The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 02, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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REPUBLICANS up to tricks. „j I Til I* fmoihat hue \o Dir. ii, \ j;n i% i o>. Xirkr ia To He I **d • Uli i|i* % Ilied Printing Trade* I .il 1 • il ,r Top It* * nlrli the I uiHir \ ole— % Mry That hirrj I, r j)Mii|(I*mii 4 oter %\lll lit* I'mrnt* ~1 |> ill* on Oraagr on Eleetlon Hu,— 4 ul. Leatrr** i n iniiaUu Urint |iilrll> *>iil Nallefaetorftly (oo ilui i'il and M l*ortt** Mujurll) %*- itr**d— |*o|Ullal* Um %rl With Hr* ..üblftenn* In *■• i ounliea. •j , | r-t Coi -gr*--*• il DlMilct in iht* v . |n th* male ai whl h there l* , -dton to tt> Deuhxrrat.* nom i yet the r.impalKn ha* be* n very . 4 , v undueted on both nl) ■* There l .... n no public nun** meeting* of any jj. i . and here in Savannah the .*•. .-.'a ha* iH-en *o quietly conduct'd • verage *itiz<tt would hardly y. . x|.it an election ft* to be held if h* *. .( . * ititly reminded of the fa t l\ rh* n*-w -|i,ip< r.. , I ■-t r ha* preferred io conduct n q m i kKn and ha* *pent the greater i ,r‘ of ti' la*t month visiting the court* . ~ it id* district, seeing hi* friend* I j ;/.g quiet bat effective work. Mr sj*ok-n *t all of th** county ir. the district except Savannah, but ,t '• a *. ha* not attempted to make a ,i *>f tin- d*eirhi. At some point* , ~ , rir.g wo* fairly well attend' and, but - iho attendance wa* *lim. L.-• r - friends are now satisfied v i# will be re-tb b*l by a large ina- Th y desire to sthis majority i: .. , . l with the aid of every Iftetn**- , . ,t\ t. in th* district, but ns to the r - t th. > hav- not the slightest doubt. ,x; t C<* L* *.-r to carry every , t in the district, including Liberty ai. Mclntosh I* If* expected that the li, p, i; m* will carry ties, two toun t |.r iheir national ticket, but Cos! j p* known of old to the colored \ .r* r> <1 these counties and hi* so many f r . - among them who have assure-! *f their ontmu* l allegiance thm x> r i- hardly any doubt but that these t <#.,, • w ill b* found in line as usual •j* , n|y element of douht Is ns to the -it and th- Copullsts. The Populists 1,, o . andidute of their own and t eli ttan> *f them hiv returned io th*- I*• ni<>< ratio party there are sti.l a i t ji- )vi;o are oil* *U f the foM Ap •rii n have In eti made to some of the . M'l'-i ■* bv the Ib publl in campaign man ii.;. r■ and there ir** reports that th** Pop • v v% .il support th*- Republican <*n ,.i. *. b, oiTi- of th- roiiiuh - A gen ii, who was in lie city from Tattnall . nuntv yesterday said it was reported t. r that th* extreno* PopulHt eh m* nt woukl act with Ilia RepubSeai Ml ram* time there was no doubt that !e*ster would curry •he rouritv, he Mild c.*i- lister's friend* who ire watching out fr ID inter* is tiere dropped on to II litt!• trick of their *pf*->ient the other d.> Some of the strikers )* I ! • in rtrts t. .l to bring in eatnp.e* of tickets of i, . riltlon a- exin ;i> they w*r- out. 1. ~f -tl. first tickets bpmght In wa ii -- ..f a numb*'r *ecured from a well known irlntin house yesterday Appar .r,i|y it was simply a straight Heputdl f <rt. in biding the mr and the !;<Uit>■ for Const* -s At th* le ad of • ti* kei wa** th** union !alel of the \ , and Printing Trad* - The .ommltte* i into tvhos' lan ! It f* .1 did n*t at- I • | aril' ular Importance to thS 1 * label rft. regarding It as having been pla ••d in the ordinary course bu*in*ss. tm sand thought K h. nisi upon him that he had never seen ,t ei*-< tion ticket with u union lalad on .•fore and tnen he saw the sefieme at . It ud* evkjeittiy a trick of the op j. h>t. to - at**h th* labor vae t*\ to** -mphment of a un-<>n ftol"-! at the heat of th* th k t Cnloti men s*-t store by j b i*h *hings and the r * of the piintlng trek- hi I**l *n*4;tut and u very neat bid I i rth labor vote The ticket is evident j 1> Intended for i- In tin* . when* the - <r oreanixat. ns i iv** n ciu-s-derabc* , • • i; Sr. ; * will doubties* !*• :ak n t.i offset this nvive. \Vha4 may prove t- be on electloi la> • hem** on the part of the Republican* . v* ;*• -| i e *l:v Mils week A Morning >C**w* reporter came oeross * >lore.| *m ,jye I the Cus'otll House with a lirge tag ot oranges “Wh it ure you <loing with all those oranges* 1 " he Inquired *‘fh. w* ir*- gong to have lot* of orate#-, these ir.- only a starter." rc- I the dusky f rvli-T. "\Vha n r*- >*>u going to do with tt*> t any *H ng*" muuir**l the r*|ort r "Why. even Republic an voter is going • gei nn orange n election day." re plied tl Pill lit • range** to be distributed." Cbalrmun L. M Pleasants of the Die- T Kepuldh an Commltfe** wa ask***! ut the orange st*r> "Why. yes." he •■pl • -I. "vv* jin 11 have a *f rnng**s i- * distrlbutf That i : an oki custom of • ■.rs down In KlorMa " later County | irtnan Simmons nbo u Cust*>m House • :d *am. . th* Morning News office ; I <tat'*| that the orange t-.rv was only * Joke tine *f the Inspector* 13. l ob- I* ... and the orange a**<ird a ship, he *b • ir-d. and th*- atorj ai*out the use to w ,u*h they were to In* put on election day w *• *mi> a "kli If anything is calculated to make a • r f. . kindly towards .Undldate on • • lion day !