The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 03, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 LESTER ANSWERS LEAKEN. it vm k o> imi < t.m #*m%v* hi * orii iikfi.i* i> i. Mu • fill v* It f* Mmle l> Ur |ritL**n *it t* i Irrwlnr I Hirr m th* \ *f tlir Flr*M l)i#trl*l Hr Irr i| llir I onjirt tMiiMnoAN)* lliml Mr IraUcn II it * I nlalliftl Ml* llrrnnl ••If 'I r. I.rnkrn !•*-■ >• K n ott Ilia Ovin a t-n 11 in* it i• Hrlirr I Inin Mr %rritt# l* Kimii 'fill*. \\lil lit **• of 111 us** I 4 i* >H l.ollllrtl In ( mill ' M u H !-*##'i tfir RrpublL n< tn ti ,*t* r • from iho Kir*! Con Jfr# ( , *:• i t lia. s l-rnt tMlt H < .r- i ar • , . \ . !r o of the district. n wM J,# * i I l*r#t#*r’s ft oft\ In ' s V •' 1 4'j‘eri* that hi* on y r • rn f r r. <i* n iw that of per no mil frt^i • i> t**r, when shown m cop> *f tnr c;trul*ir —nr ti by Mr |.r.k*n, .* - *nm**- t* tr v% r lik n'l lo k I %*r> r. . * .1 *f tw* wool I prefer to make personal an ewer t ■ Mr. n rn • r than • *'tn; l 1 .>pM-er jnt*r\l*w The ir -*i! i it *0 unfair in It - *t .1 foment • t \ sit ton **n the rrx4:t*r* rnentior * l h* fai l > no full of ml ■>: • |r ’ t *’t n tß* R ch i not deeervr n answer H*wv f the tanefit of t •• v*rters lnt who**- hat ! the < ir> ulnr might fall .mil *• *m- *>f whom ► 1 ■ to rrplv to i The circular i nol •* Mr leaker, ron ta.n*J ih* following at rnentf- with r- • .. • The K>emoc: lr candidate Ba# s?a*c<l tn j a r ill ir lett* r hkiiml I•> ini, t .tl v >j know hi !■■■! tin.* * I u t He ha" votetl against an Isthmian | t mriHi w>• h 1# t* otifi-*t the Atßtntl j and f’a*rifi<- aMnt and mak* tf*- <t;-tn he 1 ween h- • t and W* -r m Ih t. ne-half In our f.v*>r H* Bus either or exp’'♦il liinurlf g in'-! a tariff < n rlre w***l m l #uile . while the East amt Went enjoy t ie tariff or. their own finvii*. ll either vot 1 f-r the Hitrtieh war anand ulem * r wa* r t prreent w .• lh. ii!iamnnti> vote w a taken In I'ornjre v J wM h sn\ol\*d the preernt ndmlnlxtration | In the pr*hl m whh'h mutt 1-e xettlr-*! ur, ! der the r.mwtltu 1 ion t*> romcreu* tin) th* helm*, m aw f.rrfHt*)*■• v ordained In in const if lltlot) lie tH* he|f 1 h*. 1n *' tvit> Serator TtlUwwn of Houth Carohrui to preimre t move the try lk and i.avaJ *iatk>n from I’**rt Roval to e**m* point yet 1100"* ♦•rt?t!r.el In S*mith I'aro ):n Hi- only *dlm f>r re-el<tion le r*all' | renoul frir-d?td|- nnd I realise that 1 cannot iimhat that alignment, if it prevails • Have >..j read the circular?'’ <4 Ul ter waa naked Ym * he replied iwimewhat eharplv. "I have Keen a • r Lr of Mr 1* j ahk h he Informe the voi r *4 ’h*- Klrwt rvmreael>i.aJ District that he "know* my j #-**!>,risenta ’ "How the atntamnr.t’* ronl lined In the ir Milar**" Pol letter w >* askei •'Which ot • tn*niir i the Con|p*iimati ' Th**r- are . v rxL* # •‘Your vote In the Isthmian f r instaiicr* He * I vofe-1 the 1-ihml m , CinaJ 1 voted a? iin>t h e* rian b. I J which commitie-i h* #n\ernrm-r * t 1 * j iwrtlrula.r route < r*ae the laih.n 1? I known a* the Nnarairua route, the ado;*- j tlon of whi n would have for* ed the T*riiel Piatra t whatever the lo al governments of the American stale*, miaht demand for *v>nceiona and i that too whei . Ihe e*|*i m* of •. me mil ! dottan the United SMie* h.ii In the rt*ld a rommlMloh of ensln*- r*. wl h | a for.* of emidove who were at work to ffrui th' most practical lo ,11 on for the | canal." • l arr. In fiver ’ said Pol letter f an lethtr.nut P.i nj I irei im *?n and 10 any scheme whl*h r-tar.le the bulldlmr o: H and such 1 r**ar.l the Dill t* .1 U Mr Hep liurn In .*■ t. j whi<-h 1 ]r uni<- Mr r> (nrn " "How itiut lit* rfnnr(> to your 1011 ofi I hr- t*rlfT ‘ -Hr .>•* that I '* llhrr TOt.-t or .a- mywlf airatriM a tariff oa rl *• Alai lor.K ala|>lw’*. wt ll< *h' - Kwat an.l Wnt >-n>*►> a tarltf <wi lh>-1r own (ro.|iK-t Wklrli I* 1> * volt or rniirrw.'’ H* 1' *• * l nw ln h ousht to know ihl. 1 hv. • Iwayn vnro.l an.i work-1 tor n I irlff on rh-o an.l lona niaplr .otton My ray.tlton ) a nr! han hwn that U a tariff pat on lo hr-lp manufai-luror* tn Ihw N •rthTn Ma i, ir >ait>t to t— put <>n to h-l|. ttw pnaluoa of thr B.nh "A* to itw Spantßh War maitor I am • ur<- Mr iMki-n <%u- * not unrtrr.taivl hlmn.lf w-hrn hw I rltbrr t*>r in. (fHiith Wti or wai not pnm vhr unaiumoio* valr a- takon n < >n ar~ Hurrly I Wtft-r \otl or I ill t iot A. 1 •! not undarMaial any itt.r thxn ir**nU' inwn utwWf.ltntl. tilni'. I' wit.t hr 1 ■ nnnot .■ i|-- ..I to makf any atom tt " ‘How 1 hut. trei|o*.l Srna.or Tillman to trt-rvorr to Mimf tho <lr> - •' k fr- in Port Koval t > in> InartlwH) . .... not at If tha )' >oan w ill -ta *• whorwtn 1 ftl~ ,n > <lu,y , v J, ‘ #rl of commlaalc*. or omlarloti I wll know MWf tiow to MM*. ,-wrtaln that I t't tntau.l to to i,. Till mwr. In thl. matlar. and 1 ••* no. h-.p him by activity or inactivity oi othar wiaa '* .... ■ Vlr leak' ll an at.mtnt t-k l*-- trr f only . taint for r-etwctlon < t'*"| of |f* raota.l fri.ralahip wa* I t ov*r 1.) tar at mi worth, of rommtnt ISh.t. n.K-.t wha ...... IT Wkl Mt > of ma own poat tton a forth tn th ctrcuiar. Col. Ik-.- ter m!1 • j not care to **v wntffhlnir about Mr laeeken * m ooi> ertvink him se4f. 1 am '>e *rr > 1 elsuit h!-* f.ilslllva tint. o 4 my own i* *>rd 1 wU wljr s*> IkK H • • va * • mcme better than he sems to ki.ow' mine what ne *t>f* of himself !s lKt eniH.ed to rrhi " Col has jue< ret irned from the country -*hl will to I*arien to-dav thouffli rather or. trial • bn*. rcs. 11** has m<t hundr**iw of hi* fr|enle throuirhout the dlatrht durlnx the i.