The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 06, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WRIGHT’S DISPENSARY BILL THE l|ll\* "I Ml- M.*V rMtl itmi rut' *< hi • I'r Ir I Irrllim* tnr nrtr lu * imiiiM*** Hllh itrr J’opnln lon—lll I1 in Mi*pril \nii-nil iiti-nt to lilt- -lock !.■ —Mi-n.urr Itirprtril Blni Frul M•• vcillrlll in *lnl.c liivumncc I nm ■••■ln*. !■ 11.-po-H lrllcrcil Inalcnd l < •••■■•nil llnml*. A - hi • N-- Ml M right of Fl*" ! I, I, .j, ; . 4 '-i-Mil Ihh n*>ri Ing rnl li 4P referred in the Temoer m - , , mmliiee |i pr.. t ** ,ir; imcrdmeni in th, In i nik I I •' .11 1 Ci*M tn tl.o-•• ‘" ■ )va\ir.g c;ii*s of S.'*** population and up vitr<L th* right to vote on th** qi* ‘t;*n rt - *abii**h i g db .tens rv. if and* fc re T all m'h an c.e non 1’ would r u' i,: i.; i-tt-ni i *f the qualified voter- of tl county a a now provld***! tn tf < l * H *•: tson law , ari the ordinary •• * ‘ rmit such qua till tlon* In the event ‘tor dispensary * erne th* m*vor o i **t.. cil of m h *lt • I w '- -r i elect thr** citizens to -tv.- n '.ispens.iry ; commleslonet • or.- for •• + *> ? one for two anl tno other for Tnr* ' The.r hu*- t'* ar** To ho *1 for * nrr** year* 'ird th* two h* M over *cmmi loners ar** to j nominal* a t hair *e I* non o h . -nflrmed or re Jo. t rd by the mavm m l cour* l Tno $!•(> n.- irv n ii: be inalnlalned in the hr** limit* •-! >u • ci>. In the iantral portion and maiie.;* ; i* to h* * who ."fri.l give, a I- ' M * t**>' 1 the* comm *!• n-t-h to fix hi* rompeniw lion Al’ bill* fr i quor are to be paid bv tne *:r \ - irt>i-iirt r or vou-heri from the comrrv ami the revenue la to , : .. Ity treaau Wmi I* lh** Pure TMtilf The stock I* to U‘ tnabiM from ime to time b> i *.mpeir*ni > hrtnlM are! r * sold In quantities lesr> thnr • pin* rot to be drunk on the premise* Th* dispen ►aty 1 to n main open from to * inset The mana*r :*h*U .-ell only for ash Payment by the city "hill be r* - for impute or unwhol* ome liquor r m* and the dispensary commissioner* No I.* .o r,4 1 t. fa il to pi ra ne t,* eel ig ii .. either law ful y r un!awfull> and tha profile on any liquor* are n t to ex*ei> •> per cent No ioltertnK around the premia* te allowid The <lipenairy < inmien to re eh* l make an annual report to ibe ami f'ouncll of mich dry on or before the first day of February In each \*ar *h**wlni the re< elp** ijjd exp* n e* ,f th** olepen *ary for th* calendar year pr 'ding and the amount of ne profits, if any Such net ptoflle. If tnv. h-hall *o to paying th* exjien** of the city, tnen to the estab lishment of hornet for dependent children and the remainder thereof n* divibd l* tween the sty and county in jmopinion to the population of each. The part , awarded to the county hoi. b* iiat-i over by the city treasurer to the county treat* nrer and ma\ be opproprlated to any pur- , p< se that th** county au'horltlet- may law fully appropriate m**t < y for. I ’•* r *<MI • Not l.llkild*' No perv*n b *M ng any * fflc* or position of any kind under th** charter or ordl* n.mcew of such c.ty or county shall eligible to be chosen as a dispensary com mies oner or manager of dispensary dur Ing the time for which he was elected to such off! e or position a tel oil persons ho-eras dispensary com m s?*loners or as managers of dispensaries shall for the time for which they are * h*s**n and for the term of ore year thereafter, be Ineli gible to election to any office or poaltlon under the charter nr ordinance* of such city or In said county, provided, that die- j penaary comm ** oners and the manager * of dispensaries may be always re.e|ec**<l ccmmw**trtners or managers reapactlvelv, ! The dispensary eommlestoners shall be paid for their servi es such sums as the Mayor and Council shall determine, which shall not he less thin sl*d per annum each The bill is r.o* to operate In countie? where prohibition now obtains either by high Hce-se or local option To Repeal New Stork Ijs. Mr tlawklns of fjordon Is seeking to repeal the st> k law a t of Walk r of I‘nlcn. |*assed .