The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 06, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. l.rrnt IHi’ovrr. Dnt rma!i bottle of Hall * Graat Pl* covary curat n . kidney and *uadd*r trou blot, removes gravel. • ure *1 • fc>ott-j.. *en Inal emission*. <■#k and lam** back* i heur.arinn and all irregularttl#* > f tb* kidney* and bladd* > ;i* t*> h men and wo men, regulates Ladder t clr*r. if not sold by youi IruggUt ti-i lx* *#-nt b> rt ail on :*• • i** of H ' ,,,e bottle It two mouth* tieaim* M and will cure an> * a.*e at ' * mentioned Dr. W, Hall, sole u*a ufa turer. P O fjf. g ( 1. . v Mo H*nd for testimonial* fold bv ail drug#lata and Boiomona Cos. feavannah. Ga (lead Ttila. * ut E rt G . April 2 lb* Thin I* to certify that I wat affected with gravel and that 1 tnok sixty draf t cf H.. - • fir eat Pit c.ivery and 1t om ple'ely cured me It Is worth II “00 pei bottle t* any one needing If J T STEVENS’* g T IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. DEM* i.ND VlE%\* OF THE DAY l> TWO m:c Jathernn Synod to Mrel—Roma otic MrrlßK** nt o*letlrpe Pa|utl* I Miidltlni*' tinlnat Mu r• l* 11— I m |‘r tmmi Hu lld Ina anti In Deelalon. Man Parttint Son's Murderer* Missing Man Iron* Term •*■ t onml Near 4 kail ao®*a- I ** Miikr Artificial Palms In * lorldn. The Lutheran rvnod of Own * and ad- Jacer? aat*** will m*-t .it M' Pilgrim Church in llara *>n * * nt > Wf<ln" !,> next. and -remain In *• * on until fh* Sun day rg Th* • Tll:■ *r y th - yn*d embra a t ‘* ** of ALibanii and Florida bee 1* s Owr. , *■00(1 Price for 'weft Isolator*. Moultrie Observe! Sweet r have been selling n Moultrie all the fall •' 1 r .n * • ■ . bush,! Taere Ik a fortune in | growing At thl- fir I* ■ 8u h a y.-tr o tilts hwe bren witch was m> average mu, buvhi-U of ii s * .*n I" ni.i'l* fnrni in.- iti> This I Fs gold minini! In the Klon-iiK- frt then farn who think they must plant cotton ot perish. t l*o|inltat < nmliilntr. Th<- mi I lie-of-the-road populist elec (oral tl k**t was being distribute! Thnm.ision Hniurd.iy, contelrlrig th< Hum- of J T I> o- i candidate fir Conß from Itif Sixth Contn-flwuil ]Hair,. ii - "■> • ■ '- i' "• - •morally Itelleied that Harriett would not have any .>|>i~sitl>>n lion t" I. nartl ett delivered strong addrea* to an audience of about > Dent* i f its the court h ise there on th* .“uhj- •*. of Im |erails "in. Mercer Had t elrhrnllon. Avery l.irge debvi tfofi of Mercer gtudentn went from M ■ on so Atlanta to witnea* Wn!'* r li*orv triumph In th* state t oll' gj.tit *1 t Th* re wer- otlier Htudent' *ho w*-r* for'**l to remain at tiedr .*oll**g home \N In th** delegation returned to the ’oHeg* ground* it' th* dark h ura of the • it \ morning, th* k - u-r hrivhf the flume* of a ttonflre. k i lled with the hack* atop of the hasr|| and imond Th.* w>* rather n const lerabie eii. rlfl- e on 'h*- part of the athlete-* of the nniv* rtlty, bu there was nottilbg tx> good to *pat and when It came to a question of the ccl‘* brat.or* cf th* unlv*ni?>G fourth vs tory \ Romantic Marrlnge. OgletJwwpe wax fhe geene of a romantic marriage 'Thursday, when Mr W 1 Westbrook and Mrs Ar.n.i A Kmgler of Montetumi. n*-re made min and wife They rode over fnun Mont eg inv .ind Mi Westbrook went t th< ordit ' nd ' cured a llcem** When th*- ordinary ai*k*‘d for the n *m* - to till out < '* h< n- . h* was aoirewhat eurprla** 1 lo !**• told th:* the contra ting p.irt • were liefor** him and desired him to i -rform the crcmoi.v whi* h he did. In the rain, with friend holding in ur.brelU over him Th.- bride and gr>>m Fit In i hurgy while t*>e po|cmn word- w r** l***ing mad* them man and Wif*-. The happy couple then returned to M t Miima Capt West brook ie *ne of th* m*>*-t pnxnlnent lti gene of hie countv and Mr- K tlgler If i ladv of mnnv charm* and prominently connect* and In th* untv. fltslldlna ao*l I.: Deelila*. In the State* c ircuit Pourt In Atlanta Saturday Judge I*rm A Pardee h*nde.l down nn optnlcn on the r‘|*ort of (Special Mas er Robert \i ton. In the receiver*hip case of the Southern Home pudding and I.n lt!i re gard to the lnterv*ni. uie of Mr*. M *' Alexander and other rt*- kholder* *f th* bankrupt corporation Judge Pardee *u* talnrd the vna*t t 1 finding to the •fT • t that the PtCH-kholder* of t*• everal rl.