The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 03, 1900, Page 2, Image 2
2 LEGISLATURE OUT FOR FUN. MEMBER* At IUPTIM. *l.l. TIIK IN- Y'itation* Thr Hens* he Oratorical f drlml l.s| Mftht —Till* 'lorninn Ihr Solon* Mill 4io *• lint liml Th> t\||| Attend Mr. Slaton'* llnrheetie. W li • scuntnr Moron Old Not Spcnk. >rn Hill* Atlanta Nov 2 There aas btr*;y * quorum !n to* Hot * m-das It took three q ,Ik n vote* and ro.l - all to ascertain t' and tt>*o only runetv .one mam. bar. respnlde.l hrwiker Little announced Ihr Cvmniit t< on Rule*. one of thr most Important ol It - l*.l> -f which Mr H.amn of Fttl too s* a, m-rober Thr ftprultrr also explained why thr thlrtv-odi etandtng committee. of thr Ho or would not b* announerd till Mon day ar Turrdav of oral wttk It required HiTO and atudy to moke 1 TOO rommltttr assignment*. and hi- prede-. < f*<>r* tiad al- Wftya devoted trn .lav.- t*> tnl. *l'it> Thr members will Iravr on a fprolal train over thr ftouihein at * o'- to- k to morrow morning for Columbus to vlall Ihr atrrrt fair The- House accepted Ihr Invitation from Emory *tudrnt body to fittmd thr oratory ti ‘Otitftl and wrnr -Ihr color* of the college. thr orange and the blur hr** lllll* Intro.lurril. Thr follow) n- w Mila were Introduced In the Hout" My Mr Writs of Chatham To authorise lh-- Mayor and thr AtiWmen of the rlty of Si v atm in to it* ijulro by pur hnss- or other* a* lands in Chatham county for a ram- icry prai housr hospital puhlF streets. or other m lrpot*** By Mr Howard of Baldwin—To appro |.imu Jli*'teti IO the Georgia etatr aanim rtutn for erecting and furnishing nrw building*. By Mr George of Morgan—To rrgulai* th taking of flah In thr watars of Ihla state for thr space of five yrare from Ihr first day of May MI By Mr Hitch of Chatham—To nmrnd r<qion SB! of votumr 1 of thr rodr by fixing n maximum bond for tax receivers Of By Mr ilardwtek of Washington—To provldr for th* rag i*t ra t ton of votrra In this mat* for nil elections wdilrh may occur 111 th* year next .u- --railing thr our In aftekh thav may register. Sraalor Bn-uu IM it Not Sprak. firhAtor Bacon did not addrrss thr Own oral Aaaatrthly to-day as war announced Through *omr misunderstanding as to thr time tha address was. to be madr. thr Sen ou.r did not roach th* city laat night or Ihle morning as War caponed Thr Sena lor arrived at 4 o clock this afternoon, and well addri-s* thr Ornrral Aesembly next Wednesday. Nov 7. whrn thr two tvouear ronvar.r In Join eras loti to drclare AJa* /wall of tha election hrld for Untie 1 Blates senator thr previous day Thta action was omlsslied In a roaolullan pr>- Sen text tty Mr Hell of Bibb this morning Slaton la Qlvr a Ha there.. Thr numbars of thr House, and Bmtt hav* accaptrd invitations of Mr. John M Blaton to attrod thr barbecue which hr gives In honor of his brothar legislators raxt Wednesday afternoon, ufirr they t.av e heard Senator Bacon * iiddrrss Bp* dal cars will be at Ihe rapltol lo earry thr mo mb*r a lo ihr harbrrue .Senator Ba con will probably be a guru of Mr Slaton at Ihe same time and addrrss a few word. to thr grntlemrn present *oori\. AT KVBHKTT CITY. ftrgro nraprrado %V Killed hv Miirahnl Tbnrpo. Prumwlck. G.i . Nov. 2—A ahooiins rtf fair occurred at K .*rrtt City, thta county. alu( J o'clock Wtn#idiy night. in which on* negro war inel.i fitly killed anil another slightly wounded by Marfhal Jioberr Thorpe of that place It e*ni* that rrow*l of people wer# In Higginbotham'* wtoon and In court# of an argument a general tight occurred Itobcrt Porter, the regio who war killed. one ahot at the mamhal and an other n*gro. whop# name I* unknown, alao *hot at Thorp* The marshal In turn, quickly began * hoot tug He only fired twice, hut both bullet* hit their mnrk The flmt ball atruck Porter Jupt above the mouth, and he only lived a few mln utae Th** other a hot war tired at the un known negro, who had run out of the ra toon and was* making hi* em ape. The •hot etrurk him In the right h-g. but did not r*p him. and he baa not yet been captured Coroner Jenult g* of hi* city went up to the r-ene of the shooting tht* morn ing. and the following verdict %va* found by the corot.or** jury, which tru nun (Hjpe.t of C c Cronon foreman; M Ste phens. M W. Pwtterron. U H Bennllle. F F. Oeorg' and R D. Huney "We. the Jury, find that the de* eavel came to hla death from a pletol hall tire | by Marshal Robert Thorpe, in aelf-de fene.