremen: schooner*. Klear C. Ross. Qullllan. New York: Mary lee Pat ton, Steelman, Baltimore; Nelson E. New bury. Kina New- York Jacksonville Fla.. Oet.. -Cl<nre| Steamer Weal over, Johns, Philadelphia: schooner Elite Bussell (Hr.l. Hope Tow.i; schooner Melrose iHr.), Kelly. N.t-sa t. IJmi>ol. Oct. an.—Arrived, at.-atn r Franclsva. Pensacola. Baltimore, Oct. 30.—Balled. aieamer Itasca, Savannah. Philadelphia. Oof 30—Arrived, steamer Berkshire. Savannah. Bremen. Oct. 29 Arrived. rleam>r Kskalde, Charleston llelvoet, Oct. 27 —Arrived. ifeamer Huth. Pensacola and Norfolk, via Amstei dam. Notice to Marlurra. Pilot charts ami all hydroaraphlc Infor mation will he furnished masters of ve*. -el* free of charge In I'nlted States hy drographic office in Custom House, fan tstte are requested to rail at the offi. *■ H>.ports of wreck* and derelicts receive*! for frnnrmlsslon to Iho Navy Depart ment. Foreign Esnorts. Per Spanish bvrk !*oren*o from Havana -311 tons old Iron, to Isaac Jo-epti Iren Company, and 75 barrels oranges, to s Gurkenhelmer's Sons. Pet Norsegtan ship Tl*>r for Bristol - I.Uift barrels rosin. ( li! ,751.36; 1.250 ha:r Is || Lea - Pehrins I TME ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE jpW*' BCWAWC or IMITATIONS f \ v V/ l Tb<a aigxuturc on every bottle— M Bjrl| ; J No matter how well your Coolu and butlers every- V . I Tw* jt wh Y oM#n 'ur 2 ct \i r*t IrNl il |rov t d by La 4c Perrin.’ penwbU rtqumU lo th* Culi- ( |r t j ' VOU arc especially incit * ed to examine our Slate (■H lers Dress Trunks, made of |! 3b} veneer lumber,leather bound nr pents. Regular price £l*; c- j our price only sl2. Made at our own factory, J'IJWP t* 'W 420 to 426 Bay street, east. Ketail Show and Saleiroom 314 and 316 Broughton, West. Southern Trunk Cos., m. and. lubin. Proprietor roeln. J.u1.1 casks spirits turpentine. 3fcl>- TotaP value. |fc ** M.—Cargo by | Paterson-1 tossnlng Cos. to S. P. Sholter Cos i •"iinstnlsr Exports Per steamship Nacoochee to New York, Oct. 3>t. 1 #OO -797 ttnles up at and co:ton, .VO shales sea Island ro'ton. 1060 htrrels eot tonseed oil. 11l barrels rosin oil. 372 tales domestic* Jt bales sweeping*, 197 barrels rosin, <36 barrels turpentine. UC.SYI feet lumber, js7 bundles hides. 1 hale lobneco. 2 barrel* fish 32 c i cigar*. l.Wi hoxes fruit. 22 tiarrel* vegetables, 163 cralt# vege tobb *. tons pig Iron. SO.OM shingles, 72 hah-s sponse. ;> barrels pitch. 3> harr I* pine tar. 17 turrets lampblack. Ad pack age* merchandlst Per Steamship State- of Texas for Balti more <*ei SB II (tales up an I cotton. 413 barrels ro-m 12-7t* feet lumb-r. At park ege* fruit. 25 tons pig Iron. 7*7 sacks clay, Ist merchandise. 10 pa*k*g-e domes!|rs and yarn, 42 bale* [.time t. fiber, 132 cases can goods. USB3 f! fvr Baltimore, 14.315 feet for Philadelphia. THE HACKS IN ATLANTA. Pour Favorites and a ftecond Choice AN on the Honor*. Atlanta. Oct t—The second day's rac ing of the Atlanta Jo.-key Club's meet brought to Piedmont Park a large nnd • ■nlhusta*t c ert-wd of *|*ort seeker*. Five taces were well contested from ftagfall to finish. The fourth event on the card proved an exceptionally good betting race. tVIe Brook*. Jessie Jarboe and Dutch Comedian having numerous supporters who let on their choice* as though the race was over. Ode Brooks assumed com mand at the fall of the naming flag, and 1,-1 nil the way. beating Jess.e Jarboe on* bngth. the latter heating Dutch Comed-an ,i like distance for place honors. Four fa vortlles an.l :t well play .si second choice carried off the big end of the purse* The weather was pleasant and the track fast Summaries: pirat lloo*-Six furlong* Golden Bat tle. out. won. with Eleanor Howard. 