-H- • stand upon th smu footlm: f priority and that In *■ tiling with borrowing •tockholder* a cre*llt -hotiM he allowed lu the nature of an anth l!vit*ry dlvl*l**n*l, amounting to 32 p*'i **nt of the :imount paid b\ eald nto khol hr* Into the oati fund of the a**o<Taiiofi To thlF llnding certain hr*li#-rF of full-ptk! *to'k and cer tain holder* of stock upon vhi h notice of withdrawal had been given prior to th appointment f the r* elver, had tiled ex ception* contending ht they were cred itor* and entitled *o preference over *to k bolder* Th* J :dg* -v> It would • rank Injustii <* to allow one cla** of lit veator* to b- paid n full ;t the • xpen*. •f other Investor** equally Innocent *'f all fault In tin matter.*’ After Ills Si*,Fs Xltirtlcrers. Josci'h \V. Flarke of Newnan Is still vlgorcu*iy pursulnß the murderers of his aon and home tt> h.txc al of tnem It* Jell bffofi' long He tuts Fj nr. <1 no effort In *earrh. having mtpU>yrd d< tectlv# •> and slwi off..rr Ia ti w.ird f f* i r th- I capture Th** m ir.b r wn- on* >f the most cowardly ever rommlttel tr. A!aluin.i It , occurred at Ensley, Ala .on * t •• Nor wood Clarke wa?- p.ivm.t *r of it **n * I rue I ion compmv. and ha*l a large Hum b#r of negroes empb>v**l 11* h trr**l the enmity of Hue* of t • tvirr*. n lay ©r so lx*fore the murtler. *r*l hi • k* I on* if them down A( 11 o'clock at nltfht negro * ame to Mr Clark tail a l told him that one of th* negin • witn wltom h* had had trouble w..- *l*iwi at the •"‘••oklng tent making thrcale against •vim. ar>S that If h- would nccompgnv him b* weuM piint out the nrgro Mr Clark* to the pin* Indl .t< 1. ( n*l while on** •egro engugfl him In eonversaikm tw other* ■ .me ii|> from th* rear and ehof him four tim* klPing him Instantly. Two of th*- r.*gr***-i hav* >e. n arr* ate l. nnd •he ofTi er- are h , eful of catching the other one > oi. FLORIDA. E F Robert i )i>iiß man rrrl at (dust*' di ippi-ar.d over right years ago. and har rwr ton heard from since un til 8 ird when tils brother received a Idler ' -i him In Council City. Alaska. ( nsli (or urn.igr,., are moving In Urge quantities from Bartow, but none are chipped on consignment The grower gets he money for Ms fruit before It leaves bis grove Heretofore growerr have lost thousands of dollars bv consigning their fruit to die- HMiUI gomaxls.kNi u>< n. 4.i r rnntr n t Work Hashing. Tampa Tribune It Is expected that the government contra is on Eg moot Key will be completed at some date In Jan* The operations are progressing rapidly, and the contractor> ar- w** ph i*m| with th prHjrejs that hi- been made Tj * majority of the eh •; wtr* In-* has l** * n tni*>t*'d In a.i th* * but! I int All that tw r main v in *lr work, arvl ti*at will be pushtsi rspldly to c<mpietioi That I'akr Idarlhqaake. rnol* News J *k nvllk* rejoices tn having had a fake .rthq isk*- Hs an nounrement was slightly premature The capital removers >f that city will experi ence the tartr.quak* •* r itbw i- xt 1 *• s dgy and Wednesday, wbt Din prUM*l return- t>ym t* x>me in In th* m* .n --t- Tallaauf rownlng the everlast ing hll. of o. I L**on. ha\ ng never exp* ri enced .4 earthq ik* is beyond the rea h ■ , ~ is i a- • • thresieiiad vcngcan > ~f th* ipttal removers. Resigns Ills |*tsllln. Mr ■ G M-mmlngcr. superintendent the Paimefto ir.*l Tiger Ray Phosphate 'ompanles at BArtow. has reelgnesl and w.. a -ept a j*>**|tlon with h phosphate >mpat:> at T* nn* e Mr M* mmlnger , . r, or r• • ted witn th* phosphat** i. r* ?s In that section sin •* Its discov ery, *rn< (ii y*ars ago, and to lo*e* him t!. timt i a vai serin * phosphate interests He organiXfHl. con -*r . i-<l tr.d i.*- In mi * -ful *l* ration *.% . I ih*- rgHit phuepbatc p.ants in FJoi uia. \ r 11II cm I Paints. Ja k sonvLie Times-Pnlon *nd Cltlxen .in k- nvih*’ Is * have an Industry which. to many of the people of the tat* It lias li*,|\ grown t* mi h proportions and the product ha* I** **m*- s* p>fMilr that there ,r • , tel. fa. torlcr iti th* state now er caged in lb* mauufa lor** Th,s itdque jii-t i-A?r\ Is the tun ; *f*s- ture of artificial palm- It se* rim su.tncs to think that th* * *i- where | aims arel palmetto* - atioun*!. artlfb a. palm at* manufa. iurel. hut Midi Is tn- f**’t. nevertheless, nd ! f; , l iar*- Mum will - iortl\ move their factory from Orlando to this • l*> The Imo pie will then begin to realls* wha* tnon an *l* with mat heretofore considered va.ueless m rub palmetto, whl h in used to d* <a>rate fh* s of the less fortu nate Inhabitants of the t’nlted Hastes and other countries. Itii.nt l*i. I (inritrn.. Garileto r 11.