The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 07, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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ttHAT THE LEADERS SAY. (Continued from Ftr#t Fag# > \mr* "io- il Committee. *<%u\ that t recrlv* a l up to thrat turn points! , lnort.t#*- of hl Mlß)ttf of If? R** ,n nv*mb©r# of th# Houf. Dl* i . . from ih* country dlratrlct# tied , , n t* * n> ©xterif. he *ail, bm f. .;ve<l *how*l gain?. miih; % wpkmc h. , || |, | ,n \\ mm lu n I'n-nn of Enfhuai- | Man* mi tlidolghl. * Nov * At midnight Cm* , , f , in .1 frrinv of enthdeUi?m which u , M. i*uim> Th* crowd#, which had I . < ing ml fir* down town, mar.'htd , 4 ... to the M Kinley rreldeticc with Kti rockets h'iv.iing ltirl 1 Mr n toe.- the midnight #ky and tu* ~i i j cheer. I *, mingh i with the din of l,irr uti*l I*llll whihtcH Th- crow A , if '**i tor tti** !*i caldent #nl he kindly ,i .p*-ard. waving hi# a- know ted*mam of i *> . ifenl. g heer- Th* Prratidcnt wild: l w Tltfcwwnw I think you for the v r\ • rat ’ompiim**nt f thi* call on rhh* ii. f il’ i ght. oul a' thl? late hour of i • mai\ gratifying report# from every part f ountry none have given rn* mor* . rn one ,jni #lu ■**•© gra It tut* than tho#* from im own city n! my own four 'v of Stark And 1 appear now only to i|.. f nave dun* on •<> many former o* * .■* to thank you once more for the war n-i h* arty In*! •e* fn- tit which you hav- *. I** g \-n my puhlU a t# J . Imv who i*. with the Preside t *1 K i > *•11 ie ivuny-m n a? •!’ .? **!• ti at v.-t## 'I llh K Till. HATTI.I LCHtT. It I* ii\ n I| in >titidua! Driuo. erratic llrMd|nrlcra. (' N V ft Th* e.|ef prevai:# a the r iat I r. itl-nil l lquirt© that f ♦ o*t|e i> I/?’ and tnat M Kinley ha? • i re-**|*c*d by larger plu.altty than • recejvod four y*am h rva t J* *•*>. i ear w -ran seatad ©x-Cov Air* I RUnoi#. and x-G v Hogg of T- x t w.i* hu#y reading hu..otiua from \ r • !-ta H-1 * oinroer.ting upon the A h- r©al i huhet.n he aakl: >w neavy falling off for Brvrai. or a heavy fading off for Me- Ktiii* t'U* w;w*n as-kri io i*xpr#.-i hi# pir i'-i. ne to th* remit, h** •aid: "I do not know yet. The return# are too ii.*n gr-- o a predict Ion.” “\W are going to win yet.” eaid ©x* j Qov Hogg Th©#© figure" are doctored ir.d or* the work of W*'.l street gimhler# They Io i.oi r*-|*r* *-nt the w ill of h* j eof>le "I do not ki ow how the remit will j ook ‘ * i:.l *m Jov. Alt self!. "The re- [ turn? arc no: eufTiciontly 'complete to make in estimate ’ Whik converging with tn# two ei-Oov* it. *i> S* n. M-r Jon* j* wo shown a tele, ram fi**m N* tv York stating that Will- j im J Btotu had conceded that etate by over i*M<rt Hi? only comment wa? ■\Y* . that may i** right. hut 1 am not • going t-> * ono* >l* any thing mm r. i . t r* • lv* and • the headquar* let* fr*:ri Nebraska were not very en- J .' *-• r,g rar*l midrlght the crowd lit # e ..'/jimin i f had tnlnned out so that •*.*r*- v.ei !• •:< than !•# p*oi io in the loom. MANN % \OT Mi UME. Ill# \|t to # Iriigism from tfiisiur Acott. v w York. Nov. —An enthusiastic j r .1 of Repul* lea rut thio.iged the na t *1 h*vi !<|'Krtet to-nlgh-. Three tun • and m i forty had been asked to ait down i . a feast vyhich had been provided by t National * ommltlce San at or fi ott of West Virginia sent the i .lowing to H-nntor Harnra Bhak**. Old I.lmpy shake." The raf*|> was a follows Te egram received 1 ram not limping I * much #a 1 did. Congratulation# to you . '|. Hanna " The crowd stayed for a while, but o’clock commenced to go and by 11 0 •lock hf*l nearly all left thinking It no essary to hear any more return# Refreshment* were #**rved at 10 o’clock ;t rail hands were to* much er.groesed in ' •• nawe to leave their pUcai. #o the -•*1 win hrough* ir'njtyl by waiters One m wan bountifully supplied with wine . and this wa# served in prodigal faehl w>. Before 11 o'clcN-k some of the c*vmmlitee I r ,t-n took their leave, convinced beyond 1 doubt that McKinley wait re-elected. Will II) M\K; M* KOT MUTB. I‘l.'hard Hnn %■ Tlkln n Com of lliiuor. V, ,hlnr'on, No*-. I-Bopruonutt** l-.i, Miriljoii. Phtt.lrmn of Iho PeMOCratlc • .n*T*iilonl c-omniit fo*.. *t 11 o'clock llr.wl io make an .