The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 05, 1900, Image 1

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thf mousing news . . . e> | H EVTILL. President SAYS FIGHT IS WON inn :*PNKf*ivi (o\niu:x( i: iv Till; RBIILT. - WARM WELCOME IN NEBRASKA. HI Wil l MIKE KU WO TOl II Ol ni it ht m: to-i> %i. 11,,, Not I lire* for llr *ip|trf of I ll„t. Uhii I# n l.rndlriK TroM vugiiili—Mr. Ilr>an lino I'ravrlnl j iiihi Milr nntl Mad** IHH Sl7—H#*i***it 4 am i tun Wo** l nnllnrd lo Mlilillr noil , irrn #fat*s. 1 , i Neb. Nov. 4—Col Wiliam J j, . 4 | Mrs* Bryan arrlv**#! at thrlr j M r this city n * oVicx k this* even ,, n.l -.s: dr**t from Chicago. They |v . fti to i heir residence on D, \h#*re Mr. Bryan will r* mam un* • row morning. when he will start ~ , mg trip through Nebraska. d* ** last ihy of ihe campaign to fate. Mr and Mrs Bryan arrived in I *y found a large number of t at thr depot and some of the i, < .an* of them m i loud cheers U 4. . .!>• a ram*- of the ivmu raili 1 cm> upon the train platform Many r f f - orted him lo hi* resident'* and pi: . .-s were found there awaiting Ills j , Th* r** w **r* some suggestion* of ' mit Mr Bryan declined to yield I , ..|ii*-t. saying that Sunday was* ■ i i\ v*hieh he reserved for r**st. and lim' i * hop'd to he able to u hirer* them J *. ; -*;n * i"-morrow T . ;p from Chicago was rompera tlve \]r Bryan hi l withheld from th. pi the innounrement of the road over will* h he w*ould travel until the last till• rti* i*. !• eaure he desired no demon* •• , • ii. ng the line on Sunday There ■it • therefore no genera! information of i r, .?• nut despite this foot crowds i it. • red II many of the railroad stations * r . iuli whii n th*- presidential candidate parsed \l Bryan slept dura g the rntir*- for.- . < H> did rot laic* *n> *r< ik? , * id h* inok* his apj** arw* •• until | iifnr v: ov.oek. He had Juel risen when j - I train ra* hsl Ct* :on. lowa, where j i * r was quite a si non: d* monst ration i ii- ht or Beveral hundred i**.pl* had i -ti*'ic t*d at the d* i<*. and there w* re • i for u speeori. Mr. Bryun toM the . however, that he never mn ** h* .** <>n Sunday, but he shook hand.- v i m*'t of th* >*v prevent before the if. started. T *ere w.-re similar rvv is .i. Red oak and P.nii: • Jun non. when, late n th* afternoon, the train led across the long bridge over the Missouri ni.d landed the national randi- j a ;*- In his own elate. • t the town of .it ••mouth, there was n still stronger ! * mens? ration The crow.) was large and there wert many calls for Mr Brvan. II * • i a? other places, to speak • ter. aid the train did not remain **t i sta*idstill long enough to affortl oppor r.l v to per.-* t; ally greet many p*r*ms. Mr Brvan vv i tnet at Omahn by a num >• r of his personal friends ’rii*- I Ia hi Made and Mon. irtng h*- .v Mr* Bryan was asked * a t t-rr** at ns to the probable OUl (ii. . f the eieetlon. In reply he said: Th * li < Wen trade and won. •wry i.iul i . r lon robl*ed us of u victory n |KSi, lu: 1 lrli v- they will be |Mwer -* t. hare* • ■ r*--i i this tlm*- The 0,. are in earnest and very few .an ig.i Our oigai IxaMon 1- in an bet i un ii v. > In lss, and. therefore, *re : !•►. dang* i of frauds H. far at m;tj. *: lntimid ilion l ave Wen rar*- this ur. where th* > w< re very e.immt-n in - m.| even wheie Intinrt iation h- Wen **mpt* I it h ii g"r*i the . mpay* s r h* * t‘an coercid tliern.” Mr. Bryan's attention was *allel to the - rs- of Charles 11. Flint and otheis ! ' to l*. lirmocnits but who urge 1 mo ral* to vote th* Republican it k.-i Brvan said that ne w i> v* rv to I that Mr. Flint w .a Me •ey, and add* I Mr. Flint i> the leading memler of the 1 idw-r * Manufacturing Company ii i*lo . • led vv h th* Starch st. He has Won the most conspicuous * nter of the tru*t principles In the * I Suites having mad*- a speech at i "iv in May. 1N99. and another nt Chi r. . atly n th ii subject. I am gl id Im\* all trut magnates support the {aibliran ticket. f*r if I am elected they l mt *e visiting th* White House and King favors in return for campaign stip t Our appeal is to th** |>.-ople who ■ff r from the trusts, not to th*- inonap who profit by th. in Next to im ■‘aißrn an*l militarism, the trust ques •n ha done more than any other to vince th** plain people that the Repub * n party is entirely given over to the r *Mro! of the rg*anlx**d wealth. Tmper i m exploits abroad while private mo - v p| u.d'-r- at home, ar.d the large advocated by the Hepubllcan party t !r *ended to support th* system of ► at ion at home and abroad.*’ Ilryan'a i Mmpaltfti lleeord. V en Mr Bryan reached Unroln to* hi he had been absent from his home. 1 about five and one-hnif we. ks. hav- Uft this city on the 27th of last Her** r ? Since the campaign legal, he * > rnvelsd 16.000 miles or.*! dellverad 600 vrcaler part of the tour Just com - fd .and was made on the i*** ia. ur i anvhl.