The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 05, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 grijr IHofitiao J Ktto§. Morolni: *' Muildtue; ss*ariti*h trv NOVKMIIi II fINNI. It eg nrritl at (he l*otoffl( in The MOKMNO NfcWH is published • \r> day in Hie year, anti u* irved to itebkuibtiii in th# city, or sent by man, ai ?vc u month. II w lor *.* months, and I* i lor writ > *ui The kiOIIMN. NEWS, by mall, six lama u w** in.uioul Sunday ia.-L.aj, three m in,, 1. .t x months $2.U9, one year ; - tv. lit u l KEY NEWS, 2 Issues aWf k, Holiday and 'ihui uay. mud, one year. Subt-rtptions j avatar In advance It**- inlt by (xeiMl older. check or reulsteraJ Utter Currency sent by mall at riek oi senders Transient advertisements, other than special column, local or reading non .■< smuMmenta and cheap or want column. 2o cans* a line Fourteen llnee ol •§■!• type- equal to one Inch square In depth - t the standard of measurement. Con Iran lakes and discount made known on appli cation at bualnree oflUe. Orders for delivery of the MORN'I NO ht ss to either resUU ic# or pla e of business may be made by postal card or through telephone No 210 Any irregular fly In delivery should be Immediately re ported to the oil: c of pubh.ailoa. Reiters and tetegran - should be a I dreaded MuR.MNd NEWS. Havannah. U EASTERN OFFICE r> Park How. New Turk city. II C Faulkner. Manager. INDEX 10 MW ADURTISLMEJiTS. special Not! < Bladder Trouble Re llevcd by SiiiMtn- <• Sprint: '* Water, Bavarmah Ihn.ding s ipp.y Cotnpanv . Man •els. T I rr Andrew’ It ml. I'o , To V\ai T.ik* rs; Notice, Chiidrer.. Don't Forg* t I • lion Returns at the Fair <ir.undf Husiii* - Noil- • Harvard Heer ai Hick 11* * *mant I. A W foundry. S|m due*. Riii Is4tv A Morgan. Amu."* in* n Ii -imitg Dramatic Com pany * * iter To-nighL Hi*an>! i S* h :d* \l* n harts and Miners' Transportation St* unr hip Line* f*r Rail I tin • -i nl l‘hllad*d*hi t In*# r S- .ii V* kage of Blscuit—Natlona. Blf* ult C otnp.iny. Legal Noti* es* ('nations From the Clerk of th* Com*. oC ordinary of rh.itham County. Notice to Debtors nnd Creditors Estate Margaret Collin-. Deceased. Washing Powd Pearilr.** Mak Nutrlne— Anlieur-- r-Ru. h Brewing Association. Cleveland Bicycles— Wm A II If. Rat timorc. Medial H(t'thr Stomach Hitters. Hood & I*tlie. Ayer . Bills, Dr. Hathaway Cos. Cheap Couron Advertisement* Help Want I’d. loiipluyment Wanted. For lt*n For Sale, liust. Personal. MPrllarteouf* The Wen flier. The indi .itiona for Georgia and lai t rn Florida to-day r** for fair weather and pl*a mt temperutur*. light iioriheNy wind: The parti".in who cannot draw * <mfrrt I’um the predh.-lions of th* muatg* r- oj Ids party must b hard to plen.-e. Roth rldt. are cluimitig everything In sight, an I much that Is out of sight A prodigious amount of prevarication Is going on. The election to-morrow will show Just when It lie*. First dlstrb t voters should give sotn* part of to-day to arranging for the cast ing of their own votes to-morrow for Col Letter. m l to urgli g others to go to th* polls and do the right thing by the Con gressman. When the ballots are counted Col. Lester "hould have one of the large:! that h* has ever received. The unending Maybrlck * as* Is again at the front Notwithstanding the cum has byan reviewed a number of time, and a i anion refus*#) the wo man each tlm*\ the ap|otfitmrnt or a iu’W He* retary of Hinte for Home Af fairs tn tin ut Britain has opened an* w the question of her release from pnsun The .NVbbn k * • wiil long l*e remem I cm! *- otie of th# most stubbornly con tested tnurd* r ea -■* tn English annals. The New York Journal of Commerce apparently tak*some satisfaction in not lug that labor unions ur being formal In th Houth and bringing about strike# In th* textile Industrie? It says “Our correspondent's letters show that labor unb ns and strlk* an Im ginning to mak* themselvt s f•*lt. ( n the Houth,) ami It i:- partt* ularly n t abb that a s rlour etrik** w.i, pr ipltated over a question of the claim of the organU.itl*m instead of the iy or hour*- of work 1 The Journal of Connie tiu.- held th* position tha* th lab*.r troubi* - whb h hu> been ex jHfbn I In N* w Fttglaed mills would b ti.ipl .ite 1 in th* Houth a?< : o*n a cloth manuf turirvg assume*) consblera b.e proport urns In this section, and that therefore the Houth would enjoy no ad Vantng< ov i \ vv md tn ihc matter of labor It regards the strikes which il lefers to • denionstratir g th* i .rreotn#->a of It- predi lion. There nr*- 2.000 negro voters In Chester county. Pennsylvania In an *fTorl to hokt the •• votes h Republican* of tha county have d*e *idnl t* •• #l* pth of in famy that Is altnoM Inconceivable. The Phtla.b .phla Record boldly and epenly as sert a that. t**r |K*4ltl*%l reasons, th* dis trict attorney of Chester county and one of trie Repubh an *and*lat* - f**i r pr* - seniASive in th* Legislatut* at* n live In term#**! *rle tn shielding from trial ami punishment a hi * k brute of the name of Turin# 11, who not long since assaulted an#) outrug*d u whlif woman of respe* lability of th** name of Webster. The evidence agaln&t Tunnel! is sal*) to be conclusive, his crime admits of no ena*l*w of doubt. Nevtrtheu# ►. for th** sake of th#* vole* oi the people of Tunnel!'