The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 06, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNTNC, NSWfI gsubitshgf MW* ■- - Incorporated I*** | H WTILI. Hrealdent IE OF H ISIHIIISII' Chairman Jones Is Confident Bryan and Stevenson Will Win. MUIS Ml IMTS KIM) IS HUS. Democrats Appealed to Reason; Republicans to Passion and Prejudice. Ortunltatloß of the Drntorraflr I'nrl* Thin \rr 4|iprnaoh BVrfrrHon. "fl, r l Aontrf l Irontfd and F.tfryh•* lnllraif* n lh*iii(M*rnlie \ Irtnr) nt the Toll* To-da>-R'*|Hihllran* < Imliii < nmiltlowa Now Arr similar to Thoae Thai Rllatrd lu |N!MI Win \nrh and Imllann Rallrvait to fir In thr Drniorratir f olnnm. Karccaat of thr IMflrrcnt M*r, wml thr Cln ini* That Arr *talr In F.iirh of Them tn thr I'arl) l.radrra. CMouo, N'm. B -Oimrmnn Junes K Jones of the Democrwtir National Com mute.- on the eve of the election. said: "I have no doubt that the teault of the boltm to morrow will be the triumphant elecitonof Bryan and Bteveneon The Item ocratlc party has appealed In this cam palßn to the reason and conscience of the ,-eop.e, while the Republican# have ap pealed to paeaton '*• prejudice In the (treat forum of public opinion I have no doubt the Democratic party haa won In that, the (treateat of Its national political struggles. "Four years ago the Democratic party was deficient tn organization whereas, now it is more perfectly organUcd an t more efficient than it has been In arty tmpaign The National Committee has been tn touch with every part of the coun try and familiar with all the details of the work. While the campaign fund has not lween enriched by the contributions of great tru.ts. It has received tie- patriotic m t'-a of the great working classes In suf ficient quantity to degray the expenses of the camiMLlgn. which was more satis factory than If It had been otherwise. •The country Is now aroused as It has never been before since the great Civil War and tha result can be nothing less than the trtmuphant elect lor of the Na tional Democratic ticket." THE EVIDENCE I* It- 1 ' **• Itr,an Expresaes Confidence In %e --llnn of the People. Omaha. Neb. Nov. 5-Mr Bryan to night gave out the following statement The evidence Is In. the arguments have heap made and the case is now submitted the jury. H the Jury will accent the 1 ■eciaratlon of Independence and the con i-ltution of the Flitted Plates as the tn r net lons of the court, there will be no ,„M as to the verdict. I hope that the people will vote early and then see that the vMt is counted as cast. 1 have ten termed that there Is a plan to buy any P,- haseable votes with a sum contingent i,n gains In the precinct; hut I do not t „; that the plan will work, because . 11.-mo rat who would become a Repub- I, ~o worker at the last moment, would uspected by his neighbors, and I la ce that the people are so much In earn est that bribery upon any extended scale all. be Impossible." KlflHT IN' TWO DISTRICTS- Ilot the Democrats Will Dot Every thing In North t aroltna Bale gh, N. C . Nov. 6 -The Democrats n sed thrir campaign to-day with me.-t- Inga In every Congressional District They are confident of victory In all but the Kigrtlh and Ninth District*. These are doubtful, and both sides are putting forth every effort to carry them The Dem.a-raU charge that tn thc*c two districts the Tleptibllrane. having abandon*® all hope <d carry the state for y. Ktnley. are offering to vote for Bryan tf Demo-rats will support the Republican Cm,rresatonal nominee". It I* thought. , > i • " - Stttle effect. In view of the fact that Ilrva-y Is sure to carry the state arty-way. If there is any trouble at the poll* to morrow It will probably be over the Ben nt-irml contest which Is hot and bitter Th- great Iretersart manifested In the S*n atorship will Insure a full vote all over thus •tat**. HR Y W ATI) AIrWLU^. Will Give Big Demneratlo Majority. Nashville. Tenn , Nov. S.-Chalrman Fltxpatrkk, for the Democrats. aald *• day: W. had good new* from over the state t-.-dav and I have no doubt about lh- re tiilf in Tennessee for either Bryan or Mc- Millln ■ A ting Republican Chairman Dee Brock laid: We expect to elect three congressmen and to Increase our majority In the Degl- Ixtnr- We believe there has been ron - • ruble change over the state to Mc- I nlf v, perhnps enough to give him the tute," M IliUtkl IIFG E<>R ftaVAff. Ills I'larallty Eetlmated by Chairman Hall at ISMHMi. '•maha. Neb . Nov. B.—The Republican **■■' " Committee le etlll clelmlng the et-ue '■mo plurality for McKinley', but this * pieced against th* positive assertion *"■ r hairman Hall of the Democratic Com- Wl-tee. that Mr Bryan will recflve a f 'Mllty of at least 18.000 ,! *pubiican§ generally art saying that r rlaa h Dietrich. Republic*!