The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 01, 1900, Image 1

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Tlir MORNING NEWS ~ • . Ml* • * I nrorporat.4 IS** I H EBTIM-. RrMldi-nt BRYAN SWEEPS OHIO w VHMI.I WKl.t OSIKO FROM TOLEDO TO ( IV IN\ ATI. BIG CROWDS AT MANY PLACES. i.l i 'IAN* OF OHIO WILL GIVE HIM | LAUGH VOTE, )Im |'r***■••*! Him n JUlvtf Horse- Hi Di > There W n i•- ~„f in Which He Received 1.2M1 \ .1, • null McK loir >- 27k—Intrw ,jAh Cincinnati li) Hon Jiml -M„ Hu rinon— Haul l-.nt lanalnnlic MrHittii* Throughout Hie State. ati. Oct. 31. —The Democratic ,1 candidate, Willi.mi J Bryan. , i Tlr-t |H**ch here to-ngiht **f the l >r t .tmpalgn* He arrived on a spe , • .it n o’clock to-night. and went . Musi Hall, where he si*k* lor Judson Harmon, formerly attorney , under President Cleveland, |re . ? t;. meeting, and thei- were i„,.: ,i cr lead In* Democrats present . r- were opened ut 7 p. in , but .in enough to fill the hall were l tie fore t> o'clock !(.• day wa> hpont entirely In this t i.i i:ul the Itinerary covered tit** coun . 'Keen this city and Toledo. With . n of the Toledo speech non#* others of the day excelled tw*nt>- . minutes' duration each. \ frajortty of tin places where stop* *,r intle were an.a.l towns, and ns a r . ( c rowd -were not large. There v r*. however, fine audiences at Toledo. Uii-H ti, P!(|ua, Day ton and College : ne:. w • II as h* re. (•orn n Nlhrr Horseshoe. When Mr. Bryan's special train roll'd o *%*• depot at Dayton about suns* . *r* was i crowd of several thousand •P • . * rubied at that puint. Mr. Br>an id e* it notified taut there was a de re i • present him with a silver hors* - *■••■ fn.m the liarug •ri l.e d* rki mx S*- :■ ty \V i*n th** train earn* to a full .id Mr. Bryan uppc.ired on the rear i ut rm was *re t*d by |roiotged und fi tu- ij* applause. A committee of • ladies, representing the society, th* n { 1 their w.iy to the front of the "and and handed to him a lx contain i‘it only th*- horseshoe, hut a color*'*! * i t ot him-elf. a gold mounted badge, i a utter explaining mat in a contest - iety for the hor-eshne. Mr Bryan 1 r* *dve*i J.iaki vofes igo.nM 270 cast ' lYn*d* , nt MKinby, Mr. Bryan re d briefly, saying: ' dr** the ladles who presented this •oo to hear my greetings to the *rs of the ll.i ruga ri Society, and to o thetu that whib* I cannot make in a s|**m . h In German. 1 con say *lch k lhnen.' Tell them I am glad to *' that tie* Republican appeot to the t ans has been in vain, as tii- it* puhh ■ppeal has been in \ tin to other por of our imputation. for while the Ger wnnt good money they want good rnrnent nb 1 m obliged to the mans for this horseshoe and m grate, for th* large majority by which H was • 1 to me. I believe that if We suc -1 In driving every trust out of the t-i Htaii reducing the standing army Its formers six*. and in saving this i try from the rn* nace of Imperialism, blessing of democratic policies will *i universally recognised that th** peo "ill never t.ik- the horseshoe from Whit* House door.'* * Inolnnnli \V% < orillnl. ' r . Bryan r*ec|ved a very cordial re -op 1 ln Cincinnati He was met .it fhe *" bv an Immense crowd, and being n to the Music Hall under the escort Du* kworih Club, he was ther * w* 1 I by thousands on the outside of ti* ng. and b\ as many people ,*i the *f th* great building as cotlid be • 1 into it. The crowd <>n the Interior ? *i l-een awaiting Mr Bryan for three and on account of the h* at. .rid th • • onditlon of tne hall, there was . impatience until he entered the hall • l not been intended that th*- crowd f I U- admitted until 7 o'clock, but. •*k* the doors *l*>w: an hour ear -1 li-lped themselves to all the avail | *••<'**. N yan made hi* first speech of the to the crowd on the outside of Hall He t ilkcd f- r only a few and his address was In the most terms, but It was received with spplause. k fifteen m nutes to g* t th* In mdlence quiet after >lr Brvnn 1- t*|K r.ince it 9 o'< lo k. The up 1 • was general anal prolonged, and it •Is drgen* rats| into wild d**mnnl '•in which *ll*l not ease while Harmon and Mayor Jones spoke, p * * ded Mr. Brvnn, but they v ita but little comfort on account ' ' • o 'atnor. Wliut Hurniiin Snlil. bid on Harmon, who was ntt>r t.l In th** (cabinet of Pr*sblent *1 presided and spok*- at length 1 i ing Mr Bryan. Referring to pplms. he said r -ur commissioners went to dlc - of peace to Spain they bore ’ '-s Th**se have been carefully although the people lwk i rich* them when the treaty took ef • n Ihey com** to life, as they hall And that they were chang *he iiegotl.itlofis le*nn. I do * it the Jumice to lieliev* he *!id r* • Intend to step Into the shoes • f Spain, but only meant to ‘ v him off th** hacks of the Klll f ‘ hLs was a 'plain duty.' He did ni* m to buy them out ami con si me business at the old • hit the President Is better bis 'plain duty* than at He taken the wrong kind of peo **nfl.lence and puts himself “ control. Thev turned h‘m \\ • can guess who they were * y t|d the same thlrg with him i* P* rto HI o. and. as tie had hints* If to his duty In a ru*-**- tur -i, they had to turn hint It was well cnotr-h to m ik* oulsfi to us ill h**r claims to • - 1 • \i we had to r |o *vas io declaie. '*r. that we took nod field them - t the people thareof. who. by , t had fought t'it by sidt with overthrow apatn." "The Next President." t Harmon ‘.ntroduced Mr Bryan as I ant of the T'nJted States 1 * ffMI flutter of handkerchiefs CContinuad on ft xth Paged Saltamuil) Horning XVio^. LOOKED ON AS A BLUNDER. tp point me nt of I.iuimluwiip to (lie Foreign Office Not Kindly Itr ceiseil In bnftlHiiil. In*b n Oi't. 31.