The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 02, 1900, Image 1

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thf morning Views r.'t '!!'•< Ut ‘ * In. or|>..rnted IH* r * 111 F.BTILI. BRYAN IN CHICAGO tnouns fiHi;r.Tm> him \vin:n --i m>h hi: m *dh wien iis. BEGAN a three-days tour. i.\ i:m < un u.o\n will iiwi: n 4 ia im i: to in: %it him. |lr <ma l*reillct I >*iuot*rii tlo in uni li iiii~mi il IhMiMMTiilir Pnrfx in !•• I'lirO f Y*# < Ins Air |li*in* *li• l*r#|M**d fr Trusl-fm |M i iulisoi the liu|Mirtni 4|ii*Hoh u i |•s ii .1 #*ff© ©s#if# n r.\|iiiialMi ißt, \ut mi l.ninrinlUi. i Nov. 1 William J Drynn this e f- . I K>n hi# three-day#' ltlm rary t ,f t .Mr. -ons u v.i ~t < on-our"- §i . }. -Irvi-l inU Mt-tiu it: vrnu r- :.t •: i w ~ .1 oi* m!. j .. 1. library, und w* d# n#’ was r • m>und ii tha* th*- pr->dd*ntutl , w .t* liter.illy *lr rr*'l to the ( . fi, I .y i ijU.ol of policemen. who i I, i, r iiii* if*n*cnl #up#Tvb :**\ of r Han Don, w. l io ha<l ridden with , r> io fr#tn the ratlw *> ii , . -in xx .# v ■ rt< <1 fn>m th© I>© ir : !..i station by th** Cook County i .rn • ..through D* rU>m #:r* * k . ti \iir.l. Clark #tr*:, Mad#s<,n. La ,;|. ■ i It.iudoipn #tr#-tf. which \vri With .umanit y. Thf hour w is * -i***- { , ~,||y , I I#: - U;. i thousands of Working ,.i,u .ii i oili©#* inployi > had Just com . , ■;■: i ii>'# ii Km ui* 1 *%\ . 1 11 • 1 the . •■mu; ,• tin* !• inucrutio * .i.imi’lon. l lay an in extelhnt v*i and , \ ll-.. | t-> go *1 i fT.i t in reducing t t .' in of (hiir.s that gre# b 1 him , .n In was Introduc'd t> Mh ha* . v ..j.i - •. . pr -M it of t • county com- Hi ,h h v%as applaud'd ulin -' , -i ml nt its . >n< hi on in* was vi ti t* th auditorium, when* hi* too* i ,n#-r. at trr which h.* i r ee* * i* don his j ir -*f tb© *t of tlv city, i .r* In tn.oh* eight •• T* • ' h**s. nil of | ,v' h w -•■• made to lurg# crow#!# In hi. , .t tl. publi library Col. lir> m -oi l 1? v*at .: l*nrt> No t In*** r s.*cliin. iii*. ipatty i.* t la* irty tii pi,i ! 'tilar cl it*.** or *n • tt<>u, un i i • i . . irt> of any parii ular '-thHi 1 ? . j irt> .f nil who at- wlllittK i kiv. -.H-b y • f iir conij*'■libation *t* .. . \k th* > rr>. iv** ir.m ui- ty J ; . Mi*■ yln is.- triumph !**?* ro m*- j 1 v..iinato an.l hon* st i *i' I • I|rvc tnat tn** hiMt four i t *\* taiiiiat tin- Im'iio - m* 't <! * i mi - lull, party is *io * •Hi'.**n aUv< t tits inil n, i*d that * • It.-puh l ir t \ i? the • v>Uitlc i.atv | tr#> *iu- i* m*n ounm i pron st ieal> .. tv*- tln.u.i *•- of th ‘oti:itr> to * t.- II v a f*w finan *b rs, and th** *.f th** oountrx Iy a f*w of i . a ti < t nit.ym* < - Mr I try a dev* -f* and hi' nfiro i t* i *h-uss *ii *>f the trust ipi*~>- ii .in.; v in ti.i th. wmi m-n --in Ms pi*• v>' *s * h* - *f tit** ... 4 ;/M H ■ to I cbm h • ti t. l* i!, i;t.ii*• t latii*t. **i. • :rl*t r **! <t; . w ,;*h ill* lb ~-ib.h an i-- , itu *• -•-*•■ to b -*ro\ ll* *l*- , , 4 v. i ti v** cap* I th** * •*. m of in ;.l :-i rn. wil h i* -•- th ii*.**r , -.rttiiiUN iinn the mat. ami . p..i Im i * i*. i jh*l im It i.-: ip . • i. b* aid. 'b.i'. i* * r‘in . pr *|' c.i* r*ii* f. Th v . on iiilsm i ,*• . i try thimrs an * i*- \\* dvmaii*! a r*nu ... w* pro -1 . \.* will pp > m r* ii'4\ **U • 1< V* 111 * hoivst. Vi- III* Wfl* l\ t. t int if yu mak* m* l’i | aVC * of I*. •X* 'Hive will b* U *1 ' a. ik i imp v.i.; f.*i a private m*>- i to live under tii Am* i an Has. 'I be Itcincclicm l*rii|ioM*d. ,*•. .... t, |u; n t! f‘ •• •\• r> t I!:- I id art! a . , lha’ •i ,i will iot h*- ?♦ ii* a•• to en to r. i < it ' pt i • •* hom. 1 ■ r . n.ak** ii i:n|M*s in.c f r iri\.*t* * l.v;pt to live, Mill, th**. Mot ♦*, V.* plO ii. be for* an > *<i (*■'• a ' i.*n oruaii , • i. . t it Mll.t'l ilk out a lie**.no fjo:n! i f ! ia. go’.ciimi nt Ih f-t that | • i a \\ pr<-i t -.• wm r I . I*7,.■ I OUI -f tti" :to k .11*1 th lt t ..j m i’.-mi- I show that if is ian ... ii.oi >o; >.• z* .my ! it. hof bu.->i > -l.ou'.'i you he**it.?* tr. '•hat a cor i i m tin- • t•- *.f it* .. .I. until fiat it t /.'Ho: I** th i • i- > ‘ n.. an, * ji*-* mit s warn ui * tn i i. wt’h dii* vir - aral not **. stall l i n*i i- im a h gliw.iyman ar.d *x •n tn* ph. y m oti- ot mo i . tint tl. rin *A will p v* - 1 b, 1. v. that if ippli dit w u I cry • > ti; • • niiop*. > on I pi • v i* atb.n o' in w ■ ’ii**s t in ftpi.*!: If you hav a hotter' 1 \\|i; . ik** ). ur m in* iy All t t.. 11*1 . i aunt r\ of f a • ta w 1 * . b*.*laKp which is as bad ui*. - t . thin iKillli* ul bind ik t ti* riu 11 mil. Not .\,nuMioi. i .hr Hall, on flu* N *.th S.l*-. Mr. i -all i*. l: puMt. an sp* aker will t-*<•■ b nt’ji nt- s* tin* of I** ' • • ; . .a amiy "f * hundrsl th*u- , ■ i. aid attempt to d< fetal if. >* ’ n ■. - t*d to make the. • tt is only p miotarily b. . . th* authority nuthorltinjr j mxt y* .ir; yet every mu. w •> | approve *f the 'tr.- *f th* . va- f r in artni *f 11 ‘ n. ■ •Plv Kv**rv mn wt .* \**t‘ s !!*• an ticket, vut • f*r an imp -r: 1 at. 1 when I ray Imm rial- j barm it Im hot * J*fTr >r. won .t:*upion *•l wa - mm an Ii r!*i :*• .!• # - ' 'k in men when th' ;"id*’ ask • n hi. and J*?fe!*‘on nave them •i on nisi pave them * d l -f • •uk’ht tl.* .