The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 04, 1900, Page 21, Image 21

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WILL ALL VOTE_ AT HOME. € ft t m or* DWLrciVrifMr m im. vo rr. ami vvohk kh Li;m:n. \A>lls nutl fn rt*a Arrived A aterday find Messrs. fnitu anil ttif<*b Ijbi*ei'led Tlda Moraln|<-Mr. \\ e!1 lUa*naea th? I.nrnl and |.e|| iilat Inu In Prospect, tin**lf Difference vf Opinion mm to l %d* laablllty of the Htate's Ituiidlnil the I uluu Depot at iiwMta— Mladeraeannr • him Iri Hill \ttll Meet Mtrly Opposition In* I, • A mended. lf P , r>avid Well* and Hon William Harden. twoof Ohatham n representative.*- th* legislature. cam* down from At yeateiday inorong Senator J Kerns. ,iii Representative Hitch are ex -I,* and this morn.ii* The entire delegation %i ; 4 tec..ftin in the city over Tuesday in that they may cam their votes hen* >r (he National Demociatlo ti ket. and its give tneir counsel uni assistance in *.:<*<.* in the re election of Congressman It. pre*enta?iv# Wells reported things In a socnfwha'. unsettled condition at the atai* apttoi. The comtnittres haw no? ytr ?** * i'4-'inte I. t .*> urm-n ire un* kr. * the leaders have not yet develop ed. nd legislation is in .i very inchoate eta indeed It :* not known Just yet how the l.egHlat lire on tho va rious rrcoromeudat.on* of the Governor wi*h regard to schcols. pension#, oontrol c*f misdemeanor convict* by the Prison Comri eslon and other matters "There is considerable legislation In said Representative Wel.s •*Tlie legislature Is <nmio*ed of a fine jot of men and J think the> will .% • for th* best Tne rcommendutton of the Oover por with regard to the building of a nev. imton d* pot in Atlanta by the state, is subject of considerable discussion, an 1 it is impossible to say Jus* >et w net her it si. t*e given a fa vorahl* reception or ••■? There is considerable opposlttoi to ‘he misdemeanor convt't bill, and tin lcss ' vr.vesslor.s are made to ( ountii*. llk*> Chatham. there jr . n imber of others I •'ho will make a very decided tight ( lt Friday Mr Wells li.trodu ed the till to am*(.d the cltyS cbarter so as to permit it to acquire land outsi la of the cor fiorat* limit* for public pun* • h - opening streets, for i irk ‘etneterlf -and other piiblb purp*-.-* I Chatham rep et are a f r t! * Mil. and it Is eap* 'td to pu*s w tnout opjxodtloi Mr Hitch introduce i e till to fix the haul required by tax re Uers at not exceed Ing $lO. nn© As the fax rt elver handle: n Own* > there seem to le no r* **on why the pres* r.t hev> bond should lc required of him Fulton < <unty alieedy lias .* si** clal act, fixing tie l.inlt of the tax re cetver'a bond at >lr. Wells eta* I that fh bill re* entlv approved by < *oui. il. p . ;i g several im portant city offices hi k in the elective column where they foi merlj belonged, meets with the approval of himself and colleagues and will pass without opposl t:on. Mr. Hitch also introduced a bill provid ing for *alrles to be paid to the bailiffs of the City and Superior Courts Instead of the present per diem system. The b.ll provide* thni t ie aalarle- shall be fixed by the grand )u y .n-l that In no cum* j shall th< elat\ of t bailiff x<** *1 Us* Their presence in the t lay Tu* *day will deprive the memb*rs of the Chatham county delegation of the privilege of vot ing for Scnutor Ha<-*i . Tuesday morning iHPtn set it the urn* for tiking i . vot* It Is p*‘-slbl. that the attend n*. e may be so srnnll that the election will b* postponed until tho following day when the members from Cbatham will have the pirtootre of e.sting their votes for the gentleman who lias *i mostrate*! h. 1 * claim to r * I'd ion by the promi nence whi h I;* h. i*| i.r**d In the up|vr ** of Cony? 1 his .