-*t few W**eks tM Is very well s.ttistbsl w. h the political f'ondltlon}* He . xpe. ts i iaraer l)*-mocrailc vo!** than w e four y* urs ngo. and Is alao siiisfle*! thoi he will .ihtnin a l irir** shure of i . i k 'i vote Many of the latter run not refnitr from the pleaHure of votlnjc for M< Kin ley rtf >1 FloofsveM, hut will |da e <*•! I* - ter’ name at the bottom of #n* t. ket The i'opulista are the or.iy uncertain fea ture of the campalan. Many will t * with the Kepuldlcans while others will remain at home. THIRD CAHHOLIC ACID. Variety performer Trletl to Put | Ir* Herself. Zetta Reid, a in the Royal Musi Hall attempted to commit aulclde about 3 o cl*** k yesterday mornlnK by lakimt **arhollc arid Just as she was about to swallow the stuff she was seen by an .ther of the performers who struck the Klass from her hand. sidU.ny the liquid on her own hand and on the of the would-!** suicide Trie burns arc alight, and there was no other damage The at tempt to end her life was made, It Is said, on account of despondency. open I nit Fur *Mle. To-day apecial values In fur collars. • apes and collarettes and fur edging, at Till *l*l IHM lltsril.l HKf) Present %|ipenrmace One U lilrh I iult Me Much Improved I pon. I While ?i*rel* so murh t!k of pren* r\ ■ r)K the twaut) of the Pipiar* * i * woul 1 t i it- imtes if a f* w pn * #tl f'e* •• w* e t.iken in dlre*nott. **,th hv the |*ub i at and the city auttP*nde<* w ith the *x *f thos* e*4>iar*-- r Mi *r • *t hr* • i\* th* -|>* :.*l arc .itl atteii . of i ’if Mark ar-d Tr* ('•mmlS'loi t.* ft ii.irii' <1 th* eq.iarc** *>f *h* l’> I or** ro. jn the very b* t of comlltlon f |S- t. pr* hi very link* ;np Ml- a ltd ,* , . front Hull *trc* t tfi* majority ; ! • i ■ , i.i ar. n*t tti* ‘ r****u*> e|-d*' i ibh it ttia i.y fe tre e * loudly j b- burn it w •J . 'i with the M|U*resa awa . s HOC (Ist thr> .o rot r* • w i * r n f m the Mark **• I Tr* • < .nm l.. t that a ler**rl , , - \ it,. (. ~0. Ir sou e • :-*ti v* *r- |*at for t / e ..r-llnar; e v\'. jf.t,l •*H . it I K 11 rue I fie gi o* p.• r oi • rr. •j'-I.i'iuu th eqjarej. It:> ra i hr . a , j.i * on II .ii-ion. Aa * om Mi.irmini si S M*ntaomery w.|. w t- l| t- tot fleta* * 1 t*v **e to hlf tloirn paths running across 1* | j ; . -# (Mil. ... not mere liaht •*! lo .a marks rn cb* b> f* w feet but w u.n. f*s tpaths t- wwii k that they hav* h* cn in r**uiur u.** S. far a- th* P** • ai- * fi. Sf-ped the ■ f.l m* • f'lbaldii.* . Ultink acros ,4,j.,r . 4 n d**al !**ttcr, .tr *l .Itlxens f i ..i • - ***-r van is a w*f.-, - nnd th* w* ii toak* nil riiiiK* .-• of th* *-.. short ( wait. Impurdt) Th* isi;*- warning * or*- f “Keep off tn# Hra- I.’.'- Mi* oi '\. ’ T’r- leira R. Kin*, w .: h wer# *r ’ l during th* .vdmllUe- ■ tf.l? .n *f Mayor M< I *>i. * agh. have near- j > ail di-ap|**-*rei| and the average clil /.* i. ih si>iir*nt i v un.i w sr* th.* I'uch e*. r *■ t* i i- the Hveruge pud* *• j man unaware. 5.4 oi-ly i * the pjiif*" dlsfllttired by ( r isn . pu’ * ait ?if rf a. roe** tfi*m. but in tio- majorliv f • u~c-* the grass plats ,r** bar .• the rneis. th* uni" havkig , • w*’n aft l* Hi* f*-et o( naans tr* 1 I*.. •< i wi,.> *nt *n r- •*ri.ei" in rd* r '•* w, lv . a f h minute- ttm*- The several -ju*i*s .p<n wnirh the public **.h**l *m • ar • natural.> in w*rw** ccualition i .n tb* .th**r as t?i< > *r- fr*-* is us*l pi iv g? .un< bv tlie Inra* hoys as w**l a- the sma.icr tdUlren The pat** in ‘-•m* of rh* I a** l n idr*** nr*- ilrnost entlrtlv •1 vsi of hi ,t** Thl** is |*ar*loriAbi* . per hap .n* th* pi ir* are regarded as the natural (dii> ground of the < hb.lreri The ug of **m* *f f•• s<pir*s |y the **\-i how- ver. j.- rougher than n**e*i be Mayor Myers attention wnu called to •his matter yes ter lav, but he did run ! • cm to fee! thxt anv spe ml e*er i*e of auUiortty w**s r t ee*i*-1 for the protection of the squares The s*tusre. h- s el, r* umler th*- Jurlsdi. tlon of the Mark and Trc* t'onitiilesion, and If th** members of this commission f*lt that the squares were !*•' rig abu ed tlicy . an tk*‘ step- to pro. reci them It would he a ver> simple mat ter. the Mayor thought, for the *uv* to erect obstructions acres# th** foot - l*aths r* f.-rrel to, and thus divert the im.*-! to the regular walk' This, he thought wriubl t*e the simplest method and lcalirig with the problem I tili# the *- tmnilssloners are abled by the pl: e p |w \.*r\ evident tha their • will be of little ivstl. ami that th* will • ontlr.ue to he abus*-l as at pj. nt If tn# agitation with regard to rh*- uur#-i* results In ari lm|r**v**m 4 nt tn ltd- direction it will not have b*en with ih> r i.ok Huslness Men Do >nt Credit eere ta r y of Wtnte'a I nnrluslon. •ksv ir.ran capitalists tin not take vary w* ’ ,mj-i v the et.itement of Bec ratary of Slata Rhlllp Cook that prnsjve. live inves ini. in *Jeorgt.i ur> *|e erre.| from nuiking if vemttnents by reason of lh*> fa**t thvt tl.*- i*tat* na** no cotti|*!e#e r-<or*l of cor {sr.iioh. with their tn**nie. business m*l Intormatlon of the like character re garding them. ■ It Is utskiubtfill) true.'* said one hu#l r • •-* man yesterday, “that such u record W'Hild te Ugh convenient and valuable n * <ady t prospective tnvest)ris, but to those who already hove h**lr money in • nterpr.e* .* lo* tsl througiaait th** stai- S*.rn** m-ans -houkl !