The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 02, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A TEXAS WONDER. tlnU* (irmi IHafotrry. One i*rr.tti. boMl- • f II .i ■ t* •• * t I> - covffry I’tirf, ail k i • > n 1 • • 4 r l: ’ ' bl*. remove* grav-E * ut• *1 * fe *' in Inal emisMciv . vn -k unJ ■ • En * rboumadsm ut l all irn * * l “ kiute ym ami ■ • men regv. *te e ad--* dren If in Id t > be sent I.> in*. n • •< 41 ' M!| * bottle In 'WO in cur* rtl I I -d ' * * r V H . I • tks* M |x>ui ~ M s- “1 ’* 'lmofiUl* t fi|V4tll il), 11 ••*!* 1 Thu. fu!.h*ri <J.i . April : 1>" Thl* I- U ■' iifv tl .it I u* uff. • * *n h g nd l 1 ' * Of li t - fi IH- IV. nut I I' P> i i . worth Q I.* it'- o r nr.-.J!-n It J T PTBVKNB LEGISLATORS AT THE FAIR. |i%4|\4. I* I*l4ol l>. \N INI! S€l - l\4. I ll %TI Mil. Ti li t-ro|M* Walker Mm* life n* tli* Heawlf of Itiliirie** *o*n**i*! From >• Ii 11— \ n i nl of I'reiolw ll*** Hrgiß—*iomr of ili* Prlae Wlniit'ri, 4.00 l 4 *>iin(> r.iliUilta-l'reßhh-ni llrmtn mid 4ltler %re Well |*|en aril. Vuii e*t i. fin Nov 1 To-day was 1/ ' bv.,itor v I* •• ■ ■ * ' Fa • • ‘•d 1 " of !i• *d. *.iji■ >u*wn ot th • <** . u train f n. A*, . -i.* Th- > h.v- n it. lltx th l Eve V tl fit.*-’ th* • Thi ra* - vN-r,- tutn a * ature .1 th* day S-rn- * Hiking --I hore- ,ir* *k liK clever wot* .r.fl making r >rt: ?* Tie Ht .it• r* -t *i ■ * * r |ia • r . . . i i.*i- •;*! w .* t*' Wit h |X.,•*. I 1 ‘ • • lie l*< * I t t*'* j rut even . ' + . lift . Wft' to :*•' The In -r. j-. i,i the i ra *, wo 1. -1 with j spectators The f * E-w-ng Is th* *>f!i e, | scor* 2 •* Tr •tri: rn * fk<" pur** . VV- u b lir Lr; • A. ■ K'.i • • ond. Honey M* -i l. - * ti • * 1 r l . - • * 2 IT* I’ nlm? i • jtiir-f* 1100. VVin by H.ij ; hi* 1 * * \ • r - md ,ifwl J eo third Tim* - 4‘ '2.'.', Tr-ti:; hi * j* r • Won m Tft* k.i I ' * • .ft .11 t ird Tin F\v* -♦ liilith-mlb* *h runninK r l‘ur* fto. \\, • h’ Tut'-r. S* i tor Me k- 11 t•I . t**r>* i (hlr 1. .-*.-••• fouri Tin 1 - I J . > ii* idi.y . t i • fV * won l > ! Fottuno.i . M N’.it v >m; I. M idi lf>* i • • hi i 2 2M paring -, |* r . Mo*, won hy j J rh H M \ ii . i. > en*l. H i ?r.nd j tt 1* in,. Hunnlr -' r - re- !. e t*ur-. . If , * r . 1 v n f * y I * > S- fit r link-I! m -on I Kmnvtrdi H -I Tmw* 1 I- I unec ie ift* *i o it perf rmance to 1 i.*s J J *' t • . . o w k* **n t - \d \ i * k r m *!■ rating hi- . ’ .ii *1 r .lei r*■<*> ivli g inu-rn.' in! i :• w mav | v* f * t H wo re*no\ ♦ i to t . . * - well .1* ;*’ U * wher- • ' - e .. It W It* i* I! I j, I >n 9 . W** ( r. i V t • \ - ! ! v that j V il i ' - r v’> Itl lie* i"" f' 1 ' * ' It’ . ' i>U' • greater r.umh* r • n* . my t ,-i** T • l s • tr e clear j Wd * * * * * x : > *•: m , n t -• Tn • j rf**w and t ;• u * i! \ ltd ;* ’ .1 i S oVI k f .i.,"ifoin ih** |ojde am* | They in*- ov .* four r.dla *y , ** * i- I te-lng '• ' r ‘ m \t a igot" i l. f • -l .’a*/:-- T. - tv- r *•*>“ | ! -i to t,i- , . ,v. v { r. i. o T - . j b i i.o n. r **n> T - dr* - w - .* .. . j fir -i |r i • N< . • *1 mm .it j W m!-* k* n v. -n r . n i • \ urna. • Vai io-tn s-• liv , t*l m-'ViiM Arid* f.. tr. * • i th* . • i : r * -of Ih*- 1 }.♦> 4. . I • f t til . li e • v. • ■) !. , K. fit. a . .1 , TANARUS: * ’t I- -in about 12 o. l • .*• * w i. frit. ii t u- h remit* ! in f vor i i * k** nvt !** i*o>>. Ttn 1 • -1 • t. ‘ * I ■ t . • I • tk- • ; *it on •-* . * i . : -1 . w - | ,< k -t .uni et.ii-I.* • i**-rn \vn- i 1 pi miurn. In i >* i*ft**rn • n its- awarding of i r!*<*. ! In lh i* *1 .• .'* : ir nMii 1% S.jpi W M T lylor . f \ K.i.* • r w.- • t ■ U* w ing Is . p..*tEl U-d f s.- -dll t , fii * I* l '• I’lu- AfvJii.u.dar. f-*w!i hy lein. n< J v.uitry Kar m, Sm> rm •. ! irk I’-vihinus. !’* trie r • f’nrm Light |!r.ihm,e ! . I’,rm Luff ’ H‘hi. lh*im-ni I'.irm l'iirlrkk*’ ('-> hiu*. !t. .m-uit Farm 1 *:.i k Hr*-i*(fl l : - -I and ur- . Hirkf*r\ i’oiiltry I'nrin. Fanti-n I'.i C*o!l*-n iHokiving riiin.. l*v Hi- kory 1‘ litrv ! urisi • H. Fit Hhtf'k Mom *..iigj i \ llelmont Farm Sliver Spargd 1 11 .mliu: . Helmort Farm llooilare h* Helm-a.f Farm ’<*rnts?i In*!; in and ime- in i~ nvir.; and best -• k. first nud e*. i„l priie to L* . it. n? f arm !?-•♦ * * t * to F I* t Vfy-iirv and M e on enl h*i, K. I. 1 * i!i .• t*l. lu nnard Oa. Tntrd hen, F. F <> *..rr . and \p ,*> First cockrell, i* I* Ov, i r .-,i M i on S T.-l <•*► krell, K L 1 *• i. Jen na r^l Third kr- ii. K 1* <> * * * M * * B*m pullet, fir t to K I’. < * .’nniu 11, j M . n S* ore! | ne t I* I* OT .ii ■ II M ,n Thlrrf |i let. K L I>* tit ur ! Ift-nnai.i, White Javttv l>v Lelmont F.irttt H!a k lanire!eii !n . Farm. Hrown I.* ; • ti !: i ■ if F.irm Th* * n*l in and third |-i tin* t>e r r- award. -I t t * ih i .f T . < county Tain* Iwt pen to A 1! A-l.imi* *f Mi- ; ron Whit** horn to Rdmont F rm Buff I/ *’: -'rie. hy moot Firm, Far , I'lvmou! I li- < k * Irn. rrl Whit. I Hie ) ’. irn r • t . -ni I' ’ ’ ! '• • 1 and . ! • ln. ni I hi W ’< < r* -i -’ 1 ■ I * ♦ Ooid* i \V>an*'*i‘t . in Sd var \\ •. - 1- l\ H M * , Ma •*• who w n on f r-t {-i 'I , . , li • \ pul e| t:d v. |J . . p.o lit. won on <*- coi 'i nii.l iM! j *: r r* !i. first hen. - ■ 1 h* n at I h r ! * e Looud \VI lie Hat t mi i.. Inc n F rm, Hmvin.i, U i si \ s- ih* • m**iit i arm. <!