<? the Last s- aalon This w* an nmendment to s*cf.o. s 177* and ? •,. m) .• *1 proaldad that m • • nt i district - u and vo * tor t -to k Itwr. that such d!**:r t • suld t*e fen<*-d off from i IJolrdrg ll*trl ts tha* *1 1 not h >v* th*- st*. k lnw Mr. Hawk n*- ?ays that this would Inflict o hit l"Mp wi • Lit f iir’S 1 out Fu’* iermor. p* r i-n of the i t 1- h tmpere.l by the fa, t that the me .sure * airied with It no provision ns t* who should do the fencira ml. hence. i>. t<* aH intents and purpo-e i dead letter Mr Hawkins says th*" people in his e t.on nr. rt(>posed to the law and therefore, he has introduced his measure to repeal it Tf Ntp IVnvlnti Frauds. Mr Harvard of f>ooly < bana**d his mind nbrtut introducing hts pension bill until It was seen whether a constitutional conven lion would be calle*l or no' as he sent It forwwrd this morning when hts countv was call* and Mr Harvard's measure seek?* to weed out frauds In the pension lists and especially In the indigent class. He says there were lnetancss where pension. er have deeded their property to their wive- and daughters In order that they might b put on the Indigent pension ilst. H?- remedy is for th*- grand Juries to rec. otnmend su'-h ci.itm** from their several counties, and that the \ be not allowed bv the t*enston commission tiniest so recom mended \\itnt Heaistrre| ttnnl. Ina’ea 1 of the coupon b*>r>‘is now de posited in the trstuury hy insurance, fld* l ity and other companies. Senator Kill* wants registered imrids in order -that the treasurer may he more completely pro tfeted from any chance of los" by theft Of thee couprm bonds there are about urt worth now on deposit If they were stolen they could he u***d nlm<*M as r* <K* ly as cash ly the thief who stole them ff*gietered bonds could only he disposed of nfter a record of the trar.s** tlor. had been duly made It w s on tb,r account tha Mr. Kills this morning introduced his bill tequ>nng the substitution %uu M*t*i’• gollritorahlp. The Augusca Pity Court sollc|tori*hip fight Is still on. Gov. Candler stating to by that he had noT yet been able to make up his mind, as the mi’ter was the most perplexing that has com*- before him thb \e*r. The Governor sent in a bn h of n<>minatkn to the Sen it* this morn ng but they were not acted upon nt to-day’s session. The Augusta soil**!- torship was not among them. \VII,L MOVE lIHI MHIVk BODY. To fie Transferred From Oakland to West \ lets Cemetery. Atlanta Nov .S —The remains of Leioijt Ti -tnio M Brumby will be remove*! from tusk an 1 c #m***rv In a few da'* to West View Tn* hrd of the h*ro of Manili will be t*k#*n w those of other members of the Brumb- family, from the present lot of the Bf'imHv* at Oakland. Just as noon as arrangemeris have been completed e v* r*\ da vs ago an appl at lon was to the health officer * the City lla I *,errn' to allow the removal of th* tM-vpe Th* prmlu were issued at >nce No An oun •■merit has be**n mad* as to wi.f-ther there wilt be any *remonies on the * aamn of the removal of the body, and tha relative* of the kavc wt made ihtit detlret public* “Necessity is the Mother of Invention. It <was the necessity for an honest, reliable blood purifier and tonic that brought into existence Hood's Sarsapa rilla. It is a highly concen trated extract prepared by a combination, proportion and process peculiar to itself and giving to Hood's Sarsaparilla unequalled curative power. It. nm~dt’fu! ’fcn*d of ru-r. h* j i tdt it A~<r*'cs‘ G'titttt Mtdtcine. Rosy Cheeks " / '.w v*>4 htilth 4*,d -> * hrrks. thar ks to Hoof t Sa r acA-tUa. h builds -nr up and i ain and :to. bills." Mt.\ A. Burkt. Ej't Clair Si.. Indianapolis, bd. 3 (ood'J rSa Ua/muffa H'.'hl • r !• i* M• <*r ti)i th<- noe irritating r<l • •• ■ ’♦ • * • -apariii* ■ KUHTCb V* \ rnf\ UH \ loam ItlnnlN Snrlsll Man lla* Jolnnl (lit* %rniy. A'iantu. Nov —Mr H n*on Neal Thornton, prominent In Atlanta hO'ial rir < ks and one of the b**f known young business m n of the rjty has enlisted •* private for servi. a In the t’nlted Piat.s • rivalry H* patted thiough Atlanta this ifternoon *n rout.