*. will he '• ted over Oov, Povnter. end Chairman D'dav declare* that the Laglaiatur* I* '*' for eh# Republicans. On the other , R 4 Chairman Hell save that the whole *'•* ticket will not run behind, and that w< Legislature will positively be fusion. Moaning Ifotogl Cnlcaco, Nov. 5. Th* rtnt*- rmnt wait given our at the h**a'lquartrrp of the Re|>ui>lit an Nat tonal Committee "Th*r* ar* few surf i * indication*! at thia tlm* dissimilar to the*?.* of four yrar.ft • ico. when Ms Kiitfry awft tti* country by the greatc.-'l mirorHx probably ev r given to a prerl kimil amiidaie. The work of th* Republicans <lurlnz the pa**t four ivwki ha been morvcioumy effective. It nan been marked everywhere by com* in detail of machinery, harmo nious action and desired result*. In the hi*4ory of the party no better organization ha* ever ext*(eal McKinley aml Roosc velt will carry every Mate which voted for McKinley and Hobart four years ago. and certainly seven or elirnt others that vt*d for Bryan In IW. "The adexed hope* of Crokar and Bryan * to carrying Indiana and New York tire pimply following out the programme of cUiming everything in e *rh for th. purpose of enootirtiglng their followers in tho*e mutes to nmk*- the most de*perate effort* for aucce**. The claim* of the !<••- publican* are haecd upon th** result of getuai work reported by men in the fleid. brought up through precinct, *ard, town ahip, city, county anl *tte organization*, and upon ar;ual fact* a* shown by the ctoooat poll ever made by any political organization." McKIUKY'fi AlloltT UPRRf'H. ll*b Await* To-day the Voire of the Aanerlrnn People. t’anton. 0., Nov. s.—The M Kinlry lawn, *o famous in the campaign of lk&k. was th* evening the *oene of an enfhu*k*tl.* d* tnenoetrat on similar to that which closed the campaign of four years ago. Tile President was prevailed upon io de- Prt frjm hi* rule, which In the face of n ’,u h pres ur*% haa leen intlexlMe all througli the campaign, and he** a • hort address to hi* neighbor* and fellow town*men. He aJ*o Introduced Judg*- Day for a *hort *pe t h from the famoiis front j<rch. The occasion was an uimnnounced *ere nade by the Hrand Army hand ivotn* pmied by sev* ral thousand people The President finally appear***! after ret*ated c-ills. He ijowwi to the crowd In front of trim nml to his right ami to hi* left, amul deafening cheers. There were cull* for a *1 •*•**'h and sinw* one pulled from in* vß*tilnile of the house a relic of the campaign of four year* ago, a Tennesnee Mump with poll*he<i top. an engraved emblem brought h**re by n Tenne**ee del e gat lon. The Prr*ldent *uhk| upon this and spoke a* follows: “My FVDow Citizen*; I #m very gal to greet you once more at my old home. This I? not a year when I am making Npeeehes To-morow, from on* end of Ihl* vast country to the other, the American people will speak. A Yol e "For William McKinley *' (Tremendous np|>lsuse and long-contin ued cheering.) "And we must wait reverentlv and in patience for their verdict. I know you will be glad to hear m word from oar fellow townsman Judge William R Day, %vho ha held a conspicuous plat e In the o iminhtration over which you called me to preside tn i*sd I thank you and hid you good-night." Ml f II M*i:t l l, ATIO\ IX OHIO. .Voltn R. Mcl.rnn Trylug to Cat lo n It *• |iti bit*n n Votr. Cincinnati Nov. 6.—A1l speculation to night Is on the question of Democratic gain.** In th cities and Republican gains In the rural districts of Ohio. John R. McLean I* here, trying to re duce the Republican plurality In Hamilton county one half. This county gave Mc- Kinley almost 20.000 plurality four years iro. Republican fttate Chnlrman Dick, says hia poll ahow* over 10.000 for Meßlnlev in Ohio and 17 of the 21 Congressmen. Dem ocratic Rtate Chairman l-ong. claim* ! Hryan will carry Ohio, "unless prevented by coercion and purchase." Iloth side* are issuing notice# and warn ing* about the use of pencil* and all : orts of fraud* There is much ex- Ite- I inent In some cities, and especially In the j town* of close Congre**i aal District*. MAtMniMFTTS* MAJORITY. Ilemncral* t oncede McKinley Will i .ft A bowl R**tr>n. Nov. 5-Although the majority of the voter* In Ma**achu*ett* will cast iheir ballots to-morrow In favor of Mc- Kinley and Roosevelt, Just what the size ,f this majority will be and Just how many Republican congressmen will be verted, is a matter upon which the parly . aders fall to anr**** 'fh*- Republicans are . onttdent that Preaidant McKinley will have at least lOO.OOi) vote* mor* than Mr Bryan, while the Democrat* believe that will be nearer the mark OCLAWAIU: REPIBLICAX. Rat the Democratic Chairman la itlll Hopeful. Wilmington. Dei.. Nov. S.