-g*n of <hc Royal l'ulm gardens I making m irk-l Improvement* In tin irr.ingt mi nt the grounds at Mb . ami The old flower '"-Is have been re- | moved, and new and more artistic one* mad During Cx- aumnn r he ha- nd.lei a large number of tare (lowering tropt d plants. Which ran oni) be found lb. r> These will maki *n added *t(r i*- don f<* she Northern tourtet Gardener lli-gan has r.ol forgotten the old familiar plants, tti w i m In : rot t In the North during the summer These rhe t-mrlst wll* greet a, old and familiar Iti.nd- The gr. ■ uliou I- are p i k. I wl*h flow, ring plant* that Mr Ib gan has ever hod The cocoanut gr,\,- on the n.trth Sid.. ~f the hotel I- In splendid condlt'->n. ii I many of th. ir.-> s are In t"-.iring " t|e Mr Megan has always been a irefu. and painstaking gardener, be has outdnn. ' liim-elf t hi* < a.-or.. Iliitxnril " • I.orated. c w Howard of Term Cel*. Manatee coun'y. Flcr da ba* been located He Is now in a suburb of Chattanooga. Tenn . allw and wll Instead of a vl tint of foul play. a corpse In the outskirts of •ms city, a r .'dfe.l and outraged citizen h- Is ill full possesion of all his fo ul lles and a larg. proportion of hi* .ash. A corps of p.ivate .letcctlv.*. employrd t.v the friends of the missing man in FVtrkl* i- we,l as l.y the family of ihe \ouiik lady tn Ess! l-ik* n. - ar It.rmmg ’.am. who was his expected bride, took up the tangled • rats of l.i* sloiy in M* nt gotnrry. Ala. where he had been iasr Ila. ~1 ~1,1 |l,|\. loikiwed Howard to Ids present dssle Th. del. Clives look th isc II wa* delivered into their hands by the testimony of the railroad and hotel men. Howard's iu ~ on which h" traveled fiom Tam|s to Monigomery. was numberet. and each conductor e>n the ionic, aeeordtng to railroad tegulallone, n.ok i note of the numtier By this mean- h- was ir.n.d lo Montgomery. It Is raid tic was iilreadx married Wltll'l'lM. • 11*1-71* IIPH KEITH swlak to lie Tried for the Harder ot Columbia. 8 C line 5 A case with unusually seneailonal features will be tried in Spartunburg at the Court of Ses sions lhat convenes the laic* r |*arl of (hi* month Jonas Swtnk lias been com muted to Jail, charged wiih the murder Ilf Mrs. Wll It imhij Pearson of Wood ruff Hwlnk's relative* are the wraithleet people tn Cut pan of the country. Marion I v.ii>on, hu*liiiHi of ih* l* •! woman. th- only witn*-*- examinoi by th* mltr.ito. who commitl*i Bwink He t ►*f*iiK tin* iruls* *• an*l marks on hie wife'* botfty before she li**l. •ll<l Which had been inflict*-*) by Hwink The slhienitnA of Mrs I‘exrson prior to her cl* th at Oastotn 1. N C.. was sui>- inilteil. Sh- liarßcei Swink with h ivtritf t tiuM'l h*r til ti* Bwink has never ie nlei th** w luppinK. nnl ih<* * !<*• I** l* v* ?- op:n into on* of Iniereat Tiu* cause of ih* whipping which wi** inflict • il in Bcptemb*r. |s s.ihl c have lw.-n tht •lelivery of a note h\ Mrs I'earson to n l.i*iv friend of her.*, the not* hcinic sent by a young man of Woodruff The <HTn | tents of th* note have not y t hc*n te vealed but III# yousi nut #rho is suil ' t hav*- w i .411 n |( has fotitx) it con venient to move himself t*> tin* far Weal, •ij*l is not * xp* • l to return. The auiippirw of Mrs !'• arson was .*lnniiit r*l with a Nt, k and she was i3-4.*H‘*l t<i 4* .v Woodruff Her husban*! w at'Sent tn North Carolina, so she irn rn*-lio4- .v wnt to Gastonia, where after a IlniicrinK tllnc * of nearly two months she died ffiirc* m— The H*ston little hoy was very very anerv. "Km- rwon,** h*- *rlel, selximr hi companion by the h t|r. *I y . msnd to <-iviltxe y*u witliin an inch of your fib -Detroit Journal ri nnn diseases jj M fl 1 a B I B ran be cured only by a romplele ry.tem of tret! Qt M■% EBBS H H men! which neutral:.’.* and dr re* out all of tr. ItLaPf | nlaon and at the same time build, up tho v nor. Mlttlof IhapUtwl. I'r. Hathaway's met:, treating tho different fUgea of this disease atop the outward >ign< at onrn and quickly bring* about a thorough an _ permanent cure of every portloo of the body atTe. ted.and all Hi it done In aueh a way that the patient doea not need to Isolate him W sell or give up hl business, nor doe* he suHcr for the balauce o ft . . ff hlalllo from aallTatloo or any other reflex action of admlclatere ** . drug.. ¥ Tho patient la .Imply made again a perfectly well, sound mat. y -L with all danger of transmitting tli,< disease removod. I>r Hathaway also treats with the .ame guarantee of tticees. mH* fflt Ixrssof Manly Vigor, and other chronic ot men. Including 1 all Kidney and Vrlnary and Sexual disorders. Varicocele. Strict jUi v - - Pr Hathawmy'rnewauty fourpagebsok.treatmgfutlvotall the -wii'gti ykfcAi T • disease* which he treats and telling of his method, together with a *• ;? wMi, | \ great deal of valuable information which wiu help anyone to ex amine his own condition, will be sent r'RFF on eppUcatlon, a* J ura’tngg.Tft.iwir at n will also caret ully prepared self-examination blanks, t ousultatlon and advice tree at office or by mail. g. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. j, .... _ a. )>’. llaih.woT * Cos. " * Dry on street, Savannah, Os tt A Bryan street. Savannah. Os. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1900. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Matter* of latereat to Skipping Rea Generali*. Thn programme for the departure of the five revenue run* re In port bound for Havana may bh changed. If I* they will go to s#i Thursday. ptOVhicd certain reinm* which are now being made re flnietod A* prevlouely stated th** cutter* are hound for C.iban water* t-> become a iart of the rew-nue cutter <#- tahliehmenl there They wdl go a part of the way amith from (Savannah h&a'ha fn [ land route. The Merrtll-Stev. n* Engineering Tom l*an> yeaierd.ty Fold to M T Olb*on, man.iger of the So i hern Tran “port at on Cotniuny the hull of the ateamer Caiman formerly known a* the house taMit owned by the Ix>rdl.ird*. The f*ai inan w.i* de*tro>ei by fire at New Smyr na •om* time ago and was later eold a public outcry to the Merrill-Stevens Com pany. The hull will *• towed to Savan nah Manager Gibson intends to rebuild me t>ai for use on the route between Su- . vannah and Augu. ta Purlng last week forty two eteimshtp* were chartered to load grain and g*-n ral cargoes at Philadelphia and New \rk probably one of the largest week * bud ne*e thit has teen done f.r a long time The list of charter* doe* not Include th** regular liner*, but 'onslsts ot what a*e known a- cargo boat* or tr.imp* Several of the regular iranealtiMtt • line* ha\e ai de*i aever.d ateamihlpe to the service io Ftipply the demand for cargo space, prin cipally to the continent The Itureau of Navigation report* 112 ve** 1* of SS.&C2 groen ton* were built in the I nited St.ite* and omcialiy num bered during October •.* follow*: WOOD. Sail Steam No. Grose No Gro** Allanllr and Oulf 62 *.T4 1 paolrtc * S 713 3 —| Western river, 11 I*2 * *' : * | Total 71 12.3*9 27 1.70.1 BTEKU Atlantic and Gulf... 1 1.1 >*• I-“ctlic ‘ Great Idkee a * “• Western rivers 1 ; Total 1 1 120 12 23 370 TOTAL* No Gro-x. Atlantic and Gulf 7j 22.5*4S *7 '■j ilreut Igike* ** vx ■ hi m Rlvi 1 * Total I’- 3s - ’* > - The larxest ste l steam vessels In Ihe* ■ flffiires ar.- Am.-rl< an. 5.5.91 Rr. ss Inn built it Chester. I‘a . American-1 la wall an Steamship t'ompany. owner Sl-rm. .>.6 9 s-ross tone, nulli at I’hlla.lel|ihl i. Pa .; j Oceanic Steamship Company, owner Howard 1. Bhaw. *.901 trretee ions, bult at Wyandotte. Mich . John Shaw Transit Company, owner. The forrgnln* ttirurea tlo not Include eraft without motive |K)*nT of their own From other sour, es thon construction < ne vessel Of 2 R7t Rt-oss lOttS was ldde.l to the merchant licet, this one helnß Ihe etc.inn r Norfolk. 2.1174 cross lons, why cftl lal y hunt her* and. ft.relßit wreck I'nsnena rrt by Xlesnuhl|l". Passenger s by steamship Na.onchee, New York, for Savannah. Nov. 3.—IS. It Holmes. J K Russell, K E. an.l child Miss Helen SH Oeorße. C. M. Garter. J. 8 Walter. Dr P Wall wife. J. I’errtn, Jr . Mrs. J i’errln W. D Beymer. M. Redntck ant wile. W. A Study ,nd wife. Miss S K M I'rrsry. F A Harlows anti wife. 8. K W.wtnll Mr H.liner, Mrs Rocers. G tVeriner. J MeM Mrs J C. llousiour.. Miss Houstoun I G Rogers, K E Rogers. J B. Crothy Mr L R Ithelepleasc, Mrs. 1.. Woodson, Prank Wootlson. It J Scott. I Diehl. 11. II Irwin. D Rlrwn. J Pinsman. 8 8. ■ waskl, Mrs 8. Kaplln. V. Vourl. P Vourl. G Pord. I'awF users arrived last nlßht ftont Ral tlmore on steamship Texas- Mr- \ .len tine At II Belli. J. It. HUIr. C W. Thomson, Kollo Hissutt. J i liars!!! v, J J Gaune. Mrs ll.trt and chlldten. Mrs. Slid, J It. Taylor Earl Adams. Oeorge T SU‘mocker. A. Pranße ii %iiiiim li Aliu*n*c. Bun rl*e .i| :3 a m. nd *vt* ai p. m. High wulcr ai Tybvw ln-day ai n in anl 7 W p m. High wuter ai Savan nah on* hour laier. riinne* of the Moon for Nn% ember. D H. M Full mon 6 0 eve Last quarter U * **'*** New moon 22 l 17 morn ipirtrter . 