<• dlvfty in th** nffalrs of the I • ne * ratio party. HAD A llßg|*Kll %T 2 UtillT. Officer i (instnntlnr \\ a Forrrd to *ht I'atil t o-hett. Officer W. F C*<i ur • **' of Justice G Noble Jot eV court. f.:*t I'aul Corbett, . negro, alsnit 7 1 o* I -k l* *-? t chs Th • officer shot to save bis Ilf*- an • attempted to kill the negro, but the attempt only resulted in bis administering a wound that was no? even disabling. For long while afi t the bullet struck him the i. did r.ot know he was shot. Officer Constat).. aid Ml Tom Ru*- ssii were sitting in Ju-stl e Jones' office, when renewed **• in*is of a row mat had been in prog re-- t*r some minutes near tha corner or St Juliai. an.l Wiiit kei (tees anesitii their at tentlon M . etantine put a t*wl> in one pocket nnl a tbirfy-twu caliber revolver in another. him! be and Mr Husstdl started for tne aesne of the difficulty. <n their arrival at the place where the altercation was Irt progress, which was but a few yards from Justh •• Jones' of ti e. t’orbrti ws* Just assuring a negro liackman that ha would have his life, ad dressing him. at the *am time, by nn ex t’emely opprobrious nam** A friend of Forbett's sue <|ed in Inducing him to cross Whl?aker street, audit seemed then mat the fight might be avoid* and. but ’or b*it again l* utuuanag* atlc and al ' ant ed on the b * Unmi with a hand in bis blp po. ket. Mr. Constantine thought then to pre vent a dlffb ulty He w<*tlkel up and < aught the negro by the shoulder, telling him to cool down and not have anv trouble. Quirk as n Hash th** negro stiu* k the officer, felling him m the ground by e blow of the fi>*t that broke ins nose. At unee the negro was on top of Mr. Con stantine. who drew Is billy and trie*! to us# |t The weapon w wrested from his grasp, how *v> r. and the negro then attempt*! to drew a knife Mr Constan tine *rnv the knife and drew hi** pistol. The negro then hal Inm !•>’ the throa* nn I w*a choking him ro death With that strength he could muster. Mr Constan tine then pls -.-d the p stol ?o the negm - l*odv r.d fired one shot. He was tinaide to fire another, a** the pr*s ire of the band upon |i throat ond the posture in "> h his pistol hat#) and aim were held bis doing **• F.ven then the negro would have cot the better of the offi er and. hsd no? a bystander, a white mm t f ?he rescue using s chib with telling of blows, kno king him from o'i t*a the offi #r. or bet* was drunk He wa- *o d'ltnk Cat he did not know whom he wa tight- saving at the harra* k* Ut*r hat h* thought he was fighting mulatto. H * *■' md was dr sed n ttt.e hi tra* ke. where f was token by Officer V J Karr* 11. City Physl. lan Y. A Oshorne. The ' *n w||| recover from th** effect* f t 0 tol shot ai.d from the pounding : e re ed on th* 1 * head. 'ffb-er Constantine was *r?es e*l and to the station, after his 1 e h* l *en W<* by Dr. Wiring A bond 01 *>* ' required of him which he ?hot *a* unnecessary, as he I* under bond tor * a* a state and count>■ offi er. lie ronsidered thit he waa only m!*l.iik iba i < ivp;irtment in attrmpili g to pre it the murder of one usaio by nether, The wine crop of iJerttuan> ts •* im 1 that of Frar.ce It s th? samo v n in ail tt,e vineyards of Kit rope, ind ? sir output is sett in ir for lower prt*- * *n for a gcnerauoa ou ocCouni of ue |MUt SQUARE QUESTION SETTLED. Continued from Twenty-fmiu.t P. would also *i..f material y m t and -of the e> Ul <as• • in .i t e western se tlor* Of the ry it taxable value* an i adcing to • revenues while tnrre.istng t e o.t\e * for the transaction of bu*irie-s a** tr a efret ia .-.• , ►. | .. tl lines the expense ol i*n i g w.*.li b distributed between th* city t •• tre t ear company, and the ptoperty osnsr.* equitably, an 1 the in ■•revised \. u- t property would m*r. than compeui-at* Ih - l-itt* r for their outlay "With the?** fa- ts t* fore me t? does rot *-em to me t tat the .laim t it ti is *>■ •*• *r\ to rat* t'o >(|ti.*rea t* ' fr-l relief t businesh trafhe i t-i tde This argument does not b*-or m\e l-. lion "It la stated that sotne *f t*. * or - ir.g prop*-rt > abutting on the , hi t • - r* wil ing find desirous that th* prop**- \ n *nge ahull be mml and tliat gra- 1 - pi.*#- shad te lul out to the line of their - Fven tf nil of them a. re of ttij- min i I should d* etn It prop*r to dl>ap;*i \* tht** leaolutioi. The* > tr*- th*- property **f th** entire public and are to *• r* **trd e*l as su nan 1 not hh to any b* ai dig t;.