—The M.mpils of*> dowm ‘ levotiuti to the f,.r. lcr-, *-■ tetary ehip. .i < or.lU k t. the min- <u **m nts In tiie n* wspap* rs this morning, has. tigu ratively *i iking, taken the country a hrefldth a%\.\ li in unexpected us i unwil om\ hX**n the staun best minister.ul mouth pi* •* nmoug t:• news paper op.tiiy condemn it. Lord SaliN jury, aipoicnt 1> arranged mutters with in.- gu.wi mi Balmoral a w**k ao Ills lordship wn inclination *• to the premicrs.dp ,n.l devote hmi-‘*:f exclusively to th** for* ign office. Ho wrote her niujesty to this effect, but -lie declined to h c opt the suggestions la>r.l *aaiiN.ury. went't.. Ha. moral to and * the j o *ti-with the result that the Queen carrh'.l her p)|nt. l’Ublb alixiet) In to some extent relieved b> the <onvictl. n that I>ir.l Halisbury s expenence will still I*. available to direct • .'ic lines of po.i.y -f th** prospective foreign nunc ter. If th.* Daily Teiegri|4i’s announcement bad been n mere f*.l. r to ascertain the temper at the iMibli toward Ird downe's appointment he would certalnlv f * ver D . rne minister of for. ign affairs; ♦ r t.tryshfp has not yet been * fli*daily con Armed, i* i a**cip‘* - d on all Ni l* ■> • a settled thlrg The Htar.Jard. w'iilch -ays it has learned that Dotxl Helborr.e. Fn ler-S r. tar> of State for the olon'os. at.l Mr William St John llrodrl- k \ nd. rS. , rctarv of Btar f..r for*- kii affairs, will *nt**r the cabinet, ami that Ml Charles Thomson Iticllfe. president of th. Bo ml f Trade, will l>e given a higher r***Nt. The iiptMdriiment *f the Marquis *4 fainsdowne to l*e Her Mnjclv i* principal secretary of state for for* ign affairs is an almost h cntirelv.ib!. blur d* r H* has neither tb< chart ter, quallAt it lona nor ex fieri* nee for ►i*h a The only plausib e * \ ns. for i. * apt* Imm. nt Is that I-ord 3n i-bury w | still ontr.h the foreign ottlc**. whi;** l>r*l l.ansdowne re lieves hijn of his routine .1 it It * •*IIH.<c MlkD \ DKMAL Monnett l MitHi.rn About W hat He *sid f Triit. Napoleon. O. Oct. It.—The following letter from Attorney C.uieral (Jrlggs to J. R. Unthlcm. chalrmun of the Ht>uh -11, an Fommittee of Henry country, rela tive to certain H’.itements male by *x- AHorney <*•* ral Moon* rt in . speech *l* i.v*rd here On Oct. 21, mad*, puo.ic to-* lay ■U ishlrgton. O 25. !!•■• Dear Sir I am in r. etpt of your letter of the 23.1 n * nt. jn which you state that ex-Attorney • ieneral Frank S. Monnett, of Ohio, in a Demo* rail.* speech at Napoicon on the 22d instant, state.! that I. in i letter to him and uiao in a j*ereonal interview with him. - ild that tne reason why the trusts have not been prosecuted was that the Pres ident has baen inactive nn*l Imllffetcnf in he■ Mlori • meet %,t the anti-trust laws "Ur.Bss Mr. Monnerf has taken leave of his senses I rant ot l**.l*ve he ever made *uch a suitement. far as I ran r*- • all.or *h* r x> of th*’ department shhw I have never written him a letter u|*>n any aubje t. I am sure that 1 never wfotc him m letter upon th. subj* t of trusts, nor In any wise allude*! to ih* ac tion of this administration with reference r to. An to his allegations that I ma le such i siaiement in a je reonal In t.rvl. w- with him. that Is •I- en ir.D un true I never met Mr Monnett hut one. , and that was only for a !• w minutes when h* cn led to pay u visit of c.iurtcsy. \*> ing lrnn !ii< .-.| t> m.- by his predecessor, the present solicitor general. Hon John K Richards <f Ohio. I do not think or twdieve that the etibje, t of trusts, or any other subject, surh s W'Hi'.and • visit of this nature, w touched uton. I am sur** that I made n- such statement ns you say Mr, Monti*tt attributes to m. Nor could I hat* made such a statemcnr bee aus i it would hav. le-n untrue The attitude and record .f this administration cn th** subject of prosecution tnsi* r th* anti-trust laws tir contained in th.* last annual r* ?>*rt f th** ot'orn.-v g*nenl to Omgre.-s. a c. pv of which is f*rwGirded to you by this mail'Wry respectfully, "John \V. Griggs. Attorney General.’* I tMTAT BO % T IFI.IHT. Arrow Hay t*o f Owe of the wuth American ( owntrlea. New’ York. Oct. 31. Fharle* R. Flint's Arrow under contract to le the fastest ship ever and signed, wa- launched to-day tt Ayers shipyard at Nyack. N Y Bhe has b* n hull: under a guarantee by her designer* of forty-two miles an hour, and it Is . xp*ct. I that under pressure she will be able to make fifty. It has been generally given out that she was constructed as a yacht for Mr. Flint’s personal use. but rumors have u* n persistent that sh* w.