-r,” which, for the most part, attached to special trains During 1 iir speeches have Wen flMl'le in siic * ti in Nebraska. South Dakota. North • i Mlnnewota. Wisconsin. Indiana. ] • Michigan. Ohio. New York. West * i In. Marvland, iw-l.iwure and New J * r v Incidental visits were also mod* f ‘ states of Kentucky. Virginia. Penn t ni .l Connecticut. One set speech * :• llvered at IgnilsvllU* anl another - w Havana. Brief talks were made •*r three other Connecticut towns, • In Philadelphia and AleaanJHa. i* :nt of time New York nl Illinois *dvsd m*re attention from the candidal* than any other t*v * Ail t>kl eight or nine days were to New York, and about seven days ' i and In addition to speech*** ut the two states, l ie cities "f Y' v f k and Brooklyn In the one an I ago in the other W'ere quite thor k mvassed Indiana and Ohio olso * ■*' n the scenes of great activity on : r He mado two campaigning vis both of the last named states. In ■* ion to incidental speeches or *peci*l - ‘s*ioni. The Campaign Area. ** campaign has been confined aimo*l iUßlveiy fo country e**t of IJn arwi norsh of Mason and Dixon * lln*. r * have been several speeches In Kaa * and Nal raaka, but up to tbia data only Saluinnal) ilofning the eastern part of each of thoo two sta?*'* h.n. r —ivnl attention t'onne.ti- M If the ot. \ N. w Ft ~n.i wht*-h I is been visited, and only upon the o • i **•>!> of ih. visit to D i.iivilU dll Mr. Bryan go south of the Ohio 1 tf tn*- territory over.-*l lowa I* the only st;.* in which no speeches have been math Mr Bryan has<* .|| nround that stat. and has crossed it six or seven times during th*- v impuign. but he ha.** not <ion<- mor. in tbe way of campaigning than t. shak** hands w I(4* th** peep .- c.ngregt< 1 at the railroad s*ation>. Pennsvlva aa also re ceived comiMrarvely 1 ttle atrention but Mr. Brvan stepped long enough in pass irg from I>* I iwar** to New Jersey to m ike on** brief talk In Phil td. Iphia. Th* crowds hav. lii<*rea**e) -teadily in numbers from *h. l*eglnnng <.f th*- cam* fsiign. and In many parts of the country strong enthusiasm lias been manifested. 1 "pon tne whole there wa* ipi irentlv more Interest in th* cities than in rural tricta. In Indiana and in Illinois the interest w s Intense. This may also be said of toe clti* s In the S ate rf Nw York While alw.n nominally giving the place of paramount imp. rian* •* in the to the sublec* of ltn;xrlallsm, Mr Bty in has devoted m<*te time to trusts than to any other suhje* t. Mr Bryan's I♦ - th ha* improved from the t>eginnlng of his tour and he has never he* n und r the n* e*siry rf resort ing to ,i physl lan for mlvlce or assist ance F*r tlie nn*st part ih.- weather has been excellent an 1 ro eng igement to speak has been broken. Mrs Bryan J.Vn#l f*" husband in New York a week ig<\ and has traveled wi h him sloe# vn\i: iiisoi.i ru i c rhtai\. 'ni It rsit n Will Win Beyond n 'liiklow of ft New York N*.*\ 4 Kx-tk-v Slons cave out his final prediction of tin dtuatloti and the outcome to-night. “The final pn diction." ‘•aid he. "based on t.h* la. st and most a curate report* and information r. *eivel that we will rry off th* so-< .and . I doti tftil t-f.#* *• It -d.ana, Kentucky Krm-o.- and Nebraska We have h g<**d chance of carrying New Jersey nnd Delaware. "The battle is on in New York. Illinois and Ohio. If w" carry one of these tr.rc** states Bryan's e.ection is fissured. 1 am positive we shail not fail to g**t one of the thre In all three state* we have a much better chan** than McKinley. 1 feel .crtaln to-night tba fve e tin J 1 car ry New York find Bliii*'..** Of Bryan's el* turn 1 ain to-mgh; .crtaln without a shod**vv *.f doubt." f OI.OH llMi'b lilt. %I\JOItITY. I 11 him led ’I lint StNte U for llryn it by 75,0044 4 *•**. Denver. Col . Nov 4 -Rente Chairman Milton Smith of th** Democratic party, to day estimated Bryan plurality in Colo rado at the cammg election a 7’.OV Although a complete fusion on the state ticket was affected when the state con ventions of 4he Democrats. Silver Re publican* and Populists were In Id. each party has maintained separate headquar ter* during the campaign. The chair men of the other two f noon .Vo not estimate Bryan's plurality quite so li t illy but both agree tnat it will Imp more than The claim of the fu slonlsts as to the re*ult in the state elec tion I that J im* B. Orman, Democrat, will win by 4‘* •*■) Silver Beptiblican S* ite Chairman W. H. tirlfflth that i,i over twelve member* >f the next Legislature will be pb dg* *1 to \.t** for Sc r.a tor Wolcott to sue • .1 him** if Congr* •*n .n B* U s el* , lie n I* claimed by and Shafroth** by 10.t00 R publican S ai* Chairman Fold, while making no reference to the result, of the national election. *a>>: "The entire Repub.i tn state ti ket will I*, elected." AN U'l'ldb lON %< TIN tTV. firorgla Is Expected t> Glxe llr<tnn 4k I,4MM) Majority. Allan?#. Nov. I The lethargy w hi* h characterised the pr<-Idenei il * imp.ilgti in Georgia has been dieturbe*l hi the eleventh hour by , stirring appeal for activity at tite polls on Tuesday next. The nppeat which >*omes from the young men's Dem ocratic C impugn Club of Atian.u says the old cry f Solid Houth’’ should not have the -ff.i t of producing indifference to the result. Only .