*■ *l* vised !*y whi*d -t a- *i *.f thl- klinl could !*• *■ inily ob tain*-*! However, I <l**n't lad lev** tliai anyone who w.tntf t* Invest hls mone> •k wn her* Is deterred by the lack >f tl** m.** Th*- Hecretary of Stat* 's criticism of this f ature of th*- law regulating corfwiratlom* alls to rnlnd other cr|t|cit*fnH that r*- frequently made an*! heard One of thes* has ref* rmce to the frequent abu-** of th** law tint permit# th** incorporation of so cial and organization* It ! a matt*t of common egprrlmc* | that an appli- *tlor. for .*• charter for an *• inlzot,.*n of this o#tensl!*le character * ” be m id* m* rely to . over the operation of a sal***n and gambling hrnise It Is Im poHslblo f*r the Judge# of the Hupertor t’ourts, h\ whom such charters are grant 1 ;** kr**w whether or not there will Ih* rn proper u-. made of the corporate privl leges the i.arter confers Asa cons* uu**n ♦* every worthless negro, w ho w ant# run saloon and a |s*k**r nwvni. has i tmself and two or three others inoorpor. ns a “so ml club.'” In this manner h* *'\ ules the |ayment of state, county and i urn. ij*al lies t -•> J| IH.K I II l ln %NT HHIJrVKD. >nl Sorry tiovernar Hewiovetl \eces **lty id Idlou'liir leatenre. The anr.ouP ement mnle In yesterday’s ! Morning New- that Gov. Candler had re- 1 mlttfsi that j*xrt *f the sentencst imposed ’*> Judge Falltgant on W. Male llerwler -.n ami Frank Mu.ton that had Tef-r*nce to • **ir imprisonment In Jail, was some • hlng of a relief to the Judge of the Bu |M‘flor Court. Judge Kaillgant hlm**lf did rKt hlm*elf remit the Unpr!s)r>nint, lait merely sus | |>enl*l the enforcement *f tb it |ortlon ■ nf th** sentences petallng an aiu-sil to the iTv*rrHr for pardon and dttrlng the j*rr—nt term *f th** * * irt Tiie June term .►f th*- Bu|**-rlor Court wl.l be adJourtH**! in a short tint*- ani m Its adjournment | tin- sen ten. ■ # wouUl again have taken ef fect. Judge Kaillgant dbl not rare pnrticular l\ to send th** men to Jail believing that h< v ha\* b* *n scared enugh to answer tlu *l* i* rr* nt purpose of punlshm*nt. and ' he was not srry that the Governor ba*l i miov and thl# r *•• • self y ■ a * MORMON* w |‘| | ,|. AT IT. Their I'rrmlt to I'resrh Ileaeswed by tlie Mayir. The Mormon rMers who have been tn the city some weeks now. secured a re newal of their permit to preach on the street yesterday Th* i*ermft Is exclu sive of Hull nnd Rnmghton streets The Moimon* have apparently tot met with much *u ■•!•* in their ainpaigri In Ha- 1 \ anrun and Attract very small crowd#. They are sticking at It. however. Dyspepsia Is difficult digestion, due to the absence of natural digestive fluids Hood's Sarsaparilla restores the digestive i powers.—ad ■■■— ■ ♦ • 4 Year Son or Daughter Would appreciate a good gervlceab a goli or silver watch. Sternberg A Co/* selec tions cover the latest and most ffeUble vttoptneats in this ln.e.—ad* THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER \ 1000. TRIED TO BURN SEED COTTON. i:\ri.ltlMFNT IN f fitllll mo> in lilt: * I NTH % I It % I I.HO %D % ARlia. President 10l 'I lsn and Mr. t t . tlsnaon t ndacted the K.xpcrl inrnl-shipper* Want a Hcdnc**rt # Hate for Herd tt(n !,••** in a t ar—Mr. Mhsii on a f omsiltler tn |.miU Into t uiiilisstllillltf—t altos Would Horn Only *n ili*v,Snrfsir. I irr t Met and Ksglsr nt Hand t** (•nsril %gal n t the l.oss of the ar. A • of , t**n Sit et oti fir#- v - terliv m* n i n* the entrance to the Central Kaltrosd fr* *ght var*le Rre#ldent John .Nl haran of the Central. nn*l Mr C. Itensoi 1 cotton r.jfnpr**#cs desire I t# experlroeut w’i h t:i*- cott* i ••* a-- rtain Its lornbu*- r)Dilltv id w*s fur til r-*#on that they wer* #*a fr#*#- W'ith th**ir fire. <*nief Maguir*- of tr.e fire ihj irimxti and oil** of ttie . h* tm- *1 etigmea wer*- *>n - of the ooitnn. j• ir*> might result from the * xperiment Mr had no *l-*lre t* burn up one of th* rcoHls be*** freight ana Just for she sake of a# • r clnltig w !*th*-r *-r not a load of s**-*l cotton would hui t> Ju.-t what effect upon the rate# fnr thr fr.u -ptr ltlon of cotton In the ***d tie ,l X|*ei Irn* lit w* i*l have Mr K. ir w*i ti-rt prepared to mi . a# la- felt that h* should rep#.ft :> the Houthe;istern Freight As#o t*<n directly, l**it it w. dm'*istrated l*eyoßd |*eral vent UTe that the cOltOn sotilil n*t burn The car w** rigged up with a number of k iv window- .#■ that Ih# prog re s of th#- flame, rnigh b* noie*l A iighte-l **gar was thr*wn in. th** cotton b* inr a *.•*•• In th** car. Greater encouragement than ihat sr i- ii#-*l#(l, however, f*r the cigar only serf out. Then a light* <1 match wa# ton* hed to the cotton, and a very thin up per layer began to burn The fire spread until l* .id #x*-r*d tlie entire surface *x tle cotton Then it w*nt out Th** doors wer* thrown open to give the fiamr# nlr. If there were any left, but even with this **ncourgm*-nt. the cotton would no burn. It was again set cxi fire, tmburned i*rtlons be me rake*i up. and the I'mits were left open, but again It would not burn more than the surface ; For <*m** itrn*- the experiment w - wat- tv *•<l by Mr Rgan. Mr Hanson *n*l th* fire chief, and. finally, as the cotton showed no d!p|HMttlon t* t*urn, * fhur; w is lef? #>n watch and the other# de.