- built under ontruct with one of Ihe rtouth American g-*vernm*nt* for servi. • as n torp-*lo boat. Hi r plan s far *s It h e he* ti inAd*' pul- I, . shows her fully equipped for lorp* do s* ”v e Tiie Arrow will go In tow to Newark, N J . where her shafting atul engine.- w II Ih* put In. Her destination after sue Is fitted out at Newark, has not been announced. VTI.A o% Tilt m. He \<ltresEi| Nlioait I.A.tMiO People at l*l> month. liml. Plymouth. In.l Oct. 31 —Adlal E. Stev enson. lH*m*M-rai candidate for Vice President address. 1 a meeting tn-k*y hi tlm ate.l from 1<.0(IO o iS.U). The speak ing was preceded by a large pa rad The candidate was given u tine r# pt:m and spoke for two hours, dealing mainly with the trusts. TO THE 1 MTKII NTATW M HT. state Authorities lt*’llni*iiEh Their tln I tit I |Hiti Ahoril. New York. Oct 31 - Fornellus L. Alvord. Jr . the former note teller of th#First Na tional Bank, who ©mbeasle 1 of the bank's fun*l~. was r* arraigned i. police court today, but his examination was dJournal until to-morrow. District Attorney Gardiner announced this afternoon that Alvord would be tim ed over to the United Bte* authorltbe ( nnlrart for Khukt. New York Oct. Il.—Tht contract fo* f-jfnuhmg trt quartermasttra depart ment of the United States army wl h i* .00,000 yards of khaki cloth was ewarlaJ ’O the American Khaki Mills at 22 cents a yard There were two other tedders— John Wanamakcr and Boesnack, Broesel A Cu SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, NOVKMBKK 1. I‘.K)O. HONEST CAMPAIGN IIKhtM H ATS AHb FXTITI.EO TO Fill ITA OF V|< him. JONES AGREES WITH CROKER. Nil .FT FI.Ft Tl\ MIX At.FR* AA II II FtHlt F. • If Itti iMiidntluii nr F'rninliilent t oaint- Iti k I* N l let*, pleil. € .ntlranaii Jr Smy • the linaiorratfe Wltould *ee t If Tlini biielt >letli4dn Hr Mitfprd, Karat If It Take* Purer t fl It, Sa.ii the Hentncrii a • lliiar IN tin the Fight. Fhlc.igo, oct 31 Senator Jones, chair man of th** Pem*crat!c National Fomnalt- I tee. sp-akiiific of t r ker*a re • nt suggestion that ‘ Democratic veter* mgregnte about the polling places on t.r evening of elec tion *ta\, count n s**s. and then, if Ih** • lection rrtunih for llrynn do not tally with their o amt. go nlo the p lllng places and throw thus* fellows in charg* of the ! returns into the stret. he said "1 don’t f©o anvthitiK wrrig with that suggestion Hen a tor 11111, I isdleve. sug gested a baseball but ns l*'irg peculiarly | i| pr.q*riae t* r nder Justice t > a corrupt • elci teen Judge In my ■j* id< n, tl>*> best way is for Democrats to l*c nt the poll* whet they are op*n* larl to remain there In g *od. strong relays until the count Is completed It should be the duty of tiles j Democrat* to wa'ih the Judge-* and th* | count ar*l to s • to It that no fraud Is (committed, and If may fraud Is attempt* and to stop It then and there. Th* Democratic party b* <gapos.**l to violence, but at the worn- time I feel war ranted In saving tha* Hie Democrat* fully Intend t reap the fruits of tha lc victor' If intJniidutk n is attempts*! at the ballot-liox sttiffing tir fraudu ele lion Judges ihera* w ill be Democrat* In the vicinity ready to take Just such action . may be n**e*ary t * stp it. 'There will l>e neither Intimidation l the i*>lls ballot-box stuffing nor fraudu lent counting this year If either Is nt t trill pped 1,1 And if anyone gets hurt In this proce** of pr. v*'iitlon, I hop It will nl be the honest man who is *1 dng his duty fairly and well. Th*- Democrat** have mode n honest '-ampalgn We hav** app-wled t the h* iiD and hearts of the American js-oplc, W. have won the tight, ami. by h*4ven. we will not k>frauded out of *ur victory by the chicanery of election Judges If our Republican friends will be honest, there will f>e no trouble, but intimidation at the jm|ls o r attempted dishonesty In the counts wMI b*- met by such met nods as may le n*-**ssary and entirely eff* live HID JO A ill VI AKK OONFBWIONf Itunior That Me Agreed In Tell \lout the Mice Faae. y New York. f>-t 31.—This afternoon Fhorles F. Jones, who Is con fired in the T.mb* charged with forgery in connec tion with the will of M IHonulre William M. Rice, w as taken from his cell to the district attorney’s m where he was closeded with Assistant District Attorney Osborne. Fp. McCluskey of the Detec tive Bureau. Counsel Baker for the Rice estate, and a number at other person*. It was rumor* *1 a!