The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 03, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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ATTR.%rTIm <>F MISHIT. FentMrr* nl r*rnhl %rc With I |ir linlM’k fhftw*. M r W J Atutofi. aM of the Frank J. t> k aggregation of carnival feature*, nc .| Savannah yesterday, nnd opent jay rr..kinif preparation! for The I \r*nt of the attraction* he represents. 1 . k ?huw.< form u l.irgc part of attractions of the K.k* Grand Car i w and Street Fair, that opens on Mon year the Boatock people are fe i Craquita. "The Living Doll,’ Mid , w her** to he one of the most rem irk- M lit lie creatures that has ever been e , -.lot She Is twenty-nine year- old •tt many Inches high She had trav , i ill over th* word and acquired half • j. £n ianiru*ires. rh.t*h she >peaks with i j';. fluency. o unlmal shows ore included nm* mr t< liootoek attraction* They carry also M .-man village. the Streets of ('iiro, *, n I theater, the Crystal Muze. h edy. the high diver. Lunette, “the f -*r lady." the Venetian gondola*, pi •- t :. of the Giilveston horror, and n num l- .a other special features. I Anson said h l> >stock shown • ...1 all ta In Savannah anti rea ly to . n business when the carnival n|ens. /.* ’ o’clock Monday afternoon \ mimbrr of children have been selected t -dc* part Ifi the coronation scene of Monday evening. when Chlquit* is to la* • wt ed queen of the carnival They will r*‘prr<*nt the various court dignitaries an 1 functionaries and will he very ele y ir.ti\ costum*d. Theac children, who are to |*.rt In the ceremonies, will meet a I •* - Do Soto at 6 o’cl k Monday af t< rr re where they will I*- met by rm-m t# r of the Wits’ Carnival Committee, and r.vuvwncea that will take them and their i i **rts to the grounds The profrramme committee has perfects! merits for a sacred concert, to hr aiv *n by Falrman’H Band, on the • n of Sunday. Nov 11, in the Carnival *,r**uiKls Tta programme to ho rendered will h** an exceedingly attractive one. th** numbers including several of Director Kerman* own composition For the pjr poo. *f increasing attendance at the con cert tno railroads will run special excur sions to Savannah, a* vary low nates, for the day upon which it will be given. f '|pn>s II %< H FROM II %CO!\. The Annual Meeting of the (irmiil l.udse an Ksfcllrnt One. Th* majority of the Mason* of Savan nah w!k> recently went to Macon to at tend the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, have returned. District Deputy Ohms F Fulton returned yesterday morn ing Me says that the meeting was an excellent one from every standpoint. There were pre.-*nt about six hundred Musons from ull (•arts of the state Th< elect ion resulted In Grand Master Davis declining re-election. and the uniform moving up of c.i *h of t!i other officers. Mr Max Mvrrhardt of Home being chos en Grand M >trr nr * . f the most important matters that com*- before th*- I>dg*\ aid Mr. Fulton. vtn< tl*#t f the building of th** Masonic l i • l • l ’'. 11 it home will be built on th plan of having i. number of cottages, which will th* j all 'W >f its being add*-*! t• is the demand T...i*le on it are !n* re*- ‘I and the finance *.f the order allow The horn*- will b* run • i th* plan of a similar Institution in K • tucky. which Is reeognlxed Os a model 1 me of Its kind The cost of the home will be Ilft.ftftO. V-out s*.<*¥> of this amount ha** already . n suhscrP***l .*n*l the Gran*) L*dge 1* i*d at this me eting l> put aside ♦ h ,• r on* half of l surplus finds This Vim for this year will amount to about or even more, so that practically s>, of the imount Is * .r* • td\ in s.ght T > it> it lon >f t-e horn*- 1 in t yet l**en • |e. id* and on. Mr Fulton was re- '.* '**l diorir deputy of this, th*- First Mu• *nl . t rci On It t Wedte-s :n> night t • district depu ties exemplified th* F <’ degree. Mr Ful ton acting ;-* sent* r !•■■■*• tt , nd deliver ing th** l**ctur* of th*- degie Th* lec ture w,ts much .admire l m l so many re quest* have Inert m id* for c >ple* of It Mr. Fulton miv have It print** l a • j In t Im* It••cttrtler' I ourt. In the R. order's Court y* t r 1 tv Will iam Harr tt white. 1 with being <lrunk and dlsordely the right before, with resisting and striking r.n ofll* er. al?o with carrying**! w*• apons. did not up j **r. as he was si k Ml se was con tinued. Lmma Tuten. white, arrested eorly yes terday morning In th* neighl*orhoo*l of the rcmctrr\ by Patrolman T. C. Mur phy w!io . hargeu h*-r with disorderly -'in duct am) striking a man. w .** given h sen tence of $1“ or fifteen days on the gang Moon and Harris, the negro r arre.