• l j th** presentation of o i • . Juicy Florida orange, • - billy if • • should happen to l>c some of the *k* green" on tn Inskl. I* c.uM he w-*fr- | a- easily as the rlgur trick, mad** i* • >f by the citlxen* Club js-oide in , vi i>t. *mt hiw* m;ri u\. Hull In Trover |*roreellnw Instituted lunlnat (iroriri* '• Keller. \ * t* v nr unusual ball In trover procee*i i w 4* Institute*! in th* City Court yrs Grorfi A. Re|b r, Jr.. In i th* plairtifT i-* tl*org* <> ivnton lint Iff want* t • r cover a cow. u I claims t hive lust two years cow |* describ'd in the affidavit ’ ' the plaintiff with great rnaiul* I parth'ubirlty 11" state* tha: the • w. r*h |T* and that Its hire, for 1 * m* l ha* !•* n out of hi* possession, 1 * Mh >l2O In sfVlition K* 1!. r says that the row ha* been T * l **\ him from It* earliest infancy ' ' ? h prepared t* fur l*h a *m -ttry of th wnlmal's life, showing lever bus and never **<Hild have • 1 *o th.- plaintiff. *') roi.irn %i, hai.i.%. TANARUS" tir> lid,| tVoitdn* Night l> the Cnd First lllstrlct Club. North Knd First I|strlct Club I* l*r* j**i at lona for a big rally t b* • lav night at ll idy Hall . Illy * IV i 11road stric t*. A ba* * b n I b '-ncaged for Hi** o < I-ion n i a f th** | a ling lights in tl.* *1 • ' ln the Cltlscn* Club <s a whol t’d to nxike sp e**he k The club . 1 *> the interests ot Maglsttate kham. tAt a * >- ( lL rsncACTES sekhs mrr 'nf/t 1 ' JACKSON. MCT/UEtt fA T th*’ s so*f,i t, ioit. .a *--rrU Kirr, l„y Thin Hrfk. lt’& in All the poodnesa that ia in a biscuit when it cotnes out *C . bH of the oven goes in the i. " In-er-aeal Paterl Pack age ’* All its delicate ensp- •>> i : ‘ . neM ,s there and it slays j there, right and tight, until y^ yon cat the biscuit. The A, “In-er-seal Patent Package” yltm. ,!F'‘ is the only known method of _ hoping biscuit fresh and hi' 1 ’ <sy ** W crisp. Get it when and where ytfhljm' * 'Jr you will, you'll find it : U“'' <C P ro °f against damp, yT" y^ t KSxm y .-pba iiL r NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. im.i t*• ii i t.ll it.mimu; i;u:y >lriiy I mil*-* \ lalli-il Tliclr brpnrf •ncnl Hi 1.r% > unit llr*H. The tl-N-r of tho * stablishmcnt of i Messrs. H Ii lasvy A- firm that I* dcvotwl t tlv kt*li -■ tr.d children ?- i*-|*vtm*nt wh.4 ilm r*l y--teriay by (hot-** who vis ited it to \• w the fali and winter open l > wa* v* r> itr live, and tho*.* who reach id th** *tor* In th* forenoon found It par j UAj. irly pleading to th* *•>■•, .kiwi their taste f<r the beautiful wu- perf tl) sat billed. •1 > comtlon* of plant* and f..iag*‘ luid • been ad<le*l * the rich attraction* of th* varb l o.*r> of worn* i. ?• curmenty ani cue Herne. *n th*’ w iio|. w .e \erv *bft< Mm *-X' uniat lon* of delight w*r* • liclN from th* 1 visitor*, a* the hand some arlu’le# of dr. to b* -* en on ev r> hand or*- alwa) le,ir to feminine heart* M***r* b’vy a Rro open* i their de partment bit, r in th* M*a.4on than some other* in th. businer *( furnishing la | die* and children, but th*v explain il by j the unusuuilN warm weather that lav* fitendol far r.t*> ihe - u*n. and th** j • liangea In *tyb*<* that continue to apj**r ! until long after -*me *f th** **arly ofwn ! ;ngv Jty |p -ipnlng their opening, they | say. they w*r* nabft*) to secure ibe very j latent novelties in th* hand-oine g*o*l* i they Many ladl* who did not take the lift i for th* <le;*artnient on lie seeon l floor of the i HtahlKhment Mop|wd on th* *lde ! walk to adrn re tle tian l me win low -11- I l.<y. Thl* had l'**eti arrang* <1 the night I liefore, and a *1 imb r of very m.n n !1 ert r -suni* were shown Th* iri *>f th w* n | dovv *b curator iv reveale*l i* i Ivantage. i many beautiful arti le* ,f dres* offering j a blending of many hues and an exhl ’ bp ion of wonderful workmanship One of i the Ktylish suit!* ii nn ui the window wa **ll during tii* day, tiie purchaser id • miring It enough t.> i*iy |V* Noticeable am.*ar the suits in the window were one j .f black net nppl.qu* over * iffeta silk and another of tatluta p|-k with the entire skirt ticked witn liberty silk ruffles Russian blouse*. Ktofl*. tight-tlttlng Jackets end the latent novelties in panne velvet ;t l rtlt and silver trimmings be* ! mg unusually In evslrn • (Jo|f ap**s ’d op. r- • loaks are also displayed In abui'd j >no 'hl!dr* n * reefers. .*>i'"tnoi>ib • and I th** very latest in |e d* stri in' skirt* are | .ill to be seen, obliging saleswomen taking ! jKilns to show visitor* the most attractive ; gainietits in the stock The sii> c. of lh>- op nlng will doubt , leu* be r* tb ci-d in th* visitors that will continue t< appear • * h day Thiw who siw the elegant g'Msls yesterday will tell their friends of them, with the result that ladle* will show their appreciation of the effort# made to please them. ii \im:i* * u *::• Huw. Trivial I IrruMalimri- I’.nil-•<! In Two Urn | , ni€’Uliia Kuril Ollier. Knpi-lly wi-leninK .lttlnn-r hut off oni of 111--** uffa-nt Ihr pminf.Krr* on in Al rriorn rtr-vi ■ r ir v,.rr,Wi\ mornlnc i ;1 j,| for a Ion*: whll- Il w ! ~nr of lh- mod aHon- lhrr .niiixlns ,|id-- \ luck* l-.i.t evrr roma Ihrlr u'isrrvaihd. an.l It ll* * nwlirr of ri'Xrot | o ih-ni all that they h i.I not lirrn able | to witn- -a thr ilrnoui mcni Thi' ivai.liH'tor un.l nv- ral of Ihr f-a.v* M'nr-TH i-.iw a man half a block aaniy ni.ik* a motion that the conductor ron alrin-.l a- i -;nal for th- -air to atop. i, v,h. jii-i :hc hour alien ih-- buatm**. men who llv In th-- iuineii ar< were on Ihrlr a IV to work, and th-- .