-The outlook to-night is that the RopubiicAn will carry SAVANNAH, CiA.. TI’ESDAY. NOVKMHEII . ltoo. Delaware lor McKln’ry and the st.ite Re publican tl>'k*i by . majority of at least I.Mm. IVmoA*r.itlc St it. i.i tirman Faulabury claim* that th -i > will aiv** Bryan th-* electoral vole, and that the legi*iiuic will have a Demo rati nvajurity Fit 11 1> < It %lt<kl.t> IN < Hl %t.O. Hoih Parties Arc tonfldrnt of the It r*it 11 To-day. Chicago. N \ .*• ft *tli ix'irUc* in Illitiol* have completed Hnlr final arrangement* and are confident of th' r* *ult of to-mor row .* \ otii s Roth Democratic and Republican m in i ger* have made every prepara'i ‘n agdnsi unlawful action at th* i■•!?* h> • .* Ir •* *- nonent*. hut the* * are that * iiere will U* no more fraudulent voting than OCcurr* at every citv * e.'tion. The R.eir l of Commissioner * ! In e at night commenced the distribution ef bail t* to the various pr* Inct Ju Ik* *. and although carefully *v*tem.*tlz* and th * work will hardly l*e comsdeted b la> light Recall*** of the great number of stale atvl county officers to be voted for, tb* bai •’* ihl* year arc l>out tn* size of a**mall circus poster. A vor* full vote Wld be polled In rhe t large, and •■**c!;illy In Chicago and t o*k county The Republicans ar elat’d t the pr- spec! of fill* • >hT t*- morrow and say it mean* tircir Mir** su* - c.N Tlie Democratic, managers ire that weather will make ru. Mt* rep. . an l that rain or shine, the e • Mon •* • eiiain to result In a sweeping Detno ratic triumph. A FILL VOTE •> INDIAN*. t hsirnisn Martin fMiflilrSt f Dem ocratic % letory. liKlianapolla, Ind.. Nov. 8 - T*-' eve he fore the great hatlie in liullanu finde .el.-, reattnjf on (heir ,,:er for tVi - fray to-morro(v lndioation* poh.l (o (i full votn held* polie.l. I,lie ’hie afternoon (her*- were Indk-e done Inal eeveral lle(>ub!lran an.l a* many i)eiin-H-rad war-1 worker* would be I>iu.-ed under arre.t before the poll* opened to-morrow morning. Before leaving for hi* home to-night, rihalrtnan Martin of the Democratic State CVmmltlee. made tha following etate rr.ent: "I eee no reaeon fra- changing my pre dk tlona a* heretofore made I believe In diana will go Itemocrtrtle by a -atfe ma jority." Before going away to-night Mr. Ilern lev. halrman of the Republican Hiatr FonmiHH-e. gave to the A*no I in-l I’reet* hie final eatimate of the probahl*- result: "It lea landslide. We will elect eleven congressmen sure, and will carr> the. st.ite by 46,000, and will el o the entire state and national thOu-ta and carry both branches of the Begtslaiure." HOW IT DUES IN MARVBAND. (f(.ration With Both kltlea Only the ttiir of the Majority. Baltimore, Nov. 5 On the night before election the leader* of both political l>artles profess to he confident of victory at to-morrow's balloting, and Isdli eld— claiming tho alale by pronounced ma jorities Chairman Vandiver of the Democratic Central Committee said; "I have no hesitancy in claiming that wc will carry the Rtate by from faffi to la.onn majority, and that both city and counties will contribute to that end We will not only carry the state for Itrvan. hut will < iect four Congressmen sure " Chairman QoMaborough, of the Repub lican State Committee said to-day that he looks for even a larger majority than the il.ion which he mentioned last night as his estimate, and msiets that Mary land's Cony res ohm a I delegation will lie en tirely Republican. NO (lit NOE IN VI HO! NI A. llepnhllcans Trying Hard to Elerl Three Congressmen. Richmond. V . Nov. 5-In sim sec tions of the state political speaking is kept up until to-night, but there Is no change in the situation or outlook. The Democratic party authorities are confi dent of a plurality for Bryan of some 3f>,- inO, and of electing seven out of the ten congressmen, and have lioj- - umoiinting ilmost to posiute belief (hat they will eiect the other three. Except as to the three close districts the Republicans tn ike no claims, md in those dlstri-*s their estimates of majorities are much below those, of the Democrat*. HOW MINNESOTA STAND*. Republicans 4 lalnt a Majority of nn.iHMt to Th.lsai. St. Daul, Minn . Nov. R. The election of Minnesota McKinley electors seem- assur ed. the Democratic committee oniy ex pressing a belief In the possibility of Bry nn carrying the state without actually claiming It. The Republicans place Me. Kinley's plurihty .it from fin.o66 t. 7.VUO The re-election of 450 v John IJi and over Tapi. 8. It Van 8-mt Is rlalme-i by the Democrats by more than ?>.•-'. The re sult for (Jovemor will undoubtedly tie close, KANSAS' VOTE WII.I, HE HEAVY. Eustonlaf* t Inlm Every thing ttne Congrranmnn. Topeka. Kan.. Nov. B.