<ntltu f u ' a for their protection. Th* K*'- • m ;rn.o ext* nd the •* y* i.l *•*- I Slums Th* v p pr.a 1 th* President aI"V r I bit v*u to beware of it Pr* '* " h i on?.crown th** cor t'tution. a Pr* ski* nt lit hijffer than Cm* there is r.o way Of -*tvpiia: it u ui: President and no *•>■“ •he Pepubllrnnfi lell you t *t • * r to .IK OHS tl* money rjuentlon ,! iu that there Is l greater !** *!• ;de*l even thia the t o Tell then, you ear. eet r■ ey quMfition any time, but you **•! t/> settle your form of r **'' ’ w hen It i n attacked. I'epubliean party want* to dtacu a v 'Piextlon they will have an * p f ■ of doing HO. in some of th - c Übm4 un ruth l EGGS THROWN AT BRYAN. Pnriy of Tonal** Mode Inefleetl .e \. utull on IteinorrMti<* i mi.11.l it.* ilt I Ii 1 e:ikt**. <’hb i->* Nov. 1 i\ur e<‘k ,( w. ** thrown it \V bun J. pry in :►-.i 4 t Jut he •■ ft t < Central Hal Milwaukee •vt-mi.-, wh. r. hi bad c* ti 1 1 tu ad dr****. T • wer.* thrown l*y ta* .r four yoatiK m* 1 on** of w .om. John K M>*r-. *1 sign j lii ier. w.m 1 . . ail ui.dei arr* t Tr. oth. r tieti * ip*d Mr i.ryan had ju-t p*- * I 1 r uch the • i** r f tla* huk.kiu; .-1 w.> w i.kii c t*- v -tf*l hi- cart a ■ win f air k- ivlu/ •' * at ..Mil*- t ih< s .in- inotia i.t *> . r 1 h<-ad Mild Kirn- k in th* erowii b* yoinl, I • v* uit ini it oet Mr. Bryan i he 1 ft the hail. *b * *kc w ii h la< k* l a grrat *i* l o? fr. ah. struck Policeman Culkfit* e*l ’ n t!-*- *■• • ).• • 1 n.d atr* int ikiwn his f.n * ' 11I kit • w 1 en * n wh. lhr-w th*- .jjk- .n*t 11 .1 .■ .i rush f r them Myers w 1 th* only* man whom h • > *ul.j . .itch, th* oi..t t- l!pped away In the cr*w*i. The hull w 1 surroun.l* 1 by a large row*l in Is M.Mkn 1 tt i>*<arne k own that *v4 had .* n thrown at Mr. I'.r .1 .. the *x* Ib iie-nt wim int*-n** A liundr* and nn-n n:a; a rusfi f>r th* |.n-* 11. r, and ? w.i* only by *b-|H t.ite cffi*.t' tha ul kli. - nvit .... -I ■ hobl *ii t. he maa Several *f!l *rs in*- I*, hi a sir tun an i ill the ofle-er w* r- * **tn. 11* * I t . u • i.i*-ir < lob t>*furc th* row.l wo il.l k\e ,1 ait I rind allow M l t* b pi and 1 t lie pa t r**l w ikon. When U • k* and up at Went North avenue i’oib * it.. 11 Mv* rs i rl ir* I js-sluv* ly I. 4 he had t a row’ll no ♦. if Mr ftryun I • rsonaliy *11..1 . .*l 1•* n ntUm whai v* r of hittiiik* him H* *l* in*.l that C* hi- aiixb > to obtain . -d vi*w of the • in.)i*! *te n h* It H th h ill, h* I*v r--\v*l 1 * *•* t tl earn . *-l taf th*- drrw i im I .1 a him w4h h‘s w i'|i in *rder t*. rnak- him stand back. H* • mod to wht \ ind ing aixl thy promptly hura*l the at the <lriv*-r. an*! that jus: a . they ii*l - Mr r.r •an ir. through the *k.or w*ay Ma r- ! ar*tha: a*- w• a 1 >*m .* rn a I would re v* 1 have thought of thrwi;i4 kV nt the ** of his par-y. H* *]• • 1 tc I to civ • nim- ft iris lotni'iin'":.'- ind eoukl xtv* 1•• • xpianatl*>n f wh' tii v had com- th* ni**;r.k *ar r\;iik b*i egsp in th-lr |* >k - *-. ir. %IU .'lilt Ilfll#lMS. Small llraulfa ll.*w iirtb-.l W*rl4ers on Tarrant llulns. N.-w York Nov Y%’.rk on the ruins of the Tarrant ***•• and the adjn.nt pro|M rty was p :*die-I to nlplit to the fuil P-nlt of the vmtra* torn* power. The shift of men vrhteh went t. work <lurim th** • arly ; art of l ie evening numi*erel 4sn The b* >f efTons of the for*-* w*r* x*r t-I In Wtirr- -tr* -t. which tip emtra tot> h *!•• fo have *• • ir by Saturday n mmi. Th*- s'ur ii f**r bwii* m i> iielng tiuxhol in th* rth 5-: *s.ri • r *f tin- Tarrant buiidiio . w r.* r*- w 1- th* stall wav *w .. w hich it Is re(w.*rtHft the Kirin • m.d.c *-*i by tlrro lice.* a tosh to • : Jurt I**-for** th*- **xpic**- iob took place. N< o*ll s w- fout *1 lit * u *-;-*t tlurink th* .ri j*;rt *.f tii. *.• ti 1 1• *r onvilili.k w.-drh w*ui.i Itwii • a • tin n* ar |*r- -••lita of Uxllt-s. Testlni. ny r-K.r.lm;- the <au:e if the ti j - *i*i p• <*i ir.n to and and y* ttdav. v. i' I b*f-r< th*- district uc*.r -11. \ hit*- th . fi* rr,*•*>! Fire Marsh 1 C* • It Sierv, and Super- Inteiider.t Murray in tin* uvitrAuu r -stinted •he t*e?*-t iru'dfy ltd*, t • iCi-Menc As sistant I 1 • r a Att.irn \Valh wis pr - int aid 11 * k a V 1 5 it. th*- IfejUliv Th** bo > flt • V mi lt wsi- four. I in thf rtrn?* -f V \ rr ts ■ tr*> t. op -oi*- f.i* T rr ltd *••'! din.* **!a\ This is the first Ikklv feur.d lf:\% %Ht Flltt !l l.(:.%!. \ OTfTH**. %*i tl-lniperljill**t * A 111 Nutleri 1 .1 \.-w \ nrk. N* •. York. Nov. 1 Th** * ui.paiKM r* m mii.u- **f tit** anddn p rdali-t cub at 1 n*tii k *1 . *ff** 1 raw.rd >f $;••• for ih*- HM.**t and *-onvi ti -n f any pemon 111* • *!> regtut* rl tntl i le gally voting ut th* co.nlng- *1 tl n A r.immlt ** f lawy* -*i w i pp* ' **l t* i* 1 -iratlon ar*l t * p*i- T *- committe Is r<mpf** I * f Ju < II r n; 1* V Illnri h; FlwardM S’*•• :, Austin <; F**x of N w York, kklwlri I: 1 - rlt S;n tii * t'a . ad Herbert IV Ilium 1 lof Buffalo. Podttrs will l * pt* in ever* county f tt* stub of N- v \* k w irnln. \*ders . nl railing apen’i'-r. to i •!. . x-1 i. I j ; , M IOSB # l l . It. (.rnmi .lur.x in Pfif* , roi b v 'i#l t#i tin*#* I outfit ifxtllclinetit#*. N* xv York, Nov I.* It I# #a *1 to ni 'ht In Pat# .-on N J that •• tr and Ju y acting upon the iln© la I-• dawn v. t#-rd.iy fur their guidinc# Dv Judge Idiot , t; ifieniuun foun‘ i tru# ‘1 ndt im t fur r.ii*‘ aiii h*nii# i-J .g ilnnt W i t- . M Nl -u r Ai# xui J* r ('ample i . WlUim p. rh aiil <2* r, K:r, tu # o n- t n vvif i h*- decth f J# tin c It *-* hi# t**r, which occurred two w**-k. •* t*.