The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 03, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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OTHERS ARE UNDER SUSPICION v % OVIK AITHORITIBS !*TILJ pikhiiv. Hiro nK. 4latant HUirlct Attorney Osborne Will Hf<iulre* Five or Mi Week* to Verify Join**’ f onfrMinn wnl .e t lie <ne In Shape—Du eld I. short Who Kmeeuted Hire’* Will. i|nl*a Mntement—%’nlel June* I* Herorerlo*. v ,. w York Nov. 2 —Charier F. Jon** personal otteiHlant of the late Will- M |{) .* who attempt#-*! to rotnmli yesterday. war vMtd In the ho* t ,. to-I iv by Dr. Christian, who has si arge Dr. Christian suit! !.’ was very much Improved. •j. hairing of th** application by thr r.|*onefi?s of the “Halter” will of th#- j f| . Mr Rice that lnter will, which is j to be in the possession of Albert l* itri k be ||<ireft on tile In the office f - surrogate, was to-day Adjourned n- Nov 30. a -rint District Attorney Osborn ** i to-fciy that it w- his opinion that m , . than one man had been concern**! n 4 i :.eral conspiracy to get pc**\sion of Kir. a property. •\V ho said, “the cenrmi pro t,.* the lny after Rice’s death. I ,1* j ' mean to Intimate that there was hi. ..i # else concerned in Rice’s death. I? • t> my mind the eirrumssonee* point I *, /l to the that there wns one. anil P* ?*s more, other man scheming to I le • • f the oM man’s property.” Hr v ** asked If there would he any further arrests in the case, and said not j at ' time, stating it would le tits* * Di . . iry to get the evidence. • I ill take no step!* until I hive fu*4 . orrobor*led Jon#** confession.” he continued. ”1 know that I\itrl k was In- i forna*l of Jones' confession or at least a part of It before It was male pubic. Hr made no statement “I * xpected to re** Professor Wltthau* I root) and learn if the lungs of th* d.xid mart were preserved I am inform*! that j the lungs showed Indications that sufcjpwt j smothering and I wish to as ertain fully j about It “I shall ho busy for five or six weeks In completing all the details of the cage ind in verifying Jones’ confession.” Whether the lungs have been preserve,l was not known at th* district attorney’s office to-day. but it is believed thnt they, with othr organs, were removed before the millionaire’s body was cremated. He l*irrsti*d the Will. Dav;<l L Short. %vho executed the will of Mr Rl • the on* in which the mill ionaire bequeathed th* hulk of hi* for tune to Albert T Patrick, to-day for th** first time, consented to be interviewed re garding th#* Incident* boding up to the execution of the document. To a reporter Short said "I went to Mr. Rice's npirtnvnts at the request of Mr Patrick Pa*rick sent a messenger to mv office. 1 went over to Patrick's offb • Patrl* k said to me ’• ’You ur# siotol up town to xecute i-ome papers.’ “Morris Myers went with me He went 1 ds a notary. I .is commissioner of deed*. When we r* ehe<l th* .ijcirlments Jones let u In and escorted us *o Mr Rice’s , room. Mr Klee wa- sitting at his desk aid from a sort of cabinet compartment . that was over It drew out his |*u;*ors ll*- , t iid to both of us: This 1* my will. gentlemen I have Mm for you to witness my slfnaiur*’.' He aakml M**v**rs to rea<l one partlcu gti in lie** or pttragr.tiih In the will. I do not remember what the subject in utter of the clause wan I did not pay uny at ?-niton to i Mr Hire to have much confidence in Meyer*. He consulted him about hi* nff.ilrs frequently I did not know the content a of the will, the will was not read aloud. I frequently ex rotitcd pi*|wrs for v Mr Rice 1 executed the assignments to Rutrl* k Mr. Short further sold he never talked to Moyers or ivitrbk about the will or assignmentHe hid known Mr Hire for a >out * '.fir i*efore his death, nor had Mr Rice said my thing to him fibout another will Mercury In llie I nee \\ nail. Assistant Dlstrl* Attorn, y OsPorne. in n further stunmsnt given out this after toon, says litat Dr. Hull, the surgeon . performed on Rice’s face about six months j i. fore he died. As n antiseptic wash j b> prescribed bichloride of mercury. Mr. ■'.-borne sa;l this had a !