-tetl the day before bv I)et -five Gcdbold. charged with breaking Into and robbing n store house on her road. h *l thlr • *s*■** continual WHAT CAUSES DEAF NESS. The Prlnelpnl tans' Is Curable hut (•i-tirriill) Over-looked. Many things may cause dcifne**. and r-. often it I* difficult to trace a cause • in* people inherit deafness Acute dl -* .ike scarlet sometimes cause ! tfness. But by far th* most common in —of loss of hearing is titarrh of the h* ad and throat. A prominent specialist on ear troubles t v * a* his opinion that nine out of ten • *f dmfnes* is tra* to throat trou t this lr probably ovcr-tited. but if * rtainly true that more than half of ires of poor hearing were * a used by •atarrh. catarrhal s* retlon in the nose and •at tin*is Its way in th* Kustachlan i urxi by clogging It up very wko af the hearing and tin* hardening of e* retlon makes the loss of hearing I fiinent. uiiifuM the catarrh which raus • s • trouble ie cur**!. • e*** who arc hard of hearing may • this Mtl i •> a all observant Ihust have noticed u hard cold In th* head will iff* '* b urlng itn* 1 that catarrh, if long i **g ! will certainly Impair th*- sense of ns and ultimately cause doufne.-s the n*>se anl throat are kept clear • • free from the unhealthy secretions of if rh. the leaning will at on** greatly •>ve. ntxl an yon* Mifferins frim <b*f -• • iin*l catarrh can satisfy themselves • ‘‘.is point by using u flfty-cent box ■'■’Mil's Catarrh Tabkds. anew * >- uri. which In the past year has n th* uiprova! of thousands of atarrh rs. as well ** physicians, b* au.-* • n convenient form to *-ontalns 1 ■ ain<* or opiate and Is as saf** and • r.t for children as for their ciders. art s Cat irrh Tablets Is a wholesome cation of Blood root, Gualacol. Ku •l and similar antiseptic-, and they • •' rrli and catarrhal deafness by ■ n upon the blood and mucous m* m -1 * r * of the nose and throat "tit* physician aptly expresses It * *l* nt havo to draw upon the Im* tt lon to discover whether you ar** • ’lug benefit from 'Stuart's Catarrh Improvement and reib f it** ap rfrom the first tablet taken A | druggists sell and recommend them V ro *t but fifty cents for full-idle*! i k i*i*- .m i any catarrh sufferer who wasted time and money on sprays. ,V’ H> •* powder? w..i uppr< *late to the • mvril of SHuart a Catarrh Tab* V MIDRIFF .MKT OOt’XT MKYHk The Aaetrtan % >blr nn n-Tra nip i Now Delialitlnir New Orleau* t*B'. ar.t.ahtans who k*i*p up with current events retain a distinct remembrance of Count Rocco Du novteh. who honorel the city with his rr**ene* and his ap proval about a year ago Toe count Is #o)ourntng In New Orleans and few duys ago Sheriff Thom-** J Sweeny had the pleasure of meeting him there ilneriff Sweeny met she Count while h was In New Orleans for the purpose of bringing Clifford HIM hack to Savan nuh The New Orleans Picayune, m Its Hfus of last 8 indov tella the story* w’ell The Picayune save Clifford C. Hill win he startvl for Sa vannah. Gw . to-morrow T J Sweeny, sheriff of Chatham coun ty. in which Savannah Is located, ar rived m town hist night and pus up at th** dt Charles Hotel. He called on Superin tendent of Police (raster and made ar rangement s for a conference at 11 o'clock this morning relative to Hill’s case. Then Sheriff Sweeny returned to the hotd No sooner did he react) she main rotunda than did the official from Savan nah spy an old. familiar face "Hello there. Count, yon here'' What on earth are you doing around here?" Lecturing to the public school* and in specting the city." replied Count Rocco Dianov'.r h The recognition was mutual. Count Kotoo wus tickled to death to see Sheriff Sweeny The greeting was Jocular. They shook hand?, then Sheriff Rweeny had to laugh long and loud, all the time surveying the Count, who Mod by him You .ir- iooking awall." said the sheriff of Savannah “The last time I saw you. you were not wearing such good clothes, ar.d you looked more Mke # tramp than you do now Count you're out of sight." Count Rocco did not ogre*- with the being out of sight part H i ma 4 ntalns thas he is very moon in evidence, ospe tally when tt come* to •>ftl<-lal papers arid lec turing before publk vho© children Th** Count was In my Jail in Stavan nah." added Sheriff Sweeny. "I was not th** official who rr*-et**d him. but ha cam** tw my official hotel." V\*h*ai was that?" I a.o summer?' "What was he arrested for In Savan nah**" ‘ Suspicious character " "How long did he serve’" 'Twenty-four bourn, as I recall It." <\>unt Rocco was standing by during this repartee between th** sheriff and the Picayune man ■'lain right." broke irv the Count. "They till know me. f stopped at rhe b* fit hotel m Sttvannah They couldn't hold me but twenty-four hours." "How ire you now” ventured Sheriff Sweeny. "Bully," ejaculated Count Rocco. Been In Jail here in New Orleans Was in for fourteen *lny?. no. not fifteen, only four teen." correcting the Picayune reportar "Savannah Is n clean city." added the mueh-JaMed Dianovich. "I published here that S.ivannah was clean Dirty alleys in New Orleans You understand me. *lr. rllthN hick alleys but pretty good Jail ' l;**c to Tex.i**?" asked the sheriff "Not yet. started, but came back Thought you tid us you were gotn; home to Austria” ' "I got in New Orleans nnd couldn't leave It They are good to me over her*-. iv. lers’und m** g>csl to me I have enter* i:nH) the Governor an*l have lee lured before the