The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 18, Image 18

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18 -e r f& Mnndm (n Friday Braunlu Dramaflr rr*o>- mnrdm Mnlim-f nd Mh- Ji>nra llnnil The V :* ''l'lrvlHr Company wi ! nr cu! v i' ard m*v t of the week open ing * -rr ~w night awl running until l.i ■ , . . pratah y * p(roofM repertoire rrvni-ar vn the rn4 and It It* made* up of * Iq4 H who jn well known t*■ M:i Mil* hell the leading !1 y, l fh >o r . 4 *.man who mad* *uch in r**- wble ttnpreK-lon here last vr*r with *•> K imt'-Hearn y T nium <*- duce* nr h wcil*ktiown plays .** ‘ *'r* I t Lorraine' aid A rW i l 11. wawna: A feature of the perform.* e of * A lira w.. r-mpanjr s*- the appearance of ttammi* Hrcnrn-i Hoap' ih tov, I . i * way— who do \a ud ► r * Brown h*-* frwle j t * <" * * and hi- friend* .< Huv annsn wlil U glad to greet a^afi. ]nne Band i ore of the fine*? errant aation* of It* klrd in the country It •-*• Ik*:n h* .id here i*t< re .id t e rm r . noufKrmert i pr t*t■ > enough to *• ii* h full ho c. This will tea verj g nd mnn-h at th f th*.ter Arr**rg *■ stroc-i ettr. 'tor*, that wilt he r ere are the f.• II *Wtng James, am. Katherine Kiddr Howard Gould. In Huian < f Hntxc •• Ho>t v Milk Witt* I . Trn P*.*br*ak' in ‘The Ho if r af 1 evera. O'har wHl kr.own *i*l p.. ,Ur .*:*• tK* The ft/iowuo: r oti • o? ahe TtrsurU Ooenjai v l* from the It^atem The advance not*.es *<corded rhe Braun.g Dramatic • oir.i ny do nor overwtep fhe mirk Judging by t * character of tne perform*r. e g*vr by the n*w appli *nt lor pubii favor. Tha company 1a new in name ->niv this twins Mr liiWi.niga fl:s* tour South in hi# wn rame The m* m ber# ef the • rr.fwry are m arly okl fav- OFt'ea ar t they re *|vad moat ror rtJ wak urn* last night. This was par 1 •~~ l I*oll HF MIT< HF.I/Va. V.ending Indy of the Drianlg Drnmntlr Company* tluUrly tru* of Mr. Hurl W*sn*r ami I Alum Mn.-hr|| Th* lillrr mill *> re- ! Btunbtred u mm Wily who b*r* • tr}kti| rM#mM<u < • u> Mr*. Orover CVv4ai The piny in Mobile wua ‘Credit Lor raine ‘ ii.d It waft put on • * If for a firm night In • motropohton rtiy Th# #ren •ry upon whi*h Mr Hraunifr has expend ed (hooMtiilfi of dollars for hla aoverel play*. %VM* nil that could 4 naked i#r The caat ivst is follows Lenora di atu;llonl ... Ixmtsa Mitchell Phillip* ltam*au Frank M tin ml I f’CiUti? da U'linnn ... H Preston Coffin Monsieur prnumonl Chari** l^eklna Antoine L* Vahara Hurt Wesner Lustiir W. F. Ih*well ]nn|ietor l>elamorta H. D. Croesbv !>• tor ...Ham Wilson Don Hon ... Carrie L* Mone Modem' * ISa Voutatr l*ofta 7.*nobl The romiwry la evenly ha la nr ad an<l there were mme very olever bile of • It a The climaxes sers. of course, etart tiiiir and at the end of rhe errond a*■t m curtain all was all that eut.>f)td lift# tntrm-f.-f audience prefrnt The #pe Uitir# art new and rorns In !•'■ • In/, share of applause. MuMrr Hammle I r.-wn Is a veritable artist. He singe dan -a and "cakewalk*’ like a ve eran and when he < onoiud* and My Tin* r Lilly" he was Riven an ovation Miss y.etVibM* Joei th*.- cakewalk with • ftammlr." Hh*- is • very gr.n ful young lady and Introduces sevcal new move crimts that earned Iter much applause Mr Hurt Wanner appeared with a brand rswfund of mofttly b.ed upon his visit and observation• at Atlantic. City. He must la* hstrd to be appr< mted The ladtes all aeemesl to he delighted with him lasr night This was evidenced more than ever wnen he sang that clever aotig. "I Car* t Tell Why I Lsova You. Hut 1 I*>." "Dtipert of ffentxnu." a sequel to An thony Hope’* turn* and "prisoner of Zends," will le i*en here shortly, presented by a company of carefully selected player* l , headed by that popular romantic star. Mr. Howard Could. Th production will l> FPntl* *1 in every detail with the original New* York sixeaaa t Daniel Frohnwui’# Lyceum Theater. Tills in Itself ahould mean .