*• irlng >n the . ii jon< has ©oft led tint Patrl k t vo Rke grayish tab.ots. The tablets I roscrib*- i by Dr. Bull were of gtayish • •• or *rd H House, counsel for Jones an I trick, i. ompim and by f >rmer Assistant strict Attorney G*orge Gordon Rattle, v nt to Bellevue Hospital this afternoon <i wi re admitted to the prison ward to Jon*- They talked with Jones for over 1 !f on hour. When leaving Mr House said that he failed simply to visfl Jones, seeing that w is m such trouble. He called him loor young man 1n hard luck When i* r M why Mr flattie was with him he led the question and positively*refused t • say wheether Mr. Rattle would be a nsel in the case. sever %i. new Hill llr Treated t Next Cnnalatory to He Held in Home.’ A rishlngton. Nov. 2 —lt Is understood t • at the next k>nMstor\ to 1v held in j i me probably this month. Mgr !>e!!a j ' l * Maggior I >omo of the Vatican of l me; Mgr Trlpopl. the assistant secre- j of suite of the church at Rome; M-r G**nerl, successor of the holy office Rome, md Mgr. D lloleo an archbushop southern Italy, will la* made dardl ♦* This Information has been received Atshlngton from an authoritative * ■ Mgr Della Volpe. who is S3 yeans 1 -the youngest of the four and has hi- present office for many years uu-umbent of this post, it Is stated. * i i* raised to a i ardinulsto He * ’ 4 heM the off! • of maestro dl u\ whose fun Hon- are practically • ? first chamberlain to the Pope Trlpopl has had a successful ad -1 ‘tratlon as assistant secretary of He is particularly ocl brated ns a * * t Mgr lienerl holds one of the • t office* in the church and his prln work In the past has been In con wit h the dlscllplnary phase of the •* Mgr. Delioleo Is not so well k A n as the others. 1 INHII In It %•%**!.At'UIITRR. bnin | 0 |> M> mid ( tufa for Kill ing Jnine* ximirr). Hand Md.. Nov. 2.—Judge Alosn '' • sentenced Frank Irwin of Pitta* who shot James Slattery of Rlch -1 V.* . ot Pin ton. this country, on <. and was convicted of man* -d t*r to pay u fin** of SSOO and costs s n sitd fhnt members of ’he w * had r* . *xnm-nded mercy. called ,rr > h< Iru.n's behalf, and h* thought of Justice would be s.itisfi*'! with It will be paid. ' R*g lie*| In t'hnttnnogn. attaremga, Tenet., Nov. 2 —The official r. * m* r.t t >-day is made of the <oo witlon of a deal hy which the Rapid ‘ ■* ' t'otnpany of this cliy, hacked by •*lphl* capitalists. has secured |*oe *■ u the well-known Crass propertio* **'koiit Mountain, Including the*tn ' railroad from Bt. Elmo to the top of • mountain iu*d alaoiflc lines on the 111 QUESTIONED BRYAN. (Continued from First Page > an party. In order to maintain Ms posi tion on the question of Imperialism has had to amend every instrument, every j do# umetii that we have been taught to bold sacred | “The Republican* have so amended the | Dec laration of Independence as to make ft road ‘We hold these truths to t* aelf-ovl dent, that all men are created equal ex <ept the Filipinos. We hold that all men. * xcept the Fthf!nos are endows! with alienable right* We hold that govern- ' ments ore Instituted among men to secure Inalienable rights to some and to look af ter the others os those who have rights may think teet We hold this truth t . l*e self-evident, that governments derive their Juat power*, not from the consent of th* governed, hut from superior force And we would rather keep the Declar i at ion of Independence than get the Fili pino" %*ket theint \eirlli 4 arnlinn. A voice from the aullenc* How about North Carolina?*' Mr. Bryan “The gentleman asks how about North Carolina 1 was waiting for him My friends, the Republicans are not meeting these Issues, and no Republican shows his hypocrisy more |ear!> than when he talks about North Carolina This .