public schools. You un drrM nl me. -ir, h* Governor and the public—" 'You are all right Savannah will nev er forget you." Count Rm*o f*>l*l the sheriff that he would *••• him again, and with that ** left for his suite of rooms, with a bath between, down on Royal strc*e Slt* riff Sweeny said the downfall of Clifford C Hill was .t great shock to the l*eoj';* of Sav.innah He Is n wMower. wlt.a thre* children. pok* r p aying Is what did the work. ITnlil five month? ago he wae a printer. w rklng at his trade and earning n good livelihood. Tli*-ti he git the place as keeper *f laurel Grove Cemetery at a salary of I! •* h year. Three weeks ago h* -kipje**! out and an investigation shower! that h ha*l embezzled 96&0 of the city’s o M rv "But there nr** other smalt embaxyle rn* i * harg ? ig.itn**: him on tha out sid* ' said the sheriff "which will bring th*- .imount up 4*> SI.WO. The city 6<i rik*n up the * e nnd will leader the * rtiiic.n Y I lo*)k for him tffW*rvp o t* rm In th- penitentiary- The ctition seems ivnt on pushing the caw.” Snerlff riweeny is n very Interesting young man. He to the youngest sheriff it? the state of (Georgia, being only 77 y* trs of ig**. MI'S IIEI.I.l: KKAHNBY TO I.KCTIHU U . C. T. I . Ailvorntp nt Ihr f hrlaflnn I hurt’ll Sov. S. Miss Hello Kearney. one of Ihr most consecrated worker*, deep ihlnker* find Rifted speakers among the hrltlltnt hand of organlxer* In the National Woman* Christian Temperance Cnlon. will pass through Savannah next week and will de liver a lecture Thursday nlßhl In the Christian Church at Holton and Howard afreets especially addressed •<> young m* n and women Miss Kearney was horn near Vernon. Madison rounty. Mississippi She was edu hted In her native state and taught hool auccessfully for six years The women of the Mississippi Woman's Christian Temperance Cnlon appreciated nr once the value of the service pledged !y this enthusiastic young woman to such a degree that she was Immediately appointed Stale superintendent She cour ageous,y began her work, going upon the platform with me ease that comes from the sense of supreme need Two years after enlisting In her state Woman's Christ! ill Temperance Cnlon. Miss Kear ney was made national organiser by the national convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Cnlon during its session In Itoston Miner then she has traveled a wide extent of country. May the Mississippi Woman's Christian Temperance Cnlon elected her president of the state union She resign ed (his office in ord> r to attend the In ternational Woman'* Christian Temper ance Cnion Convention In lndon There she yvas appointed round-the-world mis sionary. but declined hecauae she could nof find a suitable companion and. be cause. tlouhpd whether she was physical ly strong enough to endure the necessary work and travel. Mis- Willard anti lady Henry Somerset appointed Mias Kearney to represent them and th, Woman’* Chrts [ nan Temperance Cnlon at the Interna tional Congress of Christian Workers lit Id In Orlndelwald. Hwiszerlatwl While thtre she lectured In the Protestant t hurcb While In Paris she spoke at the ! Helevtlle Mission, and Ml** I>e Hi.ten i prewldcnt of the Woman's Christian Tetn l iterance Cnlon of France, urged her to re main and organise among the Kngileh- I -pecking people of Paris After a tour through England. Scotland. Ireland. Swttierland France and Italy. re . rned to America last till Miss Xar liev Is looked upon as one of the paters ~t philanthropic thought In the South, .-th. has become Identified wMh the heart ~( the nation's endeavor after so*er homes, nobler thought, purer living and iu*tlce to women. —•-* Among the rames proposed to thr Swedish Academy of Sciences at Stock holm for the award of Nobel prizes for scientific achievement are tho* of Prof ' Roentgen and Signor Marconi, fc THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1900. ATTENTION, GENTLEMEN PREPARE FOR WINTER. Here’s An Exceptional Opportunity 51 suits, which arc tine value, for $lO a suit, but which as a special offer for to-day’s humming sale we are going to offer at $6.90 41 suits left of big lot of slc> suits, which will go to day, and go fast, at $9.98 27 suits of those $12.50 suits are left over. They will go to-dav with the speed of electricity for $8,50 . Children’s All-wool Knee Pants Suits (worth *A.75), $2.48 The latest thing out in Children s Suits (these are unusual and worth $6), $3.60 ■ Gentlemen, see these Overcoats that are going at little more than half their value. They can't last. Boys’ Long Peak Caps, all colors, 25c. Boys' Eton Caps 19c. Boys’ Knee Pants 25c. Boys' Shirt Waists 19c. Boys’ Alpine Hats 50c. The Leader of Low Prices. VISITKIt THE RED R\. Ilrrat virlutn Hrrk Earmpllflrd Ikr t nn rlltra Work. Groat Bachrm .1 W Book of <3rimn yd*. Itrd Buvann.ih Trlho No 4 Improved Or drr of Rr.l M-n. laat nurht. and rxrollrnt work wa* In thoir wigwam at the Odd Follow*’ Hall. Thy Barhvm ‘•ommondod tho work of th- trth.' highly, dwelling In glowing torni- U|ton th>' • Itl rl.nrv *hown hy tho chlofe anil extolling their knowledge of tht. ritual Tho Grrat Brhm ln*tructeil tho Irlh. In tho unwritten work, oxomplyfylng it to fhr groat vit!