The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 01, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Stye IHufnino fCrto£ Hi mine >w> llaililiat; hamnuAli ti\ mi HHim, *o\i hiii h i. iiKMi. *i the Poatomc# in Havannatt Tha MORNING NMVS it publlalMd ,ver> da In ttou year, •'* “ to aubecrlUts In the city. or sent by man. a. JQu month. p w for an months, and kb (or ona y**r. Ttsa MOUSING NEWS, by mail, six times a w>.k (without Buaday issue), three months, at* months UW. ona cat MOO. The WEEKLY NEWS, 3 Issues a weak. Monday and Thursday. by mail, one yen. >l.OO. Kubscripi tone payable In advance lie mil by older, check or registered Currency aent by mall at rlek ol senders. Transient advert trementa. other than special column. local or readme hotter*, amusements and cheap or want column, U cents a line. Fourteen lloea of aitaie type-equal to one Inch square In depth - la the ttaudard of maaauretneot. Contract lalttanS dlaoount mailt known on appli cation at buetneea office. Ordcra for delivery of tha MORNING Near# to either residence or place of tu sines* may be made by |toatal card or Ihrourh eelrt>hona No 310 Any irregular tty in delivery ahould be Immollaieiy re ported to the office of publication. Letters and telrgioms ahould ba ad dressed "MORNING NEWS,” Savannah. Ga EASTERN OFFICE. V Tark Row. New York city. II C. Faulkner. Manager. INDEX 10 m AD\ EEIISEMESIS. llectlnir* — City N r Kn!*ht# rf Roy al Art h; Armour I**lk* . NO. MM. <1 1’ O *4 O. !•’ . Si.I.KiKK, Lilcr. No 1. I A A M. Bp*-< ml Notlcon— nl M ifoni*' Fu|*pll* >. Kavanruih RulMln* ir*l Bupply foinpMiy. I- F Hiui.n *n the* Mamk'ii- Kfftci of Suiranof St*:in** Wat#T, £a*ii. Jjoor*, Andrew Hanir) i*o.; Ship Notkri. fttrartoan A Cos., C*>nlirn r*. IH- RtorK Gaortfia Bt*t H. und 1,. Ai*s*o iatkiti. HuilDMu NoWr.- N'-tlce to the* Trad* Henry Holomcm K Hon. Afrnt*. N* w Corn, the 8 W. liunrh Comiwny. D* mI Nolle#**— Citations From thr Clerk of the Court of Orllnry of ('hutham County. Notice to Credit on- K#tiito Henry Htellj*** Amuiu mettti-Royjl Munir flail Auction Hol*a— Sale of Hulls, at Havan nah Auction and ('omrawMon Cos.. Altnln- IMnator Hale, by 1. 1) La* Roc In*. Auction eer* Innuranrc—Tho Commercial Traveler** Mutual Accident Association of America, Utica, N. Y Til*- First Bargains of the Month-Leo tl*l Adler. Whisky—Yellow I.ibel Whisky. Washing Powder I’earllne A Cordial Invitation— It. H Is* vy K Itro Pru|a*pula—For Construction Three BulMtnx* at Fort Fremont, H <* Alrape-Nuts—l*osturn (>nal Company. Steamship Schedule • Baltimore and ri.liad# Iphta Bteam*hlr> l*:n* * Cher *ot?*—Old Clu rmUN Modlcal— HtuarC* catarrh Cure; H H H Tutt* I'll!-. Castorla, Ayer* Hair Vigor, flood> HarwaparliUi. Worlds DlKpns;rj Preparation!*. Cheap Column Advertisement*—Help Wanted; Kmployment Wanted: For Rent, For Sale; laet. Peraonal. Mlseeltariemi* The \% eat her. *The indication* for Georgia to-day art for fair we.vhcr. a Ith variatol* wind*, and for Raitern Florida, generally fair weath er. with light variable wind.-*, mu-tly northeasterly. Thro#* men have practically * ngroa <1 the a tentKn 1 4 th*- whose country* during the ninirkcK campuign which I* now drawing to a clokc. All other speech maker* hove born 'mighty email pota toes" Indeed. Th Mayor of f9vn(on, 111.. h* ip-ue| otlerH Is* tbs* poiico t. eho<ft on the ?*|R>t every peraon caught In the art of robbery. Hlarhwjiymen, burglir and •ght*r thieve* hivt terrorised thr town for the pi>t two or three week - *ns| th Mayor hw l*trrmln ed to put an end to that eort of thing Rut tow* the Mayor any right to Hit* rfere with the ar.d th* full dltuu r pull* of the Kvitnirnu thieve*. rigt*.t here at the end of the campaign* tlov KooeeVelt uvd the Republican* ar* "making a mountain out of u molehill’* In the matter of an xprr**lon by Mr. Crokrr the other day. Mr. Croker I r*- lort*d to have advlmd thr I>‘mocrate th* country over to go to the |Mil||ng place* on the evening of the election. 'Yount no*e* and then If the election return# *l*. not fully with the count, to go into th polling placet and throw th..*** fellow* in charge of the return- Into th* *trert." Whether Mr Crokrr ii-*nl the word* *ie*t and it i Question. If he did. It I* certain that ho did not intend that they *hul*l be taken literally. What he did Intend, beyond doubt, wa that ]>cm<crot* ahould take t-|>t CO *e<* that tii ir I allot* w* r* fairly count*l and fairly returned. Th- Republicans know well enough that that w.s* the limit of Mr. CroksrY in* suing, but they are trying to create the impre*- tlon that he urged vw*l* nee at the % ik*l] unle** the ballot tHixe* show* 1 l>ctno cratle majorities. If report* are correct, cupi-l control* the poll* in !*rovtdence township. Kumn<r county. Kansa*. Farmer Jenson of that township ha* fot ir daughter* and thr-.* tep-dalighter*, all pretty uml all of m*r rlageub.s ag* Furthermore, all ***ven *f the girls are engaged to married, *.rd Ir. **ach Insiance the young man in the a** I* a It*publican Home ilny* ago, according H** tory—fwhat iue>r sto • iss continually com* <*ut of Kaneai!)—the y rl* held a **onvent lon anKMtg them*-lve* .*nd dedd*d that they would inform fhefr b *u that they would not marry ths-ni ur*iei* tney voted for Hryan. The convn tlon hnvlnjr d#- id* and that politic* should dominate th#ir love, the girl* *ent their ultimatum to th. young men. What they arw gndng to lo alM>ut 1t remain* to lc •een. Should thi l<*aus vote at ther tweet heartt deal re, th. township will go f#r Bryan, S'.ould they v*de a ording to their former pari y alliilailon# a wUi go U Mciuhicy. FUR TIIK IMMtfRNT OM.T It ;* .