* guarantee of excellence. For once the ?p.aul.i tor# got the worst of It In New York last week. They had bought up a great portion of the house for Mu id Adames opining performance of "L A tglor .*nd their exorbitant de n* *nd- kept th public away, with the re sult fha* tickets for whW h they asked IS liefore tie curtain went up w re sold for to rents shortly after 9 o'clock. On this sreount It war not a representative audi ence that greeted Mbs Alims and her play, and the critics win* went to Halil more *o witness the initial performance say tha play did not go half so well in Odham as It d-d In the Monumental City. The inability of the audience to ivrasp mai*y Ana points of tha story, and Miss Adam* nppnr * r,^rvrtiy*#t nr* *ai<i |to b r- ‘ jniUKi! ;• f* - • e 11 :•*!.!Jon. A t nt ► • m • * a- fe* !• • t J tnv • *.%., -• r*\ v- f> 1 Montr < r,**v I. * Mb ’ gc>d '• if * u#<s ' n <mM!' - k 1 nsr 0* 1* *ra na for the f Mr *'? hallro m *ivr* on# 1 m ' ih* ! tvh * which rn©rt#r^ prot ir< n m-*K on hei* big firodu* turn# Vvo’.i A l*r ; tvlng h*" nr.r.uAl - INiico of th# K R|f h*r r **w u•# r.o? r* ?#tv r 1 m ith ny *m*vint of truth lo ♦lw Wtfjdv rtiv wwTtl* ,r * but th r*vi#wwi nr* that tt rt*rnorttr # that Mi\ A1 lens p#ron*i! papulitniy ond to non# of <! * tn th* country* a" 4 ! hfr p!*s nt art would m*ik* * much jioof •r j y thin th# nrw on* a ► if # go. • t* ,* f th* rl#v#r* *t impa-mpt.i ‘Sig' rf t .# p#H.on i# rMlilf l to hew Dock - ulrr K*rljr This f ill th* mintr#-U w*r* Mpp'4rtns \i\ th* Grand <p*ra llouv* Jn Ch! igo Th** hou“ v bt i! k r* *l n n*l tt matin#* prrformar, * th* carpen t*r* mid** rnmigh noi* to put sr.y on out of th* lotkiaA*‘r #UioJ th# rii k-f fr,r h long Hn*. and fl - -illy lookl t:p into tht- fll*s platntlvrty and r*m.rk*d Ido wond*r If thoii* poopl# in h* fla’ ahnv* ourn will over **t theif furnttur' moved in " Tr t r. r f th pt#' *r #t o cam* her* wth 'Hi* Hc*e of |>rsls* have BalieA bark to if **ir hone* after * ©fin# th* most cm* p ti' fii.iro of th* Many pl#iart thlnfa hav*' h*#n wrlt l*n about Maud* d*U hut eh* s# unkpis th* obet-rvatlofi of . 8 . r!*j. , who railed h* r .srgt#dy h*autlfir It Is likedv th4t Jofferton d# Ang*li* wil appear in lm!on * it* 4 of hi* e*asr*r n*r#. H** i.a* had offer*, from thsr* d ( ;rlrsK th* .ast five \*ar If hs lo*s not ui.jw-ir at th* tfivatwr recenily i#v*s*d by N f Goodwin, he will go to th# Shaft*#* bury, inking with Mm M* three suecewses. | “Tha Jolly Musketeer" Tha Wedding Day" and "A Hoy a I Rgue The landing of William of Orange nd the stirring times that followed In Eng land about the year IS** are d*aiwn upot lot the action of Lulu Hlascr s new opera • .Sweet Ann Cage " The book Is by Ed gar Smiih and I*mii *. and the mush* is by W. II Nledllnger Miss Ola ser s character Is not. as might he cud poeet, a heroine, though n •ARDNAItn !!f*aa ! scene from "Th* Merry Wive* of Wind •or" I* Inlroduced. Here'* atcum- nt for the msn who say* "Unci# Tom'* t'ahln" wlil never ill* In the list of dramutlr companies en route i there ere five "I' T C." mmtnnlr. hen'. t"g nil competitor* ly three One I* In Arizona another In loan, about I’ltts burg. . third through Nebraska aixl Ksn- Hill a fourth In Eastern New York, end a fifth In i anadian elite* The new play which Augustus Pltou he* I<ntnpbt'd for t'hauneey "cott will le- call's! 'Garrett "Magh" t.king th* title from the rhaia ter thal Mr <'hott I win iiav li i- Md in !• Mti Ireland. in : 181*. the |.iinri|l character fI In.; .. young Irishman returned from America. ! where he made a fortune There will he n new theater In Cleve land If McKinley secui*. a aecond lei rn If Bryan obtalna hla t.i-i it a. 11 not la bulll. The pro]e<'or claim ih it u Um— j crallc vlolory will prohl'.lt anyt pnwti In ask a aajM im whih * in tri umph would mean conilnued pro<pen>, | How abaurd! I Mark Twain and Pydnev tloeenfeld are to eollaborate on n play f< r l>ar.