*fa<-tton of all Th* timir Are was kept burning t.rlghtly for two hour*, all entering with pleasure Into the work. Fpc*i the ron lumou of kualne**. the tribe aljoume.l to I>-v*n'* cafe, where • very linking eourse dinner was served. Tho Groat Sachem was the guest of hon or. The Rw| Men remained until late hour In the enjoyment of the feo-i nnd the speeches thlt Were made, Baehem <' M. Holti. Great Barham Beck. Hed Men C. E Jeeie*. C A Vetter and oth er* .•nntrlbiiring t>> th-lr forensic efforts to the surer** of the oc<. on Folleuwlng I* the excellent menu, prepared >n Irv in’) best *tv|e that ’n* diseuseed Blue Point Oystrra on half *h-11 Bou|v--Green Turtle. Kish Filet* of Re I K;h. Thnatoe- a] > March <1 Celery, Potato Fat id. Chow-Chow. Mixed PI kle. yue-en Olive* Chicken Croquelli -with Green Pea* Prime Rib* of Reef. Mushroom Sauce. Mashed Potato s Maraschino Punch. Vermont Turkey. Cranberry Bailee. Asparagus al >i <*riam. Drtp Coffee Cigars. The Great Sich-m and Mrs Beck are • topping nt the De Bto, having rea -h.-l the city last night They will remain in the city all day. being enterialne l by the Havnnnah Tribe Th.- following commit tie Will see to the entertainment of their visitor* Messrs C M Roberts. K A Fmlth. Robert Burnham. C. E Jones. J \V Ru-h. C A. Vetter an-l Jn.’Ob Fhl felder The Great Bach> m Is visiting all the tribes In the state to encourage them in thetr work an-l aid In <h* upbuilding of the Improved Order of Red Men. 1,1.1’E8 Wl> ANOTHER 4i*MK. Beffeated the He,ls In Masker Rail r the V. M. r. A. last Night. The Rlues defeated the Reds In the game of basket hall at the Y. M C. A last night hy the ac-oro of 1* to ! The game was a good one amt *as enjoyed by quite a large number of spectator*. Courvolsler of the B.ue made the be t Individual wore making four goals from the floor, and two from fouls, thus scar ing tm of the points ma le for his t- am Hunt of the same tram also made t eool wore, ti points of the total being -hu \o his skill In throwing Klghlon of the H—ls for hts skle equalled Hunt’s • -re The following was the line up: Reds Blu -*’ Rlghton Courvolsler. Patterson Hythewood Elton, George Chandler Hunt. Dotv Kovell There will he no game next Friday a on that night will l>e given the gymnaatlc exhibition. V. M. C. A. A* IKK GET HKTI IIP. will Have nn F.ntertnlnment VAltli Hrf real) men ta Election Mgbt. Election night aprctal wlrea will lie con necte.l with the Young Mens Christian Association's gymnasium, the election re turns will In- received anti as ra|ddly a# they come will be thrown upon a screen by the *ter*opl<on There will he nr, bel ter pla-a In the city to get the ek Alon return*, and as perf.ct order will be mnmtained nod no smoking allowed. It will be a very desirable place for iqdle* to get he result of the day's voting A large numtwr of seats will be provided both down stairs and In the gallery so lhat there need he nothlrg in th* nature of a Jam All friend of the association are Invltesl to he present, but boys unsler | will not tw allowed In the building un- Ea>j k HiDnjcA::E::;rRV3EmE JACKSON.METZGER ACo fkl Tf til *' H.wmrn, mm m.H ssuviata T3 linn aticoai firmd Ever) Hay Till a Week. lee** in rharn*> of lh**lr pnrervts. Refresh m*m? will tw served ut reasonable |>ri and the electric Ilirß’ will tn* turned >• vr\ half hcMir There will b* a con tinuous prorramme of entertainment dtr mit thr cvenlm? to overcome the wait? be tween •-l*Kr.ims HB4IW 441) AWTMCRS MfOWfi. < I*f It in w HerrhsntN Hit I pon n Timely 4|enn f lirrorstlon. Def* rence to th** Elks an-l their kr* .it 1 Carnival to he given during; th* next 4wo week* has Induced three gen thmcfi’s furnishing establlhm#nt ! tn the City to d*- orot** their show window? with massive heads of elk • ind mor?c # stuff**! an*! mounted Hcrjul- Mtlon upon the well-known big-game ( cf Ihf cl*y was made for (he trophl* ?. and the merchants *liaplnyini; ?hm f**# I gr*t i*rl*l* In ha\dnc obtained s" tflractftve and so timely evidence of ; their interest In the affair of the Kiki A moiiH’ shot hy Mr Frank C. Bit ley has |is head ornamenting the window’ of M* ssrs It H lacvy it Bro . w'hlle next t floor, the Metropolitan Clothing Compiny ti .1 very hnndsom** head of a moose that was kill***! hy Dr. F U. Wilson • The*#* gentlemen mi<de their trips to , Maine tnd Canada for their moose within i the last two or three years. Mr 8!g Gardner has genuine elks' I heads. One of th< m belonged to an elk that was ?hof hv Tr J G Van Marter •n \ t!*•* other to one that was shot hy Dr St J R Graham. Both ore handsome specimens, f ... I.ROAI. NOTH Rt. • • n th** District Court of the United S4at*-s, for the Kaatem Division *f the Southern Dielrle* of ftN>rgia. m Bankruptcy f n the matter of Daniel J Blackburn, tank rupt m hankruptary. To the ereilttora of Daniel J Blackburn of NV*)him In ih county of Ware and district aforeMiii. ttankrupt Notice 1- heraby given thaf on th* ?