-nr wm crowd..l. Sonic of thoro ho row 'he n. in iiiak-' t lie p,.iy with hie f- uid thought h. wa* -aily totvcrlnit it after 1-ivliik o-I jutted the collar of hi* coal, and hl* vicar of the mailer hh. liornc out iiy the I ircmedil .run 11 with which he pri-. --.d !, ,| toword th* car. which ii.%-1 atopped f-ir l-im at !!>•• rror!n* So Ici-iii. Iv '-i the if ait the man .!• I -um.-l ihut II (her on the . ir one of th, pa bKMH aa acdlnily i ,r '' I yoked The K- ntlrmiii who kovc the M.aiilnn New- II- a<--.Hint of the occur -1 retire .11.1 know the |.v—<ner or the i man who w i- auepccted of an lnt-*ntion ir. nor. H m-. 4M , .in of il,--..- ,il*>.ir-l know ineni ••Hill you *to|- this uir" a-k-l the eon- I .luet.-r, when the man had rea-hed It nisi was alio.;i to piss around. • |lj \ou want to hurry If you want 111 t;et on •ills cat ” remarked th. mm who runied to lake the delay a* a per ! >onul affront That was before the man on the -toss- I ina had a char- e to reply to the tnter f'--atoiV .if ihe . ..ndii'-eor, so he thn ut .|ri S-.-.I hlm~< In- th- man who had - hl|>- j, m, demanding to know w-l-at the ! h. h.ul to -to w ith tt. any wav Then rut ho u heated rxehai a- of holce ! profanltv i-n-u-vl, on- Ihtnu ;.*- 1 1 tik on to mother until the tn -n on the . ros-imt ln i v ti. t i • paHMtfM abualnc him alt the I lime, to i I off tlie ra ar-l hav- It out. Tli* ear :ud started ic itn by thl- time. 1.-it nothiiiK Inn. the p- ener Jump-d off to a * ej t I fie InvllalkiT The r> rren.-d thlr ne. ks rub i |>< rln< to beet the tvin-l and. sun enouah. lory saw the is-. .-t louether. Th> -■• ehauae.l r'.iiie pretiv stiff ; in'lies. biml it;. s.-r.'it was i pr.-lly one. T".r fia*-en ireis who wllne-s-d th. novel m inner tn Which It l-eaan nuretied their Inability to tee It out. rot to iiwiia. Third IHatrlel Maelstrale A>* He - * Not t.iilnu In Itn 11. Mr. C. l> Kline relumed to he city yes let-lay after a f w days nbencc. H- w-- by a reporter of the Morn ne Ne.-s In rrit ir.l to the rumor iha- he mt nd-d pi resign the position of Magistrate of I. e Third Mtllt ia I Hairier Mr. Klin- sated that there U no foundation for Ibe rumor. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1900. INNI-: AM) Ilia HAM). Will (thr Two < iinrrrh til tli* 'I hfilter N%. I. Mr Henry Plnriis, r*pr.*mtlnr the ln | nr* flam), was In Ihe oily ycster*!.iy, ar ! ranging for its concert* in Savannah. S.H --! u-'l.iy, Nov. The ban*! will p.ay h* r* umlsr t it* potron.ig- *f the Savannah Music Club T\v. concert* will be given, a matin v .inl nigh! concert Th* • who h.iv* h*ar<l Inn*-, und hi* h.inl *c l n fall •* hear him again Hla organlxation ia on*- <f fh* grt .ti musi org.inlsa'hM:* *f the 'la*. Ill* idva.-ston f th** orcht-slr il h*ll with a comtanatlvtn *f ita • and ••• i lntrufn**nli and r* infori *1 bv the ba-* viola himl harp, has be*ui .1 matter •! w*>n • letnifnl Th*- h *1 crltb - ft* !• i that tho 1 l*.i wa* impracticable lb • Inn*** fttan proved the*f pr*li tlone t !*• wrong Thiougfi nt* ability ,** h dr! 1 mister •! • the 1 enul! I t *lloll,* pulit-nl ('*ll. ail ad by new combination* of r ** l instrit nun* in eonn**c.*n with .-t I>;** *•*. NAiophon*** .n*l li<e'i*n , >, he h-if at ftaM re ix* *i hi* amhition and Im** nmc the h* I of cohoert band that. l ll**e lw*ing thoroughly orchestral in ton**, i* dhliiH'* } live In in* class. Inn* * and Ms hand placed all summer nt Atlantic t’lty In n big auditorium, eating over 4.o(#> pep-e. which w i* built 1 for hi* *mi* *Tts t*\ a group of well-known I’hlltMlelphla capltnllste into I .a i t * i h-iVA played to close t* a million j-n i ad j miM*fttis there. Fo lowing up hla -u- ss, he Is now tnaklr.g .1 lour which will teiuft fr<ni to coast, m l u|m>ii which he will l*e in'Mimp ri'd t> a number well*known grand opera finger wbo will be heard in scet;*-s from several well I known grand operas. Th* infractions at the theater during thb m>nth nr- Monday .V Braunlng Dramatic Company Tues*lay, (V— Rraut.lng Dramatic t'*m iwn> Wednesday, 7Rr itmiru: Dramatic Com ] l*an> Thursday, t—Braunlng Dramatic Com • any ! rtd.vv, 9 Bratining Dramatic Company I Haturday. lh—lnn** Band. Monday. 12—Ix>uls Janies and Kitherln* K idder Tue-*iiwv. 13 Matthew* and Bulger Friday. !* Rusco and Holland's Mln - streis I Saturday. 17— Howard floul*) in "Rupert 1 of ll* titxau '* j Wednesday, 2! --Murray and Mack. “Shoot ng Hie flhutes " Thursday, 22 llovt s A Milk White ; Flag" Friday, 22-—" Too Rich to Marry ** Saturday. 2 "Too Rich to Marry." Monday y.