-a'lmafe on thr com *l nof flic nc*t Hou He aald the .irna r.- ■ ived up to I ha? lime were Incomplete to determine the result ■f ir the House is , on. erred It Is , . easily .on ' her. however, t!at . Hon. is Hepubllcui l> a worklnk ! lorU>. RRVI' KHIhMI* tMVE I P. Mr. Ilryan Went to leep anil For got llie llullrlltl* neoln. Ne*> No' R —Bryan's friends : trally rvmee.l* McKinley's election, i one of them will stand for a atete i m,-nt A, il:*f, p m Mt flryen is eleep . k soumMy and hn Riven no atiemlor bulletin? for two hours OF.FKATRD—AOT IIIM ot M AGED. broker Wire# llnnn *f *h* Grains • Acs# lork City. v York. Nov -The follow ing t*|c i |ram was *#nt tonight To W J. |trvan. Lincoln. Neb A you j r * doubt already know, th# stale has £ ne heavily agnlnw? ns. but whereas this | county in 19M gavo M Kinlev 23.Wi ma >rtty, )i gives >*ou to-day H®®h a gain f v>Wt are d#fcai*d, but no* dis- unged. Richard Croker.** UOKA T BED. ‘"iR Ilf. Will Talk When He I.erarns •he Results T-dray. i igo Nnv. At midnight Sent>r 1 a rose from th© large easy chair a* ‘ d* stretchad hi# arm# over hi# •and. and said: 1 iim going to follow the examp.a I f ‘ Mr. Bryan, who to’d me a few minute* E r over the long-distance ’phone that he I eoing to bed and a goo*l sleep I • minute# Uier the Senator will In I *m. Pressed for siatemet.i. either bn* or claiming the election, he ra -I*l v hen I come down in the rooming and ■ - —? CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought , ses'ssp ,^rat#^’’^*eraessF*, 'W#wPUHr"^WaBOSBBiy Relief I That Wine of Cardui brings relief to women suffering from female ,S~ disorders is shown by its great popularity. It is not strange that women should have confidence in a medicine, when it has been relieving their S?j|r s. ‘ afflicted sisters for nearly a century. With every cure the fame of Wine IkWf Ikj'{ -3?'of Cardui spreads, until now’ it is known throughout almost the entire Ijjlk civilized world. Shipments are made to England, France and Germany and last year bottles were sold in British Cape Colony, South ty\ p' Africa. The entire 1899 consumption excelled any previous record by *l f1 < 200,000 bottles. That is very practical testimony to the merit of this | j't 4jp.iaL i great medicine. It is enough to convince any suffering woman that Wine of Cardui W J is worthy of her confidence that it does w’hat it is claimed for it. When you see M , original letter, showing that she received complete relief after her menstrual dis [ vf: v £ j order had developed heart trouble, is on file. Invalids considered chronic, with £%£&&** # sunken eyes, sallow cheeks, weak back and shattered nerves, have w ritten earnest P Mt v letters showing how’ they have been restored to robust health by the Wine. For women’s little every day ills, Wine of Cardui has no equal. Thousands of American homes ow e a debt to Wine of Cardui they can hardly repay. We advise you to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to-day. You will be surprised at the >**l relief it will give you. J*'' 'i Metropolis. 111.. Jan. 15. l^qQ. M&jsßSfo&Sp,ff When 1 wrote to you for advice my case was a bad one. The doctor said I could not be cured. My menses L'^jvpcame twice a month and I suffered threat pain, and would give completely down. I had heart trouble and swimming * ‘ in my head. 1 commenced taking Wine of Cardui and Black-Draught tea as you directed, but had no faith in its Ik- doing me any good. I was mistaken, for it brought the menses at the right time. I had no more of those terrible pains and the heart trouble Is all gone. lam thankful for this wonderful medicine. Mrs. W. G. SMITH. ■ J ??" In Pimw requiring *,k?i ml dlrw?lion*,Rditrp giving vinp*ni*." The L<Ue I**rn th** rMuh in Indlcmn Mr\ land. California .mi W#*i Vi.Kirii, 1 cm tel) you whtft 1 think about it "Do you mean that you • on ■ do York to th- •bl! £, tni*'* • \WM.