-iu:ht Pr.i tl* ally ill*- w •.!• -• -on of tin* j* rale I Jury to- lay w.. taken li* by u- The Jury ! i rot • * fftp!*-i© it* work until after th-’ '< art till ri># n #* fh.r was t> report of in#* fir, ling of th* I** r. to Ju*b* Dixon, but it i ©x§H# t*‘i i t i,j.' xr. ••* 1 Jir#-• # will or" t t ■ •* * ■ 11 1 - hortly after * ofKtuu h- ur 1 ill • morning at;l hand up th# i- -II ‘imt-ul • II NUNN II \II K IN iH*lltl>' \\*#. Fiirtilslf#*#! Pros Isloaia I*> Brlf ili **(•#• #*-r (.-rmnn i.*>ndon. Nov. I. -Th*- uyi.i'n ,f the Britisli ale tner Gerfuati xx iiicii ar rive*! her® to-day Ir m Tabu * v. hou'h A •ic # r , |iurts that on i* t -*. when anuiit * ■ mil## w#-st t-y outh of Gibraltar -ii in with a railing v. #•-. In di-Hee#. T • proved j be he 1 tii***#r bsiw Ih i due l, t ap: Marian! while:. Lied rr .* 1 Mobile. Aug 4. f- r Pa ms. in |h# Mediterranean. Th© Mnducta has lost h* , T><l jt tor* ; * n<l > ,art ,>f ,>rk 20:1,1 ln ’he recent gal#** and had ©Do #uh -1 :, t |n-d injury to her bulwark* Sn* *-ih -f,ort of provision® and th® tjenmiu sup -1 plied hvr with a duantUy. SAVANNAH, GA„ i HI DAY. NOVKMiiKH 2. 1!HM). CLAIM OF HONESTY itHl'l IILIt \V* 1: TO JOMA % \li 4 URGE ALL TO GO AMD VOTE. \sm:kt inn iiwi: vruou koit HOM>l i:i 4 i*!4l>^. Ntiflounl f 4iii in il l •■• 4 In Im IlniM*- i-ritlic I.cutler* \r- Try li.k i I *r ririr** \ otera I liey %linmtlnlt \ liter* >*t l*- 11.- |lcterrel by 'A Inn lltey lull I'tireaf*—lieiuocratie ll**- •11 and i* r by t'liein 11* Inti im ill alliin. N w Y : k Nc.v 1 Tii* It* i'ubli an N . ;ti nnl Committ*a- t** lay is * and .1 formal statement t von rn j.s follow - ”>?r Crok* r, Up lo ad of the Pem.H-ratic o:.;iii .-..ti n it. New Y. ik, h-s o i* t**l hi-* ;U i*;ti nt— t.i ; iili. r m ~t tl • I next Tic . il. I iti < ilh. tlii'V < • Mho result of the • am 4 inn iKUinst them ■to eject the *!• **ti*ii ufli rs aid ait* |**>* :.s tun . f the bab a Ihx< s by foie*- Thv u- oundiiiK aiiatcf l- tr ri* r has b.--n up prov**l and 11 •tr r.•I I y • tor Jones, th* ! ehulrman < ( the i * uv** ratu* National ; c* remit ice. I.* H pub! teal) fnrty la; ilw a M*>* 1 > fur a f.d- v.-i- und an hone it curd A dishun* st election 1 p * dbii* il> 1 t (.rough Uni. lie Mi* h i now thr*-it ! * lied t.y the I b nnxT.iilc leaders, 1m mus jan * pial number of inspectors fr>m b *th ! parti* .*-- ,b po sent t -very pollftw plai’e. aid s* tOliK ;** t Vl* il. ' tors Ir* it..: interfere i w tii the \ -tet must l ■ nduct* ! fairly Too I>.-mo**ritlc |! r. >ti • .ally i* 1 ml no tv p to ouTj-tiWi r rh ! '.sp.- tor*, v. a* to-ver their party * x!k* j i*‘*-i# appt-ar to require violent interfer i nc "Not%vlthat.-iiuilf i: :h- antibun ement f Mats I• n..i* rrttl p d•> of rerroruing v**t ' ur* ateft hurglarljring ballot boxes, the ' lieputb! un \ ?i*>, l C>mm*tlee *l* or*- t*> state t* the puMx- that th*- li. puhii *n ! mull. 1 k •'l -*■ nati*na.. t..t* a..*l l< ai. have .ik*ti m* astit *-r- to i; ir* th*- pr.U’*ti-ii dt- rig at of •vt ry v -p-r in t: • Tend ing e;. *ti,.n ot*l tha 1 the vo:- • tab - ptoieriy cuunUii and rccordnl ns ■ t Th * *Hnniitt*- ii*-refor* i-lncailsh ill wa rs that h*-y most n*i I *• *l* t* rr* i bv thus*' thr*-at- of the r>**mo*ratie i* a*l* 1 j from * xemsinr the rbtht of Miffrage .*n ITu s*l iy ue\t. for every citiacn p •- t iti* *1 l y c.w to prot* d.-i in hk- ht-% hlKlicsa prlvib-K*-. niu\ w* ail. -* * to 1 tha- hi. vote m; ill n o !*•• prot t.-i • nil hazard* " 1111 v im rn; Itoonrxclt llennttneeK Mntcmenln of .Vone* anil 4 ruki-r. Jamecfown N Y . N*v. 1 CSov It *or.* veil fini - h■<! th*' 1 * xt '* the last <1 y of h|s New York*- tour in this f to night after having travea- I thr u'h v ’OUh'ss. it..iking tlflis-n sp vr'. *• .l irin 1 1* *Vi> The two clofo wher* th- m- * Im*- \va : war* it iMinklrk iti*i J ,rn**-t**wn lbs *la* *fi •;* Ir. 1 .* th* *lr) -ml ut led i *.f tin se cedi'# w-re llovor* and wth le. ro e 1 • 1 k*. 1 it hard Ci -k* r a I Na t 1 l 1 <TtnirirKii. .bin* for tl*-lr !!• g* : atiltod I *n the .utiUiig f th* .all*.t- v. and Ii tlov. i*o s* *ii . .gii.■’*#■*l 1 in n i.*-m* t* vi* Irnei* !•*• h Uunkitk a *1 Jim* - lown, aii'i * ;** i*ll> ii 1 ■ lif ,** • • to nigh; there v- r* tinmens- 1 a ll* : *•♦ s. A* I a*.hi 1 < **v l<**s**v*dt f*ti*l Mr Ifry.iti V* f li* u* rurti Mr *’r**- ker. r* | * s**nf tr.*- for *- which inl I r . Ud- *listi.**i* .-ry . aid 1... W lb- y champion the * iti* of r***t. f ni*l I• 11 c• ot uj*- :t,nc >y f>r r fraud t'u vi dl*t *n.’.r*.l !•; th- f*op * at *• i* 1 • Wit *. ra. • r* t* ■ *<•• ■*- i-piMli.itum I from .Mr Hry.ii: and with t*a*’i.iv 1 * xpr**-.-•-1 *- -our.ic rn tn avprnv.d **f S**nafor Jot v-h*< t* 1 arinli Mr llry , it.> i.*ii I ir.v is. Mi Cfo.< r Ims • lj iiora st. \; i-nt an*l th- law • - • *,** ri rl- t *>n ebvtion day n\t j !b- ho lone rid-* In so many wrd with ; ' '*• app:.. .r!, i ttly *Mpr** • and. of t!o* tn -| :inil i. id* 1 -of his |>urty Hueh nivi e I 11 tmlri. ,|ii. f- • to t,V w •> In w hi' n the metni *-rs liis party have for the first Mx w *-*• ks •• *n < erduettng their I align." M\hi s m i. 1 in: i>ii 1 i:iu:m 1;. Of 4 mime It *tn** x *-l f \\ niibi Ynf Now Offend qunkiTß. A '?< .■ -1 v N Y Nov 1. in r pon-** o many It *• 1* • '.**l <v Ito -• vlt 1 fitm members * f the F#>cl-.y of Friends, n i:*dvt: to 1 circular i •t -.