--"Tnwn T**fb*s Wednesda'. 2 s Thomas Q Seahrooke In "The Round**-** " Frblav Jn M. B Le\. s Spider and Fly Company. wii.i. 111: fit on DtMKirr. % Iturher \\ l* Keeps Ills Flare *f lliisiness op# it n Xunilsy. ! At a meeting of the Ims* barters of the : lty, Wednesday night, it was de cided to place one of their number. trh , however, was not present at Hie meeting, i on the docket. In case l.e continues to \iolaie ttie city ordinance relative to Sun day closing. Who this unfortunate Is, th< barbers who were at the meeting, were not willing to divulge hut thev .-'late#! that he had been consistent In his Infraction* of the ordinance ami had refused to modify the i rule he had established for Ills own gold Ia nee He had not harkened to their up ! peals to close on Hundays, made i*n the 1 ground that it was an Interference with the business of all *f them, but on the 1 contiary had defied them j (mt of the barbers who was nt the meeting said that the offending brother w ull have to change hi* tactics, and that j if he kept hi* place of hurlnes* open **n next Bund ay, .1 * he has for many Sunday* ’ It* the past h- would le pla* ed on the docket and be surnm n*-I to appear b* for. the Recorder for violating the ordinance | IIIbIKX IKIDD THM HKDS. \ Game of llnskef Mull to lie Fln>ef nt the V. H. t . 1. To-night. Instead of the gymnastic exhibition to night at the Young M* n‘* Christian Afo clatlon there will te bosket boll, th* fh! bit ton having been postponed until naxt Friday night. The gam* to-night will bo Im>iw< en the Blue* and the Reds. The iln* -up will 1* Blues. Positions. Reds. Hunt guard Righton laovell guard Chandler ICRon. G center D"t> N\ 111 Swet forward Fatteraon I Courvolsler forward. Rot urea u Th** aame. whl< h <*onsl*ta of two halve* lof twenty minute" each, and a rent of tn minutes between, will commence at 9 o'clock The fcibltc I* Invite*), except boys under I€. who will i*t be allowed % * mgtit unless acoompanied by their par- 1 ents. Iti-rnx er**l Ilia *nolt> . A letter received by Clerk K* 1 bach of the Court of ordinary, on yesierdiy, from the superintendent of the taie -atilvari im it Mlllcdgevllle. says that Je*t*e Burke colored who was committed to the s.mi ivrlurn from Chatham c-.uniy n few \airt <dnce. hss practically recoverel hi* sxni y I .md will be sent home In few days 1 Empty Hogsheads. LwiMr Molassra Uwgslirad* foe owl* br C. M. GILBERT & CO. CLASSIFIED AuVtHIISEMENTS. *0 N %| m - un* a nit ■ Ih> * watch, -“*.*> **cure a r* i.abl** railroad wui-di. J.x uic a hand. h*n.c>*a gold watch, ' .•* it** tnag nttl 'M xd l-tiib-1 w -t h. Atn. r in move ment, txilan* c a *ll *a-\ bi-a •* and n. p*Hitiieis or • db .i t • w n y I . i>m** and have the *>-iem *\| u.n* F* • g'*i'. .a Fast Broughton Halt. J welr> unl Shaving Supt- > fft* * •* l m.*l or wiiver taken a < 1 iyni nt, *u • u it given for name. ItEDDhK ADAMS DA N'T NO ACAD • rm . e*nr *• at * Uornr) A •** ration ll ill. \pply t' management f*r Invitations. ItttRKS MRS COLi: FROM NEW York, la-ll* * dre-- m.nle in the ial • 1 style.'. 21k Libert\. w*st. OIL HEATKRB. \% *m D II LATER, cool h*at* rs, *<M-k >-(•% * utul ranges. R* liat>le g-iKis r'. I*. Miller, agent. M* RIT I INK. OPII'M IJU’bAN'I M. coAoalne htibit, my s* If cured, wj.l inform you of iwrnil'ie, peimaneiu h- in* cure. Mary rf Baldwin. Box 1212. Chi ago HOW ABORT YOITR WINTER • •thing*’ let us ;-ut tt in ~h p . $ p. r month. Bt*-riirg Fr*sslng Club, 11ft York, w ADYLRTI.SKYIENTbS SET IN cap ital** WILL lE PRINTED IN CR\M i !*! Aln I'.HTlrt EAI I .NT COLI MN FOR TWO CENTH V Word No ad YERTLSEME.NT TAKEN Poll Ll-rfS THAN 20 IH VOI R IRON HACK FIRE-I*llo* >F? H'ifTc* Fre*mun Imv a landing offer of H.UOO for ev* ry !r< f th-*lr make that and“ s not pre-erve 11 a c**ntt*ns. trite soft* wa * In burrn 1; bl. 1 , h-*ur* When t iken <uit th hoe-* bad t I e turned *n F When opene-k. n>t a pag** w<- disco! •r 1. n t a r* *rd ** t. ti * dollar |e stro,ed If ii want s urity, buy a Ft.fTel k Freeman safe C I*. Miller, agent. YOt WILL LIKE TIIE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; Us rich and pure, try It FCRNI FRE CPU DSTERED. MAT lrc'*A‘< s r—iovat. and, Ant que furniture re IwlDherl, furniture l ack'd and shlpfwd In ler m.inn- r Send me y- ur orders C P Miller, agent CAMEL! A JAPONIC AS AND A7.AUAB price, >1 '• and U|*v,im), and r* ■ t tin; >rt tbn through Savannah Custom llous* bv A C oels nig. nursur’ "pi>* Me 1 ;*|f Link* Phone. 4> nl . llv dit h rl.ral, Fr* -:* i*nl Lill* - P.ant now J Gardner, ag* nt. care E. Moyle. 10 Brough ton str **t. * a t. IF ITS RUGS YOU W ANT. YOU CAN get them oe*per fmm McGlllis. SPECIAL AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of n!< #• wdl)>w rockers, ladles at |2 J W. T*e;de. f AM NOW LOCATED AT 411 WEST Br-'Uithton. ring up hav. your fun • ure movd r pa* k* 1 for or itorsfi prtew the fame i- I do me work thill " given to m* A S. Griffin. 414 Broughton etreat, weft, matlrefs* s made t or*l r MILLERS STOVES AND RANGES give eatLfaellon The Magnetic. Eoono rii't. Waldorf, King, and other good make* at reasonable prices. 