* from th** r*cruitn>K itior. at M mi to Hf Louis when ho gor-i* to lo a*.-ign**d to a regiment. Mr T rirntn nsrtgn* th* re i on for entering 'h*- umv th i* he is hrnk* n down in b**atth and seek- th..- means of re. cuperating his lost strength deelln*d *ll offers from influent oil friends to secure i for him # mmi io and se viral days igo w., '.I Mi -!, th*- t’nic.d fbare* re rultlng headquarters f.*r this state and applied for enlistment Me passed a -pi* lid examination and was enlist*.! im mediately Col. Thornton w .* not informe 1 of his eon s int niton to Join the army, and when he learned he had gone to Macon for this purpose, h* wired him to return home to d*?- use the ma’t*r and advise with him about it. Mr Timrnton return ed but insisted that th* course which he had selected was the proper one and ex pr* -red dtermil* it-on to follow tt BIG HKTTHfJ 1% ATt %&T %. Gatin* llet (allswar to s.vm mi MeKlnlev nl Ho*rVflt. Atlanta. Nov 5 —Perhaps !h* largest elcrilon bet made in the present cam* palgn in Atlanta, whs one registered this morning wh'ti John L Gatins bet T L Callaway k’Mh to $V> that M- Klnley and Roosevelt W.aiid win The money wa placed in ihe hands of Henry H. Schaul hs stakeholder It is raid that Mr <kitins was representing his brother. Joseph Gat Ins a New York broker. In the matter There Is considerable betting being don* in Atlanta to-dav in a small way. ("aids of four to one on McKlAley and Roosevelt \ about the obtainable however Mr Callaway Is the only man here *o fir a- Is known who has succeeded n placing hi money at the odds prev tiling in New York Much betting nt even money is being tone on the outcome in the so-, ailed doubtful slates—lndiana. Illinois. Ken tucky. Mir viand and West Virginia A well-known lo* *1 horseman placed onsiderable money Saturday even that McKinb v would carry Indiana. Kentucky and Maryland PIPKI* HAw III* APP BAR ED. Il* Left III* Family in I>l*lrelna& ClrrMwMsnrr* Orilla. Gs Nov 5 -Saturday * we#k ago G T Pitkin. f*thc- of seven chil dren. residing on Bee* h street, left home i.dling his wif* that if he did not r turn • dirk not to te uneasv He his no* N-en s. en or beard from since. 11l wife ild to-night in tenrs that Pitkin b D horn* during < fit of tempo rv aberra tion of mind nnd that she Dais \u . lib- r made way with himself or ha* m* t with foul play. He leaves his f trnl 1> m H*i*re* leg circumstance* Th* Urge mil * cf the F.nsign Oskamp ornpany t rrt.d up to nv. ifter i shut ,|nir of 4 month, for lack of water T hi* mill works W hands Yill \(i PICKPt KKT iTI RBO. Other Fakir* ud Hiiaplclow* ( ha rac ier* %rr#*trd Three mote supposed fakirs fell trio the hands of the police y.sierdiy One of them. Bam tie 1 Cohen, a boy who gives his age ns 14 years, wr t*. according to the Morv of the wttnase. caught r***l-banbd Mr J H Wilt shell was at the Kilts carnival and standing In n crowd before one of ih. shown wh**n he sav . he f* If .-ome one feeling in the rear pocket of his trouser- This pocket was empty ml •he hind was withdrawn only to be in -11.,| in another poke! Mr Wlttshcn tume<! around sud*lenly and caught (*>urn ry the w rist Tn* hoy wis turned over •rr patrolman Winn and ?ent to the bar racks. When seen iast night th*- prisoner .lc n*d mat he ha*l made an attempt at robbery He *eils rnther nMr light story to the eff. t thut he c m** from Haltimori fer th* purpose of selling cough droi*a on the stre.-t dunng the .arnkval. H* wiii be given i hearing this morning he i Core the Recorder. Another of #h* fakirs is R R Wadkln r. nt in as a suspicious character by Pa trol mnn Wall, who found him in the vicin i ity of the mark* t. Pat Gamble, the third prisoner, w is sent ■ in hy Patrolman Kane, and is charged wltn a refusal to leave the park when olden'd to k so 8 uiello. another white mnn who flm . and to the city for the carnival, was or r*-ied by Patrolman Wall, on the rhtirge *f selling goo*!.- without * II *ens* Other a: r* it> a? the barrack.