•dmlnistt Ation ha* provided qualifications for voting in Porto Rico, edu# itlonal qualifications, and according to thor* qua'.ifValions, as you will fln*l in a gov ernment document issued by ihl admin* isiratlon on Aug 29 last. M per cent, of 'he black m* n of Porto Rl*o of voting age ; are disfranchised h.v this administration j i’ces tae gentleman who spoke of North Carolina know what percentage of the people are ‘disfranchised there”’’ Mr Pain', who hal asked the question, j | rc;||e| "lOvery or.e who does not inter , pret the constitution ” Mr Bryan said: “If we had that law In <h** North and disfranchise! twry Re publican who did not know how to inter pret the constitution, not half of th* R*- publicans could vote In this < ountry Mr liryan’a questioner attempted to i proceed with his interrogation ami 1 cries j of ”8U down!” and “Put him out!” questioned on the 1 ru*f. Mr Bryan tried to obtain quiet and af | ter aomt confusion Mr Dairy shouted : above th# not*#- and confusion "May I ask one question T’ Mr Hr* an asked him “My friends, while it Is rot fair for a , Republic in to come und t.ike up my time, I will he falter to him than he* Is to me. Ask your question.” “You say timt you have kr.own for the last four years that there are trust-* in this country and that they are in violall, n of the anti-trust laws of 1896 to control of market prices Then was It not your duty as a citizen to file . otn plalnt with the district attorney” Fan you rams- one Democratic or lt#*publican district attorney who has filed It " Mr. Bryan replies! “My friend*, 1 want to call your atten tion first to the fact that the gentleman started out in North Carolina and has got tired of North Carolina. In th* second place. I want to call your attention to the fact that he tries now to lay upon a.l the l**ople as cJtisens. respvuallaitty for the failure of an attorney general to enforce the law that he la sworn to enforce. I want to remind you that lesiera have b***n written t Mr. Griggs calling his attention j to trusts and that he has refused to cn ; force the law And when u Democratic , attorney general of Nebraska brought suit gain st the Starch Trust, the Republicans . of Nebraska City met in the Court House j and appointed a circuit Judge us the chair ! man of the Committee on Resolutions, and pns* J resolutions asking the Attor ney tlenernl not to enforce a law* of the state of Nebraska.” Pllce Mint Hairy I p. Amid the ipplausc that followed th man who had been Interrupting Mr Rryan shouted: "How many did you file. Mr Bryan?'* but further Interruptions w* re howlel down by the Impatient au ll* n an I the <femands of two police officers male h! remaining in the audience contingent upon his silence Mr. Rryan then continued: • Mr friends. I am not talking for th‘ i*eneflt of the gentleman He has shown he is not here (nr Information H has come here to Interject u question here and no matter how I answer him it would make no difference In his vote. Rut I want to tell you this that if I m ele • •! I will appoint an attorney general who will not remain Idle until some Republi can come* and file* a bill." Mr Rryan then resumed his discussion of Imperialism. President's Broken Promise. Regarding the vote in tVwigrcs* to rati fy the treaty with Spain. Mr. Bryan said at Brand's Hall •No senator said he voted for the treaty with Spain because I asked hint to do it; but I can prove by Seqator Wellington, who did vote for it. and by whose vote the treaty wus ratified, fait he would not have voted for It had it not been that the Pres ale nt ha*l promised him that when the treaty was ratified th* islands should he free. I can prove thtt your President secured the ratification of the treaty tvSh Spain by m iking a prom ise that, has not been kept." CANNOT HE\IKW THE I* 111 ADR, McKinley Writes l.ctfer t* \sw lork *und Money Men. New York. Nov 2 —The following la* ter was to-day given out by Secretary Drake of the Ruslne-s Men s 8 *und Money Association: "Canton. 0.. Nov. 1. lk’O Me .’ear Mr. Strong Public duty will not permit m** to ac.*ept he Invitation to review the par ad* on Nov. 3 of the organlx itl<>ns c m posing the Bustneas Men's RepuhlUan Hound Money Association. "I recall the inspiring demonstration r f four years ago and rejoi e that now *ht with undimlnlshed ranks, cltistn* <t Alt parties are In line for ni'onal honor, pub ic law sound currency and in lust rial prosperity and. as In I*9*. are atrayel against those who are Inciting class hatred and discontent among people of our h #f•- pv country We know no class distinctions in this fair land of ours. "The American people will permit no stain to he put upon the Arr.erl .n name May those marching free men find thoir patriotic allies throughout the country -tamp out for all time in this republic the evils of repudiation and dishonor. Very sincerely yours. •William McKinley * "Hon William 1.. Birong. President Rust ness Men's Sound Money Associaiou, New York. TO PAY tot NT BON I*# DKRT*. Scandal Canard •> Spendthrift Hus band to Hr Stopped. New York Nov 2.