*• \* may have on a few prtx.ce U>:> It is i■ ot the pr-vlnce of the city t** enh m* e the \alue of a score or i*n* of if such it chang* would t i iti • • ut. by depi* iAtlhfr Ihrt v.t it*- .f th*- pui; § top *l*prec.ting the value of Co* pubh pr-p --• * , .... the general i ibli fir i-*i.ii*g han •** t c.yfcfHi y Th** t.i n,h*n t>*- I sight of that if th- -ftrcet*. an* cut tiit- *g i ih* and t-a\* t n • own* t? of fh* lots abutting on the -| ures wil * *i|*r nnv share in th> • \ [*• r,- of paving, even (hough they are ilirnly h* n* rit-1 bv the improvement The cost of paving either A her corn -r Barnard ir*t un*i*i su< h circumston< e* would *on- qu*nt!y he heavier on taxpayers generally ' Ji i.h aieo prr|*c.eed to dose th* cross streets on th-*<> square* at the property lines. This would mean a comfdeio l*s- Ing ii| of St. Julian. Pr* idem. McDon ough, M rn, nn*l Wayne streets at two l*oints This would be an uncalled for restriction of the means of access to the proper ti**s of a number of cirgens. 1 nn not consider such n change as desirable or as a?ke 1 for by any but a small minority of our cltixens "For these reasons, and feeling also sat isfied that had h full It*sir i of Aldermen been present when the r**solution wns In troduced. It would rv have nt**t with the approval of a majority. I h ve v* toe*i ttie rosolution and return It t* your honora ble body.’* There will be ro attempt to override the Mayor's veto in Council and the reading of the Mayor's message at the mxt meet ing of Counril will probably be the lost hr, of (he movement to put the street* through the squares for some time to come. Alderman D’xor who offer, and and advo cated the resolution, had the following to say when advised of the Mayor's veto "Mayor Myers ha* seen fit to veto tnv square resoluMon. No doubt he ha* acted according to the dictates of h•.* own *on sclence. whieh l* perfectly agreeable to m< although I still dlfTer with Him If the people ore satisfied 1 itm. and I w ill have nothing more to say on the subject. This means thnf the question will not be raped again during the life of the pres ent administration *t least. mosey is dairy iismsii. V.. B. Clieatliam Hack From CoorfS fim of tie*riila Ilsir) nies. Mr K r Cheat am. who ha re curn. .1 from onvrn*lon of th- u*or elA ntrym.ri . Asm. it ion. hoW T‘ ur d.n nl rrhtav t Wriffln. u-* that tt KH* on- ot *h<* bout .inventlon of l* Kind ti.. rvi-r l—en held In thin tot anl i.uit It will prol>l>ly rwult In a .i— -kl-.l Imp-tin- to the <1 itrj buins ami . -rtaln t.r.m hei of farming. The ni-tlii- -r- (• by mom her of Ih* *v!tlon Amons th- lroin nl-rt np-nk-ri* was ex-Oov of v\m -onaln. who a iv- *om> Inier-Mlna ►<- tlsil.a of th- Ilnlry himlne-e ol hl. lie -al l lim* f< w >-ra iio the l of V\ lai onaln lu.l 111* h- it aromina . ri- i bail ai the o f the Month have the notion KrowlnK manbi. ami that tne lantia of Wlaconaln -r north on an av.-ms* of on.y Jia an n- r- but iti'l bav- in- t-am <1 in vain— to J*.' * 1 an m i- Th- tall> prodnnt* of Wi-on-!ii l.iat year. ii. saUl. brouitht the dalr.vinen |S,l>w.tW Tim lamia of tieorsla, tlio lift*, rnor thlnk-s. are aplandldly fit toil for th- dairy builnctaa, and he bar no iloatit that with in th- neat few yearn the native farmoi* Hill iie ume nwak. to th- advantages and profits of the business. > - TVs |>... of f* jrthmore. t*a hava de-lie-d to ereoi a suitable monument to th- memory of Benjamin West, the -e:e --hiat-d painter aho was horn in the town K 2 years ago. Nothing has ey-r been don* In Atnertra to hois r his memory. Dr. Hathaway Invites the Afflicted to Consult Him Without Cost. He Will Make a Thorough Diagnosis oi Each Case and Give His Ex pert Opinion and Advice Wilhoai Charge. iy I have /{ mastered V.*-*'&-* F cvcr > P hase and detail . * '. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. THE MORNING NEWS: SEN DAY, NOVEMBER 4, BHK). FARMERS HOLDING COTTON. OXIPH F.AA HI POHTb sgoiv THEY VM I VUI l|\(. Hill %I>\ AM KS. r . r. I'. Hanson. \% ho Opcralc* a Number of i nniprriiri, Aaya lh* |*rcr* Arc liaiMlllnA Aot More l han 3f Per i cut. ( the i offon 'llicy llii mlleil at Ihr < or respond - tnic Perioil Ioi*! Year—He F.sll mate ih** l rnp a* llelua Off (lion! 1.