- wer* N- 'w perrymore. t dored charged bv Pifrol n in Hituu erg " i made tr nr*"*' wit fighting in Orange street, and cut ting Lula M'Carr The M- Carr woman j together with two oth#rs were also arrest * ed on the charge of fighting Jerry Snare* olored. surrendered hlm | self herause while riding on the side walk, he hud run over a small child fitiatliern bued fr gI of 1.000. Atlanta Nov S —Bjx damage suits were fflad in the City Court this morning against the Southern Railway Comt*nn\ on account of the week which occurred it R**it Junction on June 11 of this vat All the tnit* amount to flAO.hro Prominent Farmer'* aulclde. Columbia rf C., Nov 1.-C U Collins a substantial farmer ended hi* lif- at Patrick last night He bad been drinking 1 hard for som- tlm While sbtlng before a fire, he Hiiddsnl\ pu led out nis p> o • and blew out tn* brain* TO Cl MB COLD l> OAK I%V. Take laxatlv I; rn Quinine Tablets All druggists refund th* money if it falls to cure. £ W. Grove g U on WCb box. B&t. *<X, 1 THF MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. NOVEMBER b. 1900. M\M4 M4hi> I VI UiTAL Ileti o uiti'il ||rMti Before Himi lli t hi (•■•• l.alMrlnu Men. Chlcag<. Nov i.—Benator Mir* u* A Hanna chairman of the Republi- an N *• ilonol Cdtnn site, m and hi* la.*t *p* -i of the campaUn i noon to-day. address. Ing several i. -■u * i 1 railway tmpir>e* ani .-feel work**js h c m’h •':• i* igo W en a siwcjai train - ni the Senator and par tv arrived South Chic igo the whittles f ill th* lig rr.ti were b.own mil a arge * row.l g th r I .t M.- *!. ot to ex tend .i w* om** H' i.inor Mur tu i<l l i 'ni* i< Hu • b<i*in*’.- n. *n who ha:- h : . Ilf* ’ti t • kind Chicago T<ernu' *w if will be In yotir |.ow-r rod*.' 4 *li •* - ** ln*t r - ai. I qu*p tiun .f wh r w. .re ■ < ntir.ue pros perous or t•. .ff* i. *i . mltou* r ver-< ' la* t m- pr* n' picture On one side v. u fi * * rn-m w •>** onv part in <'on gr#ss dur i . hi .. r' term th**r<‘ was to . r d*.wn sit it M K.n • v tiw*l b* Hi four v* t* j. ir . up i • M Kinlev 4 bill—it> I vvhtt w. t ii> * iv- you" Th Wiison Gorman b, .*:.•? put out the flreji in your furi * • ii .i h* k 1 lr.dustries tel i..utf ..* * fill Lon ’ it Go 1 for ;ud w. n .v n* .**r *. e ig.iin And now Brv in :s i-klng you o eb t him Pre*- sfent of t.c I’nil* I t* * 4 nd he cares not wh m* .in you u * to gei th* re quire*! number of votes He re|t* you .* • *1 f • Si!: *s’ i nllsh free silver la-1.- and a svstem of tree if ide. i*n*l w* Knox he will Ignore all • oi *am irliMipl* Miking - .rn tru th *4pf *4l he f• du - n;m- ;f to th* rank *f t .'a ■w. t bm . 4* Now t art. ivi'h m- to wh<s* M Kin < • rhould* ted hm mu ket if; ||< f"ii " *d his country nrd follow him through four-years' v. ir md I o • h* ilways has ben bv the working men M* b.t always -t od with them *nd bv th<m . m l hi- aiw-av.* be n ie.i.i\ to h“Hr them un i dr# for th* m In l**** when t • w.itklogin n id c-ppof t unit y to vote f*r him they mob hint Pr* i ent. and ’here they will kf p him for i .ticf.'.er four years 'Now what ti:- Rrvan • >ol for" What h< h* done for th* working p.'op.e" He did all in his power to defeat their tn If# h.df*d ki l n. M Kinley bi;! He has bon *t ,t -t. Ii:;l ,n Ismjw that would last overnight, .and soughs to -re ate me bv working f<r the treaty with s*p.m When ho worked t* get the I*m -*• iit in cwtign—mew W vote f*>r 11>— i* 4 *\ was Bryan hqpewt' No H* raises the • ry of Imperialism an*! that is on insult tn the American people Congress set tied that question and it was for the pres I lent to put d*wn rebellion when the American flag w is a-.-ailed Outside the ha.l Senator Hanna nddre*s ••d briefly a large crowd which had been tin.hie to get |n*lde Rerurnlng to Chi* tgo. the train struck an aged m in wh* wa* * roenlng the tra< k* at Twenty-ninth street. * auslng instant death At in p m Senator Hanna left for <’.