—There ban been no Important devel pment In the political situation In this state since Siturday night. Roth side# to-nlght profess great eagerness for tho battle to-morrow, and th* utmost coeftdenre m the result The Republicans claim a victory for McKin ley by 2S.4SJ plurality The fuslonlst- ion ccde otic congressman to the Republican*, but claim everything else, placing It yen’s plurality at 16.660 Avery heavy vote will he polled. , END OF KENTI4 K 1 FAMI'AION. Estimates nf Both Sides Are Mather Extravagant. Douisvill*. Ky . Nov B.—A ramtwfan that really began before any nominations were made closed to-night tn Kentucky with both sides claiming tha state In pub lished report* by 80.000. though and simar est estimate* do not put th* maj ruy either way above 6.066 or 6.000 It ia generally balievad that Bijran will run ahaad of Be:kham Damoc alc can didate for governor, and that Yerkaf will run ahead of McKimay. wnetnar Demo crat* or Republican* carry th mate Already ar tests have been made In va rious part* of tha state for alleged br.b gCoutlnuad on Fifth i sga.j DEVERY IS INDICTED % I l Kitftl > IXTKXT TO IVTKVtrKItr. WITH Mrl'l II A<*S. CRIME CHARGED IS FELONY. **l >* %TiOA OF TIIK 1)11 II NF.IV lOH K PdMTK’I. H I nl*r fl.iMNi H<ntl Ar (lnn •<••••! i II ib * Irculnr \1 lilt Hiunrtl lot Kltfllozi—Fall 1 nlt> Will l*rolMlvi> lit* Follrtl in 1 orla-—lirt'mlt*r \*b% 1 nrk I* rrnlii* Mini ilif Ndilf Ilfimltlifnn OdilM Now ii lit t. N>w York. Nov l -Chkf of Polio* D**v ♦nv nnh Itidk'U*! b.v ih* crniitl Jury f*>r - Siupor lni*n<l*nt of Jtihn M CalUirh The IndU lrni lit azainpi Chief I‘every i'tmrgfi* felony I( charge* in |**ri "That •' (Chief De\*ryi. twl mtempi xvllfulix knowingly and with felonlon* intern to hmlff *ii John M ' u.lwgh in the |K*rft>rm*nre of ht*lt!t) .* *ut- mjji erlrttet .Itfit of election* " Devery’f iH w.i* Hx*.l .it 11.W0. wrhl. h w furnihe*l h\ Mr Lyon* i Clgff hey. >ry announ*■•■•d at polU'a j qtuirier* 10-nighi that h woultl re*<Anol quarter* to-night the he woultl reeMtie | hl> ord*r of Bunday rrfardlni the M ! I'ullath men ;on<l voter* Mayor \ mWyck lemi’-*! an order to the j ’hl*f t r \. k* the order. This action fol jln wad tiw receipt of a abort note from ‘Jox HocMevflt rio(kf>iiiK the mayor "• h*t In th** event of any wronK<hn following ' ! ijon the failure lmntnl(.iiA|y to ret ail Chief Dev#T>'* order, or upon nny action •r Inaethtn on the part of Chief Deverv. j 1 mu*i nwriMtrlly call you to account." In all quarter* the opinion 1* ezpreaaed I that the election to~mom>w in New York | City will he h quiet one. and that no •■ertous clash will occur bo tween the police ind the *tae deputies hecaue# of mi*- underwt a ruling* growl nor out of Chief D*>very‘* order of laet Sunday night In xvhteh he doc'iarwd that the right* of rlt l**rv* to vote would h* protected regard* Icmh of Interference on the part of Buper- Intendem Md'ullagh t Chief I‘every, just before leaving hi* of llret for the n ght, aald: "Tomorrow** lection win he the fair est ever held Hi New' York City. 1 will do all that lie* in my power to **e that that end U* HcoompUahed t avifto-d a yi'DMtlon, The moat Interacting development In •New York on the eve of the battle Is the indictment founrt bv the loeai ,ren 1 Jury asst net Chief of Doilre B'lllinm 8. r>ev. erv, on Ihe charxe of Inierferln* lth the work of Sla'e Bii|>erlnt< n tent of Rieetlons John M< Cuilash Chief Itevery’e bail h*<-rt ami er mtigsmtnt, lu.vr been marte for hearinir the ease ihe day after election The In dictment has attracted (treat deal of at tention tn (>.itl*-al rlrelc* The points In volved aiqsar to himre upon the richts of rm n to tn their votes when ehal lei.sed in any of the deputlea of the slate superintendent of election*. Tlie leual nspee.s ot the ease are in<er esu.nt Reptabliean and Demo-ratic lead ers for the reason that it has been feared that a'l nilcht oeeur at the polls to morrow. li'lvtreen 4he H,ti polieem< n and the snO deputies. At alt the political head quarters, at the oflb e of the chief of po llee amt at the Ibtmocratic Club, the con sensus of opinion s< eme*l to be thal th ele<’tion would |*rove a quiet otic despite the difference* of opinion between tits chief o 6 police and the state superintend ent unless the unexpected happens 6'ull tote Will He I’olled. Everywhere ronfldenee is expressed tha, a full vote will he polled and Republicans and Democrats alike agree that more than doo.OOO citizen* tn (.renter New York will he morrow deposit their bailota for the men of their choice Indications are that the vote In the city will be at least OSfflon larger than ev*r before In the history of Orenter N#* York OenerallY siieaklnK. Repuhlh ane ronc-de that Bryan will carry f.reasor New York On the other hand Itetnociats admit that McKinley will carry the state, tf Orenter New Y'ork Is not Ineliided. The dlfferenee of opinion art-es on tlie question of tha pluralities that the Democrat* are con ceded tn (he metropolis and the Republi can* are concerted in the upstate district. Richard Croker clalma that Bryan will carry tireaier New York by between 80.