** MKMOMI If. TO .It IMsR TRIPP. bapretne f nnrt One* Honor to l)t -tlnHulahrd JurUf. Atlanta. Nov. —The committee ap pointed to draw up a fitting memorial in commemoration of the life and character of Judge ft p Tripp, prepented it* re port through it* chairman Judge I-ogan Bleckley, to the Supreme Court to-day Re*pon* for the court wa* made through the chief Jumice whereupon the court ordered iic the memorial and r*- e|>onee he filed and puhlßhed In the Georgia roporie i.d mat page of the tmnute* be ir- r; -.1 lot e memory of the dei eased A* a further mark of respect the court adjourn* ! until to-morrow morn ing at 9 o'clock The committee appolnf*d to draft the memorial wa* composed of th* following gentlemen 1* K Bleckley. R I, Berner, John Ys Hofkln* Joeeph B Cummlng. J C C. Black B A Wt.mnrk Jonn 1 Hail Henry P McDaniel Hoke Smith. J H Boynton C. A Turner M II Ulan foul. Siwncer R. Atkmeon . lOKUKH ILKHH IN rt STOPY. Adann I'nllnl to Maltr Itetaru* of Iruit Property. Macon, Nov 2 —Pan Adam*, former rlerk of Bibb Superior Court. n in Jail here charged with failing to make any for some guardlaothip property. He wa* for a long time guardian for about 12.00 b worth of property belonging to Jam*Sh* r wood, who ha* for year* been In the atatc upylutn. Th* Grand Jury indicted Mr Adam* In I*9* for failing to make proper return* to the Court #*f Ordinary and the first time he cam# to Macon after that wa* to-day, when he wa* immediately arrested upon a warrant * worn out by George Sherwood, a brother of th*- ward R 8 Collin* wa* Mr Abram* bondsman when he became guardian, but Mr Collins* whereabouts is unknown and he ha* loat nil of his prop erty Mr Adam was formerly a power In local politic* British wtramer %*hore. K*v, West Fla Nov 2—Capt. Bars tow of tr* MHorv ltne steamer Pam pas** whi h arrived here to day from New York hout;d to Galveston. refort* a large British t#m*r ashore on Ten nene- re#-f The vessel t* apparently coal laden Wreckers have left to give assist | anoa - “It is an Ui Mind That Blows Nobody Good. That small ache or pain or weakness is the “ill wind " that directs your attention to the necessity of purifying your blood by taking Hood s Sarsaparilla. Then your whole body receives good, for the purified blood goes tingling to every organ. It is the great remedy for all ages and both sexes. Dyspepsia " ComplicAted with 6rr And st dney trouble. / suffered for yean from dysprpuA. tuslh severe pAtns. Hood's Sahapatilla rnede me strong enel he Arty." t f. B. Emrrton, Auburn. Me. M<v>4 • PtM* fur* i*r lilt th* •* irrtidtmjr *n t •fils r*hart + * ’ *|r>4 * *• SOUTH IN CONGRESS. (Continued from Flpm ) jn <lf*||r.jr with h* 1 tmilhrr In Ihe rof*<-rt- md *v#iy on* of th**m arli a* hr upon th* of hi* nHtrhior- who *r* Inclined *o hr*ip thr aaliMior In hi* protrot of reducing i rpr**rnteion from h tlouth Ih'publliin arr olfo hretn* j rung to rralltr that Ihr nemo know that tf thry support the Democ r.itlc il krt In th- North, they thereby make aMHjtanr* doubly mire that there will )** no change In condition* aou'h of M uon and Dixon r line They are beginning o realise that [ th* n*grn in* the North imist \ote the Republican ticket or play Into thr handa of hl auppo*ei| enemies, whether his sup posed frlensl* make an effort to help hie gsaathern brother or whether they ignore him a* they have done ever since 1*92. \o l honor of Paaeage. Rven If * strenuous effort Is made to reduce representation, there Is no chance whatsoever of the hill becoming a law during tha short session of r*ongreaa Dem ocratic e*nalor* would surely talk It to death and their Republican colleague* would not rare a rap because of tha fail ure of th bill Rven if the neat rongree** is not Demerratic. It will h~ too bus> with the brown men In the Philippines, the black mm in Tort Hlro and Cuba. nnl schemes for domestic legislation to l vote ary attention to the troubles of