‘-akl that R pr- tentative Harvard of !Kwljr county will lntroslu • n t ill tn th* H* !-• n* xt week which will provide that only thote C**nfe*l*r 4t veterans actually In n<*) of *t u aid shall rwrlvi tend**. H* D of th* ddn|on that many of now drawing p* n|on are ab;* to Hv* in (*>mfort with*>ut uny -iMan* • from the Rtate. 1* f.u t, h* quoted a-* raying that h- know#* ul i um **r *b w -ing penaioni* wlto are not *itli.**l to them HU i* in i.-i to have th* grand Jury of •i h county . o* r th* j* .-n and -ink* >fT Ifa name- t it *m fit not to U there. It will I** r* i *d Ihnt ther* we * bill li# pure. th> |*< indf-i II * b# for th la-t I. giinlatur* and tur it r *lv • l %* ry lit tu j*ii|*|4irt ll \lil 1* Inter**elng to s* e whether the bid which Mr. Harvard pro t**#- to intr<! i will b* i* *dve*l with .any rr *f• r favir. It I- • pretty eaf- pre diction that there will b* n * K'ldMlon along t • line w hi* hh* prop * Th* m flu* t* *. whl* h have > ••HI <1 such heavy l>* rot*>n hurd* non the ptnte will be nuffl ra t i * |rev* nt th** dropping from the pen- Km nil th*#-. aim* and at by Mr llnr vanl. The |'M opt* of this rtite might at well make i|* their minds to one thing. on*l fl at i* that tht y h.iv* cot to carry this j*. j. an burden f. r th* n*xt quarter of a • ntury They u d-r <-k It wi lingly , and they therefore have no r'ghi to complain. A hit* i * It.*- hi t Htntr election they vo*. * 1 ly a la rJ- tn. ■*r l ry to It r* -** t burden ly giving fwnslona to thv n* e*ly widow#* of (v#nfederal< veteran- In hl to* * ig** tl* (iovt rnoi * *prtsFjJ t • opin ion that h> this t th.* |M*np|on ciairgo wouhl i*** In* r iF and sr>/a> or n year. I r* ni .mother eoun ** the oplt on iwims that th* Incrr.i •• w.d be hk much • “ 11. *>*• t \ i r. i*> that w. may reas onably count upon tin annual pefuilon Charge of sl/V|hO(Vi within the next year. Where I- the inon* y t 10m* from to in* t thlf* lnr*a-i* In th* c>lnation** of th* -tat. * Th* |M-|*e ,r* taraorlng ?<*r lower tux* . I>* they r ally xp**ct lower last.-** If f*o. on what ground? Iks they think t i* v .am go *n lncr* a.*lng the state s obli- ithtiis by thcMi.’-afuls and tins *>f thot Jin*ls of ' | early and vet have tax* * reduce*!? If they ** mt to pay pawlmi* to the ex tern Of |I,IMUMI t y*a*r Mini help the pub -11. hoolf to tlit- extent of nuri> 41 Tas*.. *•* ii >. ir, iii .I huv. .tiunial s* s-um.s of th* I* git hi turn thej must put th* ir hand* down into th*dr pockets aisl |ro \ Id* th** ra. k h. Mr Harvard's prop**-* and bill Is a g**l on- la tus Hull in*l * what th* la gl*- Irtture thing** .f H If w* are not me*- taken the emiTitles whin g. t more p* n fl #n moo* y than they c ontribute tor pen sions will *N feat t. % m;\\ I'KtTiMi: thr TlibdiM. There is no doubt a difference of opin ion as to whether much weight t* l to be attached t. the affidavit *f retra tlon f I Ini* ) Anderaon. th*- telegraph operator who • testimony f.'aleb Powers, the Republican Secretary of Htute In K**p tu* ky was convicted of <'*>mplhdty in the assasNinatlon of Gov Ooebel. He want the public to believe that the testimony t*. gave wj- fain*-, and tluit h* wav in- MueneU to give It by the brother of Gov. G lad and th** lawyer who assisted the state In pro*. - tit tig those charg*'d with the murder of Gov. Goebel. It may hr tni*. that lie swore falsely on th** trial, and that his * otiscb-nco troubled him to stirh an extent that he could not withhold the truth There will be anoth er vi* w taken of hi action, however. It will b*. siid that he was indu ed to make the affidavit by th* Republicans, with the hof* not *mly of assisting Dow er-* to finally escape the sentence which has been imi*cd upon him. but alto lo inflii* n th* *1 tin in Kentucky Th*- h cling In that state between the Democrats and Republican!*, growing out of tl* lust stab* election and th* Goebel tragedy, I extremely bitter !- It iarty In nwiking extroord nary efforts to tarry the* A story Ilk* that told by An il rtum is well calculated to arouse the Republican* to renew***! efforts. There Is not enough time to thoroughly Investl gate the story between now and election day. Many of he Republicans l*e|lcvt* that Powers w.i- unjustly convicted, and all of them doubtless will lr rea-lv to accept the story (hat his conviction was secured b> nuai of perjured tewtJnwny. They will not stop to think that 1t is somewhat strange that An l* rs*n should • iik* the t!*k of ix-ing prosecuted for per jury. and that tb* r* may have l#**en an influence that tndu **d him to take th* risk that haN •*-*t yet been dls*dosed. It Is his word Mgalhet tlmt of the Goebel lawyer and one of the Goebel brothers— two against >n* At this time It really |o,<k as if. In a rnur* of Justl*-\ Ar> deraon would come *ff second best. May !• there wl.l be another chapter to the story bc-f*re many days It. K*ntu* kv th* other day Col Tikten Morrs gr.evously wr*ng**d (’*>l Tom Cab Ik*>n. iiml *'oi T*m CalhiHW pulb*l hi pistol n*| kill* I him T* way of it was ihls Col Tm Calh‘*on hud sent Col TiMsn Marrs for half i pint of whisky Kn t*u(** with (he fluid (*ol Tlld*-n Marrs IM-came thirsty, and tk just n “leetle" out >f the bottl* Then he pound water lnt* the liottle to fVil It t* the ii< k again When (’*4 Tom Calh*xm iuihl that Co*. TlMtti Marrs h *l t**Hir l w t**r into Ins whisky hi- Indignation knew n bounl.