<* al memhets *>f the Georgia Legislature wilt vote, as the law* govern ing the elections of Fnlt*-l Staten sena tors prov Mrs for the naming of the sena tor by that body In Joint session on the first Tuesday tf**r th** first Monday in November. Senator Ibicon will be re electexi. One or itro unexpected candidates fir Con grew# have upp* red. but ihelr entry wilt not change the complexion of the Georgia delegation. Mr Bryan's majority In Georgia will probably run between t&.flw and *>mm #411,111 demih hath VH TOIIY. - •*- • l.ool.lnnH Will 11,.ri11, 4.1, r lir|Mil*l|. rnnai Iniihin,. Nrw Or|pns, Nov I.—The Demoerai* hell meei.tiKH in ihr country to <tay, st. Jam., blnj( the iloulitful Kroun I Ir. tne S.-cond tlNtrlct, both rl,le, freltnx rio.Hlv<* of earrylns ii. liepubllcanr have tM-rn vtven rrprceniktlon nt the polls. ■ Ithoußh they ■ omi>laln tl at In some par lahes neßro-s not hr.sirred have hern ap (.ilntevl, Ir.aiead .if Ihe parties requested, anil ilnltn (has the non named will net with ihe* Demoerallc enthusiasm has nol hern as areal as In formi r year*, hul lleoiihJl ,an growth has not fully met esneelu tlons. ,o that the Indications ore still fot a solid Democratic victory by a reduced majority. \HB C l. *l*llX4. HiIIYLIRD. Iteputillenns sny Tli4 -4i44e Will tilve Them ll.lltllt v*n|rlly. Bnlilmore. Nov. t —The day has been a quM one throushout the slab with no political development* of Importance, ex cept that Ch.-ilrmnn floldsboroush of the Republican Htme Central Committee to night Isaued statement In which he claims that McKinley, will .urely carry the state by at l<aai II 000 votes This la supplemental to his claim of yestertlay In which he gave no ngurea. Both sides seem confident and th# bt?- ting which heretofore haa been .irongly in favor of McKinley, boa veered aharply oward Rryan. the odds having risen to < to 9 on Bryan against 10 on McKinley, while a few day* ago 2 lo 1 that McKtnle/ would carry the atate found few taken. SAVANNAH. CA„ MONDAY. NOV KM UK II u, IbOO. ELECTION CLAIMS mil. sTin niAT ir urn m n w 4 (BIUITTKK. SAYS 294 VOTES ARE SURE. 4 4# till ITT F. I: Pit ll' % B I >4 ITMIU" FOR lIPKBKt. I'iiia Faery Doubtful Mate In Ihe McKinley 4 ilnmn—>The l.ntior \ ole, 4be Farmer 1 otr, the Htitneaa \ lr. In I net I aeryllilna * Is But In the Repaid lea it i olunin. If ’I here Were tin lluiiu l.rft They W onld Claim It. N* w York Nov 4 The Republi an Na tional Committee gave out to-day the fol lowing official statement: "On the ev* of ihe .l*<*ttnii th** Republi can National Committee * f*r* ■-***t of the result, based oil absolutely jtith.nti hi 1 unirnpen halve figure* and la.-!*, differs from the previous forecast only tn increas ing the magniitid** of the triumph which Tu* nday w ill bring to t! • .us- of notion o. honor anl ptosj***rlty. AI. the *our**s of the rommltt. ♦ s information, including many that are very tinwilbng witnes*is, concur in lnlt ailng the >nciusbm that Tuesday ’s t |ect|>n wall prove a veritable Un Islid* for McKlr.i* > and s**al ihe d<Mm of Bryan and Bryorusm forever. - "The prime camu* of this irresl-tible and overwhelming |M>fiular r.-\>lt g n*t ti*. Bryan-P pullst n kei I* perfectly obvious. It < •?!-1- sin the d*-stre of ib* p**pU* to m iii.tnin th. pr.eqM'ritv wrhe-n they have enjoyed and now enjoy und* r the policies of th* M Kanlev clmiri' r.t;n and in their well grounded fear of public calam ity In cas Bryan w ere to be elected "The laboring man. h.s wife and chil dren. remember the poverty, misery* and despair which shrouded their lives in the Mock years previous to M-*>'* In auguration. and they remember with grat itude the relief which ha* come to them since then, with ibundant employment and largely incr* a*.l wag.*. They listen now to Itryan's invitation* to throw away the r advantage, but they re*p*adfully de din* them. " The buslue-* men of Fnltr*| State* rememlier what happ* • el to th*m In those *ame .lark years, and they know what the pradbal renult of th* election of hi* been, in r< f *ren e to the rehub! l a I >n and pro*jterl'y of all line** of pommrr enter prise during the past four year They consequ* i tly r. gird the p.0,-:ti >n to in dorse Bryan and hi* free silver and tree trade theories h* nothing short of Infin ity. l|pesl to the Farmers. "The farmers are not likely to forgot the evil *fhys when they were reduced to bankruptcy and almost beggary, nn*t now . with mortgage* lifted, their farm product* bringing gr*<itl> increased prl* c*. an*i their home* filled with comfort nnd Joy they do not pn pose to change their conditions at the be:ie*t of the false lrophe| rf lf'j*l nnd the agita tion of 1900 "All who have rrmun rativ%. work to do, ail who have wag..* paid thorn, and who hava a business to protc t and Uavslop. all who have ni n* v d*|Ksltd in savlrgr# batiks or in\‘s rd in bonus >f thrir own. hv bs n confronts I with a thnnt to r* dura thr valm* of ihdr prnsjrf|ty by on. 1 - half, rd h iv** b*. n a*<k**l to ratify thl* suicidal proposition by th*ir votes "As they constitute Ihe great mass of the American people, **♦! M they ur - in* jmm stbb and honorable men. the overwhelming majority for M Kinley and against Brvan which Tuesday will record Is thus accounted for. "The prop.* kn.'W that the country h e pro-pered un I* r M Klnley; hn: wig.