* r* *•. the Kcpu - llcan po.lti* lai - are shielding him from trail mii*i the fa e which he so richly l* aerves* Hays the K* old. ’ Hrmme th# m# n who *an e • *l* . rode th**mselve* at tha hest of partisanship Hhame on the I'omrnuntty that can tolerate su* h infanrv’ wltnout lndignant t#n*l ov* rebuke?" In view >f the lie 'rl - )*• f.f ml’. t We fire for* *1 to the opinion fqat it iv*ni*l n**t seriously objef-t to a lynching m ch ster oouniy. with Tunnel) nr.d I •* de'enders thv chief actors In tha tragedy. THE i I II \ > ( OWKM'ION The Cuban t'.mstltutlor.dl Conventl n will iis>f mlds m Havana to-day. It wII I'*- milled to order ' y t)*n Wo*d as Military Governor of f’ubn lie wII rend th® eal! f*?r th*- eonventlon *®*u*‘ I by tho Fnlte 1 Htatea War Depinm* t *l® liver h hrt ad*lrsx, and then adl l' lu- temporary < h.iirmanshlp a< l have the m* mi** i • rf th* convention in their own •1* vl . i ;*i Wood declares that i *• w ill not. in any monr,* r whatsoever, attempt to influcm • the . ..nv* i.ti n In *n *. *( 1 ilelitw ration 1 or . on* jus on It !• fr>r th b4-ga **.*• of th( *’ut*an j-* *;*!*• *.*>•. through th* r o# * nil >n what rnani r f>f cuMi|fttfjon t ‘se\ wtl nlopt f r tHeir t * w ami Icdej** i l. ni gm. trim* if D may t" .-•* i , **r llev. Mr.•* * laim- ! It* a sp* ** h wi, f h*- irvtdi- In * hi* ag * *• H j , mat ' a <p,tr.i g .yernm n* over Culai uncontrolled by the American republic, should never h*v* been prom l**d ‘ and that it Is. as In says, th® *l* lnv of ih<- i: ‘ii *| to be- onv Am**r < r territory Nl* inwhlc. the pltge of tb ® g*wri rn*a • hiving been given In the mat ter. *hre ) nothing that it ran do but to fulfill H-, promise Whether Benator lte\#rt<|ge |K**-h r* ferr**l •• above. wIM pr*ve prophet) -whether "revolution wi I a *d revolution as in the Ho:iih \merl *an nufitrh , Havana o-Mln fester In th® ve|low* arid Fuha herom* a Kturee of irr 'ation and *f !•> *r *ian*r aid d)>' so to i 'rfh heraelf :< 1 the I’nltrd Htat* r# main® to h M-en It w ! de p* and tipn the *iit*rs th* m-* v* - wheticr or not their government Mal'. endure. It j*racflcall> u.-sur*-d that the conven- ■ will extend nvet i * .iiMde: dl* |erlod **f tsnn Bom*- of the men of th isbtrtd have been chosen aa rlelegres The abiiitv ol til of these however. -Jo'® not I** ta the line of stat*smanshlp. B* me of tb*m are better fighter- t. in awmaker and rong* rln rgltatlon than in t raft Several in •f. U t*r • - are miptiieni of tte r* ctralnt ||a-e i upon he natives bv th® military government n1 wish to see the Amen* rns out *,f plan*! at or*. • They #*ie ,i-o dis*ontent . I with |Mrtlon of the War Depart mem's call for th® eonxenlicn whl h st res It to be the duty of tn® convention j t * provide f*>r *il with the gov *rr mm* of tiie I’m * l S .f®- upon 'h* relations to exi-i b*-tween that govern- j merit aid the governm* nof Cuba " THE. they soy. Is suggertiv* ol coercl<*n on the part *f the I'nlte I B*.t*> and Indb tliv** *f a tlenire to e>tabl|s,i a *lominatic*h of the foreign relation® of the island wher i® It is th* w sh *f th*- Cubans t* have iti absolutely 1 re*- government, including no h internal at and external affairs It ha- town iw-h* V-. 1 that the Constitu tion of th- I 'nit* and Btat* would b* t ikon as the nsvi*; from which to ronatrucl th- Cn-. it it lon of tit> i This, howev* r. ap i**‘.trs tiow’ to b*‘ uncertain. Borne * f th-- *le|egtffes tigve fse* n studying th*- * n* -fßutlon- of th* * *ntral m*l B* nth Amerl- j an republics wtih a view to embodying .ertaln of their features Into the Cuban ■ fundamental law Th** idet seem' t** b- , that the constitution®*d by peoples of Spanish **xtra tlon, nnd of racial * har .i' terEii- -imilar to those *f the Cul*ana, wou 'd more nearly suit tti® put pose-* of Cuba than a constitution Jrawti t*y al for an Angln-Baxon people It rnav h** that th<- t- st f*otur* s of all th** constitu tion will I** l selr*ted In ha* event the ® . (l ti he found r.o ground for advert* criticism. Ti* assembling of the Constitutional Convention marks an important *po h In th*- history of Cuba Th* <le||boratlona at *1 m*lusion of the •*>-' will Is- follow**) with clo-* nMentlon it inis country, which la inter. >t* l In the out one hardly less than Cuhti herself Tllb Mil l int l 1.1. t I’UH ll* \ITEs. Th* fa t that Mr. Bryan to certain >f th** electoral votes of th* Bonthorn States, and. that too withou: miking n effort l„ ge* them. Hlto the hearts ot the Re publican h ader wih bitterness The H publican pipers tire contlnui*ly saying that It wouhl to* much better for tb * ; South if her el* toral vote were *ilvi*b.| to tween the two great parti* For In- Man*® the* New York Tim* i day or two ago, said: "The repudiation of Bryan :,v half a dozen Southern St i * s w* ulil be ..f iii ml. ulople I*, ni fit to th* pple of the S*' ith The shortest way to the settle ment of th® tt *- lspue Is through n tn ereas® of he whit® tiopulatlon rapid , an*) aubiduntlal a* to reduc® the Mack** ! to fitirnerical Insignificance That ran i com® about on V bv lh- complete eatab l shment of th** condition* of th® industrial ! reglm* Wnett th*- Bou:h has attained to the manufacturing • tlvltv *if N**w Eng lud h**r people will hive tore nod to con mrn ihemaelves itout rt black* Hard a-* it to for the Until hern voter to forget th* odor qui - l>ti *n election day. the *ith of November H • *liv when it would >•** much to his interest to |n\ it altogether asiile nra) *ast hi* vote against W J. Bryan That would to a vote to preserve th® Democratic party for reorg miz.ition. lrv'e victory now would destroy it forever, and a vote* to preserve the pla*e th® S’Uth Im alrta*lv won ond to k*-®p the path open before her There was a time w i®n th® R®puhllin isfirt y could hnv® estobUthed ItfOlf in th® Smith on a firm foundation, it preferr**! to book to the blanks to ho®) control of th** S**uih It want* ! imme diate rt-eults. and so It put th® carpet bagger an*) th® negro in power It care.) so little for th® South that it was willing that sh® should be robbed and ruined bv h*. for®®* It supported It wan!