< th day of D< t . Ali . 1 the <*a|*i Daniel J. Bla. kfurn wa? *l*ily adludicae| bankrupt. ar,<l that the first me. ting of his creditors will he held at Brun-wLk. It Glynn countv on the 10th of Nov A 1 !'.?•. <it 10 o't'lo< k in the forenoon nt which lrr>e the sal*) creditors may atten.l, prove their iaims. appoint a trustee, e* tmltie th*- bankrupt, and tran-act auch other business a? may porperly e fore sakl me* ting. A j ROVATT. Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated at Brunt-wick. <Ja . thl? the 3 th *liy of October, lfi‘ GEORGIA. i HATH AM COUNTY Whereas Francis Tillman haa npplhd to Court of Ordinary for letters di*ml*<-ory as administrator with the will onnex*d. • on th** cstat* of Francis Tillman. l.' a < i Th#*?*- are. therefore, to clt* nn*l a*lmon ch all whom It may concern to ta and up l tr before *‘.*ld Court to nnk*- obje* t‘on 41f any they have) on or before the first Monday In January next, otherwise aid j lettr> will b- granted Witness, the Honorable Hampton L Ferrlll. Ordinary for Chatham county this the second day of ftrtotar. iVtft FRANK E KEILRACK. Cleik Ct. Ordinary, C Cos. Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Tsxstx Rut Proof OaU, Coaat-rl>Ml Rys, Cow F*4. Hay, Grain, Bran nn-i F<ls of alt k!nJ for atock gn-l prmitry. T. J. DAVIS, T’lspbona S3. 1U Bay *tri, wsat. JOHN (i. BUTLER, DEALER IN— J-atnts, Otla rul Ulaaa. Hah. Doors.Rllntla, and Bulld> r* Huppilrs. Plain an-l Drcora tlvs Wall l-apt-r. Forrtgn sn<l Domsatlo r-m-nla. Um-. Piaster mix] Hair Bola Ag-nt for Abeatlne fold Water Paint ar> Congress afrs-t, was). an<J 1 Si, Julian Mreet. wegt ■ MAIR R BALSAM Clmmo sd4 Ut heir. Cft-moMS • )*nut >ttU S*o Falls to B ••tor# Oray lisir to |t Youthful Color. CutM •*•*© a slr t Jf. - 1 111 -.< 1 1 Empty Honshcads. 1.0, I>ty HolaasM UasahtaM fas C. M. GILBERT & CO. CLASSIFIED AUVtRfISEMENTS. PI HMN U, Xmas' TXot^htahtXniov i r I •*•<*lll© u nice toy m watch. 75? oevur** a reliable ralltoad b. 25* •**■ ur . hat id. ton a i.iii) f e*Ui watch; *•**> •ec.ure a in ig nHY ent gel) fliti-1 watch. Am**rl**an tnove meni. IniUiuc ,> . *-> Inetulim ntii and , no pd*lleii or coll** far* to w riy P. come and have ii.e \strm asp la In* and. F* l*as, Ka?t fmoqghlon. Hair. J**welr> and Shoving £hii>p.s Houtf. oUI giW<l or allv< r taken ia pa>m n(. or * ah given lor tanu WANTED T\* KNOW THE WIIKHK abtnit ui any of th* heir** of J>hn F Wchkl. arh* livnl in HAuatnn count) Tex a in IM7 Addrce- llenry M.dlngren, Hou.iton. Trx NOTE TO THE DELEGATES WHO may attend the Grand Lodge tneetiiiK f St .In-* pli Aid Horldy *t Wayt rOMt. (. . Nov |3-> ll>** Plant Hv.**trm *f Kallw iva will ?* II ticket? o n itid <me*fourth far** fur tlic roun.l trip There will !•*• LW •l* 1 • g.itrM In nttendatue from oil point?. •t. w t north. . ith. H*\* \y E Johnwni, U i) Singleton in<) other? ore t'onimllte* on Amnigement lift t* II I'ayne. G . N T. TifTt. Private S* utary. Nov. 1. 19ixi H VUG AIN'S To HE HAD AT THE (Uirdiiu Bisar. 12 Broughton #rr**t, *im. The entir* rt< K ha to be wel l i air 1 lew? of price OIL IILAIIIIS. WOOD HEATKR. cvml h*'.tt* TB. cook Kto) •'/ and*%. It* liable good? i'. P Miller, agent ~rKMI VT SIDEWALKS. ARTIFICIAL pur* cement coping for fencing, four fee* long 14 Inch* - high and nine ln'he? thick, ntdewiilk ctneni, lI? k- vatlmM olor?. octagon an-l h*-vagoiial. K"* , d work and rrw*oiittlde price, ie(*r? to M**hr- .1 H E?lUI. M J, He*i in*n?. Wil liam Kehoe and other? Sh*p Whlt.iker and Hitd wtreeta. Char lea Hohba, SoA Roberta r**et. MoIU’IIINI.. OPIUM LAUDANUM u *>alne habit, tnywelf cured will Inform you of harmle#?. pet mam fit home cure. Mary S Bublwln. liox 1712. r'lit go. ADVLP*TISLMI.NTb SI T IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAR liTED ADVI.ItTIHEMFNT COLUMN FOR TWo CENTS A WORD No AD VERT I SUM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A? ’ IS YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE PROOF" Stiff ©I A Freeman have a ? landing offer of 11,000 for every wfr of their make that doe a not preserve its content* one iof* via? In btnniiig dehri** IM hour? When taken out the ho?* bad to be turned **n It When opened, not u page wa? llcol nred. n*l a r*c>rd .o<t. ti*t a l*llar d**- ?troved If you eant oerurlty. buy a Stiffel A Freeman .*afe C. I*. Miller, agent. YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy, lt> rich an*l pure; try It FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. MAT ire?t? renovated. Antique furniture re pollMhed. furniture packd and shipped In best* r S*'n*l me your ordcra. t? P Miller, agent CAM KLI A.I A PON ICA S~ANT>~A 7. A LIAR price, fiat and upward, direct Importa tion through Savannah Custom Hone* by A C Oelachllf. nur**unr. oppo**lt** Golf Link? Phone. 49*.. !-* Hyacinth*. Nar ria??l. Fr*?la? nn*l Lille's Plant n*W' J Gardner, agent, care E Moyle. 