-. ami b* shot his fa is* friend on sight. It is queer, by t ■ way. that one Kentucky colonel should have so for forgot ten iitm self as to put water into the whisky of another Kentucky colonel Ilishop Fowler, of buffalo, N Y . of the Methodist Fj-iMopal Church, admits that uc In m.ik Klniey, us tb hir***l stump speaker *f the Republic m Campaign C'ommltte* The Hishop says the electk>n of liryan “nouid rn* in lh** wiping out of the g*ld atniHlard. %v w>aid lr>i to the silver standard, ..i and thiP would m* .in all valtiei* cut down ©n**-h*df " If th** Hishop believe** unv si h thing. It is not compitmentury to hi inteliigen* • It I* i very pitiable cotkll llon of affairs when a ministers of the g)ap 1 w! 1 sell his enfluen* *- to politicians for money. If the dustings from the carpets In Rk* halls of the Georgia legislature ar ‘qul In fertilising prot#*-rib*s to I!7 loads of manure, as would Appear from a recent official report, aom** revenue to the stale might b from l< t*lng out the car pet cleaning privilege to th* highest bol der after each sitting of (ht Legislature. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, 1 NOVEMBER 1. 1000. I \#* % 111 HUI 1% TAf*Tl< •. Home of (hi m.*ans that are l**ti.g om ploy*l to flefr *t Mr Itryuti ar* so con sfdcuously unfair that If Is not surj*r. tic t?iit t* I* s* |**l*r.r*? cm* c* In a while ■nil rc4b • sharply to those who m**k us#- of such mean* Recently there have h* gun to apficar In the Republican paper* • faiemenu* by capitalists, trust n. ignat*and #mid**vrr* o # lal*or that they cannot moke contract* that are t> b* enfor. * and at sfm* future time because. If Mr. Jlrjan shout I ts el* id (fie* would In p tide and loot in th*- business world. (me of th. prominent mm who mad* * statement of thb kind wu Mr John K Oow*n, president of th** Dahlmor. and Ohio Railroad <>mpan> ll** l* re-|g*rt i o hav* aid that i.* w uld .an * l a larg* otder for *r> if Mr ftryan w* re . tc l Mr Rryan ?• •• #K notb-e of this threat and ri fdbd to t in a dbpa*< h to the Haiti more Hun. In th* < ours* *f his ll*iM*vch he said “Ther* is is# r**aaon to f r bus iness d*pr - -lon In cas*' of Democratic success. His threat Is a eofil<wstofft that the Ibi.uMlcan party cannot win without lniimi*iation I trust that w** may om* lay hav* laws trat will provide a iea tcntlar> •Il for the man who attempts to us hl“ ***w**r * president of a oorjeu tlon to disfranchise oi coerce th* -**r ;ng men who wrk fnr the rorj*'ratl>n. No (I ul. the predict: •* S Will' fi th* R* publican* are makiitg th it |#ani and <li ,v*ter would follow the ebctlon of Mr Hryan arr Intended to are v*ders into ■ •“tin-: their l#a!lot* fr Mr M- Kittle/ Tfi**y r* not mad* l*ectiu>e then - i- any w*H ground* and ipr* h* ns;**n (hat Mr Hry n : lection would bring har*l times. Mr llr>an Is Jut as much t|i rest* l In malm** nlng th* - pro-p* rity <f th** coun try as Mr M Kinb y *an |* *ih!> !>• ll* Is the Hi t man in th* word who would attemt't to onfoc •• poll ♦ - whl h prom l^rd to fill the country with and: or*- Why should he want i< go into hl*try u President who brought ruin on th* *oun try ** Tii*' idea i pr**t>osteron.- ll* has om* vl' w- re*i**- ttrg publt* (|i*stlon kith which the ipltalsstlc cla • l • nt avr*# If h*- should b* •I* t* and. and should b- *in* •’Ofivlnced that the—• views of hi wotl’d n<t be benefi lt| t tb* country, h* would quickly abait*ln them. He is rot the sort of a man to sth k to a wrong ide*i simply becatiM* it orlglnat**! with him If* - k**ep* his eyes wi<k* open and If he should r* ch th* White llmis* ♦i would n*t hesitate ti abandon any one of th* - thing - !•- lias teon adv.s ating. if tie l*' tine * onvin* **l t .’iat he were mis taken. Ther* - is no ground w hatever f>r Matetnetits that Mr. Itry in's leetUm wrould be produ live of lltmtK iul and com mercial diaster HAIM** OF 'HU: HAIU IP*. The i laims of the lea*l rs of • ach of the great political |Mtii< r* s# prejosterous that they *nmmiuwl very little respect It l- hellev***! that they re put out with (he hope of infiuericirtg voters, but It I* evblent that they do not have thot effect It is probable, however, that If Use lead er- *f either candidate w. re to admit the possibility of defeat the admission would have a tremendous effect 0 n the chance* of the candidate again: u whom th© ad mission wmh made. And It In doubtful If crowd* nt public meetings mean a grant d* al—-that Is. no conclusions can !*c drawn from them that ar** it nil reliable H*< usc imniens* crowds have attended the meetings of Gov Roon. v It. particularly In New York, It I* < liniiJ by the Republicans thr their ti*“ket ts gt lug to b* elw'iel by a large majority The same claim l** made f*>r Mr liryan. ind that, t >o. with even tnor. reason, because th* - crowds that hav* gathered to hear him have been much larger those drawn ly Gov Hoowvclt. Mr liryan and Gov Roose velt nrc ceiebrltb and the o;1 are curious to >••* th- m Democrat* and U*- publican > attend their meetings. Arnl it Is n*t improbable (hat lx>(h I> mo< ran :rd Republicans cheer at each of the meeting* Ther* fore, c*n iu*i na drawn from crowls ar* riot to b* relied upon. The Journal. Mr. Hryan * warm* i sup porter in N* w York, has a table in its Sunday Issue in which It allow- Mr. Mc- Kinley 133 electoral votes, claims for Mr. liryan and classes 117 as doubtful It say*, however, that Mr Hryan is cettair io get th© twenty-►ever, votes .. #d* *l t insure bis election from the daubtful column In It* Hunday Issue the Philadelphia Press, the paper of (he Post mast* t Gen eral. publishes a table in wh:ch it claims Ad electoral votes for Mr McKinley, al low * Mr Hryan 112 and class* s twenty four a* doubtful, but favoring Mr Hryan This estimate i* simply preposterous Loch side **iiain to be trying to outdo the other in Its claims. All the Indication* nre that Mr Hryan will hold about all of the voters w ho east their ballots for him In ISM. It 1* certain (hat mors than half of the Gold Demo crat* who wire against him f*ur year* ago ar* - with him now and that very many R publl an* who are opposed to im perialism will vote for him When it '* considered that in quite a number of states the vote was close in the last presi dential campaign ther* ar* - excellent rea sons for thinking that the chances f Mr Hryan are considerably l#etter than tho.