■ Ideti s. ihrii t. I * near Farm, t;. m- r • > :* I; m ITe Biii'iim . It l id , (luln#i L* nmni I'artu l •; by Itflmon’ Farm. Ayl* 'ntr <lu< ka, I y Belmont Farm. it .#•. Knit liula 4tckf hv ilrlrrv>nt harm. Cos oe-1 Mu- -*v> 1 i* k - H* Irn* nt Leni Pekin flu* ks. LI mom Form llouen ducks, llelmont Fartn. Whitt Museovv din ks, l.elnoid Farn Afrl an v> ■ -• 1' r mt Farm 1; i ru ut F.*rin Toulous* k ■ *. Helm nt Farm. Black taik*N . h L m* nt l arm: l t tlieplay i• ;•* ■ -i I;- nr nt Farm; i* m lis i Form: i- t dlsp.iy fjney plgecn*. liei mont Farm Hrmldrnt llrown l*lsn*tl. President J Lop** Hr*wn h**t*>r** th** counter *f the veiehr • ' pure oppl cltlcr ytuUrdav. <irlr.k • ier i -1 smil ing ot th* peupa .Snd I, "ThU day ii ii roas'i V I'm pleorc-1 There are thousands of p p. pf rc to-day who never attendi in fair. Thera ar* thouarvP who ar- getting tin Idea •>.' what w< msin whin n■■-.-* o f*r \n*l there will I* fhou inds v -• 1.1 think more of fnnnlnK and thrn** n- when th fair la clow**l My plan is to take tha fair to Uiv pvvpic dOicv mv have seen dial ail s. ?i *uUut attend It at the Ham* ( , *! n pr **nt will l*c a ian*i lit* t r •itfii • i • Ihjuiu eme r.t “W.i.i until after the fair anti etm to i* rt • .ti .i w. s, .il th*et .k bi- it tie n..|, wrven I n!m If h* * ;p* : *l t. n, • • rti S.o t T rn B i *f m t *• **r *n p if !.• : W 4. | . . Ji *•?, . Ml * i I'.l %% 4 Hate fair- for twentv five >*at 11. ’Tin more ini* r> *.| ,ti tt * f i .*ti it > fair v. have I ;n tv-tif> >*4r- T/J. -OJ •II <1 * * ♦ Sid th .t ti* m * very mu* i int* *• *-1 r i r>*- rin*t fi.r •* M it i; • ■ . * It- . *if ii vim ■ and r B - (• fin vs • i \ * . * I • ** th*- row* tad tne peo.-t- thit t • w r** -‘ . . if.- I t a p itt. n.n .. n 1 a bull, it i tr .it lr, ;n v*'-if 1 - * l * arn •d. tl Pit vs th* itumpkln •U*i t . i j.jr; ~ 1 4. * - I if. , and the "I ,* V * * o* *1 Mr B or e “h.* th * i a.I. r-* N* *•. the dl-pl iy Ik {• *. for . ’So fr.-m <vry - jo*l point r.iuoH ■ • H .* * ;I . I b# re Hi ' n m •• slMlbtf. nnd thr-*- *ar> w re 1 ■ i* , or * a* far a- M i *n but from • ; . 4 e It,* ■ A. !*• ?. ! U. .If).I ff *> .toil be brought ill It Al t'- 4**l f • i .ij- a* r • •* urr t->l t* i' ' i *jr a 11 -*j -•* i tfn nt t- * !*♦ (i* who .?* h* r t :n North b >l* n * ainty It* t.r with an *1 r i • of p .uitis Mr I B lift ur 1 of ;. . *i aon r.* t.. • (• r* * on fC'Ab to-* 1.1 N F • I* dtrv K trm of Smyrn i ti t- bn*'* ■ * t ? If .; A. I * I. Mr I Foe ,nn* ; of M.. . i aBo w! pi* - •f. t..- fine f*w -o and e (\*pt He. if T (ltd)* ..*• t> ~n<! Mr A H A in ii *1 If M (irlkp of Bl * * county. \ .sard of l*rett? i a m*i ll* kii ii. T a . .ird of pr** t** an t, .lav •*ii Wlil i>. k* ,*r Up MM*, rb* fair ii -* • . Mi F* ?• H- ;? :,,• firm, r. 1m H • I < •*’ t*, >.-1 tn n.e from til** cot- Whi •• l>wi-l v a.unty B not art?* Iv • It. ; r ■rt w*nph o* i*n. •f r *• t ; ar- ‘akinp a ur.-at deal of Slit* r* ,v tt It. • o. . v * f Br ink (-•ninty a ni '*• *•! w.. - *\" -a* *i. u Mi wa- no* !*• Mr T ’i.> r wit* of former r *ngr* rn.ii Henry inn , i of tt U and **tri 1 B| e4►.*r pof t irmt 11 and farm which *. *-.1 dl t- i ss • h*-.*r I **a Fre ;.| •* f ’ ; e I,r< ai, ■ I t.. , ht ‘I ,v* It My ither wi. .nt I m on* . and ms hod wbl I-* .*. ' a little ntory it running . v >r*i*:b, that a y*e 1 w.r-*:r*. • i *ii f e f u/rl yiitur • ■ t*•• •f I I ;* • .4 I*l W - -*> l.p|.*l by th* ittlr* of >! B w i th * h* .-hara t rtyed tim 4 ’{tu: t; *i* yp< \v* ' Mr It J ft*-i n4. k rotb r f B. A. B* t K j . .f F \i ah. t 4 I fii** in* 1• l JH-nin.itk b*m m ad i Jan ii j* wlo* l yea re if.. I y. r- /■* a!’h* ugn it i ?i--r ip <i ii B furni-hul ml a • f ♦ nt* r|i, !i* haii'. you would p* • .in * In .p* t k** you out there.” he ni l tid while w* w aid rn* * i n< llvlfif; * out in :*■ h-'ii** vs•• '.*ult i>u4*h b. . u*l in Oi l rrl 14 | . rvaiit would r -p>nd t 1 ifi -.1 ho Would f if] t t, < r i •- dinner for ut," Thi# .-ugy -1 hiif t- to ’ mind until Mr |t*n*ua k • *:plumed that tM- old I*4 0 1 v-.| ■ *rn - .rt 1 , in a r* B- **rii c .o* *,-•• w| r* 1 .’| rit v* ? tsm- ih* button ai* I Thi is a fuv alt- "rt I r t • ;4.i ; 1 • ria i! * t .. \ , \„mpb- of th*- I, swnd* - omy u ji n t. dutv and •t*.l n 1 • •t. ~f hiw .~i • I*r i if a* k*-* er w ■. i. * 1 b# en P•t - u • and !• a *w • o tt • gate (let.tint 1 a t ii-> ttiß m .r .tip wh. w 4h*-d ill' t oid' to if-1 . of h* .r* .f. I ! muni m.” plead* I > • . ■ t. ■ pomM I it:, dir*, itfh * ■*•• ir.K and I m • hom* urged the v. tor y...i ortd ter om* m tn u f..r you , t ,, r ... f. . . , . • 4 r*nU •*1 tr * • }• n T,J s u v* b*‘* tl )•*•!* *“ to hnve lit n, ~ j jit* |h enclosure for the • ►•1 id un eve on t • nun - •• J I w i h. * • rivvn bin .1 k • ins '• * \{id -o t * d* 1 •'* *•! l* tti m until !n-*tru • i ' * to a •rri> -I h' your gut* ’* TO til I t X % lli I*l X B HTIdA. Benedict f<nipatiy XX 111 t.row Them Oh a Bnrae w*nlr. • .indo 1 'id \.-v l Tl. B n*ll t 1 Xmipinv i.- th** tainu f * n*-iv or-mixa ?.* , B tn in OrLit'-io within the iwki f*w ils Th* fame of th* Florida pineapple i * f. for It?* * xlMi-i.i'i Th* •*- <?.,*),, f tin iciipany wtli tniik** ttun fr.i:* tt.