|e| r oh ; man. Wanenhale * Kemper lav. contra lef with Henry Miller to atar him In modern drama. ' it I. axpaciad that Roland liaed will ba THE MOKMNG NEWS: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 190a i** to Irave S? Like * H<*rt’a! within • w **k T * re la t i a demand for Bernhardt . Aigtor. ih t* • ha* es'.fuVd her slay Mm* ten dae ■*> ha !>e#r a hw* rihe-1 f r popular theater in Faria and tt>mpwnie* are row hetog et,*rife*| Olga Nwhe it * 5 o open at Wa ladt'i - New Yrrk N<*\ U with an 1 will |?er play M .iri F>nlar.d a U*r4 riwmo*rl**n ha. In the a; lv of p- a • ••* • or. pre vn wl t r.e prod Jv’irtm of Ir een'e “Ohofle A play ent.'le.i "A Queen’a Heart” I* in ourwe <>f writing f*>r Mre Larvf.ry Flerra and Her ton .ire the author* t* r Henry fr\*;s;a g tve a fcorifgV for v*s<on e ater, Ufldoti. f> * 1# realising atxu •r. m . \'ernona Jar '* au t ket to v iude viiie ,*r.d r,*ro 1 Irlah reo.ta'ior.n at. 4 in evening •If*'#? have made h r <* *u Joe-rph Jeffereou at lengt.k up n the dlfferen-• oetw*rp a< tu.g -n<. oratory t a# etudrnta of the Chkigo Mu*, al roller© Oct IS 1! >van*. <’ . ala to have thr genuh e American va \ ilk Barry Clark having a* ur*-#l th# • i a Th*ldr with the In terition of making It a vaudeville houae Mr.- ha* arranges! to take the l —of me Im;erlil Theater hi I#on :un hut l tnreau r*-*i wltn lltigai on for al- Used ei .1 .11 gofa py written *xprewi I) for her. A story from lamdon has It that four of our pr*tie*t chorua girik were mobbed Ira • e tr*t shortly after leaving the Sf •'•bury Theater on tneir way home T >*.rla wen eet upon bv h bind nt known *. the "Hooligans.” and wen b* ng hadlv haruiSed w*hen the po reoue| them They ware taker* to their home in m condition tiwit would r.ot fi.iVt w irranted n immediate ppf rno In tei lie society No reason haa l*en ae* signed for the *llege<l attack It in sue je. ted that they were dieguued pr*we agents. j , M Victor Herbert Is at work on the e ori of anew opera which Alice Nt* <ton wi.l produce rest -uaea. Her tn*i*ager. Mr Ferley. nnnounoee u> addition Mi* NlekMjr la looking for a suitable theater in Gotham which will be her on leet own to do with ae ah*- wills Think of a big theater named Alice Neilaon and remem ber how short a time It wae When we didn t even know the little lady The Theater Drop ( or fa in. Editor Morning News Is there any ration and etre (rave that of oarse utility• for the dreadful mo net resit y of an adver tising drop curtain *hut now unrolls be tw'een the acta of the play at the Hu van - nan Theater? Oram**! tiuat It Is quite 1n keeping with the majority of the shows that are given Mere, still an <*• ae.onel mined pity I* ptit on ae "The Chr*eiian’* last When Wnf hrought sullenly fa<>e to taF* with such a flagrant display of bad taste Is so etiorklng as to iem a t-ufflrler.t r+u •on for boycotting rhe theater until It U removed The paopie of Savannah are long suffer lug They put up with a cheap ugly, dirty and uneom/ortab*a theater *nd maku no cry But troe ia dlff'-rent. They m ist draw t<ha line at the *d\< rtUuug drop cur tain. and save th*melves from ridicule and from tha very na-iiral Inferences <ah>nild P be retained) that the audietu e of the Savannah Theater ire atnioiotely without good taste, or reflnment. or dig nity. A Woman Patron The Eaa miner’* Ksperlenee. From the Newr York Times A mealw a) eaamlner for 'fie of th* iarg. eat of the life In* iron e r -miMnl* s l re. sp>n.*lbli for this \arn. which he asserts Is a leaf from his own experten . "la*r week 1 was ral.ed upon to n*ak the ex amination <>f an Appilcant for a polt<y who was one of the rive** fllthv und 11.-enwli ing aubject* t* wn* ever my fate to com* arrows Hr hod askc l for a policy of rev* eral thousand fioliarw. had pa*.