% ur •** Per eal. Thl* lr. Farmer* %re I'naperon anil Able to Hld l li*ir I nlln. tV>mpr* : throui. tout this reef inn of Die at ton Pit ur* n*x very busy They •are handling very lift.e of the eiaplr li • ;' ri! h* ld In the cmintry #nd the com pree-ca r** ithcr running >n reduce*l hours or employing f* wer n’ii than utual. Mr (V (V Hanson, I* >co *vf the Cenieal Hailrcad rompr*^ l '* wherever they me Along th* m ntenj. and op. rator ot other* .11 oih. r pa* -*. *l!"> usaed the *itiation 'rot • hi-* si.tndpolnt yesterday Mr Han tn I* *> m< ten or a doxrn *xmpre*sef, ihe .situation ul all of tlem Is about ll* snu*' He aayw the\ are not handling rnote fan 25 per cent of (he amount of *" i • ■*> w* te *>mprr suing at t u tun* i* -1 >* ar T ■ nmotirf of cotton that ha* reached | t ompt - • is not abort thus Tar It las beon only within the li<t t* n or *w.'lvn i >- Mr iU i*on mM, that the f ins off .*• t>e**ii noted. The statie line tn so rapidly ai th** opening of. ih* •*eaton that the diminution has not yet s **rve i tr count- once the effect of the r ush t nuirkri that wua made b> the farmer* at first. "< f course" r.marked Mr Hinson, pfi.-aor.s • onne. tej in any way with the • •non bu-lnc}** get their varying ?#{x*>rts •n 1 i* rm their \arxing estimate* os to the amount *f the crop From what I h. ir httwever. I Judge shat the crop this *. *ar will he from ' S to JO per cent, short of lhat of k?i year." How do you account. Mr Hanson. # or the falling *ff in the amount of o ton that i reAchlng the roatpreNeeA?” "Ktadllv enough wi the answer The farm* r> are holding It. They are in • |*ositinn to do a little sj*e. nation thern>**ivc*. if they rare to Th*lr dehra are pra tically ail paid, and there is no r*, they believe why they should n< t mke the chance of a rt*e in the price of • heir producf as well aa other peopl** hg| ii and are able to hold their cotton. The cotton ts in the country ar.d ihe raimera are *lo**rmin* and to holl on to ti until they can go* a prlc# Hull they a Pitre late more than that wnlch prevails Juat now " CUT 111 A < HACK'S BLOW. * Char lob Mlfkrni, Colored, UtahbeCl by n I nmpanlnn Thas Mlchena, colored, was badl> wounded with a kr.lfe in tne hand* of an other negro yesterday afternoon at Ba> ur.d West Broad stree's. Mlchena and a number of other negroes were in the vicinity waiting to be paid off for their work, when the man who af tMward did the and another m f;ro. got Into a quarrel On# of the men • !iewr a k tfr and made a lunge at th* ..ther, who wa* standing Just tn front of 'licuen* He Jumped out of the wax. and the blow wax intended for him, iva* tl'slt t> Midiffi? The knife rut through two thtcknese *fa heavy o.>ai .after r i'tlng a button in two. if;*l petietiai*) th*- right breast atiout ’wo Inches Mic. ens wm> taken to Dr ti W lleriot. who *lr* >•* <1 the wound, four stlli hea being nr *ssary to close It No t*l*orf of th** matter ha* been made nc the Barracks, and no arrests have been made. • HIMIYAI. Till MAI rOWi rOYKD. I lretlon anil Other Halters Interfere U • 1 1. I itmrm % **lu ne*] . There will he no criminal trials In the Superior Court thl* week. had been * x- I • '< - ) The *l* tjon on*l a number of oth *r matter* av* ir.trf* i* and with the plan* <.f the soli* itor general, and the rases as signer) will not l heard until some day •iurir.c the week. hgmnlng Moniay. Nu\ ia i 1 B ,r v Rad len summoned to “Pl** r In tlie Huiiertor Court to-morrow morning !.* been relieved until to morrow we* k next week. It is exported, a considerable t umber of the rrlmlnaD against whom Indictments have been i ar< l who are now in Jail will (>• j cud Wh*n I Invite ih** xfff. H*d t• conduit m** frrc’v. without I'hnrg*-. Ido ao fully <qiiif>p-q uiil |*r* p-i*l to glj** nn xp* rt opp ion upon u* h a?>* Hm* of th* t* -i |copl* f the South have been ny pafientg, n*l lain anxious* to have m> modern up-fo-d *t* methoda of rti.eviii w esifr*-r* r • fully Inveeßuai* *1 M\ r**putatinti m a **k‘l*l mm- ta!!