*** hove rl.sen to a higher rate than ever b - fore, that employment * abundant for All; Hint the* savings of labor have In creasrd t.n'.f a billion dollars, that coni* mer prosperity h been tiniversnl m l commercial honor safeguarded against th. Adv.* .i:es of repislt.'Mlon, and so they nat urally have de dileil to re-elect hint and continue the present condition* of pros perity safety. 4 Infilling; 3£*f Votes. "The a mmltfee’# final fore- ant claim, at bast tht f..Lowing stat* for McKin ley: tTaliforma. t*. Fonnecib ul. De.a ware. 3; Illinois. 21; Imliana. 1J; lowa, 1-1; Kntisa 1“. Kentieky. l: Maine, t. Maryland, S. Massachusetts, li; Mlchtgun, 14; Minnesota. !♦. New Hamp shire. 4. New Jersey. 10; New York. >; North Dakota, 3; Ohio, 23. Oregon, 4; Dennsylwnta. 32; Rhrsle Island. 4. Huth Dakota. 4 Yerm*nt. 4. \N tshu.gton, 4; West Virginia *J; Wis xinsln. L. Wyoming. 3. Total 294. f*omelltt N B iss, "Joseph II Manley, "Nathan 11. Hiott "Fredertek H Gibb#. "Frankl n Murphy.” Fd EN 4 1.%1M1N4i V||lO| 111, llepulilleans Make Ludicrous nnd VtoMiril l*red l*lln. Ht IgOials. Nov. I The p.,!tl 1 situa tion in Missouri to-night is somewhat chang'd from that outlined In th*** dls pat- hc* lasi night. The D#mH*rnt# reit erate their ability to carry the national ti ket to victory by from 40/JO* to di.od The R. publl* ans. on th# other hand, still entertain the belief that Flory will cats* lure the gubernatorial plum, but even go further than they did yesterday and pre db t that Missouri will give M* Klnley small majority. Tie balrmen of the Republican and D mo. rutlc state ommlit**. m t.o-day mi le fore ists of election in Missouri ak fol lows: The resuks of the eleblion on Tuer*l \ next in Mb-sourl will b* n irprise. The national and state ticket tv:.l make sweep. Ing gains In every section of the state, and it is nol Impro’aab.e that the e>rtoral vose of Missouri will be ef*>t for M Kin lev. Joseph Flory. the Republican can didate for Governor is the popular Idol of th# people of Missouri, and we expect to ele#- Dim Governor of this great state on Tuesday next Thomas J Akins. "Chairman Republican State Committee " "Missouri will give Brvan a large ma jority It will give Mr Dockery for Gov ernor a large plurality We will control the next General Assembly and elect thirteen. If not of all the fifteen represen tatives in Dongrea*. Our majority will be from 40.00 bto 40.000, It Is ridiculous 4Continu#d ou Fifth Fagt.j rii< is in iomm%\i>. lord ttarlierte •!% Inl.rn Ht'l* bnuulilrr lo Joli.mnrHhur*. london. Nov b -U'tvl Roberts, accord ir.; to 4 i ches from t\pe Town, has t.ikn l s.. k daughter to Jobanneeburr and I r.| Kit •:tenor i* I* fi in command. Ii s. *-m likely that he wilt have plenty of work <Bi Di-Wet is re ported to have made h vpj*ran near P'rankfort. in th* north.a** •rn . rner of Orange River iVI on> . and email bodies of Bo* rs continue hur t mg Ifirlloa. It i i--rt*.| that loard Kitchener in t*i l- to st.*i* the pursuit of '-oinmindoes and t ti\ to e#*t!> tle colonic* by gar rismng ani organising the towns f*>r r-i. ld r.ill** will mount and troops "I'rln-* Christian Victor’s end.” says a Pretoria dispatch, dstc.l Nov. 1. "was and unex|>ected alt hough he had Ween uncons, ous f.-r three days. The In y w i- • mb ilni. and and pr**pai iilons w* r.- b* Ii g nuile to l,ik< It to Kt gini *1 when the t* gram orrlvid ann* uncing the Queen's desire that the Brine** be huri**d In a ►* ‘her grav. This ceremony was |" fcr formctl to-day. vKMTtlll IHVB IN IHN4d.ll. If His b Saved Vlr 4lay I .owe Ills r Hi* l.rg. Ht Paul. Minn Nov 4 The condition of y* r nor Cushman K Davis is report .••1 il*vl*Mly worse to-night, and grave fenrs are -ntertalne<t thru If his iif • HI I**- saved it may l> at the cost of hi- f.wit or (*.>H>u>ly his right leg The pun which had formed in the jar! ■ f hi* foot and for the removal of whl " * surgiMi n; . ratio*!' v**r* perf*'nne*l. has now gather*| further l-k toward the ii-ei, .ip,| indirtilionH it*- that it I* wrmeatlr.g the entire Unit* The fevr wßii whi> !i in.* patient w is suffering on I’ri l.iv has returned, .and does not yield a- r. i.illy t* treatment formerly T i. surgeons in attendant e held . con rtillS!lon to-dnv and it was deckled to •i.i at ones t. Chk g. for the i-gt spa •in i-d to be ha l The Senator was very r* stless and sufTere| much pain to-day. He ha' n*t Wen told of the serious na ture of his ailment and chafes greatly un •hr the enforced cbnflnement There w*re niar.v oilers a? th* house to-Wy. t*ut non* were admitted t the sk k roim. TWFNTt DFODI.F IN.IIHEI). IVnle 4ii lifted t M (nr ll|pltiß lf 1 roll.*, i,n i. Ilttl. Mflnlfr.l, Nov I l*tillv hH. or* of p*o t>* wrr* Injure! morn or I*** **rloo*ly. Mini, of them .u*4 >ltilnir l>rok*i arm* an.| *• .*. tn a trolley -■lent whl.-h o<’'uri'i| this afternoon on n *uhur in line four or live mtloe ouUhte ol this city cm Cot* a nd hill. There ~ a | this evenlns fr -m th,* Ar itn-hop's t*hurrh to Cote de. Nelxes Cenntrry. •' ended hy seveml , 1u.u4.k1 i-o|rie Wltl.s n street rr |.i.l --•*l to li* < 1 parity nn* nsoendlnr Ihe strop Cot..