3/7 Brough ton, went HO W A I ioi *T You 11 W! NT Elt clothing? let u put it In hap $ p> r mouth Sterling Pressing Club, lit York, wr ENSINGToN FARM MILK IS UN ( urpass l for rtchmss; d*llv* ry is per fect; J/hoi.e 2V4i. Si:: MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS, ofllca tables. < ffi e matting, office fhade* 2V7 Brought an. wnt WHEN YOU BEE MdILLIB' SlXTY inch W-C' nt rug*, you will buy them. Just cun t help It. will sell In any quan tify. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE," is a specialty with McGl’ll*. “MILLERS NEW STYLES IN CAR pets, mat '.ng , linoleum wnd -w shade*, etc. AI) w ik done tn first-*: a-s style. 20/ Rrought tt, we-t MGILLIS LACK CURTAINS WILL beautify your |R^lr. " M‘OILLfS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS lace curtoin-. hamiiv* k*. w iter I’rnder". pi ion*, pb tures. cov'-f, b‘lfe)tn suit I *. wn*l furnlittr* of every description. SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ring'* for sale ly J. W Tee pie. ul o ,11 r ■ laoltoh ft $1 4i BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they last Large a sort nient jf .ocker*. divans art 1 easy chairs. C. 1* Miller, agent KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation in the country, free fr*m city • iratnsge Impoaaiftde far mhk to tieeome contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey tn ik. phon< 2345 Do ll very prompt. *a'lsfactl>n guaranteed. MGILLIS MOV IS PACKS BI!!I*S an l store* porno* and furrtlture, item wak only I*o "Ch a|-Jolin" prl e ui "t'he*p- John" Jobs IIOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing** let U* put It In shnp* . 91 month. Sterling I*re**ing Club, D York. vr. GOLD FISH Si- CANARY BIRDS. 12 a*, fish foot I and gr*, J Gardner, agent, 114 Park avenue, east. 11. FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS whl!*’ th* y |Jt. C P. Miller, agent. t: jO FoR ART SQUARES WHILE they last Big assortment, all grades of art "quote' rugs, mats, portieres C. P Miller, agent ~M GILLIH SELljl SIXTY INCH IlinJS —Smyrna pattern*—for 99 rent*. "ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN ~ca> ITALS WILI. BE RINTED IN CLAB BIFIKD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD V ERTISEM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN TOC. IF YOU WANT OOOD MATERIAL oral work order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book* from Morning News. Savannah. Oa. MIIIMtI.. sTXT TITTteTu mg |wpie arc now Socking t* Dr G \\ K-tndo.pd, ALm marie Hotel. Columtua. S C , amft we learn fr>ti 1* adtng pa|M*r* that h* t** cur ing manv H- engage*! u> g to Sa vannah G.i th#- :th of Nov . an*! st v ten * lii v h ||.- wtl) thru go l Tex. Stutterer :th* seem* 4 be your ' last opiortunitv Col Wdllte Jotut- f t’oluni 1 and many other* sr* l*ud ut hi* prat** -Christ ton Index "now ARE your FEET'* IF Y>UH feet are troubling v>u . ail on m and 1 will give v j re If. 1 . !.• |ng .wh g nail*. c**rr* ud .ill i|v ,i.- nf th** feet without jnl: . • h.ira* r if na(|c . .in giv. ttie Im-h reference* In the 'ity, |n ti* nt* tre.ite.l it reaidencer. ordeta n 1* left at Living Mon'* drug *ire Hull and t'ottgr*-** *ti* t" le’eptuMic *; Lem Davb *urg* on chiropodist • 111 F \\ % >lll VI \l TYVOttR THREE 1101 IIS’ WORK FOR g(hhi Ixtokt. *•*■;# r .n afieitioott or evening Addt' • U "kk pr. * at* Nw BALIMFN WANTED !# Eld OUR gto-i> b> sample tu wholesale and t< '.a 1 trade. w arc th*- latgc*t and only man ufa lurer* in ur line in th* world. lilw ral f.i!.r\ pall Adtfre**. ton D*x Mix otlic . > Boar*) of Trade Building. Savan , lUfth, *>a SALESMAN WANTED Foil FI*OR i Ida Apply by letter to uh with refit en •* . g*H*! alary paid t the righ* ninti |gp;4itan Itr.a- w aolf n ■ lr*tgki 't - Lipo in.t block. Savannah, Ga Y\ VNTED. AT ONCE TWO (!) FIRST clap-e *‘*st ttik*r ii tin* work, il' ttinn or lit l piiferiel M Kay Tailor, Ma con. Ga LEARN NEWSPAPKR \NI MUl\ xln* tijtiaf rating. 1 oiki 1\ tuaii fr. [ tuition piv able *'.o day* aft-r |<ittton fc - un-il, paying sl3 a vv* # k t\* r*-e|a*twi •-n • lii.xiittitt *f Am* ii 1 S 1 it--u. P i WASTE!' TWO ACTIVE EDUtWTED nun. weekly salary or g uar in.** . nly applicant - giving ag*. 1 -f- m*l pi v tou-. 4*mploytuem cn-id* r and l'o-i l, M* ad A t*o N* w York • iiy W ANTED, PLU MBERS, ft :>. BRICK lit yr k, ft 4>. mill mactuni-t. tiler ham merer, laundry na< hinl*t, w.n*hcr, $X>. l**aid; t.ak' t*. ti- in*p** t r. bokk **|h*i, C' ininb •r\ clerk. Ilub.r. 317 \V* t Bay. Jacksonville 111 .I.P W % M Klft-l 1:11 ILE. HOTEL EMITXftYMKNT AGENCY 317 West Bay. J.i k*onvllie. want help, alt kindv f*r Florida G* orgta No a and Cuba, *• nson I‘AV-1901 S* *• Huber f.r fur ther information ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL EE PRINTED IN C|,\S -IKIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN "K TWO CENTS A WORD No AD VERT! SIM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C w.i \ts u %\ ri:i. ”TgT\ r ■? 11: f.j*trht -cller* on the market. un* x. *dl-*l opportunity for energetic worker*. *x|h rlen* *- tine e-'orv . -n#l for <*r* ular* and *P*<til offer D*pt \ South' iii Publlslt ing Cotitj*any, Atlanta, Ga • XFI,) HIAT W %N I Lift. EXPERIENCED TAI Ij iRESS DE tgi.. cut and tit, lav 91 No iii*m!