*- of Mr MeKinb) It Is doubt I s* true (hot the surface Indication* nr* in Mr McKinley * favor, hut they are v*r> ap: to l>e mlsle-ading The business man who. a rule. Is th* talking matt, I* n*t go Ing to do all the voting In this election The State Fair at Valdosta Is proving n relation to n great many |* rsons R is showing that South Georgia is lKc* a manufacturing ns well as farming * tlon. Cotton is 1m ing grown and man* ufaetured In the sm* ounty, broom* arc leing mode by factories within sight of the broom*orn fields; fruit.n and vegeta bles are being canned practically In the orchard* ami fields; syrup-—the best and purest in the world—U Inin* made and packed wb*r* the can* grows, wheat t transburned Into flour In th* *ount> whore it grows, and * on. It is a most encouraging story that th* S’nUUmin Fair Is telling. It forec.uM* j'rogren?. , and pros perity in this station. Georgia has out*tr|p|ed K*-' tu ky In growth, and pw stands thir l in the list of Houthern state* Mi--ouri ar t Texas. In the order named, alone are nlirttl of h*r In |#*#pulaMon Missouri, with 10.090 square mile* more territory, ami Texas with over ; (i.UW miles more, are each I* -4 than 1,- os*.nu* inhabitant* In the lead of Georgia I'onstdcrlng ana. Georgia is the most populous of thv trio, as she Is the best. A bill t* repeal th# :•* ’aw h already made it- |>|m arante j t h** Georgia laegt>- luturr. The law ha* been in effect le** than a year, far too abort a time for any -orrr f estimate o’ l* value to t*e made If It were enforced for five years, the prt- >tl kith * *r* th it t• t: or twenty time*, ihi number of sheep now In the stJit** would n the farms and the wool pco du tlor would amount to thousand* of dollars where It now- amount* to hundred*. It 1* tr very matter of the etarnal nanging of liw that make* a l.a.g-r nterv-sl between mo.ow of the|. i r- so deslraM* th* system ne never know** how long a liar i t- list. At. act l- |l* e-l nt one m udin at and r>peabd *t the ti *t without having • *l time to demonstrar*- it.-* flftica* or 1 i par • • Hi Hi of tittfMt t i*. gt*u ly to * • kf .* >tat* r material growth and prosperity. It may please th* iollti(ian* to thu.* k*ep things in a ..RJltlon of turmoil and uncertainty, hut and 1 not pi* a -ing to the agricultural and omimrcial lnter**st^ , m , Ii m • ma *ha: the utMir iry *< tion of th* *ti rail fM*.g in raising und m .int sir ing • •- pr* *• of raise uhov** what I* reganie*l *’>' h* ralit-Ltd* s s fair level will result n- on* -I- ruble a*lvmi ie to the South. \ crn* |> *n ft. m) |racti ally corn- I-- tl. b> vv ii ii grnut rail mill la *o *•* * r*. t*d in Alai*atiiti ts> le opera In *nip* utlofi wah th* trust. The new mil jt |* said, will ti•*• Southern or , ...ii and coke * x iu*ive|y. A number of '.v* furiM •j* ur to Ise erecte*! • •*t. *tii the |-l r.t w ill !*• comp.ete with n it- if. t at h tt win i *>t dtp* and upon rt, *V ul, ‘* r iSaii f*>t any of jt#* tnut. rlai. i:\-IT.-ihnt Renjamifi IlarrUon has malmnliMd a most eloquent alienee ever * he cam* out of the w.jods. i*i:it*o> \i„ The late J , in Hherman thought it the • iuty of *v* ry publi* man to receivewhen- to.s-ih’e. ..11 who wi-hsni to •**# him •fv a short whH* before hi* leath h -all "If fteople want to see ni** they hail do so us long a.* 1 have the strength to rd efve them ’* -A statu#- m mem rv of the Rev Adln iialloti, tii* reforrm r and writer n gift of ‘ n U r I>rap*-r. lately amhjj*ad*r o Italy, was *j i\ -i) *-• l on Saturday af’er u<*m Hop* daie. Mas - The memorial •y* Uplce th* sit*- of tl* * 1.-rgyman's home. I h*- l*‘f un*l th* pedestal of the statue were p ir h i **) hy jo.-ular subs* ruHjon <en Hawi*> pay* this tribute to the late rhnrle* Igudley Warner "He was completely . geritl* man If* lived u re ligion life, hut * aii little about it. ll r gularly attended tils < hurch, respecting *n |.l t-vli g its . bserv t * - I never hear i fe*>m his lip an indelicate or .oarsc story • r un unclenn !d*-.- ll** abhor# 1 Inju**. tire. meannesH and dl*hon r It |* cheer ful spirit and a tru* wit and a sweet humor that we find in all his work* " —John Redmond, the new Irish leader i- one of th** few Hibernian repre.-'enta *lve* whose father;: sat at W. tmin*tr *- for** them William Archer Redmond v • th** rn-niln r f r Wexford from I#?-’ until Ixm* Mr Idilion s I anirther cose n point His father. J->hn lilake Dillon, Was f.|p- of th** leader* of the ‘4* rlK*l- II n. and. mote !i ky than others, he suc • •*!• iin * i* it g across th*- Atlantic In 'n* ]!* ;;-* *.f .* prl- s! After ,pn*ctil ing t tli*' New V rk bar for several year* th*- amnesty of ISiS allowed him to re to*s the A'lanth wathrut disguise and to *nt* r tin- lintise of Common* a.