10 Brough ton ?r*t. e*t. IF ITS RUQfI YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGlllla. SPECIAL AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockcm, ladle a axe. at S2. J W Teaple. I AM NOW' I S XT ATE I * AT 414 WEST Broughtoi>. ring tip Ull* It you want to hav. uf fumltura BMtkl or pack* i I etdpment nr -forage. I guarante.- prt* * e the rime h? 1 k the work that ? given •m* A S. Griffin, 414 Broughton etnel. wM, matlreeatH made to order MILLER'S OTOVKB AND RANGES ylve eatl?fartlon The Magnetic, Econo not. Waldorf. King, and ther good make? ut roasoiMbb price?- Brough ton. W—t KENSINGTON FARM MILK IS I N eurpMii* and for richness; delivery is per fect; phone. 2.?4fc MI I TER Ft R < and FIFE Dl office tables. *ffl e matting, office ehoden 207 Broughton, w* f*t WHEN YOU SEE M til ELIS SlXTY inch In ent rug?, you will buy thorn. Just can't help It. will sell In any quan- IS'\ FURNITUnE MOVED WITH < ARE." la i *p< f latty with MoGINI?. “MILLERS NEW STYLES IN CAR pete, mattings, linoleum window ■hade*, etc. AH werk lone in flmt-c’am sty la. 207 Brought'.n. we?t. MO! ELIS' LACK H'RTAINS IVILL h- autlfy your i*orb*r M GILLIS IS CHKAI* ON Rf’r;s NETS lac#* curto n*. hamm<* k?. water trader* pillow?. |il> lure?, stOM i*. bedrontn suits, ap*l furniture >f every <!ecrlption. “SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND rang?? for male hy J W. Tee pie; hl-o agent f r Inauran * gasolli** etove. |1 is BUYS NICK RATTAN ROCKERS while they taut Lrg- assortment of MK-kiT?, dlvana ani easy chairs. C. P Miller, agent KENSINGTON FARM 18 ON AN elevation In the country. fr*e fmm city drainage Impossible for miik to become rontamlnat* and. I*v Impure <?lora; If you want pure Jersey milk. phon* 2.14i Da llvery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed, M'GILLIS MOVES RACKS SHIPS and stores plan■*% u and furniture, h* at work only. "Cheap-John" prl * - ra> "Chaop John" Jobs • GOLD KISH % 22. 10/. CANARY BIRDS. 12 50., fish food and tfr.iaa, J Gardner, agent, 114 Park avenue, east IMS FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they last. C P Miller. ng#.t, ’s2l-0 FOR ART HQt'ARKS WHILE they last Big as*->rtm< nt. all grades of art qu ire . rug?, mats, portieres. C. I* Miller. ag*nt “M'GILLIS SKLI-S SIXTY-INCH RUGS Smyrna pattern- for y> c**nt. "ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN o.M* ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIBD AItVERTIHEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO Af V ERTISEM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN >e\ II Kill! 41 "irrrTN\TtT 7fuTTE?r Ing are now flunking * Dr G W, A Rh 1 marie Ho|#l. Colum la. 8 C . and w learn from letting paper? tfmt he |? cur ing many He h? *ngy*l to go to rta v tnnah. t.i . the sth *f Nov . and atav ten *lu> ? H* Will then go •* D illa Teg. Stutterer Hn? ?e.-m? th he your im>( op|?>rtunity. Col Willie Jones of Colum Ii ami many other? are loud in hi? pr.ale -Christlan In*|ex. HOW ARE YOUR FEET** IF YOUR fet are troubling you. • ail on me nnd 1 will give you reU*f. 1 cure lfigr*wlng nail?, corn? and all dl a *- of ih f**#i without pain, harg* - r* i?onahle. on give the heat r*d r*f-* * In Hie illy; |t (tents treated at r* ?l*lei r**e, orders • .<n left at Livingston’? drug -lore. Bull nn<l Congre?* ?tre*ts. t* epaone jfi.l. Lem Davb surgeon * hlr**t?eli?t HE Ll* \\ %\TEH—MILE. SA LES.M EN WANTED TO HELL OUR good? by sample to wicleal and retail trad*'. *♦ are the large?* an*l only man ufacturers In our line in the world, libera! salary paid Addr*--**. t’mi D* x Mfg Cos., office, 7k Board of Trad*- Building. Savan nah. Ga SALESMAN WANTED Foil FLOfI IM Apply by latter to u- with refer ence; good pm.ary paid to the right rnan Ltppman liras., wholesale drugglsti, Upp > mau block, Savannah, Gj. HKi.r w m \i i:. TwT^rFnDTM elate *it on fine work (krnnn or lrl?h preferre*!. M* Kay. Ta Sor, Ma con. Ga. "WANTED TWO ACTIVE EDUCATED men. w*rkl\ salary or guar inter only applicant? giving igo, referen. • itul |i vloua employment cmv-hlered l>c?l I Mead A Cos,, New York city. Ill'l l* 44 4\TFI- I H 41,.. WANTED \ M< I . harg* of lun<*h room, trust < xperien ced Apply at LS Btoughton *tr* *t, . t. Jv>hn !u*r?t COOK WANTED.' AND t>* HOUBE work Apply 4%7 East Gordon ?Iret \IV EItTIHEM FNTS SET IN *’\P I PAI.S WILL IIE PRINTED IN C|*\B SHIED AIV EItTIHEM ENT COLUMN !•' R TWO CENTS A WORD NO Al> V ERTISEM ENT TAKEN FOR I.LcW THAN JOC I 411*1.04 tit M 44 %\ITD. AND TYPEWRIT rr want? copying to do, n*t and “ r -at* work guaranteed Addr*'.-*? ' upy Ist. N. vt ? offi •' A RESPECT VIU.E I’OI.oHKD WO* mail want? |oaltlofi ■ *?k cat* giv*- .*1 refer, n. *-?. Call at *4l ‘Hik ?tre t SITUATION WANTED. POSITION \S lokk* *-p* r fr a larg. tur|*nitne r ? w mill, ojH'ratur pr* f**rr*sl. 1* t of r* t r rn.ri se t* 'HWpe? **ll*'V. caift* t**r, '*‘. A<Mr* - . C P I ivt * Etr.ii G not \\ 4\ 11 t> WANTED To in .NT IIOPHE. lo OR II ***ni". with ’tahlr on pteim.