29 11 .V* morn Moon perigee. sth. Moon opugee, 17th %hiti\ ai * am hi rumiiiw Ve**el* Arrive# 1 enterday. Bteamahlp Te*a*. EMredfe, Haltlmon* J J Carolan. agent. Vrußi-lH ( It nrvMl A v-Mtrrilny. Hark M irla laiura dial.). Flenga. Vigo Bir.i han A- do. It.irk {Nor), Ander*en, Antwerp Ixit*T*on-Downing do. H.irkt-nilne. E S Powell. Jone*. Roun *!ont an*) New York Si'hooner John t; Schmidt. Norbu y Philadelphia. Vrarla W rnt to *e. Steamship City of Augurta. I>asg tt. New York. Bteamahlp Herkshlre. Ryan. Philadel phia. Sieam*hlp Hanna (Nor ). Wahlhrrg. Hil , timore Bteamahlp Puritan (Hr ). Jam a. Hrr men. Ship Thor tNor.), Andrea* n. Hrlatol Bark Alert (Nor.). Amtreaen. Antwerp Brig Protettore (Hal). Paraacomlola. j Flume. Schooner Harold C. BeecHer, lsa>'. New York aiilpplng Mtinorniiil* Key Weal. Fla . Nov. 5 —Arrived Fleam . > M<i- i 'A h.'t- Hi\ t a .iiitl (x ij Jt ; for Port Tampa. Whitney. New Ori on* and aalled for Havana; eohooner Ellen | Adam*. Alhury. Tampa l Char le ton. Nov. s^—Arrived. Vtramer BtTTEH THAN THE KNIFE. Pyramid Pile < nre ( ure* Piles ttulfkl). Patnleaaly, Mltboot Danger. people go along for yea:*. eufTerlng with pile* They try ihl* and hat and the o;her thing from - iTrying a buckeye to get ting treatment from * phylvian. obtain temporary relief, maybe, but they are never quite cured. A llt 110 strain in lifting. • l|e*9ive fatigue, a little consti pation. or a little diarrhoea and the plh> om* ha k They don t poem to amount to much, but they bleep an*l appetite. No |>OFltlon 1* comftjrta *le. There 1* In- i tense I*** al pain arid that dreadful agcnil- i ing f'viiiig of weight in the perineum Maybe in the early at.ige* Fmie of the many salve* on sale will afford temporary relief If ihe <ae* Is of long giandirc theie i* only oiw apeedy and sure remedy It !•* I'yrumli) Pile Cure Even In light case* It I* th** safest thing to use. Other j application* may ure and may not. j Pyramid Pile dure l* always certain, always relht*e alway* bring* omfort at lis prompt use save* month* of •* vere suffering In cate* It will ave Furgi al operation* and th*-lr danger* and *ll <'omforts. It l* lietter than a knife Will cure ea*l>*r, quicker and aafer. Thou*and* have uae.l it. 'U)ou.'.in<l* have be* n cured by It The >*i 1* trifling compared with It does The prl* e |* on* dollar Moat any l*o*i> would gladly pay ten dollar* to be rll of pile*. Druggist* well Pyramid Pile Cure If YDiira hasn't It. he will g‘t It for you from the Pyramid Drug Cos.. Marshall, Mk'h.. sole manufactur* *. Comanche. Pennington, J> -ksonvllle. proceed* *1 New York Balled, schooner* Nellie Floyd. Nlelwen. Georgetown. Joe! Cook. Outten, New York. John and Gregory. Hutchinson. New York. Nelson E. Newbury. King. New York, steamer Iroquois. Kemble, Jack* sonvtlle Bremen. Nov. 5.-Arrived. ateamer llighfield. rt.iv mnah H ililmore. Nov f- Balled, steamer 8 D Man Charleston. Grimsby. Nov 3 -Balled, steamer Bver- Ingham. Pensacola. Portsmouth. Nov .I—Arrived, steamer Arthalle. Peneacola. via B*>uthampton Port Tampa. Fla Nov. b.— Balled. * isomer Olivette. Smith. Havana, via Key West. Fernandln a. Fla., Nov. s—‘Arrlvrd, *.li>n*'r H Douglaa>. Bennett, New Bedford. Mass C|earf*l. *<-hooner Annte T. Bailey, Perth Amboy. N J Baltimore Nov. 4 -Arrived, steamer D. H Miller. Savannah. Philadelphia. Nov. I -Piwel down: Schooner Josephine f>r Jacksonville. Ar rived, schooner William K. Park, Bruns wick. Notice to Mariner*. Pilot chart* and ill hydrographic infor nation will b furnished rnusier.* of vrs sels free rf charge In I’nlted State* hy .lrogr I-Id * nice m Custom House. daj taln r* requested to call at the office H. ports of wreck* and derelict* received for tranFmls*ion to the Navy Depart nun. Foreign B*or(*. per Norwegian brk Alert for Antwerp— -5.291 barrels rotn, 3.9 H -Cargo by I<er son-Downing Cos. per Italian bark Marla Laura for Mg-' Spain—l4*4* pieces pitch-pine lumber |VS.V. 16.2>V> piece* white oak atavea, 51.> .-Cargo by Eeteve A* Cos. ron*v*i*e Expert*. rsr stsnmshlp Rsrkshtrs f.xr P-illkl-1- r>h!x Pa —l2* •■•l'* fthrr . 31 b * ' * f,. n.rv sw-rptnUK *9S bals. r.r* sir.*. , b..rr. k. rosin. 17* K.rrrla turp-ntln •s cotiomK-wl oil. * banvls rlra ' .n ks rollon s-0.1. * sa.'ka Hoy. >. I. oranges, s box* fruit ™ ,lom. sil.