* v* land where he will vote to-morrow, after which he wil! go to Canton to be the guest of President McKinley. rIIMPH\TF MIMA I MlsBD. Their Action Hue to llerllne In the Price of Rock. Charleston. S O, Nv. 5 In crn?e qucnce of the dec line in price of phos phate rock and difh illy In obtaining ocean trinsportatf.m two big mining .otn punlcs n ar Beaufort h ive closed down for i tirn* 1 und another Is working only half of it plant The company ha* over w ton- of rock r *d\ f*r s-hlptr.* nt and is working h.ilf of it* dr*'*!#* having no market as >**t f**r produ* t The Em pire Works, on Lady -* 1.1 md controlled hv th* Virginia-Carolina Chemical Com pany and employing about fifteen white iirf! J** negro pi. kers. have . io>. and d*wn. The Ibaifoit Phoepbato Company, with about .;> ♦••• ton* of r#>. k on hand, has • loced down for sixty days f AS 0\ ITION FOR BRANTLEY. Hr £pkr Before ta l.arac Yudlmcc ut llrin*oi'k. Brunswick O.i . Nov. r > —a big ovation was tendered Congres.-man Brantley here to-night hv his loyal constituents under the auspice- of the ftemx rats r.f G!>nn Chairman Twuty Introduce Mr Brant ,.v splendidly and for over an hour he held th#* closest oil* . ii-*n of ih* lore* uu- Ifence. c*ne*thlrd t whbh wire ladles. mi'll: Mr ( t HK. Ml I* %Y. Ymir draggint will refund your m nev If Paso Ointment fails to cure Ringworm Tetter. Old rivers and Horcs. Pimples and BL< klteads on the face, and all skm ills canes Mk —ad. RKI.TIMA. £S “ HE KALB LODGE SO. . I. O. . F. A regular mating <f the lodge will ha held this evening at <* 30 o'clock Memh rs of flster lodge*, and visiting brethren cordially invited to attend C. H CARSON. N. G W’. W. GROSS. Be*'ret ary. a AY’ ANN 111 LOtMiF NO. l**a. B. I*. O. RI.KM. A regular meeting of this lodge will b* held thin tTu*sdayf event *. at s iit o'clock at Elks' Hall Visiting brothers are cor dially invited to attend J I KIRBY. E. R la J MAXWELL. Secretary ■ ■ - - M*l.( I At. NOTH •>. s|*i: Ia NlCl It [.. I am now' fully prepared to fill all or ders for Christmas cake, plum pudding and mince pie?. .i;*n for all kinds of ke. ices and CbarJ*>t* Russ* Ord* rs taken for salads, sandwiche and all dainties for entertainment- Terrapin stew, and cook ing for invalids in\ specialty MLSB MINNIE B W INTER 10,? West Jones. NOTH L All bills against British steamship i Asama. Rement. master, tnu-i *• pr. s# nt e l at this’office bv U o'clock to-day (Tues day> or payment will be debarred GEORGIA KXP< RT (V IMPORT CO. NOTH ;. Neither the master nor consignees of ih* Norwegim -i am.-d .p Jun*>. Il mmtl. master, will I** r# .* *i . • • f*>r any deb*- contracted by h*> cr.w of said \ • -V. I J F Ml NIB A CO.. • Consignees %M ANU (1 •“• • *** LI MM. it OH RALi:. l&t'.msi ieet of ash. suitable for wheal wnihts carriage makers, car works and imaib*r house (Irish. Alro cyprea* .umber of all sire*' We have resume! cutting o;r famous bran i# t 'pr. h.ngits and wil soor h*\e a fud lin -of them for M l#. VALE ROYAL MFO. CO SAVANNAH IMM INt. AI ADEMY. Corner Whltakvr and Liberty sts. GRAND SOIREE TO-NIGHT from *• to i: ROSENFBLD‘B ORCHESTRA Admission * r Ac Ladle** free R* pect ftillv. RORT K BANKS. Bus Mgr Ot It I LIF.NTA Lo*n money at •!* per *ent. on real estate security BECKETT A BECKETT. 1 Attorneys at Law and Cuawyaocer* ] tnAOtt HAW* PIKE, *%iM. PALATABLE. PURCHASABLE a 11! 1 JLn im. PlifTlJos. A. Magnus & Co ' Cincinnati, O. SPECIAL NOTICES hPECIAL NOTICE. Savannah. Ga., Nov. 2. STATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM r tH'.NTY-Emily A Lawton and other* having applied for the alt* ration of the old C.i"sten*s Bluff Road from a point near where said red enters tne Sklda wav Road running easterly five hun dred fvet U*au, with a width of forty feet thence running northerly at ngnt an gl*-s to the f-aid <a.-!erly portion of said new* road seventeen hundred f*et (1 7(ko mo.-enr le?