-din the lUtbortty of "an Intimate friend of the late Jay Gould.” the Evening World to-day an* noun ers that the debts of Count Ronl de Cast el lane will be paid in full by the Goulds at once. "The scandal attending the claims— amounting to i,TWi.©-agalnst the spend j thrift husband of Countess Anna Is t . be stopped.'* the Evening World odds A lump sum probably will be contrl* t>ufed by George Helen. Howard. Edwin ,n 1 Frank Gould to wipe out these debts, as they consider the honor of the Goull family Is Involved "Incidentally," the Evening World *r- Hob* says. "It was dieted that tbe Gould millions have nearly doubled Inc > Jav Gould s death and Anna's sh ire resrly twomoft and her Income netrer |l.mos>o than tdro.mO a# heretofore sttted total value of the Gould * ©ow over • > THE MORNING NEW S: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1900. DO YOU FEEL LIKE THIS? I*,mi Picture for Women. ** I am mi nerrou!*. then* id not a troll tnoh in my whole body. lam > weak at my stomach ntul hare indi gestion horribly, and palpitation of the heart, and lam Inwinp flrsh This heada. in- and backache nearly kills me. aud yesterday i nearly had hyster ica , there is a weight in the lower part of my bowels bcarinp down all the time, and pains in my groins anc thighs; 1 cannot sleep, walk, or sit, ana I Mirw I am diseased all neer ; no one ever Buffered as 1 do.” This is a description of thousand* of cases which come to Mrs. i*iukham'a attention daily. Au iutiatned anil ul cerated condition of the neck of the womb can produce all of these syutp- Mas. Juu* \V ii.i.i iss. toms, and no woman should allow herself to reach such a perfection of misery when there is absolutely no need of it. The subject of our por trait in this sketch, Mrs. Williams of English town. N.J.. has Wen entirely eured of such illness and misery by Lydia E. I’inkham's Vegetable Com pound. and the guiding advice of Mrs. l'iukhani of Lynn. Mass. No other medicine lias such a record for absolute cures, ami no other medi cine is “just as gissi." Women who want a cure sh-aild insist upon getting Lydia E. I'inkliam's Vegetable (Aim pound w hen they ask for it at a store. Anyway, write a letter to Mr*. link* liniii at Lynn. Mass., and tell her all your troubles. Her advice is free. BROOKS GIVEN FIRST PRIZE. 1141 Till-'. lir.!*T nil >TV KXHIBII AT THR T%TR t'4IR. ■ .nn niln 4 omity \\ n nn.l )nm.l<-n t nnnt> In-* UfM’lnK Id %4 lllrl. tnotlirr Mitt.' Ilrruril Wm- HroU^ti—t*rt..‘. tnarilnl Inr llf.l I'tlillill. of l'rni l*r.Mltirt.. I.lvr tlitrli. Fitncj' %% rk, rtr.—Tliiirili*> h IIIk l>ity. Valdoata. <l*.. Nov 2 —Thr irotunc re pnril of the mat* wt< low-r—t ytvrdy unij thr fnirina rei'or-l low—rid lo*<l,y. Thr brst |*rln*; tlnir wa. mailr on thr trailt hrrt* thl, afternoon ever nuidr muth of thr Ohla rlvrr I'.nfr row-rr*. i hiy mnro. rllpiii'.l It otT In M 1 It ,urn firr-for-all race, nn.l *omr fawt horre, rtortrd Thr ritoli.R In Kin at 2 o'clock and the Krainl —and tn hllnl with .pec* t.itorr md thr Intnreat In thr flyer* which have done duty all week. a* (treat. Fol lowing I* thr ortlclul score: Trotting rare, free-for-all, purse llfti. won hy <sold Standard; Fug eecond. and Allle King, thlr . Time 2.17. Paring rare, free-for-all. pur*e sgt> Kf flr Powers first. Bherman Play secrnd, Fr ink Hythli- k third, and Noname fourth Time 2 10H. Three-quarter mile dash, ninnlng rare, purse tmu. Itay View first. In IV sn ond. Tutor third. Clyccneta fourth. Tlnu- 1 20. Amaral of the Prise*. Aside from ihr raring, the feature of die .lay wa the award of prli.-s All of the d.