- m- mix r for Tipin rary lilt It.HT lIITA, —.-j .u „ i —Not a Visitor.—Mrs Gad-!—That new minister ain't much on visitin', is he? Mrs. <*sW)—No. 1 gu* * may b* his wife ih a party good ook herocif —New York Weekly. Sensitive Nature Wounded.— I ’T wo* gr.atly monith and at Hylvl '* wedding din ner" "What about?’* “It wa> a pink nf fair, and she ha*l pickletl U-r( on the table."—Chicago lb ord. —Contemptible Weakness.—Rthel—l tele ycr Ttwnmy didn't amount to much Adel lK*rt—l kin **-• he don't. De Plea of a fel ler batin’ hi-* m*elder keep hint goitk* to school an* him over 11!—Buck —Mr- Mann—Norn, I am awfully sorry you brok* that fruit dish. I thought so much of it' Nora—Ye*, ma’am: and I wi* awfully sorry when Mr Mann broke on.* of th*- commandments when h** saw ih* thing drop —Bos on Transcript. —Th* Manager—How came you to leave your last place? Applicant—l was dls • hargtd for good behavior, sir. Th*- Man ager—ld*, barged for good b*‘hstvi*vr! That’s unusual, isn't it y Applicant—Well. v*u aee. gsl *on*lun took three nionths off my sentence.—Ttt-Bits. —D*mand an l Supply.—Stout Beggar- Gimme a quarter, will yer? Old Gentle man <n rvouajyl—This sounds more like— *r- a *l*man-1 than *r-a request. B*out Beggar Ih <1 it s-*? Well, all you’ve got to -|o itr '- dat -I* supply is equal ter de •1* mund. See’’ Harlem Life. 1 l It It i: \T t IiUHIAT. Th*- Ixuiisvlll* Courier-J.Hjrnai (ivm ) < ommentlng on the President * Thanks giving pro* Inmatlon. says: "But the s* n t**iH** to whi-h <*.* lejdr* to call sjiecial atf. ntlon 1m that which says: *Qur |*ow* r and tiittuen *• In the cause of fr* *d>ni anl • nlight* nm- nt have extended over distant • is* nl land!-’ Wh*t sen-** What land.-** over th<* Hulu archipelago, where th* 8t .is {r.*l Stripe* proudly float over slavery n*l |K*.ygamy? Over Porto Rico. v ■ ***** In ii i >tHnt* are f ibtdd*n to <iii thetn*#Hv* rltUriu of th* f*nfted States, and yet are ruled by our kovi rnm*-nt un 1* r a law of t*otire.s? At** tltes*- |*-cl ntens of fr* *lom and enlightenment?** The Hartford Time* say*: "Paterson. N .1 tta m**t unsavory reput itlon **f Amerl in cltl*-.H nt th** present time ! But th* sane s*r f vile cratures who ! have mo*l* the name of Paterson a by word * xisi . sewhere The cigarette •moklng hoodlum who put* fr**rn on** to half a dozen * ifhs Into every aeniene#* h*- utters ••hsl!\ bv* lop* Into i wretch of the I'.ifernon variety Th**r* ar< tens of th uisande of th* • lgar ft< -smoking de gen. -.ites on the streets f our cities nnd large town ml the amount of crime ia* > nr* likely to < mraH t*. fore they dll is ap; ailing b contemplaie." The Baltimore Sun (Dem ) says: "A vote *.n Nov. S f*>c McKinley Is a vot* for the •nipi re It Is u vote for government by Injunction and the nec*e-mr\ fore#- to sustain th** ruurli- in their aggression* up on th, lihert!: ff th* ••eon!** <lm| tlx - u-- ientdon **l trial iiy jury. It is a vote for **|t •ui I | rlvii* *;• •* to #h- f* w at the *\- lietiM* of th- many In short. It Is a vote I for Imperialism a vote for the empire. The on* ■ <tk>i■ n**w Is. How long h* the re liubllc to last?’* ; The Birmingham New* (Dem.) says "A professor in the Chicago l*nlverlty tokl hi- lass that lyn h law In the ! I'nlte-I Hint - had Its origin with the I’.os. ! ton t* |Nrty, wh.ou* members, without authority *>f law. *estroy-l private |*r*q*- efty. Will Mls> Jewltt nn*i her anti- I yncherg at the Hub now proceed to toe [t^r du|isrtltln # f'ard Player*. “A man who pla>s p*ker cari't help be ing superstHtou*.” was the rather phlU>- oo|khl ai remark *>f John Mortarty, shr several furniture establishments about town st ire observant surface nr rulers in the fa ". says the New York Pommer elal Mortarty was standing on the steps of the Hall *( Ld; Atlon, in%l*l which a m*eting .f the Commit tea on #Phor4 Bup idl'ts. ©f which he Is chairman, had Just broken up Tie talk had chancad to turn on ail sorts of supers ttt ions and Moriarty added A queer thing Is the way u piker play er will attrfhuta changes in hick to the moM grotesque and outlandish incidents Y' a r i ago a friend of mine • vat era n river aptaftn, was one of a poker party Ui a hot**l ul Ilo( Si'flngc He was losing Ntradily. and Td airouiM slyly to find , a tna *t>T. A gentlemen wearing a very o#i.g !r- k c.iot w sitting near him with his bu ;k turned, and th* captain qubdly . picket! up one of the fi*wMng coattails and tu> k* and thu under his leg “He 'fid so ©n the theory well known to confirmed i#*k*r p.a>- - rs that some outre ii will ch.mge rtie ’run >f the cards’ ■ A chanoe would have It. he Immediately began ti# win nr.d was on the fifth tide of su •*■ w 1 -n the other man started , t ii**t up ‘llokl on’’ *X' lalmetl the rap ! tain, cHear.r g llk grim death to the coat* tai ’for lejixj.n’s Nak* don't take away my ma*cot“ 'But. confound it. sir!’ re j plied the other wlwn th situation was i -xplained. ‘*k you expect me to stt here all night wo you can keep my ©oat-tall I uiKler >*our fig"’ A bright blea struck • tfi* - captain TH !*il you what I*ll do.' Ihe said. 111 bu> your coat Whit do i a hundred Miff** an* ! nw red th- .-tranger. ‘All right * .-aWI the tip* iln, i. indlng over (lie money, r.ow dip out of it a * .