®*) only Hi® South's electoral vote and her Con gi®**sm®n What b* ame of her mater *l Interest.** It di*l not car®. The time h om\ however, when it would to glad .f R had purtue*l a lew short-sighted and I* brutal policy. It would to* glad a* this very time If it could depend upon th* South fot a few electoral votes It will not get them. The crimes R commit:®d .*,inst the South years ago have brought into existence condition® whl h mike it mp—sibl® for It to g**t them Theeo con ditio* will hav* to IMS* away before *hc Repuhll in party will get an electoral vote in any one of the Mates which now* make uj* the solid Bouth. Consumers, of (our**-, are to be forced to pay the cost of the anthracite *-oal strlk® and the in i**r cent advance tn vag*-' that ha be®n accorded t< the men Th* udvan®e of fr) c* nts a ton that nn* made In prices a day or two ago consid erably mor® than covers the to per cent alvan- e to the m**n. h aving a margin fot the ox*erutors from w hlch they will recoup their losses ’hiring the tie-up The coal trust has it In It’* power to thus rqw*ex * or.sinners, and it in going to make us - ’d that power. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, NOVEMBER r>. 1000. II %IIS \ l\. IN I.EOllfil %. Ttter® were four hundred .:®h g,n* I attendance upon th* convention *f be ip argla Stat® Dairymen's Assoc atlon In Griffin tost week It Is likely that ’he pem-ral publl w* n*t awm*- th‘t r*. many fiersons in Georgia w#- • Interest®*) in dairying n- • bus ness Th* showing it th® convert.on was n exc< tool • rie Idlest Iv® of the fa. i that Georg a f.i m ®rs *nd others ur® awakening t th* * tli 7. fion that the cow d*—crv®s t • to c or 1- ®d high place in th* list of w* ihh pr * ducers. k‘air progre- - has t * n nvide in Ge.vrgla in the diver|f)eatlon of agriculttiral p flu hr, und dairyir < ”m** In for < litoral share of attention; but th* p and I UR, of Ih*• dit ;v in thb tote l av. .® n only to* bed uj< n t* gi ii I imi- r Ing th*N* •! *•■ j iini of t* *t bu’t* ir,.l • * rr ! rd w r- t th* t goo.l ret on why rh houid not produ ® every pound of both t ut e te *i • m.® , and hav® a eurplu toft for i tie to 1* *- fa voresl ►* t lone Ex Gov II” *rd *f Wisro.-j In wh ad lr®.* *1 th® convention, sahl that h* hid never seen a section better suite I to dairy It.g H® thought that wh®?*- nature hi I *k ® v , much, man might *).* t e b*l in®® II ..pinion I- valuahl* fr®m th*- fad t at he Ih thoroughly < onv* taint with th® stihje. i In his . *te dairying I • ben brought to * high t it* of p* rf* "tlon. an ! through it the value of lands hive b e considerably Uncreated. He iri <f on® - iunty In Wi* onsln where, pri :r to th® Introduction of dairy farming th* In 1- tvere worth only Ito |®r year per *— ® for wruiit growing, but whl h hav® r ow bean raise*! to th® value of V I pe: m bv dairy firms In that county ere re now on® hundred creameries rind ta r \* farm.** d*irig a business estimated t ir wards of sft,OflO,*Oi annually. Including a.I M .iu*fs. and th* owner- of tfe • ft m** ho® not lews than in posit in the btrks Mr Hoard s addres* was very encourig- Ir.g H® asserted that !*l been a compliahed In Wir onffin co Id !•♦• dup 1- ted. or tottered in Georgia <’onHllO' h®r® he *.ai*l. were more favorable than In th* 1 Northwest Here th® gr* grows pr a H ally th® year i round it and the cost of keeping cows to the m mum. wht ! ® there the winter 1- long an.) s v®r® .a *1 the .oat of feeding and housing la **n -Ktorable. Here shelters may b ®re c.l . heiply. *a the *>! ) *i • r • - t<v imotint to much, while in \V;e* *tau:i :rns and *hl* ir* an It* m of .oi si i r bl / % xp*nsf Intelligent effort tnd dit* ti n i not f ill to achieve auc* ®# In dairying in Georgia, and such direction to reelfm In every branch of human endeavor rioa® attention to details la.- nerdftil In dairying aw In running a atore or a factory. "Rule of thumb or taking thing as they com® will not do The < ha. i< er Of th® riot k mu i to gticl. an*i intelligence in breeding and feeling mit he e\*u. ;-e I. Aa to th* markets they at- ready-mi ! A high grade of butter ami Is al w:iv In demand. The effort soul*) >*• o produce only the to tter*.'* Whie the dairy farm* r t.% deriving un Im orn* fr*m hi- milk, butter <u and cheese, h* ha the s.nlsfa- tlotl of knowing that ih- f r tlilt\ o? hi® land is being • ntly .n --*r* a-®d from his cow lots and *• u bu. Th* literature of th® Grinin ror.vrn I>n ought t* find it way Into tb® hud *1 every prog revolve farmer in tieugii* It is th* sort of reading matter that is w,*r h money i> it reab*t* who are in a |k- t ion to profit from what tiiey learn from -t THE V|t%4|| 41*0 THKOHV. The moßjuito theory of th* spr* a I of yellow fever appear* to have*-s In New Orleans. A d.spatch from ttiat cit my that the r* ent re|*ort of urmy Mir g*un: statiu>*d lii rul'd in whl h tf.< tb® >ry. l aced on xieiim®nt that tn* rmuMpilio j- the cans® of th* *pr a I *>f yellow fever, wa adv.