|*iriments have been Judged except the ladles' fancy work department This work will he completed to-morrow Itrooks rmnty w is awarded first prlxe of jjui for a county exhibit. i-ownde, county got the second prize for H>. while i am.lrn county was given the third, of For the best Individual exhibit of farm products Ihe fir t prise of **> was award ed to W K. Pane of Ikslge; second prlie of to Miss Susie WII lams of Worth, and third of Sion to It. l>- Uumsden of llllib. In the live sto k department Roberts. Pranford. Dasher & Cos. of lytwndes were aw ir.te.l fits! prlae for la'St harness mar*, best ptlT miller. . sl pair *e dings In h .r --ness. Ik'Sl saddle *e ding, hist saddle mart baal harness gt i im. The firs' prise for the best herd of llerefords was aw irde I to I>r P. P Phtl llii. of la-baron, Tenn Itelnv.nt b arm of Smyrna was awarded fltst ptlze for best Berkshire swdnr Among I hose to be awarded prises to morrow In drtwn ate Mrs. .Kline of Savannah. Mis Cranford of V al dost > and Miss fain of Quitman. Among those to ite nwatd .1 prizes m the art de partment Hre Mts Vnrnadoe o' \ aldosln. Miss Mclntosh of Thomssvir.e and Mrs James llurnt of Augusta. In the embroidery d.-|irtment Mrs r r R. tnile> Will lie given a prize, nnd prizes will be given to Miss Spencer of Vn.,!•,!,* Miss Hhoarl .f Virginia nnd Miss Woodruff of Wavcross I< has not hem si til* and where the n. xt slate fair will |e held wants It. md so does Rome The matter will he taken tip by the committer to-mnrtow \ aldosln'* niuwrsl Itay. Thursday was not only Ihe biggest day Valdosta ever saw hut the biggest day pint this rut Ire e. cion of South tjeorgta ,ver stw More than !'•' |teo|de were h. re Dinner - wert spr. a.l over the fair grounds hy families, and It has be*n lik rni.l to 1 Georgia rampirv-etlng Rvery ho.|y Is good-humorssl. The manner in which th crowd I* handled is remurki bl. . . Thurslav morning Vabloirta woke up to till,l herself -nug in the arms of the Gear, gta legislature. The aolon* reached here at , o'clock pi 4he morning nirl after looking over the*. whizzing, roar ing little cltv whleh Is fitirading so much attention, pro eedtfd to th. fair grounds In private cnr. where they f.tok hresk fist The bands w.-re playing and the people were about log an-l one law-maker Cnfe—d that h. did not know "where he <• at.” When he was loid that Val wsft •* lawn of !*•** * 7.00 popn la I lor. he remarked. "Well, she's a dun sight bigger than Atlanta Brook* county arrived I.Sts) strong Three tniln* brought the tteople As many more , amt by private conveyome. That coun. ty through th- streets and th fair ifroun<ls The procession w4s . qusr- I r of rt mil* •* tut an*l rompri***l fl*ts iroi up by farmer*, showlnic th* products of Ifrooks counijr field*. Fine *(o**k wsie also in the procession Gan. Bipt Jomew Rarratt or Rtehmond *o'ity pro timin' •-I the t 01l show of letter •nf) be h.vl ***en i lsewherc in >*ar One float represent* 1 a family movinil !n a rnrered wagon t;p*>n which was prlMel • \Ve are oil movln*r a Brooke " Follow ini. * a s col*re<i m m riding an ox. and another carrying upon his wagna a Mf. mm on tree full of fruit, hinging to i a inn b ot fvhtofc was a roumnwUi opos Mensßcsts 12 Suits Prices for Metropolitan Suits start at $7.50 and rise by easy steps to $25. Twelve dollars is a popular “middle” price, and a pood price to judge values and assortments by/ The tailoring is first-class, the finish surprisingly fine, the fit perfect. Let us look hur riedly through this splendid line of suits. At --Oxford-mixed Cheviots; Oxford with faint red overplaid,• fine check and overplaid Cassimeres, blue and black Cheviots and Winter Serges, Fancy Cheviot with fine sprinkling of red, green and white-handsome effects; silver grey Rough Cheviot with black bars and red ovcrplaid; handsome brown mixtures. Fine black Diagonal Worsted for dress. Most of these arc 4-button sacks, with either single or double-breasted vest. Men’s Fall Overcoats $5 to S2O. Some reduced to straighten up stocks, and rare bargains they are. Men’s Furnishings. At 25c. all the latest colorings in Butterfly Bat Ties; a pooil 50c value for 25c. Also a splendid assort ment of Four-in-Hands, same price. Men’s Sox at 50c. Some hose in the lot, in Highland plaids. They are well introduced now. We advertised them last week, and sold all we had. An other lot just received. Pretty bright colors. Ask to see them. Also a good line of stripes and plaids from our regular stock, loud or subdued colors, all new patterns. ® l3t ‘ > * a ’ n Price Figures. sum Mr R. J Denmark