->• n you can ’ Next morning h- l me that the deal had r.Mted him 89fs> profit. “I'm that N.m* sort of Mipersfltlous r ink rn I' put In John H of the S I'lorwr* l lL>.mJ of Trade. “Now I‘v r oll* •*! that In any prolong**! game -uch extr lorilinary streak. -- of goul bim! bu*! lU‘ k ar* - certain to occur. such trar.g* * . !r* Idsnco wilt take place In the • Ir.iw and no much apparent fatalism will attach to ccrtuln a player will look arourul Instinctively for som* mascot or hOo-100 t* ho J responsible for the phe ootiK-ria Toe commonest superstition, I -Uppi/Ne, j** that the f>>t of a sqwctutor on the rung of one’s chair I*mJ for tune 1 con foes I cant stand It. Not king ago I was playing In u frbndly gain** ut a fishing elut# up ot Ah xandrta Hay in the Thousand Islands, when a man eat down tehlnd me *nd rested his fesat carelessly ori my •h ir In.-tsnrJy luck left me. and ft* r 1 bad lost tiv** or rlx gooil |ots in Nil* -esskm. I gx desp©rate and tilted for* w ,ir*l ir* th* - hop* of shaking the fellow off. Thereupon h* rtmovtd hU foot i'rom the rung and put it on the floor I glanced around, nnd r*efng It directly beneath the chair leg. de*kleJ to take a horrihb* re vei 4* 1 r*tti*d hick and e#me rlown I -quar* on hi- tws, but, to my smsi’inrnt, he n. ver turn**l a hair ll*- wa chatting with eoneI#ol) at the time and seem**d ; to be total y un onr<uous of the fact that I the < hnlr 1* g was resting on his p*Jal ©x i tremity with a pressure of it*>>ut 30i* |M>un*i t th<* scpuaie Inch. Thai uncanny episode made m** so nervous tiwit 1 quit the gam* Later on 1 earned that he had a cork foot.” Mitrlork Iflolnies, .Ir. “Do you see that tnan with th© dark must a he?’’ said Sherlock Holmes. Jr., ac ordlng to th- Chicago Times-il* raid. “Yes. Do you know him?” “I never saw him before. He Is married. H* - ought to live in it fi3t. but doesn’t i Mis wlf. la afrad of the hired girl, aisl i*’ - is left handed.'* Mr Holmes, you ar* - nn evrrlasting marvel How can you tell all that about | man you don't know* an*l whom you I> never sow before?* “Look at rh** second knuckle on his loft hand You see It Is badly skinned Also, there is a black mark uti hD left cuff Now let us see what we must make of this. When a left-handed man pokea up th** furnace fire how does ho do It? By putting ills 1 ft hand forward, of course. ! Thus It happened that it was his left hand which f*Taped against the furnace door Tii* blackened o*iff shows that It was a furnace <Joor Having this foundation to work upon, the rest Is easy. If be lived li> i fiat, he would have no furnace to fiok ft*r. and if his wife w* re not afraid 'of tho hired girl they would mak* - the latter d* the poking up It is all very Itnple If ones perceptive faculties are properly trained H* can’t r* ally afford to \ liv* in a house, because if be could he would hav© a man to look after the fur r.ace Therefore he ought to live in i fiat “ "Hut hold on How do you know th inan Is marriad ’ H* - can’t lo* over 30 n’ J the most Why may it not be posdbl© that lie lt\t s* at home with his widowed niotli or ?” My <l* ar sir." said Bh* rlock Holmes Jr.. I am surprised at your lack of per spicacltv. If lie lived at home with his wl'low***) moth* r he would |>©rmlt her to total to the furnace herself “ Thr \\ Thin**. From the Denver New*. | Who cause# all the crop* to grow? Who make* th>- seasons come and go? ! Who *h.ipes the current of even!*? ! Who renlatea the elements* j Who take* :hc place of Providence? * McKinley! | tA'ho make* ll min when It t* dry? j Who shape* 'lent nd also supply? Who caused the Indian famine, which Raised corn and wheat to such a pitch? It made the farmer# all net rich McKinley! Who give* the people industry* Who give* the world* proeperdy? : Who phi e| void ihiwti In the ground, Aral then got out and scratched around Till Cripple Creek and Nome wo re found* McKinley! Who railed Into Manila Bay? Who sunk Cevcra’a fleet one flay? Who fought against the w ir. then came At a late- hour Into the game j And took I lie glory for the name? M- Ktnley! ■ Who Is the source of every gend* Who wants that fully underatood? If any Iw-ncilt la-fall S-enn where up n this mundane hall. ! Who Is the creature slee-k and small That has the monument a) k ill I To claim the credit for It all? McKinley! Costly Deeomtlon. Cltinv M.a- pheraon. who death oceurreel r- -etitiy In Scotland. on a certain occasion having dealings In his castle with one of I ihe aery poorest of his clansmen, hael him i into one of the- roam*, which had Just ! teen redecorated at great expense, says | lamelon M. A I*. "What tl* you think of this?" unerled the ■ hlef'atn; -, the varnishing alone of ths ro.-m cost me- £l*o." "That's naethln' ova,” was th aston uhlng response. "If ye'll eome alang tae ton hit hoose A'lt siiow ye- a notn that cost faur m.ur than that tae- he coated." And *<> an iiqmlntment wns mode, the Colonel woriflonng that he hod never heard of It ta'fore When he visited the place >• poor-looking. thatched, little "bur ning," he was shown Into a room so dark hat he could scarcely see. with Its walls literally blackened hy the smoke from a !>cnt tire. “Hrrt'i mo room." exclaimed the trl nmr-hant tenant "A mak oot that II took five hunner loads e>' peol toe coat It. and at lfts the load that make* two hunner and fifty pun'" Miss Bessie MacDonald, whet has Just l>cen married In Parts to Baron Rudolph f!e Hlrseh. a nephew of the late Baron ele Hlrseh. Is from Chicago, where *h was well-known as an excellent singer and musician. ITEM* OF HTEIIEtT. —Arror'ltn* to Oon. 110(1,0-Powell, there U ■ future for irtrle In South A*rtr The eltuotlon t reft IMI bv pra-ttcal tiermte? w!ki hftve lre,.ly !rterl a reftular eml ft-ftSlor bureau for young women moet of whom are ftngaiteel or marrleel almost a, eoon aa they laid —The public atalrway at he White Houee ha at laat yielded to the preeaure of the constant tr.