3 to 1 second, and Judge Baker. 6 to 1, third Time 1:1*4. Second Race—Four and a half furlongs Idu Qulckllnse, 2 to 5, won. with Ccnter fl *•! *l. 12 to 1 second, and I*:ghtning Flash, sto I. third Time ::>4 Third Race —Four and n latlf furlong*. Easter, t to 1, won, with I*ella Barr. 3 to 10, *c ond. and Rollne, 15 1o 1, third. Time 57V Fourth Race—Six ond a half furlongs Ode Brooks. 6 to 5 won. with Jessie Jar hoe, 9 to 5. second, and Dutch Comedian, f, to f*. third Time 1:254- Fifth Itacc—Seven furlongs Chub. 2 to Wen. tli I .Rile R< ggle. 3to 1. second and Golden C . 7 to 1. third Time 1 34. tin the Empire Pity Track. New A'ork. Oct. SO.-Three out of six favorites were successful at the Empire City track to-day Summarhs: First Raca—About six furlongs. Mu seile, 10 lo 1. won, wllh Gold Heels. 9 to 2. md k to 3. second, and Chuctannun la. 4 to I. third. Time 1 "9V Second Race—One mile nnd seventy card* Herbert. 9to 5. non. with Com pensation. 4 to 1 and even, second, and Walt Not. 5 lo 2. third. Time 1:444. Third Rare The K-itonah about six furlong*. Annie Thompson. 6 to 1. won with cherries, 12 to 1 nnd 4 to I. second, ate! All Sitlnl*. 9 to 5. third. Time 1:10V*. Fourth Race—One mile and a furlong Decanter. 5 to 2. won. wllh Uaffaello. 3 to I mid fo 5. second, and Intrusive. 4 lo 1. third. Time 1:53 V Fifth Race-About six furlong*, telling IMmst If. 7 lo 2. won. wllh Tal -osa. & lo 2 and e\*' n, second, and The Regent, 7 to I, third. Time DIM*. Sixth Ha e-ukir mile and seventy yard*, selling The Amazrn. 310 2. won. with Belgrade. PI to 3 and 6 to &. second, nnd Prestidigitator, 3 lo 1. third. Time 1.344. ttnre Reanlt* at l.ntonla. Cincinnati. Oct. SO.—Results at lattonla First Race—Six furlongs, selling Fulm - j uatr, 3 lo 1. won. with Dr. J W. Ramsey. 10 to 1. second, and Robert Gray. 13 to 1. third Time 1:15. t*econ4 Rare Five furlong* Ep 12 to 1 won. with Trinity Bell. even, second, and Resignation. 10 to I. third Time 1:08. Third Race—One mile, selling. Eita. 7 lo 2 won. w-iih Hone>wood, 10 to 1. second, and Peter Duryeii, 5 to 1. third. Tlm< 1 12. Fourth Race—One mile and an ghtfv selling Sir Ootlan. 4 lo I. won. with Wine Press. 3 to 1. *e onl. .and Violet. Parsons. 20 lo 1. third T.nte 1 554. Fifth Race Five and a half furlongs, selling The Covenanter. * to 1. won, wllh g ( nator Beveridge. 7 to I. second, and Ma teo. 1 to l, tthrd Time 1:0*V S xth Race—Sl* furlong* selling Lord Zenl. 10 to 1. won. with Onxmastus. 11 to 5. aecond. and Blenheim, 30 to 1, third. Time I:}J4 ( of ton Fire at Cochran. Cochran. Ga. Oct. 30—Fire was dis covered and slopped In the Planter*' ware house to-night. A large iot of cotton was damaged. TO RBiIISTRICT ATLANTA. I'lan Cos Increase Nunihrr of UnriU Prom Cr%rn In I *<j rf r % n. Atlanta. Oft. 90—A movfm*nt will Mart*-.! In City Council In the iiar futur to rcßlintrict th* city of Atlanta. There may few* fourteen ward* or <ll *trlc*t In the new plan ln*tal of the war.l which now comprise the clly*w division The will he launche*! foon after the n<*w < \>unctl l* Inaugurate.]