drove In frvnt. while Mr Young brotight up th* re:r The exhibits from lllbb count), and fr.jrn <’am*len unl iMslge attract o xr**t deal of sttentkHi Th* apiary exhibit of A Duncan of Homervlll** is tin* Th* apiary exhibit of Thomas Wight of Cairo with a jwvan < xhlblt oft M Ra >n of Dewitt. Ga . is gtunl Xlr. H*n mn rk’• I'vhlblt. fi A Denmark, Esq, of R**- Savnniia.i has an exhibit of fine hay and other farm produ ts *f his plantation in bnuu tk’veral B*- v.initaliians raw It V *u*rby and agree*! that It iMighi to hav- > blu* And *i ribbon It will n* doubt g*t A great .J. al of attention has been *te voted to the <*tucattonal department of the fair The Valdosta Institute luis a Kpit iftiitl exhibit Other <huntl*e are r*-p --reoented. nd the award of |rtse* f4r this department Mill h*> to-morrow. Th it of Washington county is eomtdate. Miss BiMe Wilibims. a pretty young lady of Ty Tv. Worth county. Is making an exhibit of > .inner! and preserved fruits amt vegetables. which Is exceptionally fine She shows also dried fruits, tvines. Jelly, prunes, vinegar, syrup n4| honey. This display has attracted universal nt tent lon and she will no doubt 1h- awarded it prize. Mr J J Mile of Pelham has an ex hibition a notton -talk cutter It Is his own Invention and h Indorsed by the best farmers. William Van Hout* n of 8v imore. Ga . exhibit* u rice holing machine. It Is hie Invention and will receive a prts* J Hull, an old nt-b* Hum mlored man. who belonged In * • very f. ll* n 8* aiswn llall of Appling eHiniy has on exhibition a rollon stalk |*■.!•■ r. and gTist mill on wheels He has alt* a rross-t ut saw. which may be used hy one man with os great speed ns the ordinary ross-cut saw w hen two mi*n u* ■ it William E Paul of Dodge county has in Individual exhibit off irm products and canmd frui** .it <1 vegetabie? on which he will la* awarded * prlx* R I> Eumsden of Bibb county has a pretty display *f farm products. .Indites of the Exhibits. The Jmtices who will award prises for the h*-M agricultural display to morrow are <\ipt. John J Cobb of Humt* r county, Mr. Dudley Hughes of Twiggs rmnty. and Representative Peyton of Hatw-rshnm county. They hive gone through the exhibit- to-day nnd will make their report to-morrow There seems to be *nm* difficulty In deciding between Lowndes and Brooks counties Roth ex hibits are (he l>at the fair hns ever had. and the contest Is lively. Friends of both counties lire taking great Interest in It firooks countv has displayed In i large way every product of its farmers, while I*owndes county ha * sought to show a reasonably sample of whatever the county grows. The races were exceptionally rood Rr*mr very fast horses have t**en put on. Anl the track record of half a mile was made her** this week Among the vis tors Thursday were Cos! J 11. Estill and Mr M 11. l*ane of Ba vannah. Alotit th< first thing these gan tlemen did upon arriving her*- was to hum up the exhlhf* of R A ]>enmark. Ksq . of Savannah They did not r serve their de< ision when they found It. hut openly announced that It hid to hove a prise. Senator Jr FcrrD Caen said th* fair is bound to Itnpnei th* p*‘ople of ih* vast possibilities of South Georgia Mis- npeatham of Savannah Is visiting her** during the fair Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow els in natural motion and cleanse the sysfcm of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con stipation and kindred diseases. "Can’t do without them” R. P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va. writes I don't know how I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt’s Liver* Pills McGovern h:%t iiehnvteiv f.lulit \V right U uniter Flnlahed Him In 1e irnth Mnttnd. I(lsvi;ie, NOV 2—Terry McGovern, i the marvel of th* prlx** ring, defeated J** i Bernstein of New York In the seventh ! round Ih’fore the Nonpareil Athletic Club and f*oh peofde to-night. The feath* rwelght championship wns involved and the battle was scheduled for ♦ went y-flve rounds, aciurdlug to the East - 4 ru lnt rprcfatitiri of straight Marquis >t Qut*‘iislerr> rules The Inducement was a purs* of fi.oflO. of which the victor re cfdvcd 12..Vi* George Slb r was referee Bernstein hal wlthstooil th- onslaught of th* Brooklyn wonder for fw*nv-five roundw Itrfort the Broadway Alhleth Club in New York April 3* I*. and his en trance to th# arena a se oral time to do battle with the bant im featherweight ha nip ion of the world was character!