* lies Nelxps hill the trolley sllppe-J orr Thl. motorman applied all the hrtk< s. but tli<- rnr slpl hai-km-nrd slostlv Th# re m.i .i pant. hiii. oy the poopt.. mskh- th '■*tr, und they mil l#- a rush for the fron, vietlbule. So many crowded tn that tu#. mototman was rendered |*iaverless to l<> anythin* further. Poop." broke the vesllhtile windows, the u In.lows of the . r and )oni|- l friun the r#-ar Pi— * form. Fully a score were mor. or less injur'd " L A Hint It | Hi.K tit 11| it, Inlinmsn Tn-uimi nt t f Imrrlrsn Dd> nt On Tinz Ks. Ir.*l* n Nov. r. !>r. Morrlami, wiring tn ihr* Time* front Pekin. Nov 1, says; "The rvhlcncf. In Ihe Pao Ting Fit trial to fix the r s|ionsibi)|ty for the nvn*>.■ r showed thnt nn American lady, ex ecution. was led rak* I through Ihe city and that her brvarta were cut off The desfruction of two temp'e# is not an ad# qu ite punDhment far such Inhumanity." 11l hsi %*g INTF.HFVI IN 4 IIIN %. lb niwnd Made Thai *he abandon the 4 onrrrt nf tlie I'owrra. Ht Petersburg. Nov 4.-The Rossltya. n.*w paper of wide circulation, again em phasizes the Importance of Russia's sep arate Interests In China and demands that she should definitely abandon the concert of the Powers and negotiate a separate peace. ( imfnslnn nt Tien Tain. Tkonlon. Nov. !—"Advices from Tien T in,” says the Hhanghal correspondent of the Time*, wiring yesterday, "show that confusion, dis •rganisatlon and l s nee of security ire the chief charac teristics of the a.lied occupation." AIKIIFAT9 MIIIE IN IM)||N|. Effort to Bribe Democratic Fleetlon Xnnsim 4 bn rued. Indianapolis, Nov 4. —Th# first of a se ries of wholesale arrests for alleged at t* tupßd election frauds wms male to night when William If. Bv#ns, cuatod an of the Indianapolis <***mmerclal Club, w is lo Itel up charge-1 with having attempted o bribe George F Kuhn. Democrat c man ig* r of the first precinct of th# First ward of thl* city. Fva. - 1* charged In the warrant wPh having oiTrted K thn $V> to count twenty five Dcm >cratlc votes as Reptihlloan Five other warrants for Republican politician# w*re |s#u*<l to the I>emr>crat|c manager-, who ray they will cause a larg" number of arrests throughout the stat**. ( H AXiIA IN THE CAHINRT. some New % ppoln tinentft Thnt %re Eapected In Bnalnnil. Lon.lon. Nov. 5 —The Times announces this morning that Mr. George who was parliamentary under secretary o( state for war in trie Inte cabinet, will probabty be appointed chief secretary for Ireland It says it Is also likely that Mr Walter Hume lg>nß. who wan president of the hoard of agrl ulture. will become pres ident of the local government board, end that Mr Robert William Hanbury. who wni financial secretary to the treasury, will be given the postmaster generalship with f* teat in the cabinet. Flevrn Injured In Collision. Clnclnratl. Nov. 4 —Twro elec rlc car* on th# Cincinnati, Law'rer.ceburg and Aurora Electric Hallway collided to-day near Cleves. 0., owing to a misunderstanding of order# The cars were wrecked and eleven prrapra injured, some seriously, faiall/, LOST A PROPELLER % B 4:11 B % N IINI It *> I I'll I 4 DJI I IMI IN4, IN 111 POR I ENGINE ROOM BADLY DAMAGED ItriMtli' \\ II I tin r tlOlli: TH %N 411 %R I I It OF \ Mil I.ION. Net* I dent Rrotmtil} a used In I Inn • too of Propellers \l*ove \\ atrr. Release of lII.INWI Horse I'narr M ruiiKlil l.rrsi llsioi*->||srhosril Foglnes Vre NVreekeil noil It %\tll Tiiiu* live Month* to It.piitr tlie IlnoiMue—Ollier \celdeols nt ken. New York. Nov i The * • im-bip Ht Paul, of the Ani.-ti itl lit:* . t'.ipv Robert- In comitim 1. iirrtv.d in i•rt t* d.iv twen ty-four hours lute, with b. i mb ar i pio l*c!lr gone nnd her engine tuom ividy damaged. Htairments of different . fit la’s vary ns to the <ause of the a.- i lent, hut tin* dam age sti*ioined b;v the steimstdp will p'ob nM> amount to *v.ral hundie.l thotisund .kiars The Ht Pan! left Soul anq ton n I Chetbourg on trt .*7. wPh a full cargo. Sift cabin |*hs* er gr r* and ♦. in the * deer age Alic Hit S o'clock on the eventng .-f Wednedav - 1 t whlb* -onto *f ih.- mk*n pa*-e:g*rs vveie still at din* nr nnd rvhrrn promenading, a sud bn slus'k wi fell all over the ship. th. u/ it vv i.ot Mills •nt ly sever- to can . a pa i . The englio ' W. re stopped in A few ee • ends afor the sho'k, but it i* -ai.l that during tail Itl. f inn* tl * whirling m chliiery, fn • <f the weight of tu** pr - P* lier w rought bnv- in the enga • m Tfw* officials of the *t< itn* hip refu* t-> allow anyone to enter the englgi The Ht Paul will leave on Tuesday for the Cramps' shipyard. Phils bdphia. wiierc the necepsory repairs will be made. Ila mote e n 4|irter of ii Million On* 1 of the* of Ihe Sr Paul made the following statement to night "It will take five months to reoalr the dnrrMtges which !s*to the extent of from f2.vr4KNl to s.>■.i The starlxi.ird engine Is a wreck. The ship dd not strike a derelict, but un tntti*uail> Idg *•• ettu* k her. throwing th.* stern out **f th< w,.s#r. and the proi^d!*•*, having no r-*s* mole frightfully lapid (evolutions, which cause.