-**! ail the irreiimlnaries. ami seemed a gaul rlek Ho he was turne*| ov r to me for the linat examlnafion frrm the l>is# Hub- Ghetto. he exhaled the odors of that quar ter when he . tn, to tnv rs>m and ire st.tei hinir* f br ti e physical examina tion He stripped himself of Ms dirty clothing. Hid exited the arm** and <hst of an athleje Hut ha was grimy with dirt Hid evidently an et my of the htth tub. As he t-ame near ti tne I noitred pe uiiar yellow dust all over his lody and asked ’See here, mv friend, what In the wrid have vnu go scattered all over your flesh What is that yellow Muff?* Tii -eri powder/ ho blandly responded Insc* t powder!* 1 almost shouted What in th** world do you scatter that all over your• if for*** *To k* ep oft the fleas, of course What das can you use** 1 make all the vnemter* of my family u>s It to kvep a* clean as I am.’ •• —Easily Frightened -“Why. what's the msltar with the snake charmsr?** Hhe raw a mouse.“—Philadelphia Ev ening Bulletin. ENTHUSIASTIC CON VERTS. There Are Thoueantla of Them Mini llrllrve a. Thla Human tinea. Mr* Ira Knowlion of Butte. Mcntana, l a m<>et enlhualaatlc convert to the vlr tuaa of Ktuart'* Byepepata Tableta a* a cure for ohettnale atomach trouble She :ay: "1 had |xku <tuce*tion nearly all my life It now reciti. to me that for >eat. I never knew- what It wa* to he hungry, to hate a Hood natural appeilte. I a* trotlble i with *" in siomarn cau-. in* pressure on the heart with palpitation and abort hrewth. Nearly everythin* 1 ale •oiin.l < my tionu' h, aomatlmee I had cramps in the stomach which almost re s' mbled spu-nis Doctors told me I had catarrh of the stomach, but their m-dlctnc* would not reach It and 1 would still he a sufferer had I not. in sheer decla ration decides! m try Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I knew they were an advertised remedy and 1 didn't bc!l*vc anythin* I read about them us I had no confidence In advertised remedies, but my slater llvln* In Dlttshurc wrote me last sprint; l< lltn* me how Stuart's Tablets hml cured her and her little daußhter of IndtKcstlon and loss of flesh and appetite and I hesitated no lon*. er I bnucht a fifty cent box af my dm* store and look two of the large tablet, after each meal and found them delightful fo take bein* as pleasant to the tu-ie as . caramel candy Whenever during the dav 1 ar nl*ht I fell any pain or uneasiness In the stomach or about the heart I took one i rj the small tablets and In three weeks | it seemed to tne a* If 1 had never known I what stomach trouble was I keep Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet* In tha house iind every member of our family | use* them occasionally after a hearty meal I or when any one of us have a pain or ache In the dUtcsllve organa " Mr K II I *vl* of Hampton. Va., says: "I doctored dvr years for dyspepsia, hut ! In two months I cot more benefit from ■Stuart’* Dyspepsia Tablets than In five j years of the doctor# treatment " Smart's Dyspepsia Tablets |.- the -afest as well as the slmple-t nn l most conven. i hut remedy for any form of Indigestion, | catarrh of stoma h. hllioust . - .our stomach bloating aficr meals, sympathetic j heart trouble Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is not a cheap athartic but an active digestive remedy j containing the pepsin and diastase which every we.h stomach lacks nn.l they <uie i stomach trouble* because they digest the ood eaten and *IVe the k. ahti-edov r w orked stomach a chance to teat and re u p.rate, Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets are sold in | e\cry drug store In the United States, I Canada and Orest Bi Ilian. You Can't Overtax Us By Requests In Your Clothing Wants! We’ve almost everything; needed in Fabrics, Style Tailoring; and Prices. MEN'S SUITS, 57.50 TO 525.00. MEN'S OVERCOATS. You can trv readymade more safely with a heavy Overcoat than with any other