-s anil yrs. 70 packigw m irchan dl„. -1j.(25 fnr! lumlM-r ,vr bark-nttn** K 8. Powrll tor Roursl „„1 N,. York -*2U7 frrl y<4low | Ins ’nmbnr Fargo bv E H Hunting * * ... T John O 8 hmldt lor ~hl.. -:i*3.5- f- yrllow pin* lumber.- FrRO by lluntlnß * Go. 1)1 KEY* 1 'TV JIM KEV CM B- Two FnxorHM W..n In Klr. Dy’ liners nl Viiurdur*. NVW York. Nov 6 -Th* fH lh , Qurrn-s County Jook-y Flub hr K ,n b .h,y U. Aqueduct. T* favorites won. Helen OT. In Ihe second, -n l Trlllo in the third The o*her went down before second choice and three lonß shots Summarle*: lirst— Belling nhout seven fui ienre Oliver Me 7to I won. with Mtd „tKht Chimes. to I and 2to 1 second. nd HuitiHopochJc. 10 to 1, third Tim*. \ **7 i-5 ‘s,.FOiid Rac# Five furlong*. Helm o(• s to f*. wan. with Orient*. 7to 1 and !* 2. second, and Lone Fisherman. 30 to l, third. Time 1:03 1-5. Third Ha* * -One and onc-*lxtccnth m i. ; Trillo 7to 10. won. with Mis* linn ovi r. 2 to 1 und 1 to 2. second, ind Lance wood. 30 to 1. third Time 1:50. Fourth H • one mile and seventy \ard.“ Flr*t Whip. 13 to 3. won. with Me Meek In. 7 to 10 and out. second, and Toe Golden Prime, 30 to 1. thin). Tim**. 1 4. 2-fi Fifth Race- Bolling, five and a half fur long* The Puritan, sto 1. won. with Quito Right. S to 1 and 3 to 1 socond. md Twicose. 7to 5. third Time 1:09. Sixth Ra o—One mil** and seventy yard*. Water dure. * to 1 won. with Rochester. ! i 1 and 10 to 1, *econd. and King Bram *lc. H t*> 5. third Time 1 17. It nee Reulte nt l.ntntn. din* Ino.itl. Nov. s.—Results nr I*ton:a First Race- Seven furlong*. Ben Hoy. to I, won. with Chler*. 6 €o 1. *e> otul. in*) om>n. 20 to 1, third. Tlm<* 1:29 S* on l Race- Six furlongs Lady It l*. *; to 1. won. with Queen A Day. 20 to 1, Fecund, and Juanette. 5 to 1, third. Time 1:1*4 Third Race—One mile, eelltrg The Slug irartl. rt to 1. won. with Nettle Regent 4 • o 1. fc*ond. urvl Hohul. 2 to 1. third. Tim** 1:41'%. Fourth It • ••—One and mile* Felting K* ntu< k> Hab#. Nto 5, won. with ! Dwmburg 1" to i. seennd. and Colbert j to 1, third Time 2 4W. Fifth ILi • Five m*l a half furlonc* Albert I Dewey. sto 2. non. with War ranted. 5 to 1 second. *nd Alex PerKMi. I Jto 1. (hlrd Tim** 1 09. Sixth Race Seven furlong*. J. J. T . I rt to 1. won. with Exit. I to 1. second, and | Little Land, 3to 1. third Time, 1:274- Favorite* Won In Atlanta. Atlanta. Nov s—Favorite* generally ’ won to-day over a slow track at Pled | rnont Park W.nther fine Summaries First Rac* Five-eights mile Julia Rose won. with Nannie J , second, and Eou*. thin! Time i :09S. Second Race—Four ami a half furlongs Jcsirtc G. won wllh. with Annie Coons second, an.l OMdya 13. third. Time Itq Thlr.l Ka.**-Three-fourth, mile Clales won. with Oeore Debar second, and Mike Hsvertv third. Time 1.2* Fourth Race-One mile nnd a sixteenth Fhub won. with Lliltan Reed aecand. and Zome third Time 2 o*‘V Fifth Race—Three-fourthe mlie. Mas cagr.l won. wi:h Grandma It se-ond and Brother Fred third Time 1 :?hA, —The Deacon—"Do you know what hap pens to boys who tell Ilea?" Fmnli YoiFh —“ires sir. They gits oft s me Imes, If they tells good ono*."—Uarlem D.fc. GLAD HE KILLED FLOWER*. U llroion Reglns lo show of lirrsnir men t. Kaiontnr. Gi., Nov. s.—Wiley F. Wll* roxon. who killed his son-in-law. Flower*. Thursday waived commitment to-day Ail the lawyers In town, except one firm, hav** combined In hi*- tlefense. Ho far a known there will b* no prosecution aaw by the state. Wltcoxon shows signs of dervmgem *nt. He says he kllle*) Flow era as a rcsuli o' prayer. To the Morning N* w# corre spondent he talk'd rationally. He sai l he kilbd Flowers bet .ms- he • oul i toi die satisfied if h* left Flowers living Ho said he shot him tlown with pleasure :ti*l felt lelleved when he eiw him bad. lie lx aware of ihr e#,oi mlty of hi-* crime an t knows he has a hanl ordeal to ■ c-, but he say a his conscience I* • b*r. For eight months h* has >ought an op|>oriunity to kill Flowers ami took the (list h*n*e lie borrowed Flowers’ gun. got h m to explain th* manipulailon anl wh*n FI w era stooped to pick up some gum * shot him Wlb uxoit i-* n* rvuu and *its rut little. He said his fight waa alnv>!*t t n tshed. It is thought h will n* t stni*i confinement till March court. NO MORE IN FOOTBALL 4,%ME. North f'wroilnn and **vniiee l*lnyel i lose Tie. Atlanta. Nov. S.