| the st irbesrd engrne to n •*, ut- l the atari*, ar I t.illshaft I rak- In *w *. an I with the wheel, fell into the wnt*r Th • amount of damage done i * not Htirp: i*ing when you take in o consider***ion trie ? and den liberation of l" f < horse-power. "Four of tlie six cylin fer* -ire complete ly wrecked, two plstonr**!* an* ben’, on** connecting-rod Is bent mid the starti>srd engine shaft Is sprung six Inches The staid >rd engine Is wreck* i Im*j ni'l re pair." MM< \ FIHRIN4. H IIOONKR. fnnnrd I.trier 45%0n1 4vril Nil but One of 4be t mi. Queenstown. Nov 4 The 4'imard liner Haxnnla. Fapt. Prltcluird. from Boston. () t. 27. wli ch arrtv*l here this morning, brought fifteen fnetnlH-rs of the crew of the ii-hlr g s- liomter Mary qulto, which the Haxonla sank **ff <Jlotni-ster n the day *f her departure from Boston One member <f her crew w*i drowned Th** Funwrder was not tlamag***!. 1r Bond of ’li l-*a, M# < , one f the Haxontn’s passengers, mail- the follow ing n uding the ir.'ld* n "We were proceeding at reduced spe# I In th* f*g ami blowing th* wills:|e. when, about 6 o’clock In th* evening, the lookout man reported a s I ahead. The engines were stopped, but th# st omers way car ried her into the Mary M -q ilio. making a big opening amidships at.-I flooding the schooner. "By thl* time all the Bax<nl<’s pi In gers were nn and < k Tn** * tne was on* of great rommotliMi. wbL* appalling ehotis proceeded f' in the school)* whose cr#w. h>w*ver. w*rkel vlgarmtsD arw! *t out two loat*. Into these fifteen f the • rew scrambled Jt)l it off from the fist sink ing vessel. "At th*- moment of coil Db-n the ycixonka lowered thr*'e lifeboat# ands Utter** I life belt* Fortunately the sea was vm** th Twenty mlnuDs later dory im along side with ten m**n anti llfei*.(t *f the Haxonla with five, four of whom had U* n rescued ftvm n sinking dory and t * other of whom h i fallen Into the •.! an I nar row Iv escaped iltow ninK All the nt* n are Bc.rtugn* ?-e " According t*v another report It I# not rertnln shat the stxt* enth m**m * r f the crew of ih- schooner wo* *lrownel, .is he may have been killed w.all** trying to clamber to the d*ck of th* Hixonlu le*- fore the vessel par?**! TWO .ITEDIIHI % Git BIND. Ksrrat ltl*niar’k unit l*retrla Got Nt ii-1* lit fbe l-illie. If trr.hurg. Nov. 4 Tl.e || imhurg-Amer ican lii.e atenmet* Kuerst Blsmi k, liound fiocn th4e port to N* w Y -.k via Ho ith fimpton anl Cherbourg, amt the J’relorla. from her** liomui to N* w York by way of Boulogr.e and riymoulh, both went aground whlb pa--itig down the Kile at A* holdt). alout thirteen miles from here. Assistance has tieeu s*i.t from here to help the stratwl*’*! ves*ls off •Am Li:\ E 1.% Nil W lid. %om nirkitunn Vleelure* He W 111 Not It*- t in) I rMn I'rioerton. Detroit, Mich.. Nov. I The Free Press to-morr**w will publish an Interview with Ikjn M Dl’klpson. Just return* *1 from New York, in wfel' h he ►>! "The publshed statement that Mr Cleveland will be absent from Princeton on a fishing trip on election day Is un true He is at Greenwich. Conn . where ho went for a visit to Mr. Benedict on Friday, but he will return tu Princeton the day before flection, and will go to th# polls at his vot rg precinct " Peapl# Tarn Down Legislation. Berne. Nov. 4—The referendum on the proposals to elect the fltanderath. or state council, by popular suffrage and the Nn- Uonairath. or national council, by propor tional representation has rsuh*d In the rejection of both by Urge majorities. LOUBET WENT TO LYONS. No Disorder* wf t nrnot Mnnomcnf In% elltini. I.til There Were Mild socialist I lemon *4 rail •*. I.von-. Funw* Nov I No disorders mamd the <• nnioiiv of utiveiUng t • moiuimt nt to the lute *t.%*t 10 t* to div *f <h* luiu heon tender. I I‘ Mdeiit l>*ut by the Fhamlwr of <* m rer w!u h foil. w> 1 l!ie unvcHtn.: a H .-ugh the 54 . lalit-t r. mmltti* had t.*d . I bi . il :ng tt|sn their followers * iiiai* ib'monst ration •* In protect iin* the t’hmi • r ot t’omtio‘l >e. whicti - i.gar.b and by th* m as “clerical and re noth h.n > " M la' >. t ul* gre* I with overwhr m ac a. a iiiatlon. although ...nsbuiilly aloni: th.* route erb •* of "Vive la H * .ulo revolution!” wue lentd mlngbsl with nunclaiioii.K of the eb rb ul | nvv A few groups Wile dispersed bV tile podc. . Hit nothing in the nature of an organized deni.a latiai jevc, >|M*d T!i r. wo-, in inija.smg .on of troot ** along i a** route i th* man a merit t’.ivaiiy, tufa ■ 4i v and ru tn.. i v wr. nia . i *• tin .. i.oid- and in .:* -|aares rendering •* o.her irnt ass# ?•,-1 nation |tnpsi*r b* T ie I're-idenl ii riug. bv eini i‘ic* Tiie mire city was liUf)4 w n fla • i. ul i • cia*a*l vv imnietis. . M lav . Ist : m in tribute* Mirmuhded bv ti.e niii'i.-.t t•. th* inovor *>( Ly- n * and Oliver municipal function M> mb r* • f ihi a. no fainl y <>- cujmvl tram ■s in The jda'iio having la*en uiivellt*!, (lie n iv or k* of the glorious irn*litons i.f 11<*■ t’.iri.ot fatnbv. M U a -i. k Ri.ii . in.Milcgi * il**ari.e I-. r>ii.l qn iI 1 and hi- devotion to and • S(V. ■* r | pr ll.clph > Cheer* f-*!l*W.-l lll d(.*.a Hlion i bit i the advei-.Ub of tie rer uulit igi.n.-t whom i .utao slrtiggloi a tie* ltd** ago h.ivr not v.t -li •ime.l m*l *f \ iuii ii> ih. g 'vrr.tin* l hi I t • d* i* *-1 the r publ - agaitist th. n." III.