-rtel the # #*ne j All the nftem**- n the watchman remire*l at his r*w*t hut th** cotton shower! no evl- j deuce of <*rmhustlon The exj*erlment was made to Investigate a demand made by shippers of cotton tn the m #-d for low’er rate# than ;re |al*l for It when bak-d Application for ih* redu*tk>n was nsd* to the Hsuthf-iaerri Freight Ae.x istlon som** months ag* an*! a ommltfes was appointel to lnv*#llgnte the ombirstlbillty vf cotton In that form j and re|*vrt to •!** awnoclstlon Th** <-rm -mttte- mode its inv* stlgatl#>n In Alabama but the report was not accepted. Mr Diinn !*e|ng one #>f • hose who iroi* #t**l Mr Fg *r was then appointed a member , of another committee to Inv- **tlgil* the matter nnd the exierlmenl In the On* irtil# yard# was In pursuant * of tn*- work., imp<ed upon him. the other members t j the commit!#** not being able to anpear t Mr Kgnn sent a report of the experiment j to another of th- Mtnmltts*-m**fi, Bec *n*l Vice President W \N Finley of the B*Mith ern Railway He aho mailed fanciful 'oml lrawlng of the experiment. In which Mr llansm was the central fig ure. with a •Sreain of w.ticr playing o* the car. the artls# being a young man In the engineer's offi* *■ The ginneries located along rallw'nv lines desire the rwluctlon in th** rate# on eo; ton in the seed It is their desire to have th** oit*m hauled In that form to their gin houses avoiding thereby the long trip# ovtr rough country roads by mule trams The railroads did not care t*. grant a reduction In rat*# If it should he the c#e that cotton In hm form wer# t.* combustible to la* handled with.ui’ greater |ing#r than tale* of |nt It s iot known wh**tn*r the ex|s*rlment - *r; ,luct*d by Mr on*l Mr Han#on w*d! result In the ginneries getting thr reduc tion . In discussing the matter. Mr !(vn*<>n ■aid it would doubtless he r distinct ad vartf-ige to the iarg** ginneries to hav* ,i reduce#! rate, hut that |t would le hurt ful to h# ‘•mall gin houses, as the laitot woul#l le forced #uf of hv the ex ceptlonal advantages *n)oye.| by the larger comer ns In having hefr rail rtr and their heavier business, the volume of which would admit of their operating tt considerable less expense than the smsll rr ginneries. %*NF>s>||;\'T l\ II %|t \\ \\. Ilime Farsm tlnl n Branch at ka il annah. The announcement in the Morning N vvs dlsfkitches yesterday of a receivership for the Home Forum Benefit order ws not particularly pleasing news io the mem bers in Ravannah. Forum No. B 7€ wa# orgmlz**#! 1 1 e i *- i Sou* five vests ago. It never had a large membership but m>t of the original members th*lr connection with th* order and paid the r dues regularly The order Issued Insurance poll-le# f.r varying amount Most of the Bivant .it mam bore ar** understood to have carried £*,utn policies The assessment# at first were small but couple #f years ago they Increased nearly lUD |**r cent Kven at that price, however, the members wsr** geltlfig cheap Insurance g# ltig its thev go* sny The announcement thit th* total assets of the order r. $17.0 0 with liabilities am>untlng to $117,000 Is hardly a satisfactory showing Borne of th* members had put*! the th*’- tober afiaessment which Include# also th* quarterly dues. . What a>'tloc. If any. will be taken by the local Forum, has not be* n determin'd. 4AM.FI) TUB BOPtTiat'y IIU FK. |'h*instii Hr N\ s# “the Heal Thing** lint Nnw Knows “There Ire Others.” Shortly aftrr Coopers sh#w arrived in camping place, one of the employe# Ufian hoastlng of his many combats and Mated hi# belief that n>h>#l> could ' *kv him " Someone In the crowd of ll#t*t.* r# | veem*#l to think hi th** man's apeech was either a refiecdlon on the town *r n i (tersonnl challenge to him. so. without ! mre ado. h* r|ped him on the head. making a wound that required five atltch |es to bring together Ttds row came very near being the cause of the circus’ nca leaving on time last night os It egpe*ted to do. for the wounded man went to a do* tor to get | his head attended to and after b< Ing treated I*l the physician that show “would stand for lt.“ The doctor sent in Ids bill, but hi# messenger return***! sith the story that the show jwopir claim ed that they knew nothing *f the mat- , i* r and solid tu>t puv the bill The doctor then su**l o*it an ait a hment against the circus, but th* management cuine across" with the am*uni of the hill In time to get out of town with all of their good# and chattels Millinery Sale. To-day special prices on trimmed hits, walking hats, children** hats and novel- , ties, at Krouskoff’s. the milliners —ad A High-Grade Ivfstlrutton for Ladies.— Shorter College, Home, G*. Writs for aatalogus.—ad * McklNl.Kt MIN %N\IMV I eellng Nnt**nit Them In llsltlnsre I# Ni* #ii I ontllent. Mr W \N Makai *## returned from Baltimore wher* h* #j*ent a day or two ■*n . usine#.- *f r n months he ha# m i* rat.ter fr q *eri vklts to that city, and tr.* < **ming pr- 11'lon has b**# n growl.ig in Interest In the publt * mtr.d dutl g thl# r* r -1 a* he ha# fon.l t ** . .. -i rno*- .nl\e:s-illy dir- Jswd on • h sue* • ulvr trip 1 i ?ll thl# trip. nd p#s.bly, the one Iti.m dint* i.. pr* **itr g It. Mr M * ’kali fuiji.'i ih* hu*tne~ m* ’ with whom h wa* ihr mu In <onia .limost a unit for Nl Kl • ii.r v - ■ iru g !Im that '•> had nT rh- .-dgfiles! louh f his ie•*. *n The im trip- i** ha# ma*le how *\*r hav* |n*!l *t* l .n Indefinab.e fear am* ng the M Kinl* -upivorter# that Bryan str# k I- going up and that there Is a much Mr>*g**r :nu ** fgr hl c.action than i :.*-v I | suspe t***l Amoi.g lho*e with whom he came In -* t. i Mi M i kail not I .