**it the Court House tViat Jones had made a ronfeMton One of the chief masons for the understanding that a confession had been made was that Jones had had a talk during the morning with Mr. oborne. Fapt M Fluskv and a few lawyers, which last* and an hur **r more. When b was over there was on immediate rumor that Jones hit 1 and. diwod h** would confess ail he knew nltout the case on terms Including immu nity from prose*‘utlon Another reason for the Is-llef that wnv thing startling futd happened In the ands trlct attorney’s office was that 'att. M Fluskey sent detectlven tt the Rice hulls to get th** blotting paper on the different writing desks throaighotit the house so as to romfkarc the Ink with that u*d In the checks. HOKHN Nl ItF AIM TO TREAT. Hot Im **%• the llu rg la era Want t Font!mie the AN nr, ln*lon, Oct 31—A belated dispatch | from Pretoria tells of the failure of the ilrit ,h n€goti©Hns wl:h Gen. Botha ! the surrenaler of th* Horn*. Botha re ! . elved Gen. Paget’s flag of trin e courte ously and admitted hi- defeat, but said it was imi-esibb to treat for surrender ns long a- any burghers wiahed to con tinue the war. President ftteyn s’a* more Irreconcilable. He refused to even s*c the bearer of a , flag of truce. A% here Rhode* AAnnfa the liners. | London. Nov. 1 —"Mr. (Veil Rhode*.” save the Pretoria corre-!mdent of the Dally Mail, "will op|s*e** the settlement of Itoers in Damamlatwl. hut he will wei , ome to Rho*l* *la and will grant favorable terms after tle w ir to Induce them to act tie there. ** Reception for Kruger, Marseille*. Oct. 31 Th* Kruger recep tion commission ha- Issued an appeal to the |>pulatlon to participate In the dem onstration* tha* are being arrange*! for Mr Kruger’s re but t* abstain from hostile acts or word* toward a na- I Hon frlen.l y to Franc.. Hot la ia to Invade tap** Polony. I Pretoria. Oct. 23 Intelligence has rench • *d here thnt Oncnmandant General Botha is marching with strong fore** to Invade Fare Colony near Ken hard!. where. It ts -aid. the irreconcilable Boer* are ready to Join him south African f asaaltlea. I,ondon. Oct. 31 —Another long casualty list hs been received by the war office. I Dait. Grosvenor was wounded In the right: 1 iMgh during the fighting at Bethlehem. FV| It Alt 1.0 PI T itS t. 01.11. Object VAn to Metnihnrse German Insurance t ompnnlca. Hamburg Dot 31—The provincial cotirt bias laid an embargo ai|on bar gold of the ! value of U.frfO.OOO marks wfiich arrived a* Fuxhaven to-day on the imperial mall i tamer Bundasrath from Dclagoa Bay. Tkl* step wa* taken. It 1* alleged, for tha sole purpo*' of raimbuwing Inaurarcc *>mpanies here for goUJ withheld by the Transvaal government during the war The HamburgDche Boersenhaile. iww cv-r. denies a rumor tliat the gold wa# ahi/ped by Mr. KJvtger. WE HAVE MADE ANSWER. Aiiglo-UrraaaNn Aarcouriil In I laa* AA Hti A ten a of I nlted atntca Except Third i Inuar. Washing loti, A> t *t. 31.—Th* slate dapart mrnt to-day made public tiie Btltlsh-Oer man agr* ernent respecting the m.atnh'n aiu • of th. ’‘o|>en-door" and icrt 11ortaI integrity of China, with the answer of the Unite*! Hint* * government, sent in dupli cate to each of the principal* to the ngicv meni •Th* answer Is ih follows Mr. Ha> o Paun* efote. ’ D ; artin* nt of State. AYaslitngton, Oc*. 29. IkDA—Ex eil*t. y 1 hav*- th# honor to acknowledge th* receipt of your not of th** 2.1*1 of i >ctober, enclosing the text of an agreement between liiltuln and Germany rekitlng to affairs in China which was sign*.l in London on the 16th Instant by tiie Marquis of Salisbury and the German umUisi-udor on b half of their respective governments and Inviting the ma epumce by the United Siau s <f the prin iples r* onir.l in iluit agreenui .-*• pilnclples *r> "First. It 1- u matter of Joint and per manent International int rest that th‘ i*rte oti th** rivers atul littoral of Fhltia h.|' |> <1 remain fr*- mid oteii t trade am) to ••very other legitimate form of econo mic n tivliy for th# natkxi.iis of all coun tries witriout distinction, and the g*vern n.*td agree on their part to uphold the ram* for all Fhlnew territory so far as tm*> ' im cxercis** influ* n *v ‘■R*H>n<l Her Britannic Majesty’s gov ernment and tn*' im|eriai tbuiimn gov ernment win not on iiir part make use *' the present complication to obtain for thenjweives any territorial advantages Jn Flvinese •k.mimons. and will dlroct their I toward maiiuuialug uiKliminlsh*'*! the territorial condition **f the Chinese • nqUre. m•• nm Our "The United Hiatts have heretofore mad.* known their adoption *f both these principles. During th* last year thh gov • rnmsnl invred the Pow*rs inter*sted tti Fhina to Join it nn expression of views and purpose- in the'directton of Impartial trad** with that country and receive*! sot - isfaotory assurances to that cfTeot from all of them When the r*-ent troubles n,, r* at Their hight, this government. n July 3. onc> more made an announcement * f Its policy regarding Impartial trade and the Integrity of th© Chinese empire and had the gratification of lenrn'ng That nil the Powers held similar vl.w* and since that time th** most gratifying hmmony has existed among ill the nations con cerned as to the ends to Ih* pursued, and then* has been little diverg. nc of opinion as t* the debt Is *-f the course to Ih l fol lowed. "It Is. Therefore, with much satisfaction that the President directs me to Inform you of th* full sympathy of this govern ment with those *#f Her Hrltannlc Majesty and the German Emperor with the princi ples set furth in the clauses of the agree ment above cltrd "The mird clause of the agreemegit pi*>- vldes Third In cse of another Power making us© of th© curnpiumtions in China |r. order ;o obtam under any form what ever aufik t#srit<wlal a<lvant#ges. th# tw. contracting parties reserve to thcffiselve-t to come to a t*relimitiary understaii>Rng as to the eventual to be taken for the pr-d**. il>n *f their own Interesta In Chirm As this c|use refers to n reelprcs'al ar rangement list ween the two high con triving Powers, the government of th** Unite,| Htat.r. dors not r**gap| Itself is cn 1 1* <1 upon to express an opinion In re sp*H t to It. John Hay ” A similar note, mutatts mutandis, was **Mro*ped on tne s ime day by the see. t'tary f state to the imperial drrmin * harg.