‘ paid th s.-r hoi "ihr !:• u-M ; rani* <ilm New York and it I *k tik they have icot it, but I urn n*t Roln; t*> .myihlmf to-nssrht Aft*r the wu' -rn i *\ •. v. Hokk and ex-tio. Alt** i r m-l i‘l :o pome time at headquarter*. rc idii g bu! e linp to a few who Ml and ih chairman** cWk. but b* f • i *'• • t!i* y, too. tvt'fit away an i ehortiy ft w.i 1< the room* were locked up and ds*ri#t (or the night ItanuM Nl kurprUed. Cleveland, o Nov. ♦. Senator Hanni received return* at the t’nlon Club t>- nlirht. In repponee to a question as to th* rauae of M ’K Wiley > r- ♦ i** *t l*i > *.! “The people re-elected him becauM th* \ ; wanted him Amerh ntm did it Senator Hanna be wn* not turprUed i at the result. KIII GOOD HE %LTH. Ilulrli ( riilurr Will Inall liMrif-l linn* nt Fort s nu! Ran Jibuti). Nov. —The Dutch cr.,l Gelderlaml with ex-I’resld<nt KrtiK-r on nonr.l which sslled from Utniici Mar quee. Oct 3f*. had arrived here. SI n na directed to await Instructions from The Hague at Tori Haul. wl'h r< a irrl t> Mr. Kruger's finding In Europe The Gelderlind will atop here tbne days Mr Kruger, who is in M<rllrni hr a th rejoiced grswlly at the new a of ihc rr .-nt lkr aticoeases. Hr was found aittlng on .lack Willi hl legs wrapped m sheepskin "May ihoy Haiti without remission " no exclaimed, energetically filling hi- pip.', when Informed of the sue - c-- of the Ho>r*. "Thai Is what we ask Dr lleymans de-Jared Mr Kruor wy< going to Europe pitrolv on a hol'd ■>- Throughout tho voyage Mr Kr icr V. h>alth. ex-opt for eome iroublo w ith hla ..yrs was excellent Tic will travel In. g olio wnrl will not lan-l until ho ri aches Europe (HII.MI.iI' Dll MIMIKII*. Gnllnnlry Led to Heath of One anil Wounding f the Other. London. Nov. 6 Lord Roberta. In n dis patch dot-l Johannesburg, Nov r>, re ports 10 the war office aa follow "fimlth-Dorrlen states that Maj Satin dcra and Capt Chalmers (of the Canadian Mounted Rifle*), behaved with great gal lantrv In the action of Nov 2 Bounders rod- out under heavy fire to bring In a hnrarless non-commlssloned officer. Saun ders was wounded and h.a horse killed, end Chalmers went to hla assistance Saunders implored him to leave hut was refused and the gallant Chalmers was. 1 grieve to say. killed Ixird Robert* has cabled to the war of flee that former President Sleyn. In a speech to Delareysburghers, Oct. 22 said Mr Kruger had gone to Europe In order io "gei intervention" and giai If he f tiled ••Ih* Transvaal will h- auctioned off to the highest bidder" RETIRN* FROM MKB CITV. Mow Floridian* Toted u the 1 apllsl till Question. Lake city. Flo Nov * -Henlon pre cinct. No 2. Columhla rounly.. Florida gives Bryan a majority of hi Davie ,r congress majorky Is 4*; Jennings for Governor. 4* majority. Tne rest of in state tlrfcet receives fti majority. For in state cardtol. Tallahassee. 43. Jacksonville 7 3t Augustin- 4. again*! ronsthuilonsi convention 32. for |i 2. I ake City precinct No 10. gives for Slate capital. Jacksonville. l. Tails hi * .ee 147 Ocwlla 3 Bt Auguslloe. 1- Ma „,n No Columhla rounly. gives for .taie capital. Jacksonville. 19; Ocalla I. Hi Augustine. 2. Tallahassee. v> For -onslliu'lonal im-ndm-nt. T ag .tnst o' > - ■ * "' *'* " P Teflon Feaer ami I’lauue. Washington Nov * —The Marin- lio opal Bervl • re-:- It —-I eM a.iM es to dav confirming press dispatch*. o 4he ef that a case of yellow fever exl.'-d at Natch-*. Mlaa. and a caw of plague nt Bremen. Germany. -H-aded by ihe local goldsmiths, the ■dmlrers of lienvenuto Cr:!lnl In Klo-en- - h ,ve heen pr. |drlrg fo- aome lln- for lhr celebration n of hla four hundredth birthday, on Nov it Among ether ceremonies a bust ol the great artist Is to be. ur.veiled. < THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1900. BRYAN AND BACON. rontlnufti from Flrt Tag# j -%. nu*n ounti.-? Hon Carter Tate i# H-* :*' t*-l to t'ongru?- by a majority of .tbo ii ..