-i kr**\M. throughout r.‘** two i.* tii., : ■ lurl.*: th* t* \ f w v* ir 8,l .pi , a vs. ' ijerrnin 'f N'd- Au'tk* * . nanii I lli-m- ilrl, w<.* iittra ***l (o t . 11. , o> ?nm* *f th*- high grode*- .cv. r* lot* T • p* nt'* non _ ii ii t but y#ti nmtk Invi Slg.i i|,. . f the .u- li.* - He iittra* t* I little ,*(. t • himodf, l*.it from sub-oiu* ni 41* V i ,* tH tit: It would aj| * It . Ult h* WilM fi>t r . in - * water latter on b* > . , i a tra*-t of a f* w t r* j* In the . . rn |-.rllon f town and ?N -- t, ( 1 * | Ut w what h* w. i *ott h** Mad \< > i r* .*f it •• In pit.* t*p.* •- aid a -tod * . !d ovi r hi* plant* Meantime w * inv* tigatlnu th*- piu*apile b'.ml „..| . itu.g lnf**rm.tkn fr n x -i. rt* 1 --1 .row* ti, until h* tborouK hly • and I ti t that fdi *p b* gt*s\ - 1- tU sntti Florida ha> *um to ?*ta>. 4 ,i.. c. Jml.i l*iu*l> nj.o.a *-l it *flT*tH p . ; . 1(4 • * - •* IndUMTIOUH ni* n. T:>. n Mr li.*d • • \ •*# the Idea of f orinttu; a up my ur*l going into the Hi • . , • . tnd • ftv dryi 190 ;l*d up. It l la*- Sprifi.'i tn V*B.-;i .. mt> Within b* piiet *ia> *r two the , , f,a* . if id it tit p.a • tw* ll tv '.v* hutxl***d a. r* of very * hob e land. r . f.mi.*ii h,*rini.' wlta 11 hi w I of . ,i> huitatsle f*r making brick n,.) , |or. ■ I im* -un*l yynali hi- t*ei , 11 1 m•• valuabl*- reel jiavlng in 1 I* . :% purp'-e of the company to net diM ~t t*n •- tn .1 r *of f*m*K*th c.i\* v tine pliirappo* p im- Tfil* will i**piire on** h nd-ed thouv *nd v.iiiu: Tin- I*, .o * w* ■ enlarged on rapUlly a* pbitit- - b< -*• • it* 1 or propagated. It '.elr.g t:.* pl;r, -*c of th*- ol ;*•))* (** en large until their piiury idmi; cover thr*-* hiinlre*l a r ■ an I lb* number * f pitint.- rhall r* a h three million- When It -* Ilf|*l rt< tat t" pr* , * r*v cover a jungle 1 r** wi*b tin .1 tlf -'ikl In vtgu* her. ..‘••.lit iv.<( :v-|l\* thourac.*! f* • t of tun)!* r B required, it w ill •* m *-t* that Florida* lumber ‘dppis wl.l l.• * iii ,<*ii up. n rutin -rlfllv t** I*l •' th* demnn I. If t >. o pbiii m< ,r rl* I • -u. i*ln *ppb‘ promt-* t• b* ( * ! -r. B a r *dt* r mltie of w*%iltli 11* ti . or 4iu:e ever w a* well. All rort* f dru-/s and patent medicine* and **f rr. iv r#- - s d.*-*” nrr tiled, ir* , di* > aH'lr:tUt:te*"and *’C*‘;npar > grer. mt to but the roudlt'an I-* irne-war*-#* rather than B* ” r It U the nztur# of UuHU#u>e ilxelf, tcg#-t r veth all * ; plication*, which inuxt lx* xtudb-d lK lareany *y.*tcin of treat can be preiM'rlb* 1. It i* an individual p- r-oual tn atn *'it w h l •} i)*i-d#d In #'#ry rhroni** ca-*e. "hetiirr It be D*** of Maai) Vigo V ancorele. Stricture, Rl<oml !'© -’nine, or any form of IhmiUD %^ I rmary (’omplaint It 1* wicli treatmeot that l>r. Hathaway glv* ~la*‘ bla patient*, arnl auch treatment only, yj/ \ -- ldiat hi** method U rigid ha* !*#*eu pr#Trd by the uu.formltv an f e -* X :r.v. r. 4! 1.1 > *-f I ■ir-:: t10|•;.1 fi "• ti ’ I Whl •* 1- - pi w t placed him far in rdvanco of all other i;k*iiahftf lu the treat * “IV | V rneot of Chron <' ' Call at his ofl. eor write him for free eontaltat.* i and adt ce. !. if£WTOM HArHAWAY 21 D. f or a copy of hla ccw &t page book, Vigor, lieaUl)," and •elf-#xaraluallon fytnptom blank. m _ . _ _ J. NBV/TON HATHAWAY. M. D. <'fT # hour*# . to .. m * to .* and 7to lir. IlMtiiMway Sf Cos, 9 s#. ni Sunday 1<) a. rn. to 1 p. rn -jOA llryau street, Savaiinuli, Ga 2:A Lr>au strxct a tiavannab, Ga THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1000. I ' | . Filt<§ 4 look at sounclt! Iv vour face ccvereil with pimpicv? Vour skin rour.h ar.d Motcl;y? It’s ycur liver! Ayer’s I'il'.s arc liver pills. They cure co:;stipa:ior., hiliausn-ss, and I dyspep. a.? Se. All dru.-trist*. '*.*. t y-'jr t • • " r I * I <t4i.iifi;i BUCKiiIGHAW’SDyE^,^ in it 11 \\orir;> wox. Iteoiilla of fie lifiee* ot P|rdnilll Purl*. XliftntM. At in * N v 1 Tire, favorite* landed tfte m* ne> l*b-lm> n? Hark to-duv. Be. 3 to 1 in the fifth ev nt ! • , an m ii i* I in .|*- r ih* w- *■ I t :>** nd a half lerg'itu*. In the fourth nice Bj •—tto w.r ? il vn on the t.r-t hurdle, rod • ' # i)U .:\ ■v* r th* j** k Ii- wa <*. h i by hurt The b.*!!*•• w i' not injur#*! Surr.rnarb(. I";t t It . * S x # urbfi,. - * *u -) Betty, a t 2. won, with Hr,ither IT and, ■'* t> . **• - *r and ora! 1 ;<•!!* n t.. 2. third Tint. ! and filers F .ll r find . ilf fir tif I.H i Burr. :I to .won. with The In- * F . **e- r. 1 Hsidne. 4 to B thlr I Tim* Huee S\ faring* Fettle B. 2 to \ with 1. vt, B- >B. 5 to 2 i***-ond. and Miilunv ; t *.ur?h Race- Oh i I- rl an elgtith. htirdl* Abe Furxt. A to 1. won. with Bnd H ..v.t ,-. ii ,ir,.| Macher. 4 1. t'drd Tim*fflt l t FKIII Hue* S\* n furl nir I-are*juo4- .1 (o 1 w* . with Igr. - '• to *> * nd, an J pi ivt*r, out. third. Time 1:31V t* flic I m|iirc tin Truck. New Yori Nov F* rm xv i In #\B dc(*e At h* l.mptf* (Tty ra *■ tr *•: •*- (J is as* four f v*.-iic were flr-t pmt the Bi lge.- Imp rin tb( la t ri • but w # I*. t* n t> \! M* •ki Kiifi man Klrt Ha \ i Kix r r o,gs Tr in* • and I t* 5 *• 01 *l. md Marltert xto r*. third Tirn** 1 , r "fid ICl* # p fill . ari l ■ •• tv yardtf eellh.g P?* . tlgt.laror, 7♦* 10 w-n v.lth Brßk. f t.. , aid 2 t on l. ar.