*n* 1. is he M.b --j. ct of ii g‘ ot| .I* ai • f favorable otnm nt In that city. It to pointed *ut tha• th. fever never makes its appearuti ® In th* Pin* y Wraals : lints rnin I about N* w Orleans that s. th* fev* r never spread there There have been n • of the fever there among refuge* but the native* do not contract It from the refuge®*. At Covington, which to only thirty miles from New Orleans, there hav® never been ny eases of the dto* a*- ex- pt tho* brougii; there, and there are no mosquitoes in that town It to asserted to be a remarkable t• t that people ri ding in lO’ .illtb .- about New Orleans where there art* no mosquito**© have never been troubled with yellow fever, and have never f* It any alarm on a* count of tt Another thing that to state I as a fact, is that while freezing will !'•*' kill yellow fever germs the fever always disappears after * frost This, it i> * l.iitn* I. is 1 cause the frost kills the mosquitoes There have been theories and theories respecting yellow fever, and th® most that j can to' said a* present l> that lictto or nothing to known as to the cause of or a I remedy for the disease It ha- not heel, so many years sin< c -<*m® of th® *ibh*~t physicians held the view that the fev. r vas caused by a pra-’tb iily Invlslhi* i vapor that ro>.* abov* the surfa ** of th ground atomt four or five In - ertatn i localities, and advanced about a hundred feet a night Nob dy belt* -in the \ por theory now, and It is not improbable that I nobody will believe In the mo qnt o th* or few years hen -e By conrtant research, however, the real cans* of the disc a.-® wtl I doubtless be dis ver®l eventually, and vhen It to a remedy w .11 be forthcoming. The CnrHst agitation in Bpaln to nth®r amusing Several hard- of Carlisto. num , to-rlng <t f* w hundred p®rs n:*, officers and in®n* have been dlavovrreil, and Bp tin is apparently sweating t..* cold |> rsplration of fear because of them Don Carl..; md ■ hi* whol® gang ate not w*nh r * tr i. ■■ t> Th ydo n*u know in opp ri .n ty when they see on At the due of the 'ar with the Fnl • 1 B e th* dv nast;- was at their mercy .u* I. \ id:, c it-.® tor-® sens*'* tv know tt and tak- ad van age of it Their opportunity h* now pae •! f*>r good. Al that thy will I® at*** to do hereafter wi.l : e to • mis* is>*r, d*crcp|l ok Spain to shiver <k* ixiomily and wish they wouhl le g od. Wharton Bark r of Philadelphia the candidate of the Middl* <-f th* It ad Pop uliats for President, is still running and •E l j*redlctlng McKinley - u •*- Why Barker remains In th® race. If h* to con vtn -I that h® cannot win and that M Kinley will. Is a my-tery. unl*-> It to that i he hopes to cut dawn th® vote for Mr ifryan. Th® Populist voters, however, j nr® not opt to throw iway a great many [of their votes on Darker, Jay G <uld left a famine ”f |gS,OOfi.OOO to h h. sr#n. It to -ii i that since* his i n h th* ••r>fi**rf' * *-n so admini - t and by h '**l.B that In th® aggrega!. t.ow worth $.-•' •• ••* or more. Al* f the Gou:d bays dvr w* 11. Dut ach -; • ivi mu h 1* s* thm h; Income. A arb® In th® New York F’rrs.- calculate" t t G* v sjirral tt * *• x*h of hto in* An*-. Edwin or.' -un'h Howard ora ••nth a i Frank fu .-nth. Mis ll* n ht an Income of $; a year ■ t w nir'i Mi® spends about n*'-*lxth. lit. - part of her ®xp*t!!ture to Ing for harlty. The N• vv* York a -,*hl*" ' of th® Ihi t ’mere Bun ass.t'v. that ) •• •> was ■r. pri if*d by t.h* Republl an tlnan ® ■>mrnhte® in charg* of the ro-calb l id ni”i ■v ‘ pa rad* rs N* w York Oft BaturJa:- for the purp” * of hiring pa* r* . i- •■* mi th® rank* At I.* ea b. fs.- ■ u men mght hnv® ton hired to march in th* parade w .th th* sum named. I'RHMIN \L. e ’it Lord But® w ov® of he ti ard* nt **p|Mfn*nt' of vivisection, and at • tirn* * ** h at*.i ** s:-'n a transfer *.f ii n Infirmary to FrlversltV Col leg® or '!’i- a trtiM* * **nl' o i th® co: lliion 1 i* t • o.ton* hhotJkl t; pra ti-e vlv* ; s.- fl l ion H** Ii lit® ap, r latlon of Joseph t : r and * rlair.. writ'en ?-v an American uu • ' H i th*- ina- *r of Eng.tohm®n • i* !. * **” bis oi a' r (Is ar* at I in. planner of \ w-*rk and he th* 0)1 l • t Ii . 11 N!I I u • hrau of Jann - Hill of th® Great Nh.rfh.'fn R lir.-a*l. wEh to* c arm and • ir i- lavtty of V H orn ' Whitney Mr Ha! . th* w*'dl-known correspond • r.t In South Air. a t* Ih- the story of a •'■mart, good looking mam* 1 woman of • bout • y irs of ii who * t* I as a B”. r spy She was married to h Russian ivii * <in-er resident a* Johannesburg ii 1 .• th® outbreak of war th. "slim' ; Tran'-v • ;• rs s*r,t he? over tb® bottler la* j bi lled "dangrrou? " She established h®r j - ®lf if • *•*p® Town, land scmii mnag®d to j extract information from Imprep' onable lE’gllsh offl ®rs. Bays Mr Hal* - "When * Is*rd Kitchener of K artoum arrived in V’ i went to meet him. for eh® . knew that if she could k**i h - id* his m "* m she could learn all things. She made t* h®r bum*’'.' t* come tsually in con •a't with the EgvptMn Bj*hinx She ran , h®r e\ ®s over the tall, gaunt hear®, the ; rugg®d, ugly face She looked Into the prominent, all seeing eyes, and knew it i glai *• that sh® was ft- to fa •• with * •v mi ’ism -trouser than her own. and * n* it hing would indue® her to go near him ora * That is th® most dangerotto man In j Unf air . nh* said I feel as if I were wtoh* ! in ih* shadow of death when I im near aim H® a man for men to conquer No w. mm can reach him to use him. he would r* id m® lik* n open tork in an hour nnd 1 believe h * would shoot me as tu would ”of a Kaffir if he caught me I read -toiruled I will try all other men. but not that living death’* head No won der h® conquered In Egypt. I think he w..uld conquer tn H .*!*.