| s >m* w* .ks ii litwler ** of I hii.i • Iphi 1. (piotfng *h* Govern* r opinion r / irdlng Friends •:id 1 .*i, - *-M-• .’• • fa-op!- . la ’.ds “Ufe )f Thomas 11. Ifeist*n " the fSovernor to-day 1.. .*■ puf’li bi* j ~,l ii*- af-resold elrciila. wa distrlbifte l j amora the rn* mb* of ti * S *•! a y of I'M- sals throughout J** i;ns. Ivanl i. Indl- II a. irhio, Maryland and N* a York and was iiddr* .**l %*> th*- fjtencily voters. "I .* - niei .* 1] ioiml tn 4fi* Is i* fo IhW* \ iss. of r* •#* *t*aia ivu. utd-Ht •it * • h ittfnl * ’he 1* 11! ■ • -lithv u *%'*h of • • lon 1 |s * . -* of fur • 1* 1 t.*c *. vx* * . *•' *r I*l > s r *l . a. .* X .. bad I I. xi * . f t W.l* i; ] in tin b*i * run . I,’nai ,ii\ V *pi t. as ’ i.r4ic • * -at’i* a • i/4-n ,*.- a *lo*-. f N* r ..: v. V !s ••*• %% o k n, • *r ,1 . m l ti. hi tor ,V-i r e • <an give a g ! r# i i n wd• v •* • * i t* * *l*.* 1 i<> |. .* *. * . V l-> 1 f *•* •4. ~ia 11 tr y * TV** answer I a*Mr- • 1 x\ , am F \\ ii i ’ 11 •’ Pap' ? •*• ,*nd if. !! .'*•• c Ji\ • • J tl’? VH\ > TANARUS • rndrr <•> *f min*’ wbleli ( . orn- I* le*d *f •e i wb.i- *1 w** wr lt* u ft. teen V'xV ii,-* was !ii*iii{fi| f. x;r • tliy *) 4g* • c*n r.i J • I x\ ; r. he rr. ir *%■*.* at* • :♦* I*l *p *l* i’ .i-j of 'hi nti ; • **n id-.jnat*- pruu. <*Mon, f >• :u a *t. j|r ae. . !•* unit .i ,0 *v fa t 1 bav** ( ;>r- ; in* ■ -nvteiinn* .ti b, 1: *n**f but Wer** i ’W to rets ’ll* the • Id* <-- I dir. I . ( irtlair !\ ph-a It ♦ at l • oul i t, l- t o - rued I* off. n- lv*• to Ihe H* , J.r> *f I • ctkl- h b-*-l wh' s 1 so* iai ! il'Mirx t.n i c-.vl*- right* utisrcs#- Justly '.’fiir.iuid i4fd%ers'l r- j < II NN N % I* %ll> IlhM UfptlHiron Rn#" Needed the %M of the Paliee. Chicago. Nov I.—Mark Hinna bowed to n storm of hlsse, catcall* and cheer* for William J Bryan in the big circus tent Int li*toted and Thlrtk :h atreeu 10-Oigilt, 1 gvi*:.4 up ins attempt t g*t 1 hearing until the pe •*• nsi restoi*-*l *>rd-r i r 'orty-fiM mlnutvx th* m< hal - wlil an l then seventy i*:i tncn took .1 imnd and it arxl the .iteh s MW 4 I. IMis I Mil W % IHselares If Will i.lxt* ItcK4ml-> l *r**a***l %lii|rlf. Phk il • \’\ 1 Harry S New N tl.u),i4 lb pu un imimltt* emari from In j din wan 1 uinpuiibd Mirk Hantm t*> l*rt W ayne an*l o*b*r inilni nt thiit sta <■ ;**ri. 4*l today at lb-pubd.ani na tional heitdf|UMrieia "Its*dial; 1 j - if**p. HspubHi-jn th s y-ar | *•> \ui.d ai *i* j; Hid M Kinley maj •• if > wjt Is gr .iter Hum in IV* \ l aim- ;u*- tauitr.iry ,r* hum* a.hng mi ta. Til’ll II i*s* S'.lt •tt i a- it iy Iti-p 1 *!!*• ■ a Mi. hlgan or Illtnoto." KILLED HIsTON-IN-LAW. \ llesall of 1111 old I'ninllx t|uurrel Hirnern Was >ll fo lieofli ly \\ Ilex 4 . W lleoxon. l-.'auirtton. (i.i N.\ 1 C 4’ Ktowwr* w di.’i t*> and. I!*' this morning by his fafh* r-tn-ia a . WI. v (’. VYllaann. iw * y*or 1 • , .w*-t .% fnpioysl *n th* Wti* 4...X*** farm ui •! Il\-*l in the W and \. r t irnlly Aft# 1 a f* vv inuiiin- WdlcoKon r* e.v.d a -li.' !• f-*r IT v IS. A hi* h >• Illul t IlilV*- rip* lied into holt* la. time | 'ii#'* *I. W'iU , *x*ti'e frtaai,i- * bum f. .t In an*l * i v -* f this, tort t’o jM*.h* is*rl‘**al it t* ITw* r’ in- | l ifuatlcn f#*r \\ i.'.x**n' daugiiter It \\,is n• km.- u*-f.>r a rupture in ? family * . uu*-*l in*l Wlh' .oti I* fi !to own h**m*-. Ills wjf. <ii,.l .laughter taking :he part of Flowers iigtiinxi him • S** n after th;s . nrr#-*i ITowais an*! Mis* WI, ■ **x**4i w* r* inartifxl A f-w m urthH ag> W iic.x>n returned to hts h*m*. mu! i* w i- thought thui all hnl U ■ ■unit r( .*t’. k-'l At any rif* no .. i.’t' tn. ut w ki.oAti f uni 11 I** *Uiv Wik oxon rid F*w r 4 w nt hunting tills morning arid return* and t* th** non-* about ’• **<***.’. Niikxly knew f tV .r r turn un# ; a shot wh** h*md mar tlt** hoti-** Mi s W’ilcoxoti itat daught'-r > .n out and found I-'lowt-rM *ie .*l by V l *x-n's ha il. Wtl -:.4#i . .im*- t t.iwn 'rrm*-*ll i • i *1 gav*- him## If up W F J* nk&r.e an*l sai have dm employ*-*! t** d.-f* r.*l f im luiii Wi ■ x>4 l * x'd* fmu li. ni • h<- nu.l* fr*i|u*-nt thr* .its that h* xv ull kill Fb*w* r I; w t 'hough* by those who kn* a th** man ti .it th* s* w**r dk threats. I- .w \* r. a*- h* won kn- w io .*• a ;>. -al- man. and *f extr.-mely fil n l ly i itur. It l> th#ught that in ■ ni* wiy th *d* 1 irna • whl Ti h i*l t *•• r f#mnjl*l *r It . fci -m* ilm*’ was !■)•>.' ho*l l**twea tbi-rn t-. -iav with tr.igl* r*raP A rn n. *m*!it trtl will Is* tiel.l t. -m- now Wi. <l\Otl i* *4 •*4*: * I i'g, ye.ith .i 441:.] III! .V --*-r TV Tier** wer*- . wilr*#fi.*s r> if*- killin' Flow# rs c.itne to this county about ihrec . i • I. .( ; ! -r thoUf. r.t by s im- to b - U’l ; ban* e 1 ENGLAND S*Niw CABINET. sme f the \ pp## Ift tine til* \ |i|ir#n-<*(S b> flic f|fi#*eii ire f uiixing f oi feidcrnhlc 4 rt(i l#i. I.on*lot . Nv 1- (ju** ti \ iCtoria ha# ip Irv s| the .pp*tn , m*nt of l.*rl Salisbury ! is |*r* mier and l**r.i privy s* il. the Mar j qui>- of lan di'Wti* u* v’cr tary of mat (for foreign . flair- . Mr. WTHl.itn St .f*hn ; llro*lri(k a** Secretary <>f Slat.* for War. J U. lairi if S* il -ri.* ns ttr-t lonl kA the i uimliaity. tit l Mr C. T llltohi* a S# r - taty and Hiat*- f. r h*m- affairs A .oiling to this list #f ttpiH>lniments. Mr Georg# i •; • i tht first lord ti the admiralty in Salisbury's la*l abinet ibr Mat He w White Htdb'V. who I ;••* i.4 en M’cr.’iiin of for home <f firs ur! \ 'milt Crow, wtio w;i' l*r.