••/ over ill- p|*on* , nl, H L*. IV*- pie# tii!: bfM.g . * 4iureetlmatr *.i a utitif of fw*M** *pi*r*#lt iHt Tho Ltemo* at of Ha*i tmix got Hit a very 'omplimeiitary vot© for Brvan amt Tat# v it *•- i**r t *il. Romo <• Na • -:r*‘?min M <l o-x of thi> dlctiirt i.- i•--elected by a ma jority of alniut €.*•# Postmaster Hamilton who refund to a * ept th* R* publ.can nominal lot'., received * Urge oompltment arv vote II? rrie*i lit* F.ive Spring and Llvmght n di tii- i. in thl- county, but ■ the district gave Mr M ildox a good ma jority. #mrall \ ulr In I‘ltrce. Blarkshear. Go Nov f>-Ap#lhy on the part of Democrat# make# tin- vote In P • rc* very clo*.* The Democrat a have carrb-d the county by a smtll majority, a very light vote being polled Congress man Brantley tat ahead of the ticket. * auii will re civ* a#>ut 10f* majority. Ill* rtli f t In Eleelfil. Macon. <ii Nov fi.—lUrilett laim# 1" p**r •n* Increase In ttie* Sixth Congres sional Distrlrt lb* ay he will get ;*/■* vote# this year. The vote in Bibb county i# sightly Increased over four year* ago. und th- T*-m*>*‘ratb majorities are about 1* |#r cent greater Itnnrock fiMint) %ll Might. SiMirta. G Nov r, Much interest was lok' fi in *h • • 'lon her* N* gver tvy*nty-fiv e H* publican vote- were cast In Hatico k county Very few negroes w* re registered and m*#t of those voted th** Democratl** ticket. A go*wt D*m*xratlc yote was .ust The 1 ulr In Himrogrr. Coiiimbu#. Oa Nov. g —Columbu# give# Bryan 1,144, McKinley 19f one hundred and in negro*-# vot*<l None of th** country pr* Irr t# will b*' heard fr**m to night Adamson (or <\>ngi* •?#. ran 17 votes ahead of Bryan. Ilrranttey'n ibi|orlp l*ruw. Brunswick Go Nov. ft Iteport# from • lev* i out of eighteen courule# in the Eleventn <Vtigr*"%#iona! Distri* t. indi (, .ite i licit ’*ngr 'iinn Brantley *• re-elected v * it ' *> majority an it. reus* over IB**: arul D<s Good Vote In %uguti. Auguota Nov 4 —ln Augusta Bryan re elved !><• votes and M Kinley 223. Flem ing for Congress led the ti k**' at evety precinct, though there w*re scattering \oce; for several io al Republican#. Clinch !■ Drmorrsllr. Homervlll**, Oa Nov ♦; t'*lin'h count© will give th** Icrn*K''rtJc in ket ‘Jio inajor it> A v*ry small vote was polled, the Democrat, taking litti* inter©#!. The Pop ulin' vot* and if;*- Republican ticket. tfhlry < ounty Rnlrrmsd. Kllavllie. Oa Nov ' —The election here to-doy resulted iv follows: liryati. 175. M Kinley. n*i. Populist. 34; !*r*yfilbitlon ticket, - H* hley has redc**mrd her#df from Republh .nl#m. I.narene < ounty llemocrattr- Dublin. Ga Nov. #i —Th** DenKe ratic majority in Laurens county is over This r-ounty wen# Republican In 1192 and Five . email Democratic majority In IWR Good \ ole for llrantley. | (Villa Ga . Nov 4 —The election w# quiet, J"! vote# being polled af this Jg#- .in Tb* re was six majority for Bryan Brantley r- • Ivcsl i.*<♦ and M *ra<fn 17 vote#. Jrffersitra fr Ilryan. Lnui.vlll*. Oa . Nov. —Tlir l>morrt K.V. Hr van nbout m.ijority In ,on i'mini y *>nt fot M f Klnl.y by l.n|* majority In IR* ( linrllon I- 1,.-iiin.-ra*lr. Knlk.ton, Oa , Nov *—rharlton I, P'ni. I ratio a majorl*' of about tao to nn nit ! a vary il|ht vot ,->!!• I all over the county Vote In t lark. County. Athene. Oa Nov Clarke eounty . give, liryan amt Htevenaon and Congreaa i man Hoanrd H* ma^irliy Th, tale al L)>. Lyon*, tin. Nov S—M Kinley rerelvad _ii vot' • tierv to-rla; attain** 44 for Bryan. —Dora—"l have my phoco taken every i ihr- • v. ifS. ! think It la no tntereetln* " lOr.rb- Oraelouel Whatever do you do ngch them ail?Gia*gow EJvcntng Tuna*. MINNESOTA-REPUBLICAN. (Continue-1 from Fifth Page Democratic State Committee, claims trie re-election of Gov Und by £*.tihu Th* Republican?