. it Is balleved. Councilman H*nr\ < irmly of t.he-BiKth ward erartel It by Intrrxlucing the measure In p*vp.itnlng the mov* men to-day He eald It was the natural se quence of Atlantic's growth. and was. hound to come sooner tr later, and he believed the ru-n Council would Institute the plan When the numter of city warl* l Increase*! ths number of repree* ntatlvc will of course be Increased accordingly Instead of fourteen rounrllmen. ns at preaent. there will he at leat twenty elirht In the municipal governing loard ■ n*l a corresponding Increaw In the nMer manlc board AXOTIIER € !•!. Should tart One Arronlliiu fo ( rnui Hefnrna. Atlanta. Oct -Oeoraia. t the oenaiis rt*urea made puhli n di> 1a entitled to another conr e-man. iro *- ably two. If the rate of apportionment is not chamtex! by Congress at lt.* next • ulon. At present one congressman If allows l for every 171,m0 inhabitants .ar-1 the cen sua iflven out this morning shows <eor„li entitled to another congressm-in according to that rate If the General Assembly receives the rensua r&lurn* In time the ate will hr* re apportioned and anew coiikresstonal dis trict Utri out a 0 i THEY LEAR NEB THING.*. %a el I nih and Vng Girl Kas ftoMr Slrnnge *<iuht* In ( tty. Americus. Ga.. Oci. 30—An uge 1 Ud\ r siding <n a plantation a tlosen mil*- from Amerlcus cam** to the city to-day to el| her cotton crop It was her first vlm* hero In twenty-five ye.irs, though resid ing within an hour s ride. She hud heurd of lmix>rtant events transpiring within that erlod. and all w.ia strang -1 to her Yesterday an Intelligent vcwirur of 14 rewred In this county ame to Am ri •!- for the first time In her llf Hhe had itever seen a brick building, a railroad train or anything beyond the c* of 1 lien of her father's farm Hill w MIGHT UEt i.iuin. Hefoaerf Tmipernnce I hnlrntnnshlp fteennae Ham .lone* Tulkeil. Atlanta, Oct. 3T ncause of an Inter view in yesterday** Journal with Ham I* Jones. In which It was stated If S.*e.kcr Little did not Appoint He,thorn Wright chairman of the Temperance Committee there would he lots of frouble, Reitltorn Wright this morning nr.>se to ii qm.vfion of i*ersonul privilege In the House and declined the chairmanship Vie said Bp* ik er lalftle had usked him to accept t.e place, hut since the evangedst had nut his mouth In. In an attempt to dictate, hr would not accept. / 7 \ /^Saratoga y? Arondack Er Water An aprnl of health and promoter r; plcisurr. unexcelled ax a % ' * o< * invigorate*. A fc'U. in Ihe morning bracei ycu for ,h * day— at ntghl injure, perfect real. Bottled it M and dmgguu. lAilta m DIXON * CO.. Agents. What is this Man Good For? p.As He Is—NOTHING! ' As He might be—MUCH! //jw He la a nerrotia wreck. His lifei, / / *tr a burden to himself, and bis pn *cbc and fXrlppmun’a Great Retneflyi overcome# At once the acute symptom* f erery form of Nervous Deranrement, and aoon makes the patient robust and ambitious. P. P. P. is the best combination of green root* and barks that was over put together for the enre of Weakness, General Debility and Nervousness. It is a good tonic and the best Blood Purihrr In the world. P. P- P. is Nature’s specific for Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Malaria and all forms of Blood Poison and Scrofula, whether In adults oz children. # P. P. P. la sold by all druggists-fz a bottle ; six bottles, $5. Lipp'Vlan Brothers. mo upm& a block Savannah Oa, COTTON HKCRIITS FALL OFF. Ewldence of Fart That There Will lie lie Top Crop. Amcricus, <*a.. Oct. > —For the ftrat I time strire the opening of the cotton sea i son In Ametdcus the aggregate re*'elpt2 I of six warehouses here dropped to-day below !