garment. Even the average ready made is not bad. But there is a wide difference between “not bad" and the perfection of shape, style and fit, that a fully competent clothier can put into the firm, rich over coat cloths of this season. Heavy coats are ready. The cloths are Frieze, Cheviot. Melton. Vicuna-Cheviot. BOY’S CLOTHES. A NEW START. October broke upsizes here and there; showed the best styles; pointed out exactly what Savannah boys are going to wear this winter. We've filled up the sizes; got in plenty more of the favorites; some new styles that just came out. and we re better ready than ever to serve you. $2.00 TO $15.00 One fcvJ i:r £g :; r Plain Price iij, *— SWAN NAM' — * VO FIGHTS COMING IN BUNCHES. M varrdtHH'9 HI 1.1. Y SMITH WILL NKBT JAf-K (tIMJttR SOV. 14. Hunt of Twraty-flre ftound. Has Hern lrrsa(rd l>v the Austral Athletic rinh— It Will Take Place at tha Theater —-niltli and < oilier Are Assay t'p High In the Writer sveittltt Class—t lesrrell Wort of filns Work Slay Be K speeted. Spouts Are Knaerly l.ouklnu for svard to That I Ittht und tlir t or noran-llanlnn Hout on \os. gt>. ktyilarlcu* Billy Pmi'h. f.imous welterweight, and Jkck Collier of Rock uway, not quite so fttnoua. but a coming man. It la *ald. will meet at the ihnannan Theater on tha night of Wedneaday. Nov. 14, In m fwenty-flve-round light. It la Be lieved the go will be one of the beat ever seen in the city, for thn men ar* crack a-Jacks. away up In the pugilistic world, und ihe sort tha! are heard from In 4he but lights The men will com* to Savannah to fight under the auspice* of the Austral Athlell Club. The club has alone good work to xet them, bus it has had to put up a big guarantee The *port-lovlng public, how ever, wMI probably ahow its appreciation of such efforts to show It a good thing In the lighting line, and It ta thought th.- house h.rt will gleet the two cra-ks w II be the beet that tha Theater as ever yet held for a prise fight It |* a mid-catnl tal date, and It re probable that of the oui-of-lown vlsMors will take a-l 'aiitege of the opportunity to era some of the cleverest rtng work that people .n the South ever have exhibited In their Se. Hilly Smith ha* a long string of fights to his record, some of which were defeats n.| some of which were draws, hut the victories are in the great majority. He has held the championship In his class, and II was but a short time ago that he had It taken from him Slde-rtepptng and 'he fast -I sort of fighting are Billy's long suits, urd It Is sai.l he will show the Sport* things In foot work that they have never even heard of. Collier his been hard at work and meet- Ing man after man for n long while He Is In ilp-lop shape, as hard as rocks and irady anil eager to take on such a man a* Smith, to la-at whom would be a feather of brightest hue In his cap. Collier has been In training at ftncknwuy. and when the off.-f wa- made him to come o Savan nah to meat Smith, he Jumped at It. glad of the . banco to take on the Mysterious. It was Ihr Intention of the Austral Ath letic Club to have Twin Sullivan, another of the first rlar.-ers. to mert Hilly Smith, hut it was learned at the last moment thal Twin had hi* bands Jammed up In a right two or three days ago at I.ynn. Maas . and that meant some other crack had to he secured lor the honor. Collier was taken on as the best of • hunch of four well-known tighter* that were of fered In New York. Sliorty Jenkins wD! referee the fight. Announcement* that Shorty I* to appear In the capacity of referee arc always I lea-lng enough to those who expect to *<• a lsjui. All arrangement* will he b-ok ed after by the dub management, und It I* expected that all will be In trim by the night the go Is to be pulled off It Is not Known when the lighters will arilv-. hut It I* thought It will be a few days Ix-fore the scrap Both are In the best of