* and affaires French Reply Like Our#. Peris. Nov 1 The Pollpqtie Colonial© m k©s th* fololw mg finnoiinct ment "Th'* French nmbissa*lor to Great Brit ain <M I* tul Cam bon) has received in structions to reply to th© Anglo-G©rman agreement thnt France adheres to th© principle# of the Integrity of th© Cbm©*© empire and th© ‘open door.’ and that with icgard t* Article 3 sh- reserves th© right to a t In su, h a manner us to saf* guard l)©r interests." •V#lnn Give# Assent. I/*n'l< n Ori 31 The Japan©**** minister here. Kat> Tnkauki. Inform© Ia represen tative of Ih© Asxo* fated !'r**ss to-l.iy that h* h*il deliver©*! a note to Salisbury In which Japan umondl*tonally ax-©nt> to iho Anglo-German agreement on China I'rnhleMi In (>eiu rn |i Ii % , Berlin. Nov 1 A sp©* Ul dispatch from !'**kin says that an Anglo-German fore© has occupied Yung Strut Fu. west of th© Rban Hal Kw.rn, on the Tsung I-ring Ho riv**r. flrltlsh Troop# for Chinn. Dnrhan, Oct. 31.-Th© Gordon High landers nn*l the Devonshire regiment have been ordered to L* ready to sail for China hr a few days. HEAVY MAIN# l\ TEA A#. Ntueh biiinnu* Has Been Done There to Dpen Cotton. Houston. Tex., Orb ll.—There was a h**vy rainfall all over Texas last night an*! to-night, and much damage ha# b©©n don© to open ©>tr*iti Property was also damaged to som© extent |n different places by wind and lightning At Crowley wind nc umulnted on th© Gulf. Colorado and Santa F# track, caus ing the wreck of a special, carrying Vkc President Barr and General M inager Polk. Engineer Cross amt Fireman (Nun wins w*r* badly injured. A high wind di*l mK*h damage at Rmith vide to bu m* v> houses and resblence* A 10-ycar-old rhlkl was kill©*! by a falling building. TIIE 111 IIDIII'IT* OF JAPAN. They Have Issncnrstrd a Twentieth Centnry Movement. Tacoma. Wash . fct 31 —According to Yokohama nrlvlce?*. th© llu<ltht#ts of Ja pan nr© making great eff*rts to celebrate tli* beginning *if (h© new renturv by ac tive missionary work. The recent arrival of some s.i*■!©•! reli-’s from 81am w.s mad* the reason of an extraordinary demonstra tion t*f devotion to their faith The roads over which the relics were horn© were covered with cloth, which was afterwards sold in small pie©© at more than ten times It* value, realising over C.flfff yen Tlxry propo#© to collect I.OMJKff yen and t* erect a grand building as a repository After this has hern don# they will turn thir attention to charity and education Grain Elevator Destroyed. Henderson. Ky . Oct. 31 —The grain ele vator and plant of Macon. Waller A Cos. has been destroyed by fire, entailing a loo# of 1140.(00; Imuran*’# $72Mi BONI A BIG LUXURY t til NT MT\T Atlll.loNN A lit IA F. Ilh \A I EE'# IM UHL GEORGE GOULD NOW TRUSTEE. AITOINTKII TO PlltilF.i l’ 111# “IM i ins for ii m;. t iMinlrt* t nat*llnne*a Knrtnwe A Iritis t Francs a A or, Art the l>n|i|**r l.lttle t iiiinl Is ‘J'J.tHSl.tHat I'ran*** In |>e|t —|>a|i|**r l.lttle #-‘ri*iii* li inn n Has *|*nt Alt Wort* *f N|*n*%—l innlea t •!•*'nt• *1 l* Her llrot lie r*s A |*|l Uncut. Paris. (HI 31 The civil tribunal has appointed tleorg* J Feuikl trust*** f**r th* Fount* ss of F isteiian* . hi- Hlstet Ac ronllng t* th** pi* nliiigs in the * e * h t hiisban*! ount Hold *1 t ‘ ist , spent 23.<xx> t (M> francs in four v.-at - win rea- his intvane fr**m Ills wtf* s fuTtuno e only b'lMiD francs The notion in the case was the result of it suit hmugin by Mr <**>ull ag.)nst his sist r The court granj*l hi# ret|u , *t anl np|Hdnt<H| him rust* 1 * The pro. ♦■••I lugs wer© conlu*'te*l In secret session, oniv the bar** divi-kMi tadiig annoiih wl Th** Castellan**© are n*>w staying In the country t**g*ther. Mshr<* Bonnett. when applying f.r the trusteeship. Informed the prest*!* r>t *f the c urt that the Fount* * - herself r**.*--1 that the ex|*endl tire ha*l he* n too lavish und that it w •- n* . . -h ry f ?.r - *tr.e on** *>f experience nnl authority *t* manage h**r affairs. He went on to say that, al though, th** Fount* ■ was a consenting party to the trusteeship, it w.i- desirable that ho should furni; h precise details The Im onio of the Four.lews, he went on to set forth, was S.tkXMXTO fra in s Sm * tin* marriage 15.0(0,e5n francs had b©on *x pended am! the d**h’s now amount* and t 22.0n0.0fff francs. The Gould family had met In consult l* n and unanimously !• cklel to author is* Mi Georg*- Gould to make th** pre-ent oppll ation. t mini llril*M Debts. The dihb. Mail re |tonn*t saUI, were the following 3.7*C\<"‘ francs in enntH'dlaa with the charity hasur building ami hotel in the Hue Ma'atk *fY rt* . *■ *•* • 2**n (ran* * on mortgage* ptyabl* fr un !