| . privy -*xd. hav*- be* n *ir* pp* and In the for- I niatJ. n of the n*-w caldn. t. T*h- new .ip’Mttn* m* nt donut • v if* #n fh:j"i, IMV wit* la* •x* *pt 1- ri f that *.f lnrd !. if lowa* th' y ar* g. rurally I approved Mr Hlb hl r*uard l .* an •*x * I’Mt choi*-* S vim! ot • r ( .'lanif* 1 * ar. r.* ot*<l In miri* r offl -s. but on the whl<. It l*H*k*- a Ihouirh 1.-r*! Hdlbbury *h*l nut intend any radical Innovation- Th* appoint me * *d Ix>tl H*!lriir. hla brother dn-iaw m th* iMlmlralty chttl ;* rur- t • r... i ■ -rt’l* I'm The Knrl has • !..##*i I r* uni.m i but it I fit Hint a more .PMUiguish# 1 man rh* u'.*l have .e.-n lo| f ’.ii:* 1 t. s ;ch an im|*orianl jour. Am ■*! ni e* pmb , n* vv rm tits Is tail **f Mt fieurg* VVvndh un, tvha w.i ariaimentary tTub-r S- r*niry .f Star*- f->r War to mi* * * l Mr ti*rakl Fail...i a * * f *■ -rd.irv for Ireland Sir Va#t * w W .it* iii’iley is iik*#y b be rniMal t* th** p* * rag*-. and i • i: I • liit 1 * x ! pres- them '-Iv* s .(* quit** sail*.b*d with th*- r * v. rirrang ine r Th* other paper* are dlswit ~#f|* >1 11n’*lr#l *l*n inr* h • i . . i t* . cha -• ■ j* illy In v aof #l* io'-"* of Sail dairy - N-rvl***s to the foreign ofH* * i:\mrr mrt.iiN t \tt n i-tiik. l.#ritf und T#ebnl#*nl tj f#**#f I•* %ke| bx tlfornc) (.rain. New York. Nox 1 -The h#*ntln; In the pr*K ***lln.'e f* X*.u:e the r# m#/V.*il to the Cn<"d H;a *s Court In Georgia of John F . \V. T at.d i: H. Gay r* r n*l Benja min Orwu, ii cus* I of coneplricy with former Ca;#f. oherdn M. Crtrt*r to ile ♦*•.*• #:* vi-Ti.m* nt In connection with harUir in ; v in-n w.i •m tl ,’.| I*.- H>r I id'.d Hiat* * • HhieMa In- |,y. T .* ou* * amir iiion f I rg’riecr It * Hlfd % t .i* * p* rt for ti.* *J* fi . by Fill. *1 St i -s I list *I. I Att*> i, Mar.on F*e a *.f (b-org i wh eon*l*iu.d Tha *1 4* etiun# as I <#*ij* ■% •• r' w*r# t * -n.’. il. My i: !**> rern.r.'i r I *♦ ill- sb.nd the entire lay. The .pier !<* I*y Mr Krwtn w r * ion#r *i.t Ir ' *b*- and lb*' m*wt r* w* re i •* -r.i • it li I'.’* e*t'*rn' • I •.I i r; hi* fly wiifi the • i,f <l. i tile n#t ir*-. ♦ n s ..r id s ond muibpl** inAtth-M# i \m !u;ii fiitt i iaii m rrnvr, Itoeri# Nfferxxurtl ll*|eiii# *1 I heir l*rfaoner. < a|H* Town, Nov 1 -It transpired to-day that .* Il <*r eomtnondn * apture#l n 11 rl•I e r outp of tdti y men in the vicinity *f tietuva. Or: :v and aflerwar*!'* hei*| up h Cap Town mail train, looted the oaf ring#;- r#J paMtigcra. deatroyed the inat.e, ret '*re t.. t - ttain and dv aimtard *n tho ftiproah : fun armored train Not w.thing to re hampered, the Boer# infer. t* leaned the prisoner* they had capture*! Fourteenth t.#ei t tlnnlln. Tien Tain, Oct. ll.—The Fourteenth I’nlted Hiatr* Infantry Heglmrnt has starisd for Manila. * % LEGISLATORS FiGHT WIIINKN THF 4 OF II.4H|V %n \a it on i in: i u nin HARDEN OF WILKES STABBED. uoimw so hi (mil ** nr. w w i*i i OFF %T roilH\ I 11. Mnuber* f lloomi* Netxafe \V**r* #lll tli #* U ll* f* III* hth i •* fair—< 40- 11 it 14 Wn% Ciuir l >*ml##r IlMtn rlek —Heim i*r ( fxtxn \Y i* lix|r#**l in Tr x iiiu I*' v< |nx rn ft- ll*“ f Hnta—W i >• 111 F*- llfiu llelxx ••#•11 flic Nli'ii. VuloMii. Go N<>v 1 H i* ak l **it t** •lay I .st a ilgf t . ari# i I t nlgtif **• h#' *■ j*** 11 i* ti 1 big l• u I h* 4* * *; git * lore •* I'temf th. Slat* Fair. There * i dir-. b \ I • H't *i. -**tn* if 111#* in*.’inta-r *ll.d it l 11 ul r t and lii-d Mr Hardin >f Wilke- mh I ibletl |*y Senntor llamrl k Mr IJiirb- v.. put *V *•’ train a , .*j-\t f*. *i* il 1 treat mem. Several out m< tn * ilnc.udiii Mr. ('mu. *f Ci athatn i**•* i\• 1‘ i clit Injuri* • in th*- effort to - ■ p.irat*- tii 1”* tij:* t* t t It I-# Md that t • men wo e Ih* I- t •*! frl 'n*.- nti'l wl.iaky is v* * to th* < atif of th#* imuble Tim* n int**r> f th* 4l*’ii* ral A " Hlitl) who uinit kwn f • s|H-nd ■ *lin h*u • •• tti*- fait have i* n v* ry rfi-ent In ta<k ing :ilut th*' Ui.f. rtun ib ... urr* n • l* t w ci*n Semib*r H itnri' x of * arroll and Mr Harden * j Wiik* The m* t . with -**v‘ral **thr a* i# t*ilk itig M* • -*re ll.ttni: k *t.d Harden w# r# b#:h ilrUikin ; and Uah w. i* playing witn each otlur. A Mr Cowart w i ai-** in the parts an.l Mr Harxb n niupp-.l him f*ev# tint# n In a playful wav Htitnrk k .*in and t* in- off# tide I that Cowart *ll*l not r •nt the blufr iiiul tl.irt'l Harden to Hap him, at tla un* ’a • •*."; • ki.ii • xmalur f nnn Mart. Senators f’ann nn Shipp utxlertook to vvren*di th*- k ib frxn< Hatiub k h.ifid. iml -th r* - .dv.'.J r’.ight injure f***m the ke. ii triad*' T. aril film • f !r m th*ee xvb* li* !• him. Hnmrl k etru. k If ir.iii: *.i> th* h* ti xxi h hi. knit* in;\V !n_- a v. ry .<• i■ u < wund. tr*-,iking tl bla*b- of in knif’- liar i* nwa pul off if th* train at F*r ">*th f- r m*d. *1 tr# atmeii ifi th* tu I il imrl k .tie) lnfll t* and a painful wound *-r hi-# own ti *iwl It i -aid by th** member# of the party hat of th* men w♦ re in th* I* - **f burn* r Ju # tnUiUt#- b fore * ■* •* .ujrred It i* #a I*l to hu\ b*n airnp.v i i-* •>( t( m i h **b am! ail *f th** member# of the pirty #l* plot*- it- t.i. Nov ! lb pr-’ Har den arrived b. : • l•-t.igiit f:**ni F* r ytli II- i# n**t -• rl u-1 hut • lie ••aid 11. ally, flier# le t.' fig i ■* abaiit th* matter H'-ii.iUu Hamrick and I nr* (11* il. St 4'f fii.l li I lU'M t * Whale matter •\* 'dln '■ and 1 In is I *i* ik f>r th#* S* n#it**r **'•' xv h* ri 1 any that M:\%Tnft UNION ( IINIIN4# HOMF. lie Atltlrexv'a I.e* ilnf ore In Joint v*'4|n T#-Mlbt. Wa-* Inrb'ix. N*. 