-l ICII • * ( * to !. thirl Tin 47 Tillr 1 fU • F;s * a* *1 1 half furlo g** Th* IthsM r. < to w - wl h Bap 1 n* ket. *• t> Ihi*l 4 To ft • a I Ind M il #?* r 11 to r. :hlr 1. Ti t* - Fourth Ba * The M*-lr*>s**- t k* a .ne mil id .1 fa Trido, 10 ,0 1 won. with *b 11 Mart Cars * 1 • 1 nd 2 1 • J **• .*i<i. n*i *'• ui, ,-a t.• *ii. 7t* P thirl Tim# l P l ifth IU * Al> >ui six furlongs. Th* t; -Id. ii I’ni * . o* 1. won. will. link!. 70 t 1 a c.d V 1,. 1 .. ...f,d and Ida li b. la ■ > '* l(i ** **- rn: 1r and 1 x • e th M M--kb X t" • won w; h Imy 1 to Ind 3 t. - ,and. nnd Her * rt. Si to 2. third Time \ 17% llnri* Hi-nilt* ut I nt*.nln. Finclr. to: 1, N *v. \ - fb su’.ts at I*j ion in: Fd -t Ha** <,. mi * ►•-ding .-hi *-. ♦*. ?** ’. V- vi. h Ff.l- t> X to 1. • and and Hr* tty li* * * to l. 1 Tiro** ! 4 . S caid 14.* • Fiv# and a half fur o. Hurry If. r. t • • ri. . .. w.* wit A - ...1, .’. t* ! >< .-nd, *1 vv* 1 Tu- it-a, ♦ to T i Mt*. y. .ii furlong (**■■• df g H* • *• t* *.>nd. 11 nl Kolm-m *ray. x t 1, third Time 1.2 V l onrlh li.#* •* Hix furlongs. Isaralbnip, iTlru i ?*- Thyra. # ven. won. wltti hr I Z id 7 to 2. •-’ *l. tit and B* it ;. .i to 1. third. Tinv ! 14% Ka* • Fi >• furl np, selllrur S Too’, for r*> in* 1 . !. '. to 1. w on. with Hrltnti II • f• I-• • * nl. inl MBs Au h.- ■(• 1. thlr.l. 1 .nT 1 S.xth Ha**- * >n* ml*, jelling. Fh inton, ’O to 1. w* Wl ! Fill) Bed x t 1. • ■ m.l and Wint* , 3 to 1. third Time !-2 *. 1 Allot,ix 1 in: \ r n xxi>d:i:. ycrc**h f l king X||hilint#** \\ cnt*<*nci| ’I *-11 tt #**#>#**N 11 •*, Kt ixvtlle, T* nn N*>v. 1 The Frdv#r-I t; of Tenn* -and ti •• Fniv. r.- t- of Nrih Fwr.jlina piiyt-d *>a t .** Kn -xvlll*- • • *1 to-iay on 1 w#-t and di|r t .. - v ground <*i*r*il‘ a Mored 22 and T.r 1 .--ex* T**n -1 #* weii* lino th** gam- sxlt? thr#-* f the h -t men out and through th* s-.ili-ib 1; r • ■** need of the gaits we . in ad e t*y t aroliim. Th*- Inlcrfcr* nc# **f Far* bna was th f* iture of the game Bennett, right tackle for Fimlina mad* th pr**t:l st play of tin- day wku ti* I*l • ti* 1 a TA- n* a • k k. >*••* ur* *1 the ba‘l an.# run foriy-H• e v ti and- * tr a toaehd -w • 'I ent * oi’cil !> 1 B can <| arterbek, k king goal from th. ten-y trd line The ( ;ioh 1 t am i .i’e- i*-morrow t play Vanderh* t at N -nville - hi 1| ;> in. t \l t: it .•( it. \l Nellool : liUflrcit h#m! the (■ciierifi Pul,ll. 111 ter#-t<*<l ii ll* ’A ork. The r* ent invitation extended by loci forecast ofTlcla# II H Boyer of th** W* at h* r Bur* u. rat p in g- •r . tnd c-p* daily the mrtnbrr.- of the #cho**’s * vi** the bur* u and b- *im- a (pinlnt* I vita It.- up; ar at a • • tfb . an I if-* v. rklng 4 da - *e-n it - * I so far dv three entire cia-*-**-s *f - "ol chi *lr# ii *vh<* Wi-fi* ma t) interested ai l * ! ’<> *t . \ Bit The I*’ir* iu B open to tin- ju*s ny tim# in the up to o'clock. itsnnwii) liny lounil. Augusta. Nov 1 Young Willie lUxane w .0 dlsapp* .*r#-l f* tn : B horn* ut t'amt*- ! ,111. A In., a few das- ago. was located i f.ias ♦ *nc Bush lb- • * rncr *f i'a*i.l Mid VS lr rangtal. Stic* s. wiur* he boarding t hief H .*d i- >:r .n t ither. Mr Alonzo lloone. <n*i h# is ex - t* * 1 in the 4-ity to-n. * , r* w m*>rnir \l\ltixr. IX IbLI.IUEXt E. Mutter* #f liiterrsi • *ll||lnn Men t.r im- roll f . T • tu; V rim Mir wns expected • f-ari ■ 4* ti it i h *ft#r one of e r.g. • va. .. r taken by n tug It in iiah Sa*- arrived durtm; ni f* rr 1 with tour n. ows 1 . f. Fa - ar l after delivering r• ra w i exj • i ; pr* '(<-d for rfa- V4*l UAih Tb* Minis' v, a•* •%’ r*W* from Baxan i ■) t- .~*.. t i* 1 ! i reiurn. though , . \ whk'h .u,f' i>r t.,*- i-x'ra time in romtHeting ... *,;• Front Ms.iivi.ih j*h* pr** *■ !• a # w th * t- w, an#l after <4 g - pr.r * *l* 1 t Sahine Piiis, w . ,h pi k#d up four *. w-m for For* 1 . * , * v• • %!• 4.# *-x et*ds over from tu 2 •# im,. T • tug is in 00m n..ti<| ,f Cap* Frank Avery. N- rid p!t .4M - if" iv # rag** y*nfarili( i!. i n.or #n *• • di g p*ort than it spin t /;• ’•) - 4- tv. . h fi* f,,-ver allow * to }■• ph* is ,4. .. f • rent #*r buy one H> 11 1 it ►*.in f t. • i-* form of ex• 1 )• Hi* v ir- tti * > # us! m# r f r *. •; * ibu g l* %# 4* ik# ntr, who r#\ * !• -- tioulUe pi jsf'uadinK # prospective -f •> as 'ii !h* s do ,•. tin#llng ii# .4;• t.i jai up id *h*- u-'h. wtd i . . .i :1 ‘ r- -1 .. t *.! * mu*# of he *h*<r*. rn*- t uasr I- t. r m.i'. j-> r. It • a < .mm-*.i t i.g t>r : tramp steam-r • • ii-.u .a* *ia\ ar.d fh*- fol'oWh.g di4y w . r • 1 faic. numlr *f th* ■r* w out •4 *1 W4li the il* t.b 1 mt <* : ’u* tr *r tf • xj#* 1 • . • with Ilia ,fi> Ti." repairs on t o British Mevmshlp .V in. ir hav# ;e. 1 1 1 ~ut finished by lb* . *x n< Tb# s*:m.*r *is iifip*^l • 1 M. h r iti Hi*- -iw with water. vhb h pi i-* •! h#r r ? b *ttioi. f*r the n* w ; •*p*li# ri > l** -tali |*-*1 This :arc #f th* Airk w # finished v*- 4rr*l i\ . The for e - t*tiß ai* n*.w it w >rk putting In I# .4-ft to tike th* pbi* e Of the broken *<)• . The \iiv#r|nn brt. ** -a T s‘ll s- from below wh*re she ho# P#*en ■l t 1 # •<* ii i|i.4f i in* -m e n,,j- arrival. u* to ti" fa # -b* vv* fr#*m Hoint-*i- I )• rthe w #l -k**l at the txriarve- w*i**r* *h* will FiJ naval .