“t t> be*-u • irn< I by y**f** of rarn**et devotion to my profession, ami I vmlu* liighlv m> r* k am*na ttie very beet p hyh , l**i Ii *\er hav*- i $i e - ati*fied patient, becaute ] n* ve pr.#n ee more than I . per form My experience ha* fully equipp'd m* f* i *> > '■•* fuiiv treunng nil chronic .il**e,*.* *. nf m n and women, an I • her* > ! * f**w •*** whb h I cannot cure. I h*t\> * onUdeiu *> In nv *’il* i it\ !>*• ".iiifte I have proven time ard axatti Whai I cu. *io 1 'i t.ik* n* • hancea when you pi i e your * a*e in my hand f*>r I ijxve (tired more Chronic Dlne.ip* - than any ten pi icitionet* In the South My apeciaity in lud* he treatment or Mental or. Nervous Exhaustion. Sex ual Decline, Kidney Diseases, Stric ture. Varicocele. Blood and Skin Diseases, Female Weakness, etc . 1 *nd ! am *-nabled to *-ffcct n prompt and partnar * r*- B*- | oaupe of my complete know|rlge of every detail of * m** 1 | o.or* and their effeci upon vatiou' |. rtion of th * m Thl* knowledge hat !*#*•> gained by twenty ycara of * x pci leu. < during which time l have origlnat , *i ird t-*rf• *t< I improv-d methods of accompllfhlng curat wl. b tinkti ' to the avi ii pov> :.n but whb h ar* \ • i r . wuiti; mi; rru-Y r vi’iu-as If you * annot a*e m* ptracitiaib. writ- tn aboi. \.n - ■*.-. and I will *nd you romplet*- eynip' tn batik wh ' will *t • 1 bio me to (tiorougfily understand ur < ►•- rI • ure you it your own home I have cured hundre.J of pa torn* in thia way whom I nave raver seen. AI. correq*#c.den**e atrt* tiy J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. I). < Dr. Hathaway Sc. Cos.) IVA BRYAN STREET HA VANNAH, <i.V OBI— Hour*. ! u> U, :to 5. J to p m. SuinJiy*. 10 to X p. tn. . IAM AF IT.n-oN \ I . Mr J L Held of Augu-ti is a guest of the Ihnaskl Mr *.* a H fume* of Atluna is a I gu***t of i * Puiaekl Mr U D Freeman of onando i* reg ( isteml at the Pulaski Mr i: F Fo> of Bgvpt registered at • tie rui iskl yeat t 1 > Mr if \\ An*ir* *v of .la ksonvllle is a guest of h*> S. reven Mr A I Wet b of Abbeville. Ga.. 1* 1 registered a: the Pulaski Mr A H M* loiin *c Bartow. ITa . '* j registensl ? the Rcreven i Mr It Kipin left vis t*e Plant Hystem ; yrstenl.i* r r Washington Ml# A' Gucke . .H-.nw left yaaierda* j via the Southern for No: folk Mrs a tiersi w . pat gi r of th** Southern xestetduy ter Norfolk Mt J Dub arrived from New York thl. morning *>n the City of A igusta . M i-s II Or me Utt v • >ard A?: j Lim >< • i .i.i> for New O' .■•nne M - at t o I • f- fu*M ,ng from New \ k -n the l>*f.N tg ita Mrs E I Hi :tel*ic! f; yesterday via i the 8* aU ard A.r Fine t *r rfolk Mr - Ifai <c . i k %viil Dav* Motcluv i night w ith ner tw* -*t t t A‘p *. * 'ul Mr I lai.k 8 It I*l of A leu a am.u yen*-f*ja>'► ari i\ ii i th* 1 u i .Mt \N J Ai ler i. . . , . % am*u k tne arrha.* a: the 8 f* * n yet*: - H\ Mt H L: mgston K* ian of I-arlen i in th.- ity yesteixtay, a y.• - t of the l*u* iaski Mr J M HevnoUie. teprcaentlng the Jaine k *i.i*r Comr*an> i- r^xirtei**d ut • tie I'ui.lFh: Mt E J Th* mas Mi among the pas sengers of the Plant System >■ t**rda' for New York Mr W A Ha i dee wa* a lunungtr (n the Ctt' tf Aug im * hit hi■ rix *i from New York this mortilf g Mrs F I: Wylly returned yeeterday from a f* w w*er k.**’ \ueit ta frietid* in Thornasx ill** r 1 A'aMosia. Mrs i*orge 8 Haxel of Ja ksonvllle. haw retnrm*! homo after . p* amiu veil • re Hive* nod fnenda ir. f ;i* ttv Mr* la* il* I'.ilhgunt returned from Valdosta | • • I.i w en I bat on a visit to frier.*!* f*r several dav* M* v X i. Fitxgera' 1 t. i •:11•• t *f* w of her friends with i I la.!* w•• -n party on Wednesday Among ! ,*•*. pi.-.-nt w*i Mr and Mrs .1 F Canty Mrr* Ki k*ti, Ml* Murni. Heiwlg. the MDar* Mold* wd Maggie Murphy, Mi Irene Bu klex Mr !•: J Umehouse. Mr C iriie ill k ;ey. Mr \. Kell, y, Mr Chris. Hanm I Mr II Hamilton I Mr Arthur B A! Glbhe* teiurne )in the I e.r|\ part of the week fr m At .unfa a ter exhibit ft n hi* hors*** ,: the j: • m fair The foil >w Ing lnt**re ting |te *i - *re r llppe<l from the Aflat ta | ape o !.i - t week "A jsilr of horse* entered m th* fourth contest • ai *l. -. vs sp.. i*| un. i tlon w- * Hhiiiir. k an*! |i m. wtio .