- IIHIGHT HlT’**. ronsider.ite—"ls Miss Triller an oblig ing -inger*’'' "Oh. ves half the time she I refuses to ring "—Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. in Kentucky—Mamma— **DM you know . d®ar, your little* cousin Isabella In Franklin t- dead?" Isabel.a—"Who shot her? '—Life —Probably Bo— Unrl® (severely When T wn- voir ag® Ia 1 wavs stood at the id of my i ' Bam What a • hump you mu. ♦ have been at football!" Fu k Th*- Tcrt "Btrlclly speaking, are the Filipinos Easterners or Westerner©?" Bley *"i if l know! Do they sy # depot or railway' station?"-Detroit Journal. Eik ouraglng Mr Brancer—"l'm Mirrv I m such an awkward d*nc®r. Mtoa I’erkin* Miss I'erkins "Oh. you’re lo- Inir fairly well, Mr. I’ve -e*-n y* at J-rk around lots won*® than this w tn other girts "—lndianapolis Journal Wl,* r* H Would Not Work Johnny, dear did \*mi tty to mind the golden rule in your deadngr with your playmates at *, rool so-dnv•?" "Yes m. till we had re- | .i can't use It 111 football, you know Ii 1 kill the gam* deader'n a door nab. " Chicago Tribune. Bhe and Been There Before-Daughter "Wher* ir. my rubber* and my water proof. mu'" Mother In the upstairs closet I kiughter—"Did you take my um . v• I laughter- "I wtoli you would send Bridget up . the garret f*r my furs Mot net— Wher* on *-xrth are you going?" I laugh ter I m going to a garden party."—Near York Weekly. ( I IIHI.M t IdIME>T. The Springfield (Mans * Republican (Ind > Borne n.*' went to ihe Agricultural D. p irttn* nt at Washington a day or two ago to secure information on a public matter. He w i told that a. Becrctary Wilson Assist nt B*cretary Brlcham. Fhicf t’.erk G* id* - Dr >n. chief of in* . ur**iv of animal Industry. F. 11 Hitchcock, chief of another division, and most eveiybody else was out on the stump nivotatU the President s re-election, h* w.aild have to call ngaln— some time after | Nr.s . ti." % l ! ■ Mgrdrt mt of th* poverty of republican invention t. at th*- brads of two or three New York savings banks should again to* i*rv * l Into service to bold up the* bo • *ni bugaboo to th<f savings bank *l* iHolt’.r.' of the country. Even if the 50- *nt doiiai wa. v an issue in this year’s vampalgi md 1* is not—the savings hank pr* deni- w* i• worktNl for All they wer. w.*r . In 1W The "wolf <rv cannot be mad* to fright* n people Indeftnltsly.** T - Kil igh (S C.\ News and Observer itom says Speaking of Bryan and ai a: * hto?*. tot it not i*c overlook’ and that in i'htongr* the Lucy Parson' wing ”f the r 11 thlt.g In anarchtots. the most- xtr- m® in th*’ lot. has declared for McKinley This Information comes by way of the Boston Transcript’s Chi* ago correspond ent. l® it n>t to overlook*-*! either that all the trusts, which are as much anar chtots a# Herr Moat, are also for McKin ley.’* T' • Richmond Dispatch (Dem savs • i r s ,i.*il aim' of lflo.vo men coats ery family of tW> persMia in the I nlisi State* g2i per annum. If that was col * and by the t >wn or county lix collector u i. it ; t.-.rough the w r tax and the t iriif fax there would to a pr*>test that wo :! 1 b** h®rd even by the second- e tn r.- .it W.ishlngion. A w,*ge-eiiner s wile n.iult! in i; Im* a heap of things for t..e house." T • I'.rtnlu:' am Age-IR r ild (Dem ) say "N*> *ne know.* whit th reu*t of th* * * t t. wdl. b. Fifteen million v*ve will Ih* cast, end a change of half a mll l!oi v* f- would hangc the poll*- y of the go\einmnt Th* -lici t secret vote far ••x ••■ds i a' n im:*er, and no man ki.ows how vote will he cast There are man; ti !• ;• utr**nn in such an tnnmuus el* ••and* There are diverse curr* Ota, ard on y the billot box can tact and mcas j uic them all." i Taken In When D I* Moody went Beth in v durlr g hto travels Ir* th* East. *aya the Youth's Pomp aid* n. he was very ro: ■ hearted over a. t e mu.Etude of beggars there, not only h* au.-e th* place 1 -o un usual. hut be, me* h® was moved by Its beautiful tradition? ll** gave quantßt* - of "bakshish. ' and then asked if any of the chi.dr* n had th® names ol Maty an*) Martha Y* Indeed, they had! nral that i>, ®i ***l hto pocket> igain Toe rows of his generosity sprei 1 through the vslaig® aid in v . laim.*nts xme. until he visit seemed liklv to •- suit In * fient tor existent Tne is* wax K> ring d®s|*eraie. and h® told • •tojgornan t< cad for ilenc* whl!* he mud® an address Then he said I hu\® f n,* * **• mlifs to s®e thto llttl*- vl lag* of Bethany It w * i pi • mv Mister l>v* i to vtoP, md I have cum* to s**e It he* aus® He loved it 1 am v ry gal V*u ail. i • t.vv ! wan* '** be u!one 1 hive tv* more bakshish, unl I bM you all good-by ' A • ♦ -looking boy of K* r*plb*l tu • • address ll* spoke fluently aid with th® gia • of an o-nt >r Mr M*-**!' wi- •;* llghfe l with th® to-ginnlng of his orndorr, bn not with Its conclusion • \Y# ir® glad t- s*-e the g> ntl- man an 1 hto trl* n*is wh? have om® so far But th** g ii!|®man must not t* uk that ki actions ar* equal to the importun e of visit. Bix thouiuind miles !- a 1 nt- w v to mm* and in® g<ntl®mnn must ho*- sacrifle®*) much to make th® visit. In eon•• qu* i* * it Is natural f-*r u - t *x- P# 1 -i that h® would t*‘ munificent in bakshish This he has no* been, and w* now* ®x| t that be will g.v® u- t gr* at deal more " Mr M.v v v\ • ”* H>giiSted that le abandoned t ® situ it!• n entire y. oral b.r rtod away with hto fri*id "l did think i h And did you think. *<v>, that some ”f the *hlldren w®r* named Martha *ni Mary'* ' he was ask® I. >rialoly Why no* r ‘ "Nothing, only* they were il! boys." Why* for tlr Printer. Even as misery loves company and as It comforts * peasant who is crlef-strlckrai te* know that a k!