-*-? Al -lre* II Bog A U 4M I IX—4||*M 111 4 \ IXM ? Wtu MI N HI SHiNffinid I 4 In pinr ting llfty m re? sugar an*- near city D H Eoeter IF YOl Want GOOD MILK. ‘JET IT fr.wrt Springfield Dairy , It's rich, purs an.) whole some “t ASH PAID l*'tß GOOD SECOND' hand **at **a. k? "12 West Bay street. IF YOU WANT A PLACE To DUMP earth, dirt rural, manure. *t free of chatg* Just at city limit* hauling over hard road, write r fe|ephn Bn*sn -ofner Ah(fc*run and E t Broad sired ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAIA* Wild IIP PRINTED IN I'Mrt HI FIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWo CENTS A WORD No AD V I:RTIHEMI NT TAKEN 1-\>l4 LI-jIAH THAN JOC FOB HEYT—HtIOMH. ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM for rent, privilege <>( bath. 2IS Ea-l Henry irM 1141? KUH Hi:VI TO JTeNT ELAT fTyE ROOMIf EUR m-heil or unfiirnLhed. f*r hou?*keeplng, hot oiml oki water 111 E--t Liberty. ——— - Dili HIM—IIiM M'-**. FOR RENT. v’oMKORTAHLE HOUSE. N* 217 \'* .tldbiirg street cart, between Abe room .in l Uncoin, first-olasa ordrr and conlltlon; every convenlen*© Right r*nt t< right tenant E?tnte Salomon Cohen. Weal Kr**ad gnl Bvvughlon str-M* FOR RENT. A TWo STORY RfOßl dence a Waters Road and Sixth afreet, with alniut an Mere of bind, would sell or rent C H. lor*ett. “SEVEN Room DWELLING. nice yard. $l r . month. I. I La Roche. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLING with all modern Improvement*; In g*nd repair. 30fi Jones, *aat. Kollo* h A Ik'rav en. , FOR RENT,"*I7 DUFFY STREET. i**t. at once. Applv Georga L Gutinany. agent j; liryan street. #a?t. !5 io:nt. -'i'i AM> . a ii'.f/i.iN • treet, M?t. th* -** or** g*?*l houses and I*m aibm excellent Ap|)ly t c A M 1 In ure. 4H* Roanl of Trade Itulldtng I tilt IIK4T-HIV I MdM.Ol H. LARGE W A HEM* tUSK AND OFFICE FOR RENT CORNER BROUGHTON * MKItI.Y <K-o|-|-|EI UY TIIK HAVAN NAII <TAHHIA<<K ANI> WA'illN CO. 11. |\ MMAItT F*H HUNT. AN t l- TO KATK HTV 1,1,. on l!<><l Hfrcri. atnlln for four •torara. Aildm* I’. O. It,,* 38* “ADVKHTIBEMK.NTB HKT IN f'Al’- ITAKH Wll.l. UK I’KINTKfi IN t’l.A.I HII'IKI* AI/VKHTIBEMKNT CO Kim.\ FOR TWO CENTS a WORD No AD VKRTIHKMBNT TAKEN FOH IJJW THAN SBC. Foil NAl.i:— FAT%TK. ADVEHTIHKMKNTH MKT IN CAR IIAI.S WIKI. HI. FKINTED IN f'UH HIKIKD ADVKHTIBKMENT CDI.IMN <t|< TWO f'KNTM A WORD NO Ali- VKHTIBKMKNT TAKEN FOH LJIMH THAN MO. KOK HAKK. AT A (IHKAT BAROAIN! j lot on I'urk iiv-n<W'. n.-r th* l'rk K* Ir no lon Thlo lo| moot Im- onkl. nl c*:m In •H'lirtd at a vrry low ,rli e, C. II Doraatt. FOR BAKE. THOSE ON NINTH atrorl. noar K*t Ilroad, hav, only l n . im p.rli-,. <o will m,k ■nod nalghlxn-a, and nona other <n bo, Tho trm aro very eaay, and they are rheaper than any other In the vicinity. C. H lioreett. FOR HAKE. A KOT FOR TWO HIJN. dred dollars. ey term*, on Ninth near Ka*t lined, no city taxation. C. It DOTMtt. FOR'mal I ON NINTH. NEAR Emit Ilroad. a< I ‘Jfti each; will oon ha advanced lo 132,; when a lot haa been paid for I can arrahga to (et a Home bull*. C H Doraett FOR BAKE. I.OTH ON NINTH STREET near Kaat Ilroad; no city tun, at S3ul each; Iwenty-flve dollara carh, nnd easy monthly payments. H lioraelt. RKBIDKNCKH AND RDIKDINO IXJTII for aale all over the city. Hobart II Tilrni, real catate dealer, No. 7 York at reel. weal. ADVKHTIHKMKNTS SIT IN I-AI IT A I.S WIKI. 111-: 1-ItINTKD IN I’liAH SIKIKD ADVERTtBKM KNT COKI’MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD N*l All- V KItTISKMKNT TAKEN FOH KKB3 THAN JbC FOR * A I.K—.>!!*< El.l.ttMH A. "^OV^ITDYK^TTrirTrH^oTr^UNoT^rRY It when your favorite r< inxly fall,, at hotll. added to a Kill >f honey tnakea a aid.-mlid mixture for Infant, and chlldr. n ItEN/.OIN RAI.M. MAKES THE HKIN like velvet, for rale hy driiKXlet or at Hen ry and A her corn I'eraae Drug Storea. Whitaker arul Taylor atreeta. FOR BAKE, ONE BEFOND-HAND W IIOHHK ROWER ENIJINK AND HOIK Fit IN A NO I ORDER JOHN IIOFIIKE A HONS FOR SAKE CHEAP. AT MARMOITB etahle. 173 McDonough, fart. Fine ihl. - tiodled mule TOUR OPPORTUNITY Tfl HAVE money la now Th* l rt.a'k of etlvcr novel tlea, Rimei*, eullery, rtatlonery nml a lot of other thing* going ai bargain price*. Gardner Ilaxaar aale, 13 Droughton atrecl, eaal. ADVJCRT7BRMENTS SET IN CAP ITAKS WIKI. HE PRINTED IN FIeXS b! FIED ADVERTISEMENT FOKFMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOn laEHS | THAN 30C. > A*’mort BALM Tgtl BAY. THIS DAY DAMAGED fil tai AT AIfTIW IIV .1. Hc1.41 GNI.IK A ION. On aATHIDAY. M (not., at the An luln %eharf. feat of Abeveora, nt 11 ii'clnrk, 4.1 barrel* mnr rt*m##a I** river wafer, ao!l for •coat ut it nHrrorllrr* anil nil rosi rrnpA i im ui.u-Miurj.MMiori. IIP I PK(*U SAULS VVM f \IUiY A | lino line of fire pr uf Ml* a In ako-'k at all Inm ■* Tlic p**r?!ca can se> oxaelly sh** th*y are gr ?t#i4 Our prlcen are aa law i umr.uf t iut* r * s-ll |t with fr*Hghf e*4- . *1 Partis? infefeetoil, w Imt wish a a*Mxt Hi praol a l da wall Io |mfooi ur spN-k I.ip,i . m Rroa., Lippm.ui tdock ugsntH f**r nianufacturar*. TUBPI’NTINi; LCk'ATTON FOR f.ilt m * rtip* first *, sr box* ?; lXMft rtwind limin'* uf $1 .'ft t'r .trre, I* |*nr thousand hot* * 1 r b. ? 1 tlml?