-. with a w dth of fifty feet t.Vb ci r.necting with th** old Causten's Bluff r ad according to a plat of said altered r el attached to said application Bald altered ro id running entirely and wholly through the lands of the said applicant Notice is hereby given that said applica tion will be finally# anted on the 13th day of De* ember next If no sufficient cause be ?.j"wn to the contrarv J J DALE, r C r. JOHN LYONS. C C C W. D BIMKINS. C C C Attest O REUBEN BUTLER Clerk C C C. (UNGER PIANO*. Best In Tone, Best In Durability, Best in fftyle and Finish. CELEBRATED Till: WORLD OVER. NONE BETTER, NONE (M> GOOD. Two of These Mugnitlrent Pianos to Be sold at AUCTION NOVEMBER A, at C. IV. DORSBTTP, *J2 ( onaress street, west. TO BE SOLI) TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. LkTY’t DISCOUNT SOTICR. YOG W ILL SAVE TEA PER CENT. ■ r MSI., soar bllla aa a. ba ler* the 10th laat. B. U. LEVY R BRO. SEE Ot R DISPLAY’. At Elk . Carnival. Ih* mo.i h-autiful dl.- play on ihe ground* Don t ml.. 11. COHEN-KI LMAN CARRIAGE AND AVAOON COMPANY. Vehicle* and Harne*,. FA'TfIRT %IX 1(11 It Gl EATS WELL. Celery Wafers. English. Dinner Ftlncult*. English Flint Wafers. French The flint wafer* are the most delicate Imported. Asparagus, peeled Very small French Pea*. Gordon A- Dilworth’. Sweet Plckl* peaches Calve,-Foot Jelly A M A C W WEST 'till BRINS Cl RED. Dr G W Randolph of St. Louis I* re. garded as th* mo.t wonderful voice doctor on earth XV* see that he cured many stutterer, during hi. brief slay In Colum bia, S C . Augusta. A'lanta. Birmingham. Montgomery and Mobil* papers ar* loud In hi* praise He 1* now at Ihe Murshall House. 121 East Broughton street. Savan nah. Gj Stutterer, you should call to *** him at on. * Hand this to a stutterer— Golden Ruie 111 V OX LX THE IIEST C.IXGEK ALE The Itcst 1. th* Whael*r Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos . of Belfast. |,eland, from Ihe celebrated Cronin Springs of lhat city. The** l rings are the (iroperty of Wheeler A t'o. fience no other Ginger A.e manulacturer . tbosa water, b;t them* selvei. Th< XX'heel, r Oltig- r Al* Is mad* from pur* Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Popper, a. other* arc. one Is deleterlouw—the other I* a tonic. For Heallhfiilne.s and Purltv ih* cela braied XVh*el*r brand of Belfast Ginger AJ* Is Ihe best. LI PPM AN BROTHERS. Sol* South*m'Ag*nls. Savannah. Ga. LIME. rEIftXT, PLV*TER. We have th* largest stock of the beat goods. G*l our prlcea before you pay ntor to others. ANDREW HANLET COMPANY PLASTERERS' AMD MAWTP St P PI.IF.S. ( Cemrnt. Llm*. Plaster. Hair and Rtvar Sand. Prompt ddUvery Reasonaol* price SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., j Corner DrajrUm and Congra**, -too6Uk -- J CORBIN DOOR CHECKS AND SPRINGS The most effective cneck on the market. Every one guaranteed. For sale by PALMER HARDWARE CO. Bay and Jefferson Streets, SAVANNAH. - - - - GEORGIA. Superior to All. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 333 KOI>AKS :tn<l PHOTO. SUPPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SI.OO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDY^ Cures when all remedies fall. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. Branch dOO Bull St. Phones 29.1. Phones .W 2 SPEC I XL NOTICES. TxoThljT READ. Augusta. Ga . March A. IV*; Mr Andrew- Hanley—Dear Friend I have been sounding the praises of Buwan n*e XX'Bter to .ill of my friends and o, • of them who has a nt' ce sick with dys pepsia asked me to order a c trboy of • ter for tv-r Send hy express f O. Is Her address Is Miss Annie Wood--. Sum mervlile. n*r Augusta. Ga . or perhaps there Is another place of the same name you had I'Clter rend to Sand HU Augua'a. Ga A ladv lo whom I recommended th, water 1* going down there next w**k Mrs Frank Mv*r I told h-r 'hat It cured me. which I* true, as 1 have had no *'mi> toms of ,ince I was ,t the Springs I wanted lo wait until the win ter was over before writing to say that 1 was entirely cured by the use of th* Su wane* Water, and now as 1 am sure tha th* cold weather has gone, and 1 ,m per fcctly well. I will give credll where It I due and say that I was entlrelv cure! of rheumatism at Buwan*e Springs Pleas send me a few of the little des-Mot!' ' looks of Suwanee. ands, n 1 on- with 'he ■vater ordered for Miss XVood, Your friend. tSlgned) M A. ML'LHERIN All you can drink for Sc at Livingston r at it\\ tit/ rtrr. Is th* place where you can satisfy your appetite with all th* de.l'i clea of the season. Oysters from th* GULF and NORTHERN waters Also Game In season. -GEM CAFE -OEO C. SCHWARZ. Proprietor Open diy and night Dining room upstair,. ESTABLISHED IMS. SOLOMON a COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Drng,liU, XX holesale Department. 