®g alsonur-®s sorrow s, It Is balm to obs rv® th® groaning* and gnshlnas of Ambrose Bierce, ihe long iistai e correspondent of a Pacific <os* paper over th® thing** that lonipc-ito - do to him. says the Los Ang®le® Her i *1 Hir ® w rites a p®< uiiar "hand." and I i,*P' m* that th® Intelligent *t . thinks so ill® a chltography deserves no h®tr trea’menl than Ps g®!s Bierce, how * ver. connot se® if In this \.<\ am) hen*'* such bursts of grief a*, th® following, the lik® of which Bier *® has emitted at Inter, vn.s for. 10. these many years: To 311 editors*, proof leaders .r 1 rotn pc’sitora i* whom these pt* nts s ill < ome. greeting May dogs no: walk upon your Stax * - Th* s-. the ’*tore, aie th® things w!.i h I do not know Why you print ’heaven' with a Itrt o h and Har risburg wrh a big one, earth' with a lit tle ® and 'Bermuda with a big B. 'heir with a -mill h and Kansas with a bg K. M M Klntovs official •It I* with a big P ini Mr Satan's with a little and Additional things unknown tom® Why if la less easy to print my stuff a> 1 want It than as you want It "Addendum Why. although your r\- totonc® may be . w®e to you. my sins am.ot to' punished otherwise." ♦ Expert r.ihlrnrr. A man who knew the decrased was on th® stand aral <‘or®ner : Clerk Fr*d toreihs was tiklnsr down the evidence, whi'h Dr. Schwab was busily endeavoring to extract, says ihe Cincinnati Enquirer. The witne.-w had Men the decc-a * l a f* w da>s before l®ath. nnd was describing minutely all that . um**i l h**.t a pie* e of soap in mv hand when he dm* along." wukl th* witiness Never mind anything that is not Im port.•nt," interrupted Coroner Schwab, "1 had a pi* *• of soap in my hand when be came along." repeated th® witness, looking at the official In a disgust*d man ner. "and I pua it in my back pocket Ilk® "Never mind th® soap." broke In Schwab. "Just ke*p strictly to the joint "Let m** toll this story and I'll get u right," returned th® m.n. "Now don't interrupt rn® I had a piece of -oap in my hand, nnd when he ame up I put tt In my back pocket in this manner (sun Inc the action to th. word). 1 then shook hands with him ar*l i>k* and him hw h*- w.i*: feeling, and he ud not very w ll and that was the L - tim* I saw him " With thi- the witnc settUd him-* f bn-’k in tils chair with th* air of a man who had just divulged a great - nt. His \niti *|- I*l ii me. ' While traveling on the . a.ilnent last summer." said a gentleman who has just returned frem a Europ* an to M waso Ington Star rrpo: tr. I ngaged th® ser vices *’f t • ourier. and one ev.nlng on a* riving at an Inn in Austria I sent hint t. enter my ram® in accordance with the jooltoe regulations of that country The man replied that he had already antici pated my wish*-* and registered me m American gentleman of means " Rut how dil you writ*- my nam®?' 1 asked. "'I can't exa-tly pronounce It. hut I copied it carefully from your portmanteau, sir ' But It to n”t thcr®.' 1 said. Bring m the liook.' The ngistsr was brought aral on look ing at it, what w a mv nmazem* nt at finding. Instead of a very plain English name *if two *\Babies, the todlowlng por tentous entry: Monsieur Warranted Bo|i<| Leather." Such n tiny (*lrl. "The da\ to hound to com®." said the Ancient Lady Clerk (epoch klttenishly. "when the law will p rmit ad of us girls to vote, a cording lo the Washington Post "Oh. let's play piiss-in-the-oorner— you r® It’ r-.tid ihe new mak tenogra ph*r. ga'.lumping o rose the room aral p.ayfuily tapping one of the ng*d mil** • lerks on the sleeve Then all bard* bent over their desks ond iToaked risii:>. nJ two minutes later the Ancient Udy Ctork telling ih® affile ted chief of division that sh*- had seen the n®w n;a> stenographer taking *> whol® armful of government stationery home with him every evening for the past week. An Autiin it ln>. From th® Wahlngton Btxr. Boftly the wind through the branches is stealing. Bing rig n luMsby. tender and low; Bore Is th® field that was gayly revealing Its riot of tints wher® the wild fl *w. r * grow Th® morning f Maytim* w-as blushing with beauty And the noor.ttd® of June was resplen dently bright. But time will not linger for love or for duty. The year grow-*- s-weary md murmurs "gxii) night." The rigors of Winter will move us to sor row. And the north wind will mutter and toss in his pain. But though ill !c our dreaming w® know that to-morrow Will dawn, and that Maytime will blos som a rain The follag” whose colorings shone with such splendor Is *lofT®d and the snow will fall fleecy and white. The voice in th forest sounds and slant and The year to a-weary and murmurs "good night." ITEM* OF WTKIMiT. Ti* B ad Of Trustees f the Central T* nntse®*- Fnlversity have changed the* of ha r liutltutton to Walden Uni v*rlt' ‘n r e gr.ltton o. th® many year? of untiring and . tion to ih® ** lu ation aral •i* vat. in of thv coiorcd race shown by Bishop John M Wall*n of Cmcinnoti. K* rs i.d rf near Held* lberg. Germany, h.ts a ,lvcly M v* ar-old blacksmith and < hurch ward* w . r ntly climb®*! to the top of Up . mi a steepb and tied a new rope to th* b il after th* young®r n n It, ih® viilag* had refused to rtok th*dr necks in th* p* rfortnoqce of that tack. - t'b rammoignu r t® l e* n casting up the • mt.- of th! y* ar • "I‘a.elon Play' T .* i® w r. forf-cfght p* rf md j* *’i vtolt who paid I ■ vm) for admis sion T - tu* in (>( tu** vi. ue from I dg . r , tii® -aie of tr, k and s* forth w. r. , .