-t4n of visitors up and down It. and la now eo weak that It need, ref), ,tre Colonel Ring Nam la { Kitting In nwre support for the eerond fllßhl, which la suspended by ■ steel rod. —On the return of Canada's soldier con ttngrnt from South Afrtni a tomultuoua welcome will he given them at Halifax. There are to bo parades, torchlight pro reaelone. ship I I jmlnatliets and a banquet Society women of the town have arranged to give eae-h eoldler n gold mapia leaf pin —Even In Scranton, Pa., life has Ita aeaf Mrs Kabos, who lives near the Cayuga roal beaker on Ferdinand street, that city, was walking through her gar den. when the earth gave way and drop ped her forty feet Into a mine She was rescued In a short lime, having sustained only trifling Injuries. —Moat of the 1.277 rtnims pa*d by nn accident company for the month of June laat were cstuaed by the use of tools or machinery Forty-one persons were thrown from vehicles and the same num ber from bicycle*. Thirteen were Injur ed by animals, twenty-four hy street cars and only three by electricity. —An express train speeding toward Wil liamsport. Pa., struck r huge bowlder while going fifty miles on hour about t o'clock In thr morning A slower or lighter train would probably have bee-n wrecked, but as It was the bowlder was tossed from I Ik- track It had l-een loosened by re cent rains one] had rolled onto the rail. —FucllHles are rapidly being provided by the New Zealand KdU)ttonal Department few the training of Maori chUdren. There are now eighty-four Maori schools In the colony, and .1 number of scholarships are provided for Maori children to enable them to proceed to the higher achoolx or to undergo u course of technical training. —A farmer In Southern Missouri recent ly received notn* garden seeds fn#m the I>©purfmen* of Agriculture In an official envelope on the outside of which was printed the usual warning "Penalty for private use. s3r*n ' He immediately sent them back with letter to the effect that he had not used one of them and was not subject to any fin©. —Nrodeebu Kan., has a population of about 1.50. which includes more thin |>eo ple than any plac© twice Its six** In Amer ica Many m#i w igh less than im pounds, though In good health Physfi lan a say that th© petroleum or natural gas wells there an responsible for making the peo ple look lik* whitened refugees from .i famine disrrlct in India. —The Hoston Athenaeum has long oon taimd three busts which no one in that city was able to identify. The assistant librarian, a young woman. ha Just recog nised them us excellent Ike nesses of lew is Pass, the gr*at statesman; Nicholas Biddle, oc* of the most eminent financier of the century, and a Russian prince, fa mous nil over the world —Since :597 Jay Jansen, agent in charge of a whaling station of Cap© Haven. Baf fin Land, has been alone ot that Isolated spot The nllef steamer Lily of the North, carrying a year’s provisions for th** lon* watcher, wav recently wtc* k*d and now it will be impossible to reach him !>efore next summer, by which time he probably will have died of starvation —A peculiar incident was wltne©d in the Bethany Presbyterian Church of Tren ton. N Y. Th** sermon had a soporific effect upon Harry Tldd. a young drug gist. and he fell asle*| While still in *diimi*er he aros* . removed his coat, vest and collar and was atmut to further dis robe when the women In his vicinity screamed An usher aroused him and led him out of the church. —From the time of Its foundation nearly ten years ago. the North Manchester foi- Uge, near Wabash, Ind., has N been in financial straits. The institution has now become the property of the Dunkar-1 Church of Indiana, which has undort *kcn to liquikite the present debt of fsoouo, and will furnish os much more as will b** necessary to put the college on its feet. The students now number 130. —About SO.OOO dtlxens of the Fnited States will have no opportunity to cast their voles this fall, as they are either seeing service In China arid the Philip pines or sailing on th© high seas The government makes no provision for secur ng th* vote of the men of the regular army and navy, and few states will mak* - ony efforts to get the ballots of the volun teer* still in the service of the govern ment. —A group of sinrtment houses In I'llea. N. Y , Is provkted throughout with elec trical cooking utensil*, consisting of three round platters, or "stoves," an oven und a broiler. When not needed they can be stowed away, leaving no outward trace of the use to which the room l put The* ulr Is not vitiated and the apartment I* ke-pt much cooler. The same apartments are provided with electric curling tong* heaters, which are much appreciated —The plot of ground on which stands •he historic monument erected at Tappan. N. Y . by the late Cyrus W Field, In memory of Andre, the ICevolutlonary spy, ha* been sold for non-payment of taxes Since the death of Mr Field the memo rial has been neglected, and It has now passed Into the hand* of Oeorge Dickey of Nyaek. who *ay* he will obliterate It The monument was unveiled Oct. I. 1579. and In April. IMS. attrmgt* were male to destiny It by an explosion of nitro gly cerin —Cnlque among woman's clubs, perhaps. Is that which was launched five years go In Honolulu and Is now report-d to te at last on a Arm fooling. It was start ed by an American school teacher, who was wont to Invite young girls to