- Otn and 06,006. Asa general thin*. Republican* will not admit that the borough of Manhattan will Be carried for Bryan by more than 86,000 plura.lty- Both sides rlalm th# borouah of Brooklyn, the Republicans by 12.6 CU. th# tw*mocral by S.OOO The population in the boroughs of the Brons, Queens and Richmond la relatively email. Democrats and Republicans claim all three boroughs, but th# Democrats usually carry Queens and Hhlimorid As for the Bronx, the increase In fpu.a’lon owing to the up town movement lias Iwen so great that all estimates are worthless, the popula tion in some districts having doubled It will probably not give a decisive majority either way. Klgsre, Widely Apart. Democrats are Inclined to concede the state outside of Greater New York io Mc- Kinley by 80,ts This is 100 660 leas loan Ihe Republicans allow. McKinley tn Ihe on* territory. Oov Theodor* Reoaortll Hill remain at his home at oyotor Bay. on Long laUtid, until after the elecdon. He wound up hi* campaign for th# vice presidency to-night with a brief speech, and then visited Ms old friend* and neighbor* The close of th* campaign And* th# bes ting that he* obtained during the last fortnight practically unchange 1 Only comparatively amaii hats ara being mart* the ruling odds ringing fnrwhars from i to 1 to 8 60 1 In favor of M' Ktnley There woe pery little betting done to night on the election The odd# dropped to to 1 towards the latter pan of the evanlug and remained there*. NEGOTIATIONS FOR PEACE. NiiMiftler*’ lirwNßtla NN 111 Me I’rr.rßl el • l!•I it m ii* hamih nm Yhe> llt.N. Mft it Agfrril I |toit. • W.mhinpP’u Nn, . Mlnlanrr Ctinor i laiif advice* to th * 8n D pirtm ni m die.ue that *.tb( . ry progreaa D belnt made by the mLii—t**n *1 xxirp* *( I’ekln toward ihe arrangement of 1 upm which hftiffiHUtlon* ‘‘halt be hud with t c Chine** government for . linal ret la ment The mini-ter* have piaed ui*o.‘ the queaiion of ptt(tl*hm*m* **>d ai h * upon < l| ' to figure m the e' tl t *tr 1 * r “ 1 ' ' have n*xt iwen rraie j i •!* T. * R ;l ‘ minlMt r i* * t* i *•* • M“*i aa liv. lv in the .Ur U-Mo i th* I’ 1 *' celling* r harn* to ■* r ,!l ** have been .ontlnel t** the ‘ fTo it,. re ui a perfe. , ngi- ment bv ill •* -t- a upon the twi*l of n K Hath' ,n ‘ ~,, 1 ‘ ihl* time no eff*:i a- tween ? * '* * 1 <ltrect!x with the Chin* g xetnmei,! It ir the .md- i‘i .- di’ g tl. '1 when t e minlMtcr* them* lvr- hax* irfreed no \ their programme there wi’l •' J tl* •! cullx in *et-urlng Ito * •■ • 1 * * # Chin*** gov* t nm* lit. whl h t inde*l i w crleMß 1.6 offer 1, 4 ’ lh united demand* of th** r'% tf KOT NET IN El l-l. NtiOlU*. list Ministers In frkln Nrr ’!* i |irr I •**• flier. Berlin. Nov Hrgnt.ilu- ’ - t-.lttl ■ status of efT.itrs in I’tkln *n *B'" 11 thr tJermen foreign o 1 • niakes th. lowing statement •■Conference* re 0.. tirrlng ■lnti' tween the different minister t*T> • -nCng the IN.wers In I'ektti wi'K • * '** •' ,l "‘ Ing t. iius ui-.n whli h they •'*> •• Joint iv and hurmianiaiety, l ' 1 ' ,wmm. llv. lv teb-ri.iphti* ■ "mmur.t.ii •" are Ju*t now pn‘*U‘g l*eixv*-n • K '* the different home government ■ v, vet the .-oinpete m .-rd h e. not b which le required M '* k ; “* ;,V from 1.1 Him* Chnnv every v.stig hop. that ■ ' ' got lit Ing reparetelv Kh ny l*< Durst '"i if ter sueh a thorough cord ha* been obt.ilnert will the raprese.n lativee Of the IMwera be rri. tv to into actual pea •• negotiation* tsUhthe China** pl* nl|*oi ntiarics iKfIF.I.LHA MAN DIB I'T. Hisina of Bef.irn.ers Nenr Canton NN Mft I'rt tniiHirr. Hong Kong Nov. 5. Het-.rU from Can ton say the East rlv.r rebel* have up the river and boo** are now running from r.k ix> to Hu Chan It "* ere.l probable that the relwlllon wtll * orE 1 \ die out The reformers admit H>' ruing was twrmaiure in-l that tho l>*“ no. c. Mlfllelen. -H id As the French demand th- <*- utl n of th- lro*iers in the Srtrk Eurtc ri<>* ptsoarda have Wn ,-alert the town urging the ( ie, to slu ig t t the foreigtiet* If th- rtetnaut* are P r ' :< * TO SMOOTH Ot T NNItINKI.KA. Cemsilsehts oS Otn. crs I* ..ln l She.. Hot Knew I’ckln. Nov 4 A commission cewtoing „r the senior *t .ff officer of the force* of each Rower Inking port h> the <'h,- nese campaign 1* proceeding to Hban Hal Kuan on the Gulf of In or der to smooth the frlcton l-tween the .111.-.I commander* r- K arding the pi*.-.