1-7 Con ttrraa afreet, aaeat, Georgia Phone 144. Retail Store., tltlt Congress street, wrat. Hell Phone 144. Hull anil Charlton etreete. under Guards' Xr ■ raal. Hell und Georgia Phones (Ut. RBMOX xi t\,.— MATTRESSES lll X. OX XTI.XG. Hslr, moe*. licking fiber, feaihers. Our stock ol new malarial a,.d tnanula - tured product, are up to dat. Our reno vating and r making hi. delighted many prominent residents Ask your acquaint ance*. Material, sent us is plik'd. .learn ed. cleaned and medicated by modern ma chinery. Making done hy mechanics. XXV confine our work to matt re .see and led. ding generally. We ce l ticking of .1 kinds, moss, hair, cotton, fiber, feathers, or any arlpl* needed In mattress line. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO. B*ll Phone 1134. 331 Drayton street. ELECTION NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Coun cil. Nov 3. lho A vacancy having oc curred among the chimney contra, ;ors. in accordance with resolution of Council adopted Oct. 31, l*n,' notice Is hereby given • hat an election will t.* held al the next regular meeting of Council, to be held on Wednesday, the 14th Inal . at S p m to flu the unexplred term All uppllcaMons to be filed With the clerk of Councl nt or before 12 m of th, 14ih lns Bond of Wi required Name, of two bondsmen must accompany the application. WILLIAM P BAILEY. Clerk of Cotin'll. ELECTION NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Coun cil. Nov 2 ISO!—A v, an y having oc curred In ihe office of keeper of the Lau rel Grove Crmetery noil * is hereby given and In accordance wnh m r* -olutlon of Council adopted Gel 31 IN" an e'.rfion will he held nt the next regular meeting of Council, to be he.d on XYedneWdav th. 14th in.i .at I p m to • ,h- uni . pired term AI a; I Illon, to b. with Ihe clerk of Council at or helore u m of the ltlh Inet Bond of ibo re quired. Nam*, of two must ac company the application WILLIAM r BAILEY, Clerk of Council. BF.e KMX NX'S , XI I , Hi and 111 Whitaker street. W* are now prepared lo serve the fine-t meal*, oysters and gam.- Caterers for wedding parties, german., banquet, and roll at .one Agenta (ot Unported Wuerzburgrn Hof Bimia. fhoae iio. Gil A PllO PHONES un<l RECORDS iiimm:** noth no. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaYt Health and _ ,r-- T—IT -—; --A- - Economy, Wi:**OK ( OOKI\(. AM) dAI*AD OILS •ro absolutely pur#, healthful. #aily ducest#<l: a perfect sub stitute for laM .ii <1 butter A home lnr|u!try; wholly v#g#- i ibi# wltl ao iwl*'i nt far ani *lo tw. .• me work of Uni or butter. Ul >**l\ MUD till e—ae 2-pound rrs ... AV Pint bottles 35c %VF*M)> 4 4141K1N0 OlL# |M*un<l cans "V --lo.potind rwn? sl2# t let preJutJire prevent you fr m trying this excellent an*l healthful ktif'hen id mi. man.. Cor l;r > iphton md XX'hltaker. Silver Services Single Pieces Spoons and Forks Pearls Diamonds Watches Ont’ of the largest and most com pletu 'tocks in the country 4. Manu factured hv Sam’l Kirk & Son Cos.. 106 Baltimore St., Hast, Md. Elk Pins and Badges. Soli 1 golff. rjf? of #em? Only the best an<l most ar tiFf.e workmanship. Pin* ml Badge* made ta order HUNTER & VAN KEUREN, Jewelers, 143 Bull street " HARVARD ABEER AT DE SOTO HOTEL BAR •raciu uTtoai. 'iin. w h in i i .iHrtni. Tnip onl> .v to k-i vour carpel, prop erly tak.-n i; • i'.imd urui tnken care j[ for th- ;mm*-r :* to urn the jor* over lo •he Dlatriot M.stenger and Delivery Cos teieph.ete .. or . all at 33 Montgomery iree> ar,.l they will mak. you an eatl. m on in* c oct of the work. Price# rwHOMbi* They 4i*o puck, move an*J •tore furniture *nl pun C M MEr>LOOK. Sup? arvl Mgr. IIOMI* I. \ M I ||;|. Hv the Am*:, in Rmtirt.ji nnd Trut Compart v off iltlmore We ar* author ‘ • < tit Wv thy upmt it mm ill hoi,** In jiulioiai pr reollr.