1 S* uitor Hi on vr.i in the city today for • f w hours, b* in,: Juk buck from * two w* *k trip through Illinois rir and Irviiam. wh * he hi b* o lu#y H'umptrig (• r Ifrvan 11* I* ft to-nigli; for Atlanta when h will arrive Friday nfierno* n ll* will rnak* an id.lrer- to thi? | C.ercral A#-* tnbiy Of the rtate Friilir night S' at or I tors >n fia*# !>• *-n very buoy In ! thH c.iniaalgit. and ha tak**n iult* an o live ind prominent part in Hi* political battle which will *! bl. 1 next Tu#"* day Although he i# *•-' kb g r* -election iff the hand-* < f the !.. g itur* whU h !<* now 111 e tl Atlai ta 11 W. ; •'•tti!*' Ui accepting 111* all .r t . 1 lemocr ill • coni mitt**- to rnak* :•* throughout th • country, a #l h v. a c**ntent t* |**v* Id re-election 111 the hi! "f the n* ;de. :i# i it#* thought b* could do tri *-. good to th. . iiiHi- of I efm <*r i out d-' cf hi own Htatv lUDCOIIII 19V H)H tt*' TIM N! .. If If u#t lie I'firfilHlteil l# file Ife fi-iolniil I re#- #f Frankfort, Ky . Nov 1 in ih. Court of Appeal# uM*.ri). v. of # X-S-. r-t try * f State Cni*u I*ow.-r# w#ie granlwi an *ir der rom|K 1 liaise th* • -rk *-f the S -tt Clr * if it Court to furnieh • < * i*> f Hi*- re*.r*l of Iv.v.* r* tr.a. in th* low* r court ft of <■ Tb* nMi davit *.f I’.'iv* i ond eevrrii of h - frb i. l - vv# * fll* lowing that h* had rxt#-n*l**l ail of hi# f*r*un,* in hi- 1 and fer.-* tr*l I# now • pauper. Tn.* time for nilfiK IV 'V' .-' api* al ir-rn t • J'jdam# nt n. nt* n ln hlrn to Ilf#* Imprison ment. w .-* ext* il*iol until Nov H Teitt# Xlnnn xxa* ll*t ri*t I x *. Dull.!-. Tex.. Nov. 1 lt*i**Mt* from North* rn and North t . rtral T*’. i> ahoiv Tutwiav', etOf.i. t*i l:;iv • Vcr*. ibftructlv®. Hour** W'te wruk I In Kaufman. KiiLv liiil. Collin# iihd Griy- M>n > UuntUe Thr**** p#*r-*t war* kill’d ai.ii several HCrloudy injured Crop- #uf f#>rt*l • I'rrilinlil) l.##l iti Portland, Ort*.. Nov. 1. A * abi gram re ceived In t":# t> fown Fr. .o Hat**# tha: th* Kva. which left l*ort!ani Oct with a cargo *f (i*>ur lor Via bvo#to# k and I long Kong ha# h**#-n lost a :*i. The I * - 1 . • . Mi ' s'.Ktior# if th* *rg r* elv and th- #. <. gmtn but no |mlcii ar • w*r* i lvn. Aiifbliix Arr*l %lMtt It. Berlin. Nov 1 —The K< l< honxci*er to day, offletally t and definl’eis d* nb* tha there ar** any e< ret *djt r• : # b the It* r *#t Anglo-German c*<nu*#i * Th- :wip'*r 4 > # C ycr> the nut#, the full t# x' o? when w • punished Oct 2 0 l.ord llobert# Drlnyrd. Ix>nd on Nov 1 A dlspotch to the Rvtning Standard #ay# that Lord Rotoru, who wn# #chedutecj io leave South Afri ca Nov 15. ha# postponed d iur<iir.- owing to one of hi# daughter* ledng a Huffercr from anicrlc f**vr at Pretoria. | aNGLO-GERMAN AGREEMENT. Fix** f flic l*xxer# Max c iurrnl I * - **#*i#J I iuiiii 11 x i#i#*l Tltrr#* t **•' I ###l#*r I txl r#l < inn#**. Wa- ,!>* i..t Nov 1 Th* #l.gnm**nt *f | th.- p. s\. **. the i riil'di-Gi tin in agr- • ! Ill* nt |h HOW complete \ id*- f tom ltd' ar and Aualrli. Shoo atl •nt to tie ogre* in* nt w m #?x|iected oh! K to if <tr i***d i ii r* at i it* with <•* r , lit .i . J-ipoii I* tin* cdy *uic *f th# Pow j I ••!> wlii a liii civ*n un. oo#lillv*ca as** id 1 i tie agt* m if. \ t * ft I tt* 11* W ill U five of • • !***s\*u '* unit #! ti ill it"- i* no# #f the *4i# Tiu*nl. v!* . lit .it Britain, Germany, I ! 1 i , \ ustr).i and J.ij n. tn -of lb* - .-wa i *• i'ul • k Suit. . I'rui '■• .*nd I in- la, .i •pi th** • iia-*” r* la flag t* th* i •*p nd- ci and th i rrit*> kntevrily **f *‘ii.t i but wHi la* I . l*. *• !••*• third I . .*ii• * i 'iitliiK tu ii) iir pro*-# line in case j n\ i own • !/• i i* r 1 * rv In i-tt ni * n.- t lr.l .douse It ala r** f**l **i tile tw.l ( os'! t t|b paid*-* to tti* j K ‘ Iti .111 .! \pr Ii , H Y illt !. tl tc xx*ui*l iii -i|f> h* r ultiiu i' a or*iiiiK io IrcijfiiHnt .• s. Tile dll' f IT t of til** evell llige ll.a j le**n t* bilng llv- #*f the P.tvx ifr* ti un igteein* iii t r* p. t th** "t*|*. ii *|*r' tin 1 the Im of ‘’iilni. iti.l t• consult Huong th* tmulvef. us in the futur- * i- o' inv **f the otfmr iVwcrw eought * ink*' Ch.ti* h. t* rrmry Th* #* *'th**r l’i'Wi i- a th* lit gutiatiotie have itow ' * ti ip* <l. it * tii I nit* *i Slut- . Ft in* ** and Hu- hi As t** tti#- l'nl**.l Stiie . ther<> I- *f t'ltiir-. no |hv.-ibiili> *-f an tii Gitlve in t iking ••rntury. ►*• Hi m the i. rniH t.f the third clan#*- would up I - I-* 41 If l It 1 .!. i W (Mild brine ibuut t'n< urretu aetkm of tie five I'ow *', 111 no either of th* • t w.i to extend their domain In I IIUI l: -I (Ml I 111.1.T111.1t. knirrifii. I*rrfi*c iiiml krr Fi flr*lx 11 %e#'irl. St P t raliurg. Niv I Th#* text of tin \nni. un. Ftoundr md itu >1 m an-xx*r j fo the n*#e an .--.vcr lug tti# AngluG*-rmaii u:r> riant *at China arc ih*w gefxi ally h-r.- Ih- > nr* * •aisnii • hi tir.'U in f'lb.xfaiKH', whowiig fht th*-* ini** i’• *w • 1 ur. in |w*rf#-#M act url Tn# iorr< !iiiid*-.i ln*r* of Ih** A#-m.c| . *i .1* i iui #*M/.