-* ... be selected for occupation by their re spective force* I Mint HI <*l*N rIIOTEITION. Memletr Make* Vuse*llo With Ite g*rd io Mhnet...rl*. Ixtndon, Nov. 0 -Dr. Morrison, wiring to the Time* from rekln yesterday. r .V" ••Vice Admlrnl Alexteff t* addressed a communication b. Ix Hung ('bang ..eklna rhina's tntentioni regarding Man. lu. ..rat inviting tier to reeum. the government of that territory maler Russian |tr<d. - tbvn. which, he snvs, will be of mutual advantage to China are! Russia. Envoy* Met In i’elriu. Reitln. Nov 6.--The foreign envoy* met again this morning and virtually agreed so lo the poind* of rhlef Importance it wa* decided to leave minor difference* for future dls us*lon Ml,Mil AvV 411. %AT t 4IGIIT. Aa.ioHe.l a White Woman nt the Point of .. Pistol. Columbia, fl Nov f. Yedtarla) mornlna. noar Orralyvl.l**. In WLllum-bara county. * negro, Macon lc **ne. see n, ,\IJ Mltchum leave honw. w. nt to the Mltchtini house w herd Mrs Mltchum was nursing her hohy. The negro entered and Mrs Mltchum or dered him out taking up a gun In one hand, while she h*id the baby with the other, but the negro PX’k the gun from her. and at the |*>'nt of his pletol assault ed Iter A* soon a* p-o-slb'e the ladv gave the alarm, and the negro was captured at the Mallnid Lumber. Company's estab lishment, where he wa# at work a* usual. He confessed and wa* taken to the county Jail at Klngstree. Acting on the Governor's orders, the sheriff to-night started with tho negro for Columbia, and II wa* refawtel that the negro escaped but later advices Inilc.tte that this may he a ruse to throw lynchers off the track If this design Is carried out the prisoner ought to be here by noon to morrow. Beveral parties were hunting fw Ix*- sesn* god it wa* deemed advi able to re move him. but at midnight the community was reported to be quiet, Afl telegraph office* in that •action are now cloeed, ""■ >— *—- — 1,1 i BiCtWHMT IN pi HI.I A. Freedom *f fitly lor Kroger Ruled Out of Order. DublW. Nov. B.—Amidst considerable excitement the Lord Mavor, at a meeting of th* corporation 10-rtny. ruled out of order a resolution to confer the freedom of the city on former President Kruger, of tho South African Republic Oerinany Need* More Money, Berlin. Nov B—lt 1* ascertained from a source apparently reliable that another and even larger Imperial loan is forthcom ing The cett sf litr China esned'.tisn, which la much more than hitherto admit ted, must be covered by such a oan. More over. Ihe expense# of the eta;'ire are much larger than anticipated when the budget was passed. V WAS MORALLY GUILTLESS. I nl. Nllicrf lltMirll Fined • Jnle I nntllrr, NN bn of III* ( lim ruder nml Mr*nl Al*nt.i Nov Cos! tluwell w *' ih** nvrvitng wm(ric<*tl p;v a fine of sl, <N) by Judge Jehu F (**ndlcr f‘r the ofTcrtac nf wh >h h* xxj*. I.t Tm*lay. <>nvi*t#sl on ti couficn* \crdlrt. He wi* tndkefwd for cmte*xllng iu I courpiraey. The verdict fuuitd him guilty, with * re* - > mm< ndatiou thnt he !••* uunlahed a* for m ssirnicnnor The first- the Judge Candler Impnaed wa* the m ixirmim tr*at ng the iiffeij-. nn i m *<lrmrHrMr. although n jail acntence r ' •• on fhc public work - < uhl hv t> • n impede*! in*(t iid of the fli • . or tn ad dition to It. 11l pniisg pent cor*. Jtblge Candler aatd "I have ktu'xxn Col IIoxm>!1 f.*r th* li t tw rdx tlx * xi ar*. ,ml *c;rc-ly :x.• -a diirtitg that Hmt have ii i xxpho ii nix toiklng with him 1 am gh*t to h to *x after full InveaMie ttl *n o' the cn*.\ that I Iteltexi V 1 Howdl *t he m>ril!v guilti *r* I do iot think, under the Hi nnrcuinrtit m i* ib* < ir t. put any tuHltiy puniahmi nt up n f i Jlovxt l l w. 11l tm|M>Me h maxlnium ftr of fl o** Ju-ige Candler next *f Hi*' a.i,it i*t!i er c..| lloixt 11 had matlt in the <on ft-tlt rate j mix . of his line refold a* a capable ofth ml tu the city government, of Ih* fine . hat ter }>• hnl home h> a man. The trliiute wa* dellverel with tor . It *<>undel ltk> tlo recounting of the vlitue* of a deal frlen.l, 1,0 FI (MAN A m i t U‘ iit i * i tnn i;%**ni|it From Llernae Home Mi* ntif aeinrer* nntl I'liom r* Washington, Nov. ft Tho Huprenie Court to-day handed down *ev* ral • elidtm*. all. howevr, f imp'*rtitee 111 th* n*•* #f the Am- r in Hußur Re fining (’mtipuny v* the -tat* of Lrutalan.*, brought up on a writ of mar from the Supreme Court of Louisiana, which in volved the right of thd *tu'e of I<oui.-tana to exempt from the o|er<ition of h gen eral heeiiec tax maniif icturer-*, planter* and formet* who refine their own product, the court nfflrme.t the doiiion of the lower .Miirri, holding thttt It had Iw-cti the policy of both ttie n.itrji trvt th** general government to • i.i legislation m favot of home prMluct*. The court announeenl tliat Juiti* • White, what t • nit'* from IsOiililxna, did not p.irtleipuo* in th* *i*>- *ioii Tti*> ra *e of George \N Cro-enum v# NN’i.liHni Hurrlll, r.