>■ t* !'•. 4.2f>3.l. r s> (r m tic s on b>lK money 9.loiiUu frail* a owing to < uuo •l*v|ers. Mnltr© Bonnet went on to assert that the creditor* )istrtinei on th** flelne et-Ols© prop**rty. find that the fomlly ha I to Intervene to prevent th** sale With regard to the fitness of George Gould to bt trustee, Mailr* Ikmnet |xdnt ***! ou that Ms fortune wax larger than •hut of the Countess, that authority l> • * • of> affection would lot grauf und that tio rne Wa* better qunlffl**). as 1> wa * Georg* Gould W’h wu* nppolrihd executor of In - father's will. Another consMeratlon was that the clearing nway *f th** debt* w*uld take a numiter of year* und that theref.g* it would be wi-** t• * #•***tt*anise ami not to g* to the e*pe|iH ,*f It |.aM trust*** The irtliunai. taking tfilH vi* w declared the pinintlff "|s*-sensed, l**tr than any *tier. of the ne< eaaury (srisltloti and au thority t* assist th** def* rvlrees " Ir a|*t*‘ trs that the Countess, who wa* I • I • ' • l • • *1 VI tlone) by President llaudouln last Fri day. ltl.ll It \ OF MISSION AVI I Ed. Protection I# Afforded AA hrrrrer Tr**p# Ar© I.*m*ml**l. New York. Oct. 31 -Rev Arthur J Brown, one of th** s* *r#farte# of th*- Pres byterian Hoard of For* Ign Ml Guns, to dy rcceiv*xl a letter from David J Hill, usslstarrt s**cretary *f state, which covers various |dnt* conn*** *©d whh th© pr**x* nt status of th** missionaries in China. The letter was written in fonn©**tk>n with In formation that Rev A M t unnlnghnua r*l hi* wife, missionaries it P* kln. were .•bout •* return t* th lr and request ing that th* United Ht<us authorities in China L Inform©*! of th*lr purpose if. in th© Judgment of the department, these au ih ort ties m:gnt lnt*rj *> • any objection to their return to the city "Th© vondltions governing arc©#* of foreigner* to th© non-treat) towns of th* interior. Including I'ekm. nml th©‘r s©* ur ity tip?re/’ Mr Hill writes, "will n* si.rily !♦• CiS)sl*l©r*d In th© negoliationx for a definite s til* merit h©tw** n China and th# Powers W hile It would Im* pr* r ature t* open oti a* • **x to the Fh!n**s© interior for our ©ltlxens engaged In orn merclal or professional puri##*©*. there would #• *m t*) be no ohJ#ct|on to Mr Ciinnlngfuitn’M return Tti* Fnl *l Btat© for**©* at Tien Tsln him! I** km would doiilMles# affi>rd h m all faclllil©# for hi* r©ium not In conflict with regulation* which may have been adopted regarding the return off rclgr*rs Into the city A ropy of this* corr*s|eiden*’* will Im* sent tc Minister fVrng.T f**r hi* information " Mr Ftmninghatn. who was in this coun try on furlough at the tlm* *f th* out break In China, recently applied f,.r |#*r mlsslon to re*ir# t< his fs>*t He lx now in Ban Francis*'#, and with h!s wife will ri ll for china on Batut lav C AISFD A STDHMA DERATE. ancce#lon to Austrian Tlir*w© I# In i|nrtlfn. Bisfa-Pewt, Or i Si \ etormv debate Is prorerding in th© lower house of the Hungarian Parliament on flic Arcbduk# Ferdinand’# renunciation of hK claims to the Hungarian throne In behalf of the l#*u© of his morganatic m trrbig© Francis K©sulh ha*l if slst*x| on the right of Fount*## Fhotck to be.vam* Queen of Hungar), and th*- premier. Kolnmun *l* Bs-U. had declared that thh was Im lioesible. Imrn* ilnt**ly there ar<*© a tremendous tumult, with deafening erica of ’ Hh sha.l be Queen!" When quiet was restored th# tr*ml-r expressed th© greatest r©i*i*c t for th© wlf© of Archduke Ferdinand, bit ©xplaln-d that it w#s ltn|XM*hlo!r to .lf©r th© law of succession This explanation h© fot lowed with a strong afqwal to th© * ham* tier to i#v the bilt conllrmlng the re nunciation. Jnrcetaor to Ll#hkneeht. Berlin. Oct. 31.—Th# #l#ctlon of a m#m b#r of th# Reichstag to fill th# vacancy caused by th# death of Dr. Wih#lm Liebkneeht. th# Soda dal l#ad#r has re sulted in Herr Ledebour. SoclaHat. r©- eetvlng 63.332 voces out of a iota! of 46,02. which I# 6 ,m ie#s than Dr. Uebknecbi e#clv#d EARTHQUAKE IN FLORIDA. v• •• IlDllnct vliiM'lu, tine tiring quilt' severe. AA ery Felt A eater* •lid In .iMrkiMtnv tile. J ksonvlKe, Fla , Oct. 31 Fight dls lin t earthquake shocks were felt In Jai'kscHtvtlle to-*la> Tt* first shiH-k wa* at 11 10 o’clock m aid shs*k s*m* *f rh* ktrg* build ings in the it> Hundreds of |h *plc le -)teve*l that heavy onlnai**- was taring fired tn or near th** cltv At 11.25 ai.olh*T ho.*k. equally revere. i% a— f. It. aim i 1114 1 \ contlnutd at fifteen inlnut. - interval* unfit 11 **• o’cb*> k \ <*t thix aftrrn* . n the seventh siaw k *f the kiy wi- felt, severer than an> of tin* pt*.*d:nK r ll.w**.l four minutes .atiT b> a r*iort an| h*s k. th- sev.teM t)f the ln\ The last disturbance iiwml** the w indow pan* s rattle In s*\* ral ►**■ lion* of the city. Tn.