**i t*. any f'mi till f '.a prulu -.l an *m • ilenl * fT* i. Intth in gov rniinni arui pilvaf** rlrclca In ihftn 1 *Tt >*. Tti#* Itu—lin mlntu. r of for*lgn nffuirM, • u t Fain • i.-rf, * **p i.*i ii return * . 1 '♦t I i-i i-i iiiK In tin middle #f Novi-tu b* r. ( 111 I I I * 111 111 1.1 ■II (NV They Nr* Sitltl f It** Miu>nrrrinu 1 It 111 ••• *- I'rlHonrr#. Berlin, N*\ 1 Com*i irih:’ impatience * * “ in* i.f f| r news from <'h!iu I# finding *xpir*wlon her#’. The In t rei. I- that tbrmun c*i # rixliip over I * uc Info 1 (nation k vary t.rn*t l.eif-r from private' in Chlr begin <> i find (heir vx 1 y lnt< tu# .■*'* I#] liem.e ratic l oI**• * . r, ‘r*rkg linn tin German troop* i cl • no i|u rtt-r 'l*i Bremen Ibj.'g.r i I- I# (• . t If I.till | • 41. lj , lin I’d in. xv 10 - i|d h#* witne' <d Hu- (ol ! low irtg ... S y . mlk- * uijhlv . som*- ni th* m not > ,f adult tx* i lied ft/et ter by th* r t'U l.lli ' ' It'eli b I*. *|y |.y tt<e 42# Milan*, j tu|Mil*4 .* 4 ( III* tr oWti giav. Und jHu n h#.t #:i rn.j •* .*’ | The Hull * f *ta I. r \ *lk /a ltunjc t.rlnt | ;| • "unnurit i!i< i fr.itn p.- kln in will* I. th* | Will* I MIX ' N '• '"I *• tr .tr#- tk* ri All ar** #ht or iji'f'’ hly, * d>r# I io v#• anmiutiitlon •n Sun.l t lift# • ik M ,i w. nn l to b.iyo^iei 1 1 H l #*n* *f ..ui reitro.niei An entire hat Milo, pm rule#! th* in .u*l cuiuiirvl s-v**(ity # ou? nilv** It won cruel Ii w.* lial*- "ibubl HIM K 111 Id. IV f | NHFMMt. Il* \N 111 Nxif Mlnlnfer ( otiirer In Tltn f 4 ii|in-hi . Wie-hine* Nov ‘ K r-iirv I lav I. *: * • vbl# and c.Hnmi ion* r Ilor khill an ap imlntm# ni i- hu m lor #f th- Am.-rlem 1-. niOfl m Pekin. lie h.IN b#* a .lire led b t r<- ••* *1 at oiu* fr#ri Mimgbui t< P'-liln lo a- Mlnluter C’ng*r :n ihi* i •ap • tty In On i.#--gotL.tioi. f r a final j • Ml* merit The |uii|-* to up *lnt ( on. ni!- d*M.*-r Ho* kidll m*l Gen VN'tlin.n f# Fo* *>niint *l*ol*o# with Minister * om* t in 1 . COfulU’ t tb*- lUC' tltthJlM H i* .I Hlltoii *| **!•<> I"’ iic it api*#-*!ie I r# oth-*i Power wa* to appoint ornrnie.-l*n*-rH imivii.ii hi *t I’rrnwi H. t Ii Iti llifilornii f Spoke Itefor#* f ar tit-ale liiafifiite. Pitt#hurg. I*i . Nov : - VVu Ting Fang I the Chin*-a* mbdafi r. xv;h th© prlncltsii ! ajvaicer t the fuuiwt rn *lay exerci##*# at *'irn*gl' Institute this afternoon. Mud* ! ur Wu aa|#l In part. " ha* i gr*ut #l*al t## learn from ! this young republic. I hope, however, that “tie will learn, no* tin- rirt# #*f war. which hav** for aol#* *-n*l and atm th* destructimi ‘ of Ilf*', but ih© art# of imv'v, whb u rnak i for th** hopplne## oral we,fare of in#- p#* ;*• No ration can become really great by war. True gre itn#*# doe# r.*# ll#* In tin • xt* nt of territory nor In th#* #tren<tn of | bat *a ! ns. but In the character *f tl.#* • l-I*> l**r#im |a*r#onal oIM. r v nion, I am i la* l.t * and t th© b# 11# f that tfi** An# n<an j p-o|di' f#***# the ilefnrnt# of int I* rail ! j greatness tn a high b gree The !*• and *f | : loftin' #’* *f charai ter I*# to fmtnnt'nn bound- i i* p**w-r witi * Mbulng It Wealth 1# ' im. r Where * m you fin*l such v.i#t ac umulatlona of wealth In prlvwt** hands nn itn Atn-ri i with #m llftle ntteiuiunt evil foil by society? I have men countries ai*. r. u.* rl* h #tdt tb* 2****r unl the lM#*r rur>* th#' rich Th©r® 'money I# the loot *f all evil.* Th® r**ver-# e-* mn o b** h*> . ,i-. in America Her® the rich u-c t!. im'i'i m#aim at their dbjosal for 1... b n* ht of h© pop . und th#- hive g#>-i r *t#on t bl# - ihe rl* h.*' Thai Third f Inure. Berlin. Nov. 1 The of this city <t u . i!i* tally in el#- th* following an noun *cm®nt t-lay . * Ah the ttdr#l clauae of th‘ Anglo-Ger man* i# jo ofierate in th* event of on* Power i* ting in oppoai *l I! to th** principle# 111* I and *Wfll, It ’eU#**a to I*** imiiortant. ait the Powers accepting It Iteeelpt f llr Anawer#. Berlin, Nov. I.— The evening papers printed n semi-official statfment that an swrra to the Anglo-German agreement had been received from all the Powers. Fran *e ond Hueota making n reservation regard ng arel le 3. #lmilur to that made by the | United States. anl Japan making no re*- | crvailon whatever. DAILY A THAR 5 CKNTd A copy WFFKI.r . IMKS a WF.Liv II A TKAR JONES’ CONFESSION hi: <!%iH.i' HittPtr im \ i ii to r vTim k. VALET ATTEMPTED SUIpIDE. riT mi in no %t iiit u i>h i o% i in.ii .11 h r in rim:. %*>lAlnnl District liHiriuM nlmriM* latte** Onf IlMlcmrnt Jours IfiMlr \ olimli* rll y —%l**•••*• I ••ll* t l*i*l rli'k'a %lliil*ter liiat llruu* I* ||11•-rf Out 4 Itrrlts mi l*nt rli'li'* II *'*| mc**l Pm trick r*iill • llmlail. New V.*rk. Nov I T. • and ilh of *h* 4\ '4lt v lit it hi* Mm.T -nn ti vn **• opart incut* -n S ;*• in, tho it*-ti§>c *f inr* N**w Yrk tto?tie>. Al in it ’I Patrick. lo r*h eh* k* for I.iikk amount* %\ rh |>ur|* rtnl to I* b/ h* mi ' i •t* • m k-** ilravMi on 1 1 . il the di*- "\m v b> if** 11 1 k oftl ■ .I ♦ Iha ( Mr. Ill*** w. * \y true dead it the iin* 1 1*•* < hpi’kit w**r** |*r• <rnt* l. the -tib *.|u**itt ciawu v Patrick Mr lit- •* lial in*ti* him by will to 4itt>t*i <>f ht ••> 1 i ♦*, which n <otints Ii Httvvthrrt from f ••* ■> to If* <*4i.nm. the chant** of forgery l*>lh 4* r* turds the cheek- nit f fit* wlii ptac**t .* ln*l Patrick iiml Mr Ii! ** * \ tl> t. • hurl* I* J*n*-. tm ,rt. f. f |*. ri k m *1 Join i> ii *l their I* h*t i • m Jail, hitvfl ki|*t Now Noir. ii*r* • f f.