the Southern darky The llnsls of Hepreaea tafloa. There has been some talk that the ap port ion rrurvt would be so made as to <wus*‘ a reduction In the Southern represent at lor. without ream ting to the power giver* m the constitution Rut that Is Impossible, also The population of Arkansas. Flor Ida. Mtssteatppi West Virginia, ar.d Tew aa ha# Increased to such an extent that no matter what ratio is adop*#d. they wl.l each gain one vote In the House Virgin a la the only one that will suffer n loss Thl gain and loss would result from the use of BSO.OOO as the minimum number, which any district might contain If a higher ratio were used. Ohio would lose one rep resentative. and that alone is auffl tent guarantee that the ratio will not b* over 000.000 That ratio saves loss In three Northern and three Southern states an follows Indiana Ohio and Vermont. tucky. Maryland and South Carolina Tf my higher ratio Is used, the loss will he s stand off If any lower h* used. Missouri. Texas and probably Georgia would gain one representative eprh. but the Northern states mentioned would have to be con tent with the number they now have Igooked at from any point of view the project to reduce representation from the South, sterns bourM to suffer an early and ignominious death i Wll,l. EMPLOY I MU' YE*. Chung* In ( nmiimlnx Room ol Augnnln fhronlrlr. Align*!* Nov. 2.—J*rom* Jonr’ of At l*ni ii* wrll known 10.t.10r among Iti* laboring men of the *u:e. penl to-diiv lo AtignMa. nnel hiJ i-omulUlWn with Ihe bualnea* mnnagemerl of lh 4'hronl ele. which re ilt<l In the Throntrle t>..- comhig 10-nleM o I'nlon oltlee. It h.i* lieixi it long time alnce Ihe Chmnlrle ha ontlnc.l it? *niplo>mem to memher* ol the Typi'gritphl'Xil I'nlon. though II b.t* ilwxya had *<>me union men on It* com poMug force Beginning bvilffhl |i .igre. . to em|iln\ onl> union mm The announce ment In* been receive*! with (getnire hv che lateir union* of Ihe city, unci Jerome Jones la being congratulated on nil *ili * for Ihe eklll wish which he manage! the negotiation* l*El. EVAVI in I* %I'O*TA. Making Pinna for Cnmlng Hennlon of the \ eternoa. Augualn Nov 2 —Hen t-|ement A Bvatta nrrlvcrl from Atlanta thla after noon. ntul I* the gueat of Judge and Mm William F Kve (.en Evan* I* here to gra the variou* committee* of the reunion and to further perfect nutter* pertaining to the re union. The (Jen*ral aiatre that Che reunion promlaet lo be the niiil aucccaaful ot the (Jeotgio reunion* Everybody (a Hiking about It and looking forward to the date fjen Evan* will return lo Atlanta Mon day. but will be one of the tlrat to arrive In Auguata on Nov 14 C'AHOLIA % K AIII % Ci rrRM. White Carpenter Killed l>> southern Itallrnnd Train. ColumbU. B C Nov 2 —The Kalr ended ;o-.liy In three day* Ihe (Mild en trance* reached about (31.000. Wednoadoy and Thuraday the elutrlc street railway haul.d (I.WO iwople. There an not a aln ; gle light and not a caa* of pocket-pick ing The (air wa* the heal that ha* ever j Ven held Major Thoma*. 2S year* old. n white inrpenler. was atruek hy o Bouthern p.i**enger train He was coming to Co lumbia on ihe Oongaree bridge fl r.d mu and not outrun the engine Thoma* was pi k ed up and carried to the hospital, but died in a few mlnuce*. Mullins W 1* nikMIKUBD. He la the Clan Who WaNcted Cos Kilt t.atea anil llrlmaon. Chicago. Nov ? P I Morrla. who wa* crreeled two week* ago on a charge oi aeeklng ihe live* of John W Cate* of Ihe American Steel and Wire Company, an I i W. O Brlmaon general man-igcr of the Kan*.i* City and Southern, wow discharged from cuatody to-day. Attorney* repta arming the complainants appeared '.n court and slated that Mr Hate* and Mr Brlmaon did not care to further proaccute the caae and and. slr*d the prlaoner dla mlaaed I Pile* Cared Wllliont the Knife, Inching Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pile* Your drugflat will refund your money If Paxo Ointment (alia to cure you. Hi cents.-ad. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1900. Ml Mi\s OF f'Oflla WBUIILH October He*V fbr lt**ir(l la 1 r m icraturr. There rlo*** not n-fm to be nny thdtCA rlon of in immeiiite hre.ik In the warm spell. November is but two days okl er*l has n eicess of 2> rlerces in tempera ture Yepter<|a> was 13 tlcfrfft anei rt the average Mercury reachJ iu degrees. Its rmiximum point .n*l did not get below *7 degrees A year -tgo yeaterday the | minimum was fJ degrees The yrer •< tar h.- been a rather un- I usual one In the way of temperature. For ten months the total excess t tm |erature | Jl*i tegre* on iverage excess of two deirNv i day The mean tem perature it-• month a.s tnr with one ex cptiott In the history of the Weather liur*au I> laSl. Ocioia-r went on* d*gr> • higher The average ro tin temperature for O* tober fr thirty yejts hue !e-n ;7 drgre. m The O loher record since I*7l. taken from the Weather Bu reau r* |*>rt: is n- follows 1071 .00 1880 *; U IW7 .. ♦ IXT3 03 IKWt M 1*74 6*> l*<t .... M \m ... \h%) 7 I*7o 02 I*9* 03 1*77 60 Iff*2 107* .. 67 IKC 6* 1*79 70 1094 M IROo 66 \m 66 I**l 73 I*ol *7 le.: IX97 I*o3 70 1198 6* 18M 71 1006 * il } 1801 72 While last monn wa hot |t was alg> n w*t month The rainf.ill of 6*7 Inches was something ov* r *w- in he. .ibove the overage The October rainfall it Savan nah for thirty yearn is follows I*7l 3 4*) I*o6 1072 3 r. I*o7 4 11 ! 1*7.1 1.09 IM* 6 *1 : . IP* 0 31 I 1*76 2*7 I*oo 4 12 I*7o 9 45 1091 2.46 1*77 6.87 I*o2 M 2 I*7* 2 54 1096 6 91 U 79 3 *7 JS94 1.71 16*0 6 S* 169: 1 11 UOl 272 1*96 099 | 4 m 14*7 o*7 | 1 41 lt*g 4 4* 10M 229 1609 3 I 1086 .7 67 19*) 6. *7 There were twelve e ear days during Oe tobrr. six partl> cloudy and thirteen I cloudy day? DIED l\ % IMll.lti kliop. Winter Xeahlt Dead Before lie Could Huy a Tlekel. Winter Neehlt n porter of the Plant B>stam depot 4t*d suddenly yesterday morning at in o'cloc k in a policy writer a •hop at Reynolds street and Perry street lane where he had gone to pur'base a ti ket Neshtt hod been on duty all of the morning and secured p*rmieelon to go up the street for a few minutes He went Into Ihe shop and salt down near the door, but before he could get hie ticket the proprietor of the place -uw his hea I fall forward on his hreast He went to the man and raised his head to Inquire what was the matter but Nesblt was dead In the hand of the dead man was found the seriew of numbers that he was about to play and a superstitious tlarkv that made the dlarovery ImpiedUtely took the numbers and played them himself Whether they won or r.ot t* not known Coroner Ooette was summoned u- soon ns possible nn<| made an exarnlnntlon Tbe body was taken to hts ostablmhment. but j later turneil over to the dead inor/s rela tives AT TMF TIIFATnR llrannlfli Drsnintlf Company Will Open Monday %ight. The Hrcttjnig Dramatic Company will open •* five nlgms* engagement at th** Theater Moteiay tugrnt The opening plav is "Credit Lorraine The i.ihpanv is wattl to be one of the best repertoire com pgnies of the dfy It is made up of rts|m- Me nitons, and Is strongly barked Dally matine** will bo given iturlng the week after Monday The company will play at popular prices TO FORC F* 41 MMV 11*00100. Itnrhers' * Committee line Hnd One Hu rle r %rrrefed. The committc of Roes BarM'rs who arc moving to enforce the Sunday closing lw so far as barber shop** go snare out a warrant yesterday in Justice Nauffhtln's Court agsinwt II Gordon, proprlet r o. , t shop on Jefferson street ch.irgliM him with violating th* Sunday clewing liw He gave bond fo; his appearance be fere a higher court. i TO n lE 4 rol.o N ME DtY. Taka taixallva Broma Quinine Tablat*. All druiilat* rafunl ttw money tf It fall* fo cur*. K W. Orova's alttnatura la on *ach box <- -ad. UPErCIYI. NOTH ID. SI’KI I %l. NOTICE. If you want your work done properly and reasonably, rail on Former Plumbing inspector Cosgrove, 123 Drayton street Hr dors nol estimate by guesswork, like some wo Ihink they ar* tdutnaers. THE BEAT UK FA'. If you erant the flnest roasts, nr steaks, or lamb, phone 1173. Hi-otl Ar Davis, stalls 7 and F. market They swell supply you D— pt pork roasts Poultry. Brains Tripe , NOTICE TO W A IKH TAKKRg. Offiie of Savannah Water Works. Hitv.inn.rh. Os.. Nov 2, 19uo The water will hr shut off to-day. Sat urday. Nov 3. nnd remain off for several hours, In that section of thr city as fol low* On Eighth street rum Whitaker lo East street.