* *• v* no figur* . *ut do i.ot concede the election of Lind WASHINGTON-REPUBLICJN. S* it tic IVa<h . Nov *'• R*t urfin frem the state are *oming to *iowl>. but Indi atlonN rr Gira? M KmU> I* * l Bry an by a large niuj rlty and I# well in ad vance of th** Republican atat* amlldafes OREGON-REFUBLICALN. PortUiol, Of#., Nov. a —One huiuir#<l aiwi mxty-seven peyub et# out of 17-' In Oregon. lnci<ullug tho city u Fordmd. give Me. Kinley LV47X; Ilryan. K.7< If the same ratio is mstntnined M* Kin ley will have u plurality of in the state CONNECTICUT-REPUBLICAN. New Haven. Conn Nov. •• -One hun dred cities and town- in Connecticut out of 146 gi\* Bryan 11.415*. M< Kinley 21.a* K* |Kjbll an n**i loss H per cent. Demo, rath net gain 37 |m*i ent On this McKinley’s plurality In ConnecUcut is estimated at 23.2 v, R* turns from the cities and niwn# (V*r Governor give McLan tßepuhllcam. 21.- 2*Wt. Bfonson (Demo* rat*. 12.(T73 McLean’a plurality i- estimated at UjijO WYOMING-REPUBLICAN. Cheyenne. \N >o.. Nov. ♦ Returns from the state are eomlr* in slowly It will Ih* s<me hours before th* result i known iiut indication# thus far r* ihrai tli -late safe for McKinley ami congressmen oy 2/*OO (>|urali*y. IDAHO IN DOUBT. Boise, Idaho. Nov. 4 —There are r yet no return# from this atate Only one pro cinct has been iHsard from II give- M Kinley 91; Bryan A3 Two years ago It gave the fudoni.-t# 11A. Republicans 12 NEVADA-DEMOCRATIC. Carson Neb., Nov ft Returns n In complete Mr Mills. Republi ti *t u rmnn concede# th** stat© to Bryan hy m jcrlty The Democrats claim it hy ', •** Th*' Legislature 1# very clo#* NEW HAMPSHIRE-REPUBLICAN. ! Concord. N H Nov A.—Thirty town# and wards give Bryan 2.107; McKinley. 4,140. Same In 199 ft gave Bryan 1 >7. Mc- Kinley l.ft Congress. New iUmpshlr*- Bu!kwai and Currier (Republicans) e|e *ed VERMONT-REPUBLICAN. Whlt Rtv<*r Juru-tlon. Wrmon? Nov * 9<*vnty-flv- 111*-* and ti.n, Bryan klcKiev lI.fTT sam<- In lkh. gjyo Bryan MoKIn-y lS.<*h IOWA-REPUBLICAN. Dea Moines lows. Nov ft Twenty pr - cinet# received by The Rfglftfr from all over the state give McKinley 2.211, Bryan 1 449 Net Republican gdn 231 Dubuque. lowa Nov. H-I> B llendor i son. peaker of the il*>ue of Represent * fives 1# re-elected for the Third diem t Republican € on®remera Elected In Rhde lelarad. Provwiener. R I Nov. ft-Congress Bull and Gapron. Republican# r* ek-t** i i from Rhot- Island LlliHl VOTE IV f HtHlETn\. Klllntt'a ,piwr,l ,!•* llrrti Badly 4,nnrit , mlrr. <-harl*ir>n P C , Nov * -Thr- r-lrottou h.rr lodtay paMrd of, without Inct'ionr Tha waathar *>• tin*, hut owln* to th* fact that th reaul'.* here were foreßone conctuatnn*. the vote wa* very lUrht The vote of the county will noi eaceed :,() Seventeen out o, twenty-two t>r*‘ tnet ttve Killott 1 1>em i. for f’onare,*. I "I*. I>ckelt lßet> >, !' The vote for Brvan and M> Pweeny in the earn* bo*e w I.W The*e reaulta will not t>e matertall ' harmed by latar r< turn*. lleniieraK tialn • onre**met>. r-’ |e**o. Nov * Return* from !M of ?h 3M e.ntree,l-naj *ilrtrl‘‘?e *how thnt lie BepUhlUnnt have e fried !, the f>emo crat* U 4 and the fiwh ntet* 1. The Re publlean* h,ve aalned ten dlalrl.i* n/1 the Democrat* five, moklrf a net gain of tha former five *1 tin 1.1.01 k i I IIKS ||v 1.1C.11T. W iinftein VI miiulii in ra*n •!■- Itiful I niter t'ntruling* of the Erin- , *•••• oi VV rate#. From th* L>* Inn Mall At ih* I. nd**u II *. i ital in W -it* ha e| marveio t.v - tires r* being effected by th *■!* trie light I* I- quite three year# .‘-Inr© the dlsmv*-ry was made hy a Co s i ha -it <l ■< • *r that both aunllgitt aid l* iii* tight can ur* * rl?ln die.isa when .i 11 other temradl©# fal* And rally in th* cummer of ihl- >•.: the Frln * # of Wale# Induced the uiithoritbx of the L n ton Hospital i • try in** ur* H r Royal Highn*ss presented them with the n* eooary appai#tu. ot wni h the iota! *ui wa Udn % The nieth<Mi is a curious, though sitnpl- . **ii* Jl any jne visit# th* laoitdon li*-*- pttui between 2 and % ;• m. on any dav of i t* week h* will find, in n bright. *h*r fill room sei apart for th* prrpor. x i umber of patient# #lmng on ro* kmg thalf# in .1 circle round th© room Hang lug from the celling in ih- tenter .