-•tin* - Th# aooner Fdw r 1 1* Avery arrived .*• \\ *ln* -ia\ ri)4 -it fntm Bn! -* ere* k # and C.. \vh#*r* -*b> |c;lviTi#| a cargo of • #*i She will had lumber lure. l*NMevtKcr |, Xfen uiMtilp*. H u-- -m *rn hv sf*Mm.salp Tab:ah •<*#♦•#, N w 1 iv f*r Hav ininih. l>,-t. 30 —Dr. 12. !! M ikk 11 ;•! ki'* , Mrs F B ' ‘ M V ‘>( 1 "!•' * J * old * I’lb. Nil is • If ■ . v • ’ s Hunt. \ i mi. ), r and wife. W. Beach. v ” and *l# • 1 ul. M (V tTUTard. Mi--* B • *;-n -d. M* - A Mu,, v. B A B •*1 w*fe \ I.* vy. It. v J D t ui-* . md wife. \1 •> B F7 rttrleklan#!. f ’■ ! N*|iin end a If. Mm. h Chalmers. 1 Ms\ .1* : ! a. 11 l* I ban wnl wlf*. Ir* :‘ id 1• r mi - u !■ H 1: nr if J Bib \ D F' HttiMvan. Mrs H • Hns.k • Mr H. \ Royal. Mlsm K l l ‘ •; A Tvr.'i) and wife. VV A : . f-u J I• i i"A \B'-* if Hlumnn-r. : '' Hpcr r. Mi~ M B|## v*-er. J J ' * G " S- arlng nr *1 %\if*. \* x ) 11; " -•'* *ml * * b.lreii, ll I* Irvine, !' * I .- a I: 1 rt-.-r B Nelson, the ; Ml--*. Mayi Mi MBs It I ,u ‘ v ' mb- it Hums. J Harenti, B. F7 " rn* r*-v B I: i! -w*r t•. Mr Rchwin. VV • 4 * > “-1 ss ,f. .1 Klnri* A I*ir ' ’ J l"‘ r F Minor, VV B Ham " - I M I *<*i.n li. V McDonnell. VV. v ; !i r So:., wife ,nd child MB* v Yuag'.-n. Mm F" Min*-*. F Mcrt.ll. •* Markowitz. Mr SHverstein. F CoB •rt F Th*'tn <% Mr- Th* rn s. R Abra -rn VV Aid r * w*. B. Davis. H. Colomh ’ M 'ld* h F, - t g**rs by sr# amshtp Kansas City • r \. v V..rk >#*s'*-rd .y- Dr VV vv ►A t cl waf*. Mr H S Ibir*.- M • H *'c Bi Mlt -hell. Miss Bilibin VVimherley. B J'• '• ‘ Ii Shellmmi. If \ ' •/.•* mid. Vi es r: M Burns. B. I! •*< . 1 n,>r I Her* nlt. Ven. <’ iin S Itas ' 4 H *lb-o*i. J M Hr ids un.l w •Ir Hat- .1. j. i* Byis.-h. un*i eix ln*,-r --* mediate. irrlv. l in.l nlehl !l - im*hlp tun,\ 11 Thomit •n >]--- i; I M.ynrs. Mr, 1..tf1,. M W imp Mi 11 1. \. v ■ v '* II .4 J..Jm-.>n. 4! | M vnrn Mi I-' M< v.! . W I-' Ml, li. Haver in .•. I' A. U nllinr I'-.-.nKirK |.r nl. imuhlp Miller, m'l "*> li.i'lltnorn y -i.-r.lnv (’ li Eaton ')■' '* Kolnr ~ John Wllluin" A K i lyl.-r. Mi- Ta-lor. Andrew Conrad). *u % ian tin Ii % I mini nr. Sun rii*'s ut 620 a m ;*n*l sets ut 5 x I l m 11 tea wllt. rat T- *• to-d.ay n* :paj m ■' * 1 p rn High water at Ha van- J.)h *4ic b*.*ar i n* r I'likmc* of the X|im for November. D II M 1 'dl moon 6 5 0 eve. Bast ipurt.-r 13 X 37 w. v u n, "O 22 1 17 morn. ’ iuur:#-r .ft 11 35 morr .M* "H fM-rigt-e, ,V h M>sn up Tee, 17th VI4KIV VI S VXD DEI’lltTI HI'A. Vessel## Vrrlxed \enlrrltn9. Hb imshlp Itis-I. HElups. Baltimore.— J J i oi.m, ug.-nt. ut rup d.iimv) (Hr). Ix>ckhnrt. Liv- I ri>>• •. J I Minis Cos. I ‘ - * *ig 1 T (Ausir. Consulicp. from !•'- w Sir.ti'hirti Ar Cos. b *-h*r IMw if*l H. Avery. Ifiwbv D- '* k. la tow tug F M Faulev. Vessels t Imrcil V #*st eriln y. Hu* imshlj VVadw .H#-r i Hr). Ht phen. j ! s* r;• *. A F * ur* hl!l mi-nip Fydn.i <Br> Crossjey, Mun- I * h*- * r v K <*hur* hill. I • Hrotettor*' fltnl). Furascandolo. j ! • Fhr H Dahl .v hsaner Ma Bawrelict*. Thorp#, Haltß more. Vessels Went to sten. rn- p K u 1 City. F'lslier. New 1 York itu'hlp D IB M llcr. H**{ rs H.iltß | :ner >’ •t !• n.p Fs !na (Hr). Crosdev. Mun • • : *• r > an 1: Wistwatrr (Hr). Stephen stil|i|ilnix M< ninrundn. Bert Tempi, I'n . N-v. B—Arrived, ni* r M .-• >t#-. White. II;v tna. via K*\ VV*-*t. rug Piunth'ss nn*) s -hoon.'r and Fr ink N*- •!> M Kay. Havana. > led steamer o:iv#tte. Smith. Havana K*-s VV* st. tug K-’ho towing four j 1 -- v* ■** H 1-4 oia for Ii iv ana pir in ■rnp.i t*is to-dav with barg. Henry B • r gg. w aterlogg* *l. K- s \V.s? i-: Nov. 1 Arrived. I Mtn**r X- anl D* !m, ilavan 1. nndsiil -1 for Mbirni M Bin#'. !< vnoitD, Tampj; ‘ ... r ,-r Wave, fins in * Sa!i*l steamer I'.mita. Thompson. Tam 1 <' irlestii*'!. Nov 1. Arrived, uttunn-r *.4i. Ingrain. Horton, via New York r*l pro*** to Ja ksunvllle. schoon r 'mils F Northam Pennixtll. Hhilaft*.- hla. I’ni ted States revenue cutters N . i No v No U and No. 11. 8* uthpor :r.d for Cuba. •'l* -red. r- h* • r. r H**esle Whiting. Ber i tnd. New York. Soil# and b.irk Visurgus (Ocr). Meissner [ Mobile. ItaltmKrre. Nov I.—Sailed, sltamer Dor [ heater, an. Hhli-Nb Oct. 3f -Sailed. Hea*Mnsfle:*l F‘ensa **n F'ernan.iir a. I*l • Nov 1 Arrival. •- boon# r It e* Hartley FTi.k . H* rtiuivJ Me sch#on*r live li Mi l. loiyton, N• w York Hensa Fifl . Nov B -ArrlxuT, * *cui*-d|* Telef f lN *’. Cf ' tl. ka (Its Sailed, *#anp* lp Aureobi Hr#. hi* • Bw an. II fleure. Not* Thr British ship li-gen* C'i;.t H# JKlen*-'. wrhich pu' * > prt on S- ;t 2”. . ■'. r*sf bi.strg fir.!.- . and .1 i r.* lOiry repairs .eared t<•-#;.<> f.r Bv.-rp.Ji. Notice ti VlnrAners. Idiot hart* an*i ii b*. ir r iphk* Infor rr.aii<ii wad b* n it*--* c-f v* *• sets free *f enurg n l'bP*<i States bv dt • 'graph* eft#.*, jr, Fi|si.,m li(i|)* <’n •- Di.i are r*q ••- * i t • uli .1: .* *♦. lte|sris of wr.-* k and derell. t* r • . •*1 f. r -.* n to the Navy Dp*rt rr.nt Fa reign Ksaorli. H#*r Hrdleii -*orr. r Hy*lna for Mm o icsjer- 170 t-4ga -en isiat. i •non. 111..1s . 7.6(7 t* •I# *ttof! I’.'T 72.1. 1.7* tor.;- p*g irtw 2*b 22 i‘g h- Mu I* 1 | tin her. fj’tt*. ld* barrels ro-in. I’arga various Her British sfearivHhlp VV iet\v,.