-tw**n f7. '•) *i 1 )! * Munich and i'.iv-.rlan railroads hav® also pr ftt*’*l. th* .alter sJi*wung a Mirplus f I2.W).®*' —For th® pufP"** of a‘m®ting blind peo ple in fh’ **ns4ruc ion of their basket a, a taisk’M modeler hus been invented by T . *mit> Taylor, the superintendent of th® Idverpool B hoo! for Indue*nt Blind The !•>'. i ® . **l*ti% of r wooden base board drill* 1 with hobs into which ire fitted -t.*i pul* arrang’d to tin r®quir®d -haj*-. i • I :n- w, t: utnv-st • i- h rid rapidity. The Augusta Victor* i- t.* of th® large o can ®'um' r-. lias been equipped wttn in automatic telephone pa\ station, en • .ing jasseng®rs t* use I*® al or long • lisAan ® telephones up to th® time of sail ing Just before h* lines are cast off a plug ' removed from the back, cutting off th® conn* tlon If the scheme to found to work sarisf* torlly other steam of the company will be similarly equipped. —ln Budapest there to a news telephone, and ;ts object is to keep 1 s ttoiOo sub* • 'ribers supplied w ith all th® latest news *1 h® service hi. i main wire Kx miles in !• rgth. and it is connected with private houses and various public resorts. From 7 in th*' m*untng until 1* n n th® even ing twenty-eight edition of news ar® spok'-n into th* transmitter by ten men possessing loud, clear vn. es working in .-hiDs of two Th® news is classified and given in u® ordu *• with a regular pro gtamme. and ti. r*p%tce ha* been emi n*ntiy successful. Th® nnnuql report of h® pension hu <au for th® y r end**! J an® .lA, Mates that of th® sVto ' *.7r disbursements *• u* f- i t*i- War of I*L\ for th® Mextr m w ir. IjIT.ITx for Iralian wart >*'■* to' under g*t ra law s. u:i*i*f t •* law ~f to>i aid for the war %v;th Spain, nnd the expense.- of dw*- hurscnienr was $1 But on® sur vivor of the War of \%U remains H r* eives j ensions of e'* a motwh hroug •h® HufY ilo ig* ti. \ Th® agenev at T*- i *ki. Kan . leads th® Rst with the largest amount of pension dishursemenH, $1 . f/d V- Th® Nggregut® wm*’unt of the pen-ions received bv so’diers wa* $104.- I au*; by sailors. s.‘*>r, .7%. bv wml<*ws of -oMiers !.*• J 7 -- by wnlow- of eiilor?*. ll.OiU.Oto. bv minor.*- and help.ess cftli dren. army 11.177.4 U, navy. $JM*'7. d* p*nd • tif relations, army. $1,177,414. navy. s*®. ••v* l ar.d army nur*es. s!*• 4 -t. —ln all probability th® battleship Texas mil in th® future he us®d for the exclu ive purp. *• of u*' defers® As w.II be remembered, she i* n**w be ng examined I *> * hoard of aurvex with a view of j making extensive rejairs in all j*arts of • 11* -hip. but it is tolteved at th- Navy Department that the report of the hoard will show ooncliiidve'y that sh® to no i longer fitted f®r other duty than that in j connection with lit* defense of the coast to hi to n itointed out that th® Texas an o! I ship ar and ha- already served th,* ountry with great honor f4he can never i bo any thing but an old ship repaired, and ; ien* *• littio fitted to cf>| •• with th® m<torn !' -• Is now im .m: onstrucle*) by the pow ers of th*- world Th® protection of the ! '• -sc! 1 not of th® b®>t and sh® has only | on* gun in it turret. The cost of reflt i !tig her would, in any • vent, b® exorbl j tant. consib ring th*- class of vessel. I —A dispatch from Denver, tool , says A travesty of f.iie to th® discovery of gold under th’ Tabor opera House, hull* by ’ he l it® Benator Tabor, who sp rit St.Od*.- Oft) In Us erection, ih*n l*>st it in the cash which swept uw y hto ferrtine of vi, i fl • w and Med ik'ngAide th* opera lions*- stru* k or® at n depth of :n t*. • to-da\ Rock l*®cm to drop out of the dil l tube which John B I Mitchell, who was standing by, recognize! <* - gid or®. n>■• . of t - rn* k wer® t tk-n i* an * *\-r If th® rr® proves in quail:;, m l quantity w rth mining n -haft rn*y b® sur k in tb® h* art *,f Denver Th® property, on which the opera house to l<> *t*d to v ilu*d it ssuo,trt) an*l the hlo* k • i tw* • i mu ti mor* so that it is the m*>-t valuable ut:*l v# l*p* and . iaim In th® world It would ) e strang® if it should b. found that Sena or Tahor. who dl®d Penniless, shou!*l have overlook®*! under j his very feet a fortune hen*ath th® build jmg which bears his Ham®. —Hallie Ermlni® Rives.the author of the n* w* sensational sex-novel. "A Furnace of Earth,’* I* one of th® f* w women living who hold • Ilf® p over an American ; railroad Sh* gained this distinction by in net of couras® nn*l heroism. Some .'•‘it® eg*. wb*n util® a young girl. Miss i Rives whh over the Moravn Route from *’hlcig* to Ixaiisville. when • li® train was wr®*'k*’i. Th® engineer. Dav I*l Fop® bv nam®. wj. hurt* ! beneath | th® debris of th® l*igg *g car, horribly rn intcl*d hut cons* toils His face was un • r I 1 • hi- U*dv was plnn®d down Ibv tli® burning wreckage His suffering* ; wer® .-* . rribl® that s®v®ral of th* wo rn- n j* ’®ng®rs fainted and the m* n turn • I k Mis.- Hlv* - alone knelt by him bat hto g hto fa ® and cheering him while th® trainmen worked desperately to re !• •>*- him No surgeon was >n the train, aid sh® hers® f with towels oral splinters! broket !e$ on i • • ovnpantt <i tbo man ond ti . j h’spl:al For® afterwards recover* ! When th® affair cam® to th® offi* id ki**wl®dg® of th® road the pr®*tf|®nt visit • *1 Mi-s Rives to thank her personally and the director' voted her a i<a* for life upon that line. A T St* wart's famous mansion. : * the northwest 'error of Fifth avenue and Thlrtv.fourth trset, N w York, may very • n herom. the property of a member of 1 ' r fain The Bt®wart property 4 ’ Mm ' i • • ist i ii i w.aiihy Westerner, called *ff ih* deal, and no cot tracts were signed. At that torn- th® idling pri” was stated to be .iliout 11 -*>••*•. although the property has < n ap|*nito I as high a. s2.'ft).ohn The l it.