-I noswnvering from their nlkgbin * to \l Klnley. The Ml r * ’ c-iMiun thaw g- n b-men fee, come# fun. m*lr Inability to judge just how I VOt* -f tks ISO* ot Wh rn they I well irs*re or less in ignorance may go Kx.eption# the ru * * f M* Klnley sup |H*rler> w*-re among thos - Mr M n kail m* t H* iiu*l n ta.k with on** gentleman l.* wo- i barxrr.iU *- tor frtxm Vir ginia In IS!#, who a##urei him of hi# be ll*! Maryland would g-* hr ll** b.i-'dthis twilef upon condition# imong hi# own f imilv connections In th** •* ; a*e b# ii* \ ing that th**\ might ta taken i- a criterion c*f w .nt might i*e expe. te l m- geitcrally prevailing Anrwxig hi# *#>n n> ti** # in*!, he #al*l. ar** “even gentlemen all of w iiom voted In !kii* for • r M (M OR •*f them tit thl# ek ction wIU vote for Bryan. minor MIHHN INI) TIIR M|IAHI>. • las Received Many Reqtieets tn Veto 111 vmii It •-’I ull *n . Mayor Myers I# #ilil hokfing the Dtxon Mjuare 4*rlinance re# luilon In a bey once, it Is hardly to lr doubted, however, but that the Mayor will veto the r*-slutlon. He #lb‘# hi# own .convictions, which are un favorable to th# movement, he has re clv*d numerous letter#, ns w**ll a# per ■ mal promts fmtm < Ulzen#. all opposing th*- movement lo open the street through the #<)uar*s an I requesting him to veto the resoluenn Member.' of l<th Wesley Monumental m l Trl By rhurche#. one l>e. Ing on Ab rr rn aid the other on Mar nard stret. have protested agitlnst the chung*. b* nus of th** churche#. both of vvhl h face U|sn #q\tares. “I am satisfied •' #a.d Mayor Myers yes terlay, “that If the matter were left to a vote of the people that the proposed ctwinx* In the square# would he over whelmingly and* and The opposition to the movement 1# very gecwraJ. I do not t hink this <*pi**dtion I# due en traty to that fe.lng *.f conservatism which I# #o marked In Savannah. **#t*<ialtv whenever any change In established condl*lons I# pro l#*#e<l but rather to a general f* **Hn that the squares form one of the chief beauties i the city, that a change such as that |.n*t**4.*<d would injure their beautv .xn*i that the square# nce rroach*-d might ultimately be d,t,- away with al foget her " This being Mayor Myers* view of the matter. It I# hardly o ta expected that h* will do than veto the resolu tion. # * . • RATROLMi.N JOINKR MIMING. Has Not Iteen Seen Nincc M rdnsmls) wild Hus Not n. alx uni. I'atrolman W. A Joiner of the Ocean Si*-am#hlp t’omp.’in) f r •*• ho# been miss ing sine# Wednesday, and hi# friend# r* tagtm.tng t grow unxlotA# as to hi# where iliout Their anxiety is the keener be ■ ause of some of the rema;k- made by Joiner quite re entlv. which were to the •ff thill he might .*mmlt suicide or tnilst for service In the Philippines. * •' II i •••n' i. • ! k leave, hut showe*i up the next day. and after getting hi# salary on the ple that he had . pressing need for It. he turned In his pistol and a outrement# and ha# n#t he#n scan since Bergt Muse caltal at Ids boarding house, hut wa# told tliAt Joiner hid not taen there since We#lnesdav. It 1# thought thHl he has turri* I out hi# expressed In tention of enlisting for the Philippines, which lie probably did under an aswumed name. K!Ll.i:i) lit TRAIN Nt). ,Vt. Janas Moods, tolored. Killed Near Tl ir I y xt li street Yesterday. Jnnn# Ms**lv. colored, w.i# struck nnd instantly killed yesterday morning about o'clock by Tran No. 33 of the Plant System. The nccklent occurred on the Plant System track Just north of Thirty >lxth Street Moody was employed about the government hospital building# and was probably hi# way to work when [ tie mot Ins death. He was walking on the track when he heard the approach of the Georgia <Nr Work# #pe<*tal train, md sb'pping askle to avoid that he stepped directly In front of the other train. Train 33 was drawn by Engine No 317 j "f the Southern mad. of whh'h Engineer Hunter was in charge. Moody was knock •l several feet frm the tra**k and wax s# badly mashed fn*m the force of the in tact tint he must have died ulmoat In stantly. Goroner Oootte was notified of the acci dent and ma Je an examination of the ?<**ne nd Brought the remain# to hi# ea tblHhm*nt. They were shipped last night to Orangeburg. F. C.. where Moody had h wife and child. NOT % 1.1. WFHF 4|l % 1.1 I*l Kf), Nome fonnfy Offlccps-Elect Were Nnl IS •- ts l % With Tltelr ftnl. *Not all of the county officers qualified befor* the County <N>mmlsslonera ye**t r day afternoon, a# had been expe-ted S**me of th**m. who hav** preferred giving t*nd# fr*m surety rompavsles t. n k nr their frlemls to assume these obligation#, tad not vet received the bonds for which th* y have applied. Those who qualified and to*k the oah of office were Waring Russel! county treusurer who gave tand In the #um of IIOD.OOO. Marcus H Baker, recelv# r of t.ix returns, who gave bond for John O. Keller, coroner, and Waring Russel, Jr., clerk of the t.'ity Court. Th*> other <tfi*‘r# will qualify at s en * r guiar mcetlfig of the commissioner* held before Jan 1. when their term of office begin. There I# no Immediate ne ••eslty for their qualification at pree nt and those who t**ok the oath of offi e yesterday dll so because they had th Ir bonds ready and wanted to g*q the matter off their minds. No mtnu ts compltts without Cook's Impsrlsl Extra Dry Champagne on it. If not on ssk for It.—sd Millinery fair. To-dgy special prices on trimmed hats, walking hsts, children's bate and novel- at KrouskofTs t th# milliners —ad. MANAGERS FOR ELECTION. 