*- t i. either h mate or t*nrel B f m* • in n4 of vim ini**™ tor* anJ guardian* DBA 111 VO & HT'LL Agenta. Telephone 3|i. ITovWtni BuUdin*. LEOPOLD ADLER. JSO R |> ]LL ... President. C! l r * N C- B eIaI-18. Barron caht' r V 1... Pr-, A .„ c™,*- The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. 1 "HI Ir plpsmsl to tivute th. ~r „ , ot M.rctu>nt*, Firm,. and Corporation*. * Llboral favor, axt.mlad '• c,u * ! ~- SEPA,-iAT£iAVINnSOEPARTME>iT lATKHKk-r COHI-OIAObL QI a", L „. LY OSf DEPOSIT). Rafeir n.poalt Boaw. . n a Vaulu rant Corraapontltnaa aollciud. S^itizenslaFk OK SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. ti„ tr ,| Baakl.v- Bi*■ I nm. Sollrll. „ lnd*,| dn .,. T..r. b „„,.. UuuK . mn „ „, hrr Cos 4 ratiiins. Collretlo*. handled with .at,,, rronoia, and di.|.nlrh latrreat. ron.pont nnnrterl. nlints ed on Uepoalta | n otl , ** V | UK . I)r|irliurot. Snlei, lluaea nnd Stor.ue Y’nulfa. "It VVTLEV \ IIKX S| IKK, >, n , X111.1.S n. I. *V K. \ lee Preaiilenf. I.EOHGK I . KHEGMAN, ta.hlrr. non don i. *..t, r.,hi^ r SOUTHERN BANK of the blule of Georgia, eapltil and undivided proilla D w Dtii OdiXoKY OK ,IIL SI'AUL ut OEOHOLA. Superior la ilioee to, transacting a 'ewi., HualtMi action, rt.ade on all potnta ’ asstbl* tlirougn tank, and Oat *, Accuuiita ut Be.ikais. Blviv.i.*i and other, aoitcatau. net. D.psiaK n,u lor rar.t. Department of Bavlnga. Intore.t pay,ln quarterly Sella StrrUn* Kieh.nge on London c and u("ard.. JOHN FUNVKRY, Pra.ldanl. IIORArr A fRANE. Vie* Pra.tdent JAMES ST 1,1 .TVAN o„hler DIRECTORS: JNO LLA N' V. Wil W OORDON E A WEIL W W GORDON Jt H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST H r SMART CHARLES ET.UI COWARD KET.LT JOHN J KIRRT sum Min CAPITAL. f.TM.OM. Aerounl* of bank* marchanta. eorpsr* tiona and Individual, solicited. Savin*. Department. Interest pall quarterly. Safety Rosea and Sloraga Vault. fo rant. Collaetlona made on *l] polnta at rea sonable rata. Drafts eoH on all the chief elite, of th. * or Id. Corre.pondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED Prealdenl. JOHN C ROWLAND. Vice President. W. r. MCCAULEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. cap.Aal fcW.OA Undivided profit* ki.iaai ThL bar.k ull,ra Ita aarrlcaa to urp&ra tion* mvrehan a ar.d lollvlduaia liar authority to act ua executor, ad ministrator, guardian ftc. Istanc* drafts <>n the print Ip*: cities In Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent Inter,at r>d or compounded quarterly e, dap ..lla In the Savin*. Department. Saf'tv Po** for rent. HFNRY Pl t'N, P'ldnt GEC W TIEDEM AN Vine Pra. dent JOHN M HOGAN. Caahlar WAt.TER F. HOGAN. A*'t c„hlr No 164a Charter* 1. I*6 —THE— Mils Mini M OK SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. rUlyOu. SURPLUS. !.<.* I NITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A G. < ARSON. Ira-ldo'.. BEIRNE GORDON, Vic. Ire.ller.t W M DAVANT. C aahler. Aecounta of banka and barker' r*' T " ehanta and rorpomtlona reoelvwd up' the moat favorable t<rtn* roralatant with aafe and eonaervailva b inking THE GEORGIA STATE BIILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION li YORK STREET. WEST. r PER CENT per annum alio*'* o' l O ,ir|,*it, withdrawable on il,mand. Interrat credited quarterly 6' PEW CENT per annum allowed >* drpoaUa of even hundred*, withdraw* able at annual patlode GEO W. TIEDEMAN. Preaident. B. H. LEVY’. Vic# Preaidant. E W BELL, Secratorr. C G ANDERSON JR . Treaturer The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Go, ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. Tl Mm MIM. For a For— l(b Nwtp*pr will fold b#H X.x4aw It to In good onf* Frlc 1.00 II oot originally II.U*. bul *r have no un for It and won* tl r ' J ° a> t OfTUpIM. II will b ar mnluAbla adjunct w •/ n*wappr ▲UdrnM MORNING NEWS, iaiaaaai, Oa. IP TOD WANT GOOD MATERIA 1 and wrork. order your lithographed printed atallonary and blank book, ft* - Morning Now., Bavaaaab. Oae