*l-* g to Arthur Ft, M OlblH**. of Savannah Th pair wer* Jet 1 laek ar*i we?e gif* erl ic with silver trappings The arri g* wru* bottle greet with white *itlfi trluiudn The la*ll. In inc l>lewe*l wph thl* pair ii j k**l tf *u> a favorite?* Imm* Il.tely u.ewn ! ! ir * ute ing the arena Then earn* * tml in • • lit tle onlj one of the sh w .m l on- *f tte most beautiful featuie-- Ti *ue w on’ two entile** It, thi* <■! *-s f y Mr Bliue of Atlanta nni Mr Arthur Gl •!•* <* * vannah The h*t- * w* • all n animal* and th* \ehl'le spkr*lf t *• i the driving and ue l*y m r*s- x* a The 8. ivannah t*‘ini tank t •* l*! rl • *• and the Atlai. a team th* r* 1 Th*- ti* dom* wer. ini' .. tpi earaj au parbly hot -*l tni w*ll <Blv** Tin ~a vannah t< am. it* B • II.• !ifi t- k *1 i Mini u il ntat. h* *1 |viir, * *1 th* !* The Singers' park gat* gi • w h two handaonw* cheatnut* out In r it. w In excellent form, hut n**t drive.- • w I a* the visiting pair, whoso gtoom •-a ’ n*i in tandem work that l** wortl * thousand any day," CITY HR R% ITI FA. In the Hup* i ioi Court yesterday Ju*ig* l-'tli|cnitl hi*|*. Int-'l K.lw.ifl H lllltot' I John Taylor ('inan li'l Alihii H Muw -omm-r-iu| n-tari- , ~ulih* . -li for 1 trim of four >• iti* Yol A. of th- Trdvtlrr* ri-i •!'* * - tmrlailon. will ltt--t n* Ih- S r-v-n Ho' l - ut 4 Oilok to-morrow uft-rroon for th purpori of antrolntlnic a •nmtnltn twritiy. to .i 1 with th- r*-- -pi lon -otmt tt t. of th IJk i'rnlvl Auvli|'ti li m.tvlnk vlrllom to th, • Ity r>ly|*lnn No I of 111- At Ih ot Or.h r of Hlktrol* a ul It • i mat t • it holt Ltbi r> 11® 11 nirt~r nbrht. Non a The. will I- ol a mtii*i-ul in I lit' rut y orth t T J ii'i'onnorf K-<| . i ni-rnli-r of th- Nat tony I llo.irl of Dirt-tor* of Ih- orl-r. alii d-llv-r un i-Mr.*-^ WANTER WINTER SUIT? We’re showing hundreds of styles in all the latest patterns and fabrics® OXFORD GRAYS f a or ARE THE RAGE f AT * *l*oo Wc are showing a handsomely tailored suit. They’re easily worth SIB.OO. Don’t buy a thing until you see our stock. Twill pay you. WE FIT YOUIrOM HEAD TO FOOT! M. DRYFUS, SVew Location. 111 Broughton St., west. THE WAYS OF THE GRAFTER. I'HM K* THAT AIM-; % AIN Foil wiih it i in; hi t un > i* Nor • l 1,1 tit. I lir I'rort tkluii f Grufirra Mini I nltlra rii*inu Now Info ftn % ma tt • I Induce m Member of the I raa ta*r ii 11 a . t\ Im 1 Ihliii* Nn# toll*- I'rnc tlrlnac m I'rrarnt, *n Rcrnll inmr of Ills I. i |M* rlr im‘ • —•••■ MurHliira nn Mump of flit* U rukiipaapa o| llnninn tniurw-Tlial M n All Wnnt •‘•••••a* I Ii iliac fr Nnflilnit I* flir Hr* rrrf of tli* f.rnllep’a turpraa, THp pro- f fakir*. graft* r*. con fldence ntffi, pi* kjn* - lc'fs. whorl ar this and bum* who hv<* com** drifting Info town ip- the mlvaiK p * i *rd of iho Klkw Cinm i, in i j. • on* of lii< fra ternity, not at |>r* **nt in a *Mve bu*ine<*<> to unfoM ii fill* of s-im- 1 of Hip prufra* •lon's Inner n< tpl# n few da\* sin**'. Wf f-ii if ii*| th it the Hullv**luai In question i/i nor .* |>r* • nt in buxines* it iw meant l > p not n*w following one of the pr< anon prof don* In which he claims lo !• an :i h pi. If half what h<- •iW of the gullibility of the average spr tm n of i uman nature t* true, Pin k * kl*o fnl ex lama .on, “Who* fo*>l* h* haw .1 \*r>' wide imJ gt-uerul appll at ion. * It all me* trom on** thing ’ ald the grafter. l* whole bum It is* iooklng for ' le U*Pt of it. !*>)'* alxaia trying to git something ff.r nothing, s#c I lev think* •I* > !*■ eo tu-i- (Idl ♦!*• owl hi nk * * i *y tun** .:• > 'Mi* rulin', an H a*- ;lin *i tru* • i.ii !* y h in t got *•*’ * i ugh to mo l l h • lo* k. When l* v * * a guy amble up *.* t*l * i * h and I/* * nuts, hn*l start* to • turtle en • t -nit ott a b*i* , icy gather* dat all *l* > ton to I- to ian lid and •v.i|* \ *- fm „\ I jm.j.. dry (Inka iaal it* man wld de i. *t -d e hi* lull** stunt to keep rlown hi* we ight. “He <1 n't In; *!