—No acor* waa made here to-day in the fo t wll game between the teams of the University of N rih Carolina and the University of the South at He wa nee, T* nn The game was a speci.iculir one tn mmy ways. North Carolina attempted a drop kick for goal from the hell which failed Sewanee trb-d a placed kick for a goal which also falU-d The thlrt>-fiw-; ard run of Bethels for B**wanee was a brilliant play, but tills failed to give the Tenne -.•*** ins a score —Hit the Wrong Keys.—"l didn’t know you ever had mad*- a study of dialect *‘l never have/* replied the n ithor "Then how did you happen t* fall into th way of writing it'’" "Oh. 1 did that while learning to use the typ* wilier."—Chicago Evening Post. j' l. 51 Of HOP! HI IND & S RT SC iII .UL kU For late of Ha|>, MoUsuinrry, Thunder bolt. Cattle Bark and West Had. Dal!y rxrept Bumla>*. Subject to Chungs without nollco. 181-K Of HOPS !f\ tiH I Of It I.V I*l* 111 Hoi-* iJo min from i > inn < Mun fot Uol on 7JO am from Tenth cOu am for Tenth JJO am from Tenth \ 700 am for Tenth t IS am from Boston OO am for Tenth 10 Jo am from Tenth jlOOO am for Tenth Utti n from Tenth |ll Ou am for Bolton 1 IS pm from Ho,ton 11 20 am for Tenth ISO pm from Tenth j ! HO pm for Tenth JSo pm from Tenth 240 pm for Holmo 4Jo pm from Tenia j *ou pm for Tenth 100 pm from Tmth j 4M pm for Tenth ** pm from Tenth | uo pm for Tenth 7JO pm from Tenth | 700 pm for Tenth fJO pm from Tenth 1 *on pm for Tenth JO pm from Tenth | :< no pm for Tenth 10 JO pm from Tenth 110 on pm for Tenth 111 00 pm for Tenth MONTGOMERY. l.v *'lty for Men i\ iTv* \ioiurouie IJO am from Tenth | 7 15 am for Tenth J 3D pm from Tenth | 1 15 pm for Tenth t JO pm from Tenth *| 000 pm for Tenth CATTLE I’AltK. * "V 'or ii f.tra L> ■ aTnV Park * 10 am from Bolton | 7ou am for Bolton 7 30 am from Bolton On am for Bolton 1 00 pm from Bolton ' 1 Jit pm for Bolton IJO pm from Bolton Sat pm for Bolton 7 'S> pm from Bolton | 7JO pm for Bolton *OO pm from Bolton '* *0 pm for Bolton T it L NPhaouiii . Car leaves Bolton street junction 554 a. m. and every thirty minulan thereafter until 11 JO p. m. Car leaven Thunderbolt at *OO a m. and every thirty minute* thereafter until 17:00 midnight, for Bolton aareet June, linn TTti'.ivi tt t AM It r.w;t t.L i ah. This car carries trailer for passenger* on ail trips and leaves west side of city market for lale of Hope. Thun lerbolt and all Intermediate points at SOO u m., 140 p. m . 6:00 p. m. Leavea Isle of Hope for Thunderbolt. City Market and all Intermediate points at 4:00 a m. 11.00 a. m.. 740 p rr Wf'AoT L.NLi CAU. Oar leaves not aide of city market for West End OO a. m. and every to mlnutee thereafter during the dny until 11 3o p. m. Leavea West End at 431 a m. and ev ery 40 mtnutes thereafter during the day until 12 no n'rloek mldnlrbt. ? St Ifirpiv o*n Mrt t ye This is the Trade Mark of the Best Builders Hard ware : that made by the Vale&Towne Mfg. Cos. Those who contemplate building should send for gur artistic brochure "Artist and Artisan:’’ free H.H, PEEPLES &. SONS, 125 CONGHESS ST.. WEST. FISHING TACKLE. JOINTED RODS, REELS, ETC., SEINES, GILL NETS, CAST NETS. A FINE Assortment of Hooks. mmlwrim. 113 Broughton St., West. Empty Hogsheads. Kaigtr Mwlaaaea Uuaclitaili foe sale hr c. m. Gilbert & co. Not How Cheap! BUT How Good! Lindsay & Morgan's MOTTO. OUR SUCCESS CUMES FROM CAREFULNESS In th* SF7I.ECTION of our funds, to buy only thoar that will PI-EASE, both in alyl,- and quality. ", have tried to imiTcrs on your mind toat noKECONDS *ve enter our store. V OUR SUCCESS WILL BE AOVANCEO by your buying your c oda from ua. Wo want all your trade, aa you will b ih gainer by giving it (o ua .mil getting the best good, for the aame price that you pay for inferior good, elaewtiere. | COME AND SEE US at leaat. and let ua prove to you that our aclectlon is the bet In the city, and tha* our price, are right. COLD WEATHER Is bound to come, and you will be sorry that you hive put opr getting your home fixed up before the rush. We can help y*u do it, and IXJ IT RIGHT. OUR FURNITURE STOCK I now complete—l’arl r and Dining Room I-Ihrary. Sitting Room and Kitchen cw be lined oik with gooda to uit any one a uate. Leather Couches. Itoekera an i E.i y Chair*. China doseta, Crystal Cabinets. Sideboards. Itining Table,. ll,' It., k. llall Chair, nnd Settees. Folding Rrrcena, Easels. Box Couehea. Foldit lted>. Bed 1-ounge,. Comb nation Book Ca u. Fancy Chairs and Beckers of all and s'-riptlon*. Blrdc yc and Mahogany Dresners, Wash Stand,. Chiffoniers and Tabb 111 I U'a UTItYKS AMI KAVtlfl. I'KIIKKI Till' MATITIKSSHtt, It I- VIVa 0D01t1.179, HEFItKiF.H VTOlta IMPERIAL FI HAITI HE POLISH, Are four SPECIAI.Tira that can t be beat. CARPET DEPARTMENT. We ne<'.