# a very |H>w*-rfut eicfiti lamp Atu) around it art- arranged several teles opt*#, whl h con* trill at* th** ligtii on tit patient** Be#i*le each I*l4l** 111 I# a DUTse who pi ess* ara tu-ll glass lena <a th** #|h> ot skin under treatment To understand it ill w must go back to ih* Aim cxpeiinwai. A# every one known, while light—the light of th t sun, elottrl light, ci —eo.i hist# >f .* com bit ration of all th** color# of the irainhow At on* side of ih© rainbow are the red ran*! yellow rays, at the otii* r Hide the viol* i rand blue. Tho r* i and yellow ray# are carriers of beat. ih bltt* and violet are alle*l chemical ray#. That i~ io #oy. ih*y *te aim si without h at. but they cause chemical a tlon For Instance. If you mix the two gaae# hydrogen and chlorine In n thin bulb of glass at.d t‘ien f*cu# th* rd ray# of llgni on It nothing happens But if you focus itie violet ray# ther* I# an Immediate ex plosion. Th* photographer ha# re*w**fi to understand this When m piece of photo graph I pa pet Is cxpoaad to tho light it blackens But If a ’ruby lamp’ I# u-ed no darkening of (he pafer follow# tn*' red glass not allowing 'he vloh l chemlc i| ra> to come through \ A. tn- im* agora doctor put ra piece of |l. I'll-r umbo 11.. rklli of ii <1 . .hi., to u,ed the vl'.l-i my- ut un IUI on t- He ii,i m.oiher pi* eln ®n o-h*r it*.! ur> ] k-pi him In a -1 irn room T i cull *4> I hilt the Hi wl piece of i*a p mi ."ij.-kencl .ml Hu <'on't uii- Hfti l le*t Thte i'm a u. I e r ..f **- la-rlinenl hut It ae ihe ltr*i e'ep In tne gr**l iltcf>v*ry. It provel ih*i ih* rli-m |.,il ray* of ll*hi van pare ihrongh Ih* •klB At ih-' eime lime .-ill-niton w* itlree;e-1 io ih< rurloue faei iht mountain cllmh ei. .11 hei lij-llv finm ktinhuin when p.i**- Inti on a fletit of -now with the t'er monieitr hetow *er> To eiu< iiia e lhl maiir me following 'xiKilrn'm mart' f, nll*hl tin conrentnte'l on ihe f.,,, „of two men, ie.l .a.- la-nut Inter po,e<l tn un* caf* r.<l lilue U** tn the < tin r The reil itlmie a I >wed *ll the hie; of ih- *un ie pie* through hut kept off Ihe violet ehemtetl ta>* The blue I'oi) I- 1 fh chemp al mu throufh. hui Ifepi out Ihe ,‘iim >'<l llhl After Ihe .x --pertment II wa, fnumt that Ihe man w hoe. la.. a- nearly roaeied t>> ihe imt Itchi ,*ire out of 'he ordeal without a tra e of aiinburri, but th- in-n en whom th rol l h<miriil iaye fell w*e t*<i y eun hi rnt'l Therefore, the do lor ren ii.l'.l mat the 'hemhl ray. m very Irritat ing to the ektn. If ih- ehemt' at raye *4.* i ‘.l* -o a niin‘, ok. a. lie thoughi. no 4ouM they will have a daeirvctlv* • ffert on microbe*. Turlhei experiment elioee | that bright eunehlne ktlh-l the eirongeei of microbe* —ihe haetllu* pro4tgto*u- in on* hour and m hali. A power,u *:• trie Hgni killed ■ hem ti. nine houi. Bur hy e*i Imllng ih* ie<l In ti ia>* nnd Cvii ei,trail.. ihe vk lei ui' rr.l I (Ottnd inal near jy ail nilcrotie* were killed tn a few ec on<l* I’ulilng all 4hee fart* together It wa* now known -hat -he concent rated light of ih- - *un or electric arc would kill mi crobe* on ihe kln. In the *nh*tane ot the k!n. and even under the .ktn tn all prolmt>l|lty, theretore. any ktn di*ea** .lue l mltrohe* could h* cured by 1 ghi. So*', -here I* imc *urh dle-a.e. a terrible infliction, avmch was the de*|.*ir o, th* doctor* Thai I* lopu*. n ftrl rouln of coneumpilon. which attack* and deform* th* face. In th* tight cur* th* doctor* hav* now a perfect remedy It 1* painlee*. but ti ha* ih* drawback* o, being v*rv low ofi*n taking month* of dally treatment It t* carried out a* followe When the w.