**> don't tumble Iy run ft• *fn• and H l*i* wad . nd conic bin k and It*- j it •tie* It, nn*t tfey lay* It fit Providence Ten y* fir- In •! buxines* will rn tk an in .ch imed of dr tough! dai he route* from a rn *• of fool*. “I remember/* paid tne grifter, reflec* 11v Iy . ii • v. u I < ,*me tru Havamtaii, twenty y* are ago. I w *a goin’ tit de country dat night and I struck up wl< de butcher oti Ie train. Il f w s a wPf- at:*/* tn.d th* grafter, wi: great admiration. .ii and dry had w‘/*r oiid bu* her;n’ on d* trains in dent d•y* "I*re w.i* n man oti de train da* wti going up de r*Ml to piy off de ha ml on hlr tuirtrntlnr farm He had two or free i• k*■ ■ ** full o' mony an' he wan *hout half full o' bonne. I know* him and de bup her know* him, aid m an* *l* butcher agr • - Ut give him ‘i pl*v for nm* of hla money. 1 • • lie hm • • to keep him In ** rened an*| dr but* * t • orne* alotiff and u*!l tin Ivti rtf!t|©r>erv )I*- r!rnn* in* la>* otif and den me ad *lc lu*eher *pllia de w 1 1 rat w.- on o' *l* c,i. * at money f ever “What* Yo i tyr\<’ h ar 1 of *l* *faton ery fvi Karr trick W I here; I'll e*|l *ln It to ) , *.. ' ] *r bts**d t r I • IHn* *ll* • t.if, ner> and he , *rn* 'ong it and of f. r u* a package t f I YVr .‘on t want It. T'rn hr a iw* •.-’* lir gold-place from hie pocket and no * If down In de p t f I: .* I'm! t * pi ik* - **u f •!. he'< shovin' It |n f* ** kure but de trut la dat he shove* it attMlKitl tru It come# out In hi* build on de other Hie of da pack ate. and he fix* another package, aid two or tr*c more In <> Mtn** way. wld le same money fun hr shufflen about w I l o c nr mn dat he h *n*t I‘lnvel wld and offer* de geegrr M** • olee for . . | hi (ft l i , - , V M .1-' m i • V *n d# t f t>ot# and an,: ■ * ha* got le pickAge* itti which da f .) • ! ■ '*■ te b* t * • I • top after he * lost our* but If he I* mute tnan usual la ttiai hoc, he give* up all he’s got. He (Ink* he’i junt uliiti hy ♦ t • ’ . ■ii f | da paid th<' grafter, with a sigh "Moat pi • n you hn\e to give up ki much •de fly cop* f*rr b* pri> d* g** o' ikun' iHiatneaa dal <lar* s nothin’ In M for u* In* i|w* ptiH'hes d* pit* And tf you don't * -rngh dey piitihea you. De ting make* me lire.! It given me a J*.t. •*•* ' Home timet, 1 in damned If I don't link I'll g * work i'.i take from the unwary the "root of ill **vj. a ii*l t< tk** it not by force, but v'V l I ! ■ *.| I ' < . I'• I 'that It* mi* *•*!- ro oonatantlv and that i*' f*r eit*ceaa upon tne fallttig> of nature that make** most m*'n inxi'XiN in g* t pome thing for nothing arc maibrp of suri'n*'* to th** ***wl .nil pu| Ptudent of hl feiww men To whaneever hue proi*ed a litre *lee|.*er Into tn*- Miitjoi, t iere in no matter for urpn* at ail. THE WEATHER. Georgia and Huuth <'arollna— Fair Hntv *lav except rain on the conm Monday fair fr* ti to t*rl-k northerly wind*. Mu-'em Florida Htiowera Hundoy. ex cept m cxtfetn* pour hern portion. M*>o day fair. varlnMe wiiula. W estern Florida Fair Sunday and M**n day. Bgnr northerly wtrela. Yeeferday'a W* itt**r at Savannah— Maximum temperatur# 12 p m TA degree* Minimum temperature * p m ft.’* degree# Mean lemperaturo ?2 legr*i m Fix* *-s* of temperature 1> d• **•*** A* • tun.hate*! rio-m plnce Nov 1 AG degree* A uiniiiated eiccas win- • Jan. 1 ’££ *l> greep Ilalnfait .j •. la* he* Normal <<t ftn'h Fix* *t eiric e Nov. 1 2 Incbe* DefiGeo* y Pin* e Jan 1 .74 Inches River Report The higtit of the Baveli ne h river ut Auguata, at * n rn. <?stli me ridian timed yesterday, wap 7h feet, full of of foot during the ‘preceding twcnt>- lour hour*. . f meet vat ion a taken • the same me rn*-tit of time ut all ■ tat ton*, Nov. J, ISpju. A p m . 7fd meridian time Name of fi'atior). T V. liain Norfolk, raining , >i lt 32 llaHera*. laluir * . M 22 34 Wilmington, ruining !>% H it (*hrloHe raining It) Ral-lgh, raining - 12 I.VU Charleston, raining M It 2Mi Atlanta, cloudy M 14 M Augusts raining .'*& 12 h* Savannah, cloudy ..... *4l 10 A*i Jacksonville, char K | < .12 Jupiter, ptiy cidy 7k J g .10 Key West, dear •• ** } b j .