* r f. " B!verio.- .*r*d btr*l *• pitch pine tim ** r. &*>. 3Te ton- p g Iron. s7>7r,. ?C sacks co*. <*)*•-••! k i'* S4* a• k • • ,*l D)".'l i* * * l.#**' irrels s y . ; *4;. 4i#* * cotton J317.19U <*nrgo viirlons. Her Itadun hng Hruttr* r#- 1 . F'iume- 2 2> *-fr r . I*s; • Si fr.'. s • arg . i*> S H Shorter Company. • (MISIK !#• r.xtlirls Ter steamship Kansa* : Cit\ for New Y*rk 2.177 1 • ,-* upl.ii *i *t'*a !<> 1 **• - s#*a J.-lar.d cotton, 7'*o burr* Is *tt*n s* and oil. 7.’> a*#s (**tton *••.-*! .s; r. i.# - ,j. • I barrel ro.-;n. 415 iMrre.s tu: p -atin.-, o>\ '.♦>! f* *-r lumber. bundles bl#tc** .>* >mlc- t* . <•*. I i'arrel fish, l >45 ox* fra i b#.rr* •# vegetables. 77 rr at*-# v##-tHb*.-s • a'*- * tgars. .V* bales sw*'. | ii gs. tr# hale- filler, 75 l*u-* soap. 75 t irr* > pH* n. 47 barrels tar. f 737 st iv*-. 147 b )nli* s ► rap ra * r 1 hos*. 3Td |Ki#'kng* s md ■ !'*lorts p#*r st.simshlp D H Miller for Baltimore 2f> hales upland - *•*>(. _• ’ .ir re is rosin, 159.464 feet lumb**r. 7** t*i-k* 4-s fruit 25 r, *w pi- H ' iron 1 •*irr#i t#*n #*'#*•! (*i ?#7 racks -pi\- If**. . ir w h-eB ls>* i*'i kag **s rial-* 25 jo.-kng**** dome**!: *> ami yum*, 111 bale# ..:•}* s, goods, 122 l*arte.H (at Her steamship D I! Miller for Philadel phia 20.132 f t lum’sr H#-r schooner bln I.i\vr*rue for Haiti :<7" ]:*• fe*r y*>H>w pin# lum •r. *f w*Tk*h 23(.'■* was shipp*-! v * # oon**> F> k ACd ind lit 19 feet by T s Wvlly \ c#>. telegraphlc" markets. ConilnuJ from S.'V<>nlh I'at-A Corn No. ? - r 2* • - • * Mav .. •>;>..,r,4, r, . :i >,•. f, , Oats So j Nov. . ...21% 71% o'H #*j t j l>ec. .. .71 22% 2” #* M‘V 2.3% 24 1.3% 21 M* SH |K>rk. {*♦ r I nrr 1 Nov. .. $lO 01 s’#• 75 $;-• V. $lO 75 i J*in 11 22% 11 25 11 22% 11 25 Bard. jer Im* poui d j Nov 7 u 5 7 10 7 " 7 ffj . ’ Dee #; X 2% 6 r, *; 7 J in r. C 7% 6 T- •; #.7% f, 75 Sh*>rt rll.. p* r HO ;o :n#B j No-. (* 25 6 27% # ; 5 #1 27 J.i n R 97% 6 or, 597% # . . . Cash quotations w#re a f.l! w- F*!‘ur. ! firm. No 3 ‘qHln* wh# at. *rv:/7’ . N 2 • red, 73% u7*'*; N 2 < orn. 37% .TV'. No 2 , veilw, ;7" 4 No. 2 oals. 22% 2% V 3 whit#-. 24%i)'2T- I .c f# Ir to ho • • malting j birlev. 4f<f;.V. No 1 flax s **l $ 7 N ' 1 N*rthwe;tern. $1 Tr. 77. prime timot?-.\ seed, $4 and *.- -4 2 1 #; ri#*; j*ork | **r bar I, j til.3Krll *O. lar*l p r l*o g#*ur.d $ •* j 7 12%. short rths ride- fan.- s#46o * try vhul*lers ib-x*- 4 J*. •*# •*. <#• , short clear sides (box#**.' $1 75-k’v, w i kv, iwti- of high win* 27. *do*tr. 101- tr.u t grad* $lO •* iV . MM %l. I’B It bi i \ \|. Mr W F Smith . Jr. of At nnta is at the Dr S*s. Mr Allen Sweat will I* ave this mi rring | for Vald.- t i Mr S A Alf •r 1 "f Chlplcy B a kwh j * f th*- Scr**ven. Mr #r.d Mrs II Aslimore are gu. >t > j ■ f the S* r. \ eli Mr It F Sams of Atlanta Is registered it th* S* * Mr J C. Huse %ft via th* Central >’•- j ' erda >' for Augusta Mr (b H J hi. of Huai kl Is regi-- tered at th* Sere• * n Mr VV H Thfn| ?on of Sylv.ihla is r-g --• lHter*d at the Screven. Mrs Dent * 1 > 1 f*r N w Y**rk tom-c --row on th*- Taliah.i-.*- Mr I-’ A B ird* •; will saii f-* morrow on j the Tallahassee for N**w V *>di Mr J M W r*T. t.ian-ig* r *( Fair man BlWid. !-• nv.-'t-r *1 *.t the D- St. Mr VV I*. M- rlin bf: the Plant j System yesterday f**r W ellington Mrs. B* wB Hnskell wad 1# iv*- t r N w York to ni‘rr"W on th# T.i!b:as*e* Mr M T Dyess of Dai n was among the guests of the Screven y* . P rday. .VI - - FMIh SCI w II returni fr <m New j York last r .gat cn th* Tallah ss*-e. Mrs. 11 Du* kworth \x i; le iv- for N* w York to-morrow on th Till ihas *' Mr. T A Jeiinlnu-*f Tare a th*- arrlv is >*>:# rl. at tii# In Sot. Mrs Ja-ob Ibiuer.- will be among th* i pitSHcngi-rs of Hi*- Tallahas**# * to morrow. Mr. VV B Smith w- iti*- pas sengers f the Centrnl ytstenl y tor A 1- . g llS'll Miss Sullivan will b** urn.' g th* pa s**ng**rs of the TnPaha. s*# t* rnormw f.-r , New Y(rk Mr aid Mrs. T A. Bryson will In among the pa of the Tillable . * for New York. Mr. F* H Hunting wns among the pis- Kengi rs of the Hb.i t S%.- ni yesterday for Washington. Dr ind 'lrs J It Ibal of Orcen (*#>v* Snrlngs. F’la.. rir# gu# <ts t tin- D<- Sal • Th-y will Ih iii the city about .1 w eek Dr. nl Mrs. Charles It If<rron. who have been in tin m**ur.*.i ns .f North Car #*l:nu for the summer, are ig tin ut th** l)e Koto. Mr S. It 'I *>?>• > .1 *rr • r Savn i .th bin arsl populnr in n • r o* Cni an H of th*- ■** **ud G*arg; 1 lb v in* lit, l* .i i.o v of Charle.-ion. Is l*i th** clt> Mr M< VV • f ! ii-ii.* . rn r *>f Cn Hruutiig Dramati C mp tiy, B visiting Mr and Mrs. A 11. Brown on Bn’ ori street, th** parents of lit I* Son.mi** Brown, who is making h.nwlf famous with (he company I'olli-einii 11 14 •• #1 #1 Hurled. Augusta. Nov 1 Poll .man Davl 1 Re*|l. who suicide*l y*-sr-r %%. hurt*-l to-d 1 v His fuiieral *S’*C lir ) wa-s largely n4ten*ld At th# m* :ln-, *-f the Fo’lce Commisulcn t*v eight Subs* tute* Buper anl Wall w* r • b-cte#! to ft;; th** varan ks cause*) b> t • l*.ths .a HolU'cmen Redd and Bitiliatn Bunhani - widow was vof# I li * CASTOR! A For Pifanti aud Children. [ha Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the y / £*/• 6iguatur4) ot Some Things New THAT WE HAVE Just Opened Up, And the Assortment is Complete. VESTIBULE laces. Se veral qualltt* s In 12. 