***! by confident e and determination He had bc*-n hen fur several days preparing hlm • If ami was trained to the hour ‘ Terrible Terry." with all the ferocity and speed for whl h he is note*), took hla time, only occasionally sailing into Bern stein. but when he did It wnt a slashing sue* • *-sion f blow* which appeared to lie xnar.hed from a mysterious sourer* After two minutes and five seconds of the seventh round he rammed, banged and ’•eat down his r>p|otienr Bernstein was tiadlv Inxed an*l could not s|c*ak for sev 4-ral second* The conqueror of Dixon, Erne and ail the other little stars of the fistic firma ment. had rautiou* foe with a imn/.i in either hand, hut McGovern, credit*d with the ability to deliver a blow harder than the average professional heavy weight, hiv ked, rushed and lewildrrfld his antagonist with blows from all directions, and seemingly .-c ’he Him* The battle was the first championship contest In the South In recent yat.-. and attracted great Inter*at. In the final r>UMI M -Govern showtd his whirlwind form n*l ripped killing stubs that t*Kk the steam out of his op ponent D>wn Bernstein went repeatedly, th# Terror walking around him like a tiger. R< rnstcln was unable to continue ifter a tight hook to the Jaw* and Referee Siler waved Terry to his corner and stop, ped the fight. — I Mpbotern to Hr-l Cions. Indianapolis. Nov 2 - Samuel c Harris yesterday signed the articles of agreement for * mat* h betw#*n Terry McGovern and Jot* G**n> 1 1 Ik to occur Dei . 11 before the Tatters * .l’s Athletl* Club, f'hlrago Gang is t4* weigh tn at 1M |#mnds at 7 o'clock *n I must tlnlsh McGovern In six rounds or forfeit the purse McGovern leave* here to-morrow f*>r Louisville, where he meets Bernstein in a twenty.five* round fiattle )|a is in the pink of condition — | OK Ot It Mllb IKRYKK. n* Ifrellv erg on Star Montes tins Proven Wat lafactory. Washingion. Nov 2—The annual report of W 8 Sh illynberg* r, second assistant l**stmaster G< neral,w as made public to *lOF- It shows that on June 30, last, the annual rate of ex|>endlture for Inland mall ► crvlce wus t&,l4H.fjrA for foreig? service, J£sl4..’j2B; total expenditures, ' The *xpertment of l-ox delivery on star routes, whereby person* along the line 'ould have th** mall brought from the next office hy ihe star “route carrier, and • left In a box erected by such persons, has worked sstisfoctorlly In so far. and the next -*ar route contracts will provide for such service. In* reusing the mall fadlL tl**s In the rural districts at a moderate Incr* a-e r.f cost. The spe* lal and general weighing of the mull throughout the f'nlted States, whose results were announced last February, **home*l the roilr*>ads carried an aggregate much greater than generally supposed, and iht id per rent, ot the total mall matter w sent direct to the ratlrcade. Tbe result of the regular quadrennial ad. justment of the jgiy for railroo#! transpor ts ion In the secft| contract section, com prising North und South Carolina. G**>r i gta. Florida. Mississippi an I Tennessee ' and Kentucky, l ose*! on a rewelghing utt ! der orders Issued to Sept 30. last, was sn ! increase of over !♦ er cent. Ilnxs Chosen ••resident, N* w York, Nov 2 —The director* of the Southern Pacific Railroad met here to*day and fie* ted Charles M Hays to the pres idency of the company. No other busi neoa was transacted at the Men’s Stiff bosom Shirts it fl ' *P rfevtion" In rvsry <l*tall Krfi) the huttonholr* r* m*l by Th* “Bi*r” Shirts it $1 f< b* W.w Most avrryboily knows this mak*- If tlw> don t that’s their ml*fortune, not ours Th# put tarn* .