**l Turnpw cloudy 74 jlt J .OH Mobile, clear 62 *i j .on Montgomery, clear 62 L ajO Sow Orleans, clear Off if .00 (iaivaston. pily cdy 70 j a .to Corpus < hrisil, cleat *6 L* <ju I'aleHtlne. * i* 7* L .00 II H loytr, Lexral Forecast Off! ml Ntfidy While luu Work. Through one of tha ten free scholarship* in The International Correspondence School•* of H'ranton. Pa., wnlch tha Mo n ing News will present to you If you se u • one of th* ten largest nurnbeia f v >t#*t by Nov. 20. IM***. you can keep on earning n living at your present work tt nd at th* ame time, by study at home in dm usually devoted to recreation or net. fit yourself for a professional position at a gs-i salary. You can easily become one of the win ner* of this <*onte*t. by devoting your at tention to collecting Voting Coup ns aid keeping at !*• No < * has a better at** than you Oat every \cre vou can, ur:d , , i •I•I * t r u t*c, |||f wii d-w disfdav of text booa* > and drawing ouHlt* t * T*e givau away b> I the Morning News in it* educational con test at < has. Murks shoe tiora, 17 I Broughton suaat, sviU f HH Al.liOH KIM A< If). %. VI. < Itniutian. In m I lf nf |l*tion. dear) Tried t I n*t Hla Idfe. A l <*hpm.iti tilfempfevl lo commit MJtrld** I*t ulgbi about I<> :>* o'clock by tuk ng aloe of c.irbotb ac|d The man la **mploy*d by fh Klka Carnival Commit tee and live* on Mr Kxley'a pla**e. on tha Hay street ex talks ton. According to tha story of hb Wife, he grew de*;n*fid**nt over the fact that ho hod got Into bud company and had e* •nt all of hi* money, so taking a >*rttle of • srbollc arid ha be gun to drink It* contents. Ills wife struck M from hi** hand* after he had swallowed *bout half an ounce. Chapman'** father, who l* a watchman for llie Centra! Railroad, was nearby, and to him Mrs Chapman told of her hus band'* art. The faih+T Immediately took a hack and coming to the dly reported the matter at the barm k* The ambulance was sent our and tne man brought to the Bf. Joarph’* Infirmary, where he wa* treat***! bv Ir K H o*liorne. ft u ibougut that fils do*** will not result fa tally. COMM 111 THP, IVII MTIOV. Authorities of Thiinflcrliolt Oust Keep flie I mid of tniliot. Judg* Palllgai.t gi tilled an ord* r In th* Superior Court yesterday which contlnuaa in force the restialnlng order prevlouoly granted. ti|*on the petition of Henry Am bo- against the Mayor and Alderman of the town of Warsaw The plaintiff In tf)*- case is (ha owr-sr of • i tin land at Thunderbolt, which, ha nveis. the town authorities were pro tab trig •*> ii#** f*r the mirpoaa of straighten ing their *trc*i. lie had Dover author- Ix*• and it- use f>r this purime. end ha ask ed the. iouri lo liavt ttie infringements sloped A temporary ie#training order A some time since. Yesterday Judge Paltlgant heard ev|. dsiKO and arguments aiul then granted a temporary injunction, which Is to cotitlnua in for* * until the ttuai dlspoidtSon of tha cos* at ibe next term of the court. The l,ni**l lib-n*. The *iir<*e*aful bidder win* a bargain. Two beautiful new Singer piano*, latest, etyles, mabugany cases, upright, will ba sold at lAorsett'a at 11 o'clock, Novem ber Ihe *th, to the hlghrst bidder. These piano* are sold regular in music atoref at SX’OW. Singer piinox are guaranteed by tha manufanurcr* for the same length of time that alt first-- 1s- piano# are. Call and examine These bnutlful pianos and bring your espert Jud* wfth you, and you will be delighted with heir tone.guar antee, and their at vie Th* y will he *dd .? Dorsatt’s, Congres* street, near Whitaker, io the highest bid der. al 11 O'ls k November the th. and i Ii ma ny a day to gr* a* gt*o*l bargains a* you will at that auction. The celebrated Knabe. makera of the first grade of pianos extant, buy and *ell the sic.g* r pianos, and so wRh the leading manufacturer-* of the ITnlted States —ad. Hud Hl* l. u kround Off. rolumbia. fi. C\. Nov 3 —Oeorga Cola man, an employ# at the Darlington Brick Works, accidentally atepped Into the feed er where clay I* ground. Before tha ma <*binary could be Mopped half hi* leg was fed Into the machine and ground off. Ha was alive to-night. - Stevedores put 32.7*2 hales of cotton on ..^rd -h.p w N w Orpins the other day . H eraby aurpasatiig any "ingle day rec ord In the history of tha port On the same day two vessel* * lea red with 23,090 and U. 090 bales rtapaciivaljr* 21