3*# mnd inch# - wi #-, a;.*l all to match VV#* ha\ e pan? 1 a..-o in Irl-h HOIO . a: *1 Arabian. MANTEL SCARFS in Japan*-*# F:!k-. Imj-orted ‘r# tonr.* . ar.d several cheaper qu i ltlc#. LACE CURTAINS. Thi - -o* k as usual la th# only lull and * <* one in the city. FOLDING DOOR PORTIERES are hard to find, but afl r hard w rk w*- got about iw.nty differ-nt pitPr.ift Th#e goods are extra w i-.* tf course w** hav# (he r ar r>-.v on## from the cheijK-st up to slsa*> a pair. WILTON AND SMYRNA RUGS In carp* t slr.*-s. from Cx9 up *o #l2* Tl.# VV 1 ton and Axrnlnster ar *>; -i lily fine. UPHOLSTERING GOODS • CorJ?. #ic.. In al! Krailth. COME AND SEE US. LINDSAY & MORGAN McUO.XOLtiH ii KALLANTY.NE, Iron Founders, iffiachinists e P *^awl(k % a4larauj(aa. Manala alarm * Halloa •rr aid farttbla Sael.iM, t.rllMl J 1a Muaalaa fc *-* ,m *IIU, liaar Mill Ita Paaa. aba (itaa. eallrra, ala. ii TELEPHONE NO. 4 23. fi P Tilt: M\ \X \ ill MDK (1,1 H. Vuikiinl Virctlntf mill llleetlnn llrlil uf (lie I.##*'* i#iii XlrniorlMl. The annu l nn-etlr.g and 1 lection of ih# S. vannah Murt* Flub won h#,l I#t night • t # .i- Buwion M* m*>rl;l In o ldition to | ■)•• b." * - cf th# nn-ctmg (h#-r*- w.> a ‘ h* rt '-r*g- ..m #f mud which won giv n i- f**r. tb* h sin*-.**< wa*. (uken up. Th# j j#rogramni w -n- follows: Ardant* Con M**to, Kirt Symphony •i. • 1 .lov* 1.4 Mi.**- Kmmu 17 Coburn and Mln H (in- Hu? VV • r*- I 4 Suir (Hawley). Mr. G**or?e VV in kctt. Klrm- *-#• (from Faut> (Ootmod-8 *int Si# ns). Mr# C. B.ldcnthal In ?h< 1 - •* * f (he pre#oler. Mr W T Wlillani-. who wait unable tu attend a* cgii >i kf.* - Mr T Blovd fw* n-. v|ca president preeide.l. Th#- flr> Tu ;i.* > taken up v a th* r#-:idlfg !-\ (h** -• rcory M >.* Fl *r* - Folding, of ; number of 'min i inl 'ri "f \.ri** *.'* kind.-* ■*(•*! t* ih# iu • .\m**ng tt:*#* w• • (l* t* rfr m M VV T William- explaining ’h- *,i.i-e cf )|- .ii> *<*n and stating that having nerved h hib ir th# |w i*: n of pr# 1 *nt t r th:e >*xir- h* would not I**- j *andi*li e for re • !*-*li*>n and iha* t.i * h**l •• t<* Muceee I h:.n-**if in t: • fii. . w,u Mr ow# n* The t* rnv- • wh* h : • law ton M rr:* *ll * i w #• n-l w*'e (ht-n in # e ki v, i<* in* nn# - -1* bv Mr. Oweat* "h .il-* ir f -rii).-I K * 1 11* that ave \ advan t •■ii-# rn Ira * ha*l nv*d* i.#*twen the clul# and lnr.*** Hand by will h th*- Uund f*r th- piivlng* f .1 |-.iraig h e In tw n ,ri?* under the iu-pi e> *f th- I iigre . give o tn#- elui# a u* r# -n --lag* (f fh# n*-f r* The l*ar.*l will b h#i* (or a tiMiin*-* and .;*p* • .11 Halur-lav. Nov ■* V in- hui (• c #.n h member of the club - 1 * ' .. pti.i# * * f brii-g ng (o th#- m#‘* t cg **..• g.* -t w. •* carried Till treu-uicr. Mi s Hhoe.a- Flllott. r *d ti r• tll that - (.w #1 •• -'ltd#'.- tin ii -s tu •• in a v-rx g onlit!on. there h ii g on Kir 1 $155 l<u *0 <■ with a kh> 1 •aim tl.l #ln - frni unpail *lue- A i*-|* rt from a .nimttt* *- •on l ding •if MB? F K • * ~ rri. Mr F Fi. B *.r*-r ir 1 Mr (I VV B# k* M which had been *j• l-• i 1 i T **• 1 t * *ir‘ A up 1 and in? fur the mul ii • Diet iitinn.* i t 4 < f th * * . ming -> .--*n. I w :• suUnitfe 1. *t • 1 if *•• dB. ii-rlon i a (opted. Ii ptovid* - that for (he tir.-t Mx i m* etii-r • 1 ier ahnd h -even member- to ■a. | *grimrn- T'ia #f tr*--** forty-two j iiiimti.r- tw# 1 ly-four Ktiall l* vucil ,n#l * U:bt** n ln>triimetil. tn** v*•*•: 1 ?elc-|oi i*i \> t : in -!ib-*Uvi*l #1 in'o twelve nolo?. lx q.:-rt .m.l i\ d*net and tr I*(if ;i;.* ii - rumet tilpi ' (•!*. >lx -hall D- plan*) ior *rg in -*©l--. -i\ • ll* n- for four t 1 rid .1 1 Jdx tt B p*yed on other In tt:rumem- piano cn*l organ accoriipHnl- I men - m i-c a*# ! a I libitum It f r • 1 . at- that the Hrugrnmm*- (*. rniniti#-. -hall arrange the programme-# 11. i assign ti- th* m* mIM r- Hi* rnmil-r --ilia? they nr#* *-x j • id to r# n*ler. Ta#.* ;ub win furnßh h*- mu*#!*-. By ni' * 1 t v*i#-m of fining member-# wan aboil'*h#l. I'm “ il \ all *.f :he m* mlN*re Inddittg !fi kl'ul (Vith €b#' |• r|e• lid W o *ft rxvar.l *\}- aii-l. *#f allowing th# club I ft* # < ri*>l* • if filling the ofil* on for the ■text vear Th* -.•* tion reauiteol *•# fol low e: Hr#-M*rt Mr T Blov*l ftwen*- V. • Hr* -Id# ot Mr Adolf Bumlhelmer S# r.'turs Vl)?#** F"lor#n*’*- Folding. Tr* 1 -ur# r Mr** J J Hattdry. Mr#* \ F' F*innf# MBs I)#n '**■; Smnrr nn I Mr J T tl*rm*n Hr*>gr..rnni*- f mmH<*ee~ < Appointed hv ti. president) M- i: F Fohurn. Mi?# II Manon Smart, and Mr. F’rank K. Re -arer. Librarian Mr Julian Koj# —- Will. MIT.III-KV <44 %|> \v. Trl.iily i litirrh II n|M*nIn i’,,,,. pnn.-.l \#rrk. 5.1,1 .. Will rr>* Iv |,o:,| nt Trlnltv l'hur-h Sllil l- ■ h** lN'n Inlnwlnt. It w • 4* -I *•'- niuhl ihm the rhun'.i foul.l ift 4m jt..i in r.H.llr<-A f r **r v' Hiiti-J.iy in.l the r, oiwiili-k will ■ i ■ • -i- '1 ■ ..i until Ihe fottow in Simd' Til. r. w .-a |wt |vi not r -rul mill 'ln li '• who hnve ihl* mait-r 111 1..11111 ll" Mill 111 It |l|<> 11 81.