- L>u: 'lh Yuilyn. Po#ollb • . young man red ibt ad slici lor, all rounl *f!it man. mu-t hav ** |n*t (ton it min . Jam up >ltv drummer Will and uiytbim re.pili* t>i It) Up to-dale hustler Addle.'- qt!'i k, " 1 lot-Shot " car*- New* A G*oD n"K CAN HE F' ftU NI AT .>4l Taylor - ist first-class ALL ROUND MAN want* job with rotm g**"! Turin ttiit* matt, thoroughly undetxnnl* • ft*- oust iiv*?. K >• ; *x|Hiiem. can i*tcr. gauge. tails tftOW s Urtftd to * * ary and build *hnH-a and utlll h*m*e* ami tub . can ut i>\< . flip ir dip. referenc***, cltj A*llrt*!*." 4'X llarri- s treet < miry aldr*i-. Wcbrnati. Ga J S. btv 1 (lift I M> W % Ml.I ft. TiTtusTt ttttu 11 room*, with Gable on prerat**-* Ad dre*s H lUix 3UI IliliftW* W % > I It ft HuVr . U foi houto-k* ping, mu l Hava hi •e*-plng roc fit> Addfeaa , P. o Box 357. w mi.ift-ttin i i.MSDut •. WANTED PARTY WITH IU*M l"R 1• w an*l fMolltabl* bmito • . reolv • ;b*i . Uug** profit* G AS, till* oth* * if You w ant good milk, get it from SpcingluUl Dairy. It's rich, pure and whok-come. "’CASH PAID Id lit GOOD second" hand *at *iirk*. 212 Went Bay sfre*t. IF YOU WANT A PLACE To DUMP earth, dirt. *anl, matiitr.-, etc ft* pr charge. Ji-t at city limit*>. hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Pro* . ornar Andernon and E.inl Bn>.id ntreet*. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL DE PRINTED IN CLAS HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD No AD V KRTIHKM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C. Ft HI llOftftW*. FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS with inith, or will a* commodate two gen tlemen hoarder#, in prlvat** family A*l *ii * .'f L . N* w f oftl •• , ONE LARGE FURNISHED IIOoTI for rent, privilege of bath. 213 Ejm Henry nr** roil It I: NT—litH gKH. FOR RENT, v *>.MC"RTABLE HOUSE No 217 W .ddburg afreet, earn. Im tween Al '*r*rn .11 1 Uncoln, flrnt cbi**a ord r and condition every convenience Rlgfit rent to right tenant Eniat* Bai un .n Cohen. West Broad aid Broughton ■ treat*. Foil RENT, THAT DESIRABLE REH- Sdance. 12*5 Oglethorpe avenue, w*!<t. A|>- ply C. B lieutach. ti Hull. we*t. NO 9& YORK STREET. NEAR BAR r.arcJ, Robt. II Tatem. Real F>tt** Deal er. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with ai: modern Improvement!; In g.**) repair. 308 Jones, e *t. Kollo h A Set ev en. FOR RENT. 17 DUFFY STREET. e*t, |m>'•<•#**•>ton at *!<*• Apply George L (Jarmany, agent 1C Bryan street, *.! f5 i< i n't si \n i > zS B ftliToS *treet, e*t; fhe**e nr. gre>d houa. * and location excellent Apply t* r A Mein tire. 4‘v R rd of Trad** Itubllng FOR 94 HAT—#Tlft It E9* FOR RENT. STORK SOUTHWEST corn* r Whitaker and L l> rty street*. Ap plv 18 Lth rty str*e!, went. FOR III.NT MIM I t.ldNMftl H. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE Foil RENT. CORNER HItOUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS. FOR. MERLY OCCUPIED BY THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. Il P SMART ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAR ITALS WILL 1 L PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A W >RI> NO AD VERTISEME.NT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN C. I IAT4 FOR It CM. a tel hath App.v 12* Ha)H>r*ham Street To RENT. FLAT FIVE It* <MB FUR m-tied or unfutnt i'd tu housekeeping, hot an*l cold water, il* East Diverty Fcftll *\l I —Mt %l I * | %I ;. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL Id. PRINTED IN < L\H Sl* II I* ADVERTISEMENT COLI MN FOR rwo c’ENTS A Word No am VI RTISf M ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN JuC I*OR HALL THOSE DiTH ON NINTH •trMt. near Ka*t llrmnl. Imva only been •ol to Amt els— pgflltMk •• o will ■ ik# Ichi.l nlghftHr*. anl non# other can buy The term* are verv euay. and they ara cheaper t an any other In the viclnftly. i* II Doraetl. Foil SALT A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollar*', ra y term*, on Ninth nrvet, he ir l ot liraad. no city taxation. C IL Doraetl FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH. NKAR Fast 1 r.-ad. hi 9> ra h. will logo t*a advarv **l to 12.... when a lot haa been paid for I ran arr.mga to get a horna built C H Doraetl FOR SAL) LOTH ON NINTH STREET near Ka*t llroa*!; no city taxes, at 47'tU each; twenty-five dollar* • h. and easy month!) payment* C H Dirwett IIEBIDFNCKS AND BUILDING LOTS for il* nil over the • it) Robert It T*4**m real eatate dealer. No. ? York at ret. we*t. FoR SALK oil RUST f- \CHK farm wtt 1 bouse tid ••ut buSldln.a n pood cornllt! ‘ii \ppl> f<7s Stewart street ADVI L nSI MENTS S |* IN CAP n vi < WILI IH PR.INTI D IN CIiAS BIFIKD M'VKIiTIHI Ml Nl CH MN FOR TWo CENTS A WORD No Al VERTISI MENT TAKEN I "Il LESS THAN • tilt Mil —%! I< 111 %M:tti. S>\ REM. TIIE COl Gil KINtU TRY It when y- ur f v*rii** i*ut>ly fail*, n hotib ud'l***l l* a gill ot bn* v itink'- a aplcmltd m.x viif for InfanD ami • btidn-n lil.N/oiN BALM MAKES THE SKIN Ilk** velv* r, far ■ tie by •buegi-t or m Hot ry and Alcrc>rn Per*-'* Dtug Stor*, Whltnk'-r a tut Twvb'r t**t* I 'OR S\LE ONE SECOND II AND r-v horse power engine and in hi. IB IN \ NO 1 ORDER John ItoURKE A SONS LATIIi: Foil SAM 1 UOMPoUNIft g*-ir*‘*l lath* finnde i\ II 1. Sh*-ppail ,St Crt , Ctm'tnniitß Will - wing II inchc •; f•*■ t 1 1 tw• 111 *ntr ~ will b* -oU| li. ap u * vv.' lui v. 1.. ii-. for p App’y i*. *>r u.klr* th* Morning N w . Sa vannah. Ga LATHE F >lt S M E \ C 'ME* *1 ND geared lath*- Itiiad. bv II I. Bhe|>pard A Cos. Cln iniiutli. W ill wing II Hi* In . fe.'l bet W* .It * •!