-aiher I Itn* and hr ght the patient* alt tn th* often tilr. and the llgni of the *un ..rt When th* weather I* dark ih .se.A; Ught 1* ued Of eoure tne latter ia very expcnaiva, wbtto th# sunlight coat* nothing Hut. rurtoualy, *h# electric light ! morn effective, b*-,ng very rich In rh*-m teal ray*. Thn apparaao* slightly differ* accord lug to Ihn light ua*d When thn •untight in availed of t large glaaa lena lllled with hlun water—sulphate of copper dlaaolved In water—l# placed aom* lltlln dlatanr* away from th* patient Thle oonontniio thn light, which l focused eo n> to I*l a •pot about the all*- of a K|*p#nny bit fall on tht patmnt'f fare The •tinllght thue ron< i ill rated w ould quickly burn a hole In thi fare If It wefe not for thn blue water Hut the blue In the water pre vent* the hot red reye of the aun from romtng through, and the water ttaelf al an uheorb* the h*at Still i good deal of heet flnda lla wav through and another apfd once la therefore uaed Thtg la it email hollow glaaa Inn*, iton ll one Inch In diameter which Ihn Miren prraane mi the ektn of thefpallent It la connected with Inflow and'outflow luhea end e etream of cold water la con atantly paatlng through and abaorbtn* the remolnder of the heat Thla lane elao aervoe another uaefill purpoee The red blood ordinarily In the akin would iwevent the paaeugr of aom of the violet rhemlcal rya But by pr<-a Ing the lene pretty flrmlv the nurae mak the akin hloodleaa When the electric light ie employed a telescope taker the ptai e of the lug lena The reaaon of thla ! that, when aunhght reachea Ihe earth, all Ita raya arc parallel with one another and they <i at once he concent ruled by .1 alngle l*n. Hill Ihe rava from the electric light dl verge, and they bate to he mud* parallel by one lena of the teleecope before helm: roneentratett by the otiter lena The tel eacope |a fllle.l with water and around |i la a water Jacket o aa to cool Ihe livlu thoroughly Kverything la done at the IHindoo Ifio pltal in the moat acientlflc manner Round the room are glaaa reaervotr* of antlaeptl solution* with which Ihe nuraea purify their handa and arma before commencing operation* tin each [anient The patten* la given rod liver oil and Iron whenever there |a any anaemia rtiotogiupha are taken before, during, and after treatment And the collection at the hneftlt*. allow* what m.irveloua curea have been achieved Many people who gave. Ihemaelvea up to life-long de formity have reaeon to he grateful to th Prince*# of Walee qiiXK 11 ah its nr piktri.a Some MI hot Paaa a Pin I.ylnu In lh Streef. Prom the Chicago Chronicle. See a pin and pick It up And all th* day you'll have good luck See a pin and let It lie. You'll come to want before you dl No on* believe a thor* two short alag*a —or, If he doe# h will not admit a* much Popla laugh tt h* very Idea tha any one In this day and age could ballev* au'-h nonaenaa Yat why I* It <hit hi f the town wtll emop to pick up a pin, no matter where It la found? Juet a plain, evaryday pin. nnd no one know* who Ita former ownar wa# or for what It wa* uaed; no on* care*. It a a pin—p!< k It up! Men will fall over each oth*r to pick up a pin grayhalr*d. dignified huatn*** men. If they aee a pin they muat hava It They pick It up on the street or In th* ofltro or In a More th**i*r, ai home at a jartv. anywhere The temptation of a pin thin lug impertinently on the floor | quite to ■ much for th* majority of p*o|.l* H* I* a vary hrav* man who ran teatat t temptation and a man altogether wire and unimaginative You d*> not think It la 'rue that r#>pl* pick up plna’ Watch them and you will find they pick up plna. not only plain one#, but aafetv pin* and hatrplft* Ii la fancy and an *arly 'ratnlng. with ih* old nay log whlrh will promp* the action Home pick up plna lhai are heid e I toward them some pick up aafeiy pine that are cloeed. becaua* they grill hr ng a letter, aom* pick th*m up open to hrlng a Manor A bent tin hairpin la conal'lered a great find tor luck Ttuodnr* Ro **- velt la aald n*vr to p** a halrptu by H< reaer vea ht* right ve*t poc|t*t for th* trcaauren. keeping It for two w*k*. wh*n It moat be replrced by another And ye Mr Rooaevelt di Clare* he I* not superstl tloua and he will talk u-dtr a lad er or •It down io table with thirteen to prove hit aaaerilon. Ha> the Hairpin Hobby. A prominent Chicago buetaese woman who ha* the halrptn hobby and cof***a It aave* Ih# outer pocket of her leather rheteleine for her pin# and keep* th*m alwov* A* rongequenr* they alwayg bulge out of ihe top of the pocket and call forth many curlou* comment*. S.k b proud of her collection ami will rgh.fth tt gladly to any one who ehow* a kindly Intereei tact) pin hat * htatory. and. although they look very much aUke to BUY CONFETTI —nnl— Ssrpsntines 5e each -AT- N. SCHUTZ’S, KM 8T Jf'UAhf STREET WEST, Cptown th-inbuting Point. 