* ov r * in* n't* hi irinl by !f. *1 \. I- ■ •m* -nts of to-dnj. . < to I li* nvwt eel *• hrai* and of the (Duo> •* I crime* which Hi* .'ourtn of i iia city have b*?i 1 all**d on lo invi Hi., it. Tin iii t in :d*nt w . . u |*.| u, to i • di> climax wo the fi ‘ di to* • I >■♦•. t iil.ty, that \ .*i-t j*.io had be. .j taken to fin district .f4 tii offi •• an.l (hit ■i)itftejii(-ii! rumor tiiat he hn I m.wle i i iNlfPlffioii to file it UtioritiiM I’.i f.ire the pllii.l<’ had tint** to livirii If If,.- r* t*irt of ii c.ii'f. ion v. i triii' cam* ln- more iiitlii :tow ?- ,it *lirii! io' iiixht Jon* a ini.l in hi **ll in tin Tonm- an< nipte.l M.icWh* h> * uifriv; hi* i hr,, it with a p-i. knit* given film, h** .*> . hy Attorney I *rl k . . • nflri, | it*. T.,u mu I f*r t*• puit***-.' of gettkng ri'i of uit w I ti,*--*. to Pair kk'fi ail.** I *t Sin* . It l i* l hitrii* *l Nunlrr. Hit* ' (ini' , i l or.i n** f* Ut* . * in of Jon* •*. i irtn of v. lit h h* ilUtricl at trn**y'“ ftl< * yave out to .lay h * > n**tfi iio; l*im than tl*** mnrl*r * h mllli* n ilr** i\ Attorney l*a?r k f?t* t arioinutK "f valunhi** |i.i|i(tn relating t, ta* t.**■. Tlip i*kin off of M. It **■ • Joit , w.t?* don* l*\ th** Inttnial admlnlstrat oii of mini'' rur*|*o. ity m -unify and tin* filial .iftfol* .tlkn oi i t.\fl -ii it rat*-* I w.fii nofii* iit-ii* * in ti*-, |*r Mini .iiiy * li mo f**rm Attorney I**f rl - k *l. ;l • luvliik furnl*,l -• l Jon* th* | -iknlf- nn* *l< non the HiMlefneilt;. 11l tiu* rutif* HRiOli, af cr hit ttukliial atltanpt. w a t ik*’ti lo I*., it* v i*. 110 pit it, iiartil* *urn tn*nl p* \**i*liti- i.tvinic l.*-*ii ju-1 |*i tlin*' *• h v*' tiiui from *l* ath through lona • f l*i**.-| At *M k fo-n.* I t tl * liohi.l -tll '!**• *i. li l lo w. •*, i<tltU l tt**i, uni th** halt *i ur* that In a fw *li>h h* Will a vain !•*• pin * I in th* Tomim. 'l*‘ • i.*ioia* r" *■ hiv* 1 til’ll aai Into the •halo of Mlolotuilr* Ii * . Hli'h w .a to hav* In (-it . I*l to- i.iy un| will h had |*r* - v *ell l* * n . ijourto >1 to aw.ill the r is*rt uf th** 4'iuifilat w)m> hdi • x.itnln**! imrti'Mo of th. ri'iikninn for tr* vn t,f I”' *f W. 4 40 .till lt> ft.'l If- * .11).“" uf th* n*w *)*’V’iop;n ti In tn* < a*-*. I't* I I* lion ■, attorn* y f<.? i'utrlck ml J*ute". lii* • imho* a "tit. nu llt * ‘ ••rnlfur the aU*K*l * .nfr - U,n *.f Jotien. li* i* iy* li*' *i*o*H not t** 1 1i■ *\ Jn* -• vf*r • oiif**r ***l ami n** eay** J n* ** to:*l him n VV**lnrjolwy. Jon* huh li* w.n* ork.Ml to rikn i**-v*-ra| Htatino-nfi*, hut refuHf-l. .hairs' I’.ftorl ill Mttlrldi*. t’harl* K Jotim. *'r* lary aial vHi.-f to tli4 .a*#* rnillha • Ir* . Wil liam Miunli I* in.t h i• | *** ef fort • if till- inornfnr lo onwi I Mi|cl<!e In his . II in th- Torn . He ha k**l Ihii rlk"t| t l*h of hh throat with i* small penknife, m tklriy a t* * p wound mtl i*'l;;hll> oj** nliiK tl e Jugular M* wa - .11-* **.* t**.| hy or*** of ih’ k*e|>* *r aUiut I o'clock. If* had l*een ll****l u.K then for an hour cr mofe m*i was e*rr* rne y w* ik lie w.nikl hve died h*l .< *.'•< * lift* *n rnlrttrt**- Iro • r without medp al * ir As It i-, the iroholan. a • ut>’• on h I to a* rnk ls'er HtlmuUinn* re [h ,i *.:>• |*fore h< *lar**l to put th*' man in tin- urn butane* for rroivai to the iros pltni. At the Jon- w - plnml In th* prison w ird ;n*l |*oll>rn.n and two k• <im r~* w* r* fuoOfcn. and to KUard him. A lor -r r*)w a rda H o'clo k he had retrained hi■* strenictri somewhiil, but nobody wit liliow. *1 to *•* him. A>, 'ant 1 listrlet Attorney Ushorn* this f **riH)on y r v* our tin* faets con *pm !n*: an Interview bn! with Jones In which the Vtl!'** made II eorif* ssion. "Tu* **luy afternoon." said Mr. oshorno. "1 received o m*-HH|c** that Churle* K. Jones. In the *lty | him on, dcslreci to s*w me I went to se** J*wie an*l h** was hrourht down to the warden's ofTh’e and I isk*d him If he w <rit* <i to se** me He said he did I told him that th<* taw did n*t r.- jnlr* him to moke a * and explain***! that anythlug he rniirht staio rniKht Im* ti and •if u I net him ni tiiat I was not his lawyer I told h tn that he ha I a lawyer and that he hud better commit w ith him If h. tlkoiiirhi It n* esasry. He sii<l he voluntarily desired to make a st atement. I'MirlrU Have itlee Tablet*. "I ther* u|e.n sent f**r fa* t MeOltl*fcy, James liyrre. *f Horn blower, Hytne, Mil ;* r A* Fott* r Mr Miller *.f the -nme firm, and In ilu-lr presence, Chari*"* F Jonoa mode hta stiit* i ment to s* Without f.*- Ing Into full detail, he st.ited in surwunco rh *t w lvar WethrHee t* ttfl*d was true He yald that for “mi*- day* prior to Ui**e*s *l**.4th Patrick haul if*veil Mr. Hire ttftbl" of a arwytah oior; that Mr. ltics to>k th**e twbh ts from Patrick ami that Pat rick told him to tak* th*m, a- he had taken some himself; that ub >ot th s tlmo Patrick and like r*at b-onie very Inti* mate, that Mr Itur on Stiurbiy *ti' Jon** to Patrick’s hou-e to tlemarMl car> tain p*i- rs from Patrick that he, Patrick, had In his puaac slon. ConUuuing, Jons said; "TM‘ was about Sept. 12. ISkk'. Mr. Illce had been bothered with constipation. When Mr Patrick bruunht him some tab- U ts, Patrick had said he had taken some himself Two days after this Mrs. Van Alst.vne advised him to c* bananas. Mr. Kice said the hanacas clogged his stom ach ami I tol*l the doctor. The doctor on Fifth Pags.J