•!* W ill be r-.ia| leap 11 vv. Itcive it., ii . f..r it Apply (o r aklt*r*>. tiu* Morning New-. Si vtinnah. Ga FIRE PROOE SAFES WE CARRY A tine line .f (lie proof f•* In at ill tpin ■ The (a)rtie* ran **•** .-xa tlv whn; they are c'.'tUig Our price or* a* low a** nionuf.i tur. 1 - **>ll it. with freight add .-I Parti** Inter*-!."t. who wt-ri it fir** proof *af**. will <lo w*l| to |n*pM*i our * - k IJpi'in-ifi Itr-'* LlpiH.i iii block, agent* fm tt) mnfo a ur* t-* TCRi i ntini: location for fab Mr* I*** Hr t y at t*x' , l.'OO* n re* round llm!" 1 at $1 .0 |a*r cie 9' per thousand box* f u )•• ■•• t i ni' pl ty of limiter to U got n tlv* m*|et of r I - will glv. p. *f> |. n now or at end f -‘a-on A*id • • Round Ttmh* r. • a a Morning New* lathi: 1 "it bale, a”compound gear**.) lathe (iini.l* \ II L Sheppard a Cos Cim tnmttl) Will wing It inchen *• f I between Centre*. Will be o'<d leap ii - w • bv- iu. )■*• fr I Apply in ~r wMi- c (p t . Morning New*. Si vanuab. Ga SPRING FIELD DAIRY IH NOTKD f*r having rich, pure milk, try It, you will 1"* idea--*l \dvi:rtisementr set tn cap ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CL\S SIITLD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN ENTS A WORD No '• VURTISEMENT TAKEN FOB LESS THAN 30C. L* I %\D lot Ml. I/>HT I.ADY S <KLD WATCH WITH l.v. # r ernv* *1 m t*H<*k . lOgin trnrk*. *'* INo •► lit. s*trf chain, with g*l*| heart 1 !(.-a nd If r*aurn* *l to Itil Ha rr*ham .! r. • LOST ON EITHER LIBERTY bit' Bull •' 1 fcc*.** vlttv kbar*. in five and to - dollar Ml;* Finler -utta;*.) rewarded ft W I err. C R |{ * I II 4 \ Lift. uTTe cow S^HTRTIGTrrTN^Ty^FTeLD nt laiveir* lirlck vard owner an have j fame bv proving pr<|Hrty are I paying ex 1 -n*<<* M B*ott I .111 < ITHI4 %L. uml- r th* nwtn.igement **f the Kate Hal*l win Fr* •• Iv *b 1 *:nren, will open on Nov. 1 at Had street, l ist. 111 * 11 %% s. ADVEICTIKEMENTS SET IN CAP f I"ALK WILL III: PRINTED IN CLAH HI II ED ADVERTISEMENT cold MN "It TWO CENTS A WORD SO AD VERT I SI-'ME NT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 3bC. I*l.l MI!I\G. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL BE to your Inter' *d to <*■ me give you an e* tlmaU' on your plumbing, new or old work, repair w<rk a ape laity aa I *rn a practical plumtier. N* gues* work to endanger your life. Wiggins, phone fOT. Georgia or Bell SIM r. 1,1. % >1 nl H. n*??J.M ("n 7s" sT. \ r IN 4AP IT ALtt WILL HE PHI N I I7D IN CLA#d SHIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN I'olt TWO CENTS A WORD No AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN **.* WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or gin** Mnt.-h, |eTf t wore Forest Cay Ltundr), Park uvenue. GET YOUR WEDDING PRESENTS at Ke h A Sylvan'*. 4*i Whltak r. They ur* Uautlful md cheap. AVOID THE RUSH LET ME HAVE your *tgu w rk for Elks* fair at once. •Vrti Taylor, lio Barnard. WE CLEAN CLOTHES BY THE RE aor Ine anil • p?*c pro* * * Try u* N* w Yetk Steal*; Dye Work'. Wftdtaker and State NEW DOMESTIC WITH HALL b* a ring*, on eaay terms; try one; buy on-; deal with your people. Ponton A Son. FOR FISHING TACKLE, NETS. ETC . go to ('ornwell A Ch.prnan DON’T TROUBLE YOt’ItSELF ABOUT moving vour furniture, relaying your • l**t* *r matting Perry a Benton wi.l re ii-v* you of all that trouble. YOUR BILL WON T UtK HALF AS large if w *lm your repairing <n stov*- rang**. et< w. employ experlen*--*! workmen which *k b**t work tn half thn •Im* A C. Price- A Cos., ‘phones 454. corner State and Jrffentoii. HA V | , I'.VfNTM with tftermun rendy-mixed paint, entire *a‘dfa lion guaranteed. Adams Paint Company "wanted, one tiiousand”hun gry p*-op!e at the Southern Grocery Com pany, lit li# rnnrd #reet PHONE 1575 FOR FOREST CITY Laundry They will call for your luteo j 1 ißUßvdiately. irCYlOt MI*CR Tllta DAY. ~ : 'A HOWLING SUCCESS? The opening • 1* of the Savannah Auc tion and Com mt*** ion Company w* at tended by it crowd- -<> much *0 that peo ple < ould not get inel-l" their <h* r*. In * r*b r to .*• • t•• w. w.i; tinue our *al* ta-d.iy tFreiay), Nov. 2. at l a m . of I *{!► -m il * Hu t*. Bilk W ni.-t", Jacket* and Skirt- Br - • Tabic*, Crockery and tw< hftgh-graalc Wheel*. SAVANNAH AUCTION AND COMMIS SION COMPANY, 111 Whitaker *trc.*t. >l*f 111. i\* 111 v. t A\ rr IE uI: LRY RIR •aTTu tt*g g'.v. i) ih 1 itl att. ntian, at Koch A Sylvan f* 4. Whtt<tkr. MERCHANTS \TTFNTION! ADVKR tl*lng ami nlgn* of all d* *ertpt l.wt. cla**t cal work t n < < tti prl * ’*♦'• Tivlor, 14" Barnard >tr* t NEW |MiM! STIC SEWING MACHINE with ba lil 1 i’ -fitch; fWo |||a bill* e- 111 Ui. | • |. it ,V jft HI. LADIES HAM Yon; FINE CRB |H.n and tabor in *i. *b. ♦ dyed by n.