1 • t OI \TI tomflvsluYßlPl NOtCI# TIIFM NND 111 KIR (LEHKV Nt fr \otlnn I'lnrr* Follow l liat f Ih** 4 osNli filer-* llou nf Mtmfli- 1 linx * aril for the I’lrat vrr**nil nikl Third ii(irt* t*. Two for th** Fourth nnd on** for lit#* I Ifth. wistto. Nrxentli nnd l.iuhtli 4 I*nlln**#l—*l ntl*** ,* Ihr Peace a Manager*— How the tloie* at (lie t'ourf lt*u*e Will It* Arranged Poll*i Open at 7l*H OVIfN’It a n*l 4 l*e n t U<*t. At a s|eclr| me* *lng *f the Hoard of County Commissioner# yesterday after noon. arrangement# for the national **l* * - tlon were perfe*-t*l. th** voting places pro vided for and the manager* and clerks, who will have the el*** turn n > harg*, nam ed The arrangement of boxe* for the sev eral dk*trkd#of kh*- county follow# that In force at the sta?*- and county election of next mon’h there b*ir.g one tax each for the First. Second and Third District# *wo for the Fourth and one for the Fifth. S.xth. Seventh and Eighth combined. The ar rangement and situation of the boxes and ihe names of the man igers and clerk# r hosen by the commissioners are a# fol lows First District-Tax collector# office. Bull ar*l York street# Managers. R Wickham J f* . O FI llevans. J R . and G W. Be*'kett. freeholder Clerks, T. B. Hodges James McGuire nnd William F Morgan. Second District—County treasurer's of fice. York street Managers. Isaac R. Nathans. J R . G Noble Jon**#. J. 1* and Jl(t)l) Cohen. fre**h*l Jer. Clerks, Robert Beytagh. Arthur Barr ar.*l W R. Nath ans. Third District—County attorney’s office. Hull and I'resident street# Managers. M Xaughfln. J F. C D Kline. J I* and D L Chiis(lM), fvwsholdei Gtfkf P M Hull, W. F. Scanlon and Thomas F. Rus sell. Fourth District, Box I—Tax receiver's office, Fresident street Managers. Fam uel Reynolds. J F.; Frank M Dermotl and W R Ruder freehobler- Clerks. Jnmea Davis, James Mcßride, Jr., and C. N Lee. Fourth District. Box 7 Ordinary’s office. Fresident street Managers. J R Bnuasv Jr.. J. ,F , Henry V Lubs ikl Jo-* pli F. Doyle freeholders Clerks. F. A Garden. J. L. thi Rag her on<l Victor G S**hr* k F’lfth. Hlxth. Seventh and K'ghtn dis tricts. <i**rk of Superior Court’# .ffice. York street Managers. W J Cieary. J P . L W Nel#on and M J. Desvergers. rreehoMers Clerks. T F Reynolds. John I’rsndlhle and L B Efl'lres The dark of th* County Commissioners expressed a violent aversion to telling the names of thos* 1 suggested by t e I> mo cratlc nivd Kepuldlcan non\Jnee# for Bon* gre## as managers and c|# rk# of th* elec tion. Indeed, ne refus*l |>olt|vely to give out any Information on this # ore The law provide#, however, that whenever th Justb e# of the peace for any mtllda *ll trlrt are In the **ounty and ore m.t pre < haled from serving for any valid re.isoti they shall serve as mar.itgers f the l*-< tlon As there ere two of these function arles in each city district, a I of whom aie Irt Savannah and perfectly willing to serve as managers, there whs but little rsal ai'potntive power left in the hand# of the commlol Hi**rs The * x -ffi io mana gers in almo#t every In#' m e. will con stitute h majority of those in charge <*f the voting The iota will be opened at the Court House at 7 34 o'clock next Tu**# lay morn ing and wlil be o|.*ed at .4 o'clock in the evening The odd minut*# In tin hours for opening and ri<*tug the poll# result frutn the fact that city tlm* Is twenty-four ml me as faster than un tlm* wlilch. under the state law. regulates tin election The County Commissioners took ntaut two hours fw the selection of nmn iger# and !*rk# f*-r th*- elecibwi. being iawete) from shotfl\ after ♦ o'clock until nft*-r * TO UK IN FLOHtI. RNHNDK. Many taritea anil 4>en tlemeii llnvi- Frninleed o Enter \r Mr lea. The outlook for the floral parade of the Elks C arnival Is growing brighter. Many names have been added to the list of par ticipant# and th** flower maker# are many of them, already busy. As has been published b* for** the prize# rc many In numb* r and as larg** as could be ex ported when the charitable pur|*>sc of the fund Is taken into consideration. There will be throe pnz* * for best dec orated vehicles. 113. 113 and IK*. There will be first and #ec*md prises also for child and pony rigs, a flr.~t .nd a second for the moat com; outfit, ilk* w #*• two prtxe# for'the most original turnout Among the many who have entered decorated vehicle# or* Mrs. W R Leak-n. Mr H H Co hen. Mrs. F J Kulman. F.ivannuh Lodge of F'lks, Mr# W. T. Dixon. Mrs Dr. Proxsar. Mrs Georg* C. F* hwarx (2i. Mr# W H. Lee. Mr II slehur*-:. th* Mlsse# Chappeau. C. A L Cunnlbgnam. KH#on Electric Illuminating Company. Mrs J A G. Car#n. A T. Kelly, K. c (Reason. John I. Taggart. M ***ter Gillie Tresevant. Dr. Graham. Arthur Gibb* >. G**org* s Van Horn*. Ch rb Kills. Mr# T J Sweeney and H**nty H*lmkcn. The Fllks are much gratlfle*! by this showing an<l have no doubt that many more nam*s will be added it 4k i Mill** fi'OI'LO *OU ftyxidleate Uonlrt Have to Give the 4 ontpnnlea Ttielr l*rl*e. The committee of the Amerh m Rice Growers' Distribution Compnny. the . w dlcat** of Louisiana capitalist# that 1# Buy ing up the cro|*a of planters for thl* year and thwnxt three, did not reach Savannah yesterday. A prominent broker Intimated yesterday that h* due# not le lleve the gentlemen are coming, as he heard from private source# some two week# ago that they wet*- coming at an.