- Wa* In.uftl cl'i.t to rut Ih, < hutc h In oulfr tiy Hun aa i!w l. mi.! 1T w ■ %lvorHn ( nae Xnt Tranafrrrrd. New York X v I—The cap# of Cor ne. us L Aiv* and Jr. the defaulting note tel’.rr of the First Natloral Pank. who Ip charge! #1 h rmhezz ir.g $ 9 ,000 worth of the 1 r.k - furds. wap not tranpferred to the FnH**l S te* * *ourt to-day ns had b-#-n exp r 1 Aivord'* counpel. Jacob F' . cae was sx>tpr>n#-d until to-morrow. OUR CARPET STOCK oomprlrea l!i<- followlnc: FRKNCH AXMINBTERS, WU.TO.Vg HO! V imt'gtiKU*. WII,TON VBLVUT.'" TAI-KSTRY UJ:rSSKL3 and 1.. GRAINS. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER than any on, e) for flrg'-cl.a ffooru Wl not buy Jot 8 , j palm th. m off aa FIRST- !.*.-■ >o k When yuu huy a car|et f !oni UK you won t rv r b. *r y, u* tatiso we know It to all rlaht. DON’T BE CAUGHT by a rrral Mr a.l\rr|prm n < i. not Iru ,1 U . . 1 . r an-t make ll up on other *noU Wn want a llvtns prottt on cvo yihln,— can't llvr without It. FURNITURE STOCK l> getting in *hp and w r fbowing full bn- of It -ir om n Parlor SalP Sld#boa-*B * n. C!o##tP. B'ilher (‘■up - Iro 1 M.clrcAM*#, Fur rv It * k*-- *. To l , et . at pri -> -albfii iu‘'. ( iTi nni:v In th- Superb <c f’o’j-t v* T ! Fnlllicar.t apf-Jnnd Wiliam J it* • . ’ •’“fniJ - r*l it notary public fr a t* • n four ynirr. Jiklic** H im;tloi \ I*'rill. r*-.*;r- \ . illnurj of the -..unt> at th* ,a*' • • . ( *i\* th* r- jutr.-l .* 1 ;ir:<| tm>k of off. • \rf r . Judk- h'allu int. i SufM ri*r <’• >ur: rn \**t*rla> , Mrs 1 ir he NT K**H, wi low of t.V *•* | *Jrr\ j M< Into-h K• !., v i in i.'if <*oi.r of Ordinary >■*•; , j of a Itninlnr.ith-ti, d* .*■ lon th** -trite of !>Uar<t Swar i % Jndjre iallii'ant has j?ran* l a r * • f r A in th** as- f Mack Sc*-:: lira!: -•- la-wi* umn th*- application of h< •>'* ( r the def ii.iAnt. Tie a f*r *he p.aintlff *;• - l u. . 1 in t • of n new *r‘l A m*** tin* of the Kins’* I‘ .‘:* r> I’filon is ann-nm* •*i for : i- . * Joek m t! .*• ii . ° • . , ** In 1* p* id* i • Presbyterian < j Husli • i* of m . t in * j Pld* red IT 1 Mr* 111 I. 111. ; • iUe anion. in. y nr*:-h ill'* at*- .. • j of . V* ry member !>’ !on- for tie count rv -* -• t i ex***- t I to 1. on*‘ of th fe ♦•i: • • I■*■ - *tr •. * itt . omi. . ; *1 to Mr Sun R#*\ in.- ... ‘ r. • < *>r.ifrit t * bavin,* that |*iri of t‘ • vil Jn oli'irs' 111' • !.r i . * tn*l hi* f!h • :•• rI> so H* \v ! ntovliur them out to th* inival •• ■ ♦ within . ) i\ w so j •ik of ih . it\ men fo • w< vhw !; • i- !> “Jolih and" * frtM-Js over th* v\ y they mu*:e h.c * ■ town from bet of two to . t: Kinley that h* i*r-|* . | in >• . j t U grocery tdni*s whir noli r hi '• terd.ay moninr \Vh*n I ein* * not n m i In was col *• i u\h>u • * •'t * • rn*a.ey af>Ar a .n.iff . o* **f t : I b* n klvln:. ti; r .** r.otl.i . Hi* fri* r..| iik’v . U hiru h* t * I .-iron*; for M Kln.ev im I•• -.* m- l i • i* KaliroOil m* have I * n woinicnn. . th • r* • * i| r *>f tri. first ii,: rmat. n ••-> that be line * rf. live r . South* rn U.tilr.iv y. s*er l.y Jis v. . Mr J S J. Tli nil ■*• v..' ".it ha* te en a*s fa..t r!t>mri! ttperil •' *. j with h* a<l|ti irtem it Atlatua T * wtinoitt.cement tnttl* i * refer* nee t but a circular re..i\.l ysf.*rl •- 1 V'inmih. U.e<l i>\ B** oni \’i< *• I*. •' M I'Tnley. oonv > *l the ii.t* i that Mr Thor:-|®cn H'l 1 1* k* i r ii r.l at Atlanta. A w hite boy ,inl a *> • r *<l loth rl link' blcycbo*, * am* to.:* * 1 tcnlny afrernoon in <• heml-on **h' n. tear the Ton.ochichi t'luh mi Hu.l t H.*tlW*r* thrown with ■••n*i.l. r i • illt it was |eVe|ope<) noon that "* r wan milch hurt. Th** little win:* not m*re than * years :|, y*ll*l i Hr* ri* > a w ukeninK: t in- n* Igh sjr i* -1 • h- Main found that he mur< -'* n* <1 thnn hurt. an*b ft<*r a f-w m tnentii. h** irert on his wheel at i i away, lie hail In * n !*m .ir*-ks- .. v-t* Irioklnff in another direction than In front of him when he m*t with hln u<#> Mr J.*k Frew has realitntsl h i tlon from th* |llce for*e of th* Savan nah. Florida an*! W* stern llallw i> *dirra lie has lw**n t efneient officer f** r ‘ Irt lust two y*ars. n<l leaves th** rallr- ii to a- vtpt a positl>n with Smith At K* ily• (IMI.K T \ I.K IT rinfrntril l.rrtitre (hr Feature af Thta .Ulrrunon'* Irt*. The wnioe thin afternoon at 4 o'f o * at Wealey Monumental Church. w!l h*’ of *p'*clal Int* rent to th* children Th-‘ olilrtf f< iture will he a lr. ture illustrated I'V black-h ard drawing* The l< .*.•*<>rn* " . he practical lessons, and the alihJl* • bright. At M:l5 i* ni the evening nen i '* with nermon will In* held The special aerie* of service* w hich liftn In projrre** f*r two w*ks. will Untie through Sunday, concluding wnh tn* Hondav evening service . i Tallahassee >Mt %tc. T.illahaiw*. K;. Nqv. 1 -Th. fill of the I,’nlted Staten Circuit and 1 ’ r ' * Court* will convene at Tallaha***’ * *’ r and the grand Juror* have been drawn (or the term. . Letter* patent were to-day granted the Incorporation *f the H llm*n * * Walter’* Colon Club of Jackson vh*' IJ.Oiio capital. The ohje t of the chin 4 * to promote socla! Intercourse. goon lowshlp. fnteingl feeling and literary voncement of it* member*. Waterloo a llaohriipt. Chicago. Nov 1 -Stanley Waterloo, the author, to-day filed a |*:li|en n - acheduling of 4 a**rta of flii.