- on Lincoln street from Sixth street to Eighth street I U. KINSEY. Superintendent ’ MOPH i . All bills again*! Swedish bark Norrs kenet must be presented at my office be fore noon to-day. or payment will be de barred HENRY JUCHTBB, Agent. w II t OF cm RUE IT'* so. Everybody t> the best inents In the rlty arr to hr hail at my stalls In the rlty mnrUel. Wlmt everybody says must hr so. To-day Prime Meet, Mutton nnd Vral. I.nmb. Fork, Matrh- Irss Corned Beef. etc. Hoth phones AST. JOHN FINK. the W AY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your rarprts prop, erly taken up. cleaned utid taken care of for the summer Is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos;, telephone I. or call at 32 Montgomery street and they will make you an esll. mate on Ihe • ost of tire work Prices reasonable They also pack, move and store furniture and pianos C H. MEDLOCK. Supl and Mgr H'F.tTtl NOTICE. Al bills against the It hitk Mirla Laura must he presented <t our office be fore 13 o'clock m this day. or payment thereof will is- debarred BTRACHAN A <Y>. Consigner!. Bavgnnab, Ga. Nov. 3. IRAK. HF-ritt. toTirni. tTTTMrvCoEkTHEk^To TEiTIFt TO THE H’OXDF.HFI I. Y ICON V IIE MMAYEK *FRI> MATCH O\EH I'HAT lATOLEHA ULE DISK AIE Kt ZCM t. % Minrltm* 4 nra—R*a*. Huwanre Hprtnir* Company, Suwante F,a <4*ntl*m*n—l know 'hat you racalv* nu m*rou laattmonial* having read several original* myealf while at the spring* but r I promlted. I wish to express my sratl tude for tlie benellt riuw .nee Springs Iter ha done my Utile child. I am fairly well known In Bavennah. and In vite inquiry from any one who may be skeptical In resard to tbit As you re member, 1 carried my linle one when ..bout six months old on a plllww to Bu nt.. t. ol been .altering with K< • irmi from infancy, and. at the time 1 rn.ot her rn’tro hody wax a muse of erup tion from rhat annoying and Intolerable dlsewe- Ex. m. I tried Buwenee a* a la t resort with very little fallh in It then. i> she had been tr*'cl by phvslrlaps here from her birth wlthou' aucees* Af ter remaining there from three to four week* the result wa# wonderful and every stsrn of the iJlsea#* disappeared, leaving her sk.n < umyl*ion as fair aid soft a any infmt'* I have refrained from riving this testimonial up to this time, as I desired to wait ar.d waleh the result, so I could know If the cure was permanent, and now. after about two v.-ar* since her visit. I can truthfully say she has never had the slightest return of the d-.sejse I'se this letter ns you see lit, and I hope II may be the means of reliev ing some other sufferer as I am sure If they go lo the spring* or drink the water at home is will positively cure them 1 took my little one >o the springs because at that lime the water qras not bottled for th> market, and I am very glad to know, therefore, that it Is now for sale gener ally os I um confident It will prove a wonderful benefactor to mankind You* truly WM DIERS All you can drink for S cent* at Uvlng ston's Pharmacy. Siyr.Eß PIAXOi. Beat in Tone, Brat in Durability, near In htyle and Elalah. CELEBRATED THE WOULD OVER. NOYE BETTER. NONE AO GOOD. Two of These Mnqnlllrent Planoa to Be sold at 'AICTIOA NOVEMBER 8, at C. H. DOHSF7TT S. 22 Congress street, west. TO BE SOLI* TO TBE HIGHEST BIDDER LEVY'* DIBC Ot NT NOTICE. TOY WILL IAYB TRN TBtR CENT. ■ y geylng iter blit* en ar be fore tb* IBIb leal. A M. LEVY A RRO. all i7n iim aten. For this delicacy, end other sea si noble dishes (hot are not served elsewhere, corn* here. OYSTER*, from Gulf end Northern meters, LORBTEH* and 44 AME a spe cialty. Prepared hy the best rooks In Ihe South. Fonltlessly served. THE GEM CAFE. GEO. C. BCHW 4 HZ. Proprietor. ELF.I TION NOTICE. City of Havant.ah. Office Clerk of Coun cil. Nov 1. lUO) A \a-ancy having oc curred In the office of keeper of the Lau rel Grace f’.metery nolle* Is hereby given and In a with a resolution of Council adopted Oct (1. ibs. an election will be held at th next regular meeting of Council, to I'* he and on Wednesday. Ihe tfth Inst . al s p m lo tilt ihr unex pired term All application* to hr hied with Ihe clerk of Council al or before 12 m of the 14th Inst. Bond of (I.UCB re quired Name* of two bondsmen must ac company the application W 11-1.1 AM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council. 