| not -ay much about our stock of Carpets Everybody say# it la the b in town People com, and louk. go away, but, I.IKK Till. (AY. they come ha it A f. w of our sp> chillies In (his department are Wide, for l-Yil.linK lb,. Narrow Portieres for Single 1).0r,. Vestibule laire and Panels. la* re from 12-In > . n— . Couch C, vers m Ini aa wide; Carpet six-' Rug*, m Wilton l Smwn.i, ,lxc a ( .11 - x>;. ,;x9. 9x9. :•(. 9xll. K)-*xlt feel. Nowhere else (own can you ge' them We are aelltng a f.n<- 9x12 Smyrna Hug JUta’ \Ve pureba ■ I at a bargain a lot of sample, from a drurnm> r of Daghestan " ton Rugs. .x*. fc t. The regular price of tl.em la *!h We are se.llng this lot at ver>- much le- - Till goods ar. PERFECT The (irlce for the asking. UPHOLSTERY COODS. And a fine upholsterer to do your work Special prices given on material to those in Ihe trade We keep chair cane and lot, of things (hat we can't enumcr/b- OUR LACE CURTAIN STOCK mwt not be overlooked a* it la in fun blast, our stork or KmM ' amhrequ • i at. I Drop, rlea I- worthy of notice. If you hail a BlMell Carpet Sweeper you would never regr.-t the prl c | aid for It. They ore labor savers. PLEASE CIVE US A CALL IN OUR NEW STORE. LINDSAY &MORGAX ii tTii+JTUaaiC’ Ca Paniuetr> Floora. have been laid in many of .ihe comfortable home* in 1 New York, Boston and j • Other cities. More cleanly j nnd economical than car ! |*. ts Plain and fancy floors laid and polished J j complete over old floor*, j making a solid and beau j tfful Improvement. Cat i aloaue on request. Es ! #(mates hent on receipt of measures of rooms ! Having number of floors) I to lay in Savannah this month we can quote close figure**. J M. ADAMS. I*7 N Chirlc* Street, Baltimore. Md. \ r £ r $ v, > f < :■ : ■ , > J W. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer s Agent, RAILWAY AM) MILL (HITI.IKS, Trovldent Building, Savannah, Ua. WWWsWYFWWV.*. /A’WWVW fKgP’i-iltiniki INJECTION. A PERMANENT CURE of th* most obstinate < are# of Ckjiiorrhfra Slid Gleet, guaranti-etl In from U to ti ciaya ; no other trc-n’inent nquired. Sold hjr all druggifta. cys - YOURSELF! / /CPtM\ I !*3 lltr t r ;io(uril m l • <*twX I (ii*- hsrr?**, li.a*i-tniii o#, /. *~f y rriisti ijg or ut<frtio4 mi ui tuuttmf. t ,f mucuu* Uit*iutrow. L-dJFr*u still o<-t utria* I JJVn hiE v*ai ChemicuCo. *r fw i*ooou*. V' yC!4',iMT ,C.r i ] by r. S. a. / | cf wnt in plain wrappar X V h* pr-pai 1 for fl #. < r .1 75, ■ i ■* C'irrular —nt m rwinift STOPPED THE COUtiH. Prlher * Tar and Cherry Cough Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO. FHUI'USALS ha.vteu. KOI IT FHEMONT. and \ov. 1. 1900 S. i -.l pi'i n triplicate will be re cctvt.l hi re until 1. m Nov. JO. 19X1, for constructing three frame lailldlng* In formation furnished on application. V. 9 r. eerve. righ- to accept or reject any or ail l ids. Knvelopea containing pro pvaals .could he marked "Proposal* for Cor.iructlon ” addressed Stanley I) EmMck. Q. M IK Tor WANT GOOD MATGKIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books from Uorolng Newe, Savannah, Ge. II IS Mill' IF IT DON’T CURE. iJ 1 - 1 Ttvcr r A Tonic fig Will sell you Smith’s Chill and Fever Tonic, and if it does not cure they will gladly refund the amount you paid for it. Look for the Kt-d Triangle on each pack age. Office B A Galloway. General Merchandise. Maitland. Fla.. Oct. It. To Whom It May Concern: I have been selling Hmlth’s Cni and Fever Tonic foj ihe past v nnd hftfc #)#o iimhC it n mi ' family, and have found il Cos that is claimed for It Yours truly. B. A. OALLOWAT. UVINeSIGN'S MG Ml BULL and CONCRESS and 309 BULL *T . PHOMIS 29.3 and 9f,i. BRENNAN BROS. WHOLES ALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. 33J bA V STREET. W#*L IritpWulU. J. D. WEED * CO UVARIUA, Ok Leather Belting. Steam Packing 4 Hose Agents lor NSW *OHK EkkTINU AN hi PACKING COili'AN I JOHN G. BGTLEK. a sN ”* plnl. Oils end Glass. Saah. Door*.Blinds, and Builders Supplies. Plain end Decora tive Wall Paper, Foreign end Domes' e Omenta. Lime. Piaster and Hair. S ol# Agent for Abeaitne Cold Water Paint •J) Congress street, weal, and IS Si. Julian aTreet. weal. OLD NKWSPAPEHB. for U eeOtA •* Eueineee Offlce Horning Newk