* *nn*>t b# rinpltratvd In no other hrnml The* “Star’ ’lm<l* them oil HATH ROHFR. RAJ AMAH aml HIJ’M UKR QOWKH that buffi* l*-*rlptnn m their originality We t arry a line of thru necessities lni)H>rte-<| illrwrt from the oli) world Paiterns and weave rannot le dnpiv it# I hen But An>*rl als well rep rttfntrd, too. , MONDAY, NOV. 5, OPENS! Savannah’s Great Elk Carnival Street Fair! J A Whale of Carnivals! A MIGHTY CONCOURSE OP ATTRACTIONS! A Gathering of the BEST from ONE HUN DRED OTHER CARNIVALS ! Opening Ceremony Monday, 1 P. M. AT WONDERLAND. run r. ok iron in England. Wirrli'd by Disruptln of Steel nmZ I rim •**<!. N#w York. Nov. 2 —With refer#n<a to * the prl*-e of if*>fi by British ir.anufactur lers the Evening Rost says "This action results from the disruption jof !h# English steel nnd iron pool last : Thursday, which was at once followed hy | a cut of li*- per ion *n ra l prices Hitherto j the Middleshoro fixed rate for pig iron Ihus h*en ©■' to O* per ton. or around the equivalent of 117 It Is said orders hnv gone to German. Belgian and Amr!rin 1 strel workers at one |oun*i pt.r ton be ow our current price." "English newspapers admit ths‘ build ers in thla country have ruptured the * bridge control:* for the I'.mda Railway in South Africa, the quantity Involved being 'about 1.000 tens. As yet. however, this | has not been u u thorlt at Ively confirm* * I here It is true, however. lh*t the Amer ican bridge companies huv* lately taken : ma!l but significant onler which is IlktMv to ■ rest** a Mir in Germany. It Is for th#* creation of shops nt Bremen for the North German Lloyd Steamship Company. The quantity involved is übout sonoou tons." h*l*lers I'rotest. San I>* mtftgo, Santo Domingo, Sox 2 ! Th** Belgian consul here, M F. Aybsr. ** In receipt of another cable message from the Belgian minister of foreign affairs. M ReFnverau. to th** effect that holders of hands of Stiilo f*mtnga to the amount of 2.013.900 ixmnria hud now s'gncd th#* prote t aguinsi the contract whereby the Kan !x>- mingo Improvement Company of New York undertake* the r**adju*rm-nt and I quldatton of the debt of the republic London'* llorottuh < tincll. lyorvlun. Nov 3—Of London’s twenty eight new borough coun*ll* twenty-two will be controlled by the Moderate* nnd ' six by the Progressive*. Among the prom ' Inent rounclion* are the Duka *f Nor folk, Viscount Peneraile. Ird Onslow. I Jjord R*>b rt Cocll, Sir William Blake 1 Richmond, the painter, and George Der- I nurd Shaw, the well-known Socialist agl -441W. tUjUBAUUA 4M.A Bta'WSW, , ! Men’s Underwear |t* k. tnnbg a* V era ♦ h up to SI On the stilt in IIOLBOYD’R Patentwl flhtrta and f‘rawer*. The* Vs• garments irs In brown and hluti. havy rlblel Th- sl.Wgrale natural wool. *l# rby rlb )m*l and iinshrlnk.ibie worsteds, aUk striped pink umj blue. SHOT TIIIIOI Mil THE EtHtT. Arrltfrlil in Itr. Ilonlr—Mlmi tnlnred by ■ Knit. WH.morf. On . Nov. 2.—Dr. J. W. P-cw|e of Wade, Ua.. ku r~lder.tally ►hot through th# foot yrairntiy whit# gunning for trout In the Ohoopee river, aliout *lx mile* from here Drs Brtnson an<l Votiman* ilretotl tha wountl tintl pro nounced the doctor a great deal more excited than hurt though ■ Wlnchatttar hull hod |>a**atl through hi* foot Mr Pronlt Mima, an employe at George M ftrlnaon’* saw mill, fall oul of tha mid hou*e to-day and I* In a moat arl ■ ou* mndltlAn. Illi hand and hack arc hadly Injured Tne fall at* about twelve feet, and ha attack on hi* hand and back, mi*. MkCKEt toimrmcn. •lent to the I Mile.l atufea Asylum for tile Inaane. Washington. Nov. 2-Mr* Mackey, wife of ex-Judg. Mackey of South Carolina, who ha* been before th* court* hare a monitor of time* lately In lunacy proceed ing*. wa* to-day committed to tha t’nltad State* Government Asylum for th* In aane. The nc'ton wa/t taken on tha appli cation of her father. C< I tleorge A Por terfleld, of Chorleaton. W. Va. 4m MEN I.IKB HtfHMOAtlBtlT. Seiilenre of >egro Iturrta Mho Kll led tew fork Pallramaa. New York. Nov I—Arthur Harrl*. the tegro who stabbed Poll email Robert J. Thorpe to death on Aug, IS, and who waa convicted of murder In the second degree, wa* nentcnccd to-day to life Imprlsoo ntint. Th* murd*r of Thorpe waa the cau*e of serious race riot* In thta city. | Itrlllah ateamer la aground. 8t Thomas. Danish Went Indies. Nov, 2—The Hrtt'sh steamer Orinoco. Capt. Eatng, which sailed from Halifax. Oct. S, via Bermuda, for West Indian porta, s’riick a reef on n bar at Grenada, one of the British Weal Indian laUnda to-day. and remain* aground The vcattal fat re ported to he seriously damaged. Thg p*- 3D|ptt tUV bcu UaJbd. 5