*r; pb nty f timber t<* f t. In live tuilc* at rati* rM*l. will give i? . i*n now or at *nd of e* imhi Ab!r*'i II and Timber, * a>a Morning New HPIUNGKII LD DA TRY IS NOTED for having rich, pur® milk; try It, you will h** ilcn?eg| 1.414 r 4MI pot Ml. 1.415 T. IN TIIK Vlt ’IN IT b *K TIK N <!• 11r*11. one largo Mn* k houtul. with rad i > .• and hcid. answer? f** <*f Kite. Liberal r* wur*l If r*-turtiei to 424 li*•agn tvr Ptieet, west II L* LOST. HiIINDLL BI LL PUT X niont i< old. iLvoird at 24 Bryan au>*t. it t At . slim i:i. STKAYKh ROM MY PARI! ABOUT t y% a* w**k‘ ig* one Jitn**'V a*il Guinett h* .f* • A reward tr any mfurmatlon. G. M Ityal — —" V TANARUS" ™ lit 4INI U I 14 %\CF.k. advi mtisi mcnth t4frr in cap IT ALA UIU MB PIUNVLD IN CLAM SIFIFD AIVritT!BKMF\T COLUMN t 01l TWO CRNTH A WollD NO Al> VF.ItTISr.MKNT TAKEN Foil LKttH T HAN IOC. ••It Mill N L. IT WILL BW lo youi interest lo let me give you an ©a ttniata on your plumbing. io*w or old work, repslr w.*rk a spe* laity aa I m a praethal glum bar N** guess work to wrvlangrr your Ilf* Wiggins, phona fWt, Georgia or Bel! __________ 411 m I.I.UNPOI H. ADVKKTISFeMKNTH HKT IN CAP ITAI S WILL Bi: PItINTLD IN CLAB SI II D ADVI ItTMtKMK.NT tMLUMN l ull T%VO UfCNTH A WORD NO AIJ VERTIBKMKNT TAKFN mil LGB9 THAN *C DON’T TROURLK YOUBBKLF ABOUT inon nig your furniture, relaying your car* jetß or msttifig perry Or Benton will re lieve you of all that trouble YofTN BILL WON'T l/)OK HALF A9 birg*- If we tk* y*ur re|Mrtng ai stoves, rangt-f*, eh. we* employ experienced j worn turn which k> beat work in half th ■ 5 a Im* A C price a Cos., ‘phonaa tkd. corner State unl J* ff rs*ai. if AVK YoUli lIfM’HK PAINTED with German ready mi seal paint; ent Ira sat In fn* lion guaranteed. Adutvui Paint * •ritpany ~ WANTKO, ONE THOUSAND nyff* grv p*?4>l'' at th*j flout horn Groowry t obi* pony. 114 Barnard streot *" WK HELL HEWER PIPE, FLUB pipe, fire clay, fir* brick at lowest prlcoe. Adame Paint Company. 10! Congrggg, west. pERkI A. lIFJNTt IN ST \TE street, wont, will move, pack ship or atom your furniture -it short notice; also ren ovate your old tnattrrawa ni little coat. H-Il 'phone 1124 iCave yguh ice roxfji relined n n*l l* er colls overhauled; b**er putnpa r**- ,MBlr*v| nd |Mt in cst <**ndltki. all work gu irant* *•!; best of eitLfUrtlon; our t laphMi*i?. <#**>rgla or flell ♦*LH. A. C. price it c* State Htsl Jefferaon. “Si >1(1. I II XN < >NI) HI'NDHF.D CBNTS In every ik.lUr of your hard-rarn-d hard ca-'h at lha Houtham Grucvfy Company, 1U Rarnard alrrrt <;y fsini: 18 THE BEST WALL FtN l,h made Adam* I'alnt Cos., Bxvwinab agrnta. 10* Conrraaa. wwit. ■ E'u BANITARY plum bi no and gua ntilnx, ring i up. Hell or Oaorgia tax Wo maki. your IX4D amatlor xnd your work at *h> brid. A. C. I’rloa A Cos.. Ki ll) and J-ffriaHi atrvrla. RBPFCB YGITR I.fVINO EXPENHFJ) hy Invo.tlng vmir luird-oamol har>l cash with th* Hotith*rn Orocwry Oompany. 11* Barnard lrr*t Norwood’s "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savannah. 1.1-'.ti Al. >OTII 19. “TTuHtiTiT pHArTTAM coV-N'Ty'^- Whirnf, Hophle ffternshlne ha* applied to Court of ordinary for letters <lltmtMqry or gwatdlin of Morton M. anti Arthur 8. Htrrnshlnr, minor*. Th af , theiefore. to rite orxl admon ish nil whom It rmiy corn <-rn to b and ap| ar before raid ■ ourt to nwki' ob}r ilon on or Iwfore the tlrm Monday In I>- , t V .| 4- v • ■ M mi: i.'ii 1. I -ml . j onlliiary for Chatham • ounty, this tho ! >1 djy of Novanlar, l*f*> KHANK K KEItsBACH. Clerk Ct. Ord'y, C C. Treasury Ileparfment. Office of the Unit ed Hi ate- Marine Hospital Service. Ha voino'i Quarantine. Savannah, (in . Nov. 1. WO S lie.| proi’Oul!* Will le* at this utile, until noon of Nov 12. IWi. I to furnish three small lasat* for use of S tin* Marine Hospital Service at Savannah ! (fla t quarantine ttehe.lutes and further ! Information may tie ohtalntd upon appll -1 ealton to the undersigned. The right la I reserved to waive Informalities and to re ject any or all propoaala. WII.LIAM J. I.INLET. Acting Assistant Surgeon, M H 8 . In Command of Savannah quarantine. Sa vannah, <ia. "~C,KI tit'll A~ CHATHAM i'■ it'NTY Mrs Annie E Jerkin- has applied to the i Court of Ordinary for a twelve months' < suftport for her -- If and minor children out j of the (State of Joseph M Jerkins, de , eased. Apprale" rs have made returna al | lowing some. These are. therefore, to cite all whom It may concern to appear tie-fore said court to make oh}* (ton on or before the first Monday In November next, otherwlsa I same will he granted. Wit nr-*, the Honorable Hampton L, FVrrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the lith day of October. fMO. KHANK K. KEILMACH. Clerk ft. Ordy . C. Cos.. Oa. FHOPUSALI wasted. Kt*KT KKBMONT. and. C„ Nov. I. ISjO— Sealed proposals Ji triplicate will be re j , rived here until 12 rn. Nov. 20. M#o. for j constructing thro frame buildings. Ill | formation furnished on application. I?. ( S reserves right to accept or reject tny ior all bids. Envelopes containing |*ro , iswals thould be imirk.-l Tropo-.iia for construction.'* addressed Stanley V. j Ktuhlck, U. U. 3