**ing over a question of demurmge clntne-d in connection with ihe shipment of n * urge* from IVnaeola. Fla to Rio de Jnnelny iturtr.g the rev tv lutlon in Brnhl. w* r*manled to the Dixtrfct Court for the trial of certain is rnjes. (>l 811 HINiFNTION HIUtINI. 1 lirrrlni fur Ihr I ullr4 Niwtr* Mini )*• pr* iliinu llhr•**l*•*. VVfthinKon. Nov. f -A eablrjfram r* rtlvßd at th* War I)rfwirlm**ni lair thi* aft*rrwM>n from \Vo.hI, rnllltar)* av -♦ rnor *f C'uba. r*iort* ih** rnUiutlm**ir* Oiarnlnic of Hu* cor.Mliutlnnl ronveir. ori at llaviina Unlay. Th rllapatch le hm f lowa Tlttvatta. Nov. & Adjutant fknprnl, Waahlnat ai <Vmveniluu i-i>6 n*-*) prom|>( Iv at i! u'r|o<-k !mm*ni* enthualaxm an*l r!i*>*rlng fr the I’nltefl fl at* Ab#o!ut* lj h*rn*6>ni*>i Kvery evkletu*#* ita*** fa**llo(r of ihe |i'u{ie xb4* mitre hii<l cum plH*. WliOtl, 'Military fluveri or." FIIIXIII NT IxNH.IiH I • I Ll*. Oiifeli ralirr Ilm llp**i Olillaeil (< •(pilnrr Her Xppril. I’arli. Nov. s,—Dl. |M4i hen from Pori Halil !•> tha M.irmlltfn f-xeninpr pap* rft a- Kert I ha! the Dutch cruller He iterlnh 1 haa |h 6 n ohila’ -l !u rilu* 6 Np* • I (Onahlerabiy in * on-’ ju’ii6 •• ttf ihe iijiKi* of Mr. Kru ger 'I he <;• Ulf rhifitl if. not Ripe (il to r* h h Mareallle*- h* f.>re Nov. 15 ( Nl* I’. I II % I Nil *|| ft NN D RILLIII. Nnulher ( nninlinti llll'er N\ uumled In llelfnftl iMatrlet. London, Nov. I*— Ir*l Hoberla tele zriphft from JfAamwvhurß, under I(• of Nov. 3. that In operation* In the Helfaat IMairirt, Nov. 2. ('apt. Fhalmera of the (‘an t’liitn Mounte*| Uifleft, warn killed and MhJ fl fvl* rs*. of Ihe *nrn** ommand, wm \x oumletj. FrrnHi Mx nipa tliy for lloera. I*arlr. Nov * Tha Muihlpi! council haft a’lopicti m m*ili*m expreuftlnir wnrtn ftynipfittiv a iif 1 admiral lon for t!e Hoert* "In their heroic *lfon**e *f their lnde|tetifl enre," reftolvlua that ‘he FreeMent ami other of!l< *-rn of the * ouncll eh.*ll walrome Mr Knufer at the Mat Jon upon hi** arrival In I*rl. OF IM K.l •; l\ If Fit MANY. ( nrrleri In llrenifti n (lie *teaner Nfarlenhura. Ilremen, Nov. 5 A p ! *irue r* e haa ap parently devaluperl In Germany. A sailor named Kunz. who arrive*! her** Ocl. 27 on boar*! the Herman xieamer Murlrnhurif from flouih America ha.ft ahown mi pie lour aympioma and the authorll f * t'* clay noiifltd the ha* l**rloluirh‘al ezp rta to determine whether It la a c **e >f pi (r*JO The Herman Homer Murtenhlira nail*! frm Rc*aarlo. Argentine Kep'ilil e. p lor to Hep*. W. (iZINOR If F % Ilf VO CONTINim tod*ft Oxer to IVnlnridny lleeane of fle lllneftii of Mr. Iloae. New York. Nov. s.—The hearing In the prte ceding* fo xecure the removal to the t'nlted Htatea court a In fje<rgUi of John V W, T and R H Oaynor and Itenjamlrx Oreene. aecuaed of ronaplraey with former (‘apt, Oherlln M Farter to defraud the government, frhl ti wae to have been eon tlnued before I niied (Ha tea Com mine inn er Shield*, fra* postponed until Wednea day. nn e.-couni of the lilnee* of Mr. Roe*, of counsel for th- defrti*e. YELLOW Kill Ell AT XATEHKK. Owe Case ONlclallr R-ported hr Board of Health. Jackson M's* Nov 8 —The State Board of HtMlth offlciallly report* on# case of yelMm fever at Natchez Th# source of the Infection t not yet known The pdtlent 1* tho wife of the local Baptist HlMer. DAILY A YKAR. rr.NTI A copy NVKKKI Y TIMKH-A WKKK.iI A YBAR HIS CAMPAIGN OVER till. Itlll * N Dl: NOTED the. day tu It IN MTHt; STATE. WELL RECEIVED EVERYWHERE. taHi:i:n:i in now i>* %t Kvuir Pt’iM NiaiTICO. llrgMti III* liny‘ft NN orla tlnif nn 'lvor Before llann nml ritti*hetl nt MI4- himlii In dmalia—lTitnka III* F.ler htin NNonld xi.| (he I'h i I ipplnn U iir-llor •*'* In Nettaiftki% •hm l%*r Nelure—Tliankrtl tho IVirple ol l. iicnlH l ii. ’.li! N- * Nox r. - With the exc#|v i * of revolt 4 . h* at <mah to night, Wililatn Jciininy Hryan •<iup!ct<-i hi* • ‘ li*i t l •mp.iis.ii tour of th*- ptaip xvitii a *pceh in iti hi* home cRy, nt I* ovlo-k ihl* * x<ili k He reiurned her** oi that line from twe|vo-h*Mir tour r*C the interior of th* Mate and *leiivere<l u t f atnaif thirty minute* dtira'tuo to his t.n\ u p-pl. Mr Hi x .in r* < me*! < ntlrrly *atiafl*i wHi th** audit'll. • m,ii Hfied him at the va ri*u T-11- in hi .an -t. # will h he x i -11 ■* | tluritiE Hi* -lax Manx of the Ida** t which • *!*okr ar Re|Mihlicgti ui iitiue ii, ■it in 4*;i i-c* the • rowda xv* r. I *rg* in pi |rit - ion to |MiMj!aHen an I in mo- i of th*-rn thor* w * a high tlcffM of friendly Inlet* *-t manlfe ied In tin* l*n*|ili> of l.lneoln. Mr Hryan wtc met ui th** tl**pof by a*- Hirei •( p* *>p . iijnm hi* arrival her* at o'clock t*>-nigh( ftm the Interior of t!*• ti • it* s t *.k, from i temporary i n.l In INo'-t.dhif Hqimt*, and In th main levote*l him*e:f to the general la- U’ S*f the campaign The ap* ech Nf g< nerotixly applaud’d, and war- evident ly well received Mr Hryan ewld "There i* no . hairman here to introduce me. hut |o*w!bl) if I wore n> tell you my nann you xv*uld recognise me. We ara nt the •*. .