*vv oxu Iv** pi . . |- •*i'. #d nt ta : brink •■ g*t -ut *>f bap** New YmMk I'v" Work *. Whitaker and St ile 'Phono m.i roll H A ItDW ARE AND TOOLS# OO to Cornwell A Chtprnan * WE SELL SEW Eli PIPE. FLUB fdpe, fire cl iv, (tre brick at In went price#. Adams Paint Company, 104 Congreot, we *t. PERRY and P.ENToN 1?" ST AT I*3 * f reel. West, will move pa k whip or store your furniture at /*trt n*>U. . alo rn i>vate v "If *>'d nvalir* *<w at iMtle co*i. Bell ‘phone 1124 HAVE Yoflt ICE BOXES REM NED an*l t er . *.ll* overhauled, be. r pump* t* - pUit nd •'ltd pill |tl b -*t c.xtdltftOC). ill work gii.i 1 anteed. lent of eatlnfn tlon; our i. p{a to ■’ i • 1 a of I.• Il - A \ Prlc. Af Cos State /md J*fT. raon. VUF I II AN t ftNE IIUNIHi I I" ENTrt In every loUar .*f y**ur hnrd-arn*d hard at tlc S*uttirn Grocery Company, lift B.irnrtr*! air* Till: MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK IB h'dng turn.-el out bv I'rtl City Liuiklfy. 'Phone IST! GOLD W ATCHES AND DIAMONDS ut all pr • < Koch a Sylvan, tt; Whituker *tr**i PICTORIAL SPINS AI V KMT!BIN* I fdgn*. *lgn* of every .i •** rtption S|***.nl *)* oral tour for liike orntvul Win. Tay br PENT"N A S"N WILL RENOVATE your ma. bln. 11 and guaiaot.e it B-.l new or oki ina btr. f "It RANGES AND HToVMd. GO TO Cornwell \ Chipman G Y PS! NT; IH THE BEST WALL PIN* l*h made Ad-no* Pnlnt Cos., Savannah agent*, tot Congres* went I "It SANITARY PLI’.MBINO AND g* fitting ring u- up. Beil or Georgia <kVi W* 111 ik* yur hill* nnaller an I vour w*ork *d h* *t A c Prl &. Cos St '* and JefTerwon ntreid* lIKniTK Y* •I'll 1.1 VINO K\l'KNflr.4 by Inventl"g your hard * r.*d hard ca*h v%lth the Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard arreet Norwood's "Satire" Fur sale at all Sews Stands In Savannib. \.\A* %I. NOTH 1.1. BTATK OF (HCoRiHA. CHATHAM | 'OUt)l\ Notice h hen bv given that I ! will apply to th* Robert Fl -5 itgant Judge ft thr HujH-rlor t'ourt of Ih* Ju<lnial Circuit. it c , wfn!n*n at ! Hav.tituah. On.. on Ha turda). Nov 10, IfUO, |it !< o l k n in for nn or ler to H! |at ptl\ it- .*l* th* I hr*-* fifth* |3-J un ! divided lrt♦•***>t of .1 H W I leuken. An i t* II ik* i and Gertrude ll*-nken to (hat i-rtaln lot *f Wind at Thunderbolt, r | av. G* *t 'l.i I on i 1 north by ! W.irKtiM rlv* r. on tin south by a strict, Ht th* • ii't by lot Im longing to M J p**-*- vergei* und on the went by n lot of Im.d tN-lomclnjc to Henry Amlki, the nine be ing i* i< Ik ilia r 111 width. having n f ront *ge on the rlv* i of i* feel and a r -.tan >• ilnr drpth of •• 1* * t It l**lng .t t*rtloii of the Tobta* Turn* i tra* iof hud I d*- -lr* f '■*ll thl* I.iii*l l nil’** the ltan*l tu unprodu* tlv* and in* In-ohm- therefrom uncertain and It will >h mild for th*- pur of reinventing the pr**<d of (ho sale GFBCIIK HIINKKN, Guardian of J II \\ Mrk<n, Annie C. Menken nd Gertrude ll* rik<n Ort 11. lf* (JK'HIGIA CHATHAM COUNTY.— i Ploy*! In ■ a -piled t - the Coir! of (iidln.iry for .i twelve inontl ' mi* port for t. *• •If of thi eat •*• • ? fl njan In IJoyd. !•> -*1 Ap|r 1.- r. 4 love mu-l return* allowing r rr? Then* are. therefore, to cite all whom It -may cot in t appear lef*r end c-mrt to make .J. ti n. on or t or* th** flmt M >nd<iy l> NoV'-mher. ih at, otherwiao name will I*** granted. Wltnro the ilo* ora b e ll.imp! *n I* Kerrlll, Ord.i ry f*r Chatham county, thin the IHh doy "t n-tot*er. im FRANK i: K KIbiIACH. C|e k Ct U., C. c. Go. GKOROIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Whei#••*, HMtw he M Kel haw applied to Court of ordinal\ for Mtrm of ndtnlnU t rut lon. I* I • \ c T A., on the eeato of IM*urd Hwarhreek. de- *a.*Hd. The • i*r , therefore to cite and a lmon i-h i.l whom It may * ae *-rn to I** ami app< .r Irfuri- wnld court to make objee tlou (If •% in *y havei on or Irfor*.* tho flr-t Moialiv In • inl>r,* next, other* wl**•• I letter* will t>e grant***! Wltntnm. the ||oit>raile Hampton L. Ferrlll. ordinary f*r < nthim county, thki the iwt dav of November. ISM* FRANK i: KhUKBACII, Clerk C. o . C. C. fIIOPOIALI H A.\TKD. liST-^ Healed propojuH-* ui trlpil t© will he re reived h* r** until 12 m Nov 2 I9f. for < •ai4tru'ttng thre frwm*- butldinga. In formation furnlahed on application. U. H reserve** right to a*cept or reject any or all hklr KnvelojH*** ivntatnlng |ro l*.elH ahoukl l> marked **l*ropoaki for Construction." .iklre- and Hi.inky D. F.mhlek. Q M JOHN (i. HI TLEH, -L-fc.AI.KK JK r,lnl. Oil* nn.i <jliu>*. tliuli. Door,.Blinds and Builder*' Huj.plie*. l*lain and L*cora tlvr Wall P*|wr. fc’oreucn and Dommto rrmrnta. Plaatcr and Hair. Sula Acvnt for Ahr.Mnr Cold Wotrr l ain* SD ronr** Iln*l, *wt. and !J Si. Jultaa *#r-.*(, wrat. J. D. WEED Sc CO UtAMAH, UL Leather Beilins. Steam I’ackins & Hose A(*nta for NEW IOKJA BUHBEH beutoio ano comt-anr. DONNELLY DRUG CO., SAVANNAH, oa. r-Rtras. bekds. etc. Mall order* aollclttd. Ball phon* 7l P. B.—Sand for —n* a#np>a V*. A P. Cyapp*la Cura. 3