* and they *ll*l not put Ir an apt*-.trance The planters, however, are still looking for th* rr. Mr John Fereven manager of the Fa \ annah Cotton Mill Com|ny s • stahlish merit, was ask***l yesterday a taut th* re port that the syndicate has !♦ pure! * • of the #to**k of that company and the Plantar#' Rice NIUI In view He #,*d he had h ard absolutely not Bing about the tUiti thotigh he supposes the romp ini* a woukl sell* out If they could get the|r price No advances have l**n mn*l** for •he stock as yet, ml Mr S reven is not Inclined to believe that he will hear any thing along that line. In the event th** syndicate carries out Its reputed purpose and ***<Nire* the planters’ crops for four years. Mr F- re ven says It will umloubtcdly require a rl e mill Fuch a volume of busine#** as it wrould control would <b-mant a mill llnee a \\ rrk. If you get “up town” only once a week -to-night (we are open late) I# your chance to look over our offerings tn fin*- cut glite. gold and sllv. r watches aid novelties diamonds, silverware, etc You are welcome, ever, though you do not buy. Sternberg A Cos —ad Millinery kale. To-day special prices on trimmed hats, walking hats, children's hate and novel ilea, at Krouskoft's, the milliners -ad. Tot t IIKl) lint FOR gioo. Man on m #leeprr l.oat a Round 4*ait bill tlie Thief Ili|hl Have l.ot Ntre. Mr. A. G Drake, formerly of Fa van t ah. but now of Washington. D C , was touched for |IOO In a Central Rallrcoid #.* • per. The thefl was committed night before last, but was not discovered by the vntim untU after the arrival of the train in Savannah yesterday morning Mr Drake at once took what step# suggest 'd to hi# mind for the recovery of his property, but to no avail. H* had . roll of tlOli in his pocketto>k In an inside vest pocket whi e !'*.'. wa# in an outside |*ocket. When he looked for hi** |*ock* :t*K>k In the morning It was nor • n hi# vest and a search discovered It un. l*r the mat4res# of hts berth, minus th* ll l *'. though his mileage hoqk ar.l a check for Ifto. |>>ahle to himself. were nil right Fo was tiie fL* |r> aruHhsr p**'k**t of his vest. Mr I>rok*- reported the matter to the rallroid authorities and wl*o to the police. The* r lilrond people claimed iliat Mr Drake did not t ike proper cure of hi# m ley. In < ming trains ur*' likely* to be crowd ed every lav with carnival visitor# f#r some tint*- Eakli# and grafters are (lour ing into the city, and some of ih* gentry r* r.or above appropriating a little rf th** coin of the unwary even without th* -light i !ogy of a shell game or othei netting tl* vln 1 ,. It Is tallev.*! .tat scm* graft* r may have touched Mr Dr.tke as be cam* from Columbus, whete a sir et fait I# In progr***.- The thief may see this story of Mr Drake s misfortune In that event it will !**• h s first Intimation that there was more than sli*> n the vest The know ledge will , TANARUS. th* ordinary min It would seem that he would be s.ifisficd with the hundred, but It is protable that the thought of wh it h** missed will be no pleasant com pany for the thief for some time to -ome. Just i# well .4# a hundred, he might have had the PV too. for It wa right at hand. II A 1.1. THIKIIW HI #Y. • Int ltn<*liM Irr Fre|tently Hellevn. of Wenrlna %||>nre|. Many people are complaluing of the depredation# of hall thieves. A house on Gor*ktn street has !>n*n entered twice with in the last five or six days, and each time th*- thief got iiway' with a tat Suspl on pointed to a colored boy who had been visiting the house for a pressing club He w is taxed with the theft, and his ron fusion #emed to show that he was guilty V to arrest him was made unless his produced the lasi hat stolen within thirty minutes, but. when a policeman all* and at the pressing establishme..t at the • xplratlon of that time, the bird had flown The graft of the hall thief t# an easy one Without the slightest trouble he can watch h# opportunity and slip in from the sidewalk where there are no front or yards, the chance ct fils being ob served being slander. Iturrd on Hull Wfrert. Two colored hoys, the proud possessor# of g.'tit wagons, amused a large number ■>f #|>ectatora yesterday afternoon at Hull street and Congress street lans by taxing • series of rures The owner of each animal seemed to have the utmost confidence in hi# own particular ste*d. and expre##ed It with a frequency and voelferousnetss that left no doubt of his conviction. Several heats were run In the lon*, but were not satis factory to either party, so th# i*#m* were brought out on Hull street and a race run fr**m Congress street to the lar.e This rate settled the mutter for one of the animals, a large dun-colored billy, won m • aafly from hi# opponent that the other steed’# owner become disgusted and there was no more racing The Latest Ideas. The successful bidder win# a bargain. Two beautiful new Finger pin no#, latest, style#, mahogany cases, upright, will be at Dorsett’# at 1! o’clock. Novem ber the 3th, to th* highest bidder. These plan** are sold regular in music stores nt s3sn Finger pianos are guaranteed by the manufacturer# for the same length of time that all first-class pianos ore Call an.l examine th*se beautiful pianos and bring your expert Judge with you. and you will !