*• h* amiMign To mormw wl I d< hb what {M>ltci ** are to b** pur uml f.r the next four years, who h to siond at th* ti* ad of our federal govern ment, aw ;l a* what in to be the cutn * ■ and t,.0 Man ,\im in ini-*, my l.*t occgaion t> adl!• *:* the |>.iph> of mx hom* tty. I want to •a\ no nuicti what may he tha r. f*ult ..( mort iw * eha lion, 1 Mull hav nn blame t*> f .si u|M*li th people of lliUl cofittiiunUy alwl of thU utate l nevt i app#ar before a lancoln aiKilencw without f* anew tha gratl:ule whlc.-y I *wo to the good people of this <vmd munlt\ No mother whai they may do iu the future, they cannot undo what they ha\* *hne |n tn** pant. and. whether I am •*i• t’ll or not. I think mx experience will ot sotn* ***rvit* to my country, for I hx* ahown 4hat * young man. without Mug.* mriatrut loci tehuid him. ••an amount to j—u ethlnr Itut k> not think ihnt when I *ay thb 1 nay it in u !*oa*t tig wtix, for whatever an can* to ma fo not oim* I** .tufa* <>f |*erM>tiai m*rt; M ha* -•‘imply t om* became I have sum*! for certain I*bate ind the |* *tpie tuive ltett o fotul of the id a* taat (hey have taken me in ord r ti get th.* idea* IN* hove foughr th** ijimpHifn o|*en and aiMix* hoard. VV. tiave fipp.i|.d to th.> son->r*l*iH and t* the Judgment of th* Atnen in |Mopl Our platform 1# *o plain that every ai.* an titHleratan*! It. lon know where th* party atand* It n. ti..t diMlg.d any in. *. It *uuidi on l!i- old *pies km io it ii m Mood l>efor#, •n! it !o- tdd’il to ii platform new planks to cover new Imu* “ Began Before Dawn. Halting*, NM, Nov f, Half an hour before ’lawn VYillhiiu J Hryan began the lust .lay of hi* campaign with the pros pect of an elgh-‘een hour *!ay. When lie re at h*i the de|n>t .f Lincoln at f45 a. m , Is- found hi* w |>**4*i n | tram awaiting and bfty or morn person* prepared to go on the Journey. Kgeter, Ih* flret afopplng pkea, atzty* ftve mile* from Lincoln. w* r**a* bed nt 7 o'clock. A* the train halted a crowd ap pciired, notwithatariding the early hour, ami Mr Hryan win hastily *orted to n public hall near by The hull wa* filled !• ovi-rfl**wmg Mr Hryan’- -p.ech varied little from three* to agrtculttiral fommunl* tie* fti other part* of the country. In the course f hi* remark* he aald "When Mr tVt-tf w.* here h- made a statement that 40 per cent, of the real • st.ito mortgage- In this stnto had been paid off under this administration. The fii<-t Is th n i little le Ilian 824.ntn.006 In real estate mortgage* have been released in ex ***** of those fli**!, and you must tike out of * tin 82t.0ntt.0nt all of rite property where the property I* turned over t.. the mortgagee tn-*Mle fa'-tittti of the debt. But, while the mori- tges (sod off and reieaatsi on real estate are very much less thin Mr Roosevelt th- i re i e In the c(ia*tel nvirtgages of thl* state in the last four years la verj mm h greater than Ih* decreaae In the real i ate mort(pages And. If you will take the real estate mortgages fl!#d and released, and the ctmttei mnrtgagea fill and and release t yon will find that a ld- Ing them together we have now 8149.000,- in mor- mortgaged IndehtMlnee's In this state 4han we had four years ago: that t* th- mtte| mortgages have increased so much more rapidly than Ihe real es tate mortgages have decreased that Ihe Increase l 8168.001,006 m four year* Bear it) mind these figure* were taken from 4he statistic* In the talior bureau nffic*, *n*l these arc made up from the sworn statements of county officials of thla state. ■' Would Stop I’li 111 p|il nn War. Ilohlregen. Net. , Nov. 8 -In his -pee 1-61 here Mr Bryan 4l!<us*ed the trum- and Income tax along his usual line*. Ha condemned the colonial twitcy of Eng land and said tn conclusion: "Our opiKint ni* tell us that If I am d—- feuted ihe war In the Rhlltpplnea la v*r, but that It will so on lu aa I am elected. The fact Is that the war will continue If the HepuMh ana ■ nrry the clmcihm, the war will cease If we win, for we have proml-cd Indeftendeno to the Elllpimw ami they will quit lighting when they know they arc gonlg to gvt what they are ffghling for." Ilr>an In Omaha. Omaha. Net.., Nov. s.—Mr Bryan ar rlve.l In Omaha at *:IS o'clock to-night and itegaii hi* flrst epeech of a series of nine In South fimahe. *t 830 o'clock This first speech was made In a email hall ■ ' ’ m i. i ih) tarter* and th* hall we* packed to the potrd of eufloea 04i with men, women and chi.dren, who received th* Candida e with loud acclaim and frequent applause. Tne second meeting wa* held in the open air In South Omaha and th# presU dential andldat# addressed an immenaa (Continued on Fifth I ag*-J