1 " ""eg me unlnlai n*-*l. eh. liar no difTb ulty In telling them opart and connecting wltn •nem Ihelc rlghtfu. itatorlea She pick* them up everywhere In the gutter |n th** ot trains- never Ie ahe In too much of .t hurry or too conepl.nouely Placed to ph k up n hairpin -Indeed. It haa been aald of her that in* moment ahe e-ef M pm the forget a h-r eurroundtnga end her companion* to her ready Intereat over the netv Ireaaure Nor la ehe In the lean eni *armeael to find that a crowd haa g.itneted to whin-a her performance. If 1 want to pick up a pin I feel I have that privilege, and I believe pi them, too. If | tike I woe and not he Ih'- rally one who la an fnollah ’’ la her ready **lf-defence And every one who Mope to think of It mioa agree with her 1 iat alio la not the only tine believing Ew* why all theac pin galherera? Slid. Plna In Their Vests. l>'.d you ever a*e a man with a row of Pin* along the bottom of Ida vagi' It ta ten to one tie picked every one of them out of the afreet Of eouree, he would deny It If you n*k 1 him l>ut wall and wat. h %nd *ome day you wtll catch him In the very act 11.*lk down Sint.- afreet amt wntch for ptna You will get your eye on a pin and moke to pl*k It up, hut pony one will are it before you and will tuck It out of right with a look of ahame on hla far* If you con entrain your mind on th* thing for three block* you will ever after find youraelf involuntarily aearchlng for pin* Half tha people who pick up pine ecarcely know they do it It g r *a to he ae.-ond nature, and the flrat they know of It thev have a row of pine eome where about their clothing It la *t very convenlen* row of plna. for pin* have a ronatanl demand and are eeldom In be had for th* aaklng In thla way the ptn eallacllng habit eervea a purport-, but tt la no purpose which give# i! origin, but a atuiud acquaintance with odd saving* and a blind belief In them. Police 'Unit Pin Gatherer*. The policeman who aland* a*. She cor ner of State and Washington turret* hat made a atiuly of the pin gatherer*, ahd he Mty* they conatitut* Jit per ern* of the people who f*ae hi* comer He any* there 1* no end of pin* dropped on th* pave ment* near the three rroaelng* which he guard*, but that h ran never find a pin and that the aweepera never pick on# up They nave the pin hahlt aa well a* th# other people, hut they never have an op. porlnnliy of Indulging If The ptna are all picked up before the aweepera gef around Thla policeman ha* watch'd tdne. and he aaya h# never raw one etay cn the pavement more than iwrntv minute* He haa even people fall In their vagernes* to pick one up—one poor tin pin at tht. When aaked If the habit were not a < haracteriatfralljr feminine one he laugh ed "That a Juet where you are wrong " he aald I m aorry to confee* 11. hut It la th* men who pick up the pin*. I ll tall you another thing too: It's the old men and the well-to-do men who pick up Ih# moat ptna They make a habit of It and they reier let a chance paaa to pleaaa the habit. I \e aeen aom** of the atnarteat I and richeat buginaae men In th# City Stgp on thi* comer and pick up a pin And I'vg laughed In my sleeve to see them do It, wonderin' what they would ray If aome *ne aakvd 'em what they did It for." Th* policeman ogtrlcated a woman from entanglement with a wagon and a afreet car before he finally aald "If* a fttnnv thing; they've got moat of the queerneag t-a, h. a women, uut this lan't one of 'em. Wcmen .km't go In for ptna thafa picked up on the gtreet. I auppoaa they’re thg onea that loee* moil of 'em, but they eel [ dotn pick 'em up,’ 7