* delighted with their ton* .guar antee. and their style They will •* sold at DorsetY*#. Congress street, near Whitaker, to the highest bid der. nt 11 o’clock. November the Kth. and you will not hve a choree in many a day to get a# good bargains a# you will at that auction The celebrated Knabe. maker# of the first grade nf piano# extant, buy and sell the Fing* r pianos, and so with the leading manufacturers of the United Ftate.#.— ad #lnly While ton Work. Through one of the ten free scholarship# in The International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Fa., which the Mo n- In? News will present to you If you #ecur one of the ten largest of vnf # by Nov. a living at your present work and at the same lime, by study at home In tlm** usually devoted to recreation or rest, fit youi'-elf for a professional poeitlon at a gx*l salary- You can easily become one of win ners of thl# contest, by devoting your nt tent!<n io collecting Voting Couj- ns and k* • ping at l No one has a beiter . nan.*- than you. Get every vote you can. and have all your friend# s.ive theirs for you. Fee the window display of text hooks and *lrawing outfit# to l*e given away by the'Morning News in Its educational con test. at Cba*. Mirks shoe store. 17 Broughton street. w**st Openlna Fur tale. To-day special values in fur cqßars. c#|*es and collarettes nnd fur edging, at Krouskoff# —ad Aehnnl tappllea. lust received a large and assorted sup ply of school tags and school supplies, all at cut rates; from 10 cents up. also, usual lirge aioi-k of all the school b>*oks. now used In Chatham county, at Estlil a News Depot, 43 Bull street. Bavannah. Ga.—ad ••It fared Me." •'Oryt>*ar<! broke up rh,um*leiß on me.” ter* Mr. Che* Thnmite. -he Jew eler on Whitaker etreet. "Anti put me In better nr ,ith than I have enjoye* In e tons time.” Teke Orevb*ar<l Pm, for that dlea, appetite, and follow It U p with a bottle of Oraybeard. U la all you need. Keapeas Drus Cos., aole prope Bavaonah. Ua.—ad Itprnlna lur ante. To-day epe. |*| valtiea In fur rollar- I 1-apee ami eollaietlee and fur edclng. at | IvrouekolT'e —id. "Oravbrnrd !• a family medttlne with us ” aa and a pr mlntm bjalnea* man yea tarday 'My wife tt. and I Bailee ant U enjoyle* be'tar health than for r** l '*- The children keep well by iekiaf Orevb-ard mey be obieln'd at all 4r> atores or write to ue for It. Hmiwm Dru* , Cos, aole propa., Bevai.nah, ua. -ad, 1 S. tBl Of HOP: R'T IN!) G ii #1 U4eU l Tor Ilia of Hope. MoMsam- 1 Boil. Cattle Par* aa Wee L>elly except But.vla. a. ~ without notice. ISI.K OK HOP}: ,', i . * a, em from , .u., ; ~ 730 am from T- nth ■ . * am from TANARUS it, ; ■ t IS ur. from liollur, 10 lu m from T-nth U OD a’n fr,*n, T 1 li pm frt m oi, t ao pm from Tenth , tkl pm from Tet th - ■ , ipm from Tantn .e uo t .n, f • I pm fTom Tuith ig# pm *■> pan from Tanth | 7M pm from Tt tl II l i m f-om Tenth So pm from T- n h • o t ; . i r ’ 10 k, pm from Tenth h> , ~m . |1! e- ; ... IV, * UONTOOMMUV !.• Itv for M ~ (SO am from 1 enlh v S k pm from Tenth | l l . ... . . tjo pm from Tenth coo , m f D , - ' 1 * ' '-'' e t*.-rt ... *SO am frofn potion 7 >j art, trl, ISO am from Holton t t- t , f r ! n 100 pm from pn ton I *■ # SSO pm from llolton 3 <*, pm : 7® pm from Holton l 7 *n p, • ■ i , SOO pm from ltr!t..o ,tn ~.. i tit Mitti, Car travel Honor etr,t Jun tlon - m end every thirty tuinuiea t, until II SO p. m. Car leaves Thunderbolt at * n , n . . every thirty mlnut.a thrr-.ft.r *7 no midnight, for lioiion bare, t tlon FKKIUIIT AN In PAHt'KK < AI: Thle car earrlce trailer for pa ~ , on all trip* and U-avee weal „r market for lal- of H -pe, Thun irr, • and all Intermediate point* at 100 p. m si*i p. m. Leave* I*l# of Hope for Thunder* .. City Market otvl II Int-'n ~ at *OO a m 11 00 am. 2 to t* rr WLhl' L.MJ Call. Car leave* vust itJe of city m irk ffet Knd 6 JO a. m. and ei.ry t , ther, after durlnp the day m * :. 1! Leave* WVt Knd nt *3O ■ rn ~ •ry *0 minute* th</e,f.r dnrlns the ,f until 13 00 o’eloek mtdelrbf it m T,r,rTP>v nni v - # f'/rTrf7®twH/’c Cm I’u •<! ii<-t r % I lour#. have !*•• n•. 1 n ■*’ the comf*-r :.B * B mi- m New York. Boston ;*inl Other rltb • Mnrr *i. anfi sconorttii jI Thun <\ir !>♦•!# Flaln mil fin v fioor# Lull and •* 1 complete over oM mAR, if . *>? I*l .n l • aiogur on request. E J ItntiM tent oi of rnensur**# of II i\ nit n immlM-r . r tt to lay In Fuv.mnuh thD month w.* can quo;# clo#** figtirrs. J M AD.WF. 227 N Cbirb Btrect. Baltimorv. Md. FISHIMG TACKLE, JOINTED RODS, REELS, ETC., SEINES, GILL NETS. CAST NETS. A FINE Assortment of Kool >. EDIfIRD LOWELL’S 1 113 HrouKhton St.. West. ORANGES. Hrlqu.tniri for FINK FLORIDA ORANGES FIU'ITB ANl> VK •KT AI! LI JB kind*. HKKD RTK. BF.ED OATS HAY. GRAIN. 1 i:i :i. CHEESE. DEANS, IV4-. I. * W. 1). S mkins Vl> ■ft CMICHCCTCR 3 CNOUSM Pennyroyal F 1 s > ih in 'i ii"- i ' ■ !*i 1 ft* I nWe *• olhi f M lU ifrr iM* •* l ata | • ' I \ B ar.! •* Krllrf f.r 1 ille " ■A Lf ur Mali. I‘ <•*> I this rarer HadUon *t|Mre. * •' lkU) L. N lu&ivli * l* ■ w >■'• l*rw t *. J. D. WEED c CO •AY AN AAAI. UA. Leather Bellini*. Steam Packioi* £ A*ni* lor NEW YoiUk HI 1 -- 1 BELTING and RACKING COill’A • DONNELLY DRUG i SAVANNAH. OA. DRI'GS. SEEDS. ETC M.ill or>lrm nolli-iuM. H*l I |>. 8 —Send lor it ov * * ' DjriptpiU Cur*. ahiicmksti. gAVANNAH TMcATEii. & Nnsht*. fommonr n* M mlay, N* I .uni M i 1 in* • > BRAt’NINH DRAMATIC C< ’ At Pupulor Prle.. PrcMntlnf Lawrtnc- M. - on * *r< "CREDIT LORRAINE Chonir* of bill *ch perform* -- AH h* laimi *p#etltlr liclud.r. ml* Brown, tb* boy opnno OLD NEWSPAPERS. *nft for o*nt* ' gmmwi Offlc* lAumlnf Nwa>