shape, end extra training for them wuuld be suuerfluou*. In hi* long list of fights Smith let* been up agalnat but one of the many fighters that have ap|fared In Savannah Th * one was Australian Tommy Williams, who fought Corcoran here aom* weak* ago It was In 1X93. at Coney Island when he knocked the Australian out In th* second round, that Smith m-t him William* wan then In hie prime, and fresh fi.un a long llet of victories Smith ex l>ccts to go to Kngland on a tout after his bght In Savannah He will he ac companied by I’rof. Chairlss J. llarvey, his trainer, who will be In Savannah will* him S.ixannahian* .will he getting lights In logger hum hes than they have v*r known them before. Follow u g that o! I:• Itth. will be one on Nov :<> at 'la Th,- ater between Tommie Corcoran of Sa vannah and Jack Monlon of BhlUdaiphla* Th* sports ar* looking forward t this tight with Interest, and It I* probable that both will draw monster houses. BOTH FIOHTERR TRAINING. Hanlon and Corcoran Putting In Hard l.lek* for the %et-to. Tom Corcoran and Jack Hanlon, who are to meet in a CJ-round go at the theater Nov. in. are both training hard. Corcoran lias hla old training quarters In tha city, and I* hard it work He says he will not only be In fit condition when the fight comes off. but that he will have no dlf l eulty whatever In besting th* Oriole I'orcorin will certainly have a strong fol lowing and Ms friends are the sort that ore not afraid to put up the "dough '' Ha.don Is training at Thunderbolt, and ro doubt finds the salt air and breexea lneflct<’l In his work He. also, feels cer tain of hi* chances, and doe* not seem at nil worried about the coming hout or Its outcome There ha* been no betting on the fight a- yat, but there Is hardlv any doubt thit there will he a goodly amount of coin wagered before the contest take* place im ■ * Y. M. C. A'*. liVAISfAWT*. Will files Ffraf exhibition of Keason This Week. Th* Young Men'# Christian Assn lallon gymnasium exhibition Is lo he given next Friday night and promlsea to be a suc cess Some of th* best gymnasts In th* city will take part. To a.ld to the lnt*re-t of the occasion Koscnfeld’s orchealra has been engaged. Il ho- been decided to eharge a n ad mission fee of Z cents as the crowds here tofore have been too large lo handle The money from admission* nfier paying for the orchestra, w ill go i \• '* Im, roving the department of the Associa tion. The progiamme Is as follows: Cla*s evolutions, ehor> wand drill; long wand drill; division work or horse, ring* Iwraliel bars and high parallel*; horlxonlal bar; running long dive; par all"! hars; wheelbarrow race, spring board Jump for height; rings; acrobatlca MAT MAItKKT FIIH t HEWING Gl'M. Chicago One of the Greatest Gam Cities In the f ontitry'. (From the New Ord*ans Ttmes-Demvrat I J J. Amend, traveling representative of one of the largest chewing gum manu facturing companies In the I’nltad H'a'ea. recently exprets*d surprise In speaking lo a reporter, that the establishment of a chewing gum factory at this point I* talked of "Il is true that much of the gum w* use comes by way of New Orleans, In ll* raw state, from th* tropics." h* said, "but I can see no othdr reason for putting up a factory here I don't believe sugar Is any cheap r here than It Is In the North, and glucose Is no cheaper. If as chewp Then this Is a very poor market, locally, for chewing gum " ' Il Is"" "The worst In the United {hates” "Why I* that?" ”1 don't know' the reason, hut It Is a fact, neverthelees Why, I know lot* of towns In other parts of the country that use in times a* much chewing gum—ves. SO times as much—as New Orleans, and they are not nearly a* big as thla cltv, either I v* been around to the drug stores since I have be. n 111 tlie city, and I find that Ihelr sales are very light The first rlass stores tell me that .ometime* they don't have a call for chewing gum more than once In two or three day*. They only keep one or two kindson hand, where, as In such stores In the North and Fast a doaen different kinds will be kept con stantly for sale, and the demand Is steady at all times." "Where I fti* hi " market for . hewing gum In Hie United fltatc* "All west and norih of St Inuls I^.