her home on V- a week for Informal conversa tion on * -me topic The outgrowth was a full-fledged club of thirty-four members, most of them being llawHllnns, with a mixture, however, of Chinese anal Portu guese The president this year Is'n Chi nese girl, who wears her quaint national costume when she fills the official chair. —A Chicagoan Just returned from a tour of the Far West saw hs following loca tion a mining claim In the Brand Encampment. Wyoming: "Wo found It and we rlulru II hy the right of I founding It It's our'n It's 7!W feet In every direction except south west and ! northeast, and there Is JOD feel on each side of this wrliln It's rated the Bay Horse, and we claim even the spurs, and we .km't went nobody Jumping on thla Bay llorse—that's what's these trees Is around here for and we've got the same piece of rope that we had down In old Missouri." —Some month# ago certain public spir ited cllltens of Berkeley. Cal., offered fo iv Into the tosi treasury the warn re ceived annually from liquor licensee. On this condition prohibition ordinance was adopted a tel the saloons were allowed three month* In which to wind up their business At the expiration of that time the s4Tsi necessary for the first quarterly payment was raised, but It was wisely h< :d In hand to await the altitude of the town authorities inward the prohibited traffic. Thai attitude wai one of Indiffer ence As much liquor was sold a* be fore and tin Cl l lsens' CuumillUiG tciused to pay the money. 7 PALATABLE, PURCHASABLE a null JL in. If' J Jos. A. iMagntiN H& Cos. # .Cincinnati, O. Ocean Steamsnin Go. -ron- IMew York, Boston —AMD— THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. Ail th© cutnforte of a modern hotel. Klw tns lights. Unexcelled table. T.chats meals and berths aboard ship. Passenger Fares irom Savanaiti. TO NEW YOKE—FIRST CABIN. LO; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIF, W. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. lU>. INTERAIU* DIATE CABIN ROUND TJUF. L*. 6TEEHAOE, LO. TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN. K; first cabin round trip. t&>. in termediate CABIN. sl7; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRU', 2> A STEERACiE. *ll 7! Th* *xprr< ,team'htr>* Ih'* •I - ’* ,r * ■ppolntrd to ,all from Savannah, CentrM (30th) meridian tlm. as 'ollow,: •AVANYAM TO NEW YORK. Kansas city. rapt. nahr, THtma. DA Y, Non 1. 11:30 n. m TALI. A HASS ELK. Capt Aeklns, SATUIU DA Y. Sen- 3, 1 30 p tn. CITY OF BIRMINI.HAM. Capt. B<"*, SUNDAY. Nm\ *. 1:00 a m CITY OF AUGUSTA (apt. TUESDAY. Nov 6. 4 "0 p. m. NACOOCHBE. Cap*. Hmlih. THERA DAT - . Nov 3, :00 p ro KANSAS CITY (Apt. Klaher, BATUK tAY. Nov. 10. 7:30 p. m TALLAHASSEE. Capt Aakin*. TUF3- DAA'. Nov 13, !)) a. in. CMTY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. DaeßMt, THURSDAY Nov 13. 11 30 a. m CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. R-r. FRIDAY. Nov Id. 12:30 p. m NACOOCHEK. Capt. Smith. SATURDAA - , Nov 17. 1 'in t> m KANSAS CITY. Cap*, nfhvr. TUF.3. DAY. Nov ?o S:3ft p m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. A kins. THU IOC DAY. Nov. 22 42 p. tn CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Dageatt. SATURDAY. Nov 24. p. m NACfH)CHEK C.ipt Smith. TUESDAY, Nov. 27. h:*) |* tn. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Cap*. Rrr*. THURSDAY. Nov. 20. 1 '0 a m KANSAS CITY. Capt Flaher, THURS DAY Nov 23. 10 00 n m. NOTICK- Slramohlp Cltv of RL-t'n*- hnm will not carry piowcfn. u:w YORK To ROSTOV CITY OF MACON. <-ipl Savage, >|ON DAY. Nov. 3. I*oo noon. CITY OF MACON. Copt Savage, FRI DAY Nov 9 17:00 neon. CITY OF M ICON. Capt. Savage. WED NESDAY Nov. 11, 1] 00 noon. CITY OF M VON. Cnpt. Savage, MON DAY. Nnv. 19. 15-00 noun. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage FP.I day. Nov 2.1. at 12 no noon CITY' OF MACON. Capt. Savage. WED NESDAY. Nov 2*. 12**1 noon Thla company retw-rve* the rlghi to change Its sailings without not'.oe and without liability or accuun(ability there for Sailings New York for Savannah Tuca days, Thursdays and Saturdays 6 on p nv W O BREWER. City Ticket and P a enger Agent. Iv 7 Bull street. Savannah, °K w. SMITH. Contracting hiwtgtd Agent. Savannah. Os R O TRE7.EVANT. Agent. Savannah, ! Oa WAETF.R HAWKINS. General Agent j Traffic Dep't, 2M W. Bay etreac. Jcx sonvllle. Fla E H HINTON, Traffic Manager, So : vannah. Os p E BE FEVRE. Manager. New | Pier til. North River, New York. N T Merchanls i Miners Tmnsgorlolian Cos Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Ticket* on Sale to All !Dints North od West. Flrsl-rlas* tickets Ir elude meals "“o berths Savannah to Baltimore and Phila delphia Accommodation* and ctlisino unequaiesf. The sti amshlp* of this rompany ar* ap pointed to sail from Savannah as follow* (Central Standard Time): TO BABTIMOBE. D II MILLER. Capt. Peters, TIIt'RP DAY. Nov 1. 1 p nt ITASf'A Capt Billups. SATI'RDAY. Nov. 3.3 p nt _ tOKC*MFTWTipH. Capt James. TUESDAY, Nov A. 6:jn p m TEXAS. Cap' EMredge, THFRSI'AT, Nov. S, p m. ■lll rHILIOKU'HU. BERKSHIRE. Capt Ryan. MONDAY, Nov &. & p m. AI.BKOHANY, Capt. Foster. FRIDA a* Nov . 7 p m _ BERKSHIRE, capt. Ryan. TI.'ESPAi Nov. IS. 9 p m Tleket < ifllce No. 112 Hull atreet J. J C A ROLAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN, Tra. Ag Savannah, Oa. W P Tt'RNEH O P A A. D. STEBBTNS. A. T M J, C. WHITNEY. Traflb’ Manager. General Office*. Beltimore. lid. BKIiNNAN BROSn WHOLES ALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. #33 bay street. I etci Won,))).