* a T H ’W irt purchased the site for mar). ’,•'** in At th® time th® p:.*pcrty was occupied by th® Town .- n i r® ,1 'e. u brown stone dwelling, surrounded by ample grounds. After this b • had been remodeled for him Mr Stewart v.hang*d hto mind and decided to I-. n er.t.reiv ,®w dwelling, after hto wu ;van*. Thus 1 to that th® style of ti;e folk’ws no disrin t school. 1r I that * every part of th® building " *r m.irble cell- ! |: to In • vl ! r • Ih* maiu:or. seven years to buf.d v,.d cost *j: I a*t $1,000,000. exrlti sjv. of t.h* ground Tons and tons of the purest mart-!® were brought from Pucka ho. fot th* outer walls, while for the interl r Mr ft’-w.*rt purchased mar in Falv. cut a* ordmg to thw direr tlons of his urchlfeci. pi.- e by p;®ce. all ’ lithe 1 ad r< I y to set Th® Manhattan • lub. for I,i** firs ll\ years it occupied th® tftttw iri mansion, paid SS7.O)<) rent per annum. Later thto was increased to $40,- i tM *- .. I Ocean Si6ainsl]i9 o. -FOR IMew Vork,Boston -A.ND- T HE EAST. L'nsurpassed cabin accommodation*, ar the con fxrta of a modem houi. Kieclrio lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets lnc*ud m®ul.s and bvrUis aboard ship. Passtagei lares num iu NKW YORK KIRdT CABIN, FUtfll CAIIIN KJt.NL* iltU . Ut. IN -11.i.M1., All; CABIN. i„. UNluKYlt LIATB CABIN iIUCNU THIB. Jiv KTKKKAUK, JlO. TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN. IT. FIHST CABIN 1101 NU TKIl*. IS# IN TKIIMEDUTK CABIN. *l7. INTEIIMI r,IATi: ®AHIN ROUND TIUT. VNV. BTEERAOK. til 75 Th* -xprrs* i*anohlp* of thl* lln* r■' appointed to ,all from Savannah. Central (MhJ meridian time, aa -allows: •A VAN.YAM TO NKW IVHh. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt I*i**tt, TUESDAY Nov *. I"n f, m. NACOCm'IIEK. Capl Sml'h. THI'RF PAY Nov S, p m KANSAS CITY Capl. Ft*her. SATt'R DAY. Nov 10 7JO p m TALI.AHAMKE. c,p, Arktna. TUES PAY. Nov 1.1. t, a m AYITY' OF AUOU9IA. Capl. D||#l!. THURSDAY. Nov r. 11 1> i. m CITY Ol’ BIBMINOHAM. C.ipt. Bare. FRIDAY". Nov 16, 17 p m NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, SATURDAY. Nov 17. 1 ,W p m KANSAS CITY. Capl. FYrhor. TUES DAY, Nov 3 1' p m TALI,A HASSKK. Cap'. Arktns. THURB. DAY'. Nov. U. 4 W p. tn CITY OF AI 'OUST A. C*pt. D*l’, SATURDAY- Nov Jl. 6 or, p. m NAHVICHKK. Cap# Smith. TUESPA' Nov 77. t:K p m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Cpr. R. - t THURSDAY". Nov. |,'n a m KANSAS CITY. Capl. Fliher. THURS DAY’, Nov r>. lorn h m NOTICE- Siramahlp City of Blritr.-. ham will not earn" ra**ner® NKW’ TURK TO HOKTOS. CITY' OF MACON, capt. Savas 1 ". MON DAY*. Nov. 5. II 00 r.oon. CITY OF MACON. Capt Siva*',. FRU DAY. N. v I.’ 0 nrn CITY' OF MACON. Capl Snag*. WF.P- N I’.HDA Y' Nov 14. 12 Ol I,* ,1 CITY' OF M VON. ' ; p: Savar. MO'.. DAY'. Nov l‘> 12 it- Boon CITY’ OF MACON Capt Sivagf. FK7 PAY. Nov 2< it 12 O' Horn CITY' OF MACON, ("apt Savage. WI P NKSPAY'. Nov 2*. :I ,'<i noon. Thl* company rrtvry.-* th riant u chans'- tt Inn* at. iont notloe ai l without liability or accounlability *hei for Satllna* New Y'otk for Savannah T'ct data. Thuradaya and Saturday- s<m p tn W G BREYVER. City TWet and D'l mzrr Agent. W 7 Bull atrwi. Savanaal.. Oa E. W. SMITH. Comraclln* hrwant AK- nt. Savannah Oa r o TREZKVANT. Agent. Savannah, Ga WALTER HAWKINS. Genera: Aaant Traffic Dep't, 22* YV Hay at root, J fee* aonv'lta, S'l* F H HINTON. Traffic Manager Sa vannah. Ga p F 1-F7 FEVRE. MmaaPr. N*w Tier 37 North River New York N Y Merchonls X Miners Tronsporiolioi Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Ticket* on Bale to \ll Folate Nor’h and We t Kimt— la* ti k* te to elude tnwl* and t>®rtnH Savannah to B.iltimor# and Fbll driphbi A comnu-dationfl and cu!*na unequaled. Tto® ani‘hli>' **f th!* comjany ar- ip poln(®*l to ail frwn Savannah a* follow* (Central Standard Time): TO II %l/l IMOIti:. DDRCHKBTER. Capt Jamce, TBEBT.\T, Nov. *>. f. Jn i in TEXAS Capt Kldredgc, THI’RSPAT, Nov S *’ (i nv D II MILLER. Capt. Peter*. BATFR DAY. Nv. to 1 7 p nv ITASCA Capt. Fillip®. TCEBDAY Nov. 13. H • tn IO I'll 1L.% DELPHI A. BERKSHIRE. *'tpl Ryan. MONDAY'. Nov. f. p m AMJMHANY. Y'oaler. FRIDAY'. Nov 7 p m BERKSHIRE. Cap!. Ryan. TUESDAY, Nov IS. 9 p m Ticket ttfll e No IJ2 Bull street 33 CA ROLAN. Asml. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav Ag* Savannah. On. W R TURNER. G T A A D. STEBRINS. A. T M J. C WHITNEY Tram. Minar f General Offlrea, Baltimore. Md. H'irnfZfTUiaaio Cat I'u i l ijc lr > I lour*. have been laid in many of the comfortable homes In N#w York. Boston and | other cltlo*. Mora cleanly and economical than car pet*. rialn and fancy floor* laid and poll*hed complete over old floor*, making a solid and beau ! aif ul improvement. Cat | alogua on request. E- I • (mates rent on receipt of m*'asure* of rooms. | Having a number of floor* | to lay In Savannah thl* month we can quote close figure*. J M ADAMS. 227 N rtiarlea Street, Baltimore. M 4. /> BURK'S Iff,, Dyspepsia N ,.y®rf :p Cm’e '*mi3 Tablets ' - IfJ V* ~r)T M'Vlr ’* * T# r i- ’gM-'H ’•• hi nf **t- fi h;i,ain*** • *' I**l "■* H-aua /uy *1 ••'! • M'ma*l •*• iff Promote the Appetite nnd Put Flesh on Thin J People. fli •*> !*• '■owiptK- twkinrfWl mU* P 0 * 1 ■ M fttf !**A K.i P ■ tou auaa a co., t—u**-. hi.