■> bules This evidences the fact that the crop here 1m gathered and little r* nuilriM r>n the plantation* to he market* r i The farmers bellew* the top crop will amount t nothing, a* weevils have at tack* I It and are destroying the Imma ture boll< Many will plow under the green vegetation as fertilisers. >GRK. WtIOII l\ NT. %l fit NTINE. lie \\ 111 Itetiirn to llw'An b) Way of Mlnml. Fla. Si, Angustlre. F n . Oct F —Oen. ard Wo •! commander cf the Department of Cuba, arrived here with his family this mo nlng. together with Frank Kom M ’Coy. r R A., and Alexander G>n *a)es of Havana. Gen. Wood will leave v.ere to nto. row for Miami, where a gov rnrnent rhip awaits hint to convey him to Havuna. Mrs. Wood and family will remain here f**r several weeks. After th*lr visit h* re Mrr Wood ar.l family will join Gen. Wood in Havana. MTK Foil NAN %l* STATION. Llenlaaa nf s Making Investl. Miitl<in In t linrlmton. rharl*-aton, 8. C.. Oct. ). Lieut. Waln weight of the United Htates Navy Is In the city making plans of the proposed site ' of the naval station at Chlcora I’irk ami the Lnwion farm. Lieut. Ilayruird has been her** for sum • time l>r!ng ,it the same place* with a view to obtaining In formation f*r tht- naval hoard. Th** work now In will be con tinue<l for two months, and while it (loop not settle the fact that the dr> dock anl naval station art- to Ite located here. It |* by <*harb*ton people to be a very favorable *dgn I lUlttor of Itnlly wtnteM la Drnd. New Oil* n*. Oct. 3* MnJ. Ifenry J Hearse\. editor of the Dally Btntes, nn*l one of the teet krown newspoper writers in the South, died here to- lay. He was W years old I! I lil I c hu f-r LI S % : ch', u J sffeN I g mM . M ‘‘•v w 5 KNIGHTS PHARMACY, Cor. Ofleihorpr Ave. and Dra.'loa St Will sell you Smith’s Chill and Fever Tonic, and if it does not cure they wili gladly refvnd the amount you paid for it. Look for the Ked Triangle on each package. What a Prominent Crocor SayE Office of J. H. Shrarouse ft Bro • No. 34u William Street. Bavaunu r ’'- Havannab. Go.. Oct. i- Coiumlila Dn-g Fo., Savannah. Oentlemen—l am sltl to U**' r f thrl after month* of suffering and fever. h.ivlna tried mail) chill irul fever t**nlos, I • i ■ to try your Smith's Thill n- Tonic. ar:*l one single bottle of >' ,J ( ** ‘ cure*! me. . I feel It my <*uty lo Inform . wonderful cure mu le on me m l voir, ell I hose eufferln* with fevsr. No remedy ever rrlr I me any good except your Smith >° Respectfully yottrs. J. H 9HEABOI 95- fl eHICHCSTtn * CNOLIBM -- taiKVRiOyAL. fItLS H> '- ■ -T'i; ' •; OA ISasaeeee. SekeMwU.- ~0l I- . It I r, ■\--rli ATS'-* 11 J. D. WEED & CO aavAMAM, u*. Leather Belthm. Steam Packing 4 H *se Aaenia for NEW lUKK BVBUI.H Bfc.isTl.NG AND PACKING COHFAM DONNELLY DRUG CO.. SAVANNAH, oa. • DRUGS. SEEDS). ETC. Mall orders solicited. Bell P hon * j> 4 p. B —Send tor Wee sample * Dypp*ie Cura.