^ , f gum la sold throngiiou: N.-’-u ka, the Dakotas and Minnesota. Kansas f*|ty Is a great town tor it "How about Chicago "Oh. Chicago Is one of th* greatest rh-wing gum cities In the eoun’ry. Chicago ha* gone ahead of New York In thla re spect. New York used to lie a great town f-.r It. and one couldn't go sn- where :n 'he city without sec ng Ctrl* working their Jaws If ihelr live* depended on It But ino caricaturist aid the poragiaphist* made such fun of Hie hahtt that a good many of the girls stopped chewing and tha sales fall off vary heavily. Button was Winter Underwear, You’ve got to buy your underwear soon, and the best place to buy it is at the busiest store, but not at its busiest time. Come early. You know how crowded we shall be when the first touch of sharp cold comes. MEN S O LOVES Real Kid, pique sewed, tan and brown $1.50 Breton Cape walking gloves 1.50 Lambskin —some say kiji —tan and brown 1.00 Heavy, real deerskin, brown and gray 1.50 MEN^HATS: All the new styles fur felt Hats, wide flat brim soft hats (blue pearl the favorite) and Derby (black the leader, of course) $2.00 and $2.50 to $5.00 Boy’s Hats SI.OO, ©1.60 DOLLAR NECKTIES FOR MEN.' Fresh styles, exclusive patterns, good silks, wear well and tie gracefully, right shapes, well made; that’s our dollar-tie standard. MONDAY, NOV. 5, OPENS! Savannah’s Groat Elk Carnival Street Fair! A Whale of Carnivals! ■- - ■ m + A MIGHTY CONCOURSE OP ATTRACTIONS! A Gathering’ of the BEST from ONE HUN DRED OTHER CARNIVAL* ! Opening Ceremony Monday, 1 F. M. AT WONDERLAND. One Night and Matinee Only. UINNE'S^o Saturday, November 10. SEVENTY PEOPLE. IFOVTY TNE WONDERFI L INCLUDING IVIV X CORNETIST. SPECTACULAR ANVIL SCENES Inlroduciox Corpi of Costumed Musical Blacksmiths. Electrical Anvils, etc. The whole in combination with SCENES FROM GRAND OPERA (Not In costume , by Mins FBAN' KB HOYDEN. HERB WILHELM XANTEN, BIONOKA HELENE NOLDI, Mr H 1* VERNON, and BIONOR EDOARDO 7.ERNI. BIONOR ACHILLE ALBERT: MU CEB—Evening, jr\ She, 75c. H 00, *1 W. Matinee, 36c. eoc, TS<\ 1100 Advance sale open' on Nov 10. at o’clock, at the usual idace. ntrr eo go<xl a* our western rltle*. "Ax a rule, the newer the rlty. rhe bet. •rr the chewing gum trade In It. In an old 1 ■ lllte New <irlMinx the people don’t >lll to take to the h.iblt at all Thu branch element* here hurt u. for the I'teneh ate not ttutn rtvwrre The Her man* don't chew aunt either. In xomo cf the placet where there are many Ger mans. ax In "ome elnea of the Northwest, we sell but little chewing gum. The youtix peojile like |f but the old people won t let them us It I have seen many a boy scankcl h > his German mother for ualrx chewing gum Io >Oll rxpert much of It?" °Hly •'* Kngland ami Australia None er the European nations take kindly to chewing gum. They won't have It at all , in Germany. and there !• abeolutt h ri° 1 Kile for It in France, or. in fact. on tlm continent Kn gland uses a a r#lli * dnal. but they don’t rare much for v * r * ! l#ly of brand* there.*' I • \m i 1 .ink • .•• . n- v ,:u: " 1 giowe on one. like tne cignrot or the op*u m l.abltT* •Not to such an extent n* tho** > w mentioned. Now i.ike It In our tone When we employ new Kiris, we tell tn _ 'to go ahead and chew el! the guro v > want. The Href few day* their Jaw l rr it’ r ’ Hit th M ' ti: at w*ek they don 1 hew quite o i! Kt the -1 .1 iwn week* th veiy nu derairlj. and after they ha'*' In the factory a month Ihey don t ■ * v at all. They are cured, and you co hire an old hand to ohew gum.''