11l Y ONLY THE IIEXT' GINGER ALE. The best Is Ihe Wneeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast. Ireland from the ceiehrat-d Croma. ttprlngs of that city These springs are the proiwrty of A t o. h-nce no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland h.i those w.u-r.t bin them selves The Wheoler Ginger Ale Is made (torn pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Ited Pepper, a* other* are, one Is deleterious— the other Is a tonic. For Healthfulne** and Purliy the cele. brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale Is Ihe best 1,1 PI'MAN BROTHERS. Sole Southern Agents. Savannah. Ga. AT 4* A HUNK If'A. If I am not your butcher I guess In your neighbor's If you do not eat the good things that he does. It’s your fqult. 1 have a special order of Western roasts and sieakr plump fowls, barnyard ducks, geese. M S GARDNER Phone* 675. P 8 Remember the delicious Corned Beef made especially for my Ira le AT JOYt K'N TO-MORROW. Get everything good lo eal al Joyce's two stores to-morrow Only the best meals handled Kresh Iruit* and vege tables Fanny groceries. Phone 107 JAMES J JOYCE P 8 —R-mrnihcr Ihe famous sausages Remember the famous coffee. OY STERN. Oysters In all styles lo your ordtr Meals lo order. Meal tickets which en able you to live with me cheaper than at home JOE CHANG. Prop. San Yrancls o Restaurant. 114 Drayton street NOTICE Savannah. Os . Nov J. IN* Neither Ihe master, owner* nor cog slgnee of the Rrltlsh steamship Plates will be responsible for any debt* con tracted by the error. PURDY* Master 1.K0H1.1 A NTATK .* L.ANNOf I A TION. Deposit stuck Department. Holders of this class will please a-nd In p.<-s books for laat quarters' Interest. *; rate of 5 per cent, per annum to be en tered. ’ £. W. BELL. Secretary, CORBIN DOOR CHECKS AND SPRINGS The most effective check on the market. Every one guaranteed. For sale by PALMER HARDWARE CO. Bay and Jefferson Streets, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. KODAKS and GRAPIIOPHONEB PHOTO. SUPPLIES and RECORDS EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SI.OO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDY^ Cures when nil remedies fall. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull nnd ConureAß. Branch 300 Bull .SI. Phoue.A 29.1. Phones 382. SPECIAL NOTICED. FOR FRIDAY AND A.ATFHO.AY. Now King Apples per peck N* Choice Baldwin Apples per quart &e. New Malaga Ompes per pound 30c. Cape Cod Cranberries per quart 15c. Fancy Leman* per dosen 10c. Bantoga Chips per pound 2tc Small Pig Hama p*r pound 12V*e. Three Cana Corn for 25c. Three Can* Pea* for 25c. Six Pound# Loose Buckwheat for 2Se. Seven pounds Boiled Oatmeal only 25c. Three-Pound Can* Peaches only loc. Minced Ham. two pounds for 25c Two-Pound Package Oatmeal for 10c. Sweat Pickles, per quart. 25c Java Coffee, parched, per pound. 25c. Fllne Blend Mix Tea. per pound. 50c. Flap Jack Flour, per package. 15c. —<l ►— JOHN T EVANS & CO. Congree* nnd Barnard Streets. Two Fore. No 2*6 EATABLIAHED IMS. SOLOMONS COMPANY', Wholesale and Retail DragNlats. Wholesale Department. 12T Coa llteas afreet, west. Georgia Phone 144. Retail Afore*. INS Congree* atreel, meat. Hell Phone 144. 801 l aad Charlton afreet*, under Guards' Ar senal. Hell and Georgia Phone* On. RENOVATING—MATTRKHKI HEN. OV ATINU. Hair, moss ticking fiber, feathers. Our stock of new material aid manufac tured products ar* up to <iat. Our reno vating and remaking haa delighted many prominent resident* Ask your acquaint ance* Material* sent u* I* picked, steam ed. cleaned and nudl'aled by modern ma chinery Making don* by mechanics. We confine our work to ar.d bed ding generally. We tell ticking of ail kind* moss, hair, cotton, fiber, (either#, or anv attL It needed in maitress itne NATIONAL MATTREBS AND RENO- V ATI NO CO H*l! Phone 1136 .Ml Drayton #tr*<M. NOTICE. omc* Fir* Department. Savannah, (it , Nov 2. lW Rids for furnishing tn.s department with .love coal tr. qu.inlttte* of one ton or more at each delivery and In quantities of six ton* per mot.lh. more or less, and for fur nishing steam coal a* desired, the order* for the latter being regulated by the amount consumed ot fires, will be receiv ed at the office of the undersigned until Monday. Nov. 5. at 12 o'clock noon The commttlec reserve# the right to re ject any or all bids. JOHN E MAQtrjRE, Bupt. BECKMANN'S CAFE, 112 and 114 Whitaker street. We are now prepared to serve Ihe finest meals, oysters and game. Caterers for wedding parties, german*, banquets and collations. Agents for imported Wuerghurgre Hof Brau. Phone TlO. ah and cyphers limber for SALE. 150.000 feet of ash. suitable for wheel wrights. carriage makers, car works and intetlor house nidsh. Al*oc>ptess lumber of all slier We hav* resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of theqi for sale. VALE ROYAL MFO CO UONDR ESBCI TED. By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore We are author ise] to execute locally (Immediately upon application), all bond* In Judicial pro c ceding* In either the atatc or United Btates Court*, and of administrator* and guardian*. * DEARINO A HULL. Agents. Telephone 324. Provident Building WALL PAPBB, PAPER HANGING. We emery complete assortment of t*t<wt style papers, and employ only beet artlata Be* our goods and get our ttsilmai# be fore giving out your work Our prices tbe verv lowest SAVANNAH BUILDINO SUPPLY CO., Corner Dreyion and Congree* Phone 518 PAINTS, 4IL. VARNISHES: WALL I PAPER. Get our prices on the best goods for yonr hnlldlng. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignees of Ihe British steamship Cunaxs. las-khert. master, will he responsible for any debts contracted by crew of said vessel. J F MINIS A CO . Consignees Ol R CLIENTS Loan money at six per <j*nt. on real estate security. BECKETT A BECKETT. Attorney* at Law and Conveyancers. HIRINENA NOTICE* FLORIDA ORANGES. Bright, large, juicy, sweet fruit. Dozen 30c. MALAGA GRAPES, pound '2oc CONCORD GRAPES. basket 15c CATAWBA ORAPES. basket 20c KING APPLES. large,ripe, sweet, delicious Iruit. peck 50c GRAPE FRUIT to go to>day at 10c INDIAN RIVER PINE APPLES. large, fully ripe: each 15c The S. VV. Branch Cos., Cor Broughton ar.d Whitaker Phone* 76. Silver Services Single Pieces Spoons and Forks Pearls Diamonds Watches One of the largest and most com plete stocks in the country. Manu factured by Sam'! Kirk & Son Cos.. 106 Baltimore St., East, Md NURSING MOTHERS And olher* reuinnz noun*hro*nt . on ob tain th* HARVARD Pl.’RB BEER of all leading grocer*. HENRY SOLOMON & SON SPBCTAL hOTIHX shh hoods ji vr tit r t Tri* New California Prune*, lurge. Jc lb. New Jordan Shelled Almonds Me lb. New Evaporated Apricot* 15c lb. New Dried Peeled Peach** 15. lb. New Dried Fla* only 15c lb. New Pineapple Che*-*e She e h New Early Juno Pea* (extra ) I<V\ New Dried Fig* only in. and 15c lb We have a full aupply of Cos umhla River Salmon—loc, I2*nc an.l lo per can. Sardlnee, ij box**, i* fl*h to box. 26c. New Codrlah lrtc per packagi. three pack age* lor 2Sc. * cake* Octagon Soup and I oltle Rlue for 25 cent*. 7 . akc* Clrcu* So,.p and Pottle Blue 15c. New Evaporated Apple* !< parka*, tlelatlne 7r package four p.i kagea for Jjc. t'ox'a . lei, line Isc park air Keyatone Sl.ver e 1 pa kage. FANCY KREBH/J RUIT. Fancy Florida Tomato** | basket Kreh Fin* FlorMj Orange*, e ira *wet. Fine Sweet Orange* 'Jbr dozen. Fancy Apple* Sc quart | Fine 5-lb. ba*ket* .imp.. Fin* M .lag . drape*. J Extra Fine Indian ’ I,*r Pineapple* Ifi cent* I Freeh Kalamazoo Cl*i I be eialk New freotgia H>rup. -i.J . quality. Ju*t In Self- Rateing Huckwhei.l pack j C. A DRAYTON OROffIRY COMPANY. O p Van Horr Manager. ELKI Tilth .OTICB. city of S\ tnnah. (y^ ce Clerk of Conn, cli, Nov 2. 11**1 —A * icancy having oc curred among thw chl'iney contra, tor*. In accordance with rehlutlon of Council adopted O-t 31. lb* 1 . igice i* hereby given tl . an el*. Mon wll Jb> held ai th* next r. meeting of, to br held on W .dne*da> the 1411 mt.. at * p m . to All th. unexptr. I tJn. All apf.llcatlon* to he tiled with the, Tl- rk of Council at or before 12 m of the f h ln*t Bond of |V*i required Name* t,o tmndemen mint accompany the ay Jk-atlon. SV'II /jam r BAIUEY. J Cl*rk of Council. LricE All hill* again \be Hrltl-h tramh.p AMeregate, W’llll* Jma*ter. mull he pre vented a. our ont.'j before 12 o’clock thi* day or payment (lame will be debarred w W’lLfl /f. Agent. Cooxlgnee. Bavgonah, (ia.. Ijy, j. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO R t, , President. rt a, ’ C B ELLIS. BARRON Car7i a Vie* Pres Idas t asm c. s, r R The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. ' WIU be pleased to tacriv. , h , a.eou, *f Merehants Firms. Individuals. L .n ' and Corporation* 1 Liberal favors extended. DEPARTMENT interest compounded Qt art, q. LY ON DF.PUIIT6. Safety Deposit Box.. .„d Vault, ts. rent Correspondence solicited. * The Citizens~Ba?k OE BAVAKKAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Tree..*,. . Gewre, Hsasu, nualMta. Rollrlt. trrnnnts of Indlvldua,, Mere bant a, Hs.k. . nd fo rations. full Tritons handled with rronomy and dlspntrh Interest, compounded qnortcu allowed on deposit. In oar Rovi.„. Drpnrtmeur. Rafe|> Drposlf Hoses nnd Rto Vanlta. IIH6NTLEY A DENMARK, Prs.i*,,, MILLS It. LANE, tire President. GEORGE r. FREEMAN, fnahler. GORDON L. GROOVER. A**t. rashis,. SOUTHERN BANK of tbe titatc of Georgias. Capital Mtfcx* Surplus and undivided proflta ( x* UEFOWTOIIV OF 1 IU. oTATJC o*' GEORGIA. Superior facilities (ot transacting a 'AfllUdt tiitllAUlK Builr.ffl ■ none made ou ail points *■ lesslble through banks and bans,:* Actounta oi Banks, Hauksta. Uti, and others aoUUied. dale Daposkt Item for rent. Department of Ravings. Interest payskls quarterly Bella Sterling Exchange on Lendoa 0 and upwards. JOHN FLANVFRT. President. HORACE A orane. Vies Prealder.t JAMES SUI.t.TVAV r.hler DIRECTORS JNO FLANNKKY. WM W. GORDON E A WEIL w R- GORDON Jt. H_A CRANE. JOHN 51 EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERRT H P SMART. CHARLES ET.I.r EDWARD KELT.T TORN T KIRBT iiiiM CAPITAL, gaao,4Kß. Account* of banks, merchant#, torpors, non* and UxUvhluala soltclied. Savings Lspaitmsni, tr.i*r*st ps:4 quarterly. Hsftty Bcxss and Storage Vault* for rent. Collection* male oe all points at rs*. sou*bis rates Drafts sold on all th* chlel cuts, ef tha world Correepondenc* Invited. JOSEPH u WEED Presldeot. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vk* Freeldsi.u w f. McCauley, cashier THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. OA Cap.tal 5A0.0W Undivided pr. .Hts 60.60S This bank ollsre Its servlcaa to corpurs lions, merchun # and Inulitduals Has atnhorlty to set sa axecutsr. ad mlnlotrator, guardian etc Issure drafts on the principal cities in Great Britain and It eland and un tb# Cur tn -ML Inter-ei pssld or compound'd quarterly •r dep sit* In tbe Savings Department Safety Boxes for rent HENRY HI.UN, P-eeM-nt. OEO W TIEDEMAN Vine Pres lent JOHN M HOGAN, Cashier •WATTFR F HOGAN Ass', Cashier. No 1640. Chort*r*l, UK —THE— Mf Alls Mill II Or SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. Ml . o*. SL KPLL'B, F.b.JA I NITED STATES DEPOSITORL J A. O. CARBON, i t'a-ld t. It El It NE GORDON, \ Ire Preai lent W M DAVANT. ' artiler. Aecounta of lArk* and hnr.ker*. mer chant* and corpora Mon* received op • tha moat favorable term* cor>l*t*nt Itk n/e and conwrvatlv* binkln* THE GEORGIA STATE Bt’ILDINO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK RTREF.T. WEST. C PER CBNT. per annum aUo ° n 0 deposit*, withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT per annum uli**wi i ° deposits of even hundred*, withdraw* abie at annual periods GEO. W riEDEMAN. Preldent. B. H LEVY, Vice Preiidenl. E W BELL. Secretary. C O ANDERSON JR . Treur*r The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms lo Kemper Piisiir s'or aale. a Foraltb Newspaper Fo .let; will fold aheet Sat* It k In good ota * r Price COO It enat originally C.IOO. *’ we hav* tw ue# for It and want th# roe™ u occupies. It will be an iaraluabi# adjunct u> • newapapex uffloe Address MORNING NEWS, •aeaaaali. <**• IF TOU WANT OOOD MATERIAL •od work, oraer your lithographed 1 printed *tllooery and blank book* fro " Morning New*. Savannah. O*.