* pro- • .--ban w !• tin n refniiud an 1 pt .e. •) and to tie pr f< dure, vv in ie the of 11 t;i 1 pres* tdation to k |b.- • li'p’.yinf t i oi addre-s of honug. bv I’udnal Iheire llwtor t'ouilie, Arclt birfwi* **f L> n■ M L ul. t -ai*l "I must seize this opportunity to d* f.n|j*h tlie mvth that tlie government Is ♦lie enemy of any religion, worship or b 11 f whatsoever The government taken too high a sion*l not to re i. t all and to . ofort • r#*iMrt for all.” SCOUTING InVhILIPPINES. I lllplno Sture* 4 ii|itiir.-d and T'*< I’ll*..tiers II •• I ti U *• It— M lie h Ref -11 me on the ITrellnn. Manila, N-*v 4 laist w*k was devot ed to a (iv• oiMlng Tit.* insurgent f. i.avlng fulled to crush a single garrison. hi. now experiencing a reaction tdeut* W iikon and Dorlty of Ihe Forty fifth Volunteer Infantry destroyed lurg** stores of rice, four granaries and a bar ra ks it**ai Halo. 4"pr Atkinson, with ihlrty--four men of the Thirty-seventh Volunteer Infantry, ittu ked Ik) insurgents under Col Valen cia, re <iv.-ring tW4> American |irls*u.*r and itKpluring a considerahie quantity of ammunllkui and supplies. A native orchestra lured the t’nlt. I Htafet-- tr< q*s from their quarter* near Dagupan, shik Die Insurgents at i* k.d file r* ar. killing two Atnerb un?. and wounding three. To-day Honor Bu*ncamino, representing the jrin irml ex-insurg* nt* in Manila, n*- qn. sled J ode* Yafl to forward t* \Na;h itivton ,v signed t-xpressi-m of their l>- ally. There !• eormkterabie exelte men! over the approaching pi.*s|d. nflal election, with a goist dai of betting on th. result. FI NF. ill.Ft I ION WF. All I Fit. 4 btrf *lMtre Unkra Bright I'roMlm fr Tuesday, Washington. Nov. 4.™ The Weather Bu r* in 40-night Issued th* f••lowing bull tin; Bit nday. Nov. 4. 1900. 10 p m Hp*<l tl fa., ift tor Ttu lay. Nov. ♦. 15ns* F*r the first time in ten 'lays the w* ah cr map shows * • 1* ar nk> over the whol" region from the I'h< Ifl* to the Atlsritic, * x p: over a small irr. *i the Mi l-lie A4iantio coast, where eom# rain In falling, ah a result of a M-verc storm, the center of which Is off Hatteras. Th# pr* nr* )' high over the western half of the country. These conditions will eurely give clear, tine watm r and pi># - tint t* ntjH-r at ttr* ** in all in4*-s on M<n •lay. *x* pt possibly sttowern on th* im mediate Mii*tlc Atlantic coast line. While It ii |g> i*.<• (*>r a storm to develop some where in thin broad area by Tuesday, the ouidltlori.H .ie uniMtall> fivora k* f-T 4ti* .,in *f :i* fin* M. lay weather over to and In In ling Tin - lay Willis I*. Maori*, Chief Weather Bureau. nr.M Ull.l. MCI HITHIIHttV. * •411)1 He Is In tlie Fight to Ilie find of llt l.lfe. Milwauke* Nov. i Eugene Y. Del will not withdraw a- a i.iidldete for President on the Social Democratic lick*': in favor of Bryan or anyone else. II • communicates this information in u tel egram to Victor I* Berger, i lending Ho ci| Demo*'rat of ink* city, hi follows "Victor L Berger. Milwaukee. Homer wlli McKinley retlr# In favor of Bryan r Bryan retire in favor of McKinley than that I will r*4ire in fitvor of either. 1 am in this tight until the end of rn> life. Eugene V. Debs." The telegram wne sent from Toletlo, O. GIFT FHOM KINI. OF <ORF%. nt Large tnionnt off up|illra to thr lllt.rt Trm|„. Corr.pnftilrnrr of tli** A.i.iirtnt-'l pre, T"l,k Ku, Phl m. Ort. I—A irlft of a !■ quamity of flour, rl-- nn.) tobacco fr< nt lltr Ivintt of < - ori u lo thr alll"<l force, has at rlvr.| hrrr hn<l lirrn forwaril nl lo Tlrn Tain for dlstrihuilon Th" present was acconi|>snir<t by a Irttrr front His Majrsty, his frlrtidshlp and kcil will to thr allies and beg King " In all 3,111 sack* of flour. VSO sacks of rlc* and 20C0 boats of c;arttei, which have hern apponlonttl among the rs.psc tlvs troops Haglt S. Hurt Is Dead. Nsw York. Nov. ♦— Huh f> Hart. writ known writer on sports, died In Brooklyn this evening of a complication of dlscusM, DAILY A YEAR. , 4 *KNT H A rt ipY YVJ KKt V . I JMFH-A WF.LK.tI A TBAH NEED BE NO ALARM 4 \tll)| N\ I 4.1111141N5* VIRW 4F Tt. M4>Hl(t\\ s I||: *1 |4iN. RESULT CANNOT BE SERIOUS IN I lie: HUNT 4IF I 1.1 t TION OK 111 l ilt II 4 ANIIIII %| K. l-'atare \\ el fare niiil I'rnsprritf of llm- %MM-rlean ttepiihtie Is Huff, Matter \% liieli I'url) \\ Ins— He *>)• l.tlstenee of Mriins I'arlles l*rr eludes tlie I'ossllilllO '* Disaster. I.imi* f t Mintr> Neat l* I no. of 4.0.1. I Sail ini*.re. Nov 4 Cardinal Gibbon* t.K.k o. i-ion. nt high mass, today iv t f w w.rls n the subject of tha • oinui. *-|e n in hiN regular monthly •*rmm t. tits o iigregtilon • t the Catlia drnl. Ti.** Cardinal never take* any acilv* part u p •■ ‘ rarely if ever, casting in or ut io iho** who are fortunata • to im* ids -.•nlkl* n* •*. he du**s lot li* di t ii exp • himself freely til***! the is -u- Invotvfd In the present contest. ll** ink. * the |> •-litton that there ned in no iti ttm ii(k>ii !•* port of anyone over the r uJi *f th. am ig *lectlon, and as erlK dial flier#* c* iiorhtng In the sit "Stlon t. w 'Mai i t. • i.cllrf She elrc ton of either .and,. ' will In anvwis* • 1 iou ,y fl* i I*., future welfare amt pi.e I ■ 11 • \ of t e .