* W* ath* r Bureau ofll.'lals real **>l the ii.itur* of lb** shock** nt the first Hid kept th tint** Dll' tor Mitchell of this department ■ ul*i not sav ••ftldnlly. i.s he had ni> instrument to determine th** matter, but sfab'd It t * hi** opinion thnt ihe vibration* passed from south to nrth. Tiler* was no dlsturLince In th* water not ceable ind file sfua'ks were not sever** enough to cause any damag**. TIIRFF row N' PLvrilOT Klf. (•rent I rani age Howe In ICartlifsakr t in A enesiielN. Caracas. Vennuela, Oct. 31 —Furth# • •I* tails received regarding the earthqu ik. of Monday last show tout Han Fastmlro, (lift and Fhatallano were entirely d< st royrd All islet s'tuatcd at the mouth of the N* v**rl river has disappeared At Tacarigun, Mr** hx o and t 'urlejie the damage lone was considerable. There ar* mans *l**l and injure*! Railroad and n*l* picnic serv|.*e l>str* #n Faramum sn*l Rio Fhlco Is lnterrupt*xl Railroad -ervtc* between Udmvtns and Caracas was resumed this morning LIFTffV* t t*• M R IN I'tMIK. Made S.TVO,tKN), lint < ouM Have AA n Ten Times ‘Mint Marl*. Chicago, Oct 3*. The * tjlmimti*n of the Oetr4er in>rk ••••rner **oiitroll**l by Hit Thomas lJptoq came to-day when prk fer doll very ttds in* nth advanced 33. rls- Irg n less tlian a doaen trades from 317, yesterday's closing price, to 3-* at th* ©lon* today Hhorts wlio had f* I*l off until tiie last mom* i troohte*! the price to 12** It was said that Sir Thomas could hove m.vle th** price sloh as well **• $3), but he declared Ir bad no Intention of "►queexing ’ ait) body. Asa result of his deal here Upton Is b* lieved to hav© made EEMffft Th*re were otd> barrels of p>rk that nuld lie deiiv©r©d gnd th# Englishmen ofrnrd fheai all, as well as twl* © that numl#r bought fmm i*copl*' wiio *ll*l hot have a barrel they could de'lver MAM i AH LISTS f ATNKHKO. Troops Fnangrtl in I'iirsiilns the *|nnlh Itehels. Madrid. Ort 31 It Is officially atm!t trd Ma* the Fsrllst ftaisl In the vicinity *.f flerga numlwrs *■> nwn Troops are closely* pursuing them Communication between liergM an*l Barcelona b le*‘t) m vered. Atwdher numerous fand has appeared t Ftg*|s It has Sixteen horses and Is dlvllet Into thr*e groups. Th** gendarmes who sear h**d the roun tr\ h*n* of Heitor Torres liaros brother In law of th*- Duke of Hojferlno (who has disap*M-nr*df where thv eels*xl several ilfles, u!x) oblalne| pt*iu*Mksi ot docu m*ifts giving tiie name** of 12H f’arllsl chiefs and ©u FarlJst soldiers. TO Ri:ni ILD IN IIOHOKB*. North (irrmNn l.lne to llrrnn* ■ Iraet Its l*t©rs. New York. Oi l 31 It was announce*! In t * ©da y that th© North German Llyod fftcnmahlp Company hal *l© *lded to rebtibd their |l**rs at that • Ity and hal abandoned their Intention of removing to N‘ w’ York There will l>© thre# piers built in | lace of th*- four destroy**!, and th© tiuibWigT will f two atones nigh, und fir© |>roofe<l as far ax possible Th© work of removing th* debris of th© r* * ©nt fir*’ will Im* commence*! at one© Th© flrt p*er will b© ready f*r business by j July 1. Wl. i OTTO* ( HD? ’shortage. ( top at ItMHI Will Ala About ir.T.NiMMsr llnlea. New Or lean*. Oct. 31 The Times D©m. * of It* correspondent# on th© cotton crop of IS*# The nop Is an ©xre©!lng;y spot lend oti© The consensus of o|diil*n ap|i©ars to b© that, mnklng allowance for a moderat© Hurras© *f acreage a maximum yield of '•jrsr.rssr Is on th© cards. This would mean an excess of alsut 300.000 as com par*-d with the <*iiiiil production of Itff Th© eU|*erabundance of Teaa# has been offset by th© ** mparatlv© dearth of the remainder of ih© bli. rnit ro itll an regiatr atio*. Total for the lalaml Will l*robably Reach I HI.IMNI. Han Juan. Porto Rico, Oct. 3!.—To-day was th© lust day of registration for the f>rt h*v*mlng election of a house of dele- Mit*s and commissioner to Washington It I* estlmat**! that the total registration will reach HO.o*, fho'lgh probatdy about will ii© rep ©ted Th© federal* still firmly a#*©rt that they will not go to th© p.l s No r*i*orta of trouble anywhere In th© Island were received to-day, except news fa small riot at Aguadllla, which was without serious results. UFHIOIfi Hot NDARY DIWPtTE. Due Vlonlenearla Rilled and Several Other* Wounded. Vienna. Oct. 31.—Official confirm#ton has b#n rsc#lv#d hers from Mosttr, In Hcrsegovina. of h# report# of • collis ion. growing out of a boundary dlepu*#. between an Au#tro-Hungartan mi Itary patrol and a farce of Moni©ngrln so diem One Montenegrin was killed and #ev#r al am each aid# wr# wounded. DAILY P A YEAR. 5 FEN I H A FORY WEEKLY 2 TIMER-A-WEEK.fI A YEAH TO GO HOME TO VOTE IKH i: II * lill Ml (.null nit hi t or i nr. dilemma. WILL MEET TUESDAY NIGHT. U 11.1. (ih M I tunlit TIME TO ' DTK I *lt lilt \ \\. They Will %l* tie! Ilnck In Time t ftdert %<>*r*l lug •,, Pr<|*alf ton tlnili- t<* <,!%#> Hark l.nnl nt I, rlftim In| f„r Military Flics ni|nirntfr— ttlniitn's Nrtt p,-. |Mit-\rn %fcaare* lntr4ueeg la lll** illtUA*-, Atlanta. Oct. 31.—The Bn.indliron *tlb turn i pti’-* nted | -elf .r y In th morning ami Mr lt.iwl ~f HffltigJum. ‘ •ugh* it l*> th** horn- with i r**sohitlott Ht*H "Th* Ilou>e, the Heuat*- •-uicurrlltg '' ' v ' 1 1 > ' •!••** I' i •Ii \ II K - .t, - idjotirn**l until !* .. .|, k Tuesday evening Nov t. when •ch body a .l| l*ro**ee,| to vot> for a t’niu l Btatea H it •tor an the law dire* tr. Mr Itiiwls vp airt*d that In these md i* rn *lays of riipkl transit It would t*e x ' rr >* eltnpl* ni.ltter f* m*‘inta*rs to g-i home Mdtul-I), cot their for the presldt nt airly l'u***i.iy moro mg. bo.ird a tr.iln aid .irilve In Ati nia In time to vof. fir Mr. lla on Tuesday c\ ening. A mimN r of th** r*pre*. ntatlves w**re • . l I <‘ulanger th** validity *f Mr. liacona * lei- I loti ihot th* i|ii<*ruii woiiUi return, or *°me un(ois*-ei) conilngviK v ,f one *t rt r anothi-r arts* to pr v, nt the e eo.lott .vceordlng to low The majorlt*’, howevei. Were of th* o,Union that cither tlirr* w.ts r*t l.i*if.*r f th*t kml r .ii filial t>* t*|,pt Mich a resolu tion woum |.rotti|> in my in rn.•*-• -* it go hnte anyway, with ,ir wl.hout I avc, io vot* fit Bryan, that no quorum w-*ul I ■ *** l**ff und the very thl .g feared w uld thereby b brought alsout Tner* fore, tha House gustatntsl the r *.•*.,! ut lon •> a vult of KJ to itf. Io tiln* llnek the land. Hi nee the announcement of Gov. fNifldlar I that h- I* op|H)s**<) to slat** •t*in>, tin-tits, it is very probaihb* that a bill will b* In troduced lt th- General A *s* mbl\ to gtva b-*-k tlo- property *b>nai.d to tl- s*ate by i-ltixene **f * Jrtfiln f,r n camp ground. Over an iK iea ~f lmi were <|..nst*d t* *be state several years *: whm the tirst • was h* I*l, provide*! tha all the elate *n’<impmenta W'otild b* held there Th*- laiul wn given during th* admin Isti a tbn of Gov. W J Norrnen and the site was designate*! arnp Northern The stale erected * numl*-r of valuahlf btilUlings on th* pro|M*rt> wnlrh went used f.r several year* bu* widch have b t *ti unoccupied sln.e III*; ThUd teorgll Itegl. mint war m iMtnd Into servlc* In th<i summer of IHM. Th# question will b** re/errwd to lh# rdiilfiry committee and If that committed fills to mak# lh< recommendation, it la bkalv that M Mint of Bivtbling County will Introduce the bill referred to It Is th** r,ilnlon <*f many military mart that the state ahotr *1 give hack the land If It *lorp not piuptee to u** It The military m* n ar* not p|eas-d over tha annouiu'cment of the Governor regarding MH'- en< impments Th< Oovern-u sal! he was opposed td epcamjanent* t*e<-ujso they ien<|e| to *|en*or*illx- th* troops Ip Aug'ieta a big k!*'k had lcen raised Now only regimental encampments can la he|*l. but the soldiers have to bur *ha • xpens* f< and not the slate, a** ttey fo - merly *lld If Mr Flint Intro*!urea the bill It wl 1 meet the approval of the cltlxei s of Grif fin. win* It Is iin*b rstood, save up some of the moat valuable property around tha town, an*! also of many <*f the military m n In Georgia. (•*%. H• r*l • k|ten k. The house this nernlng passed a resolu* tbui Inviting ex Gov* rror Hoard *f Wisconsin to deliver an ad*ir#*s bgfora that tvdy next W-!n--*l *v nlch < Jov ernor Hoard will talk on diversified farm ing HlsntN's >**w 1 it. The bill to provide f*r the errctlon *>| anew ilqHit (Ni the state's pro|*erty In Att.inta will Ihi liitro*lt-e.l In th** Ilonas Friday by Mr Wight of Dougherty. Tha hill will be in harmony with the rec >m mendatloita mud** by the s;e<’|i| commlftea whose rejairt wn* submitted yesterday. <*ol Wight *-X|ecte<l to the hill t-day. but after advising with ret tain friends of the measure decided to with hold It until Friday, In order to mko certain chungr* ami additions. \r%% Hill* In lll** Moose. The following new bills were Intro* ducal In th* House By M Williams of Itryan to amend sect ion b'2 of Volumn I of th# Coda, al lowing the ordlnarl* s to aptsrtnl super n dents of the ie dons for Justlrea of tha peace. By Mr. Illt.h of Chatham—To amend section 872 Of the penal cod# by providing for the compensation of court larilffs In th** Huperlor arl City Courta In count a that have or may tier* ifter have City Courts. In counties *4 y.utjO or more. By Mr. King of Fulton To provide the sam*- method for proving Justice court Judgments from other st-ne* an now obtains as to Huperlor court judgments. By Mr lllchardson of Hou*>ton~T< authorise th* payment of pensions to Con federate soldiers and widows of Con federate soldiers Where ti.*- same ire t4>W residents of thl- state, provided that *ha service of such soldier wa* r* tslered aa a member of a Georgia regiment or com pany. By Mr Lane of Sumter T* provld# for the distribution of twxwy that miy come into th- hand* of th* Marshals or other officers of ih* towns and ltles of the siao by the sale **f (•ersonal or teal proparly. By Mr. H*mnrd of Dooly—To relieve ail Confederate soldiers of this state from the payment of professional or occupation lax. By Mr Taylor of Houston—To amend flection 477 V. of Volume 2 of the Code By Mr Taylor of Hosuton—' To provide for the payment of costs In peace war runts. By Mr. Or* of Wllno* To provide for the measuring and weighing of lumber ami ascertaining the true weights of car loads und cargoes of the same. By Mr Orica of F'ulaskl—To amend Por ograph 4193. of Voluin* 2 of the Code, so os lo enlarge the Jurisdiction of the Coun ty Court*. By Mr. Cnderwoud of White—lncreas ing the bonds of county treasurers to !40.- 00" WILL NOT INVESTIGATE BVRO. Boise Refused to Csaesr la Senator Ellis' Resolution. Atlanta, Oct. 81—The House to-day re fused to concur In the Ellis resolution Continued on Fifth Bag*