\rn* :i<an republic. His raoinoii wav .i* follow** th ‘el* •’ to 4*.i. i in. 4 lings that srs c.i* it and to <i and lli* lliingv that ara (led .* Matthew xsil. Kverv mail In lit*' comtinaiwealth leads i dimi ill. i private .If** uii*l**r the shad** ow #*f th. horn*, and a publl life und**r the aegis *if t*- *t4l<‘ As .1 father. lUS and oi rn. h* #v>. - eiuatn duiles to <**hl ns wfi ii** to tin- i.unliv, as a cltl / 1 1. 10. • nine is .. rt.iin obligations to hi? • ouiiiry Thro* elv l> virtues are all enipii*".*! un*ler the g*i.-r|. minis of pn4 rtot ism Patriotism Implies, of course, not o nly •a lov. f..r on* country, but !•** an at ie hment to Id law Instit.itious and . "Viinin nt, filial admiral lon for la he i • . It* *iii*-in'n * \ n n of genius and chrl - lan p ionuthropy. who havs . •ntriliii*l to their ■ <mtrv a reriowm uy tie’ vi.*r *f their arm-, th** wisdom of their cc.jnscl. b> ihelr dterary fame, or by < he.r public l><-in*f i- 1 1, us It Include ateo an ar lent ~,| f, r the nialnunanca of ih*— sirred prim .pies which *-urs t* th diixen fi*.loni *.f const a*nre and an * irnet deterininaiton to consecrata is h i. (iit his T if ne esiuirv. pro trie ct f. . in <i*i* nso of altar ami flra ald.‘. of ii and and Fatherland. G*sl has piarked in the human heart an imperlstuabtc love of country. Hr* if he# there t!• man with soul s#j dead. W ho n* v* r to hirmCf hath snld. Thl Is my own. my native land!” natal a <u thoto.ii living in prp* ill winter ami eternal hkis:*.* ids eye rarely rests •ai a ir* n i***t *ii rn .tliei* . or4h. Tns hatdy . w .*■. sun i ilighlareb rs are fondly attn iis| t<> their i.* k and arkl lands. II and thiw.-ud n**. wifdiigly ex*hang th* ir riigg* I rnounmim# f,,r the sunny plains of Italy. * l*n t riot Dm N*| to Vle||gia. N. a* to rt dgi(*fi. (Hiirlotlsm has inspire.! lli* !io4 iter.l- *l .p f iHMiragi* and self * rifn. Ili.-torv. . 'fii sacred atsl |rrv iat.* aietundi wuh *?. impleji of euinlma fortitu*!* emture#! l*y men and women, too. for their roumry s gike. twieou. wtth tiir** titimlred picked nun. attacks atwf roT** the ihiiiktm ix nfm> f th* M***Biin in - un*i fr< * s fd- .Himry from a foreign vok- I rnlg it mention De;.bora, the prophet* -*• and Jicige of Israel, who *on •p.* i. and Ih* Kbtg *f i ‘a.i.ian anl hi.** aririy. I might also mention Jmlith, who, at tha n k of ie ing cnslgne<) to a . *m. fill apiivity. when her peo pl- w. r* >pfH'<* #*#l, g,es aiotie into •Cl of lloloferne and strikes off his hea#l Th As yriatis are put to flight and Israel I# r ’ " and *• m .* i*ow* rful e)#*my. When Jiellth return- <| ttunin the |wopie sing can- U' i*P of praise to her honor, and tha high priest and elders extol her, saymg. Thou nr*- tin- jilory of Jerusalem, thou art the Joy #,f Israel; thou art the honor of our pe**ple." ] he | *ople of ancient Greece w*re eon 'pk iioiiH for th* r loyalty lo their coun frv. Le* nblas. King .f Hfwiria. with JM rn. it. made • -t nd against at least ten imi<* Hi. Ir nuryWr A* ix* c. the Persian King. e**rit wor*i to I<**un|ilaa, ordering hlm-*lf and In-* men to lay <V>wn their wrtii.-* ”b*-i hbn *’otne #n*l take tham," was th* bob I answer. When io!*l that ih** Persian arm was so numerous that the heaven.- wrt.tld I*** darkened by their anew**. "S< much the better," replied laonklus, "w.* shall fight In the shade." Only on** oft% <)re>ka rurvlve.l, but fh# B rslans were r*'pulo*d. tjree<*e and Eti rope w* re stv*d. Had Xerxes su> ceeded. I <it i * would hv* t*e# ome Asiatic, and tb* tr nd of history would have bean changed. * * The Roman was singularly devoted to his country Cl via Itomanus sum (I am a Roman ettiZ4*n>, was his proudest hoaat. H Ju“ly gloried In being a ciilien of a reptib.l which was conspicuous for !!• long liuratlon. for the valor of Its sol olers, for the wiol<>m of Its statesmen and the genius of its writers one of the greatest poet* has sung that "It is sweet and honorable to die for one's country.** Ho ex* table w tr*-< n r garded among me Romans that tin* traitor not only suf fered extr**me penalty In this life, but ha Is ' unsigned aft*r death by another poat, to the most gloomy region# of Tartary. Kvery student of history i> famlllaa with the name >f Brutus, the first con#ui, of Ctnclnnntu# an*l Heraellus Coctaa And where t*htl we find heroism mors sublime and disinterested than that dls* 1 by the Roman consul, Itegulun \ffer being d* f ttl In war by the Car. thugefUon at.l mprl-one.l. he Is sent o! i ■ p optic terms of peace to his countrymen. If th# t,*aty of pee was agreed to, Regului wIS fie if not agreed to. he was obliged to return to his prison In Carthage. Tha Roman Hei ate w. - dispoead to ratify th treaty. tur R*--guiua hlrnself dlsuad#4 them from doing so And rather than ac. ,*ept th** I#rtns which he cooaldertgl die* honorable to his country, he voluntarily returned to Carthage, where ha wa# tured to dvath. Church nntl State. If the virus of patriotism was hs’d tn such high esteem by pagan Greece and Rome, guided only by th# light of rtaootv how much more should It be cherished hy Christians enlightened a* they are by h 4 voice of revelation. Our Divine Sidi oo Second Paged •